Is there life after death. Scientific evidence. Facts about life after death Incredible but true life after death

People have always argued about what happens to the soul when it leaves its material body. The question of whether there is life after death remains open to this day, although eyewitness evidence, scientific theories and religious aspects say that there is. Interesting facts from history and scientific research will help create an overall picture.

What happens to a person after death

It is very difficult to say definitively what happens when a person dies. Medicine states biological death when the heart stops, the physical body ceases to show any signs of life, and activity in the human brain stops. However, modern technologies make it possible to maintain vital functions even in a coma. Has a person died if his heart works with the help of special devices and is there life after death?

Thanks to long research, scientists and doctors were able to identify evidence of the existence of the soul and the fact that it does not leave the body immediately after cardiac arrest. The mind is able to work for a few more minutes. This is proven by various stories from patients who experienced clinical death. Their stories about how they soar above their body and can watch what is happening from above are similar to each other. Could this be modern science's proof that there is an afterlife after death?


There are as many religions in the world as there are spiritual ideas about life after death. Every believer imagines what will happen to him only thanks to historical writings. For most, the afterlife is Heaven or Hell, where the soul ends up based on the actions it performed while on Earth in a material body. Each religion interprets what will happen to astral bodies after death in its own way.

Ancient Egypt

The Egyptians attached great importance to the afterlife. It was not for nothing that the pyramids were erected where the rulers were buried. They believed that a person who lived a bright life and went through all the tests of the soul after death became a kind of deity and could live endlessly. For them, death was like a holiday that relieved them of the hardships of life on Earth.

It wasn't as if they were waiting to die, but the belief that the afterlife was simply the next stage where they would become immortal souls made the process less sad. In Ancient Egypt, it represented a different reality, a difficult path that everyone had to go through in order to become immortal. To do this, the Book of the Dead was placed on the deceased, which helped to avoid all difficulties with the help of special spells, or prayers in other words.

In Christianity

Christianity has its own answer to the question of whether there is life even after death. Religion also has its own ideas about the afterlife and where a person goes after death: after burial, the soul passes to another, higher world after three days. There she must go through the Last Judgment, which will pronounce judgment, and sinful souls are sent to Hell. For Catholics, the soul can go through purgatory, where it removes all sins through difficult trials. Only then does she enter Paradise, where she can enjoy the afterlife. Reincarnation is completely refuted.

In Islam

Another world religion is Islam. According to it, for Muslims, life on Earth is only the beginning of the journey, so they try to live it as purely as possible, observing all the laws of religion. After the soul leaves the physical shell, it goes to two angels - Munkar and Nakir, who interrogate the dead and then punish them. The worst thing is in store for the last: the soul must go through a Fair Judgment before Allah himself, which will happen after the end of the world. In fact, the entire life of Muslims is preparation for the afterlife.

In Buddhism and Hinduism

Buddhism preaches complete liberation from the material world and the illusions of rebirth. His main goal is to go to nirvana. There is no afterlife. In Buddhism there is the wheel of Samsara, on which human consciousness walks. With his earthly existence he is simply preparing to move to the next level. Death is just a transition from one place to another, the outcome of which is influenced by deeds (karma).

Unlike Buddhism, Hinduism preaches the rebirth of the soul, and not necessarily in the next life it will become a person. You can be reborn into an animal, a plant, water - anything that is created by non-human hands. Everyone can independently influence their next rebirth through actions in the present time. Anyone who has lived correctly and sinlessly can literally order for himself what he wants to become after death.

Evidence of life after death

There is a lot of evidence that life after death exists. This is evidenced by various manifestations from the other world in the form of ghosts, stories of patients who experienced clinical death. Proof of life after death is also hypnosis, in which a person can remember his past life, begins to speak a different language, or tells little-known facts from the life of a country in a particular era.

Scientific facts

Many scientists who do not believe in life after death change their ideas about this after talking with patients whose hearts stopped during surgery. Most of them told the same story, how they separated from the body and saw themselves from the outside. The likelihood that these are all fictions is very small, because the details they describe are so similar that they cannot be fiction. Some tell how they meet other people, for example, their deceased relatives, and share descriptions of Hell or Heaven.

Children up to a certain age remember about their past incarnations, which they often tell their parents about. Most adults perceive this as the fantasy of their children, but some stories are so plausible that it is simply impossible not to believe. Children can even remember how they died in a past life or who they worked for.

