Onion's relationship to temperature. Features of growing leeks in open ground Are leek seedlings afraid of frost?

Leeks are grown for the sake of the false bleached stem - the so-called stalk (it is white inside, and the outside is wrapped in 1-2 film scales from the leaves).
You can also eat early greens, they are still tender and also very healthy. In general, this crop is grown as an annual plant, but if you leave a few leeks of mid-season varieties in the winter, then in early spring, in May you can get fresh greens. Early ripening varieties have the most tender greens. Over time, greens acquire an unpleasant taste and become coarse. In the first year of life, leaves and a false stem are formed; in the second year, a tall, up to 1m50cm thick stem is formed at the end of which is an umbrella, consisting of a large number of flowers, from which seeds are formed.
But in our climate, the seeds do not have time to form and there is no point in this. Leeks, with their powerful root system, are an excellent natural soil fertilizer and therefore very good as a predecessor plant!
In Siberia, it is necessary to choose only early and mid-ripening varieties, since late-ripening varieties have slow development and do not have time to ripen.
Varieties differences:
  1. Early ripening varieties are intended for harvesting in August or early September. They are distinguished by a straight, high (more than 25 cm) false stem, light green leaves with a faint waxy coating. The leaves are loosely arranged. Plants are not resistant to cold.
  2. Mid-season. They are characterized by thick, cylindrical and slightly thickened false stems at the bottom of an average size of 15-22 cm. The leaves are powerful, green or gray-green in color. Cleaning takes place in early October. Many varieties winter successfully in Siberia!
  3. Late (winter) varieties are characterized by slow growth and high cold resistance. The false stem is short, often thickened at the bottom, the leaves are bluish-green, covered with a strong waxy coating. The weight of the plants is inferior to mid-season varieties. These varieties are not relevant to us at all, in Siberia.

In our climate, leeks need to be planted only in seedlings, since their growing season is on average 180 days. Seedlings are planted in the ground at the age of 60 days.
I sow the seeds on March 15–25, and in the ground on May 20–25. Young leek shoots are afraid of frost! And an adult plant can withstand ground temperatures down to –17 degrees in winter. In autumn frosts – up to –7 degrees


Seedlings must be grown without picking, often ventilated (if it is stuffy, it will begin to stretch out strongly).
  1. I take land, preferably purchased, universal.
  2. I fill the container with loose soil to 10 cm. I level the top layer and compact it a little.
  3. I pour a small layer of fresh snow on top, about 3 cm.
  4. Place the seeds on the snow at a distance of 1 cm from each other. Or then carefully thin out. But it’s better not to touch it, but to lay everything out right away. I also sprinkle with AVA fertilizer. I cover it with film.
  5. When the snow melts, cover the seeds with 0.5 cm of soil, no more!!!
  6. Under a closed film, at a temperature of 20-22 degrees, i.e. indoors, seedlings appear 6–8 days after sowing the seeds. But if they didn’t germinate, it means the seeds were overdried in the warehouse. And you will have to wait a few more days for seedlings.
  7. Remove the film and place the seedlings closer to the light.
  8. I feed the seedlings with complex fertilizer twice when the cotyledon leaf withers. If the seedlings outgrow and become very elongated, then they need to be trimmed (greens) and fed again.
  9. On May 20-25, on the finished beds (I make one strip along different beds and single plantings in those places where there is room), I make furrows 10 - 12 deep, if very elongated, then 14-15 cm. And several times during the summer I hill it up to get a well-bleached leg.
  10. I sort the seedlings by removing them from the container. I don’t use small, stunted seedlings. Leeks tolerate transplantation very well!
  11. I cut off the roots of each by 13 - a must!!! I cut off all the leaves to the first young leaf - a must!!!
  12. I lay the seedlings slightly on one side!!! into the groove. If this is a row, then between plants it is necessary to maintain 8 - 10 cm in all directions.
  13. I pour plenty of water into the groove. When the water is absorbed, I sprinkle the roots with soil and level the plant, giving it a vertical position.
  14. During the summer it is good to feed it with mullein (diluted cow pats infused in water - 1:4 per 10 liters of water and at the rate of 10 liters per 40 plants). I do it at the following times: 1st time - 3 weeks after planting; 2nd time - somewhere in mid-June; 3rd time - mid-July.
Don't forget that he loves watering!!!

Many people also advise steaming the seeds, for better germination, in a thermos with water, the temperature of which is about +50 degrees, but it seems to me that this is a big hassle and there is a risk of simply steaming them. I replace this procedure with snow.

For several years we have been growing TANGO leeks. It produces a very thick bleached part. Frost-resistant - I left a few pieces in the winter to check, so that there would be greenery in the spring. This is a mid-season variety. I cleaned it in September. Last year we also tried the KARANTANSKY variety. Although it is considered to be late-ripening, its growing season is 180 days. I also liked it - the leg height is long, about 25-30cm. We store it in a vegetable store, stuck in a box with sand. It also lasts a long time in the refrigerator, in a bag. Or you can freeze it, marinate it, etc. We love to eat it in salads and fried with meat. And Leeks along with parsley and a clove of garlic for flavor - so yummy! Add this mixture to boiled rice or buckwheat and you get a very spicy side dish - either for meat or fish.

Leeks have this trick. If you don’t pull it out when harvesting, but dig it up to the root and cut it off like a mushroom and sprinkle it with soil, then next year you can get very tasty (sweet and sour) numerous, but not large, PEARL onions from this root. The shape is similar to a regular bow. Actually, leeks are pearl onions, only modified.

The most difficult thing in this culture is hilling, because it’s lazy!

Leek. Secrets of growing

Many families love leeks, especially soup made from them; salad also turns out delicious. Not everyone who wants to grow this onion for the first time succeeds in growing it properly. Therefore, you need to know the secrets that we reveal to you.

