“Good and Evil” lesson plan (senior group) on the topic. Class hour “Good and evil Concepts of good and evil for children

“Good is a good thing. Evil - bad person" (8 years)

“Goodness is when a person is kind and helps. Evil - when a person is evil, he hits and offends.” (8 years)

“Goodness is when children are friends and play. Evil is a fight." (8 years)

“Good is joy, happiness, dreams come true, there are no quarrels and swearing, and no one kills anyone. Evil means a lot of swearing, insults, arguments, everything goes wrong.” (9 years)

“Good is good. And evil is something nasty and, in short, evil.” (11 years)

“Goodness is when people selflessly help each other; when they smile and rejoice; when mom loves you. Evil is when people mock each other.” (12 years old)

“Goodness is happiness for the happiness of others. Evil is selfishness and hatred.” (12 years old)

“Evil, it seems to me, is a person’s bad attitude towards others. God created the world beautiful and kind. Evil is that which goes against God's creation. Sin is evil. Hatred, cunning, deceit, etc. - manifestations of evil. Evil is something nasty, nasty, scary. I think evil and beauty are never compatible." (13 years old)

“I think kindness is a very broad word. It’s hard for me to explain the meaning of this word, probably because I didn’t receive much of it as a child. Good is good attitude to others, love for neighbors. Family is good. If you have Good friends- this is good. Kindness is when you give a helping hand, console, help. If a person has joy, then this is good. Communication with people dear to you and loved ones. Evil is when you hurt a person. If you feel hurt and terribly sad, that’s also evil. I am often offended and very much insulted. I think this is a great evil." (14 years old)

"Good. Honestly, I don't even know what it is. Well, probably, this is the ability to help people, but to remain silent about it, namely, to be more modest, to once again give the last to your friend (girlfriend). Evil. I encounter evil more often in our world. What infuriates me most is selfishness, gossip, “ratting,” betrayal, cowardice. Evil is when a person, for the sake of benefit for himself, is capable of anything, any baseness.” (15 years)

“For me, goodness is love and mercy. I consider true friendship good. Devotion and fidelity to each other by spouses is also good. Good is when we suddenly receive help from strangers. The inner strength and lightness of a person, the lightness of the soul is also good. Respect for elders is also good. The ability to listen... is also good. Good is what gives a person the opportunity to develop, improve, and gives him some (positive) incentive to live. A mother's tenderness towards her child is also good. Hoping and believing are also good. Evil for me is betrayal, disbelief, cruelty, vindictiveness. A person’s unfriendliness (bias) towards everything - other people, the world, etc. I often don’t like how people, for example on public transport, say nasty things to each other. It's like a glimpse of evil. Evil is betrayal, hypocrisy, manifestation of rudeness. Evil is treason. Racism and fascism are also evil. You can’t hate a person just because of their nationality or religion.” (15 years)

“For me, evil is what surrounds me. There is a lot of evil in people. People can betray! This applies to everyone. No people are perfect; anyone can do something bad. Evil is when you take revenge, you are a hypocrite, you do dirty tricks. Every person has these qualities. He can do evil without even thinking about it. But people also have goodness. With some people a person is good and kind, but with others he is cruel and evil: everyone has their own choice to love and hate. For me, kind people are always those who treat you kindly, love you and are proud of you.” (15 years)

“For me there is no exact division between good and evil. A person himself chooses, as he believes, “good,” but then his choice results in “evil.” This makes a person consider himself unhappy. Goodness is when a person can be happy for others. Evil is the extermination of sea turtles. Man himself destroys what he created. Rush hour is evil. Money is evil. Money is good." (15 years)

“Good: truth, conscience, faith, love, emotions, feelings, virtue, communication, understanding, ability to love, life, sympathy, values ​​and interests (for example, for me music, concerts, the Internet, communication, love, hobbies, books, art), sadness, icons, Arafatka, friendship, independence from society.