History facts

In history, too, there are often confirmations of life after death in the form of facts of the appearance of dead people before the living in visions. So, Napoleon appeared to Louis after his death and signed a document that only required his approval. Although this fact can be considered a deception, the king at that time was sure that Napoleon himself had visited him. The handwriting was carefully examined and found to be valid.


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There is something in common that unites the searches of people of all times and views. It is an insurmountable psychological difficulty to believe that there is no life after death. Man is not an animal! There is life! And this is not just an assumption or an unfounded belief. There are a huge number of facts that indicate that, it turns out, the life of an individual continues beyond the threshold of earthly existence. We find amazing evidence wherever literary sources remain. And for all of them, at least one fact was undeniable: a person lives after death. Personality is indestructible!

A remarkable book in this regard was published here in Russia shortly before the revolution, in 1910. She, I would say, leaves no doubt about the reality of what is reported there; Its author, K. Ikskul, describes what happened to him. And it has a special name - “Incredible for many, but a true incident.” The main thing in it is a simple description of what happens in the borderline situation, which we call between life and death. Ikskul, describing the moment of his clinical death, said that at first he felt heaviness, some kind of pressure, and then suddenly felt freedom. But, seeing his body separately from himself and beginning to guess that this body of his was dead, he did not lose awareness of himself as an individual. “In our concepts, the word “death” is inseparably connected with the idea of ​​some kind of destruction, the cessation of life, how could I think that I died when I did not lose self-awareness for a single minute, when I felt just as alive, hearing everything , seeing, conscious, able to move, think, speak?

In other cases, sometimes things happen that are extremely difficult for the soul. One of the resuscitated (it would be better to say, not even resuscitated - this person came out of a state of clinical death without medical help) said that he heard and saw how relatives, as soon as his heart stopped, began to argue, quarrel, and swear over an inheritance. No one paid any attention to the deceased himself, did not even talk about him - it turns out that no one needed him anymore (as if the deceased were a thing worthy only of being thrown away as unnecessary), all attention was paid to money and things. You can imagine what the “joy” of all those who had already shared his considerable inheritance was when this man returned to life. And what it was like for him now to communicate with his “loving” relatives.

But that is not the point. The important thing is that in all cases the consciousness of the deceased did not cease! Body functions cease. And consciousness, it turns out, not only does not die, but, on the contrary, acquires special distinctness and clarity.

Many facts speak about such a posthumous state. A lot of literature has now been published regarding this issue. For example, Dr. Moody's book "Life After Life." In America it had a huge circulation - 2 million copies were sold literally in the first year or two. Few books sell out at this rate. It was a sensation of sorts; the book was perceived as a revelation. Although there were always enough such facts, they were simply not known or noticed. They were treated as hallucinations, manifestations of human mental abnormality. Here, a doctor, a specialist, surrounded by colleagues, talks about facts, and only facts as such. In addition, he is a person, in general, quite far from religious views.

Henri Bergson, a famous French philosopher of the late 19th century, said that the human brain is somewhat reminiscent of a telephone exchange that does not produce information, but only transmits it. Information comes from somewhere and is transmitted somewhere. The brain is only a transmission mechanism, and not the source of human consciousness. Today, a huge body of scientifically reliable facts fully confirms this idea of ​​Bergson.

Take, for example, the interesting book by Moritz Rawlings “Beyond the Threshold of Death” (St. Petersburg, 1994). This is a famous cardiologist, a professor at the University of Tennessee, who himself, many times, personally brought back to life people who were in a state of clinical death. The book is replete with a huge amount of facts. It is interesting that Rawlings himself was previously a person indifferent to religion, but after one incident in 1977 (this is where this book begins), he began to look completely differently at the problem of man, soul, death, eternal life and God. What this doctor describes really makes you think seriously.

Rawlings tells how he began to resuscitate a patient who was in a state of clinical death - using the usual mechanical actions in such cases, that is, by means of massage, he tried to get his heart to work. He had many such cases throughout his practice. But what did he face this time? And, as he says, he encountered it for the first time. His patient, as soon as he regained consciousness for a few moments, begged: “Doctor, don’t stop! Don't stop!” The doctor asked what was scaring him. "You do not understand? I'm in hell! When you stop giving massage, I find myself in hell! Don’t let me go back there!” - came the answer. And this happened several times. At the same time, his face expressed panic horror, he trembled and sweated with fear.

