Caring for Chinese cabbage in a greenhouse. Growing Chinese cabbage in a greenhouse. White cabbage in a greenhouse

From time immemorial, cabbage has been a favorite crop for summer residents, although it is quite capricious and constantly requires attention. It is from fresh cabbage that delicious, rich cabbage soup is obtained, and how healthy is an appetizer from sauerkraut with cranberries! The variety of cabbage varieties has increased the number of recipes for diligent housewives. Along with the traditional white cabbage, they grow Chinese, Savoy, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, Beijing sprouts, and even broccoli, a storehouse of minerals and vitamins. It has long been noted that all cabbage varieties are very moisture-loving, but although they are not afraid of cold weather, low temperatures can destroy them. In order for the harvest to be generous and the heads of cabbage to be tight, it is advisable to grow cabbage in a greenhouse where ideal conditions for the demanding vegetable.

If you decide to choose “early ripening” for planting, you should pay attention to the most popular varieties among summer residents:

  • “Number one K-206” grows in 120 days and gives a yield of 30-40 kg per 10 m². The heads of cabbage ripen at the same time, they are small in size, medium density, round in shape and weigh up to 2 kg. The leaves grow in a small rosette. The stump is short. The variety is recommended to be consumed fresh in salads. In areas of the north-west of the country, shooting is possible during a long spring.

“Number One” should be harvested on time, otherwise the heads of cabbage will become cracked and the quality of the product will decrease

  • “Golden Hectare 1432” ripens 110-130 days from the moment the seedlings peck, a little later than “Number One”. A couple of weeks after the first formed heads of cabbage appear, the entire harvest can be harvested. This variety is not prone to cracking. The heads of cabbage are white, round in shape, of medium density, their weight reaches 3 kg. The socket is larger than that of “Number One”. Medium stump – 7-18 cm.

“Golden hectare 1432” is suitable for both fresh consumption and fermentation

  • “Ditmarskaya Rannyaya” grows earlier than other varieties - 50-70 days after planting, and this is much earlier than “Number One”. It is distinguished by high marketability of heads of cabbage and uniform yield. The shape of the heads of cabbage is round, slightly flat, and the density is average. Average weight- one and a half kilograms. From 10 m² you can harvest 30-40 kg of crop.

“Ditmar early” and other early ripening varieties are recommended to be grown in greenhouses

Beijing cabbage in a greenhouse

Chinese cabbage is early ripening, and planting it in a greenhouse guarantees very early ripening. Growing up, it forms a rosette from the leaves, in other words, a loose head of cabbage. After 20-40 days from the moment of germination, it is already possible to harvest.

Seeds have the ability to germinate even at 4-5˚С, although the optimal growing conditions are 16-18˚С. Loose, fertile soil allows the root system to fully develop. Usually 1 or 2 g of seeds are sown per 1 m². Until the shoots appear, the temperature should be about 20˚C, then it is gradually reduced to 10˚C. Further, temperature indicators depend on the time of day: up to 16˚C at night and up to 22˚C during the day.

If seedlings are used for cultivation, then they are taken at 20 days of age and placed in the ground, taking into account a feeding area of ​​20x20 cm.

Chinese cabbage is used in greenhouses to thicken tomatoes or cucumbers. In this case, the soil should be thoroughly fertilized, with 30 g of superphosphate, 4 kg of humus per 1 m², using ammonium nitrate and potassium chloride. During the growth process, 1 or 2 feedings are carried out with ammonium nitrate and potassium salt. The temperature regime remains the same as that of the main crop.

Growing Cauliflower

Cauliflower is one of the most demanding crops. It requires not very high temperatures and high humidity, since in other conditions the formation of heads is disrupted.

The spaces between the rows of cauliflower are filled with dill, lettuce, radishes, sowing them in lines, the distance between which is 10 cm

The seedlings are placed in greenhouses in March or early April, planted in two rows, the distance between which is 60 cm. The age of the seedlings should not exceed 45 days, otherwise they will not take root well.

Regular plant care includes the following operations.

The heads are harvested before they fall apart. By the way, healthy plants with powerful leaves can produce a second harvest if you carefully cut off the first head. Leave 1-2 strong shoots, the rest are not needed. Watering and fertilizing are carried out as usual. If you properly care for the plant, you can get heads weighing up to 500 g.

Growing broccoli in a greenhouse

This plant can tolerate low temperatures, even frosts, so in the middle zone it is often planted in open ground, to the beds. In non-Black Earth regions, broccoli seeds are sown in greenhouses as early as March. Shoots appear on the 3rd or 4th day, and after 10 days 3-4 true leaves grow.

Broccoli heads cut early in the morning last longer

If you take seedlings, then planting occurs at the end of April. The temperature in the greenhouse should not exceed 18˚C during the day and 12˚C at night. It is recommended to plant 35-40 day old plants with 5-6 true leaves.

It is important to properly prepare the area allocated for planting broccoli seedlings. Since the fall, it has been dug up, limed and fertilizers applied: 30 g of superphosphate, 5 kg of manure, 20 g of potassium salt, 25 g of ammonium nitrate - per 1 m². In spring, you can also effectively fertilize the soil; compost or humus, superphosphate, garden mixture, and ammonium nitrate are suitable.