Evil: lies, aggression, tyranny, dictatorship, fascism, drugs, control system, school, study, theft, murder, brain loading and soul destruction, bad influence, nonsense, envy, sympathy, darkness, metro, vodka, society , greed, loneliness, I don’t know, I don’t understand.” (16 years)

“Goodness is to love others, to be able to forgive, the desire to understand others, to help in difficult times. Evil is not loving, hurting people, being cruel, selfish, bitchy.” (17 years)

“Good is laughter, joy, hope, when one person helps another, this is something positive, this is birth... Evil is death, murder, hatred, contempt, mockery, insult, suspicion, something negative...” (17 years)

“Goodness is not to offend people, to respect all people, to love people, children, unlimited giving to people, life for the sake of other people. Evil is to offend people, not to respect people, not to love people, cruelty, injustice.” (17 years)

Epanova Lyubov
Class notes for 1st grade “Good and Evil”

Class hour in 1"A" class on the topic« good and evil»

Target: formation of a moral position in relation to good and evil.


Define good and evil; learn moral standards and norms of behavior; identify qualities virtuous person;

Learn to do virtuous actions consciously, voluntarily, everyday, selflessly, with self-esteem;

Gain experience in communication activities.

Increase the level of cohesion, mutual understanding and coordination of actions in the team

Basic terms and concepts: good and evil as basic ethical concepts.

Security: computer, dictionary, multimedia projector, rays of the sun, proverbs and sayings, printed rules kindness.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organization of student activities.


- Good afternoon and good hour!

I'm so glad to see you!

We don't have to write

We are in class today

We will discuss with you.

Human kindness is amazing,

And a smile from the heart is amazing!

You will smile at each other

And sit down quietly.

2. Introductory conversation.

Guys, look at the screen. (2 slide)

What do the pictures have in common? (children's assumptions)

Can you guess what the topic of our lesson is? (children's answers)

I'll give you one more hint. (3 slide)

Look at the screen. Familiar characters? What common theme unites the pictures from fairy tales? (children's answers)

Guys, the topic of our today class hour« good and evil» (slide 4)

2. Subject message.

Teacher: Good and always do evil

In the power of all people.

But evil happens without difficulty,

It is more difficult to do good.

Guys, today we will talk about basic concepts - good and evil.

You will learn:- What's happened good and what is evil.

Why should you strive for good and avoid evil.

3. Updating knowledge.

Guys, good comes in different forms. Which? (children's reasoning).

Let's look at the slide. (slide 5) Good is(happiness, family, life, good, mother, affection, care, love, beauty, joy.

What does it mean to be kind person? (children's answers) (slide 6)

Kind a person does good deeds;

Tries to help everyone;

Cares about others;

Benefits others and yourself;

Respects elders;

Protects the younger ones.

Good you can hear - this is music, poetry, gentle words. But there is such a thing good which cannot be touched, seen, heard, but every person should have it: and you, and I, and your parents. This kind heart, kind soul, good words to help those who are in trouble.

I brought with me a Russian language dictionary by S.I. Ozhegov. Let's find the exact meaning of the word good(slide 7)

But there is also the opposite effect of the word good-(this evil.)

How do you understand what evil is? What kind of person can be called evil? (Children's answers)

Let's check in the dictionary to see if you made any mistakes in your answers. (slide 8)

It's easier to be good or evil?

How do you think? Why? (children's answers)

4. Getting to know children's drawings.

From birth, a person has a desire for beauty - Good, Truth, Beauty.

What's more in life?: good or evil? Let's see your drawings that you have drawn. Tell us what you have drawn there.

(Children's stories)

Guys, in each of your drawings there is drawn good, why didn’t you draw pictures with evil? (because draw good is easier)

And what object was often present in almost all the drawings? (Sun)

Why do you think?

Conclusion: the sun is a symbol of light, purity, peace, of good)

Now let's look at the slides and say, what is shown in these pictures: good or evil. (slides 9-17)

5. Making the sun.

Our life turns into a struggle over ourselves.

