Kindergarten: what program do you work with? Overview of the main programs of preschool education Programs for performing in kindergarten

Educational program MDOUKindergarten "Solnyshko"


  1. a brief description of DOW. General provisions. _______ page 2
  1. Explanatory note________________________________page 3-6
  1. Section No. 1 "Curriculum" ____________________________ pages 7-11
  1. Section No. 2 "Organization of the regime of stay of children in an educational institution" ________________________________________ pp. 12-16
  1. Section No. 3 “The content of psychological and pedagogical work on the development of educational areas by children “Physical culture”, “Health”, “Safety”, “Socialization”, “Labor”, “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Reading fiction”, “ Artistic creativity", "Music". ___________________________________ pages 17-31
  2. Section No. 4 "Planned results of mastering the basic general education program Before school education." ____________________________________________________ pp. 31-35


Municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten "Solnyshko" is located at the address: Tver region, p. Spirovo, st. Dachnaya, d. No. 1. Near the kindergarten there is a secondary school No. 2, a children's art school "Sputnik", a children's art school. The contingent of pupils is formed at the expense of the residents of the village of Pushkin microdistrict.

MDOU d / s "Solnyshko" was opened in 1975, its founder was the glass factory "Industry". In 1995, the kindergarten was transferred to the balance of MU RONO. The founder of the kindergarten is the administration of the Spirovsky district of the Tver region.

16 teachers work at the MDOU d / s "Solnyshko". Of these, 12 educators, music director, teacher additional education in fine arts, head of physical education, methodologist. 3 teachers have the first qualification category, 3 teachers have the second qualification category, 5 teachers correspond to the position held. 3 teachers have pedagogical experience of 1-5 years, 4 teachers from 5-10 years, 2 teachers from 10-15 years, 7 teachers have more than 15 years. 4 teachers have higher pedagogical education, 11 teachers have secondary special pedagogical education.

The working hours of MDOU are five days, twelve hours from 7.00 to 19.00.

133 children are being brought up.

6 groups function: 2 groups early age, 4 preschool.


1.1. The educational program of the MDOU kindergarten of the general developmental type "Sun" was developed on the basis of the following documents:


Federal state requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the main general education program preschool education(Order No. 2151 dated July 20, 2011) ;

The Charter of the preschool educational institution Resolution No.-404Pp dated 08.27.10.,

License for educational activities series A No.-289013.

1.2. An educational program is a document that determines the content and organization of the educational process of preschool children. The program is aimed at creating conditions for the social situation of the development of preschoolers, for their comprehensive personal moral and cognitive development, the development of initiative and creative abilities in various types activities.


In the MDOU d / s "Solnyshko" of the village of Spirovo OB, there are 6 groups, staffed in accordance with age standards. The teaching staff of the preschool educational institution works on a comprehensive general educational program of education and training in kindergarten edited by M.A. Vasilyeva with children from 1.5 to 3 years old. Also, according to this program, musical and physical education is carried out in preschool educational institutions.

To implement the principle of continuity and solve the problem of continuity of preschool and school education from 2 th the younger group, the preschool educational institution team is working on a comprehensive program for the development and education of preschoolers "Kindergarten 2100" head A.A. Leontiev.

The methodological support of the programs corresponds to the list of methodological publications recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation under the section “Preschool Education”.

  • physical culture and health
  • cognitive - verbal
  • artistic and aesthetic
  • social - personal.

The solution of the problems of development of children in these areas is carried out in various activities of teachers with children. These are gaming, productive (pictorial, constructive), motor, elementary labor, musical, cognitive-research, communicative activities, as well as the perception of fiction and folklore.

The entire pedagogical process in kindergarten is based on 2 interrelated parts: the joint activity of the teacher with the children; independent activities of children.

Joint activities include:

Directly educational activities (GCD), implemented through the organization of children's activities and their corresponding forms of work with children; - Joint activities of an adult and children, carried out during regime moments and aimed at solving educational problems

For the free activity of pupils, teachers create a subject-developing educational environment that ensures that each child chooses activities according to interests and allows him to interact with peers or act individually.

In the educational process, frontal, subgroup, individual forms of work with children, work in microgroups are used. They are applied depending on the age and level of development of children, the complexity of the program material.

In accordance with the programs, teachers have the opportunity to variably use the material in the classroom, which allows them to develop creativity in accordance with the interests and abilities of each child.

Physical culture and health medical services All preschool children are covered.

Therapeutic and preventive measures are carried out in accordance with the approved work plan of the kindergarten and clinic.

In the preschool educational institution, additional classes are carried out with children in the circles of the MOU DOD TsDiYUT of choice: "Erudites" (speech therapy), "Be healthy" (health), "The world through the eyes of children" (artistic and aesthetic).

According to the sanitary and hygienic requirements, the maximum allowable load, each child covered by additional services attends no more than one circle in preschool educational institutions. The number of children in each circle group does not exceed 12 people.

The kindergarten operates on a five-day working week.

Directly educational activities in age groups are carried out from September 16 to May 20. In September, teachers conduct diagnostics of children's achievements of the planned results of mastering the Program. In May, the final monitoring of the quality of mastering the program material is carried out. This makes it possible to see the dynamics of assimilation of program requirements by children, and then, after analyzing the causes of the gaps, outline ways to correct them.

In December, a 2-week vacation is organized, during whichevents of the aesthetic and health-improving cycle are held (musical, sports, fine arts) .

In the summer, sports and outdoor games, sports holidays, excursions are held, and the duration of walks also increases.

Goals and objectives of the educational - educational process for the 2013-14 academic year.

Health saving


Ensuring health and a healthy lifestyle.


Provide conditions for an educational and recreational space that contributes to the formation of the need and motivation to preserve and improve the health of children



Improving the quality of the educational process


To develop the speech and communication skills of children in the GCD and in individual work with children



Ensure the emotional and moral well-being of pupils.

Task: To enrich the social experience of children through the implementation of game projects.



The curriculum is based on the following documents:

Law Russian Federation dated December 29, 2012 No. - 273 FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation";

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of October 27, 2011 No. No. 2562 "On approval of the Model Regulations on a preschool educational institution";

Model regulation on a preschool educational institution - Approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of October 27, 2011. №2562

Federal state requirements for the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 655 dated November 23, 2009);

Federal state requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the main general educational program of preschool education (Order No. 2151 of July 20, 2011);

Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN 2.4.1. 3049-13 "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the mode of operation in preschool organizations"(approved by the resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of May 15, 2013 No. 26);

Charter MDOU kindergarten "Sun".

Explanatory note to the curriculum

For young children from 1.5 to 3 years, directly educational activity is no more than 1 hour 30 minutes. in Week. Duration continuous directly educational activities is no more than 10 minutes. Directly educational activities are carried out in the first and second half of the day (8-10 minutes each). In the warm season, educational activities are directly carried out on the site during a walk.

The volume of the weekly educational load for preschool children is:

In the second younger group (children of the fourth year of life) - 2 hours 45 minutes. ;

In the middle group (children of the fifth year of life) - 4 hours;

IN senior group(children of the sixth year of life) - 5 hours;

In the preparatory (children of the seventh year of life) - 7 hours.

Duration of continuous directly educational activity:

For children of the 4th year of life - no more than 15 minutes;

For children of the 5th year of life - no more than 20 minutes;

For children of the 6th year of life - no more than 25 minutes;

For children of the 7th year of life - no more than 30 minutes.

In the middle of the time allotted for continuous educational activities, physical education minutes are held. Breaks between periods of continuous educational activity - at least 10 minutes.

Directly educational activities with children of senior preschool age (5-7 years old) are carried out in the afternoon after daytime sleep: 1 time per week in the senior group, 2 times a week in the preparatory group.

Its duration is no more than 25 - 30 minutes a day. In the middle of a directly educational activity of a static nature, a physical education session is carried out. Directly educational activities that require increased cognitive activity and mental stress of children are carried out in the first half of the day and on the days of the highest working capacity of children (Tuesday, Wednesday). For the prevention of children's fatigue, it is combined with educational activities aimed at the physical and artistic and aesthetic development of children, these are directly educational activities with physical education and music classes. Homework is not assigned to pupils of the preschool educational institution.

The curriculum is aimed at the main goals of the programs "Kindergarten 2100" and "The program of education and training in kindergarten":

creation of favorable conditions for a full-fledged life of a child of preschool childhood, the formation of the foundations of the basic culture of the individual, the comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics, preparation for life in modern society, for schooling, ensuring the safety of the life of a preschooler. The goals are realized in the process of various types of children's activities: gaming, communicative, labor, cognitive research, productive, musical and artistic, reading. To achieve the goals, the following are of paramount importance:

Caring for the health, emotional well-being and timely comprehensive development of each child; creation in groups of an atmosphere of a humane and benevolent attitude towards all pupils, which allows them to grow up sociable, kind, inquisitive, proactive, striving for independence and creativity;

Maximum use of various types of children's activities, their integration in order to increase the efficiency of the educational process;

Creative organization (creativity) of the educational process;

The variability of the use of educational material, which allows developing creativity in accordance with the interests and inclinations of each child;

Respect for the results of children's creativity;

The unity of approaches to the upbringing of children in the conditions of a preschool educational institution and the family;

Compliance with the work of kindergarten and elementary school continuity, excluding mental and physical overload in the content of the education of preschool children, ensuring the absence of pressure on subject education. The solution of the designated goals and objectives is achieved with the targeted influence of the teacher on the child from the first days of his stay in the preschool educational institution.

