Children's poems by Tatyana Rooster. Creativity of T.L. Petukhova

Tatyana Leonidovna Petukhova is a native Vologda resident, born on February 3, 1942.
Education - secondary technical, worked as a curator in the Vologda region at the CSTI (center for scientific and technical information and propaganda). For 15 years she headed the bureau of rationalization, patent research and technical information at the Vologda Machine Tool Plant.
She began writing poetry during her school years.
Tatyana Petukhova studied working on words at the literary association “Youth” under the editorship of “Vologda Komsomolets”, as well as at the association “Rhyme” under the famous poet Yuri Makarovich Lednev (from 1972 to 1976).
Creative meetings with Vologda writers S. Vikulov, A. Romanov, V. Korotaev and others served as an incentive for further creativity.
The path to children's literature was not easy: almost 20 years of search, work, cooperation with regional periodicals, with the editors of the magazines “Murzilka”, “Education of Preschool Children”, “Neva”, etc.
The Vologda Society of Book Lovers (chairman N.I. Zabrodina) made a lot of efforts to ensure that Tatyana Petukhova’s children’s poems became known outside of Vologda.
The first book “Sun” (Petukhova T.L. Sunshine: Poems: for preschool age / T.L. Petukhova. - Arkhangelsk: North-West book publishing house, 1982. - 17 p.: ill. - Circulation 10,000 copies) was published in 1982. It received positive reviews from Vologda poets Sergei Vikulov and Sergei Chukhin. The poet S. Vikulov said about the book “Sun” that “indeed, just as much light and warmth emanates from it as from the sun.”
The second book entitled “Shaggy Gift” (Petukhova T.L. Good Word: Poems for Children of Junior School Age / T.L. Petukhova. - Yaroslavl: Verkh.-Volzh. Book Publishing House, 1990. - 62 p.: ill. - Circulation 50,000 copies) appeared in 1987. This book was noticed by People's Artist Nikolai Litvinov (he hosted programs for children on All-Union Radio). On his recommendation, the poems “Bully” and “Friendship” were heard in a radio broadcast in Moscow.

Tatyana Leonidovna Petukhova (note: she and A.V. Petukhov are simply namesakes) is a native Vologda resident, born on February 3, 1942.

Childhood years coincided with the war and post-war time. Of the three children in the family, Tanya was the youngest.

After the war, all worries fell on the mother’s shoulders. There was never enough wealth in the house, but family holidays with gray bagels and songs with a guitar were remembered for a lifetime.

At school, Tanya studied well and did not stand out among her peers in any way, except that she was more withdrawn and silent.

After school I had to immediately go to work, since my mother was sick and there was not enough money. The girl chose the flax mill, but not because she wanted to devote herself to light industry, but out of necessity. I studied at an evening textile technical school - I decided so because of my chosen profession.

In 1963, she got married and had a son, Seryozha, and a daughter, Sveta.

She continued her studies at the Sokol Pulp and Paper College. The craving for the poetic word that arose in his youth forced him to take up the pen. Tatyana writes about children, and this commitment to the children's theme will subsequently radically change not only her profession, but also her life.

It is interesting that the poetess devoted most of her working life to technical activities.

Plant "Northern Communard", Vologda CSTI (Center for Scientific and Technical Information), machine tool plant. At each place she worked with full dedication, actively participated in the life of enterprises, and was repeatedly encouraged and awarded.

All the more unexpected for everyone was Tatyana Leonidovna’s decision to go to work in kindergartens PZ-23. Here she truly found herself in creativity and in the joy of communicating with children. Of course, I had to study again, study pedagogy and psychology.

But in general creative biography poetess began in 1959. The first poem was written at the age of 16 and was dedicated to complex family relationships (with his father). Poems addressed to children will appear later.

Tatyana Leonidovna also studied a lot about working with words - first at the literary association "Youth" under the editorship of "Vologda Komsomolets", then (in 1972-76) - from Yu. M. Lednev at the association "Rhyme". Yuri Makarovich became the first mentor of the young poetess.

In 1981 poetry Tatyana Leonidovna were published in the collection "Spring"(fifth issue).

A first book waited ten years for its release and was released only in 1982 - this is a book "Sun". It received positive reviews from Vologda poets S. Vikulov and S. Chukhin. A book "Shaggy Gift"(1987) was noted by People's Artist Nikolai Litvinov (he hosted programs for children on All-Union Radio). According to his recommendation, poems "Bully" and “Friendship” were heard in a radio broadcast in Moscow.

In 1990, “The Good Word” was published, and in 1991, “Dreams of Different Sizes” were published.

Tatyana Leonidovna’s poems were repeatedly published in the magazines “Murzilka” and “Preschool Education”; they were also published in other periodicals.

IN Lately the poetess writes scripts for children's parties and fairy tales. "Spring thawed patches"- a bright and at the same time sad holiday - graduation from kindergarten - was published by the Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining of Teaching Personnel in Vologda.

As an example, we can cite T. Petukhova’s poem for children:

Tanned tomato

I started a conversation with the cabbage.

Tomato: How white are you?

Not tanned at all!

Cabbage: Try to sunbathe

If there are forty-five dresses!

While I'm taking off my dress,

The sun will set!

Collection of poems "Light of the Soul" (2006) Designed not only for children, but also for adults.

Based on poems by T.L. Petukhova wrote the songs (composer Nadezhda Mikhailovna Berestova): Vologda, I'll be back, Best friend, Eh, dad, Noise in the swamp, Ai - ya - yai! (about a parrot), Two Christmas trees, Snow Princess, Autumn dance.

