How to enjoy life if you don’t have money, your favorite activity, loved ones, or delicious food? Why isn't your beloved man nearby? I can’t bear to get married...

Well, you described such a situation that just take it and become an ascetic, then worldly temptations will not bother you at all, and their inaccessibility will not oppress you)))) But this is a joke, of course.

Correctly tells you that the easiest way is to start achieving what you indicated. I would start with money, because... at all times they have decided and are deciding a lot. You can try to earn it in a job you love, or in a job you don’t like, but it pays well, then you will be able to do this thing you love without regard to whether it makes a profit or not.

I don’t know how a person can’t have a favorite thing. Unless you have severe depression, anhedonia and there is nothing to please you. Otherwise, everyone has something that makes them happy. This is often called a hobby. It’s good if it makes money, but it’s enough that you just have it. First of all, this is a rest for the soul. Maybe you like to take photographs, draw, sing, play musical instruments, embroider, play sports, travel, blog, etc. There is something you like. I'm sure you already have a favorite thing to do. Maybe you just haven’t fully realized this yet.

I don’t quite understand what “no close people” means. In terms of relatives or significant other? This is important for happiness, but I think it’s not critical. Especially regarding relatives, especially if you are a hedonist, or maybe, on the contrary, an ascetic. Unfortunately, most people only tend to worsen your life and destroy you morally, but those who will help, love, and appreciate you are very difficult to find in principle. And it’s clear that you can’t go to the market, or to the labor exchange, or to the lost property office to find something like this. This is where the cards fall. The main thing is not to miss your chance when it comes. I believe that every person has the opportunity to hit the jackpot at least once in their life. It’s just that many people successfully screw up this matter, in fact, without even seeing that there is any opportunity there.

Well, delicious food is a matter of money.

In many ways, you very much guessed who to ask this question to - I have a similar situation. I have a job I love, I get paid for it, but not enough, and most importantly, the work is overshadowed by absolutely incompetent management at all levels. It's a shame that I'm somewhere in the last line in the social hierarchy.

How to deal with all this? Again, start with money. Look for another/new/additional job, non-standard ways of making money, incl. and on the Internet. There is no way without money now. Even with other problems in life, if the sword of Damocles does not hang over you, what will you eat tomorrow, how to pay public utilities how much money to buy new clothes, then life will be perceived much easier and more pleasant. Comfort is a very important thing. Just as Abraham Maslow bequeathed. We move strictly along the pyramid of needs, from bottom to top. It is extremely difficult for a person to be happy (almost impossible) if basic needs are not met.

The concept of “no money” is very relative. I always smile when people say this to me, who have 5 thousand lying around in their left pocket, but they didn’t even notice. No money means living from paycheck to paycheck, on 1 thousand rubles a week. There is no money, and the majority are simply poor. While there are financial difficulties, learn to save.

How can you have fun for free? I have a couple of simple options.

    Be outside more often, on fresh air. Especially in sunny weather. Famous scientific fact That sunlight, through its effect on your retina, increases the release of serotonin in the brain. That's why we always have an upbeat mood in clear sunny weather - it's a natural antidepressant.

    Do what you like, but for free - play computer games, watch movies/series, listen to music, etc. If you already have a camera/good smartphone, then taking up photography will cost you free. Well, maybe spend some money on public transport. Walk/travel around the city, look for interesting places, incl. and those where you have not been. Look at the world in a new way. It seems like you have to immediately become positive, but I believe that this is not at all necessary. You can completely immerse yourself in your feelings (just don’t overuse this, otherwise self-compassion is a dead end) - your photos can be gloomy, just like the series that you choose to watch. Life, of course, will force you to rejoice beyond measure, but if this is not necessary, then it is better not to burden yourself unnecessarily with any such positive thinking, it can be quite tiring.

    Do good deeds. By helping others, you help yourself, perhaps even more so. Give something symbolic and inexpensive to the orphanage, do not refuse to help the elderly, and simply adequate people who ask for help. It's nice when you are often thanked for business, for your kindness.

