Without further ado, the meaning. The meaning without further ado is in the phraseology reference book. From children's sayings

This complicated phraseological unit is not entirely clear to many, although many use it in their speech, although sometimes they use it in the wrong place.

Well, let's figure it out.

It consists of two lexical units: to philosophize and to dissemble. Let's consider each of them separately.

To philosophize - with the highlighted root “mudra”, which means “thought” and hence to philosophize - to think, think, reason. But the ornate word itself already carries a deeper meaning than just thinking, it’s more like philosophizing.

Crafty, slyly - in the meaning of “cunning”, appeared not so long ago, originally meant something winding (for example, a river or a path). Applicable to characterizing the qualities of a person, a resourceful cunning person who, precisely with the help of a well-spoken tongue and incomprehensible speeches, can fool everyone around his finger, lead them into a dead end and easily deceive them.

Combining both of these meanings, we get the following expression: “Without philosophizing cunningly.” But this is to put it very simply - it means to reason too abstrusely, to build intricate reasoning, being distracted and going to the side, in general, to be very clever. So we can spend all day before we get to the truth.

Often speaking about the meaning of this phraseological unit, they cite its use by Pushkin in the tragedy "Boris Godunov"

In A. S. Pushkin’s tragedy “Boris Godunov” (1831), the words of the chronicler Pimen: “Describe, without further ado, Everything that you will witness in life.”

You can not only talk about something, tell and explain something. without further ado, but also get down to business - quickly, clearly, without rushing around.

do smb.

Without complicating the matter; without unnecessary thoughts, unnecessary undertakings.

What is meant is that person, group of persons ( X) imagines the matter as simple and clear. Spoken to approval. speech standard. ✦ X does smb. without further ado . unism. In the role obst. or introductory design Order of component words fixed

At first there were amateur translators, then professionals appeared. First translated without further ado, then translation theories appeared. D. Zhukov, We are translators. I suddenly remember something... I wrote it down without further ado. V. Ketlinskaya, Evening, Windows, People.

Accounting, without further ado, minus depreciation for Kuklina’s [Kukla - horse’s name] advanced years, hung one and a half thousand rubles around his neck. V. Murzakov, We are already walking, mom.

I st O/ it, without further ado, turn to those plays where human destinies, passions and human concerns on this earth are expressed in experiences and feelings understandable to everyone. Evening Moscow, 1992.

They say: “It’s not important.” But “essence” is the third person plural form of the verb “to be” - what does it have to do with it? One should say “it’s not important”, but that doesn’t sound right anymore. May be, without further ado, say “it’s not important” or “that’s not the point”? NG, 2001.

cultural commentary: “An expression from A.S. Pushkin’s tragedy “Boris Godunov” (1825), the words of the chronicler Pimen: “Describe, without further ado, everything that you will witness in life.” ( Birikh A.K., Mokienko V.M., Stepanova L.I. Dictionary of Russian phraseology. Historical and etymological reference book. St. Petersburg, 2001. P. 389.) Image phraseol. goes back to the opposition “complex - simple”, as well as to the rethought opposition “dirty - clean”; Wed with a simple (clean) with heart, simple (clean) thoughts (thoughts), dirty thoughts (thoughts). To be wise- “to do something, being smart, being wise.” ( Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language. M., 1981. P. 322.) Sly (Wed Also unclean) - one of the names of the devil - the founder and culprit of sin, the enemy of truth. ( Sklyarevskaya G.N. Dictionary of Orthodox Church Culture. St. Petersburg, 2000 . P. 133.) Component phraseol. philosophizing correlates with anthropic, i.e. actually human, cultural code; component slyly- with the religious, and in the image phraseol.- with the anthropic code of culture. In the image phraseol. reflects the symbolic meaning of deviation from straightforward thoughts and actions; Wed crafty thoughts (thoughts), no need to lie; Wed Also overthink. cm. in folklore, where the concept of “evil” is identified with the concepts of “crooked”, “deceitful”: Simple as a pig, but cunning as a snake; He wags his mind like a dog with his tail; He speaks straight, but acts crookedly. About simplicity as the pure, kind, truthful thoughts of a person also cm. in folklore: A truthful husband does not need guile; Where it’s simple, there are a hundred angels, where it’s cunning (where is it tricky), there is not a single one; All lies are from the evil one. cm. in the Gospel: “But let your word be: “yes, yes,” “no, no”; and anything beyond this is from the evil one” ( Matt. 5: 37). phraseol. generally serves as a standard, i.e. qualitative measurement, simplicity and clarity of smb. actions, absence of unnecessary intricacy, complexity of plans. M. L. Kovshova
  • - do sth. Without complicating the matter; without unnecessary thoughts, unnecessary undertakings. This means that a person or a group of people imagines the matter to be simple and clear. Spoken with approval...

