What is the best way to feed a chinchilla? Is it possible to feed a chinchilla fresh fruits and vegetables? The best food for chinchillas - rating

The chinchilla is a cute fluffy animal, the most difficult rodent in terms of culinary preferences.

And it’s not that chinchillas are very picky, however, if you violate the feeding rules, your pet can have serious health problems.

So, ? All the answers are in our article.

When considering the issue of proper nutrition for chinchillas, you need to start with the fact that, like other rodents, they are herbivores. And, therefore, the basis of the diet is plant foods.

In their natural habitat, chinchillas consume food in limited quantities. This is not surprising, because in high mountain areas food is not easy to find.

Plants that grow in high mountain areas are very high in calories and contain all the necessary nutrients. It is difficult to remove them from such rough food, but chinchillas have a long intestine.

At home, you need to take care of a varied diet for rodents. It is important that it includes organic and mineral substances and vitamins. But fatty, sweet and too high-calorie foods must be excluded.

Ready-made food for chinchillas

Granulated concentrated food is easily digestible and therefore is the basis of the chinchilla’s diet. A pet will need about 25-30 grams per day (approximately 2 level tablespoons).

Granules are small gray-green or brown sticks, which usually include: oats, wheat bran, grass flour, sunflower sprat, limestone flour, barley, feed yeast, salt, lysine, fish meal, a premix with a set of vitamins and minerals.

Buying ready-made food for rodents is not a problem today. In our pet store you will also find a wide selection of food for chinchillas from the best manufacturers. Can't make a choice? We will tell you the best way to feed your chinchilla at home.

The rodent's drinking bowl must contain pure water, to which the pet must have constant access.

Make sure the water is cool and preferably filtered. It is not recommended to give boiled water to chinchillas. Make sure the drinking bowl is clean and in good condition every day.

What and how often to feed chinchillas at home?

How many times a day should you feed your chinchilla? The correct answer is once a day. Choose a convenient time for yourself and try to always feed your pet at that hour.

The optimal time is evening: from 18.00 to 20.00.

Seasonality does not affect the diet of the animals in any way, because neither fresh grass, nor vegetables, nor fruits are used to feed chinchillas.

However, in spring and summer, you can prepare and offer your pet his favorite treats: nettle leaves, plantain, dandelion, chamomile flowers, alfalfa shoots, green pea and much more.

Before offering your chinchilla green treats, you need to wash and dry these foods thoroughly.

Keeping your chinchilla fit

If fed improperly, a chinchilla can become obese, especially if the pet leads a sedentary lifestyle. Excess weight pet negatively affects the health, activity of males and fertility of females, and in addition can interfere with normal delivery in pregnant females.

Reduce the number of treats, exclude seeds, dried apricots, rice and nuts from the chinchillas’ diet.

Products for grinding teeth in chinchillas

Rodents' teeth grow throughout their lives, so chinchillas need to constantly grind them down. The back teeth are worn down by chewing hay, and the front teeth require a sharpening stone, a twig or a toy.

Calcium or salt whetstones should be kept in the cage at all times. Branches of various sizes are very suitable for chewing.

Use twigs of alder, hazel, rowan, raspberry, currant, and hawthorn.

Do not offer your pet branches of stone fruit trees, citrus and coniferous trees, shoots of oak, elderberry, maple, buckthorn, and lilac.

If you pay close attention to your furry friend's diet, you won't have to worry about his health. Your pet will feel great, and what else does a caring owner need?

Chinchillas are interesting and active animals that have won many fans. But keeping a rather exotic animal in the house requires responsibility and knowledge of its habits. One of the most important tasks of caring for a pet is to make proper diet, without which the well-being of the animal is impossible.

What does a chinchilla like to eat?

IN wildlife The chinchilla mainly feeds on plant foods: cereals, legumes, shoots of bushes, trees and bark. Even cacti, moss and fruits are used. Very rarely, an animal can catch and eat an insect.