Leeks should be sown at the end of February, with the seeds pre-soaked in a regular flower pot. It is better if it is cylindrical in shape and not narrowed to the bottom, the diameter is at least 15 cm. There should be a hole at the bottom for water drainage.
In most cases, seeds from domestic producers are used, but it has been noticed that leeks and root celery grow better from imported ones.
Pour soil into the pot to 2/3 of the height. We wet or place snow in a 2cm layer to better see whether the seeds are evenly distributed. We fill them with 2 cm of soil, cover the pot with a transparent plastic bag (to maintain humidity) and place it in a warm, possibly dark place.

Every 2-3 days, remove the bag from the pot, lightly water it and put it back on. As soon as the first green loops appear, remove the bag. We place the pot with seedlings on the windowsill on the sunny side. To protect the roots from hypothermia. Styrofoam is placed under the flowerpots. When the temperature reaches above zero on the balcony or veranda, we take out the seedlings. It is important to remember to cover it from direct sunlight. All care for leek seedlings comes down to watering.

As soon as it’s time to plant leeks in open ground, thoroughly loosen the soil. We dig a V-shaped groove 15-16 cm deep. We put humus on the bottom, mix everything with a little ash, water it well and plant leek blades. For each plant, it is necessary to cut off the root, leaving 3 cm, and the above-ground part should also be cut in half. We straighten the roots and carefully sprinkle them with soil. The bow turns out to be a trench that serves as protection from cold winds

When the leek starts to grow (although this will not happen immediately), we begin to gradually add soil to the stems!!! from the walls of the trench. We water only in very dry weather and weed a couple of times. The more the plants gain strength, the more soil we add.

By the time the onion is ready, a tall bleached stem is obtained, for which it is grown. If you don’t do this, the onions will turn out almost unbleached and tasteless.

Is it possible to leave leeks for the winter?

Leeks are a biennial plant of the onion family. In the first year it forms flat linear long leaves and false thickened stems, which are used for food. In the second year, the plant forms flower shoots up to 150 cm high. If you leave it to winter in the soil, you can get seeds in the second year (although, according to some experts, seed production of this crop is only possible in southern latitudes).
The harvest is stored in basements. The thickened stems are sprinkled with sand, leaving the ends of the leaves uncovered. Optimal storage temperature 0...+1 degrees; relative air humidity - 80-90%.

How to store leeks

We remove wonderful leeks from the beds in October before the onset of frost. How to store leeks? If there is not much onion, it can be stored for several months in the refrigerator, but when an excellent harvest has grown, it is better to store it in the cellar. With proper storage organization, you will be provided with this miracle all winter, if you work a little now. We dig up the leeks with a shovel, carefully pulling them up by the leaves.

We select a suitable container so that the onion can be placed vertically in it. It is recommended to trim the roots and leaves by a third.
Place some soil from the garden bed at the bottom of the container and install the onions

And sprinkle the roots with a little damp soil or sand

We use leeks for cooking delicious salads and other dishes. The green leaves can be dried and used as a seasoning.

Creamy leek soup

This leek soup recipe is perfect for a Lenten and vegetarian table. Despite the low calorie content, the dish perfectly satisfies hunger. To prepare you will need:

6 leeks;
A tablespoon of vegetable or olive oil;
Vegetable broth;
400 gr. potatoes;
A pinch of ground nutmeg, black pepper.
In a saucepan, fry the leeks in vegetable or olive oil, add diced potatoes and pour in vegetable broth. Cook for about half an hour and then puree in a blender or food processor. Transfer the cream of leek soup to a saucepan and season nutmeg and spices and heat for a few minutes. Lenten leek soup can be served with herbs, chives, black bread or croutons.
Bon appetit!


*** I soak leek seeds for a day and sow them in moist soil, they sprout in 3-4 days. I sowed it on February 4. I DO NOT dive, but only trim the top, leaving 6-8 cm. I plant it in the ridge every 10 cm in a row, 30 cm between rows. It grows large up to 4 cm in diameter. It really likes manure.
I sprinkle half of the ridge in the fall and leave it until spring; it tolerates it well down to -35. Spring is the earliest green.

*** if you leave it before winter for the second year, then a bulb will form at the root like a lily, and tastes like a bleached leek trunk, and next to this bulb a new leek will begin to sprout.

*** I left it before winter - it goes green under the snow and green out from under the snow, so you can use it in early spring. Although its leaves are a bit harsh, they go well with eggs in pies.

*** The problem is that leeks take root very poorly when planted. They suffer a lot from the sun, so after planting they need to be shaded, and later too. It is advisable to plant them where there is sun in the morning and evening, but almost none during the day. You need to start hardening off the leeks as early as possible. And when raking the soil to the stems, take measures against slugs, they like to climb between the leaves. Loves feeding from infused grass

Well, mulch, mulch, mulch. Otherwise, you’ll get tired of watering. By the way, marigolds and leeks are like brothers, they like each other

*** I’ve been growing it for a long time and for some reason I’m succeeding - I plant it in early March (Ural) in a tall tin can, in May I plant such sprouts as a needle and thread in a row of 10 cm in rows every 30 - then I hill it up so that the leg is bigger and in 2011 year, due to circumstances, I didn’t remove everything from the ridge and went into the winter - in the spring it came out as it was in the fall and we immediately used it for food - there is no other greenery and it’s right there - I gave it out to everyone as gifts - by the way, I give it out a lot in the fall - and already this fall I specially left some for the winter and so it freezes well and not only the white leg but also some of the leaves I cut and put the sausage in the freezer - in a narrow cellophane bag - like parsley and dill - then I cut off as much greenery as needed in the winter, add it anywhere

Leeks are widespread in our country, because their cultivation in open ground is not difficult. Planting and caring for leeks practically no different from . Today I decided to write a note about how to plant, care for and generally grow leeks, as well as when to harvest and how to store leeks.

Despite the fact that scientists have been actively working to find out about the homeland of leeks, there is still no reliable information about this. There are certain assumptions that it was discovered in modern Iran-Iraq territory. It is only known that people have used it for food since ancient times. For example, it is assumed that this culture was part of the diet of the builders of the Egyptian pyramids.

