Open lesson: "Electrical safety in production" lesson plan on the topic. Lesson on the topic “Electrical safety Methodological developments on electrical safety for sports


1 Lesson on electrical safety Methodological manual for educational institutions

2 Dear colleagues! In front of you guidelines to conduct an extra-curricular hour on the topic “Electrical safety”, which will help convey to children information about the dangers of electric current. Energy workers of IDGC of Urals call for vigilance and compliance with the rules of safe behavior when interacting with electricity. This is especially true for children and teenagers. In order to protect children from unwanted effects of electric current, we adults are obliged to constantly teach children the basics of life safety. It’s so SCARY when the cause of a tragic accident is five minutes that we did not devote to our children. Among children different ages, cases of electrical injuries are distributed unevenly; children of primary school age are more exposed to electric current. Particular attention must be paid to interaction with this particular age category and more closely organized work with parents. These methodological recommendations were developed by IDGC of Urals specialists for life safety teachers, class teachers of educational institutions, and staff of children's recreation camps. They present the basic rules of behavior with electricity at home and on the street for conducting an extra-curricular hour “Electrical Safety”. The methodological manual was developed jointly with the Ministry of General and vocational education Sverdlovsk region

3 Plan for an extra-curricular hour on the topic “Electrical safety” 1. Introduction: is electricity friend or foe? Electricity concept. What it is? 2. Understanding the dangers of electric current. 3. The effect of electric current on the body. 4. Rules for dealing with electricity at home. 5. Rules of conduct near energy facilities. 6. Assistance to a victim of electric current. 7. Electrical safety warning signs. 8. Test for knowledge of key electrical safety rules. 1. Introduction Dear guys! You know well the important role electricity plays in everyday life and study. It gives us light, warmth, and sets in motion various mechanisms that facilitate human work. Electricity has taken such a strong place in our lives that now it is simply impossible to do without it. She is our irreplaceable assistant. But, while providing great help to people, electricity is fraught with mortal danger for those who do not know or neglect the rules of electrical safety, do not know how to handle household appliances, and violate the rules of behavior near power facilities. 2. Understanding the dangers of electric current Electrical installations of any voltage pose a danger to human life. Remember: there is no safe electric current! Electrical installations are equipment that is used by power engineers, as well as all household electrical appliances that surround us in everyday life. A person who touches live parts of electrical installations and bare live wires becomes involved in electrical circuit. Under the influence of voltage, an electric current flows through his body, which disrupts the normal functioning of the body, which causes convulsions, breathing stops and the heart stops. When certain parts of the body overheat, severe burns occur. A person dies or becomes disabled. The greater the amount of current flowing through the body, the more dangerous it is! The higher the voltage the person is under, the greater the current. A voltage of 12 volts is considered safe. Most widely used in industry and agriculture and households received electrical networks with a voltage of 220 and 380 volts (220 volts for lighting and household appliances, 380 volts for three-phase electric motors of machines and mechanisms). This voltage is economically beneficial, but very dangerous for humans. The greatest number of fatal accidents occurs with people exposed to voltage of 220 and 380 volts. The electrical appliances that you use at home and at school, the electrical networks and substations that you pass by in the yard, on the street and in the field, are safe during normal operation. The power engineers took care to prevent accidental contact with live parts. All electrical installations are fenced, have warning signs and safety posters and are locked. However, with various damage to insulation, broken wires, climbing onto supports, penetration into substations and electrical panels, a real threat to life arises. That is why it is so important for everyone to know the rules for handling electrical appliances and electrical wiring, to warn a friend in time against dangerous pranks near electrical lines and substations, and to be able to protect yourself and other people when damage to the network is detected. 3. The effect of electric current on the body The danger of electric current lies in the fact that a person does not have special sensory organs to detect electric current at a distance. Electric current is odorless, colorless and silent. It is impossible without special instruments to feel whether a given part of an electrical installation is energized or not. This leads to the fact that people often do not realize the real danger and do not take the necessary protective measures. Great importance as a result of the lesion, it has a path traversed by the current in the human body. The damage will be more severe if the heart, chest, brain and spinal cord are in the path of the current. The most dangerous paths for current passing through a person are: arm-legs, arm-arm. The immediate causes of death in a person struck by electric current are cessation of cardiac function, respiratory arrest due to paralysis of the chest muscles, and electric shock. The most unfavorable outcome of electric shock to a person will be in cases where contact with wet hands occurs on electrical appliances or electrical wires in a damp or hot room. Electrical injury can occur in the following forms:

4 џ about the heart or breathing rate when an electric current passes through the body; џ electrical burn; џ mechanical injury due to muscle contraction under the influence of current; џ electric arc blinding. Death usually occurs due to cardiac or respiratory arrest, or both. Under the influence of electric current, the muscles of the body contract. If a person grasps a live part of the equipment, he or she may not be able to free himself without assistance. Moreover, he may be drawn to a dangerous place. Under the influence alternating current the muscles periodically contract at the same frequency as the current, but the pause between contractions is not sufficient to allow release. Damage from electric current is determined by the strength of the current and the duration of its effect. The lower the resistance human body , the higher the current. Resistance decreases under the influence of the following factors: џ high voltage; џ skin moisture; џ long exposure time; џ increase in carbon dioxide content in the air; џ high air temperature; џ carelessness, mental and psychological unpreparedness for a possible electric shock. The central nervous system suffers most from the action of electric current. Due to its damage, breathing and cardiac activity are impaired. Areas of the body with the least resistance (i.e. more vulnerable): џ lateral surfaces of the neck, temples; џ back of the hand, the surface of the palm between the thumb and index finger; џ hand in the area above the hand; џ shoulder, back; џ front part of the leg. Electrical burns are much more difficult to heal than conventional thermal burns. Some consequences of electrical injury may appear after several hours, days, or months. The victim must live in a “gentle” mode for a long time and be under the supervision of specialists. 4. Rules for handling electricity at home The rules for handling electrical appliances are not complicated, and they are easy to remember: 1. DO NOT use electrical appliances without the permission of adults. 2. YOU MUST NOT replace light bulbs and fuses yourself, repair electrical wiring and household appliances, or open the back covers of your TV or radio. c, install bells, switches and sockets. Let adults or a specialist electrician do this! 3. DO NOT use switches, sockets, plugs, bell buttons with broken covers, as well as household appliances with damaged, charred or twisted cords. IT IS VERY DANGEROUS! YOU SHOULD NOT ignore such facts. Inform adults about damage in a timely manner! REMEMBER, by breaking the covers of switches, bells, plug sockets out of mischief, or damaging electrical wiring, you are thereby committing an offense equal to a crime, as this can lead to the death of people. 4. DO NOT use faulty electrical appliances (if your TV, refrigerator or vacuum cleaner smells like burnt rubber, if sparks are visible, you must immediately unplug the appliance and tell an adult about the faulty appliance). 5. DO NOT repair or disassemble electrical appliances yourself. 6. When turning off an electrical appliance, DO NOT pull the cord. You need to grasp the plug and smoothly remove it from the socket. 7. DO NOT play with electrical sockets (if you see a faulty socket, switch, exposed wire, DO NOT touch anything and immediately tell an adult about it! ). 8. REMEMBER, electricity does not tolerate proximity to water (to avoid getting an electric shock, DO NOT touch switched-on electrical appliances with wet hands or wipe electrical appliances with a damp cloth).

