Zodiac horoscope. Characteristics of the signs of the zodiac. What are the worst signs of the zodiac Zodiac signs in the form of people

Everyone has their own zodiac sign...

Thousands of people are born on earth who have similar character traits, motives for actions and stereotypes of behavior. Astrologers explain this similarity with an indisputable fact - the date of birth, the influence of the position of the heavenly bodies on the fate of a person.

At the time of a person's birth, the celestial bodies occupy a certain place in relation to the Sun. The annual path of the Sun among the stars is conditionally divided into twelve equal parts, which are indicated by certain symbols of the constellations close to them, called the signs of the Zodiac. Each zodiac sign has its own period of validity:

Each sign of the Zodiac is ruled by one or two planets: Aries - Mars, Taurus - Venus, Gemini - Mercury, Cancer - Moon, Leo - Sun, Virgo - Mercury, Libra - Venus, Scorpio - Mars and Pluto, Sagittarius - Jupiter, Capricorn - Saturn, Aquarius - Uranus and Saturn, Pisces - Jupiter and Neptune.

These planets give people certain character traits:

Sun (Leo)- active manifestation of oneself in the surrounding world, strong creativity, source of vitality, dignity, independence, authority, pride, independence, integrity, stability, generosity, artistry, the desire to patronize and help others, love for holidays, entertainment, luxury, the ability to quickly forget sorrows and stretch joy for a long time;

Moon (Raku)- adaptability to the environment, passive maintenance of existence, strong imagination, tenderness, romance, poetry, daydreaming, melancholy, capriciousness, sensitivity, variability, instability, receptivity, impressionability, sentimentality, lack of concentration, attachment to the hearth;

Mercury (Gemini, Virgo)- analytical thinking, constant movement, curiosity, prudence, susceptibility to information, the ability to languages, sociability, compliance, dispassionateness, cunning, dexterity, deceit, the desire for compromise, developed eloquence;

Venus (Taurus, Libra)- sensuality, emotionality, harmony and beauty, love for comfort, a sense of justice, friendliness and dislike for conflicts, sexuality, seriousness, elegance, charm, attractiveness, plasticity, reliability, strong creativity, a tendency to feel sorry for oneself, the ability to quickly get out of depression;

Mars (Aries, Scorpio)- desire for leadership, enthusiasm, courage, determination, inability to pretend, rejection of gossip and intrigue, self-confidence, intolerance, carelessness, straightforwardness, perseverance, impulsiveness, excitability, irascibility, submission to passions;

Jupiter (Sagittarius, Pisces)- confidence, pride, purposefulness, solidity, impressiveness, respectability, the ability to see the general without dwelling on the details, self-esteem, taking into account opinions, orientation in space, intolerance towards competitors, the ability to direct and coordinate the actions of others, to see one’s place and the place of others in the world around, to catch unfavorable moments and choose allies, leadership by business considerations, and not by personal gain;

Saturn (Capricorn, Aquarius)- conservatism, adherence to habits, traditions, old friends, logical, concrete thinking based on experience, a sense of duty, isolation, isolation, patience, lack of sociability, decisiveness, gloominess, pedantry, stability of existence, constancy, punctuality, concreteness, distrust, skepticism, poor adaptability to the new, diligence, distinction between personal and collective, respect for elders, to authorities, poor communication skills;

Uranus (Aquarius)- intuitive thinking, superconsciousness, telepathic and supernormal mental abilities, striving for something new, original, love of freedom, independence, non-recognition of authorities, conventions, inflexible will, assertiveness, self-confidence, denial of the past, striving for the future, democracy, resistance to material difficulties;

Neptune (Pisces)- developed subconsciousness, intuition, clairvoyance, musical and poetic abilities, a subtle sense of harmony, rhythm, religiosity, the ability to empathize, capriciousness, instability, the desire for compromise, frequent melancholy, craving for utopias, mysticism, romance, daydreaming, the desire to procreate, lack of integrity;

Pluto (Scorpio)- activity, assertiveness, inner strength, great perseverance, collectivism, strength, concreteness of thinking, the desire to transform and destroy old forms, rejection of romance and sentimentality, the ability to organize mass movements.