Caring for broccoli is traditional: loosening, timely weeding, hilling, watering to a depth of 40 cm. Even before the flowers bloom, the central heads should be removed so that they do not become loose and tasteless. By cutting off the heads 10-20 cm in diameter, they also grab a 10-centimeter part of the stem, which is also edible. After 2-3 weeks, slightly smaller offspring mature - up to 6 cm.

White cabbage

First, white cabbage seedlings are grown, and then they are transplanted into a greenhouse. Plant productivity depends on the quality of seedlings.

Cabbage does not tolerate acidic soils, so they should be neutralized with lime.

  • Growing seedlings

Experts recommend using biofuel-powered greenhouses; in this case, you can start seedlings from March. Some summer residents make homemade steam beds: a pit 30 cm deep is filled with biofuel and a layer of soil, and covered with film on top.

Sowing is done in soil heated to 20˚C, having previously prepared the seeds: the largest of them should be kept in warm water (50˚C) for 20 minutes, quickly cooled, dried and treated with a nitrophoska solution. When the seeds are sown, the greenhouse is closed and insulated. On the 4th day the first shoots will appear, therefore, during the day the cover must be removed. Picking occurs when the first leaf of the seedlings pecks. After this, the temperature in the greenhouse should be 10-12˚C.

“Correct” seedlings are strong, with a lump of earth entwined with roots

Feeding seedlings should be done carefully so that the leaves of the plants are not damaged by fertilizers. Watering is moderate, without waterlogging, better in the morning.

  • Relocation of seedlings to a permanent place

Before transplanting seedlings, the greenhouse should be ventilated, leaving the windows open around the clock. There are requirements for seedlings: early varieties have 3 leaves, late varieties have 5 leaves. In addition, it must have a sufficiently developed root system. The stem of healthy seedlings is lilac-green. When replanting seedlings, you should not shake off the soil from the roots. After about 8 days, the first watering should be done when the plant has taken root in the greenhouse.

  • Caring for cabbage in a greenhouse

Balanced fertilizers for cabbage contribute to its full development

The main condition is to comply temperature regime and do not overheat the plants. In addition, they need to be watered regularly, fertilized with nitrogen and potassium, and do not forget that cabbage does not tolerate shade - it develops correctly only with an abundance of light.

Proper care guarantees a high yield

Whatever variety you choose, growing cabbage in a greenhouse is much easier than growing it in open ground.

Water the cabbage and take care of it and it will thank you with a generous harvest

If you prepare the seedlings correctly and follow the principles of growing cabbage, you are guaranteed a stable and rich harvest. Don't forget the popular wisdom: cabbage loves water and good weather.

There are a huge number of varieties of Chinese cabbage in the world selection. The harvest of such vegetables can be obtained in any climate zone, but subject to certain rules.

For example, early varieties feel better in greenhouses. In the southern regions of our country, it is necessary to shade plants, which will create a shortened daylight hours.


An early ripening variety, it has excellent taste and a pleasant aroma. The fruits are used for preparing salads and other dishes and are suitable for heat treatment. Vegetables are cylindrical in shape, elongated with dense loose leaves, light-colored Green colour. The growing season for the Victoria variety is within 2 months.

Orange Mandarin

An early ripening variety that can be grown throughout the warm period. Under favorable weather conditions, the fruits of the crop ripen 40 days from the moment the seedlings are planted in open ground. The heads of cabbage are small, their weight does not exceed 1 kilogram. The variety tolerates stressful situations and is suitable for cultivation in Siberia.

A shade-tolerant, early-ripening variety with a growing season of 40-42 days. This cabbage has fairly large and wide leaves and tasty pulp. The maximum weight of a head of cabbage is 1.5 kilograms. Sowing seeds for seedlings is carried out in the second ten days of April; grains are sown in open ground from mid-May.


Mid-season variety, has large fruits weighing up to 2.5 kilograms. The heads of cabbage are elongated in shape and have tightly fitting dark green leaves. Pomegranate exhibits resistance to many diseases, especially necrosis. The first cabbage harvest is obtained 70-75 days after sowing the seeds.


The variety is suitable for growing in greenhouses and open ground. This is an unpretentious plant, resistant to sudden temperature changes. The heads of cabbage are bright green in color, weighing up to 2 kilograms. Beijing Express can be used for cultivation in Siberia.


An ultra-early variety, ripens 35 days from the moment the seeds are sowed in the greenhouse. The heads of cabbage are small, juicy, suitable for making salads.

The mid-late variety with a growing season of 70 days is quite difficult to care for, so it is better to grow this vegetable in the southern part of our country. The heads of cabbage are dense, weighing up to 2 kilograms.

Growing Chinese cabbage in open ground and in greenhouses requires the selection of certain varieties. The most popular of them are:

  • "Beijing Express" It belongs to the mid-early variety and ripens in about 70-75 days.
  • "Pomegranate". It is classified as mid-season and ripens in 65-70 days.
  • "Lyubasha." It is classified as mid-season and ripens in approximately 68-72 days.

Spring varieties are sown directly in open ground starting from late April - early May.

Chinese cabbage is a highly productive and early-ripening vegetable; it is profitable to cultivate it even in winter in greenhouse conditions. The growing period is short, so during the summer season it is easy to get several harvests of a useful product.

When cultivating Chinese cabbage, it is worth using different varieties of the vegetable; a varied choice will help to avoid poor seedlings or low-quality planting material. Most often, Russian gardeners plant Chinese cabbage varieties Bokal, Michel, Bilko, Lyubasha, etc. on their plots.