5 5. Rules of conduct near power facilities Power facilities are overhead and cable power lines, substations, transformer substations, distribution points. Overhead power lines with voltages of 3 5, 11 0 kilovolts and higher are responsible for the power supply of cities and towns. Overhead and cable power lines with voltages of 6 and 10 kilovolts are responsible for power supply within cities and towns, as well as rural settlements. Both 380-volt power lines supply multi-apartment residential buildings with electricity, and 220-volt power lines supply individual apartments. Substations and high-voltage power lines are divided by voltage classes: 35 and 110 kilovolts and above, and transformer substations with a voltage of 6-10 kilovolts are exactly those transformer booths. The substations are designed to reduce the voltage in the AC network and for the distribution of electricity. Transformer substations are located in every locality and, due to their ubiquity, pose a particular danger to the population! All energy facilities pose a real danger to life! Remember simple rules: 1. Under no circumstances should you touch broken wires hanging or lying on the ground or even get close to them. An electric shock can occur even a few meters from the wire due to the step voltage. Therefore, let's agree: consider any wire or electrical appliance to be energized! Even if two dozen people touched it before you. What if at exactly the same time, when you took it in your hands, someone a few meters away from you turned on the switch! If, nevertheless, a person finds himself in the “step tension” zone, one must not lift the soles off the ground. You should move in the direction of moving away from 8 meters of the wire in a “goose step” - the heel of the walking leg, without leaving the ground, is placed against the toe of the other leg. Remember, if you see a broken wire lying on the ground, under no circumstances approach it at a distance closer than 8 meters. 2. It is DEADLY to climb onto the supports of high-voltage power lines, play under them, make fires, break insulators on the supports, throw wires and other objects onto the wires, and fly kites under the wires. 3. If you see a broken wire, open or damaged doors of transformer booths or electrical panels, DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING and immediately notify an adult. 4. Under no circumstances should you open staircase electrical panels located in the entrances of houses, climb onto the roofs of houses and buildings where electrical wires pass nearby, or go into the n formator booths, electrical switchboards and other electrical rooms, touch electrical equipment and wires with your hands. 5. In the summer, while hiking or going fishing, it is DANGEROUS to stop for rest near overhead power lines or substations and fish under power line wires. 6. Help for a victim of electric current It must be remembered that a person struck by an electric current can be saved and brought back to life if help is provided correctly and, most importantly, quickly. Remember! You should not take measures to save the victim yourself. It’s better for adults or energy specialists to do this. Call them for help immediately! Only a person who is well aware of the Rules for freeing a victim from electric current and providing first aid can provide effective assistance to a victim of electric current.

6 What actions should an adult take to help? џ Call a brigade ambulance ; џ Assess the situation. And, if possible, free the person suffering from the effects of electric current. Under no circumstances should you touch the victim immediately. He may still be under electrical current. By touching the victim, the person may also be hit. It is necessary to turn off the power source (unscrew the plugs, turn off the switch). If this is not possible, you must move the current source away from yourself and the victim with a dry, non-conductive object (branch, wooden stick). If it is necessary to pull the victim away from the electrical wire, we must remember that the human body through which the current has passed conducts the current in the same way as the electrical wire. Therefore, you should not touch open parts of the victim’s body with your bare hands; you can only touch dry parts of his clothing, and it is better to wear rubber gloves or wrap your hands in dry silk cloth. џ Provide first aid until the ambulance arrives. After the cessation of the electric current, it is necessary to pay attention to the presence of signs of life (breathing and pulse in large vessels). In the absence of signs of breathing and pulse, urgent resuscitation measures are necessary: ​​closed heart massage and artificial ventilation (artificial respiration). Inspect exposed areas of the victim's body. Always look for two burns (where electrical current enters and exits). Place a sterile or clean cloth over the burned areas. Do not use a blanket or towel for this purpose; fibers from them may stick to the burned surface. To improve the functioning of the heart, blood flow to it should be increased. To do this, lay the victim so that his chest is slightly lower than his legs. All victims of electric shock should be hospitalized as quickly as possible. 7. Warning signs for electrical safety To prevent accidental entry into electrical installations, and thereby prevent people from being injured by electric shock, there are special warning signs and posters. They are hung or applied to the supports of overhead power lines of any voltage, the doors of various electrical panels, and STOP! KEEP OUT THE TENSION! KILL which electrical equipment is located, on fences and fencing enclosing electrical installations. The presence of such signs implies a prohibition for the public to enter electrical installations or climb onto power line supports. Signs warn people of the danger of electric shock. It is unacceptable to neglect them, let alone remove and tear them down! Dear guys! Do not upset your parents with your rash actions! Stop, warn your comrade from dangerous pranks near power facilities! This will save his life! If you detect broken wires, sparks, damage to supports, insulators, unclosed or damaged doors of transformer substations or electrical panels, or torn signs and posters on electrical safety, in order to avoid accidents, you must immediately inform an adult or call 112. Sometimes it seems that trouble can happen with anyone, just not with us. This is a misleading impression! Be careful guys! Take care of your life and the lives of your friends! 8. Test for knowledge of key electrical safety rules Where does a person encounter electricity? What are the main causes of electric shock to a person? Why is it dangerous to use electrical appliances without adult permission? Is it possible to use a TV, kettle, vacuum cleaner if they are not working properly? 5. What should you do if the contacts in the socket spark and there is a burning smell? 6. Why should you not touch the bare ends of the wire? 7. How should you behave on the street to avoid getting an electric shock? 8. What should you pay attention to when choosing a place to play? And for fishing? 9. What should you do if you see a broken wire on the street? 10. What should you do if you see someone who has been electrocuted? How to properly assist a victim? 11. What do the warning signs mean?