18.3. “Stories about all living creatures” by V. Belova, “Mesyatseslov” by Poluyanova I.D. and etc.

Belov Vasily Ivanovich(23.10.1932, village of Timonikha, Kharovsky district, Vologda region) - prose writer, playwright, publicist, poet, State laureate. USSR Prize, lit. awards to them L. Tolstoy, S.T. Aksakova and others. Born into a peasant family. In 1945 he graduated from seven-year school. Until 1949 he worked on a collective farm, then studied at the Federal Educational Institution in Sokol. In 1952-1955 he served in the army, then worked at a factory in Perm, was an employee of the regional newspaper "Kommunar" (Vologda region), and has been actively publishing in print since the mid-1950s. In 1959-1964. B. studied at Lit. Institute named after M. Gorky. Member of the Writers' Union since 1963. Lives in Vologda and Timonikha.

The first books were Sat. poems "My forest village"( 1961) and Sat. pov and stories "Sultry Summer" (1963), "River meanders"(1964), but it was his magazine publications that brought him real fame: pov. "Business as usual"("North", 1966), "Carpenter's Tales"("New World", 1968), "Vologda Bays"("New World", 1969). B. was unanimously ranked among the leaders of the so-called. Russian "village" prose, and his pov. “Business as usual” began to be considered its standard (however, B. himself considers himself not a “hillbilly”, but a Russian realist writer).

The main work was the trilogy " Sixth hour"(final author's title), published in parts from the beginning of the 70s: "Eves" (1972-87), "The Year of the Great Turning Point" (1989-94), "The Sixth Hour" (1997-98). In 2002 The trilogy was released in full, without cuts, and only after this event it became clear that in terms of genre, B.’s monumental work is not a chronicle novel, but an epic in which the main character is the people, and the people themselves speak. B. truly spoke truthfully about the turning point of our tragedy, about collectivization, the result of which was a sharp, violent change in the way of life, which even affected the national character.

Belov's journalistic books: " Thoughts at home" (1986), "The Craft of Alienation" (1988), "Listen to yourself" (1993), "Notes on the go"(1999) fits well into a number of journalistic publications by A. Solzhenitsyn, V. Rasputin and other Russian classics. the main idea they are about saving the people. B. spoke about modernity, only in the language of satire, in the “perestroika” Vologda Bukhtins (1996).

Belova's Peru belongs works for children("Fairy tales", " Stories about all kinds of living creatures"), as well as the plays "Over the Bright Water", "On 206th", "Prince Alexander Nevsky", "The Immortal Koschey", "Family Holidays", the film story "Dawns Kiss".

Since 1961, more than a hundred books by Belov have been published, many of them have been translated into the main languages ​​of the world.

The wonderful Russian writer Vasily Belov, in his book “Stories about All sorts of Things,” fascinatingly tells children about how in an ordinary Vologda village domestic animals live together with people - cows, horses, goats, chickens, geese, piglets, cats, dogs, rabbits... Nearby and around - forests, rivers, lakes, fields, hills, country roads, distances, skies. In the thickets and open spaces there are their own masters: bears, moose, wolves, foxes, hares, black grouse, sparrows, tits, crows, ferrets... And they all have special characters, habits and oddities. The talented Russian artist Anton Kumankov echoes the writer’s images colorfully and vividly. The book is addressed primarily to children and teaches them to understand the language of living nature, to love and get to know their native land. Here are two stories from this book.

One day in the spring

Verny had a day off on Monday. The post office was not open that day. There is no hay in the feeder. Faithful chewed on the board in the stall and went to the window. He even staggered from hunger. The window in the stable is long and narrow. Yesterday Fedya put out the frame, saying:

There is no hay, so let it be at least fresh air... Faithful turned his head and stuck it out into the street.

And it’s spring outside, the snow has disappeared. But there’s no grass either! Faithful sighed noisily and looked along the village. The kids were running to school and suddenly they saw a large horse’s head sticking out of the stable window. "Loyal! Faithful!” they shouted. The horse pricked up his ears. The guys came closer and took turns reaching out to stroke it. Faithful neighed quietly and began to spank with his big soft lip.

He's probably hungry! - said one of the boys, taking out a piece of Volozh pie from his briefcase. He offered the pie to the horse. Faithful slowly but greedily chewed this piece. Then he ate the second piece, the third, the fourth... The guys fed him all their school lunches that they had stored at home.

Lenka, what are you doing? Come on, there's no need to be greedy.

At all a little boy I frowned and almost cried.

So what?

Lenka opened his field bag, apparently still his father’s. The hard-boiled egg was quickly peeled. Faithful also ate the egg. True, I crumbled half of it. Of course, it was a pity for the sweets. But they printed it anyway. Faithful also ate some sweets. No one else had anything to eat. The guys ran. The school was far away, in another village. They were afraid that they would be late. Faithful looked after them for a long time.

This is how he learned to eat candy and eggs. Verny was especially lucky a week later, on the First of May, when the children received gifts at school.

And then soon the grass began to grow, fresh and so green. No match for straw! And Verny gradually began to get better again.

The last titmouse

I was sitting at the table in the upper room and did not notice how dark the air had become. I looked out the window and saw: a titmouse sitting on a wire, very close by. He sits and stretches his head, now to the left, now to the right. At the same time, her thin beak opened and closed. What is she doing? I went to the window and forgot about the tit: snowflakes were slowly flying from above. That's why it got dark outside. Summer is over. The time has come to leave this village.

