Writer Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov: biography, works and poems for children. Five of the most famous works by Sergei Mikhalkov Titles of Mikhalkov’s works

Children of all ages love to read fairy tales and poems by Sergei Mikhalkov because his works penetrate deep into the soul of any child. The poems are rhymed simply and transparently, allowing even the little ones to understand their meaning. At the same time, these texts are far from banal; they contain a huge number of moral guidelines, be it Uncle Styopa the policeman or the Three Little Pigs - all these Mikhalkov fairy tales set the right vector for your kids.

This wonderful writer also wrote many fables and plays with entertaining plots that will teach children kindness, helping others and ingenuity. Many generations of parents know that Mikhalkov’s poems can be read to children at any age, because he will never teach bad things, but rather explain complex morals in simple words. It is not for nothing that boys and girls who were brought up on his works, being already parents themselves, introduce their offspring to his work. In addition, his texts will enrich a person’s inner world and give him a love for the classics. His phenomenon stands in the same cohort as such famous classes as Korney Chukovsky, Boris Zakhoder, Agnia Barto and Samuil Marshak - all of them helped raise millions of Soviet and Russian children with their works. In a word, any work: a play, a story, a poem, a fairy tale by Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov is the best gift for your child.

The Frog argued with the Stork: - Who is more beautiful? - I! - Stork said confidently. - Look how beautiful my legs are! - But I have four of them, and you only have two! - objected the Frog. “Yes, I only have two legs,” said the Stork, “but they are long!” - I can croak, but you can’t! - And I fly, and you just jump! - You fly, but you can’t dive! - And I have a beak! - Just think, a beak! What is it needed for?! - That's what! - the Stork got angry and... swallowed the Frog. It’s not for nothing that they say that storks swallow frogs so as not to argue with them in vain.


The big bear offended the small hare: he caught it and never said anything

tore off the ears. One ear turned completely to one side. The Hare cried, his ears fell off, his tears dried up, but the resentment did not go away. Why did you suffer? It's not even an hour, you'll run into Clubfoot again! You can't spare enough ears like that! And who should you complain to when the Bear is the strongest in the forest? The Wolf and the Fox are his first friends and buddies, you can’t spill water on them! -Who should you look for protection from? - the Hare sighed. - I have! - someone’s thin voice suddenly squealed. The Hare squinted his left eye and saw the Mosquito. - What a protector you are! - said the Hare. - What can you do to Bear? He is a beast, and you are a midge! What strength do you have? - But you'll see! - answered Komar. The Bear wound up in the forest on a hot day. It ruined him. Clubfoot was tired and lay down in the raspberry field to rest. As soon as he closed his eyes, he heard, right next to his ear: “Ju-yu-yu!.. Ju-yu-yu!.. Ju-yu-yu!..” The Bear recognized the Mosquito song. He got ready and waited for the Mosquito to land on his nose. The Mosquito spun and circled around and around and finally landed on the tip of the Bear’s nose. Without thinking twice, the bear turned around with his left paw and grabbed his nose with all his might! The Mosquito will know how to sit on the Bear’s nose!.. Clubfoot turned on his right side, closed his eyes, before he had time to yawn, he hears - again right in his ear: “Ju-yu-yu! Ju-yu-yu!.. Ju -yu-yu!..” Apparently, the Mosquito dodged Mishka’s paw! The Bear lies, does not move, pretends to be asleep, and listens, waiting for the Mosquito to choose a new place to land. The Mosquito rang and rang around the Bear and suddenly stopped. "Flew away, damn it!" - thought the Bear and stretched. Meanwhile, the Mosquito silently landed on Bear’s ear, crawled into the very ear and bit! The Bear jumped up. He turned around with his right paw and hit himself so hard in the ear that sparks flew out of his own eyes. The Mosquito will forget how to sting bears! Clubfoot scratched his ear, lay down more comfortably - now you can sleep! Before he could close his eyes, he heard again above his head: “Ju-yu-yu!.. Ju-yu-yu!..” What an obsession! What a tenacious midge! The Bear started to run. He ran and ran, exhausted himself, and fell under a bush. He lies down, catches his breath, and listens for himself: where is Komar? Quiet in the forest. It's dark as if you poke your eyes out. All the animals and birds around have been seeing their seventh dream for a long time, only the Bear does not sleep, he toils. “What a misfortune!” thinks the Bear. “Some stupid Mosquito has brought me to the point that now I myself don’t know whether I’m a Bear or not? It’s good that I managed to escape from him. Now I’ll fall asleep... "The bear climbed under the walnut bush. He closed his eyes. I dozed off. Bear began to have a dream that he came across a beehive in the forest, and there was more than enough honey in the hive! Bear put his paw into the hive and suddenly heard: “Ju-yu-yu!.. Ju-yu-yu!..” The Mosquito caught up with the Bear. Caught up and woke me up! The mosquito rang, rang and fell silent. He’s silent, as if he’s lost somewhere. The Bear waited, waited, then climbed deeper under the walnut bush, closed his eyes, just dozed off, warmed up, and the Mosquito was right there: “Ju-yu-yu!..” The Bear crawled out from under the bush. I started crying. - I'm so attached, damn it! No bottom, no tire! Well, just wait! I won’t fall asleep until the morning, but I’ll deal with you!.. Until the sun came, the Mosquito Bear didn’t let him sleep. He tormented and tormented Clubfoot. The Bear did not sleep a wink until dawn. He beat himself all over until he was bruised, but he never finished off Komar! The sun has risen. We slept, the animals and birds in the forest woke up. They sing and rejoice. Only one Bear is not happy about the new day. In the morning the Hare met him at the forest edge. A shaggy Bear wanders, barely moving his legs. His eyes are sticking together - he just wants to sleep. The Hare really laughed at Clubfoot. I laughed heartily. - Oh yes Komarik! Well done! And the Mosquito is easy to find. - Did you see the Bear? - Saw! Saw! - answered the Hare, holding his sides with laughter. - Here's a "midge" for you! - said Komar and flew: “Ju-yu-yu!..”


