Lettuce: benefits and harms, how to preserve for the winter. A valuable vegetable crop is leaf lettuce, we will discuss its benefits and possible harms. Lettuce plant beneficial properties

Leaf salad- this is a full-fledged dietary product. It was once considered a decoration for dishes, but it has become fashionable healthy eating Since then, the leaves of the plant have been included in salads, first and second courses.

Vegetables are rich in mineral elements and vitamins. Its chemical composition helps strengthen the immune system and helps in the treatment of many diseases. The plant is used in cosmetology, dietetics, folk medicine.

How to choose a good product

The vegetable is sold in markets or in the vegetable departments of supermarkets. It can be stored fresh for no more than seven days.

It should be kept in the refrigerator, on the lower shelves, where the temperature is warmer than in the upper sections.

  • Visually inspect the leaves of the vegetable. They should not be corroded or torn. This indicates poor quality of the product.
  • The color of the plant should be uniform. There should be no yellow or dark spots or strange inclusions.
  • Buy dry lettuce. Market sellers often spray the plant with water to prevent it from spoiling during the day.

    These greens look prettier, but you will have to eat them right away. If you put the culture in the refrigerator, then after a couple of hours it will lose its taste and quickly deteriorate.

Chemical composition

Lettuce is one of the top ten vegetables in terms of the number of useful microelements and vitamins.

It contains the following substances in large quantities:

Calories and nutritional value

Lettuce is a low-calorie dietary product. The calorie content of one hundred grams ranges from 14 to 25 kilocalories. One average bunch contains 250 grams. One average branch weighs 10 grams.

Nutritional value is calculated as follows: 1.5 grams of protein, 0.2 g. fat and 2 grams of carbohydrates. 94 gr. accounts for water, the rest is ash, dietary fiber, mono and disaccharides.

Glycemic index is less than 15 units.

Beneficial features

The plant stimulates brain function.

  • The product is a natural neuron stimulator; it perfectly replaces chocolate and other sweets during severe mental stress. Enriches brain cells with oxygen, saturates them with useful substances.
  • Has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. Vegetables reduce blood pressure, cleanse blood vessels, and reduce the risk of heart attacks, strokes and other diseases of the heart muscle.
  • The leaves contain special substances that have a sedative effect on the body. In their action, the substances are similar to alkaloids. With regular consumption of salad, nerve agents are blocked, and this allows you to cope with insomnia.
  • Regular inclusion of vegetables in the diet helps in the prevention of cancer. The antioxidant properties of vitamin C successfully combat free radicals. Tocopherol, which is part of the plant, protects against gas pollution and radiation in the environment.
  • Lettuce leaves improve digestion and accelerate the exchange of fats and lipids. A few branches a day will help in the fight against heartburn, they are also useful.
  • Magnesium, which is contained in the plant, strengthens the human nervous system, calms, prevents the development of diseases caused by nervousness.
  • Vitamin A, together with high potassium content, improves skin and hair health. These substances maintain the normal condition of the skin in people of any age.
  • Greens are indispensable during the cold season. It strengthens the immune system and promotes recovery from colds.
  • Leaf lettuce has expectorant and thinning properties. Special substances help cough up mucus from the bronchi and thin the mucus.
  • The juice of the plant improves blood composition,
    and is useful for anemia. Vegetable culture strengthens blood vessels, making them more elastic.

What are the benefits for the human body?

The plant has been eaten for centuries. It is useful for people of any age and gender. The rich vitamin and mineral composition of lettuce strengthens the immune system and helps treat a number of diseases.

Leaf lettuce is useful for strong physical activity. It is recommended to be included in the menu for athletes. The culture gives muscle tone, relieves painful symptoms, and increases endurance.

For the health of adult men and women

The plant promotes the production of testosterone in the male body. It protects men from impotence and increases the volume and quality of sperm. The increased content of the hormone accelerates blood flow to the genital organ.

Folic acid contained in the culture, aligns the feminine hormonal background . It is indispensable for painful menstruation, useful during menopause.

The plant reduces the risk of developing breast and ovarian cancer.

During pregnancy and lactation

The inclusion of lettuce in the diet of expectant mothers helps the formation healthy fetus. Folic acid prevents the development of defects in the unborn child, minimizing the likelihood of miscarriage or premature birth.

Is the product suitable for children?

The leaves of the plant can be introduced into the diet starting from one and a half years of age. The culture is useful not only for its vitamin composition, but also because it regulates the water balance in the body.

Salad should be regularly included in the diet of not only young children, but also schoolchildren. It concentrates attention and makes the guys more diligent. The leaves of the plant stimulate the digestive functions of the body.

