How to clear soot from a chimney. Cleaning a chimney from soot: a review of the best products and the most effective methods.

Owners of stoves and fireplaces are well aware of the need for regular maintenance of their heating boilers. No matter how perfect the design, the chimney will definitely need to be cleaned. The speed of its clogging is influenced by various factors: operating conditions, device design, quality and type of fuel, etc. However, even in the most ideal conditions At least once a year, the chimney must be cleaned. Often this operation is carried out by employees of special companies, but if you wish, you can do it yourself.

Why is it necessary to clean your chimney at all?

When fuel burns in a heating appliance, soot is released. Warm air lifts it upward, where it settles on the walls of the chimney. Over time, soot accumulates, its layer becomes more and more powerful. This leads to unpleasant consequences:

  • The smoke exhaust channel narrows, which reduces draft.
  • The wear of the chimney walls accelerates.
  • The efficiency of the heating device decreases.
  • The likelihood of a fire inside the smoke exhaust duct increases.

You can prevent troubles only by promptly and efficiently cleaning the chimney from accumulated soot.

Methods for cleaning a chimney

All options for cleaning the smoke channel can be divided into three groups.

Option #1 - folk remedies

The most common remedy for soot buildup in a chimney is rock salt. It is usually sprinkled onto the fuel during the combustion process. However, this option can be considered, rather, as a prevention of soot formation. It will not help to radically clean the pipe.

A more effective chimney cleaner - potato peelings or just chopped potatoes. Their quantity is determined by the size of the heating device, but on average it usually takes about a bucket. The peelings are poured directly into the fire. The starch released along with the steam softens the soot and it comes out of the pipe. After the procedure, you need to clean the oven. Sometimes this operation is carried out before mechanical cleaning, which is much easier.

Another remedy is aspen firewood. Several armfuls of such fuel are burned in a furnace. However, we must immediately make a reservation that this is a rather dangerous method. It involves heating the chimney to very high temperatures, as a result of which the soot begins to burn out. Before using this method, you should make sure that the chimney is strong. In addition, soot deposits must be small, otherwise even the most durable pipe will not withstand the loads and will collapse.

Soot is deposited inside the chimney and closes the exhaust channel space. The draft deteriorates, the efficiency of the heating device decreases and the risk of fire increases

Option #2 - chemical compositions

The industry produces many products designed to clean chimneys. These are a variety of powders, liquids and briquettes. They are added to the firebox during fuel combustion. They light up and release substances that are harmless to humans, destroying deposits on the walls of the smoke channel, which crumble down. Popular products include PHC or anti-carbon chemical composition. A special powder is placed in the firebox along with firewood. Its quantity is strictly standardized: no more than 200 g per ton of fuel.

When looking for how to clean your chimney from a small layer of soot, you should pay attention to the Czech product Kominichek. This powder, when heated, causes a catalytic reaction, causing the soot to burn at a lower temperature. The most popular is the “Log Chimney Sweep”, which can be used in all types of appliances operating on liquid and solid fuels. The product should be used as deposits accumulate. On average, a fireplace that is lit once or twice a week will require one briquette for six months. But for a boiler that is constantly used, you will need one log every two months. In large fireplaces and stoves, two packages are burned at once.

Before using the “Log Chimney Sweep” for the first time this heating season, you should inspect the chimney to be sure that it is not clogged with debris or foreign objects. The briquette can be burned with or without fuel. However, for maximum effectiveness, it is placed on hot coals. Before this, the log is removed from the packaging, but the wrapper is not removed. You should wait until the briquette flares up; if this does not happen, the wrapper is set on fire on both sides. The action of the active substance lasts for two weeks. During this time, soot may fall out. After this period, you should inspect the pipe and clean the firebox.

An effective means for cleaning a chimney is a special log. When burning, it releases volatile substances that destroy soot deposited in the smoke channel

However, it’s worth saying a few words about safety precautions (more details in the video):

Although, there is an opinion that all this is written with a pitchfork on the water:

It's up to you to decide who to believe.