Photo: Leek

In general, leeks are herbaceous plants belonging to the Allium subfamily. They classify it as a biennial. Quite often, leeks are confused with onions. Indeed, he is his closest “relative”, but still has his own specific differences. If onion is valuable, first of all, for the bulb itself, then its “leek brother” - for its leaves and stem. Because they are the ones that go into food. But the leek’s bulb is very small or absent altogether.

The leaves of this crop are powerful, strong, one might say gigantic. They can rise above the ground by a whole meter or even a little more. Constantly delight with your active growth. The stem of this crop is beautiful, flexible, slender, which is why it is often called the “handsome pearl.”

What this type of Onion is loved for is its excellent rich taste. It is no coincidence that the “pearl” plant is actively used in cooking. Leeks are especially popular in various European countries; chefs generously season their dishes with leeks. And, of course, the green “handsome” is very much loved in Russia - by amateur gardeners, experienced gardening “gurus”, and culinary masters who also use leeks in the preparation of their recognized masterpieces.

Detailed and useful video about growing leeks. Watch until the end!

Useful information about leeks

There are many unknown facts about this amazing “biennial”:

  • the leek became the basis for the creation of the national symbol of Wales;
  • onion honey of rich emerald color, which can be made from the plant, has a truly unique taste and aroma;
  • If you cook dishes correctly with the addition of this onion, they will have a slight sweetness of a delicate shade and at the same time the desired spiciness - an excellent flavor mix.

But the main thing that distinguishes this “green-white beauty” is its beneficial features. By the way, in these qualities it is superior to its “relatives,” in particular, green onions.

So, leeks are capable of:

  • help in the treatment of joints, especially with inflammatory processes. This is achieved due to the fact that it contains a high content of sulfur compounds;
  • improve the condition of anemia. Because it is rich in iron-containing substances;
  • minimize problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Due, first of all, to the presence of beneficial microorganisms in it, which are able to “build” healthy flora and “beat” inflammation;
  • become a reliable assistant in lowering cholesterol. Again - thanks to the beneficial substances it contains;
  • relieve lung diseases a little. It is known that leeks are a treasure trove essential oils. They are the ones who can reduce the risks that arise with this disease;
  • provide assistance in the treatment of the prostate and intestines. The plant is capable of this thanks to the quercetin it contains.

Also, leeks are often used to treat the liver, gall bladder, ophthalmological diseases, and influenza conditions.

True, it is important to take into account that for certain diseases, onions can, on the contrary, cause exacerbations. In order to avoid all possible risks, it is best to obtain qualified advice from a specialist. But in general, this beautiful “pearl” plant has no special contraindications. And, on the contrary, it pleases with its healing beneficial properties. These are the benefits and harms of leeks.

Planting leeks in open ground

An amateur gardener who decides to plant leeks in his garden will not regret his decision. Because he will always have on the table a delicious, beautiful plant that can not only give dishes an excellent taste, but also significantly improve the health of the body.

Many, however, are in no hurry to make a decision about planting this particular type of Allium on their plot. The reason is that they do not know how and when to plant leeks. It is believed that both the planting process and care will be very labor-intensive. Indeed, harvesting a good harvest of leeks means trying very hard in advance. Especially since you have to deal with seedlings.

But you shouldn’t be afraid of all the details and subtleties. In order for everything to go successfully and with minimal effort, you just need to follow certain recommendations:

1. To plant leeks in open ground, you should choose soil such as loam. This has already been time-tested, so it’s better to actually do it this way.
2. When the beds are being prepared for the next season in the autumn, it is good to add compost to the site where the leek is supposed to be planted. About 6 kg per 1 square meter is enough. m of land.
3. When the long-awaited spring season has arrived, you need to refill the beds with compost or, if you don’t have one at hand, humus. This time you will need approximately 3 kg per 1 square meter.
4. Attention. The beds should not be dug up. And even more: you don’t need to do this.
5. By the way, it is better to form an area for planting leeks where cucumbers, potatoes, and tomatoes used to grow. Or cabbage, legumes.
6. If you don’t know when to plant leeks, I’ll tell you that an excellent and most suitable month for planting is May.
7. Immediately before the process itself, both the roots and leaves of the seedlings are shortened. You will need to remove about 1/3.

  • If the gardener has time and the necessary means at hand, it is better for him to coat the roots with the so-called mash - this is a kind of mix of manure and clay (the latter are taken in equal proportions). If you apply this method, the leek harvest will truly please the diligent gardener;
  • then corresponding grooves are formed in the ground. Please note that they should not be small, but deep. This is approximately 16 cm;
  • When the grooves are formed, ash is poured. There shouldn't be much of it. After this, thoroughly saturate the soil with water;
  • the next stage is that the leek seedlings are laid out in the previously prepared place - one piece per groove, of course;
  • and then everything is simple. You just need to cover the roots with soil. Approximately half of the groove and do it again. True, this time it should be minimal, since there is already water inside the grooves.

What else is important to know about planting leeks? If you know for sure that the weather is far from warm, it is better to protect the onion seedlings by using regular covering material.

More helpful information: if you planted leeks in such a way that there is quite a lot of space left between the rows, you should not leave this “gap”. Because leek is a very peaceful plant, what is meant here is that it loves good neighbors in the form of strawberries, carrots, cabbage, celery and even the onion “brother”. So feel free to plant these crops nearby. You’ll save space and please the “sociable little gem.”

There are additional recommendations on how to plant leeks. In this case, there are two main options. The first recommended planting pattern for leeks is two-row. It differs in that the plants need to be planted so that there is approximately 20 cm or a little less between them. And the width of the row spacing should be somewhere around 33-34 cm.

The second scheme is multi-row. In this case, the distance separating the seedlings is quite small - 11-15 cm. As for the width, it should be at least 20 cm and, at a maximum, 30 cm.