At the same time, feeding a chinchilla at home is not difficult: a complete diet can be made up of products that are easy to find in our latitudes. It usually includes grains, grass, dried vegetables and fruits, seeds and nuts. To meet the body's needs, the pet is also given special supplements and healthy treats.

The chinchilla is an energetic animal, and a lot of nutrients are wasted on its thick coat. Despite this, rodents eat little and are picky. Therefore, food should be given in small portions, but only high-quality food should be chosen.

The daily amount of food is 20-30 g, but you will have to adapt to each pet. If he eats all the food, you can give him a little more. But if the animal leaves or scatters food, this means that the portion must be reduced.

It is recommended to feed a chinchilla once a day in the evening, since it is awake in the dark. Thus, the body gets used to the regime, and food is digested more easily.

What can you feed a rodent at home?

Exotic animals have long intestines and a rather sensitive digestive system. Therefore, chinchillas need food of high quality, without signs of spoilage.

Every time before feeding, you should remove yesterday’s leftovers and wash the dishes with warm water without detergents. Once every 1-2 days, the water in the drinking bowl is also changed to fresh: filtered or bottled is suitable for this.

Be careful with new products and monitor your pet's well-being. When switching to a new food and adding fresh greens to the diet, you need to add them little by little to your regular food, gradually increasing the dose.

Feeding chinchillas at home includes several types of food.

The food is rough and juicy

Such food consists of greens, branches of bushes and trees, vegetables and fruits. From them, the chinchilla receives fiber, microelements and vitamins, while the wood wears down the teeth that are constantly growing in rodents.

All products must be washed and dried before giving to your pet. After feeding new food, monitor the chinchilla’s condition: some animals may have intestinal upset from succulent food, in which case you will have to give it up.

The list of suitable vegetables includes:

  • carrot;
  • zucchini;
  • zucchini;
  • tomatoes;
  • cucumbers;
  • celery;
  • pumpkin;
  • kohlrabi cabbage (not white cabbage).

Fruits and berries that are suitable for chinchillas:

  • pears;
  • apples;
  • melon;
  • banana;
  • grape;
  • raisin;
  • dried apricots;
  • figs;
  • cherry;
  • viburnum;
  • rose hip;
  • strawberries;
  • blueberry.

Tangerine and other citrus fruits are allowed, but strictly limited: one piece (for tangerine - half a slice) per week.

It is better to give vegetables and fruits in dried form; it is most beneficial to cook them yourself. If you do buy dried fruits, you need to wash them thoroughly and let them dry well.

You can feed your chinchilla fresh fruits and vegetables, but it is important not to get carried away and monitor the reaction. Usually the animals are given a couple of pieces of fruit and berries a week as a “treat”; vegetables are added to the main food 1-2 times a week. Large fruits are cut into thin slices.

Greens are also given little by little and under supervision, as some animals do not tolerate it well. Suitable for chinchilla: clover, parsley, sorrel, mint, chamomile, nettle, carrot tops, pea greens.

Twigs are taken only from safe plant species: apple, pear, willow, raspberry, mulberry, linden, birch, willow, currant, sea buckthorn, rose hip.

Coniferous, citrus and stone fruit trees (cherry, plum) are contraindicated. Make sure there is no resin on the branches. For chinchillas, one twig 1-2 times a week is enough. Some plants can also be given with leaves if they are dried: apple, pear, willow, birch.

Food is dry and rough

In addition to food, chinchillas must be given dry hay. It's rich vegetable fiber, extremely important for the digestion of rodents, vitamins, protein and microelements. Rough plant food moves well in the intestines, prevents stagnation and fermentation, and teeth are evenly ground down on it.

Chinchillas require up to 30 g of hay per day. If there is a lot of it, the animal will simply scatter it around the cage and use it as bedding - this is not scary, but next time try to give less.

Dried grass is harvested by hand or purchased at a pet store. High-quality hay looks green and fresh, without moisture or mold, smells pleasant, and not musty. It should not contain sticks or debris.

