The contents of morning exercises are: Methodology for conducting morning exercises in preschool organizations. In the village he steals chickens

Morning exercises- a set of specially selected exercises aimed at setting up, “charging” a person for the whole coming day. Its health benefits lie in its effect on the body, taking into account the anatomical, physiological and mental characteristics of children.

B is important not as a means of awakening, but as an organized communication of children in the process of motor activity. At the same time, emotional tone increases, being the result of “muscular” joy from movements in a group of peers, psychological stress from parting with parents is relieved, attention is collected, and behavior is disciplined.

During morning exercises the following are decided tasks:

1) Wellness:

"wake up the body";

Set it up for work;

Activate the activity of all important systems of the body;

Encourage everyone to work internal organs, promote hardening, formation of correct posture, and prevent the occurrence of flat feet.

2) Educational:

Consolidation of motor skills and abilities ;

Development of physical qualities .

3) Educational:

Development of organization, discipline, independence, "muscular joy" from movements in a group of peers.

The following options exist.

Traditional (with switching on outdoor switchgear)

Game character. It is built on educational programs of varying intensity with different educational objectives. In the introductory part - mp\i, a game of medium mobility; the main part is a high mobility game aimed at improving various basic movements; in the final part - mp\i, round dances, exercises to restore breathing.

Using an obstacle course.

Including health jogging.

Rhythmic gymnastics. The complex includes drill exercises, outdoor switchgear, dance movements, running, and jumping. The uniqueness of the rhythmic gymnastics consists in a faster pace, intensity of movements, in the work of all muscles and joints at the same time. Cheerful, rhythmic music creates positive emotions. Most often this happens in senior and preparatory groups.

Gymnastics using task cards. The pictures show a schematic diagram of the exercise. The teacher shows the card, the child completes it independently. Used in older preschool age.

In progress morning exercises it is necessary to ensure the correct physical, mental and emotional stress.

Physical activity increases gradually: having reached its highest value during jumping and running, it decreases towards the end morning exercises. Motor density, therefore, minimal time is allocated for explaining and demonstrating exercises, distributing physical education equipment and changing lanes. Physical activity increases by increasing the number of repetitions of each movement, the pace of their execution and reducing the interval between exercises. It also depends on the total duration morning exercises.

Duration morning exercises.

Mlad gr. – 4 - 6 min

Avg. gr. – 6 - 8 min

Star. gr. – 8 - 10 min

Under. gr. – 10 - 12 min

Morning exercises consists of three parts, each with its own task.

I. Introductory part. Organizes children's attention, teaches coordinated actions, prepares the body to perform more complex exercises, develops correct posture and prevents flat feet. into her include: formations (column, line, circle, drill exercises (half-turns, turns, formations, closing and opening, different types walking, running, jumping.

At the beginning of the year, children of the first junior group are not are building: they walk and run in a flock, scattered. Further morning exercises and in this group it begins by lining up in a column one at a time or in one line. Turns to the right, left, and around are more often used in older groups.

Suitable at the beginning and at the end morning exercises to prevent flat feet, give different types of walking in the following combination: normal walking, on toes, heels, edges of feet, etc.

At carrying out "horses", "herons", and etc.).

It is necessary to ensure that children do not shuffle their feet or sway when walking, keep their heads straight, swing their arms rhythmically, and breathe through their nose. The teacher prevents mistakes with appropriate instructions, and if they do occur, corrects them without stopping walking.

Running on morning exercises in younger groups first carried out by a flock, scattered, and then in a column one at a time, both in place and with advancement in different directions.

Before general developmental exercises, running is performed at an average pace and alternates with walking. Duration of running without a break.

Young gr. - 10-15sec

Avg. gr. -15-20sec

Star. gr. - up to 30sec

Under. gr. -30-40sec.

The running of the introductory part after performing different types of walking is given at a slow or medium pace, alternating with walking.

II. Main part. Strengthening the main muscle groups of the body, forming correct posture. Includes outdoor switchgear for the muscles of the neck, arms and shoulder girdle; trunk muscles, abdominal muscles, leg muscles and strengthening the arch of the foot (jumping, running). It is imperative that outdoor switchgear be made from different and. P. (standing, sitting, lying down). Can be performed in pairs, triplets, or links at the same time.

To perform general developmental exercises, young children are lined up in a circle, scattered, and from the middle group they are usually rebuilt into a column of two (through the links, by the end of the year through the center in pairs. From the older group they are usually rebuilt into a column of three, four . With this structure, it is easier for the teacher to monitor the quality of general developmental exercises performed by all children and to pay attention to correct posture.

General developmental exercises for morning exercises are selected in the next sequences:

1) exercises are given for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle,

2) exercises that strengthen the muscles of the torso and legs.

Number of outdoor switchgear in the complex

Young gr. – 3 - 4

Avg. gr. – 4 - 5

Star. gr. – 5 – 6

Under. gr. – 6 – 8

Exercises for the arms and shoulder girdle are performed by younger children from the starting position - narrow leg stand apart, and for older children - the main stance, closed stoic position.

Exercises for the trunk muscles at a young age are carried out from the starting position, narrow leg stand apart, leg stand apart, and in the senior position, leg stand apart, wide leg stand apart.

In leg exercises at a younger age, a narrow stance with legs apart is used, while at an older age, the main stance is used.

At carrying out For general developmental exercises with objects, you need to think through the order of their distribution and collection, and provide for the formation of the group so that the children do not interfere with each other.

At an older age, general developmental exercises occupy a larger volume without items.

