Meals on pp sample menu. PP. We create our menu for the week. Useful information for losing weight

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty - how gem: the simpler it is, the more precious it is :)


Effective way burning fat – creating a calorie deficit. For the process to be realized, it is necessary to create a healthy diet for a week for weight loss, i.e. develop sample menu, in which proteins, fats, and carbohydrates are properly balanced. Having a specific table, you will follow it strictly, which eliminates the possibility of failures.

How to create a healthy nutrition menu for the week

First you need to calculate the daily caloric intake of food for your normal weight. This can be done in an online calculator, where you need to enter age, height, weight and level of daily physical activity. After clicking the “Calculation” button, the individual value of the energy value of the diet, the amount of carbohydrates, proteins and fats will appear. If you want to lose weight, the number will be 20% less than normal calories. Based on these indicators, you need to create a healthy nutrition menu for the week.

Weekly meal plan for weight loss

Do you want to be constantly full even when on a diet? Take a pen and piece of paper and write down how to create a weekly meal plan for weight loss:

  1. Decide on the number of meals. Ideal when there are five of them: breakfast, lunch, dinner and a couple of snacks between them. The largest amount of calories comes with breakfast and lunch, the same with snacks; dinner requires the least amount of energy.
  2. In the first part of the day, eat 50% of your daily calories. If you want to enjoy unhealthy foods, include them in your breakfast or first snack.
  3. Make a menu for losing weight for a week so that the interval between meals is no more than 3 hours.
  4. The rational distribution of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is not an easy task. The best way to do it is this:
    • Breakfast: a portion of carbohydrates, some protein and healthy fats.
    • Snack: fast carbohydrates in the form of fruit, you can add complex carbohydrates.
    • At lunch, liquid food is required - soup, borscht. The menu contains proteins, complex carbohydrates, and fats.
    • The second snack consists of proteins and fats. These are nuts, seeds, chicken breast. A good option is fermented milk products.
    • Dinner: Eat protein and fiber (vegetables).
  5. Don't forget to consider your water needs. For 1 kg of body weight you need 30-40 ml clean water. In the heat and with physical activity, this figure increases.

Meal schedule for weight loss for a week

As an example, a diet of 1500-1700 kcal is presented. On training days, the calorie content of the menu is slightly increased. A healthy diet for a week looks something like this:

  1. Schedule on training days – Mon, Wed, Fri. The calorie content of the diet is 1700 kcal.
    • 7:00 – breakfast (450 kcal). Approximate serving size: 180 g carbohydrate food, 50 g protein, 5 g fat. Tea, coffee – 200 ml.
    • 10:00 – snack (350 kcal). This is 200 g grapefruit, 1 medium apple, 1 tbsp. l. sour cream 15% fat.
    • 12:30 – lunch (450 kcal). A serving of soup is 250 ml, 140 g of carbohydrate food, 100 g of protein, 10 g of fat. Liquid – 200 ml.
    • 17:00 – snack (350 kcal). This is 100 g of cottage cheese + a glass of kefir + several walnuts.
    • 21:00 – dinner (100 kcal). Serving: 65 g protein food, 100-50 g fiber, 5 g fat.
  2. Schedule on days free from training – Tue, Thurs, Sat, Sun. The weekly diet for weight loss will total 1500 kcal daily.
    • 7:00 – breakfast (400 kcal). Serving size: 170 g carbohydrate food, 45 g protein, 5 g fat. Tea, coffee – 200 ml.
    • 10:00 – snack (250 kcal). This is 85 g of dried apricots or 3 crackers, 5 olives, 60 g of soft cheese.
    • 12:30 – lunch (400 kcal). A serving of soup is 200 ml, 130 g of carbohydrate food, 90 g of protein, 8 g of fat. Liquid – 200 ml.
    • 17:00 – snack (250 kcal). This is 100 g of boiled chicken fillet, a glass of milk 2.5%.
    • 21:00 – dinner (200 kcal). Serving: 100 g protein food, 100-50 g fiber, 5 g fat.

Diet food for the week

Girls and boys need to make a list of products in order to easily implement a proper nutrition menu for weight loss for a week. The consumer basket may include inexpensive products. Diet food for the week:

  • meat and offal: beef/veal, chicken (fillet/drumsticks/thighs), turkey, liver, hearts;
  • fish: mackerel, hake, bream;
  • chicken/quail eggs;
  • cereals and grains: rice, buckwheat, cereals(rolled oats), wheat, corn grits;
  • mushrooms: champignons/oyster mushrooms;
  • vegetables: tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, cabbage, beets, onions, carrots, potatoes;
  • fruits, berries;
  • nuts, seeds;
  • greenery;
  • dairy and fermented milk products: cottage cheese 9%, milk 2.5%, sour cream 10%, kefir 1%, yogurt without fillers;
  • fats: butter, sunflower, olive;
  • durum pasta;
  • whole wheat bread.

Sample healthy diet for a week

You need to develop weekly menu according to the sample shown in the table. With a little work, you will draw up a complete plan that will take everything into account. The table shows a sample for 1500 kcal. In brackets you will see the percentage of protein, fat and carbohydrate foods that you need to eat at a specific meal. An approximate healthy diet for a week has the following distribution of dietary fat and calorie content:


Proteins, kcal

Fats, kcal

Carbohydrates, kcal

Calorie content of the diet, kcal

Examples of proper nutrition for weight loss for a week

Losing weight in women and men will become a simple matter if you have a written diet for a week for weight loss in your hands. You need to create an individual program based on your daily calorie intake. Divide it into 5 parts, calculate the calorie content of protein, fat and carbohydrate foods by percentage from the above table, then you can find out the serving size. An example of proper nutrition for a week for weight loss will be your guide in creating your diet.

Healthy nutrition menu for the week

This example of nutrition for weight loss can be used by adults and healthy people who want to lose excess weight systematically. All foods in your diet are healthy and varied, so you won’t go hungry and constantly think about food. Proper nutrition for a week it looks something like this:

Day of the week

Oatmeal, omelet, whole grain bread with butter, tea

Apple, pear

Borsch, steam cutlet, vegetable salad

Cottage cheese seasoned with herbs and sour cream

Baked mackerel with carrots and onions

Buckwheat, toast with cheese, egg, linseed oil, coffee

Baked apple with cottage cheese and honey

Cabbage soup, beef goulash, tomatoes and cucumbers

Ryazhenka, whole grain bread

Chicken skewers, green salad

Rice, ham and cheese sandwich, cocoa

Berries with yogurt

Homemade chicken soup, stewed hearts, cabbage and herb salad

Kefir, nuts

Stewed hake in tomato, vegetable salad

Wheat porridge, protein pancakes, homemade boiled sausage, tea

Dried apricots/prunes, dates, Walnut

Meatball soup, liver cutlets, Greek salad

Vinaigrette without potatoes with beans and olive oil

Stewed veal with vegetable sauce

Corn porridge with milk, cottage cheese with berries, coffee

Muesli bar

Beef broth, baked chicken drumstick, beet and garlic salad

Avocado with feta cheese

Steamed bream, vegetable stew

Curd casserole with sour cream, berries, cocoa

Fruit salad

Mushroom soup with buckwheat, grilled chicken thighs, squash caviar

Milk, bread with cheese

Omelette with mixed frozen vegetables

Protein omelette with buckwheat, whole grain bun, tea

Curd balls with nuts and dried fruits

Fish soup, turkey gravy, radish and green salad

Vegetable salad with chicken breast

Boiled beans, pollock

Diet menu for the week

You can use the diet suggested in the table above as a basis. However, a weekly diet for weight loss requires you to cook healthy dishes with a minimum of salt and spices. If you resort to frying, do it in a non-stick frying pan with one drop of oil. Better products boil, stew, steam. In addition to clean water, you can drink freshly squeezed juices, fruit drinks, compotes, tea, coffee. Diet meals for the week allow you to have a light snack before bed in the form of kefir or natural yogurt.

