How to treat uterine fibroids with folk methods. Treatment of large fibroids without surgery - how to get rid of folk remedies at home Alternative treatment of uterine fibroids with burdock

Uterine fibroids are benign and usually not life-threatening, but if they are large, they can cause many unpleasant symptoms.

With this pathology, there are certain indications for surgical intervention, but this method is not applicable in all cases, and some women are offered treatment for uterine fibroids without surgery. Reviews of these approaches are mostly positive. In what cases can sparing treatment be used, and when is it necessary to do without surgery?

The main methods of treatment of fibroids

It is a hormone-sensitive benign tumor, the causes of which are not fully understood. The effect of relative hyperestrogenism on initial stage formation of nodes, which then gain the ability to grow autonomously. Therefore, the methods of treatment of this disease should be aimed at eliminating its cause, and not only at eliminating the external manifestation of the problem - the myomatous node.

The following official treatments for uterine fibroids have been developed:

  • Hormone therapy - taking drugs that reduce the size of the node;
  • Radical removal of the uterus - hysterectomy;
  • Conservative operation to remove nodes - myomectomy;
  • Embolization of the uterine arteries;
  • FUS-ablation;
  • Electromyolysis and cryomyolysis.

Uterine artery embolization is one of the most effective methods of treating benign tumors.

Treatment methods that are not accompanied by intervention in the abdominal cavity can conditionally be classified as non-surgical.

Indications for the operation

Treatment with surgery for uterine fibroids operates on the principle of "no organ - no problem." Can be performed or plastic surgery for husking of myomatous foci with the preservation of the reproductive organ. After a hysterectomy, even with a persistent imbalance of hormones, there is no substrate left for the growth of new nodes. Therefore, the disease is considered defeated. After plastic surgery, small foci may remain unnoticed in the uterus, which can begin to grow after a while.

However, not all cases of cancer require surgery. There are strict indications for surgical intervention:

  • (if the growth rate of fibroids exceeds 4 weeks per year);
  • Large size of the tumor: the uterus is enlarged for a period of 14-16 weeks;
  • The growth of the node after the onset of menopause;
  • Disturbed nutrition in the node, its necrosis, infection;
  • Location of fibroids in the neck area;
  • Violation of the function of neighboring organs;
  • Uterine bleeding that leads to severe anemia and is not treated conservatively;
  • Ineffective medical treatment for 6 months.

Surgical treatment of fibroids is necessary, including if the tumor is located in the cervix.

Modern medicine tries to carry out operations with minimal damage, so it is possible to remove the uterus with fibroids by laparoscopic access. But for this, the optimal size of the tumor is 11-12 weeks (up to 15 weeks if there are technical possibilities and modern equipment). It is impossible to perform laparoscopy with fibroids for more than 16-18 weeks. In this case, an open abdominal operation with a full cut on the abdomen.

With a submucosal or subserous location of the nodes, it allows you to save the organ. Sometimes hormone therapy is given to shrink the tumor before surgery. But in some cases, this can lead to a pronounced decrease in the size of the node, and it will go deep into the tissues, which will make it difficult to find it during surgery.

It is important to know

With submucosal myoma, the operation is performed through the vagina, and with subserous myoma - by laparoscopic access. Large tumors require laparotomy.

The choice of the method of surgical intervention also depends on the type of myomatous node.

Non-surgical treatments

A few years ago, contraindications for plastic surgery left no chance for patients with fibroids: doctors in this case were forced to resort to removal of the uterus. On present stage new methods of non-surgical treatment of a tumor have been developed that allow a woman to preserve her reproductive function and become a mother. But not all techniques are capable of producing a lasting effect, and some may even be useless.

Folk methods and homeopathy

Many women are ditching traditional therapies in favor of herbal treatments. In the article, we considered in more detail the issue of the effectiveness of herbal medicine. Most often, traditional healers use the following means:

  • Red brush;
  • Shepherd's bag;
  • Flax seeds;
  • Potato juice;
  • Propolis;
  • Treatment with leeches.

