Hours for sleeping during the day. How to determine the ideal time to sleep? Routine that includes naps

Sleep is very important for a person, because... at this time, all body functions are restored. Rest for the human body in the form of sleep is an integral part of its daily regimen. The value of sleep depends on its phases. With a lack of sleep, disorders of a person’s consciousness and the functioning of his internal organs may appear. A person becomes more irritable, inattentive, forgetful, and susceptible to illness, which can affect overall life expectancy. It is necessary to understand that favorable sleep is determined not so much by the number of hours, but by the time at which it occurs, because the effectiveness of healthy sleep directly depends on this factor.

The number of hours that would be optimal for a person is quite difficult to reliably establish, because it depends on his age, individual characteristics and the needs of the body. The figure of 8 hours is an average. But when it comes to what is the best time to sleep according to the time of day?

There is one table that reflects the value of sleep per 1 hour. The author of this work is Sergei Alfeevich Budilov and other co-authors. This man almost became Doctor “Aibolit” in modern society. He believes that he knows everything about diseases, and can cure each with his own methods. The same goes for sleep. In fact, the author of the table has absolutely nothing to do with science and medicine, although he calls himself various titles that mislead readers. So, Budilov, is a member of the Visceral Chiropractic Association. However, it has nothing in common with medical practice. Chiropractic is an alternative medicine method that, through manual methods can cure diseases of internal organs. However, “hypertrophied” palmists attempt to cure any ailment by correcting the spine, which, of course, is complete ignorance.

Returning to the miracle table, we note that, according to it, you can calculate the number of hours of productive sleep. If this indicator is 10-12, then you are sleeping in right time. The value of sleep by hour, which is reflected in the table, indicates that from evening to midnight is the best time to sleep. Starting from 7 am, there will be no benefit from sleep, that is, daytime sleep cannot be called useful, according to the author of this table.

This is how Budilov literally describes what kind of sleep will be the best for a person: “The natural regime of getting up and going to bed should not depend on age, or on your work, or on any other reasons. The sun behind the clouds “gets up and goes down” according to the rhythm set by nature. Live in accordance with the laws of heaven, and your soul - the representative of Heavenly laws according to the date, month and year of birth - will enter into coordinated harmony with your body. Any disease will dry up like morning dew.” It is highly doubtful that if you sleep according to Budilov’s schedule, you will be cured of all diseases. What then about people who are forced to work night shifts for many years? They must have long since dried up from exhaustion and impotence, if you believe the pseudoscientific conclusions of the author.

The Vedic worldview also addressed issues of sleep efficiency. Thus, Ayurveda is confident that only by adjusting your daily routine can you get rid of half of all ailments. Efficiency good night determined by solar activity. So, in the period from 21 to 3 o’clock it is minimal, and the time from 22 o’clock to 2 o’clock in the morning cannot be compensated for by sleep in another period, so it is necessary to sleep at this time. Our body lives according to the internal law of biorhythms, and is as relaxed as possible at this time, which also contributes to good quality sleep. This concept has also not been scientifically confirmed, so such conclusions are nothing more than a hypothesis.

If we talk about officially existing medical data, then in order to get enough sleep, a person must go through 4 to 6 biorhythmic sleep cycles: this schedule is considered optimal for an adult. It is not recommended to interrupt it in the middle, as the person will feel overwhelmed. In addition, it is advisable to go to bed no later than 23 hours.

Human sleep phases

During the full sleep cycle, the following hormones are produced:

  • melatonin,
  • a growth hormone,
  • sex hormones,
  • leptin and ghrelin,
  • thyroid hormones and others.

Their production is necessary for the restoration of all structures of the body, human growth and development. The start time of melatonin secretion is about 20 o'clock, with a maximum occurring between 00 and 4 o'clock in the morning. As for somatotropin (growth hormone), its production time is associated with the moment of falling asleep: so in the first 2 hours the concentration reaches a maximum. As a rule, this happens during the slow-wave sleep phase.

