Forms and methods of work of club-type cultural institutions. What a modern rural club should look like Methodical work competition in a club institution

Control of cultural and leisure activities by federal level mechanisms, new tasks for the heads of club institutions

Today, there are practically no legal documents in the legislation that would regulate the cultural and leisure activities of club-type cultural institutions. In this regard, some difficulties arise in determining the mission of these organizations operating in many localities of the Russian Federation.

Problems of regulation of cultural and leisure activities

As is known, cultural and leisure activities is not included in the list of powers at the federal level. Currently, this is the preemptive right of regional and municipal authorities. Therefore, all federal legislative acts are only advisory in nature.

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Therefore, collecting and analyzing information regarding the cultural and leisure activities of clubs is quite problematic. As a result, centralized statistics are almost completely absent.

If we talk about regulating the activities of clubs at the regional level, then in this case there are also a lot of shortcomings.

  • After all, the regional authorities have not yet approved the Regulations on cultural and leisure activities, thanks to which it would be possible to resolve any issues related to the activities of such organizations.
  • Among the many problems of club organizations, it is worth highlighting the problem that concerns the work of clubs and studios. Today, both of them operate outside the system, that is, they exist, as it were, in a separate vacuum. Many of them experience a significant decline in skill level over time.

But at the same time, it is worth noting the activity of some leaders of creative teams, who are real enthusiasts and masters of their craft. For many years they have been working to develop potential and attract new members of the creative team.

  • As a result, it turns out that the same conditions have been created for both enthusiasts and laggards, in which for some there are no opportunities for development, and for others there is no opportunity to close a practically inactive team. This can be explained by the lack of legislation that would regulate not only programs, but also the use of space.

Public participation, as well as monitoring, are the mechanisms that are introduced at federal level and put forward new tasks for the leaders of club institutions. To do this, of course, a lot of work will need to be done.

  • However, resolving these issues will be problematic. And the main problem is the lack of quality standards in relation to cultural and leisure activities.
  • Also a big obstacle is the lack of specific activity goals and tasks for achieving them when organizing leisure time.

Conclusions on the issues of cultural and leisure activities

Types of club-type institutions

Cultural and leisure institutions include:

  • palaces of culture;
  • youth palaces;
  • cultural and sports complexes;
  • craft centers;
  • houses of folk art;
  • social and cultural centers;
  • information and methodological centers and others.

Advantages of cultural and leisure institutions

But, despite this, these institutions have some advantages compared to museums, libraries and theaters:

  1. They are not burdened with obligations related to the preservation of museum values;
  2. For them there is no mandatory framework for staging performances;
  3. Their activities are not limited to certain formats.
  4. They operate not only in large and medium-sized cities, but also in small urban and rural settlements.

Multifunctional cultural center

Thanks to the performance of a huge number of functions, the club institution will be able to acquire new status– status of a multifunctional cultural center. After all, it is this form of institutional activity that today occupies a leading position on a global scale.

Today, club institutions remain the only organizations of cultural and leisure activities in many settlements. Therefore, they have a real prospect of acting as multifunctional cultural centers promoting the involvement of the population in cultural life.

Today it is worth paying great attention to carefully developing standards for the activities of cultural centers. This will allow each user to understand their significance, become familiar with their activities, and become an active participant.

Modern cultural centers differ significantly from each other. Some of them are impressive complexes with huge concert halls. Others are located on just a few tens of square meters and have limited opportunities for development.

Despite the different scale and different operating conditions, all club organizations have common approaches to providing the most relevant services.

Organization of the guest area of ​​the club establishment

The main task of any leisure organization is to attract and retain visitors. Houses of culture, acting as interdisciplinary platforms, host various events and activities for users of different age categories. Therefore, it is necessary to organize your activities in such a way that the visitor wants not only to come, but also to become an active participant in the events.

It is sometimes very difficult for a user visiting an institution of social and cultural leisure activities for the first time to navigate the variety of services that the center provides. The advertisements presented are often chaotic and multidirectional, and sometimes there is simply no one to consult with.

Therefore, adult visitors often stay away from useful and no less interesting “adult” events, and young people are embarrassed or lazy to look for additional information about the work of the institution. At the same time, the pricing policy remains a secret for most consumers. The way out of this situation is to organize a “guest” zone.

Guest area of ​​a club-type establishment

Following the advice of experts, it is worth including the following components in the reception area:

Duty administrator's place

It is necessary to install a table at which the employee on duty at the institution can advise the visitor on issues of interest.

The administrator's responsibilities include:

  • issuing a booklet;
  • solving the “first visit” problem;
  • ensuring communication with club leaders and event organizers;
  • providing new information and so on.

Also, the administrator must be well aware of the cost of all services provided by the institution and have information about the number of free places in clubs and sections.

Cash register

The best option is to locate the ticket office in the guest area, which operates at the same time as the cultural center itself. After all, most users do not want to go to the bank to pay a fee for a particular service. A positive point in this case is the ability to pay using a bank card.

Especially if this institution is located in an urban area. The lack of such opportunities, as a rule, causes indignation among visitors, especially those who are solvent.


In the reception area you need to install navigation:

  • building diagram;
  • signs;
  • signs on offices and so on.

All navigation elements must be made in the same style. This contributes to the formation of a unified aesthetic space institutions of cultural and leisure activities.

Place to rest and wait

For example, the club has a choreography club and parents often have to wait for their children. In the absence of a waiting place, they crowd on the street, which is quite inconvenient, especially in cold weather.

Therefore, the equipment of such a corner is simply necessary. Some club-type establishments are installed in the recreation area:

  • chairs;
  • tables;
  • sofas and banquettes;
  • provide wi-fi.

Additional services

For example, in recreation areas you can place:

  • Board games;
  • install computer devices;
  • provide the opportunity to drink coffee.