Rawlings writes that he himself is a strong man and in his practice it has happened more than once when he, so to speak, working hard, sometimes even broke the ribs of a patient. Therefore, when he came to his senses, he usually begged: “Doctor, stop tormenting my chest! It hurts me! Doctor, stop it! Here the doctor heard something completely unusual: “Don’t stop! I'm in hell!" Rawlings writes that when this man finally came to his senses, he told him what terrible suffering he had suffered there. The patient was ready to endure anything here on earth, just so as not to return there again. It was hell there! Later, when the cardiologist began a serious study of what was happening with the resuscitated people and began asking his colleagues about it, it turned out that there are many such cases in medical practice. Since then, he began to record the stories of resuscitated patients. Not everyone opened themselves up. But those who were frank were more than enough to make sure that death meant only the death of the body, but not the personality.

In this book, Rawlings, in particular, reports that approximately half of the people who return to life say that where they just visited is very good, even wonderful, they do not want to return from there - they usually returned reluctantly and even reluctantly. sorrow. But approximately the same number of those reanimated say that it is terrible there, that they saw lakes of fire, terrible monsters there, and experienced incredible, difficult experiences and torment. And, as Rawlings writes, “the number of encounters with hell is rapidly increasing.”

In this latter case, people experience fear and shock. “I remember how I couldn’t get enough air,” one patient said. “Then I separated from the body and entered a gloomy room. In one of the windows I saw the ugly face of a giant, around which imps were scurrying around. He motioned for me to come over. It was dark outside, but I could make out people moaning around me. We moved through the cave. I cried. Then the giant let me go. The doctor thought I was dreaming this because of drugs, but I never used them.”

Or here’s another testimony: “I was rushing through the tunnel very quickly. Gloomy sounds, the smell of decay, half-humans speaking an unfamiliar language. Not a glimmer of light. I shouted: “Save me!” A figure appeared in a shiny robe, I felt in her gaze: “Live differently!”

But the facts concerning rescued suicides are especially interesting. Almost all of them, says Dr. Rawlings (he knows of no exceptions), experienced severe torment there. Moreover, these torments were associated with both mental, emotional, and visual experiences. It was the most severe suffering. Monsters appeared before the unfortunate ones, the mere sight of which made the soul shudder, and there was nowhere to escape, it was impossible to close your eyes, you could not close your ears. There was no way out of this terrible state!

When one poisoned girl was brought back to life, she begged: “Mom, help, drive them away! These demons in hell won’t let go, I can’t go back, it’s terrible!”

Rawlings also cites another very important fact: the majority of his patients who experienced spiritual agony in clinical death (at least many of those who shared such experiences) decisively changed their moral lives. Some, he says, did not dare to say anything, but, although they were silent, from their subsequent lives one could understand that they had experienced something terrible.

From the book “The Afterlife of the Soul”

Is there life after death - Facts and evidence

- Is there an afterlife?

- Is there an afterlife?
— Facts and evidence
— Real stories of clinical death
— A scientific view of death

Life after death, or afterlife, is a religious and philosophical idea of ​​the continuation of a person’s conscious life after death. In most cases, such ideas are due to the belief in the immortality of the soul, which is characteristic of most religious and religious-philosophical worldviews.

Among the main views:

1) resurrection of the dead - people will be resurrected by God after death;
2) reincarnation - the human soul returns to the material world in new incarnations;
3) posthumous reward - after death, a person’s soul goes to hell or heaven, depending on the person’s earthly life. (Also read about.)

Doctors in the intensive care unit of a Canadian hospital registered an unusual case. They removed life support from four terminal patients. For three of them, the brain behaved normally - it stopped working shortly after the shutdown. In the fourth patient, the brain emitted waves for another 10 minutes and 38 seconds, despite the fact that doctors declared his death using the same set of measures as in the cases of his “colleagues”.

The fourth patient's brain seemed to be in deep sleep, although his body showed no signs of life - no pulse, no blood pressure, no reaction to light. Previously, brain waves had been recorded in rats after decapitation, but in those situations there was only one wave.

- Is there life after death?! Facts and evidence

— A scientific view of death

In Seattle, biologist Mark Roth is experimenting with placing animals in artificial suspended animation using chemical compounds that slow their heart rate and metabolism to levels similar to those observed during hibernation. His goal is to make people who have suffered a heart attack “a little immortal” until they overcome the consequences of the crisis that brought them to the brink of life and death.

