Why do big people dream: the interpretation of the dream depends on the details. Seeing a lot of water in a dream: interpretation of the dream, which portends Seeing a lot of water in a dream

The opinions of dream books about what many people dream about are divided. Some believe that such visions cannot promise anything optimistic, while others are confident that a dreamed crowd of people predicts activity and diversity. You can find out which interpreter gives the most accurate answers by remembering the details of the dream: what these people did and what they looked like in the dream.

Miller's Predictions

Seeing many people in a dream, according to Miller’s dream book, means a loss of independence and an unwillingness to deal with problems alone. But if you dreamed of many beautiful young people, then expect an increase in your own activity and hard work.

Did you dream that you were watching a crowd of people storm a concert hall? Be prepared for unforeseen complications with colleagues, because in most cases such dreams mean misunderstanding with the team due to diversity of views and tastes.

Where did the people gather?

Depending on where exactly you saw a lot of people gathered in a crowd, the interpretation of the dream depends. For example, here’s what huge crowds mean in dreams:

  • in the apartment - for the arrival of guests;
  • at a concert - a boring pastime awaits you;
  • in the yard - your life will be cheerful;
  • on the beach - for a memorable vacation;
  • in line - get good news about an old friend;
  • at a meeting - you have to make a decision, but you hesitate;
  • on a country road - you will be lucky on a business trip;
  • at work - to promotion;
  • at a funeral - it’s time to tell your secrets to your loved ones.

Friendly rally

You will be able to maintain friendly relations with friends, Pastor Loff’s dream book tells those who have seen many people in their dreams, each of whom he knows very well. And if you dreamed of a very large crowd of familiar people at a holiday, then this indicates that, despite gossip and unflattering reviews from envious people, you will be able to achieve what you want.

Why does a woman dream of a large number of men she knows closely? As Medea’s dream book assures, this is a harbinger of a new romantic relationship.

Strangers in a dream are a positive sign

If in a dream you experienced discomfort, seeing many people around you, strangers and strangers, then according to Freud’s dream book, the desire to experiment in love pleasures will soon awaken in you.

But the Gypsy dream interpreter interprets differently the dream in which you saw unfamiliar visitors in the room at the table. Get ready to receive unwanted guests. To see that an unfamiliar boy has separated from the group of “meetings” and moved towards you is a sign of correct calculation in an important matter.

Relatives as a symbol of important life moments

The Eastern Dream Book offers its answer to the question of why many close people dream about the dreamer. Did you dream that numerous relatives gathered in the house of the oldest family member and organized a feast? This suggests that you have to prepare for some important and significant event.

Do you see many sleeping guests in a distant relative’s house in a dream? You are confused in some problems, but no one is in a hurry to help you. And the vision that a huge number of grandmothers unknown to you have settled in your brother’s house prophesies the adoption of a wise decision.

Actions and deeds: Caution does not hurt

If you dreamed of many people praying in a church or in a cemetery near a grave, this means that you will be able to avoid temptations and mistakes, the Lunar Dream Book pleases. Anyone who saw in a dream that he was one of the crowd meeting a train at the station should be careful on the way.

In your dream, many women and men in white clothes went out into the street to dance in a flash mob square? Here are the explanations for this dream given by the Modern Dream Book: if you unite with your colleagues, you will be able to make good money. This interpretation is especially relevant if in a dream a crowd of people dancing on the street is surrounded by a group of onlookers.

Make contact, or both in joy and in sorrow...

Remember, if in a dream you are in a club, not just watching women dancing and singing, but also taking part in it, then soon you will be able to get out of a difficult situation, says the Islamic dream book. And if there were a lot of drunk people in the room, then beware of giving advice.

Tsvetkov’s dream book will explain why you have a dream in which you see many people swimming in the sea with you: to see naked children and adults without clothes - to gossip; everyone was in swimsuits - a sign of fun.

Dead as a sign of trouble

A very bad dream is one in which you see dead people or blood. Most dream books tend to believe that such visions prophesy major troubles. Why do you dream that the corpses of the dead are lying around anywhere, Longo’s dream book will tell you: you are afraid of something that cannot be comprehended.

