Lunar eclipse of 1808

On August 18, a rare natural and astronomical phenomenon awaits us. This is a lunar eclipse that will occur in a very difficult time. lunar phase- during the Full Moon.

Such coincidences are quite rare. Follow us to know what awaits you every new day in love, business and health. Moon calendar notes that August 18 will be a very difficult day, since the lunar eclipse will coincide with the Full Moon. The energy state of the world and all living beings will change dramatically, because of which people can easily encounter many problems of a very different nature.

Astronomy and lunar eclipse

To explain to the uninitiated what a lunar eclipse is, let's imagine a flashlight turned on in a dark room, shining on the globe. Imagine that the globe is the Moon and the flashlight is our Sun. If you block the light of a flashlight with another round object, a shadow will fall on the globe. This object is our Earth, around which the globe revolves. When the Moon, Earth and Sun line up, our planet covers the Moon, and from Earth we can observe the wonderful phenomenon of a lunar eclipse.

Despite the fact that a lunar eclipse occurs approximately three times a year, and it cannot be called a unique natural phenomenon, however, on a Full Moon, an eclipse occurs noticeably less frequently. August 18 will be just such a day. This is the second full moon eclipse this year. Even more rare is a total eclipse of the full moon. This is the case when the Moon is completely covered by the Earth's shadow. The last time such an eclipse occurred was on September 28, 2015. This is very beautiful, but it occurs extremely rarely with varying frequency - from a year to 15 years.

On August 18, the eclipse will be penumbral, which means it can only be seen through a telescope. The decrease in the intensity of light reflected from the Moon will not be visible to the naked eye.

Astrology and eclipse on August 18

Astrology has an extremely negative attitude towards eclipses. In Vedic astrology, the Moon is responsible for a person’s psychological health and good luck, so a lunar eclipse can cause deviations in the people’s psyche. Some people begin to worry a lot, others, on the contrary, become indifferent to the dangers. That is why astrologers advise on such days to engage in meditation and spiritual practices, and not risky activities. All pressing problems and important matters should be postponed until the 19th.

On August 18, the lunar eclipse will take place in the Sign of Aquarius. This means that any mental activity and creative beginnings It’s better to reschedule for another day. All those who study, engage in intellectual work, or simply collect knowledge will experience serious complications in the learning process. Depression is also possible. To get rid of them, use the advice of psychologists, and a couple or three will definitely suit you.

Astrologers also note that the larger the shadow on the Moon, the stronger the eclipse. This time it will be barely noticeable, so there is no need to worry, although caution will definitely not be superfluous. The very fact of interaction between Aquarius and the Moon is not very pleasant, but it will be very easy to survive this day and not encounter problems along the way. Just minimize situations where you are controlled by emotions rather than common sense.

In the world, much more strange things usually happen during lunar eclipses. So, in 2015, when there was a superlunar eclipse, a scandalous meeting of world leaders at the UN took place. There were many political disputes, some politicians made strange demands and made unusual decisions. The Czech Republic wanted to leave the European Union, France stood up for Russia. This meeting was very tense and unusual. According to astrologers, the eclipse turned out to be to blame for everything.

Try using our previously published techniques to charge yourself with positive energy and good luck for the whole day. All the best to you, and don't forget to press the buttons and

03.08.2016 04:20

Lunar eclipses are rarely seen in the sky. As a rule, this happens no more than...

In fact, this is such a particularly strong full moon because, astronomically, the orb is too large relative to the eclipse point. The official lunar eclipse will take place on September 16th. However, the edge of the Moon will be in shadow at this moment. Therefore, most astrologers mark this day as an eclipse. So, a penumbral lunar eclipse will occur on August 18, 2016 at 12:25:37 (Moscow time) at 25°52" in the sign of Aquarius.

It is noteworthy that this Lunar Eclipse will end major events, which began in the orb of the Solar Eclipse on 02/16/1999 at the neighboring 28 degrees of Aquarius, between which Mercury made its Great Cycle of 17.34 years. This cannot be prevented or corrected. If someone or something was important or dear to us, everything will lose its meaning and sink into oblivion. First of all, these are the people of that time or relationships with them.

Moreover, the events of this Lunar Eclipse will pass through the vicissitudes of fate, melancholy and pessimism, as well as the Solar Eclipse of September 1, 2016 and the subsequent Lunar Eclipse of September 17, 2016, which belong to the group of eclipses of separation and parting.