In younger groups, the teacher performs general developmental exercises with the children.

IN middle group he first names the exercise, briefly explains it (if necessary, shows it, and then gives a command for the starting position and execution. When explaining, the children’s attention is fixed on the most difficult elements of the exercise. If errors do occur, then instructions for correcting them are given during the execution exercises. Instructions should be aimed at clarifying the understanding of the elements of the exercise and promoting their correct implementation. This is helped by combining the count with words denoting elements of the technique, or even replacing the count with specific words (for example, instead of "once" teacher speaks: “Sit down, back straight”).

The teacher must think about when he will use counting when repeating an exercise, and when he will replace it with words that clarify the idea of ​​​​this element of technique. Appropriate alternation of counting, words (instructions) and other signals (hand movement down "sit down", up "straightened up" in the exercise "squat") helps children perform movements more correctly and with greater interest.

At an older age, children can perform an exercise by name, but sometimes senior group The teacher does the exercise with the children. This reduces the reminder time and increases physical stress on the body. Following the teacher’s actions, children clarify their understanding of movement technique and try to correct mistakes. But such a joint exercise is only advisable if the teacher sees the whole group and can observe the actions of the children and their behavior . Sometimes a child who does the exercises correctly is placed at the front of the group.

During morning exercises The teacher carefully monitors each child and, if necessary, provides physical assistance to individual children, gives instructions, encourages .

When performing general developmental exercises, imitation is used in all age groups.

"birds", "butterflies", "watch", "aircraft" and etc.). Instructions are given to children according to the chosen image (for example, "The sparrows have flown"). In the second younger group children imitate different images in one complex.

In the middle group, imitation is used only when performing some exercises, in the senior group to perform individual elements of the exercise.

In the process, each exercise ends with a good straightening of the torso, which helps strengthen the muscles that support the straight position of the body, as well as strengthening the skill of correct posture.

When performing exercises, the teacher reinforces the children's correct breathing skills.

Musical music helps children simultaneously start and finish an exercise in a timely manner, determines the tempo of individual elements of movement, evokes positive emotions and creates a cheerful mood. Children learn to listen to music and coordinate movements with its character, perform exercises clearly, expressively, smoothly.

IN morning exercises different types are included jumping:

Jumping on one and two legs in place and with advancement in different directions ;

Jumping over objects (sticks, hoops, cubes).

"bunnies", "balls").

Dosage of jumping (total quantity per morning exercises) .

Young gr. - 5-10

Avg. gr. -10-15

Star. gr. - 15-20

Under. gr. - up to 30

Open switchgear alternates without objects and with objects. For example, week I without items, II with objects, III flexibility, IV week obstacle course.

Junior groups - flags, rattles, cubes.

Middle age - flags, balls, cubes, ribbons, strings.

Senior preschool age - hoops, sticks, balls, jump ropes.

III. Final part. Restore heart and respiratory rhythm, calm the body after physical activity. Includes different types of walking, mp\i, round dances, breathing exercises.

Methods physical exercise training.


Repeating exercises without changes;

With changes;

Game-based learning;

In a competitive manner.


Name of the exercise;

Its description;

An explanation of how to perform it correctly;

Directions, orders, commands;

Questions for children;

Story, conversation.


Use of visual aids;


Sound signals;

Visual landmarks.

Essential Preparation Elements morning exercises.

Compliance with hygiene conditions and time carrying out.

Availability of three parts morning exercises.

Correspondence of the outdoor switchgear to the age of the children.

Duration morning exercises.

Use of physical education equipment.

Dosage of exercises.

Techniques for regulating breathing.

Improving outdoor switchgear in the second week of children mastering the complex.

Using music escort.

Children's well-being and their mood.

Requirements for a teacher.

Gymnastics is carried out each teacher in his group and requires certain preparation. Therefore, it is necessary to first study the exercises that are shown to children; know the purpose of each exercise, at what pace and how many times it can be repeated; be able to perform exercises correctly, accurately and beautifully; see them off cheerfully, lively, interesting; see all children and monitor the quality of exercises.



Methodology for morning exercises in kindergarten .

Morning exercises- a set of specially selected exercises aimed at setting up, “charging” a person for the whole coming day. Its health benefits lie in its effect on the body, taking into account the anatomical, physiological and mental characteristics of children.

IN kindergarten morning exercisesIt is important not as a means of awakening, but as an organized communication of children in the process of motor activity. At the same time, emotional tone increases, being the result of “muscular” joy from movements in a group of peers, psychological stress from parting with parents is relieved, attention is collected, and behavior is disciplined.

During morning exercisesthe following are decided tasks :

1) Wellness:

"wake up the body";

Set it up for work;

Activate the activity of all important systems of the body;

Encourage everyone to workinternal organs, promote hardening, formation of correct posture, and prevent the occurrence of flat feet.

2) Educational:

Consolidation of motor skills and abilities(walking, jumping, climbing, etc.);

Development of physical qualities(speed, agility, strength, flexibility, coordination, etc.).

3) Educational:

Development of organization, discipline, independence,"muscular joy"from movements in a group of peers.

The following options are availableconducting morning exercises.

Traditional (with switching on outdoor switchgear)

Game character. It is built on educational programs of varying intensity with different educational objectives. In the introductory part - mp\i, a game of medium mobility; the main part is a high mobility game aimed at improving various basic movements; in the final part - mp\i, round dances, exercises to restore breathing.

Using an obstacle course.

Including health jogging.