Best time to wake up

If we again turn to the table of the value of sleep by the hour and to Vedic teachings, then the recommended time of rising for them is the same: the period from 4 to 5 in the morning. At this time, the sun rises, the body is filled with energy, and the mind is as clear and pure as possible. If you get up at the “morning dew point,” illness and fatigue will not be a problem, and you will be able to accomplish much more in a day than if you get up later. As mentioned above, the data is more myth than truth.

Best time for awakening, from the point of view of official data, implies not so much certain hours as the completion of the biocycle. So, it is better to sleep 4 full cycles for 6 hours than to wake up in the middle of the fifth, slept for 7 hours, because... in the second case, the person will feel more tired.

Thus, the main role in sleep productivity is its biological phases and their completion. Still, you shouldn’t neglect your night’s sleep, because... it is the most favorable for proper rest of the body.

List of used literature:

  • Zepelin H. Normal age related changes in sleep // Sleep Disorders: Basic and Clinical Research / ed. by M. Chase, E. D. Weitzman. - New York: SP Medical, 1983. - P. 431-434.
  • Morrissey M., Duntley S., Anch A., Nonneman R. Active sleep and its role in the prevention of apoptosis in the developing brain. // Med Hypotheses: journal. - 2004. - Vol. 62, no. 6. - P. 876-9. - PMID 15142640.
  • Marks G., Shaffery J., Oksenberg A., Speciale S., Roffwarg H. A functional role for REM sleep in brain maturation. // Behav Brain Res: journal. - 1995. - Vol. 69, no. 1-2. - P. 1-11. - PMID 7546299.

Sleep is a physiological state of rest in which the work of consciousness completely or partially stops. Sleep provides rest for the sleeping body, normalizes the heartbeat, and helps restore the immune system and nervous system. The value of sleep is a very important issue in the life of every person, since proper, healthy and timely sleep can protect the body from external negativity and many diseases.

Science and fiction

Many people consider the value of sleep a fiction, but it has been scientifically proven that during sleep the body temporarily disconnects from the whole world. During this period, a person replenishes lost energy, the body becomes psychologically protected, muscle fibers and nerve cells are restored. All these points are very important for normal life.

The value of sleeping by the hour has also been scientifically tested several times and its effectiveness has been proven. Because lack of sleep is the primary cause of many health problems.

To feel normal throughout the day, a healthy person needs to sleep 7-12 hours. If we approach the issue of restoring strength referring to the value of sleep, then there is no need to sleep for all 12 hours, you just need to know what time of the day you need to sleep for 1 hour to get a new portion of vigor.

Energy value

There are main stages of sleep that affect its energy value. These stages are the stages of transition to slow-wave sleep, and its duration is 90 minutes:

  • Stage 1 - half asleep. In this case, the person has not yet fallen asleep, he feels temperature changes, hears surrounding noise. This stage of sleep is not yet valuable and lasts about 15 minutes.
  • Stage 2 - falling asleep. During this period, it is easiest for a person to wake up, and such awakening is often accompanied by a slight fright. The stage lasts about 30 minutes and can already be considered valuable if it has passed the threshold of half an hour.
  • Stage 3 – beginning of sleep. At this moment of sleep, a person passes the half-hour threshold of the stage of falling asleep and is completely immersed in slow sleep. At this stage, the human body becomes almost unshakable by external factors (noise, etc.). The stage lasts 90 minutes and has direct value for recuperation.
  • Stage 4 - deep sleep. This stage is a continuation of slow-wave sleep. The transition to deep sleep is carried out during a period of long sleep to fully restore energy, and not to recharge the body. This stage can last up to 12 hours or more. Only at stage 4 of sleep is a person completely calm and peaceful.

Value by time of day

There is no specific requirement or definition of how much or when to sleep. This issue is resolved individually by each person, depending on their own strengths and needs. Only children who need to sleep at least 10 hours at night and at least 2 hours during the day follow a specific sleep schedule.

The optimal and valuable time for a healthy adult to sleep at night is the period before 24.00. Only in the midnight period the body completely replenishes lost strength and every cell of the body is restored.