The Chinese variety Glass grows in 70 days, a head of vegetable reaches 2 kg. The peculiarity of this species is that the plant is resistant to stemming (the appearance of flowering stems). The Bilko variety is an early ripening species, resistant to various diseases, and is rarely affected by pests.

It is worth highlighting the Chacha variety - a very early species, this Chinese cabbage, the cultivation and care of which does not require much effort, can be obtained 45 days after sowing. The plant has a universal purpose and grows weighing up to 3 kg. The Beijing vegetable called Michel is also an early ripening species.

In the spring, some varieties (hybrids) of cabbage are planted in the greenhouse, others in the fall, and there are also universal varieties that are equally suitable for spring and autumn plantings. To obtain high yields, you should give preference to hybrids. They have the F1 marking next to the name on the packets of seeds.

When choosing a particular variety of Chinese cabbage, the heads of cabbage are evaluated to determine what quality they want to grow. Varietal characteristics are different. One type is stored for a long time, another is not, the third is ideal for pickling.

When purchasing seeds, the main thing to pay attention to is the ripening period of the variety. Using them, they determine the period when the heads of cabbage are ready for harvesting, calculate the planting time, plan the planting pattern, and draw up a work plan. According to reviews from summer residents who grow Chinese cabbage in greenhouses, the following hybrids performed well during spring sowing:

  1. Spring beauty. An early-ripening crop with good bolting resistance, rarely sick, and productive. The growing season is from 55 to 65 days, the weight of the heads is 2 kg, the yield is about 7 kg/sq. m.
  2. Spring jade. From an area of ​​1 m², up to 9 kg of heads of cabbage are cut, each weighing at least 2 kg; there are also larger specimens weighing 3 kg. Heads of cabbage form early. It takes only 50 days from sowing to cutting. Immunity and taste qualities tall.

In autumn, summer residents prefer to plant varieties long-term storage. If in the spring the goal is to obtain an early harvest for summer consumption, then in the fall cabbage is sown for winter storage. The characteristics of hybrids suitable for this purpose are given in the table.

Chinese Select, Miss China - forms that are universal in terms of planting time, giving good yield during spring and autumn planting. In terms of ripening time, these are early ripening forms; cutting of heads of cabbage begins after 45-55 days. The weight of the fruit is decent - up to 4 kg.

Before you figure out how to grow Chinese cabbage in a greenhouse, you need to choose the right variety. Thanks to the painstaking work of breeders, many varieties were born vegetable crop with improved yield and cold resistance.

The most popular varieties of Chinese cabbage for growing in a greenhouse:

  • Monument. With proper care, the Beijing vegetable weighs more than 3 kg;
  • Wineglass. Thanks to the delicate structure of the leaves, the heads of cabbage are ideal for fresh consumption. Average weight – 2 kg;
  • Stonefly. An early ripening variety of Chinese cabbage, the ripening period of which is less than 40 days. Heads of cabbage weigh 300 g;
  • Autumn jade f1. A variety for autumn growing. Head length 50–60 cm, weight – 3 kg;
  • September f1. An early ripening variety that is immune to plant diseases and resistant to sudden temperature changes. The weight of vegetable heads is 1.5 kg;
  • Marfa. Universal early ripening variety. Less than 40 days pass from emergence to harvest. Cabbage is resistant to bolting and tolerates a lack of sunlight well. Heads of cabbage weigh about 1 kg.

All that remains is to choose the appropriate option.

Happy owners of heated greenhouses can get an early harvest of Chinese cabbage. It will be especially in demand in early spring, when fresh vegetables few and too expensive. Therefore, growing crops in greenhouses is a profitable and promising business.

Chinese cabbage tolerates significant temperature changes well. But in order not to rely on the vagaries of nature and to obtain a consistently high plant yield, the cultivated crop should be provided with the correct temperature and lighting.

Chinese cabbage seeds have high germination even at temperature conditions of 4–5 degrees. The seedlings will tolerate a drop in temperature if the thermometer drops to -3 degrees. But the ideal temperature for growth and harvesting is 14 to 20 degrees. A decrease or increase in temperature from the extremes leads to the fact that the plants shoot out the arrow and bloom.

A special feature of Chinese cabbage is that it blooms during long daylight hours, so the correct development of the heads of the plant will occur during shortened daylight hours. Blooming "Peking" loses its taste properties and is unsuitable for food.

Advice! Peking cabbage is good for compacting plantings of other crops in order to save space in the greenhouse.

Plants are “friends” with cucumbers and tomatoes. You just need to take care of additional feeding of the vegetable crop so that there is enough nutrition for all the plants.

Growing Chinese cabbage in a greenhouse is a good solution. You can control the temperature and light conditions, that is, create the conditions necessary for growing the crop. Which is especially important for the plant in early spring or late autumn.

Varieties for the greenhouse

Success in growing crops largely depends on the right choice seeds for the greenhouse. The main criterion when choosing a plant variety will be the timing of the harvest.

