Rituals for a total lunar eclipse. The magic of solar and lunar eclipses. For the ritual you will need a pink or blue candle, olive oil, and one black olive. The ritual is best performed not only on the day of the New Moon, but precisely at the hour of the New Moon

In the middle of summer there was a rather intense period of life, when, with the help of online fortune telling and appeals to clairvoyants attract favorable changes and changes in fate.

Magic rituals in moon eclipse 2019 brings powerful energy of transformation of space and consciousness. If you make a wish correctly during a lunar eclipse, there will be many interesting meetings in the future, a money channel will open, and the prospect of business expansion will appear.

How to use a lunar eclipse

All rituals for money and love spells performed during the summer eclipse corridor carry triple power and very quickly become reality. For those who are interested in how to use a lunar eclipse, let’s say that first of all you need to do a triple cleansing of your home from accumulated negativity using blessed water, lit candles and positively charged salt.

Use the information from the article to understand exactly how a unique event will affect your destiny.

If possible, plan a vacation or break from routine work for the period from July 17 to August 1, 2019, then the lunar eclipse will bring a reboot before the start of new projects and business negotiations.

How to attract good luck during a lunar eclipse

On the waxing Moon, seven days before the Full Moon, you can do a simple, but effective ritual for money that actually works. Collect all unnecessary junk and things that you no longer use in your house, bake or buy sweet cookies and candies at the store. Take all this to people in need and distribute it, mentally saying the spell: “For you - bread and alms, and for me - luck, money and prosperity.”

Three days before the lunar eclipse on the Full Moon on July 17, 2019, you need to go to the market and buy a new broom without haggling. Carefully mark all the corners towards the threshold with it, sweep all the debris into a paper sheet, wrap it carefully and place it under the rug at the threshold.

Each time, stepping over this hidden bundle, say: “Litter and poverty, swearing and tossing - away from my threshold, go away, scatter forever!” Three days later, the garbage is taken to an intersection located in the cemetery area and thrown out there, reading the conspiracy: “Straw, straw, bring trouble out of the house, sweep it over the threshold, but I won’t know grief. A dead man needs nothing, neither for the body nor for the parade. He will take away trouble, grief and melancholy. His pocket is empty, and I - be full and happy. Amen!"

Black magic during a lunar eclipse

The Full Moon in July 2019 will most strongly affect people who celebrate their birthday from June 28 to July 25, and these are Cancers and Leos according to the horoscope. Black magic during a lunar eclipse will allow you to transform negative energy into a positive direction, get rid of bad habits or excess weight. It is best to turn to a clairvoyant during a lunar eclipse for help, who will quickly remove the damage, evil eye, curse or love spell, and carry out powerful purges of negativity.

It makes sense to get rid of slander and negative programs on your own using water, fire and salt. It is enough to take your photograph and three days before the lunar eclipse, place it in a container with salt, covering the entire surface of the image with crystals. On the day of a lunar eclipse, salt is flushed down the toilet with the words: “The Sun and the Moon came together, the bad salt took away, cleansed me, and gave me wealth, happiness and health in return. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Now, next to your photo, place everything that you associate with the word “well-being” - it could be money, a photo of your beloved man, new things. Very soon changes will occur in your destiny and you will get everything you dreamed of.

How to get rid of unnecessary things during a lunar eclipse

The cleansing properties of the energy of a lunar eclipse were already known to our ancestors, who, on the eve of this event, performed a ritual to cleanse them of old destructive programs. On the day of the Full Moon, when there will be a lunar eclipse 2019, on the night of July 16-17, 2019, take a stone in your hands and, warming it with the warmth of your hands, think about what you would like to get rid of.

These could be quarrels, illnesses, financial problems and debts. Go out to an open place where there is a river with a good flow. Stand with your back to the pond, squeeze the stone in the palm of your right hand and say the spell: “Just as this water will not return here again, so the old problems are closed to entry into my life.”

After this, throw the stone with your right hand over your left shoulder into the waters of the river so that it flies as far away from you as possible. Go home without looking back, the river has taken away everything bad and bad from you, in return you will receive quick changes for the better.

Make a wish during a lunar eclipse

On the night of the special full moon from July 16 to 17, 2019, you need to take a contrast shower and wear previously prepared clean clothes in dark colors.

There should be two glasses of clean water on the table, over which say a spell: “The energy of water, the energy of fire, the energy of earth and the energy of air - come to me, bring everything you plan to life!”

At exactly midnight, place a lit candle in the center of the table, close your eyes and visualize what you want as if it had already come true.

Now you need to drink the first glass of water to the bottom and say: “It is fulfilled.”

After that, write down everything you dream about on a blank sheet of paper, indicating exact dates, amounts and places where what is planned should happen.

Fold the message to the Higher Powers in the form of a quadrangle and light the candle over the flame, shaking off the ashes onto a small white saucer.

It must be dispelled from the balcony or through the window with the words: “Fly to the sky, all my wishes come true!”

You can’t talk to anyone after this, you need to go to bed, and let the candle burn out completely on the table so that there is no cinder left.

In a dream, a Guardian Angel will definitely come to you, who will show you the path to fulfilling your dreams and tell you how to act in order to achieve your plans. Starting from the day of the Full Moon, no more than 14 days will pass and you will receive everything that was wished for on a magical night, if the desire was pure, sincere and aimed exclusively at the positive.