The zodiac signs have the nature of the four elements: Fire, Earth, Air and Water. People born under the signs of the same element have a similar temperament, common physiological and mental characteristics:

Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)- activity, independence, independence, integrity of perception and action, low susceptibility to external impulses;

Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)- concreteness, practicality, slowness in the perception of the new, poor adaptability;

Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)- mobility, contact, the ability to quickly switch from one subject to another, the desire for interaction;

Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)- high susceptibility, sensitivity, plasticity of the psyche, constancy of habits, immersion in the inner world of experiences.

At all times, astrologers have seen the universe in miniature in man. Certain organs and parts of the body correspond to the signs of the Zodiac in Space: Aries - head, Taurus - neck, Gemini - arms, Cancer - chest, Leo - back, Virgo - stomach, Libra - lower back, Scorpio - genitals, Sagittarius - buttocks, thighs, Capricorn - knees, Aquarius - calves, Pisces - feet.

When studying the characteristics of people belonging to a certain zodiac sign, it must be remembered that a person born in one of the three last days period of a particular sign, borrows the character traits of the sign of the zodiac following it.

To correctly determine your zodiac sign, a person born on the first or last day of the sign period needs to know the exact time of his birth, the latitude and longitude of the place of birth. Only in this case it is possible to judge whether the Sun has already passed into another sign of the Zodiac.

Zodiac passes through 13 constellations, however, the zodiacal circle is divided into 12 equal parts, unlike the constellations. Each part is one Zodiac sign, , the name of which is given depending on the location of the corresponding zodiac constellation in this area of ​​the sky.

By Signs of the Zodiac all the planets move. A full circle of the signs of the Zodiac gives us 1 YEAR. The earth is in the center. The Circle of Constellations and Signs are two circles that exist independently of each other.. The circle of signs of the Zodiac is located within the solar system. The signs are always counted from the vernal equinox, from the intersection of two circles - the ecliptic and the equator. Signs are generated by the interaction of two movements - the rotation of the Earth around its axis and the rotation around the Sun.

Astrology keyword 12 (twelve):

  • Zodiac signs;
  • Hours of day and night;
  • Labors of Hercules;
  • Muses of Apollo;
  • Principles of reason (according to Kant);
  • Categories of philosophy (Hegel);
  • The Star of David has 12 corners;
  • Solomon's temple was divided into 12 parts;
  • The Twelve Imams are the spiritual and political successors of the Prophet Muhammad in Shiism.
  • 12 Knights of the Round Table;
  • 12 peers of France (6 secular and 6 spiritual);
  • Traditionally, there are 12 jurors in a court.

Zodiac signs- these are areas of the sky, evenly divided into 30 degree sectors in longitude. The zodiac, the beginning of which is counted from the point of the vernal equinox, is called tropical (that is, associated with the solstices - from other Greek. turning circle), and the zodiac, in which the coordinates of the signs approximately correspond to their zodiacal constellations-prototypes, - sidereal (that is, "starry" - from lat. sidus - constellation, star, firmament).

Constellations lie behind solar system in the form of separate groups of stars. They enter the conditional circle of the celestial sphere. The 12 constellations are traditionally called the zodiac. These are those through which the Sun passes, excluding the constellation Ophiuchus. The zodiac constellations, the zodiac, the zodiac circle (from the Greek "animal") - 12 constellations (sidereal) located along the apparent annual path of the Sun among the stars - the ecliptic.

Western astrology uses the tropical zodiac. The tropical zodiac consists of 12 equal sectors of the ecliptic, each 30° long. For the origin of these sectors, the vernal equinox point is chosen, that is, the point of intersection of the ecliptic plane with the plane of the celestial equator, lying on the celestial sphere. The first sector of the ecliptic (from 0° to 30°) is called the sign of Aries, the next (from 30° to 60°) - the sign of Taurus, then in order go: Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and, finally, Pisces.

The circle of signs of the Zodiac (tropical) is tied exclusively to the seasons. The sun enters the signs each month at different times. This is due to the fact that the average period of the Earth's revolution (365.256366 days) does not coincide with the calendar year (365 days + correction for leap year). This cycle only approximately repeats itself every 4 years. Therefore, those who were born on the border of signs without the exact time of birth cannot 100% know what their Zodiac is.

Earth is at the center of the zodiac circle. The energies coming to it from each sign of the Zodiac go to our Planet.

