Certificate for a school camp from a pediatrician. Help for the camp: preparing documents. You may also find it useful

Holidays in a children's camp mean a comfortable pastime and recovery, a lot of positive emotions and a rich entertainment program. But before you go on an exciting journey, you will have to prepare for it.

Analyzes and certificates that need to be collected

Before sending your child to camp, it is important to undergo a medical examination and tests. Exists special certificate with number 079, in which the pediatrician indicates the current state of health of the child, the diseases that he suffered previously and the vaccinations that were given to him. The same certificate notes the results of the latest tests and the results of visits to other specialists (usually a dermatologist and a surgeon).

The standard list of tests for such a certificate is

  • general analysis blood,
  • general urine analysis,
  • stool analysis for worm eggs and protozoa.

If there are deviations, the pediatrician prescribes additional tests, the results of which are also recorded in the certificate.

Vaccinations that were given to the child are also recorded in a separate block of the certificate. Not only the date of vaccination is indicated, but also the vaccination series. In addition, everyone the parent must have a vaccination certificate with them, which also indicates all vaccinations and revaccinations performed. Required camps to attend include:

  • vaccinations against mumps,
  • measles,
  • tuberculosis,
  • hepatitis B,
  • rubella,
  • polio.

In addition, an annual Mantoux reaction is required..

Contrary to what you think about these pieces of paper after endless visits to doctors, the medical staff of the camp needs a certificate in order to know exactly how to help him faster and more effectively in a given situation. That's why medical examination should not be neglected. These data will help to properly organize conditions for physical education and health-improving activities. Availability is also required certificates from an infectious disease specialist, which is evidence that the child has not had contact with patients with infectious diseases over the past three weeks.

Don't forget your documents!

Be sure to collect everything in advance Required documents. Besides special certificate You need to take it with you to camp voucher And payment receipt, birth certificate or passport, if the child already has it, and also medical insurance . Just in case Make copies of each document and take them with you.

Camp abroad

The list of documents expands if your child goes to foreign camp. For travel you will need international passport, consent of both parents to leave(it must be notarized!), photos for visa, if necessary, as well as special forms and copies Russian documents child and both parents.

Remember that you need to prepare for your trip to the camp in advance, because even a medical examination takes more than one day, and if we are talking about obtaining a foreign passport, it may take a month!

"Documents required to pass
medical examination when sending a child to Kid `s camp with Mosgortur in 2016"

Dear Parents!

To successfully pass the medical examination upon departure to the camp, you must provide the following documents:

  • Certificate in form 079/у

According to Order No. 834 of December 15, 2014, the validity of this certificate is no more than six months from the date of issue.

Standard certificates are accepted educational institution or a medical institution (clinic, medical center, medical center, etc.) with a triangular, rectangular seal (address of the institution), as well as a round seal of the pediatrician, if available).

Draw your attention to, that the certificate in paragraph 7 requires information about the test p. Mantu valid for no more than a year before the date of departure to the camp.

In accordance with SanPin. "Prevention of tuberculosis" part 5: clause 5.1. clause 6.2. Otherwise, it is necessary to provide a conclusion on the state of health from a phthisiatrician, an established sample of a medical institution, or the results of a diaskintest valid for no more than a year from the date of issue in accordance with Article 10., Article 39, paragraph 3 (Compliance with sanitary rules is mandatory for citizens, individual entrepreneurs And legal entities) Federal Law dated March 30, 1999 N 52-FZ "On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population", part 5.p.5.7 of SanPiN. “Prevention of tuberculosis”: (5.7. Children who have not been diagnosed with tuberculin are admitted to the children's organization if there is a conclusion from a TB doctor about the absence of the disease, as well as by the Decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated February 17, 2015 N AKPI14-1454. (“On refusal to satisfy the application to invalidate clause 1.3 and the second paragraph of clause 5.7 of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules SP “Prevention of Tuberculosis”, approved by Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated October 22, 2013 N 60”).