In contact with

During the period of a lunar eclipse, the most effective rituals are to get rid of problems, debts, and bad habits. A person has a real chance to reprogram his ways of interacting with the world around him, to change the negative aspects of his character into positive ones. At that time magical rituals and energy cleansing acquires special power. Relationships broken during a lunar eclipse are almost impossible to restore; and a bad habit that a person stopped during this astronomical event has practically no chance of resumption.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortune teller Baba Nina:“There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow...” Read more >>

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    Calendar of astronomical events

    A lunar eclipse begins at the moment when the night luminary enters the shadow cast by the Earth from the Sun. In this case, three celestial bodies line up in a row. An eclipse occurs only on the day of the full moon. In its essence it is a full moon, Magic force which is strengthened many times. This explains the effectiveness of rituals, fortune telling and meditations performed during this astronomical event.

    When the Moon is not completely immersed in the Earth's shadow, it is called a partial eclipse. Penumbral eclipses occur when the Moon passes through the space near the cone of shadow cast by the Earth. In this case, the lunar disk is only slightly covered with shadow.

    Lunar eclipse schedule from 2018 to 2028:

    Year Dates of total eclipses Dates of partial eclipses Dates of penumbral eclipses
    • January 31;
    • July 27
    - -
    2019 July 17th-
    2020 -
    • January 10;
    • June 5;
    • 5'th of July;
    • November 30th
    2021 November 19-
    • 16th of May;
    • November 18th
    - -
    2023 - 5 May
    2024 - March 25
    • March 14th;
    • September 7
    - -
    2026 August 28-
    2027 -
    • February 21;
    • August 7
    • January 12
    • July 6

    The most powerful rituals and ceremonies are those performed during a total lunar eclipse. You should also pay attention to the coincidence of the astronomical event with the date of birth. If the eclipse falls on a birthday (give or take a few days), the rituals will be especially strong. At this time, you can radically influence your destiny and get rid of negative karma.

    What you can and cannot do during a lunar eclipse

    During this period, a person may feel disoriented. Principles and ideals seem false and illusory. During a lunar eclipse, you should give up expectations and devote as much time as possible to spiritual development. The lunar eclipse provides excellent opportunities to complete ongoing processes and create new projects.

    At this time you can:

    • Quit a bad habit.
    • Break off a painful love affair that has no prospects.
    • Look for the loss. During a lunar eclipse, the chances of finding something hidden increase.
    • Complete tasks for which you constantly do not have enough time.
    • Summarize the situation, rethink the experience gained.
    • Spend time in nature, in unity with the earth.
    • Start cleaning the house.
    • Imagine your desired future. The eclipse gives visualization a powerful impulse that allows you to quickly turn intentions into reality.
    • Cleanse the body (through fasting, diets, detox programs).
    • Fumigate the living space.
    • Do meditation. Read spiritual and philosophical works.
    • Do good deeds and charity.

    There are also signs according to which it is necessary to refrain from certain actions during the eclipse.

    On the day when this astronomical event occurs, it is not recommended:

    • Prescribe serious medical interventions and surgeries (including cosmetic ones).
    • Make large purchases. On this day, you may not notice any flaws in the product.
    • Lend large sums of money. They can be lost forever.
    • Make important decisions. Start big projects.
    • To register marriage. It will only bring misfortune and tears.
    • Overload the body, expose yourself to stress.
    • Quarrel with loved ones, sort things out. These clarifications will inevitably lead to a break.
    • Enter into intimate relationships for the sake of conception. A child conceived at this time will have less free will.

    The consequences of negative actions committed during this period are very difficult to calculate and overcome. Therefore, astrologers and magicians recommend not taking any active actions during the lunar eclipse, devoting time to spirituality and self-development.

    Fortune telling "Card fate"

    This fortune telling, performed during a lunar eclipse, is particularly accurate. For the session you should take a new deck playing cards. While mixing them, you need to think about the most important problem at the moment - financial debts, family troubles, psychological complexes.

    Cards are laid out one at a time, waiting for a queen, king or ace to appear from the deck. Interpretation of cards:

    • the king or queen of the black suit symbolizes a man or woman who will help solve the problem of interest;
    • the king or queen of the red suit means a man or woman who will support and give strength for further advancement;
    • the black ace suggests that the cause of the current difficulties lies outside (it could be the evil eye, witchcraft, revenge of an ill-wisher);
    • the ace of the red suit indicates that the cause of the problems lies in the fortuneteller himself, and his fate is in his hands.

    Rituals for money and improving well-being

    To make any money ritual even stronger, it should be supplemented with the practice of visualizing wealth. To do this, the day before and after the lunar eclipse, you need to mentally imagine yourself as a wealthy person, visualize how money comes from various sources.

    To a new wallet

    This ritual is aimed at improving financial well-being and increasing cash flow. On the day of the lunar eclipse, you should purchase a new wallet. Arriving home, the old one is immediately thrown away. The minute the eclipse begins, they count all the money down to the smallest penny and transfer it to a new wallet. At the same time, the words are pronounced: “New money in a new wallet.” To consolidate the magical effect, you should not spend a penny over the next 24 hours.

    Per coin

    The following ritual is suitable for those who honestly earn money by working long hours, but receive mere pennies for their work. At the moment of a lunar eclipse, they take a coin and chant it:

    “I’m moving towards my goal in hail, heat and wind. There’s a rocky path under my feet, but (name) can’t push me off the road. I’ll reach my goal, I’ll find a rich treasure. I’ll have more money than on the seashore. I’ll become a noble gentleman ", I'll hire a cook and a servant. There will be more money than leaves in the spring. The moon is eclipsed, I have one coin. And when the moon is reborn, the coin will turn into a treasure. Amen."

