Project activities in the first junior group. Long-term project in the junior group "Theater in a child's life" project on fiction (junior group) on the topic. Projects. Project activity in kindergarten - Project “Such a different autumn”

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Project activities in the first junior group

Our friend - Snowman

Compiled by: Manannikova Yu.A.

teacher of the first junior group

With. Sorochiy Log 2014

Project type:cognitive and research. Includes creative, educational and experimental activities.

Project type: group.

Project duration: short-term (1 week).

Project participants : children II early age groups (2 – 3 years), parents, educators.

Relevance of the project.

From birth, a child is a discoverer, an explorer of the world that surrounds him. Everything is new for him: sun and rain, snow and hail. The relevance of this project is that it allows, in the conditions of the educational process in a preschool educational institution, to expand, enrich, systematize and creatively apply children’s knowledge about the snowman. Introduce elementary experiments with snow and water in order to develop interest in experimenting from natural material. At 2–3 years old, a child perceives the information received better if all senses are involved, if he can not only see, but also touch, smell, taste, play, do something with his own hands.

Children collect stones and shells with interest and play with sand, water, and snow. Objects and phenomena of inanimate nature are part of their life activity and are objects of observation and play.

Watching the snow from the window, the children began to ask questions: “What is snow?” “Why does it snow in winter?” Seeing a snowman in the picture, the children asked: “Who is this?” This is how the idea for this project came about. I wanted to introduce children to snow and the snowman.

Object of study: snow.

Subject of study: physical properties of snow.

Objective of the project:

Development of cognitive and creativity children in the process of familiarization and experimental activities with snow.


  1. Give children basic ideas about a natural object - snow, its transformation into water, into ice.
  2. enrich lexicon children on this topic.
  3. To form the cognitive activity of children when conducting experiments, experiments and observations.
  4. Reinforce the concepts of “white”, “round”, “cold”, “ball”.
  5. Introduce snowman sculpting.
  6. Develop the ability to work in a team.

Hypothesis:a snowman is a snow building that consists of snow, and snow in turn is one of the states of water, and water can also turn into ice.

Project implementation stages.

Preparatory stage.

  • Conversations with children to identify children's knowledge about snow.
  • Preparation of attributes for games and activities.
  • A selection of poems, fiction, riddles about winter, snow, snowman.
  • Examination of plot pictures on the theme “Winter”.
  • Listening to songs about winter, snowman, snowflakes.

Main stage.

Days of the week


GCD "Introduction to the properties of snow" (Appendix 1)

Experiment No. 1 “Snow and its properties” (Appendix 3)

Outdoor game “A little white snow fell.” (Appendix 2)


Experiment No. 2 “What is snow?” (Appendix 3)

GCD “Snowman” (modeling). (Appendix 1)

Didactic game “Fold the snowman” (Appendix 4)


Experiment No. 3 “What is ice?” (Appendix 3)

Didactic game “Snowflakes” (Appendix 4)

Review of the album "Winter Fun".


BUT NOD. Application “Friends for a snowman” (application No. 1)

Outdoor game “Snow is spinning” (Appendix 2).

Didactic game “Build a snowman” (Appendix 4)


Listening to children's songs about winter and snowman.

ECD Reading and memorizing the poem “It’s snowing” » (Annex 1)

Exhibition of creative works by parents “Our friend – the Snowman”

The final stage.

  • Show open class"Snowman".
  • Design of the exhibition of parents’ crafts “Our friend – the snowman”.
  • Presentation of the project at the teachers' meeting.

Resource support:

Examination of albums and illustrations, landscapes, plot pictures depicting winter natural phenomena, a snowman. Reading works of fiction: fairy tales, short stories, poems, nursery rhymes. Conversations on project topics. Listening to and singing children's songs about winter and snowman.