In old age

The benefit for older people is that the leaves have a mild laxative effect. They reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood and calm the nervous system, which is important for older people.

The vegetable gives you a feeling of fullness after any meal.. It helps remove toxins and waste from the body. The plant is one of the recognized natural diuretics. It has a mild diuretic effect.


Vegetables contain a large amount of vitamins. But it is harmful for a number of diseases.

This is explained by the fact that the composition includes a high percentage of oxalic acid.

Greens should not be consumed in the following situations:

The leaves of the vegetable should be consumed with extreme caution by people suffering from bronchial asthma and tuberculosis, people with increased gas formation.

Lettuce leaves can be eaten at any time of the day. They are usually eaten raw - this way they retain more nutrients. But they can be boiled, stewed or fried. If the leaves are thin and tender, then you should hold them in cold water within 5-7 minutes.

The daily norm is 100 grams of greens. Children under 12 years old should reduce the norm by half, to 50 grams per day.

Use in cooking

Green leaves are added to salads, first and second courses. They can be used to decorate sliced ​​vegetables, sausage or cheese.

Fresh leaves add an appetizing appearance to sandwiches and sandwiches.

Take one hundred grams of chopped plant, pour a liter of boiling water.

Leave for two hours, strain. Drink half a glass twice a day.

For pancreatitis, you should include lettuce in your menu twice a week..

But before consuming, soak the leaves in hot milk for 3-5 minutes.

This method will improve the functioning of the pancreas.

Green leaves in cosmetology

  • Softening mask. Grind the leaves of the plant. Take one tablespoon of the mixture, add a few drops of lemon juice and a teaspoon of corn oil to it. The mask is useful for the skin of the face and hands.
  • Mix two tablespoons of fresh herb mush with a tablespoon of sour cream. Keep it on for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. The mask nourishes and refreshes the skin, making it soft and velvety.

You will learn about the health benefits and harms of lettuce from the program “About the Most Important Thing”:

Leaf lettuce is a valuable and nutritious vegetable crop. It is useful for people of any age and improves health in many diseases. The plant removes cholesterol, improves digestion, strengthens the immune system during the season of colds and infectious diseases.

It supports the functioning of the brain and nervous system. Lettuce leaves are recommended by nutritionists. The product is in demand by cosmetologists and traditional healers.

In contact with

Systematic intake of salad will saturate the human body with essential organic acids, vitamins, and mineral compounds. The benefits of the plant have been thoroughly studied, but is there any harm from eating lettuce? Let's consider the main aspects in order.

Composition of lettuce

The benefits of juicy salad are determined by the accumulation of substances that are included in the chemical list.
The salad contains a lot of thiamine, ascorbic acid, alpha-tocopherol, and pyridoxine. The plant also contains riboflavin, pantothenic acid, vitamins K, PP, B9.

The value lies in the presence of macro- and microelements. These include sodium, potassium, boron, copper, calcium, silicon, phosphorus. The plant is not deprived of aluminum, beryllium, manganese, iron, iodine, and chlorine.

The culture contains soluble and insoluble dietary fiber, alkaloid compounds, beta-carotene, and lutein. These substances prevent premature tissue aging and support heart function.

Folic acid in salad has a beneficial effect on fertility and the human reproductive system. Metal salts, which are included in the salad in doses, facilitate the functioning of the digestive system and participate in mineral metabolism.

Silicon with sulfur and phosphorus strengthen the epithelium, improve the beauty of hair and the health of nail plates. Carotenoids with iodine prevent Alzheimer's, restore vision and improve memory.

With such a rich chemical composition calorie content 100 g. salad is small. It is only 14 kcal. This allows you to introduce greens into the diet of obese people and those watching their figure.