Simple menu for weight loss for a week

Even if your food budget is modest, you can plan a diet of cheap, but tasty and healthy products. Create a simple menu for weight loss for a week like this:

  • Breakfast: porridge + egg dish + drink.
  • Snack: Seasonal fruit.
  • Lunch: liquid dish (soup, borscht) + dish of offal (hearts, liver, ventricles) + seasonal vegetable salad.
  • Snack: fermented milk product.
  • Dinner: salad of seasonal vegetables, inexpensive boiled/steamed/baked fish.

Menu for a teenager for a week

The above table is also suitable for teenagers, but the portion size should take into account the daily requirement of 2500-3000 kcal. An example menu for a teenager who is losing weight is compiled according to the same scheme as for adults, taking into account the calorie content of protein, fat and carbohydrate foods. You should not reduce the amount of carbohydrates, since they are the main source of energy for a growing body.

Weekly menu for the whole family

First, make a list of the products you plan to buy. Then come up with options for ready-made meals that can be made from the purchased provisions. The weekly menu for the whole family includes the following dishes:

  1. Breakfast:
    • milk and water porridges: buckwheat, rice, wheat, barley, oatmeal, millet, semolina, corn;
    • egg dishes.
  2. Soups: chicken, pea, fish, mushroom, with meatballs, vegetable, kharcho, borscht, rassolnik, cabbage soup, beetroot soup, cabbage soup.
  3. Second for lunch: meatballs, cabbage rolls, goulash, fish and meat cutlets, pilaf, gravy from meat and offal.
  4. Side dishes: baked/boiled/mashed potatoes, pasta, porridge.
  5. Salads: seasonal vegetable, vinaigrette, Greek, Caesar, beetroot.
  6. Desserts: baked apples, puddings, soufflé, ice cream, sponge cake.

Video: proper nutrition for a week for weight loss

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make treatment recommendations based on individual characteristics specific patient.

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Healthy eating: menu for the week , compiled taking into account the daily need for biologically active substances, helps to provide all vital systems human body, brings gastronomic pleasure, helps prolong youth and health.

Important! The main difference between a healthy diet and various diets is the need to change your eating lifestyle, and not just limit your consumption. certain groups products for a relatively short period.

Such nutrition implies a conscious refusal of foods that are harmful to health. The Dukan diet offers the same thing - a menu for every day, the table of which shows in great detail the permitted foods.

  • sweet carbonated water, energy drinks;
  • smoked meats, marinades and pickles;
  • chips and fast food;
  • mayonnaise and canned food.

Basic concepts of healthy eating

By following simple rules of a healthy nutritional diet, you can achieve lasting positive results: ideal weight, slim figure, good health.

Set of rules for healthy eating:

  1. Breakfast is a must! Nutritionists recommend eating the most nutritious foods before 15 hours, because metabolic processes more active before lunch.
  2. Eating 5 meals a day ensures gentle functioning of the digestive system.
  3. Drink a glass of warm water before each main meal.
  4. Drink water according to daily needs and at least 1.5 liters.
  5. Daily adherence to a meal plan facilitates the work of the stomach, allowing it to produce the necessary amount of juice necessary for digestion.
  6. A balanced ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the daily menu provides the nutritional value of food.
  7. It is recommended to plan your evening meal at least 3 hours before bedtime.
  8. The caloric content of food is of great importance, since eating high-calorie foods in large quantities leads to excessive obesity, while eating low-calorie foods provokes weight loss and exhaustion.
  9. When compiling an optimal diet, it is necessary to take into account lifestyle, climate, type of nervous system, age - all these concepts affect the speed of metabolic processes.
  10. You can diversify the dishes you eat with the help of spices, herbs and seasonings.
  11. High-quality products that have undergone minimal heat treatment are most useful in creating a healthy diet.
  12. Eating raw, boiled, stewed, baked and steamed foods.
  13. Refusal of smoked, fried, pickled and salted foods.
  14. Increasing consumption of plant foods, rich in fiber: vegetables, herbs and fruits.These products help to naturally cleanse the intestines of toxic substances, toxins and carcinogens.

Did you know? Planning and carrying out the 1st fasting per week promotes weight loss.

Diet healthy eating: menu for a week that promotes weight loss

A weekly menu that promotes weight loss should be optimally balanced and varied, which is why it can be called healthy.

Interesting! You can include your favorite dishes in the weekly menu, but they should be repeated no more than once a week.

An important point in maintaining a healthy diet is constant monitoring of weight and well-being.

The following example will help you create an optimal healthy eating menu for the week:


  • Breakfast: porridge seasoned with a handful of nuts and steamed dried fruits, a boiled egg, a cup of cocoa.
  • Lunch: 2 baked apples stuffed with cottage cheese and raisins.
  • Dinner: chicken soup, whole grain bread, a portion of low-fat steamed or boiled fish.
  • Afternoon snack: 1 glass of kefir, fermented baked milk or acidophilus.
  • Dinner: fresh vegetable salad seasoned with kefir, balsamic vinegar or vegetable oil, stewed or boiled chicken breast.


  • Breakfast: porridge, a glass of yogurt, unsweetened tea with lemon.
  • Lunch: 100-150 g of a mixture of dried fruits and nuts.
  • Dinner: vegetable cream soup, chicken with stewed vegetables, fresh juice.
  • Afternoon snack: cottage cheese with the addition of chopped herbs.
  • Dinner: rice with seafood, a handful of olives.


  • Breakfast: porridge, hard cheese, coffee or chicory.
  • Lunch: 1-2 citrus fruits
  • Dinner: mushroom soup, veal with vegetable side dish, berry jelly.
  • Afternoon snack: skim cheese.
  • Dinner: vegetable stew.


  • Breakfast: steam omelette, vegetable salad, ginger tea.
  • Lunch: cottage cheese.
  • Dinner: meat soup with croutons, lazy cabbage rolls or vegetable stew, cocoa.
  • Afternoon snack: 1 cup unsweetened yogurt with a handful of dried fruits or nuts.
  • Dinner: fish casserole, vinaigrette.


  • Breakfast: 100 - 135 g whole grain bread, a slice of cheese and red fish.
  • Lunch: 1 glass of acidophilus, yogurt or fermented baked milk, a handful of dried fruits.
  • Dinner: chicken broth, stewed or sauerkraut, baked chicken meat, cocoa.
  • Afternoon snack: fruit dessert: jelly or pudding.
  • Dinner: cheese casserole.