The Hare-artist painted a portrait of the Tiger. It turned out to be a very successful portrait. Tiger liked it. - How alive! Better than a photograph. The old Donkey saw the Hare's work. And he ordered his portrait. The Hare took up the brush and paints. A week later the order was ready. Donkey looked at his portrait and got angry: “I drew it wrong, Oblique!” Not at all! And the eyes are not like that! I don't like this portrait. Draw me like a Tiger! - OK! - said the artist. - Will be done! The Hare took up the brush and paints. He depicted a Donkey with an open mouth, from which terrible fangs protrude. Instead of donkey hooves, I drew claws. And the eyes are expressive, like a Tiger's. - It’s a completely different matter! Now I like it! - said Donkey. - We should have started with this! Donkey took his portrait, put it in a golden frame and took it to show everyone. No matter who you show it to, everyone likes it! - What a portrait! Well, the Hare is an artist! Talent! Donkey met Bear. Showed him the portrait. - Similar? - On whom? - asked the Bear. - On me! - answered the Donkey. - It is me! Did not recognize? - Who disfigured you like that? - Bear shook his head. - You do not understand anything! Everyone says that I am very similar! - Donkey was indignant and, unable to restrain himself, kicked the Bear. The Bear became furious. He snatched the portrait from the Donkey and slapped it across the Donkey’s muzzle... The Donkey tore the canvas with his muzzle and looked out of the golden frame. - Now you look like that! - growled the Bear.


It was a terribly annoying little goat with tiny horns. He had nothing to do, so he pestered everyone: “I want to butt heads!” Let's butt heads!.. - Leave me alone! - said Turkey and walked importantly aside. - Let's butt heads! - Little Goat pestered Piglet. - Get off! - answered Piglet and buried his snout in the ground. The Little Goat ran up to the old Sheep: - Let's butt heads! - Get away from me! - asked the Sheep. - Leave me alone. It doesn't suit me to butt heads with you! - And I want! Let's fight! The Sheep remained silent and stepped aside. The Little Goat saw the Puppy. - Come on! Let's butt heads! - Let's! - the Puppy was delighted and bit the Little Goat painfully on the leg. - Wait! - Little Goat cried. - I want to butt heads, but what are you doing? - And I want to bite! - the Puppy answered and bit the Kid again.


The Cat heard somewhere that Tiger and Panther belong to the cat family. - Wow! - the Cat was happy. - And I, fool, didn’t know what kind of relatives I had! Well, now I’ll show myself... - And without thinking twice, she jumped onto the Donkey’s back. - What kind of news is this? - Donkey was surprised. - Take it where I tell you. Drive and don't talk! Do you know who my relatives are? - exclaimed the Cat, sitting on the back of the Donkey’s neck. - Who? - asked Donkey. - Tiger and Panther, that's who! If you don't believe me, ask Raven. Donkey asked Raven. He confirmed: “Yes, indeed, a cat, a tiger, a leopard, a lynx, as well as a panther and a jaguar and even a lion are from the cat family!” - Are you convinced now? - exclaimed the Cat, digging her claws into the Donkey's mane. - Take it! - Where? - Donkey asked calmly. - To the Tiger or to the Panther? - Nooo! - the Cat suddenly meowed. - Take me to these... what's their name... to the mmm-we-shams!.. And the Donkey took the Cat to where the mice were. Because a cat is still a cat.


One day a little Chicken pestered a big Rooster: “Why does the stork have a long beak and very long legs, but I have very small ones?” - Leave me alone! - Why does the hare long ears, and I don’t even have little ones? - Don't pester! - Why does the kitten have beautiful fur, but I have some nasty yellow fluff? - Get off! - Why does the puppy know how to twirl his tail, but I don’t have any tail at all? - Shut up! - Why does the kid have horns, but I don’t even have bad horns? - Stop it! Leave me alone! - the Rooster was seriously angry. - Leave me alone... leave me alone! Why do the big ones answer all the little ones’ questions, but you don’t? - Chicken squeaked. - Because you don’t ask, you’re just jealous of everyone! - the Rooster answered seriously. And it was the honest truth.


Two bear cubs were returning home from fishing and met a Pelican on the way. - Look, Pelikasha, how many fish we caught! Come visit us for lunch. We'll treat you to glory! - I'll come! - said Pelican. And he came. He sat down at the table. - Don't be shy, Pelikasha! Eat to your health! - the cubs treated the guest. - There’s a lot of fish, we won’t eat them all! But a minute later the fish was gone: all of it disappeared into the Pelican’s throat. The cubs licked their lips. - So tasty! It seems like we could eat some more. Would you still eat it? - one of the cubs asked the Pelican. - Yes! - The Pelican opened its large beak, and at the same time one fish jumped out of its mouth. - So eat some more! - the cubs said mockingly. - Just another fish!.. For some reason, the bear cubs didn’t invite Pelican to dinner again. By the way, Pelican still doesn’t understand why?