Electrical safety The electrical appliances you use at home and at school, the electrical networks and substations you pass by in the yard, on the street and in the field are safe during normal operation.

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2 Contents: 1. General safety requirements. 3 page 2. Labor protection requirements before starting work. 3 3. Labor protection requirements during work. 3 4. Labor protection requirements in emergency situations.

Religious spiritual educational organization of higher education "Zaoksky Rules, procedures, instructions, lists, registers Instructions on labor protection for non-electrical personnel requiring

Class hour.

Topic: “Electrical safety of schoolchildren.”

(Age group - 5-6 grade. Can also be used for students primary school).

Developed by a teacher of the highest category at MBOU Secondary School No. 18 in Bryansk, E.V. Zavadskaya.


Instilling a culture of safe behavior on the street and at home. Instilling a sense of responsibility for one's actions.

Development of cooperation skills with adults and peers in different situations, especially in critical ones, the ability to find ways out of non-standard situations.


Introduce students to signs warning of electrical hazards. Learn how to behave correctly in life situations involving electricity.

Progress of the class hour.

Organizing time. Setting goals and objectives for the lesson.

Guys, today we will talk to you about electrical safety for schoolchildren. What questions do you think we will consider today?

(Children's expected answers: Let's find out what electricity is and its history. Who discovered it and when. What benefits and harm does electricity bring. Causes of electric shock. Signs warning of danger. How to behave in different everyday situations. Test work.)

Based on the children’s answers, the teacher draws up a “daisy” on the board, which is a joint statement of goals and objectives for the lesson and a plan for action.

Teacher: So. We live in the modern world and in everyday life we ​​often encounter electricity. Where is this electricity “around us”?

Probable student answers: These are various electrical appliances, household appliances, power lines, transformer booths. And in nature there is electricity in the form of lightning discharges....)

Teacher: Right. Guys, what is the use of electricity?

Students:(the guys presumably answer that this is the progress of humanity. This is television and the Internet. These are various household appliances that simplify our lives. And, in general, this is a big step in the development of humanity.)

Teacher:What's the harm?

Students:(Children say that with the advent of electricity, life became simpler and people began to move less. There is also harm for environment. Also, due to improper handling, electricity can cause physical harm to a person.)

Teacher: Fine. Guys, electricity has such a feature as the absence of factors familiar to humans that cause anxiety or fear. For example, we see and hear approaching vehicles. We can recognize a gas leak by its characteristic smell. And electricity has neither color nor smell.

Teacher: In preparation for today's class, I assigned one of the students to prepare a short report on electricity. Let's give him the floor.

Student: I found out that we will study electricity in physics lessons. There we learn that electric current can be direct or alternating. That current has strength and resistance. And many more interesting facts.

I also learned that the fact of the action of email. current per person was established in the last quarter of the 18th century. The danger of this action was first established by the inventor of the electrochemical high-voltage voltage source V.V. Petrov. The description of the first industrial electrical injuries appeared much later in 1863 - from direct current and in 1882 - from alternating current.

Teacher: Guys, what do you think are the causes of electric shock?

Students(probable answers): Touching uninsulated electrical appliances, metal parts of equipment that are energized due to damage. Strike by lightning. If you climb into the electric booth...)

Teacher: That's right. Tell me, how to warn about danger?

Students: Talk about it. Or using signs.

Teacher. A group of students prepared a story about signs. Let's give them the floor.

Students show signs and talk about them.(the show is accompanied by presentation slides)

1 : " Carefully! Electrical voltage! - a permanent sign to warn of the danger of electric shock. Used in electrical installations. Attaches to the outside of the door

2 Permanent warning sign" Caution! Electrical voltage" Used on reinforced concrete supports of overhead lines.

3. Poster "Stop!" Voltage!" Used in electrical installations. It is hung on temporary fences of live parts that are energized.

4 Portable poster “Test. Life threatening". Used in electrical installations. It is hung on fences and equipment of live parts that are energized in preparation for testing.

5 Poster "Don't get in! He will kill! Hanging next to a structure designed to lift personnel to a height


Teacher: Guys, do you like cartoons? Sometimes cartoon characters make mistakes too. I suggest you watch 2 stories and find the characters’ mistakes.

(they watch a story from the cartoon about Gena the Crocodile and Cheburash, where Gena helps the children in the yard organize their leisure time and climbs into a live electrical box. He gets electrocuted. Also from the cartoon “Well, wait a minute!” About the wolf and the hare in the studio.)

After watching the plot, a discussion is organized about what Gena and the Wolf did wrong.

5) Teacher: Guys, now I suggest you show your Creative skills. We will split into groups. You receive a poster depicting scenes of improper handling of electricity. You must quickly color it and present your work, accompanying it with the poems that are also offered to you. You can submit your poems. You should end up with a mini-sketch-presentation of correct behavior... Your task is to be artistic and convincing!

There is work in groups for 5-7 minutes, and then a presentation of team work.

1st group:

I'm on the roof of the garage

Decided to imprison the cat

Let him warm up on the roof

The roof is closer to the sun!

Stop! There are wires above the roof!

Current always flows through them!

And therefore understand

You, my friend, are the law:

Neither with cats nor with friends

Don't try to get there!

There is danger and trouble!!!

Group 2:

Anyuta is carrying the red ball,

Denis carries the blue ball

Let's let them go

We are on a sky-high flight!!

The balls just took off

We rushed only to the heights,

How did they get caught on the wire...

Oh, what should we do, Denis!?

Denis grabs a long pole:

We must free them!

(Unfortunately, he does not know what this threatens him with!)

Children!!! Remember the main rule:

Whether with a stick, a branch, a pole - never

Don't touch the electrical wire

Big trouble could happen!!

3rd group:

Standing somehow at the outlet

Little Fedot thought:

"I wonder who is in these

Lives in black holes?

Maybe tiny mice

Two girlfriends, two little girls?

Or a tiny raccoon

Settled and living?

And to check all this,

And to find out all this,

You need a nail or a twig,

Or take a wire... and...”

Stop, baby! Stop!!

Your life is at risk!

In addition to the plug, into the socket

Nothing can be inserted!

Even a five year old boy

I must know this for sure!!!

6) Teacher: Well done. How creative and artistic you are.