Photo: Growing leeks

Growing leeks in open ground

As already mentioned, many gardeners are in no hurry to make a choice in favor of planting this particular crop in their garden plot. And the main fears and concerns are precisely related to the fact that they will have to first grow leek seedlings, so they are delaying growing leeks in open ground.

But if you arm yourself with the advice of experienced gardeners, you can special problems and the cost of time, material, and effort to grow onions in open ground.

First you need to prepare this very soil, and also find a suitable container where the crop will grow in the future, and ordinary polyethylene, or rather, plastic film.

It is important to begin all work on planting leek seeds in special seedling boxes in a certain season. For these events, the best annual period is the end of February - the first days of March. In this case, already in mid-April it will be possible to sow in a greenhouse, only, of course, insulated. And at the end of this month - in open ground, under film.

So, let's begin the process of growing leeks in open ground:

  • the seeds must first be placed literally for a couple of moments in hot water. Recommended temperature regime– plus 40-45 °C. We immediately cool them by placing them now in cold water;
  • We take ordinary gauze and place seeds there that have been bathed in water of different temperatures. We give them time to peck and germinate. It should be taken into account that future plants placed in gauze cannot be left in a cold room - they prefer a comfortable temperature of +25 ° C. Then we wait a few days. Interesting point: leek seeds can be stored without problems for a 3-year period;
  • When the required time for growing leeks has arrived, several days have passed, we take pre-prepared containers - pots, for example. And fill them with soil. Just not dry, but moisturized. We sow the material in rows, the distance between which is about 4-5 cm. The grooves can be made to a depth of 1 or a little more than a centimeter;
  • then, protecting what is planted, we sprinkle everything with substrate. After this, to provide the greatest protection, we put plastic film on the pots;
  • we send the boxes with future leek seedlings back to a room with a comfortable temperature - somewhere around +23° C. And always suitably lit.

As soon as you see that the first “swallows” are ready to become the future harvest and are boldly striving upward, simply remove the film so that it does not interfere with such impulses of the plants. And here’s what’s important: now you definitely need to change the temperature regime. That is, lower it. During the daytime, the optimal temperature will be +15 °C, at night - +12 °C.

Then we wait again. Now it’s been a little longer – about a week. And again we intervene, becoming again a temperature regulator. Only now it will be necessary, on the contrary, to increase the indicators: during the day they should be approximately +20°C, and at night – somewhere around +13°C.

By the way, after this you will no longer have to adjust the temperature. This level must be maintained until the very end of the leek growing process.

Many people do not pay much attention to issues related to temperature conditions, considering this factor not so significant. This is a serious gardening mistake. Illiterate adjustments or their absence at all can lead to undesirable consequences.

When growing leeks has lasted 30 days, a moment comes that requires thinning measures. Young crops are processed as follows: between them there should be a space of 2 cm or, at a maximum, 3 cm - this is, of course, in the same row. After this, another, equally important process is carried out - the leek is picked. “Kids” dive into small potted containers, their diameter can be 3 or 4 cm.

Caring for leeks in open ground

Caring for young shoots is also not so easy. But if we again resort to the necessary rules, everything will work out successfully.

One of the basics of competent, effective care for leeks is watering. It must be correct and timely. One should not think that providing water to onions, an unpretentious plant at first glance, is an insignificant event. So, let's water it wisely. To do this, we always adhere to the following principle: water frequently and generously. Yes, leeks are water-loving. And this should be remembered by those who expect a rich harvest from seedlings.

The second significant point in caring for leeks is the loosening process. Here, approximately the same principle is followed: due attention should be paid to loosening activities, and everything should be done on time. We loosen with the following frequency: once every seven days or at least once every two weeks. The correct approach in this case will ensure the main thing - the necessary supply of oxygen and moisture to the plant.

The third factor that promotes growth well is, undoubtedly, hilling. These processes are carried out when it is already obvious that the leek has “pulled up” and is actively growing. Then you just need to carefully and regularly hill up - about once every half month. Gradually, although a little later than hilling, mulching processes are being introduced. This is done using ordinary dry grass. Or - paper with increased density, which is easy to wrap around the stems.

Also, we must not forget about such an important event as feeding. By the way, many gardeners completely refuse this procedure. And, of course, to the detriment of yourself and the future harvest. Caring for leeks in open ground is an important agricultural technique and the need to feed leeks should not be ignored. And then the onion will thank you with a truly excellent taste, which is inherent specifically to it. As for the frequency of these procedures, it is worth noting that it is better to carry them out not so often. About 2 or 3 times during one season. Not much, so be sure to follow this rule. And here’s another important thing: fertilizers need to be alternated: alternately apply organic and mineral ones. – a true “lover” of cow and bird droppings. The first should be prepared as follows: 8 parts water and 1 part fertilizer. Second: 20 parts of water and also 1 part of the litter itself.

Perhaps someone will consider the following advice trivial, but it is still worth voicing. This is the need to carry out weeding in a timely manner. This can also be ignored, many amateur gardeners believe. And, unfortunately, they end up with a meager “leek table”.

When to Harvest Leeks

The most enjoyable part of this whole process is, of course, harvesting the leeks, especially if the leek harvest was very successful. Someone believes that there is no special wisdom in this matter and he knows how and when to harvest leeks. But you still need to adhere to certain standards for harvesting.

When the leek crop is harvested, it is better to carry out all procedures carefully and carefully. Haste is fraught, for example, with the fact that the earth can easily “penetrate” between the leaves.

The second point in the process of harvesting leeks is that it is better to immediately clear the collected soil from the soil. The third is to shorten the roots a little. Pruning should be done so as not to damage the bulbs.

But with leaves everything is much simpler. There is no need to cut them. If you do this, the leeks will dry out quickly. Now let's move on to another important step - storing leeks.

How to store leeks

Perhaps many people believe that the possibilities for storing onions are limited to one or two ways. However, this is not the case with leeks. It provides a real wealth of choice in this regard. And, I’ll tell you how to store leeks.