Herbs offered by traditional healers for the treatment of uterine fibroids.

However, all of these techniques are more likely to have a placebo effect. In some cases, they are safe, except for the side effects of herbal preparations. But their effectiveness has not been proven. All reviews of the successful disposal of fibroids using these tools are subjective and not confirmed. For unexplained reasons, the dynamics of node growth may change, but this is only a temporary effect.

In order to correctly assess the possibility of treating the disease with the help of herbs or homeopathy, you need to understand that fibroids are a large amount of abnormally overgrown muscle and connective tissue, and there are only three ways to influence its condition:

  • Stop the blood flow to the myomatous node and achieve its regression;
  • Change the hormonal background of a woman's body and thus eliminate the effect of hormones on a growing fibroid;
  • Remove the node - peel it within healthy tissues.

No herb, biological supplement or homeopathic remedy can do this. Some herbs have phytoestrogens in their composition, but they cannot be a complete replacement for the hormones of the female body.

The danger of traditional methods of therapy is that women trust healers, healers, reviews on the Internet, try to treat fibroids on their own and do not visit a doctor. And the nodes during this time manage to come into an active state, accelerate their growth and sometimes lead to complications in the form of prolonged bleeding in the middle of the cycle, dysfunction Bladder or rectum. This is only a small part. In such a situation, non-surgical treatment becomes impossible, and doctors have to resort to radical surgery.

Medical treatment

Uterine fibroids are hormonally sensitive. Therefore, drug therapy can be used for treatment, which can affect the balance of hormones. The choice of drug depends on the size of the tumor.


For a long time, progesterone preparations and Utrozhestan were used to treat small fibroids. It was believed that this hormone is an estrogen antagonist, which means that its use is able to restrain the growth of nodes with their small size. But this approach turned out to be erroneous and even dangerous.

"Duphaston" and "Utrozhestan" - medicines containing progesterone.

Why has the opinion about progesterone changed? Very often, against the background of treatment with Duphaston, fibroids of small sizes were soon observed to actively grow. This was explained by the malignant nature of the tumor and it was proposed to remove it. But pregnancy had the same effect. In 30% of cases in the first trimester, against the background of a rise in the level of progesterone in the woman's body, there was an increase in nodes. Conversely, by the third trimester, their growth stabilized, and after childbirth, small nodes could disappear.

It is important to know

Studies have shown that the number of progesterone receptors in myomatous nodes increases significantly. Therefore, the appointment of "Duphaston" for the treatment of fibroids is incorrect from the point of view of the mechanism of the development of the disease and will only bring harm.

Monophasic preparations are suitable for treatment, in which the concentration of hormones remains constant in all tablets. These are such medicines:

  • Regulon;
  • Rigevidon;
  • Logest;
  • Novinet;
  • Femoden.

With small myomatous nodes, combined oral contraceptives give a positive effect in the treatment of pathology.

They are prescribed for fibroid sizes of 1-1.5 cm. The peculiarity of the action of these drugs is that they even out the hormonal background. The woman does not ovulate, the corpus luteum does not form. This stops the growth of the node, but does not allow it to be removed completely. Hormonal contraceptives are used as a stage of restorative or stabilizing treatment after myomectomy.

On a note

WHO studies have shown that the use of hormonal contraceptives in women of childbearing age is the prevention of fibroids.

Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists significantly reduce the growth of nodes and contribute to their regression. The mechanism of their action is to inhibit the activity of hormones that stimulate the ovaries. In this case, a state similar to menopause occurs. IN female body estrogen production stops, fibroids do not receive hormonal support and gradually decrease. Representative GnRH agonists are the following drugs:

  • Diphereline;
  • goserelin;
  • Buserelin;
  • Leuprorelin.

Statistics show that gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists contribute to the reduction of myomatous nodes.