The titmouse kept turning her head this way and that. I looked closer and saw that she was catching snowflakes in her mouth. Ah, lazy girl! She didn't want to fly to the river. She quenched her thirst with snowflakes. I've never seen anything like this. Or maybe she mistook the snowballs for midges and caught them. It’s not for nothing that they say about the first snowball: “White flies flew.”

This titmouse was the last of all the village animals that I met this summer. At night Fedya took me outside the outskirts to the bus. I didn't want to leave these places.

Of course, I haven’t told you everything about the local animals, beasts and birds. I could talk a lot more about them, but I am afraid that I have already bored the reader.

Poluyanov Ivan Dmitrievich(08/06/1926, village of Kiselevo, Nyuksen district, Vologda province) - prose writer, State laureate. Prize of the Vologda region (1998).

Ivan Dmitrievich Poluyanov is a writer from Vologda. Member of the Great Patriotic War. Had battle wounds. Awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd degree. Author of thirty books of prose, published both in local and central publishing houses. Member of the Writers' Union since 1957

The subject matter of P.'s works is wide: books about nature, short stories and stories for children, local history essays, historical novels. Among the most famous: book. essays " Monthsword"(1973), rep. " Overcome-grass"(1976), book. essays " Solntsevo t" (1986), etc.

Writer I. Poluyanov is the author of many books addressed to children. The best of them are dedicated to northern nature. The main place in the work of I.D. Poluyanov is occupied with the themes of the lives of children and youth, the relationship between man and nature. For him there are no secrets in nature; he is a writer, naturalist and research scientist. Books by I.D. Poulyanov’s “For the Blue Bird”, “The Monthly Book”, “Solstice” are included in the golden fund of Russian literature telling about nature. They stand on a par with the works of M. Prishvin and V. Bianchi. Without his books, it is impossible to imagine natural history lessons in schools in the region.

Book " Monthsword"tells about the inhabitants of our forests, about our native land, about the people in whom the forest resonates quiet dawns, blue taiga lakes, the splash of trout in streams and bird voices... Love and respect for nature, for our father's land were bequeathed to us by our ancestors, who knew how not only to plow the land and cut down huts, but also created oral calendars-months, full of wisdom and soulful poetry. I. Poluyanov’s book “Mesyatseslov” is a unique result of the author’s many years of work on the topic of nature....


1. Arzamastseva I.N. Children's literature: Textbook for students. higher ped. establishments / I.N. Arzamastseva, S.A. Nikorlaeva. - 3rd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2005. - 576 p.

2. Bodrova Yu.V. Russian proverbs and sayings and their English analogues. - M.: AST; St. Petersburg: Sova, 2007.- 159 p.

3. Children's literature: Textbook / E.E. Zubareva, V.K. Sigov, V.A. Skripkina and others; Ed. HER. Zubareva.- M.: Higher. school, 2004.- 551 p.

4. Lagutina T.V. Folk tongue twisters, jokes, ditties, proverbs and riddles. - M.: Ripol Classic, 2010. - 256 p.

5. Rose T.V. Bolshoi Dictionary proverbs and sayings of the Russian language for children. - M.: Olma Media Group, 2009. - 209 p.

6. Russian literature for children. Tutorial for secondary pedagogical students educational institutions. Edited by T.D. Polozova. - 2nd edition, revised. - Moscow: Asayet A, 1998. - 453 p.