    The coin is carried with them as a talisman. In the near future, the work will begin to bring in a really big income, or the fortuneteller will receive an offer to move to a higher-paying position.

    For two bills

    Before the eclipse begins, light, pleasant music is played. Then follows:

    1. 1. Light incense sticks or an aroma lamp with orange or lemon oils and take a bill of the same denomination in each hand.
    2. 2. Sitting comfortably in a chair and closing your eyes, stretch your arms in front of you.
    3. 3. Holding the banknotes in your palms, imagine how the enhanced energy of the lunar eclipse begins to charge these banknotes.
    4. 4. Then take a deep breath, and as you exhale say the words: “Deep and wide, the river of money flows to me!”
    5. 5. Then take a deep breath again, and, imagining cash flow, say the formula: “I am a money magnet!”
    6. 6. Afterwards you can open your eyes. Add a little orange oil to one of the bills and put it in your wallet separately from the rest of the money. Spend the second as soon as possible on sweets or delicacies (sweets, chocolate, red caviar). You cannot take change from the seller.

    The level of income will begin to increase within the next two or three lunar cycles.

    Rituals to attract love

    To increase the effectiveness of any love magic ritual, you can offer a gift to the moon before performing it. To do this, before the start of the eclipse, you need to place a glass of wine or a small plate of fruit on the windowsill, mentally asking the luminary for help in carrying out the ritual. After the eclipse is over, wine and fruit can be consumed.

    In addition, before performing the sacrament, it is useful to take a shower, calm your thoughts through prayer or meditation, and internally let go of grievances and negativity.

    With decoration

    Performed at any hour of the lunar eclipse. To perform the sacrament you will need:

    • saucer with clean water;
    • your favorite piece of jewelry (chain, ring, pendant);
    • pink wax candle.

    Before performing the ritual, you can use incense and turn on relaxing music. It is recommended to perform the sacrament barefoot, even if the magician lives in a high-rise building. This will strengthen your connection with the earth.


    1. 1. After holding the decoration in your hands for some time, place it in a saucer with water.
    2. 2. Then take a lit candle in your hand and pass it over the saucer three times in a clockwise direction. At the same time, the words of the conspiracy are pronounced: “Energy of earth, water, air and earth, I call upon you, I conjure you: let there be more and more love in my life with each subsequent lunar cycle!”
    3. 3. The words are pronounced three times.
    4. 4. Then place a candle near the saucer. While it burns to the end, you need to imagine a happy life

    The jewelry is worn as a talisman that attracts love.

    With envelope

    • red paper envelope;
    • sandalwood essential oil;
    • sponge or small piece of cotton wool;
    • needle;
    • pencil;
    • scissors;
    • pink or red sheet of A4 cardboard.


    1. 1. Lightly write your name on a piece of cardboard.
    2. 2. Then thread the thread into a needle and embroider stroke by stroke - so that on a sheet of paper you get a name embroidered in block letters. While embroidering, say the words: “Mother gave me a name, she called me from birth. I sew my name to love, I begin a new life. My betrothed, call me so that I can be in affection and love. A zealous heart is knocking in my chest, and what in hands, safely stored. Every good fellow wants to marry me. Amen."
    3. 3. After this, also draw a heart around the inscription with a dotted line and cut out the shape along the line.
    4. 4. Place a few drops of sandalwood oil on the sponge and saturate the resulting heart with the name.
    5. 5. Then place the heart

    The ritual begins to take effect immediately after it is performed. The new chosen one will meet over the next few weeks.

    With two candles

    Before the sacrament, they put on their best dress, do their hair, decorating their hair with their favorite accessory. For the ceremony you will need:

    • two twisted wax candles (red and blue);
    • red silk ribbon;
    • incense sticks with a sweet smell.

    The ritual begins 15 minutes before the start of the eclipse:

    1. 1. Candles are installed opposite each other.
    2. 2. Carefully tie them with a ribbon.
    3. 3. Light incense sticks.
    4. 4. Close their eyes, imagining pink light around them and inside them.
    5. 5. Light the candles.
    6. 6. Say the words three times: “My soul is open to new love. Every day I get closer to her. Everything in my life happens for my benefit and for the benefit of all living things. My every day is filled with miracles that will lead me to my chosen one!”
    7. 7. Represent the image of the desired chosen one, his personal qualities, relationships with him.
    8. 8. Opening your eyes, look at the candle flames for another 10-15 minutes.
    9. 9. The fire is extinguished.
    10. 10. Place the tape under your pillow. The next morning it should be placed in a secret place in the southwestern sector of the room.

    Ritual to enhance attractiveness

    Performed at any hour of the eclipse. To perform the ritual you should take:

    • any mirror;
    • comb or comb;
    • new towel;
    • jasmine or mint essential oil.


    1. 1. First you need to prepare the bath by filling it with water and adding a few drops of oil.
    2. 2. Having descended into it, you should relax, internally tune in to the sacrament.
    3. 3. Lying straight in the bath and looking in the mirror, comb your hair.
    4. 4. Looking at yourself, say the words of the spell: “The maiden moon is red! Give me unwritten, unheard-of beauty. So that I may be like a birch tree, thin and sonorous. And let my skin be young and fresh, like a child’s. Amen.” The number of repetitions of the conspiracy should be equal to the number of days from the beginning of the current month. For example, if the ritual is carried out on the fifth day, then the conspiracy is pronounced five times.
    5. 5. After pronouncing the spell, you need to get out of the bath and wipe your entire body with a new towel.