The benefits of lettuce

  1. The product protects brain cells from chemical elements that can cause cancer. At the same time, the salad stimulates neurons, improving memory, sense of smell, speed of information processing and its digestibility. This is where Alzheimer's disease is prevented.
  2. Low calorie content and glycemic index lead to lower blood cholesterol levels. This feature stops heart diseases at the stage of their development, prevents stroke and myocardial infarction. Salad gently expands blood channels, reduces the risk of blood clots and varicose veins.
  3. The leafy plant has anti-cancer properties. Research by world scientists has revealed that lettuce is often used in the fight against certain categories of cancer. The culture is capable of blocking blood access to tumors, triggering the self-destruction of the tumor.
  4. Lettuce contains a huge amount of antioxidant substances that protect the liver from toxins and cleanse the entire body. Elements from the salad absorb free radicals and quickly remove them. The culture regenerates tissue at the cellular level and restores the functioning of internal organs.
  5. Antimicrobial properties allow the salad to be used to protect the body from viruses by destroying bacteria. Doctors recommend eating lettuce between seasons, as well as during the spread of viral infections. You will strengthen your immune system and speed up metabolic processes. In addition, lettuce can kill fungi different types, yeast bacteria, in particular candida.
  6. The chemical components in the salad resemble alkaloids and opiates. These substances normalize sleep and the psycho-emotional background of a person. When taken systematically, the feeling of anxiety disappears and irritability decreases. The sedative effect allows a person to overcome the effects of stress and depression.
  7. Incoming retinol in large quantities affects the condition of the skin. Vitamin A accelerates the regeneration of epidermal cells, maintains water balance, and enhances the release of elastin and collagen. As a result, wrinkles are prevented and smoothed.
  8. Potassium increases blood circulation, saturates tissues with oxygen and prevents premature aging of the body. Tocopherol with ascorbic acid strengthen the immune system, remove salts and excess water, fighting tissue swelling.
  9. Lettuce is often included in the diet of patients diagnosed with obesity. Lettuce is also recommended for overweight people and those who simply want to keep their figure in shape. It's all about the low calorie content of the salad.
  10. Curly culture has a beneficial effect on digestive system. Lettuce should be consumed to eliminate constipation, in particular chronic ones, as well as to generally improve the functioning of the digestive tract. The salad is quickly digested and does not weigh down the stomach.
  11. The low glycemic index indicates that lettuce is suitable for people with diabetes. Salad controls blood sugar levels, prevents glucose spikes and blood pressure. Low calorie content allows you to consume greens without restrictions, without fear for your health.
  12. The nutritional elements of salad have a positive effect on the condition of hair and facial skin. Most of all, this affects the activity of the sebaceous glands. Over time, skin and hair stop quickly becoming dirty as oil production normalizes. It is worth concluding that the salad is ideal for people with combined (mixed) and oily skin, hair.

  1. Folic acid is responsible for regulating hormonal levels, eliminating imbalances. Salad relieves pain during menstrual cycle, replenishes the lack of nutrients and vitamins, normalizes hemoglobin.
  2. If you regularly consume lettuce, you do not have to worry about the development of cancer of the ovaries and mammary glands. Salad also reduces the number of hot flashes during menopause, easing a woman’s condition.
  3. Lettuce must be included in the daily menu of a pregnant girl to ensure the proper formation of the child’s nervous system and musculoskeletal system. During lactation, leafy greens improve the quality breast milk and eliminates bitterness.
  4. It will be useful for girls to know that lettuce is used in many cosmetic face masks. Just chop a couple of leaves and apply to the skin. The epidermis will become soft, rashes and purulent pimples will disappear.
  5. To repair damaged hair, squeeze the juice from a bunch of fresh lettuce. Mix it with castor, burdock or corn oil, heat it up and rub it into your curls. After half an hour, wash off. The mask also enhances hair growth.

The benefits of lettuce for men

  1. The chemical list of elements in salad increases testosterone production. Men need to eat lettuce to increase libido, sperm quality and its “hotness.”
  2. Experts advise couples who have difficulty conceiving to consume lettuce. Greens normalize reproductive function, increasing fertility.
  3. Accumulation of zinc protects representatives male half population from problems with potency. When taken systematically, salad makes a person attractive and sexy in the eyes of the opposite sex.
  4. The accumulation of B vitamins normalizes a man’s mental state. Therefore, salad is recommended for people who often face stress due to their line of work. Lettuce will improve your sleep, relieve chronic fatigue, and remove irritability and apathy.
  5. Many people have heard that men aged 40+ often experience heart disease. Leaf lettuce increases blood circulation and its renewal, negating the risk of heart attacks and strokes.
  6. Lettuce is appreciated by men who lead an active lifestyle and play a lot of sports. Greens quickly replenish the lack of energy and promote growth muscle tissue, relieves soreness and heaviness in muscles after workouts. Against this background, vigor and physical endurance increase.
  7. Lettuce prevents male alopecia - massive hair loss. With regular use, you will prevent the appearance of bald spots and baldness.