And what you become will depend on you. It's hard to do good. Let's imagine that we are rays of the sun. And now we will learn to find these rays in ourselves. (slide 18)

Now in groups you will make a sun. You need to choose the appropriate rays with words and attach them to the sun.

(On the tables there are rays on which the words are written good, joy, peace, smile, friendship, quarrel, warmth, sadness, resentment, camaraderie, hatred, beauty, fight, love)

Guys, who would you like to give this sunshine to and why?

6.Game moment: collect a proverb.

There are many proverbs and sayings about good. I will ask you to complete a task - collect proverbs and try to explain its meaning. (connect these proverbs on the sheets of paper that lie in front of you)

Please remember and you will reap

Forget what you sow

Behind goodness does no good to anyone

It's bad for him who pay kindly

Whoever follows the bad will won't find any good.

Good will overcome bad

What proverbs have you prepared? (children name memorized proverbs and explain some)

Life is given to good deeds.

It is not clothes that make a man, but him good deeds.

The teacher makes a conclusion:Proverbs teach us:

Praise for good deeds and not always notice people’s shortcomings;

Joke on - kind;

Don’t rush to blame something until you understand the reasons and many other useful things in our lives.

Well done! Good job with the proverbs.

Most people consider themselves kind. They sympathize with the offended and cry when they see someone else’s misfortune. They want everyone to live in peace and harmony. Let's try to do it too Good deed.

7. Let's play a game "Do It Good deed» (consult in groups)

How could you help?

Homeless dogs and cats;

Flowers yellowed by the heat;

To his grandmother, who is carrying bags;

Elderly, sick people on public transport;

Tired mom.

8. "Magic Words" (2 minutes.)

Kindness, mercy, joy and concern for others create the basis of human happiness. The man who does good to others, feels happy. Being polite to others is also kindness.

I suggest you remember polite words.

Even a block of ice will melt from a warm word... (Thank you)

Even a tree stump will turn green when it hears... (Good afternoon)

If we can’t eat anymore, we’ll tell mom... (Thank you)

The boy is polite and developed and speaks when meeting... (Hello)

When we are scolded for pranks, we say... (I'm sorry)

In both France and Denmark they say goodbye... (Goodbye)

Well done boys! We completed this task too.

9. Parable about good and evil. (4min.)

Guys, look at the next slide. (slide 19)

What do you think these animals have to do with our topic? (children express their guesses)

View the parable "Two Wolves"

And now I propose to look at one parable, which is called "Two Wolves". What is a parable? A parable is a story with a moral lesson.

(when viewing a parable, the teacher reads the text himself or a student who reads well (slide 20, video)

Once upon a time, an old man revealed one vital truth to his grandson:

There is a struggle in every person, very similar to the struggle of two wolves. One wolf represents evil: envy, jealousy, regret, selfishness, ambition, lies. Another wolf presents good: peace, love, hope, truth, kindness and loyalty.

The grandson, touched to the depths of his soul by his grandfather’s words, began to think: and then asked:

Which wolf wins in the end?

The old man smiled and answered:

The wolf you feed always wins.

Tell me, which two wolves did the old man talk about?

Which action do you think is easier to do?

How do you understand the last phrase?

- Should I study? kindness?

For a long time people have strived for good and hated evil, and we were convinced of this by the example of a parable. Yes, it's not easy to be kind person. You need to learn this throughout your life. And not only our parents and teachers help us in this, but also the elderly, good fairy tales.

You all love fairy tales. And one of the main topics folk tales there was a topic good and evil. Found in fairy tales good and evil heroes. Guys, now let's try to determine which hero Kind, and what an evil one. I offer you a game "Fairy tale"

10. Game "Fairy tale". (slides 21-23)

I will call and show fairy tale hero, and you answer, whether he is good or evil. If Kind, you clap your hands joyfully, if you are angry, cover your face with your palms. (Ivan the Tsarevich, Koschei the Immortal, Goldfish, Thumbelina, Karabas-Barabas, Little Red Riding Hood, Geese-Swans, Baba Yaga, Cinderella, Pinocchio, Alice the Fox, Malvina.)