It is this eclipse that many do not take into account at all, since there will be practically no visible darkening of the Moon (only a touch), but this is a small warning bell - a reminder to Aquarius and the countries that are under Aquarius that they will face a more tense situation in 2017 and lay we need the straw now, and try to resolve most issues now, and reconstruct something unreliable now.

This eclipse takes us back to 1997-1998.

Like all things, the old must be cleared away to make way for the new. This lunar eclipse in Aquarius has the power to disrupt situations that are not aligned with the energies of the New Time.

Eclipses in Aquarius often bring tornadoes, storms, hurricanes, torrential rains, social upheavals and revolutions, military events, and technical disasters.

Since ancient times, it has been believed that Russia belongs to zodiac sign Aquarius. Naturally, cosmic phenomena occurring in this sign influence political events in Russia. Let us note that eclipses, as a rule, do not bring anything good to the states in whose sign they occur. To “look beyond the horizon,” let’s consider previous eclipses, because according to logic, what has been will be in the future. In 2016, the first penumbral eclipse in Aquarius, in 2017-2018. there will be one sunny and two lunar eclipses in Aquarius. During previous eclipses in Aquarius in Russia, the leader of the country changed 9 times (in 1917 - three times!). In four eclipse periods in Russia (USSR), there was chaos or a serious weakening of power. Most likely, this will happen in 2016-2018. Naturally, military events are also possible, as they have happened before.

Who will be most affected by the eclipse:

1) Countries and territories - Russia (northern and European parts), Serbia, Lebanon, Iraq, Lithuania, Poland, New Zealand, Finland, Scotland, Chile, Canada, Sweden, Argentina, Peru, Ethiopia.

2) People - the eclipse will affect the destinies of people born with personal planets and points (Asc, MC) at 21-30 degrees of fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius) and at 0-1 degrees of mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius , Fish).

On the eve of the next pair of eclipses, we decided to tell you what eclipses generally are, what they affect and what they are fraught with

There are solar and lunar eclipses. During a solar eclipse, the Moon covers the Sun; during a lunar eclipse, the Sun rises opposite the Moon, and the Earth is between them. Eclipses always come in pairs: first the lunar one, and two weeks later the solar one, or vice versa. And they occur at the moment when the Sun, Moon and Earth are on the same straight line. That is, all three forces act simultaneously. Straight line - the space is very narrow, neither to the left nor to the right. During this period, one cannot expect much freedom in action. People who are energetically associated with an eclipse, or those in whose chart it is particularly acute, find themselves in a situation of lack of choice. For them, this is the most unfree period.

Solar eclipse: is it mine or is it from the subconscious?

The Moon is the environment in which a person is immersed, and the Sun is the person’s “I”. When the Moon covers the Sun, a person is influenced by the impulses of the subconscious. It is difficult for him to understand what he really needs. He is captured by an impulse coming from the collective unconscious. It is known that impulses coming from the subconscious are much stronger than individual ones and a person is often influenced by the former.

Lunar eclipse: is it mine or yours?

The moon is a channel between the conscious and unconscious. The dim light of the Moon gives semi-awareness. A lunar eclipse lags or advances a solar eclipse by two weeks. It is more cunning: during this period, the conflict between one’s own and someone else’s, between impulses coming from outside (from other people, for example), and one’s own, is clearly expressed. And both forces try, like a rope, to pull the person to their side.

How to behave?
It is important to understand that there is nothing particularly scary about eclipses. The main thing is to increase self-control and not be fussy. But even awareness of how eclipses work and what they are fraught with can reduce and even completely eliminate the danger.
Eclipses, both lunar and solar, as well as the new moon and full moon are those days when you should refuse to make important decisions. This is a time of pause and waiting. During periods of eclipses, you should not go on a journey, undergo surgery, or start something important. The influence of elemental forces at this time dominates the personal will of a person. The psyche is unstable, so critical, provocative situations must be carefully avoided. And, of course, at this time you will want to express everything that is painful. And this is exactly what you shouldn’t do. Nothing good will come from revelations during eclipses.

What to do?

Eclipses are good for fasting, fasting, and meditation. A solar eclipse is especially suitable for such matters (the next one will take place on September 1). In ancient times, it was believed that the Sun was hidden by the Moon for a reason; it was swallowed by a dragon. The Chinese, for example, in order to quickly drive away the dragon and return the luminary back, beat drums, rattles and shouted loudly. We don’t need such rituals, but fasting or taking a vow of silence on the day of the eclipse certainly won’t hurt.