Before we carry out the test work, I suggest you watch another short cartoon, “Lessons from Aunt Owl. - Lessons of caution. - Electricity.”

(Children watch a cartoon.)

Now, I think you are ready to test your knowledge of electrical safety.

Get ready for the test. Take pens and paper.

(a test is performed and shown on the presentation slides)




A. can be seen

B. can be heard

B. inaudible, invisible, odorless

G. you can taste it



A . you'll pass by

B. invite your friends to look at the substation together

B. call the phone number indicated on the TP and report the open door


A. you'll pass by
b. help them throw the rope
V. explain that throwing a rope over power lines is deadly



A. you will pass by
B. try to go up to him and pick him up
B. If you go around within a radius of 20 meters, you will immediately inform adults about this



A. try to disassemble and repair it yourself

B. inform adults about this



A. did lightning strike here?

B. means nothing

B. electricity! Life threatening!





A. with dirty hands

B. cold hands

B. with wet hands



A. in the living room

B. in the kitchen

B. in the bathroom



A. No danger

B. Safe for life and health

B. Deadly dangerous and punishable by a fine of up to 1 million rubles. or criminal punishment of up to 10 years in prison

Testing answers:

QUESTION No. 1 - Electricity has no taste, no color, no smell. He can't be seen or heard

The correct answer is B

QUESTION No. 2 - Penetration into the territory of a transformer substation is mortally dangerous. The power engineers must be informed about the open door.

The correct answer is B

QUESTION No. 3 - throwing any objects on power lines is deadly

The correct answer is B

QUESTION No. 4 - You cannot approach a wire lying on the ground closer than 10 meters. This radius creates a dangerous zone that conducts electric current!

The correct answer is B

QUESTION No. 5 - Using a faulty socket is dangerous to life!

The correct answer is B

at transformer substations, power transmission line supports.

The correct answer is B

QUESTION #7 - This sign warns of the danger of electric shock.

The correct answer is B

QUESTION No. 8 - Water is a conductor of electrical energy; holding a socket with wet hands can give you an electric shock.

The correct answer is B

QUESTION No. 9 - The bathroom is a room with high humidity, which negatively affects the operation of electrical appliances

The correct answer is B

QUESTION No. 10 - Theft of a wire from a power line is conditionally punishable. If a person comes into contact with a wire, it can cause burns and fatal injuries.

The correct answer is B

"Key" for evaluating test results.

8-10 correct answers

You did an excellent job!

8-6 correct answers

You completed the task “well”!

6-7 correct answers

You completed the task satisfactorily. You need to repeat the electrical safety rules

5 or less correct answers

You need to familiarize yourself with the electrical safety rules. Your life and health are at risk.

7) Teacher: Guys, let's sum it up. What did we learn new today?

Students talk about signs and rules of behavior with electricity.

Teacher: Guys, what is the result of our lesson and what useful things could we do so that more children learn about the rules of safe behavior with electricity?

Students They propose to hang the resulting posters on the stand and hold mini lectures for elementary school students with the materials from today’s lesson.

Teacher: Guys, at home I suggest you watch the cartoons “Fixies. Short circuit" . And find the heroes’ mistakes in them.

Our lesson is over! I wish you health and success!


Every year in Russia, due to ignorance of safety rules, personal negligence and attempts to steal wires and non-ferrous metals, about 70 people die and 130 are injured from exposure to electric current. Think about these numbers - these people were victims of their own carelessness, violating the rules of basic safety. Summer is ahead, and on the eve of the holidays, schoolchildren need to remember the rules that everyone should know. We continue our series of lessons on electrical safety.

How dangerous is electricity?

Electrical appliances that you use at home and at school, electrical networks and substations that you pass by in the yard and on the street are safe during normal operation. The power engineers took care to prevent accidental contact with live parts. All electrical installations are fenced, have warning signs and safety posters and are locked. However, with various damage to insulation, broken wires, climbing onto supports, penetration into substations and electrical panels, a real threat to life arises.

The higher the voltage the person is under, the greater the current.

A voltage of 12 volts is considered safe. The most widespread in industry, agriculture and everyday life are electrical networks with voltages of 220 and 380 volts: the first - for lighting and household appliances, the second - for three-phase electric motors of machines and mechanisms. This voltage is economically beneficial, but very dangerous for humans.

Rules for handling electricity at home

1. You cannot use electrical appliances without adult permission.

2. You should not replace light bulbs and fuses, repair electrical wiring and household appliances, open the back covers of televisions and radios, install bells, switches and sockets. Let an adult or an electrician do this.

3. Do not use switches, sockets, plugs, bell buttons with broken covers, as well as household appliances with damaged, charred or twisted cords. And do not ignore such facts, especially do not break the covers of switches, bells, plug sockets out of mischief, damaging the electrical wiring. By doing so, you are committing an offense equal to a crime, since this can lead to the death of people.

4. Do not use faulty electrical appliances. If there is a smell of burnt rubber coming from your TV, refrigerator or vacuum cleaner, or if sparks are visible, you should immediately unplug the device and tell an adult about the faulty device.

5. When turning off an electrical appliance, do not pull the cord. You need to grasp the plug and smoothly remove it from the socket.

6. Remember: electricity does not tolerate proximity to water (to avoid getting an electric shock, do not touch turned on electrical appliances with wet hands or wipe electrical appliances with a damp cloth).

Rules of conduct near power facilities

Energy facilities are overhead and cable power lines, substations, transformer substations, distribution points.

Overhead power lines with voltages of 35, 110 kilovolts and higher are responsible for power supply to cities and towns. Overhead and cable power lines with voltages of 6 and 10 kilovolts are responsible for power supply within cities and towns, as well as rural settlements. Power lines with a voltage of 380 volts provide electricity to multi-apartment residential buildings, and 220 volts to individual apartments.

Substations are designed to reduce voltage in the alternating current network and to distribute electricity. Transformer substations are located in every locality and, due to their ubiquity, pose a particular danger to the population!

1. Under no circumstances should you touch or even approach broken wires hanging or lying on the ground.

2. It is mortally dangerous to climb onto the supports of high-voltage power lines, play under them, make fires, break insulators on the supports, throw wires and other objects on the wires, and fly kites under the wires.

3. Under no circumstances should you open staircase electrical panels located in the entrances of houses, climb onto the roofs of houses and buildings where electrical wires run nearby, enter transformer booths, electrical switchboards and other electrical rooms, or touch electrical equipment and wires with your hands.