Storing leeks carried out in several ways:

1. The simplest one is to store leeks in their normal state, that is, fresh. This way it will retain its properties and beneficial qualities for a long time. To do this, you can place the onions, for example, in the refrigerator. You just need to remember the following: you cannot leave collected onion stocks without proper supervision. It often happens that a housewife who has placed a green harvest in the refrigerator simply forgets about it due to a lot of trouble. And when she suddenly decides to surprise guests or loved ones with a delicious onion stored in a cold place, she gets a far from disappointing result. Many stems withered or even began to deteriorate. The point, of course, is that this housewife should have periodically checked her supplies. And sort out fading, spoiling plants. If you do not carry out this simple, but such the right job, as a result, healthy leaves become infected from those that are no longer suitable for consumption. It is better to remember this well and always take some kind of inventory of the products stored in the refrigerator.

2. An interesting method of storing leeks is the so-called shortbread method. The onions are placed in the sand immediately after the harvest has been produced. The most suitable container for this is a simple box into which sand is poured. Its layer should be approximately 6 cm. Do not forget that the onion should be stored vertically in this case. It is important to take care of the appropriate temperature. It’s good if you can maintain the regime at 0 ° C. If all conditions are met, the onion will quietly remain in the sand granules, retaining all its properties, for about six months.

3. Freezing leeks is one of the options for storing leeks in winter. In order to properly carry out “leek freezing”, you must first resort to the following procedures. The leek is cleaned very thoroughly, washed and dried well. Next, you need to cut it into regular pieces and blanch it. There is no need to blanch for a long time - only about 4 minutes. Then the mass is cooled and placed in ordinary bags. 4. You can also use food containers for greater convenience. The harvest, stacked accordingly, is sent to the refrigerator, or rather, to freezer. It is important. The recommended temperature is 17-18 degrees with a minus sign. By the way, if all this seems too labor-intensive, you can freeze leeks without resorting to blanching.

4. Storage of leeks such as drying for the winter is often popular. What are dried onions used for? Of course, as an excellent seasoning. Second question: where to dry leeks? The answer is just as simple. It could be a regular oven. True, there is one here important nuance. If the oven temperature is too high, there is a risk that the onions will lose much of their beneficial properties as a result. To prevent this, dry the onion in an oven heated to no more than +50 °C. Those who do not have time for all these procedures can be recommended to use quick method drying. To do this, you need to preheat the oven to +150 °C and keep the leek there for about 18-20 minutes. Housewives who use the drying method especially like the fact that in the resulting form the onion no longer has its specific bitterness, which may not be to everyone’s taste. And it gives a very pleasant, delicately sweet taste. With this seasoning, any dishes prepared from meat or vegetables acquire a unique piquant taste.
You can also store onions on the balcony without much hassle. It will withstand mild frosts. And even in this case it will delight you with a pleasant taste. Moreover, when slightly frozen, the leek does not lose its taste qualities. So the balcony is a suitable place for storage. Here you need to return to the method of storing in the refrigerator. There are important details here that have not yet been mentioned..

To properly preserve the leek harvest in the refrigerator, it is best to select large and strong “representatives” of leeks. Then you need to thoroughly clean them and be sure to shorten the lower part - that is, trim the roots. Next, without resorting to packaging yet, we cool them. The temperature should be approximately the following: 1-2 °C with a minus sign or, as an upper limit, +2 °C. As soon as everything is sufficiently in the desired state, the onion is quickly packed. Not just plastic bags are suitable for this process - they must be perforated. It is optimal if 7-9 stems are placed in one package. If everything is done correctly, the onion will remain in this state for almost six months without any problems.

There are a few more useful tips, which no longer relate to the leek storage process, but are also very important. It is not necessary to harvest the entire crop from the beds. It’s good to leave a couple of plants for the winter. Then in the spring you will have the opportunity to taste the first harvest without any hassle or problems. And also - stock up on your own seeds for the future.

If you liked these tips on wintering leeks, do not forget to do the following at the appropriate time. Be sure to provide warmth to the plants before winter - using covering material. This can be peat, only in dry form, as well as tree branches - ordinary spruce branches. Plants that are properly covered for the cold period will “return” your May money with young green shoots.

Attention: a fact that is important for lovers of not only the taste of leek, but also its healing qualities. Wintering is an excellent time to accumulate vitamins in leeks. Many people believe that in winter, leeks “give up” their “advantages” to this cold season. It turns out that everything is quite the opposite. He does not lose what is useful, but generates and multiplies. It is no coincidence that he is so loved by fighters for healthy image life, which is based on the regular consumption of large amounts of greens.

I completely forgot to say about this important point like lighting. And during the sowing period, pecking of seeds, and during the growth of leek seedlings and, of course, at the stage of care, the plant must be provided with the best light conditions. Since leeks, as already noted, love not only an abundance of water, but also an abundance of light. It is important to ensure in advance that the seedlings have the opportunity to grow in a well-lit space. And the beds where they would be planted were also in the most illuminated area.

All the recommendations given in my note are the basis for a decent future leek harvest. Of course, every gardener has his own secrets for growing his favorite plants. And many are accustomed, given their experience, to ignore the wishes of other experienced professionals. Of course, this approach is fraught with corresponding consequences. So the best option- follow basic rules, which are cited by gardening “gurus”, and support them with their opinions on how best to plant leeks, care for leeks and grow a good harvest of leeks. By following this essentially simple strategy, you will get the main thing - the joy of being able to grow delicious, healthy leeks on your own.

If my note is about growing leeks in open ground, as well as planting, care and storage was useful to you, leave comments and share the article on in social networks. Happy leek harvest everyone.

Leeks are not as popular as regular leeks, and they are not so easy to find in the country garden.

However, its lovers have long realized that planting this plant on their own is much cheaper and easier.

Moreover, the process of growing leeks is practically no different from the usual cultivation of all garden plants, and also brings a lot of pleasure.

