How to stop cursing. Simple ways to get rid of the habit of swearing. We all come from childhood

Swear words significantly lower the level speech culture, creating an extremely unpleasant impression on the interlocutor of who pronounces them. Unfortunately, most people often sin by using obscene language. And many of them understand that it is impossible to swear. But they cannot or do not want to get rid of this bad habit.

A brief excursion into history

Those who want to know how to unlearn swearing will certainly be interested in the history of the origin of swear words. The roots of obscene language go deep into the past. In Rus', mat began to be used as early as the fifteenth century with the advent of the Mongol-Tatars. Oddly enough, up to this point, all insults were limited to the names of animals. So, the most common abuse at that time was such words as “pig” or “donkey”. Today, the use of obscene language in public places is considered petty hooliganism, for which, according to the law, a fine or arrest for fifteen days is imposed.

Positive thinking and good music

Those who realized that there was no need to swear, and seriously decided to eradicate this bad habit, you can advise to tune in to the positive. After all, many of us begin to swear just when something makes us nervous. It is necessary to try to distract from annoying factors and not pay special attention to them. You need to try to develop resistance to stressful situations and not worry about trifles. Don't be annoyed by the sudden onset of rain or the lack of money in the nearest ATM.

Those who constantly think about how to unlearn swearing should listen to as much of any good music as possible. It can be classical pieces or any other beautiful compositions. To make sure that swearing to music is much more difficult, you can conduct a simple experiment. While listening to your favorite tune, try cursing and see what happens. If at the moment when you feel like scolding, there is no music nearby, instead of bad words, you can start softly humming your favorite song instead of bad words.

Reading the classics and changing the social circle

People who do not know how to stop swearing can be recommended to read more classical works. Literature not only contributes to the polishing of speech, but also allows you to tune in to the positive. There is another one in this case. important point which must be paid attention to. Before you stop swearing, you need to reconsider your own social circle. It is advisable to abandon friendship with people whose vocabulary is filled with obscene expressions. It should be remembered that the less often you meet with such people, the less often you will swear. You need to communicate exclusively with those who monitor their speech and do not use swear words.

Be a good example for children

A lot of people don't really know how to stop swearing. But they really want to do this, they are guided by the fact that they do not want their children to repeat swear words. In order not to “infect” the younger generation with your bad habit, you must constantly control your own speech. Under no circumstances should you swear in front of children. After all, they very quickly absorb not only good, but also bad. Therefore, your main goal should be to establish full control over your words. Feeling that an irresistible urge to swear is growing in you, try to switch your attention to something else. You can do gymnastics at this moment. Physical exercise considered one of the most effective ways overcoming aggression.

What else can be done?

For those who do not know how to stop swearing, we can give one more valuable advice. To succeed, you need to enlist the support of family or friends. It is advisable to ask someone who is constantly nearby to remind you of the need to be more restrained and control your speech. In addition, you can try to figure out in which situations you swear most often, and gradually replace obscene words with decent counterparts. Alternatively, you can get a special piggy bank into which you will throw coins if you accidentally curse. Such a piggy bank can be put not only at home, but also at work.

For every swear word that comes out of your mouth, flick your wrist painfully with a rubber band. As a result, after a short time, obscene language will become associated with pain and will leave your vocabulary forever. According to most modern scientists, it takes only 21 days to permanently eradicate any bad habit that has formed. In some particularly advanced cases, this takes a little longer. But, one way or another, it is the first three weeks that are considered extremely important. After all, according to experts, during this period the foundation is laid, allowing you to gradually move towards your goal.

Swearing has become a real language problem in the modern world. The vocabulary of many people is littered with vile and ugly words, without the use of which one can easily do without. But how do you get rid of this bad habit? You can find the answer to this and many other questions in our article.

Reasons for the appearance of obscene language in speech

There are several main reasons why swearing appears in some people's vocabulary. Next, we will look at each of them in more detail.

Way of dominance

Many use swear words in conversation in order to rise above their interlocutor, to show him their superiority and significance. Usually such people have various psychological problems, including an inferiority complex. Perhaps a person in childhood was given very little attention, and thus, he tries to attract him.

Poor vocabulary

If during a conversation a person communicates normally, but if any controversial situation arises, he starts screaming using obscene language, then this behavior may indicate his meager vocabulary.

emotional outlet

Some people use swear words as a kind of emotional outlet, alleviating their psychological state. Moreover, obscene speech can break out quite unexpectedly, expressing both delight and anger.