The content of psychological and pedagogical work on the development of children in the educational areas "Health", "Physical Education", "Safety", "Socialization", "Tryd", "Cognition", "Communication", "Reading Fiction", "Artistic Creativity", "Music" is focused on the versatile development of preschoolers, taking into account their age and individual characteristics in the main areas - physical, social and personal, cognitive and speech and artistic and aesthetic. The solution of program educational tasks is provided not only within the framework of directly educational activities, but also during regime moments - both in the joint activities of an adult and children, and in the independent activities of preschoolers.

On the basis of the plan, a grid of directly educational activities was compiled


Organization of the regime of stay of children in preschool educational institutions.

To improve the health and harmonious development of children, it is important that the daily regimen be carried out from an early age, while maintaining constancy, consistency and gradualness in the implementation of routine processes.

The day regimen of children in the preschool educational institution includes approximately the same types of activities for all groups. Depending on age, only the content and volume of some loads, the duration of sleep and wakefulness change. The main regime processes are clearly defined by program requirements and comply with sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations.

  1. Opening hours during the cold season. (September - May)

Regime moments

1ml group

1ml group

2ml group

middle group

senior group

will prepare. Group

Morning reception, games, morning workout

7 00 -8 20

7 00 -8 20

7 00 -8 20

7 00 -8 30

7 00 -8 30

7 00 -8 30

8 20 -8 45

8 25 -8 45

8 20 -8 50

8 30 -8 55

8 30 -8 55

8 30 -8 55

Games, independent activity

8 45 -8 50

8 45 -9 00

8 50 -9 00

8 55 -9 00

8 55 -9 00

8 55 -9 00


(total duration including break)

9 00 -9 20

9 00 -9 20

9 00 -10 00

9 00 -10 10

9 00 -10 30

9 00 -10 50


9 40 -9 55

9 40 -9 55

10 10 -10 30

10 15 -10 30

10 30 -10 40

10 50 -11 00

10 00 -11 30

10 00 -11 30

10 30 -11 50

10 30 -12 10

10 50 -12 30

11 00 -12 35

Dinner preparation, lunch

11 30 -12 00

11 50 -12 20

12 00 -12 30

12 15 -12 45

12 30 -13 00

12 35 -13 05

Sleep preparation, sleep

12 00 -15 00

12 30 -15 00

12 30 -15 00

12 45 -15 00

13 00 -15 00

13 05 -15 00

Gradual rise, invigorating gymnastics

15 00 -15 15

15 00 -15 15

15 00 -15 15

15 00 -15 25

15 00 -15 25

15 00 -15 25

afternoon tea

15 15 -15 30

15 15 -15 30

15 15 -15 30

15 25 -15 40

15 25 -15 40

15 25 -15 40

Individual work, mugs, GCD

15 30 -16 15

15 30 -16 15

15 30 -16 20

15 30 -16 30

15 30 -16 30

15 30 -16 30

Preparation for a walk, walk, return from a walk

16 15 -17 00

16 15 -17 00

16 20 -17 00

16 30 -17 00

16 30 -17 00

16 30 -17 00

Joint activities, taking into account the integration of educational areas,

Dinner, independent activity, going home

17 00 -19 00

17 00 -19 00

17 00 -19 00

17 00 -19 00

17 00 -19 00

17 00 -19 00

2. Opening hours during the warm season. (June - August)

Regime moments

1 ml


1ml group

2ml group

middle group

senior group

will prepare. Group

Morning reception, games, morning exercises

(on air)

7 00 -8 20

7 00 -8 20

7 00 -8 15

7 00 -8 20

7 00 -8 25

7 00 -8 30

Preparing for breakfast, breakfast

8 20 -8 50

8 20 -8 50

8 20 -8 50

8 30 -9 00

8 30 -9 00

8 35 -9 00

Games, second breakfast

8 50 -9 30

8 50 - 9 30

8 50 -9 30

9 00- 9 30

9 00- 9 30

9 00- 9 30

9 30 -11 15

9 30 -11 15

9 30 -11 15

9 30 -11 35

9 30 -12 15

9 30 -12 15

Return from a walk, water procedures

11 15- 11 30

11 15- 11 30

11 15- 11 40

11 15- 12 00

12 15- 12 30

12 15 12 30

Dinner preparation, lunch

11 40 -12 10

11 40 -12 10

11 50 -12 10

12-12 30

12 30 -13 00

12 35 -13 05

Sleep preparation, sleep

12 10 -15 10

12 10 -15 10

12 10 -15 10

12 30 -15 10

13 00 -15 10

13 05 -15 10

Children lifting

15 10 -15 15

15 10 -15 15

15 10 -15 15

15 10 -15 15

15 10 -15 15

15 10 -15 55

afternoon tea

15 15 -15 30

15 15 -15 30

15 15 -15 30

15 15 -15 30

15 15 -15 30

15 15 -15 30

Preparing for a walk

15 30 -16 45

15 30 -16 15

15 30 -16 50

15 30 -17 00

15 30 -17 00

15 30 -17 00

Return from a walk, dinner

16 45 -17 15

16 45 -17 15

16 50 -17 20

17 00 -17 30

17 00 -17 30

17 00 -17 30

Walk, go home

17 30 -19 00

17 30 -19 00

17 30 -19 00

17 30 -19 00

17 30 -19 00

17 30 -19 00

In the educational process, physical culture and recreation activities are actively used:


Implementation period


morning exercises



Physical education

2 times per week

head of physical culture

Physical education in the air

1 time per week





Physical education minutes



Finger gymnastics



Articulation gymnastics



Invigorating gymnastics after sleep



Sports holidays

2 times per year

head of physical culture

Physical culture leisure

1 time per month


Compliance with seasonal clothing for children on a walk



Compliance temperature regime during the day



Walking barefoot (barefoot) on ribbed paths after sleep, in physical education and music classes)


head of physical culture

Air baths in lightweight clothing



Sleep without shirts



Extensive wash



Breathing exercises, including sound breathing


head of physical culture

Relaxation (use calm classical music, sounds of nature).


head of physical culture

Health games by A. S. Galanov


head of physical culture

Traditional activities of preschool educational institutions, held annually together with parents, children, teachers.

  • Knowledge Day
  • Osenins
  • Mothers Day
  • New Year's ball
  • February 23
  • Maslenitsa
  • April Fool's Day
  • March 8
  • Victory Day
  • Open Day
  • Prom
  • summer day
  • Kindergarten birthday.
  • Health Day

Additional educational services.

Development direction

Free services

Circle mode

Physical culture and health

Circle "Be healthy"


Wednesday 15.30


Artistic and aesthetic

"The world through the eyes of children" (illustrative activity)


Thursday 15.30


Cognitive speech

"Erudites" (speech therapy)





" Physical Culture"

Early age

From 1.5 to 2 years. Create an environment that encourages children to motor activity; promote the development of basic movements. Learn to walk in a straight line while maintaining balance; climb, climb; repel objects when throwing and rolling.

From 2 to 3 years old. To form the ability to maintain a stable position of the body, correct posture. Learn to walk and run by changing direction. Learn to crawl and climb, play with the ball in a variety of ways. To teach jumping on two legs in place with forward movement, pushing off in length with two legs.

Second junior groupthree to four years)

Learn to walk and run freely, coordinating the movements of the arms and legs. Learn to jump by pushing off vigorously and landing softly. Exercise in crawling and climbing, throwing and pushing objects while riding, catching. Teach to act together, at a common pace for all. Exercise in maintaining balance and correct posture. Learn to ride a sled, a tricycle.

Average age (from four to five years)

Develop and improve children's motor skills and abilities. Strengthen the ability to walk and run with coordinated movements of the arms and legs. Learn to crawl, crawl, crawl, climb over objects. To consolidate the ability to take the correct starting position when throwing, hit the ball on the ground with the right and left hands. Learn to jump over a short rope. Learn to build and rebuild. Learn to correctly take the starting positions when performing general developmental exercises. Learn to play a leading role in an outdoor game, follow the rules. Develop physical qualities: speed, agility, endurance.

older age

(from five to six years)

To improve the motor skills and abilities of children. To consolidate the ability to easily walk and run, vigorously starting from the support. Learn to run a race, with overcoming obstacles. Learn to climb the gymnastic wall by changing the pace. Learn to jump long and high with a run. Learn to combine a swing with a throw when throwing, toss and catch the ball with one hand, hit it with the right and left hands on the spot and lead while walking. Learn to ride a two wheeler. Learn the elements of sports games, games with elements of competition. Teach to help prepare and clean sports equipment. Maintain interest in various sports, provide some information about the sports life of the country.

