How to grow chamomile in open ground: planting and care. Large perennial garden chamomile (planting and care) When to plant perennial chamomile in open ground

Garden chamomile belongs to the category of perennial herbaceous plants. It is characterized by ease of care, which allows it to be grown in any area

To successfully grow garden chamomile, you must initially select the correct variety:

  • The most popular variety is the Princess garden chamomile. It has large flowers, the diameter of which can be from 10 to 12 centimeters. This plant stays in one place for up to 4 years. The flowers of this chamomile are very often used to make bouquets.
  • Alaska chamomile belongs to the category of large-flowered plants. Its heads reach 12 centimeters in diameter. This plant reaches a height of up to 90 centimeters. This variety is characterized by unpretentiousness and drought resistance. It begins to bloom in July August. This plant can be planted in the fall, and next summer it will already bloom.
  • The garden chamomile variety Silver Princess is characterized by the presence of snow-white flowers, the diameter of which is 10 centimeters. Plant height is up to 30 centimeters. This variety is very often used in group plantings. Flowering of this plant begins in July and continues until frost.
  • The Winner chamomile variety is quite popular, as it has very beautiful inflorescences. The height of the flowers is from 50 to 90 centimeters, and their diameter is from 8 to 12 centimeters. This variety is characterized by the presence of snow-white petals. This plant grows for 4 years without requiring replanting or dividing the bush. This variety is capable of blooming only in the second year after planting. This garden chamomile blooms from June to August.

Today, there are a huge number of varieties of garden chamomile, which allows you to choose the most suitable option for the design of your plots.

Planting garden chamomile can be done in the following ways:

  • Using seeds
  • From seedlings
  • Dividing the bush

Planting chamomile using any method requires the selection of slightly acidic soils. This plant does not like shade, so it must be planted in sunny places. Before planting, fertilize the soil. If it is acidic, dolomite flour or slaked soda is added. Enough space is allocated for garden chamomile, which makes caring for it much easier. In one place, this plant can grow for up to 5 years.

When planting garden chamomile seeds, you need to choose a sunny place. Seeds should be planted directly into the ground in late May - early June.

Garden chamomile has very small seeds, so in order for them to germinate quickly, they must be sprinkled with a very thin layer of soil. After germination, chamomile needs regular watering. After 4-5 leaves appear on the plant, it needs to be planted with 2-3 flowers. Planting chamomile seeds can also be done in the autumn.

When planting this plant in the spring, you must:

  • So that the air temperature is from 16 to 18 degrees.
  • In order for the seeds to germinate faster, garden chamomile must be sown under a covering material.
  • This plant does not like condensation, so as the chamomile grows, it must be thinned out regularly.
  • Planting chamomile in the ground should be done on neutral soils. This is explained by the fact that this plant does not tolerate wetlands.
  • In order for chamomile to fully grow and develop, it is necessary to add mineral fertilizers to the soil before planting it.

In order to grow chamomile from seedlings, the seeds are sown in March. For this purpose, you need to take good drainage and pour it into the pots. Seeds are planted in moist soil. You can sprinkle the seeds with a thin layer of soil or not at all. During the dive, you can use ordinary plastic cups. In these containers, it is imperative to make a hole at the bottom.

After picking the plant, it must be sprinkled with water from a spray bottle on top and covered with film. The film should not be opened until the first shoots appear. Cups with seedlings are placed in a warm and dark place.

When the first shoots appear, the film is removed from the cup. The cups must be placed on the window, as the seedlings require light.

Seedlings appear 10-14 days after planting. After the threat of frost in May has passed, you can transplant chamomile seedlings into the ground. Planting seedlings. In this case, the distance between the bushes should be from 30 to 40 centimeters.

Another highly effective way to propagate chamomile is by dividing the bush. To do this, you need to dig up a chamomile bush in the spring and divide it into 2-3 new bushes, depending on its size. Dividing the bush should be done with bare hands so as not to damage the chamomile root system. Next, a hole is dug in the ground, the size of which corresponds to the diameter of the new bush. Mineral fertilizers are applied to the bottom of the hole and covered with a layer of soil. Next, the chamomile is planted in the ground and watered. Absolutely all chamomile propagation methods are highly effective, which allows the gardener to choose the most suitable option for himself.

