Pipes for stove heating chimney. The right chimney. Chimneys and chimneys - price

Any autonomous device for heating rooms requires a device for removing toxic products of fuel combustion. Stove chimneys can have different designs, heights or diameters, and during their construction a number of technological nuances and features must be taken into account.

The construction of a chimney is the most important stage in the construction of a brick oven, the correct execution of which determines not only the efficiency of its operation, but also the well-being of the residents of the house.

The chimney is the most important part of the loop system, the correct operation of which directly determines the performance and efficiency of the stove. The operating cycle of such a system can be described as follows:

  • Fuel combustion occurs in the firebox.
  • During the combustion process, oxygen is processed, and corrosive gases are heated and removed through the chimney to the outside.
  • When combustion products are removed from the firebox, an area is formed low blood pressure, where new portions of oxygen are drawn in through the same chimney.
  • The process is repeated again and again, until the fuel is completely burned.

Failure to comply with the chimney installation technology can cause a cycle disruption and provoke some unpleasant consequences:

  • Irrational fuel consumption.
  • Deterioration of heat transfer of the furnace.
  • Increased fire hazard.
  • Penetration of dangerous carbon monoxide into the living space.


There are several types of chimneys. They are classified depending on their location relative to the furnace itself:

This article will help you decide on the choice of a metal chimney for your stove. Choose the best option for specific conditions and budget.


Material selection

The material plays a huge role; the service life of the chimney, its ability to withstand various aggressive chemical compounds, reliability and strength depend on it. A steel chimney for a stove is made from three main materials: stainless steel, galvanized and ferrous metal. Now let's look at each material in detail.

Stainless steel

Made from heat and acid resistant of stainless steel. Nice chimney should have a thickness of 0.8 - 1 mm, a thinner wall will not last so long.


  • Able to withstand temperatures of more than 600 degrees, and have a long service life.
  • They are not afraid of many substances, and work calmly with constant contact with nitric acid, sulfuric acid, creosote and other substances that are part of the combustion products of coal and firewood.
  • They can be either single-walled or double-walled, with thermal insulation between the pipes. Such a chimney is safe and can be installed in any buildings: residential buildings, baths, saunas, technical buildings, etc.

Cink Steel

Is budget option for construction. The thickness of the pipes ranges from 0.3 to 01 mm. It is made of steel coated with a layer of zinc, thanks to zinc it has good characteristics resistance to alkalis and acid combustion products.

They are installed in the same way as stainless steel pipes. They are used less frequently as a material for stove chimneys, as they have a shorter service life and are less reliable in terms of their design and metal thickness. To extend the service life of galvanized pipes, they need to be insulated, this will reduce the formation of destructive condensate.

Black steel chimney

They are now very rarely made from black steel, due to the fact that they have a short service life. Such a chimney is justified only when the budget is very limited. They are made from boiler or ordinary steel, the thickness of the pipes ranges from 0.6 to 2 mm.

More often they are installed on small sauna stoves or in country houses, the use of which will be periodic. Can be used for stoves in greenhouses and outbuildings. With severe overheating, a lot of scale forms inside the pipe, which blocks the flow of the pipe.

Types by design

The iron chimney for the stove can be divided into two types according to its design: single-walled and double-walled. Now let's take a closer look at each of them:

Single wall

Based on the name, they have only one wall. These are installed mainly in the finished chimney duct of the stove, and serve as a sleeve. Also used in outbuildings, garages, etc. such a chimney. They can be made from stainless steel, galvanized steel, or regular iron.

They are more fire hazardous, and therefore are used in those areas of the chimney where the risk of fire is reduced. The cost of such pipes is two times lower than double-walled ones.)