Masterpieces drawn with a simple pencil. Masterpieces drawn in pencil Pencil sketches of famous artists

These artists amaze with their talent and the way they create their hyper-realistic paintings. It's hard to believe, but these are not photos, but real paintings drawn with pencil, paints and even ballpoint pens. We don't understand how they do it?! Just enjoy their creativity.

Omar Oritz- hyperrealist artist from Mexico, Bachelor of Graphic Design. The main subject of his paintings are human figures, mostly naked women. In the painting, the artist identifies three elements: the human figure, draped fabrics, White color. The peculiarity of Omar’s works is a minimalist style, laconicism in conveying the subtle curves and lines of the body, and oil work.

Paul Caddencontemporary artist world class from Scotland. For his works, Paul uses only white chalk and graphite, with which he can recreate almost any photograph, paying attention to imperceptible small details. As the artist himself admits, he does not invent new details, but only emphasizes them, thereby creating the illusion of a new reality, which is often not visible in the original photographs.

Kamalky Laureano- artist born in the Dominican Republic in 1983, currently lives and works in Mexico City. Kamalki graduated from the School of Design and Art and specializes in creating hyper-realistic portraits. The scenes are difficult to distinguish from real photos, although they are written acrylic paints on canvas. For the author, his work is not just an imitation of photographs, but a whole life embodied on canvas.

Gregory Thielker- Born in New Jersey in 1979, he studied art history and painting at the University of Washington. Moving to Boston became the starting point for his work on the hyper-realistic cityscapes that made him famous throughout the world. Tilker's paintings are like traveling by car on a cold rainy day. Inspired by the works of artists of the 70s, the author creates his realistic paintings using watercolors and oil paints.

Lee Price is an artist from New York, graduated from the university with a degree in painting, and specializes in figurative painting. The main theme of Lee's works is the complex relationship of women to food. It’s as if the viewer is watching from the outside the women who secretly eat something tasty, but harmful. The artist herself says that in her works she tries to show the fact that women endow food with qualities that are not inherent to it, and seek solace in an inappropriate source. The paintings convey the absurdity of the situation, an attempt to escape from reality, to alleviate unpleasant sensations.

Ben Weiner born November 10, 1980 in Burlington, Vermont, graduated from the University of Art, paints in oils on canvas. The peculiarity of the artist’s works is an unusual plot. Ben paints! First, the artist applies paints to the work surface, photographs them, and then paints a picture on canvas from the finished photo.

Born in 1950 in Northern California, he is known for his realistic acrylic paintings on canvas. As a child, the author shared his love of drawing with his success in sports, but a back injury determined Ray’s main occupation. As the artist admitted, drawing distracted him from constant pain in back. Even in his youth, the master received wide recognition and many awards at art competitions.

Alyssa Monks lives and creates her paintings in Brooklyn, has become widely known for her realistic “wet” paintings. The artist uses filters such as water, glass or steam to create abstract designs. For her work, Alyssa often uses photographs from the personal archives of family and friends. The women's faces and figures in the paintings are similar to each other - the artist often paints self-portraits, as she claims that it is “easier” for her to create the necessary plot.

Pedro Campos- hyperrealist from Madrid, began painting in oils only at the age of 30. The artist creates his realistic still lifes using oil paint. Campos has worked as an interior designer, illustrator, and art restorer of furniture, sculptures and paintings. The artist believes that it was his work as a restorer that helped him hone his skills.

Dirk Dzimirsky- artist from Germany, born in 1969, received an art education, works in pencil technique. The artist draws pictures from photographs, without going into the smallest details, and improvises a lot. Dirk says that when working on a painting, he imagines a living model, so he uses photos only to thoroughly convey predetermined proportions. The author considers his main task to be to create a feeling of the subject’s presence in the picture.

Thomas Arvid is an American hyperrealist artist from New Orleans, who was born and raised in Detroit, has no formal training, and is a master of the so-called “oversized” still life. His series of realistic paintings “Wine Cellar” are corks, bottles, glasses with sparkling or deep red drinks. Reputable critics and publications noted more than 70 works of the artist. The master’s paintings adorn not only the walls of wineries and prestigious wine salons, but also private collections and galleries.

Robin Eley born in Britain, raised and continues to live and work in Australia, holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts, and has been awarded the Doug Moran National Portrait Award. He creates his hyper-realistic paintings in oils, and considers the subject “people and cellophane” to be his main “horse.” The master works on one painting for about 5 weeks, 90 hours a week, almost every painting depicts people wrapped in cellophane.