    Sacrament for fulfillment of desires

    This wish fulfillment ritual allows you to quickly materialize your most secret dreams.

    For the sacrament you will need:

    • two wax candles;
    • blank sheet of paper;
    • pen or pencil;
    • satin ribbon;
    • magnet.

    The color of the candles and ribbon is chosen depending on the specifics of the desire. If it concerns:

    • money or buying valuables - choose green;
    • health - white;
    • love - red or pink;
    • quarries - brown;
    • issues related to self-development and personal growth - orange;
    • spiritual sphere, psychic abilities- violet.


    1. 1. When an eclipse occurs, two candles are lit.
    2. 2. Write your desire in detail on paper.
    3. 3. Then the note is placed between two candles.
    4. 4. Looking at the fire, they imagine their desire has already been fulfilled.
    5. 5. After meditating in this way for several minutes, they say the words: “The moon, the mistress of the night, is filled with power and strength. Let what is dear to the heart come true. The moon is filled with goodness, my dream is fulfilled!”
    6. 6. Then the magnet is wrapped in a piece of paper with wishes written on it.
    7. 7. The bundle is tied with a ribbon and carried with you until the dream comes true.

    Ritual by the river to get rid of an evil fate

    To perform the ritual, you should go to the middle of the bridge over the river. On the day of a lunar eclipse, it functions as a powerful tunnel that connects the human world with the world of higher powers. You need to take a wallet with change with you, dividing the coins into three approximately equal handfuls.

    Conducting the ceremony:

    1. 1. Standing in the middle of the bridge, they throw the first handful of coins into the water, uttering the words: “Evil destiny, stepmother! I don’t see your dashing deeds. I give my inheritance to the moon. The muddy river water will flow away. Your dashing and harm will carry it far away.”
    2. 2. Then they hold the second handful of coins in their hand and throw it into the water, saying: “I don’t ask for gold and silver. I ask you to deliver me from all evil. On a new journey, a sweet and honeyed destiny.”
    3. 3. Taking the last handful in their hand, they throw it with the words: “The eclipse will pass, the water will flow away. The moon is with me, a new life is just around the corner. As soon as the moon leaves its captivity, I can expect happy changes.”

    Returning home, you should distract yourself, internally let go of the desire to get results. Changes in fate will come within the next few months.

    Spiritual practices and meditations

    A lunar eclipse is a special time point when a person has the opportunity to transform his reality. During this period, meditation is especially powerful for cleansing negativity and visualizing the fulfillment of what you want. To further enhance the effect of the following practices, it is useful to give up food of animal origin, reduce contacts, and give up entertainment a week before them.

    Meditation with a mirror on the day of a lunar eclipse

    This technique helps to get rid of accumulated negativity, complexes and problems, as well as to bring the desired achievement closer. For practice you will need 2 glasses clean water, candle and mirror.


    1. 1. An hour before meditation, drink a glass of clean water and take a cool shower.
    2. 2. Half an hour before the eclipse reaches its maximum phase, place a mirror on the table in front of you.
    3. 3. Place a white wax candle between yourself and the mirror, as well as another glass of water. You can light incense.
    4. 4. Then light a candle and focus on the burning flame reflected in the mirror.
    5. 5. After this, they mentally transfer all the bad things through the looking glass. Everything that hinders the achievement of success, interferes with harmonious relationships, worries or upsets, should be imagined as being transported into the world of the looking glass and burning there.
    6. 6. When there is a strong feeling that all the negativity has gone, the candle is moved away from the mirror so that it is no longer reflected in its surface. This will close the portal and prevent negative energy from coming back. The candle must burn out completely.
    7. 7. Then they take a glass of water in their hands and raise it to the level of the bridge of the nose. Looking into the water, they mentally imagine how it is filled with the positive energy of existing desires: for example, the power of self-confidence, friendship, love, material acquisitions.
    8. 8. Drink water, visualizing your unity with this positive force.
    9. 9. Then it is recommended to lie quietly for a few minutes.
    10. 10. After completing the meditation, take a shower again.

    Practice to change your destiny

    To perform this ritual you will need:

    • watch;
    • three wax candles;
    • pen;
    • new notepad.

    Half an hour before the start of the eclipse, you need to prepare a place for practice, put on clean clothes, and light candles. Put a watch in front of you so as not to miss the start time of the eclipse.

    Next steps:

    1. 1. Divide a blank sheet of paper into two parts. On the left, write down everything that interferes in life, is the reason for stress, worries and heaviness in the soul. On the right, wishes are recorded, as well as what the problematic area of ​​life should ideally look like.
    2. 2. By the time the eclipse occurs, you need to awaken all dormant emotions - both positive and negative. Focusing on physical sensations (tears, a lump in the throat, tension), continue to record negative experiences in the left column: “I’m so tired of...”, “I’m so tired of...”, “I’ve had enough already...”
    3. 3. When all the troubling problems are described, write down your feelings on another sheet of notebook (“I feel calm,” “I have a headache,” “I feel tired”).
    4. 4. Then, on another sheet of paper, write down praises for yourself, describing your merits in the brightest colors. This will allow you to concentrate your energy and redirect it to achieve what you want.
    5. 5. Re-read the desires written in the right column and ask yourself again whether they are true, whether they correspond to reality.
    6. 6. On the next sheet of notebook write the subtitle: “My plans.” This point must be approached strictly in the first minutes of the eclipse. It is important to describe all the actions that it is advisable to take to achieve the desired goal, even if they seem completely absurd.
    7. 7. Put the written text in a secret place and do not read it for at least the next six months.