  • Information about the epidemiological environment(about contacts), with information that no infectious diseases were registered within 21 days. The certificate must be issued no earlier than 3 days before departure to the camp.
  • If there is a pool at the camp you must provide a standard certificate of admission to visit the pool from a medical institution on the basis
    SanPiN “Swimming pools”. The certificate is valid for 3 months from the date of issue.
  • A trip to the camp.
  • Original and copy of birth certificate for children up to 14 years old, original and copy of passport(spread of the first page with a photo and the registration page for children from 14 years old.
  • Copy of the policy compulsory health insurance.
  • Certificate indicating the results of analysis for helminth eggs and enterobiasis and a copy thereof (for children under 11 years of age). Please note: if you are preparing a certificate for the pool, then the results of the analysis for helminth eggs and enterobiasis are indicated in it, in which case a separate certificate is not required.
  • In case of chronic diseases, medications must be accompanied by a certificate from the attending physician with the seal of the medical institution.

During a medical examination, doctors check not only the presence of all the necessary certificates and notes on the vaccinations given, but also examine the child to exclude the possibility of the presence of diseases. external signs(pediculosis, fungal infections and so on.).

Please note that the examination is carried out by current qualified medical personnel of Moscow city clinics (senior nurse, pediatrician, head of the pediatric department).

We kindly ask you to strictly follow the instructions of the employees during the inspection.

When applying to a medical or educational institution to obtain certificate 079/u, we recommend that you adhere to the following sample in terms of correctly and completely filling out the items on the certificate. This measure will allow us to improve the quality of services provided as part of the Summer Wellness Campaign.

Please note that if you have a refusal to undergo preventive vaccinations, please include information about this in clause 7 of the certificate.

In order to go to summer camp, absolutely all schoolchildren are required to obtain and provide the administration of the recreation center with a certificate of form No. 079/u. This document is issued by the school health center or hospital staff. It provides information about diseases, vaccinations and medications you are taking, as well as information about your overall health today. Let's look at where to get this certificate, how long it is valid and how to fill it out.

Where and how to get a certificate?

So, if you want to receive a certificate of form No. 079/u, the first thing you need to do is undergo a medical examination, which, by the way, is general character and is no different from usual. Let us immediately note this document is valid only for one visit to the camp, so if you want to go on vacation again, you will have to re-issue it. The certificate itself is valid for three months. Thus, it can be prepared in the spring, long before being sent to camp.

However, it is not recommended to process the certificate too early, since a situation may arise where by the time you arrive or stay in the camp, it may not be valid.

To obtain the document, you need to go to a treatment and preventive medical institution (in the classic version, this is an ordinary children's clinic), where you will need to contact a pediatrician, who is responsible for issuing this certificate.

To obtain a certificate, contact the children's clinic

But don’t rush, you will receive document form No. 079/u, as mentioned earlier, only after passing the appropriate examination. First, the pediatrician will give you a special form for this certificate. By the way, do not forget that your parents must be present with you - mom or dad (who must take a passport), and also take care in advance of having an outpatient medical card and a birth certificate.

Next, the pediatrician will independently conduct a general medical examination, and then refer you to specialists (often a dermatologist and surgeon), who will also enter information about your health condition on the form . In addition, you will need to take a general test for blood, urine and feces (scraping for enterobiasis). After completing all the above measures, the doctor will draw a conclusion and, based on it, issue certificate No. 079/u.

How should the document be filled out?

This is what the completed certificate should look like

Also make sure that the certificate is filled out correctly. The certificate form itself must necessarily contain numbering, seals, the necessary stamps, as well as the signatures of all doctors who were involved in drawing up the document. In addition to general information (last name, first name, date of birth, registration and residence address, place of study), additional information about the camp you are going to go to (name of the camp, its location and duration of stay) is also entered. Also attached to the document is a copy of the vaccination card, which indicates vaccination data.

By the way, there are cases when certificate No. 079/u is filled in with new information directly in the camp (in this case, it is entered by the camp’s medical worker). This usually happens if serious injuries or illnesses were sustained while on vacation.

