Eclipses. Eclipses Lunar eclipse begins on August 7

Another one, the last one this year moon eclipse will happen in the evening on Monday, August 7. In clear weather, a beautiful and fairly frequent astronomical phenomenon will be available for observation throughout almost the entire territory of Russia, including Moscow and St. Petersburg.

The August eclipse is expected to reveal to the world the so-called "Blood Moon"- due to the peculiarities of light refraction of solar rays through the Earth’s atmosphere, our satellite will be painted in purplish-reddish tones.

Where in Russia will you be able to observe the eclipse on August 7?

The partial lunar eclipse, which will occur on August 7, will be available for observation throughout Russia, with the exception of Chukotka and Kamchatka, since by the time it begins there the Moon will already be hidden behind the horizon.

What time will there be an eclipse

Features of the eclipse on August 7

As astronomers explained, on August 7, Russians will observe a partial lunar eclipse, during which the disk of the Moon will be blocked from the northern part of the Earth’s shadow for an observer on Earth for about two hours. At the maximum phase of the eclipse, the lunar disk will be covered by the earth's shadow by about a quarter.

When is the best time to watch the eclipse in Moscow and St. Petersburg?

In both capitals, the most favorable moment for observing the Moon in the Earth's shadow is approximately 21.20, when our natural satellite will plunge deepest into the earth's shadow.

Although at this moment the Moon will be located quite low above the horizon, the beautiful celestial phenomenon will be visible to the naked eye, as well as through binoculars and telescopes. Also, without additional optics, it will be possible to observe the burgundy-red - “bloody” - color of the “hidden” Moon.

Why the Moon will be “bloody”

The lunar disk takes on a blood-red hue during an eclipse for physical reasons. The fact is that the sun's rays, which pass tangentially to the earth's surface, are not completely dissipated in the earth's atmosphere. Some of these rays reach the Moon through the Earth's atmosphere. At the same time, the Earth’s atmosphere is most transparent to rays of the red-orange part of the spectrum, therefore, during a lunar eclipse, it is these rays that mainly reach the surface of the Moon, giving it a red-burgundy color.

Where to see the eclipse through a telescope on August 7

The Moscow and St. Petersburg planetariums invite astronomy lovers of all ages to admire the partial lunar eclipse through telescopes.

As reported in Moscow Planetarium, visitors are expected there from 19:00 to 23:00.

Tickets for the event can be purchased on August 7 from 19.00 to 22.00 at the box office of the Moscow Planetarium. Several telescopes will operate at the astronomical site to observe this amazing natural phenomenon; in addition, astronomers will give all the necessary explanations and give fascinating lectures on solar and lunar eclipses.

The entrance to the astronomical site of the Moscow Planetarium closes at 22.00, and the event will end at 23.00.

The astronomical site for observing the lunar eclipse will be open only in clear weather, so it is advisable to check everything in advance on the Moscow Planetarium website.

St. Petersburg Planetarium also provides the opportunity to observe the eclipse through telescopes.

Private observations lunar eclipse The telescopes will be available at the planetarium observatory on August 7 from 21.00 to 21.50.

It will also be possible to observe the starry sky through a telescope even after the end of the eclipse - from 22.30 to 23.20. Both adults and children over the age of seven are invited to both events.

When will the next lunar eclipse occur in Russia?

The next lunar eclipse, accessible for observation in Russia, will occur next year - January 31, 2018. The winter eclipse can be observed in all Russian regions, except for the western and southwestern ones. Follow the information on the website Federal News Agency.

A partial eclipse of the Moon in Moscow can begin to be observed from 20.20, the maximum of the eclipse will occur at 21:21 Moscow time, the Moon will be above the southeastern horizon at an altitude of only seven degrees, the Moscow Planetarium reported.

In clear weather, at 21:21 Moscow time, you will notice a slight reddening of the lower part of the lunar disk. After the maximum phase of the eclipse, the Moon will leave the Earth's shadow at 22:19 Moscow time and begin to emerge from the Earth's penumbra. During the penumbral eclipse, until 22:40 Moscow time, the darkening of the southern edge of the Moon will still be noticeable. At 23:52 Moscow time the lunar eclipse will end. The planet will completely emerge from the Earth's penumbra.

At the moment of greatest immersion, the glow of the southern regions of the Moon will be weakened, they will darken a little and turn red. This can be seen with the naked eye in clear, cloudless weather. This darkening effect of the southern part of the lunar disk will appear even more strongly in photographs.

The partial eclipse of the Moon on August 7, 2017 will generally be favorable for observations from Russia, since the visibility area will cover most of its territory. The only exceptions will be the northwestern regions (beyond the line Kaliningrad - St. Petersburg - Arkhangelsk), where it will still be a light evening and the Moon will not have time to rise above the horizon, as well as the Kamchatka and Chukotka peninsula with its surroundings, where, on the contrary, it will already be morning on August 8 .

Those who want to observe the phenomenon will be able to see how the color of the Moon will change, the senior told Sputnik radio. Researcher State Astronomical Institute named after P.K. Sternberg Vladimir Surdin.