7. Anthology of children's literature. I.P. Tokmakova.- M.: Education, 1998.-462 p.


TATIANA LEONIDOVNA PETUKHOVA (note: they are simply namesakes with A.V. Petukhov) - a native Vologda resident, born on February 3, 1942.
My childhood years coincided with the war and post-war times. Of the three children in the family, Tanya was the youngest.
After the war, all worries fell on the mother's shoulders. There was never enough wealth in the house, but family holidays with gray bagels and songs with a guitar were remembered for a lifetime.
At school, Tanya studied well and did not stand out among her peers in any way, except that she was more withdrawn and silent.
After school I had to immediately go to work, since my mother was sick and there was not enough money. The girl chose the flax mill, but not because she wanted to devote herself to light industry, but out of necessity. I studied at an evening textile technical school - I decided so because of my chosen profession.
In 1963, she got married and had a son, Seryozha, and a daughter, Sveta.
She continued her studies at the Sokol Pulp and Paper College. The craving for the poetic word that arose in his youth forced him to take up the pen. Tatyana writes about children, and this commitment to the children's theme will subsequently radically change not only her profession, but also her life.
It is interesting that the poetess devoted most of her working life to technical activities.
Plant "Northern Communard", Vologda CSTI (Center for Scientific and Technical Information), machine tool plant. At each place she worked with full dedication, actively participated in the life of enterprises, and was repeatedly encouraged and awarded.
All the more unexpected for everyone was Tatyana Leonidovna’s decision to go to work in kindergartens PZ-23. Here she truly found herself in creativity and in the joy of communicating with children. Of course, I had to study again, study pedagogy and psychology.
Now Tatyana Leonidovna has developed and is successfully implementing her own program in several kindergartens. It is aimed at developing the imagination, creative potential, and thinking of a child, starting from the age of four, and ultimately its goal is to cultivate kindness, the need for comprehension and reflection. During the classes, children get acquainted with the basics of rhetoric, learn age-appropriate techniques of versification, and try to compose themselves. For example:
A blackbird sat on the bridge
And he scratched his nose.
There was a fly on my nose
And she scratched her belly.
All activities are play based. Unusual learning of poetry (with gestures), funny exercises for training diction, writing poetry to music, drawings for the perception of a poetic work. Tatyana Leonidovna composes her texts herself and also uses poems by Russian and foreign poets. It turns out that classics are quite accessible to kids. (There were very interesting drawings, for example, after reading M.Yu. Lermontov’s poem “In the Wild North...”)
In general, the creative biography of the poetess began in 1959. The first poem was written at the age of 16 and was dedicated to complex family relationships (with his father). Poems addressed to children will appear later. And the first published poem was “Gourmand”:
Here is the halva lying on the saucer,
You just have to reach out.
Mom and Dad say:
-It makes my teeth hurt.
It's very bad without teeth!
I'm ready to sit without halva!
I don't want her at all
I'll just eat it off the platter.
Observations of children, their relationships, games, fantasies provide many topics for creativity.
...For fun, someone locked a cat in the refrigerator. And then the children decided to wash the black cat - what if it becomes lighter? On March 8th, my mother was presented with flowers... a shaggy puppy (it is not known for whom the gift was?).
Mischief makers, inventors, sometimes offending their peers (“Krikunovs”), but always interesting and unpredictable. Tatyana Leonidovna also studied a lot about working with words - first at the literary association "Youth" under the editorship of "Vologda Komsomolets", then (in 1972-76) - from Yu.M. Ledneva in the Rhyme association. Yuri Makarovich became the first mentor of the young poetess.
In 1981, Tatyana Leonidovna’s poems were published in the collection “Spring” (fifth issue).
And the first book waited ten years for its release and was released only in 1982 - this is the book “Sun”. It received positive reviews from Vologda poets S. Vikulov and S. Chukhin. The book “Shaggy Gift” (1987) was noticed by People’s Artist Nikolai Litvinov (he hosted programs for children on All-Union Radio). On his recommendation, the poems “Bully” and “Friendship” were heard in Comrade Moscow’s radio broadcast.
In 1990, “The Good Word” was published, and in 1991, “Dreams of Different Sizes” were published. Tatyana Leonidovna’s poems were repeatedly published in the magazines “Murzilka” and “Preschool Education”; they were also published in other periodicals.
Recently, the poetess has been writing scripts for children's parties and fairy tales. “Spring thawed patches” - a bright and at the same time sad holiday - graduation from kindergarten to school - was published by the Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining of Teaching Personnel in Vologda.
Fairy tales “The White Prince, Lord of the Snows”, “Let’s not frown!”, “Spin, feather, spin!” (based on the fairy tale “Geese and Swans”) and others are of interest to both children and adults.
Tatyana Leonidovna has a lot of poems about nature.
...The poplar is crying because someone broke his twig out of mischief:
Won't hear again
Songs of the nightingale.
Won't see the sun
My twig. ("Twig")
Her sun is like a goldfish in water. It... moves its rays, like fins. ("Sun and River")
In another poem, sun spots ... like chickens in peas looking for grains of dew. ("Noon")
Tatyana Leonidovna observes (through the eyes of children) the world around her, in which there is still so much unknown:
What's that noise? What kind of fear?
Someone is messing around in the bushes
The leaves rustle terribly,
The branches make a terrible noise.
Our kitten at the same moment
Away from the bushes - sniff!
A kitten is trembling on the porch,
And a little mouse is trembling in the bushes. ("Well well!")
Tatyana Petukhova's poems are rhythmic and fit well with music. The song “Fingers” was performed in the Moscow television program “At Cinderella’s Ball.” It was included in the collection of the Vologda composer V. Andreev.

Blog of Tatyana Leonidovna Petukhova

Books for children:
Petukhova T.L. The White Prince - Lord of the Snows: Fairy Tale / Artist. Shurakova N.A. - Vologda: Central Bank, 1998. - 46 p.: ill.
Petukhova T.L. Come on, let's not frown: Poems for children / Artist. T. Kornilova. - Vologda: Evstoly, 1998. - 48 p.: ill.
Petukhova T.L. Wonderful Kingdom: poems for children / T.L. Petukhova; Irina Yablokova. - Vologda: IP Kiselev A.V., 2011. - 75 p. : color ill.
Petukhova T.L. Kind word: Poems for children: (For younger school age). - Yaroslavl: Verkh.-Volzh. book publishing house, 1990. - 62 p.: ill.
Petukhova T.L. Shaggy gift: poems for children / T.L. Petukhova; artist Irina Yablokova. - Vologda: Polygraphist, 2007. - 79 p. : color ill.
Petukhova T.L. Shaggy gift: Poems: (For younger school age). - Arkhangelsk: North-West. book publishing house, 1987. - 15 pp.: color. ill.
Petukhova T.L. Little Snake Gorynych and his friends: (Based on the play “Daddy’s Tale”) / Artist. Shurakova N.A. - Vologda, Central Library, 1997. - 94 p.: ill.
Petukhova T.L. Dreams of different heights: [poems for children] / T.L. Petukhova; artist Irina Yablokova. - Vologda: Vologda Regional Youth Library named after. V.F. Tendryakova, 2008. - 95 p. : color ill.
Petukhova T.L. Dreams of different heights: Poems: (For younger school age). - Vologda: North-West. book publishing house Vologda. department, B.g. (1991). - (18 p.): color. ill.
Petukhova T.L. Light of the soul: spiritual poetry for adults and children / T.L. Petukhova. - Vologda: Vologda Regional Youth Library named after. V.F. Tendryakova, 2006. - 42 p. : ill.
Petukhova T.L. Sunny Rain: Poems for Children / Artist. N.V. Cherkasova. - Vologda: B.I., 2001. - 60 p.: ill.
Petukhova T.L. Sunny: Poems: (For preschool age). - Arkhangelsk: North-West. book publishing house, 1982. - 17 p.: ill.
Petukhova T.L. Ulyanushka and brother Vanyatka: A fairy tale in verse / Artist. N. Cherkasova. - Vologda: B.I., 1998. - 48 p.: ill.