In the hygiene room you can install:

  • baby changing table;
  • a special stand so that the child can reach the washbasin.

Since modern consumers are already accustomed to the fact that in almost all establishments, be it an airport, shopping mall or school, household services are provided such as:

  • availability of soap;
  • toilet paper;
  • well-functioning drying in hygiene rooms.

Therefore, the lack of such services in club establishments often causes indignation and creates a not entirely positive opinion about it.

Many cultural and leisure establishments had the opportunity to verify in practice that the presence of a comfortable area increases the interest of visitors. It was parents, not grandparents, who began to bring their children to classes more often. They spend their waiting time having a pleasant conversation, drinking a cup of coffee, viewing an exhibition or reading a book.

Implementation of new programs in cultural centers

Today, large cultural centers act as centers of creative initiatives of the population. Therefore, in order to intensify their activities, they can provide their sites for the implementation of various projects.

  • It is worth noting that at present, in club-type institutions, the undeservedly forgotten work of scientific and technical creativity circles has begun to resume. This has a big advantage, since it attracts the participation of teenage and boy audiences who do not always express a desire to engage in singing, music or choreography.

Older generation users are very interested in the activities of such institutions. Therefore, they are the most numerous and permanent target audience. Most often they are participants in folklore and choral studios. They take part in free events with great pleasure.

Current changes require the implementation of new initiatives in the activities of cultural centers. And since the older generation is the main audience, it is necessary to include them in these initiatives.

  • A fairly popular area today is the organization of computer literacy courses. Although this area is actively pursued by libraries, club institutions should not stand aside.

An excellent solution that is of particular interest to visitors of the older age category is:

  • staging documentary performances based on the memories of older people;
  • organization of exhibitions of archival materials;
  • holding meetings of generations and so on.

Very important points in this case, the development of programs for the older generation comes into play, which must be carefully thought out and no less carefully prepared for implementation.

Prospects for the development of club institutions

Those club-type institutions that claim to be a modern cultural center will have to solve a huge number of different problems. After all, as you know, today the regulatory framework requires improvement, there are practically no standards, there are no guidelines for the future development of these institutions.

Currently, one of the main resources of cities and other territories is creative capital. And it is the activities of cultural and leisure institutions that will allow the population, regardless of age and occupation, to realize their potential.

The interdisciplinary capabilities of cultural centers make it possible to comprehensively and systematically solve problems related to the development of cities and other territories.

Material verified by Aktion Culture experts

Cultural and leisure activities

in the context of modernization of club institutions

The analysis shows that the process of modernization of KDU brought about positive changes in the sociocultural sphere that were demanded by the population. And there are already many examples of this.

Thus, in the Atnar Central Rural House of Culture of the Krasnochetaisky District, led by Gennady Shuskin, a large amount of work was completed as part of modernization: a major overhaul of the building and premises was carried out, equipment was updated, and the surrounding area was improved.

Undoubtedly, a large role in cultural and leisure work belongs to the 12 club formations operating in this rural House of Culture. 165 people participate in them. There are 9 creative teams out of the total number, 123 people participate in them.

In 2010, this rural House of Culture held 370 cultural and leisure events, of which 60 were for children under 14 years old. Of the total, 88 cultural and leisure events were held on a paid basis, and were attended by 2,600 people.

The same can be said about the work of the Chumankasinsky rural House of Culture of the Morgaushsky district. At the beginning of the year, an organizational and methodological visit to this rural House of Culture by specialists from the Ministry of Culture of the Republic and the House of Folk Art took place. They concluded that the workers of the House of Culture, led by director Svetlana Belova, in close cooperation with the leadership of the settlement and district, carried out a large amount of work on major repairs of the building and interior decoration of the premises.

The cultural and leisure activities of the House of Culture are provided by 2 creative workers. One of them has a higher education, the other has a secondary vocational education. In 2010, 75 cultural and leisure events were held in the Chumankasinsky rural House of Culture, of which 28 were for children under 14 years of age. 21 cultural and leisure events were held on a paid basis, and were attended by 257 people. Three paid events were held for children, which were attended by 74 people.

In the work of the KDU, of course, a big role belongs to the 15 club formations operating in the Chumankasinsky rural House of Culture. 126 people participate in them. The institution has 4 club formations for children under 14 years of age. There are 7 creative teams out of the total number, 67 people participate in them.

Noticeable positive changes have also occurred in the work of the Bolsheshigaevsky central rural House of Culture of the Bolsheshigaevsky rural settlement of the Mariinsko-Posad district. Extensive work has also been carried out here to overhaul the building of the House of Culture and decorate its premises.

Currently, there are 12 club formations in the rural House of Culture. 165 people participate in their activities. The institution has 7 club groups for children under 14 years of age. There are 9 creative teams out of the total number, 85 people participate in them.

The cultural and leisure activities of the House of Culture are provided by 5 creative workers. One of them has a higher education, the rest have no professional education. In 2010, 213 cultural and leisure events were held here, of which 5 thousand people attended a paid event for children under 14 years old, conducted by KDU specialists.

An example of positive development is the Chuvash-Sorminsky cultural and leisure center of the Alikovsky district. Last year, 175 cultural and leisure events were prepared and held here. However, in this club institution it is necessary to purposefully introduce into practice holding events on a paid basis.

The population also characterizes only positively the work of the Cultural and Sports Complex of the Experimental Rural Settlement of the Tsivilsky District, the Bolsheshemerdyansky Rural House of Culture of the Bolsheshemerdyansky Rural Settlement of the Yadrinsky District and two cultural and leisure institutions of the Yantikovsky District: the Novobuyanovsky Rural House of Culture of the Novobuyanovsky Rural Settlement and the Municipal Cultural Institution "Yantikovsky District Cultural leisure center."