"The moon will be a little reddish. The fact is that part of the light coming from the Sun will pass through the earth's atmosphere. Blue light will remain in the atmosphere, and red light will pass to the Moon, and its surface will redden a little. I advise those who like to observe for natural phenomena from 21 to 22 pm, find the Moon in the sky. To do this, you need to look at the southwestern part of the horizon, and not high above the horizon. That is, if there are houses and trees around, then you will not see anything. You need to go out to an open place, and then you will see the rising Moon, falling into the shadow of the Earth. As astronomers say, a partial eclipse will occur: the lower part of the Moon - about a quarter - will be completely darkened, and the remaining three quarters will fall into the penumbra of the Earth - will be reddish-reddish," said Vladimir Surdin .

According to him, the lunar eclipse will not affect the processes occurring on Earth.

"But this will affect what is happening on the Moon. The fact is that now it is noon on the visible side of the Moon, and the surface temperature is approximately 120 degrees. When the Earth covers the sun's rays (for about two hours), the Moon will begin to cool quickly. It will cool down by several tens of degrees. In the mid-sixties, when we were actively studying this phenomenon, the eclipse of the Moon and how quickly its soil cooled, helped us figure out that the Moon is covered with dust, that its surface is quite loose. This was a useful scientific observation. And today this is just an interesting picture for astronomy lovers - a beautiful celestial phenomenon,” noted Vladimir Surdin.

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Regarding the eclipse especially for yogis :

When the Earth stands directly between the Sun and the Moon, it is time to introduce pranas from the side channels - solar and lunar - into the central one. The texts say that for those who have mastered this practice, an eclipse is a particularly valuable time.

A partial lunar eclipse will be observed in central Eurasia. In the Far East it will be observed at moonset, in Europe - at sunrise. In America, the eclipse is not observed and its impact is minimal. It will be observed throughout almost the entire territory of the CIS.

Beginning of the eclipse - August 7, 2017 at 8:12 pm by Moscow time
Maximum phase V 21:20 Moscow time
Ending V 22:18 Moscow time

A lunar eclipse affects the human psyche, disrupting the usual biorhythms, which leads to an unstable emotional state and disruption of the usual biorhythms. The result of an eclipse appears late and in a distorted form 6 or 18 months after the eclipse. Therefore, it is important to monitor your thoughts and desires.

The lunar eclipse in August will have an impact during the three days before and after the eclipse, and during the active phase of the eclipse, states that are unusual for you may be observed. For some it may be anxiety or internal instability. For some, on the contrary, there is increased activity, which at the end of the eclipse will require proper rest.

And this is according to Jyotish :

The eclipse occurs in the constellation Capricorn, so it most strongly affects the representatives of this constellation, as well as Cancer.

In Vedic astrology there is the concept of “Sutak”, a particularly unfavorable time before an eclipse. At this moment, the destructive energy of the eclipse accumulates in the Earth's atmosphere. Sutak lasts nine hours before a lunar eclipse. This time is even more unfavorable than the eclipse itself. Do not schedule any important activities during this time. Keep a vigorous fast to mitigate the effects of the eclipse. This is especially true for women and people born in the constellation Cancer and Capricorn (these two constellations will be the “eclipse zone”). It would be a bad idea to give in to your mood and have a showdown.

Do not leave your child unattended before bedtime. Make sure your child is not exposed to moonlight while sleeping.

If you feel your emotions are getting out of control, drink calming tea.
From August 6 to 9, it is not recommended to enter into intimate relationships and plan conception.
During the eclipse, it is better not to plan.
You should not overload your psyche by watching exciting films and working at the computer for long periods of time.
The time of the eclipse is not suitable for replanting and pruning indoor plants.
If you experience severe mood swings, fasting is recommended.
Shower more often.
Drivers should not neglect traffic rules and exceed the speed limit.
Maybe inappropriate behavior pets.

Water is a powerful cleanser that can resist the destructive energy of an eclipse. It is recommended to take a shower, do a wet cleaning and be sure to wash the altar, if there is one in your home, on the morning of August 8th.

Protective mantra on the day of the eclipse: “ OM SRI DURGAYE NAMAHA »

Pregnant women are advised to take a shower in the evening of August 7 and in the morning of August 8, reciting the mantra “OM DURGAYA NAMAHA!”
It is not recommended to go outside from 12 noon on August 7 until the morning of August 8. These recommendations are also relevant for women whose female cycle falls on these days.
From August 6 to August 9, curtain the window to prevent moonlight from falling on your body.
Do not buy things for your baby between August 6 and August 9.
Watch your diet.
Do not allow sad thoughts, set yourself in a positive mood.

Source of material website
Publication Website " OMARTSATT"

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IN lunar calendar Eclipses always play a special role. These phenomena occur infrequently, so they should be treated with caution, given their negative impact for all areas of life.

Contrary to the opinion of negatively-minded individuals, lunar eclipses can have some pleasant features for us. In ancient times, eclipses of the Sun or Moon were a sign of what was blooming dark force, black magic, evil. Now everything can be explained by special destructive waves that emanate from such a union of the Moon and the Sun.