4. If you see a broken wire, open or damaged doors of transformer booths or electrical panels, do not touch anything and immediately tell an adult.

5. In the summer, when going hiking or fishing, it is dangerous to stop for rest near overhead power lines or substations and fish under the power line wires.

What is step voltage?

An electric shock can occur even a few meters away from a broken wire lying on the ground or sagging, due to the step voltage. Therefore, let's agree to consider any wire or electrical appliance to be energized! Even if two dozen people touched it before you. What if, at the very moment when you picked up the wire, someone several kilometers away from you turned on the switch or pressed the switch!

If, nevertheless, a person finds himself in the zone of “step voltage”, one cannot tear the soles off the surface of the earth. You should move away from the wire in a “goose step” - the heel of the walking leg, without leaving the ground, is placed against the toe of the other leg. Remember, if you see a broken wire lying on the ground, under no circumstances approach it at a distance closer than 8 meters.

How does electric current affect the human body?

The danger of electric current is that without special devices it is impossible to feel whether a given part of the electrical installation is energized or not: electricity has no taste, no smell and operates silently. Therefore, people often do not realize the danger and do not take the necessary protective measures.

A person touching live parts of electrical installations and bare live wires becomes connected to an electrical circuit. Under the influence of voltage, an electric current flows through his body, which disrupts the normal functioning of the body. The most unfavorable outcome of the injury will be in cases where the touch occurred with wet hands in a damp or hot room. In addition, it matters which path the current takes in the human body, whether it touches the heart, chest, brain and spinal cord.

The immediate causes of death in a person struck by electric current are cessation of cardiac function, respiratory arrest due to paralysis of the chest muscles, and electric shock.

Why are electrical injuries one of the most severe types of injury?

Electrical shocks are one of the most severe types of injuries. The human body is 80% water. And it conducts current well. Damage from electric current is determined by the strength of the current and the duration of its effect. The lower the resistance of the human body, the higher the current. Resistance decreases under the influence of the following factors:

High voltage;

Skin moisture;

Long exposure time;

Decrease in the partial pressure of oxygen in the air: in the mountains, in poorly ventilated areas, a person becomes significantly more vulnerable;

Increased carbon dioxide content in the air;

High air temperature;

Carelessness, mental unpreparedness for a possible electric shock.

The central nervous system suffers most from the action of electric current. Due to its damage, breathing and cardiac activity are impaired.

Electrical burns are much more difficult to heal than conventional thermal burns. Some consequences of electrical injury may appear after several hours, days, or months. The victim must live in a “gentle” mode for a long time and be under the supervision of specialists.


Problem 1

You went fishing in a pond. There is a power line nearby. The distance from where you are is 7 - 10 meters. How long should a fishing rod be so that fishing does not end in electric shock, considering that the fishing rod is made of carbon fiber - a conductor of electric current, and there is high humidity near the reservoir?

Answer: The length of the fishing rod and fishing line should be such that it does not accidentally touch the wires. Otherwise, fatal injury cannot be avoided.

Problem 2

You were playing with a friend at home and he suddenly got electrocuted. He is having convulsions, but he cannot detach himself from the wire. What are your actions?

Answer: If a person comes under the influence of an electric current, it is necessary, first of all, to quickly (every second counts!) to free the victim from the action of the electric current, since a person under voltage cannot, due to convulsions or loss of consciousness, independently tear himself away from the wire , device housing. If this happens indoors, disconnect the wire or appliance by turning off the switch, unplugging the plug, turning off the circuit breakers at the electric meter, or unscrewing the fuses at the electric meter. But in real conditions this is quite difficult to do. It would be better if adults or energy specialists do this. Call them for help!

Problem 3

Bad weather has arrived. Thunder rumbles and lightning flashes are visible. How do you know how close a thunderstorm is to where you are?

Answer: The speed of light is higher than the speed of sound. Therefore, we often see a flash of lightning, and only a few seconds later we hear peals of thunder. It is known that sound travels in air at a speed of 330 m/s. Therefore, it is enough to multiply this figure by the seconds by which the sound “lags behind” the flash of light - and you will get the distance to the epicenter of the thunderstorm.


How is theft from energy facilities punished?

The theft of a wire from a line or equipment from a substation is a criminal offense, and adults, in order to avoid punishment, invite children to take part in the theft of non-ferrous metals from energy facilities. As a result, children suffer serious burns and injuries.

Remember that it is mortally dangerous to agree to illegal actions to steal equipment from energy facilities, which adults or even friends may push you to do. In addition, theft of power equipment entails punishment under Part 2 of Art. 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - “Theft of someone else’s property” in the form of imprisonment for up to 5 years and compensation for material damage caused.”

On the eve of the summer holidays, we hope that our electrical safety lesson will be useful in the work of counselors and teachers of children's recreational and school camps. Send us stories and photo reports about the most interesting lessons at the address: 454091, Chelyabinsk, st. Krasnaya, 4, office 606.

We are turning to you guys! Remember: electricity is dangerous! Don't forget about simple safety rules that can save the lives of you, your friends and loved ones!

A selection of materials and a standard lesson program on electrical safety for conducting lessons in secondary schools in the Stavropol Territory

(for managers and chief engineers of distribution networks, foreman of linear sections of electrical networks)

Basic electrical safety rules that need to be communicated to students and teachers of life safety

1. Do not light fires or place firewood, straw or other flammable objects under power lines.

2. You cannot fish near power lines, so as not to die if the fishing rod approaches an unacceptable distance to the wires of overhead power lines - electrical injury is inevitable.

3. Do not fly kites or gliders near electrical installations and power lines.

4. Never get closer to a downed power line than 8-10 meters, even if the broken wire is on a tree wet after rain, lying on the ground, on a fence or other objects.

5. You must not throw wire, magnetic tape, rope or other objects onto the wires of power lines; you must not throw any objects into electrical installations. Do not fly kites near power lines.

6. Do not climb on power line supports.

7. You cannot open the doors of transformer substations, you cannot open electrical panels on staircase landings. You cannot enter the substation territory.

8. Do not pull the plug from the socket by the wire.

9. Do not handle the wires of household electrical appliances with wet hands.

10. You cannot use faulty electrical appliances, damaged wires of electrical appliances, and you cannot repair electrical appliances connected to the network.

11. Do not repair electrical wiring yourself; invite an electrician.

12. Do not connect to the electrical network yourself. Invite specialists.

Approximate methodological support

Initial situation (thesis and arguments).