  • Breakfast: porridge, portion of lean pork, coffee.
  • Lunch: salad of fruits, berries, nuts.
  • Dinner: vegetarian pilaf, cheese, compote.
  • Afternoon snack: 1 glass of unsweetened yogurt, biscuit.
  • Dinner: steamed fish cutlets with grilled vegetables, unsweetened tea.


  • Breakfast: porridge, poached egg, cheese, coffee.
  • Lunch: a glass of juice and biscuits
  • Dinner: soup with meatballs, vegetable casserole, compote.
  • Afternoon snack: cottage cheese with a spoon of honey or jam.
  • Dinner: rice babka with raisins or apples.

Important! The serving size should satisfy hunger without causing a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. Optimally sized portions will fill you up without allowing you to overeat. You should not take very small portions, as regular malnutrition puts the body into a stressful state, thereby contributing to eating disorders, overeating, and, accordingly, the accumulation of fat reserves. Too large portions provoke a feeling of fullness in the stomach and the deposition of extra pounds on the hips and waist.

Sunday can also serve as a fasting day, during which you should consume seasonal vegetables, fruits, water, and tea.

According to fan reviews healthy eating: weekly menu with recipes can be compiled in the form of a table or list and hung in the kitchen. This technique will make it easier to solve the question: “What to cook today?” and will allow you to take into account the gastronomic wishes of all family members.

Conscious choice and adherence to the rules of healthy eating does not mean that now you cannot treat yourself to a piece of cake, chocolate, or delicious pastries. On the contrary, you can allow yourself goodies, but 1-2 times a week and, of course, within reasonable limits.

Eating a healthy diet is more beneficial than any diet good health, good figure and excellent mood.

If you are overweight and want to lose weight, the basis for this, first of all, should be proper nutrition. You need to create a weekly menu for yourself, which you will need to strictly follow. Otherwise, you will always be tempted to eat what is on hand. In this article, we have compiled a menu for you for the week, based on the principles of balanced and proper nutrition. It is worth noting that this diet is not capable of harming your health, it does not become boring or boring, and you can stick to it for a long time after achieving your weight loss goals.

Proper nutrition for weight loss: basic principles

  • Drink at least every day 1.5 liters of water. Water is a real boost to your metabolism and will not only help you lose weight faster. overweight, but also cleanse your body of waste and toxins. Train yourself to drink a small glass of water 20-30 minutes before meals, as well as 1-2 glasses between meals;
  • Be sure to have breakfast. Morning is the time when the body does not store energy for the entire coming day. If you haven't given your body energy in the morning, there's a high chance that it will ask you to make up for lost time during the day. For breakfast, it is preferable to eat complex carbohydrates (porridge, cereals) and proteins (eggs, meat, fish);
  • Reduce the amount of fast carbohydrates you consume. Any snack should consist of vegetables, fruits, green tea or a glass of water. It is acceptable to consume dried fruits in small quantities. Sugar can be replaced with honey;
  • Give preference to boiled or steamed food. Eliminate fried foods from your diet;
  • The basis of your diet should consist of vegetables, fruits, complex carbohydrates in the form of cereals, porridges, pasta, as well as proteins from meat and fish;
  • Take your time while eating and don't pass it! If you are used to eating quickly or at a leisurely pace, then you should get rid of this habit. As you know, the feeling of satiety does not come to a person immediately, but after some time, so you need to eat food measuredly and without looking at the clock. In addition, eating food quickly does not bode well for your stomach!;
  • Eat small meals, but more often. Remember, when you get up from the table, you should have a slight feeling of hunger;
  • Don't eat 2 hours before bedtime, so at night the metabolism slows down, and everything eaten is likely to be deposited in the body as fat. Before going to bed, it is preferable to consume a glass of low-fat kefir, a portion of cottage cheese or low-fat fish with steamed vegetables.

These principles are universal for all people, and not just for those who set out to lose weight. These rules will allow you not only to lose weight, but also to keep your body and its internal environment in good shape. These principles also apply to fasting if you exclude proteins from your diet.

Proper nutrition for weight loss: a menu for every day for girls

Breakfast Lunch Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
Monday Oatmeal, half an appleCucumber saladSteamed pollock and a portion of rice, lettuce leavesA glass of low-fat kefirA portion of low-fat cottage cheese
Tuesday Buckwheat porridge with onions and carrots. Green teaThe vinaigretteLight vegetable soup. Steamed chicken fillet. bell pepperOrange or bananaBoiled beef and fresh vegetable salad
Wednesday 2 boiled eggs, a portion of rice and tea without sugarGlass of low fat
Buckwheat stewed with vegetables and mushrooms1 appleAny lean fish and stewed broccoli
Thursday Low-fat cottage cheese and dried fruitsBanana or glass of low fat
Mushroom soup. Boiled beef with cucumber and tomato saladOrangeSteamed chicken breast with stewed zucchini.
Friday Traditional oatmeal
grinding Green tea
Apple or granola barBaked
lean fish with boiled potatoes
Dried fruits with green teaGlass of low fat
kefir or yogurt
Saturday 2 boiled eggs, a portion of buckwheatOrangeBoiled beef and riceCucumber and tomato saladGlass of fermented baked milk
Sunday Barley porridge and green teaLow fat
yogurt or a glass of kefir
Stewed vegetables and steamed turkey1 appleA glass of curdled milk

Remember that this menu is conditional and you can make individual adjustments to it depending on the frequency of cooking, the products available and the desired results. If you want to lose weight, then watch the volume of your portions, they should be small and, according to the principles of proper nutrition for weight loss, after them you should be left with a slight feeling of hunger.

Useful and harmful foods for weight loss

How to organize proper nutrition for weight loss?

In order for your body to lose weight, you need to spend more calories during the day than you consume, in other words, create a calorie deficit. Therefore, know: to effectively lose weight, you need a multi-faceted approach and comprehensive stimulation of the body to lose weight. If we talk about nutrition, then everything is simple: you need to consume fewer calories than you are used to, without making sudden jumps. Gradually create a calorie deficit by reducing the calorie content of foods or their portions.

To speed up the process of losing extra pounds, you need to engage in physical activity, follow a routine, sleep at least 7 hours a day, avoid stress, and so on. In order for the process of losing weight to be without serious stress for your body, you need to normalize all areas of your life, there is no need to rush from one extreme to another. By the way, if you eat a little less, but your physical activity remains zero, you will not get the desired result. Or if you sleep 5 hours a day, are constantly stressed, and decide to lose a ton of weight by cutting down on your diet, you are, frankly, risking your own health!

Unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to visit professional nutritionists who will create a weekly menu for you, taking into account all your individual characteristics, daily routine and lifestyle. However, this does not mean that you cannot be slim, beautiful and, most importantly, healthy! We only urge our readers to use common sense, remember that there should be a reasonable, comprehensive approach to everything, and remember that the most important thing you have is your health!

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Diets provide only a temporary effect. To always be slim, you need to adhere to proper nutrition. How to start and what women, men, teenagers and people over 40 need to eat.