They are available in depot form or in the form of injections that need to be done once a day. Depot forms are administered subcutaneously on the third day of the cycle and then - once every 28 days.

Statistics say that in more than 52% of cases treated with this method, the size of fibroids is reduced by 50-60%. Approximately 5-8% of women therapy does not work. However, the intake of GnRH agonists after 6 months leads to a decrease in the therapeutic effect, the myoma ceases to respond to their administration, and sometimes it even grows with restoration to 100% of its original size.

An unpleasant moment in the treatment of GnRH agonists is a large number side effects. Against the background of the use of these drugs, a woman develops signs of menopause:

  • Demineralization of bones;
  • Change of mood;
  • Depression;
  • Dryness of the vagina;
  • Dysuric disorders.

A side effect of treatment with gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists is sudden hot flashes (hot flashes).

They are very painful and make some women refuse such non-surgical treatment. To combat such phenomena, various hormone therapy regimens are used:

  • Treatment is supplemented with small doses of estrogen, to which the tumor does not respond, and the side symptoms either go away or decrease;
  • The course of therapy with a break - 3 months of treatment, then 3 months of rest and another course;
  • The standard regimen of taking hormones once every 28 days is replaced by a gradual increase in the interval between the introduction of new doses to 70, and then to 84 days;
  • Approximately in 2 months, a pronounced decrease in the level of estrogen in the patient's body is achieved, therefore, after the expiration of this period, the dose of the hormone is sharply reduced to the minimum. This is usually a jump from 100 mg/day to 5-20 mg/day. In this case, the growth of fibroids is inhibited, and the production of their own estrogens is restored.

GnRH agonists are used at the stage of regression treatment after removal of the myomatous node. This approach is used in perimenopausal women and also as a relapse prevention. At the first stage, Diphereline or its analogues are used, then combined oral contraceptives are prescribed for stabilization. Reception schemes may be different:

  • 1 tablet from the 5th to the 25th day of the cycle;
  • 1 tablet continuously for 63 days followed by a break for 7 days.

This is interesting

Some women prefer the use of the Mirena hormonal intrauterine system, which contains a synthetic analogue of the progestogen levonorgestrel.

Mirena is a therapeutic system for the treatment of gynecological diseases associated with hormonal failure in a woman's body.


The representative of drugs of this class is Mifepristone. Its effect develops as a result of binding to progesterone receptors in tumor cells. This leads to a slowdown in the growth of fibroids. But you should not count on a long-term effect of the drug - the effect of taking it is short-term, and it does not allow you to completely defeat the disease. Therefore, mifepristone is used only as a preparation for surgery.

progesterone receptor modulators

The representative of this group of drugs is. Its constituent ulipristal acetate has a direct effect on the tumor, inhibiting its growth and causing apoptosis, which leads to regression of the node. The drug is prescribed in a short course for 3 months, taken orally daily. Esmya is also used to treat concomitant endometriosis.

Embolization of the uterine arteries

The most modern method of treating fibroids without surgery is uterine artery embolization. The procedure is performed not by a gynecologist, but by a vascular surgeon. Incision abdominal cavity is not done, and the whole operation lasts about 15 minutes.

Embolization is a concept that means the closure of the lumen of the vessel and the cessation of blood flow in it. This term originally referred to pathological conditions. You can often hear about a detached blood clot that blocked the lumen of the vessel of the brain, heart or lungs. In medicine, they have learned to use this to their advantage.

Uterine artery embolization is one of the latest methods treatment of myomatous nodes.

The procedure was originally used to stop massive bleeding. began to be used since 1994, but not as an independent treatment, but as a preparation for an operation to remove the uterus. This made it possible to reduce the amount of blood loss.

The French physician Jacques Henri Ravina suggested using this method to treat women with fibroids. The success of the first embolizations led to the widespread introduction of this procedure into medical practice.