The need for the program is due to the fact that:

The summer and autumn seasons are unfavorable in terms of injuries at power grid facilities;

Despite the measures taken by IDGC Holding OJSC and electric distribution companies (Stavropolenergo), cases of unauthorized entry into electrical installations, attacks on overhead power lines and, as a result, injuries and deaths of third parties continue;

There is no reduction in fatal electrical injuries.

The system of theses and arguments is aimed at consistent, evidence-based formulation and explanation, with the help of energy specialists, with a cumulative total of the advantages of careful handling of power grid facilities of power distribution companies. An important factor stimulating consumers to treat electrical grid facilities with caution is the fear of electrical injury caused by the broadcast of video and audio materials about the consequences of electric shock.


IDGC Holding and its subsidiaries electric distribution grid companies are responsible for preserving the health and life of consumers of electrical energy;

Power engineers are socially responsible, therefore electrical grid facilities are protected by fences, warning signs and locks;

Network companies regularly check the protection of power facilities from penetration by third parties, as well as the presence of safety signs;

The causes of children's electrical injuries are curiosity and lack of awareness of danger;

Power engineers conduct educational activities among children in educational institutions and summer health camps;

The equipment that power engineers install at their facilities is currently the most modern, combining the latest developments in the field of electrical safety;

Unauthorized connection to electrical networks poses a danger to the life and health of citizens and, in addition, is criminally punishable;

Unmetered and non-contractual consumption of electrical energy threatens the energy security of both individual citizens and regions of the Russian Federation as a whole.


The main causes of accidents of third parties on electrical equipment are:

Committing illegal actions: when attempting to steal non-ferrous metals, work in unauthorized areas with the owner of electrical networks security zone overhead power line;

Unauthorized work on entering a private home;

Self-repair of electrical installations by persons without special training.

At the same time, people die and suffer, and the state suffers multimillion-dollar losses. In accordance with the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, this crime is punishable, inter alia, by imprisonment:

There are criminal penalties for stealing wires from power lines. The potential risks, not only for health, but in terms of possible imprisonment, are too high for them to become an “energy talk” by neglecting them;

Repair and installation of electrical wiring is carried out according to special rules, and therefore should only be carried out by qualified electricians;

Do not touch wires that are sagging or lying on the ground. To avoid an accident, you must always remember that it is deadly not only to touch, but also to come closer than 8-10 m to a broken wire lying on the ground (tree, fence, etc.);

Children are especially likely to suffer electrical injuries.

Under no circumstances should you:

Climb onto the roofs of houses and buildings where electrical wires pass nearby, or onto the supports of overhead power lines;

Play under overhead power lines;

Throw wire and other objects onto the wires;

Launch kites and controlled aircraft model airplanes and helicopters in close proximity to power lines;

Get into electrical installations.

One of the causes of accidents is fishing in the protection zone of overhead power lines. As a result, fishermen receive electrical injuries, usually fatal;

Knowledge of labor safety rules when interacting with electricity and being near electrical grid facilities prevents accidents.

Option 1

Sample summary of a typical lesson on the topic “Electrical safety”

(based on materials from IDGC of Center, JSC)

Goals and objectives of the lesson:

Teaching children electrical safety rules, preventing electrical injuries, preventing theft of equipment from power facilities.


laptop, projector, projection screen, training simulator (if available), training films.

During the classes:

Organizing time

Introductory talk:

Good afternoon, dear guys!

Today we will talk to you about an important and interesting topic about electrical energy and the rules for safe handling of electrical equipment and behavior near energy facilities.

Everything around us, one way or another, is connected with electricity. Ancient Greek scientists knew about some properties of static electricity, but only in the 18th-19th centuries did the systematic study of electrical phenomena begin. Through numerous studies, scientists have learned to obtain electric current and use it.

It is difficult to imagine the modern world without electricity. Heat, light, movement - we owe all this to electricity. Electricity has made our homes more comfortable and household chores easier. Without electricity there would be no computers, radio and television, and man would not fly into space. Thanks to the electric charge, the headlights and control devices of cars work. It will not be an exaggeration if we say that electricity is the engine of the development of civilization. This situation will continue in the future, although some methods of obtaining electrical energy and transmitting it over a distance will become more efficient, environmentally friendly and more convenient.

The phenomenon of static electricity has fascinated people for centuries. A striking example of a discharge in nature is lightning. In a thundercloud, consisting of water droplets and ice floes, powerful air currents arise, which mix and push together the water droplets and ice floes. In this case, some electrons leave the pieces of ice, and they acquire an electrical charge. When the discharges reach enormous values, between the upper and lower boundaries of the cloud or between the cloud and the ground, a discharge occurs in the form of a giant spark - lightning.

During a thunderstorm, you should never approach electrical objects. Often during a storm, electrical discharges from lightning cause wires to break on power lines. Remember that you should not get closer to broken wires on the ground, in trees, or in puddles than 8-10 meters, since the breakdown of airspace occurs at such a significant distance.

Now we will tell you in more detail about power supply. The electrical system moves energy from the power plants where it is generated to the homes and businesses where it is used. The network of power lines through which energy is supplied to consumers is called the energy system of a given region or entire country. Typically, the system receives energy generated by thermal, nuclear, and hydroelectric power plants. The same network supplies energy to consumers who are often located far from the places where electricity is produced.

Arriving through overhead wires and cable lines power transmission voltage must be converted into one that is used by consumers. Transformer substations are used for this. Transformers increase the output voltage at a power plant's generators to reduce energy loss along long power lines. Substations near consumers reduce voltage to values ​​for which industrial equipment and household electrical appliances are designed.

Guys! Each of you has repeatedly seen such transformer substations; they have warning signs: “Stop! High voltage!". Such information tells people about the danger to life that lurks behind the iron doors of substations. (As an example, you can cite some case, perhaps even from another region).

The effect of electric current has a detrimental effect on the functioning of all internal human organs. A strong electrical discharge causes cardiac arrest.

Work on electrical installations does not tolerate negligence. Specially trained electricians can carry out any work on the lines. Before approaching the electrical installation, the voltage is switched off. You cannot touch the wires going to residential buildings or garage buildings with your bare hands, as electric arc damage may occur - the so-called “air breakdown”. As a result, death may occur.

At home, faulty household appliances are not toys. If you see exposed wires or sparking outlets, report it to an adult immediately. Remember that electrical energy poses a significant danger to life.

Watching a typical animated film (if available).

Guys! You have once again seen how you cannot behave unreasonably with electrical wires and near substations.