  • story pictures, albums on the theme of the project;
  • fiction - S. Marshak “Snow”, A. Barto “Snow”, Y. Akim “First Snow”, Z. Alexandrova “Snowball”, O. Zhuk “Snow House”, Prikhodko “Snowflake”;Z. Rozhdestvenskaya “Little Star”.
  • - visual material for children's creativity, building material;
  • - audio recording of children's songs about winter: “Song of the Snowman”;
  • - attributes for games;

Labor :

  • selection of information and preparation of material on the topic of the project;
  • Drawing, applique, sculpting,

Gaming :

  • Di: “Snowflakes”, “Build a snowman”, “Fold the snowman”;
  • P/n: “ “The snow is spinning”, “A little white snow has fallen”,
  • Breathing exercises “Snowflakes and the wind”, “Blow on a snowflake”


1. S.N. Teplyuk “Child of the third year of life”;

2. “Educational games with kids up to three years"(Compiled by T.V. Galanova);

3 S.N. Teplyuk “Activities for a walk with kids”;

4. T.G. Kazakova “Develop creativity in preschoolers”;

5. “Complex classes in the first junior group of kindergarten” according to the program of M.A. Vasilyeva;

6. Materials from the Internet.

Expected results:

  • children : they know what snow is, what kind of snow (white, cold, melts in warmth, snow is frozen water). They know that a snowman is a snow building that consists of snow. They know how to sculpt a snowman from plasticine. Make a snowman from circles, know the parts of a snowman. Making a snowman applique.
  • Parents: take an active part in making crafts on the theme “our friend – the Snowman”.
  • Educators: create conditions for the implementation of the project and the active inclusion of all participants in the work to implement the project.

The result of the project.

The project “Our friend - the Snowman” lasted 1 week.During the project, children thoroughly explored the snow in a group in the experimental area, examined it, touched it, and smelled it., all the children showed great interest during the experiments and drew conclusions.

They made a snowman,practiced rolling out lumps of plasticine in a circular motion and connecting the lumps together.

During the project “Our Friend the Snowman,” children developed a strong interest in creative, cognitive activities; a number of skills have been formed, children have acquired and consolidated basic knowledge about snow, they know well what snow white, cold, melts in a warm room. Snow is water that has frozen.

During the project, the kids became noticeably closer to each other, their speech became more active, the children developed observation and attention, and learned the basic comparison between cold and warm. As the final product of the project, we presented an exhibition of works by parents “Our Friend - The Snowman”.

Throughout the entire project, children withplayed active and didactic games with pleasure and desire, met new people works of art about winter, conversations were held: “Winter and its signs”, “Winter fun”, and we looked at illustrative and visual material depicting winter landscapes and winter fun.We learned by heart G. Poznansky’s poem “It’s snowing.”

During the experimental activities, experiments were carried out with snow: “Snow and its properties”, “What is snow?”, “Ice and its properties”, during which the children learned that snow is cold, fluffy, white, crumbly, snow is warm turns into water. We also learned that water has the property of freezing and turning into ice (hard, brittle, cold, transparent).

Thus, the children’s cognitive interest in experiments increased and their vocabulary expanded.

Further development.

This project provided great opportunities for creativity, brought learning closer to life, developed activity, independence, and the ability to work in a team. Therefore, in the future I plan to continue experimental activities with water, ice, and sand in the spring and summer months.

A child's life begins with family. He grows and develops in the family, his parents become an example for him. V. A. Sukhomlinsky correctly noted that “how his childhood passed, who led the child by the hand during his childhood years, what entered his mind and heart from the world around him, the kind of person today’s child will become depends on this to a decisive extent. "



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Project activity in the second junior group on the topic “My Family”

“How childhood passed, who led the child by the hand during childhood, what entered his mind and heart from the world around him - this decisively determines what kind of person today’s child will become.” V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Relevance. IN modern world Due to the heavy workload of adults, little attention is paid to the joint activities of children and parents. Children and parents most often meet only in the evening, after coming from work or kindergarten. And it is precisely in early preschool age that children begin to form elementary ideas about the phenomena of social life. And parents in this difficult task should be their irreplaceable guides and assistants. In reality, it turns out that such a close lexical topic “Family” will cause great difficulties for children 3-4 years old. The “My Family” project is an excellent opportunity to reflect on the role of family in the life of every person, on family traditions and their development in modern conditions. Work on the project has great importance for the formation of the child’s personality, strengthening and development of parent-child relationships. Parents must give the child the idea that he is part of the family, and that this is very important. Children must understand the importance of family, instill in children love and respect for family members, and instill in children a sense of attachment to family and home. Therefore the topic family relations will always be relevant. Work on the formation and development of child-parent relationships, instilling respect for elders and family members, instilling a sense of affection for one’s family and home will always occupy an important role in the educational process of a preschool institution.