HELP from the history of Astrology
“The selection of the zodiac as a belt of the celestial sphere, along which the visible path of the first moon, and then the sun and planets, passes, occurred in Babylon. The first mention of the allocation of the zodiac belt in written sources of Babylon is contained in a series of cuneiform tablets "Mul Apin" (Mul.Apin - the constellation of the Plow), dating from the beginning of the 7th century BC. e .: these texts list 18 constellations on the "path of the Moon" and indicate that the Sun and five planets move along the same path, and also highlight a group of equatorial (and, accordingly, close to the ecliptic) stars. In the 7th-6th centuries BC. e. the number of divisions of the zodiac zone was doubled, that is, the zodiac is divided into 36 sections of 10 °.

Symbolism of the signs of the zodiac

  • ARIES - the head of a ram;
  • TAURUS - the head of a bull;
  • GEMINI - 2 sticks and fragments of the Moon (crescents). A couple of people holding hands;
  • CANCER - eyes and claws of a crab;
  • LION - lion's mane;
  • VIRGO - a fragment of the letter m and a ponytail. M - mercury, the tail symbolizes coquetry, slyness, sharpness from the moon;
  • SCALES is a thing, an object. The presence of 2 cups and rocker;
  • SCORPIO - the letter m stands for Mars, the arrow - aggressiveness, sharpness, poisonousness;
  • SAGITTARIUS - a bow and an arrow, an image of a spear (the tip of a spear) or a bowstring, a stretched bow);
  • CAPRICORN - a solid sign of the Russian alphabet;
  • AQUARIUS - 2 wavy lines; if you take them vertically - lightning and thunderstorm;
  • FISH - 2 fish that swim in different directions. One fish is submissive to fate, and the other is rebellious.
  • Four forces

    Matter in the universe exists in 4 states:

    Liquid. Solid. Plasma. gaseous. Combinations of different particles and gives us 4 characteristics of the elements. The signs of the zodiac are divided into four elements. These are fire, air, water and earth.

    fire signs

    1. Fire in astrology- this is energy, will, courage, directness, frankness, enterprise, militancy, enthusiasm, physical activity but not endurance; impulsiveness, harshness, rudeness, irascibility.

    Knows how and loves to manage, subordinate others, command. Fire is very beautiful, bright, tends to be beautiful and defiant. The main feature is demonstrativeness.

    air signs

    2. Air - astrological symbol - intelligence. Air is endowed with increased susceptibility, which provides a high ability to interact based on observation.

    On the inner plane - anxiety, vanity, nervousness, increased anxiety. People of the Air are not capable of very strong experiences. Excitement is not destructive for them, because a quick calm comes.

    Characteristics of signs: attention, changeability, sincerity, openness, the ability to slip away and not linger. The movement is upward due to intellectual superiority. In the negative position - talkativeness from excessive openness.


    3. Water - the basis of this element - emotions and feelings. They can accept colors and paints, they can only hide thoughts, but they are frank in feelings, therefore they are often a victim of their mood, state of imagination and their subjectivity, they are extremely attentive to trifles, details, surroundings.

    Excess water leads to hysteria, pettiness, psychopathy. But water is also merciful, able to soothe, patronize, nurse, nurse. She is hardworking and endowed with diligence and responsibility. Has a tendency to obey. Since Water is fluid, its feelings are not constant. On the basis of a sense of ownership, greed and jealousy may arise. The imagination of water is special. This is the basis for romanticism, subjectivism and idealism.

    earth signs

    4. Earth - the basis - reason. It is based on hard work and perseverance. There is also a degree of firmness and emotional stability. Conscientiousness inclines her to submission, diligence, rationality. The earth can lie in a layer and not strive anywhere. Prone to analysis and doubt. This is the basis of secrecy (dryness, coldness, callousness, indifference, stinginess, pragmatism and practicality).

    Properties of crosses

    Poems are divided into:
    • Men's are active. Women's - passive;
    The geometric structure makes it possible to single out 3 crosses (a layer of signs and elements):
    • 1. cardinal 2. fixed (more stable) 3. movable (weak foothold).

    Cardinal Cross.

    It includes: Aries | Cancer | Scales | Capricorn

    The main property is activity. Common features signs of the cardinal cross: action, activity, perseverance, desire, desire and ability to influence environment; hence the desire for change. Energy is directed from the center to the outside.

    Negative Traits: selfishness, dissatisfaction, irritability. These properties are dictated by an excess of energy. These people love a fight, a duel. They always go towards the struggle, it ignites them and gives them pleasure. Victory can be caused by movement, military action, a challenge to a duel. But the result does not always lead to victory. There are other factors involved as well.