Often a person suffers from the effects of electric current. It is possible to bring him back to life within the first 5 minutes. Now on the training simulator we will show you how to properly perform artificial respiration and chest compressions.

Now everyone can try to do it themselves (if possible).

Fixing the material. Answers on questions.


Dear Guys! Today you learned a lot. The most important thing: remember the rules of safe behavior with electricity. We sincerely wish you never to find yourself in situations where these rules need to be applied in practice.

Option 2


Audience: grades 5-9.

Introduction. Who are we? (tell us that we are energy workers, people responsible for a sustainable, uninterrupted power supply)

Good afternoon guys!

We are power engineers - people who work with electricity. We service power lines in all cities and districts of the region and promptly eliminate emerging emergencies. Our task is to ensure that electricity flows uninterruptedly to your homes and the homes of all residents of the region.

Today we will talk about electrical energy and the rules for safe handling of electrical equipment and behavior near energy facilities.

Electricity is an invisible danger.

What is electricity? Electrical energy is a faithful assistant modern man. Electricity is coziness, convenience, comfort, and without it modern life is impossible today. Without electricity there would be no computers, radio and television, and man would not fly into space. Thanks to the electric discharge, the headlights and control devices of cars work. It will not be an exaggeration if we say that electricity is the engine of civilization.

But unreasonable use of electrical energy can lead to irreparable consequences for people's lives and health. Any electrical devices and equipment, regardless of voltage level, are potential sources of danger. And this danger is not visible, because electricity has no taste, no color, no smell.

More than 40 thousand people worldwide die from electric shock every year.

We have come to you to tell you about this danger and to warn you against improper contact with electricity. Electricity is a serious thing and you can’t joke with it!

Electricity surrounds us everywhere - both at home and on the street.

Tell me, where during the day do you come into contact with electricity?

On the street: The electrical system moves energy from the power plants where it is generated to the homes and businesses where it is used. The network of power lines through which energy is supplied to consumers is called the energy system of a given region or entire country.

The voltage coming through the overhead and cable power lines must be converted into one that is used by consumers. Transformer substations are used for this. Transformers increase the output voltage at a power plant's generators to reduce energy losses along long power lines. Substations near consumers reduce voltage to values ​​for which industrial equipment and household electrical appliances are designed.

Energy objects on the street are not dangerous if you do not come into contact with them to satisfy your curiosity or for some other reason. Therefore, do not open electrical panels or try to enter power facilities. All of them are marked with special signs warning of the danger of electric shock.

Strong winds or thunderstorms can cause wires on overhead power lines to sag or break. When approaching a line of any voltage, make sure that there are no sagging or broken wires along the way. Remember, it is deadly not only to touch, but also to come closer than 8-10 meters to a broken wire lying on the ground, on a tree, on a fence. You may get under step voltage. The fact is that the earth, being a conductor of electric current, becomes, as it were, a continuation of a broken wire. The electric current spreads across the soil and gradually fades away. It is enough to take a step inside this invisible circle to receive electrical injuries due to the difference in electrical potentials under the right and left feet. Moreover, the wider the step, the greater the potential difference, the more severe the damage. By the way, with the help of such an artificially created step voltage, many secret objects are protected.

There are cases when people die from touching not the electrical wires themselves, but random conductive objects coming from them. There was a case in Russia when a teenager who was crossing a railway line had a cassette tape stuck in his player. Not wanting to postpone the repair until home, the boy began to manually rewind the tape right on the bridge. One end of it jumped out of his hands and touched the contact wire, the voltage of which is 27 thousand volts! As a result of the injury, the boy lost both arms.

Last year in the Komi Republic, the driver of a KAMAZ vehicle, while dumping soil, moving with the body raised along the side of the road in the security zone of a power line, caught one of the wires of the 10 kV line. The driver, according to eyewitnesses, when getting out of the car and holding the car door handle, stepped on the ground and was electrocuted. First aid did not give any results. The driver died. Water flowing through a bare wire conducts current well. That's why they say you can't swim during a thunderstorm? A lightning discharge is electricity, and when lightning strikes a river or lake, all living things in the water die within a radius of several meters. The same goes for a wire that fell into the water.

It is prohibited to approach any electrical installations. Under no circumstances should you climb onto the roofs of houses and buildings where electrical wires run nearby. A few years ago there was an incident where boys were jumping from the roof of a house onto a garage. One of them stumbled and caught electrical wires when falling. The teenager died. Another incident occurred in one village. Electrical wires ran to a private house. There was a children's swing nearby. The child swung too high on them and touched an exposed wire. He also died.

Do not climb onto supports or throw wire or other objects onto the wires. You are not allowed to make fires or fish under power lines. Even throwing a simple fishing line with a hook onto the line or touching the wire with a fishing rod, you can die.

If you find a broken wire, an open door to a transformer substation, distribution panel, or power equipment, you must inform an adult about this. They, in turn, will inform the electrical network workers, who will come and fix everything.

Work on electrical installations does not tolerate negligence. Specially trained electricians can carry out any work on the lines. Before approaching the electrical installation, the voltage is switched off.

At home: About half of deaths from electric shock in the home occur when using electrical appliances.

You probably know that you should not pull switched-on appliances by the cord, handle them with wet hands, try to insert them, or try to fit a plug that does not fit into the socket. It is also advisable not to use electrical appliances in the bathroom, and not to disassemble or repair faulty appliances while they are on. Do not attempt to repair the wiring. Do not drive nails into the wall or drill in a place where hidden wiring may be located.

Do not overload the network with sockets.

Previously, in the country, when building houses, electrical wiring was done on the basis that several light bulbs were on in the house, a refrigerator, a TV and a vacuum cleaner were working. Nowadays our houses are filled with electrical appliances. How do you know if you've overloaded your network with electrical appliances? Many people have surge protectors. A computer, printer, monitor, TV, fan can be connected to it. If all this works at the same time, and the surge protector is warm, then you have already overloaded the network, and you need to turn off something.

Consequences of electrical injuries

Electrical shocks are one of the most serious types of injuries. The fact is that the human body is 80% water. And water, as we said, conducts current well. When a person is struck by current, the discharge passes through the person’s body, burning out all organs along the way. This leads to a number of disorders of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, nervous system, and mental state. Its consequences can be loss of vision, burns, injuries to the hearing organs, and internal organs. The causes of death are paralysis of the heart and breathing, as well as the brain. It is not immediately possible to determine what is damaged in a person. After an injury, people take years to heal. It happened that people died 3-4 months after the injury - the body could not cope with the damaged organs.