Thus, our article will be entirely devoted to detailed description how to prepare for planting and carry it out yourself in your own garden.

Let’s not forget to talk about how to provide leeks with adequate care throughout the growing season.

What are the features and secrets of planting leeks: let’s get acquainted with all the nuances in order

Leeks have another very beautiful name - pearl onions. Despite the fact that in our country it is not very widespread as a house plant that can be grown directly in your own garden.

However, this plant is a very ancient and useful crop, which is why modern gardeners pay attention to leeks. After all, you can eat not only the stems, but also its tender leaves.

Leeks are usually propagated using seeds, which can be purchased at any specialty store, but direct planting is carried out using seedlings. However, there is the possibility of planting this plant without seedlings, if climatic conditions allow it.

What growth conditions must be provided for leeks or requirements for your garden?

As for the conditions for growing leeks, this plant can be called more heat-loving, since its seedlings are usually planted closer to summer. For his growth need a lot of sunshine and warmth. For this reason, in the vicinity of the leek, and especially on the southern and southwestern side of it, it is better not to plant any vigorous plants.

In a shaded place, leek leaves will not be as richly green, and the taste of onions may also suffer.

Special temperature conditions are needed for seedlings. When growing it in boxes with soil, it is very important that the temperature is not very high. The reason lies in the fact that with a large amount of heat, seedlings can send out flower shoots immediately in the first year, and not in the second, as should be normal.

When sowing seeds, it is best to use peat-perhus pots and peat tablets. They will give the onion seeds a lot of nutrients and will promote excellent seedling growth.

Don’t forget about watering the seedlings with a compost solution. The plant needs them throughout the entire period of growth in a closed space, into which, unlike an open garden bed, nutrients do not enter from the external environment.

When planting seedlings in the garden, there will be no special requirements for the soil, although fertilizing must be done in any case and it is recommended to do this regularly. The only important thing is that the soil should be light, allowing moisture to pass through without problems and not retaining it for very long periods of time.

Under no circumstances should you plant leeks in beds where groundwater can rise to the level of the roots of the plant. This can cause serious harm to the plant.

It is best that the predecessors of this plant in the garden are potatoes, tomatoes with cucumbers, legumes or white cabbage.

Peculiarities of leek planting dates: discussing air and soil temperature requirements

We already talked above about the fact that leeks can be planted different ways and in different terms, which directly depends on the climatic conditions of your region. So, if you sow seeds without seedlings in the south of our country, it is recommended to do this no earlier than May 15.

With good soil moisture and a temperature not lower than 12ºC, the seeds will sprout and grow very soon.

In more northern regions, it is better to choose the seedling method for growing leeks. The fact is that the growing season of this onion is quite long and if seeds are planted in conditions with a short period of heat, it will not have time to ripen to the desired size and condition.

But before you plant the seedlings, you still need to sow them:

  • If you sow seeds in boxes on the windowsill, the best time for this will be the middle or last days of February. In such conditions, leeks will not grow and develop very intensively, but by the time the time is right for transplanting, the seedlings will be quite mature and will be able to easily adapt to new conditions. Another note about this method of growing seedlings is that the length of daylight for leeks should be at least 10 hours. Since this is practically impossible in February and the first month of spring, the plant will have to be artificially illuminated.
  • If your garden has a glass greenhouse, feel free to sow leeks in it already in mid-April. In such conditions, the seeds will sprout very quickly and the growth of seedlings will be quite intense.
  • Leek seeds can also be sown directly on the breast at the end of April, however, until stable warmth arrives, it is recommended to keep the entire bed under film. However, you will have to be very attentive to the germinating grains and the seedlings that emerge from them, so that they do not get stuck under the film and receive a sufficient amount of oxygen and sunlight.

You can plant seedlings in the garden bed as early as May, when the soil has warmed up well. Keep in mind that its growth is slow and it will be ready for transplanting only after 6-8 weeks from the moment the seeds are sown. Readiness for planting will be indicated by the diameter of the seedling stems - 5-8 millimeters, as well as the appearance of 2-3 leaves on it.

What is the preparation and sowing of leek seeds?

The seeds of this onion cannot be thrown directly from the bag into the ground. Before this, they must be pickled, that is, disinfected. This is done very simply and quickly: first, they need to be placed in water heated to 40-45ºC for a very short period of time, and then immediately cooled by filling with cold water.

After this procedure, leek seeds should be poured in a thin layer onto a wet and warm cloth, covered with it and left in a warm place for them to germinate. It is optimal that the temperature does not drop below 25ºС, then literally after 2-3 they will begin to germinate a little.

Then you can dry them a little so that they do not grow together and seem to crumble. After this, you can immediately begin sowing them in the soil. But this preparation technology is more suitable for actually grown seeds, because purchased ones can be immediately sent into the soil, since they are usually sold already processed and germinate easily.

As for the required temperature for seedlings, immediately after sowing the seeds in pots, they must be kept at an air temperature of 22 to 25ºC with appropriate soil temperature and humidity.

Also, the soil is kept under a film, which must be removed after the disappearances appear. Next, the temperature should be lowered slightly to 17ºС during the daytime and to 12 ºС. After one week, the temperature conditions need to be slightly increased, which will provoke more intense growth: during the day from 17 to 20ºС, and at night - from 10 to 14 ºС.

Also, to improve the growth efficiency of future leeks and to ensure that the seedlings thicken, a month after germination it should be thinned out, leaving a distance of 2-3 centimeters between the stems.

Also, it is very important to constantly monitor the length of the leaves of the seedlings, leaving it at approximately 8-10 centimeters. This procedure will have a good effect on root growth and stem thickening.

Seeds are sown in open ground only in the southern regions, but in the middle zone it is better to send them either to boxes with soil or to glass or film greenhouses.

Leek seeds can be stored for a long time. They are able to produce good seedlings even after three years. The main thing is to keep them in a dry and warm place, to avoid changes in temperature and air humidity.