Samuel Silva- Portuguese amateur artist special education, who proves by personal example that you can create a masterpiece out of anything. When creating paintings, the artist uses a palette of eight colors of ballpoint pens from Bic. Silva is a lawyer by profession, and considers his passion for drawing to be nothing more than a hobby. Today, the world-famous self-taught artist is mastering new painting techniques using paints, chalk, colored pencils, pastels, etc.

Gottfried Helnwein- Austrian artist, author of hyperrealistic paintings on social, political and historical themes, “a master of unexpected recognition,” as the writer W. Burroughs called him. The author was educated at the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts and is an artist of a high professional level. His fame was brought to some extent by controversial subjects and surreal compositions. The master often depicted comic book characters in his paintings and admits that he “learned more from Donald Duck than in all the schools he attended.”

Franco Clun is an Italian self-taught artist who prefers graphite drawing to all other artistic techniques. His black-and-white realistic paintings are the result of Franco’s independent study of various literature on painting techniques.

Kelvin Okafor- hyperrealist artist, born in 1985, lives and works in London. Kelvin received a degree in fine art from Middlesex University. The author creates his paintings with a simple pencil, the main theme of his works is portraits of celebrities.

Amy Robins is a British artist who uses colored pencils and construction paper for her hyper-realistic works. The artist has an art and design background and a BA Fine Art degree and lives and works in Bristol. Little is known about the young author, but her works have already become famous throughout the world, striking with their realism and execution technique.

Robert Longo- American artist and sculptor, born in Brooklyn in 1953, awarded the legendary Goslar Kaiser Ring award. The artist draws his three-dimensional images of nuclear explosions, tornadoes, hurricanes and sharks with charcoal on paper. Longo is often called the "painter of death." The famous painting Untitled (Skull Island) depicting a wave was sold at Christie’s auction in London for $392 thousand.

Diego Fazio- self-taught artist, born in 1989 in Italy, has no art education, began by developing sketches for tattoos, and over time developed his own drawing technique. The young artist took part in many international competitions, where he won prizes and was represented at exhibitions around the world. The artist works under the pseudonym DiegoKoi.

Bryan Drury born in 1980 in Salt Lake City, has a diploma from the New York Academy of Arts, creates paintings in the genre of realism. The artist paints his paintings using oil paints. As the author admits, in his works he tries to focus on the organic qualities of the skin and its shortcomings.

Steve Mills is an American artist who sold his first painting at the age of 11. The artist creates his paintings with oil paints, focusing on the smallest details. Everyday life, which we often don’t notice in our eternal rush. The artist notes that he depicts objects as they exist in real life, without changing or exaggerating their original form.

Paul Lung born in Hong Kong, draws with an automatic pencil on A2 sheets. The peculiarity of the technique of creating paintings is the fundamental refusal to use an eraser; all works are drawn completely. The artist’s main “muses” are cats, although he also paints people and other animals. Each work takes the author at least 40 hours.

Roberto Bernardi born in Italy, became interested in hyperrealism at the age of 19, worked as a restorer in the Church of San Francesco. To create paintings he uses oil paints. A series of works depicting objects characteristic of a consumer society brought the artist worldwide fame. Paintings with sweets, vending machines, refrigerator shelves are the artist’s calling card, although his arsenal includes landscapes, still lifes and much more.

Juan Francisco Casas is a Spanish artist who creates his paintings using ordinary ballpoint pen Bic brand. Casas was a traditional artist who decided to prove to others that it is not the material for work that is important, but the method and technique of painting. The very first exhibition of the creative Spaniard brought him worldwide fame. Most of Casas's paintings depict his friends.

Teresa Elliott is an American artist who, before creating realistic oil paintings, successfully worked as an illustrator for 26 years. Teresa has a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree, returned to classical art, and became famous throughout the world for her portraits, truthful to the smallest detail.

Who said that real art is paints and canvases? We are ready to tell you about the direction to artistic creativity, which was and is well mastered by such masters as Vrubel or Brian Duey. They perfectly executed drawings with a simple pencil. And these works excite, delight and bring pleasure. Is it possible to adopt their technique and learn to draw using a similar method? Of course you can! But how and what is needed for this?

  1. First, let's talk about why you should pay attention to this area.
  2. The next important issue we will focus on is the secrets of drawing.
  3. And let’s complete this excursion into the world where black and white images reign with a small but pleasant gift.

Monochrome pencil drawings

Speaking about the greatness and genius of everything simple, one cannot help but recall the ordinary pencil. Which of us is not familiar with it and has not held it in our hands? We have all been fluent in it since childhood. Of course, for beginners, for very tiny children, it seems so easy to pick up a pencil and start “creating” scribbles.