The healthiest hay is made from a combination of several types of grasses. Legumes are especially good: alfalfa, clover, mowed during flowering. Cereals are slightly inferior in the content of valuable substances, but are also useful: fescue, Sudanese, timothy, wheatgrass, bluegrass. They are mowed before the first flowering.

Poor quality, raw hay can harm animals, and some plants should absolutely not be given to them:

  • fern;
  • horsetail;
  • dope;
  • white hellebore;
  • raven eye;
  • rushwort;
  • cornflower.

Do I need to give nutritional formula?

Nutrient formulas contain healthy foods What chinchillas eat: grains, seeds, legumes, bran. They are composed so that the animal receives all the necessary components in the optimal ratio.

There are two types of such food: granules or a regular mixture of grains and seeds. Many breeders feed chinchillas with granular mixtures: their composition is properly balanced and, in addition to grain, sometimes includes herbs, dried vegetables and vitamins. Hard granules evenly wear down teeth, which is also beneficial for rodents.

When choosing food in the store, check its composition and shelf life: you should avoid flavorings and preservatives that can harm the chinchilla. If the food is stored longer than 3 months, it most likely has a preservative added to it. After purchase, it is recommended to pour the food into a container with a lid.

You can make a simple grain mixture with your own hands. If there is no high-quality granules on sale or the chinchilla does not eat it, this will be a successful replacement, although it will require a little more effort. The feed is prepared taking into account the proportion of substances:

  • 50% carbohydrates;
  • 15-25% proteins;
  • 15% fiber;
  • 5% fat.

To prepare mixtures, they usually use:

  • whole grains: oats, wheat, barley, buckwheat;
  • corn - no more than 2 grains per day;
  • legumes: beans, peas, lentils, soybeans;
  • herbs: dried alfalfa, nettle;
  • dried vegetables and fruits;
  • nuts: hazelnuts, peanuts, walnuts;
  • seeds: sunflower, pumpkin.

Nuts and seeds are a favorite treat for rodents, but they are high in fat, so restrictions are necessary.

Picky pets sometimes eat only what they like from the mixture. In this case, you can prepare the granules yourself: to do this, the food is diluted with boiled water, passed through a meat grinder and dried. This food can be stored for a month.

What foods should chinchillas not eat?

To avoid mistakes in planning your pet’s diet, be sure to study the list of foods that should not be fed to your chinchilla.

  • meat;
  • salted, smoked, spicy foods;
  • prepared food for humans;
  • eggs;
  • dairy products;
  • mushrooms;
  • bread and pastries;
  • pasta;
  • sweets;
  • potato;
  • White cabbage;
  • rye;
  • roasted nuts and seeds;
  • food for hamsters, mice, rats.

Despite the fact that chinchillas love some of the food on the list, feeding it is dangerous: the animal runs the risk of obesity, liver damage, or poisoning.

Vitamin supplements to complement your diet

Additional vitamins are given to animals with a lack of nutrition, young animals, females during pregnancy and lactation, as well as in case of illness. They come in various forms, but the easiest way is to add liquid vitamin supplements to water. Some manufacturers produce food enriched with vitamins.

Owners sometimes add 2-5 g of dry yeast to the animals as a source of protein and vitamin B. Mineral salt stones are also placed or suspended in the cage different types: animals grind their teeth on them and replenish the balance of minerals in the body.

Attention! If during illness the animal refuses to eat, it should be fed from a syringe. To do this, use high-calorie pastes (Nutrical, Enervite) and crushed food mixed with baby food.

Menu of a pregnant female

A pregnant chinchilla may eat a little more than usual. This is normal, but you should not overfeed her, otherwise the female’s health will suffer greatly from obesity. Nutrition during this period changes slightly. Veterinarians advise including in the diet of chinchillas:

  • sprouted grain;
  • food of animal origin (eggs, milk, cottage cheese);
  • more protein due to an increase in the proportion of grains;
  • apple;
  • bee bread 1-2 balls per day;
  • alfalfa, strawberry leaves, calendula flowers;
  • rosehip, hawthorn;
  • flax seeds;
  • cereals;
  • vitamins and mineral supplements;
  • calcium: a quarter tablet of calcium gluconate or 1 tablet of Excel Calcium per day.