    People born under cardinal signs are active, energetic and prone to change; gas, after all, also generates energy and easily spreads in all directions, almost unconstrained by gravity. People of cardinal signs pave the way for others to follow and start things that others complete. Born Aries bravely embark on daring ventures and adventures. Cancer natives are breaking new ground in housing and nutrition. Libra become innovators in the field of literature, art and social activities, and Capricorns are pioneers in business and industry. Signs of cardinal quality give birth to INNOVATORS.

    Fixed cross.

    It includes: Taurus | a lion | Scorpion | Aquarius

    The basis of this cross is constancy. The main quality is courage. Common features: the people of this cross excel in defense. The product of their efforts in the form of a positive result is endurance, patience, waiting. This man is a fortress. They suffer not from weak will and cowardice, but from masculinity. They are characterized by constancy, steadfastness, but also steadfastness in the event of an attack. They can give a brilliant rebuff (depending on the sign). They have a great capacity for work, reliability, unbending will. Realization of energy depending on the efforts in any area.

    Negative Traits: self-confidence, conservatism, stubbornness, excessive pride, which is expressed in self-will and self-will. Also inertia, not love for change, dominance, authoritarianism, despotism.

    Under the signs of a fixed quality, rather adamant, determined and persistent people are born. Solid bodies are difficult to change shape or location; in the same way, people of a fixed quality are deeply attached to the familiar environment, the habitual manner of performing professional duties and the habitual way of thinking. They have great strength to resist any external pressure, they are hardy and patient, they are distinguished by perseverance and perseverance, they delve into details. They are not innovators and not energetic developers, but when development reaches a climax, they refine the details and improve. Fixed quality marks produce IMPROVERS.

    Movable cross.

    It includes signs: Twins | Virgo | Sagittarius | Fish

    The main quality is variability. Common features: mobility, complaisance, flexibility, diplomacy, courtesy, sociability, talkativeness. These signs are endowed with flexibility of perception. This is a very valuable quality that gives them the ability to quickly adapt to change. They have the ability to find innovative solutions. These signs do not need a duel. They are strong in originality, resourcefulness, negotiations, because they are mobile and dual.

    Negative Traits: talkativeness, narcissism, selfishness, conceit. Basically, there is a desire to talk only about yourself. The duality of these signs is based on a combination of fixedness and cardinality, which results in the constancy of movement.

    Mutable signs are the golden mean between the crazy activity of cardinal signs and the stubborn resistance of fixed ones. A liquid cannot flow through a gap as easily as a gas, but if the channel is continued for it, it will quickly flow along the line of least resistance. People born under mutable signs are rarely pioneers and innovators, but easily follow in their footsteps. Just as a liquid easily takes on the shape of the container it is in, so mutable people easily adapt to new surroundings and strangers. Signs of mutable quality rarely produce pioneers and innovators. Mostly DEVELOPERS.

    Anatomical connections of the zodiac signs

    1. ARIES - symbolizes the head, crown, forehead and face, is responsible for immunity (for leukocytes - participating in immune system). Pathology: headaches and toothaches.

    2. CALF - between the eyebrows, throat, neck and ears, tonsils, the lymphatic system in general (all lymphatic glands in different parts of the body). Articular and vocal cords, tendons. Pathology: diseases of the throat - otitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, etc. All diseases of the throat.

    3. TWIN - the tongue, arms, shoulders, collarbones, vision, eyebrows, lungs, nervous system, cerebral cortex (gray matter) suffer. Pathology: myopia (farsightedness), impaired memory and speech (bark), inflammatory processes associated with the lungs, neuritis (inflammatory processes associated with the nervous system). Neuralgia, neuritis (upper shoulder girdle), neurasthenia.

    4. CANCER - Left eye for men, right eye for women. Chest, mammary glands, Stomach, white matter of the brain (nuclei lying in it). The uterus in women, conception, pregnancy and childbirth. Pathology: stomach diseases, mastitis in women, concussion, different variants infertility, miscarriages, problems of conception and pregnancy and their disorders, bronchitis. Responsible for well-being.

    5. A LION The right eye is for men, the left eye is for women. Upper back, anatomically - shoulder blades, spine, heart. Vitality in general, health in general (responsible for general health born). Pathology: osteochondrosis, heart disease.