    Live for a bright future, live in hope. You'll see when it finally becomes a reality. Of course, not without your direct participation. Problems by themselves are extremely rarely solved, especially at the level you described.

    Well, don’t forget to be aware of any freebies that you can take advantage of. I personally have never hidden or been particularly ashamed of the fact that I am poor. Almost everyone who communicates with me knows about this. This is not my direct fault - I am not stupid, not homeless or a drug addict, not a laborer, I work hard, I have nothing to be ashamed of being underpaid. This is a given for our country. I'm trying to look for extras. sources of income. All this means is that if, for example, some kind of banquet/corporate event is planned, then they will ask me for a minimum amount of money, and from time to time it happens that nothing at all. And I will eat and drink on an equal basis with others))) Still, people, no matter what they are, do understand something, especially in the post-Soviet space, many of us have experienced the lack of money in ourselves and/or loved ones In this regard, they behave quite condescendingly towards those who have very little of them. From time to time I get something for free. Or cheaper than it could have been. I take this calmly - such little things smooth out the general feeling of the heaviness of life, and I have never asked anyone for anything - they offer it themselves, and I’m not a fool to refuse in my position.

    Regular exercise is good for health and has a positive effect on the level of monoamines in the brain, improving mood.

    Sex. There is no need for explanations here.

The principles outlined in this article will help you find any other person: a girlfriend, boyfriend, teacher, mentor, in a word, anyone. These same principles are also suitable for attracting just the right circumstances.

Sometimes I receive letters from readers who say that the advice I give and my articles relate to the area of ​​financial success, career, finding yourself and what you love in life, but relationships are completely different, and they ask me to write to this topic.

And this is what I want to tell you. The same principles work in the Universe! People who are successful in their business also have happy marriages, they have wonderful families and relationships between wife and husband, parents and children. And vice versa - those who fail in business do not have good relationships. What does this mean?

A successful person is successful everywhere. By understanding the principles of success, you will achieve success in any area of ​​your life. I just ask you, there is no need to remember people who are successful in business, but their relationships do not work out and vice versa. These people use the principles of success unconsciously. And therefore it turns out that in business they use them for good, and in relationships - for harm and vice versa. Now let's move on to our topic.

How to find your “soul mate”?

The most important thing here is the right attitude. Realize the fact that it is extremely easy for the Universe to bring together two people who are suitable for each other. Do you want a happy marriage? The Universe will bring you together with the person who will be most suitable for you.

The difficulty is that people escalate the situation so much with various negative feelings (underestimating themselves, etc.) that finding your “soul mate” becomes really difficult

Here are the most common mistakes:

  1. They really want to find a loved one.
    One of the important principles of success: the more you want, the less likely you are to get it. With your strong desire you upset the energy balance, and the Universe tries to extinguish it. When you desire something, you broadcast the thought into the Universe that you DO NOT have it, and, as a result, you get the same thing again - the absence of a result. It is quite possible that you will even find a person, but in this case your relationship will be tense and not at all what you wanted.

    Therefore, give up the desire to find (this does not mean that you will stop looking, it just means that you will stop wanting).

  2. All thoughts revolve about this person.
    It is very important here to track exactly what thoughts are spinning in your head. Determine their character. Namely, are you broadcasting to the Universe the thought that you don’t have a loved one, or do you have one? Most likely, you feel his/her absence.
  3. Idealizing the qualities of a loved one
    Under no circumstances make a list of qualities that you want your husband/wife to have. This is a straight path to disaster. You will get a person with exactly the opposite qualities or you will not find a loved one at all, because you will evaluate everyone according to a pre-prepared template.

Okay, we've talked about what you should never do. Now let's talk about what to do.

  1. Creating an intention
  2. We reinforce it with constant visualizations (self-suggestion)
  3. Let's act
  4. We look very carefully and notice what the Universe is trying to bring to us.
  5. We get what we were looking for

And now, in more detail about each point.