Garden chamomile is a fairly easy-to-care plant. In order for it to fully grow and develop, it needs:

  1. Ensure timely and abundant watering.
  2. This plant really does not like weeds, so it needs to be weeded regularly. Weeding will not only help get rid of weeds, but will also allow air to pass through the chamomile root system, as well as loosening the soil, since this plant loves fertile soils.
  3. Seedlings of this plant that are planted in poppy need to be watered and fed frequently. For this purpose, mullein infusion or nitrogen fertilizers can be used.
  4. Adult bushes of the plant also need feeding. Urea is used for this purpose. It only needs 20 grams per square meter.
  5. In dry weather, the soil is shed with water after applying fertilizers.
  6. If the leaves of the garden chamomile begin to acquire a light green color, then it is necessary to re-feed it. The need for repeated feeding arises only if agricultural practices were not followed when caring for and planting the plant.
  7. The application of mineral fertilizers should alternate with the application of chicken manure, which will limit the possibility of soil acidification, which negatively affects this plant.

Garden chamomile also requires rejuvenation. To do this, five years after planting this plant, the bush on one side must be cut off. Fertile soil is poured into the resulting hole. After three years, the chamomile is rejuvenated, only the root system of the bush is pruned from the other side.

In the autumn, the aboveground part of this plant is pruned.

Garden chamomile is a plant that cannot tolerate too low temperatures, so it must be covered for the winter. Garden chamomile can be affected by thrips. At the first manifestations of damage, this plant is treated with insecticides.

Growing and caring for garden chamomile is quite simple. That is why any summer resident or gardener can decorate their landscape design without putting in much effort.

More information can be found in the video.

An indispensable attribute of a suburban area is a rock garden, in which a wide variety of flowers and herbs grow, as well as the obligatory lawn with shrubs and herbs. And perennial garden chamomile is most often found here. Caring for chamomile is not difficult, because it does not require special attention. And against the background of bright greenery, the yellow or blue heads of daisies will attract attention.

Varieties of daisies

You can enjoy the beauty of daisies for a very long time. But it’s still worth choosing from the whole variety of varieties exactly the one that will look perfect in your garden plot. After all, there are simply many varieties of this amazing flower. The variety of garden chamomile varieties is amazing. You can choose any flower to your liking. They vary in size and shape. You can even choose ones that look like chrysanthemums with their fluffy and luxurious petals, and red terry chamomile also looks very beautiful.

Bushes can have a variety of colors and shades. They can be red, pink, lilac and pale blue. You can also choose daisies with different flowering times. And bouquets of daisies can stand in your home for more than one day and delight you with their beautiful and delicate flowers.

Types of garden perennial chamomile

But it’s still worth understanding the most popular varieties of daisies:

  • Garden chamomile Princess. It has large flowers up to 12 cm in diameter. Its flowers are most often used in creating beautiful and delicate bouquets. And the plant can remain in one place for up to 4 years.
  • Alaska - refers to large-flowered plants. Its head can reach 12 cm in diameter. The plant is quite tall, can reach a height of 90 cm. This variety of daisies is a drought-resistant plant. Peak flowering occurs in July and August. The plant is planted in the fall, and in the summer of next year the plant will delight you with flowers.
  • The Silver Princess is characterized by the special whiteness of the petals on its flowers. This variety is most often used for group plantings, which makes it simply irreplaceable when creating alpine slides and small original flower beds. This plant begins to bloom in July, and finishes blooming its beautiful cups before frost.
  • The Pobeditel variety is considered no less popular. Its snow-white inflorescences delight owners from July to August. They do not require dividing the bush and replanting for 4 years after planting.
  • Fiona Coghill has pompom-type flowers, reaching up to 10 cm in diameter, with small bright yellow flowers inside.

Today there is simply a huge number of varieties of garden daisies, which allows you to choose the best option for yourself.

How to grow daisies and propagate them

You can grow a flower in a variety of ways: by seeds; dividing the bush; seedlings. The flower requires slightly acidic soil. Then, no matter how you grow it, it will take root and begin to delight you with its beautiful and delicate flowers.

The plant does not like shade, so you should choose a sunny place for it. And before landing you should fertilize the soil thoroughly. If the soil in the area is too acidic, its acidity should be reduced by adding soda or dolomite flour. The more space you leave for planting and growing the plant, the easier it will be to care for it.