The Hare and the Hare built themselves a small house in the forest. Everything around was tidied up, cleared and swept. All that remains is to remove the large stone from the road. - Let's push ourselves and drag him somewhere to the side! - suggested the Hare. - Come on! - answered the Hare. - Let him lie where he lies! Whoever needs it will go around! And the stone remained lying near the porch. One day the Hare was running home from the garden. I forgot that there was a stone on the road, tripped and bloodied my nose. - Let's remove the stone! - the Hare suggested again. - Look how you crashed. - There was a hunt! - answered the Hare. - I’ll start messing with him! Another time in the evening the Hare ran out to relieve himself, again forgot about the stone - he ran into it in the dark, hurt himself so much that he forgot why he came out. - I told you, we’ll remove this damn stone! - the Hare begged. - Let him lie where he lay! - answered the stubborn Hare. There is a stone lying. The Hare hits him, but does not remove the stone. And the Hare looks: who will win?


The Ferret climbed into the chicken coop, crept up to the sleeping Cockerel, covered him with a sack, tied him up and dragged him into the forest... The Cockerel is struggling in the sack, screaming at the top of his lungs. The Ferret is dragging the prey, and two Goats are walking towards him, shaking their beards. The Ferret got scared, threw the bag and - into the bushes... The Goats came up. - No way, the Rooster crowed? - said one. “I heard it too,” said the other. - Hey, Petya! Where are you? “I’m here... in the bag...” responded the Cockerel. - Save me, brothers! - How did you get into the bag? “Someone covered me from behind with a sack and dragged me away. Save me, my dears! - That's it... The bag, therefore, is not yours? - Not mine! Untie the bag, brothers! The Goats thought. - Hmmm... This, brother, is not so simple... This is how things turn out! So the bag is someone else's? - Yes-ah... - the second Goat shook his beard. - If it were your bag, we would quickly take you out of it... according to a personal request... Otherwise it’s someone else’s bag! It seems illegal without an owner... - So I myself was stolen! Isn't it clear? - screamed the Cockerel. “That’s how it is...” said the first Goat. - But here, brother, we need to consult... agree... - If only we could get permission or receive instructions, then we would free you right away! - confirmed the second Goat. - Well, at least take me to Polkan! - moaned the Cockerel. - He will understand! - What is there not to understand? - said the first Goat. - Carrying it is a simple matter... Well, when they ask us: “Where are you taking someone else’s bag?” A? What then? - asked the second Goat. “Exactly,” agreed the first Goat. - Then prove that you have horns, not a hump! - Well, at least go to Polkan, tell him that I’m in trouble! - the Cockerel begged. “And I’ll wait in the bag for now...” “That’s possible,” agreed the Goats. - True, it’s not on our way, but we’ll do it for you... The Goats left. The Cockerel was left in a bag on the road. Polkan came running to rescue Petushka. He came running, and... there was no bag, no Cockerel!


- Pardon my curiosity, but I was very interested in your nose! - Ram turned to the Elephant. - You probably wanted to say trunk? - Elephant politely corrected him. - No! Exactly - the nose! - Baran exclaimed. - After all, your so-called trunk, both in terms of the position it occupies relative to the eyes and mouth, as well as in individual functions inherent only to the nose, your, I repeat, “trunk” is nothing more than a nose! But, on the other hand, the length and mobility of your nose resemble, excuse the comparison, a large tail! The elephant grinned. “Isn’t that why,” Baran continued, “how appearance, and the behavior, so to speak, of your organ, which, as I noted above, is a nose similar to a tail, cannot but cause legitimate bewilderment... - Perhaps! - Elephant interrupted Baran. - But I will try to give you an explanation about this. You see, we elephants have a serious physical handicap - short neck. This deficiency of ours is compensated to a certain extent by the trunk. I’ll try to prove this to you with a clear example... The elephant picked a twig from a tree with its trunk, then dipped its trunk into the stream, collected water and launched a fountain. “I hope you now understand,” said the Elephant, “that my trunk is a consequence of the adaptability of the body.” - Thank you! - answered Baran. - Now I can finally start working on my dissertation.


The Hare saw a Tiger fast asleep, and a Snake nearby. - How will she sting him? I'll wake up the Tiger! - the Hare decided and, trembling with fear, he strongly pulled the Tiger’s tail. -Who dared to wake me up? - Tiger roared. - Sorry, but it's me! - whispered the Hare. - Be careful! Snake! The Tiger looked back and saw a viper. Jumped aside. “Give me your paw,” said the Tiger to the Hare. -You are brave and noble. From now on we will be friends, and I take you under my protection! Now you don’t have to be afraid of anyone!.. The Hare was happy. Suddenly the Fox looked out from the bushes. At that same second, the Hare was blown away by the wind. Tiger was surprised. He shook his head. In the evening I found the Hare. - Why did you run away? - I saw a fox. - But I was nearby! I promised to protect you! - I promised. - Don’t you believe me? - I believe. - Don’t you think that the Fox is stronger than me? - No, you are stronger! - So why did you run away then? “A conditioned reflex,” the Hare admitted embarrassedly.