In Baltimore and Pittsburgh, trauma teams led by surgeon Sam Tisherman are conducting clinical trials in which patients with gunshot and stab wounds are lowered in body temperature to slow bleeding long enough to receive stitches. These doctors use cold for the same purpose that Roth uses chemicals: to temporarily "kill" patients in order to ultimately save their lives.

In Arizona, cryopreservation specialists keep the bodies of more than 130 of their clients frozen - also a form of "border zone." They hope that sometime in the distant future, perhaps a few centuries from now, these people can be thawed and revived, and by then medicine will be able to cure the diseases from which they died.

In India, neuroscientist Richard Davidson studies Buddhist monks who have entered a state known as thukdam, in which biological signs of life disappear but the body appears to remain intact for a week or longer. Davidson is trying to record some activity in the brains of these monks, hoping to find out what happens after the blood circulation stops.

And in New York, Sam Parnia talks excitedly about the possibilities of “delayed resuscitation.” He says cardiopulmonary resuscitation works better than is commonly believed, and under certain conditions—when body temperature is lowered, chest compressions are properly regulated in depth and rhythm, and oxygen is given slowly to avoid tissue damage—some patients can be brought back to life even after their heart had stopped beating for several hours, and often without long-term negative consequences. Now a doctor is exploring one of the most mysterious aspects of returning from the dead: why do so many people who have experienced clinical death describe how their consciousness was separated from their body? What can these sensations tell us about the nature of the “border zone” and about death itself?

The material was prepared by Dilyara specifically for the site

Thanks to the progress of medicine, resuscitation of the dead has become almost standard procedure in many modern hospitals. Previously, it was almost never used.

In this article we will not cite real cases from the practice of resuscitators and stories of those who themselves experienced clinical death, since a lot of such descriptions can be found in books such as:

  • "Closer to the Light" (
  • Life after life (
  • "Memories of Death" (
  • "Life Near Death" (
  • "Beyond the threshold of death" (

The purpose of this material is to classify what people who visited the afterlife saw and present what they told in an understandable form as evidence of the existence of life after death.

What happens after a person dies

“He’s dying” is often the first thing a person hears at the moment of clinical death. What happens after a person dies? First, the patient feels that he is leaving the body and a second later he looks down at himself floating under the ceiling.

At this moment, a person sees himself from the outside for the first time and experiences a huge shock. In a panic, he tries to attract attention to himself, scream, touch the doctor, move objects, but as a rule, all his attempts are in vain. No one sees or hears him.

After some time, the person realizes that all his senses remain functional, despite the fact that his physical body is dead. Moreover, the patient experiences an indescribable lightness that he has never experienced before. This feeling is so wonderful that the dying person no longer wants to return back to the body.

Some, after the above, return to the body, and this is where their excursion into the afterlife ends; on the contrary, someone manages to get into a certain tunnel, at the end of which light is visible. Having passed through a kind of gate, they see a world of great beauty.

Some are met by family and friends, some meet a bright being from whom great love and understanding emanates. Some are sure that this is Jesus Christ, others claim that this is a guardian angel. But everyone agrees that he is full of kindness and compassion.

Of course, not everyone manages to admire the beauty and enjoy the bliss afterlife. Some people say that they found themselves in dark places and, upon returning, describe the disgusting and cruel creatures they saw.


Those who returned from the “other world” often say that at some point they saw their whole life in full view. Their every action, seemingly random phrase, and even thoughts flashed before them as if in reality. At this moment, the man reconsidered his entire life.

At that moment there were no such concepts as social status, hypocrisy, or pride. All the masks of the mortal world were dropped and the person was presented to the court as if naked. He couldn't hide anything. Each of his bad deeds was depicted in great detail and shown how he affected those around him and those who were caused pain and suffering by such behavior.

At this time, all the advantages achieved in life - social and economic status, diplomas, titles, etc. - lose their meaning. The only thing that can be assessed is the moral side of actions. At this moment, a person realizes that nothing is erased or passes without a trace, but everything, even every thought, has consequences.

For evil and cruel people, this will truly be the beginning of unbearable internal torment, so-called, from which it is impossible to escape. The consciousness of the evil done, the crippled souls of oneself and others, becomes for such people like an “unquenchable fire” from which there is no way out. It is this kind of trial of actions that is called ordeal in the Christian religion.