Planting by seeds

Plants are planted with seeds directly into open ground in early May. It is worth remembering that the seeds of Persian chamomile are very small, and therefore for their speedy germination they should be sprinkled with a small layer of soil. After the first shoots have appeared, they should be carefully cared for.

In particular, you need Water the sprouts regularly and abundantly. After 4–5 leaves appear on each plant, they need to be planted in two or three bushes side by side. You can also plant chamomile seeds in the fall, then with the onset of warm days you will see the first tender shoots.

When planting a plant in the spring, you need to follow these rules:

  1. The air temperature should not fall below 16 degrees.
  2. For better seed germination, they need to be sown under covering material.
  3. Crowding is not good for the plant, and therefore the bushes should be carefully thinned out as they grow.
  4. The soil for planting must be neutral. Chamomile does not tolerate waterlogging.
  5. Be sure to add mineral fertilizers to the soil before planting.

Propagation by seedlings

To grow a plant from seedlings, little preparation is needed; the seeds should be planted as early as March. First, you need to lay out high-quality drainage at the bottom of the container. Seeds should be planted in moist soil, and they should be sprinkled with a thin layer of soil, or not at all.

Diving should be done in plastic cups or peat pots. You must make a hole in the plastic cup to drain water.

After this, the pots should be covered with film and stored in a dark and dry place. When the first shoots appear, the film should be removed. Seeds needed moisturize thoroughly so that they sprout as soon as possible. And after the seedlings emerge, the cups with seedlings need to be placed on the windowsill, because the plants will need light and warmth.

Seedlings should be planted in open ground after the frosts have passed. It happens at the end of May. Planting in open ground is carried out in bushes of two or three at a time. The distance between them should be at least 40 cm. This is done so that in the future the plants do not intertwine with each other and do not interfere with each other.

Shrub division

An equally popular method of planting Persian chamomile is dividing the bush. This is done like this: in the spring, the bush is completely dug up and divided into two or three parts. In this case, all work must be carried out with bare hands.

This is done so as not to damage the roots of the plant. The plant can reproduce in this way every year. And it will begin to bloom in the same year. Growing chamomile should be done in stages:

  • dig a hole slightly larger than the root system;
  • put mineral fertilizers on the bottom;
  • they need to be covered with soil;
  • plant the plant and sprinkle the roots with soil;
  • water thoroughly.

All methods of growing chamomile are extremely effective. Therefore, every gardener can choose the one that is right for him.

Features of chamomile care

Growing garden chamomile does not cause much trouble for the owner. In order for the plant to fully develop, you just need to follow some rules:

Garden bush daisy can have quite large heads when it begins to bloom. But for this the plant needs to be periodically rejuvenated. This is done by trimming one side of the bush. But every year you need to alternate sides. And in the fall, it is important to trim the plant to the soil in time. This will help it not freeze in winter and there will be no need to cover the chamomile for the winter.

Garden chamomile (Chrysanthemum maximum) is a herbaceous perennial belonging to the genus Daisy and the Aster family. It is characterized by strong and elastic stems, the height of which, depending on the type, ranges from 30 to 100 cm.

The smooth, dark green leaves have a bipinnate shape and a light ornamentation. The flower of most species reaches a diameter of two to 15 cm and consists of a bright yellow center and flat white or yellowish petals with a delicate, sweetish aroma. Ripe fruits are very small achenes. Garden chamomile should not be confused with meadow, medicinal or Chinese chamomile, which can also often be found in garden plots.

Garden chamomile: the birthplace of the plant and options for use in garden decoration

The countries of the Mediterranean, South Africa and East Asia are considered the birthplace of modern large garden chamomile, where it grows in natural conditions. In our country it is grown as an ornamental plant in gardens. Thanks to its unpretentiousness, discreet beauty and long flowering, it has found wide application in landscape design. It is used to decorate flower beds, mixborders, lawns and borders.

The flower is especially suitable for areas decorated in a rustic style. In this case, they are planted near the porch of the house, around tall trees and in the recreation area. In flowerbeds and lawns they are combined with mint, lemon balm, yarrow and calendula. They also look great against the backdrop of tall decorative poppies and surrounded by marigolds.