What hero would you like to be like? Why? (slide 24)

May your life always be like a fairy tale.

Peace will always reign on our planet Earth if there are many kind, fair, honest people.

You can say a thousand times that you feel sorry for old people, but never give up your seat in transport to an elderly person, verbally care about nature and not notice trash cans. Helps a person to do good deeds friendship, respect, politeness, kindness, understanding, smile.

11.Ball game: circular conversation.

I feel happy when...

(good for everyone, everyone is smiling, etc.)

12. "Rules kindness»

Do you think there are any rules kindness. Let's try to make rules "Hurry up to do good» . (slide 25) (printed rules appear on the board)

Do good deeds just like that, with good intentions.

Love people you know and don’t know, don’t offend them.

Encourage others to treat each other well.

Do good for relatives and friends.

Don't be jealous.

Don't be harmful.

Don't be rude.

Let's read our rules again.

13. The song “Dear” sounds of good "

(slide 26)

Do you want to be loved

Do it to people good

You'll see very soon

You're acting smart.

A man in whose soul kindness, looks nice, he has an expression of joy and peace on his face, a sweet smile on his lips. Let's smile at each other!

We will try to cultivate these feelings in ourselves and follow these rules. And finish coolI want an hour in the words of a famous fairy-tale character:

(slide 27) "Guys, let's be kind»

We often use the words “evil” and “good”, “good” and “bad” in everyday speech, without even thinking about their meaning. These concepts represent the most generalized forms of moral and ethical assessment, which serve to distinguish between moral and immoral.

General definitions

Since ancient times, good and evil have traditionally been interpreted as the main dominant forces. They are endowed with an impersonal nature. These categories are central to moral issues. The essence of good and evil has been studied for centuries by philosophers, scientists, theologians, and artists. Evil is an ethical category, which in its content is opposite to good.

In a generalized form, it refers to everything immoral, which contradicts the requirements of public morality and deserves all censure and condemnation. On the other hand, the category of good is inextricably linked with the concept of virtue - a positive property of a person, indicating his high moral value. Vice is opposed to virtue.

What constitutes a good

The concept of good means everything that contributes to life, helps to satisfy human needs (both spiritual and material). These are natural resources, education, and various cultural items. Moreover, utility is not always equivalent to good. For example, art has absolutely no utilitarian benefit. On the other hand, industrial development is leading humanity to the brink of environmental disaster.

Goodness is a type of spiritual good. In the moral and ethical sense, this concept is often used as a synonym for “good.” These words (good, benefit) indicate the most common interests, aspirations - what should happen in life and what deserves approval.

Modern ethics reveals the concept of goodness in several different but related aspects:

  • Goodness as the quality of a certain action.
  • As a set of moral norms of a positive nature.
  • As a moral goal of activity.
  • As a moral quality of a person.

The problem of good and evil: dialectics of concepts

In philosophy it is believed that the categories of good and bad are in close interdependence. There is no absolute good, just as there is no absolute bad. Every evil deed contains at least a tiny particle of good, and every good action contains elements of evil. In addition, good and bad can change places. For example, in Sparta, newborn children with physical defects were thrown into the abyss. And in Japan, once upon a time, old and helpless people were transported alive to the so-called “valley of death.” What is now called barbarism was once considered a good deed.

Even in our time, the same act can be regarded as bad and good at the same time. It directly depends on the context of the situation. For example, if a police officer takes the life of a serial killer in a shootout, then in this case killing the offender will be regarded as a good thing.

What is evil

Evil is an ethical category opposite to good. It summarizes various ideas about immoral acts, as well as about personality traits that harm other people. These actions and qualities deserve moral censure. Evil is everything that opposes the good of society and the individual: disease, racism, bureaucracy, various crimes, chauvinism, alcoholism, drug addiction.

The Good and the Bad in Kabbalah

Supporters of the ancient Jewish teaching called Kabbalah believe: as much good as there is in the world, there is exactly the same amount of evil. A person should appreciate both the first and the second, accepting with gratitude any gifts of fate.