Having crossed the line, a person, despite the fact that all senses remain the same, begins to feel everything around him in a completely new way. It’s as if his sensations are starting to work one hundred percent. The range of feelings and experiences is so wide that those who returned simply cannot explain in words everything that they felt there.

From the more earthly and familiar to us in perception, this is time and distance, which, according to those who have visited the afterlife, flows there completely differently.

People who have experienced clinical death often find it difficult to answer how long their post-mortem state lasted. A few minutes, or a few thousand years, it made no difference to them.

As for the distance, it was completely absent. A person could be transported to any point, to any distance just by thinking about it, that is, by the power of thought!

Another surprising thing is that not all of those reanimated describe places similar to heaven and hell. The descriptions of the places of individual individuals are simply amazing. They are sure that they have been on other planets or in other dimensions and this seems to be true.

Judge for yourself word forms like hilly meadows; bright greenery of a color that does not exist on earth; fields bathed in a wonderful golden light; cities beyond words; animals that you will not find anywhere else - all this does not apply to the descriptions of hell and heaven. People who visited there did not find the right words to clearly convey their impressions.

What does the soul look like?

In what form do the dead appear to others and how do they look in their own eyes? This question interests many, and fortunately, those who have been abroad gave us the answer.

Those who were aware of their exit from the body say that at first it was not easy for them to recognize themselves. First of all, the imprint of age disappears: children see themselves as adults, and old people see themselves as young.

The body is also transformed. If a person had any injuries or injuries during life, then after death they disappear. Amputated limbs appear, hearing and vision return if it was previously absent from the physical body.

Meetings after death

Those who have been on the other side of the “veil” often say that they met there with their deceased relatives, friends and acquaintances. Most often, people see those with whom they were close during life or were related.

Such visions cannot be considered the rule; rather, they are exceptions that do not occur very often. Usually such meetings act as an edification to those who are too early to die and who must return to earth and change their lives.

Sometimes people see what they expected to see. Christians see angels, the Virgin Mary, Jesus Christ, saints. Non-religious people see some temples, figures in white or young men, and sometimes they see nothing, but they feel a “presence”.

Communication of souls

Many reanimated people claim that something or someone communicated with them there. When they are asked to tell what the conversation was about, they find it difficult to answer. This happens due to a language unknown to them, or rather inarticulate speech.

For a long time, doctors could not explain why people did not remember or could not convey what they heard and considered it just hallucinations, but over time, some who returned were still able to explain the mechanism of communication.

It turned out that people communicate there mentally! Therefore, if in that world all thoughts are “audible,” then we need to learn here to control our thoughts so that there we are not ashamed of what we involuntarily thought.

Cross the line

Almost everyone who has experienced afterlife and remembers it, talks about a certain barrier that separates the world of the living and the dead. Having crossed to the other side, a person will never be able to return to life, and every soul knows this, even though no one told her about it.

This limit is different for everyone. Some see a fence or lattice on the border of a field, others see the shore of a lake or sea, and others see it as a gate, a stream or a cloud. The difference in descriptions stems, again, from the subjective perception of each.

Having read all of the above, only an inveterate skeptic and materialist can say that afterlife this is fiction. For a long time, many doctors and scientists denied not only the existence of hell and heaven, but also completely excluded the possibility of the existence of an afterlife.

The testimony of eyewitnesses who experienced this condition themselves drove into a dead end all scientific theories that denied life after death. Of course, today there are a number of scientists who still consider all the testimony of those reanimated to be hallucinations, but no evidence will help such a person until he himself begins the journey to eternity.

What is Consciousness?
Is there life after death, and is there death after life - questions that have always worried humanity. In the 21st century, there has been a certain shift in the study of this issue. It is not yet possible to say with one hundred percent certainty that the death of the body does not end the life of the spirit. But numerous facts accumulated by science over many years and recent scientific developments in this area say that death is not the final station. Research and experimental materials published in scientific publications by P. Fenwick (London Institute of Psychiatry) and S. Parin (Southampton Central Hospital) prove that human Consciousness does not depend on brain activity and continues to live when all processes in the brain have ceased. Brain cells, according to scientists, are no different from other cells in the body. They produce various chemicals and proteins, but do not create any thoughts or images that we take for consciousness. The brain performs the functions of a “living TV”, which simply receives waves and converts them into image and sound, which creates a complete picture. And if so, scientists conclude, then consciousness continues to exist even after the death of the body.