    When starting this practice, you need to concentrate as much as possible on the process. The greater the surge of psychic energy, the faster the change in fate in the desired direction will occur. It is recommended to formulate the main desire in advance, before starting the practice.

    Clearing karma

    This ritual can be performed no more than three times a year. Lunar eclipse is the most suitable period to use this technique. The ritual is carried out in the evening or at night for 10 days (five daysass="tautology-highlight">days before and five days after the eclipse). The impact of the ceremony will be felt after the first day of its implementation. To perform this technique you will need a white wax candle.


    1. 1. Having retired and concentrated, write the word “I forgive...” on a piece of paper, and then list all the people who have ever caused offense. You can record both the living and the dead. Both individual names and names with surnames and patronymics are recorded.
    2. 2. The text ends with the words: “And everyone whom Fate sends on my path, I forgive and bless with all my love.” Each person should be forgiven sincerely and from the bottom of his heart.
    3. 3. Then the note is burned in a candle flame and the ashes are thrown out the window.

    Some time after the practice, new events will begin to occur in life. They are a response from the Universe to the spiritual work carried out. If life improves, it means that karma has been cleared. If difficulties begin, this signals the start of the process of karma purification and the need further work above oneself.

    Technique from Tatyana Arnautova

    Parapsychologist Tatyana Arnautova offers the following ritual, with which you can get rid of the baggage of negative experiences and direct energy to achieving constructive goals. To perform the ceremony you will need:

    • two glasses of cool spring water;
    • two alarm clocks (one starts exactly at the time of the eclipse, the second - a quarter of an hour after its occurrence).


    1. 1. Exactly 15 minutes before the eclipse, quickly drink the first glass of water.
    2. 2. Afterwards, lie with your head to the north, relax and remember several life circumstances that you would like to get rid of (break up with your husband, quit your job, get rid of an illness). For convenience, you can write down these situations in advance on a piece of paper.
    3. 3. When the first alarm clock rings (the time of the eclipse), you should turn your head to the east and make several wishes, visualizing their fulfillment.
    4. 4. When the second alarm rings (15 minutes after the eclipse), you need to quickly drink a second glass of water.

    Everything that was conceived during the ritual turns into a program for execution.

    Throwing away a stone from the soul

    For this practice you will need a stone of any size and type. Regular street cobblestones will do.


    1. 1. Taking the stone in your hands, mentally convey to it all the emotional pain and heaviness that has accumulated in your soul. You can talk to him, asking him to absorb all negative emotions.
    2. 2. Then you need to thank the stone for having absorbed all the negative information, and then throw it behind your back.

    The practice must be carried out in a deserted place so as not to inadvertently harm anyone.

    You should leave this place without looking back - the past should be left behind, and there is no need to look back at it. You can throw a stone into the river, imagining how everything bad is carried away by the current of water.

    The influence of the upcoming lunar eclipse begins two weeks before the astronomical event itself and lasts for two weeks after it. During this period, you can also perform magical rituals, but their effects will be weaker than those performed directly at the time of the eclipse.

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    Money has always been my main problem. Because of this, I had a lot of complexes. I considered myself a failure, problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still needed personal help. Sometimes it seems that the problem is in you, all failures are just a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye or some other bad force.

    But who can help in a difficult life situation, when it seems that your whole life is going downhill and passing you by? It’s hard to be happy working as a cashier for 26 thousand rubles, when you had to pay 11 thousand for renting an apartment. Imagine my surprise when my whole life suddenly changed overnight for the better. I couldn’t even imagine that it was possible to earn so much money that some trinket at first glance could have such an impact.

    It all started when I ordered my personal...

Powerful rituals for attracting money are directly related to the moon. Clairvoyant Regina Fedorenko knows how a lunar eclipse can change lives and give wealth.

Clairvoyant about the energy of the moon and eclipses

Astronomical phenomena directly affect our lives. Therefore, people have long been monitoring what is happening in the night sky. Lunar eclipses, full moons and new moons, changes in the zodiacal position of the moon - all this has occupied the minds of scientists for many centuries in a row.

The most powerful psychics these days speak about the impact of the moon on all living things. For example, Israeli clairvoyant Regina Fedorenko believes that many rituals acquire special power on the full moon or on the new one. And during eclipses, the energy of the moon is completely restructured, which can also be used for your own purposes.

An eclipse is a moment when you can get rid of any negativity forever, so during an eclipse it is very good to carry out money rituals for those who have had to face difficulties or problems. Poverty, debts, loans, unemployment - all this can be left behind forever if the right ritual is performed on the right day. In its energy, an eclipse is close to a new moon, but it gives a much more powerful effect.

Money ritual for an eclipse from Regina Fedorenko

To get rich, and quickly enough, you can turn to the energy of the eclipse and resort to a simple ritual from Regina Fedorenko. To do this, you only need your wallet. And, of course, a suitable day on which a lunar eclipse will take place. In March 2016, we are expecting it very soon, on the 23rd.

In the morning, take out absolutely all the money and cards you use to pay from your wallet. Then leave the wallet where it can “look” at the sky - that is, on a windowsill or on a table well lit from a window. Then you can calmly go to work or mind your own business on the 23rd, but be sure not to touch your wallet. At home, he will give up all the negativity along with the drop in lunar energy, and then he will receive it again, this time with a positive charge. The main thing is that there is not a single, even the smallest, money left in it.