    6. VIRGO - the back of the head, intestines, pancreas, solar plexus, and is also responsible for carbohydrate metabolism. Pathologies: intestinal disorders (constipation, diarrhea), pancreatitis, diabetes, pancreatic diseases.

    7. SCALES - responsible for the nose, lower back as a whole, for paired organs - kidneys, ovaries in women, capillaries and veins, hair. Pathology: diseases that are associated with sciatica, diseases of the kidneys, ovaries in women and all types of vascular pathology.

    8. SCORPION - left ear, tip of nose, lips and mouth, genitals, rectum, bladder, sweat glands and all muscular system. Pathology: nose (rhinitis, sinusitis), gynecology (male and female). Also, processes associated with the rectum (sinusitis - they can be anywhere (veins, neck)), but for this sign - this is the rectum.

    9. SAGITTARIUS - cheeks, upper jaw, sacrum, buttocks, thighs, hip joints, liver, arteries, whole blood system, lipid (fat) metabolism. Pathology: liver diseases, cardiovascular diseases, blood diseases.

    10. CAPRICORN - whiskey, right ear, knees, entire skeletal system, teeth, spleen. Pathology: bad teeth, rickets. Diseases of the skeletal system, diseases of the joints, low arterial pressure, skin. All diseases of this sign are sluggish and long-term (chronic).

    11. AQUARIUS - mandible, shins and ankles, gallbladder, different kind allergies. Pathology: cholecystitis, spasms, convulsions, fractures of the ankles and lower leg, varicose veins, hormonal disorders.

    12. FISH - chin, feet, center of the brain (center of sleep, hunger, thirst). Pathology: all problems associated with sleep disorders (insomnia), mental disorders, hallucinations

    Astrological Forum 12 signs. The source is partially compiled from the materials of SPbAA.

    Sources(crosses of the zodiacs): K. K. Zain "Astrological Signatures".

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    Characteristics of the Zodiac Signs

    How to truly get to know your lover, husband, wife, and yourself through astrology?

    Only complete map the starry sky at the time of your birth can give you a complete description of your character. On the other hand, do not believe the common sayings that this is just a set of phrases that fit the explanation of the character of any person. This is completely false. Characters are described by competent professionals and are based on precise mathematical calculations of the movement of the Sun and planets. And they give a general description of character. But since the location of all 8 planets at the time of your birth is unknown, there may, of course, be deviations in the description of your character. However, these descriptions may be of interest if allowance is made for some inaccuracies. Zodiac sign under which you were born is the strongest of all stellar bodies. It colors your personality so strongly that you can give an amazingly accurate picture of the personality of the character.

    The electromagnetic vibrations emanating from this zodiac sign continue to influence a person throughout his life. An analysis of the signs of the Zodiac gives a characteristic with an accuracy of up to 80 percent. In my opinion, this is better than not having any knowledge about the person you are interested in. Of course, missing 10-20 percent can be very important, but if you know the zodiac sign you need, you will be a little better informed than those who do not know anything about it.

    What is the sign of the Zodiac? This is the part of the Zodiac where the Sun was at the time of your birth. You need to know that if you were born on the first or last day of the zodiac period, then you need to know the exact time of your birth, the latitude and longitude of the place of birth in order to judge whether the Sun has already moved to another part of the zodiac.

    Knowledge zodiac signs can make you more tolerant towards each other. When you understand how deeply certain traits are embedded in a person, you will treat him with greater understanding and sympathy. Start learning Zodiac signs, but use them with caution when applying to people. At the same time, you will feel that your attitude towards them will completely change when you begin to understand their true nature, and people will begin to wonder how well you know them. The essence of understanding zodiac signs can literally change your life. You have embarked on a path to a better understanding of people, isn't that wonderful!

    Linda Goodman

    Determine the most popular zodiac sign

    For a long time, any person has been interested in the topic of compatibility between a man and a woman according to the zodiac horoscope. This has always needed to be known to both kings and the common people. Only after a long time, astrologers singled out the most opposite, according to various criteria, signs of the zodiac, for which a joint future is impossible.

    The compatibility of a man and a woman of certain star signs involves only quarrels, conflicts and partings.