Goal: to form children’s initial ideas about family. Objectives: – to introduce children to the concepts of “family”, “first name”, “last name”; learn to name your family members and establish family ties; – to cultivate in the child a friendly attitude, respect for his parents and family members, and a desire to help them; – promote the development of children’s desire to talk about their family; develop the ability to express your feelings (joy, tenderness); enrichment of vocabulary (family, family traditions), development of grammatically correct speech.

Type of project: group, long-term. Project duration: September 2017 – March 2018 Project participants: pupils of the second junior group, parents, teachers. Educational area: cognitive development, social and communicative development, speech development. Methods of project implementation: verbal (conversation, story, explanation, work with a book), visual (illustration, demonstration), practical (game, exercises, cognitive-game activities). Demonstration material and equipment: card index of didactic and role-playing games and finger exercises on the topic “Family”, books by children’s writers, laptop. Forms of project implementation: direct educational activities, role-playing and didactic games, independent activities of children, exhibitions of children's drawings, consultations for parents, parent meetings.

Project implementation stages: 1. Preparatory. Goal: to identify the level of children’s knowledge about their family members, to familiarize parents with the goals and objectives of the project. 2. Basic. Goal: implementation in the educational process effective methods and techniques for expanding preschoolers’ knowledge about the family. 3. Final. Goal: summing up and analyzing the results of the “My Family” project.

Work on the project at the preparatory stage

Work on the project at the main stage Direct educational activities

Play activity

Finger gymnastics Children's creativity

Joint activities of parents and children

To help parents

Working on a project at final stage

Expected results: – fostering a sense of pride in your family and love for its members; – expanding children’s knowledge about their family, family members, traditions, and the life of their grandparents; – showing respect and care for your family members; – strengthening friendly relations between parents and children, establishing trusting and partnership relations with them; – improving the pedagogical culture of parents.



Project activities in the second junior group

On the topic "My family"

Relevance. A child's life begins with family. He grows and develops in the family, his parents become an example for him. V.A. Sukhomlinsky correctly noted that “how childhood passed, who led the child by the hand during his childhood years, what entered his mind and heart from the world around him - the kind of person today’s child will become depends on this to a decisive extent.”

In the modern world, due to the heavy workload of adults, little attention is paid to the joint activities of children and parents. Children and parents most often meet only in the evening, after coming from work or kindergarten. Usually by this time parents have no energy left to communicate, since there are still many household chores to be done before bed. And in the morning everything is repeated according to the already known “scenario”. Therefore, unfortunately, children are often left to their own devices or immerse themselves in the world of animated films and computer games, to which they were “accustomed” to by their eternally tired parents.

But it is precisely at early preschool age that children begin to form elementary ideas about the phenomena of social life. And parents in this difficult task should be their irreplaceable guides and assistants.In reality it turns out thatsuch a close topic “Family” causes great difficulties for children 3-4 years old. Unfortunately,not all children know about their own family: what their parents’ names are (they do not share the concepts of “mother” and “mother’s name”), what their parents doparents and grandparents, few of the children know family ties, do not understand who is related to whom, who is the eldest in the family, who is the youngest.

The “My Family” project is an excellent opportunity to reflect on the role of family in the life of every person, on family traditions and their development in modern conditions. Work on the project is of great importance for the formation of the child’s personality, strengthening and development of parent-child relationships. Parents must give the child the idea that he is part of the family, and that this is very important. Children must understand the importance of family, instill in children love and respect for family members, and instill in children a sense of attachment to family and home.