Poor nutrition is the main cause of extra pounds. Why is it problem excess weight Is it still relevant today? There are several reasons. Firstly, the pace of life, which often deprives a person of the opportunity to eat a balanced diet. Secondly, the quality of the food. Despite the fact that natural products (cereals, fish, meat, vegetables and fruits) have not been canceled and the younger generation is learning from the mistakes of their predecessors, making choices in favor of healthy foods. The popularity of semi-finished products, various snacks and confectionery products is still quite high. Thirdly, catering. Lack of diet leads not only to excess weight, but also provokes many other health problems: diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, hormonal imbalances, eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia).

Any diet is designed for a short period of time, after which, to maintain the achieved result, it is recommended to switch to a balanced diet. healthy eating. Proper nutrition does not at all imply a categorical refusal of food that you love, but does not benefit the body - for example, shortbread cookies or boiled condensed milk. However, restrictions and strict control of the consumption of such products are provided. Proper nutrition is something that you should stick to throughout your life if you want to be slim and stay young for a long time. So, if you are not just interested in how to lose weight with proper nutrition, but are determined, first create a menu.

How to create a menu for the week

An individual healthy eating menu will help you get used to eating at a certain time. After all, regular nutrition is the key to food discipline. When creating a menu, focus on your usual daily routine. If you are a “morning person” (you wake up at 6:00 and go to bed at 21:00), follow this nutritional principle:

  • breakfast: 7:00;
  • second breakfast:10:00;
  • lunch: 13:00;
  • afternoon tea: 16:00;
  • dinner: 19:00.

If you are a night owl (you wake up at 9:00 and go to sleep at 00:00), learn to eat at this time:

  • breakfast: 10:00;
  • lunch: 13:00;
  • lunch: 15:00;
  • afternoon tea: 17:00;
  • dinner: 20:00.

Distribute the time of meals depending on the regime. But don’t forget that you need to have breakfast an hour after waking up (after you get up, drink 250 ml still water room temperature), 2-3 hours should pass between meals, and dinner should be no later than two hours before bedtime.

Remember: to lose weight, it is important to keep track of the calories you eat. Write down everything you eat without leaving anything out, even if it's a sip of fruit juice or a sugar-free mint. This develops the habit of being careful about what and how much you eat and being able to stop in time.

When planning your weekly menu for weight loss, follow these recommendations:

  1. Make a separate list of the products you want to add and distribute them by day. For example, it is better to choose different days for chicken and fish.
  2. Remember that, firstly, you should not skip breakfast, and secondly, it should be nourishing and balanced: 50% of the total daily diet should be carbohydrates, 30% proteins and 20% fats.
  3. For dinner, eat proteins: cottage cheese (5-9% fat), baked, boiled chicken or fish (hake, pollock, salmon).
  4. Don't forget about snacks between main meals. Eat fresh fruits(if bananas - then no more than one per snack, if grapes - no more than 200 g), vegetables, dried fruits and nuts (walnuts or unsalted peanuts - no more than 50 g per snack). Also record snacks.
  5. Consider your level of physical activity. So, if you have difficult mental work (an important report, exam) or physical work (for example, a lot of moving around the city), you should not prepare a meager diet for that day. Include a sufficient amount of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the menu, and have a hearty breakfast.
  6. Drink clean, still water and green tea. Water speeds up metabolism and cleanses the gastrointestinal tract, and teas contain antioxidants necessary for the body and, moreover, are good for reducing appetite.
  7. If you drink high-calorie coffee drinks(latte, mocha, cappuccino, etc.) - try to drink them in the first half of the day (before 14:00).
  8. The daily calorie intake of drinks (coffee with additives, sweet tea, juices) should be no more than 500 kcal.

In order to achieve the desired effect, when creating a menu, avoid the following mistakes:

  • Sweets and flour: if you do not want to completely exclude confectionery and flour products, allow them a minimum in your diet: such products are not beneficial and can interfere with weight loss. Moreover, it is very easy to get carried away and violate the acceptable norm.
  • Cooking: Try to eat as little fried food as possible. Do not eat a lot of boiled foods, consume more greens, fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • Dinner: it should be light and the portion should be small. If you are preparing fish or meat for dinner, it is better to bake, boil or stew. For example, prepare 200 g of baked chicken breast or boiled shrimp + 1 cucumber.
  • Alcohol: Be extremely careful with it. Firstly, it is high in calories, and secondly, it stimulates the appetite.
  • Water during meals: Do not drink water or any other liquid during meals, or less than 20 minutes before meals and less than 30 minutes after. The liquid dilutes the gastric juice, as a result of which the digestion process may be disrupted.
  • Salt, seasonings and sauces: add them, but very sparingly, as salt retains fluid in the body, and seasonings (especially those containing the flavor enhancer monosodium glutamate) stimulate the appetite. It is better to prepare sauces yourself, using low-calorie ingredients.
  • Try not to skip meals. If you can’t eat a full meal, carry a bag of nuts (50 g), water with honey and lemon in your purse (1 teaspoon of honey per 0.5 liter of water + lemon - not your choice). This will not allow your appetite to run wild, which can cause overeating.

Menu for the week

When going to the grocery store, take with you the list and the amount of money that corresponds to the planned purchase. This way you will resist the temptation to buy unhealthy goodies “to leave” before switching to proper healthy eating. Remember that you need to start not this coming Monday, but as soon as possible. After all beautiful figure will give you ease and self-confidence, which means many different opportunities will open up before you.

Day 1

Breakfast: 200 g rice porridge on water with 1 teaspoon butter, 1 apple, coffee without sugar.

Second breakfast: 1 toast (25 g), 1 boiled egg, 1 fresh cucumber.

Lunch: 200 g baked hake, 150 g salad ( Chinese cabbage+ cucumbers + green pea+ olive oil).

Afternoon snack: 100 g cottage cheese (5% fat), 1 apple, green tea with lemon.

Dinner: 200 g of any stewed vegetables, 100 g baked chicken breast.

Day 2

Breakfast: 1 sandwich (20 g rye bread+ low-fat cottage cheese + 10 g of any hard cheese), 1 banana, coffee or tea without sugar.

Second breakfast: 70 g of cottage cheese (9% fat) + 1 teaspoon of honey.

Lunch: 200 g chicken broth, salad (chinese cabbage + cucumbers + tomatoes + carrots + lemon juice).

Afternoon snack: 1 apple, 1 kiwi, mint tea.

Dinner: 250 g boiled chicken fillet, 2 cucumbers.

Day 3

Breakfast: 150 g oatmeal on water + 2 teaspoons of honey, 1 banana, coffee without sugar.

Second breakfast: 50 g walnuts, 1 apple, green tea with lemon.

Lunch: 200 g of boiled brown rice, 150 g of any stewed vegetables.

Afternoon snack: 150 g of cottage cheese-banana casserole (cottage cheese + bananas + semolina + low-fat yogurt), green tea.

Dinner: 200 g boiled shrimp, 2 cucumbers, 1 tomato.

Day 4

Breakfast: oatmeal with milk (1.5% fat), 100 g strawberries or raspberries.