A young, beautiful tree grew in the middle of the clearing. A donkey ran across the clearing, gaped and ran into this tree as fast as he could, so much so that sparks fell from his eyes. Donkey got angry. He went to the river and called Beaver. - Beaver! Do you know a clearing where one tree grows? - How not to know! - Get rid of this tree, Beaver! Your teeth are sharp... - Why is that? - Yes, I smashed my forehead on it - I gave myself a bump! -Where were you looking? - “Where, where”... He gaped - and that’s it... Knock down the tree! - It's a pity to leave. It decorates the clearing. - But it’s stopping me from running. Down, Beaver, tree! - Don't want. - Is it difficult for you, or what? - It’s not difficult, but I won’t. - Why? - Because if I knock him down, you’ll run into a stump! - And you uproot the stump! “I’ll uproot the stump, you’ll fall into a hole and you’ll break your legs!” - Why? - Because you are a Donkey! - said Beaver.


Once upon a time there was a songbird, the Canary. Yellow, with a tuft. Her voice was small, but sweet - it was nice to hear her sing. They listened to her and praised her: - Oh, so capable! - How talented! And one day she even heard this: “Oh, incomparable one!” She never understood who said it, because when she sang, she closed her eyes out of habit, but this was enough for her to become completely arrogant. Soon everyone noticed that the Canary was no longer singing, but chirping. And they stopped paying attention to her... - Listen, “incomparable”! - Sparrow once told her. - If you’ve already decided to tweet, then learn from me. I will be happy to help you! You also need to be able to tweet well!


The Hare ran through the forest, and the Wolf slept after a hearty lunch in his lair. Take the Hare and go to the Wolf's Lair! The Wolf woke up and was stunned: Hare! And he stands in front of him, neither alive nor dead - his paws are at the seams... Before the Wolf had time to recover from the surprise, the Hare suddenly transformed, put his back leg forward and screamed at the top of his lungs: - Get up! The Wolf jumped up. And the Hare is louder than before: - How are you standing, tramp?! Be silent! What kind of bones? Whose? Answer! “It’s... I... I... had lunch...” the Wolf answered, completely confused. - Be silent when they talk to you! Slept on sheep's clothing? Where is the sheep itself? - I... I... I... - I see! We'll talk tomorrow! By the old oak tree! Exactly at five! All! - And the Hare majestically left the lair. The Wolf never came to the old oak tree. Not at five, not at six, not later... After meeting the Hare, he was struck by paralysis. And the Hare? Alas! He began to resort to this manner of speaking too often. No matter what happens...


The Puppy was offended by his old friends and ran to look for new ones. A Snake crawled out from under a rotten stump in the forest, curled up in a ring and looked into the Puppy’s eyes. - So you look at me and are silent... And at home everyone grumbles, growls and barks at me! - said the Puppy to the Snake. - Everyone teaches me, works on me: Barbos, Sharik, and even Shavka. I'm tired of listening to them!.. While the Puppy was complaining, the Snake was silent. -Will you become my friend? - asked the Puppy and jumped off the stump on which he was sitting. The Snake turned around and bit the Puppy. Silently. To death.


Once upon a time there lived a Rhinoceros. He had a habit of mocking everyone. - Hunchback! Hunchback! - he teased the Camel. - Am I the hunchback? - Camel was indignant. - Yes, if I had three humps on my back, I would be even more beautiful! - Hey, thick-skinned! - Rhinoceros shouted to the Elephant. - Where is your nose and where is your tail? I can't figure it out! - Why is he pestering me? - the good-natured Elephant was surprised. “I’m happy with my trunk, and it doesn’t look like a tail at all!” - Uncle, get the sparrow! - Rhinoceros laughed at Giraffe. - He’s very good himself! - Giraffe answered from somewhere above. One day the Camel, the Elephant and the Giraffe took out a mirror and went to look for the Rhinoceros. And he was just pestering Ostrich: - Hey, you under-plucked one! Barefoot! You don’t know how to fly, but you’re called a bird! Out of resentment, poor Ostrich even hid his head under his wing. - Listen, friend! - Camel said, coming closer. - Do you really consider yourself handsome? - Certainly! - Rhinoceros answered. - Who doubts this? - Well then look at yourself! - said the Elephant and handed the mirror to the Rhino. Rhino looked in the mirror and laughed: - Ha ha ha! Ho-ho-ho! What kind of ugly thing is looking at me? What's on his nose? Ho-ho-ho! Ha ha ha! And while he was laughing, looking at himself in the mirror, the Elephant, Giraffe, Camel and Ostrich realized that the Rhinoceros was just as stupid as a plug. And they stopped being offended.