Therefore, the topic of family relationships will always be relevant. Work on the formation and development of child-parent relationships, instilling respect for elders and family members, instilling a sense of attachment to one’s family and home will always be important in the educational process of a preschool institution.

Objective of the project: formation of children's initial ideas about the family.


– introduce children to the concepts of “family”, “first name”, “last name”; learn to name your family members and establish family ties;

– to cultivate in the child a friendly attitude, respect for his parents and family members, and a desire to help them;

– promote the development of children’s desire to talk about their family;develop the ability to express your feelings (joy, tenderness);enrichment of vocabulary (family, family traditions), development of grammatically correct speech.

Project type: group, long-term.

Project duration:September 2017 – March 2018

Project participants:pupils of the second junior group, parents, teachers.

Educational area:cognitive development, social and communicative development, speech development.

Project implementation methods:verbal (conversation, story, explanation, working with a book), visual (illustration, demonstration), practical (game, exercises, cognitive-game activities).

Demonstration material and equipment:a card index of didactic and role-playing games and finger exercises on the topic “Family”, books by children’s writers, a laptop.

Project implementation forms:direct educational activities, role-playing and didactic games, independent activities of children, exhibitions of children's drawings, consultations for parents, parent meetings.

Project implementation stages:

– preparatory (September 2017);

– main (October 2017 – February 2018);

– final (March 2018).

Work planning

1. Preparatory stage.

Goal: to identify the level of children’s knowledge about their family members, to familiarize parents with the goals and objectives of the project.




Reading and analysis of the story “Mama” by D. Grabe.

1st week

Introducing parents to the goals and objectives of the “My Family” project.

1st week

Questioning parents on the topic “Style of raising a child in the family.”

2nd week

Consulting parents on collecting information for the family tree.

3rd week

Creation of a developing environment (selection of materials, toys, attributes for gaming, theatrical activities; didactic games, illustrated material, fiction on the topic" Family " .

Within a month

Conversations with children on the topics “What is family?”, “My family” (individual and collective).

Within a month

2. Main stage.

Target: implementation in the educational process of effective methods and techniques to expand preschoolers’ knowledge about the family.