Second breakfast: 100 g of natural yogurt (up to 5% fat) + 1 teaspoon of honey, natural coffee without sugar.

Lunch: 250 baked hake, 150 g sauerkraut.

Dinner: 200 g baked chicken breast with Parmesan (30 g), 2 cucumbers.

Day 5

Breakfast: 200 g mashed potatoes+ 1 teaspoon butter, 1 boiled egg, 1 cucumber.

Second breakfast: 2 kiwis, green tea.

Lunch: 250 g of rice soup with mushrooms, 1 piece of toast (20 g) + 10 g of any hard cheese.

Afternoon snack: 150 g cottage cheese casserole(cottage cheese + raisins + sour cream 15% fat).

Dinner: 200 g baked pollock, 100 g seaweed.

Day 6

Breakfast: omelet (2 eggs + 150 ml milk 3.2% fat), coffee without sugar.

Second breakfast: 1 banana, 1 orange.

Lunch: 200 g baked potatoes, 100 g baked champignons, 70 g baked chicken fillet.

Afternoon snack: 200 ml kefir, 1 apple.

Dinner: 150 g of cottage cheese (5-6% fat) without sugar, 2 apples baked with cinnamon.

Day 7

Breakfast: barley porridge with water + 0.5 teaspoon of butter, tea.

Second breakfast: 1 banana, 1 kiwi.

Lunch: 250 g vegetable casserole (from any vegetables), 100 g boiled chicken fillet.

Afternoon snack: 150 g boiled shrimp, 200 ml tomato juice.

Dinner: 150 g steamed fish cutlets, 100 g boiled brown rice, 200 ml tomato juice.

For family

A weekly menu for a family should be compiled based on the following factors:

  1. The age of each family member.
  2. Level of physical activity. For example, if you have a sedentary job, it is better for you to give up butter and fatty meats. And a man who does heavy physical work (for example, works in construction) will need much more calories than you.
  3. Individual characteristics: if your child suffers from gastritis, then for breakfast it is better for him to prepare oatmeal with milk (2.5% fat) with a banana. The combination of oatmeal and banana has an anti-inflammatory effect on the gastric mucosa.
  4. Breakfast should be complete for every family member.
  5. After eating, it is important to feel full, but not overfull.
  6. Try to ensure that the dishes are always freshly prepared. This is especially true for salads.

If your family consists of two, three, four or more people, then the amount of food must be multiplied - according to needs - for each family member. For example, if in your family there are two adults under 40 years old, one teenager under 15 years old and old man at the age of 70 - when preparing, for example, dinner, you will need 800 g of chicken fillet or breast (200 g for each). These calculations are approximate, since the amount of food needed by each family member may differ significantly.

For men

Depending on the level of physical activity, a man should consume 3000 – 3500 calories per day.

Day 1

Breakfast: scrambled eggs (3 chicken eggs) + 25 g bacon + 2 pieces of toast (25 g each) + 15 g jam + sweet coffee or tea.

Second breakfast: sandwich (20 g bread + 10 g butter + 15 g hard cheese + 10 g ham), 2 tomatoes.

Lunch: 300 g of soup with minced beef meatballs, 20 g of any bread, 200 g of buckwheat porridge with water + 1 teaspoon of butter, 150 g of chicken cutlets.

Afternoon snack: 3 baked apples, 100 g of cottage cheese (9% fat) + 1 teaspoon of honey.

Dinner: 250 g baked potatoes, 150 g baked chicken fillet.

Day 2

Breakfast: 200 g rice porridge with milk (2.5% fat), 1 toast (25 g) with jam, tea.

Second breakfast: 150 g of salad (chicken fillet + tomatoes + cucumbers + Chinese cabbage + sour cream 15% fat).

Lunch: 300 g borscht, 200 g mashed potatoes + 1 teaspoon butter, 50 g baked turkey fillet.

Afternoon snack: 200 g sweet curd mass(cottage cheese 5-7%) with raisins and dried apricots (optional), 200 ml fermented baked milk (4-5% fat).

Dinner: 250 g vegetable casserole (from any vegetables), 150 g steamed cutlets (minced fish).

Day 3

Breakfast: 250 g of buckwheat porridge with milk (2.5% fat), 1 sandwich (20 g of bread + 10 g of butter + 15 g of hard cheese or feta cheese), coffee or tea.

Second breakfast: 150 g of cottage cheese and banana casserole.

Lunch: 250 g fish soup, 25 g rye bread, 200 g baked potatoes, 100 g stewed chicken fillet.

Afternoon snack: 150 g salad (Chinese cabbage + cucumbers + olive oil + lemon juice), 20 g rye bread.

Dinner: 200 g mashed potatoes + 1 teaspoon butter, 150 g boiled shrimp, 100 g salad (tomatoes + cucumbers + sour cream 15-20% fat).

Day 4

Breakfast: omelet (3 eggs + 150 ml milk 3.2% fat), sandwich (20 g bread + 10 g butter + 15 g hard cheese).

Second breakfast: 2 bananas, 1 apple, 150 ml kefir (3% fat).

Lunch: 300 g mushroom soup, 200 g boiled rice + 1 teaspoon butter, 50 g stewed beef, 100 g salad (chinese cabbage + cucumbers + tomatoes + olive oil).

Afternoon snack: 100 g of cottage cheese (5-7% fat), kiwi.

Dinner: 200 g of buckwheat porridge with water + 0.5 teaspoon of butter, 150 g of boiled mussels.

Day 5

Breakfast: 250 g of sweet oatmeal with milk (3.2% fat), 20 g of hard cheese, 1 apple, coffee or tea.

Second breakfast: 100 g of natural yogurt (3-5% fat) + 20 g of dried apricots + 20 g of prunes.

Lunch: 250 g borscht, 200 g vegetable casserole, 100 g baked hake.

Afternoon snack: 200 g of salad (tomatoes + cucumbers + sour cream 15% fat).

Dinner: 200 g of rice porridge on water + 1 teaspoon of butter, 100 g of stewed turkey fillet.

Day 6

Breakfast: 200 g of cottage cheese-banana casserole, 1 apple, coffee or tea with milk (2.5% fat).

Second breakfast: 200 g fruit salad(bananas, apples, pears, oranges, kiwi + natural yogurt + 1 tablespoon of honey).

Lunch: 300 g of noodle soup, 150 g of buckwheat porridge with water, 150 g of salad (Chinese cabbage + cucumbers + olive oil).

Afternoon snack: 100 g biscuit, 250 ml fermented baked milk (3-4% fat).

Dinner: 250 g vegetable casserole, 150 g stewed cod, 200 ml tomato juice.

Day 7

Breakfast: 2 pieces of toast (30 g each) + 15 g of jam, 30 g of cheese (no more than 50% fat), 1 boiled egg, coffee with milk (2.5% fat) or tea.

Second breakfast: 100 g of cottage cheese (9% fat) + 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 banana.

Lunch: 300 g borscht, 200 g baked cod, 100 g salad (chinese cabbage + cucumbers + olive oil).

Afternoon snack: 3 baked apples, 1 loaf of bread + 1 teaspoon of jam, 250 ml of fermented baked milk (3-4% fat).