The wolf decided to hang himself and rang about it throughout the forest. - Of course! He'll hang himself! Wait! - the Hare grinned. - He'll hang himself, he'll hang himself! He will definitely hang himself! “He firmly decided,” said the Turtle. - Maybe he'll change his mind! - Hedgehog shuddered. - He won’t change his mind, he won’t change his mind! He already chose the tree. And I fell in love with the branch! - Magpie squealed. - I decided to hang myself on an aspen tree. Looking for a rope... Noise, talk, gossip. Some believe, others doubt. Rumors also reached the village Polkan. Polkan ran into the forest and found the Wolf. He sees: Gray is sitting under an aspen tree, so sad, looking at a twig. Good Polkan’s heart skipped a beat. He didn’t like the Wolf, he didn’t let him close to the courtyards, but here, after all, it’s a drama... a tragedy! - Hello, Gray! - Polkan greeted quietly. - Hello and goodbye! - answered the Wolf, brushing a tear from his nose. - Goodbye, Polkasha! Don't remember it badly. Sorry if that... - Is this really true? - Polkan asked carefully. - I just can’t believe it! Why? What's happened? - I'm disgraced! Disgraced in both fables and fairy tales... I don’t want to live anymore! Help me get the rope... Look for it in the barn. Your shed is locked, but you have access to it... they trust you... - Okay... I’ll do it... - Polkan agreed without thinking. - Well, thank you! - said the touched Wolf. - Yes, at the same time... along with the rope... grab the little goat too. Fulfill my last wish... And Polkan fulfilled the last wish of the Wolf. But he didn’t hang himself. Changed my mind.


The Rooster pecked in the yard of drunken cherries from under the sweet liqueur. He got pecked and went looking for someone to fight. And he got into a fight... In the morning I woke up, looked at myself in the puddle and gasped: my right eye was blackened and completely swollen. The comb is on the side, swollen. There are two feathers left of the tail. And all my bones hurt... - Who did I fight with yesterday? - Rooster began to remember. - With Goose, or what? - he asked the Puppy. “No,” said the Puppy. - With Turkey? “No,” said the Puppy. - With a cat? “No,” said the Puppy. - Did I really attack the Bull? - the Rooster barely said. “No,” said the Puppy. - So who did this to me yesterday? “Chicken,” said the Puppy.


The Hare noticed a beehive in the hollow. I decided to sweeten myself with honey. I got hold of a large tub. I went into the forest. On the way I met a Bear. -Where are you going, Kosoy? - For honey, Clubfoot! I found a beehive in the forest. - Take me with you. - I won’t take it! It won't be enough for me alone. - And you won’t leave anything for the bees? - Why do they need it? They will still collect for themselves... The Hare climbed into the hollow. For honey. The guard bee sounded the alarm. The bees attacked the uninvited guest in a swarm. And he got it from the bees! They gave him such a hard time, they pressed him so hard that he barely got off his feet. “It hurts, you oblique, shameless one,” said the Bear. - If you went for honey with a mug, look, the bees wouldn’t touch you. They are good people! “I would like to see how they will greet you with a mug!..” moaned the Hare. The Bear took a small mug and climbed into the hollow. The guard bee sounded the alarm. The bees swooped down on the Bear and started stinging him. Worse than the Hare being bitten. - You ruined the whole thing for me! - said the Bear to the Hare. - If you hadn’t approached them with your tub, they wouldn’t have touched me with my mug... That’s what greed means!


Once the Bear stepped on the Hare's favorite peeve. - Oh oh! - the Hare screamed. - Save me! I'm dying! The good-natured Bear was scared. He felt sorry for the Hare. - Excuse me please! I didn't do it on purpose! I accidentally stepped on your foot. “What do I need from your apologies!” the Hare groaned. - Now I'm left without a leg! How am I going to jump now!.. The Bear took the Hare and took it to his den. He put it on his bed. He began to bandage the Hare's paw. - Oh oh! - the Hare screamed louder than before, although he actually wasn’t in that much pain. - Oh oh! I'm going to die now!.. The Bear began to treat the Hare, give him water and food. When he wakes up in the morning, the first thing he asks is: “How’s your paw, Oblique?” Is it healing? - It still hurts! - answers the Hare. - Yesterday it seemed better, but today it hurts so much that I can’t even get up. And when the Bear went into the forest, the Hare tore off the bandage from his leg, galloped around the den and sang at the top of his lungs: Bear feeds, Bear gives water - I deftly led him! And absolutely nothing bothers me! The Hare became lazy, doing nothing. He began to be capricious and grumble at Bear: “Why are you feeding me only carrots?” Yesterday there was a carrot, today there is a carrot again! Crippled, and now you're starving? I want sweet pears with honey! The Bear went to look for honey and pears. On the way I met Lisa. - Where are you going, Misha, so worried? - Look for honey and pears! - answered the Bear and told everything to the Fox. - You’re going for the wrong thing! - said Lisa. - You need to go get a doctor! -Where can you find him? - asked the Bear. - Why look? - answered Lisa. - Don’t you know that I’ve been working at the hospital for two months? Take me to the Hare, I’ll quickly get him back on his feet. The Bear brought the Fox to his den. The Hare saw the Fox and trembled. And the Fox looked at the Hare and said: “His affairs are bad, Misha!” Do you see how chilled he is? I'll take him to my hospital. My Wolf is a great specialist in leg diseases. Together we will treat the Hare. They only saw the Hare in the den. - So he’s healthy! - said Lisa. - Live and learn! - answered the good-natured Bear and fell into his bed, because all the time the Hare lived with him, he himself slept on the floor.