Teen Crisis

For their own self-affirmation, many teenagers want to look older in front of their peers. One of these ways is the mat. So, a teenager wants to show his leadership, leadership in the team.

herd instinct

The herd instinct is to imitate the majority without having their own point of view or opinion. Because of this, both adults and teenagers begin to swear, explaining their behavior by the fact that everyone around them also uses obscene language in their vocabulary.

foul language spoils our speech and makes us uncivilized

How to get rid of this habit?

Getting rid of obscene language is not only possible, but also extremely necessary. Let's look at some effective and highly effective ways to overcome this addiction for a girl, a guy and a teenager.

For girls

A girl who uses swear words in her vocabulary looks unattractive and rude. The fair sex simply does not have the moral right to pronounce such vile and disgusting words, so we recommend that you pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • engage in cross-stitching or beadwork (classes of this kind distract from problems, calm the nervous system, make you forget);
  • visit various exhibitions, performances, circus performances;
  • walk in the park more often, ride a bike, rollerblade, skate;
  • meet friends, chat about everything in the world, try to throw out all the negativity that has accumulated during the day;
  • shopping is the best "medicine" for many women, go to your favorite stores;
  • unlearn swearing by reading books, thereby increasing your own lexicon;
  • count the bad words spoken during the day, trying to reduce their number daily;
  • make more new acquaintances (communication makes us better, because in front of a new person you always want to show yourself only in the best light).
  • read poetry daily - if you want to swear, start saying lines from your favorite poem to yourself for 10-15 seconds (this method will distract you and help you unlearn foul language).

For guys

Many young people use swear words in their daily vocabulary due to the influence of the company in which they communicate in order to look more status and "menacing" in front of friends. Such behavior is low and unworthy of a real man, therefore, wean yourself from harmful addiction as soon as possible. And the following tips will help you with this:

  • go in for sports - run, swim, ride a bike, go to boxing (sports will help you throw out negative energy, and you simply don’t want to swear);
  • do not do things that make you swear, for example, an unloved thing, together with people who are unpleasant to you;
  • if you swore obscenities, then do push-ups from the floor or pull yourself up on the crossbar (for example, you said 2 swear words - push up or pull up 20), this approach is considered quite effective and fast;
  • if you don’t have a girlfriend, then try to start a relationship (after all, it will be rather embarrassing to utter such vile words with your beloved), and if the other half is already present in your life, then change in her eyes, accomplish a real feat for her - become more cultured and educated ;
  • refuse to communicate with a company where they swear, and such speech is considered the norm.

For teenagers

In most cases, teenagers begin to swear in order to look more mature among their peers, and also because psychological problems that appeared due to parental relationships or due to improper upbringing (perhaps someone in the family actively uses swear words). Weaning a child from foul language is necessary as soon as possible. We recommend using the following tips:

  • take the teenager to a child psychologist - a specialist will be able to understand and find out the cause of this problem and give valuable recommendations for treatment;
  • find out with whom your son or daughter communicates - if possible, protect the child from the wrong company;
  • conduct a preventive conversation with a teenager - explain that swearing is not cool, not beautiful, and only poorly educated people do this;
  • introduce a system of punishments and rewards - for each swear word uttered by a child, you will limit him to his favorite activities for 2-3 days (for example, TV, computer), and for refraining from swearing - you will encourage (for example, going to the cinema, theater, swimming pool);
  • enroll a teenager in a section, a circle (new acquaintances very often help), keep him busy to the maximum so that he simply does not have time for aimless walks around the yard.

In this article, you got acquainted with the main reasons for the occurrence of swearing in the lexicon of people, as well as with useful advice to eliminate this problem in girls, boys and adolescents.

Until about the middle of the 19th century, foul language in Rus' was a criminal offense. During the time of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov, a person was subjected to public flogging with rods for using swear words!

Obscene speech has always been considered a sign of lack of culture and belonging to a low class. It was a kind of pointer: before you is an uneducated person, leading a dubious lifestyle and not striving for positive changes.

Why do people swear

Talk about ignorance modern people absurd. Now more than ever environment provides an incredible amount of resources for raising the cultural level, self-development and creativity. It is logical that the checkmate should have become an ordinary atavism. So what's the reason?