Calcium deficiency is dangerous for pregnant females: it causes eclampsia, which without treatment leads to the death of the animal. You need to exclude mint, thyme and lemon balm from your diet.

Diet example

Try to make small changes to your pet's menu every day. This will both benefit and please the animal. Here is an example of how you can diversify your diet for 4 days:

  1. 15 g granulate, 5 g sprouts, a couple of rose hips;
  2. 20 g granulate, 10 g dried fruits and carrots;
  3. 10 g granulate, 10 g oats and flax seeds, half a walnut.
  4. 30 g granulate and 2 raisins.

Make sure there is always fresh hay and clean water in the cage.

What chinchillas eat throughout their lives seriously affects their health. But, despite their exotic nature, feeding them at home is relatively easy. Be careful when choosing food for your pet, and he will answer you with an active long life.

When you have a small furry animal in your home, you need to think through the diet so that the animal pleases you with its restlessness and enthusiasm. Let's look at how to organize feeding chinchillas at home.

Features and diet of chinchillas

For your pet to feel well, it is necessary to properly organize the feeding of the animal.

In nature, chinchillas eat mainly plant foods, in small portions and quite often, so you need to make sure that the following is always present in the cage:

  • concentrated feed,
  • fresh hay,
  • water.

Food for chinchillas should be varied and always fresh, natural, balanced, and contain the necessary vitamins and minerals. It is advisable to give your pet treats occasionally

It is advisable to feed your domestic chinchilla at the same time, preferably at 5-6 pm, once a day.

Authorized Products

Products approved for chinchilla food can be divided into three main groups.

Concentrated feed

This group includes grain and legume mixtures. Peas, lentils, beans are rich in amino acids and will be very useful for your pet. Barley, millet, corn - have sufficient nutrients and minerals for chinchillas.

Such mixtures are sold in any pet store; when choosing food, be sure to pay attention to its composition; it must contain at least 5 different components. You can prepare the grain mixture yourself, but then you will need to get very high-quality grain.

Greens and hay

Chinchillas are herbivores, so for excellent health they need to consume hay and greens year-round. Freshly cut grass must be dried, otherwise it can cause illness and poor digestion for your pet.

Here is an example of what to feed a chinchilla at home:

  • young dandelion greens,
  • horse sorrel,
  • wheat sprouts, oats,
  • plantain,
  • burdock,
  • strawberry leaf,
  • nettle,
  • timothy grass,
  • meadow fescue,
  • meadow bluegrass.


You can please your pet with dried fruits, fresh dried vegetables and nuts.

People often ask, is it possible to give a chinchilla food of animal origin? If we are talking about powdered milk and insects, then such a diet is even recommended for young animals and pregnant females.

Prohibited Products

When preparing a diet for your pet, it is worth remembering what you should not feed your chinchilla. Grocery list:

  • poisonous plants (datura, St. John's wort, buttercup, horsetail). Do not collect plants that are unfamiliar to you or you are not sure are not poisonous.
  • pine nuts and Brazil nuts (high in fat and can cause indigestion),
  • raw potatoes and cabbage, beets, peppers, persimmons,
  • give twigs of oak, cherry, plum, coniferous trees as complementary food,
  • products of animal origin (fish, meat, milk).

Feeding a chinchilla at home is not difficult, you just need to watch what you feed your pet.

Mineral supplements and vitamins for chinchillas

The following can be used as vitamin supplements for chinchillas:

  • twigs of birch, willow, raspberry, linden, currant,
  • specialized vitamins for chinchillas, which are sold in pet stores. They should be selected depending on the needs of your pet, and they should be given in the autumn-winter period.