But the child grows, and he sees that the range of uses for a pencil is huge, and it can be used in different ways. Someone builds cities, bridges and houses for them on paper. Another one lays out a route for them on the map. trip around the world. And the third one writes poetry or draws a portrait of his beloved.

So easily and simply the pencil entered our lives and became our assistant and friend. And pictures drawn in pencil are already a whole trend, stylish and having their own unique charm.

Their distinctive feature is that they are absolutely universal. And therefore their possibilities are endless. Drawn in pencil, they are:

  • Suitable for any age. Both small children find it interesting to look at them, and adults like to use them in their posts on social networks.
  • There are no limiting criteria for their use. Girls and boys will be interested in displaying such beautiful pictures as a status or giving them to their friend.
  • You can copy them or you can easily learn how to perform them yourself (copy them).
  • Different nature of images. These can be cute pictures with cute fluffies, they can be funny and funny, or they can be similar to photographs.

And most importantly, the pencil drawing looks incredibly attractive and convincing. It can decorate not only your profile on a page on social networks, but also your morning and the whole day with pleasant memories.

Options for drawing simple images

The main secret why pencil drawings are cool, original and attract attention is that they look as if they were alive. Everything is drawn so realistically and accurately that it seems that people are about to start talking, or laugh, or cry, and the objects can be taken and used.

Why are they so cool and everything looks so natural? What brings them to life? Take a closer look, through the light strokes it is noticeable that the master thought through not only the accuracy of the lines conveying the image and silhouette, he paid special attention to one tiny nuance, thanks to which the images are not only beautiful, but also almost material. What is this? Light and shadow.

Masterfully working on chiaroscuro, the artist achieves apparent volume. Before us, as they were, are simple black and white pictures for sketching. But when a shadow appeared, for example, from a curl of hair falling on the face, or on the table from a vase, everything suddenly came to life.

Can you do the same? Do you want to learn? Do you want yours to look realistic? Then you have come to us correctly!

Step-by-step master classes

It’s easy to say: “draw,” but how can you really do it if you’ve never studied it and it seems like you have no talent? The team of our site gives all their friends an amazing opportunity to learn how to make pencil drawings step by step. Without teachers, you yourself are able to become an artist and delight yourself and your loved ones with your creativity. How? If you take our tips, you can use them to master sketching and repetition techniques. It's not complicated at all. And the result will please you.

Do you have a blank wall in your home with nothing to hang on? Do scarlet pillows on the sofa look lonely and require another bright accent? Just take a canvas and paint a picture that suits you!

We live in an era of triumphant abstract art, when about every second gallery work one would like to say that even a child could draw it. So why not put aside your fears and forget about realistic art for a while and create your own little masterpiece? Drawing is fun, and it’s simply impossible to draw an abstract painting poorly or incorrectly! All you need is a canvas, paints, courage, a few hours of free time and perhaps a nice group of collaborators to create a unique work of art, perfect for your interior. This is much more interesting than just buying a poster from IKEA! If you agree with us, we offer you a selection of the best techniques and master classes for creating your own painting.

Gold and concrete

The most favorite color of everyone who undertakes to make a stylish painting with their own hands is gold. You just need to add a little leaf foil or just paint to any background, even a plain one. Gold looks good and not too defiant with the uneven gray concrete color.

Photo: JenniferFlanniganart /

Sound waves

Horizontal jagged lines always resemble some kind of graphs or visualization of sound waves, in general, something important, and therefore it is interesting to look at them. To dilute the boring monochrome of the image, you can, like the author of this master class, add a little (or a lot!) of gold.


Have you noticed how beautiful the cuts of stones are? This is a drawing with a story, a story about changes in climate, relief, and wildlife. You can create your own beautiful specimen of the rock: simply take a vertical canvas and apply horizontal stripes of different widths and different colors to it. Invite the children to draw with you - let them come up with the story of a fictional world in which such a beautiful cut could appear.

Photo: BrennaGiessen /


Polka dots are a magical pattern: you can paint them on anything and it will turn out beautiful. You don't even have to have a brush on hand - just make a stamp from a wine cork or the bottom of a glass. If you use thicker paint (as in this case), the pattern of the prints will resemble a coral pattern!

Colored peas

If you want something more complex, then make a print with a colored pattern. In this master class, in order for the peas to be even, they are cut out with a special hole punch and then pasted onto canvas.


One way to create an abstract painting is to step back from the work as much as possible and let the paint do everything for you. For example, pour a large blot and then tilt the canvas so that the paint flows picturesquely down it. You can make such a picture together with your child; you don’t even need a brush for this.