We are preparing beds for planting leeks

The preparation of the beds also cannot be ignored, since the size and quality of the future harvest will depend on it. In particular, in the fall, about 6 kilograms of compost are added per 1 m2, which by spring will have time to partially decompose and significantly increase the level of soil fertility.

In the spring, you can also sprinkle humus or the same compost on top of the bed, calculating the cost of 3 kilograms of fertilizer per 1 m2. At the same time, before planting, there is no need to dig up the bed with fertilizers laid out on it; they will be dug in during planting of the seedlings themselves.

Preparing leek seedlings for planting in open soil

Already at 6-7 weeks of seedling growth, it needs to be gradually prepared for transplanting. In particular, plants need to be hardened off a little so that it begins to get used not to room conditions, but to natural growth conditions. To do this, during the daytime, boxes with seedlings are taken outside if weather conditions permit.

Before planting, the seedlings are pulled out from the previous soil, after watering it. It is recommended to trim its roots and leaves a little, reducing their length by 1/3.

Gardener's advice: in order for leek seedlings to take root better and faster in a new place, before planting, its roots should be dipped in mash. The composition of the mash should include clay and cow dung taken in equal quantities, slightly diluted with water.

Rules and scheme for planting leek seedlings: how to provide the plant with optimal nutritional area?

Leek seedlings are planted in specially prepared holes. They need to be deep enough so that a sufficient amount of rotted humus or compost can be placed at the bottom. For this, 10-13 centimeters will be enough.

Only one plant is planted in one hole, since leeks do not grow in bushes. After this, the seedlings are covered with earth up to half the hole and compacted well.

To ensure that the soil settles as densely as possible, it should be watered abundantly after planting. The most important thing is that there are no air cushions left near the roots that can dry them out.

As for the planting scheme for leek seedlings, this plant can be planted in the following ways:

  • Planting leek seedlings in two rows, which assumes a distance of 15-20 centimeters between plants in one row. At the same time, you need to leave a distance of at least 30-35 centimeters between the rows. This planting is very uneconomical in relation to the distribution of space in the entire garden, but it allows you to grow very large bulbs.
  • With multi-row planting, the onion itself may not reach very large sizes, but the yield still remains high due to the closer planting of the seedlings. In particular, the distance between two plants in one row can be reduced to 10-15 centimeters, and between rows - to 20-30 centimeters.

Gardener tips:

  • Most garden plants, and leeks are no exception, are best grown in narrow beds. This will not only make it easier to care for plants, but will also increase their productivity.
  • If you have chosen a two-row leek planting scheme, then the wide row spacing does not have to be left empty. You can sow either dill or carrots on them, with which leeks have excellent compatibility. Also, a good combination can be achieved with celery, beets, regular onions and even strawberries.

What is the proper care of leeks: we talk in detail about the most important aspects

Only wild plants are capable of growing, developing and bearing fruit well, but those that have been developed by humans require mandatory care. This statement undoubtedly applies to leeks, the thickness and size of which directly depend on the nutritional value of the soil and the regularity of watering.

Loosening the soil around the leek: why and how often should it be done?

Loosening the soil of the bed on which leeks grow is necessary. After all, this procedure not only saturates the soil with oxygen, but also promotes faster penetration of moisture into it, and also facilitates the growth of roots. Loosening is carried out regularly, preferably every 1-2 weeks.

While loosening the soil, it is also important to constantly pour soil into the hole near the leek stem (this is done once the plant stem reaches the diameter of a pencil).

After the hole is level with the soil level, the leeks are hilled every two weeks. This allows you to grow a longer stem with a large white part. This procedure is carried out at least 4 times in one season after watering.

We provide onions with moisture: frequency and volume of watering

Moisture is the basis for the growth of young leeks.

After all, this plant requires frequent and regular attention from the gardener, which would be aimed at determining the state of soil moisture.

In particular, regular and abundant watering of this plant should be carried out, starting from the moment it enters the growing season until mid-summer.

Of course, you shouldn’t overdo it with moisture, which will also negatively affect the growth of the plant.

Do leeks need fertilizing and what fertilizers should be used for this?

In principle, leeks do not need to be fed. But, in this case, it may not be possible to achieve high results. So it’s better to work a little and spend your efforts on feeding this plant.

This procedure should be carried out in the same way as watering, only in the first half of the plant’s growing season. Onions are fed exclusively with solutions that are prepared from bird and cow droppings. The concentration of the first in water should be 1:20, and the second – 1:8. The regularity of such fertilizing will help level out the shortcomings of even the most infertile soil.

How to effectively control weeds in leek beds?

The most effective way Weed control is weeding the beds. Of course, modern gardeners are familiar with the existence of various chemicals that can prevent the appearance of weeds. However, if you are going to grow onions in your own garden, then it is better to grow an environmentally friendly product and walk through the garden bed, removing all the weeds. After all, with a large number of them, the thickness of the onion stems will significantly decrease.

This can also cause an increase in soil moisture. To prevent the garden bed from becoming overgrown with unnecessary plants, you need to weed it regularly.

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Leek - vegetable crop, which does not require special care and therefore is popular among many vegetable growers. Most often, this plant is grown for further use in the preparation of various dishes. It is also often grown for freezing and canning.

Before you start growing such a vegetable, you need to familiarize yourself with the main features of leeks and the nuances of planting them.

Benefits of leeks

Before planting leeks, you should study in more detail the beneficial properties of the plant, thanks to which it is so popular among vegetable growers.

To understand the properties and contraindications, you need to know the composition of the plant. It contains a small amount of calories, so the vegetable is added to the diet during a diet. Bulbs also contain many nutrients and other nutrients that are needed to the human body. In addition, the bulbs have a high content of vitamins B, K, C, A.

The upper leaves of the plant contain a fibrous structure that promotes the proliferation and development of bacteria in the intestines that reduce bloating. Therefore, doctors recommend eating pearl onions for people with impaired performance. digestive system. It is also eaten during elevated blood pressure. Thanks to the potassium contained in the plant, regular consumption of fresh onions normalizes blood pressure.