Of particular relevance in the course of modernization and the creation of basic club institutions in rural settlements is the work of monitoring and analyzing the state of affairs in cultural and leisure activities on the ground. At the same time, its important factor is the reliance on the results of monitoring studies and objective accounting data. Based on this, in January 2010, the Chuvash Republican House of Folk Art accepted documents for the annual reporting of cultural and leisure institutions for 2009. In accordance with the established schedule, reports from all districts and cities of the republic were received and systematized.

Recording the results of accounting and reporting activities of cultural and leisure institutions of the republic for 2009 made it possible to create an information database, both for control and for making subsequent organizational and methodological decisions. The results of the work of specialists from the Chuvash Republican House of Folk Art during the reporting period are presented in the final analytical material on the objective situation in the cultural and leisure sphere of the republic “Club and folk art of Chuvashia in 2009.”

The results of the activities of the club institutions of the republic in 2009 were considered at the Republican seminar-workshop of directors of municipal and inter-settlement cultural and leisure institutions, held in March 2010 as part of the implementation of the Chuvash Republican House of Folk Art together with the faculty of additional professional education (advanced training) of the Chuvash State Institute of Culture and Arts long-term program for improving the managerial competence of managers and specialists of municipal cultural and leisure institutions for years.

Specialists from the Ministry of Culture of Chuvashia and the ChRDNT met with the seminar participants. Were discussed current issues ensuring propaganda and popularization of the Message of the first President of Chuvashia to the State Council of the Republic “Chuvashia - from the future and for the future”, the results of the development of the industry, including cultural and leisure activities, in 2009 and tasks for 2010, as well as the problems of forming a list of cultural and leisure activities services provided to the population on a paid and free basis, and the preservation of traditional cultures of the peoples inhabiting Chuvashia.

At the end of the creative studies, the directors of municipal and inter-settlement KDUs visited the city of Alatyr. Here they got acquainted with the historical and cultural heritage of the city and took part in a demonstration event of the Republican (within the framework of the All-Russian) folk art festival “Victory Salute”, dedicated to the 65th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

In order to promote through cultural and leisure means the historical significance of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, creating and enriching the repertoire of club institutions with works of civil and heroic-patriotic themes, as well as improving work aimed at strengthening the moral foundations of society, introducing new forms and methods of patriotic education, developing mass participation and improving the performing skills of club formations, within the framework of the folk art festival " Victory Salute" from January to May 2010, the Chuvash Republican House of Folk Art organized and held the Republican review-competition of propaganda and cultural brigades and mobile club institutions "The Feat of the Soldier is in our hearts!" The review competition took place in Stage III:

At the first stage (January-February 2010), district and city competitions of propaganda brigades and mobile club institutions “The Feat of the Soldier are in our hearts!” were held. The organization and summing up of the results of the first stage of the competition were carried out by competition commissions created under the administrations of municipal territories.

As a result of the discussion of the topic, the council members - specialists of the Republican House of Folk Art, concluded: cultural and leisure work with children, adolescents and youth in the Tsivilsky district is carried out systematically, the popular forms of leisure work on the civic and patriotic education of the younger generation, the formation and development of youth culture healthy image life. The volunteer movement is developing among young people. Youth environmental actions are actively taking place in the area. Since October 2009, the youth social project “School of Young Leaders of the Tsivilsky District” has been implemented, and the infrastructure for summer recreation for children is being developed. As part of the implementation of the Republican target program “Youth of the Chuvash Republic: years.” The social project “Youth Government of the Tsivilsky District” is being implemented, which includes 17 youth representatives.

In the area there are 3 specialized school camps of military-sports and military-patriotic orientation, in which 70 children and adolescents participate. Their demonstration performance became clear evidence for the meeting participants of the relevance and effectiveness of collaboration cultural and educational institutions with children, adolescents and youth.

The next on-site meeting of the Coordination and Methodology Council of the Chuvash Republican House of Folk Art on the topic: “Material and technical resources of basic club institutions and innovations in cultural and leisure activities” was held in the 2nd quarter at the Municipal Cultural and Leisure Center of the Komsomolsky District. It examines the modern experience of basic club institutions using the example of Vurnarsky, Ibresinsky and Komsomolsky districts.

The program of the educational and methodological event, in which 75 managers and specialists of the basic club institutions of the republic took part, was preceded by their trip to the Chichkanskoye rural settlement of the region. Here, the meeting participants visited and got acquainted with the activities of the Churachik socio-cultural center, which was one of the first in the republic to undergo the modernization stage. The head of the Chichkansky rural settlement, Yuri Lukiyanov, and the director of the KDU, Elena Shuryashkina, told the guests about the experience of the basic club institution in solving sociocultural problems in modern socio-economic conditions. Important aspects of the modern development of cultural and leisure institutions in rural areas, using the example of the Churachik socio-cultural center, were touched upon in his speech by the head of the cultural sector of the Komsomolsky district administration, Vasily Vasiliev. Impressions from what they saw and heard in Churaciki became the impetus for the subsequent business conversation between club specialists at the plenary session. Directors of municipal cultural and leisure centers in the Ibresinsky, Vurnarsky and Komsomolsky districts Lyudmila Konstantinova, Inna Shashkova and Galina Bormotina spoke with detailed information about the experience of the basic club institutions in their territories. During the discussion of colleagues' speeches, the meeting participants exchanged experience in modernizing club institutions. An interesting conversation took place on the issues of organizing repair work, logistics, attracting financial resources, and organizing paid events in basic club institutions.

In May 2010, the board of the Ministry of Culture of Chuvashia considered the issue: “On the work of municipal cultural and leisure institutions of the republic in creating a list of services provided to the population on a paid and free basis and maintaining ticket management.” In accordance with its recommendations, the Republican House of Folk Art has summarized the experience of club institutions in the normative regulation of the provision of paid services to the population. An example for generalization was the implementation of cultural and leisure requests and preferences of residents of the Alikovsky and Poretsky districts.