Photo: CelineZiangArt /


Tested: any abstract spots look cooler if their edges are very smooth. This contrast effect can be achieved by painting through a stencil, or pre-reserving part of the canvas using masking tape, or applying white borders using a stencil later, as in this master class.


Make squiggles of any color on a canvas of any color, inspired by famous works, or relying only on your own inspiration - there are no boundaries or laws here, doodle art is a very democratic direction! You can, like blogger Michelle, create many layers, achieving a complex texture, or you can paint with pure color on white. The main thing is to relax your hand and not forget that this is pampering, and a bad option can always be painted over.

Color samples

Paintings with careless horizontal lines look as if they are a sample of colors from the desk of a Pantone Institute employee or a fashionable makeup artist’s palette. The secret to success here, as blogger Julia demonstrates, is to leave enough white space and apply the paint in one motion. Colors can be any.


Gradient, or ombre, is a very simple and very beautiful effect. To repeat it, you don’t even need a master class. Two paints - main and white, a brush or roller, five minutes of time spent, and the picture is ready. An excellent solution if your bright apartment has a bright accessory that requires color support.


There is nothing easier than making a print in an avant-garde style. Draw straight lines with tape, like in this tutorial, and use bright paint straight from the can. My only advice is to take the time to make a few sketches in advance.


The most budget-friendly paintings do not even require the purchase of brushes: just take the first object that comes to hand and use it as a stamp. You will be surprised what stylish thing you can draw using an ordinary glass!


And the last painting idea for today is an impressionist canvas painted with large strokes. Artist Ashley Sturgill shows how to create a vibrant painting with gold accents.

Get inspired and experiment, and we will help you with this!

No less interesting and in demand today is such a hobby as drawing pictures by numbers. It differs from coloring books in the scale of work. As a rule, these are large paintings, real canvases that can be hung on the wall or given as a gift. Who will be interested in this activity? Everyone - from children to adults, housewives and businesswomen who want to somehow express themselves, reveal their talents, and so that they like it! Color by number pictures will not let you get bored and will help diversify your day. You will be happy to watch how a magnificent picture is born under your brush.

Coloring pictures by numbers is very interesting. This The best way be alone with your thoughts. What else is good about color by number paintings? Because you get quick results. You can decorate your home with a painted picture and proudly tell and show it to guests. Every time you look at your masterpiece, you will experience joy and delight. You don’t need to give half a kingdom for such a hobby; color by number paintings are affordable. Check out our selection of paintings that we have planned to draw.

1. Cherry blossoms.

You can look at this picture endlessly. Will decorate a bedroom or living room.

2. Lush bouquet.

Flowers and fruits look like real ones; it is best to decorate the dining area.

3. Lioness with baby.

Animal lovers will be happy to take on this work.

4. Marine theme.

You can draw it and give it to a friend who is an avid traveler.

5. Golden autumn.

While working on this picture, it seems to us that we can forget about all the problems. Works better than medicine.

6. Pensive fish.

This fish only looks simple and artless. I'll have to work on it some more.

7. Yellow sunflowers.

Taking this set in your hands, you can compete with Van Gogh himself. In any case, do no worse.

8. Somewhere by the sea.

This picture will give you the opportunity to mentally be a thousand kilometers away.

Olga Larionova has already become famous not only in Russia, but also abroad, thanks to her unusually talented realistic drawings and portraits written in pencil. Often her portraits cannot be distinguished from photographs.

Olga graduated from an architectural university, but works as an interior designer. She started drawing portraits at 12-14, then tried herself in different genres, but soon realized that her passion in art was “hyperrealism”. Olga calls herself self-taught, because she never studied professional academic drawing. However, looking at her portraits, it is difficult to believe that with the help of an ordinary automatic pencil and eraser, one can achieve such photographic accuracy and realism.

Olga works out every detail of the drawing, because increased attention to detail, in her opinion, is the main secret of photorealistic work. To see flaws, she photographs or scans the portrait, then refines it: adding highlights with white ink or a gel pen, and using other artistic techniques. On average, an A4 portrait takes Olga from 3 to 5 days, and for larger works - up to several months.

Olga Larionova painted many portraits of celebrities, in her collection: Rihanna, Jared Leto, Christina Aguilera, Robert Downey Jr. and many other movie and music stars who were her muses. However, now the artist prefers to work with emotional subject photographs. Olga says that she draws for herself, and that the process of drawing itself brings her great pleasure. Many of her works published in blogs and in social networks, delight and inspire other artists to be creative and to find their own style.