By the evening, when the eclipse is over, fill it with money again. Before this, the day before, you can carry out a special ritual of cleansing the apartment in order to enhance the effect of the money ritual.

Important point: While your wallet is fueled by new energy and gets rid of negative connections to poverty or other financial problems, you should exchange as much change as possible. Of course, there is no need to run to the bank and exchange half of your salary. But wealth and prosperity will be brought by the fact that by the evening you will fill your wallet with coins. Their round form has a sacred meaning in this ritual, so make sure that by nightfall you definitely have nickels, rubles and tens in your wallet.

Use this ritual for money, and you will not know poverty. Regina Fedorenko advises carrying it out on every new moon, when the moon experiences similar energy processes, going through the stage of energy zeroing. We wish you to live comfortably, without knowing the hassle, listen to the clairvoyant Regina and her advice and don't forget to press the buttons and

21.03.2016 01:20

We asked the famous magician Regina Fedorenko from the “Battle of Psychics” about the secrets and dangers of one of the most powerful love tools - love...

Periods of lunar eclipses do not last long, but greatly influence our lives. Therefore, on the eve of the next lunar...

“An eclipse is a wonderful time for healing because it brings to the surface patterns deeply buried within us that are no longer aligned with our highest potential. If you feel that other people and yourself are a little more sensitive and emotional at this time, being gentle with yourself and with them will allow the healing to proceed more smoothly.”
Emmanuel Daguerre

A lunar eclipse is a cosmic event that occurs several times a year. Eclipses, both lunar and solar, affect people in a certain way.

The moon is responsible for the physical body, health and well-being of a person. A lunar eclipse most strongly affects a person psychologically, on his emotional background.

Therefore it promotes psychological changes. If you have long wanted to change something in yourself, in your character, to get rid of bad habits, then a lunar eclipse is the right time for this.

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This phenomenon is always favorable to remove all unnecessary and unnecessary things from your life. This is an opportunity clear space for new things to come in.

Read in the article which rituals for a lunar eclipse will be effective in improving your life.

The energies of eclipses begin to affect people in the period three days before the cosmic event itself and three days after. People these days are experiencing unstable emotional state.

In a short period of time, a completely multipolar flurry of emotions can manifest in a person.

He either reacts aggressively to something insignificant, irritability increases, or falls into an apathetic state when everything loses its significance, and there is no desire to react to anything at all.

Some event causes delight and tenderness to the point of tears, so much so that a person is at a loss as to why he is so deeply affected.

Considering the increased excitability, on such days, control your emotions, remain calm, take care of your loved ones, understanding that many of their reactions are caused by the current moment of the eclipse.

Cleansing properties of lunar eclipse energy

An eclipse brings to the surface everything that has become obsolete, which prevents a person from moving forward and slows down his development. It highlights the ballast, which, having thrown it away, makes way for the new.

During the period of a lunar eclipse, there is an intensified cleansing of everything untrue.

During the eclipse, the development of situations can be of two options:

  • The first option is when a person clings to the old, tries to hold on to what needs to leave his life.

If a person does not want to let go of what no longer serves him, he plunges into negative emotions and experiences.

Understand that things that no longer have a place in your life, for which the time has come to leave you, will still go away.

Such things will be forcibly removed from a person’s path through pain and despair. And his indignation about this will only make the situation worse.

  • The second option is when the person himself ready for change, voluntarily lets go of outdated patterns, consciously gets rid of something.

Then the changes that he allows into his life will be for his benefit.

Be as flexible as possible, accept what the moon shows you without resistance, condemnation or claims, without expectations of how everything should happen in your opinion. Be aware in these moments and don't panic.

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  • Don't plan anything big. It is advisable to be alone during such periods, to immerse yourself in yourself.
  • Don't try to hold on to what is leaving your life. Don't be upset about losses. Only the unnecessary goes away, that which no longer serves you, that which destroys you and your life.
  • Control your thoughts, actions, reactions, states. Do not sort things out with anyone.
  • Be attentive to current events, do not get drawn into tense situations. Use . This way you will be able to soberly assess how things are in situations that concern you.
  • Allow yourself to rest more, do not overload physically.
  • Start putting things in order and get rid of what is outdated. This applies to the apartment, workspace, relationships, thoughts, emotions, all areas of life. This way you will make room for something new that will enter your life after the eclipse.

I will describe three rituals for a lunar eclipse, from which you can choose one you like, or you can go through them all. Everything is individual, feel what ritual resonates with you.

When preparing for any ritual, put the room in order and create a pleasant environment. Use candles, incense sticks or aroma lamps. This gives the moment festiveness and mystery.

Invite whoever you consider appropriate for you to take part in your ritual - angels, archangels, mentors, heavenly teachers. Ask to protect you during the ritual and help you realize your intentions.

No. 1. Liberation from what has already become obsolete

Write down on a piece of paper everything you are ready to free your life from.

These may be negative emotions, unconstructive personality traits, bad habits, debts, some kind of problematic situation, physical illness, illness, excess weight, people who are unpleasant to you.

What no longer works, prevents you from developing, makes your life worse.

After writing, burn the piece of paper in a candle flame. And scatter the ashes to the wind. Thus, you use two elements in the ritual - fire and air.

At the end of the ritual, do not forget to thank yourself, the elements and all the forces that helped you in this action.

No. 2. Removing a stone from the soul

Find a stone on the street. Size, quality and color don't matter.

Talk to the stone, ask it to remove everything unnecessary from your life, ask it to take everything unnecessary from you and put it inside itself.