But the most useful vitamins for the animal there will be those contained in vegetables and fruits:

  • Vitamin A— red carrots, rose hips, bananas, and spinach are rich in it.
  • B vitamins– rich in cereals.
  • Vitamin C– vegetables, fruits, berries, especially rose hips and sorrel.
  • Vitamin E– wheat germ, soy, spinach, almond kernels.

For excellent vision, enrich your chinchilla's diet with vitamin A, strong teeth with soy, apples, which contain a lot of calcium, and for silk-like wool with vitamin C.

Rules for feeding a chinchilla after giving birth

One of the difficult stages in keeping chinchillas is the birth of offspring. If a pregnant female should be fed heavily and vitamin and mineral supplements added to the food, then after giving birth this is not necessary.

The question of what to feed a chinchilla after giving birth can be answered by analyzing how the offspring grow. If the babies gain enough weight by 2-4 grams per day, then the mother does not need food. But if the babies fight, run after their mother, and then become lethargic, then there are all the signs of a lack of milk. In this case, you can purchase a special supplement to increase lactation.

Chinchilla babies are born fully prepared for adulthood, but must feed on their mother's milk for at least 7-10 days. If the woman in labor has little or insufficient milk, then the baby chinchillas will have to be fed formula. Many breeders prefer to use infant formula for newborns. Artificial feeding is carried out using a pipette or insulin syringe, every 2 hours for the first 7-10 days. Then they gradually begin to introduce an adult diet, adding seeds, hay, and feed. By the age of one month, chinchilla babies are ready for independent living.

Love your pets, watch their diet, and they will give you many moments of joy and pleasure!

Chinchillas are cute, funny and very cute creatures that are very popular today. The animals quickly get used to their owners, become tame, and do not require large financial costs for maintenance. The main thing when caring for animals is to organize comfortable living conditions and adhere to the principles of proper, balanced nutrition. Let's look at what to feed a chinchilla at home and what cannot be used as food.

What can you feed a chinchilla?

Proper nutrition for a chinchilla it is a guarantee of health, well-being, vigor and longevity of the animal. If there is a deficiency in the diet useful components, vitamins and minerals, the pet begins to weaken and get sick.

Grains, seeds and nuts

In a city apartment, grain mixtures, seeds and nuts will be indispensable food for pets. The following grains are suitable for feeding:

  • oats- this cereal makes up approximately 75% of all grains in the mixture, it contains a large amount of vitamins, minerals, fiber, nutrients that have a good effect on digestion, improve metabolic processes, strengthen the immune system;
  • corn- given several times a week, in small portions; when consuming corn, you need to monitor the dosage, since it can cause digestive problems, in particular, bloating;
  • wheat- useful for the growth and development of the animal, contains the necessary amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  • barley- has a positive effect on the general condition of the animal, promotes normal life, recommended for feeding adult chinchillas (the grain must be ground before use).

Important! The animal is fed in the afternoon or evening. This is due to the peculiarity of the lifestyle of these animals: chinchillas are awake at night and consume food during the same period.

  • flax- due to the content of Omega acids, they improve the condition of the fur, making it shiny and smooth;
  • pumpkins- cleanse the body of harmful substances and toxins, improve the structure of the skin, strengthen the hair follicle;
  • sunflower- are sources of calcium, strengthen bone tissue, support the functioning of the heart muscle.

Several times a week you can pamper your pets with nuts:

  • almond: strengthens immune system, increases the body's resistance to various infections;
  • cashew: has high nutritional value, saturates the body with energy;
  • peanut: helps improve digestion and the functioning of the reproductive system;
  • hazelnut: strengthens bone and muscle tissue, contributes to the normal functioning of the digestive tract.

Important! It is forbidden to include all nuts or seeds in a chinchilla’s diet at the same time. Due to the high fat content, it may cause damage digestive system animal.