If a person has suffered an electrical injury before your eyes, it is possible to bring him back to life within the first 5 minutes. Now on the training simulator we will show you how to properly perform artificial respiration and chest compressions.

  • If possible, demonstrate the Gosha simulator

Now everyone can try to do it themselves.

Theft of non-ferrous metals

Another thing we would like to tell you about is theft. The theft of a wire from a line or equipment from a substation is a criminal offense, and adults, in order to avoid punishment, invite children to take part in the theft of non-ferrous metals from energy facilities. As a result, children suffer serious burns and injuries.

There was a case when a father and son went to steal a wire. The son threw a rope and a stick onto the line and came under tension. The father saw his son burning before his eyes, but could not come up and save him - a fire formed around his son. electric field and the step pressure did not allow me to get closer to the boy. The son burned to death in front of his father's eyes.

Therefore, you need to remember that energy facilities are a high-risk area!

Dear Guys! Today you learned a lot. Most importantly, remember the rules of safe behavior with electricity. We sincerely wish you never to find yourself in situations where these rules need to be applied in practice.

Tip for teaching staff:

If there is internet in educational institution, you can optionally use the corporate section of the IDGC of the North-West JSC website dedicated to electrical safety issues for children and adolescents. Section address:

It should be borne in mind that the management of the public relations department of IDGC of the North-West JSC allows the use of this sectionNO RIGHT TO COPY AND SUBSEQUENTLY CHANGE THE CONTENT!

Approximate plan for an excursion to the electrical grid complex facility

  1. Gathering of students (carried out with the assistance of the assigned teacher).
  2. Delivery of a group of students to the power facility (in agreement with the management of the educational institution).
  3. Safety briefing while at a power facility.
  4. Access to the power facility is carried out accompanied by specialists from the Stavropolenergo electrical network. It is necessary to lead a group of students in a single formation, and the presence of an electrical network employee behind the group is necessary (to prevent individual students from falling behind, diverging to the sides from the group and bringing them closer to live parts of the equipment).
  5. A story about the operation of a power facility. Showing the main elements of substation equipment, a detailed explanation of the degree of danger when unauthorized persons are near power equipment.
  6. Final part: reminding students of basic safety rules.

Note: It is recommended that during a visit to the power facility, emphasize the role of Stavropolenergo electrical network specialists in ensuring sustainable, uninterrupted power supply to all consumer groups in the region/settlement.

Head of OSO A.V. Koloskov

Lesson on electrical safety at school


Today it is impossible to imagine human life without electrical energy. Electricity is our faithful assistant at home and at school, at work and at play, but it becomes very dangerous to human life if it is not handled correctly.

In order to avoid getting into trouble, each of you must remember and follow a few very simple rules, which we will talk about today.

First, let's look at what electricity is? Where does it come from? The simplest example of a source of electrical energy is a BATTERY! All of you guys probably have a lot of toys that run on batteries. If such a toy stops working, it means the battery inside it has run out of charge.

Who knows what needs to be done to get the toy to work again?

We use a large number of electrical appliances in our lives. What electrical appliances can you name?

In order for small toys and appliances (for example, a flashlight) to work, the voltage from the batteries is enough, but for large appliances - a refrigerator, TV or electric heater - to work, much more electricity is needed. Therefore, each electrical outlet contains the same voltage as 150 batteries combined! This is a lot!

Electricity is transmitted through wires. All of you, children, have seen such wires on the street, seen that the wires are attached to special high supports and from them go down to every house, so that every house has such useful ELECTRICITY.

But the fact is that electricity is not only useful, but also VERY dangerous!

In order to use electricity correctly and safely, every person needs to know and follow a few very simple rules.

Electricity on the street. What you need to remember and do.

Electricity is supplied to houses, as a rule, through overhead power lines - the so-called poles with wires attached to them. The overhead line supports are specially made so high so that people cannot even accidentally touch or approach them.

However, due to strong winds or ice, as well as various other damage to overhead lines, the wires may sag or break. If you touch a broken or sagging wire, you will definitely receive a strong electric shock! This is very painful and dangerous! Very often, people get burned and even die from touching wires! So guys, remember the 1st rule:

Do not touch an overhead line wire that is broken or hanging from a support, or climb onto supports, trees growing under the wires, or buildings near which electrical wires pass!

Do not touch broken or dangling wires

You can't climb on the supports

But not only touching the wire is dangerous. An electric shock can strike and even kill a person who simply APPROACHES a wire that lies on the ground at a distance of less than 8 meters, that is, a distance equal to ... (visually show the distance of 8 meters using the dimensions of a classroom or other examples).

So guys, remember the 2nd rule:

You must not approach a wire lying on the ground closer than 8 meters, and also do not approach a tree if you notice a broken wire on it!

Now, guys, you and I know that power lines are very dangerous for people, and therefore the wires are suspended on high poles, and from these poles they go down to each house. Where do the wires come from? Where do the air lines begin?

All overhead lines are connected to transformer substations, in which the voltage is many times higher than the socket! Of course, such voltage is even more dangerous for humans, so you need to be able to distinguish transformer substations from other buildings.

Transformer substations can look different. It could be a small brick house, it could be an iron kiosk that looks like a shed, or it could be an iron box standing on poles. To prevent anyone from accidentally confusing a very dangerous transformer substation with some other house, special signs are painted on the doors of substations. For example, these:

These signs warn all people that it is IMPOSSIBLE to go further! Can kill by electric shock.

This is clearly demonstrated by the pictures drawn by the children of our employees. (You can also organize a children's drawing competition to reinforce the information received).

Of course, IN NO EVENT should you approach transformer substations, play near them, much less go inside or climb on them!

And this will be our 3rd rule, guys:

(show drawings No. 4, No. 5 and No. 6 drawn by the children of our employees.)

What should you do if suddenly one of you sees a wire lying somewhere on the ground? Or will he see a transformer substation with open doors?

In this case, guys, you need to tell the adults about everything as quickly as possible.

Now let's remember all our rules that we learned today!

    Do not touch an overhead line wire that is broken or hanging from a support, or climb onto supports or trees growing under the wires!

    You must not approach a wire lying on the ground closer than 8 meters!

    You must not enter transformer substations, touch their doors and grilles, or play games near them!

    If you see a broken or sagging wire, open doors of a transformer substation, or that other children are violating the rules for handling electricity, tell an adult immediately!