Early varieties of Chinese cabbage can produce a harvest within 1.5 months after planting. They are suitable for growing crops in a greenhouse in the spring:

  • Spring beauty F1 is a cabbage variety that ripens very quickly and tolerates lack of light well. The heads of the plant are juicy, white when cut, weighing up to 2 kg;
  • Spring jade F1 is a variety of Chinese cabbage that is resistant to diseases and temperature changes, especially high temperatures. Does not bloom, is not affected by diseases. The heads of the plant are large, weighing up to 3 kg, very juicy;
  • Stonefly is a leaf-shaped variety, the leaves are succulent, with a high content of vitamin C. 35 days after planting, you can harvest;
  • First vitamins F1 - the variety is suitable for growing in both spring and summer, resistant to flowering and temperature changes. The vegetable harvest is early, the heads of the plant are round and oblong in shape with juicy, crispy flesh.

Description and characteristics

Mid-season varieties include “Lebedushka”, “Swallow”, “Chill”, “Four Seasons”, “In Memory of Popova”. The growing season of mid-season varieties is 50-55 days.

Did you know?
In Asian countries
Pak choi juice is used in cosmetics. He is an excellent remedy for skin rejuvenation.

Bak choy is not particularly picky about soil.
. It can grow even in an unfertilized area. But best place sandy loam or light loam will be suitable for planting.

Soil acidity should range from 5.5 to 6.5 pH. The best predecessor is . It is not recommended to plant pak choy in a place where another variety grew last year.

It is also undesirable to plant bok choy in one place for more than two years in a row.

Asian cabbage appeared in Russia only in the 19th century. Over many centuries, the plant has gone through many stages of selection, as a result of which several varieties of this type of crop were formed. Hybrid varieties have gained great popularity, as they are able to take root even in the harsh conditions of temperate latitudes.

Cabbage belongs to the herbaceous plants of the Cruciferous family, which also includes broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower, turnip, radish, daikon, etc. Chinese culture is a biennial plant that is cultivated as an annual. Cabbage leaves are presented as tender and juicy plates with a triangular or flat central vein.

The leaf blades of the plant are added to salads, soups, side dishes, and marinades. East Asia is known for its traditional dish kimchi, which contains pickled Chinese cabbage.

Today there are two main types of Asian cabbage:

  • Chinese cabbage
    . This species is very popular outside of Asia. In our country it is often sold under the name “Chinese salad”. White stems with wide pale green leaves curl into loose, elongated heads of cabbage. Chinese cabbage is used for pickling and preparing salads.
  • bok choy
    . This species is smaller in size than its Beijing counterpart. Smooth, dark green leaf blades do not form a head, but are located on thick stems around a central point. It is this variety that is most often grown by Asians. IN Lately bok choy began to be actively grown and sold in the United States and some European countries.

Despite their external differences, both types of plant crops contain large amounts of vitamins and other beneficial substances, which makes them suitable foods for a healthy diet.

The first thing to consider before choosing a planting time is that Chinese cabbage grows well only in short daylight conditions. Due to this feature, it is better to plant the crop in early April or August. To prevent plants from bolting for a long time summer days Reflective screens are installed near the plantings. Growing Chinese cabbage in a greenhouse will be successful if the daylight hours are shorter than 12 hours.

Despite the fact that seeds germinate at a temperature of 4–5 °C, the best temperature for the formation of dense heads of cabbage is 16–22 °C.

Important! Sudden temperature changes should not be allowed in the greenhouse, because Chinese cabbage reacts to them by shooting out arrows.

To sow crops in a greenhouse, select varieties intended for cultivation in a certain season. So in the spring, hybrid plants are planted in the greenhouse on the packaging or in the name of which it is indicated that they are intended for this period. If the time of year does not coincide with the growing period of the selected variety, the cabbage will begin to bolt. To prevent such a course of events, it is better to choose universal varieties for planting, such as the “Chinese Select” and “Mis China” hybrids.

Description of culture


After the first shoots appear, the seedlings are moved to a well-lit windowsill. At this stage of development, the room temperature must be maintained at 7...8 degrees. A loggia or glazed balcony is best suited for this.

Further care of the seedlings consists of periodic watering with warm, settled water. The soil should be moistened as the top layer of the nutrient substrate dries. After carrying out these procedures, it is necessary to carefully loosen the soil, which will prevent moisture stagnation.

1851 07/28/2019 5 min.

Many summer residents and gardeners are trying to grow Chinese cabbage. But attempts are not always successful. You can get a good harvest even twice a year by following simple growing rules.

Peking woman in the greenhouse

Varieties suitable for growing in a greenhouse: Marfa, Khibinskaya, Lenok, TSHA-2, Fl Champion, Bokal, Bokken, Rodnichok.

The most important condition for growing Pekinka in a greenhouse is to create the necessary microclimate: humidity and temperature. The temperature should be 15-20°C. If it gets hotter, the bushes will begin to “shoot arrows” - flowering stems. Typically, seedlings are planted in a greenhouse in early May. But if the greenhouse is heated and lit, then Chinese cabbage can be grown in winter.

Watering should be moderate. It is better to feed with nitrogenous fertilizers. If the soil is acidic, it is worth adding lime, then the cabbage will grow better.

Chinese cabbage is planted in rows or “spots” between tomatoes and cucumbers. By the time they grow, the heads of cabbage are already harvested.

On the windowsill

Fans of Chinese cabbage can grow it on the windowsill. Seeds are sown in prepared deep boxes with soil, in furrows, at a distance of 8 cm between rows. You should try to sow rarely, to a depth of 1 cm, leaving a distance of up to 5 cm between the seeds.