(Six to seven years old)

To form the need for daily motor activity. To develop the ability to maintain correct posture in various activities. To improve the technique of basic movements, achieving naturalness, lightness, accuracy, expressiveness of their performance. Continue to exercise in static and dynamic balance, develop coordination of movements and orientation in space. Continue to learn how to independently organize outdoor games, invent your own games, game options, combine movements. Maintain interest in physical culture and sports.

" Health"

A healthy lifestyle at every age requires compliance with all hygiene standards in the selection of furniture and equipment, light and temperature conditions, and the rational organization of the daily routine.

Early age

Strengthen and maintain the health of children. To develop movements in the course of learning various forms of motor activity. Prevent children from getting tired. Train to be indoors in lightweight clothing. Ensure the duration of their stay in the air. Raise interest and desire to participate in outdoor games and physical exercises for a walk.

Teach with the help of an adult to wash your hands and dry yourself with a personal towel; bring yourself into

order, use individual items. Encourage independence while eating. Learn how to dress and undress.

younger age

An important role in maintaining the health of children belongs to the mental state and well-being of children.. Positive emotions create a joyful mood, increase the activity of the child. Teach children to take good care of their belongings, use personal hygiene items as needed, Teach neat eating skills, the ability to use a spoon, fork, napkin. Enrich motor experience in a variety of ways different types exercise and outdoor games. To involve in collective forms of organization of physical activity.

Average age

To form a positive attitude towards the processes of washing, dressing, putting in order their appearance; concept of food culture. Children must learn a number of rules of conduct at the table (hold a spoon and fork correctly, do not crumble bread, eat carefully, do not talk without chewing food, use a napkin, give thanks after eating). Form the ability to correctly perform basic movements, develop elements of arbitrariness, promote the natural process of development of coordination, orientation in space.

older age

To promote the formation of sustainable cultural and hygienic habits, to encourage willingly and with pleasure to comply with the rules. When eating, learn to be neat and clean. For the development of fine motor skills of the hands, use finger gymnastics, visual activity, a variety of graphic exercises. Teach them to take care of their health and the health of others, to form elementary ideas about what is harmful and what is useful and why. Provide knowledge about the health benefits of exercise.


Early age

Teach children to say their name and the names of their relatives. Learn to recognize

your group, navigate in the room of the group, on the site. To form an interest in natural objects, a benevolent attitude towards living beings, emotional responsiveness to communication with them. Teach the basic norms and rules of behavior in the environment. younger age

Teach children to take care of their health, monitor their well-being. To teach to be careful when meeting with animals, to warn about the properties of poisonous plants, to develop an understanding of some dangerous liquids, fire, poor quality products, medicines. Learn how to behave properly when meeting strangers. Learn to distinguish between the carriageway, the sidewalk, the meaning of traffic lights. Take an active part in protecting the environment.

Average age

To form age-appropriate ideas about the protection of their health. Familiarize yourself with the basic rules of behavior in case of illness. Learn as you adapt to life situations, protect yourself from possible injuries, bruises, falls, learn to anticipate a possible danger, find ways to avoid it. Teach not to leave the territory of the kindergarten without the permission of the teacher. About Remind the name of the village in which they live, the name of the street. Teach the rules of behavior on the street when crossing roads and intersections.

older age

Development in children of independence, responsibility and understanding of the meaning of correct behavior. To form an idea of ​​the relationship between nature and man and the influence environment on health. To teach the simplest methods of first aid to peers in extreme situations. Learn to navigate the roads, follow the rules. Learn to seek help from a police officer if necessary


Early age To form the prerequisites for a role-playing game, to develop the ability to play alongside, and then together with peers. Form the experience of behavior in a peer environment

Cultivate a sense of sympathy for peers, love for parents and loved ones. Remind the name of the village in which they live, the name of the street.

younger age

Expand ideas about objects, events and phenomena of the surrounding world, which can then be reflected in the game. Encourage initiative in the deployment of individual, pair and collective games. To create conditions for the manifestation of play activity by children during the day. Learn to define external signs differences and similarities with peers, talk about their preferences. Develop the ability to recognize the emotional states of oneself and others. To form a friendly attitude towards others, to teach courtesy. Familiarize yourself with the sights of your village

Average age

The development of plots and themes of games. Formation of skills to establish a variety of role-playing relationships and conduct a dialogue. Encourage children's play independence and creativity. To arouse interest in each other in children, to promote their rapprochement. Help to know the inner world of feelings and states, learn to analyze them and manage them. Learn to understand the reasons for your own actions. To cultivate love for the native land, to introduce the names of the streets where children live. Give clear ideas about public holidays.

older age

Enriching storytelling skills. To form the ability to coordinate their actions with the actions of partners in the game, to follow the game rules. Stimulate initiative and creativity. Learn to talk about your hobbies, experiences, friends. Continue work on the development of the emotional-sensual sphere of children. Learn to resolve conflict situations. Deepen knowledge about Russia, introduce the flag, coat of arms and anthem. Expand knowledge about public holidays.



Early age

To involve in the performance of the simplest labor actions together with an adult and under his control. Expand the circle of observations of the work of adults.

younger age

Continue teaching self-care skills. To encourage them to help adults, to cultivate a caring attitude towards the results of their work. Raise the desire to participate in the care of plants in the corner of nature and on the site. Continue to cultivate respect for people of familiar professions.

Average age

Continue to expand children's ideas about the work of adults, about different professions. Cultivate a positive attitude towards work, a desire to work. Learn to complete individual and group assignments. To form the ability to bring the work started to the end, the desire to do it well. Explain to children the importance of their work.

older age

To acquaint children with professions related to the specifics of their native village. Cultivate respect for working people. Raise the need to work. Teach diligently, carefully carry out instructions, protect materials and objects. To cultivate the desire to be useful to others, to enjoy the results of work.


Early age

To improve the perception of children, the ability to actively use touch, sight, hearing. Continue work to enrich the direct sensory experience of children in various activities. Help them examine objects, highlighting their color, size, shape. Introduce the names of objects in the immediate environment. Learn to navigate in the room of your group, on the site. To form an interest in natural objects.


younger age

Give a clear idea of ​​the objects of the immediate environment, necessary for their adequate use in a variety of activities. Ensure a gradual transition from object perception to the simplest sensory analysis. To learn to peer, admire the phenomena of nature, plants, animals; show concern for them. To form the ability to produce the simplest

calculations, build elementary chains of reasoning, recognize geometric shapes in the objects of the surrounding world. To form cognitive motivation for mathematics. Develop attention, memory, variability of thinking.

Average age

Expand knowledge about the immediate environment, learn to establish more complex connections and relationships, essential characteristics. Learn to use all the simplest methods of sensory analysis. To continue the formation of ideas about the flora and fauna, natural phenomena. Learn to navigate on the plane and in time; compare objects by length, width, thickness; to model real and abstract objects from geometric shapes in the form of an application; correlate substitute items with the number of items in this group; separate objects from a group according to a common feature.

older age

Reveal to childrenthe essential features of objects, to promote the development of methods of cognition and types of intellectual activity, to develop observation, a research approach to the surrounding reality. Form generalized ideas based on the identification of characteristic and essential features of natural objects. To expand ideas about the flora and fauna in different parts of the world. Learn to establish spatio-temporal relationships; to unite groups into a whole, to single out a part from a whole, to compose mathematical stories, to be able to continue this pattern.



Early age

To promote the development of speech as a means of communication. Teach to listen carefully and hear the teacher. Develop speech understanding and activate vocabulary. Promote the use of learned words in independent speech. Exercise in a distinct pronunciation of isolated vowels.

younger age

Develop cognitive speech activity. Create conditions for the development of speech skills associated with such types of speech

activities like speaking, listening, reading. Practice correct pronunciation. Develop fine motor skills with articulatory gymnastics, finger games.

Average age

Enrich active and passive vocabulary. Intensively form the grammatical structure of speech. Develop coherent speech skills based on the child's speech experience. Develop phonemic awareness. Work on mastering the norms of sound pronunciation.

older age

To teach to participate in a collective conversation: ask questions, answer them, arguing the answer; consistently and logically, clearly for the interlocutor to talk about the event, phenomenon. Learn to retell the text in detail visual support; compose an oral story based on a picture, a series of plot pictures. To teach sound-syllabic analysis of words. Develop fine motor skills of hands (hatching, tracing along the contour).

"Reading Fiction"

Early age

Learn to listen to accessible poems, fairy tales, stories. When re-reading, pronounce words, small phrases. Look at illustrations in familiar books together. Read poetry with the help of an adult.


younger age

Learn to listen to works of different genres; participate in a joint discussion of what was heard. To form the ability to tell, stage familiar works. Promote interest in the book.