The material contains an analysis of the state of affairs regarding regulatory support of club work in the named areas. It also contains decisions and resolutions of local governments on the regulation of paid services of cultural institutions, provisions on paid services and social and creative orders, lists of free and paid cultural and leisure services provided to the population by cultural institutions, as well as price lists for paid services.

An analysis of the modern experience of cultural and leisure activities in the republic shows that not all municipal territories of the republic have yet created a system of regulatory regulation of cultural and leisure services provided to the population on a free and paid basis, as well as the management of ticket management. Therefore, the generalized experience of the work of club institutions in the Alikovsky and Poretsky districts in this direction has become an example for improving the regulatory framework for cultural and leisure activities in the republic.

Issues of forming a range of modern cultural and leisure services provided to the population on a paid and free basis, as well as the use of tourism methods in club work using the example of the Mariinsko-Posad district in September 2010, were considered at the next off-site meeting of the Coordination and Methodological Council of the Chuvash Republican House of Folk Art , held on the basis of the Mariinsky Posad District House of Culture.

The meeting was attended by heads and leading specialists of club institutions of Batyrevsky, Vurnarsky, Ibresinsky, Kanashsky, Komsomolsky, Mariinsko-Posadsky, Morgaushsky, Poretsky, Tsivilsky, Shemurshinsky, Shumerlinsky, Yadrinsky, Yalchiksky districts and the city of Cheboksary.

The result of the meeting was a decision to increase the process of training and retraining of specialists from cultural and leisure institutions on the implementation of paid services. It was also recognized as important to study and disseminate experience in creating a list of modern services provided by CDUs to the population on a paid and free basis, work on organizing tourism activities in other rural areas.

Federal Law “On general principles local self-government in the Russian Federation" powers in the field of culture have been transferred to local government bodies, and, as practice shows, they require organizational support and methodological assistance in the execution of these powers, including during the joint implementation of Decree of the President of Chuvashia No. 97 of November 9, 2007 “On measures for the development of rural cultural institutions in the Chuvash Republic.”

Based on this, in 2010, the House of Folk Art developed and disseminated methodological material “Typology of management methods in club-type cultural institutions” and recommendations for monitoring “Cultural and leisure needs of rural residents.”

Based on the results of the monitoring “Cultural and leisure needs of rural residents”, carried out using the recommendations of the ChRDNT in the Vurnarsky district, specialists from the House of Folk Art developed and disseminated an information and analytical report. The material contains the main digital indicators and conclusions obtained during monitoring carried out in pursuance of the Resolution of the Board of the Ministry of Culture of Chuvashia dated 01/01/01 No. 8 “On the work of municipal cultural and leisure institutions in creating a list of services provided to the population on a paid and free basis, and maintaining ticket management."

In order to improve the work of club institutions in rural settlements, as well as to obtain objective information about the cultural and leisure needs and demands of the population of the Vurnar region, a survey was carried out as part of the monitoring.

The survey was conducted over a month - from September 22 to October 22, 2010 - in 10 rural settlements of the Vurnarsky district: Bolshetorkhansky, Bolsheyaushsky, Ershiposinsky, Vurmankasinsky, Maloyaushsky, Yangorchinsky, Koltsovsky, Khirposinsky, Shinersky and Apnersky. It was attended by 100 respondents aged from 15 to 65 years. Of these, 41 are men, 59 are women. Most of the respondents have average special education- 48%, 31% have secondary education, higher education – 21 %.

To the question “What do you most often do in your leisure time?” the majority of respondents (58%) noted that in their free time they visit cultural and leisure institutions and watch TV - 24%. 12% of surveyed residents, in their free time from work and study, prefer to play sports, read fiction, newspapers and magazines, and 6% prefer walking in the fresh air.

Analysis of the answers received to the question “How often do you visit the House of Culture (rural club)?” showed the following: 52% of respondents answered that they are involved in amateur associations and club institutions, so they go to the local recreation center or club 2-3 times a week, 22% visit the cultural center periodically, and a quarter of the respondents (25%) visit it only when “large-scale” events, in their opinion, are being held. And only 1% of respondents are not at all interested in cultural and leisure activities and do not visit a club institution.

The answers to the next question in the questionnaire allow us to assess the role of the House of Culture (village club) in the life of the population of the Vurnarsky district. The answers are as follows: 88% of respondents believe that the House of Culture (rural club) makes life more varied and interesting, and without them it would be boring and gray. 9% believe that, if necessary, you can relax and attend an interesting cultural and leisure event held by employees of a club institution, and 3% of respondents can do without the House of Culture, since nothing in life will change without it.

For the majority of surveyed residents of the Vurnar district, the most popular cultural and leisure events are discos (79%), evenings dedicated to calendar dates and holidays (69%), concerts of folk art groups (64%) and entertainment show programs (62%). Less popular among rural residents of the area are exhibitions (22%), literary and musical evenings (22%), theme evenings (18%), and festivals (10%). The least popular thing in the region today is visiting and watching films at the KDU. As the survey results show, 2% of area residents are not at all interested in what is happening in the club establishment.

At the same time, 42% of respondents actively participate in the preparation of cultural and leisure events, 38% participate in them at the request of cultural workers, and 17% for one reason or another do not participate, but would like to. Only 3% of respondents express no desire to participate in club events at all.

The respondents’ answers to the question, “What paid cultural and leisure activities, in your opinion, are in demand by the population of your village (village, hamlet?)” are presented below in table form (comparing data from the adult population and children under 14 years of age):

adult population

children under 14 years old

□- discos – 8%

□ - demonstration of films - 0

□ - competitions – 25%

□ - entertainment show programs – 8%

□ – performances – 28%

□ - theatrical performances – 11%

□ – concerts - 20%

□- discos -30%

□ - demonstration of films - 2%

□ - competitions – 5%

□ - entertainment show programs - 18%

□ – performances – 10%

□ - theatrical performances – 19%

□ – concerts – 16%

The answers to the next question in the questionnaire made it possible to assess the respondents’ satisfaction with the quality of services provided by club institutions. 86% are completely satisfied with the quality of services, 14% are not fully satisfied, which is due to the low level of quality of one or another cultural and leisure event of the KDU, the lack of modern equipment, computer equipment and experienced specialists.