Text: Mikhail Levin

E This is a remarkable event from the point of view of astrology, and we can try to analyze what such a triple phenomenon brings us. These eclipses will take place on August 18, September 1, and September 16.

IN The impact of an eclipse can be analyzed in different ways: from the point of view of what it brings to one specific person, or to the planet as a whole. In this case, I will try to think about what this series of eclipses brings to the inhabitants of planet Earth.

AND So. The first eclipse of August 18 - this lunar eclipse is notable for the fact that the Sun will be in the sign of Leo, and the Moon will be in the sign of Aquarius, and there are no other planets in Leo or Aquarius. This can be interpreted in such a way that at this moment the contradictions between the people in power who control the processes on Earth (the Sun) and the bulk of the people, the people (the Moon), will intensify. At the same time, the people yield to the authorities; the authorities are much stronger at the moment. It is noteworthy that at the moment of the eclipse, the strongest Mercury tends to connect with Jupiter, they are very close to each other and it turns out that the increase in the flow of all kinds of information reaches its apogee.

AND It is also interesting that Venus at this moment is in trine with Pluto and this can be regarded as a program for the transformation of values ​​and, in general, their growth. These processes are favorable for material prospects.

TO In addition, at the time of this lunar eclipse, the Moon makes a sextile to Uranus and this indicates that the Moon (the people) is striving for freedom (Uranus), for something new, unusual, and this sextile will form an aspect figure called the “finger of God” to the conjunction of Mercury and Jupiter.
The desire of ordinary people for a breath of freedom forces all kinds of information sources, including the media, to provide information and people may be able to find out things that have been hidden until now.

ABOUT This is also evidenced by the fact that at the moment of all three eclipses, a conjunction of the Descending southern lunar node with retrograde Neptune is formed, and this gives reason to assume that during this period some very old secrets will begin to emerge. At the time of the first lunar eclipse on August 18, this conjunction forms a square to the conjunction of Saturn and Mars. These long-hidden things will come to light and some people or organizations will be called to account. The conjunction of Mars and Saturn at the time of the eclipse suggests that perhaps some aggressive forces on the planet will encounter serious obstacles and restrictions, and this will somehow be connected with the revelation of long-standing secrets.

T This is what the first lunar eclipse on August 18 looks like, and we can assume that we will be able to fully appreciate the result of these events in June - July 2017. At this moment, the ascending lunar node will pass through the degree in which the Sun will be at the time of the eclipse on August 18, 2016.

IN The second eclipse on September 1 is a solar eclipse, read about it in the next article.

Vasinti for the portal ​Living room of Berkana studio

It must be said that astrologers have divided opinions regarding this eclipse.

Some believe that the full moon of August 18, 2016 cannot be considered a full lunar eclipse, but the situation in the sky is such that the position of the planets and lunar nodes at this time resembles the eclipse of August 8, 1998, which means it deserves to be discussed in detail.

What will this event bring to each of us and should we be careful?

Lunar eclipses, like solar eclipses, have always been considered omens of global events. During a lunar eclipse, the Sun and Moon oppose each other near the Lunar Nodes - the intersection points of the lunar and earth's orbits. The nodes, near which the Sun and Moon find themselves at the moment of an eclipse, are considered in astrology as karmic points associated with fate, working off debts from past incarnations. The closer to the lunar node an eclipse occurs, the greater its phase, which is determined by the proportion of the lunar diameter covered by the earth's shadow.

“Practical course “Eclipse Magic””

The time of eclipses and the corridor between them is called the dangerous period. At this moment, logic and consciousness work poorly, wrong decisions are made, intuition ceases to help in situations that are important to a person.

To avoid this, you should follow a number of rules that you will learn from the practical course “Eclipse Magic”

Lunar eclipse August 18, 2016 will be semi-shadow, which means that you should not expect from it the same visual effects that can be seen with full. During a total eclipse, the Moon's disk darkens and becomes blood-red, and at the time of a penumbral eclipse, only a decrease in the Moon's brightness can be observed.

Impact of the eclipse of August 18, 2016 on the world

Countries affected by the eclipse: Russia, Poland, Serbia, Lithuania, Finland, Scotland, Canada, Sweden.