Option #3 - mechanical cleaning

  • Close the cleaning holes tightly, otherwise soot will fly into the room. The firebox door must also be closed. If you plan to clean an open fireplace, cover the firebox with a damp cloth.
  • We go up to the roof. Be sure to use insurance and do not try to clean the chimney in bad weather - the risk of falling down is too great.
  • We inspect the smoke exhaust duct. If the soot layer is less than 2 mm, it is better to postpone mechanical cleaning and use one of the methods described above. We check for debris or foreign objects inside the pipe. We take them out or push them further with a stick to remove them from below.
  • First we clean the dense layer of soot with a scraper. After this, we take a brush or a brush with a diameter slightly larger than the chimney and work with it.
  • If a congestion is detected in the channel, we use a special kernel. This is a heavy metal ball attached to a cable. Carefully, trying not to touch the walls of the chimney, we throw it into the center of the channel. It can also be used as a weighting agent for a brush or brush.

It is important to note that you cannot use sports weights or other objects whose center of gravity is shifted as a core. They can roll over and get stuck in the chimney. They can only be removed after dismantling the structure.

After the smoke exhaust channel has been cleaned, you can open the cleaning holes and remove soot and dirt from them. Then you should clean the firebox and vent. Open fireplaces equipped with straight chimneys can be cleaned not only from above, but also from below, from the firebox side. To carry out the manipulation, a special metal brush is used, equipped with an extendable compound handle.

Fireplaces with straight chimneys can be cleaned from below, through the firebox. To do this, use a special metal brush, the handle of which is extended using special extensions.

The problem of cleaning a chimney is easily solved. You can choose from several cleaning options. You just need to take into account the amount of deposits that have accumulated on the walls of the smoke channel. All work, including mechanical cleaning, can be carried out independently. You should read the instructions and follow them carefully. However, those who are not confident in their abilities or do not want to do dirty work can invite a professional. In any case, a clean chimney will delight its owner with excellent draft and long service life.

When is cleaning really necessary?

Practice shows that a well-built stove or fireplace, which is properly handled, can operate without cleaning the chimney for several years. In this case, special attention should be paid to fuel. It is clear that there is no need to burn garbage, plastic bags or plastic bottles in the oven. However, firewood can also clog the chimney. Especially if you heat the stove with raw logs or use resinous pine or spruce as the main fuel. It is best to burn with dry logs that have lain for at least one and a half years.

The first symptoms of an “overgrown” chimney can be easily noticed. First of all, the color of the smoke changes. If the smoke exhaust channel is clean, it will be light, transparent or white. The accumulated soot begins to burn, which changes the color of the smoke. It becomes denser and darker. The shade of the flame in the stove may also change. Under normal conditions it will be light orange. If a rich shade of dark orange appears, then it’s time to think about how to clean your chimney.

In any case, even if warning signs do not appear, experts recommend inspecting the smoke exhaust duct at least twice a year. It should be taken into account that cleaning may be necessary not only in case of a build-up of a layer of soot, but also from debris, bird nests, cobwebs, etc. that accidentally got inside. There are many cleaning methods and you can choose the optimal one only after determining the level of contamination, inspecting the condition of the chimney, etc.

It is quite clear that any fuel used to heat a stove or fireplace does not burn out without leaving a trace. After burning, ash remains directly in the hearth, and soot is released during the combustion process. It settles on the inner walls of the chimney when any materials are burned. But let’s look at how to clean a chimney from soot in great detail.

Why clean?

There are two main reasons why you need to clean your chimney pipe:

  1. Bad traction. A decrease in draft, which leads to the fact that the stove or fireplace begins to smoke or is difficult to melt even with dry wood, is soot accumulated on the walls of the chimney. Accumulating over time, it reduces the diameter of the chimney opening, and the draft decreases accordingly.
  2. (See also: )
  3. Increased security. Significant accumulations of soot in the chimney can ignite due to high temperatures inside the furnace. When the soot burns, sparks will fly from the chimney, which can cause a fire. In addition, insufficient draft can lead to carbon monoxide accumulating in the room, resulting in carbon monoxide poisoning.

These are, perhaps, the most basic and compelling reasons why it is imperative to carry out chimney cleaning work, without postponing the matter for a long time “later”. The most important thing when lighting a stove or fireplace is that there is sufficient draft. With good draft, the stove will melt and heat up faster, and the possibility of a fire is excluded.

Traditional methods of cleaning a chimney

The easiest and most accessible way for everyone is to use rock salt. During the burning of wood, it is thrown into the oven. True, this method is more effective for preventive measures against soot formation.