Petukhova T.A. Grandmother's tales: poems and fairy tales for children / Tatyana Petukhova; ill. auto and her granddaughter Maria Glazova. - Vologda: [b.i], 2012. - 152 p. : color ill.


* * *
This will be a new disc! // Vologda news. - 2010. - January 27 - February 2. (No. 3). - P. 7.
Presentation of a disc about the work of the poetess.
Shilova N. On the way // Autograph. - 2002. - No. 17. - P. 22 - 23.
About the poetess's poems.
Polyakova V. The most valuable thing in the world is children // Vologda News. - 2002. - January 31 - February 6. - P. 14.
On February 3 at T.L. Petukhova's anniversary.
Children sing his songs // Meson. - 2001. - No. 11. - P. 18 - 19.
About the amateur Vologda composer V. Andreev. There are notes of the song “Fingers” to the words of T. Petukhova.
Butusova G. “In Byvalovo all the schoolchildren sing” // Russian North. Tuesday. - 1997. - February 11. - P. 16.
About the anniversary evening of T.L. Petukhova.

Grandmother's Tales, Wonderful Kingdom
artistic design - Internet resources

My dad is a reliable friend!
If I suddenly do something wrong,
He doesn't yell at me
He frowns and is silent!
Very upset, it’s immediately obvious
He is ashamed of my actions!
I deceived dad again.
-I'm sorry! I give my word
I promise like a man
You won't blush for your son!
Dad and I are friends again
You can't break your word!

My dad is strong and big
He is so dear to me.
Kind laughs in the eyes,
He carries me on his shoulders!
My dad and I are very interested,
He teaches to act honestly
Everywhere in everything, always, always,
So as not to be ashamed EVER!
Will answer any question
But only without capricious tears.
Dad and I read together
We cut boards and plan them.
Dad will say: “Well, son,
Well, you helped me!”
I try my best,
So that dad would praise him again.

And if I'm afraid of something,
I run to him, I cling to him,
So that he could protect me,
But he can be very strict
If I suddenly get rude,
I'm proud of my dad and love him!

-Hello? Dad, it's me!
Hello? Can you hear me?
Eh, dad! Well, why a long time ago
We haven't been to the movies together?
Eh, dad, you still have no time again
Play football with me.
You know, dad, you know, let
Work will delay you again,
I'll definitely wait
I really want to be with you!

Dad, listen to me
This will be the proposal -
Let's go to the field, by the fire,
Let's celebrate mom's birthday.
Let the whole family gather.
And you can rest there.
Your voice is tired
And for some reason I'm worried.
Are you saying I'll come now?
Oh, dad, how I'm waiting for you!!

Where is dad? Very strange?!
Not in the kitchen. Empty bath.
It's time to go to kindergarten
Braids need to be braided.
My locks are disheveled,
Or maybe dad decided to play hide and seek
Now to play with me?
I'll go look for him.
I'll look for it everywhere.
Huh?! Dad, where are you, where?
I open the bedroom door
And I can’t believe my eyes!!
Dad learns braids
Braid on the doll Masha,
I won't bother him
Everyone has their secrets.
I'll wait for him here.
-Daughter, where are you? I'm coming.
Let me braid my hair.
Happened! I am glad,
Isn't it time to go to kindergarten?
You know, there’s a regime there,
Together with dad we run,
I love dad very much
If necessary, I will be patient.
Believe me, no one
I won't give away my dad's secret!

Dad was proud today!
He baked a huge cake
The cake is beautiful and flaky.
But he was so salty
Surprisingly tasteless.
Dad walks around sad and sad.
He explained to everyone later,
How he confused salt with sand.
He said he was stupid.
I feel sorry for dad! Apparently new
The Japanese recipe was like this
Sprinkle salt on each layer!
Oh, how my mother was surprised.
I was surprised, I smiled,
And then she said:
The beginning is always the hardest!
Let's forget the failure
We won’t bake in Japanese.
Let's bake a big one now
Delicious cake for the whole family!
The family will be very happy
Congratulate dad on Soldier's Day!


Beloved mother!
There are many bright stars
they burn in the dark sky,
But the stars are paler
than your clear gaze.

Cold stars
shine from above,
And in my mother's eyes -
light of kindness!
Beloved mother!
Beautiful flowers
there are many in the world
Each has its own scent
They caress with beauty
our view
Every flower
unearthly beauty,
And for me, you are the most tender of all!

Beloved mother!
There are a lot of bright words
I need to tell you
beloved mother!
Mother's light illuminates us on our way,
He protects, saves from troubles.
You understand everything,
dear, without words.
Mom, thank you
for your love!