Average age

To learn to independently examine the book, comment on what they saw. To form the ability to stage fairy tales, familiar works. Continue to teach to listen carefully to the works, to perceive correctly, to empathize with the characters. Continue to work on the formation of interest in the book. Share what you read and comment on what you see.

older age

Encourage them to take part in the discussion of what they read on moral and other problems, about the expressiveness of the text, its sound, and the unusualness of the plot. To teach recitations, reading by heart individually, in pairs, in a group. Learn to recognize and name some literary genres. To form interest in adventure and scientific and educational literature.

"Artistic Creativity"

Early age

Develop interest in the environment: draw their attention to what a clean, beautiful, bright room they play and study in, how many bright, elegant toys are in it. On a walk, consider plants, site equipment. Arouse interest in actions with pencils, felt-tip pens, brushes and paints, plasticine. To form an idea that they draw with pencils, paints, felt-tip pens, and mold with plasticine. Lead to the image of familiar objects, providing freedom of choice of content. Learn to sculpt simple objects.


younger age

Prepare for the perception of works of art, their isolation from the surrounding reality. To acquaint with elementary means of expression in different types of art (color, shape, movements, gestures), to lead to the difference between different types of art through an artistic image. To develop interest in works of folk art, to see the beauty of seasonal changes in nature, objects of the surrounding reality. To teach to depict individual objects, simple in composition and uncomplicated plots in content; pick colors; use pencils, markers, brushes and paints correctly. Learn to sculpt objects from several parts. In the application, create objects from ready-made forms.

Average age

Continue to develop aesthetic perception, imagination, aesthetic sense, artistic Creative skills the ability to examine and examine objects. Develop independence, activity, creativity. Enrich ideas about art (illustrations for works of children's literature, reproductions of paintings, folk decorative arts, small sculptures.) Continue to develop the ability to create collective works.

older age

To form a steady interest in visual activity. Continue to develop figurative aesthetic perception, figurative representations, form aesthetic judgments; learn to argue and evaluate the created images in detail. Cultivate independence; learn to actively and creatively apply previously learned image methods in drawing, modeling, and appliqué. Learn to draw from nature. Continue to develop interest in art. To consolidate knowledge about art as a form of creative activity of people, about the types of art. Develop artistic perception, thinking, memory, speech, imagination.



Early age

To cultivate interest in music, the desire to listen to music and sing along, perform the simplest dance movements. Learn to listen carefully to calm and cheerful songs; understand and emotionally respond to the content. Encourage children to sing and sing along. To form the emotionality and imagery of music perception through movements, the ability to perceive and reproduce movements shown by adults.

younger age

Cultivate emotional responsiveness to music. To introduce three musical genres: song, dance, march. To promote the development of musical memory, to form the ability to recognize familiar songs, to feel the nature of music, respond emotionally to it. Help develop singing skills. Improve the performance of dance movements.

Average age

To continue to develop in children an interest in music, a desire to listen to it, to evoke emotional responsiveness when perceiving musical works. Enrich musical impressions, contribute to the further development of the foundations of musical culture. To teach expressive singing, to form the ability to sing long, movingly, in concert. Learn rhythmic movements in accordance with the nature of the music.

older age

Continue to involve children in musical culture. Cultivate artistic taste , conscious attitude to the national musical heritage and contemporary music. Improve pitch, rhythmic, timbre and dynamic hearing. Continue to enrich the musical impressions of children, evoke a vivid response when perceiving music of a different nature. Contribute to the further formation of a singing voice, the development of movement skills to music.


The list of methodological aids necessary for the implementation of the educational process.

The choice of general education programs corresponds to the type and category of the preschool educational institution, due to the social order of parents (legal representatives), taking into account regional conditions.

The program "Kindergarten 2100" was chosen by the educational institution to implement the continuity and continuity of preschool education.

Comprehensive general educational programs implemented in the preschool educational institution are aimed at the harmonious development of the child's personal qualities, his awareness of himself of his abilities and individual characteristics, the ability to communicate and cooperate with adults and peers, mastering the basics of physical culture and a healthy lifestyle, readiness for schooling.

The content of the educational and educational process of the MDOU d / s "Sun" is determined by:

  1. A comprehensive program for the development and education of preschoolers "Kindergarten 2100".

Methodological support.

  1. Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Kislova T.R. On the way to the ABC. A guide to the development of speech for children 3-4 years old (“Forest Stories”); 4-5 years old (parts 1.2), on the development of speech and preparation for teaching literacy for children 5-6 years old (parts 3.4).

Kislova T.R. On the way to the ABC: Guidelines for a manual for

the smallest "Forest stories" to parts 1-2 and 3-4.

  1. Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Pronina E.V. Our recipes: A guide to preparing for learning to write for children 5-6 years old (parts 1.2).
  2. Vakhrushev A.A., Kochemasova E.E. Hello world! (for the little ones), Hello world!: The world around for preschoolers (parts 1.2)

Vakhrushev A.A., Kochemasova E.E., Akimova Yu.A. Hello World!:

  1. Korepanova M.V., Kozlova S.A. My math. Handbook for introduction to mathematics (parts 1-3).

Korepanova M.V., Kozlova S.A., Pronina O.V. My math. methodical

  1. Maslova I.V. Application: A guide for preschoolers (parts 1-3).
  2. O.V. Chindilova, A.V. Badenova: A guide for preschoolers "Our books"

(part 1-2)


7. I.V. Maslova "Modeling" part 1 -3 hours.

Visual aids.

  1. The development of speech. A guide for preschoolers. Appendix to the notebook "On the road to the ABC" (parts 1,2,3,4) / Comp. Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Kislova T.R.
  2. A set of visual aids for preschoolers. The world around (parts 1, 2) / Comp. HER. Kochemasova, A.A. Vakhrushev.
  3. Visual and Handout for preschoolers (cards). Benefit to

notebooks "On the way to the ABC" and "Hello, world!" (parts 1-11) / Comp. R.N. Beneev, E.V. Buneeva, A.A. Vakhrushev, E.E. Kochemasova.

4. Kislova T.R., Vishnevskaya M.Yu. Speech leisure. Allowance for preschool education (parts 1-8)

5. Cards for sound and syllabic analysis of words. Allowance for preschoolers 5-6 years old. / comp. Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Kislova T.R.

  1. A comprehensive program of education and training in kindergarten, edited by M.A. Vasilyeva.

Methodological support.

  1. "Lesson on the development of speech in the 1st junior group" V.V. Gerbova, A.I. Maksakov.
  2. L.N. Pavlov "Introducing the baby to the outside world."
  3. S.Ya. Laizane "Physical education for kids".
  4. Z.V. Lishtvan Construction in kindergarten.
  5. L.V. Kutsakov "Classes on designing from building material in the middle group."
  6. L.V. Kutsakov "Classes on designing from building material in the senior group."
  7. L.N. Eleseeva "Anthology for the little ones"
  8. R.N. Zhukovskaya, L.A. Pelevskaya Reader for young children.
  9. M.K. Bogolyubskaya, A.L. Tabenkin "Anthology on children's literature"

10.S.N. Teplyuk "Classes on a walk with the kids."

11.L.I. Penzulaeva Physical education classes with children 3-7 years old

12. V.G. Frolov "Physical activities, games and exercises for a walk"

13. T.S. Komarova "Classes on visual activity in kindergarten"

14.T.G.Kazakova "Develop creativity among preschoolers"


15. T.S. Komarova "Classes on visual activity in kindergarten"

16. D.N. Koldina "Drawing with children 4-5 years old"

17.I.A. Lykova "Visual activity in kindergarten: planning, notes, guidelines" Preparatory group

18.I.A. Lykova "Visual activity in kindergarten: planning, notes, guidelines" middle group

19.I.A. Lykova "Visual activity in kindergarten: planning, notes, guidelines" Older age.

20.I.A. Lykova “Visual activity in kindergarten: planning, notes, methodological recommendations Younger age

21.M.B.Zatsepina "Musical education in kindergarten" program and guidelines.

22.M.A. Davydova "Musical education in kindergarten"

23. T. Lomova "Music in kindergarten"

24. E. Sopovina "Songs of the round dance game" E. Kvitnitskaya "Songs in younger groups"

25. S. Preobrazhenskaya "Music in kindergarten"

26.L.Zh.Komisarova "Musical classes in kindergarten"

27. A. Filippenko "Songs, dances, round dances"

Visually - didactic aids.