Greenery and tree branches

Chinchillas' menu must include dry food, in particular, twigs and tree bark. It is preferable to treat the animal with twigs of apple, linden, pear or aspen. They are hung in the cage so that it is convenient for the pet to get them out. It is not recommended to feed animals with oak and willow branches, as they can provoke the development of diarrhea. The use of tree branches allows the chinchilla to grind down its teeth, thereby promoting the proper development of the dental system and preventing the formation of dental hooks.
Pets are partial to various greens: leaves and shoots of hazel, acacia, raspberry, rowan, birch, chestnut. Tree greens are rich in vitamins and minerals and contain fiber necessary for normal digestion.

Important! Fresh greens are given to the animal only after it has been lying in the shade for at least 3–4 hours.

Vegetables and fruits

It is beneficial to feed your chinchilla fresh vegetables and fruits. For animals under 8 months, it is recommended to give only an apple or carrot, cut into small slices. After this age, the menu can be diversified with pumpkin, pear, squash, grapes, figs, zucchini, bananas, peaches, and apricots.
A new product should be introduced into the animal’s diet in small portions. It is recommended to alternate treats: if today the animal received an apple, then tomorrow it is better to feed it pumpkin or another vegetable.

Did you know? Chinchillas have the densest fur of all animals, which helps them survive even the coldest winters. In addition, animals do not have sweat glands, so individuals living in apartments do not leave an unpleasant odor.


One of the most important components of a chinchilla's diet is hay. Many experts believe that it should be constantly present in the cell. Dried grass contains a large amount of fiber, which promotes good digestion and cleansing of the body, prevents stagnation of food and its fermentation in the stomach. In addition, hay is rich in a large amount of minerals, vitamins, and proteins.
The animal should be given only fresh, dry hay, without signs of rotting or musty odor. It must not contain foreign debris, sticks or other foreign components. The best option For pets, hay made from various herbs is considered: alfalfa, legumes, clover, buckwheat, salsify, etc. Herbs should be collected during their flowering period and dried in the shade. It is recommended to give chinchillas from 20 to 80 g of hay per day.


A chinchilla needs water, so it should always be present in the drinking bowl. The water must be fresh, without signs of flowering. It is recommended to give the animal spring or bottled water. The boiled product is not suitable, since during the boiling process it loses a number of useful elements.

Differences in feeding

Proper, nutritious nutrition is the key to good health and well-being for chinchillas of any age. However, at some points in their lives, they need a balanced feeding especially acutely.

Pregnant chinchilla

During pregnancy, the chinchilla's body experiences heavy stress and needs increased nutrition. Feeding during this period has a number of features:

  • diversity;
  • increased content of vitamins and mineral salts;
  • balance in proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  • reducing the percentage of roughage by 25% and, accordingly, increasing by 25% grain mixtures, vegetables, herbs and animal feed, in particular cottage cheese and egg whites.

Food is given to the animal in small portions several times a day. It is recommended to introduce rose hips and hawthorn into the animal’s diet, which will help strengthen the immune system and increase the body’s resistance to various diseases.

Throughout pregnancy, chinchillas are offered the following products:

  • ground oats and barley - they contain vitamins A and E, which are necessary for the full development of the fetus; their deficiency can lead to miscarriages or congenital defects in babies;
  • fresh apples - they should be given 20 days before the expected birth;
  • specialized store-bought food with a high protein content;
  • calcium in tablets (¼ tablet per day) - if you do not provide the female with a sufficient amount of calcium, the babies will take the mineral from the mother’s teeth and bones, which will negatively affect her overall health;
  • almonds - considered an excellent nutritional supplement for pregnant and lactating females.

A few days before giving birth, it is recommended to exclude mint, lemon balm and thyme from the animal’s menu, as they negatively affect the quality of milk.

Did you know? The animals do not shed seasonally, which makes them the most hypoallergenic animals for home keeping. They shed their fur only under stress or as a defensive reaction.

After childbirth

During the lactation period, the chinchilla needs to be provided with complete, enhanced nutrition, which will maintain a good level of milk production. To do this, enter into the animal’s menu:

  • sprouted grains, which have a high concentration of vitamin E;
  • green herbs: nettle, alfalfa, calendula, rose hips, strawberry leaves, which improve lactation;
  • milk granules, which are a source of proteins;
  • bee bread - the recommended dosage is 2–3 balls per day.