To the question “Do you want to visit club establishments more often?”

75% of respondents - residents of the district answered positively, indicating the reason for visiting the KDU less often than desired:

Financial difficulties – 19%

Lack of free time – 31%

I am afraid of the criminal situation – 3%

Health does not allow – 3%

No company – 13%

Other reasons, including study – 6%.

25% of respondents have no particular desire to visit club establishments more often.

The results of the study show that today about 1/6 of the residents of the Vurnar district are not fully satisfied with the quality of services provided by club institutions. In general, rural residents are satisfied with the work of the CDU (86%). They believe that the House of Culture (village club) makes the life of the village more diverse and interesting, and it is there that one can spend useful time free time, take a break from everyday worries by attending a leisure event. Consequently, workers of cultural and leisure institutions, using various forms and methods of working with the population, contribute to the revival of national artistic and creative traditions and rituals, the identification and support of young talents, and the development of the culture of the republic.

The results of the monitoring allow us to conclude that the heads of the district control centers need to systematically solve the following problems: re-equipping institutions with modern technology and equipment, new musical instruments. In this regard, it is necessary to continue the ongoing modernization of club institutions, to purposefully work on the acquisition of musical instruments and stage costumes for creative groups; intensifying the participation of the population in cultural life, systematically inviting creative groups from neighboring municipal territories and regions to give performances. It is also important to carry out targeted work to attract youth, young families and older people into club formations, expanding the range of amateur associations and interest clubs.

An active dialogue between cultural workers and representatives of local government bodies is also necessary, since clarification of their professional position will allow club specialists to more effectively resolve issues of developing cultural and leisure activities locally.

In order to obtain objective information about the work of CDUs, the cultural and leisure needs and preferences of citizens in municipal territories, it is necessary to conduct similar monitoring studies in other regions, cities, and rural settlements of the republic.

In accordance with the Implementation Plan of the Federal Target Program “Culture of Russia” for 2010, the State Russian House of Folk Art, within the framework of the VIII All-Russian Review of Information Activities of Houses (Centers) of Folk Art, from September 29 to October 3, 2010, held an All-Russian seminar-meeting in Moscow , in which a specialist from the ChRDNT took part. According to the program, over the course of three days, the country’s cultural specialists considered the following issues: “Publishing editing in modern conditions”; “PR activities in the sociocultural sphere: new communicative realities and innovations”; “Methodology for describing objects of intangible cultural heritage”; “The art of editing publications (printed, electronic, etc.) in the field of folk art and cultural and leisure activities”; “On improving the legal status and reform of the financing of state and municipal institutions.” Practical exercises were conducted on the formation of a register of intangible cultural heritage.

At the end of the seminar, the results of the All-Russian review of information activities of regional houses and centers of folk art were announced, during which reviewers and jury members spoke. They introduced their colleagues to the work of corporate information media in the field of culture. There was also a discussion of the problems and prospects for the development of information activities of the network of houses and centers of folk art.

Following the results of the prestigious review, the Chuvash Republican House of Folk Art was awarded two awards: a laureate diploma for the preservation of traditional song folklore and the publication of the collection “My relatives are my wings!” (compiled by Svetlana Lavrentyeva) and a diploma for publishing the booklet “Springs, ah, springs!” for the XVII All-Russian Festival of Folk Art “Springs of Russia” and the VII All-Russian Competition of Masters of Decorative and Applied Arts “Artisanal Russia” (project manager Tamara Shamseeva, responsible for the release Liya Chernova).

In the second half of 2010, the Chuvash Republican House of Folk Art continued to conduct on-site educational and methodological events.

Thus, on the basis of the Cultural and Leisure Center of the Batyrevsky District, an on-site Republican seminar-workshop for directors of municipal and inter-settlement cultural and leisure institutions “On the experience of local government bodies of the Batyrevsky District in giving club institutions the status of a legal entity” was held in October.

The participants of the seminar-meeting visited and got acquainted with the activities of the municipal cultural institution “Center for the Development of Culture and Folk Art of the Toysinsky Rural Settlement”, created on the basis of the Staroakhperdinsky Rural House of Culture. During a methodological visit to the KDU of the district, colleagues were interested in issues related to the work on providing paid services, including in sparsely populated areas.

In November, a meeting of the Coordination and Methodology Council was held “On the activities of municipal (inter-settlement) CDUs and information and methodological services for cultural and leisure activities of the Yantikovsky, Kanashsky and Tsivilsky districts for the implementation of the Program for Improving the Managerial Competence of Managers and Specialists of Cultural and Leisure Institutions.” Club specialists from the Alatyr, Alikovsky, Kanashsky, Tsivilsky, Cheboksary, Urmara and Shemurshinsky districts took part in it.

Specialists from Kanashsky, Tsivilsky and Yantikovsky districts spoke about the activities of municipal and inter-settlement cultural and leisure institutions and their information and methodological services for the implementation of the Program for Improving the Managerial Competence of Managers and Specialists of Cultural and Leisure Institutions.

During the exchange of experience, issues of forming an annual plan for regional seminars of club specialists, topics of educational and methodological events, and methods of conducting them were discussed.

Summing up the meeting, members of the council - specialists from the House of Folk Art - drew the attention of their colleagues to the fact that working with personnel is one of the most complex, difficult and multifaceted activities of a leader. For successful activities, he must first of all take into account the individual characteristics, abilities, motives of behavior and work incentives of each employee.

