Help for the camp from school. Medical certificates. When to start applying for a certificate to travel to the camp

To enroll in the camp you must provide a document reflecting physical health child. Such a document is a certificate of form 079-y, which is issued by the local pediatrician upon request indicating past infectious diseases, chronic diseases, vaccinations and revaccinations.

To obtain a certificate, you must visit the following specialist doctors: a dermatologist, a neurologist, a dentist and undergo laboratory tests: blood for a general clinical analysis (CCA), urine for a general clinical analysis (CAM), feces for the examination of worm eggs and protozoa, feces for enterobiasis. If necessary, the pediatrician may prescribe additional laboratory research and issue referrals to see specific medical specialists. Depending on the specialization of the camp, it is possible to expand the range of research and examinations. All referrals are issued by a pediatrician.

Complete blood count and urinalysis

Blood on general analysis is given in the morning on an empty stomach from a finger in a specialized laboratory at a children's medical institution. Before taking the analysis, it is necessary to exclude physical exercise, emotional excitement, you should sit for a while, rest and relax. To submit urine for general analysis, you need to purchase a container for biological material at the pharmacy. In the morning, take a shower, collect a medium portion of freshly released urine in a sterile container, label it with your last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, date of collection of biomaterial, deliver to the laboratory as soon as possible. The day before the test date, you should not drink large amounts of liquid.

Examination of stool for eggs of worms, protozoa and enterobiasis

Feces for testing for helminth eggs and protozoa must be collected in a clean, dry container after carrying out appropriate hygienic procedures. Sign the container, indicating the last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth and date of collection of the biomaterial, and deliver it to the laboratory for analysis. Feces are collected from different areas of the stool. To conduct a stool test for enterobiasis, you need to take a special cotton swab from the laboratory in a sterile container in advance. Feces are collected from the folds around the anus early in the morning and taken to the laboratory for examination. Stool results for enterobiasis within 10 days.

Documents for obtaining a medical certificate

When visiting doctors and taking tests laboratory tests in the clinic at your place of residence you only need to have a compulsory insurance policy health insurance. To undergo a medical examination in another medical institution, you need to take the child’s birth certificate, medical insurance, identification document.


Two certificates are required in any Kid `s camp.

1. Certificate for a child leaving for a children’s camp (form 079/u) - this is an official medical document that is mandatory for all schoolchildren going on vacation to summer, sports, health, and other camps. The certificate indicates the child’s data, address, place of study, health status, indicators physical development child, the regimen recommended by the doctor, past infectious diseases and vaccination data indicating the date of the last vaccinations.
You should get a certificate at the school first aid station or clinic. You can issue it at the end of the school year, and it will be valid all summer, or you can issue it as needed. If a child will be vacationing in several camps, you need to pick up a certificate from one camp and transfer it to the next. The certificate is valid for three months.

2. Certificate about the epidemiological environment - absence of infectious contacts. The certificate is issued by the local pediatrician at the place of residence. For the first shift, a certificate can be issued by the school doctor. The certificate confirms that the child has not been in contact with infectious patients during the last three weeks at the time of issuing the certificate. The certificate is valid for three days from the date of issue.

Additional certificates that may be required for a specific camp.

1. Certificate with test results for enterobiasis and worm eggs. The analysis (scraping) is taken at the clinic; as a rule, the result of the analysis can be found out 1-2 days after the examination. The results of the scraping for enterobiasis are valid for 10 days, so you do not need to take it earlier than 10 days before the start of your stay, so you don’t have to repeat the test. Most camps require a certificate to visit the pool with the results of an analysis for enterobiasis and worm eggs. But some camps require a certificate for enterobiasis, even if there is no swimming pool. Therefore, carefully read the list of required documents for the camp of your choice.
2. Certificate for visiting the pool. If the list of documents does not indicate that this certificate must contain an analysis for enterobiasis and worm eggs, then this may be a regular certificate allowing the child to visit the pool.

3. Certificate of absence of pediculosis and scabies. This may be a separate certificate, or this information may be included in a certificate about the epidemiological environment. The certificate is valid for three days from the date of issue.
4. If the camp requires any specific certificate , information about this is contained in the “Documents” section of a particular camp.

There are children's camps, as a rule, these are large popular centers, for example, "Artek", "Orlyonok", which require the preparation of their own medical cards. To do this, you must receive the appropriate form when concluding the contract and execute it properly.

A list of all necessary documents for sending a child to camp is given on the page of each specific camp on the “Documents” tab.


You do not need to provide a certificate when purchasing a tour. The availability of medical certificates and their contents are checked upon departure to the camp.

However, if the child has any health conditions or illnesses, be sure to discuss this before concluding a contract and purchasing a voucher. Many diseases are a contraindication for a child to stay in the camp (asthma, epilepsy, enuresis, etc.). At the same time, some camps may accept a child with a certain diagnosis, while others may refuse. Therefore, clarification of this point is important.

Some children's camps have special rules for admitting children to the camp, for example, having a medical examination 1-2 days before the start of the shift or providing complete set documents to the office 2-3 days before sending. These nuances are described in the “Documents” section on the page of each camp.