The diet of chinchillas while feeding babies is almost identical to the diet during pregnancy. The only thing is to enrich the diet with animal protein (cottage cheese, egg whites), and you also need to make sure that the animal always has fresh, clean water in its feeder.

Little ones

In the first days of their lives, chinchilla babies feed on their mother's milk.

Important! The female has only two pairs of mammary glands out of three in an active state, so if there are more newborn babies than nipples, then you need to make sure that each of the cubs receives a sufficient volume of milk.

If babies behave restlessly after feeding and look for the nipple, then perhaps the mother does not have enough milk and breeders need to feed them themselves. An infusion of chamomile mixed with condensed milk in the ratio: 2:1 is perfect for nutrition. Before serving, the mixture must be warmed to room temperature, given in small portions, from a syringe without a needle, very carefully so that the babies do not choke.
In the first seven days, babies are fed every two hours, starting from the second week - every four hours, from the third - every six hours. By the end of the fifth week, babies can gradually be transferred to solid food.

What not to feed a chinchilla

There are a number of foods that absolutely should not be present in an animal’s diet, since they can provoke various ailments. These include:

  • cabbage leaves: cause bloating;
  • raw potatoes: contains the toxic substance solanine, which can cause chinchilla poisoning;
  • food from a person's table: pickles, smoked meats, spices, sweets, confectionery, baked goods, etc., such products can cause severe intoxication, even death;
  • roasted nuts and seeds;
  • any fermented milk products: causes problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • meat: causes digestive system disorders.

As for grass food, it is necessary to exclude: fern, rush grass, cornflower, dope, raven's eye.

Important! It is necessary to ensure that the animals do not gnaw on indoor houseplants, since almost all of them are poisonous to the pet.

The best food for chinchillas

If you have any doubts about what you can give your pet and what you should refuse, then you can use ready-made specialized food. Fortunately, there is no shortage of food for chinchillas in pet stores today. Manufacturers offer two types of such nutrition: regular and granular. The latter is more economical to use, since animals like to choose “goodies” from regular food, and the rest has to be thrown away. When fed pellets, animals are forced to eat everything.
Among all the ready-made foods, the following received good reviews from chinchilla breeders:

Name of food Compound pros Minuses
Vitakraft A large amount of dried herbs (14%), vegetables (5%), high level fiber. Enriched with inulin, does not contain flour, bran or grains. Improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, has a balanced composition, contains a low percentage of fats and carbohydrates. Relatively high cost, no clasp on the package.
Little one "Green Valley" Contains 60 varieties of herbs, dried vegetables and fruits, rich in probiotics - fructooligosaccharides, fatty acids, yeast extract. Grain-free, suitable for dietary nutrition, supports the growth of beneficial intestinal microflora. Consists of different components, animals can choose only the most delicious ones.
Versele laga chinchilla nature Fresh vegetables (10%), plant fibers and seeds (20%), vitamins, minerals, probiotics, fatty acid, plant extracts. Supports good immunity, due to its granular structure prevents the formation of hairballs in the stomach, contains a low percentage of carbohydrates, balanced composition. Not sold in all pet stores.
Sultan (Sultan) The basis is meadow grasses, cereals, fruits and vegetables. The composition is enriched with Yucca extract. It is well absorbed by the body, improves digestion, and promotes oral and dental health. Not all food components are to the taste of the animals.
Vitapol Ingredients: cereals, post-extraction sunflower seed, feed yeast, vitamin-mineral mixture. Improves the general condition of the body, coat, promotes normal functioning of the digestive tract and grinding of teeth. Not all feed components are eaten by animals.

Feeding chinchillas at home is a serious and responsible stage in their care. In general, organizing meals is not difficult, you just need to adhere to the main principles, which are as follows: menu variety, balance of minerals and biologically active components, stability of the diet. Only by receiving all the required components will your pet grow up healthy, strong, reproductive and able to please you for many years.