1. The need for protection and self-affirmation

Obscene language is a unique phenomenon. It exists, but speaking it is forbidden by society. As you know, ignoring the rules occurs either out of naivety, or out of fear and hopelessness. So lovers of a strong word can not be called in any way.

A person tries to hide vulnerability and self-doubt behind a demonstration of aggressiveness, independence and rudeness.

The more a person experiences confusion, disorientation in life, the more often he resorts to obscenities. Like a scared and angry animal. Growling, hissing and showing fangs.

As a result, teenagers swear because of the fear that they will not be accepted as real. It is easier to assert oneself according to the general laws of the pack, to be like everyone else. And adults, bearing a huge burden of responsibility, swear to drown out the feeling of fear due to possible failures.

The saddest thing is when people use swear words in communication with each other. Insulting and humiliating the interlocutor, the opponent tries to assert himself at the expense of the other and at least for a second feel his superiority. Albeit in an inappropriate way from a moral and ethical point of view.

2. Sloth of mind

Indeed, why strain and waste energy on the correct construction of sentences, the selection of expressive words and the use of effective oratory techniques.

After all, why waste time explaining in long-winded florid phrases what can be expressed in a second in one word.

Pronounced "bl ..." with different intonation coloring will save the sleeping brain and not disturb the memory. Disappointed: "Well, dear Klavdia Petrovna, you again forgot about the existence of a new model for writing memos." Aggressively: "Colleague, didn't you see that you were putting this heavy box right on my leg." Admiringly: “Look how unusually beautiful it is around!”

The ability to fully and beautifully communicate is replaced by useless lowing of different duration and tone. Gradually, the vocabulary is depleted, and it becomes more and more difficult to speak the correct Russian language.

3. Constant tension and stress

It has long been proven that the mat briefly helps to let off steam and feel in working order again. Modern people have enough reasons for stress and conflict situations.

A person uses foul language as a defense against the outside world. He's like a bristling hedgehog.

Such a person constantly experiences such strong psychological discomfort that over and over again he simply stops noticing the problems of other people, becomes less sympathetic, benevolent.

And this model of behavior is transferred to the whole worldview, a negative self-perception is formed, other people and events begin to annoy. It has been proven that swear words increase the level of adrenaline, body temperature and pressure. Like alcohol or drugs.

A person understands that he is beginning to be sucked into a destructive funnel of aggressiveness, a split interpersonal relationships, lack of self-understanding. He loses control of himself and his life.

How to stop cursing

It turns out that the checkmate does not exist by itself, but is side effect negative changes that occur in a person.

It is useless to force yourself not to swear. You need to find the root cause and understand yourself.

Take some time for introspection. Take paper and a pen, sit comfortably in your favorite chair, relax. Write down your ideas and thoughts.

    1. Try to remember what was the prerequisite for the use of swearing in your speech. Write down on a piece of paper the actions and words of other people, situations because of which you usually swear.
    2. To what extent does foul language help you, and under what circumstances? What hinders its use?
    3. Imagine that you stopped cursing. Are you more comfortable? Or, on the contrary, do you want to pour out the accumulated aggression and negative emotions in other forms?
    4. How badly do you need checkmate?

Analyze your answers. Think over a plan of action to return the beautiful Russian language to your speech based on the recommendations given.

Change your attitude towards people and circumstances. Having understood the reasons that make you want to swear, try to either change your attitude towards them, or delete them from your life.

For example, you swear while driving. It is clear that you are constantly worried internally, being responsible for the passengers and the safety of the car. Pedestrians scurrying across the road anywhere and dashing drivers are perceived by you as a potential threat. You are afraid, this is normal.

But is there any point in getting angry and foul language, thereby reducing the concentration of attention behind the wheel? Other road users are unlikely to pay attention to you, and the mat will not change the overall situation on the road. Maybe it's easier to exhale and, singing your favorite melody, calmly drive home in a great mood, without winding yourself up.

Learn to relax. You can relieve stress by doing sports, your favorite hobby, spending time with loved ones or in nature. As you learn to make time for yourself and de-stress, you will find yourself using foul language less and less.

Build your confidence. You cannot endlessly assert yourself at the expense of other people. You need your own inner core, a sense of yourself as a person that you respect, appreciate and love. The one who is self-confident, has inner strength and a strong spirit, will never allow himself to humiliate a person and go through his pride.

Try to control your emotions. The most effective option is to mentally count to ten before answering an unpleasant person or reacting to the current situation. Replace obscene words with alternative expressions from normal Russian. It takes a little practice and patience to get used to.