Chamomile: characteristics of plant species

Decorative garden chamomile has a large number of varietal varieties. The most common of them include:

  • North Star. This is a very common and popular variety among gardeners. A branched, strong bush grows up to seventy centimeters in height. The flowers are quite large, blooming lasts from early summer until autumn;
  • Garden princess. The most common chamomile found in garden plots. Its dense and elastic shoots reach up to thirty-five centimeters in height. Large inflorescences reach ten centimeters in diameter. This variety begins to bloom in mid-July and continues until early October;

  • Silver Princess. This variety is a low-growing plant; it reaches a height of no more than thirty centimeters. Moreover, the plant has fairly large flowers that begin to bloom in July. This species blooms before frost;
  • Alaska. This is the largest-flowered garden daisy, up to ninety centimeters high. Its flowers reach twelve centimeters in diameter. This is a drought-resistant variety that blooms briefly towards the end of summer;

  • Winner. The height of this varietal variety ranges from fifty to ninety centimeters, and the flowers reach a diameter of eight to twelve centimeters. Flowering begins in June and ends in August;
  • Aglaya. A very beautiful variety, the bushes of which grow up to eighty centimeters. Large double flowers have a chrysanthemum-like shape; around the bright yellow center there are several rows of narrow petals of different lengths, dissected at the ends. The flowering of this variety lasts from early summer until autumn;
  • Maiden's chamomile Solar ball. This bushy, low-growing varietal variety is not like ordinary garden daisies. It is compact, the height of the bush reaches no more than thirty centimeters. Its small flowers, up to two centimeters in diameter, look like air cushions and are completely painted in bright yellow. Flowering continues throughout the summer.

Garden chamomile: technology for planting and care in open ground

Regardless of what type and color of garden chamomile, the rules for caring for it are the same. They are not difficult and even beginners in gardening can do them. This flower is unpretentious, but if you pay a little attention to it, its development will go much faster, and its flowering will be much more abundant.

Site selection

To plant garden chamomile, you should choose a fairly sunny area with well-drained sandy soil with neutral acidity. If the soil is very acidic, then dolomite flour and slaked lime should be added to it in the autumn.

Features of growing garden chamomile (video)


Before planting, you need to dig up the selected area well and fill it with humus at the rate of one bucket per square meter. After this, you need to dig it up again and make shallow holes at intervals of about thirty centimeters. Pour one glass of ash into each and plant seedlings. P Water the sediment and mulch it with peat or sawdust. The gaps between the holes should be filled with ammonium nitrate, twenty grams per square meter. This will allow the plants to quickly gain green mass.

Watering and fertilizing

Since garden chamomile is a rather large plant that loves moisture, watering should be regular and plentiful. But The soil should not be over-moistened, which leads to rotting of the root system.

Feeding is of great importance for the proper development of the plant. The first time it is carried out during the formation of buds using complex mineral fertilizers. Then it is repeated every two weeks in order to obtain large inflorescences.

Weeding and bush formation

Garden chamomile does not tolerate being close to weeds, so it requires regular weeding and loosening, which will ensure air flow to the roots. In order for the bush to have a neat shape and the inflorescences to be large, secondary stepsons should be regularly removed, which are formed in the axils of the leaves.


Garden chamomile can grow in one place for up to five years. But, usually, in the third year of growth, the bushes become too dense, and their inner part begins to die off. In order to preserve the spectacular and decorative appearance of the plant, it should be replanted at this moment. It is advisable to do this in the autumn, after flowering has ended. To replant, you need to choose a cloudy day, dig up a garden chamomile bush and separate well-developed young shoots from it and plant them in a prepared area.

Preparing for winter

At the end of autumn, you need to prepare your garden chamomile for winter. To do this, you need to cut off the entire above-ground part of the plant and mulch the area. After this, it should be covered with dry leaves and covered with spruce branches. In winter, you can additionally cover the plantings with snow.

How to plant chamomile (video)

Methods and technology for propagating chamomile in the garden

Garden chamomile is propagated by dividing the bush and by seed. But in order to grow a full-fledged plant, you need to know how to do it correctly.