A box with seedlings can also be placed on a balcony or loggia, if the temperature there does not fall below 15°C. Chinese cabbage will be harvested within a month. The varieties Dunganskaya, Kaesong, Khibinskaya are suitable.

There is another technology for growing Peking cabbage on a windowsill: use cabbage purchased at the market, and “plant” the remaining root cuttings in a jar of water. New leaves should appear soon. There won’t be enough for cabbage rolls, but there will be enough for a sandwich or salad.

Chinese cabbage can be grown in the garden, in a greenhouse, and even on a windowsill. Cultivation will not cause much trouble; the Peking plant will delight you with the harvest, if you take into account some nuances regarding planting time, temperature, care and pest control.

Chinese cabbage attracts gardeners with its high yield and early ripening. And consumers love it for its tender, juicy leaves and wonderful taste. This variety of cabbage can also be used for salads, including spicy, Korean ones, and for preparing traditionally “cabbage” dishes – cabbage rolls and borscht. It is soft, but at the same time elastic, the leaves quickly boil without emitting a specific smell, which not everyone likes.

Some general information

Chinese cabbage can be grown both in open ground and in greenhouses, obtaining 2-3 harvests per year. The main thing is to choose the right varieties, and then you can count on high-quality vegetables with a high content of vitamins and minerals. Thus, there is twice as much vitamin C in Chinese cabbage as in white cabbage, and it lasts much longer in cabbage heads.

As the name suggests, the variety was bred in China; at first it was grown only there and in other countries of Southeast Asia. The variety appeared in Russia and the CIS countries relatively recently, and while domestic gardeners do not have enough experience in growing an unfamiliar vegetable, there are some peculiarities in this matter that cannot be ignored.

Why is it convenient to grow Chinese cabbage in greenhouses in Russia? The answer is simple - it is a plant of short daylight hours. That is, you can count on getting a good harvest only when planting in spring or autumn, when the days are not too long. The greenhouse allows you to provide normal temperature and humidity for the plant. The air should be heated to 15-20 degrees, with humidity within 70-75%. This vegetable does not like sudden changes, and in unfavorable conditions it can go into arrows.

In summer, when daylight lasts more than 12 hours, cabbage throws out arrows with seeds. Her heads of cabbage are tied only if the daylight hours are shorter than 10-12 hours - that is, in spring and autumn.

Where to begin?

Growing any plant begins with choosing the right variety. And these figures for Beijing are respectable – up to 1 ton per hundred square meters. In spring, it is best to opt for the Spring Beauty and Spring Jade varieties.

The second time, Chinese cabbage is grown in a greenhouse closer to autumn, so that the harvest is ripe by November. During this period, Autumn Jade, Autumn Beauty and September are planted. All varieties are labeled F1, which means a first-generation hybrid variety.

Autumn varieties do not tolerate heat well, preferring coolness and freshness; if you lose sight of this point, instead of heads of cabbage you will end up with arrows with useless seeds, since the seeds of varieties marked F1 cannot be used for planting - nothing good will grow from them.

But, you can purchase universal seeds suitable for both spring and autumn planting. These are Miss China and Chinese Select - these varieties delight with their large fruits - their weight is about 4 kg, and their length is up to half a meter. Cabbage ripens 45-55 days after planting.

Conditions in the greenhouse

The greenhouse can be made from any suitable materials - polyethylene film or polycarbonate. It should be warm, without cracks and drafts, but with good ventilation.

To grow cabbage in winter, it is necessary to install heating devices. Cabbage seeds germinate at a temperature of 5 degrees, but the plant will need more heat to develop, and it must be stable throughout the entire period from germination to harvest.

13 degrees will be enough for her; the temperature can rise to +20 degrees, but more is no longer required. Both cold and heat have the same effect on the Beijing tree - it throws out arrows and begins to bloom.

In winter and on cloudy days autumn weather, daylight hours are extended artificially, using phytolamps, fluorescent lamps, or incandescent lamps. It should last about 10 hours.

In a greenhouse, pekinka can be grown simultaneously with plants that require a similar temperature and light regime - radishes, radishes, onions, lettuce.

The Pekinka loves light and fertile soil. The soil must be disinfected, because in the greenhouse there are no frosts that destroy bacteria and fungi. This procedure is carried out with a weak pink solution of manganese, or a light solution of copper sulfate. Prevention will prevent the development of diseases such as blackleg, powdery mildew and other problems in plants.

As a rule, cabbage is grown in a greenhouse using the seedless method, sowing the seeds directly into the ground. work can begin in March-April. Make shallow grooves in the soil and place seeds in them at the rate of 1-2 grams per square. Let the grooves be shallow - 1-1.5 cm, sprinkle the seeds with earth and water.

But you can pour water directly into the grooves and sprinkle the seeds with dry soil. This will require much less water for irrigation.

Before seed germination, the temperature in the greenhouse is maintained at +20 degrees, then it is gradually reduced to +10 degrees, and maintained for a week. Then the heat level is maintained between +15 degrees at night and +22 degrees during the day.

If you decide to grow seedlings first, you will need separate cups for this; the stems of Pekinka are very delicate and can break during transplantation. The seedlings are moved to a permanent place at the age of 3 weeks directly in cups, the bottom of which is cut off. Sometimes gardeners place 2-3 seeds in a glass, and then leave the strongest sprout.