It is more effective to use potato peelings. Burning them in a furnace causes soot to fall directly into the furnace. After burning out, you just need to clean the firebox. Potato peels should be placed on already lit firewood. You should not suffer and heat the stove by cleaning separately. Their use is effective when heating the furnace.

You can clean the chimney of soot using aspen firewood. Experts recommend burning them in large quantities. Cleaning with this method means that at high temperatures, the soot begins to burn and burns out. Needless to say, this method is extremely unsafe. After all, sparks flying from the chimney can land not only on the roof, but also on nearby buildings.

Another disadvantage of this method is that the temperature in the chimney is too high. There is a high probability that it simply will not withstand such a load and will crack. So before you put this option into practice, think carefully about whether it’s worth it.

Mechanical cleaning methods

How to properly and effectively clean a chimney from soot? Usage folk ways more suitable for preventive measures. But soot can be completely removed by mechanical cleaning. Previously, special workers (chimney sweeps) climbed onto roofs and cleaned pipes. Such specialists still exist today. Moreover, the profession of a chimney sweep is becoming increasingly in demand today. (See also: )

Many people build fireplaces or multifunctional stoves at home, which sooner or later will have to be cleaned of the same soot. But, you must admit, few will risk climbing onto the roof and carrying out cleaning work. In addition, this requires special tools.

But if you decide to maintain your stove yourself, then a couple of tips will come in handy. Before starting cleaning work, be sure to close all openings through which soot could enter the house. Otherwise, upon returning from the roof, you will have to do a general cleaning of the entire house. If you clean the chimney of an open fireplace, be sure to cover the firebox with a wet cloth.

Naturally, a person who is little familiar with the work of a chimney sweep immediately has a question: how to clean the chimney from soot? A special brush is used for this task. It is important that the diameter of the tool is approximately one and a half times larger than that of the chimney. A rectangular brush with metal bristles will help remove soot from the corners of the chimney, where it accumulates in large quantities.

During cleaning you may notice a blockage. As a rule, this is debris from bricks that have fallen from the masonry. It is more expedient to push such a congestion inside. For this purpose special kernels are used. They are heavy and secured to a special cable using a regular carabiner. The core must be thrown into the center of the pipe, but only very carefully so as not to damage the walls of the pipe.

In order for the brush or brush to come into maximum contact with the surface of the chimney, they are made heavier. The same kernel is used for this. It is fastened with a carabiner to the bottom of the instrument. After finishing the cleaning work, all holes are also cleaned of dust, soot and dirt that has settled in them. The firebox and ash pan are the last to be cleaned.

Chemical cleaning methods

Soot constantly settles in the chimney. In order to use major pipe cleaning involving climbing onto the roof of a house as little as possible, it is worth using special means. They are designed to reduce soot formation. Such products are safe for health; they do not emit any harmful substances into the environment when burned.

They are very easy to use. You just need to add them to the firewood during combustion. Chemical prophylactics are of the following types:

  • liquid products:

  • anti-carbon deposits in powder form;

  • special briquettes.

Let's consider the most common compositions that will help prevent the appearance of this scourge on the walls of the pipe. Powdered PHC product, it is burned without removing it from the packaging, both with firewood and separately. It is imperative to take into account the standards for the use of preventative agents. PHC can be burned in an amount of 200 grams per ton of fuel.

The log chimney sweep is a very common and popular remedy today. This is a small briquette that, when burned, releases special volatile substances. They dry the soot that has settled on the walls of the chimney, and it is simply poured into the firebox. This product not only removes and prevents soot from settling on the chimney walls. It extends the life of the chimney pipe.

All preventative medications can be easily purchased in specialized stores. They are almost all universal, that is, suitable for use in any stoves and fireplaces. Any remedy for soot in a chimney can only be used when it is known for sure that the pipe is not clogged with anything.


As you know, it is better to prevent a problem than to deal with its consequences later. Therefore, if you have built a new home, it is advisable to immediately use preventive measures. After all, it will be much more difficult to remove soot from the chimney than to throw it into the firebox special means.

In order for your heating structure to work and heat at full capacity, it is better to use some tricks that will definitely come in handy during the heating process. It is better not to use firewood that is obtained from coniferous trees. The resin they contain, along with the soot, settles on the walls of the chimney, making the removal of soot in the chimney very problematic.