Constantly develop. Don't stop there. Read more quality literature, replenish your vocabulary. Go to virtual educational platforms, improve your skills, master related specialties, take an interest in the world. Set new goals, dream, move forward.

This will give you self-confidence, make positive changes in your life. It is likely that you will meet interesting people, with whom it is pleasant to talk and without a mat. In addition, you will learn to enjoy the use of beautiful and rich turns of speech.

Good day, dear readers. Today we will talk about how to stop swearing. You will find out for what reasons foul language appears. Find out valuable recommendations on how to eradicate this bad habit in yourself.

Possible reasons for bad language

  1. A way to indicate your dominance when communicating with an interlocutor. Especially such a manifestation of speech is characteristic of a man. The pronunciation of swear words makes it possible to cross a certain line, to show that there is a willingness to step over prohibitions. In reality, complexes are to blame. It may also be an attempt to make up for lost ground in an argument. As a rule, a person uses matyuki when he runs out of arguments.
  2. Way to look more mature. This option is relevant for teenagers. A young man, having heard how adults communicate using obscene language, especially if they are authorities for him, tries to copy. Such a child will go to school and spread swear words among classmates and students in other classes.
  3. A way to express your emotions. As a rule, the result of the accumulated negative. If at first these splashes are in the nature of discharge, then over time they become a habit.
  4. imitation of society. A situation where a person grows up surrounded by people who constantly swear. It is not surprising that such an individual considers this behavior to be normal. Or he simply does not want to stand out from the crowd, does not want to be a black sheep.
  5. A way to influence a person who "does not understand in a normal way." There are such individuals who do not hear what they are not told until swear words enter the conversation.

How to stop cursing

An understanding should come that swear words expose you in an unsightly light. You will be treated like a person who has morally fallen.

I offer you valuable advice on how to stop scolding.

  1. It is important to realize the problem you are facing, to understand that such behavior is unacceptable. One well-known psychophysiologist came to the conclusion that women who constantly swear, provoke the production of sex hormones characteristic of men. Thus, we can conclude that a young lady who speaks foul language gradually becomes masculine. This information can be a good answer to the question of how to stop cursing a girl, few people want to turn into a kind of man.
  2. A person must realize for himself why he wants to get rid of foul language. To do this, you can write out a list of arguments that confirm the need to change your vocabulary.
  3. If with the help of mats you cope with stress, then you need to understand that there are other ways to get rid of nervous tension. You can jump, sing or even shout. It is advisable to do this alone with yourself, and not in the presence of other people.
  4. Need to learn. To begin with, you can set yourself a certain time frame, during which you need to remain completely calm and not let go of obscene speech. Increase this gap over time.
  5. You can wear a rubber bracelet on your hand. Every time you say a swear word, pull it on and let it go. This will cause the development of a conditioned reflex, it will be recorded in the subconscious that each swear word will be followed by pain in the arm.
  6. Surround yourself with people who don't allow themselves to use foul language. If this is not possible, ask loved ones to restrain themselves and not express themselves.
  7. You can “pay with the ruble” for bad words. In such a situation, it is desirable that the person who will receive money for every “wrong word” is not a close relative. That is, it is necessary to feel that every swear word will lead to a loss Money, and irrevocable.
  8. Using replacements. Undoubtedly, in the life of every individual there are moments when obscene words involuntarily fly out, for example, after hitting a finger with a hammer or when a heavy object falls on the leg. It's one thing when at that moment no one hears you, and another thing if you are surrounded by other people and especially children. Therefore, it is better to use words like “fir-trees-sticks” or swear words from other languages, and preferably not from English, but from one that few people will understand.
  9. Sometimes a person utters swear words when he also has an insufficient vocabulary. In such a situation, it is necessary to expand it. It will help with this.
  10. We are trying to control ourselves. When you feel like a swear word is about to come out, take a deep breath or count to ten. Thus, we calm down, rid ourselves of thoughts about the possibility of expressing some swear words.
  11. Sometimes it is easier to cope with such a bad habit if you do not get rid of it alone, but together with a friend or relative. So you can control each other, monitor speech and quickly deal with this problem.
  12. Find out what exactly pushes you to pronounce matyukov. Avoid these factors, do not allow situations that give rise to angry emotions and a desire to use foul language.
  13. When you want to utter swear words, imagine that your beloved granny is next to you. Are you not ashamed to act like this in front of an elderly woman.
  14. Do not watch movies or listen to songs that use foul language.
  15. Surround yourself with positive emotions. Try to think positively, think positively. Accept that swear words will not bring you anything but negativity.