A person who appears in a dream to many people in the form of death predicts the incitement of a conflict, the instigator of which will be the dreamer. And if you dreamed that many military personnel died during the explosion at the parade, then listen to the warnings and do not visit crowded places. Getting hit by a car en masse in a dream is a harbinger of an unsuccessful trip.

Murder and death: From problems to disappointments

Dream books explain why many people dream of a man in a black robe: longing and sadness for loved ones awaits you. Perhaps for those killed or for those killed. Did you dream that you found many people killed by the tsunami on the seashore? Disappointment in ideals and tears await you.

Killing yourself in a dream is a sign of a series of serious difficulties; but to find men and women who have already been killed by someone is a symbol of a disease that can develop into a chronic one, and even with complications if it is started, foreshadows the White Magician’s dream book.

It is not always possible for people to independently understand the meaning of their night dreams. For example, men and women may see a lot of water in their dreams. Does it foretell good or bad events? Should we expect change? Dream books will help you get answers to all your questions; you just need to recall in your memory the details on which the interpretation depends.

Seeing a lot of water in a dream: sea

Each of us can dream about the sea. What does it mean to see a lot of water in a dream? Guides to the world of dreams inform that the sea symbolizes pleasant surprises; perhaps in the near future the dreamer may receive a gift that he has long dreamed of, but did not find the funds to buy.

It’s bad if the sea in your night dreams was stormy and noisy. This suggests that a person must work on himself: he is not always able to keep his emotions under control, which is why conflicts with others often occur. It's time to change for the better, learn to analyze your actions and not repeat mistakes.

Watching the calm sea from afar is a sign of good news. If it rages, then the news will upset the sleeping person.


Seeing a lot of water in a dream - what does it mean? If a man or woman dreams of the ocean, this may indicate internal anxiety. There is a high probability that there is no reason to worry. A person takes negative emotions too close to heart, which can lead to health problems.

The ocean can be seen in dreams by those who find themselves in a confusing situation in reality. If a person is unable to cope with problems alone, he should turn to loved ones for help. Friends and family will definitely give him the support he needs.


Dreamed of a lake? Seeing a lot of water in a dream in this case means leading a measured and quiet life. A person, albeit slowly, but confidently moves towards his goal. If obstacles arise on his way, he overcomes them. The dreamer knows how to keep his emotions under control, thanks to which he gets along well with others.

The lake can also symbolize the need for change. A person is tired of routine, he wants new impressions and emotions. It's the right time to take a break from work. It’s worth getting out into nature, attending a cultural event, and spending time with family and friends.

Some dream books warn that the lake symbolizes future disappointment in people. It cannot be ruled out that the sleeper allows those who are not worth trusting too close to him. Be sure to take a closer look at your surroundings, this will help identify false friends who do harm out of envy.


What other options are possible? Men and women can see water in a river in a dream, a lot of water. This speaks of the inner strength of the sleeper: a person will not be frightened by any difficulties, he is able to cope with all problems on his own. The dreamer is used to always relying solely on himself. This strategy will ultimately lead him to success.

Some dream books inform you that river water is a warning. A person refuses to learn from his own mistakes, because of this he gets into trouble again and again.

What does it mean to see dirty water in a river in a dream, a lot of water? Such night dreams warn of the need to take a closer look at your surroundings. A person is overly trusting, and this can harm him. You should not share your secrets with everyone - some people are able to use the information received for their own purposes.


Why The answer to this question directly depends on what emotions the sleeper experienced. Did the water in the pond scare you or make you wary? This plot indicates that a person needs to prepare for the onset of a dark streak. In the near future, failures will literally haunt him; he should not refuse the help that relatives and friends will offer.

Did a pond in a dream evoke positive emotions? The dream predicts pleasant surprises. An event may also occur that will force a person to change his views on the world around him.


Sometimes in our dreams we see a lot of water on the street. Such dreams have ambiguous interpretation. The dream can symbolize renewal, parting with the past. A new stage will soon begin in a person’s life, and wonderful prospects will open up before him. For example, the dreamer may be offered a new job, a higher position. There is a high probability that your financial situation will improve.

Unfortunately, there is no guarantee that all changes will be good, especially if there is a possibility that a person will lose something important.