You should not melt raw wood, because at first it smokes, during the combustion process a lot of moisture is released, which gradually destroys the chimney. This also applies to newly cut down trees. They should be allowed to dry a little.

Firewood from deciduous trees will help remove soot from the chimney or prevent its formation. Do not burn household waste, especially plastic and plastic products. The soot formed during the combustion of such elements almost firmly adheres to the walls of the chimney. Even special means and aspen firewood will not help burn out soot in the chimney. Even mechanically it will be very difficult to clean it.

As you can see, there are many ways to get rid of soot and improve the operation of the furnace. Which one to choose is up to you. It is desirable, of course, that the method you choose is safe. Therefore, you should not use extreme tips for burning large amounts of aspen wood in the stove. After all, you don’t want the soot in the chimney to catch fire, and then the pipe simply cracks.

After you have completed all the work on cleaning the pipe, it is advisable to check it for chips and cracks. If problems are identified, be sure to carry out minor repairs. All cracks must be repaired using a special solution. Be sure to look at the chimney, part of which is located in the attic. It's better to check again.

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Many residents of private houses are interested in the question of how to clean a chimney from soot using folk remedies. Due to the accumulation of soot, it is difficult for smoke to escape, and there is a possibility of intoxication of the people living there. Therefore, we need to get rid of such a problem as burning, black soot in the chimney.

Simple Cleansing Methods

The layer of soot on the thick walls of the chimney affects the quality of the stove itself and safety. Heavy fumes accumulate inside and can enter living rooms, and soot particles deposited on the chimney can be highly flammable and cause an accident. All this can be avoided if you promptly clean the chimney near the stove; you can do this yourself at home.

The simplest method for cleaning a chimney is using traditional table salt. These manipulations are of a preventive nature, because they will not help clean a thick burnt layer, but they can remove fresh layers of soot and soot. If you regularly use this simple technique, carbon deposits will reappear over a longer period of time.

The essence of this simple method is as follows: you need to add a handful of kitchen salt to dry firewood. At the moment of combustion, it is this that is capable of influencing the chemical processes taking place inside the furnace; as a result, soot settles on the walls of the pipe less quickly and intensively. This method of cleaning a pipe is most effective only if it is not yet thoroughly clogged with a layer of soot.

The second risky method of cleaning the passage of furnaces is to completely burn the existing deposits on the walls of the pipe. It is done with an emphasis on the chemical composition of soot in stove chimneys. The whole point is that the oily compounds deposited on the walls of the furnaces are incompletely burned heavy chemicals that were not processed due to lack of oxygen. Therefore, if you heat the firebox to the required temperature, the soot inside will burn out on its own, without the need for additional manipulations.

In order for the heating system to operate without interruption, its structural elements need to be regularly cleaned. As a result of burning fuel, the internal walls of the chimney become heavily polluted. Find out how to clear soot from a pipe. You can use the services of a professional or do the cleaning yourself using one of the methods described below.

Why do you need to clean soot from chimneys?

Soot enters the inner surface of the channel along with the flow of exhaust gases. And with each firebox, its layer on the walls only increases.

If you do not clean the soot from the pipe, this can lead to a number of problems:

  • the channel will narrow and the thrust will decrease;
  • the efficiency of the boiler will decrease;
  • soot accumulated in the chimney can suddenly catch fire.

When burned, any fuel emits soot and leaves behind a trace in the form of ash.

This can be prevented by performing preventative cleaning. chimney from soot. The regularity of the procedure depends on the design features of the chimney. If the masonry is initially correctly executed, chimneys can operate uninterruptedly without cleaning for 3-4 years.

When the chimney is clogged, the color of the fire in the firebox also changes: the orange flame takes on a richer and darker hue.

The first signs of “overgrowth” of the pipe are manifested by a change in the shade of smoke that comes out instead of the usual white acquires a cloudy gray structure

Effective ways to clean a chimney

Choosing a method to clean chimney from soot, depends on its condition and the amount of deposits accumulated on the walls. For maximum effect, experts recommend an integrated approach so that each of the chosen methods complements each other.

Folk remedies

Salt is one of the most popular means for cleaning soot from a pipe. It has been noticed that when salt is added to the fuel, the amount of soot released decreases. But this measure is rather preventive, since it does not radically solve the problem of a clogged chimney.

Another available product is potato peelings for cleaning soot from pipes.