As a rule, a person tries to avoid evil and strives for good. However, Kabbalists believe that this is not entirely the correct approach. Good and evil should be valued equally, because the latter is a necessary element of reality that balances life.

A person should give thanks for evil in the same way as for good. After all, both of these phenomena exist for the same purpose - to push people to a higher level of development. Evil exists only so that God's creation can exist. If there were only goodness, it would be impossible to consider it. After all, good is a manifestation of the Creator. And in order to feel it, a person must initially have the opposite nature within him.

Religious views

Religion, in particular Orthodoxy, states: good and evil are the determining forces in human life. It's hard to disagree with this. Every person says about himself that he strives for good. If a person has not decided what is good and what is bad for him, what is black and what is white, then he is stepping on shaky ground. Such uncertainty deprives him of any moral guidelines.

The church fathers do not recognize good and evil as two equivalent principles. Similar dualism arose in the heretical teachings of the Gnostics and Manichaeans. Creative power belongs to good alone. Evil is depravity, a complete absence of being. It has no independent meaning and exists only at the expense of good, distorting its true nature.

Philosophers' ideas about human nature

Reasoning about good and bad makes us think about one of the most important questions: which person is good or evil? Some consider him good by his inner nature, others - evil. Still others believe that man is neither good nor bad.

F. Nietzsche called man an “evil animal.” Rousseau, in his Discourse on Inequality, wrote that a person is initially good in his inner nature. Only society makes her evil. Rousseau's statement can be considered the antithesis of the religious doctrine of original sin and the subsequent acquisition of salvation in faith.

I. Kant’s idea of ​​good and evil in man is also interesting. He believed that human nature is evil. It contains an ineradicable tendency to create evil. However, at the same time, people also have the makings of goodness. The moral education of the individual should consist in giving life to these inclinations. This gives them a chance to overcome their destructive tendency to do bad things.

Many philosophers believe that initially a person is still kind. Anyone who has given preference to evil in his life is an anomaly, an exception to the rule. Good and evil in the world can be correlated like health and illness. The one who chooses the good is morally healthy. The evil one suffers from moral illness, ugliness.

What is jurisprudence based on?

There is a principle in law based on this idea. This is the presumption of innocence. According to this concept, a person is considered innocent until compelling arguments are presented to prove his guilt. In other words, all citizens are considered initially respectable - not violating laws and morals. A person is found guilty only in one case - by a court decision. If people were initially evil or neither evil nor good, then this principle would have absolutely no moral justification.

There is another indirect argument in favor of the fact that people are intrinsically good - the concept of conscientiousness. It is unlikely that anyone will deny that conscientiousness is an indispensable condition for any professional and creative activity. Everything that is created by man on planet Earth is the result of his conscientiousness.

Is “goodness” added to the word “conscientiousness” just for a catchphrase? Or is this an essential condition for determining the described phenomenon? The answer here is clear: if a person were not internally directed toward goodness, then there would be no conscience, no honest performance of one’s work.

What kind of people predominate in the world?

It is difficult to give a definite answer to the question of which people are more numerous - good or evil. After all, there are definitely no good and bad. Each personality contains both. But sometimes it happens that a person makes more mistakes than right actions. And then they can say about him that he is angry, although this will not fully characterize his nature. Mistakes are an inherent property of Homo sapiens. They cannot be avoided.

Good and evil in the world are often difficult to recognize. Kindness can be hidden from strangers. For example, good man performs good deeds, guided by the biblical principle: “When you give alms, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.” On the other hand, evil is always better organized. There are all kinds of criminal groups and gangs that are ruled by money and robbery. In order for their “plans” to be carried out, the bandits have to be better organized. Because it is noticeable, it seems that there is more in the world evil people.

The confrontation between good and bad: which wins?