This astronomical event would be quite ordinary from the point of view of astrologers, if not for the position of other planets in the sky, which enhance the influence of the eclipse. The zodiac sign that provides its patronage to Russia is considered to be Aquarius. This means that planets and aspects in this sign have a significant influence on political and economic events in our country.

It’s hard to expect anything good from a lunar eclipse in Aquarius. Especially considering that the August eclipse will be followed in the next 2 years by 2 more lunar and one solar eclipse in this sign. In the past, eclipses in the constellation Aquarius many times became harbingers of a change in the leadership of the country and even the political system. countries (in 1917 - three times!). In four periods of eclipses during the Soviet era, there was a serious weakening of power. It cannot be ruled out that the 2016-2018 eclipse cycle in Aquarius is preparing a lot of political upheavals.

A lunar eclipse in the third decade of Aquarius foreshadows reforms, changes in the government, ministries, departments and similar events. If you pay attention to the tense configurations accompanying the eclipse on August 18, 2016, then there is a high probability that by this date a situation will completely develop that will lead to tragic consequences for a prominent figure - a person invested with great power.

After this date, nothing can be changed - after the opposition with the Sun, the Moon goes into free retirement. Everything that can be changed must be done before August 18, after which events will take on a fatal, irreversible character. And already on August 22, 4 days after the eclipse, Mars leaves the retrograde loop.

Astrologers say that this is a very dangerous time, when the outbreak of a war or a major military conflict is possible. The trigger may be the eclipses of August and September.

Also of serious concern is the fact that the lunar eclipse of August 18, 2016 and the eclipse of August 8, 1998, which became a harbinger severe economic crisis in Russia, there are a lot of similarities - similar configurations of planets form in the sky, and there is a possibility that they will cause similar events.

Use this time to your advantage!

March 16- the midpoint between two eclipses, this is a magical time when you can change your karma.

On this day you can do any magic ritual Eclipses. Details in

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Don't miss this wonderful time!

Eclipse days are karmic, and everything that happens to a person at this time leads to radical positive changes in fate.

Take this moment to change your life!

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How will the eclipse on August 18 affect people?

People who will be affected by the eclipse: born in the 3rd decan of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius, as well as at zero degree of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces.

Astronomically, a lunar eclipse is the passage of the Moon in the shadow of the Earth. A person needs the energy of the moon to maintain mental balance and mental abilities. The lunar eclipse reduces these opportunities, so give up important matters for the days before and after the eclipse, minimize situations where your emotions can get out of control, do not plan any brainstorming. Engage in spiritual practices, meditation, or simply be in solitude these days.

On August 18, 2016, the Moon and Sun will be close enough to the nodes for us to observe an eclipse, but at the same time there will be no exact aspect between the nodes and luminaries, which greatly reduces the likelihood of fatal consequences.

On the other hand, the axis of the Lunar nodes at this time will coincide with the opposition of Neptune and Venus, an aspect that gives illusions, weak will, and unclear circumstances, including in financial matters. The negative aspect of Neptune at this time warns of the need to be honest and face real circumstances.

Karmic retribution during this period may come for Neptunian misdeeds, such as deception and fraud.

The intense interaction between Neptune and the Saturn-Mars conjunction warns that illusions at this time can lead to heartbreak and severe disappointments.

As for the opposition of the Sun with the Moon, which will form the basis of the eclipse, its influence will largely affect those whose personal planets are in 18-30 degrees of fixed signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius; and also in 0-3 degrees of mutable signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces. Holders of such indicators in the horoscope may not feel too comfortable during this period. The nature of the problems and experiences will depend on which of the personal planets will be in negative aspects to the opposition.

Those born on days close to the eclipse will be tormented by contradictions caused by the conflict between the Sun (consciousness) and the Moon (unconscious). However, this same opposition will give the ability for fruitful creativity, albeit based on contradictions. You can use this time profitably by clearing your life of the old, obsolete and unnecessary, as well as opening the way to the new. At the same time, impulsiveness and excessive harshness should be avoided in actions. Then the unbalanced energy of the eclipse can be directed in a positive direction

"Directory of the Eclipse Corridor"

You will discover:

Pros and cons of eclipses;

Lunar and solar eclipses - what is their difference;

Two eclipses in a row. What does this mean?

What precautions should be taken;

The practice of performing rituals during any eclipse

An eclipse clears the energy-information space around a person and makes way for something new in life.

So take advantage of this opportunity!