Transfer to this stone all the pain, emotional negativity and heaviness that lies in your soul and interferes. It is no coincidence that there is such an expression about a stone in the chest.

Thank you for your help and then throw it away behind your back and leave without looking back. The past has a place in the past, and even more so the unpleasant past, and there is no point in looking back at it.

You can throw a stone into the river, downstream, with the thought that the flow of water takes away all adversities with it.

Important! Perform this ritual in a deserted place where there are no people, so as not to inadvertently harm anyone.

No. 3. Saying goodbye to old items

Surely you have a boring thing at home. It could be some souvenir that you have been wanting to throw away for a long time. You already stopped liking him, got bored with him, but you still didn’t dare to part with him.

Or, perhaps, some annoying decoration that is time to throw away. Find such an item in your home.

Talk to this thing. Tell her how she once made you happy, how much you liked her, but now the time has come to part ways, that you now have different paths.

Ask to take with you everything unnecessary from your life, list what exactly does not serve you, what things need to be taken away.

Thank, say goodbye and take this thing out of the house with the words:

“Just as an old thing leaves my house, so everything that is unnecessary and worn out leaves my life.”

This item can be thrown away, or you can simply leave it somewhere in the yard, as a decoration; if it’s appropriate, let it decorate a flower bed, for example.

Thank the moon for everything it has shown for you! Thank yourself for consciously accepting the moment and enter the new without old ballast.

Every person who is at least a little interested in magic and astrology is well aware that an eclipse is a significant event. When it comes, many people try to get rid of unnecessary connections, outdated relationships, unwanted thoughts, as well as forget about failures and solve deferred problems. And they often perform rituals.

There are many rituals for a lunar eclipse. They say they help get rid of the burden of negative energy, damage, the evil eye, and cleanse the aura. Therefore, now we will talk about those rituals that are considered the most effective.

Fulfillment of desires

The most popular ritual for a lunar eclipse is associated with it. Fulfillment of desires is the dream of all people. Rituals aimed at this have been performed from time immemorial.

The steps are as simple as possible. You need to prepare a blank sheet of paper and a pen, then sit down and wait for the eclipse to occur. As soon as the phenomenon begins, you need to write down your most cherished desire, clearly formulated in advance. It is very important that the idea is presented simply and clearly, without ambiguity.

You need to write down your desire not with the words “I want,” but as if the dream has already come true. It is important. Not “I want to be rich,” but “I am wealthy and financially secure.” They say that this formulation is a message from the Universe. The Almighty forces must understand that a person takes responsibility for his desire and has serious intentions.

For financial well-being

During a lunar eclipse it is no less popular than the above. To carry out the simplest ritual you will need... just a personal wallet.

From the very morning on the day when the eclipse is supposed to happen, you need to take out all the money, cards, business cards, and memos from it. The wallet should remain empty and open. Then you need to leave it in a place from where it will “look” at the sky - for example, on a windowsill.

During the day on which the phenomenon occurs, the wallet cannot be touched. They say that during this day he will give away all the negativity accumulated in him parallel to the fall of lunar energy.

When the eclipse is over, you will need to fill your wallet with money again. If you have time, you can perform a ritual of cleansing the apartment the day before - this will help strengthen the effect of the ritual.

The more coins the better

There is one nuance related to the notorious money ritual, and it is recommended to take it into account.

While the wallet is cleared of negative energy, you need to replace the maximum amount of change. Not the entire salary, of course, but as much as will fit in it. By filling your wallet with pennies at the end of the ritual, you will be able to enhance the effect of the ritual. The coins are round, and their shape carries sacred meaning in the ritual. Which one?

The circle is a symbol of perfection and infinity, an absolute, the personification of integrity. In alchemy, it even means gold, which is one of the most expensive and valuable metals, which cannot be ignored when we are talking about a ritual for financial well-being.

Ritual to change fate

Eclipse days, as mentioned earlier, are karmic. Therefore, everything that happens to a person at this time leads to fundamental life changes of a positive nature.

It is recommended to do this ritual twice - for a lunar and solar eclipse. The action will be intensified. It is believed that on the day of a lunar eclipse, a person leaves internal complexes and fears, bad habits and anxiety, resentment and anger. His subconscious is also cleansed. On the day of a solar eclipse, external circumstances change directly.


So, now about the ritual itself. In the morning, afternoon and evening you will need to take a contrast shower, alternating hot water with cold six times. It is important. Before a lunar eclipse, you need to start with cold water. Before the sun - with a hot one.

An hour before it starts to get dark, you need to drink a glass of holy water in small sips. Then lay a clean blanket on the floor and place church candles along both sides of it (an odd number). Go to the mirror, sit opposite and focus on your own image. When there are 10 minutes left before the eclipse, you can go lie down on the blanket with your arms crossed. First you need to light the candles.

You need to close your eyes and imagine yourself as you were reflected in the mirror. This is a double. Mentally, you need to “hang” on him everything that worries you in life - from your character traits to circumstances, people and events. After this, you need to start “squeezing” the double. As soon as it decreases to a point, you should blow on it well so that it flies away.

This is where the ceremony practically ends. All that remains is to get up, put out the candles, and go take the last contrast shower. Then - sleep. Over the next three days, changes in the body are possible. This is adaptation to a new state. It passes quickly and is replaced by extraordinary lightness, both spiritual and physical.

Attracting love

Many rituals during a lunar eclipse are focused on this. There are many rituals for love and its attraction. To do the simplest thing you will need:

  • Positive attitude.
  • Scissors.
  • 2 bottles of mineral water.
  • Several sheets of red paper.