Create an intention.
In other words, you have decided that you want to find someone you love. Before this decision, you doubted, were afraid, experienced some scattered feelings about this, in a word, you were not yet ready. Now you are 100% ready to find your desire. To assess your readiness, just imagine that you have already found the right person, and pay attention to your feelings. They will be the answer to the question.

We reinforce it with constant visualizations (self-suggestion)
In other words, at this step you must broadcast the thought to the Universe that you have ALREADY found your loved one. Just imagine your relationship in your head, feel him/her next to you, how he talks to you, what he tells you. Try to feel all your relationships. Be sure to include visual images, auditory images and kinesthetic (senses). You know that a person perceives everything through the senses and, in particular, vision, hearing and tactile sensations (touch). Include these 3 senses in your painting. And turn these pictures in your head constantly (the more often, the better). The most important condition: you must broadcast to the Universe that you are already close to this person.

Let's act
Think about what actions you can take on your part to make your desire come true. Your task is to do everything you can on your part, and the Universe will do everything on its part. You like a certain person, ask your friend to introduce you to this person. If it's completely unfamiliar, don't be afraid to look at it and let him/her see it. Men, we must actively get acquainted ourselves. It's stupid to wait for a woman to come. Without fulfilling this point, you will not succeed. Even if the Universe matches you with the right person, you still need to say “Hi” and smile. If you don't do this, the Universe will be powerless to help. The last step is always yours.

Don't be upset if something doesn't go according to plan. The Universe knows best how to present your desire to you. In the end, you will only open your mouth in surprise that everything turned out so harmoniously.

We look very carefully and notice what the Universe is trying to present to us.
Just be more attentive, look and notice what and how the Universe is doing to make your desire come true. Watch for various signs. For example, you saw a person and you liked him. Then after a while you saw him a second time and a third time. This already means something. It's time to act. Be alert to similar signs. Or, for example, you get out of public transport and a man shakes his hand at you. No need to be surprised, just grab it and say “Thank you.” These are all small signs that will help you find acquaintances.

The main thing is to allow the Universe to give you what you desire. Do not disturb her with your worries, fears, desires.



I am 24 years old. In my entire life, I have never had a serious relationship with young people (let alone intimate ones). I fell in love, but the objects of my attention (not one) reciprocated my feelings. I don’t know how to flirt, make eyes and all that... I’m quite shy (although I overcome this with varying degrees of success), even shy. Over time (the longer the list of young men who rejected me became), I became more and more distant from men in general. I have male friends with whom I can communicate quite calmly, but as soon as I begin to perceive a man as a potential lover, I again become timid, taciturn, and almost paralyzed (especially if the feeling is very strong). What alienates me even more from them is that I suffer from generalized hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating of the whole body). If I get excited, I immediately become “wet” from head to toe. And before a date, I ALWAYS worry. I started dating via the Internet (although I don’t really believe that I can find a decent person there), if I meet someone, I only make a date on the street (because I’m afraid that one of them will notice that I’m sweating indoors) . I suffer from loneliness, I suffer from the fact that in addition to my character, there is also this physiological barrier - my sweating. In addition to everything described, I am now in a state of painful love for a man much older than me (10 years). I met him on vacation (I was on vacation, and he works there). There were no clear hints from him that he liked me, and I don’t know anything about him (is he married, does he have children...), nothing! But I can’t get rid of obsessive thoughts and dreams about him. All the time I think that in a year I will see him again (because I’m going to go on vacation again to where he works), periodically I fill everything around with tears, I came up with the idea that he is the man of my dreams and I myself believed in it so much that I can’t even look at others. I'm completely confused! Help me understand myself! Give me a little confidence! Thank you in advance!!!