Thus, a medical certificate of form No. 079/u is a mandatory document required for traveling to a children's camp. To get it, you just need to visit a local clinic and contact a pediatrician, who, in turn, will refer you to other specialists and give directions for tests. Good luck!

In this article we will look at certificate 079 for the camp. We will find out who such certificates are issued to, where you can get them, what their validity period is, and much more. At the end of the article, you will have the opportunity to download a sample certificate 079u for the camp so that you can understand what this document is. But we will begin our story with some kind of introduction that will introduce us to the very essence of the issue.

Certificate 079у in 2015

When summer comes, many young parents wonder where their child can relax with health benefits. Many people choose joint family trips, say, to a foreign resort; others send their children to their grandmother in the village. There are a lot of options, but one of the best is to send your child to a children's health camp. Why is this option better? Everything is very simple! In a children's health camp, a child receives perhaps the most important skill that he must learn - the ability to communicate. After all, communication is becoming the Achilles heel of modern youth. Perhaps the lack of sociability of children nowadays is due to the fact that digital technologies are actively developing, social media And so on. But, as the older generation knows, nothing can replace live communication. And a children's health camp - the best place to gain communication skills and independent living. At the children's camp, the child will play sports, participate in evening creative activities, swim, sunbathe - in general, live life to the fullest. Isn’t this what you wish for your child?

What does it take to send a child to children's camp?

So, let's say that you decide to send your child to a children's health camp. What should be done? First, choose a specific camp and buy a ticket. You can bet that with the development of the tourism business and Internet technologies, this is not at all difficult to do now. A maximum of two hours of search time and you will already decide where your child will go this summer.

The ticket is in your hands. Now we are starting to collect medical documents, because in order for your child to be allowed to communicate with other children, you need to be sure that he is completely healthy. This is where you will need certificate 079u for the camp.

Let’s immediately make a reservation that there are two ways to obtain certificate 079u. The first way is to obtain a document from a government medical institution. It is fraught with the fact that you will spend a lot of time and nerves in queues. Endless coupons, rescheduled appointments and lost tests also do not do public clinics and hospitals any credit. But it will be absolutely free for you. Instead of money for a certificate o79 for the camp, you pay with time and nerves.

The second way to obtain certificate 079у is from commercial medical organizations

For little money, in principle, they will do all the necessary procedures and tests. Literally within a few minutes you will receive a certificate 079у for the camp and will begin the next stage of preparing your child for the holiday. In private medical companies everything happens quickly, but at a cost. Here are the two main ways to obtain information. Which one to choose is up to you.

What other documents are needed to send a child to a children's camp?

So we've already had a quick look medical certificate 079у for the camp, and now it’s time to find out what other documents you, as a responsible parent, need to prepare so as not to worry about your child’s vacation.

We announce the list of documents that a child needs when going to a children's health camp:

  • Actually, health certificate 079u
  • A voucher to a children's camp, which includes accommodation and meals for the child.
  • A photocopy of the child’s identity document. Passport or birth certificate, depending on age
  • Photocopy of health insurance issued in your child's name
  • If necessary, then a paper that contains additional data about the characteristics of your child’s behavior and health. It is issued at will for counselors, so that communication with your child occurs more quickly and closely
  • In the case where a children's health camp is located not in Russia, but in a foreign country, a foreign passport and a power of attorney for the child from the parents are required

In the last point we should make some digression. In the event that your child goes to a camp located on the territory of a foreign country, the set of documents required for the trip will be very different from the one we presented. Most often, each foreign camp has its own individual set of papers and certificates.

What is certificate 079u for the camp?

Now, after we have announced all the documents that you will need in order to send your child to the camp, we will take a closer look at the main subject of our conversation - certificate 079u for the camp. We remind you that you can download a sample certificate 079u for the camp at the very end of our article.

Certificate 079u is a medical document that contains specific information about the child’s health. This certificate is needed so that the camp staff, after reviewing the paper, can create living conditions that are ideal for a particular child. For example, if a child’s certificate 079u indicates that he is allergic to, say, citrus fruits, then these products will be removed from the child’s regular diet.