The steps are simple. The bottles should be wrapped in paper and left overnight on the windowsill so that they are charged with light from the Moon. The next day, you need to cut out small hearts from the remaining leaves. They will need to be laid out on the floor in a circle, and 10 minutes before the start of the eclipse, stand in it.

You need to close your eyes and imagine that love is floating around. It is important to feel lightness and euphoria. And as soon as the feeling comes, say three times: “Love is around me!” After this, you need to go to the shower, taking one of the bottles with you - it is from this that you will have to water yourself, starting from the very top of your head. And imagine in parallel, as if it were not water flowing through the body, but love. The notorious phrase also needs to be repeated three times.

After finishing your ablution, you should get dressed. The ritual ends with three sips from the second bottle, during which you need to mentally repeat the phrase: “Love is inside me!”

For beauty

Girls perform many rituals and ceremonies during a lunar eclipse in order to increase their attractiveness.

For such an event you will need boiled water, salt and a glass. You need to start immediately before the phenomenon begins - so you have to sit and wait for some time.

What are the actions themselves? Pour boiled water into a glass and throw in a pinch of salt with your left hand. Place the vessel on the windowsill, directly under the light of the Moon, and read the plot. It sounds like this: “Moon water, like a girl’s tear, may I be young, white-faced, carefree, may the one I love love me, for my beauty, for my complaisance!” Repeat these words until the salt dissolves completely.

What's next? The glass should be left in the same place and go to bed. The next day, when you wake up, wash your face and drink a sip of this water on an empty stomach, saying in your thoughts: “Water into me!” Kpaca - on me! And so - every morning. Until the water runs out. It’s a rather lengthy ritual for a lunar eclipse, but, according to people, it’s effective.

Clearing karma

We also need to talk about it, talking about what rituals are best to carry out during a lunar eclipse. Karma cleansing is a good ritual, but it cannot be performed more than three times a year.

It begins 10 days before the eclipse, in the dead of night, at a time when Space is free. On ten pieces of paper you need to write the same text: “I forgive...” - and then the names of all the people who have ever caused offense. After mentioning the last person, the text ends with the phrase: “... everyone whom Fate gives me in the past, present and future path, I free with my love.”

Next you need to light the candle. Looking at her fire, read your text, visualizing each person mentioned. It is important not just to say what is written - but to really forgive these people. Sincerely, with all my heart. Upon completion, one leaf is burned over a candle flame and the ashes are thrown out the window. And so - every night. The last ritual is on the day of the lunar eclipse.

There will be a reaction from the Higher Powers. It is different for everyone, but everyone, without exception, understands that this is a response to the connection established with the Cosmos.

"Money Drink"

Sounds nice! "Money drink" is a liquid that must be prepared during the full moon. The process is considered a very effective ritual for attracting wealth and ever-improving prosperity. After all, during the preparation of the “drink,” you manage to charge it not only with your desires, but also with the power of the Moon itself. So here's the sequence:

  • Pour clean water into the bottle.
  • Mentally imagine a “money” picture. For example, the process of bathing in the rain of gold.
  • Firmly fix this image on the subconscious, take a deep breath.
  • With a powerful exhalation, you need to “throw” the picture into a bottle of water, and then put it on the windowsill, illuminated by the moon.
  • Wait 2-3 hours.
  • Remove to dark place- where the sun's rays do not penetrate.
  • Once a day, take out a bottle and take a couple of sips from it, remembering that very “money” image invested in the water.

This, of course, is not a ritual or ceremony for a lunar eclipse, but many people love and practice it.

Full Moon Meditation

It’s also worth saying a few words about her. Since the opportunity to perform a ritual during a lunar eclipse will not soon arise (it happened in August, that is, a month and a half ago), since it will be a long time to wait for the next one, you can also use meditation. This is also a good option, as it is done on a full moon. Here's how the process works:

  • You need to sit in the moonlight and take money out of your wallet. You can ignore the denomination - the condition of the bill is much more important. The newer it is, the better.
  • Taking a bill, you need to imagine how the light of the Moon spreads onto it.
  • You need to meditate until the moment it begins to seem that the banknote is glowing and as if dissolving.
  • It is necessary to imagine that the bill disappearing in the moonlight is joined by other streams of it, as if woven from money. You need to try to force yourself to hear the rustle of banknotes.

At the end of the ceremony, the bill must either be exchanged or spent.

Love spell ritual

These are, perhaps, the most popular rituals during a lunar eclipse, full moon, all sorts of holidays, etc. Because from time immemorial, girls have dreamed of “the one” that most often passed by. And about them - finally.

So, if you want to get a very specific person, you need to wait for the full moon and act. It's simple:

  • A clean glass should be filled halfway with clear water, symbolizing love.
  • Take it with your left hand. Gently move your right fingers along the edge, making 7 circles. As you pass the next one, you need to say the name of your lover.
  • Place the glass on the window. The energy of love will absorb the light of the Moon.
  • Wait until dawn, put the glass in a dark place.
  • Starting the day after the full moon, add a couple of drops of liquid to your lover’s drink.

This ritual is suitable both for those who want to make a person fall in love with them, and for those who want to “keep” their already cooled soulmate near them.

Well, everyone has their own opinion about the effect of rituals. There are many skeptics, and everyone knows this. But the topic is interesting, as are the rituals presented above. Which, by the way, are very harmless, positive and help people set themselves up for success through self-hypnosis. So why not?