Hello! In my opinion, you found a good way out of the situation - fall in love with unavailable man, which you very rarely see. Firstly, it adds emotionality to your life. Secondly, there is no need to build relationships with other men and worry about your shortcomings. Probably, unconsciously, this is a fairly safe solution to the problem: the problem of establishing relationships with men. However, you are still worried about the peculiarities of your physiology. To be honest, I don't know how possible it is to cope with such a problem. Have you consulted with experts about this? What is their opinion about the prospects for treatment? As for me, how, I would suggest you work with the topic of self-acceptance. I think it’s important to start by learning how to build a relationship with yourself. Then it is much easier to establish contacts with other people, including men. If you want to do this, write. Best regards, Olga.

Over the past six months, I have often come across a question from my Clients: “Why isn’t my beloved Man nearby?”

So why isn't there HIM? And what should I do to meet this Beloved? Maybe not a Prince, but a decent, interesting, caring one?

1. Option “Loneliness”.

Girl or woman. They met a lot, young people showed interest, but she was still unable to make her choice... And he seems to be good to everyone, but his appearance is not the same... And the other... He is handsome, but sometimes he even looks into a glass... And Kolya... He is both pretty and a hard worker... But... the heart doesn’t lie with him... And so it goes on for a long time... Then... a pause... And there is no one nearby...

What to do?

Look back, remember the reasons why you refused your “suitors”. Then soberly and calmly ask yourself, and it’s best to write it down: “What kind of relationship do I want? What do I expect from my partner? What qualities of his am I ready to accept, what are I ready to “put up with”, and what personal qualities of his am I not accepting? What am I willing to give him? What will I be like next to him?

Next you need to draw up a personal portrait of the future Partner. Write down the answers to the question: “What is he like?”, imagining Him as clearly as possible... Here he is nearby. What does he say, how does he say it, how do you feel? You are walking next to him on the street... How do you feel next to him? What do you like about it? What's not?

The point is that it is necessary to note some “cons”, because... There is no person without them... When you clearly create your image of a Partner, leave a little “Empty Space” for Him, i.e. a kind of “white spot” or his individuality, which he can express in his own way... Imagine your feelings from his presence with you and how you feel about it... Easy, light, joyful? Nostalgic, sad? Are you drawn to something exciting? When you compose this Image, feel in yourself the state of completion of the process... The image will be complete when you feel inside some state of satisfaction of hope, inspiration, faith that This is HE and HE will appear soon...

Then this Image... release it into the outside world with the feeling that you are a fisherman, you have cast a fishing rod with bait and this fishing rod will attract the right fish to you (i.e. Partner)... And forget about this action... This is already the line between Psychology and the Magic of Intention... You will attract to yourself what you yourself have created... Just believe and calmly, without “attachment”, that “well, where is he...”

2. Crown of celibacy.

Fortunately, it doesn’t happen that often... It can also be understood and interpreted in different ways...

It can be seen by changes, distortions of the personal energy field, by changes in the chakra system... It can be “induced from the outside,” i.e. a kind of “damage” ordered by someone, which, fortunately, is very rare; there is a “biofield twist” (can arise as a result of one’s own negative attitudes or protracted interpersonal conflict situations). Maybe for a completely unexpected and deeply individual reason.


If you manage to meet someone, the meetings are short; sudden “disappearances” of MPs without explanation (when everything seems to have started well and there are no obvious problems); options when there is nowhere to meet and no one to meet, men don’t seem to notice you... And this continues for a long time and constantly...

What to do?

We need a diagnosis from a bioenergy specialist, a clairvoyant who can see and feel energy fields, chakras, energy meridians and energy flows in them... Finding out the Causes and correcting the energy will quickly help you establish contact with men and find your Love.

The client will need complete trust in the specialist and acceptance of his recommendations, as well as active assistance and work on herself. Yes, in this case, you may need to accept some unpleasant facts regarding internal relationships towards yourself, towards men, towards the world, towards people... Correct access to the cause, its understanding, acceptance and awareness will help to quickly restore energy flows and improve the internal psychological and energetic state.

As an example, I would like to give one situation.