The starch released by the peel during combustion enters the chimney along with the exhaust gas flow. As it settles on the soot, it softens it and carries the exfoliated particles out. This method is convenient to use before mechanical cleaning, thereby making your work easier.

An effective but rather dangerous method is heating the chimney aspen firewood. The smoke released during combustion thoroughly warms the walls of the structure and the soot layered in it begins to simply burn out.

The cut peel is placed on well-lit logs and burned.

Firing carbon deposits with newspapers also gives good results. To do this, the pipe is tightly stuffed with straightened newspapers and set on fire, and the oven door and damper are tightly closed. A sharp change in temperature provokes the detachment of soot from the walls. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated up to 20 times.

Chemical compositions

The market offers a wide range of products for quickly and effectively cleaning pipes from soot.

But regardless of the form of release, their principle of operation is that when burned they release substances that destroy deposits on the walls of the system. The following compositions are the most popular.

  • Anti-carbon chemical composition - powder is placed together with firewood in the firebox and, when heated, causes a reaction that is accompanied by combustion and shedding of soot.
  • “Log-chimney sweeper” is a universal means for cleaning systems operating on liquid and solid fuels. The consumption of pressed briquettes depends on the size of the system: for a fireplace, one log is enough for six months, and for a heating boiler – for a couple of months. To clean the pipes of large stoves from soot, two packages of logs are burned at a time.

Advice. Although manufacturers indicate the safety of such additives for human health, it is still better to keep the windows in the house open and the dampers tightly closed when carrying out the procedure.

Chemical formulations are sold in the form of briquettes, powders or liquids

Mechanical restoration

To clean the stove chimney, the sequence of work must be strictly followed.

The core is also convenient to use as a weighting agent when working with a brush or brush.

Important: Sports weights and other heavy objects with a displaced center of gravity should not be used as a cleaning core. Their use can only make the situation worse. Stuck objects can only be removed after dismantling the chimney.

The chimney cleaning core is a metal ball attached to a cable

In the future, it is advisable to audit the channel at least once a year.

If the house is arranged stove heating or a fireplace is installed, long-lasting them and effective work cannot do without regular maintenance of the smoke exhaust system. To do this you will need a chimney cleaner.

Of course, provided that the chimney system is properly constructed, which is built taking into account all existing rules, it remains clean for a long time, subject to certain conditions:

- use of dry and high-quality firewood with a small percentage of thickness;

— timely cleaning of the firebox and ash chamber from ash;

- if household waste is not used for heating;

— special cleaning chambers are periodically checked and cleaned to remove soot deposits.

But, unfortunately, these conditions are not always met in practice. Many people don’t even think about the fact that fabric burned in the firebox, cellophane, or the use of low-quality raw firewood creates unwanted burnt growths in the internal chimney channel, which overlap each other and narrow the cross-section of the channel. The results of a chimney narrowed by carbon deposits can be as follows:

  • The draft in the stove is reduced due to poorly heated chimney walls, and smoke in the room in this case cannot be avoided.
  • The efficiency of the heating structure decreases.
  • The fire safety of the house is reduced and during the operation of the stove the risk to the health and even the life of its residents increases.
  • The thick layer of plaque that accumulates during the combustion process can be ignited by sparks, which will lead to damage and maybe even destruction of the chimney system, as well as its destruction.
  • A fire hazard can arise both for the house itself and for nearby buildings, and it can be created by hot soot particles flying out of the chimney.

In addition to burning deposits, various debris and falling autumn leaves can get into the pipe head, and during the spring-summer period, birds can take a fancy to the pipe and make a nest in it, or cobwebs can gather in it. Therefore, experts recommend cleaning annually, before the start of the winter period.

Today in specialized stores you can buy various chemicals for the cleaning process, or you can use traditional methods that have been used for centuries.

Chemical cleaning

Major cleaning can be delayed if soot buildup is avoided. And this can be done by preventing their formation. A similar result can be achieved by using chemical compositions, added to the firebox flame. Thus, labor-intensive and rather expensive mechanical cleaning can be avoided if you use similar products with each firebox.