Is everything being done locally to help new and young cultural workers settle into the workplace? Alas, not always. This leads to the fact that when young specialists come to work in rural cultural centers for a long time, they cannot correctly navigate and organize their work. They lack practical skills in resolving issues of labor organization, ethics in labor relations, and much more. Therefore, young specialists who lack knowledge and skills in working with people leave the cultural sphere and take jobs, sometimes far from the specialty they received. This is one of the reasons for the turnover of KDU personnel. Therefore, the main goal of managers and specialists of information and methodological services of cultural and leisure institutions in working with personnel, according to the participants of the Coordination and Methodology Council, should be to promptly determine the role and place of the employee in a modern cultural institution. The Coordination and Methodology Council recommended that colleagues systematically conduct seminars with employees of cultural and leisure institutions, since this form of study is the main one in the work to improve professional qualifications at the municipal level. At the same time, the need is emphasized to include in the plan of educational and methodological activities for club specialists issues related to the organization of the work of institutions that are rental sites and branches of basic cultural centers, to introduce into practice on-site days of professional training to exchange experience in the work of basic cultural centers.

House of Culture -

1) type of club institution;

2) generalization of the name of various types of state, trade union and departmental club institutions (District House of Culture, House of Culture for Builders, rural trade union House of Culture, etc.)

First of all, in the provinces, where club institutions have fewer competitors in the form of theaters, libraries, museums, cultural centers and clubs to this day remain centers of the most massive, publicly accessible, democratic leisure activities, allowing people to realize their interests and hobbies, their creative potential , to join the culture. And it is very important not to take away this opportunity, not to lose traditions, not to devalue them.

Contents of the work of the methodological center

The methodological center is an integral part of the system of methodological centers that provide methodological support for cultural and leisure activities. The main tasks of methodological departments (offices) are:

    introduction of new forms and methods of work into the practice of cultural and leisure institutions;

    study, generalization and dissemination of best practices

    Participation in the training and advanced training of employees of cultural institutions, leaders of groups and amateur art groups

    providing club institutions with teaching materials, scripts and repertoire collections

    providing methodological assistance on site

The main goal of the methodological center is to improve cultural and leisure activities in the area by improving the forms and methods of work of cultural and leisure institutions.

The successful activities of the methodological center are determined by many factors. These include qualified personnel of methodological workers, the availability of material and technical base.

Each methodologist is responsible for a specific area of ​​work (issues of methodology for cultural and leisure activities of clubs, methodological support for amateur creativity and amateur associations, interest clubs; providing methodological assistance to clubs in working with children and adolescents). Specialists of the methodological center are obliged to ensure a high level of activity of cultural and leisure institutions in assigned areas of work.

Employees of the methodological center prepare and conduct seminars, organize the printing of materials in the media, conduct consultations, monitor the implementation of methodological and policy documents, maintain business contacts with public organizations, supervise the work of club institutions, prepare methodological materials, and perform other types of work.

Methodological bodies in the region are the center of concentration of the methodological, scenario plan, therefore, equipping classrooms with relevant publications is of particular importance. Publishing houses produce a fairly large amount of educational, scientific and repertoire literature on cultural and leisure activities, directing public events, holding holidays and rituals, organizing the work of clubs and amateur associations. An important source for staffing methodological centers are the magazines “Cultural and Educational Work”, “Meeting”, “Club”, “Folk Creativity”, “To Help Amateur Artistic Activities”.

The methodological center must be equipped with: audio-video recordings, photographs. And also: slides, posters, posters, invitation cards.

The methodological center should collect materials coming from cultural and leisure institutions. These could be reports on events held, scripts for holidays, repertoires of amateur artistic groups, etc.

The Methodological Center uses certain types of documentary materials in its work. All materials and documents are distributed into specific sections and areas of activity of methodological offices and cultural institutions.

The following may be presented in the methodological center of the District House of Culture: government decrees, orders, regulations, resolutions of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, decisions of local bodies, public organizations, documents of scientific and methodological centers. These documents should be collected in special folders and a section should be highlighted, which may be called “Directive documents, instructional and methodological materials.”

The work plans of clubs, houses of culture, small theaters, materials on the activities of leisure centers, youth centers, information on patronage work, reports of cultural and leisure institutions are also useful for work. These documents make it possible to monitor the implementation of what is planned by the methodological center. They can be presented in the “Organizational and methodological work” section.

Important among other materials is the section “ Specialists, network and material resources of cultural institutions" Data on cultural workers, leaders of amateur art groups, amateur associations and interest clubs is concentrated here.

Chapter " Leisure organizations» contains materials about the work of amateur art groups, technical and applied types of folk art, the creation and work of amateur associations and clubs of interest, the organization of cultural and leisure events, family recreation, the activities of leisure centers, etc.

It is advisable in the methodological center to collect materials on specific forms of work: about holidays, rituals, theatrical performances, festivals, competitions, exhibitions, shows, discos, recreational evenings, etc. One of the employees of the methodological center is appointed responsible for the safety of the fund. All materials received in the method room are recorded in a special journal.

It is advisable to create a system of catalogs and filing cabinets for special sections.

The material and technical base is important in the work of the methodological center. Certain requirements for the equipment, furnishings and design of the method room arise from its multifunctional activities. The main fund of materials and documents is concentrated in the club work room

In the folk art hall there is a piano or grand piano, there are folk instruments, materials about the work of amateur artistic groups, and music literature are concentrated. It is advisable to equip the hall with soundproofing.

In the technical and audiovisual media club workers must create conditions for re-recording phonograms, viewing slides, videotapes, listening to music discs and audio cassettes.

The lecture and demonstration hall serves as a venue for seminars, round tables, and performances by amateur art groups.

The library of the methodological center can act as a specialized mobile library, and as a book distribution point, and as a branch of the Central Bank. The library is stocked with literature on cultural and leisure activities, amateur performances, music literature, musical and literary recordings.