The value of sleep by hour

Times of DayThe value of sleep in 1 hour
from 19 to 20 hours7 o'clock
from 20 to 21 o'clock6 hours
from 21 to 22 hours5 o'clock
from 22 to 23 hours4 hours
from 23 to 24 hours3 hours
from 0 to 1 o'clock2 hours
from 1 to 2 o'clock1 hour
from 2 to 3 o'clock30 minutes
from 3 to 4 o'clock15 minutes
from 4 to 5 o'clock7 minutes
from 5 to 6 o'clock1 minute

The importance of daytime sleep

It is known that daytime sleep is an integral part of a person’s day since childhood.

It is sleep between 13.00 and 15.00 that is considered the norm for children and adults.

Such sleep increases alertness, increases the speed of visual reaction, and increases overall endurance and performance.

It is important to remember that daytime sleep should not be less than 30 minutes in duration, since in such a short period the stage of slow-wave sleep begins. If you wake up during this period of transition of the half-hour threshold of sleep time, the body will not gain energy, but will only decrease its performance, guaranteeing a bad mood and headaches for the rest of the day.

Kalinov Yuri Dmitrievich

Reading time: 2 minutes

Best time to wake up

If we again turn to the table of the value of sleep by the hour and to Vedic teachings, then the recommended time of rising for them is the same: the period from 4 to 5 in the morning. At this time, the sun rises, the body is filled with energy, and the mind is as clear and pure as possible. If you get up at the “morning dew point,” illness and fatigue will not be a problem, and you will be able to accomplish much more in a day than if you get up later. As mentioned above, the data is more myth than truth.

The best time to wake up, from the point of view of official data, implies not so much certain hours as the completion of the biocycle. So, it is better to sleep 4 full cycles for 6 hours than to wake up in the middle of the fifth, slept for 7 hours, because... in the second case, the person will feel more tired.

Thus, the main role in sleep productivity is its biological phases and their completion. Still, you shouldn’t neglect your night’s sleep, because... it is the most favorable for proper rest of the body.

The value of sleep by hour

It has been scientifically proven that people who do not regularly get enough sleep cannot make fully adequate decisions throughout their waking hours. All this is due to the fact that the body is tired. He needs a full sleep, the value of which can be judged by the clock, by each of its phases.

Energy value of sleep

Before moving on to a more detailed consideration of such a rich value of sleep, it is worth mentioning its stages, more precisely the stages of slow-wave sleep, the duration of which reaches 90 minutes:

  • Stage I is nothing more than a normal state of half-asleep;
  • Stage II lasts no more than half an hour; it is during this period that the sleeping person is easiest to wake up;
  • Stage III is characterized by the onset of slow-wave sleep;
  • Stage IV influences the appearance of deep sleep, during which a person dreams.

The illnesses of many people are caused, first of all, by the fact that insufficient hours of sleep are devoted to rest. After all, at different times it has different value for the restoration of each cell human body. In addition, it is chronic lack of sleep that opens the door to many ailments.

During sleep, the body's energy is restored and psychological defense is strengthened. depletion of nerve cells is prevented, muscle fibers are restored.

The value of sleep at certain times of the day

It is impossible to say exactly how much sleep a person needs. After all, this indicator depends on individual characteristics, age-related changes and daily routine. So, a baby sleeps at least 10 hours, preschoolers - about 7 hours.

Human sleep phases

During the full sleep cycle, the following hormones are produced:

  • melatonin,
  • a growth hormone,
  • sex hormones,
  • leptin and ghrelin,
  • thyroid hormones and others.

Their production is necessary for the restoration of all structures of the body, human growth and development. The start time of melatonin secretion is about 20 o'clock, with a maximum occurring between 00 and 4 o'clock in the morning. As for somatotropin (growth hormone), its production time is associated with the moment of falling asleep: so in the first 2 hours the concentration reaches a maximum. As a rule, this happens during the slow-wave sleep phase.