Certificate 079у is an official medical document. That is, saying in simple language, it cannot be compiled independently, at home by hand. The form was created by government agencies and meets all requirements. What is indicated in certificate 079u:

  • Information about the child's education ( kindergarten, school and so on)
  • Health information
  • Information about diseases that the child has suffered previously. For example, whooping cough, chickenpox, rubella, etc.
  • Information about your child's vaccinations
  • Information about the level of physical fitness of a particular child. That is, what health group does he belong to?

All children's clinics in the capital have opened offices for issuing certificates and referrals. There you can obtain the necessary documents for a holiday in a camp or sanatorium.

Offices for issuing certificates and referrals are waiting for children and parents in all children's clinics. There you can quickly obtain most of the necessary medical documents for a holiday in a children's health camp or sanatorium. The offices are open from Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 20:00, on Saturday from 09:00 to 15:00. If necessary, the office doctor will examine the child. You can sign up for the office for issuing certificates and directions either on the day of application or in advance.

If a child goes to a children's health camp, parents need to obtain three medical documents:

— a certificate of the child’s health;

— certificate of contacts at the place of residence;

- certificate of contacts at the place of study (from school or kindergarten).

In order to obtain a medical certificate about the child’s health status, you do not need to make an appointment with your local pediatrician. After an examination, it is issued by a doctor in the office for issuing certificates and directions; it can also be obtained at the first aid stations of kindergartens and schools on the day of application.

Contact certificates are issued after the doctor checks whether anyone in the child's immediate environment has had an infectious disease, such as chickenpox, rubella or whooping cough. A certificate of contacts at the place of residence can be obtained at the office for issuing certificates and referrals at the children's clinic, and at the place of study - at the first-aid post of a school or kindergarten.

What documents are needed

In order to relax with your child in a sanatorium, you should take care of preparing medical documents in advance. Parents need to receive:

— health resort card for children;

- certificate of contacts (issued at the place of residence, if the child attends school or kindergarten, and from the place of study).

Where to get certificates

A certificate for obtaining a ticket to the sanatorium can be obtained from your local pediatrician. It is issued if there are indications and no contraindications for spa treatment.

The sanatorium-resort card is issued by both the doctor in the office for issuing certificates and referrals and the local pediatrician. It takes at least three days to complete it, provided that the child has previously passed all the necessary examinations related to his illness. In some cases, the local pediatrician can give a referral for additional tests and examinations so that sanatorium-resort treatment is effective and safe for the child’s health.

In addition, to obtain a sanatorium-resort card, you must consult a dermatologist.

Certificates confirming that the child has no contact with infectious patients at home or in an educational institution are issued before departure no earlier than three days in the office for issuing certificates and referrals and in medical centers of kindergartens and schools.

Offices for issuing certificates and referrals appeared in the capital's children's and adult clinics in 2016. As noted by the Moscow Department of Health, they allow patients to quickly obtain the necessary documents without making an appointment with a doctor.

Registration of documents in city medical institutions is becoming easier and more accessible for citizens. Today the majority medical services can be obtained online. So, for example, since December last year, without leaving home, .

Parents no longer need to come to a medical facility and personally write a statement for the child to be observed and receive medical care at the children's clinic.

Also in December last year on the portal website. The service’s interface has changed, and three new functions have appeared: viewing current and archived prescriptions, adding a doctor to the “Favorites” category, and scheduling a visit to the clinic with a mark on the calendar.

Relax with the Moscow Shift

This year, 247 general education organizations, 28 sports schools, as well as social institutions will take part in the “Moscow Shift” summer children's recreation program. The children will visit the zoo, planetarium, State Historical Museum, Moscow Kremlin Museum, Darwin Museum, Yuri Kuklachev's Cat Theater and other cultural institutions. Master classes, sports competitions, competitions and games will be held for children. Classes will be held according to an individual program.

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