1 Week

1. Conversation on the topic “Who lives in my family.”

2. Reading and analysis of S. Mikhalkov’s poem “What do you have?”

3. Conducting finger gymnastics “Friendly Family”.

4. Design of folders on the topics: “Poems about the family”, “Folk proverbs about the family”.

5. Exhibition of crafts made from natural materials “Gifts of Autumn”.






Children, parents

2 week

1. Conversation on the topic “Our brothers and sisters.”

2. Reading and analysis of A. Barto’s poem “Younger Brother.”

3. Role-playing game “Mom came home from work.”

4. GCD “Application “Gift for a sister/brother.”

5. Parent meeting on the topic “It all starts with family.”

6. Preparation of instructions for parents “Fundamentals of moral relations in the family.”







3 week

1. Reading and analysis of the fairy tale “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka.”

2. Conducting finger gymnastics “My Family”, “Our Baby”.

3. Conducting didactic games “Who will bring the pictures faster”, “What are we doing?”

4. Design of an exhibition stand on the topic “Children’s rights. Keeping them in the family."





4 week

1. Conversation on the topic “My grandparents.”

2. Role-playing game “Grandma has arrived.”

3. Reading and analysis of the poem by A. Barto “How Vovka helped out the grandmothers.”

4. NOD “Modeling “Treat for Grandma/Grandfather”.

5. Preparation of instructions for parents “Psycho-age characteristics of children of primary preschool age.”







1 Week

1. Conversation on the topic “What is mom doing at home?”

2. Conducting finger gymnastics “Our Baby”, “Family”.

3. Learning the poem “Mama” by Y. Akim.

4. Drawing up instructions for parents “Is it possible to do without punishment?”






2 week

1. Conversation on the topic “How I help at home.”

2. Reading and analysis of the poem by E. Blaginina “Let's sit in silence.”

3. Conducting didactic games “What are we doing?”, “Remembering the names of close relatives.”

4. Preparation of instructions for parents “Mistakes in family education.”





3 week

1. Role-playing game “Moms putting their children to bed.”

2. Reading and analysis of the fairy tale “Geese and Swans”.

3. Conducting the didactic game “My Family”.

4. Compiling stories from personal experience on the topic “Family Holidays”.

5. Preparation of leaflets for parents “The rights of the child in the family.”






4 week

1. Learning the poem by O. Chusovitina “A gift for Mom.”

2. Conducting finger gymnastics “Our Mothers”.

3. GCD " Modeling on the theme “Beads as a gift for mommy”

4. Participation in the event, dedicated to the Day Mothers.

5. Design of the photo exhibition “Me and my mother.”




Children, parents

Children, parents


1 Week

1. Conversation on the topic “What do your parents do?”

2. Learning the song “My friend family ".

3. Compiling stories from personal experience on the topic: “How we relax throughout family."

4. Role-playing game “Visiting grandma.”

5. Preparation of instructions for parents “The role of didactic games in the family and kindergarten.”






2 week

1. Learning the poem by S. Pshenichnykh “Around the City with Mom.”

2. Conducting finger gymnastics “Ladushki”.

3. Conducting didactic games “The House in which I Live”, “Helpers in the Family”.

4. Preparation of instructions for parents"Play with your children!"

5. Creating a collage “My Family”.






3 week

1. Conversation on the topic “How we relax with our family.”

2. Role-playing game “Dad is a good master.”

3. Conducting finger gymnastics “Our Mothers”, “Our Whole Family”.

4. Watching the cartoon “Mother for Baby Mammoth.”

5. Parent meeting on the topic“Age characteristics of children or the crisis of 3 years!”






4 week

1. Compilation of a story on the topic “Who do I live with?”

2. GCD “Drawing “Our Christmas tree”.

3. Reading and analysis of the fairy tale “Morozko”.

4. Conducting didactic games “My Family”, “Family Tree”.

5. Design of a wall newspaper"On the dangers of lack of sleep."







2 week

1. Conversation on the topic “How my family spent the New Year holidays.”

2. Reading and analysis of the poem “Brother” by E. Urusova.

3. Conducting didactic games “What does mother do”, “Mom’s name”.

4. GCD “Modeling” “Let’s bake cookies for the family.”

5. Preparation of instructions for parents “How to introduce a child to family history.






3 week

1. Conversation on the topic “Like mom, dad and other membersfamilies care about you?».

2. Guessing riddles about the family.

3. Reading and analysis of S. Kaputikyan’s poem “My Grandmother”.

4. Preparation of memos for parents“What toys to buy for a 3-4 year old child.”





4 week

1. Reading and analysis of the poem “My Sister” by I. Naydenova.

2. Carrying out finger gymnastics “We made peace”, “Our whole family”.

3. Conducting educational games“Find your mother”, “What do they affectionately call you at home?”, “Who is older? Who is younger?

4. Playing out the situation “Morning in our family.”

“The influence of the psychological microclimate of the family on the health of the child.”







1 Week

1. Reading and analysis of the poem “Papa” by T. Prokofieva.

2. Conducting educational games“Fold the picture”, “Count the family members”, “Arrange by height”, “What kind of family do you have?”

3. Conducting finger gymnastics “Family”, “Who has arrived”.

4. GCD " Origami "Fan for Grandma."

5. Design of the stand “Some tips for raising grandchildren.”






2 week

1. Conversation on the topic “Where mom and dad work.”

2. Ball games “Who are you to me?”, “What is family?”

3. GCD " Designing “A House for My Family.”

4. Plot-role-playing games on the theme “Grandma’s birthday is coming soon,” “Grandfather is sick.”

5. Preparation of instructions for parents “The role of the father in family education.”






3 week

1. Conversation on the topic “Dad can.”

2. Reading and analysis of the poem “The Best” by O. Chusovitina.

3. GCD “Cup for Dad”.

4. Design of the photo exhibition “Me and My Dad.”




4 week

1. Reading and analysis of “The Tale of a Smart Mouse” by S. Marshak.
2. Exhibition of children's drawings on the theme “My Family”.