Propagation by seeds

Garden chamomile seeds can be sown directly into the ground in the spring. But, in this case, you will have to wait a very long time for the formation of a full-fledged adult plant, almost until the onset of autumn. That's why most often the seeds are used to grow seedlings.

To obtain seedlings, you need to prepare planting boxes with a good drainage layer and nutritious soil in early March. The seeds should be evenly distributed over its surface, sprinkled with a small layer of sand and carefully watered. Plantings should be covered with polyethylene and sent to a shaded room with an air temperature of twenty to twenty-five degrees. After the seedlings appear, the shelter should be removed, and after the formation of the third leaf on them, the seedlings should be picked into separate small pots. Seedlings should be planted in open ground only after the spring frosts have ended.

Reproduction by dividing the bush

Reproduction by dividing the bush is a more effective way to propagate garden chamomile, as it allows you to get an adult flowering plant in a short time. To do this, in mid-spring or early autumn, you should select a well-developed large bush and carefully dig it out. After this, you need to clean the root system of excess soil, inspect it and remove dried and rotten roots. Divide the rhizome into several parts and plant them in separate holes, into which a little mineral fertilizer and ash should be added before planting.

There are several types of plants that are very similar in type to garden chamomile, but have colored petals:

  • Feverfew or in other words Persian (Dalmatian) chamomile (Pyretrum parthenium). The plant is an unpretentious perennial, growing from fifty to one hundred centimeters in height. On strong long peduncles there are flowers with a diameter of six to twelve centimeters, having a bright yellow center surrounded by red petals. Currently, many hybrid forms of the plant have been developed with simple, semi-double and double inflorescences of pink, crimson, burgundy and yellow colors. Pyrethrum maidens blooms in June and continues throughout the summer;
  • Erigeron or small petal (Erigeron). This perennial plant reaches a height of sixty to eighty centimeters. Its flowers are very similar to daisies and are characterized by a yellow center and narrow, densely spaced petals in blue, lilac, lilac, violet, red and pink. The diameter of the flower basket reaches five centimeters. This plant begins to bloom in early summer and continues until mid-August.

These plants can be harmoniously combined with garden daisies in various garden compositions. In addition, they have similar conditions of detention and care rules.

Why is the greatest cornflower confused with chamomile?

There are other flowers that inexperienced gardeners mistake for garden chamomile. They are called nivyanik, or leucanthemum(Leucanthemum). This is due to the great external similarity of bushes and flowers. But if a comparative description of the plants is carried out, then some differences can be seen. Nielberry flowers are larger and more powerful than those of garden chamomile. In contrast to its thin, delicate, bright green leaves, cornflower foliage is dark green, very dense and tough, and has a solid crenate shape. Chamomile bushes branch quite strongly, and there are several flowers on each shoot. In Nielberry, one shoot corresponds to one flower.

How chamomile reproduces (video)

Growing and caring for garden chamomile is not particularly difficult, and its discreet beauty allows you to refresh any garden landscape. In addition, they look great cut, combining perfectly with most other garden flowers. Bouquets made from it can decorate a room for up to ten days, maintaining their original appearance.

Recently, garden chamomile has been regaining its popularity among flowers in the flower beds and flower beds of our garden plots. This flower with large white flowers can be safely called a symbol of light, warmth and summer! In addition, these flowers are beautiful and delicate in appearance, unpretentious in maintenance, resistant to climate change and various types of diseases.


Garden chamomile is a perennial plant, the height ranges from 30 to 150 cm. The petals are usually white, but can have a different color. The leaves are elongated and dark green.


Thanks to the efforts of modern breeders, many decorative species of garden chamomile have been developed. The most popular of them are:

  • Nivyanik;
  • Pyrethrum;
  • Small Petal;
  • Doronicum.

1. Nielberry - there are about 20 species, but the most popular is the common nevus. Depending on the variety, the plant may have simple or double white flowers. They are considered light-loving plants; during flowering they are demanding in care, moisture-loving, and require fertilizers. The plant needs to be divided every 2-3 years.

The most popular varieties of common cornflower include:

  • Maxima Koenig – Maxima Kenig – tall plant with large white flowers;
  • May Queen - a low-growing plant, blooms in early spring, has double flowers.