  1. If you regularly consume crispy salad in your daily life, you can lose weight in a short time. excess weight. The secret of the plant is that it is rich in fiber.
  2. The enzyme has a positive effect on the body, improving digestive processes and promoting natural weight loss. Over time, a gentle cleansing of the intestines occurs; the salad copes well with constipation.
  3. Systematic consumption of crunchy delicacies significantly improves intestinal motility and relieves the body of the effects of bad cholesterol. Leaf lettuce adds volume to dishes, due to which the feeling of fullness is maintained for a long time.
  4. Lettuce is recognized great product to cleanse the body of excess fluid, toxic substances and slagging. Such indicators are important for people who are overweight.
  5. To completely cleanse yourself and saturate your blood with beneficial microelements, you need to drink freshly squeezed juice. A drink is prepared from equal proportions of carrots, lettuce and beets. Plants of arugula and lettuce varieties are suitable for weight loss diets.

The benefits of lettuce in cosmetology

  1. Due to its valuable composition, some medicines are produced from lettuce extract. Basically, such drugs are aimed at strengthening the nail plate and improving the health of the skin. The leaves are often used for external use.
  2. Facial cleansers based on lettuce cleanse the upper layers of the epidermis well. Due to the gentle action of non-aggressive acids, the dermis remains moisturized for a long time.
  3. The regenerating effect is achieved thanks to lactucin, a high concentration is found in the lettuce variety. The use of masks based on this salad effectively relieves irritation and heals minor damage to the facial skin due to acne.

Harm of lettuce

  1. Oxalic acid predominates in lettuce; the enzyme is especially harmful for people suffering from kidney and bladder problems.
  2. It is worth knowing that salad should not be consumed if you have urolithiasis, hepatitis, enterocolitis, gout, colitis and similar ailments associated with the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. After consultation with the attending physician, small consumption of salad is allowed for people who have been diagnosed with asthma or tuberculosis. You should also be careful with increased gas formation.

Leaf lettuce has gained popularity in the culinary world. It is included in the basis of many dishes and is used in the field of dietary nutrition, used as an independent snack.

Video: beneficial properties of lettuce

Cooks consider lettuce to be a godsend. In addition to the fact that it perfectly decorates dishes, making them very original and appetizing, its nutritional qualities are widely known. An important advantage of the leaves is the early growth period. While the rest of the vegetables are ripening, it is already on the table. Therefore, the benefits and harms of lettuce leaves should be known to every housewife. Especially if you want to use a product that is beneficial to the body not only immediately, but also save it for the winter.

Types of lettuce

There are two large conventional groups of lettuces - cabbage and leaf. If previously the leaves were used mainly to decorate dishes, now it is the benefits of green salad for the body that have caused its growth in popularity. Varieties differ not only in size and color, but also have different taste qualities. Choosing a suitable plant is not difficult. The most common leaf varieties are:


The earliest species with large leaves, wavy at the ends. It has a very delicate taste and good juiciness. Used in recipes vegetable dishes, for making sandwiches and vegetable snacks.

Important! The variety is not suitable for long-term storage.


A mega-popular variety due to its taste parameters and positive effect on the body. Strengthening the immune system, helping with the digestive tract and improving metabolism are the invaluable qualities of lettuce leaves. A relative of dandelion with a spicy aroma and an unusual nutty-mustard taste. It grows with separate stems and makes an excellent combination with cherry tomatoes and olive oil.

Lollo Rossa

Second famous name– coral salad. It is grown in two colors - with red leaves and green. The green species is called Lollo Bionda. The difference from other varieties is an intense nutty taste with a slight bitterness. Pairs with both hot and cold appetizers, spicy and sweet sauces, meat dishes, and baked vegetables. Designers grow the plant in garden beds as decoration.


The most ancient of the known salads. There are up to 100 varieties of leaves, which differ in color, shape, and configuration. Quite bland taste, almost without hints of bitterness or acid. Therefore, they are used in combination with bright, fresh vegetables or as a lining for any salad.

Important! Lettuce leaves are very delicate and do not tolerate touching hot temperatures.


Belongs to the cabbage family. The second name is less sonorous - bedbug. The stem is very thin, the leaves are small, dissected. Very different rapid growth, 2 weeks after sowing, ready for use. The leaves have a slightly pungent taste, more like mustard, so they are often used to make seasonings.


Swiss chard and romaine cabbage are also called chard. It belongs to the subspecies of common beet, but it is not the root crop that is eaten, but the leaves. Goes well with other vegetables in salads, added to cold appetizers, borscht, beetroot soup or casseroles. Housewives use the leaves to prepare cabbage rolls, which turn out very tender.


The second famous name is Roman lettuce. The peculiarity of this species is that it does not belong to any of the species; it is considered intermediate. Has long dense leaves. They are juicy, slightly sweet and spicy. There are many hybrids of Romaine lettuce - Salanova, Dendi, Kosberg, Wendel.