At the end of the article VIDEO: One hundred percent, there is no death...

  • What is Consciousness?

    Simply put, turning off the TV does not mean all TV channels disappear. If you turn off the body, consciousness will not disappear either.

    But first, we need to understand what consciousness is.

    A person spends most of his life in an unconscious state. This does not mean that he does not control his actions, cannot think logically, carry on a conversation, or do other things.

    No. It’s just that at this time he is not aware of himself as a person. For the last two days, for example, I have been moving to another apartment. I packed my things, went to the store, ordered transport.

    At some point, while sealing the box with tape, I suddenly realized that for several hours now a twenty-year-old song had been playing in my head, and I was humming it to myself.

    Why the hell did she fly into my head, because I definitely didn’t hear her in the last hours, I spent them unconsciously, doing routine work, not realizing that it was me, it was I who was doing it.

    What kind of translator launched the hit song of yesteryear into my brain? One can, of course, assume that it was generated by the brain, but then one must admit that it performs stupid and unnecessary work, which consumes a lot of energy.

    I don't think evolution hasn't cut off this useless function. One will inevitably agree with the hypothesis that the brain picks up signals and thoughts from the outside, and does not generate them.

    But academician Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov wrote that he cannot imagine human life and the Universe without a source of spiritual “warmth”, without a meaningful beginning that lies outside matter.

    Life of the soul after the death of the body

    Renowned physicist and professor at the Institute of Regenerative Medicine Robert Lanza states that death simply does not exist. Death is not the end of life, but the transition of our “I”, our Consciousness into a parallel world.

    He is also confident that the world around us depends on our Consciousness and everything that we see, hear and feel does not exist without it.

    An interesting idea was put forward by the American scientist anesthesiologist S. Hameroff. He believes that our soul and Consciousness have always existed in the Universe, since the Big Bang, that the soul consists of the fabric of the Universe itself, and has a different, more fundamental structure than neurons.

    In conclusion, let's remember the views of Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor Natalya Petrovna Bekhtereva, about whom we have already written. For a long time, Natalya Petrovna headed the Institute of the Human Brain and was convinced of the afterlife of the soul. In addition, she herself personally witnessed posthumous phenomena.

    Life after death. Proof

    15 proofs of the existence of life after death

    Napoleon's signature

    Fact from history. After Napoleon, King Louis XVIII ascended the French throne. One night he languished without sleep. On the table lay the marriage contract of Marshal Marmont, which Napoleon had to sign. Suddenly, Louis heard footsteps, the door opened, and Napoleon himself entered the bedroom. He put on the crown, walked up to the table and held a feather in his hands. Louis didn’t remember anything else; his consciousness left him. He woke up only in the morning. The door to the bedroom was closed, and on the table lay a contract signed by the emperor. This document was kept in the archives for a long time, and the handwriting was recognized as real.

    Love for mother

    And again about Napoleon. Apparently, his spirit could not come to terms with such a fate, so he rushed about in unknown spaces, trying to somehow come to terms, understand his bodily life and say goodbye to dear people. On May 5, 1821, when the emperor died in captivity, his ghost appeared before his mother and said: “Today, the fifth of May, eight hundred and twenty-one.” And only two months later she found out that her son ended his earthly existence on that very day.

    Girl Maria

    In a state of unconsciousness, a girl named Maria left her room. She rose above the bed, saw and heard everything.

    At some point I found myself in the corridor, where I noticed a tennis shoe thrown by someone. When she was brought back to consciousness, she told the nurse on duty. She was distrustful, but still went into the corridor, to the floor that Maria indicated. The tennis shoe was right there.

    Broken cup

    A similar case was reported by a famous professor. During the operation, his patient suffered cardiac arrest. She was dead for some time. The heart was able to start, the operation was successful, and the professor came to examine her in the intensive care ward. The woman had already recovered from anesthesia, was conscious and told a very strange story.