Once upon a time there lived a Wolf in his lair. He never repaired or cleaned his home. It was dirty, old - just look, it will fall apart! An Elephant once passed by the Wolf's Lair. It barely touched the roof, and it squinted. - Forgive me, please, buddy! - said the Elephant to the Wolf. - I did it by accident! I'll fix it now! The elephant was a jack of all trades and was not afraid of work. He took a hammer and nails and repaired the roof. The roof became stronger than before. “Wow!” thought the Wolf. “He must have been scared of me! First he apologized to me, then he fixed my roof himself. I’ll force him to build me a new house! If he’s afraid, that means he’ll listen!” - Stop! - he shouted at the Elephant. - What are you doing? Do you think you can get rid of me so easily? You turned my roof on one side, somehow nailed it together with nails, and you want to run away? Please build me a new house! Be quick, otherwise I’ll teach you such a lesson that you won’t recognize your own people. The Elephant did not answer when he heard such words. He easily grabbed the Wolf across his stomach and threw him into a pit of rotten water. And then he sat down on the Wolf House and crushed it. - Here's your new home! - said the Elephant and left. - I don’t understand anything! - the Wolf was surprised, coming to his senses. - He was afraid of me, asked for forgiveness, and then he did this... I don’t understand anything! - You are a fool! - croaked the old Raven, who saw all this. “You just don’t see the difference between cowardice and good upbringing!”


Elk was tired of wandering through the forest and wanted to rest. He lay down in the clearing and asked the Hare: - Do me a favor - wake me up in half an hour! The Hare began to fuss: after all, the Elk himself asked him for a favor... - Sleep, sleep! I'll definitely wake you up! - he promised. The moose stretched and closed his eyes. - Maybe I should spread some hay for you? - suggested the Hare. He brought a piece of hay and let him shove it under Moose’s side. - No, thanks! - Elk said through his sleep. - How - not necessary? It'll be softer in the hay! - Okay, okay... I want to sleep... - Maybe I should bring you something to drink before bed? There's a stream nearby. I'll run away immediately! - No, don’t... I want to sleep... - Sleep, sleep! Do you want me to tell you a fairy tale in your ear? You'll fall asleep soon! - the helpful Hare did not stop. - No, no... thank you... I’ll fall asleep anyway... - Or maybe the horns are bothering you?! Elk jumped to his feet and, yawning, trudged away. -Where are you going? - the Hare was surprised. - After all, not even twenty minutes have passed!


The old Bear was dragging a hefty log. Exhausted, he sat down on a tree stump. - Is it a heavy log? - asked the young Boar, who was basking in the sun nearby. - Wow, and it’s heavy! - answered the Bear, puffing. - How far is it still to drag? - All the way to the forest. - In such heat! Look, are you tired? - Don’t ask! - It would take two people to drag such a log! - Of course, it would be more convenient together! - Well, I'm off! - said the Boar, getting up. - Good luck! Yes, be careful not to overstrain yourself! “Thank you,” the Bear sighed. - My pleasure! - answered the Boar.

Undoubtedly, Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov, even at the zenith of his creativity, earned the right to be called the patriarch of Russian literature. The mere fact that he is the author of two Soviet (1943, 1977) and subsequently Russian (2001) anthems proves the need to immortalize his name in the Guinness Book of Records. He is known not only as a talented poet, but also as a playwright, screenwriter and fabulist.

Mikhalkov Sergey Vladimirovich, short biography which contains many interesting and remarkable things, comes from an ancient Russian family. His pedigree is unique. Father - Vladimir Aleksandrovich Mikhalkov - was a graduate of the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University. He was religious person and was ready at any moment to defend his native Fatherland.

The poet's mother, Olga Mikhailovna Glebova, was the daughter of the district leader of the nobility.

Curriculum Vitae

He developed a desire for poetry in his childhood. Already at the age of nine, the future author of the Soviet anthem began to compose poems and write them down on paper. The father supported his son’s endeavors and even showed his works to the poet A. Bezymensky.

Soon the Mikhalkov family moves from Moscow to Pyatigorsk. The poet's father was offered a place in Terselcredsoyuz. Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov himself recalled that the move to a new place of residence was also connected with the fact that Vladimir Aleksandrovich did not want to once again “be an eyesore” for the Soviet authorities. After Pyatigorsk, the poet and his family lived for some time in Georgievsk.

The beginning of a creative journey

First literary work Mikhalkov published it in 1928 in the Rostov publication “On the Rise.”

The poem was called "The Road". Soon the poet becomes a member of the Terek Association of Proletarian Writers (TAPP) and his literary epics are published in the Pyatigorsk newspaper Terek.

Years of youth

In 1930, after school, Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov returned to Moscow. He gets a job as a laborer at a local weaving and finishing factory. Then he tries himself as a junior observer of a geological exploration expedition of the Leningrad Geodetic Institute in Altai. Then the aspiring poet visited the Volga and eastern Kazakhstan. After some time, he is already a freelance employee in the letters department of the Izvestia newspaper. So, while in search of self-realization, Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov, whose works hardly every Soviet schoolchild knew, suddenly began to realize that his real calling was versification.

Recognition and glory

In the early 30s of the last century, the Moscow poet became known to a wide circle of Soviet readers. And all because Mikhalkov’s works began to be regularly published in the capital’s magazines and newspapers, and they were also systematically broadcast on the radio.

Thus, the magazine “Pioneer”, the newspapers “Komsomolskaya Pravda” and “Izvestia” were the first to publish his immortal poems: “What do you have?”, “Uncle Styopa”, “Three Citizens”, “Stubborn Thomas” and others. This is what Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov became famous for. He knew how to write poems for children like no one else.