Field salad

It went from a weed to an amazing culinary product. Combines with any seasonings, but is also good on its own. There are many varieties, suitable for combining with smoked fish, bacon, boiled vegetables and poultry.


There are many varieties of spinach, each with a different leaf shape. There are summer and winter views spinach The salad has a sweetish taste, the leaves are very good fresh or boiled. In many cuisines around the world it is used to prepare specialty pies, omelettes and casseroles.

Chemical composition of lettuce leaves

Salad leaves do not have a high concentration of substances, but their composition is rich and varied. Most of all they contain fiber, monosaccharides, and nitrogenous compounds. Lettuce is dominated by B vitamins, tocopherol and carotene. There are many minerals and trace elements - iron, manganese, titanium, aluminum, molybdenum, zinc. Naturally, their set and quantity depends on the composition of the soil in which the plant grows.

The chemical composition changes under the influence of conditions environment. Leafy varieties contain more carotene and dry matter than cabbage varieties. In addition to its culinary value, lettuce has many health benefits.

Calorie content and nutritional value of lettuce

The leaves of the plant are very popular due to the low calorie content of the product. For 100 grams of leaf lettuce, the calorie content ranges from 14 kcal or 58 kJ, depending on the variety. With such a low indicator, the culture has a large amount of protein - 1.48 g, and fat - only 0.29 g.

What are the benefits of lettuce for the body?

The benefits of lettuce leaves for the human body are truly enormous. When compared with other products, one should immediately note the low calorie content and low glycemic index. This explains the recommendations of nutritionists for eating salads for overweight people, as well as for diabetics.

Combination with protein products makes the leaves very useful for athletes during heavy physical activity. And during mental stress, the plant will supply the brain with nutrients, enrich it with oxygen, and help avoid excessive consumption of sweets. In addition, useful substances will increase overall performance and improve mood.

It cannot be said that all varieties of lettuce have the same beneficial properties. But the beneficial effect on immune system inherent in any cultural representative.

For women

The main benefit of lettuce for women is due to the presence of folic acid (vitamin B9) in it. The female body needs it for:

  • improve memory, support the nervous system in stressful situations;
  • increasing immunity, reducing inflammatory processes;
  • strengthening the growth of hair follicles;
  • slowing down the formation of wrinkles, improving the condition of the skin;
  • normalization of blood circulation, prevention of thrombosis, anemia;
  • reducing the risk of cancer;
  • regulation of hormonal balance;
  • improving digestion processes;
  • positive effect on metabolic processes, weight loss;
  • normalization of sleep, increased concentration.

This is not a complete list of the positive effects of eating lettuce in women.

Important! The beneficial substance does not accumulate in female body, therefore requires regular replenishment.

It follows that it is recommended to include lettuce leaves in your diet all year round.

For men

The chemical composition of lettuce leaves is quite complex; it promotes the production of testosterone. If there is enough of this hormone in the male body, then all reproductive organs function without problems. Since ancient times, some species have been considered aphrodisiacs, such as arugula.

The presence of B vitamins prevents insomnia, irritability, and relieves fatigue. The consumption of lettuce leaves has great benefits for the body of athletes:

  • muscles gain tone;
  • painful symptoms quickly go away after increased exercise;
  • The overall endurance of the body increases.

Lettuce leaves also supply the male body with substances that promote hair growth and stop the process of baldness.

For pregnant and nursing mothers

Garden salad has great benefits for expectant and nursing mothers. With regular use of the plant, the body receives the necessary amount of useful elements for the harmonious intrauterine development of the child. Increase the quantity of milk and improve its quality when breastfeeding helps water infusion lettuce seeds. During pregnancy, folic acid protects expectant mother from miscarriage and placental abruption, promotes the absorption of essential nutrients, improves the functioning of body systems.

For the elderly

The daily menu of older people must contain lettuce. The substances in their composition protect brain cells from the pathogenic effects of chemical elements that cause cancer problems. Due to its stimulating effect on neurons, the product is a good prevention of Alzheimer's disease. Elderly people are often diagnosed with diabetes. For this disease, foods with low GI are indicated. Has a mild laxative effect. Lettuce is on the list of the most recommended greens for diabetics.

Is it possible to give lettuce to children?

The presence of substances in the plant that have a calming effect on the child’s body has been proven. Therefore, it is useful for an active child of any gender to include it in the evening meal. At the same time, lettuce leaves strengthen the immune system. It is allowed to use raw salad in the menu of children from 1.5 years of age. Boiled leaves can also be given to infants from the moment of vegetable complementary feeding. In addition, children love beautiful dishes; salad is a great helper for mothers in this matter.