2. Pyrethrum is a perennial plant with a developed rhizome. Flowers with white, pink, red, yellow petals. The structure depends on the variety; it has simple or double flowers. Pyrethrum reaches a height of 50 cm, and some varieties up to 1.5 meters. These flowers grow well both in sunny flower beds and in shaded areas of the garden. Prefer well-drained, non-acidic soil. Division is recommended once every 2-3 years.

The most common varieties of pyrethrum:

  • White Star - White Stars - bush up to 25 cm high, white flowers;
  • Golden Ball - Gold Ball - low-growing bushes with double yellow flowers;
  • Robinson's Hybrid - bush height up to 60 cm, large flowers with dark red petals.

Dried pyrethrum flowers are used to combat moths in the closet.

3. Small petal is a perennial rhizomatous plant. Height ranges from 50 cm to 1 meter. Flowers with purple, blue, pink petals. Loves sunlight, prefers loose, fertile soils. It blooms from mid-June, flowering duration is about 1.5 months.

The main varieties of small leaves:

  • Alpine small leaf – Erigeron alpinus L. – a low-growing plant with pink or lilac small flowers;
  • Caucasian small petal – Erigeron caucasicus Stev. – perennial plant, height up to 40 cm, small flowers of white, purple or pink color;
  • Annual small petal – Erigeron annuus (L.) Pers. – annual plant, bush height 50-100 cm, small flowers white or blue.

4. Doronicum is a perennial plant with yellow flowers, reaching a height of 20 to 70 cm. Prefers light shade, light fertile soils. Flowering is early, lasts from May to June.

The most popular are:

  • Austrian doronicum or plantain – Doronicum austriacum Jacq – height 60-70 cm, bright yellow flowers with a diameter of up to 5 cm, blooms in July;
  • Doronicum eastern or Caucasian - Doronicum orientale Hoffingg - perennial plant reaches a height of 50 cm, flowers up to 5 cm in diameter are light yellow, flowering period is May-June;

Propagation of garden chamomile

Chamomile is propagated by seeds or by dividing the bush into several parts.

Seeds are sown in March, sprinkled with a small layer of soil. Already in the first week of summer, the grown seedlings are transplanted to a temporary place in order to grow and become stronger. In July, the formed young bushes are planted for permanent residence. Garden chamomile will bloom and delight the eye only next summer.

It is recommended to divide the garden chamomile bush after flowering. To do this, you need to carefully separate and dig up one or more parts of the bush, and transplant them to a new place. The void left in the hole after dividing the bush is filled with earth so that the plant can grow again.

For some varieties of chamomile, you can sow seeds in the winter, then the chamomile will delight you with flowers next summer.

Chamomile care

Chamomile is considered a non-capricious plant, but some rules should be followed along the way:

  • The soil should be non-acidic. When replanting, be sure to add humus and ash;
  • Choose a sunny or slightly shaded place to plant garden chamomile;
  • Chamomile loves space; when planting, it is recommended to leave a distance of up to 60 cm between plants;
  • The root system of chamomile is well developed, so it needs air flow. To do this, loosen the soil regularly;
  • Chamomile prefers good watering, but it should not be over-watered. Stagnation of water can cause the development of gray rot, and drought can provoke aphids;
  • It is necessary to fertilize the plant in spring and after flowering.

Diseases of garden chamomile

Garden chamomile, like other plants, is susceptible to various diseases and pests.

The most common diseases:

  • Powdery mildew. A white coating appears on the plant, which darkens over time. The chamomile bush loses its attractiveness;
  • Fusarium. The roots and root collar of plants rot, the stem becomes thin, has a brown color, and the leaves are yellow.;
  • Gray rot. The affected plant becomes covered with brown spots with gray fluff.

As a treatment, the affected plant and its neighbors are treated with various types of fungicides. Treatment is carried out twice every 7-10 days.

The main pests of garden chamomile can be considered:

The first sign of a plant infestation with aphids is stripes on the trunk and leaves. They lead to tissue death and the chamomile plant loses its decorative properties. Insectoacaricides are used to control aphids.

  • Starwing fly;

Star winged fly larvae damage garden chamomile flowers. The surest way to combat this pest is to destroy weeds in the garden;

  • Wireworms.

Wireworms live in the soil and feed on plant roots. It is extremely difficult to get rid of them. The control method is to set up traps with bait made from potato pieces. Most often, wireworms appear if potatoes are planted nearby.