In the period from 1935 to 1937, the poet was a student at the M. Gorky Literary Institute. Then he became a member of the Writers' Union and was forced to leave his alma mater.

In 1936, in the “Ogonyok Library” series, where he was a member of the association of young writers, his debut collection “Poems for Children” was released. Naturally, after this, every child in the Soviet country found out who Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov was. His “poems for children” turned out to be capacious, dynamic and educational. Their value lay in the fact that the basics of childhood education were presented “not directly,” but unobtrusively, taking into account the child’s psychology.

The famous fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs” (1936) also belongs to the pen of the patriarch of Russian literature.

Sergei Vladimirovich entered the world of children's literature confidently and triumphantly. His book circulations were soon in no way inferior to those of the famous Chukovsky and Marshak. Famous Soviet actors enjoyed performing Mikhalkov’s works on the radio.

From the very beginning of his creative career, the poet was engaged in translating children's poems, which were as identical as possible to the originals.

In 1939, Sergei Vladimirovich was awarded hardly the highest award for the work “Svetlana” previously published in the Izvestia newspaper - A year later, he was awarded Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov again. Even Soviet officials liked the poems he wrote for children. Then the poet will once again receive the Stalin Prize, but this time for writing the script for the film “Frontline Girlfriends.”

At the end of the 30s, Mikhalkov joined the ranks of the Soviet army and participated in the liberation of Western Ukraine. Throughout the entire period of the fight against fascism, he worked as a war correspondent.


Sergei Vladimirovich in 1943, in collaboration with journalist Georgy El-Registan, comes up with the words of the USSR anthem, which was first played in the upcoming New Year's Eve. 34 years later, he would write the second edition of the “main song” of the Soviet country, and already in 2001 he would present the text of the Russian anthem.


And already the first works of Sergei Vladimirovich pleased him. "Pravda" first published the fable "The Fox and the Beaver", and a little later - "The Hare in Hop", "Two Girlfriends" and "Current Repairs". Mikhalkov wrote a total of about two hundred fables.

Playwright and screenwriter

Sergei Vladimirovich also showed his talent in writing plays for children's theaters. From the pen of the maestro came such famous works as “Special Assignment” (1945), “Red Tie” (1946), “I Want to Go Home” (1949). In addition, Mikhalkov is the author of many scripts for animated films.


The list of regalia could take a very long time. As already emphasized, he was awarded the Order of Lenin and the Stalin Prize. In 1973 he was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor. Sergei Vladimirovich has repeatedly been a laureate of the State Prize. In addition, the poet has the First Class Patriotic War, the Order of Friendship of Peoples, the Order of Honor, the Order of the Red Banner of Labor and many other awards.

Personal life

In 1936, young Mikhalkov became engaged to his granddaughter famous artist Vasily Surikov - Natalya Petrovna Konchalovskaya, who was 10 years older than her chosen one.

Before meeting him, she already had some experience family life: Previously, the poetess was the wife of intelligence officer Alexei Bogdanov. While married to him, Konchalovskaya gave birth to a daughter, Ekaterina, who was later adopted by Sergei Vladimirovich. The poet and Natalya Petrovna were happy together for a long time, having lived for 53 years. First they had a son, Andrei, and then a son, Nikita. The children of Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov became famous people, choosing a directing career. Daughter Ekaterina became wife famous writer Yuliana Semenova.

The poet passed away on August 27, 2009, having lived 96 years. Doctors diagnosed Mikhalkov with pulmonary edema. The patriarch of Russian literature was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery in the capital.


What is Motherland?

This is your home yard where you kicked the ball, this is the path along which you ran to the river.

And also - this is the music of your childhood, the books of your childhood, and in the books there are pictures and poems of your childhood.

Before the Great Patriotic War I went to kindergarten, where we learned poetry:

There lived three friends and comrades

In the small town of En,

There were three friends and comrades

Captured by the Nazis...

In these verses there was a premonition of formidable changes in the life of the Motherland, in the life of the family, in the life of each of us.

We, kindergarteners, knew well that these lines were written by Sergei Mikhalkov, the author of such works as “Uncle Styopa”, “My Friend and I”, “Foma”, “Song of Friends” and others.

The war began, my father went to the front, my mother and I ended up in evacuation on the Volga, in the village of Krestovo-Gorodishche. A book with Mikhalkov’s poems also came with us to these Volga regions.

In the evenings, at the smokehouse, I read with my new friends:

In one lane

We were at home.

In one of the houses

Once upon a time there lived a stubborn Thomas...

My life has developed in such a way that I will never part with the work of Sergei Vladimirovich; for fifty years now I have been drawing pictures for his books.

I always draw with pleasure, since his humor and boundless invention are very close and understandable to me.

Victor CHIZHIKOV, artist,

member of the journal's editorial board


The site published poems by Sergei Mikhalkov “Trained Dogs”, “Kittens”, “Puppies”, “Woodpecker”, “White Poems”.

Works by Sergei Mikhalkov “It’s Your Own Blame”, “All Year Round” and “True Friends” from the magazine “Murzilka” 1962 (10th issue) and 2007 (3rd issue).

It's your own fault

The Hare and the Hare built themselves a small house in the forest. Everything around was tidied up, cleared and swept. All that remains is to remove the large stone from the road.

Let's push ourselves and drag him somewhere aside! - suggested the Hare.