What else could you dream of about a lot of water or a flood? Those who are mired in routine in reality see a flooded city in a dream. The life of a sleeper has become too monotonous; he needs new vivid impressions. Why not, for example, take a vacation from work and go on vacation to an exotic country? You should not do this alone; the company of pleasant people will be the key to a great time.

Flood in the apartment

Seeing a lot of water in your own home in a dream - what does it mean? Such a plot predicts problems and failures. Now is not the right time to make bold plans. Making your dreams come true should be postponed until better times. If a person understands that he cannot cope with the accumulated problems on his own, he needs to seek help.

Is water pouring from the ceiling? The time has come to seriously think about your behavior. If a person constantly conflicts with others, he should blame himself first of all. The sleeper needs to learn tolerance towards other people, and should look at himself more critically. There is no need to constantly try to be the center of attention. It is important to learn to listen to other people and not impose your own point of view on anyone. If the dreamer does not change his behavior, he risks being left alone.

Water on the floor is a plot that can predict serious health problems. Preventing a disease is easier than defeating it. First of all, the dreamer needs to give up bad habits, start eating right, and play sports. If you have alarming symptoms, you should definitely consult a doctor and undergo a full examination.

Is there a lot of water running down the walls? This warns that a person is surrounded by enemies and ill-wishers. He should not put too much trust in people who call themselves his friends. There will come a time when they will stab you in the back.

In his dreams, a person can not only see a flooded room, but also try to stop the flooding and get rid of the water. Such a plot informs the sleeper that he faces a struggle. The person will resist someone's negative influence. If the water suddenly begins to subside on its own, then this is a negative sign: the difficult circumstances in which a person finds himself will force him to give up. The sleeper will give up and surrender to the will of providence. Such a decision can have extremely unpleasant consequences that will deprive you of peace for a long time.

Clean, transparent

What details influence interpretation? A person must remember whether the water was clean or dirty in his dreams. Seeing a lot of clear water in a dream is a good sign. The sleeper will be successful in any business he undertakes; all he needs to do is put in a little effort towards his goal.

The main thing is not to share your plans with everyone. You should only tell your closest people about your intentions, who will definitely not use the information received for bad purposes. The actions of envious people and enemies can prevent your cherished dream from coming true.

Transparent water symbolizes the energy that fills a person and gives strength that allows him to move mountains. It is important to use the overflowing energy exclusively for good purposes. Otherwise, the sleeper’s actions will turn against him.

A person can not only see a lot of clean water in a dream, but also plunge headlong into it. Bathing predicts a successful combination of circumstances. A man or woman will be able to avoid the serious danger that threatens him.

Dirty, muddy

Seeing a lot of dirty water in a dream is a bad sign. A dark streak has come in the life of the sleeper. Troubles will literally rain down on him. Of course, you shouldn’t be discouraged and give up. A person needs to gather strength and survive this difficult period. If he is not able to do this on his own, you can always turn to family and friends for support.

Seeing a lot of muddy water in a dream - what does it mean? This plot also symbolizes future troubles. However, a person is strong enough to cope with all problems. A large amount of muddy water can also serve as a warning about someone’s insidious plans. Enemies are looking for the right moment to harm the dreamer, so you should not let your guard down in the near future.

Black, rusty

Seeing a lot of black water in a dream - what does it mean? Such dreams inform about health problems. You cannot put off visiting a doctor; timely treatment will help you easily overcome the disease. It is also recommended to give up bad habits and start leading a healthy lifestyle.

A lot of rusty water is a dream that warns that a man or woman is surrounded by false friends. These people flatter the sleeping person and shower him with compliments. Behind his back they say nasty things about him. You should not ignore their actions, since gossip spread can negatively affect your reputation.

Cold, icy

A man or woman may see a lot of water in a dream and feel that it is cold. This warns that in the near future the sleeper will have to work hard and hard. Vacation will have to be postponed until better times. Determination and perseverance will help a person make significant progress towards his goal.

Cold water is often dreamed of by those who are used to keeping their emotions under control. This allows you to avoid quarrels and conflicts with others, but close people need warmth, which they do not receive from the dreamer. If a person continues to move away from them, he risks one day being left alone.