Rhythmic gymnastics . The complex includes drill exercises, outdoor switchgear, dance movements, running, and jumping. The uniqueness of the rhythmic gymnastics consists in a faster pace, intensity of movements, in the work of all muscles and joints at the same time. Cheerful, rhythmic music creates positive emotions. Most often thismorning exercises are carried outin senior and preparatory groups.

Gymnastics using task cards. The pictures show a schematic diagram of the exercise. The teacher shows the card, the child completes it independently. Used in older preschool age.

In progress morning exercisesit is necessary to ensure the correct physical, mental and emotional stress.

gradually : having reached its highest value during jumping and running, it decreases towards the endmorning exercises. Motor densitymorning exercises should be highTherefore, minimal time is allocated for explanations and demonstration of exercises, distribution of physical education equipment and restructuring. Physical activity increases by increasing the number of repetitions of each movement, the pace of their execution and reducing the interval between exercises. It also depends on the total durationmorning exercises.

Duration morning exercises.

Mlad gr. – 4 - 6 min

Avg. gr. – 6 - 8 min

Star. gr. – 8 - 10 min

Under. gr. – 10 - 12 min

Morning exercisesconsists of three parts, each with its own task.

I. Introductory part. Organizes children's attention, teaches coordinated actions, prepares the body to perform more complex exercises, develops correct posture and prevents flat feet. into her include : formations (column, line, circle, drill exercises (half-turns, turns, formations, closing and opening, different types of walking, running, jumping.

At the beginning of the year, children of the first junior group are not are building : they walk and run in a flock, scattered. Furthermorning exercisesand in this group it begins by lining up in a column one at a time or in one line. Turns to the right, left, and around are more often used in older groups.

Suitable at the beginning and at the endmorning exercisesto prevent flat feet, give different types of walking in the following combination : normal walking, on toes, heels, edges of feet, etc.

When conducting walking with high knees is simulated (“horses”, “herons”, etc.).

It is necessary to ensure that children do not shuffle their feet or sway when walking, keep their heads straight, swing their arms rhythmically, and breathe through their nose. The teacher prevents mistakes with appropriate instructions, and if they do occur, corrects them without stopping walking.

Running on morning exercisesin younger groups firstcarried out by a flock, scattered, and then in a column one at a time, both in place and with advancement in different directions.

Before general developmental exercises, running is performed at an average pace and alternates with walking. Duration of running without a break.

Young gr. - 10-15sec

Avg. gr. -15-20sec

Star. gr. - up to 30sec

Under. gr. -30-40sec.

The running of the introductory part after performing different types of walking is given at a slow or medium pace, alternating with walking.

II. Main part. Strengthening the main muscle groups of the body, forming correct posture. Includes outdoor switchgear for the muscles of the neck, arms and shoulder girdle; trunk muscles, abdominal muscles, leg muscles and strengthening the arch of the foot(jumping, running) . It is imperative that outdoor switchgear be made from different and. P.(standing, sitting, lying down). Can be performed in pairs, triplets, or links at the same time.

To perform general developmental exercises, young children are lined up in a circle, scattered, and from the middle group they are usually rebuilt into a column of two (through the links, by the end of the year through the center in pairs. From the older group they are usually rebuilt into a column of three, four(through the middle in threes, pairs). With this structure, it is easier for the teacher to monitor the quality of general developmental exercises performed by all children and to pay attention to correct posture.

General developmental exercises formorning exercisesare selected in the nextsequences:

1) exercises are given for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle,

2) exercises that strengthen the muscles of the torso and legs.

Number of outdoor switchgear in the complex

Young gr. – 3 - 4

Avg. gr. – 4 - 5

Star. gr. – 5 – 6

Under. gr. – 6 – 8

Exercises for the arms and shoulder girdle are performed by younger children from the starting position - narrow leg stand apart, and for older children - the main stance, closed stoic position.

Exercises for the trunk muscles at a young age are carried out from the starting position, narrow leg stand apart, leg stand apart, and in the senior position, leg stand apart, wide leg stand apart.

In leg exercises at a younger age, a narrow stance with legs apart is used, while at an older age, the main stance is used.

When conducting For general developmental exercises with objects, you need to think through the order of their distribution and collection, and provide for the formation of the group so that the children do not interfere with each other.

At an older age, general developmental exercises occupy a larger volume without items.

In younger groups, the teacher performs general developmental exercises with the children.

In the middle group, he first names the exercise, briefly explains it (if necessary, shows it, and then gives a command for the starting position and execution. When explaining, the children’s attention is fixed on the most difficult elements of the exercise. If errors do arise, then instructions for correcting them are given during the exercise. Instructions should be aimed at clarifying the understanding of the elements of the exercise and promoting their correct implementation. This is helped by combining the count with words denoting elements of the technique, or even replacing the count with specific words (for example, instead of“once” the teacher says: “Sit down, back straight”).

The teacher must think about when he will use counting when repeating an exercise, and when he will replace it with words that clarify the idea of ​​​​this element of technique. Appropriate alternation of counting, words(instructions) and other signals (hand movement down“squatted down”, “straightened up” in the “squat” exercise ) helps children perform movements more correctly and with greater interest.

At an older age, children can do the exercise by name, but sometimes in the older group the teacher does the exercise together with the children. This reduces the reminder time and increases physical stress on the body. Following the teacher’s actions, children clarify their understanding of movement technique and try to correct mistakes. But such a joint exercise is only advisable if the teacher sees the whole group and can observe the actions of the children and their behavior(when bending to the sides, when squatting, etc.). Sometimes a child who does the exercises correctly is placed at the front of the group.