I draw a portrait, I paint with words,
I am drawing a portrait of my dear mother:
Brown hair, very thick.
The eyes are blue, dear, dear.
They look calmly from under their eyebrows.
Mom always has an attentive look,
Everyone notices words and actions,
When he smiles, there is no kinder smile.
I want to sing. Jump around the apartment
I want to hug my mother tenderly!


Dear mother
always so kind
There is so much tenderness in her,
so much warmth
Sometimes tears
it's pouring like hail here,
Mom then
definitely nearby!
She will smile tenderly, sweetly
And you will immediately forget
about what happened!
We trust her with any of our secrets,
He will explain everything, give us advice,
Mom, how the sun warms everyone,
Wise love
There is always enough for everyone!
Great happiness
What's nearby
Our mommy
dear mother!

Look somewhere past
Dima rushed for the third time,
With wet eyes, with bitter tears.
But he’s not crying in the yard?!
Dima, what does this mean?
Because, to be honest,
Only interesting at home
Cry loudly for mom!
Check it out for yourself,
Is it possible that someone can
Is it better to feel sorry for mom?
Every day from morning to night
We asked very, very much:
– Give us a puppy!
But in vain, and for now
There was only one answer for us:
- Don't ask! No and no!
...There's a prankster outside the window,
Mother's Day is coming.
Congratulations on this day,
We solemnly bear
Our mother has three flowers
And a shaggy... puppy!!

Today at Vanyushka's
From heels to crown
Black nigellas!
And even curls
They stick out black!
Dirty, very dirty
My brother came from a walk.
Mom is upset
She doesn't smile.
Ivan in an instant
Ruined the mood.
She'll have to again
Do laundry all day!

Today at Tanya's
From heels to crown
There are greenfinches everywhere!
And even curls
They stick out green.
My sister is all in paint,
It's time to wash!
But mom doesn’t swear,
Mom smiles!
Tanyusha has a daughter
cheerful flowers,
Butterflies, bumblebees
Bloomed in the album
To everyone's surprise,
Happy birthday to mom!

I'm all like my dad! And Seryozha
Looks so much like dad too
And little sister is all about him,
But there’s no one like mom!
Pinned a brooch to my shirt
And he looked like his mother!
Mommy left again
She has work. She has things to do.
I miss her a little.
Let the brooch remind you of her!

Mom will go far away
How difficult it is without a mother,
Suddenly the phone rings
And it will drive away boredom.
Through the noise, through the din
I hear my mother's voice

-Daughter, how are you without me?
Well, just wait two more days.
Are you crying, honey?
-No! No!
- I shout back to mommy,
Mom, mom! - I shout into the phone,
Talk for a minute more
I won't be bored. I'll be patient
Mom I love you!


Why did I throw up again?
An evil, cruel, impudent word?
How difficult it is for me to approach now,
How difficult it is to say: “Mom, I’m sorry!”

I offended you, dear, with words.
“But don’t cry,” I beg my mother.
Well, scold me, punish me severely.
But just forgive me
don't be angry, for God's sake!
And my mother suddenly smiled sweetly
And she said quietly: “I have forgiven you a long time ago.”
I will never forget my mother's tears,
And I won’t be rude to anyone anymore!


Telegram urgently
stated exactly:
Urgently reported:
"Wait for the general,
End of business trip
There will be new clothes for everyone!”

Dust quickly from the closet
dad wipes
Pots are fighting,
Now they are clean.
The floors are being washed all around,
The house sparkles clean!
Suddenly the bell rang
and the heart: knock-knock-knock!
The desired moment has arrived -
The general has arrived!
He has arrived, is with us again, we are running towards... to mom!

Favorite General
I missed you being away from us.
Without those sweet eyes
We got bored more than once.
Without a mother-general
We didn't have enough warmth
Today there will be a ball - THE GENERAL has arrived!!

My dear mother,
There is sadness in your eyes.
Hug me mom
I'll cuddle up to you.
We are breaking up with you
For only four days
Don't worry so much, mom
Pray for me!
My dear mother. I'll be back soon!-
Mom hugged me
And the sadness melted away!

TV and radio programs
They advertise to us:
An ad here, an ad there.
- Explain quickly, mom,
Loud, entertaining,
The word is unclear. –
- How to explain advertising?
This means praise!
For example, I made soup
I'm here for you today.
Lunch right!
Here is his advertisement:
How delicious is it?
Look at the broth -
Its color is pleasant
The smell is fragrant!
How are the potatoes cut?!
Should I give you some?
-Soup, of course, by the way,
I don't love that much
But with such advertising
You can't refuse mom!


There is a holiday and excitement in the house.
It's our mother's birthday!
There is no better mother than ours!
There is a radiant light in her eyes.
He will regret it, he will take a deep breath,
If we get sick, we'll be nearby,
There is no kinder mother than ours.
She protects us from harm!
Sometimes my mother and I argue.
We argue very hotly!

Well, if someone offends you,
Then we sob into her shoulder.
On our mother's birthday
Let's say in gentle words,
That there is nothing more precious than her,
Let's give her a big bouquet!

Let there be PEACE on the whole planet,
Without shocks and troubles!
Under the sun of Love let
Hello Children-
Hope of Russia and light!


Friends 3
The best! 4-5
Eh, dad! 6-7
Dad's secret 8-9
Family cake 10-11
Mom's light 12-14
Mom's smile 15
Our mom is 16-17
Check it out for yourself 18
Shaggy gift 19
Surprises. I miss you 20-22 -23
It's not easy without mom! 24-25
Mom's tears 26-27

Family General 28-29
Hug me, mom! 30-31
Advertisement for soup 32-33
Mom's birthday! 34-35

At the end of last year, I received a letter in the mail that changed my opinion about modern children's literature. This letter was written by a Vologda poetess Tatyana Leonidovna Petukhova .