Peking seedlings are not buried when transplanted, and then not hilled - this care differs from caring for white cabbage.

With any growing method, the distance between plants should be about 30-40 cm, and between the grooves - up to half a meter. You can plant it more densely, but in this case, the plantings are thinned out as they grow, using the torn vegetables for salad.

Is it difficult to care for Chinese cabbage?

If everything is done correctly from the beginning, maintenance will not cause much trouble. As you know, any cabbage loves moisture, but its excess causes root rot. Therefore, it is better to water as the soil dries, and preferably with settled, warm water.

Caring for any plant is not complete without weeding; weeds are removed by hand or with a hoe and taken outside the greenhouse so that pathogens do not develop in them.

Beijing's favorite fertilizers are nitrogen and organic matter. During the time from sowing to ripening, you need to carry out 1-2 feedings with minerals and organic fertilizers. This is provided that all necessary additives have already been added to the soil during preparation.

The plant must be protected from the cruciferous flea beetle; to do this, sprinkle it with ash, a mixture of ash with mustard and ground red pepper, or simply plant mint, thyme, wormwood, celery, garlic and onions nearby - pests do not like these odors.

When to harvest?

When growing Chinese cabbage, you need to remember that it is not kept in the ground until the head of cabbage is fully formed; this can lead to flowering and bolting. In addition, some varieties do not produce heads of cabbage at all.

A week before harvesting, watering is stopped; this is no longer necessary. You can cut off the heads when they gain a weight of 500-600 grams. The selected specimen is cut off at the bottom of the rosette, leaving a few covering leaves on the head. For long-term storage and transportation, each head is wrapped in cling film and placed in a cool room with a temperature of 0 to +5 degrees. The remaining leaves are removed along with the roots and can be used as pet food.

Chinese cabbage, daikon planting in August. Daikon root vegetables have antiseptic and bactericidal properties, which makes them effective means to fight colds and infectious diseases. Daikon can be used to combat atherosclerosis and rheumatism. Unlike its relatives - horseradish and radish - daikon contains extremely little mustard oils and glycosides, so it does not stimulate cardiac activity and can be consumed by everyone without exception.

Thanks to its high content of vitamins, daikon strengthens the immune system, and its phytoncides kill germs. Daikon removes excess fluid from the body, cleanses the liver and kidneys, stimulates the stomach and intestines, and is even able to dissolve gallstones. Some researchers claim that raw daikon neutralizes the effects of radioactive radiation. Daikon roots and greens are recommended for weight loss.

Early cabbage in the south of Russia Educational film

Film produced by VTRK "LUCH". Applications for shooting videos and videos, posting on the Internet should be sent to: [email protected]
The film is about how to grow a good harvest of early cabbage and get high profits. Seeds, agricultural technology, catalog of varieties.

(discussion of the peculiarities of growing vegetable crops)

Light Cabbage is photophilous and loves open southern and southeastern slopes.
Ph soil acidity 6,7-7,4
Watering Chinese cabbage Chinese cabbage loves frequent watering by sprinkling.
Preparing for landing Chinese cabbage seeds are not soaked before sowing.
Fertilizers The area for cabbage is prepared in the fall by adding liming agents. Fertilizers for cabbage are applied in the spring: organics- 1 bucket per 1 m² and in each hole 2 tablespoons of superphosphate, 2 cups of wood ash, 1 teaspoon of urea.

In the phase of two true leaves, the first foliar feeding is done. seedlings cabbage To do this, half a tablet of microelements or half a teaspoon of complex fertilizers with microelements are diluted in 1 liter of water, and the seedlings are sprayed with this solution.

Good predecessors Good precursors for cabbage can be green manure, carrots, potatoes, onions, legumes, grains, and cucumbers.
Bad Predecessors Predecessors for cabbage cannot be cabbage, beets, tomatoes, turnips, radishes, radishes. You can return cabbage to the garden only after 4 years.
Cabbage planting time Sow Chinese cabbage seeds in early spring in greenhouses or in beds under film.
Planting scheme Chinese cabbage seeds are sown according to the pattern: 20x12 cm.
Planting depth Cabbage seeds are planted in moist soil to a depth of 1.5 cm.
Problems Diseases and pests of cabbage: blackleg, clubroot, mucous bacteriosis, downy mildew (peronospora), cruciferous flea beetles, cabbage fly, snails, slugs, aphids, cabbage cutworm and white moth.

Many diseases and pests can be controlled folk remedies.

Many plants in joint plantings are able to take care of their neighbors and protect their.

Care and cultivation 20 days after planting, the cabbage is earthed up. Repeat the hilling after another 10 days.

Plants and soil in the garden bed can be dusted with wood ash(1 cup per 1 m²) from pests and as a top dressing.

Varieties of Chinese cabbage Cabbage varieties: Glass, Nozaki, Champion, Khibinskaya (Povir)

Text: Elizaveta Yurieva

Early greenhouses can be used starting from the end of February, medium (semi-warm) - from mid-March; late (cold) - from late March to early April.

Any gardener tries to think through the plantings in the greenhouse so that the land is not empty. Crops that are grown in greenhouses are divided into preceding, main, intermediate or compacting and winter crops.