During morning exercisesThe teacher carefully monitors each child and, if necessary, provides physical assistance to individual children, gives instructions, encourages(especially younger children).

When performing general developmental exercises, imitation is used in all age groups.

For young children, the complexes are built in a plot form and based on one image (“birds”, “butterflies”, “watches”, “planes” and etc.). Instructions are given to children according to the chosen image (for example,"The sparrows have flown"). In the second younger group, children imitate different images in one complex.

In the middle group, imitation is used only when performing some exercises, in the senior group to perform individual elements of the exercise.

In progress morning exercises, the teacher supervisesso that each exercise ends with a good straightening of the torso, which helps strengthen the muscles that support the straight position of the body, as well as strengthen the skill of correct posture.

When performing exercises, the teacher reinforces the children's correct breathing skills.

Musical accompaniment during morning exerciseshelps children simultaneously start and finish an exercise in a timely manner, determines the tempo of individual elements of movement, evokes positive emotions and creates a cheerful mood. Children learn to listen to music and coordinate movements with its character, perform exercises clearly, expressively, smoothly.

IN morning exercisesdifferent types are included jumps:

Jumping on one and two legs in place and with advancement in different directions(forward, backward, sideways, etc.);

Jumping over objects(sticks, hoops, cubes).

In younger groups, imitation is used when jumping ("bunnies", "balls").

Dosage of jumping(total quantity permorning exercises) .

Young gr. - 5-10

Avg. gr. -10-15

Star. gr. - 15-20

Under. gr. - up to 30

Open switchgear alternates withoutobjects and with objects. For example, week I without items , II with objects, III flexibility, IV week obstacle course.

Junior groups - flags, rattles, cubes.

Middle age - flags, balls, cubes, ribbons, strings.

Senior preschool age - hoops, sticks, balls, jump ropes.

III. Final part. Restore heart and respiratory rhythm, calm the body after physical activity. Includes different types of walking, mp\i, round dances, breathing exercises.

Methods physical exercise training.


Repeating exercises without changes;

With changes;

Game-based learning;

In a competitive manner.


Name of the exercise;

Its description;

An explanation of how to perform it correctly;

Directions, orders, commands;

Questions for children;

Story, conversation.



Use of visual aids;


Sound signals;

Visual landmarks.

Essential Preparation Elementsmorning exercises.

Compliance with hygiene conditions and time conducting

Availability of three partsmorning exercises.

Correspondence of the outdoor switchgear to the age of the children.

Durationmorning exercises.

Use of physical education equipment.

Dosage of exercises.

Techniques for regulating breathing.

Improving outdoor switchgear in the second week of children mastering the complex.

Using music escort

Children's well-being and their mood.

Requirements for a teacher.

Gymnastics is carried outeach teacher in his group and requires certain preparation. Therefore, it is necessary to first study the exercises that are shown to children; know the purpose of each exercise, at what pace and how many times it can be repeated; be able to perform exercises correctly, accurately and beautifully;see them off cheerfully, lively, interesting; see all children and monitor the quality of exercises.

Lyudmila Geller
Structure and methodology of morning exercises in all age groups of preschool educational institutions

Structure and methodology of morning exercises in all age groups of preschool educational institutions

Introduction 2

Construction morning exercises 3

Morning exercises with children of the third year of life 4

Morning exercises for children of the fourth year of life 6

Morning exercises with children of the fifth year of life 7

Morning exercises with children of the sixth and seventh year of life 10

Conclusion 12

References 14


In regular preschool institutions morning exercises are carried out daily before breakfast, in kindergartens with 24-hour attendance for children - immediately after a night’s sleep (charger).

Morning exercises switches to first-lowest mode groups. It is aimed mainly at solving health problems. Contributing to the strengthening of the musculoskeletal system, the development of the cardiovascular, respiratory, and nervous systems, it at the same time creates a cheerful, cheerful mood and fosters the habit of daily physical exercise. Combination morning exercises with water procedures is very useful for hardening a child’s body.

Charging, which held immediately after a night's sleep, helps "awaken" child, increase activity everyone organs and systems and start the day in a preschool in an organized manner

In progress morning exercises Other physical tasks are also solved to one degree or another (formation of correct posture, development of physical qualities, mental moral, aesthetic and labor education.

Construction morning exercises

It begins with drill exercises. This is followed by different types of walking, alternating with running, which enhance breathing and blood circulation. After walking and running, children are reorganized to perform general developmental exercises. They are followed by jumping and more intense running. Ends morning exercises walking with different hand positions. At the end, children can read verses in chorus that emphasize the meaning morning exercises, or sing a marching song (standing still or while walking)

Morning exercises with children of the third year of life

Directions to the organization. First morning exercises is included in the daily routine in the first junior group. She be carried out at the beginning of the year every day with all pupils groups at the same time. Its duration is up to 5 minutes.

Morning exercises at this age In addition to the main task, it provides an organized start to the day in kindergarten and makes it possible to switch children’s attention to joint forms of activity.

Considering that many children of the third year of life do not immediately become involved in activities organized by the teacher and lag behind in completing tasks, the teacher should take a very subtle and differentiated approach to individual children, and not insist on the indispensable participation of everyone in morning exercises.

Content. Content gymnastics consists of 3-4 general developmental exercises, walking, running and jumping. Begins gymnastics with short walking, alternating with slow running for 20 - 30 seconds, and building groups. This is most convenient aged formation in a circle. At the beginning of the year, it is better to use a scattered formation, since children are still poorly oriented and it takes too much time to organize a formation into a certain form.