Preparing chamomile for winter

Wintering perennial garden chamomile plants does not differ significantly from wintering other perennial plants in the garden. Preparation is carried out before the first frost.

The first step in preparing for winter is to trim the bush at the very surface of the earth. The second action is covering with sawdust, pine needles or dry leaves.

Companions for chamomile

The flowering period of chamomile ranges from mid-May to the end of July, so when choosing neighbors in the garden, it is necessary to take into account the timing of their flowering.

Depending on the height of the plant, garden chamomile can decorate the garden on its own or in company with other flowers. Chamomile will easily enliven a green lawn with its white flowers or perfectly decorate garden paths.

In small flower beds, low-growing chamomile bushes will serve as a beautiful frame. In large flower beds they look beautiful with tall lupins or delphiniums and lilies. They look impressive against the background of green fern or chic hosta leaves.

Chamomile is not only a wonderful decoration for your garden, but a summer, sunny mood for many years.

Garden chamomile (Nivyanika, popovnik) is a herbaceous ornamental perennial belonging to the genus Asteraceae (Asteraceae). The growth of wild species does not exceed 80 cm; there are small specimens about 30 cm in height. In nature, chamomile can be found in fields, meadows and forest edges. Its Siberian origin has allowed it to survive in harsh weather conditions. This frost-resistant and light-loving plant has about 20 species of perennials. Today, breeders have developed varieties of garden chamomile with huge double flowers, the stem of which reaches 130 cm in length.


Chamomile has a straight, hollow, slightly branched stem with jagged green leaves, similar to blades, located alternately on the trunk. The leaf blade can be whole or dissected. The nivaria is characterized by a bushy form, mostly spherical bushes. The plant has a single flower with a yellow tubular center and white petals on the edges. Their number depends on the variety. The diameter of the flowers ranges from 6 to 14 cm.

Nielberry blooms twice per season, abundantly and for a long time. The first flowering occurs in early summer, the second in early autumn. When the flowers wither, fruits form with a lopsided crown containing the seeds. The roots of the plant are branched and red.

On average, garden chamomile lives from 5 to 7 years, but some varieties live up to 10 years.

Types and varieties

Main types of nevus:

  • meadow, or ordinary;
  • large-flowered, or largest;
  • fabulous.

Garden chamomile varieties are divided into double, semi-double and simple.

In addition to the usual white flowers, some cornflower hybrids have yellow, pink, red, lilac shades, as well as unusual brown and blue petal colors.

Large-flowered cornflower grows from 60 cm to 100 cm, oblong leaves grow on branched stems. The diameter of the white inflorescence reaches 12 cm. The seedlings bloom in the second year after planting. With repeated division of the bush, the flowers become smaller. This species is suitable for group compositions in combination with ornamental shrubs; the flowers last a long time when cut.

Main varieties:

  • Winner.
  • Alaska.
  • Edelweiss et al.

The giant inflorescences of the long-lived variety Pobeditel are distinguished by their large diameter - 14 cm. Double cream flowers are located on a meter-long stem, although some specimens reach a length of 130 cm. The plant blooms for 2 summer months, the life cycle of the bushes is up to 10 years.

French chamomile Edelweiss is a winter-hardy plant that prefers moist soil. Inflorescences – 10-12 cm. The flowers are fluffy, double, similar to chrysanthemums.

The fluffy chamomile is called Big Chrysanthemum. It really looks like a chrysanthemum; a double flower consists of 20-30 snow-white tongues that surround a yellowish center. The diameter of such a flower is 8 cm. The stem reaches a height of 70 cm; leaves with jagged edges are arranged along it in turn.

The Alaska variety is a white flower of impressive size, reaching 10 cm in volume. It has adapted to the conditions of the middle regions of the country, lives long and tolerates changes in any temperature.

The Silver Princess variety is popular due to its large white flowers (up to 10 cm). It has numerous elastic low stems up to 30 cm long. Chamomile can be germinated by seed in open ground: it does not lose its original decorative properties. The variety loves light but windless areas of the garden. It blooms twice per season: in July and mid-October.

The Little Princess variety is only 15 cm in height, with graceful white flowers.