The preceding ones include cold-resistant early-ripening vegetable and green crops: spinach, all kinds of salads and salad vegetables, including Chinese cabbage, mustard, dill, radish, early carrots.

The main ones are heat-loving and slow-ripening tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers, eggplants. Seedlings of the main crop can be planted according to the previous crop. For example, tomatoes can be planted mustard. As the planted seedlings of the main crop grow, the previous one is removed.

Compact and fast-ripening species can be planted as compactors along the edges of greenhouse beds or between rows of the main crop: lettuce, watercress, mustard, radish, Chinese cabbage. You can also plant onions or rhubarb and root vegetables for the sake of forcing greens. All this is planted until the main crop has grown and completely occupied the required food area. Then, as the catch crop is harvested, the main crop remains in favorable conditions for growth and development.

Winter crops complete the season in the greenhouse: valerian, parsnip, chicory, sorrel.

Our gardeners fell in love with Chinese cabbage, but before they didn’t want to buy it, so they put it on sale under the guise of salad. But such a small deception only benefited her. People fell in love with Chinese cabbage - it turned out that it was very tasty and very healthy vegetable, healthier than lettuce.

Chinese cabbage can be boiled and stewed, or eaten fresh, like lettuce. Or add to salads with mayonnaise. Chinese cabbage contains important vitamins and minerals, as well as amino acids that help the body function normally (potassium, calcium and iron salts, up to 3.5% protein, 50-60 mg/100 g of vitamin C). The most suitable conditions for its growth: low temperature - 16-20 degrees, short daylight hours. Therefore, the temperature regime of the Leningrad region is very suitable for growing this cabbage. Not with the sun either special problems- in May-June there is usually enough of it, and in our latitudes it is not so bright as to oppress plants. The only problem is that Chinese cabbage blooms quickly in our white nights.

I started working with Chinese cabbage about 15 years ago. At that time there were no modern varieties, which hardly shoot during our white nights, and we had to sow Chinese varieties, which bloomed when sowed in spring. This problem was gradually overcome by the following methods: sowing in early spring, while the nights are long enough. Or in the second half of summer, when the white nights ended. Spring sowing is good because you can get an early harvest of vitamin-rich greens, earlier than the lettuce harvest. It is also necessary to take measures to rapid growth greenery during spring planting: when planting Chinese cabbage seedlings, try not to disturb the roots so that the plants do not waste time restoring them, and plant the plants in fertile soil so that the roots do not have to waste time searching for nutrients in the soil. And one more thing: you should not thicken the crops, because this also provokes flowering of the plants. And, of course, it is important to choose a variety that is resistant to flowering.

Modern varieties and hybrids of Chinese cabbage.

In recent years, Dutch hybrids of the F1 type Bilko and Manoko have appeared, which produce beautiful, tight, long heads of cabbage weighing up to 2 kg and almost do not bolt. Now these varieties are rarely on sale, so I switched to the domestic variety Vorozheya, bred here at VNIIR. N. I. Vavilova. It also has a long head of cabbage, at the top of the head of cabbage the leaves diverge a little, and shoots much less. It can be sown at any time - early spring and summer. The F1 Cha-Cha hybrid also appeared. Both varieties of Chinese cabbage are recommended as resistant to early flowering. True, in practice it turned out that their percentage of flowering plants is simply significantly lower than that of unstable varieties.

Of the new hybrids of Chinese cabbage created by the Breeding Station named after. N.N. Timofeev, the following clubroot-resistant F1 hybrids can be noted: Tenderness, Little Miracle - with a growing season of 45-55 days. Heads of cabbage weigh 300-800 g, not very dense, the leaves are juicy and fleshy. When the temperature drops below 15 degrees in early spring, they begin to bloom. Hybrid F1Hydra - resistant to clubroot and flowering, heads of cabbage with finely blistered leaves produce a head of medium density in 50-60 days. Later ripening hybrids F1 Knyazhna, Kudesnitsa, late ripening hybrid F1Nika - form dense heads of cabbage weighing more than 1.5 kg, are resistant to clubroot, the heads of cabbage are well stored.

I usually sow Chinese cabbage for the first time in early spring, in April, in a greenhouse. I sow several plants in open ground in May and June. Usually I try to give the May-June plants an artificially shortened day during the first two weeks of their life: I cover them from light in the evening and open them in the morning. During this time, they develop a program aimed at growing the head of cabbage, not the color.

I use the first Chinese cabbage plants at the stage of four to five true leaves as fresh salad. I simply thin out the crops, pulling out excess plants.

Chinese cabbage grows very intensively and interestingly: you pick one leaf from the plant, after which the next one, much larger than the previous one, quickly grows on it. The leaves are sweetish, tasty, with a subtle cabbage smell, but vegetable oil or mayonnaise, sour cream interrupt this smell.

It is better to sow Chinese cabbage for heads in the second half of July. Then any variety will not shoot, and a good dense head of cabbage will be ready by autumn.

To sow Chinese cabbage, you need to prepare a place with fertile soil, like for our ordinary cabbage. Add half to a full bucket of humus, depending on soil fertility, and a couple of tbsp. spoons of azofoska per sq. m area. Fresh manure is strictly contraindicated: you can burn the roots and the plants will be depressed. It is necessary to deoxidize the soil to pH = 5.5-7, because this cabbage, like all cruciferous vegetables, can get clubroot. To the delight of gardeners, many new varieties of Chinese cabbage are genetically resistant to clubroot.