    Methods for identifying opposites

    There are three methods by which incompatible characters can be identified:

    1. If you look at the zodiac circle, then incompatible signs are those between which there are two signs of the zodiac. For example, Virgo is categorically not suitable for Gemini, and Taurus is incompatible with Aquarius.
    2. The second method divides the constellations into groups. One includes the signs of the earth and air elements. They represent the mind. The second group includes fire and water elements, personifying emotions. Zodiac signs from different groups incompatible. Libra is the complete opposite of Sagittarius, and Capricorn is not suitable for Cancer.
    3. The third method claims that absolutely different signs are adjacent. So, Scorpio will not get along with Sagittarius, and Pisces - with Aquarius.

    The most opposite signs

    There are six zodiac pairs, which, according to astrologers, are the most opposite of all. Union between such signs is impossible due to different temperaments, lack of common interests and non-coinciding life views. The psychology of relations between a man and a woman largely confirms this fact.

    The first pair of Libra and Cancer

    Sensitive Cancer and his desire for a quiet life will be traumatized by the sociable Libra, who is fickle and overly fond of noisy companies. The air sign strives for deeds that go beyond the norms, and in this they will never be understood by Cancers, who love consistency and stability. Cancer will miss the attention of Libra, but it will not work to subordinate this element of air to its desires. The elements of air and water cannot affect each other in any way. But if the feelings are so strong that life apart is not possible, then you need to learn to yield to your soul mate in every sign.

    Aquarius and Pisces

    will never find mutual language. Selfish Pisces will not survive the lack of attention from a self-confident Aquarius. Cheerful and positive Aquarians are windy and fickle, at the same time very jealous, which offends touchy Pisces.

    Pair of Sagittarius and Scorpio

    These signs are too different for life together, they have two around the world which are completely incomparable. Scorpio, who clearly knows his goals, defends his own interest, but cannot keep the windy Sagittarius, who does not think about tomorrow. This makes Scorpio irritable and aggressive because he is looking for reliability and confidence in his other half. Scorpio wants love fidelity and passion, but freedom-loving Sagittarius will never give it.

    Gemini and Capricorn

    Reasonable Capricorn will not understand the eccentric Gemini, who is guided not by reason, but by emotions. Such behavior will be regarded as windy. Conservatism and frivolity cannot coexist together.

    Leo and Virgo

    completely opposite signs. The commanding Leo will not subdue the indifferent Virgo. Leo, who does not tolerate criticism of his own actions, will not get along with Virgo, who condemns other people's mistakes and loves to teach. The meticulousness and scrupulousness of the Virgo will not become clear to Leo, who seeks to get everything at once. The virgin, who keeps score by all means, is shocked by the excessive generosity of Leo.

    Taurus and Aries

    The great stubbornness of Aries will not feel supported in their direction by the stable and not looking for change Taurus. Taurus needs a sensual and emotional life surrounded by security and tranquility. And cold on emotions, Aries needs an eventful and versatile life. He gets bored with Taurus. The psychology of the relationship between a man and a woman also warns that Aries will find entertainment on the side.

    Whether it is worth believing such predictions is the decision of everyone. But you don't have to trust unconditionally. It would be right to consider the inner world of a person, listen to your mind and heart. Then the error will definitely not happen, and no predictions will be needed.


    Aries Element - fire, the period from March 21 to April 20. Features characteristic of this sign: impulsiveness, energy and purposefulness. Often people have well-developed leadership qualities, they are enterprising, freedom-loving and very active. But in certain situations, they can show themselves not from the best side. The negative aspects of Aries can be called aggressiveness, stubbornness and resentment.

    Taurus Element - earth, the interval from April 21 to May 20. The property of the sign is stability and constancy. Taurus is usually collected and reasonable, sociable and unflappable, may be prone to conservatism. In the family, they are caring and gentle, often monogamous. Taurus tries to defend his point of view and does not compromise.

    Gemini Element - air, the time period from May 21 to June 20. Character - inconstancy and versatility. On the one hand, these are unsurpassed speakers, successful and talented creative people, tireless adventurers and thrill-seekers. Gemini love to be the center of attention, attracting with their extravagance and eccentricity. On the other hand, they do not admit their mistakes and do not forgive others.

    Cancer Element - water, the interval from June 21 to July 22. Cancer can be said to be “woven from contradictions”. Cancers are compassionate and jealous, tough and sensual. A person of this sign can be charming and romantic, mysterious, capricious and frivolous.

    Leo Element - fire, the interval from July 23 to August 22. Leos are charismatic and positive, energetic and cheerful. The lion man is distinguished by devotion, wisdom and love of life. Of the shortcomings, it is worth noting pride. People of this sign are greedy for flattery and do not tolerate criticism well.