Having become acquainted with the work of Tatyana Leonidovna, I was fascinated by her poems and fairy tales. Their rhythm, melodiousness, and kindness radiating in every line captivated my daughters too.

Petukhova Tatyana Leonidovna

Tatyana Leonidovna had to go through a lot, the worst thing was the loss of her son. But Tatyana Leonidovna managed to maintain the warmth of her soul thanks to her grandchildren, she has 7 of them!

Today Tatyana Leonidovna celebrates her 71st birthday.

Tatyana Leonidovna, We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!

for Tatyana Leonidovna Petukhova

A little about the work of Tatyana Leonidovna Petukhova.

Tatyana Petukhova wrote her first poems at school, Tatyana Leonidovna continued to write poetry while working at the factory.

But Tatyana Petukhova truly began to open up in children's poems, which she began to write for her beloved children: her son and daughter. The poems turned out to be so interesting that they began to be published in magazines (“Murzilka”, “Education of Preschool Children”).

Tatyana Leonidovna’s poems are very kind, cheerful, and sparkling. Eat funny poems, poems about family, poems about friendship, poems about summer. Tatyana Petukhova's poems are very different, but they all teach children love, friendship, and hard work.

Tatyana Leonidovna also has fairy tales. Especially good fairy tale “Ulyanushka and brother Vanyatka”. The author wrote this fairy tale for 5 years!

Performances were staged based on many of Tatyana Petukhova’s fairy tales. One of the author’s favorite fairy tales and performances “ Little Snake Gorynych and his friends«.

Tatyana Leonidovna’s creative motto is “Let’s give children joy and light. Let us remember that the most valuable thing in the world is CHILDREN.”

Back in 1982, Tatyana Petukhova’s poems for children were published in a book entitled “ Sun". Everyone who knows her calls Tatyana Leonidovna the sun, because she herself radiates light and warmth.

Last year, on the occasion of the poetess’s anniversary, Tatyana Leonidovna’s 14th book, “Grandmother’s Tales: Poems and Fairy Tales for Children,” was published.

Books by Tatyana Petukhova

Tatyana Leonidovna has her own blog “ Dreams of different heights“By the way, there’s a very interesting literary quiz going on there right now.” We read ourselves - we read to mom«.

Tatyana Leonidovna is an extraordinary person - it is very interesting to communicate with her. I offer you a short interview with an amazing storyteller - a “legend” of modern children's poetry.

Lyudmila: Tatyana Leonidovna, please tell us about your childhood, about the main milestones of your life. What are your most vivid memories?

Tatyana Leonidovna:


Tatiana's childhood

My childhood coincided with the difficult post-war years.

It so happened that all material worries fell on our mother’s shoulders. She was strict, but she organized holidays for us - three children. The main treat at the holidays was gray bagels, but it was always fun. Friends came to us: they sang with a guitar, everyone danced and played forfeits.

Everyone in the family worked: everyone had their own responsibilities. We worked a lot in the garden - we couldn’t have lived without it at that time. By the way, when I grew up, I loved digging in the ground and sometimes I wrote poems there:

Cheerful verse


During my school years, I did not stand out among my peers. She was a good student, but she loved to read.

Bright moments of life

The brightest and most unforgettable moments are birth of children.

But first, I met my husband. We met in May on the square - there were dances there. And two years later we got married and this year we have our golden wedding in May. Family life- it’s a long way, sometimes uphill, sometimes downhill. Anything can happen. But now, as the song says, “we have the last pass” and we can overcome it with dignity only together, supporting each other.

We got married at the request of our son. Faith in God has helped us and is helping us to survive the most tragic moments in life and survive.

Another bright moment of life is release of the first book “Sunshine”“I remember everything in me rejoiced. I wanted to give the book to everyone!

I also had a dream to write such a poem. which many would know.,

Now I understand that this is vanity, which must always be avoided so as not to harm the soul.

And the dream came true. The poem “Vologda” is now taught in almost every school in our region.

Dreams of today

Now the dreams are completely different: I want my grandchildren to avoid the influence of our time of permissiveness and vulgarity. I want my grandchildren to learn to appreciate the laws of morality and respect for others.

A very happy milestone in my life was the time when I was invited to work in kindergartens and lead literary studios. At this time, a lot of poems, fairy tales, and scripts were written.

We developed our own method of reading poetry.

But most importantly, I bathed in children's love, drawing warmth and joy from children.

IN kindergarten

Now I get this kind of love from my younger grandchildren. They help me live and write poetry.

They are my first listeners; they won’t let me fake it.

I still experienced the joy of jubilation when there was a threat to my life. It was a difficult operation, but thanks to the prayers of my husband and friends, everything worked out, thank God. After that, I was baptized, and later I began to write spiritual poems - something very responsible.

I went alone to Ganina Yama, alone I went through the forest to bow to the royal family.

The trip to the Holy Land left an indescribable impression. There were only grateful tears - for the mercy shown by God.

After the trip, I wrote a script about a family, sent it to a competition and was unexpectedly awarded a Certificate of Honor from the Minister of Culture.

There is one more reward. For the book “Shaggy Gift” I was awarded a diploma in the “Children’s Literature” category.

This book is dear because both educators and parents, in hospitals and in churches, collected money for its publication. When this book came out, I cried quietly: there are so many good people among us.