The World in Pictures series

  • water transport
  • automobile transport
  • Appliances
  • berries
  • Pets


  • poultry
  • hot countries animals
  • middle lane animals
  • trees and leaves
  • dishes
  • vegetables
  • fruits
  • space
  • Filimonov toy
  • Gorodets painting
  • Kargopol toy
  • Dymkovo toy
  • Khokhloma


Planned results of mastering the basic general education program by children

Intermediate results

  1. of the year
  • Improved walkingand main types of movements
  • Shows independence in subject-play activities and self-service
  • Has little experience in interacting with peers
  • Speaks sentences of 2-3 words
  • Can understand words denoting household items, their purpose, color, size, location

3 years

  • Focuses on the immediate surroundings
  • Knows the basic rules and regulations
  • Uses speech as a means of communication with adults and peers

- 31-

  • Emotionally responsive to music, understandable works of fine art and literature
  • Shows his own visual activity
  • Independently performs game actions with objects

4 years

  • Possesses basic personal hygiene products
  • Able to hear and understand adult questions and answer them
  • Is an active participant in the comprehension of the world through observation of it
  • Has high emotional responsiveness
  • Owns the necessary technological methods of visual activity
  • Has elementary ideas about kindness, responsiveness, mutual assistance, friendliness, attention to adults and peers

5 years

  • Performs self-service processes independently
  • Participates in joint labor activity before getting the result
  • Creatively uses motor skills in independent motor activity and outdoor games
  • Can find an emotionally justified way out of circumstances
  • Has initial information about the immediate social environment
  • Able to operate in the mind with ideas about the connections and relationships between objects and events
  • Has ideas about the rules and forms of cultural and friendly attitude towards people

6 years

  • Has ideas about objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality; can analyze, compare their essential characteristic features


  • Shows artistic and creative abilities in various types of artistic activity
  • The preconditions for learning activities are being formed
  • Shows a sense of purpose in achieving the final result
  • Possesses basic cultural and hygienic skills, elementary rules of a healthy lifestyle
  • Emotionally responsive and friendly to others
  • Possesses dialogic speech and constructive ways of interacting with children and adults
  • Has experience in self-discovery

Final results

Preschool kindergarten "Solnyshko" offers the following graduate model.

Our graduate:

  • emotionally prosperous person with developed creative abilities;
  • owns an aesthetic perception of the world;
  • has developed cognitive abilities;
  • is able to navigate in the surrounding world;
  • has social experience;
  • able to adapt to new living conditions;
  • has an idea about his health, take care of it;
  • owns a motor and hygienic culture of behavior;


  • shows initiative, independence, responsibility in all activities;
  • owns the culture of speech communication;
  • capable of volitional regulation of behavior.


What program do all preschools follow? and how to find it? and got the best answer

Answer from Olga Zvonkova[guru]
In any preschool institution, a comprehensive program is taken as the basis. There are many, but the main ones are six.
A lot of gardens work according to the program "Childhood", which was developed at the St. Petersburg Pedagogical University. Herzen. It is the most simple and accessible to teachers. The main focus is on teaching children and their artistic and aesthetic development. It is much more important to teach preschoolers not to read and write (at this age it is generally not recommended to teach a child to write, since fine motor skills of the fingers are not yet sufficiently developed), but to sing, draw, sculpt from plasticine and make various crafts.
Similar tasks are set for educators by another program - "Rainbow" (developers - Doronova and Yakobson). It is also taken as a basis by many preschool institutions.
Very interesting, according to experts, the program "Development" (developers Wenger and Dyachenko). It focuses more on the mental, intellectual development kids. In the process of playing in the classroom, they learn the initial information about the role of man in history and culture, receive explanations in an accessible form of various physical phenomena. Often the children themselves, under the guidance of educators, conduct peculiar Scientific research”, that is, the child acts not only as a student, but also rises, as it were, on the same level with adults, independently making decisions, discovering and inventing something.
"Kindergarten - the house of joy" (author - Krylova) is both a program and technology at once. It spells out literally every day of working with children. There are separate books for different age groups. Of course, educators bring something of their own to the program. Natalya Mikhailovna Krylova, who created it, personally observed how one of the most experienced teachers worked on it, and after that she made some adjustments and additions. Most attention is paid to the moral and artistic and aesthetic development of the child. One of the main points is to teach the little creature to communicate correctly with peers and with adults.
In the center "Preschool childhood" them. A. V. Zaporozhets developed the basic program "Origins". Its authors approach the development of the child's personality comprehensively, comprehensively. Much attention is paid to introducing kids to the historical origins of their people. The program is interesting in that it has developed a "portrait of a kindergarten graduate", which describes what qualities and skills he should have. The program "From childhood to adolescence" has two stages: preschool and school development. It works in those institutions where both a kindergarten and a school are located in the same building (or on the same territory). That is, the upbringing and education of children both in preschool and school age is carried out in the same way. Several more programs have been created according to this principle: "Golden Key", "Continuity", "Community". In addition to the main programs, preschool institutions and various methods are chosen in certain areas of development of babies. For example, in the artistic and aesthetic direction, the methodology "Theatre - creativity - children" works, drawing is taught according to the methods "Semitsvetik", "Nature and the artist", music - "Synthesis", "Harmony", "Musical masterpieces". There are many, many such methods. If the kindergarten works successfully on them, then its staff is replenished with additional teachers: rhythmics, drawing, physical education.
Where to go for information?
Phones of the district departments of education in Moscow
Here you will be told in more detail about all the district kindergartens you are interested in:
Central District: 951-41-67
Northern District: 456-07-32
North-Eastern District: 210-07-06
Eastern District: 963-55-35
South-Eastern District: 350-07-22
Southern District: 324-76-46
South- Western District: 120-31-56
Western District: 249-08-86
Northwestern District: 947-88-86
Zelenograd: 535-75-31
You can buy in the stores "Pedkniga" and "House of Books".

Answer from Elena Katanova[guru]
All work in different programs.

Answer from Jane[guru]
there are different programs, they can be purchased in specialized stores

Answer from =) [guru]
The main programs are Vasilyoi (typical) and Childhood, but in fact there are many of them, there are both special and participatory (additional)

Answer from Natasha[guru]
No one has developed anything better than Vasilyeva and is unlikely to ever develop it. The new programs ("Rainbow", etc.) are based on it

What are the programs?
Programs are complex and partial. Comprehensive programs include all the main areas of child development: physical, intellectual, moral, social, aesthetic. And partial - one or more of the directions. As a rule, a kindergarten takes one of the complex programs as a basis, but there are also kindergartens that have strong teaching teams that combine a comprehensive program with partial ones, adding their own pedagogical ideas.

Until 1991, there was only one comprehensive program - the Standard. It was strictly according to it that all Soviet kindergartens worked, and thanks to it, our system of preschool education was recognized as the best in the world. However, the Model Program severely limited the creativity of teachers, did not allow for an individual approach to each child, and its content did not correspond to the rapid changes in our society. Therefore, in 1991, they were allowed not only to make changes to it, but also to create complex, "with variations", and author's programs.

By the way, the Model Program, created by a team of the best domestic teachers and psychologists, is still “alive”. It has been republished many times, it has been amended to meet the modern requirements of the supplement. Many kindergartens work on it now. In particular, this program is very popular in Japan.

The educational program is a document that defines the content of the educational process in kindergarten. It takes into account everything: the goals and objectives of the work of teachers with children, the main directions and forms of work, the organization of the environment in which the baby is located, the amount of knowledge, skills and abilities that the child must master before school. Each program also contains a set guidelines. However, according to the Law of the Russian Federation, only those programs that comply with the state educational standard and, on the basis of this, are approved and recommended for work in kindergartens by the Ministry of Education, have the right to be called a document.

Overview of integrated programs

The first program we will talk about is called "Rainbow".

The team of authors - employees of the laboratory of preschool education of the Institute general education Ministry of General and vocational education RF. The program was developed under the guidance of Ph.D. n. T.N. Doronova.

Work on it has been carried out since 1989 by order of the Ministry of Education of Russia.

Where does this name come from? The authors named their program, figuratively comparing it with a real rainbow: the seven most important activities of children and activities in the process of which the upbringing and development of the child takes place. We are talking about: physical culture, play, fine arts (based on acquaintance with folk arts and crafts), design, music and plastic arts, speech development and familiarization with the outside world, mathematics.

One of the main ideas of the program is to create a "search" developing environment in all areas of the kindergarten. It is believed that, having a naturally inquisitive mind, the baby will "dig" to the goal, then strive for new achievements.

The main idea of ​​the program is that preschool childhood is a unique period in a person's life. The authors emphasize that in no case should a child be put under pressure by imposing school forms of education that are alien to a preschool child. And it is worth, relying on the abilities given to the baby by nature, to form ideas about the world around him in the game. The authors of the program pay special attention to the mental and artistic development of children.

Program "Gifted Child" developed by the same team of authors as "Development". This is a kind of "variation" of the previous idea, but designed to work with children of six or seven years old who have high level mental development. The program also aims to develop the artistic abilities of such kids.

The authors of the program "Kindergarten - the house of joy" - Ph.D. N.M. Krylov and V.T. Ivanova, educator-innovator. The basis of the "House of Joy" is the principle of interaction between parents, educators and kids. The specificity of the program lies in the fact that the educator does not work according to the plan, but according to the scenarios of the 12-hour working day developed by the authors. Every day in such a garden for a child is a small performance, where each kid plays his role. The goal is to develop individuality in the child.