Introductory and final walking can be performed in a group in a certain direction or in pairs, holding hands, scattered or behind each other. Walking should be calm and leisurely. Having lined up, children begin to perform exercises to strengthen the muscles of the shoulder girdle and arms, legs, back, abdomen and entire torso.

General developmental exercises are selected from those recommended for classes. Almost all of them are imitative in nature and carried out in a playful way. On morning exercises sitting, lying on your back and on your stomach positions are widely used. In the second half of the year, small exercises can be used for general developmental exercises. items: rattles, flags, cubes.

The number of repetitions of each exercise is 4–5 times, it depends on the nature of the movements, their complexity and the preparedness of the children.

Then running, a fun outdoor game or bouncing on the spot (2 times for 15 - 20 seconds with a short pause for rest). Ends morning exercises walking calmly in place or moving forward to reduce the general excitement of the body.

A complex is made up of the exercises in the above sequence, which is performed without significant changes for 2 weeks in a row.

Each new complex is usually performed somewhat slower at first, since children do not immediately remember the exercises and the teacher has to spend a lot of time explaining and demonstrating them. Therefore, at first you can repeat some exercises only 3–4 times, and at a slower pace. Once the children have mastered all the exercises, they should be conduct at a good energetic pace. Over time (2 – 3 months) It is advisable to return to repeating the same complex or take it as a basis for compiling a complex for exercises with objects.

The teacher makes certain demands on the quality of children's movements. Makes sure that the child, if possible, occupies the required starting position, and ensures that the children’s movements are at least basically similar to the model.

For example, methodology for performing a complex of morning exercises"The Cockerel and the Hen" will such: Pictures depicting a cockerel and a hen are first examined, the teacher talks about them. Then, when performing the complex, the teacher portrays a cockerel, the children - hens. During morning exercises The teacher makes sure that the children do not hold their breath.

Morning exercises for children of the fourth year of life

Directions to the organization. Organization morning exercises in the second junior group is essentially no different from its organization in the first junior group. If at the beginning of the year it is possible to allow one of the children not to take part in morning exercises, then after 1.5 – 2 months everyone should study. It is necessary to gradually accustom children to join in it without unnecessary reminders from the teacher. Duration increases morning exercises(5 - 6 minutes).

At first morning exercises short walking is given different ways (with a change of direction, on toes, etc.). Walking can be done at any time building: one after another, scattered, in pairs without holding hands. It alternates with running.

Then the children stand in a circle or sit in a free formation to perform general developmental exercises. In the first half of the year, mainly exercises learned by children last year are used. This contributes to their repetition and consolidation, gives the opportunity to children newly admitted to group, catch up to the general level. Exercises are also used to strengthen the muscles of the shoulder girdle, arms, and legs. Back, abdomen and entire torso recommended in the exercise section. These exercises are most often based on figurative imitation. General developmental exercises with cubes, flags, rings, and medium-sized balls are common. The sequence of exercises is the same. The most common starting positions are standing, sitting, lying on your back and on your stomach. Repeating exercises in this age group 5 – 6 times. It depends on the complexity and nature of the exercises, the preparedness and emotional state of the children. In conclusion there should be running, jumping in place (2 times in 10 – 15 seconds with a short rest) or an active game, well known to children, with very simple rules and content.

Complex morning exercises without any significant changes, it is repeated for 1–2 weeks in a row.

Leadership techniques. During runtime morning exercises It is important to monitor the quality of children’s movements and the clarity of fixed positions. Achieving similarity of movement with the sample in general outline, the teacher ensures that it is carried out in the specified way. As in the previous one group, exercises in complexes morning exercises are based on the actions of characters known to children ( "Bees", "Bear Cubs" and etc.). Throughout gymnastics The teacher acts together with the children, showing and explaining exercises and the correct ways of movement. However, the teacher does not complete the exercises with the children. Having done it 2-3 times and setting the pace of execution, he continues to conduct the exercise verbally, while simultaneously observing the actions of the children, making the necessary instructions along the way.

By the middle and especially by the end of the year, it becomes possible to use exercises that are not tied to a coherent plot.

While doing the exercises, the teacher reminds the children when it is more appropriate to inhale and exhale, and makes sure that the children do not hold their breath while walking and running.

Morning exercises with children aged five years

Directions to the organization. Doing morning exercises indoors, it is recommended to organize it not in group room, and in the hall. Children of the fifth year of life are more independent in preparing for and participating in morning exercises. Its duration is 6 – 8 minutes.

Content. To Contents morning exercises includes exercises in walking, running, jumping in place and 4 - 5 exercises to strengthen the muscles of the shoulder girdle and arms, neck, legs, abdomen and back. The structure of morning exercises is the same, as in the previous one group. Begins morning exercises with a short walk, which should not be monotonous and boring. It takes place in any formations: one after another, in pairs, scattered, etc. Gradually walking turns into easy running (1.5 – 2 laps around the hall). And running again turns into calm walking, during which a lane change is made.

To perform general developmental exercises at the beginning of the year, children most often stand in a circle. In the second half of the year, formation in links is also used. Layout of general developmental exercises in the complex morning exercises are the same, as in previous groups: first exercises for the shoulder girdle and arms, then for the legs and torso. The content of the complexes consists of exercises familiar to children. All possible general starting points are used (standing, sitting, lying, kneeling) and different starting hand positions (to the sides, forward, etc.).