Medical contraindications for traveling to a health camp.

The health camp does not accept children with diseases in the acute period, as well as with chronic diseases, such as all forms of tuberculosis, rheumatism in the active and interictal period, diseases of the hematopoietic organs, epilepsy and its equivalents, nephritis, pyelonephritis, diabetes mellitus, all contagious diseases skin (scabies, pediculosis), etc. It is recommended to have your child checked by a dentist before traveling.

A medical certificate for a camp is a very relevant document in the summer. In 2019, the registration process for the camp has already begun. To send a child to a children's camp You will need the following documents.

  • Travel package.
  • A copy of the health insurance policy.
  • Information about the epidemic. surroundings.
  • Medical certificate for the camp from a pediatrician.

Medical certificate for the camp from a pediatrician in form 079u

Since filling out a medical certificate for the camp will require information about preventive vaccinations, parents are strongly recommended to take their child home from school for the summer. And not just take it, but check that the vaccinations given to the child at school during the last school year are displayed there.

Medical certificate for the camp from a pediatrician in form 079/u. must be issued no earlier than 3 days before departure for the camp.

Pediatrician examination

  1. The skin is carefully examined for the presence of skin rashes. If they are detected, the child is referred to a dermatologist for consultation.
  2. Then, a general examination of the child is performed: the pharynx is examined, the lungs and heart are listened to to exclude acute diseases.
  3. Next, it is produced. If lice or nits are detected, the child is prescribed treatment of the scalp with a lice remedy: paranit, nix, etc. In addition to treatment, careful combing and manual selection of nits will be required. After treatment, the child is invited for a second examination. Re-inspection is carried out even more carefully. If the result is negative (even single nits are not detected), the child is allowed into the camp.

Examination for enterobiasis

Before sending the child to the camp, if the scraping result is negative, the child is admitted to the camp. The result of scraping is usually ready the next day. Theoretically, a laboratory assistant can immediately look at the drug under a microscope and give the result.

Or, instead of scraping (at the request of the parents), mandatory deworming of the child is carried out: prevention of enterobiasis with one of the anthelmintic drugs. Most often, pyrantel (helmintox) is used in age-specific doses: from 6 to 12 years - 500 mg (2 tablets), over 12 years 750 mg - 3 tablets. For prophylactic purposes, the drug is taken once. Deworming is done in a doctor's office. Or, a receipt is taken from the parents for it to be carried out at home.

After this, fill out the front side of the certificate

  • It indicates the child's full name, date of birth, home address, school and class.
  • The illnesses suffered by the child are indicated. Primarily infectious: chickenpox, rubella, mumps, viral hepatitis and others. Other quite serious diseases are also indicated if the child suffered from them: pneumonia, myocarditis, pyelonephritis, etc.
  • Next, it is indicated whether the child is registered at the dispensary. If so, the diagnosis is indicated.
  • The health group and the group for physical education are determined and indicated.
  • The certificate contains information about all the child’s latest vaccinations. The latest vaccination against whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus, polio, measles, mumps, rubella, viral hepatitis.
  • The date of examination for lice and the date of examination of the skin for the presence of skin diseases must be indicated.
  • The date of scraping and its result or the date of deworming must be indicated.
  • The certificate is affixed with the personal signature and seal of the doctor and the seal of the medical institution that issued the certificate.
  • Below you can download for free the official certificate form for camp 079/u 2019.

Certificate form for camp 079/у 2019

The reverse side of the certificate is filled out by the children's camp doctor.

Old version of the camp certificate form

Some parents come with such forms. They are distributed by the administration at organizational events. parent meetings before the children leave for camp.

front side

back side

If a child has these diseases, the camp administration has the right to send the child home without reimbursement of travel expenses.

Information about the epidemiological environment

A day before departure, an epidemiological certificate is obtained. environment, currently these certificates are issued in the children's clinic at the place of residence, honey. sister of the infectious diseases room. The certificate is issued at the request of parents without a child. The clinic has a special journal where information about all cases of contagious and infectious diseases in schools, kindergartens and apartments is entered. According to the register, the child’s place of study and place of residence are checked, and parents are issued a certificate of no contact with infectious patients. If it turns out that there was such contact, and the incubation period from the moment of contact with the patient has not ended, the child is not allowed into the camp.

I hope you have your certificate ready for camp 2019. Enjoy your holiday!

Many parents prefer to send their children to summer camp on vacation or go to a sanatorium together. We tell you what certificates and documents you need to collect before your trip.

So, summer holidays came despite the June snow outside and rather cool weather. Some parents send their children to their grandparents at the dacha, some prefer summer ones, and some go to a sanatorium to improve their health. In the last two cases, before leaving, the child and adult (if we are talking about a sanatorium) will need to visit the local pediatrician or therapist to obtain the necessary certificates.