Particular attention in each age group is paid to the development of those activities that require maximum independence from the child: self-service, household work, games, productive activities, communication.

"Origins"- one of the most popular programs in modern gardens.

Author's team - researchers Center "Preschool childhood" them. A.V. Zaporozhets. It was developed by order of the Moscow Department of Education as a basic program for the development of a preschooler. It is based on many years of psychological and pedagogical research conducted under the guidance of Academician A.V. Zaporozhets. And it takes into account modern trends in the development of domestic preschool education. The program allows the teacher to find an individual approach to each child.

The goal is the versatile development of the baby, the formation of universal, including creative, abilities. As well as the preservation and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children.

It is aimed at revealing the individual qualities of the child and helping him to adapt to society. The peculiarity of the program lies in the fact that all types of activities: various activities, communication with adults and peers, play, work, experimentation, and theatricalization are very closely intertwined. This makes it possible for the child not only to memorize separate knowledge from each other, but to quietly accumulate a variety of ideas about the world, to master all kinds of knowledge, skills and abilities, to comprehend their capabilities. The program includes four main blocks: "Knowledge", "Humanity", "Creation", "Healthy Lifestyle".

"From childhood to adolescence"- this is how the group of authors under the leadership of Ph.D. T.N. Doronova.

The program is conceived and developed for parents and teachers raising children from 4 to 10 years old. Its fundamental difference from others is that it provides for a close relationship between the children's institution and the family in all areas of the development of the child's personality.

Another program is "School 2100". Scientific director and the author of the idea - A.A. Leontiev. The authors are Buneev, Buneeva, Peterson, Vakhrushev, Kochemasova and others.

The main idea is the implementation of the principle of continuous education and the continuity between preschool education, primary and secondary schools.

Partial programs
program TRIZ invented by G.S. Altshuller. TRIZ stands for the theory of inventive problem solving.

Its goal is not just to develop the child's imagination, but to teach them to think systematically, to make sure that the baby understands the process, delve into it. The teacher in the conditions of this program does not give ready-made knowledge to children, does not reveal the truth to them, but teaches them to comprehend it on their own, awakens interest in knowledge.

The Young Ecologist program was developed by Ph.D. S.N. Nikolaeva.

It is aimed, as the name implies, at introducing preschoolers to nature, at environmental education and development. Teachers, using this program, are trying to educate children in an ecological culture, the ability to observe and draw conclusions from their observations, to teach them to understand and love the surrounding nature.

"I am a man" was developed by professor, Ph.D. S.A. Kozlova. The program is based on introducing the child to the social world. With its help, it is possible to develop in the baby an interest in the world of people and himself, to initiate the formation of a worldview, the creation of his own “picture of the world”.

The team of authors led by R.S. Bure, Ph.D., Professor of the Department of Preschool Pedagogy, Moscow State Pedagogical University, created the program "Friendly Guys". It is based on the education of humane feelings and relations between preschool children.

Another program is "Heritage", developed by Ph.D. M. Novitskaya and E.V. Solovieva, is based on the acquaintance of children with traditional Russian culture.

The main task of the program "Fundamentals of Safety for Preschool Children" is to stimulate the development of independence in preschool children, responsibility for their behavior. Including the program teaches kids to react correctly in various life situations, including dangerous and extreme situations. Authors: Ph.D. N.N. Avdeeva, Ph.D. O.L. Knyazev, Ph.D. R.B. Sterkin. The same team of authors created a wonderful program of social and emotional development "I, you, we."

This program allows each child to open up, learn to manage their emotions and understand the emotional state of others.

The program "Preschooler and ... Economics" was invented by Ph.D. HELL. Shatov.

Its goal is to teach children to understand and appreciate the world respect people who can work hard and earn their living. And besides, to be aware at a level accessible to a preschooler of the relationship between the concepts of "labor - product - money". The program is designed for children of preschool age.

In the "Golden Key" the pedagogical process is based on the family principle.

The life of children is filled with successive events, which makes an emotional impression on the child, resonates in his soul. Authors: Ph.D. G.G. Kravtsov, Ph.D. HER. Kravtsov.

The team of authors of the Nizhny Novgorod Humanitarian Center under the leadership of the candidate of pedagogical sciences G.G. Grigoryeva developed the program "Baby". This is a program of integrated development and education of children under the age of three. Its goal is to help parents realize the intrinsic value and special significance of the early period of a person's life, to assist in understanding their own child, in finding and choosing adequate ways and means, methods of education.

Our consultant: Anastasia KUZNETSOVA, educational psychologist

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Educational programs for kindergartens. "A comprehensive program for groups of short stays in the garden. Usually, the booth hangs out on the stand what program the children are engaged in. Generally convenient, the younger half of the group went to physical education ...

I would never leave my children around the clock with someone else's aunt. though golden pah-pah that we have no problem with the gardens. everyone works all summer. I don’t know families in general where parents have 3-month vacations and educational programs that kindergartens work on.

Educational materials and allowances. Kindergartens and preschool education. Advise what curricula and materials are better to use for early and comprehensive Or who is going to work in the children's center? Even if you do not know where to get the materials.

In the garden, they are engaged according to Peterson, but Mishka likes to work out at home. All the children who came to visit us asked for a primer and mathematics, it so happened that I had a child before everyone else and all my friends taught the children to read and count according to Bakhtina.

personnel optimization. Kindergarten. Kindergartens and preschool education. A child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, attending a kindergarten and relationships with caregivers, illnesses I would probably want to start driving in the spring, but if you take it, then you have to ...

Plus the institution implements correctional programs. Proximity to home, special schedule Section: Kindergarten (how to drive up to the head of the kindergarten). Hmm, we also tried with The site has thematic conferences, blogs, ratings of kindergartens and ...

Educational programs for kindergartens. The program provides for the active involvement of parents, up to compulsory classes with the child in kindergarten, in the process of raising children of four to seven years.

My child attends a commercial kindergarten. Educational programs for kindergartens. Kindergartens and preschool education. The site has thematic conferences, blogs, ratings of kindergartens and schools...

Kindergarten. Kindergartens and preschool education. We have a graduation this year, we give children 2 books each, a medal for the graduate of children. garden, a folder with a photo and we will make a photo album with photos from the holidays ourselves. Educational programs that kindergartens work on.

Educational programs for kindergartens. Kindergartens and preschool education. Thematic conferences, blogs work on the site, ratings are maintained. What kind of money is allocated to kindergartens from the budget.

Kindergarten. Kindergartens and preschool education. Educational programs for kindergartens. Game activity as a means of developing the speech activity of preschoolers in English.

educational program in kindergarten. program "Record". Educational programs. Education of children. Thematic conferences, blogs work on the site, ratings of kindergartens and schools are maintained, articles are published daily and competitions are held.

Kindergartens and schools in Thailand and Vietnam. Distance learning. In kindergarten, in the preparatory group, we were offered to prepare for the first grade on the basis of the school. Education in such groups is often conducted according to alternative programs (for example, according to ...

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kindergarten curriculum. Preparation for school. Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, kindergarten attendance and relationship with the kindergarten education program. Good afternoon Girls who have children middle-senior groups kindergarten!

Wenger program. Kindergarten. Child from 3 to 7. Upbringing, nutrition, daily routine, attending kindergarten and relationships with See other discussions on the topic "what conditions in the garden should be when introducing the Hungarian development program"

It was assumed that children in kindergartens study according to the Wenger program, and then go to school, where they study according to the program of D.B. Elkonina - V.V. Davydov. I really love professionalism in everything, I like the system of D.B. Elkonina - V.V...

Municipal Preschool

educational institution

combined type

"Kindergarten No. 9"



1.1. The educational program of the institution is drawn up in accordance with the Model Regulations on a preschool educational institution, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 12, 2008. .No. 666, on the basis of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" and determines the content of education a certain level and direction.

1.2. An educational program is a document that defines the specifics of the organization of the educational process in a preschool educational institution, the content of education, the forms of organization of children's activities, taking into account the standard of the preschool level of education.

1.3. The educational program of the preschool educational institution provides for the construction of a holistic pedagogical process aimed at the full, comprehensive development of the child: physical, socio-moral, artistic, aesthetic, intellectual development in interconnection.

1.4. The educational program of the preschool educational institution covers all the main aspects of the life of preschool children.

2. Information note about

Municipal preschool educational institution of combined type

"Kindergarten No. 9"

The municipal preschool educational institution of the combined type "Kindergarten No. 9" operates on the basis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", the Model Regulations on Preschool Educational Institutions, the Charter of Preschool Educational Institutions and other legal documents in the field of preschool education.

In accordance with the "Convention on the Rights of the Child", adopted by the UN General Assembly in December 1989, education in a preschool institution is aimed at protecting the rights and dignity of pupils, developing mental, spiritual and physical abilities in full, coordinating the efforts of the kindergarten and the family in observing the rights to health, education, protection and assistance.