In addition to small items For exercises, medium-sized cubes, skittles, and balls are used. Number of repetitions 4 – 6 times. After general developmental exercises jumps are carried out on the spot. They become more diverse: legs apart - legs together; with turns around; jumping back and forth over a tape lying on the floor; moving forward around the pins. Dosage 15 – 20 jumps (1-2 times). They can be replaced by running in place or around the hall, turning into calm walking. Emotional play can be used.

Each complex morning exercises repeats 1 - 2 weeks. Some exercises may vary. Leadership techniques. In average group the value is saved morning exercises to attract children's attention to collective forms of activity and for an organized start to the day in kindergarten. At the same time increases its role in activating the functional activity of the child’s body. With children of the fifth year of life morning exercises are carried out in good, at a brisk pace, without long pauses between exercises.

The peculiarity of the explanation of the exercises is brevity and clarity. The teacher only reminds you of the exercise diagram, the sequence of its parts, For example: “put your feet wider, hands on your waist, bend forward. Let's start! One, two, three, straighten up.” And then, as the exercise progresses, without losing the rhythm of the movement, he continues the explanations, putting forward requirements for correctness movement: “Lower, bend lower, look at me, straighten up. Let’s repeat it again,” says the teacher, leaving for a moment group: He noticed that most children bend their legs when bending over. – Keep your legs straight. One, two, three, lower, straighten up.”

It is necessary to remind and show children when it is convenient to inhale and exhale during exercises, and make sure that they do not hold their breath while running and jumping.

Running and jumping are a mandatory component all complexes of morning exercises. It is these exercises that place the greatest functional and emotional stress on the child’s body. Performed daily in large doses, they lead to a positive training effect. At first morning exercises fast running with wide strides is not used. On the contrary, running is done at a moderate pace, in small steps, with the feet planted on the toes, arms freely bent, body straight, looking forward. At the end morning exercises running should be active and energetic. During the jumps, the teacher sets a certain pace - approximately 12 - 15 jumps in 10 seconds. The high pace is explained by the fact that children of the fifth year of life do not jump very high in place, only slightly lifting their socks off the floor.

If children are very excited after running and jumping, you need to let them calm down. For this purpose, calm walking in place or some breathing exercises are good (arms to the sides - inhale, lower your arms - exhale; arms down - back - inhale, lower your arms - exhale, the same, rising on your toes, etc.)

The same exercises are sometimes used at the end morning exercises. But they should not be viewed as mandatory. They are offered by the teacher if necessary. A slight increase in breathing is a reaction to intense movements, there is no need to be afraid of this, the breathing rate quickly returns to normal without additional measures.

Morning exercises with children six and seven years old

Directions to the organization. Morning exercises becomes a familiar form of daily physical culture. Children provide great assistance in preparing for it. teacher: they gather their peers for morning exercises, prepare the necessary equipment, vacate the premises. The teacher makes sure that the children do not detain each other by talking. Ongoing morning exercises 8 – 10 minutes.

Content. Walking exercises should be varied. Walking is widely used with changes in pace, direction, on the toes, heels, outer sides of the foot, raising the knees high, "goose" walking, stepping over obstacles, etc., attention exercises. For example, the teacher raises a yellow flag - everyone goes, green - they run, red - they stop; when they clap, they turn around; When the whistle blows, they quickly sit on the floor, and then continue moving, etc.

All these exercises are carried out in different formations. They do not last long and turn into an easy run. (2 – 3 laps around the hall). Running again turns into calm walking. And a rebuild is taking place.

The complex uses 5–6 general developmental exercises. To perform them, it is most convenient to build in links. In the links, the children open up so as not to interfere with each other. A checkerboard formation is used, when the links take a step forward after one another. For comfort carrying out exercises sitting and lying down, it is advisable to apply a rotation everyone children half a turn to the right or left.

Among the various starting positions in the second half of the year, morning exercises the main stand is also used (heels together, toes apart). As before, the starting positions for the hands are very different.

On morning exercises in the older group increases slightly volume of general developmental exercises without items. Includes exercises with gymnastic sticks, hoops, jump ropes. Each exercise is repeated 5–6 times. Jumping in place with different combinations of movements of the arms and legs, moving forward and backward, jumping over high items, etc.. repeated 20 – 30 times (1 or 2 times with a short break).

As in others groups, one complex morning exercises are carried out for 1 – 2 weeks. At his own discretion, the teacher can make clarifications and changes to it. Leadership techniques. Main Feature morning exercises in senior groups– responsible attitude of children towards its implementation. For them, it is not necessary that it be entertaining and figurative. The teacher explains to the children the purpose morning exercises, reveals its role in physical development, acquisition of strength, agility, formation of a good physique, beautiful gait, etc.

On morning exercises The teacher requires accuracy in the positions and directions of movement of body parts, the ability to perform an exercise in accordance with the count or tempo of a musical escort.

The quality of general developmental exercises is quite high. The teacher begins to teach children to stretch their legs, arms, fingers, pull their toes, stand, sit or lie in a given relaxed, but at the same time somewhat tense and taut pose. Children like to perform movements well and beautifully.

Since on morning exercises exercises known to children are used, their explanation has some specificity - it should be very clear and concise, in fact only reminding children of the starting position, the type of movement (bending, squatting, etc., the requirements for its quality.

Explanations of the exercise are combined with demonstration only in the first days of mastering the complex. Moreover, the teacher widely involves children who have good command of movement in the demonstration.

Senior preschool children age quickly remember the sequence of exercises in complexes. They successfully do them without accompanying example of a teacher. As a last resort, they focus on the children in front or nearby. This allows the teacher to not be in front all the time. groups, and walk between the rows of children, carefully observe each person’s exercise, and provide individual assistance. It is important not to lose track of the tempo and rhythm of the counting that regulates collaboration children.