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  • - Without further ado. Razg. 1. Without thinking for a long time or much, without going into details. FSRY, 255; BMS 1998, 389. 2. Simple, ingenuous. FSRY, 255; BMS 1998, 389...
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"Without further wisdom is Evil" in books

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2.2. “False Dmitry” is the real Tsarevich Dmitry, the son of Tsar Ivan Ivanovich. He did not die in childhood, but the death of his namesake, the holy boy Tsar Dmitry Ivanovich, who died in 1563 or 1564, was slyly attributed to him.

From the book The Expulsion of Kings author

2.2. “False Dmitry” is the real Tsarevich Dmitry, the son of Tsar Ivan Ivanovich. He did not die in childhood, but the death of his namesake, the holy boy Tsar Dmitry Ivanovich, who died in 1563 or 1564, was slyly attributed to him. Above we recalled the main points of the beginning of the famous story

10. The new queen is a young beauty, slyly feigning sincerity.

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10. The new queen is a young beauty, slyly portraying sincerity. All versions telling about the new wife of the great ruler, one way or another, note her resourcefulness. To a greater or lesser extent, this applies to Elena Voloshanka and her phantom reflections - to

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13. It turns out that the Lord's Passover should be eaten with horseradish, and not with “bitter herbs,” as the Synodal translators of the Bible slyly translated. In this section we will focus on a fragment of the life story of Moses, which is not directly related to the correspondence between the stories about Moses and

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Without further ado, from the tragedy “Boris Godunov” (1825) by A. S. Pushkin (1799-1837). Words of the chronicler Pimen (scene “Night. Cell in the Miracle Monastery”): Describe, without further ado, Everything that you will witness in life. Allegorically: to state events without your own comments,

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What is “WITHOUT ELIZATION”? How to spell this word correctly. Concept and interpretation.

Without further ado it is Evil do sth. Without complicating the matter; without unnecessary thoughts, unnecessary undertakings. This means that a person, a group of persons (X) imagines the matter to be simple and clear. Spoken with approval. speech standard. ? X does something. without further ado. unism. In the role of obst. or input design The order of the component words is fixed. At first there were amateur translators, then professionals appeared. At first they translated without further ado, then translation theories appeared. D. Zhukov, We are translators. Something suddenly comes to mind... I wrote it down without further ado. V. Ketlinskaya, Evening, Windows, People. The accounting department, without further ado, with the deduction of depreciation for Kuklina's advanced [Kukla - the name of the horse] years, hung one and a half thousand rubles around his neck. V. Murzakov, We are already walking, mom. And it is worthwhile, without further ado, to turn to those plays where human destinies, passions and human concerns on this earth are expressed in experiences and feelings understandable to everyone. Evening Moscow, 1992. They say: “It’s not important.” But “essence” is the third person plural form of the verb “to be” - what does it have to do with it? One should say “it’s not important”, but that doesn’t sound right anymore. Maybe, without further ado, we can say “it’s not important” or “that’s not the point”? NG, 2001. cultural commentary: “An expression from the tragedy of A.S. Pushkin “Boris Godunov” (1825), the words of the chronicler Pimen: “Describe, without further ado, everything that you will witness in life.” (Birikh A.K., Mokienko V.M., Stepanova L.I. Dictionary of Russian phraseology. Historical and etymological reference book. St. Petersburg, 2001. P. 389.) Image of phraseology. goes back to the opposition “complex - simple”, as well as to the rethought opposition “dirty - clean”; Wed with a simple (pure) heart, simple (pure) thoughts (thoughts), dirty thoughts (thoughts). To philosophize - “to do something, being clever, being wise.” (Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary of the Russian Language. M., 1981. P. 322.) Evil (cf. also unclean) is one of the names of the devil - the founder and culprit of sin, the enemy of truth. (Sklyarevskaya G.N. Dictionary of Orthodox Church Culture. St. Petersburg, 2000. P. 133.) Phraseol component. wisely correlates with the anthropic, i.e., actually human, code of culture; the component is crafty - with the religious, and in the image of phraseology. - with the anthropic code of culture. In the form of phraseologists. reflects the symbolic meaning of deviation from straightforward thoughts and actions; Wed crafty thoughts (thoughts), no need to be crafty; Wed also overdo it. see in folklore, where the concept of “evil” is identified with the concepts of “crooked”, “deceitful”: Simple as a pig, and crafty like a snake; He wags his mind like a dog with his tail; He speaks straight, but acts crookedly. About simplicity as the pure, kind, truthful thoughts of a person, also see in folklore: A truthful husband has no need for guile; Where it is simple, there are a hundred angels; where it is cunning (where it is tricky), there are not a single one; All lies are from the evil one. see in the Gospel: “But let your word be: “yes, yes,” “no, no”; and anything beyond this is from the evil one” (Matthew 5:37). phraseol. in general serves as a standard, i.e., a qualitative measurement, simplicity and clarity of someone. actions, absence of unnecessary intricacy, complexity of plans.