Astrology and eclipse on August 18

Astrology has an extremely negative attitude towards eclipses. In Vedic astrology, the Moon is responsible for a person’s psychological health and good luck, so a lunar eclipse can cause deviations in the people’s psyche. Some people begin to worry a lot, others, on the contrary, become indifferent to the dangers. That is why astrologers advise on such days to engage in meditation and spiritual practices, and not risky activities. All pressing problems and important matters should be postponed until the 19th.

The influence of Aquarius on the Full Moon

On August 18, the lunar eclipse will take place in the Sign of Aquarius. This means that it is better to postpone any mental activity and creativity to another day. All those who study, engage in intellectual work, or simply collect knowledge will experience serious complications in the learning process. Depression is also possible.

The Aquarius sign is associated with thinking and intellectual activity. Under its influence, scientific conferences are best held and new technologies are easily introduced. The Full Moon in the Sign of Aquarius is perfect for communicating with like-minded people, for learning, both independently and under the guidance of a professional. Therefore, astrologers recommend participating in trainings on this day that will give you useful professional knowledge.

What does the Full Moon predict on the 16th lunar day?

This month the Full Moon is expected on the 16th lunar day. This day promises to be quite calm, especially if you yourself make an effort and do not react to unpleasant remarks and insults. Calmness is the greatest enemy of trouble and anger, as you will see. Refrain from teachings that will not give any result other than wasted nerves.

But the positive emotions that you may well receive from communicating with friends and family members will definitely be beneficial. It is also quite possible to attract wealth during the Full Moon, since special money conspiracies are known.

Astrologers also note that the larger the shadow on the Moon, the stronger the eclipse. This time it will be barely noticeable, so there is no need to worry, although caution will definitely not be superfluous. The very fact of interaction between Aquarius and the Moon is not very pleasant, but it will be very easy to survive this day and not encounter problems along the way. Just minimize situations where you are controlled by emotions rather than common sense.

In the world, much more strange things usually happen during lunar eclipses. So, in 2015, when there was a superlunar eclipse, a scandalous meeting of world leaders at the UN took place. There were many political disputes, some politicians made strange demands and made unusual decisions. The Czech Republic wanted to leave the European Union, France stood up for Russia. This meeting was very tense and unusual. According to astrologers, the eclipse turned out to be to blame for everything.

Penumbral lunar eclipse on August 18, 2016 at 12:25:37 (Moscow time) at 25°52″ sign Aquarius.

This lunar eclipse carries signatures of emotional sensitivity, spiritual knowledge, psychic openings and the recognition of hidden creative and artistic abilities. It promotes themes of global unity, humanity, creativity and ingenuity. The issues of transformation that bring new perspectives to old situations will be relevant now. Spiritual commitments can manifest easily and effortlessly during this time. This is especially true for literary and creative endeavors that carry the intention of helping others on a global scale. Humanitarian activities will receive greater support. Anything undertaken with the intention of helping or bringing the highest benefit to all will gain wings during this August lunar eclipse.

Like all things, the old must be cleared away to make way for the new. This lunar eclipse in Aquarius has the power to disrupt situations that are not aligned with the energies of the New Time.

Eclipses in Aquarius often bring tornadoes, storms, hurricanes, torrential rains, social upheavals and revolutions, military events, and technical disasters.

Since ancient times, it has been believed that Russia belongs to the zodiac sign Aquarius. Naturally, cosmic phenomena occurring in this sign influence political events in Russia. Let us note that eclipses, as a rule, do not bring anything good to the states in whose sign they occur. To “look beyond the horizon,” let’s consider previous eclipses, because according to logic, what has been will be in the future.

In 2016, the first penumbral eclipse in Aquarius, in 2017-2018. There will be one solar and two lunar eclipses in Aquarius. During previous eclipses in Aquarius in Russia, the leader of the country changed 9 times (in 1917 - three times!). In four eclipse periods in Russia (USSR), there was chaos or a serious weakening of power. Most likely, this will happen in 2016-2018. Naturally, military events are also possible, as they have happened before.

Who will be most affected by the eclipse:

1) Countries and territories - Russia (northern and European parts), Serbia, Lebanon, Iraq, Lithuania, Poland, New Zealand, Finland, Scotland, Chile, Canada, Sweden, Argentina, Peru, Ethiopia.

2) People - the eclipse will affect the destinies of people born with personal planets and points (Asc, MC) at 21-30 degrees of fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius) and at 0-1 degrees of mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius , Fish).