Probably, in every family there is at least one person who speaks foul language from time to time. My family is no exception. However, such words can be heard very rarely and only in situations where no other words can be found. But we are also struggling with this. And we never allow ourselves to swear in front of children, no matter how painful it is, and we do not swear in public.

Now you know how to stop swearing, uttering swear words. As you can see, everyone can overcome this bad habit in themselves. The main thing is to understand that such behavior is a deviation from the norm, indicates a lack of culture. If you want society to perceive you normally, watch your speech, eradicate swear words.

Researchers have long recognized obscene language as one of the types of verbal aggression and a way to throw out negativity at the interlocutor, because any word spoken by a person carries energy. Sometimes the use of swearing becomes so commonplace that we do not even notice how often we raise our voice and express a point of view through abuse.

Obscene language, used with or without it, significantly reduces the overall vocabulary, makes speech poor and vulgar. In addition, swearing causes a painful and unpleasant impression on a well-mannered and cultured interlocutor, suggests thoughts about the mental and psychological state of a person (as you know, people who are notorious, suffering from low self-esteem and other problems swear more often).

Swearing is so firmly embedded in our vocabulary that sometimes, even realizing the problem, it is not easy to get rid of it, because it requires a lot of endurance and self-control, and the first step is to identify the reasons for the frequent use of swear words.

Three types of behavior and three main motives:

How to stop cursing

First of all, realize that mating is not the root cause and main problem in your life, but just a by-product of tension and psychological discomfort that is felt for a long time. Initially, a negative worldview, anger, a critical perception of oneself is formed, which is why it is so important to do introspection if you really want to solve a number of problems, including stop using foul language. Take a piece of paper and write down the answers to a few questions:

  • Remember in what situations do you use swearing most often, what people, events are the provoking factor?
  • How does taboo vocabulary help you and how does it interfere with communicating with people?
  • Imagine that you were able to cope with the problem and no longer swear. Have there been positives in your life? Or, on the contrary, now there is no way to pour out aggression?
  • Are such words really necessary, are they so important to you?

  • Arrange with a friend or relative with whom you spend the most time to reprimand you whenever you scold or do not contain your anger.
  • At first, avoid provoking factors - driving, long lines, conflicts with unpleasant people, listening to obscene songs, etc.
  • In a team, it is very effective to fight swearing with the help of a piggy bank, in which you need to put a certain amount for each spoken swear word.
  • Try to change the style of speech - start replacing any swearing with decent words, thinking over each phrase and saying it to yourself.

If a child swears - what to do

If you suddenly find that your baby knows how to speak obscenely like a real shoemaker, it's time to reconsider your parenting methods because, most likely, the child's behavior is the result of parental indifference. When mom and dad are busy with their own things and do not pay attention to their baby, why not attract attention with a swear word, ideal when it happens in public place and a large audience becomes witnesses. Slaps, exhortations and stern lectures will have no positive effect, and possibly even worse consequences.

Before starting the fight against children's swearing, it is necessary to find out what the motives for the "crime" are, they depend, first of all, on the age of the child:

The eradication of obscenities from a child's speech should not be accompanied by the same swear words, otherwise the ban will not be effective. When banning something, be sure to back up the monologue with arguments and your own example. Don't shame your child in public and don't use slaps on the lips as punishment.

  • From the very moment the baby is born, make sure that relatives in his environment do not use taboo vocabulary.
  • If the swear word nevertheless flew off the baby’s lips, for the first time pretend that you didn’t notice this and follow his reaction. If a child waits for a response from you, then he understands the meaning of the forbidden word well and simply provokes his parents. Perhaps, without waiting for the punishment, he will lose interest in the word and forget about it.
  • When an incident occurs in a public place, do not boil over and do not scold the offspring. Apologize, pretend that nothing criminal happened and continue the conversation. And at home, having calmed down, express your opinion about the behavior of the child.
  • Often children themselves ask to explain the meaning of a particular word. Try to convey to the baby that this word is abusive, it is pronounced only when they want to offend the interlocutor.
  • If the mat nevertheless appeared in, ask your son or daughter to tell you what this or that word means to him, whether they know its meaning. Try replacing it with a similar but more decent phrase.