Before as send your child to camp, he will have to undergo a medical examination, take tests and obtain certificates. The camp medical staff needs certificates in order to know exactly how to help a child faster and more effectively in a given situation. Therefore, the medical examination should not be neglected, and it is unlikely that the child will be accepted into the camp if the required documents are not available. As a rule, it is required to collect the following certificates and documents:

1. Travel voucher, completed and stamped.

2. Copy of passport or birth certificate.

3. Copy of medical policy.

4. One photo size 3x4.

5. Certificate in form No. 079/у, which is issued by the local pediatrician. To obtain this certificate, it is better to apply 10 days before departure. It’s not worth it earlier, despite the fact that this certificate itself is valid for 3 months. The fact is that to obtain a certificate you will need to take blood, stool and urine tests, the results of which are valid only for 10 days.

To the clinic you need to take with you a medical insurance card, an outpatient card and a child’s birth certificate, as well as a vaccination certificate. The pediatrician conducts a medical examination of the child and refers her to a dermatologist and surgeon, who enter information about the state of his health into the certificate form. If the test results are normal and there are no contraindications from specialists, the pediatrician completely fills out the certificate and certifies it with a seal. In this certificate, he indicates the child’s health status at the time of treatment, previous illnesses and vaccinations that were given to him.

Typically, information about what vaccinations a child has received is taken from the vaccination certificate. Vaccinations against measles, mumps, tuberculosis, rubella, hepatitis B and polio are required to attend the camp. In this case, the Mantoux reaction must be checked every year. In the absence of any vaccinations or deviations in test results from the norm, the pediatrician gives a referral for vaccinations and repeated tests.

If a child goes to a sanatorium, then you need to take a certificate in form No. 076/u. It is filled out in the same way as a certificate in form No. 079/y and plus data on the treatment and studies that he underwent, as well as information on indications and contraindications for the implementation of sanatorium-resort treatment.

6. Information about the epidemiological environment. This certificate is issued 3 days before the trip to the camp by the local pediatrician or at the infectious diseases hospital. The certificate indicates the absence of contact with infectious patients over the past three weeks.

If a child goes on vacation to a camp abroad, the list of documents expands. In this case, he will have to get a foreign passport. To do this, you will need 2 photographs for a visa, consent of both parents to travel, copies of a birth certificate or passport. In addition, to obtain a foreign passport, a child needs to present his or her own passport.

When sending a child to camp, we must not forget that he can become infected there with various diseases, the most common of which are food poisoning, colds, sunburn, infection with hepatitis A, helminths and pediculosis. To avoid these diseases, you should teach your child in advance the basic rules of hygiene and personal care, and also give him a piece of antibacterial soap and a personal comb that he will not share with others.

If a child is taught the rules of hygiene from a young age - washes his hands every time he walks outside, does not eat dirty vegetables and fruits, brushes his teeth, washes his hair every other day and takes a shower every day, then there should be no problems with his health in the camp.

There is no need to give your child medications with you to camp “just in case.” He is unlikely to figure out why his head or stomach hurts, and he may well swallow pills without informing the adults. Explain to your child that if he feels unwell, he must inform the teacher or go to the first aid station.

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Holidays in a children's camp mean a comfortable pastime and recovery, a lot of positive emotions and a rich entertainment program. But before you go on an exciting journey, you will have to prepare for it.

Analyzes and certificates that need to be collected

Before sending your child to camp, it is important to undergo a medical examination and tests. Exists special certificate with number 079, in which the pediatrician indicates the current state of health of the child, the diseases that he suffered previously and the vaccinations that were given to him. The same certificate notes the results of the latest tests and the results of visits to other specialists (usually a dermatologist and a surgeon).

The standard list of tests for such a certificate is

  • general blood analysis,
  • general urine analysis,
  • stool analysis for worm eggs and protozoa.

If there are deviations, the pediatrician prescribes additional tests, the results of which are also recorded in the certificate.

Vaccinations that were given to the child are also recorded in a separate block of the certificate. Not only the date of vaccination is indicated, but also the vaccination series. In addition, everyone the parent must have a vaccination certificate with them, which also indicates all vaccinations and revaccinations performed. Required camps to attend include:

  • vaccinations against mumps,
  • measles,
  • tuberculosis,
  • hepatitis B,
  • rubella,
  • polio.

In addition, an annual Mantoux reaction is required..

Contrary to what you think about these pieces of paper after endless visits to doctors, the medical staff of the camp needs a certificate in order to know exactly how to help him faster and more effectively in a given situation. That's why medical examination should not be neglected. These data will help to properly organize conditions for physical education and health-improving activities. Availability is also required certificates from an infectious disease specialist, which is evidence that the child has not had contact with patients with infectious diseases over the past three weeks.

Don't forget your documents!

Be sure to collect everything in advance Required documents. Besides special certificate You need to take it with you to camp voucher And payment receipt, birth certificate or passport, if the child already has it, and also medical insurance. Just in case Make copies of each document and take them with you.

Camp abroad

The list of documents expands if your child goes to foreign camp. For travel you will need international passport, consent of both parents to leave(it must be notarized!), photos for visa, if necessary, as well as special forms and copies Russian documents child and both parents.

Remember that you need to prepare for your trip to the camp in advance, because even a medical examination takes more than one day, and if we are talking about obtaining a foreign passport, it may take a month!