The activity of the preschool educational institution is aimed at ensuring the continuous comprehensive and timely development of the child.

In MDOU KV "Kindergarten No. 9" there are 13 age groups in which 340 children are brought up, of which:

1 first junior group (2-3 years old);

2 second junior group(3-4 years);

3 middle groups (4-5 years old);

2 senior groups (5-6 years old);

1 preparatory group(6-7 years);

2 senior speech therapy groups(5-6 years);

2 preparatory speech therapy groups (6-7 years).

The educational process is conducted by 41 teachers:

  1. 2 - administration - director, deputy director for educational and methodological work;
  2. 13 - specialists - physical education instructor, music directors, speech therapists, psychologists, teachers of additional education.
  3. 26 - educators.


The educational program of the preschool educational institution was developed on the basis of the "Program of Education and Training in Kindergarten" edited by M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova, T.S. Komarova, 2009 and a set of partial programs.

Guided by a comprehensive program, the staff of the institution sets the following goals::

  1. Creation of favorable conditions for a full-fledged life of a child of preschool childhood;
  2. Formation of the foundations of the basic culture of the individual, the comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics;
  3. Preparing a child for life in modern society.

In order to build a holistic pedagogical process that ensures the full-fledged comprehensive development of a preschool child: physical, intellectual, social, moral, artistic and aesthetic, the preschool educational institution team determines the following tasks:

  1. Improve work to protect and strengthen the physical and mental health of children, create conditions that ensure the emotional well-being of each child. To expand the individual motor experience of the child, to consistently teach movements and motor actions.
  2. To develop in children in the process of various activities of attention, memory, thinking, imagination, speech, as well as ways of mental activity. Stimulate the development of curiosity.
  3. To ensure the upbringing of a child from the first years of life of a humane attitude towards the world around him.
  4. Develop in children (taking into account age features) interest in the work of adults, the desire to work, to educate the skills of elementary labor activity, diligence.
  5. To acquaint children with fiction as an art and a means of developing intelligence, speech, a positive attitude towards the world, love and interest in the book.
  6. To develop in children a love of beauty in the process of getting acquainted with nature, various types of art and in artistic and aesthetic activities.
  7. To promote the physical and mental development of children, the education of moral and volitional qualities, creative abilities in the process of independent play activity.
  8. Contribute to the creation of an atmosphere of emotional well-being and comfort in kindergarten, the search for a new style of communication and play with the child.
  9. Use a variety of different forms cooperation with parents.
  10. To improve the system of interaction between preschool teachers and parents in the field of physical education and sports education for preschoolers.

To implement the tasks set in the preschool educational institution, work is carried out not only to improve the educational process, but also to improve the professional skills of teachers. The team of the institution is working on methodological theme:

Increasing the theoretical and practical level of knowledge and skills by improving pedagogical skills, creative activity and initiative of teachers.

The work of the teaching staff on the methodological topic can be traced throughout the academic year in various events:

Seminars, workshops;

Open views, mutual visits;


Pedagogical advice in traditional and non-traditional forms (brainstorming, regulated discussion, round table, business pedagogical games, pedagogical situations);

Self-education (self-education);

Cooperation with the school, interaction with society;

Visiting refresher courses at PAPO, Moscow.

Organization methodical work includes a number of important functions:

  1. study, analysis of the state of affairs in the preschool educational institution, taking into account the new "social order";
  2. selection of the purpose and specific tasks of the activity;
  3. planning the content, forms and methods, ways and means of achieving goals;
  4. stimulation, provision of practical assistance to educators based on the results of diagnostics;
  5. acquisition of problem groups of teachers;
  6. summing up the results of each stage of methodological work and determining new short and long-term prospects;
  7. collection and processing of the received information;
  8. adjustment of the educational process during

various methodical lessons with educators;

  1. encouraging creative workers, creating an atmosphere of cooperation, mutual understanding and mutual assistance.

To evaluate the result of the work done, diagnostics are carried out at the beginning and end of the academic year.

The main principles of building and implementing the program:

  1. use of health-saving technologies in work with children;
  2. taking into account the individual and age characteristics of children;
  3. a differentiated approach to developing children's skills;
  4. consistency in the selection of the content of education, the integration of tasks intellectual and cognitive, artistic and aesthetic, social development of preschoolers;
  5. a combination of visual and emotional-figurative methods in working with children;
  6. the inclusion of a cognitive component in all types of activities, various forms of its organization;
  7. close interaction with parents in matters of upbringing and education of children, in order to ensure their full and comprehensive development;
  8. protection of the rights and dignity of a preschool child;
  9. introducing children to universal values.

4. Updating the content of the educational process

Taking into account the comprehensive "Program of education and training in kindergarten", teachers ensure the versatile development of children, form and develop universal, including creative abilities, to a level corresponding to age capabilities and requirements. modern society provide an equal start for development, preservation and promotion of health for all. For this, partial programs and technologies are used for their implementation, focused on fulfilling tasks aimed at increasing efficiency and ensuring the comprehensive development of preschool children.

The main directions of development of the child.


Build an idea about healthy way life;

Introduce health-saving technologies into work with children;

Improve children's motor skills;

Raise the need for physical self-improvement;

Use a variety of means to increase motor activity

children in physical education classes and in independent activities;

To form the ability to adequately respond to environmental changes, protect health, avoid danger;

Use a comprehensive system of physical culture and health work with children: hardening (in everyday life and specially organized); organization of rational nutrition; level diagnostics physical development, health status, physical fitness, psycho-emotional state; creating conditions for the motor.


To improve the system of interaction between preschool teachers and parents in the field of physical education and sports education for preschoolers.


To form the skills of a culture of communication and problem solving;

Introduce children to the social values ​​of Russia and other countries;

To form an interest in getting to know the native city, history and


To form the social maturity of the child, the assimilation of moral universal values, national traditions, citizenship;

Develop speech and verbal communication skills as the main means of communication.


To develop a steady interest in the knowledge of the world around;

To form the beginning of ecological culture, conscious, correct

attitude to phenomena, objects of animate and inanimate nature;

To acquaint children with the peculiarities of labor in nature;

Form a culture of life;

To form ideas about the connections between phenomena and objects;

To form ideas about the professional work of people as a way

ensuring the vital needs of a person;

To form ideas about the grammatical rules for constructing oral speech;

Provide work on preparation for writing, teaching literacy and speech development, as common cultural means of communication;

Form elementary mathematical representations;

Develop creative thinking through building construction

material, the use of various types of constructors, construction from paper and natural materials.


To form an aesthetic attitude to the world and promote the artistic development of the child by means of art;

Introduce children to fiction;

Develop the artistic abilities of the child (musical,

literary, visual);

Develop children's creativity in various activities;

To form the ability to integrate various artistic types


To develop the creative and personal qualities of children, their volitional, emotional, cognitive spheres, aesthetic development;

To help children develop skills in theatrical and gaming activities in accordance with their individual characteristics.

5. Integration of programs and technologies

Taking as a basis the "Program of Education and Training in Kindergarten" Vasilyeva M.A., the team builds the educational process according to the programs and technologies indicated in the list of methodological literature and the current academic year.

6.Additional education in the preschool educational institution

Additional education of children in the preschool educational institution is carried out in the evening in accordance with SanPiN Classes are taught by highly qualified teachers.


Additional educational services

in MDOU KV "Kindergarten No. 9"

for 2009-2010 academic year








(senior speech therapy group)

15.25 – 15.50


(Grischenkova N.E.)

12.00 – 12.25


(Grischenkova N.E.)


(senior group)

9.00 – 9.25

9.35 – 10.00

English language

(Tulynina V.V.)

16.30 – 16.55

folk culture

(Neycheva E.A.)

15.20 – 15.45

15.55 – 16.20

English language

(Tulynina V.V.)


(preparatory group)

15.20 – 15.50

16.00 – 16.30

Soon to school

(Alyabeva V.Yu.)/

English language

(Tulynina V.V.)

12.00 – 12.30

folk culture

(Neycheva E.A.)

10.20 – 10.50

11.00 – 11.30

English language

(Tulynina V.V.)

15.20 – 15.50


(Yakovleva L.A)


16.30 – 17.00

folk culture

(Neycheva E.A.)

15.20 – 15.50


(Yakovleva L.A.)


(preparatory speech therapy group)

15.20 – 15.50


(Yakovleva L.A.)

7. Dynamics of child development (monitoring)

Methods of systematic fixation

The assessment of the results of the development of preschoolers is based on the development indicators given in the "Program of Education and Training in Kindergarten" in the main sections:

The senior educator conducts a comparative diagnosis of the development of children.

Medical workers record the level of morbidity in children, a physical education instructor records indicators of children's motor fitness.

Diagnostics of the development of children in the main areas of the program is carried out 2 times a year (September, April).

8. Conditions for the implementation of the educational program

The organization of the life of children in the institution is aimed at ensuring physical and mental health, creating an atmosphere of psychological comfort and emotional well-being, conditions for self-realization of children in various fields of activity (in communication, in play, in class, at work, etc.)