Important! For babies, choose only green-colored leaves, avoid white ones.

The product should not be given to children with neuro-arthritic diathesis.

Lettuce for weight loss

Lettuce leaves are often used for weight loss; this brings invaluable benefits to the body. It is that:

  • the dish receives a good volume without simultaneously increasing calorie content;
  • the product is available at any time of the year, it is easy to grow at home;
  • the salad contains an optimal set of micro- and macroelements, amino acids that replenish the body’s losses during weight loss;
  • leaves consist of coarse dietary fiber - cellulose;
  • a large amount of vitamin C helps quickly break down cholesterol cells;
  • There is a powerful detoxification of the body and stabilization of the digestion process.

We can conclude that the salad diet facilitates the functioning of the body’s systems and supports it during the cleansing period.

Important! You cannot use a mono-diet of lettuce leaves, because the plant does not contain enough of all the necessary elements.

How to use lettuce leaves for medicinal purposes

The medicinal properties of lettuce are very diverse. The plant is used in folk recipes and traditional medicine. Main useful qualities:

  • improves the quality and composition of blood;
  • protects the body from anemia;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • reduces blood sugar levels;
  • removes salts;
  • strengthens blood vessels and nerve fibers;
  • restores muscle tissue;
  • helps to get out of depression;
  • supplies the skeletal system with calcium.

Leaf lettuce is used not only for preventive purposes, but also as part of the treatment of various diseases.

For gastritis

An important advantage of lettuce over other products is that it is quickly digested and does not burden the stomach. With diagnosed gastritis with low acidity it is used to enhance the secretion of gastric juice. But when increased acidity the product is contraindicated.

For pancreatitis

There are medical indications for consuming lettuce leaves for disorders of the pancreas. Greens are included in the diet twice a week.

Important! For pancreatitis, it is necessary to dip the leaves in hot milk for 3-5 minutes before use.

Not all varieties of lettuce are allowed for patients with pancreatitis. During illness, you will have to exclude watercress and arugula.

What can you make from lettuce?

The largest mass of recipes are salads. You can cook them in any combination. Will fit fresh vegetables, feta cheese, chicken, etc. An excellent option for breakfast is an omelet with lettuce and cheese, and green sandwiches.

Adding leaves saturates first courses well. The salad is used to prepare aromatic dietary soups, which are also approved for baby food. The original dish will be green cream soup.

Daily intake of lettuce

Eating lettuce leaves is allowed throughout the day. It is best raw, but the product is also very healthy when boiled, stewed or fried. The daily dose for adults is 100 g of fresh leaves. For children under 12 years of age, reduce the dose to 50 g per day.

The use of lettuce in home cosmetology

The green product is very beneficial for the skin, healthy hair, and nails. The most popular types of products remain masks or infusions. They are prepared with the addition of various components and are used for problems with the condition of the skin and hair. The most important thing is that there are no contraindications for use, the products are suitable for any skin type.

Face masks

Lettuce leaves contain up to 90% moisture, so they are amazing moisturizers for the skin. In addition, they contain a whole list of useful substances that restore, cleanse, and nourish the epidermis. Using the plant helps remove skin flaking and prevent premature aging.

Recipe with a softening effect for the skin of the hands and face:

  1. Chop lettuce leaves.
  2. For 1 tbsp. l. add 1 tsp to the mixture. corn oil and 2-3 drops of lemon juice.
  3. Take 2 tbsp. l. the resulting slurry, mix with 1 tbsp. l. sour cream.
  4. After applying to the skin, leave for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Option that increases the elasticity of the epidermis:

  1. Mix 3 tbsp. l. salad pulp, 1 tbsp. l. olive oil, 1 tsp. lemon juice.
  2. Leave on skin for 20 minutes.

To remove peeling:

  1. Grind 8 leaves with 3 tbsp. l. sour cream or yogurt.
  2. Apply a thin layer and leave for 15 minutes.

Anti-dandruff mask

Burdock oil is good for hair, it strengthens it and helps get rid of dandruff:

  1. Grind the fox lettuce, add 4-5 drops of burdock oil.
  2. Apply to scalp, massaging lightly.
  3. Wash off after 20 minutes.

How to choose the right lettuce leaves

The main criterion is the freshness of the product. Limp, darkened or damaged leaves should not be taken. Wax gloss is also not needed. Choose greens of rich natural color. It is important that there is no mucus on the stem. For a cook, the main goal is to acquire a quality plant, and not to strive for its attractiveness.