The value of sleep: what is it, how to determine it

Let's figure out what place the value of sleep occupies in a person's life. Sleep is one of the important elements of health; it is necessary for proper rest. A person spends a little less than half of his life sleeping.

We cannot explain its value, but we still feel a very great need for it.

It is responsible for the psychological protection of our body, helps to process all information received throughout the day, as well as exchange between the conscious and subconscious.

What is the value of sleep at different times of the day?

A healthy adult needs 7-10 hours of sleep per day to fully restore strength and energy. If sleep lasts less, then fatigue and emotional irritation begin to accumulate.

Life has become so busy that people sometimes forget about the value of a night's rest. But if you take into account the theory of the value of sleep by the hour in a certain table, then you can reduce the time spent on sleep and at the same time be rested and alert.

The value of sleep: fact or fiction?

Let's think about the value of sleep - is it fact or fiction? Of course, you can ignore it, but then lack of sleep may appear. And this is one of the main causes of most diseases and rapid aging.

Sometimes it is possible that a person begins to feel worse not because of the disease he is thinking about, but precisely because of lack of sleep. A person cannot stay awake, as he will simply die without the so-called recharging of the body.

Our psychological state also suffers; our consciousness needs to process the information received, and not keep everything in our heads at once.

There is a lot of debate about the importance of sleep, especially from people who don't value a good night's rest. They are always arguing whether it is true or not, backing up these debates with great minds from past centuries

They are always arguing whether it is true or not, backing up these debates with great minds from past centuries.

For in history there are many examples of great people who slept a few minutes or hours a day, and at the same time felt great, created their masterpieces.

There were also cases told by great scientists who saw their inventions in a dream, and after waking up tried to bring them to life, for example, Dmitry Mendeleev saw the periodic system in a dream.

Four stages of sleep

Sleep is a complex process and consists of different stages. Some of them can be observed using an electroencephalograph. Electrodes are placed on different parts of the head of a person who is immersed in sleep, which help monitor the electrical activity of the brain during sleep. A typical 8-hour night's sleep consists of several cycles. Each cycle lasts about 90 minutes. Accordingly, there are five or six such cycles per night. Moreover, each cycle consists of several stages.

The first stage is considered the boundary between sleep and wakefulness. Its duration varies from person to person and varies throughout the night from 5 to 15 minutes. This stage serves to prepare the body for deeper stages of sleep.

The transition to the second stage is sometimes accompanied by the so-called “fall in sleep.” It occurs as a result of relaxation of the muscles of the body. This process is accompanied by strong contraction or twitching of the muscles. Muscle relaxation makes the second stage of sleep ideal for napping. This phase lasts about 20 minutes. It leads to the restoration of energy in the muscles of the body that are tired during the day, and the rest of the whole body. If you are awakened during this stage, you will feel "fresh" and that you have fully recovered.

But this does not apply to the third stage of sleep. Character traits The pattern of brain waves on the electroencephalogram during this stage of sleep is called “slow sleep” (slow wave sleep). This is the sleep phase when we dream most. There is a strong connection between this stage of sleep and certain repair mechanisms in the body. For example, growth hormone, which is produced by the pineal gland, stimulates the restoration of bone and muscle tissue, prolactin - regulates immune system. This stage of sleep is the most difficult to awaken. If you wake a person after, say, 45 minutes of sleep, he will feel "gross." The feeling will be like during a severe hangover after a stormy party the night before or after alcohol intoxication. The third stage of sleep lasts about an hour in the first cycle of the night and decreases with each subsequent cycle. This decrease in stage sleep duration occurs due to an increase in the fourth stage of sleep, known as REM.

It has been scientifically proven that people who do not regularly get enough sleep cannot make fully adequate decisions throughout their waking hours. All this is due to the fact that the body is tired. He needs a full sleep, the value of which can be judged by the clock, by each of its phases.