A lot of ice water is a sign that symbolizes a calm and measured life. In the near future, you should not be afraid of quarrels, conflicts at work and in the family. However, it is important to give yourself an emotional shake-up from time to time. Otherwise, the sleeper risks getting bored.

Warm, hot, boiling

Sleepers can see a lot of water around in a dream for various reasons. If it is warm, then this is a good sign. A streak of luck will soon come in life. The person will become the favorite of fate and will receive gifts from it. Now is the right time to start planning your vacation. The dreamer can visit another country, go to the sea. However, if warm water in night dreams causes unpleasant sensations, then in reality you should consult a doctor. It cannot be ruled out that the man or woman has health problems.

A lot of hot water is a dream that warns that a person is in the grip of anxiety. Most likely there is no reason for fear. It’s time for the dreamer to stop taking everything to heart, otherwise he risks falling into a state of depression.

Boiling water in large quantities symbolizes a bad period. Problems will constantly haunt you, you won’t be able to brush them aside, you will have to concentrate on solving them.

Freud's interpretation

What interpretation does the famous psychologist offer? A lot of water can be a dream for someone who has an attractive appearance and enjoys success with the opposite sex. A person often allows himself fleeting romances and easily enters into sexual relations. The time has come to reconsider your outlook on life. Intimate contacts with people you don’t know well, frequent changes of partners - all this can lead to infection with a dangerous disease and irreparable consequences.

Miller's opinion

Does a person see a lot of water in a dream? Miller's Dream Book recommends paying attention to details. Dreams may contain a hint about what the sleeper should do in a difficult situation. If the dreamer correctly uses the information received, he will be able to avoid serious troubles.

In most cases, a large amount of water symbolizes good in night dreams: a person’s life changes its course for the better. It is important not to miss the opportunities that providence will throw at you. The more effort the sleeper puts in, the shorter his path to success will be.


A person can not only see a lot of water around in a dream, but also fall into it. This turn of events warns that the sleeper’s wishes will not come true. All his started projects will end in failure and will bring unnecessary troubles and problems. It is better to postpone the implementation of your plans until more appropriate times.

Falling in a dream is a warning that a person is preparing to make a fatal mistake in reality. In the coming days, it is important to refrain from rash actions. Otherwise, negative consequences will not be long in coming, which will deprive the dreamer of peace for a long time.

Falling from a ship into a body of water is also not a good dream. In the near future, a person risks being at the mercy of a dangerous disease. The sooner treatment is started, the higher the chances of successful recovery.


A person may dream that he is drowning, choking in a large amount of water. Such a plot warns of impending misfortune. First of all, you should be careful of injuries. If someone saves a drowning person in a dream, then in reality he will have success in all his endeavors.

In their nightly dreams, a man or woman can watch someone else drown in a large amount of water. If this is a friend of the dreamer, then such a plot predicts good luck. If the enemy drowns, then all problems will resolve themselves. If a girl sees her lover in the water, then she should not rely on him. Soon the sleeping woman will be disappointed in her love relationship.


What other subjects are covered in guidebooks to the world of dreams? What does it mean when you see a lot of fish in the water in a dream? If the reservoir is clean and transparent, then generous gifts of fate await the person. If the water is dirty and cloudy, you should beware of monetary losses. the dreamer's condition may worsen significantly.

Fish swimming in the lake predict success in the professional sphere. Management will finally pay attention to the dreamer’s merits. Fish in the river promises changes in life, which can be both positive and negative. The interpretation also depends on the cleanliness of the reservoir - the cleaner it is, the better. Financial losses await those who dream of fish in the sea or ocean.

What other details are important? If the fish is actively splashing in the water, then happiness awaits the dreamer in reality. If she jumps out of the water, this prophesies fame and glory for the sleeper, and those around him will pay tribute to his merits.

Women often dream of fish to indicate pregnancy.

Various stories

Seeing a lot of snakes in the water in a dream - what does it mean? If a body of water is literally teeming with reptiles, then this predicts intrigue. Those whom the dreamer considered his devoted friends will soon turn away from him. Enemy machinations can destroy the life of a sleeper if he does not take care of self-defense.