3. Role-playing game “Mothers and Daughters”.

4. Open day for parents“We are ready to answer your questions...”

5. Preparation of instructions for parents"Child's health and computer."




Parents, preschool specialists


3. Final stage.

Target: summing up and analyzing the results of the “My Family” project.




Presentation of albums with drawings made by children together with their parents “Happy fragments from the life of my family.”

1st week

Parents' meeting "My family - what could be more expensive."

2nd week

Within a month

Expected results of the project:

– fostering a sense of pride in one’s family and love for its members;

– expanding children’s knowledge about their family, family members, traditions, and the life of their grandparents;

– showing respect and care for your family members;

– strengthening friendly relations between parents and children, establishing trusting and partnership relations with them;

– improving the pedagogical culture of parents.

List of sources and literature used:

1. Vetokhina A.Ya. Moral and patriotic education of preschool children: Toolkit for teachers. – M.: Detstvo-press, 2016.

2. Vinogradova N.A., Pankova E.P. Educational projects in kindergarten: a manual for educators. – M.: Iris-press, 2015.

3. Gorbatenko Zh.M. Project "My Family". 2nd junior group (3–4 years) // Questions of preschool pedagogy. – 2016. – No. 1. – P. 97-99.

4. Davydova O.I., Mayer A.A., Bogoslovets L.G. Projects in working with families: Toolkit. – M.: Sfera, 2012.

5. Zvereva O.Kh., Krotova T.V. Communication between teachers and parents in preschool educational institutions. – M.: Sfera, 2015.

6. Introducing preschoolers to family and pedigree / ed. E.K. Rivina: a manual for teachers and parents. – M.: Mosaic-synthesis, 2015.

7. Evdokimova E.S. Design technology in preschool educational institutions. – M.: Sfera, 2016.

8. Pashkevich T.D. Social and emotional development of children 3-7 years old. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2016.

9. Svirskaya L. Working with the family: optional instructions. – M.: Linka-Press, 2017.

10. Shorygina T.A. Conversations about children's rights. – M.:Mosaic-synthesis, 2014.

Project activities in the first junior group on environmental education.

Short-term project “Let’s conquer the birds”

Implementation period: short-term (two weeks).
Project type: informational and creative.
Project type: game.
List of participants: teachers, children 2-3 years old, their parents

Relevance: children’s lack of systematic knowledge about the world around them, about birds, and about the need to take care of birds in winter.

Methodological basis: G. I. Vinnikova “Classes with children 2-3 years old”, “Complex lessons according to the program in the 1st junior group” edited by N. E. Veraksa, M. A. Vasilyeva, T. S. Komarova.

Objective of the project: the formation of ideas about birds as living beings in nature.

1. Introduce children to birds.
2. Learn to listen carefully, develop the ability for dialogical speech, learn to answer questions in a word and a sentence consisting of 3-4 words.
3. Practice onomatopoeia.
4. Enrich and activate the vocabulary on the topic.
5. Fix the method of tearing a piece of plasticine from a whole piece.
6. Foster a caring attitude towards birds.

Implementation stages:

1. Preparatory stage:
Studying methodological literature,
Selection of fiction,
Preparation of art materials for productive activities.

2. Project implementation

Children's activities:
Joint writing of the story “How we fed the birds.”
Outdoor game: “Sparrows and a car.
Bird watching.
Memorizing the poem by A. Barto “Bird”.
Examination of illustrations: “Birds”.
Modeling “Berries for Birds”.
Reading: nursery rhymes "Magpie".
Didactic game: “Who lives in the house? »
Didactic game: “Who eats what? »
Outdoor game: “Birds”.
Working with parents:
Mobile folder “Winter fun”,
Making feeders.
3. Summary:

Project activities in the first junior group.
Educational and research project “We can’t live without water”

Age: first junior group.