The educational program is implemented in organized and independent forms of education and upbringing of children.

The logic of constructing the program proceeds from the principles of the formation of generally significant mental properties and abilities of children, and not by saturating them with the amount of knowledge, information about objects and phenomena.

Physical development, mastery of motor skills and optimization of the mode of motor activity of children;

Acquaintance with the phenomena of social life and nature, the formation of the foundations of ecological culture;

Speech development, formation speech culture and culture of communication of children;

The development of intelligence and logical thinking of children, the formation

elementary mathematical representations;

Acquaintance with the values ​​of world and domestic culture, mastering the elements of vocal, rhythmic, theatrical; visual activity;

Formation of the principles of citizenship, feelings of patriotism.


Municipal preschool educational institution of combined type

"Kindergarten No. 9"

Types of occupations

Number of lessons per week

Total number of lessons per year

First junior group

The child and the environment

Speech development





Physical education*



Second junior group

The child and the environment

Speech development


1 (alternate)

Formation of elementary mathematical representations







Physical education*


middle group

The child and the environment

Speech development


1 (alternate)



Construction / Application

1 (alternate)


Physical education*


Senior group

The child and the environment:

  1. object environment,
  2. social phenomena,
  3. natural environment,
  4. environmental education.

Speech development

Development of elementary mathematical concepts


Modeling / Application


Construction and manual labor


physical education


preschool group

Acquaintance with the environment

Development of speech and preparation for teaching literacy

Acquaintance with fiction

Development of elementary mathematical concepts


Modeling / Application

1 (alternate)

Construction, manual labor


physical education


Senior speech therapy group

  1. object environment,
  2. social phenomena,
  3. natural environment,
  4. environmental education.

Acquaintance with fiction

Development of elementary mathematical concepts



Construction and handicraft / Application

1 (alternate)


physical education


Preparatory for school logopedic group

Frontal speech therapy lesson

Acquaintance with the surrounding world:

  1. object environment,
  2. social phenomena,
  3. natural environment,
  4. environmental education.

Acquaintance with fiction

Development of elementary mathematical concepts


Modeling / Application

1 (alternate)

Construction, manual labor


physical education


Explanatory note to the curriculum

In the 2009-2010 academic year, 13 daytime groups will operate in the MDOU KV "Kindergarten No. 9", staffed in accordance with age standards, of which:

  1. from 2 to 3 years - 1 group
  2. from 3 to 4 years old - 2 groups
  3. from 4 to 5 years - 3 groups
  4. from 5 to 6 years old - 4 groups (of which 2 are speech therapy)
  5. from 6 to 7 years old - 3 groups (of which 2 are speech therapy)

In connection with the implementation of a qualified correction of deviations in speech development pupils are additionally used correctional programs:

  1. "Education and education of preschool children with FFN" by T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkina - in the senior and preparatory speech therapy groups;

The curriculum of the preschool educational institution is drawn up in accordance with the recommendations of the programs implemented in the preschool educational institution, the Charter of the preschool educational institution and sanitary and hygienic standards and guarantees the child a full preschool education.

The volume of load on children does not exceed the maximum allowable rate and complies with sanitary and hygienic standards and the requirements of the temporary state educational standard. The nomenclature of compulsory classes has been preserved in accordance with the requirements of ongoing programs and sanitary standards.

The academic year at the preschool educational institution - due to its specifics - begins on September 15 and ends on May 15.

The structure of the academic year in the preschool educational institution:

During the holidays, only aesthetic and health-improving classes are held.

The educational process is built taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children. Within the framework of the humanistic concept of preschool education, maximum assistance is provided for the development of the child as a person, the development of activity, the subject position of children in the process of organizing their educational activities. Classes are seen as an important but not predominant form of organized learning for children. The school-lesson form of conducting classes, obligatory answers at the blackboard, the stereotypical performance of all tasks according to the instructions of an adult, and conducting most classes while sitting at tables are excluded.

Educators and specialists coordinate the content of the classes, carrying out joint planning, discussing the achievements and problems of individual children and the group as a whole.

In the pedagogical process, frontal, subgroup, individual forms of work with children are used. They are applied depending on the age, level of development, complexity of the program and didactic material.

Classes are organically combined with gaming activities outside of classes. The knowledge and experience acquired in the classroom are used by children in independent, artistic, visual, musical and theatrical activities, in creative games.

Classification of games for preschool children

Game classes

Types of games

Subtypes of games

1. Games with natural




2. Animal games

1. Plot-

Games arising from



child's initiative


2. Role-playing

3. Directing

4. Theatrical

Initiative Games



1. Plot-


2. Movable

3. Educational




  1. intellectual

2. Fun games,


3. Theatrical

4. Festive


Folk games


1. Family

2. Seasonal


1. Intelligent

2. Sensorimotor

3. Responsive


1. Sedentary games

2. Fun games

9. Forms of cooperation with the family

One of the most important conditions for the implementation of the preschool educational program is the cooperation of teachers with the family. Children, educators and parents are the main participants in the pedagogical process.

The task of the team is to establish partnerships, to unite efforts for development, to create an atmosphere of common interests, to activate and enrich the educational skills of parents.


1. Traditional:

  1. Individual interviews.
  2. Open days.
  3. General and group parent meetings.
  4. Consultations, conversations, round tables.
  5. Assistance in work: tailoring costumes, making scenery,


  1. Joint holding of holidays, leisure activities, subbotniks.
  2. Questioning.
  3. Testing.

2. New:

  1. Excursions around the preschool educational institution (for new students).
  2. Specialist consultations at the request of parents.
  3. Presentations of additional educational services for parents.


  1. Purposeful, systematic.
  2. A differentiated approach, taking into account the specifics of each family.
  3. Kindness, care.


  1. Questioning.
  2. Testing.
  3. Conversations with parents.

10. Continuity in the work of the preschool educational institution and schools

An essential moment in the work of the teaching staff is the transition of the child from kindergarten to primary school, ensuring continuity at these levels of education.

In order to implement the Concept of continuity of kindergarten and primary school, the preschool educational institution has developed an action plan that provides for the interaction of teachers and children.

The relationship between educators and primary school teachers is aimed at considering continuity as a two-way process, where at the preschool level the “intrinsic value” of preschool childhood is preserved, the fundamental personal qualities of the child are formed as the basis for successful schooling, and the school acts as a receiver, based on the achievements of the preschooler and developing the potential accumulated by him.

A general guideline in achieving the main results in the development of children is diagnostics, which determines their level of readiness for schooling.

11. Creating a subject-developing environment

The basis for the implementation of the educational program is the developing subject environment necessary for the development of all children's activities. In kindergarten, it is built in such a way as to ensure the full physical, aesthetic, cognitive and social development of the child. The developing subject environment in the preschool educational institution is equipped taking into account the age characteristics of children. All elements of the environment are interconnected in content, scale and artistic solution. This includes physical culture and gaming and sports facilities indoors and on the site, subject-playing environment, musical and theatrical, subject-developing environment for classes, etc.

The entire preschool space is used to enrich the physical, cognitive, artistic and aesthetic development of children.

On the territory of the kindergarten there is a sports ground where children study sports games and exercises, obstacle course, jump pit.

All areas are equipped with shady canopies, there are small game forms, sandboxes, benches, balancers.

On the territory of the preschool educational institution there are green spaces that represent a variety of species of trees and shrubs: birch, maple, poplar, larch, arborvitae, hazel, jasmine, currant, etc., which makes it possible to observe with children, analyze, compare, draw logical conclusions about natural phenomena and the surrounding reality.

12. Interaction of the preschool educational institution with other institutions

DOW actively cooperates with society:

  1. MOU DOT "Children's Music School"
  1. concerts;
  1. excursions;
  2. joint holidays;
  3. parent meetings.

2. MOU "Lyceum No. Z"

  1. excursions;
  2. mutual attendance of classes and lessons by educators and teachers;
  3. parent meetings;
  4. joint holidays.

3. MOU "Cultural and aesthetic center"

Participation in exhibitions;

  1. visiting exhibitions.
  1. MU DOT DYUSSH "Orbita"
  1. Participation in the Spartakiad "Krepysh";
  2. sports festivals.

13. Program implementation management

The administration of the institution, narrow specialists, a medical worker, educators, service personnel, who ensure their activities on the basis of professional and functional duties, participate in the implementation of the program.

The methodological support of the educational program is monitored both by the management and teaching staff institutions, includes city seminars, workshops, pedagogical councils, open viewings, consultations.

14. Expected result of the program implementation

In the process of implementing the program, the use of diagnostics, tests, and questionnaires is envisaged, which makes it possible to monitor and adjust the level of development of preschool children and the professional skills of teachers in dynamics.

Solving the tasks envisaged educational program, is aimed at improving the educational process as a whole, improving the quality of knowledge, skills and abilities of pupils and the pedagogical skills of educators.