People often wonder why good triumphs over evil. Indeed, in many fairy tales and films, justice ultimately triumphs, and all enemies and negative characters get what they deserve. In life, a person who has done a bad deed must also “pay the bills” after some time. If he is not punished by his kind, fate itself will take care of it. Goodness and justice win for the reason that to create good things requires activity, courage, courage. In other words, being evil is always easy and simple. It takes effort to be kind. Since evil is devoid creativity, it always turns out to be short-lived.

Oksana Seifert
Summary of GCD in preparatory group"What is good and evil"

Target: to form children’s ideas about concepts « good» And "evil", about the good ones, good deeds.


1. Introduce children to concepts « good» And "evil"

2. Develop the ability to distinguish bad from good.

3. Cultivate the desire to commit good deeds.

4.Reflect on the most important moral values: good, friendship, love, the complexity of moral choice.

5. Encourage purposeful self-education kindness.

6. Strengthen reading skills.

Preliminary work: reading poems, works of art(V. Mayakovsky "What so good, So what so bad» etc., proverbs, sayings about good and evil. Looking at illustrations of good and bad behavior of people. Making appliqué parts for a painting.

Material: posters with proverbs and sayings « A kind word to a man"like rain in a drought", “It is not clothes that make a man, but his good deeds» , "Hurry up to do good» .Signs with inscriptions: envy, greed, rudeness, betrayal, war, lies, sun, mother, smile, friendship, teacher, joy, children, honesty, devotion, courage, love, song. A blank sheet of paper (whatman paper, applique details, cut from colored paper: house, trees, figures of children, birds, animals, clouds, sun, butterflies. Glue - a pencil for each child, a toy scale. PC, projector, phonograms of songs: "If you are kind» , "Barbariki", "Space"

Educator: Guys! Today we have an unusual lesson - we will talk about kindness. What so good? How do you think? (children's answers) It's all good Kind, beautiful. For example: sun, smile, mother, flowers, teacher, (children continue). And then there is evil, what do you think it is such? (children's answers). It's the opposite good: bad, bad, misfortune, misfortune (children continue).

Educator: We live with you on planet Earth. And if they exist on our planet good and evil, which means people can create good and evil deeds. Remember when you met in your life good, and when is it evil? (children's answers). Do you love to travel? Let's imagine that you and I went on a rocket into outer space and our path lies to the planet « Good» . So, let's close our eyes, put our hands down, relax (children perform, calm music sounds). Now let's open our eyes. We landed on the planet of good. What did we see here? Let's fantasize? (children's answers).

View the presentation « good and evil»

Educator: and now you and I will return to our home planet to do only good deeds. Let's close our eyes again, put our hands down, relax (music sounds). So we went back. Guys, listen to the poem about good people.

Who loves dogs or other animals,

Cheerful kittens and carefree puppies,

Who can love both a goat and a donkey,

He will never harm people.

(R. Seph)

Educator: So, what kind of person can you call kind? (children's answers). Summarize, a good person is the one who loves people and is ready to help them in difficult times. Kind man loves birds and animals, helps them survive in the winter cold. Kind a person tries to be neatly dressed, polite and respectful when communicating with friends and adults. Remember how often you use it? good words, they are also called "magic words" (children's answers).Now listen to the proverb: A kind word to a man like rain in a drought. How do you understand its meaning? (children's answers). But not only words, but also deeds must be kind.As the proverb says: It’s not clothes that make a person, but him good deeds. You also need to remember that the work you start must be completed. Think and tell me which kind you can do things on the street, in transport, in nature (children's answers). Do you think it's difficult to be kind? (children's answers). What do you need to have for this? (kind soul, kind heart) .

Physical education. ( group"Barbariki" - "What such kindness» ) children dance dance.

Educator: Guys, listen to A. Barto’s poem "Vovka - good soul» .

Yesterday I was walking along Sadovaya,

I was so surprised

White-headed boy

Yelled at me from the window:

WITH Good morning! WITH Good morning!

I asked: - That's for me?

He smiled at the window

Shout out to someone else:

WITH Good morning! WITH Good morning!

For kids and adults

The boy waved his hand

We'll know him now:

This is Vovka - yes such!