Snakes swimming underwater are not a good dream. Enemies will deal a blow from which it will not be easy to recover. The person will be in big trouble and will not be able to cope with all the problems without outside help. Dead snakes in the water are a good sign. The sleeper will be able to defeat his enemies and leave his competitors behind. Ill-wishers will disappear from his life forever.

A man or a woman can see many turtles in the water in a dream for various reasons. First of all, you should pay attention to the condition of the reservoir. Big profits are predicted by turtles splashing in crystal clear water. the dreamer will finally stabilize, financial difficulties will be left behind. A person will be able to afford something that only recently he could only dream of. If the water in which turtles swim is cloudy and dirty, then you should not count on the successful implementation of your projects. All endeavors will end in failure. Attempts to change the situation for the better will only make the problem worse. It is better to refrain from any activity in the coming days.

Color matters

If a person sees a lot of water in a dream, then you should pay attention to its color.

  • Shades of green indicate that the sleeper strives for balance and harmony. However, this can also warn of internal immaturity, unwillingness to take responsibility for one’s life, one’s actions and decisions.
  • Yellow water is a call to internal order. It's time to put your thoughts in order and relax. Things don't go wrong because a person doesn't have a source of inspiration. Be sure to find it, otherwise you can’t count on changes for the better.
  • Blue water is a sign that the dreamer is living in the past or trying to predict the future. A person needs to learn to focus on the present moment. Otherwise, he will not notice how his life will pass. However, there are dream books that promise the sleeping person prosperity and an improvement in his financial situation.
  • A lot of red water is a symbol of passion. A love adventure awaits a person that will capture all his thoughts. It is impossible to say how long the romance will last, but in any case it will leave pleasant memories.

Walking on the water surface

A person can not only see a lot of clean water in a dream, but also walk on it. Guides to the world of dreams are unanimous that this is a good sign. In the near future, the sleeper can count on the realization of his cherished dream. Everything may not happen at all as the dreamer imagined, but the result will bring him joy.

If it takes a long time to get to the goal, and there is a lot of water underfoot, then a person faces a thorny path to his dream. The crossing of an endless river prophesies a protracted solution to minor problems. If the body of water that a man or woman is trying to cross in their dreams is seething, then this predicts the successful overcoming of all obstacles, but the person will need patience and endurance in order not to deviate from the intended path and reach the goal.

Most dream books agree that seeing a cake in a dream is a sign promising profit and good luck in business. This image is also often associated with the relationship between a man and a woman. Depending on what you did in the dream, what you saw predicts that you will meet a new lover or break up with someone you care about.

In the article we will tell you why you dream of seeing pastries and cakes in a dream according to several popular interpreters. We will also present the opinion of psychoanalysts, which is often completely opposite to well-known dream books.

In the human subconscious, the image embodies some secret aspirations.

In one case, it may indicate that the dreamer has a strong desire to get rich. A more accurate interpretation depends on the specific circumstances of the vision.

For example, seeing a lot of beautiful cakes in a dream is a symbol that you are confident in a successful outcome of the matter. You believe that the project you are embarking on will bring significant profits. If someone gives you a treat as a gift, it means you have received a lucrative offer, but have not yet decided whether to accept it.

However, a confectionery product may appear for more prosaic reasons. If you are on a diet and have given up sweets, you subconsciously experience a painful desire to eat at least a piece of a tasty delicacy. For dreams to stop haunting you, you just need to allow yourself a little indulgence and have something to eat.

Also, the interpretation will depend on what kind of treat appeared in the night vision. The accuracy of the interpretation will be influenced by both the appearance and the filling. Thus, a fruit pie dreamed of in cold winter may symbolize your desire to visit warm countries. You are tired of the cold and dream that the cold will finally subside.

Charlotte with apples and cream is a symbol of homeliness and comfort. But cheese cake embodies the desire for some exquisite pleasures. In your nightly fantasies, you may see the dough become moldy or become so hard that you cannot bite a single piece. In this case, you experience some kind of dissatisfaction and strive to fulfill your needs. If you dreamed that sweets were behind a store window that you couldn’t get into, you feel that life is depriving you of something important.