The chemical components of such special agents act when elevated temperatures. They destroy layers of soot of any thickness on the walls inside the chimney, but it is better to prevent the formation of large deposits. It should be noted that these firewood additives are environmentally friendly products, as they are completely harmless to environment and for human health. Some of the most used and effective of them are the following:

  • “Chimney sweep-log” is a product that is produced in the form of a bar or briquette, as well as in the form of a log. It is placed with fuel, and during active combustion, the substances released by it contribute to the drying out of soot layers and shedding them into the firebox. This cleaner can be used both for preventive purposes and for already dirty pipes .

With regular preventive maintenance, it does not allow creosote deposits to linger in the pipe, i.e. deprives them of their adhesion properties. It will prevent fire if layers of soot have already been deposited in the pipe, thereby protecting the structure from damage and prolonging its functionality. A similar product can be used in chimneys made of different materials, but it works especially effectively in brick pipes.

This cleaner contains: wood chips, urea, zinc chloride, ammonium sulfate, amorphous silica, sodium sulfate, phosphorus oxide, coal dust and wax.

  • “Dymovoy” is another product - a chimney cleaner, produced in the form of a log. It can also be used to prevent and clean existing deposits, and can easily cope with these problems. Using it, you can avoid mechanical cleaning of the pipe using brushes. When burning activated carbon, metal salts and special additives that make up the simulated log, a beautiful blue flame will burn in the firebox .

It is perfect for cleaning chimneys of fireplaces, both with closed and open fireboxes. Not only does this product not emit unpleasant odors, it will also brighten up the evening near the fireplace with its fire.

The log that cleans the chimney is placed in the firebox when the fire flares up. An hour and a half of active burning of this product is enough for the chimney pipe to be cleaned. You don’t have to waste time and effort on such not-so-clean work as mechanical cleaning - you just need to light the fireplace or stove, wait for it to light up and add the cleaning agent. It will do everything for the owner of the house.

  • Kominichek, a cleaning product produced in the Czech Republic, has also become popular among Russian homeowners. You can buy it in packaging - the product is packaged in sachets weighing 14 grams. To free a pipe from carbon deposits, you need to use one bag per kilogram of firewood. .

It must be said that this product is not as strong as those described above, and can remove soot deposits no more than 1.5-2 millimeters thick. It works as follows: during combustion, it creates conditions for a reaction that helps transform layers of soot into oxide, and it burns easily at fairly low temperatures. Using this composition is very simple - just put the bags in the firebox when the fire flares up, and be sure to close the door well. You cannot clean the chimney with this product when the fire door is open, and therefore in a fireplace with an open firebox.

If the heating device is not used every day, then the smoke exhaust system can be cleaned every two to three years. If the stove is heated regularly during the cold season, especially when it is the only source of heating, you need to monitor its condition very carefully and clean it annually.

Before heating the heating device and cleaning the chimney, it is very important to inspect the channel for serious blockages with fallen leaves or other debris that could get inside during the summer. If any is found, it must be removed mechanically.

The cleaning agent can be placed together with the firewood, or you can burn it separately, i.e. Do not heat the stove at full power, but carry out only preventive work, preparing the heating device for winter.

The effect of the cleaning agent on the soot layers will continue for seven ten days, peeling off the accumulated soot deposits.

Video presentation - how the chimney cleaner works

After this period, it is necessary to clean the chimney elbow and the chambers where soot usually collects - there can be from three to five of them, depending on the design of the stove. Using a vacuum cleaner or fireplace brush, remove all deposits from the stove damper, since it must open and close freely - this is very important for the safety of residents.

When purchasing such products, be sure to read the instructions on the packaging on the subject of the technology for using this product and its composition, especially if it is based on chemical substances. You also need to know that not every product is suitable for your heating device, so you should pay attention to all the nuances, for example, what chimney designs it is intended for.

Traditional methods

There are several traditional methods of the cleaning process. Many homeowners stop at them because they don’t trust newfangled methods. It should be noted that they have shown their effectiveness, as they have been used for decades.

  • One of the most well-known preventive methods, used very often, is to sprinkle firewood with salt while the hearth is burning. But this method is only good as a preventive measure and will not help get rid of serious problems.
  • A well-known method among stove makers to directly remove plaque is to burn potato peelings. They perfectly help rid the chimney of soot build-up.

First, the stove is lit and warmed up well, and only when the fire is actively burning, potato skins or finely chopped potatoes in the amount of one bucket (at least half) are poured into the firebox. The fumes that will emanate under the influence of high temperatures contain starch. As they rise up the chimney, they will peel off the soot, and small particles will go with the smoke into the chimney, and larger pieces, under their own weight, will fall into the firebox and are removed along with the ash after the stove has cooled. But the pipe will not be completely cleared of deposits, especially if the deposit has reached large sizes, but it will soften well. After this, using a special brush, the chimney is processed mechanically.