Educator: Let your soul be just as kind, like the hero of this poem. You all love fairy tales. They meet good and evil heroes. Now we will play a game. I will show a picture of a fairy-tale hero if he Kind- you clap your hands, if you are angry, you crouch down and cover your face with your hands. (Ivan Tsarevich, Kashchei the Immortal, Goldfish, Thumbelina, Karabas-Barabas, Little Red Riding Hood, Geese-Swans, Baba Yaga, Cinderella, Malvina) Which hero would you like to be like? (children's answers) Let's imagine that each of you has a small sun - this kindness. You yourself and the people close to you really need it. After all, love and help warm like the sun. What do you think is more in the world? good or evil? (children's answers). Maybe some old scales will help us find out? (Teacher shows cup scales). On one side of the scale we will put "evil" (signs with inscriptions: grief, war, misfortune, rudeness, etc., and on the other - « good» (sun, spring, mother, honesty, fidelity, smile, etc.). To defeat evil, we must try to tip the scales with good. (children approach the scales one at a time, read their signs with inscriptions, explain the meaning of the word and put their sign on the bowl. Soon the scales « of good» tip the scales "evil")

Educator: You see, guys, how you can defeat evil. So it is in life: droplets of good, merging, turn into a stream, streams - into a river, rivers - into the sea of good. It's good when a person leaves behind good follow.One wise man noticed: A person has not lived in vain if he built a house, grew a garden and raised a child. Let us now also do one thing in common Good deed? (children's answers)

Each child glues pre-prepared applique details onto a blank sheet of whatman paper.: house, trees, figures of children, birds, animals, clouds, sun, butterflies. (the music “Song of Leopold the Cat” plays) It turns out to be a beautiful picture.

Educator: Guys, what should we call our picture? children's answers (How beautiful this world is, Kindness, World)

Educator: how did you feel while doing Good deed? (children's answers). Do good very nice and happy! You are still children, but there is much more ahead of you good deeds! You will make our planet Earth beautiful and good!

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Details Category: Advice for parents

good and evil for children

One day my daughter asked me about goodness.

I hugged her tightly and began the story.

Life is a constant struggle between good and evil. It often seems that evil cannot be defeated; it constantly wins. You see that a vile and deceitful person, a deceiver who has reached heights by dishonest means, is held in high esteem, while an honest person, with an open heart and a pure soul, lives in poverty. For every good deed, there are a thousand evil ones. That is why it is so difficult for good to make its way in life.

But don't despair. A good deed is of great value and lasts. This is a seed that can give new sprouts, give new life, make a person happy. Evil deeds are fleeting and empty, and bring only temporary joy to the one who commits them, and after that they necessarily turn into suffering.

For example, a person thirsting for wealth achieved it through dishonest means. Bottom line life path such a rich man is completed by retribution for his deeds. In many cases, dishonest people are unhappy, they do not have families, loyal friends, or loving relatives. They live out their lives completely alone, angry, desperate. This is retribution for the “happy” years lived in the pleasures of spending “easy” money.

A good person earns money through honest work. Over the course of his life, he acquires a family, friends and close acquaintances who appreciate him for what he is and love him. A kind person has “golden” hands, capable of creating. With his actions he pleases those around him and brings benefit to the world.

Now the struggle between good and evil has intensified. Good people becomes less and less, and evil more often wins. Victory dark forces visible everywhere: marriages break up, dishonest people occupy leadership positions, illiteracy rules the world. People began to read less, develop themselves, work on themselves, and desire money and fame more; they began to live only for themselves. This is very bad. But you don’t need to give up and become like everyone else, you need to strive to become better.

Let the path be thorny. May your friends who have chosen the evil path prosper and live lives full of immense pleasure. You shouldn’t envy them and grumble about fate. There is no need to break down or give in to ridiculous desires. Remember, adversity will pass, and patience and work will bring you and those around you more benefit than momentary gain. And most importantly, you will be happy, living in harmony with yourself.