People's dream book

The classical interpreter provides the following explanations of what the image represents:

  • cut the confectionery product into pieces - you will make a profit and share it with business partners;
  • bake a delicacy yourself - you are being offered participation in a dubious project. Don't take risks if you're not sure;
  • buying sweets means acquiring debts and waste;
  • you blow out the candle on the birthday cake - get ready for upcoming troubles for which you yourself will be to blame;
  • to see that the treat is on the festive table - the guests whom you have been waiting for a long time will come. The meeting will bring many pleasant moments;
  • if the pie is on an empty table, then expect uninvited visitors. However, they will bring good news;
  • a cake with cream promises an invitation to visit;
  • I dreamed that you were eating delicious pastries - in reality you can get a promotion or increase in wages;
  • if you enjoy yourself at home, then strive for peace and understanding;
  • licking the spoon after a treat - you will soon receive good news;
  • leaving crumbs after eating means you will experience an exciting event.

Freud's Dream Book

According to the famous psychoanalyst, this image, like many others related to tasty delicacies, is associated with the sexual side of relations between the sexes. Most often, seeing a cake in a dream for a woman or man is a sign that they strive for variety in the intimate sphere and do not want obligations and consequences.

If you dream that you want to buy a treat, but for this you need to stand in line, and in the end the person standing in front of you buys the last one, this predicts significant losses in business. Seeing that you took a piece for yourself but did not eat it is a symbol that dear people need your support.

Miller's Dream Book

Miller's dream book evaluates cake in most cases from a negative point of view. If you visited a candy store and purchased a delicacy, this indicates that in reality you may encounter some difficulties. When this happens, you will feel defenseless, but trusted people will come to your aid.

The interpreter considers seeing a wedding cake in a dream a bad omen. According to Miller, this dream warns a married lady that her marriage is under threat and she is about to separate from her husband. Also, the image is regarded negatively if it appears to a lonely girl. But for lovers, he says that understanding and love will reign in their relationship.

For a representative of the stronger sex, a wedding treat signals that he will have to go through several unpleasant moments, but close people will be able to cheer him up. Considering fresh baked goods means making a significant profit.

Vanga's Dream Book

Why do you dream of eating cake in a dream according to Vanga’s interpreter? It means that the relationship with your loved one will be strong. It also promises good luck in business. However, for a woman, this image sometimes speaks of an impending separation from her lover. In addition, confectionery products can predict the successful completion of started projects. There is a pie that is spoiled - a symbol that you are thinking too long about whether to accept the offer made to you.

Loff's Dream Book

Interpretation according to Loff depends on many details of what was seen in the dream. If you eat a delicacy at a holiday that took place in your honor, it means that in reality you need to be patient. Only in this case will you achieve your goals. If you dreamed that you were treated at a party, pay attention to whether the sweetness was tasty. If yes, then expect good luck in your business, but if the cake turns out to be inedible, then you will encounter numerous difficulties.

Buying a large number of confectionery products in a dream is a sign that a white streak has begun in your life. Now is a great time to implement new ideas, since luck will accompany you in everything.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

The fortuneteller’s dream book says that blowing out the candles on a cake baked in honor of a birthday the first time is a sign that you will cope with any difficulties. However, if the candles do not go out, then do not expect an easy solution to the problems. They will be serious enough to greatly ruin your life.

If you dream that you are preparing a treat yourself, then you will soon have to start a difficult task. A new project will test your strength and allow you to reveal your hidden talents. You need to make every effort, because if completed successfully, you will advance up the career ladder. Seeing a beautiful cake means an upcoming meeting with loved ones. You will have a good time in their company.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

The esotericist pointed out that in a dream there is a chocolate treat that you baked yourself - a sure sign that you are tired of the monotony and are looking for new entertainment. Beware of starting risky activities. If the sponge cake in the vision was white and decorated with chocolate cream, it means you need a change in activity. Otherwise, you risk falling into depression.

Evolution has changed man quite a lot. Now we, unlike animals, perceive excrement as something unpleasant and unaesthetic. However, this situation only happens in real life. Seeing a pile of shit in a dream usually means wealth, prosperity or success. However, not everything is so good. Some interpreters do not accept general meanings. They believe that any vision has both a positive and a negative side, you just have to remember the details of the dream. So, is seeing shit in a dream a sign of joy or sadness? How do the most popular dream books interpret this dream?