Dinner: 200 g vegetable casserole, 100 g baked hake, 2 cucumbers, 1 tomato.

For women

To lose weight evenly and stay in shape, women should eat according to this pattern.

Day 1

Breakfast: 200 g of oatmeal in water with grated apple + 1 teaspoon of honey + 50 g of cottage cheese (9% fat), tea or coffee.

Second breakfast: 100 g of cottage cheese (5% fat).

Lunch: 250 g of cheese soup, salad (tomatoes + cucumbers + green peas + sour cream 15% fat).

Afternoon snack: 1 banana, 50 g almonds.

Dinner: 200 g boiled shrimp, 1 boiled egg, 2 cucumbers, 2 tomatoes.

Day 2

Breakfast: 200 g buckwheat porridge on water + 1 teaspoon butter, 1 toast (25 g), 1 tomato.

Second breakfast: 1 banana, 1 persimmon.

Lunch: 250 g of mushroom soup, 100 g of steamed chicken cutlets, 100 g of boiled brown rice in water, without oil.

Afternoon snack: 200 g of salad (Chinese cabbage + cucumbers + tomatoes + natural yogurt).

Dinner: 200 g of boiled mussels, 150 g of vegetable casserole, green tea.

Day 3

Breakfast: 150 g of cottage cheese and banana casserole + 20 g of dried apricots, 1 banana, coffee with milk (2.5% fat).

Second breakfast: 100 g of natural yogurt (3-4% fat) + 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 banana.

Lunch: 250 g of soup with meatballs from minced chicken, 150 g vegetable stew (potatoes + cabbage + carrots + onions), 50 g stewed chicken fillet.

Afternoon snack: 2 loaves of bread + 10 g jam, 1 apple, 250 ml kefir (2.5% fat).

Dinner: 200 g baked chicken breast, 100 g salad (cucumbers + tomatoes + 15% fat sour cream), 1 rice cake.

Day 4

Breakfast: 2 baked cheesecakes (25 g each), 1 banana, 100 g cottage cheese (5% fat), tea.

Second breakfast: 2 apples, 2 kiwis.

Lunch: 250 g fish soup, 200 g boiled mussels, 2 cucumbers.

Afternoon snack: 100 g cottage cheese (9% fat) + 20 g walnuts + 1 teaspoon honey.

Dinner: 200 g of baked pollock, 1 loaf of bread, 2 cucumbers, 2 tomatoes, green tea.

Day 5

Breakfast: 200 g of rice porridge with milk (2.5% fat), 20 g of hard cheese, 1 apple, green tea.

Second breakfast: 3 baked apples, 250 ml kefir (2.5% fat).

Lunch: 250 g of borscht, 70 g of boiled chicken fillet, 100 g of salad (Chinese cabbage + cucumbers + olive oil).

Afternoon snack: 100 g cottage cheese (5-7% fat) + 1 banana.

Dinner: 150 g of boiled potatoes, 100 g of boiled mussels, 2 fresh cucumbers, 1 tomato.

Day 6

Breakfast: 100 g of cottage cheese (9% fat) + 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 toast (25 g), coffee.

Second breakfast: 50 g biscuit, 1 apple.

Lunch: 250 g of buckwheat soup with chicken broth, 150 g of barley porridge, 50 g of beef stew.

Afternoon snack: 3 baked apples, 250 ml fermented baked milk (3-4% fat).

Dinner: 100 g boiled chicken fillet, 2 tomatoes, 1 cucumber.

Day 7

Breakfast: 200 g of buckwheat porridge, 1 steamed chicken cutlet (30 g), 1 boiled egg.

Second breakfast: 1 apple, 1 orange.

Lunch: 200 g of mushroom soup, 100 g of baked chicken breast, 2 cucumbers.

Afternoon snack: 2 breads, 50 g cottage cheese (9% fat), 1 cucumber, 1 tomato.

Dinner: 200 g baked turkey fillet, 150 g vinaigrette, 0.5 grapefruit.

For teenagers

As a teenager’s body develops, strict diets and fasting days are contraindicated for him. A teenager should eat a balanced diet, consuming all the necessary vitamins and microelements.

  • If a child is prone to obesity, high-calorie foods should be limited.
  • A teenager needs to have a full breakfast (this can be porridge with 2.5% fat milk, omelettes or cottage cheese with fruit), as this activates metabolic processes and prevents diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (for example, gastritis).
  • 50% of the diet should consist of carbohydrates, 30% of proteins and 20% of fats.
  • Don't overeat. During puberty, both an increase in appetite and a decrease in it are possible. The ideal solution would be split meals 5-6 times a day.
  • It is better to eat sweets, fast food and flour in the first half of the day, but not more than three times a week.
  • For those with a sweet tooth, unhealthy sweets should be replaced with useful ones. Include bananas, grapes, marshmallows, dark chocolate, marmalade, marshmallows, and fruit jelly in your menu.
  • The calorie content of the menu depends on the physical activity of the teenager.
  • Girls should consume no more than 2400 kcal per day, and boys should consume no more than 2800 kcal per day.


For snacks between meals, you can eat fresh fruits, vegetables, and nuts (without salt). Drink kefir, natural yogurt without sugar or fermented baked milk (no more than 3% fat).

Day 1

Breakfast: 200 g of sweet oatmeal with milk (2.5% fat) + 50 g of marmalade, tea.

Second breakfast: 1 banana, 1 apple.

Lunch: 250 g of buckwheat soup with chicken broth, 150 g of baked chicken fillet, 100 g of stewed champignons.

Afternoon snack: 200 g cottage cheese casserole (cottage cheese + raisins + sour cream 15% fat).

Dinner: 200 g of baked hake, 150 g of salad (fresh cucumbers + tomatoes + any greens + olive oil).

Day 2

Breakfast: 200 g of buckwheat porridge with water + 1 teaspoon of butter, 50 g of marshmallows, tea.

Second breakfast: 1 orange, 1 banana.

Lunch: 250 g of rice soup with meatballs in chicken broth, 150 g of salad (tomatoes + cucumbers + chicken fillet + sour cream 15% fat).

Afternoon snack: 200 g of fruit salad (bananas + apples + kiwi + oranges + natural yogurt + 1 tablespoon of honey), tea.

Dinner: 200 g of boiled shrimp, 150 g of rice porridge in water with 1 teaspoon of butter, 2 cucumbers.

Day 3

Breakfast: an omelette of two eggs and 150 ml of milk (2.5% fat), 30 g of any hard cheese, one piece of toast (25 g) with jam, tea.

Second breakfast: orange, natural yogurt.

Lunch: 250 g borscht, 50 g stewed chicken liver.

Afternoon snack: toast (25 g), 100 g of cottage cheese (9% fat) with 1 teaspoon of honey.

Dinner: fish cutlets (200 g), 150 g of buckwheat porridge in water with 1 teaspoon of butter.

Day 4

Breakfast: 200 g of barley porridge in water with 1 teaspoon of butter, 1 apple, tea.

Second breakfast: 1 banana, 200 g of any berries.