    Virgo Element - earth, the interval from August 23 to September 22. Distinctive feature Virgo is their faith in people, the rejection of cynicism, talent and ingenuity. Virgos are kind and compassionate, but at the same time mercantile and fussy. Some virgins can be fickle.

    Libra Element - air, the interval from September 23 to October 22. Scales are characterized by stress resistance and balance. Often, Libra people devote their lives to the search for truth, an ideal, or the meaning of life. They are prone to self-digging. in business and family relationships they are equally successful.

    Scorpio Element - water, the period from October 23 to November 21. The character is impulsive and passionate. Such people are very emotional and active. Scorpions make excellent leaders with high intelligence and wisdom. Scorpios carefully hide their true feelings, are almost unlimitedly patient, but if they are pissed off, they become vindictive and vengeful enemies.

    Sagittarius Element - fire, the interval from November 22 to December 21. Sagittarius is a man-fire, in his arsenal is a thirst for adventure, and an indomitable love of freedom, and unbridled passion. In love, both male and female archers are hunters. In communication, archers are optimists, "the soul of the company", lovers of philosophizing and imposing their point of view.

    Capricorn Element - earth, the interval from December 22 to January 19. Capricorn is thorough and careful. They are reliable and loyal friends. They are practical, collected, responsible and organized in the workplace. The disadvantages of the sign include excessive ambition and extravagance.

    The zodiac horoscope and description of the characteristics of the signs of the zodiac is considered very popular in European civilization. It is difficult to find a person who would not know his zodiac sign. And even people who claim that they do not believe in horoscopes, from somewhere they know the characteristics of the sign of their mother-in-law or wife.

    Zodiac signs by date of birth

    (March 21 - April 20)

    (April 21 - May 21)

    (May 22 - June 21)

    (June 22 - July 23)

    (July 24 - August 23)

    (August 24 - September 23)

    (September 24 - October 23)

    (October 24 - November 22)

    (November 23 - December 21)

    (December 22 - January 20)

    (January 21 - February 19)

    (February 20 - March 20)

    No one knows the exact appearance of Western astrology, it appeared around the 1st century. n. and hasn't changed much since then. It originated as a pagan science and developed in the occult mainstream of the course of life, having a pronounced religious connotation.

    In ancient times, people believed that the gods live in heaven, and by watching the sky they become closer to them. Ancient Astrologers established that life on our planet is subject to the rhythms of the movement of celestial bodies. For many centuries, the priests watched the stars and planets, and accumulated vast knowledge, which was based on zodiac horoscope.

    The basis for the construction of Western astrology and the characteristics of the zodiac horoscope is the 12 constellations of the zodiac, which represent special groups of stars. Ancient Astrologers, after long observations, found out that all events taking place on Earth are very closely connected with the solar sanctuary. They calculated 12 cycles corresponding to the twelve zodiac constellations that the solar disk passes through during the year. The path that the Sun travels along the constellations is called in Western astrology - zodiac circle, and twelve constellations - 12 signs of the zodiac. In each sign of the zodiac, cyclical characteristics with different features were reflected, which reflected the state of the subtle world and the Universe.

    The zodiac horoscope consists of 12 signs of the zodiac, the characteristics of which depend on the date of birth of a person. To be more precise, the zodiac constellation at the time the Sun was in it, on the date of birth of a person.

    Characteristics of the signs of the zodiac in the horoscope, reflects the fundamental character traits of a particular zodiac sign. Therefore, for a more detailed horoscope, Astrologers are ordered an individual horoscope, which, among other things, takes into account the influence of the planets at the time of birth.

    In the zodiac horoscope, the characteristics of the signs of the zodiac are associated with the four Earth elements, which endow the signs of the zodiac with certain energies. Western astrology distinguishes the elements - fire (Leo, Aries, Sagittarius), water (Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer), air (Libra, Gemini, Aquarius) and earth (Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn). Each sign is endowed with certain energy characteristics, properties and temperament.

    As a result, the Western zodiac horoscope takes into account many different parameters, the influence of the position of the sun in the passage of 12 constellations, the energy influence of the planets. The characteristic of the signs of the zodiac also depends on the earthly elements, which add additional properties to it. The accumulated knowledge of Western astrology gives us the opportunity to more deeply know ourselves and the subtle world around us, which is hidden from the gaze of our eyes.