Book “Shaggy Gift”

Lyudmila: Tatyana Leonidovna, do you remember your first poem? How did you write it?

How did you start writing poetry and fairy tales for children? Can you write upon request (order) or only by inspiration?

Tatyana Leonidovna:


The first poem was written in 10th grade. It is very personal, therefore, like everything secret, it should remain only with me.

I started writing for children later, when my own children were born.

Low bow to my teacher - the wonderful poet Yuri Makarovich Lednev. I learned a lot from him. The only thing I didn’t agree with was adopting the style of writing like him. I always wanted to preserve my “Petukhov” style and rhythm so that the poem would always be recognizable.

Poems and fairy tales were not written to order. The only poem when I fulfilled the request was the poem “Twins”.

Lyudmila: Tatyana Leonidovna, your poems make wonderful songs, who noticed that your poems fit perfectly with music?

Tatyana Leonidovna:

Vologda talented composer - Vladimir Andreev - was one of the first to write the wonderful song “Fingers” and it is still sung with pleasure in kindergartens. His songs - based on my poems - were performed on the Morning Star "At Cinderella's Ball." They are very melodic and unique.

Other amateur composers also published their collections of my poems, but I like V. Andreev and V. Ermakov the most.

Here is an audio recording of one of my favorite songs, “The Snow Princess” (verses by T. Petukhova, music by V. Ermakov).

I really liked it when my son and daughter-in-law sang songs based on my poems.

Lyudmila: Tatyana Leonidovna, what is your hobby?

Tatyana Leonidovna:

I love classical music and really enjoy playing with my grandchildren.

I have a lot of meetings in kindergartens, schools, hospitals - with children.

Petukhova Tatyana Leonidovna

Lyudmila: Tatyana Leonidovna, which of the children's authors do you like most?

Tatyana Leonidovna:

Of the children's poets, I like Marshak the most, and of the modern ones - V. Berestov.

Everyone who writes for children can learn something useful. But there are, in my opinion, poems that are too instructive, boring, or they play with rhyme for the sake of their narcissism. But children don’t need this at all.

Writing for children is not only difficult, but also very responsible. How will our Word respond to a child’s soul?

Lyudmila: Tatyana Leonidovna, you have 2 children and 7 grandchildren. Is it true that they love grandchildren more than children?

Tatyana Leonidovna:

It’s hard to say who is loved more: children or grandchildren. Adult children will support us without unnecessary emotions and give us the right advice so as not to drown in the stormy stream of everyday problems.

With adult grandchildren you need to be a wise diplomat, not impose anything and at the same time make sure that they perceive your advice as their own and not lose their respect.

Everything we dreamed about is behind us.

And ahead is decrepit old age,

How long does the heart have left to beat?

Alas, just a little bit.

Again sadness crept up insidiously.

But there is bright joy in my life!

When they cuddle, they kiss my hands

My beloved sweet grandchildren!

Respectable age obliges you to think and be sad about what you can’t fix.

But also to believe, even when you are over 70 and are oppressed by bodily infirmities. WITH God's help everything is overcome and then bright hope always remains in your heart. that the best is yet to come!

Cheerful laughter of the guys, smiles.

Their thoughts, feelings and actions,

And all the high dreams

Gusts of bright kindness

Let them always be with them.

And most importantly - LOVED!

Our children will be loved.

And life, believe me, will become more beautiful.

They are the basis of all life.

Above earthly existence.

Let's give children joy. light.

May the cup of troubles pass them by

And preserve the holy WORD!

Low bow to everyone - PETUKHOVA /Vologda

Tatyana Leonidovna, once again congratulations on your birthday! Live happily ever after - to the delight of your loved ones and us, the readers!


We are glad to introduce you, dear readers, to the work of the poetess Tatyana Leonidovna Petukhova, author of wonderful poems for children.

Tatyana Leonidovna Petukhova is a native Vologda resident, born on February 3, 1942.

Education - secondary technical, worked as a curator in the Vologda region at the CSTI (center for scientific and technical information and propaganda). For 15 years she headed the bureau of rationalization, patent research and technical information at the Vologda Machine Tool Plant.

She began writing poetry during her school years.

First book "Sun"(Petukhova T.L. Sunshine: Poems: for preschool age / T.L. Petukhova. - Arkhangelsk: North-West book publishing house, 1982. - 17 p.: ill. - Circulation 10,000 copies. ) The poet S. Vikulov said about the book “Sun” that “indeed, just as much light and warmth emanates from it as from the sun.”

Book by T. Petukhova "Shaggy Gift" was noted

Special Prize of the Russian State Library (Diploma) in the category “Children’s Literature”.

Script of the play in verse “The fate of the family is the fate of Russia” Tatyana Petukhova was awarded Certificates from the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation

Poems by Tatyana Leonidovna were included in a collection of literary local history

From the book summary "Good word": “Poems by Vologda poetess Tatyana Petukhova are about children and for children. Kind, mischievous, cheerful, they teach kindness, hard work, and open the doors to children into the world of complex and endlessly interesting human relationships.”

Read a selection of Tatyana Leonidovna’s poems on our website

Poems for children "My family"

Poems for children "My home"

Gift to Santa Claus

Poems about spring "Spring chime"

Fairy tale in verse "How an ant found a baby elephant"

More details can be found on the website “Vologda poetess Tatyana

Leonidovna Petukhova “Dreams of different heights”

Read more:

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