In Russian speech there are many words that have come from the past into the modern language, but many people, out of ignorance, use them in the wrong sense. For example, the expression “without further ado” is a phraseological unit whose meaning is not clear to everyone. To a greater extent, this statement applies to the younger generation.

From children's sayings

One day a little girl made a request to her mother in such a funny way: “Mommy, please make a salad without further ado!” The phraseology, the meaning of which the baby did not understand, sounded so ridiculous and inappropriate from her lips that the mother could barely restrain herself from laughing and asked: “How is that?” When asked, my daughter responded more specifically: “Just don’t put onions in it!”

Mom certainly knew what “without further ado” meant. But the girl thought that the word “crafty” is related to the word “onion,” which means a garden plant. And because of this, the situation turned out to be anecdotal.

What does it mean to be wise?

To clarify the general meaning of an expression, you need to understand the meanings of each lexical unit separately. Perhaps then the phrase “without further ado” - a phraseological unit whose meaning needs to be determined - will become more understandable.

Linguists believe that the root of this word “mudra” goes back to the ancient Indian medha, where it means understanding, mind, thought. Therefore, to philosophize means to think, understand, reason.

In the modern understanding, this verb has received additional coloring. This action began to be perceived not as ordinary, but as deeper. The word “philosophize” is understood by many as follows: to delve into abstract judgments, to philosophize.

By the way, many linguists believe that “without further ado” is a phraseological unit, the meaning of which is precisely revealed by the phrase “to reason abstractly.” It is inappropriate to use it in relation to a person who expresses himself quite specifically, says little and to the point.

The meaning of the word "crafty"

To understand the meaning of this adverb, you need to look into The history of the origin of the word goes back to the root “onion”. And it means bending. It can be used to describe a river bed.

The Volga in this place turned and formed a bow.

This is also the name given to the curved part of a certain type of weapon.

He placed an arrow on the crossbow bow and took aim.

The word is also used as a definition of a saddle part.

And although his mother was standing nearby, the boy grabbed the pommel of the saddle - just in case.

Then another one was formed from this root. This adjective already had a figurative meaning. The word “cunning” had a similar meaning, denoting the attribute “twisting”, but could be used in relation not only to objects, but also to the character of people. It was about the one who had resourcefulness, cunning, deceit, who knew how to lead his interlocutor into a dead end with his speeches and thereby deceive, that’s what they said.

Vasily was cunning: he could easily retract his words and blame it on his neighbor.

With the help of this word, God-fearing Christians found a way out of speaking the name of the devil. In a well-known prayer there is even such a phrase: “and deliver me from the evil one.” It is clear who we are talking about here.

Today the word “evil” has received an additional positive connotation. For example, it is used when one is touched by the cunning of a baby or a beloved pet.

“Just pour the juice into a glass and go into the room!” - my daughter says, looking at me slyly.

Using a catchphrase in speech

This new modern shade of the word and many. Since its negative meaning has been lost, the original meaning, indicating tortuosity and resourcefulness, has also been forgotten. Consequently, some people do not understand the phraseological unit itself.

On the one hand, the situation can be resolved this way: if it is unclear, then there is nothing to talk about it. But then we must forget about the tragedy of “Boris Godunov”! Pushkin used this phraseological unit in his immortal work, not suspecting that his descendants would not be able to understand its meaning.