Come on! - answered the Hare. - Let him lie where he lay! Whoever needs it will bypass it!

And the stone remained lying near the porch.

One day the Hare was running home from the garden. I forgot that there was a stone on the road, tripped over it and bloodied my nose.

“Let’s remove the stone,” Zaichnha suggested again. - Look how you crashed.

There was a hunt! - answered the Hare. “I’ll start messing with him!”

Another time, the Hare was carrying a pan of hot cabbage soup. I stared at the Hare, who was sitting at the table, knocking on the table with a spoon, and forgot about the stone. She flew into him, spilled cabbage soup, and was scalded herself. Woe, and nothing more!

Come on, Hare, let's remove this damn stone! - the Hare begged. “There’s no chance someone will break their head because of him.”

Let him lie where he lies! - answered the stubborn Hare.

Once the Hare and the Hare invited their old friend Mikhail Ivanovich Toptygin to a festive pie.

“I’ll come,” Mikhail Ivanovich promised. “The pie is yours, and the honey will be mine.”

On the appointed day, the hares came out onto the porch to greet the dear guest. They see: Mikhail Ivanovich is in a hurry, pressing a large tub of honey to his chest with both paws, not looking at his feet.

The Hare and the Hare's paws waved:

Stone! Stone!

The Bear did not understand that the hares were shouting to him from the porch, why they were waving their paws, and as fast as he could he ran into a stone. And he ran into him so much that he turned over his head and landed with his whole body straight into the hare’s house. He broke the jar of honey and destroyed the house.

The Bear grabbed his head. Hares cry from grief.

Why cry? The sleigh is to blame!

Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov- Soviet Russian writer, poet, fabulist, playwright, war correspondent, author of hymn texts Soviet Union and anthem Russian Federation, Chairman of the Writers' Union of the RSFSR. Mikhalkov became most famous for his works for children.

Born on February 28 (March 13), 1913 in Moscow in the family of an employee, “one of the founders of Soviet industrial poultry farming.”
The father instilled in his son a love of Russian literature, introduced him to the poems of Mayakovsky, Bedny, Yesenin, the influence of whose poetry affected the childhood and youthful poetic experiences of young Mikhalkov.
He spent his school years in Pyatigorsk, graduating from high school in 1930.
Mikhalkov's first poem "The Road" was published in the magazine "On the Rise" (Rostov-on-Don) in 1928. In the same year, he was enrolled in the author's active of the Terek Association of Proletarian Writers (TAPP), and his poems were often published on the pages of the Pyatigorsk newspaper Terek.
In 1930 he moved to Moscow and within three years worked as a laborer at the Moskvoretskaya weaving and finishing factory. He took part in a geological exploration expedition to Eastern Kazakhstan and the Volga. Mikhalkov's poems were increasingly published in the capital's press and broadcast on the radio. Since 1933, it became possible to live only on literary earnings. Mikhalkov belonged to the association of young writers at the Ogonyok magazine.
In 1935-1937 he studied at the Literary Institute. M. Gorky.
In 1935, Mikhalkov published a poem for children, “Three Citizens,” in the Pioneer magazine. It was followed by other children's poems: "The Cheerful Tourist", "Stubborn Foma", "My Friend and I", "Uncle Styopa", included in the first book of poems by S. Mikhalkov (1936). Acquaintance, friendly criticism, and then creative friendship with the writers Fadeev, Marshak and Chukovsky finally determined Mikhalkov’s literary fate.
In 1939, he was drafted into the Red Army and participated in the liberation of Western Ukraine, first trying his hand at the front-line press as a war correspondent, in which capacity he worked throughout the entire period of World War II.
While continuing to work in the army press, he did not forget his little reader: he wrote poems for kids and school-aged children: "True for Children", "Pioneer Parcel", "Map", "Mother" and etc.
One of the oldest masters of Russian literature, A. Tolstoy, gave Mikhalkov the idea to turn to fables, and the very first fables he wrote received Tolstoy’s approval. The newspaper Pravda published The Fox and the Beaver. Then came "Hare in Hop", "Two Friends", "Current Repairs" and many others (Mikhalkov wrote about two hundred fables).
He wrote plays for children's theaters: "Special Assignment" (1945), "Red Tie" (1946), "I Want to Go Home" (1949), "Sombrero" (1957) etc., as well as plays for adults. He is the author of a number of scripts for both feature films and animated films.
In collaboration with the military journalist G.A. Ureklyan (who wrote under the pseudonym G. El-Registan), in 1943 he created the text of the new Anthem of the USSR (2nd edition - 1977, 3rd - 2000, as the Anthem of Russia).
Since 1962, Sergei Mikhalkov has been the organizer and Chief Editor satirical film magazine "Wick".
In 1970-1990 he headed the Union of Writers of the USSR. Mikhalkov was a laureate of Lenin and four State Prizes.
Published in 2006 A new book Sergei Mikhalkov from the series "Anthology of satire and humor in Russia in the 21st century."
In 2008, the writer was awarded the Order of St. Apostle Andrew the First-Called "for his outstanding contribution to the development of Russian literature, many years of creative and social activity."
From his first marriage, Mikhalkov has two sons - Andrei Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky and Nikita Mikhalkov, both famous film directors.
Sergei Mikhalkov died on August 27, 2009, at the age of 97.