Methodological centers should be designed in a unique way. First of all, it is necessary to draw up a map of the area, on which populated areas, cultural and leisure institutions are indicated, indicating their departmental affiliation, historical and cultural monuments.

A mandatory accessory of the method room is a stand that reveals the structure of methodological work.

The stand can display job descriptions of employees of the methodological center, the District Organizational and Methodological Center, rural cultural centers and clubs, work plans, schedules of consultations, seminars, orders and instructions of the cultural department, and a work plan for the methodological office.

Along with the indicated stands, the methodological center can prepare materials to help organizers of leisure activities.

The success of the methodological center is determined not only by a good material and technical base, equipment, equipment and design, but also by the presence of advanced forms of work, relevance, creative ingenuity, and initiative of methodologists. Much is also determined by the extent to which the employees of the methodological center master advanced techniques and implement them into practice. Where due attention is paid to this, management companies are popular.

The main activities of the methodological center are:

    coordination of the work of district club institutions on issues of traditional culture and amateur creativity;

    methodological support for conservation, promotion and popularization of intangible cultural heritage in the area;

    organizing and holding holidays, competitions, exhibitions and other cultural events;

    information support for club institutions in the district;

    providing analytical, sociological research, organizing training for specialists from cultural institutions in the region.

Each administrative center of the district has a district cultural center, regardless of the presence of city and other club institutions in this center. The district house of culture is subordinated directly to the culture department of the district administration and organizes a variety of cultural and leisure activities among the population of the district center and settlements located in the district.

The district cultural center is the center of methodological support for cultural and leisure activities of rural cultural centers and clubs in the district. The district house of culture, in addition, carries out methodological work in other cultural institutions that do not belong to the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.

A unique methodological laboratory of the district cultural center is the methodological room. It ensures the introduction of progressive forms and methods of work into the practice of club institutions. On its basis there is a process of studying, generalizing and disseminating positive experience. The methodological office, together with the cultural department, provides advanced training for club workers and leaders of artistic and technical creativity groups. The Methodology Cabinet sends methodological developments to club institutions, including: script materials, repertoire collections; provides practical assistance in staging cultural and leisure programs.

The methodological office of the district cultural center has full-time employees, including two methodologists and one instructor. In addition, the RDK staff includes the positions of artistic director and director.

House of Culture-1) type of club institution; 2) generalization of the name of various types of state, trade union and departmental club institutions (District House of Culture, House of Culture for Builders, rural trade union House of Culture, etc.)

Modern priorities in the activities of cultural institutions cannot be determined without taking into account the economic, political, and social characteristics of the country and region. We consider cultural policy as legal and methodological support, training of creative personnel, financing of infrastructure in the regions, preservation of cultural heritage, support for creativity, etc. Cultural policy begins with a clear definition of priority areas that the state most needs and therefore undertakes to support. However, this does not happen everywhere and not always.

A unique school of art education for children and adults has been formed in club institutions; the state created and maintained the system educational institutions training qualified specialists for clubs; Many discoveries have been made in club practice.

First of all, in the provinces, where club institutions have fewer competitors in the form of theaters, libraries, museums, cultural centers and clubs

to this day, they remain centers of the most massive, publicly accessible, democratic leisure activities, allowing people to realize their interests and hobbies, their creative potential, and become involved in culture. And it is very important not to take away this opportunity, not to lose traditions, not to devalue them.

The reduction of the club network, both in cities and in rural areas, has many reasons. So, we can formulate some economic and administrative reasons for the unfavorable circumstances of the development of cultural and leisure activities of rural clubs in market conditions:

    Insufficient funding for club cultural institutions by federal and regional government bodies. management

    Lack of necessary legal support for rural club institutions

    Deterioration of material and technical base

    Unjustified commercialization

    Reduction of the network of club cultural institutions

    Low quantitative and qualification level of staffing, unsatisfactory social protection of club employees

In order to become the center of the spiritual and cultural life of the village, the work of the club institution must undergo significant adjustments:

The organizational and managerial activities of employees of rural cultural institutions are determined by:

    to create programs for the revival, development and preservation of folk culture

    optimization of interaction between initiative groups and other organizations

    development and implementation of a schedule-route and service area for mobile club institutions for the population of small villages, farmsteads, remote production areas

The scientific and methodological activities of the district coordination and methodological center should include the following areas:

    certification of rural settlements

    identifying and providing information and methodological support to socially active groups

    development of scientific and methodological projects

    assistance in organizing clubs and groups

    search and expedition work to identify the historical and cultural uniqueness of a rural settlement

    revival of ancient rituals and customs, introduction into practice national holidays, folklore festivals, exhibitions of applied arts and crafts

    advanced training of cultural workers during seminars, workshops, creative laboratories, schools of excellence, advanced training courses.

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Nina Cherepanova
Consultation for young preschool specialists on FEMP

to speak at a methodological association for teachers of the Zavyalovsky district in the direction "Cognitive Development"

N. L. Cherepanova St. teacher at MADOU "Tsrr - Oktyabrsky d/s"

Theoretical foundations of the formation and development of mathematical concepts in preschoolers

Slide 3 Kindergarten is the first and very important stage common system education. Before teachers preschool institutions and scientists currently have a common task - to improve all educational work and improve the preparation of children for school.

Slide Training preschoolers the principles of mathematics should be given an important place.

This is caused by a whole bunch of reasons: the abundance of information received by the child, increased attention to computerization, the desire to make the learning process more intense, the desire of parents in this regard to teach the child to recognize numbers, count, and solve problems as early as possible.

Home stalked target: to raise children as people who can think, to navigate well in everything that surrounds them, to correctly assess the various situations they encounter in life, to make independent decisions.