Throughout morning exercises The teacher repeatedly draws attention to the children’s posture, reminding them of the need not to hold their breath, to breathe deeply, to coordinate inhalation and exhalation with the most appropriate phases of movement. (arms to the sides - inhale, arms down - exhale, etc.). Some exercises involve slight natural straining. At the moment of such straining, there is a short breath holding while inhaling, then successive inhalation and exhalation.

Instructions for carrying out running and jumping are the same as in the average group.


Morning exercises in a preschool institution is an important component of the motor regime. She provides good mood, increases vitality. Morning exercises engages the child’s entire body in an active state, deepens breathing, enhances blood circulation, promotes metabolism, raises emotional tone, cultivates attention, determination, evokes positive emotions and joyful sensations, increases the vital activity of the body, and gives a high healing effect. In children who regularly study morning exercises, the drowsy state disappears, a feeling of cheerfulness appears, and performance increases.

Daily conducting morning exercises at a certain time in a hygienic environment, properly selected sets of physical exercises disinhibit the nervous system of children after sleep, intensify activity all internal organs and systems, increase physiological metabolic processes, increase the excitability of the cerebral cortex, as well as the reactivity of the entire central nervous system. The flow of impulses going to the brain from everyone receptors - visual, auditory, musculoskeletal, skin, increases the vital activity of the body as a whole.

In addition to its health benefits, morning exercises It also has great educational value. Systematic carrying out instills in children the habit of doing daily physical exercise, teaches you to start your work day in an organized manner, to act consistently in a team, to be purposeful, attentive, self-possessed, and also evokes positive emotions and a joyful feeling. In addition, daily performance of certain sets of physical exercises helps improve motor abilities in children, develops physical qualities(strength, agility, flexibility, improves the functioning of coordination mechanisms, contributes to the acquisition of knowledge in the field of physical culture.

Thus, morning exercises is an integral organizing moment in the daily routine of a preschool institution and an important component of physical education and health work with preschoolers.


1. Kozhukhova N. N., Ryzhkova L. A., Samodurova M. M. Physical education teacher in preschool institutions. – M: Publishing center "Academy", 2002. – P. 91 – 94.

2. Keneman A.V., Khukhlaeva D.V. Theory and methodology age – M., "Education", 1972. pp. 203 – 208.

3. Osokina T. I. Physical Culture in children's garden: manual for children's teachers. garden – M., "Education", 1986.

4. Tarasova Z. I. Physical education classes in multi-age group of kindergarten: a manual for teachers of educational institutions. – Mn., 2000.

5. Khukhlaeva D.V. Theory and methodology physical education of preschool children age. Ed. 2nd, revised and additional – M., "Education",1976.

Daily morning exercises at a certain time in a hygienic environment, properly selected sets of physical exercises, disinhibit the nervous system of children after sleep, activate the activity of all internal organs and systems, increase physiological metabolic processes, increase the excitability of the cerebral cortex, as well as the reactivity of the entire central nervous system . The flow of impulses going to the brain from all receptors - visual, auditory, musculoskeletal, skin - increases the vital activity of the body as a whole.

Regular exercise for fresh air promotes hardening of the child’s body, develops resistance to various adverse effects environment. The introduction of corrective exercises into complexes contributes to the formation of the arch of the foot and correct posture. Thus, morning exercises are a multifaceted physical education and health process that systematically improves the health of the child’s body.

In addition to its health benefits, morning exercises also have great educational value. Its systematic implementation instills in children the habit of doing physical exercise every day, teaches them to start their work day in an organized manner, act in a coordinated manner in a team, be purposeful, attentive, self-controlled, and also evokes positive emotions and a joyful feeling.

In addition, daily performance of certain sets of physical exercises helps improve motor abilities in children, develops physical qualities (strength, agility, flexibility), improves the functioning of coordination mechanisms, and contributes to the acquisition of knowledge in the field of physical education.

1. The meaning of morning exercises, its tasks

Morning exercises are a valuable means of improving the health and education of children. Those who systematically engage in morning exercises lose their drowsiness, feel cheerful, experience an emotional upsurge, and improve their performance. The need to get out of bed immediately after waking up and start doing exercises requires a certain volitional effort, develops perseverance, and disciplines children.

Thus, morning exercises face very special tasks, namely: to “wake up” the child’s body, set it up in an effective way, diversify but moderately influence the muscular system, activate the activity of the cardiac, respiratory and other functions of the body, stimulate the work of internal organs and sensory organs, promote the formation of correct posture, good gait, and prevent the occurrence of flat feet.

Morning exercises are also valuable because children develop the habit and need to do physical exercise every day in the morning. This useful habit remains with a person for life.

Morning exercises allow you to start the day in an organized manner in kindergarten and promote strict adherence to the daily routine.

Morning hygienic exercises, or exercises as they are called, should be performed immediately after sleep. But this can only be done in kindergartens with night groups. In preschool institutions with daytime children, morning exercises according to the daily routine are carried out before breakfast after the children have already been quite active, varied activities. In these conditions, gymnastics also pursues the goals of organizing a children's team, switching the attention of children from free, individual games and classes to joint activities.

Due to the simultaneous joint moderate motor activity, more excited children, who have already run and jumped, calm down, while less active children become more active. All this creates an even, cheerful mood in all children, preparing them for subsequent classes. Thus, the educational value of morning exercises, when carried out not immediately after sleep, but after some time, expands. It becomes an integral organizing moment in the daily routine, teaching children to a certain discipline and order.