Esoteric dream book

Seeing shit in a dream, according to this publication, portends the dreamer various troubles and meanness. Moreover, the origin of feces is of great importance. For example, seeing cat shit in a dream means a serious illness. If the dreamer removes the tray with cat excrement, then this, on the contrary, indicates a speedy recovery of the patient. Seeing shit with worms in a dream and emitting an unpleasant odor means that the dreamer is being fooled by his colleagues. It is possible that one of his colleagues is trying to take his place at work. If the dreamer feels some discomfort while defecating in a dream, it means that more time needs to be devoted to current affairs, and more influential people may have to be involved in solving problems.

Freud's Dream Book

Seeing a lot of shit in a dream indicates that the dreamer has many different problems that relate to his personal life. However, he does not want to involve an outsider to solve them, because he is afraid of betrayal or gossip. If the dreamer has to not only see shit in a dream, but also wipe it off himself, it means that some unscrupulous person has found out about his secrets and is able to tell everyone about it. Also, such a dream can speak of gossip spread by an acquaintance or relative.

To smear yourself in someone else's excrement means to find out someone's secret. Seeing worms swarming in feces means quick changes in your personal life. If the dreamer experiences constipation in a dream or the act of defecation is accompanied by painful sensations, it means that something does not suit him in his relationship with his partner. To prevent a strong quarrel, the dreamer should be more careful in his statements or, conversely, discuss the differences that have arisen with his lover.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Seeing human shit in a dream means unexpected profit, inheritance or gift. In the future, the dreamer should not worry about the financial situation; here he will be favored by happiness and good luck. It is best, according to this publication, to see children's shit in a dream, since this means that any operations, even obviously losing ones, will bring profit to the dreamer.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

According to the interpretation of this publication, shit in a dream portends enrichment. However, wealth will not fall from the sky; the dreamer will have to put a lot of effort into this.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Feces in a dream reflect the real essence of the dreamer. If you dreamed of a large, neatly decorated pile of excrement, then you should expect pleasant changes in the service in the future. Dense feces that do not emit a foul odor - to wealth and stability in life. If the act of defecation is accompanied by pain or any other unpleasant sensations, then in reality there will be a black streak. Moreover, problems will haunt the dreamer for a long time. Seeing liquid feces in a dream means new problems will be added to existing troubles. Perhaps the dreamer should not rely only on his own strength, it is better to turn to friends and colleagues for help. Relieving yourself in the wrong place in a dream means that the dreamer’s project will be rejected at work. Most likely, more was expected of him, but the dreamer did not live up to the hopes placed on him.

Noble dream book

The noble dream book considers seeing shit in a dream a good sign, especially if the pile does not cause disgust. According to his interpretation, the dreamer should expect profit in the near future. Moreover, this money, one might say, will fall from the sky. Of course, you shouldn't take this phrase literally. Most likely, the dreamer will have his old debt returned, or it will be an unexpected bonus at work. Stepping into shit in a dream means a change for the better; if the dreamer has recently quit his job, one can only rejoice, because in the near future he will be offered a more prestigious position.

Dream Interpretation Maya

Dreaming about your own excrement promises changes in relationships. Moreover, the culprit of the quarrel will be the dreamer himself. If a bird shits on a person sleeping in a dream, it means that in real life one should expect a monetary reward. True, it will not be too big.

Ancient English dream book

Seeing your own feces in a dream is a bad sign. If they do not cause disgust, it means that the dreamer will have to receive a reprimand at work, although the punishment will be well deserved. Accidentally stepping into a pile of excrement means receiving a small monetary reward for a job well done. Defecating in a dream means changes in life, but nothing good should be expected from this. Seeing a large pile of manure in a dream means good health. If the dreamer is surrounded by a seriously ill relative, then one can hope for a favorable outcome: the person will recover and live a long life.