Features of the upcoming eclipse

Like any other, the lunar eclipse on August 7, 2017 will take place against the backdrop of the Full Moon. This means that all its negative features will persist and even increase.

On the 7th, almost all of Russia will be able to observe the blood moon. This will happen closer to 21:00 Moscow time. The shadow will pass along the bottom of the Earth's satellite, but will still be noticeable to the naked eye. The main thing is that there are as few clouds as possible. For the best visibility, you should leave the city area and get out into nature, from where celestial objects are visible much more clearly.

When it comes to astrological aspects, the most important factor is the position of the Moon. On August 7, she will be in the Sign of Aquarius.

Positive aspects of a lunar eclipse

There are definitely positive aspects. They are few, but they are very important.

Firstly, on August 7, when the activity of the Moon is high and also fueled by the Sun, the action of Aquarius will be maximum. On this day you can try buy something very important and expensive.

Secondly, a change in environment at home or at work will be positive. It would be advisable to rearrange the furniture and get rid of unnecessary things and junk. This will refresh the energy of your home or other room.

Thirdly, new things will be much easier, however, there are pitfalls here. Never try to succeed in something if you have just started it. Create a starting path and return to it later.

This will be a very active and far from negative lunar eclipse, so don't be too careful.

Negative aspects of the eclipse on August 7

On August 7, you shouldn’t get hung up on one thing. This day will be dangerous for everyone, so you will need special dynamics. Be versatile, do not get carried away with solving work problems or excessive rest. The Universe will want everything to be in harmony.

On this day people will be more irritable than usual. Those who usually take advantage of your kindness will pose a particular danger. They may demand free help from you based solely on feelings of self-pity. Don't listen to anyone, have your own opinion on everything. Everyone will try to follow their own line.

Revenge and the desire to exact retribution will be your most dangerous companions. On the days of eclipses, such desires can destroy your energy and, as a result, deprive you of luck for a long time.

Don't do anything rash, because the Full Moon is a time when people’s minds are clouded, when the objective perception of familiar things is replaced by some kind of illusions. The eclipse will intensify this.

Concerning physical activity, then during an eclipse it will be superfluous. Physical exercise better to stop in the evening. The only thing that can somehow meet the needs is active recreation, walks, and water procedures.

Problems also arise with intuition during an eclipse. Believe only the facts and do not try to follow luck without the appropriate opportunities. On August 7, try to protect yourself from negative people. Increase energy in passive ways - rest, positive thoughts. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

06.08.2017 02:29

2020 has just come into its own, and already at the beginning of January the first...

The moon will go into shadow on August 7th. As you know, the Earth's satellite shines not with its own light, but with reflected light. When our planet blocks the sun's rays, a shadow falls on the surface of the moon. This time it will cover only part of the satellite, which is why such eclipses are called partial.

Even our ancient ancestors looked at the Moon with respect and caution. At the same time, not only the moment of the eclipse itself was considered important, but also the three days preceding it, as well as the three days after the event itself.


One of the ancient signs calls for avoiding financial transactions at this time: do not give or borrow. This rule probably applies to loans as well. However, it is unclear whether, for example, it is possible to pay for purchases in stores with a credit card. It’s probably better to hold off on this too.

Modern astrologers are no less categorical. During these six days, people will become more irritable and vulnerable. The slightest dissatisfaction or reproach can lead to a serious, painful quarrel. Scandals are fraught with nervous breakdowns. The boss will be more picky, and the children will be even more capricious than usual. The moon will provoke disputes, but the truth is unlikely to be born in them. A week from now, you're unlikely to remember why standing up for your reasons against all odds seemed so important a few days ago. But by that time, the relationship with another person may already be irrevocably damaged. So restraint in the coming days will definitely not hurt.


At risk are people prone to emotional instability and mental disorders. Communication with them should be avoided if possible. But if these are family and friends from whom you can’t hide, then you shouldn’t turn on newscasts or thrillers for them at night.


A few more tips concern potentially dangerous situations. For example, if possible, you should avoid driving a car, yacht, airplane or manned spaceship. It has long been known that stress provokes road accidents. So, if you really have to get behind the wheel, you need to try to calm down and turn on relaxing music.

Particular caution should be exercised by pregnant women and people with hypertension.

Representatives of alternative medicine are confident that meditation and contrast showers will help cope with negative factors. Moreover, men need to start and end with cold water, and for women - with hot. The exact temperature is usually not indicated.


And many are also sure that it is during the lunar eclipse that you can forever change your life for the better. It is recommended to postpone new beginnings, but there is a good chance to part with old ones bad habits. Alcoholics, drug addicts and gambling addicts will suddenly have additional internal resources to fight. You can also put an end to harmful psychological dependencies and unhealthy attachments.

In general, doctors and scientists are not inclined to exaggerate the impact of lunar eclipses on humans. So the vast majority of people most likely will not even notice that anything unusual was happening in the sky. However, vigilance certainly won’t hurt.

Alexander Sablin