Energy value of sleep

Before moving on to a more detailed consideration of such a rich value of sleep, it is worth mentioning its stages, more precisely the stages of slow-wave sleep, the duration of which reaches 90 minutes:

  • Stage I is nothing more than a normal state of half-asleep;
  • Stage II lasts no more than half an hour; it is during this period that the sleeping person is easiest to wake up;
  • Stage III is characterized by the onset of slow-wave sleep;
  • Stage IV influences the appearance of deep sleep, during which a person dreams.

The illnesses of many people are caused, first of all, by the fact that insufficient hours of sleep are devoted to rest. After all, at different times it has different value for the restoration of every cell of the human body. In addition, it is chronic lack of sleep that opens the door to many ailments.

During sleep, the body's energy is restored, it is strengthened, the depletion of nerve cells is prevented, and muscle fibers are restored.

The value of sleep at certain times of the day

It is impossible to say exactly how much sleep a person needs. After all, this indicator depends on individual characteristics, age-related changes and daily routine. So, a baby sleeps at least 10 hours, preschoolers - about 7 hours.

Experts say that in order to be healthy, you should sleep at least 10 hours. So, below is a table that perfectly shows the value of sleep by hour. Thanks to this data, everyone has the right to create their own sleep schedule. Of course, the optimal time for a night's rest is before midnight. It is then that every cell of the body is restored.


In the period of 22-24 hours, there is, so to speak, a reboot of the nervous system. If for some reason a person does not go to the kingdom of Morpheus at this time, then her nerves will be on edge. As a result, the body will require a day's rest. If this is not provided, memory deterioration and slow reactions are the main causes of lack of sleep.

If we consider the value of sleep by the hour from the point of view of esoteric knowledge, then we can safely say that those who manage to restore their strength and wake up at 3-4 o’clock in the morning can easily develop their abilities. After all, right now the world provides such an opportunity.

4-5 hours is a good period for the whole day, the time of the sun.

5-6 – calm dominates on the planet, and in the interval from 6 to 7 people accumulate optimal vitality.

The value of sleep during the day

It’s not for nothing that children in kindergarten are put to bed during the day. After all, even if it’s short, a sleep break increases performance and the ability to concentrate by 50%, or even 60% more. Many people have noticed that they often want to sleep between 3-5 a.m. and 1-3 p.m. This is explained by the fact that during this period the body temperature reaches its minimum.

American physiologists have found that daytime rest has a beneficial effect on the speed of visual reaction of any person. So, according to research, during the day it is 10 milliseconds, in the evening it is already 40. If the body has rested at least a little during the day, then this speed indicator remains at around 10.

What is sleep? There is still no complete and accurate answer to this question, although everyone lives in this state for a third of their life and cannot do without it. People are also familiar with the concept of “the value of sleep,” feeling it in those moments when you want to get some more sleep, but need to get up. Scientists working on this problem talk about a brain reboot that occurs while a person is sleeping.

The phases of this state, which can safely be considered natural, have also been studied. They correspond to the activity of certain brain structures. There is probably no person in the world who would not think about lack of sleep, especially in the morning. But its consequences on the body are well known, which can be very severe and lead to disruptions in the hormonal system, metabolic disorders, and decreased immunity. With constant lack of sleep, there is a deterioration in overall tone and endurance.

Poor health also occurs if you oversleep. There is a feeling of weakness and apathy. Therefore, you need to know the optimal sleep rate, maintaining which contributes to vigor and activity. Scientists know for certain that lack of sleep affects the adequacy of decisions made, since the body does not receive the full rest that is provided while in the arms of Morpheus.

A few words about the stages of sleep by hour

It has been observed that sleep can have different characteristics. Depending on this, it was divided into certain stages, which alternate during the night's rest. You also need to know about its division into slow and fast, which are also not similar to each other.

During the first hour and a half of rest, a person takes possession of the first state, which can be divided into four stages:

  • A state of drowsiness, when inner calm comes, dream-like hallucinations and hallucinogenic thoughts appear. The muscles of the body are in a state of low activity, and sometimes characteristic symptoms may appear. at this stage twitching;
  • Staying in light sleep. It has been established that this second stage can last for 20-30 minutes. It is characterized by a decrease in body temperature and heart rate. But at the same time, the auditory analyzer continues to work more acutely, which is why it is very easy to wake up a person who is at this stage of rest;
  • Having gone through the first two, as it were, preparatory phases, a person plunges into the slow stage;
  • The final, fourth stage is characterized by deep immersion into the state under consideration. It becomes strong, therefore, in order to wake a person, certain efforts are required. It is in this state that dreams come to the sleeper, sleepwalking appears and enuresis occurs.