The vegetable has no serious contraindications. However, doctors still do not advise people with serious diseases of the duodenum to eat it often.

The best varieties

Before planting, it is better to familiarize yourself with the main varieties of leeks, since each of them has its own characteristics.


The bulbs, which are early-ripening types of vegetables, fully ripen by the end of summer. If we talk about the full cycle of fruit ripening, it lasts 120–150 days. Among the early varieties of onions, several of the best varieties are distinguished:

  • Vesta. The most fertile early ripening variety, which grows up to one and a half meters. It has excellent taste and shelf life.
  • Columbus. It is considered the most juicy variety, which grows up to 60–70 cm. Columbus is often added to fresh vegetable salads, as it has a light aroma and delicate taste.
  • Goliath. The lowest early-ripening variety, the height of which does not exceed 40 cm.


Mid-season pearl onions ripen towards the end of autumn. Such varieties are planted less often than early ripening ones, as they have lower yields. Popular mid-season bulb types include:

  • Kamus. A small variety with curved green leaves, the surface of which is covered with a layer of wax. Mature plants grow up to 15–20 cm.
  • Casimir. The most popular mid-season onion, resistant to insects and diseases. When grown in optimal conditions, Casimir bushes grow up to 20–25 cm.
  • Jolant. This variety is considered the most productive among mid-season onions. Jolant is distinguished by narrow leaves and bushes about 35 cm high.

Landing dates and rules

Before growing leeks in open ground, you need to familiarize yourself with the timing of planting this plant. It is recommended to grow the plant without seedlings in the first half of May. The end or mid-February goes well with the seedling method.

Soil preparation

Before planting a particular leek variety, select a suitable area and prepare it for planting. This vegetable grows well in an area with good light, away from tall bushes or trees that may shade the seedlings.

Before planting in open ground, the soil on the site is prepared. This is done not in the spring, but in the autumn before the onset of the first frost. First, the entire area is dug up with a shovel or pitchfork and then 50 grams of urea with Nitrophoska are added to the soil. The next stage of preparation begins in the spring. In this case, everyone square meter gardens are fed with 2–3 kg of humus mixed with compost.

Seedless method

Many people do not know what to do if seedlings die before planting in open ground. In this case, you will have to sow and grow leeks from seeds. To do this, all harvested leek seeds are planted in pre-prepared soil. 2-3 rows are made on the site at a distance of 30-40 cm from each other. On each row, shallow holes are made into which onion heads are planted. When all the seed is planted, the rows are thoroughly watered with water at room temperature.

Seedling method

Leeks are often planted using the seedling method. To use this method, you will have to prepare the seed in advance. To do this, all seeds are treated with aloe juice or growth stimulants. It is also recommended to soak all seeds for 20–30 minutes in heated water with manganese for disinfection.

The prepared seed is sown no earlier than March 20, so that by the end of May the grown seedlings can be transplanted into open ground. Young seedlings are grown in small pots or cups 5–7 cm in size.

Grown seedlings are transplanted when the seedlings grow to 10 cm in height. Planting germinated seedlings is no different from planting seeds using the seedless method.

Features of care

Caring for leeks is mandatory, since the yield of the planted plant depends on it.


To figure out how to grow leeks, you need to familiarize yourself with the peculiarities of watering this vegetable. It is recommended to moisten the soil at least once a week. At the same time, 5–7 liters of liquid are consumed per square meter of garden. In drought conditions, the number of waterings increases to three times a week, since the soil dries out faster in such weather. During the ripening period of the bulbs, watering is reduced.

Top dressing

When caring for leeks, the area must be fertilized. The first fertilizing is applied to the soil before planting, in mid-autumn. During this period, mineral fertilizers with a small amount of organic matter are added to the soil. If after planting the growth of leaves is slow, re-feed. In this case, mullein and urea mixed with 10 liters of water are added to the ground. Three liters of the mixture are consumed per square meter of plot with onions.

Problems during cultivation

When growing and caring for leeks, certain difficulties arise. Often leeks grow poorly and you have to think about how to feed them to improve the growth of planted seedlings. To do this, add organic fertilizers to the soil in the form of compost with rotted humus.

The second common problem is weeds. To get rid of them, you will have to figure out how to properly loosen and weed the ground. It is necessary to hill up the soil regularly. Experienced vegetable growers do this 2-3 times a month so that the weeds do not have time to grow.

Storage methods

Not everyone knows how to store grown leeks in the country. There are three common methods for storing harvested crops:

  • Frozen. This method is popular among vegetable growers, since defrosted vegetables do not lose their taste. To freeze onions, just peel them, cut them into several pieces and place them in the freezer.
  • In the cellar. The most suitable place to store leeks is the cellar. This room will protect the bulbs from frost and rotting.
  • In the apartment. Onion heads are stored much less frequently in residential premises, since the conditions there are not always suitable for storing the crop. In order for the collected onions to be preserved in the apartment, you need to monitor the air temperature.

Popular recipes

It’s no secret that onions are often used in cooking and therefore you should familiarize yourself with the main dishes that are prepared from them:

  • Onion pancakes. To prepare this popular dish, two large onions are grated on a fine grater and seasoned with salt. Then the juice is squeezed out of the grated onion heads. After this, everything is covered with flaxseeds and semolina. The result is a thick mixture that is fried in a frying pan. The pancakes are fried very carefully over low heat.
  • Onions with bacon. To prepare this dish, the head of the leek is cut off and the leaves are cut into strips 1 cm wide. Then 100 grams of bacon is taken, which is sprinkled with salt to taste. Then boil water in a small saucepan and add onion heads, which are boiled for 5-10 minutes. After this, in a separate bowl, mix the grated apple with carrots, prunes and sour cream. The resulting mixture is added to the mold with bacon and onions, and then placed in the oven. The dish is baked for 20 minutes at a temperature of 120–140 degrees.