    S. Hameroff believes that our soul and Consciousness have existed in the Universe since the Big Bang

    During cardiac arrest, the patient saw herself lying on the operating table. Almost immediately I thought that I would die without saying goodbye to my daughter and mother, after which I found myself at home. I saw my daughter, I saw a neighbor who came to them and brought her daughter a dress with polka dots. They sat down to drink tea, and while drinking tea, the cup broke. The neighbor said it was for luck. The patient described her visions so confidently that the professor went to the patient’s family. . During the operation, their neighbor actually came to the apartment; there was a polka dot dress and, luckily, a broken cup. If the professor was an atheist, I don’t think he remained one after this incident.

    Mystery of the Mummy

    Incredible, but true, sometimes after death, individual fragments of the human body remain unchanged and continue to live. Monks have been found in Southeast Asia whose bodies were preserved in excellent condition.

    In addition, their energy field even exceeds that of living people. They grow hair and nails and, probably, there is still something alive in them that cannot be measured by any modern instruments.

    Return from Hell

    Moritz Rowling, professor and cardiologist, has brought his patients out of clinical death hundreds of times during his practice. In 1977, he performed chest compressions on a young man. Consciousness returned to the guy several times, but then he lost it again. Each time, returning to reality, the patient begged Rowling to continue, not to stop, while it was clear that he was experiencing panic.

    The guy was eventually brought back to life, and the doctor asked what scared him so much. The patient's response was unexpected. The patient stated that... Moritz began to study this issue, and it turned out that international practice is full of such cases.

    Handwriting samples

    At the age of two, when children still cannot really speak, the Indian boy Taranjit declared that, in fact, he had a different name and lived in a different village. He could not have known about the existence of this village, but he pronounced its name correctly. At the age of six, he remembered the circumstances of his death - he was hit by a motorcyclist. Taranjit was in the 9th grade at that moment and was going to school. Incredibly, after checking, this story was confirmed by Lenten, and the handwriting samples of Taranjit and the deceased teenager matched.

    Birthmarks on the body

    In some Asian countries, there is a tradition of marking a person's body after death. Relatives believe that in this way the soul of the deceased will be born again in the same family, and marks, in the form of birthmarks, will appear on the bodies of the children.

    This is exactly what happened to a little boy from Myanmar. The birthmarks on his body exactly matched the marks on the body of his deceased grandfather.

    Knowledge of foreign language

    A middle-aged American woman, who was born and raised in the USA, under the influence of hypnosis suddenly began speaking in the purest Swedish. When asked who she was, the woman replied that she was a Swedish peasant.

    Features of consciousness

    Professor Sam Parnia, who has studied clinical death for a long time, came to the conclusion that a person’s Consciousness persists even after brain death, when there is no electrical activity and no blood flows into the brain. Over many years, he collected a large amount of evidence about the experiences and visions of patients when their brains were no more active than stone.

    Out of body experience

    American singer Pam Reynolds was put into an induced coma during brain surgery. The brain was deprived of blood supply, and the body was cooled to fifteen degrees Celsius. Special headphones were inserted into the ears, which do not allow sounds to pass through, and the eyes were covered with a mask. During the operation, Pam recalls, she was able to observe her own body and what was happening in the operating room.

    Personality changes

    Pim van Lommel, a Dutch scientist, analyzed the memories of patients who experienced clinical death. According to his observations, many of them began to look at the future more optimistically, got rid of the fear of death, and became happier, more sociable, and more positive. Almost everyone noted that it was a positive experience that made their lives different.

    A happy opportunity, so to speak, presented itself to a man who himself was dealing with the problem of the existence of life after death. American neurosurgeon Alexander Eben spent seven days in a coma. Upon emerging from this state, Eben, in his own words, became a different person, because in his forced sleep he observed something that is difficult to even imagine.

    He plunged into another, filled with light and beautiful music, although his brain was turned off at that time, and according to all medical indicators, he could not observe anything like that.

    Visions of the Blind

    It turns out that during clinical death the blind regain their sight. These observations were described by the authors S. Cooper and K. Ring. They specifically interviewed a focus group of 31 blind people who had experienced clinical death.

    Without exception, even those who were blind from birth, stated that they observed visual images.

    Past life

    Dr. Ian Stevenson did a tremendous job and interviewed more than three thousand children who could remember something from their past life. For example, a little girl from Sri Lanka clearly remembered the name of the city where she used to live, and also described in detail the house and her past family. Before, none of her current family or even her acquaintances had any connection with this city. Later, 27 of her 30 memories were confirmed.


    After the death of the physical body, Consciousness remains and continues to live

  • Video: Life after death? Yes, one hundred percent, there is no death...