I worked in one company and there was an employee from another city. Bright, beautiful, self-confident, ambitious and clearly knows what she wants “from life and from people.” The employee is simply irreplaceable for the company! But... at 33 (at that time), she was raising her daughter alone, who was then 12 years old. The man left her... From that moment on, apart from one-time meetings, nothing else worked out...

One day during lunch break she came up to me and asked: “You know Ira, the girls said that you have abilities... I want love, I want a husband... What do you recommend?”

We sat down, I did an energy scan on her and discovered major changes in her field in 2 places. Having analyzed the moments of their occurrence, I asked her which of the women at some of her old jobs there was a conflict with and what kind of relationship she had with some of her relatives? Why do they hate her?

It turned out that the situation was old, the relationship with them was extremely difficult, the employee clearly described it and in my perception everything coincided. We went to the Reasons, sorted out the situations, she cried, realized those situations, let them go completely... I helped her restore her energy system... After this work, she said that she had strength... Even outwardly somehow instantly changed: her eyes shone, the blush appeared, the skin became fresher!

Several days passed after this. She was simply unrecognizable: the person had been transformed!

Then she quit and left for her hometown... And a few months later, one of the employees who was friends with her says to me: “Greetings to you from...A! Everything got better for her. Can you imagine, just a couple of days after she talked to you, she met a military man, very interesting person and then the other day he proposed to her!”

A wonderful story with a happy ending! We don’t communicate with this employee, but I’m sure that her life will be successful in the future!

3. Lioness-Tigress or “I don’t care about a man”?

Yes, there are such people... As a rule, she has already been married. The child is in adolescence. She is engaged in business herself or works in a high position with good conditions.

There are men, they are ready to give her gifts, show attention and are even ready to propose life together and the registry office. But she... She’s stalling for time, finding millions of reasons not to do this, citing being busy and business trips... The man leaves, a new one appears and everything is the same...

Her family, colleagues, friends think: “Well, why is she like that!!! And alone? But she herself is not ready to give her attention to someone else... she is satisfied with the lack of responsibility and obligations... In this she sees benefits and advantages: she doesn’t need to feed him, she won’t be snoring all the time, she’ll be there when she wants, no responsibilities and obligations towards each other... Only conveniences and advantages for her.

A friend once answered a similar question: “Why do I need him to flash back and forth before my eyes?” And believe me. She feels great!

Such women almost never turn to psychologists or psychics. Completely confident in herself and doesn’t believe in “that kind of nonsense.”

4. I can’t bear to get married...

As a rule, this condition occurs in girls between 18 and 23 years old. May arise under the influence of parents, girlfriends... The attitude that “The most important thing for a girl is “ to be married"! And she strives to get married at any cost, does not feel the depth of feelings, evaluates her partner according to the correspondence of internal attitudes based on family beliefs and ideals, on calculation, on other people’s examples. He has no opinion of his own and easily succumbs to the influence of others.

As a rule, these marriages break up quickly and hard...

After them, the need to start a family “disappears” for a long time, there is psychotrauma in the relationship with a man, fears, doubts and great complexes.

What to do?

When the understanding comes that such an approach was not justified, a desire appears to know the better side of the relationship. But it’s already difficult for a woman to adapt to new conditions, make acquaintances, and go on dates. In this case, it is better to contact a psychologist-consultant for family and interpersonal relationships and with its help, get to know yourself and learn to create inner harmony and move towards new relationships; to create yourself, as it were, anew... This is a long and very effective process!

5. Getting married is not a bad thing, no matter how married you are…

She was married... not for long... Young, beautiful. Perhaps there are no children yet... She experienced a difficult breakup, perhaps betrayal, some kind of domestic violence... She had difficulty “freeing herself” from a difficult relationship... She strives for love and happiness with all her heart... But...

Everything seems to be fine on the outside... But inside, a big and deep fear appeared: what if... And so many things fit into this “if”... And suddenly he will be the same... And how will you recognize a new person again? What if he... What if there is a separation again... And how to survive... again... And so much of this “suddenly” and “if”...