Crazy Daisy grows about 90 cm in length and attracts attention with lush double flowers. This variety will decorate any garden plot and looks impressive in compositions with other flowers.

The magnificent appearance of chamomile was the result of crossing an ordinary and a large-flowered species of daisy. Beautiful hybrids have a height of up to 120 cm and large snow-white flowers up to 15 cm in volume. Low varieties of this species (25 cm in length) are used in border compositions.

The magnificent Shasta chamomile is characterized by a sharp, not very pleasant smell. The hybrid was developed back in 1890 in America. It resembles the common chamomile, but has much larger inflorescences.

Another variety of magnificent cornflower is May Queen. It blooms in May with white double inflorescences about 9 cm in diameter, the tubular middle is yellow. The green stem grows up to 30 cm. A large number of peduncles form spherical bushes.

Anemone - varieties, rules for planting in open ground and care features

Reproduction and cultivation

Chamomile can be propagated in three ways:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • dividing the bush.

In autumn, part of the inflorescences is left on the plants for harvesting seeds. When the flower baskets turn brown and dry, they are cut off and laid out in a dark place until completely dry. The extracted seeds are placed in paper bags with small holes for ventilation.

When you independently collect seeds and grow new plants from them, the flowers lose their doubleness.

When planted in open ground by seed, flowering occurs in the second year of the plant’s life after sowing the seeds. The seeds are planted at the end of April or in May, but can also be sown in the fall. They are deepened into the soil 2 cm and watered. Temperature for germination of seedlings: +20+23 degrees. Sprouts emerge two to three weeks after sowing the seeds. Water them often, but moderately: excess moisture will harm the roots. The seedlings grow slowly. The seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place before the onset of the first cold weather. Until it takes root, it needs to be insulated.

If the seeds are used for germinating seedlings, they are sown in early March in special containers with prepared soil:

  • The trays are filled with a mixture consisting of soil, sand and peat (in equal quantities).
  • The seeds are planted and carefully watered, then covered with film material. It is not recommended to place seed containers in direct sunlight.
  • The soil must be constantly moistened, but not flooded.
  • After 2 weeks, remove the film and move the containers to the windowsill, closer to the sun. The room must be draft-free.
  • Keep the seedlings in a sunny place for two weeks until they grow to 5 cm and the first leaves appear on them. Lush bushes are obtained if the seedlings are pinched on the 4th leaf.
  • Then the seedlings are transplanted into individual containers, where they take root before being planted in open ground.

The soil for planting seedlings must be loose and fertile; for this, add 3 kg of compost to each hole and mix it thoroughly with the soil. Drainage is placed at the bottom of each hole.

Seedlings are planted in May to a depth of 30 cm in prepared holes, at a distance of 20-30 cm between the bushes. The soil is compacted and watered.

Planting of cuttings occurs in mid-summer. The basal rosettes are separated along with part of the root system and transplanted into separate holes. This method helps to get new inflorescences already in the first year of a chamomile’s life.

As for dividing the bush, in September or spring, a three-year-old plant (maybe older) is dug up and divided into several parts along with the roots. They do this carefully: the root system should not be damaged. Divided bushes are planted at a distance of 30 cm.

Features of planting and caring for Japanese kerria in open ground


The basic rules of care when growing perennial chamomile are as follows:

  • Regular watering. You need to make sure that the soil does not dry out (for 1 sq. m you will need 1 bucket of water; in hot weather, chamomile is watered 2-3 times a week).
  • Fertilizer application. In the spring months, ammonium nitrate is scattered between the rows - per 1 square meter. m will need 20 g. The bushes are dug up and compost is added, mixed with the dug up soil and watered for three days. Before flowering, ash is laid out near the bushes - 3 tbsp. l. per square meter. If during flowering the bush looks weak, urea is added to the soil.
  • Trimming. When flowering ends, the bush is pruned.
  • Removing weeds and faded inflorescences.
  • Destruction of infected bushes.
  • Mulching with dry grass and sawdust.
  • Loosening the soil.

Before winter, the nivberry stems are cut off at the root and covered with straw or leaves so that the plants can easily survive the frosts.

Nielweed grows in one place for no more than 7 years. It requires periodic replanting. Strong growth harms the plant; it needs to be rejuvenated, in particular, to separate the bushes. Hybrid varieties need to be divided every three years.