Preparing lettuce for the winter

Wash and dry the leaves first.

There are several ways to prepare a useful product:

  1. Freezing. It is best to cut the leaves into strips, then place them in plastic bags and place them in freezer. You won’t be able to use it in salads; you’ll have to prepare omelettes, casseroles, and pureed soups. Thawed salad does not have elasticity and attractive appearance.
  2. Drying. Young leaves will do. After drying, store in a tightly closed container. Use as a vitamin supplement and for cosmetic infusions.
  3. Pickling. In this form it is easy to store lettuce in the refrigerator. Prepare the marinade, place the leaves in a jar, sprinkle with chopped garlic, pour in the marinade and cover with oppression. Shelf life is about a month. You can choose the marinade recipe to suit your taste. If you need to roll up the jars, the leaves are first fried with garlic and poured with aromatic vinegar.


When consumed in any form, the benefits and harms of lettuce leaves must be taken into account. This is necessary to properly cook juicy greens. Just a few leaves a day will significantly improve the general condition of the body and help you acquire an attractive appearance.

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Regular consumption of lettuce leaves benefits the body. They saturate with necessary elements and help in solving some specific health problems.

To use the maximum beneficial properties of this plant, you should understand its types, composition and range of action.

There are about 1000 varieties of this plant in the world. But only a few of them are widely used in cooking. The most popular varieties are:

  • Spinach – used in sauces, appetizers, salads and baking toppings. Particularly popular in France. It is distinguished by a high content of vitamins A and E, which are preserved during heat treatment;
  • Arugula – has a spicy aroma and an unusual nutty-mustard taste. Pairs perfectly with meat, fish and seafood dishes. It is a natural aphrodisiac that both men and women should eat;
  • Witloof is a vegetable from the chicory family. It has a slightly bitter taste, which can be removed by first soaking the leaves in water.
  • Lettuce - has a burgundy-green color, which distinguishes it from other varieties. It ranks first in terms of the amount of potassium in the composition. Indicated for diseases of the thyroid gland and hypertension;
  • Batavia - crispy and sweet, has gained the most popularity. Used raw to decorate prepared dishes.

Each variety of lettuce has beneficial features that improve health.

Chemical composition

The chemical composition of lettuce leaves is varied. The plant is one of the top ten vegetables in terms of quantity useful components. It contains folic acid, vitamins, beta-carotene. It is an excellent source of minerals as well as organic acids.

If we look at the composition in more detail, we get the following picture:

  • vitamins of group B, A, C, E, K and PP;
  • minerals - manganese, magnesium, aluminum, copper, boron, potassium, calcium. In small quantities - beryllium, iodine, sodium, silicon, iron, phosphorus and chlorine;
  • soluble and insoluble dietary fiber;
  • beta-carotene;
  • alkaloids;
  • organic acids.

Salad greens (with the exception of spinach) cannot be subjected to heat treatment, because this destroys all valuable elements.

What are the benefits of lettuce leaf?

This product has a very wide spectrum of action. It affects most organs and systems. Regular consumption of 3-4 leaves per day can significantly improve your health and overall well-being.

What are the benefits of lettuce leaves for the human body:

  1. They have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain and are natural stimulators of cell function. They are often consumed instead of chocolate during increased mental stress;
  2. They have a calming effect and, when used regularly, relieve insomnia;
  3. Improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels - reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, reduce the risk of heart attacks, strokes and other diseases;
  4. Due to its antioxidant properties, regular inclusion of green lettuce leaves in the diet is an excellent anti-cancer prevention and protection against the destructive effects of free radicals;
  5. Greens are used in folk medicine for gastritis, pancreatitis, and heartburn. It improves digestion and helps absorb nutrients;
  6. The vitamin complex has a positive effect on the body's defenses and improves immunity. Salad is recommended to be used for colds as an aid;
  7. Lettuce leaves help maintain healthy skin and hair. Vitamin A and potassium have this effect;
  8. Due to its high magnesium content, greens strengthen the nervous system and prevent the occurrence of nervous disorders;
  9. The expectorant and wound-healing properties of the plant help remove mucus from the bronchi and relieve cough;
  10. Fresh juice of this plant improves blood composition and stabilizes sugar levels. It is useful to use for anemia;
  11. During high physical activity, greens help maintain muscle tone and increase endurance;
  12. The inclusion of lettuce leaves in the diet of expectant mothers promotes the proper formation of the fetus. Thanks to vitamin B9, the likelihood of premature birth and miscarriage is reduced, and the baby develops without defects;
  13. Consumption during lactation increases the amount of milk in the mother and improves its quality;
  14. Vitamins and minerals have a beneficial effect on men's health. In representatives of the stronger sex, testosterone production increases. As a result, the quantity and quality of sperm improves, and the likelihood of impotence is noticeably reduced;
  15. Eating lettuce is also beneficial for women. It stabilizes hormonal levels, which is especially important during menopause.