Relevance of the development and implementation of the project: 2013 has been declared the year of environmental culture and protection environment in RT. It is necessary to cultivate an environmental culture from early childhood. Of the natural resources for children, the closest and most accessible is water. There is less water on earth, so we chose water as the object of study. In addition, March 22 is World Water Day.

Objective of the project: enriching children's knowledge about water as a natural object, developing an understanding of the need to save water.

Achieving this goal is possible by solving the following tasks:
1. Give children a basic understanding of water and its impact on the world around them.
2. To form children’s cognitive activity when conducting observations and research.
3. Enrich children's vocabulary on this topic.
4. Develop emotional responsiveness to musical and literary works and bright natural phenomena.

Project type: cognitive and research.

Participants: teachers, children of the first junior group, parents, junior teacher, music director.

Implementation period: two weeks.

Planned result: expanding children's knowledge about water, its properties and its role in the world around them; enrichment of children’s active and passive vocabulary through the words: “water, water, transparent, colorless, tasteless, odorless, pours, gurgles, runs, drips, wash, wipe, pour, water, swim, wet, dry, etc.” d. "; development of cognitive interest and observation in children; taking active part in productive activities; manifestation of emotional responsiveness.

The project consists of three stages.
The first stage is preparatory.

Preparatory stage:
1. Setting the goals and objectives of the project.
2. Conversations with children to identify knowledge about water.
3. Preparation of poems, nursery rhymes, chants, riddles, games, illustrative material, using water.
4. Preparation of the necessary equipment.
5. Determination of the content, methods, forms of work with children and parents on the project.

The second stage is the main one, at which the different kinds children's activities:
This is motor activity:
1. Outdoor game “Sunshine and Rain”, “Bubble”, “Round Dance”.
2. Complex morning exercises“Come out, water, we came to wash ourselves.”
3. Physical exercise “At the forest spring.”

Cognitive and communicative
1. Situational conversation “How to save water”, “Friends of Moidodyr” and conversations during special moments about water.
2. Conducting educational activities on educational, research, and communication activities “Properties of Water.”
3. Conducting educational activities to form a holistic picture of the world “We cannot live without water.”
4. Reading and learning poems, nursery rhymes, and calls about water with children.
5. Examination of illustrations depicting rain, various bodies of water, and swimming in them.
6. Didactic game “Bathing a doll”, “Song of water”.

Productive activities:
1. Modeling “Aquarium”.
2. Drawing with paints with elements of the application “Rain”, “Spring drops”
3. Construction of the “Boat”.

Musical activities:
1. Learning and singing the songs “Rain, rain - drip, drip, drip”, “Rain, rain is more fun.”
2. Musical game in motion “Rain on the path”, “Sun and rain”.
3. Tapping drops on a metallophone.
4. Listening to “Sounds of Nature” - the sound of rain, waterfall, drops, sea.

Independent activity:
1. Story games“Captains”, “Sailing on a steamboat”, “Let’s make soup (compote, porridge)”, “Let’s treat the dolls to tea.”
2. Didactic games“Fishing”, “Puzzles”, “Where can I pour water? "
3. Didactic manual"Entertaining figures."
4. Games with building materials - building a ship, a bridge.

Research activities:
1. Watching the rain from the window and catching a drop while walking.
2. Children’s games in the “Sand - Water” center - search activities “Cold, warm, hot”, “Sinking - floating”.
3. Observation of aquarium fish.

Labor activity:
1. Observing the work of the teacher and carrying out work assignments: washing toys, washing doll clothes.
2. Observing the work of the teacher in caring for indoor plants and performing work assignments: watering flowers.
3. Observation of the work of the assistant teacher: how Nadezhda Dmitrievna washes the dishes, the floor.

Working with parents:
1. Consultation for parents. Fairy tale “How people offended the river.”
2. Show children at home that water is needed for cooking, washing clothes, cleaning the apartment, watering indoor plants, and bathing people.
3. Recommend taking your children to a zoo exhibition of exotic fish.

4. “Save water” poster.

At the final stage:
1. Summing up the project.
2. Exhibition of children's works.
3. Organization of entertainment “Funny Soap Bubbles”.