What to do?

If you experience such questions, fears and doubts... First, think: You have already had a negative experience. You have already lived it, understood it, drawn conclusions. The chances of it happening again are minimal...

Write down for yourself, mark those moments that scare you the most. Write down everything that comes to mind or comes to mind.

Then write next to them what exactly in these fears poses the most danger to you. After that, write why you deserve to prevent this from happening; why you are worthy of love and happiness. What can you love and praise yourself for?

Compare the prescribed fears and compliments to yourself. Where and in what ways can they intersect, where do they completely contradict each other?

Put these notes aside for a few days, then come back to them again and re-read them. Is there anything that has already changed? What exactly? Write it down. This. Do you want to add something new or remove something?

Write what you are like next to your loved one, what he is like, how you like it together...

This simple exercise It will allow you to look at your fears somewhat detachedly and soberly. You will see which of them have “outlived their usefulness”, which ones still bother you... You will feel what you want to develop in yourself, what to part with and what you are ready for.

And you will be ready to understand yourself and really find your Love and Happiness! Also in this case, psychological consultations are effective.

5. I love him!!! Give it back to me!!!

It happens that a girl or woman falls very much in love with someone, but the “object of desire”, for some personal reasons, does not reciprocate.

Then the cry “for help” begins, visiting grandmothers, psychologists, magicians... The goal is one - bring him back, let him love me, I can’t live without him...

Here it’s up to the lover herself: to take upon herself karma and responsibility for ALL THE CONSEQUENCES of various love spells, attachments, etc. Or “run after him,” scaring him off with even greater obsession...


The object of passion himself tries to avoid meeting her, disappears, removes her from friends on social networks...

Makes a love spell. If it is made qualitatively by a strong and experienced magician, then the result will be, but perhaps not exactly the same as she imagined it. The object will return, but may often be in a sad and depressed state, not always reciprocate her caresses, and even be to some extent “cool” in the relationship and, as it were, “on autopilot.” Over time, this connection will weaken, he will “wake up” and...

She runs after him so that he finally meets her again, she even brings him to the registry office... But will there be the desired happiness? Will their life turn into a complete nightmare and dissatisfaction?

He comprehends the whole situation, tries to draw the right conclusions and review and change something in himself. He stops “getting” Him and begins to look for feelings and new relationships, taking into account previous mistakes.

These are, of course, just a few and typical examples. There are many of them that can be cited... Also, the options for solutions in various situations, the approaches to the situations and feelings themselves are varied and individual.

But I want to add a very important nuance.

Space of Love.

This is the Space that is created and radiated by the Woman herself! This is her harmony and self-satisfaction, this is her trust in the world and in people, their acceptance and understanding of everyone’s responsibility for their words and actions... This is her confidence in her own worth and significance... This is her ability to allow her feelings and emotions to show and understand why and why does she do this... This is her Faith in herself, in Love and Happiness and the desire to give and accept Love now, and not someday... This is the ability to Be Here and Now, and not Then...

This is the Space that is instinctively felt by a Man, which Calls, Attracts and Beckons him... In which He will feel Needed, Strong, Knowledgeable, Able! Where he can just be himself, where he is sure that he will be understood and accepted! This is so important for a Man, and for every Person in general!

And it is very important that this Space be OPEN for New Relationships and Love! After all, if you suffer for someone else who no longer needs you, then this Space is BUSY, and any Man subconsciously feels it. That is why, most often, they do not marry mistresses, and a divorced woman, yearning for her husband, subconsciously does not allow this place to be taken by someone else...

Do you want to find Love? Attract the man of your dreams? See if His Place in Your Space is occupied by someone else with whom the relationship has already become obsolete?

Allow to show sincere Love and feelings, let your Man feel his desirability in your Space of Love and open up to him!

And be Loved, Wise and Happy!