Lunch: 250 g fish soup, 200 g salad (Chinese cabbage + cucumbers + sour cream 15% fat).

Afternoon snack: 150 g of fruit and milk jelly (milk fat content should be no more than 3.5%).

Dinner: 150 baked potatoes, 150 g boiled mussels.

Day 5

Breakfast: 100 g biscuit, 1 banana, tea.

Second breakfast: 2 apples, natural yogurt without sugar (you can add 1 teaspoon of honey).

Lunch: 200 g vegetable casserole, 150 g baked chicken breast.

Afternoon snack: 100 g of cottage cheese (9% fat), 1 orange, 250 ml of natural fruit juice.

Dinner: 150 g of buckwheat porridge on water with 1 teaspoon of butter, 200 g of baked pollock.

Day 6

Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs, 200 g of oatmeal with milk (2.5% fat).

Second breakfast: 70 g marshmallows, tea or 200 ml fruit juice.

Lunch: 250 g of mushroom soup, 150 g of baked hake.

Afternoon snack: 150 g of natural yogurt (no more than 6% fat), 1 banana.

Dinner: 200 g baked chicken breast, 150 g buckwheat porridge in water with 1 teaspoon butter.

Day 7

Breakfast: 2 toasts (25 g each) with nut-chocolate spread, 1 apple, tea.

Second breakfast: 100 g of cottage cheese (5% fat) + 20 g of raisins + 20 g of dried apricots.

Lunch: 200 g of soup with meatballs, 200 g of salad (Chinese cabbage + tomatoes + cucumbers + sour cream 15% fat).

Afternoon snack: 200 g of fruit salad (bananas + oranges + apples + strawberries + natural yogurt + 1 teaspoon of honey).

Dinner: 200 g of boiled shrimp, 100 g of seaweed.

For children

  • Chicken, turkey, lean veal, and beef must be included in a child’s diet.
  • It is strongly recommended to exclude sausages, sausages and sausages from the children's menu.
  • Children need to eat low-fat fish (1-3 times a week): pike perch, hake, pollock, cod. It contains iodine, which is necessary for mental activity.
  • The presence of natural dairy products (milk, cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, natural yogurt) is mandatory, as they contain calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin B2 necessary for growth.
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables are an integral part of the children's menu. It is better to add natural vegetable oil to salads.
  • Children of preschool and school age (1st - 2nd grade) should consume 280 g of carbohydrates, 70 g of proteins, 70 g of fats daily.
  • The child must have breakfast: 25% of the daily calorie intake should be breakfast, 40% - lunch, 15% - afternoon snack and 20% - dinner.
  • The daily caloric intake of children aged 7–10 years should be 2400 kcal. Children aged 11-13 years should consume: boys - 2300-2600 kcal, girls - 2100-2400 kcal.
  • A child involved in sports should consume 300-400 kcal more than his peers.


Day 1

Breakfast: bread (20 g) with butter (10 g) + hard cheese (15 g), 200 ml of milk (not less than 2.5% fat), tea.

Lunch: 200 g soup with meatballs, 150 g mashed potatoes, 50 g boiled hake.

Afternoon snack: 100 g of sweet cottage cheese (9% fat) with raisins (15 g), 1 banana.

Dinner: 150 g of buckwheat porridge with water + 0.5 teaspoon of butter, 100 g of boiled chicken breast.

Day 2

Breakfast: 150 g oatmeal with milk (any fat content) + 1 banana, 15 g hard cheese, tea.

Lunch: 200 g of borscht, 100 g of any stewed vegetables, 100 g of baked chicken fillet.

Afternoon snack: 1 bun with poppy seeds (60 g), 200 ml of kefir (any fat content).

Dinner: 200 g vegetable casserole (from any vegetables), 100 g stewed cod.

Day 3

Breakfast: 150 g of cottage cheese (9% fat) + 2 teaspoons of honey or 20 g of raisins, 1 banana, tea.

Lunch: 200 g of rice soup with chicken broth, 100 g of boiled chicken breast, 100 g of salad (tomatoes + cucumbers + sour cream 15% fat).

Afternoon snack: 150 g of fruit salad (bananas, kiwi, apples, oranges + natural yogurt + 1 tablespoon of honey), tea.

Dinner: 150 g of rice porridge on water + 0.5 teaspoon of butter, 70 g of baked veal.

Day 4

Breakfast: 170 g of buckwheat porridge with water + 1 teaspoon of butter, 50 g of boiled chicken breast, tea.

Lunch: 200 g noodle soup, 100 g baked pollock, 1 cucumber.

Afternoon snack: 150 g of cottage cheese and banana casserole, 200 ml of fermented baked milk (4-5% fat).

Dinner: 150 g mashed potatoes + 0.5 teaspoon butter, 70 g baked chicken breast, 100 g salad (cucumbers, tomatoes + sour cream 15% fat).

Day 5

Breakfast: omelet (2 eggs + 100 ml milk of any fat content), 1 banana, 1 toast with jam, tea.

Lunch: 200 g of rice porridge on water + 1 teaspoon of butter, 50 g of baked beef.

Afternoon snack: 70 g oatmeal cookies, 200 ml milk (3.2% fat).

Dinner: 200 g vegetable casserole + 100 g stewed cod.

Day 6

Breakfast: 150 g of sweet rice porridge with milk (2.5% fat), 1 banana, tea.

Lunch: 150 g of buckwheat soup with chicken broth, 100 g of mashed potatoes, 100 g of steamed chicken cutlets.

Afternoon snack: 100 g of milk-fruit jelly, tea.

Dinner: 150 g of barley porridge with water + 0.5 teaspoon of butter, 100 g of baked turkey fillet.

Day 7

Breakfast: 1 bun with jam (80 g), 100 g cottage cheese (9% fat), tea.

Lunch: 150 g of barley porridge on water + 1 teaspoon of butter, 100 g of baked pollock, 100 g of salad (Chinese cabbage + cucumbers + tomatoes + sour cream 15% fat).