Slide Formation of elementary mathematical concepts is a purposeful process of transferring and assimilating knowledge, techniques and methods of mental activity provided for by program requirements. Its main goal is not only preparation for successful mastery of mathematics at school, but also the comprehensive development of children

Slide What general didactic principles underlie teaching methods? FEMP?

Slide The methodology for teaching mathematical knowledge is based on general didactic principles: systematic, consistent, gradual, individual approach, scientific, accessible, corrective focus, continuous repetition of material.

Slide From the point of view of L. S. Vygotsky, the concept "mathematical development preschoolers» is quite complex, complex and multidimensional and consists of interrelated and interdependent ideas about space, form, size, time, quantity, their properties and relationships, which are necessary for the formation of "everyday" And "scientific" concepts.

Slide From how many sections? FEMP What is the program for each age group?

The work of the teacher should ensure that children acquire generalized, systematized knowledge in all sections in the amount programs:

1 Quantity and counting, 2 Size, 3 Shape, 4 Orientation in space, 5 Orientation in time.

Slide (Experimentation) Under mathematical development preschoolers are understood qualitative changes cognitive activity of the child, which occurs as a result of the formation of elementary mathematical concepts and logical operations associated with them.

In the mathematical preparation provided by the program, much attention is paid to operations with visual material, taking measurements using conventional measures, determining the volume of liquid and granular bodies, developing the children's eye, their ideas about geometric figures, about time, and developing an understanding of spatial relationships.

Slide When organizing children's experimentation, there is a new task: Show children the different possibilities of tools that help them understand the world, such as a microscope.

Quite a lot of materials are required for children's experimentation, therefore, if conditions permit, preferably in kindergarten for seniors preschoolers allocate a separate room for experiments using technical means

Slide In mathematics classes, the teacher carries out not only educational tasks, but also solves educational ones. The teacher introduces preschoolers with rules of behavior, instills in them diligence, organization, the habit of precision, restraint, perseverance, determination, and an active attitude towards their own activities.

Slide List the methods and techniques used in classes FEMP

In mathematics classes, teachers use various methods (verbal, visual, practical, game) And

techniques (story, conversation, description, instructions and explanations, questions for children, children’s answers, sample, showing real objects, paintings, didactic games and exercises, outdoor games).

Modern requirements for the selection of content, means, methods and techniques that stimulate activity and aimed at developing children's independence and initiative.

Slide Developmental teaching methods occupy a large place in working with children of all age groups. This includes the systematization of the knowledge he offers, the use of visual aids

Slide If teachers themselves select visual material, they should strictly comply with the requirements arising from the learning objectives and characteristics of the children’s age. These requirements following:

A sufficient number of objects used in the lesson;

Variety of items by size (big and small);

Playing with children of all types of visual aids before class at different periods of time, so that during the lesson they are attracted only by the mathematical side, and not by the gaming side (when playing with gaming material, you need to indicate to the children its purpose);

Dynamism Children act with the object offered to them in accordance with the teacher’s instructions, so the object must be strong, stable, so that it can be rearranged, moved from place to place, or picked up;


Visual material should attract children aesthetically. Beautiful manuals make children want to study with them, contribute to the organized conduct of classes and good assimilation of the material.

Slide Increasing children's independence and cognitive interests determines the wider use of educational literature in the group (children's encyclopedias, workbooks.

Along with fiction in the book corner there should be reference, educational literature, general and thematic encyclopedias for preschoolers.

The teacher shows the children how they can get answers to the most complex and interesting questions. A well-illustrated book becomes a source of new interests preschooler

Slide Teaching mathematics in kindergarten is based on specific images and ideas. These concrete representations prepare the foundation for the formation of mathematical concepts based on them.

Without enriching sensory cognitive experience, full mastery of mathematical knowledge and skills is impossible

Slide Mathematical abilities are cognitive skills (32) and are closely related to cognitive processes: sensory and intellectual.

Sensory abilities determine the direct perception of the surrounding world.

Intellectual - determine its comprehension.

Slide Photo The basis of sensory cognitive abilities is a cognitive process such as perception, and the basis of intellectual cognitive abilities is thinking.

At the same time, other cognitive processes (attention, memory, imagination) act in this hierarchy as conditions for the active and successful implementation of both the first and the second.

Slide Forms of organizing children's activities for the development of mathematical concepts

Collective forms:

Math matinee,

Holidays, entertainment,


Meetings with interesting people


Customized forms:




Club work,

Differentiated learning,

Role-playing games

Design of exhibitions, etc.

Slide During the joint mathematical activity of the teacher and children

assistance and pedagogical support are provided to children who have difficulty mastering mathematical material, as well as to children who show increased interest in mathematics;

didactic games are used, computer games, collecting, story-based didactic games, experimentation and project activities.

During independent activities, children study in an intellectual and mathematical environment created in a group;

the teacher fills the environment with games and gaming materials in accordance with children's requests;

The teacher creates conditions for independent experimentation and development of cognitive and research activities of children.

Slide Conclusion

The teacher’s skill to excite, strengthen and develop the child’s cognitive interests in the process of his development consists of the ability to make the content of his subject rich, deep, attractive, and the methods of cognitive activity varied, creative, productive.

Let the children not see that they are being taught something. Let them think that they are only playing. But unnoticed by yourself, during the game, preschoolers count, add, subtract, and, moreover, solve various kinds of logical problems that form certain logical operations. This is interesting for children because they love to play.

Information resources used

Beloshistaya A. V. Formation and development of mathematical abilities preschoolers: Questions of theory and practices: Course of lectures for students. doshk. higher faculties textbook establishments. – M.: Humanite. ed. VLADOS center, 2003. – 400 p.

Shcherbakova E. N. Theory and methodology of mathematical development preschoolers. – M.: Publishing house of the Moscow Psychological and Social Institute; Voronezh: NPO Publishing House "MODEK", - 2005.-392 p.

V. F. PETROVA Methods of mathematical education for children preschool age