  • It is good to clean the chimney with aspen or alder firewood. If you burn several kilograms of wood at once, they will not only bring warmth into the house, but at the same time rid the stove of soot deposits.

It is very important to proceed with extreme caution, as the heat from the large amount of wood burned will greatly heat the deposits in the pipe, and they can ignite. Therefore, this method is suitable in cases where the plaque layer is not too thick, the pipe is quite reliable, and there are no buildings made of flammable material or other fire-hazardous objects near the house.

  • Another cleaning method is using naphthalene, which can be used if the pipe has no cracks or damage.

A tablet of this substance is thrown into a burning furnace. When it begins to emit fumes, the soot will lag behind the walls and come out in small pieces along with the smoke. But, naphthalene has a specific smell, and it cannot be avoided from getting into the premises, and this must be taken into account.

  • A cleaning method using a composition containing copper sulfate has long been used. This mixture consists of powdered coke, saltpeter and vitriol, mixed in proportions of 2:7:5. The amount of this composition is taken at the rate of 20 grams per 100 kilograms firewood, i.e. Very little is required. The mixture is added to a heated, burning stove and the firebox door is tightly closed. This composition cannot be used in an open fireplace.

  • Safe and relatively in a simple way Getting rid of soot deposits is a method using very hot water. You only need three liters. Water is carefully poured into the pipe from above, splashing onto the walls of the chimney, and then the stove is lit. The fumes should destroy the structure of the soot, and the gas coming from burning wood will help destroy the unpleasant smell of burning. This option is used if the pipe passage is almost completely closed. By using this method, you can see how soot will fly out along with the smoke while firing the furnace.

Mechanical cleaning


Mechanical cleaning is used for large build-ups in the canal, and it will require some devices: brush, scraper, brush, weight, cable, flexible shafts and flexible rods.

  • A scraper is needed to clean soot from accessible areas of the chimney.
  • The brush and ruff are lowered on a rope, at the end which has a weight attached.
  • A core or weight is also needed to break through a channel if a blockage has already formed in it due to debris or soot deposits. The size of the weight should be large enough (occupying approximately two-thirds of the channel cross-section) and it should have a substantial weight.
  • A weight, brush or brush is attached to the cable using reliable carabiners.

Sometimes one of the devices is enough, but more often you have to use several of them.

Cleaning process

You should start cleaning the chimney pipe in calm weather, when it is not windy outside, as you will have to carry out work standing on the roof.

  • The first thing you need to do when starting work is to close all the doors. If an open fireplace is being cleaned, its firebox is covered with a damp, thick cloth. This is done to prevent soot from entering the premises, since we must not forget that soot has a greasy structure and can easily ruin clothes or upholstered furniture.
  • Then a weight on a cable is lowered into the chimney channel. In the narrowest place of the pipe, where the largest build-up of soot or other contamination has been created, the weight will stop, and this means that this is where you need to start cleaning, punching a hole with the same weight.
  • It also happens that with the help of a weight it is not possible to break through the blockage, then you have to disassemble a separate part of the chimney to get to the right place. Therefore, it is better not to bring the chimney duct to this state, but to carry out preventive maintenance regularly.
  • If the blockage is successfully broken through with a plumb line and a weight, you can start working with a brush. It should be slightly larger than the diameter of the chimney so that its bristles scrape along the inner walls, removing soot deposits from them.
  • After completing the cleaning, you need to wait time for the soot to completely settle, and only then can you open all the doors and remove the settled soot from the chambers.
  • Fireplaces with open fireboxes can be cleaned not through the pipe, but from below, through the firebox, using a brush on a compound handle, which can be extended to the desired height

  • You should not think that mechanical chimney cleaning work is easy and simple. If you have no experience in this matter, and perhaps even no idea about it, then it is better to entrust it to an experienced chimney sweep.

A knowledgeable specialist will carry out the preparatory work, assess the condition of the chimney ducts and pipes, and carry out high-quality cleaning of all unnecessary things that have accumulated inside. Therefore, in this responsible and even dangerous matter, it is better to trust a professional.