  • After forty years, the body becomes more vulnerable to various adverse factors. Unhealthy nutrition has an extremely negative impact on the cardiovascular, endocrine and nervous systems. Thus, poor nutrition during gastritis or ulcers can result in cancer due to the fact that the immune system After the age of forty, a person becomes weaker. In addition, metabolic processes slow down somewhat, so to maintain health and a slim figure, you need to especially carefully consider the caloric content of food.
  • Nutrition after forty should be varied and balanced.
  • It is advisable to eat small meals - 5-6 times a day. If you are used to three main meals, reduce your usual portions (for example, use smaller dishes, eat without additives), introduce snacks with fruits, fresh vegetable salads (with added olive oil).
  • Since after forty years the ability to absorb fats decreases, and the formation of fats from carbohydrates occurs faster, limit the consumption of fatty meat and fish, flour, and confectionery products.
  • You need to consume at least 100 g of protein per day. Particularly valuable are those proteins that contain methionine, an amino acid that forms lipotropic substances in the body (promote lipid metabolism and regulate cholesterol levels). Methionine is found in dairy products (cottage cheese, kefir, feta cheese). They also contain necessary for the body calcium.
  • It is better to boil or bake meat and fish.
  • Minimize your consumption of fried foods.
  • It is better to exclude fatty pork and lamb, or eat it extremely rarely.
  • Eat no more than ten chicken eggs in Week.
  • Be sure to eat rice, oatmeal, and buckwheat - these are excellent adsorbents that will not allow waste and toxins to linger.
  • Eat more greens, fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as prunes, sauerkraut and seaweed. These products have a mild laxative effect and prevent the development of harmful microorganisms in the intestines.
  • Drink at least 2 liters of pure still water per day and herbal teas. Coffee consumption should be reduced. Drink no more than 2 cups of not too strong coffee per day.
  1. Regardless of age, try to get rid of bad habits(smoking, eating in front of the computer or TV). This reduces the effect of healthy eating.
  2. Try to sleep at least seven hours a day, and ventilate the room before going to bed.
  3. Move more. If possible, do not use transport, but cover distances on foot. This way the extra pounds will go away even faster.
  4. Spend more time on your hobbies. This is also a great distraction from the obsessive desire to eat.
  5. Buy good cream for the body and use it every time after a shower. This will protect your skin from excessive moisture loss and give it a healthy look.
  6. Try different tea blends (for example, black tea + jasmine + strawberry). You can have it with honey, but only without sugar and without sweets as a bite. Teas also help suppress untimely appetite and improve your mood.
  7. When eating, don't focus only on food. This will prevent you from eating too much.
  8. Don’t rush to lose weight: the slower the weight comes off, the more reliable the result.
  9. Remember that proper nutrition is not a diet, but a norm of life.

Nutritionist's opinion

Everyone knows that even after reading a dozen books about losing weight, it can be quite difficult to independently organize daily proper nutrition. Therefore, especially for site visitors, gastroenterologist at the Beauty Park clinic, representative of the newest specialization - dermatogastroenterology, Svetlana Grishchenko has developed diet menu for a week.

This menu details each day - breakfast, lunch and dinner. This dietary diet can be called complete and balanced, because it includes all vital products, and the number of calories so that weight gradually begins to decrease.

Menu for weight loss for a week

Monday (1100 kcal)

First breakfast:
200 g of oatmeal, cooked in 0.5% milk with 50 g of fresh or frozen berries; tea or skin without sugar and milk.
2 peeled carrots.
100 g cooked buckwheat; a serving of vegetable stew or fresh vegetable salad, seasoned with a tablespoon of olive oil.
Afternoon snack:
½ cup chopped fruit (pear, apple, nectarine, kiwi)
tea without sugar or water.

Tuesday (1450 kcal)

First breakfast:
200 g cottage cheese 0-2% fat, ½ banana, tea or kozhe without sugar and milk.

1 orange or grapefruit.
100 g cooked brown rice; portion of steamed salmon, 300 g of warm vegetables (carrots, broccoli, cauliflower), seasoned with 1 tsp vegetable oil;
Afternoon snack:


Wednesday (1350 kcal)

First breakfast:
200 g oatmeal, cooked in 0.5% milk with 1 medium apple and 1 tsp. cinnamon;

a portion vegetable soup(it is allowed to consume any soup cooked in low-fat broth, strictly without meat)
Afternoon snack:

200 g of light cottage cheese casserole without sugar, with cinnamon, cottage cheese should have 0-2% fat content,
a glass of kefir 0-2% fat, cranberry juice sugarless.
Before bedtime:

Thursday (1570 kcal)

First breakfast:

2 peeled carrots, dressed with a tablespoon of olive oil.

Afternoon snack:
a sandwich made from a piece (30 g) of Borodino bread with 50 g of low-fat cottage cheese, a pinch of salt, pepper and tomato slices;
boiled or baked chicken fillet (80g), 300g of oven-stewed vegetables (parsnips, turnips, onions, carrots) with herbs, seasoned with 2 tablespoons of olive oil; 200 ml 0.5% milk or kefir.
Before bedtime:
fruit or herbal tea without sugar and milk.

Friday (1335 kcal)

First breakfast:
a piece (30g) of rye bread;
1 boiled egg; green salad leaves 1 cucumber, 1 bell pepper, coffee or tea without milk and sugar.
2 peeled carrots, dressed with a tablespoon of olive oil.
a serving of vegetable soup (it is allowed to consume any soup cooked in low-fat broth, strictly without meat).
Afternoon snack:
2 slices dark chocolate; freshly squeezed orange juice.
a small portion of boiled chicken or turkey, a salad of fresh vegetables dressed with a spoon of olive oil.

Saturday (1100 kcal)

First breakfast:
200 g oatmeal, cooked in 0.5% milk with 1 medium apple and 1 tsp. cinnamon;
tea or coffee without sugar and milk.
150 g low-fat natural yoghurt.
100 g boiled buckwheat, 100 lean beef, 200 g lettuce salad, 1 zucchini and 1 tomato seasoned with 1 tablespoon of olive oil.
Afternoon snack:
berry smoothie: grind in a blender a mixture of 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese, ½ cup of berries (blueberries, lingonberries, raspberries or strawberries), ½ cup of 0.5% milk.
small portion of steamed sea bass with boiled vegetables, 1 glass of tomato juice, 1 rye bread, seasoned low-fat cottage cheese with herbs and garlic.

Sunday (1570 kcal)

First breakfast:
200 g of muesli with berries or fruits with 0.5% milk, a medium apple or grapefruit, tea or coffee without milk and sugar.
half a grapefruit, 20 g walnuts.
100 g cooked brown rice; a portion of steamed salmon, 300 g of warm vegetables (carrots, broccoli, cauliflower), seasoned with 1 tsp vegetable oil;
Afternoon snack:
100 g of grain cottage cheese (up to 4% fat content);
½ cup chopped fruit.
portion of vegetable omelette, 200 g vegetable salad seasoned with 1 tablespoon of olive oil.

Water, freshly squeezed juices, mineral water and herbal tea can be drunk in any quantity. You should drink it an hour before your meal and no earlier than 30 minutes after your meal.

  1. Proper nutrition for weight loss means certain and constant eating hours.
  2. Set realistic goals for yourself. Ideally, you should strive to lose at least one kilogram per week. Even if this figure seems too small to you, remember that the results of gradual weight loss last longer than the effect of an express diet.
  3. Reward achievements. When you are on a diet, it is important to encourage your perseverance and willpower every one to two weeks - this strengthens your determination to stick to the end and follow the diet with initial zeal. Give yourself small incentive prizes.
  4. Don't be too hard on yourself. If you overeat chocolate once or do not lose the planned kilogram per week, do not beat yourself up. You just need to find the strength to return to a healthy diet the next day.
  5. Eat often, but in small portions. Try to have enough protein in your weekly diet. You can snack on light, high-fiber foods, such as dried fruits. Drink plenty of lime and ice water or herbal tea to fill your stomach.
  6. Choose exercises to your liking. If you hate the thought of going to the gym, take advantage of every opportunity to exercise. Forget about the elevator! Walking for two hours at a moderate pace will burn as many calories as a holiday meal and a glass of wine.
  7. Reduce your portion sizes. Change your usual plate to a smaller one.