To be smeared in feces means a strong decline in the dreamer's status. Many acquaintances will turn away from him, but you must try to survive this period and get rid of the troubles that have piled up as quickly as possible. If feces are scattered around the sleeping person, but he does not get dirty in them, it means that in life there will be an opportunity to make good money. However, the dreamer most likely will not take advantage of this opportunity. If in a dream you cannot dry yourself properly after defecation, it means that in reality a person will get into trouble and will have to answer for the sins he has committed for quite a long time. Dreaming of shit in your hands means good profit, financial well-being.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

According to the interpretation of this publication, defecating in a dream means rejecting something. Most likely, the dreamer is dissatisfied with his life and considers his existence meaningless and his actions useless. The best solution after such a dream is to visit a psychologist.

Why do many people dream? A crowd in a dream symbolizes loneliness, rejection of the dreamer’s opinions or ideas. Try not to stray from your chosen path and everything will work out for you. Dream books also offer a number of other interpretations.

Interpretation of Miller's dream book

Did you dream of a lot of people dressed well or festively at a gala event? The dream book promises a long-awaited meeting with friends and loved ones. But if someone managed to ruin the evening, then you are threatened with disappointment and loss. Sometimes a vision can warn of a countrywide conflict.

Why do many people dream about church? The dream book prophesies minor troubles and even serious trouble. Especially if the crowd was dressed in mourning or simply dark attire. It's good to see a lot of cheerful people on the street. This is a sure sign of improvement in affairs and overall life situation.

Opinion of Danilova’s erotic dream book

Did a lot of strangers appear in your dream? In dreams, this means that you are afraid of the publicity of some relationship. The dream book is sure that your fears are in vain and advises you to relax.

Why do so many people you know in reality dream about? Your family and friends pay too much attention to you, which is incredibly annoying. Try to minimize interference in your personal life by strangers.

Answer from the psychoanalytic dream book

A crowd in a dream symbolically reflects public opinion and collective values. In a dream, a lot of people appeared, and you literally had to fight your way through the dense rows? The dream book believes that you do not want to accept the opinion of the majority and ignore it. The same plot hints at personal protest.

Did you dream about a lot of people among whom you got lost? Similarly reflects secrecy, secrecy, anonymity or the desire for them. At the same time, plot literally means a single consciousness, one thought, an idea.

Why do you dream of many people in one place, room, house?

Did you dream about a lot of people? You are about to lose your own individuality. The interpretation of sleep is especially relevant if you were part of a crowd at night.

Find yourself in the same house with a bunch of people? You learn bad gossip about yourself or experience great grief. In addition, strangers in one place symbolize fear, fear, illness. Seeing a lot of people sometimes means that you will have to carry out the decision of someone who has no idea what to do.

Why do a lot of people dance and fight in a dream?

Did you dream about a lot of people fighting? In a similar way, the attacks of others on the dreamer and his personal irritation are reflected in the dream. If the crowd tries to fight, but stops, then in reality you will unexpectedly receive the necessary help.

A massive fight in a dream warns of receiving news, an outburst of activity or emotions. It's good to see a lot of people fighting from the outside. A period of calm and prosperity awaits you. Personally beating others means that you have to take part in an unusual task.

Why do you dream about a lot of people dancing? Did you happen to see them from the outside? You clearly underestimate the importance of some problem. Dancing with them means deception and lies. Sometimes this is a sign that you will accept an offer that you stubbornly refused.

Many people in a dream - approximate transcripts

Why do many people dream? The dream reflects the dreamer's fear, uncertainty and weakness. Getting into a stampede in a dream literally means anticipating bad events.

  • a lot of people on the street - favorable conditions for creativity
  • in church - trouble, misfortune
  • at a banquet - relaxation in a noisy company
  • many women - betrayal, gossip
  • young girls - failure
  • men - benefit, self-interest
  • a lot of happy people - sadness
  • sad - conflict, quarrel
  • frightened - a dangerous target
  • thin - hunger, lack of money
  • villagers - joy, happiness
  • urban - benefit
  • old - longevity
  • naked - gossip, illness
  • in chains - danger
  • in mourning - the death of a relative, friend
  • with weapons - great joy

Did you dream that many people are in an angry, distraught state, they run, break everything around and show aggression in other ways? Rest assured, bad events are coming on a national scale (mass demonstrations, revolution, coup and even war).