Salad greens are included in many weight loss diets. It has a very low calorie content (15-25 kcal per 100 g) and provides a feeling of fullness for a long time. It is added to other dishes.

Foliage increases the total volume of the product, which allows you to eat much faster and not go beyond the daily norm. In addition, it has a mild laxative effect, improves intestinal motility and cleanses the body.

Lettuce leaves have also found application in cosmetology. Using it as an ingredient, you can prepare excellent tools for face and hair care.

The most common recipes:

  • A mask for toning aging skin will help restore its former elasticity and tighten the oval of the face. To prepare it, knead and chop several sheets to make 3-5 tbsp. spoons of raw materials. Then it is mixed with 2 tbsp. spoons of oil (corn or olive) and 2 teaspoons of lemon juice. The resulting paste is applied to a previously cleansed face for about 20 minutes.
  • A mixture of 5-7 crushed leaves and 3 tbsp will get rid of peeling. spoons of cream. The procedure should last 15 minutes.
  • For dandruff, use a mask of salad greens and burdock oil. It is applied to the roots, insulated and left for 30 minutes.

Such compositions perfectly nourish the skin, making it soft and velvety. And the hair gains vitality and shine.

Possible harm and contraindications

Lettuce leaves can bring not only benefits, but also harm. Their use should be limited to the following categories of people:

  • with hepatitis, gout, colitis, enterocolitis and other diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • with individual intolerance to plant components;
  • with kidney diseases and Bladder– oxalic acid negatively affects the health of these ailments.

If a person suffers from asthma or tuberculosis, then the intake of lettuce leaves should be agreed with the attending physician.

Leaf lettuce is a unique crop that is distinguished by a wide range of valuable components. Its inclusion in the diet improves health and helps get rid of many diseases.

Salad greens don't appear on our table too often. Many people don’t consider lettuce leaves to be a normal product, thinking that it is only suitable for a young lady who dreams of losing weight or a convinced vegetarian. And, of course, you can’t feed a real man with lettuce leaves. However, the irony in this case is completely inappropriate - this “light” product, in its beneficial properties, will give a head start to many dishes familiar to everyone.

The Romans ate lettuce leaves with pleasure. Its name comes from Herba Salata, which means “salty herb” in Latin. In those days, they didn’t bother with lettuce for a long time; they simply tore the leaves of the plant coarsely, watered it, and salted it. In the Middle Ages, lettuce leaves were served as a side dish for meat dishes.

What are the benefits of salad?

Beneficial properties of lettuce and greens

Few people know that all salad greens contain vitamin C and carotene in such quantities that they can give a head start to many fruits and vegetables.

  • For example, parsley and dill are rich in carotene; its content in these products is 1.5 milligrams per 100 grams of greens. This is more than in such well-known sources of carotene as tomatoes and.

Carotenoids, which are found in large quantities in salad leaves and greens, will help maintain good vision, are beneficial for the health of the skin and mucous membranes, and can even protect against Alzheimer's disease.

  • Lettuce leaves contain from 10 to 50 milligrams of vitamin C per 100 grams of product, almost the same as in the recognized leaders in the content of this vitamin we need - lemons.
  • In addition, this healthy plant contains folic acid, B vitamins and minerals. Folic acid is beneficial for both children and their parents. It can have a particularly good effect on the reproductive function of women and men.
  • Lettuce leaves contain a lot of vitamin K, which is involved in regulating blood clotting.
  • All leafy greens contain various minerals: sodium, copper, iodine, potassium, phosphorus, zinc and iron.

Lettuce leaves: how to store and eat

  • Lettuce leaves should be stored in the refrigerator in the vegetable compartment.
  • When storing the salad, it must be wrapped in a paper or plastic bag, otherwise it will dry out and wither.
  • Before storing the salad in the refrigerator, lettuce leaves must be dried. Wet leaves in a bag will quickly wither.
  • To serve, the leaves do not need to be cut; large ones can be torn by hand, and small ones can be easily disassembled.
  • Do not prepare the salad in advance; season and salt it immediately before eating.
  • Salad is used not only for decoration, it serves as a side dish, as an addition to meat and fish, and as an independent product.
  • An excellent combination is lettuce with garlic or lemon juice. In this case, they don’t even need to be salted.