At the same time, the enormous health value of morning exercises remains. Daily physical exercise has a beneficial effect on the physical development and functional state of the child’s body. The content of gymnastics consists of exercises for various muscle groups (shoulder girdle, torso, legs, etc.). Their systematic repetition strengthens the child’s motor system. Exercises are widely included to prevent poor posture and prevent flat feet. Running and jumping further enhance breathing and circulation, cardiac activity and other physiological functions. All this contributes to the normal functioning of the body and increases its performance. .

Morning exercises can be carried out outdoors (in the kindergarten area, on the sports ground) or in a well-ventilated room (physical education, music halls, group rooms). It is necessary to comply with hygienic requirements for clothing, shoes, venue, and equipment. For rhythmic accompaniment, a tambourine, counting, clapping, sound recording, and musical accompaniment (piano, button accordion, accordion) are used.

Since morning exercises in kindergarten are considered as an important element of the motor regime, a means for raising the emotional tone of children, its organizational significance is also great. And yet there should be no forced gymnastics. If one of the children does not want to study today, there is no need to force him, but the reason for this behavior should be understood. Here are some tips for doing morning exercises with children:

No overorganization, strict rules or discipline requirements! It is necessary to ensure complete relaxation in behavior, an elevated emotional state and real joy of movement.

Remember that gymnastics is not only and not so much a physical education event, but a specially provided regime moment, where a whole range of influences on the diverse development of children is concentrated (movement, music, rhythms, aesthetics of the environment, aids, communication, play).

Use different shapes performing gymnastics.

3. Methodology for conducting morning exercises with children of different age groups

To carry out health and educational tasks, morning exercises must be carried out at the exact time specified by the regime and correspond to the content of the program. The first requirement for it is the need to provide the correct physical, mental and emotional stress.

3.1 Morning exercises with children of the third year of life (group “Toddlers”)

Directions to the organization. For the first time, morning exercises are included in the daily routine in the first junior group. It is carried out every day at the beginning of the year with all the pupils of the group at the same time. Its duration is up to 5 minutes.

Morning exercises at this age, in addition to the main task, provide an organized start to the day in kindergarten and make it possible to switch children’s attention to joint forms of activity.

Considering that many children of the third year of life do not immediately join in the activities organized by the teacher and lag behind in completing tasks, the teacher should take a very subtle and differentiated approach to individual children, and not insist on the indispensable participation of everyone in morning exercises.

Content. The content of gymnastics is 3-4 general developmental exercises, walking, running and jumping. Gymnastics begins with short walking, alternating with slow running for 20 - 30 seconds, and forming a group. Forming in a circle is most convenient at this age. At the beginning of the year, it is better to use a scattered formation, since children are still poorly oriented and it takes too much time to organize a formation into a certain form.

The introductory and final walking can be done in a group in a certain direction or in pairs, holding hands, scattered or behind each other. Walking should be calm and leisurely. Having lined up, children begin to perform exercises to strengthen the muscles of the shoulder girdle and arms, legs, back, abdomen and entire torso.

General developmental exercises are selected from those recommended for classes. Almost all of them are imitative in nature and are carried out in a playful way. During morning exercises, sitting, lying on your back and on your stomach positions are widely used. In the second half of the year, small objects can be used for general developmental exercises: rattles, flags, cubes.

The number of repetitions of each exercise is 4–5 times, it depends on the nature of the movements, their complexity and the preparedness of the children.

Then running, a fun outdoor game or jumping on the spot (2 times for 15 - 20 seconds with a short pause for rest) are carried out. Morning exercises end with calm walking in place or moving forward to reduce the general excitement of the body.

A complex is made up of the exercises in the above sequence, which is performed without significant changes for 2 weeks in a row.

Each new complex is usually performed somewhat slower at first, since children do not immediately remember the exercises and the teacher has to spend a lot of time explaining and demonstrating them. Therefore, at first you can repeat some exercises only 3–4 times, and at a slower pace. Once children have mastered all the exercises, they should be done at a good, energetic pace. After some time (2 - 3 months), it is advisable to return to repeating the same complex or take it as a basis for creating a complex for exercises with objects.

Leadership techniques. It is important that during morning exercises children engage in collective physical activity with desire and interest and get joy from it. Repeating the exercises multiple times every day leads to the fact that the movements acquire a measured, rhythmic character, and the specified direction of movement is observed (forward, backward, sideways, upward, etc.).

The teacher makes certain demands on the quality of children's movements. Makes sure that the child, if possible, occupies the required starting position, and ensures that the children’s movements are at least basically similar to the model.

When performing morning exercises, children of this age are characterized by dynamism and the presence of an extremely small number of completed, fixed positions. Almost all movements are performed sequentially. This determines the features of explaining and demonstrating exercises to educators, who is a participant in the unfolding game plot.

For example, the methodology for conducting the morning exercise complex “Cockerel and Hen” will be as follows: pictures depicting a cockerel and a hen are first examined, and the teacher talks about them. Then, when performing the complex, the teacher portrays a cockerel, the children - hens. During morning exercises, the teacher makes sure that the children do not hold their breath.

The playful implementation of the complex makes children want to participate in it. It is fun and promotes the development of independence, coordination and rhythm of movements. To avoid getting bored with the plot of the complex, the teacher shows ingenuity, creativity, and introduces new images (“Birds”, “Butterflies”, etc.). The actions remain the same. Mastering a movement, accompanied by the freedom and ease of its reproduction, gives a small child great pleasure.