Yes, the expression is not clear to everyone today. But nevertheless, it still lives in the Russian language. The sentence with the phraseological unit “without further ado” can also be expressed by our contemporaries, albeit in a rather ironic context. This is understandable: archaisms today are used to enhance sarcasm.

Expression value

What did the chronicler Pimen mean when he uttered this phrase in the tragedy “Boris Godunov”? Pushkin introduced phraseological units into the text precisely because in those years it was on the lips of educated and cultured people. And if we brush it off today and don’t look into the history of its origin, then, consequently, we will admit to our lack of culture.

Dictionaries state that the phrase is easily replaced by the words “artless”, “unpretentious”, “uncomplicated”, “simple”, “unsophisticated”. That is why in modern writing this phraseological unit should not be separated by commas, like Pushkin. In his time, this phrase was perceived as an adverbial phrase. And today we define it as an idiomatic adverb.

Although there is a second meaning of this phraseological unit. Sometimes it means the speed of decision making. After all, it takes time to philosophize.

So stop thinking, decide quickly! There is no need to philosophize! Open the dictionary of phraseological units and just start reading - it will be impossible to put it down, take my word for it!

Well, somehow it happened naturally to use the expression. And someone there argued that it was outdated, that it should be forgotten and not poking around in all sorts of ancient writings. It turns out that it’s not so outdated after all!

do sth. Without complicating the matter; without unnecessary thoughts, unnecessary undertakings.

This means that a person, a group of persons (X) imagines the matter to be simple and clear. Spoken with approval. speech standard. ? X does something. without further ado. unism. In the role of obst. or input design The order of the component words is fixed.

At first there were amateur translators, then professionals appeared. First translated without further ado, then translation theories appeared. D. Zhukov, We are translators. Something suddenly comes to mind... I wrote it down without further ado. V. Ketlinskaya, Evening, Windows, People.

Accounting, without further ado, minus depreciation for Kuklina’s [Kukla - horse’s name] advanced years, hung one and a half thousand rubles around his neck. V. Murzakov, We are already walking, mom.

And hundred/it, without further ado, turn to those plays where human destinies, passions and human concerns on this earth are expressed in experiences and feelings understandable to everyone. Evening Moscow, 1992.

They say: “It’s not important.” But “essence” is the third person plural form of the verb “to be” - what does it have to do with it? One should say “it’s not important”, but that doesn’t sound right anymore. May be, without further ado, say “it’s not important” or “that’s not the point”? NG, 2001.

cultural commentary:“An expression from A.S. Pushkin’s tragedy “Boris Godunov” (1825), the words of the chronicler Pimen: “Describe, without further ado, everything that you will witness in life.” (Birikh A.K., Mokienko V.M., Stepanova L.I. Dictionary of Russian phraseology. Historical and etymological reference book. St. Petersburg, 2001. P. 389.) Image of phraseology. goes back to the opposition “complex - simple”, as well as to the rethought opposition “dirty - clean”; Wed with a simple (pure) heart, simple (pure) thoughts (thoughts), dirty thoughts (thoughts). To philosophize - “to do something, being clever, being wise.” (Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary of the Russian Language. M., 1981. P. 322.) Evil (cf. also unclean) is one of the names of the devil - the founder and culprit of sin, the enemy of truth. (Sklyarevskaya G.N. Dictionary of Orthodox Church Culture. St. Petersburg, 2000. P. 133.) Phraseol component. philosophizing correlates with the anthropic, i.e., actually human, code of culture; component slyly- with the religious, and in the image of phraseology. - with the anthropic code of culture. In the form of phraseologists. reflects the symbolic meaning of deviation from straightforward thoughts and actions; Wed crafty thoughts (thoughts), no need to be crafty; Wed also overdo it. see in folklore, where the concept of “evil” is identified with the concepts of “crooked”, “deceitful”: Simple as a pig, and crafty like a snake; He wags his mind like a dog with his tail; He speaks straight, but acts crookedly. About simplicity as the pure, kind, truthful thoughts of a person, also see in folklore: A truthful husband has no need for guile; Where it is simple, there are a hundred angels; where it is cunning (where it is tricky), there are not a single one; All lies are from the evil one. see in the Gospel: “But let your word be: “yes, yes,” “no, no”; and anything beyond this is from the evil one” (Matthew 5:37). phraseol. in general serves as a standard, i.e., a qualitative measurement, simplicity and clarity of someone. actions, absence of unnecessary intricacy, complexity of plans. M. L. Kovshova