At the beginning of the 20th century, American neurophysiologists Eugene Aserinsky and Nathaniel Kleitman discovered the phenomenon of REM sleep. They noticed electromagnetic oscillations of a certain frequency in the cerebral cortex, characteristic of this particular condition.

There is also another theory, according to which the inhibition of conditioned reflexes and the state of sleep are exactly the same processes. The only difference is the degree of brain involvement. So, in the first case, the phenomenon is localized in its individual cells. Whereas, when completely immersed in a sleeping state, inhibition of both hemispheres occurs, spreading to some parts of the central nervous system.

What is the value of sleeping by the hour?

In order for the body to work effectively, it needs quality rest, during which energy restoration occurs, cleansing of unnecessary information, and normalizing the functioning of all organs and systems. An important aspect is psychological protection, which depends on proper stay in a state of rest, when the consciousness and subconscious work hard, exchanging the necessary data. But chronic lack of sleep does not allow this to be done, which is fraught with the development of a whole bunch of pathological changes, both physical and psychological.

At the same time, it is worth remembering the value of sleeping hourly, which ensures higher performance, since muscles, tissues and even nerve cells rest. Only a certain time of day is allocated for this process, and it should not be missed. An interesting fact is that the value of sleep by the hour and in general depends not only on the number of hours slept, but also on the time period allocated for this.

Of course, the issue under consideration is purely individual and depends only on the individual person, his age and daily routine. Everyone knows that small children should sleep about ten hours; for adults, eight is enough. However, scientists working on this problem argue that a ten-hour night's rest every day is necessary for proper rest and recovery. But how to achieve this in our fast-paced age?

It turns out to be very simple, he needs to be allocated a set time frame. To help, a table has been developed that shows the hours of the most productive rest. And all other time that is not included in it does not give a positive result.

Youth and beauty as a result of sleeping by the hour

It turns out that if you devote the right time to rest, you can remain young and beautiful for a long time. And this is the true truth, tested and repeatedly proven by scientists. And the whole point is that there is a relationship between the body’s biorhythms and daily changes when day gives way to night. That is why ignorance about the value of sleep by the hour, a table displaying this information, contributes to failures and disruptions in the functioning of the body and, as a result, leads to premature aging.

The most optimal time to go to bed is 10 p.m. This time is characterized by a physiological decline and therefore the process of falling asleep occurs quickly and without special problems. But if you “sit out” this time, then even the feeling of fatigue and lethargy will not be able to protect you from insomnia. According to the teachings of Eastern medicine, staying from 22.00 to 02.00 in the kingdom of Morpheus gives a rejuvenating effect, brings beauty and longevity, replenishing the body with the necessary energies.

Also, the value of sleep for 1 hour, and in some cases even 15 minutes is enough, ranging from ten o'clock in the evening to midnight is invaluable for the functioning of the nervous system. It is at this time that it is rebooted, and then important vital organs go through this process in turn, recovering from yesterday and preparing for tomorrow.

What are the dangers of irregular sleep?

We can safely say that night's rest is the time when self-healing occurs. And it’s not for nothing that a person with a fever or a bad tooth wants to fall asleep. When you are overtired, you also need to sleep.

That is why, with insufficient night rest, disturbances occur in the body, among which the following are worth mentioning:

  • Risk of developing cancer;
  • Deterioration of the cardiovascular system;
  • Impaired memory and general mental state;
  • Lack of attention and low performance.

Among the consequences, there are other negative scenarios that were mentioned above. The value of 1 hour of sleep (see table) contributes to the ease with which various loads are tolerated and is an excellent preventive method of combating neuroses.