Seeds are planted in the soil to a depth of 3-4 mm. Crops sprout very quickly - in 2-3 days, if the weather is warm - about 20 degrees. You can grow this cabbage through seedlings that are prepared in a greenhouse. Or at home on the windowsill, or in the loggia. To do this, you can sow around the middle to last ten days of April, and plant in the ground in mid-May. Since Chinese cabbage seedlings are not very happy about transplanting, it is better to grow each plant in its own container, and then do a careful transfer.

Gardeners have successful experience in growing Chinese cabbage seedlings in sawdust - in bulk, in one volume. Then the roots are almost not injured when transplanting seedlings, and the seedlings then take root easily. And they begin to sow seedlings in sawdust, sowing 2-3 seeds every 10 days.

A small nuance: Chinese cabbage seedlings planted in beds, and plants sown with seeds, grow very quickly, spreading large leaves to the sides, each of them quickly becomes a large plant, so the seeds should not be sown thickly. First, sow Chinese cabbage seeds every 10 cm, and after repeated thinning into salads, leave 35-40 cm between plants for early ripening varieties and 40-50 cm for later varieties - you will get just the thing. The second nuance: at a young age, Chinese cabbage grows very poorly if it lacks moisture. Because it has a shallow root system. Therefore, you must either plant it in a place where there is enough moisture, or water it, preventing the soil from drying out. If hot, dry weather sets in and there is no way to provide watering, it is better not to sow, wait until it gets colder or rains. Because in dry weather, cabbage will grow poorly, but the psyllid will have unbridled freedom. However, overwatering is also harmful, as the cabbage can get sick.

If the weather is sunny while Chinese cabbage is growing, the cabbage will produce wide leaves and dense heads. In the absence of sun, the leaves grow narrower, and the heads of cabbage turn out to be looser, but they still turn out.

Beijing cabbage requires good nutrition throughout the growing season, so it needs to be fed regularly. Every 2-3 weeks it is necessary to fertilize with nitrogen fertilizers. Mullein grows great, but if you don’t have it, you can get by with mineral fertilizers. For fertilizing, experts recommend not ammonium, but nitrate forms of nitrogen fertilizers, so that, as they say, they do not disturb metabolic processes. However, other experts advise, on the contrary, not to use nitrate fertilizers for fertilizing, because in this case nitrates accumulate in the cabbage. So do whatever you want, get out of it. Many gardeners do it simply, without thinking about nitrates: they feed them with fermented nettles. And many don’t feed them at all. If the soil is decently fertile, cabbage will grow just fine. If you overdo it with nitrogen fertilizing, damage such as edge burn may appear on the edges of the leaves.

And, of course, there is no way to do without pest control of Chinese cabbage. As soon as the first shoots appear from the ground, the psyllid immediately attacks them. She really loves the tender leaves of Chinese cabbage. Here you need an eye and an eye. In the morning, when there is dew, sprinkle the leaves with sifted ash, do this at least every other day, for a couple of weeks, until the leaves become stronger and coarser. The rest of our cabbage pests have not yet appreciated Chinese cabbage. Cabbage whites rarely visit her. But slugs don’t disdain. Therefore, in the evenings, pieces of burdock leaves should be laid out between the plants, green surface down. In the morning, collect these pieces along with the pests hiding under them and immediately bury them in the ground for fertilizer. IN Last year gardeners noticed an invasion of cabbage by snails. In general, Chinese cabbage will not let you get bored.

The last harvest of Chinese cabbage is harvested in the fall, before the onset of severe frosts. Cut the heads of cabbage, spreading several outer leaves to the sides. You can cut it earlier, when the heads of cabbage become dense enough. The outer leaves eaten by pests must be removed, the heads of cabbage should be wrapped in newspaper, and on top of it - in thin polyethylene and placed in a cool place for storage. Periodically replace the moistened newspaper with dry one, then the cabbage will not rot. It can be stored in the refrigerator until the New Year. You need to eat this cabbage without cutting off a piece of the head, like our white cabbage, but gradually tearing off leaf by leaf. Then it will be stored until the last sheet without spoiling.

Fly in the ointment: according to scientific research, Chinese cabbage is a vegetable with a very high level nitrate content - 1500-4000 mg/kg - this is its genetic feature. (Let me remind you that the daily dose of nitrates for a person is 5 mg/kg of human weight, i.e., 350 mg is required for a person weighing 70 kg). The largest amount of nitrates is contained in the veins and petioles of leaves, and there are more nitrates in the outer leaves than in the inner ones. If cabbage is grown in low light conditions, in a greenhouse, more nitrates accumulate in it. At a moderate temperature (15-18 degrees) and good lighting, less nitrates are obtained. Therefore, it is recommended to harvest Chinese cabbage during the day, then the nitrate content is reduced by 30-40% compared to the morning hours. It is not recommended to feed cabbage before harvesting. You need to give it at least two weeks to “digest” the nitrates from the previous feeding. Of course, at home, hardly anyone estimates the amount of nitrates in their harvest. If you have doubts and fear, you can soak the petioles in water for 1-2 hours. At the same time, they lose up to 30% of nitrates. During cooking, up to 70% of nitrates are lost. Usually the petioles are boiled and fried, and the tender part of the leaves is used in salads.