The mechanism of action of the technique is extremely simple. If you block a certain branch of the artery that feeds the fibroid, then the tumor will not be able to exist. Therefore, the node gradually "dries out" and regresses. In the case of a submucosal location of the formation in case of malnutrition, it is separated from the muscles of the uterus. But the node does not remain in the cavity - it is born with characteristic symptoms.

Preparation for the procedure and methodology for conducting UAE

Uterine artery embolization does not require hospitalization, as with classical surgery. It is enough for a woman to undergo a minimal examination, as before any other invasive procedure.

On the day of the embolization, the woman must come to the clinic where she will be treated. After the procedure, she is sent to the operating room. Anesthesia for UAE is not needed, such an intervention is painless and only local anesthesia of the skin is required.

Stages of the operation:

After the procedure, the woman is transferred to the ward, where she must stay for a day for observation and medical assistance. The peculiarity of the destruction of myomatous nodes is associated with ischemic processes in them, and this is accompanied by intense pain. Therefore, on the first day after surgery, it is necessary to provide the patient with adequate pain relief.

After the UAE procedure, the patient must stay in a medical facility for a day under the supervision of a doctor.

Embolization of the uterine arteries in Moscow is carried out by large medical centers and small private clinics. In some clinics, pain relief is started as early as the UAE preparation stage to saturate the body with drugs, and the pain was not a problem. In other cases, anesthesia is performed after UAE. Severe pain is observed within 2-10 hours after the procedure, and then gradually weakens. Those women who have discomfort last longer, can take analgesics at home for a while.

Consequences of the procedure

UAE starts an irreversible process of node death in the uterus. Post-embolization syndrome develops after the procedure. It is accompanied by the following manifestations:

  • Pain in the lower abdomen - pulling, cramping;
  • Bloody discharge from the genital tract;
  • Increase in body temperature;
  • General weakness and fatigue.

If the node was located under the mucous membrane, then after UAE in a few days or months it can be born. Gradually, the formation "melts", unpleasant bloody issues. The temperature may rise. If during menstruation, going to the toilet or out of touch with them, the pain increases sharply, this indicates the expulsion of the node.

If the knot was located in the thickness of the muscles (), then it may not completely disappear, especially with a large size. At the same time, the process of "drying" is observed. muscle tissue and maintaining the connective. Therefore, as a result, up to 50% of the former volume of education remains. But activation of the growth of the pathological focus will no longer occur.

Anatomical and morphological changes in the myomatous node after the UAE procedure.

The body fully recovers after the removal of fibroids only after a year. All this time, a woman may not feel the changes happening to her. At the same time, if, for example, the tumor grew towards the bladder and already led to a violation of the function of urination, then a return to the usual regimen of going to the toilet gradually becomes noticeable.

Indications and contraindications for UAE

The UAE technique is universal and can be used for fibroids of almost any size. But in this situation, the question of the appropriateness of the procedure is being decided. If the formation is up to 1-2 cm in size, practically does not grow and does not affect the general condition of the woman, then there is no need to perform an intervention.

When, when almost the entire body of the uterus is an altered tissue, UAE is also not advisable. After the procedure, the organ will not return to its original size. In this case, only surgery is necessary.

If the myomatous node is large, then surgical intervention is necessary. The EMA procedure will not help in this case.

Absolute contraindications for UAE are cancerous and precancerous diseases. Allergic reactions to emboli were not registered. The only exception is iodine, which is used as an antiseptic. In case of an allergic reaction, the drug is replaced with another antiseptic solution.

Relative contraindications are inflammatory processes in the pelvis and foci of infection in the body. Therefore, such women are initially treated for inflammation, and only then - UAE.

Complications after UAE are very rare. There is a certain risk of damage to the ovarian artery, which can also be blocked by an embolus. But such complications are rare and are associated with the anatomical features of the blood supply in a particular woman.

The main goal of organ-preserving operations is to allow a woman to become a mother. After the EMA, this is quite possible. However, before planning a pregnancy, doctors recommend that after the procedure, withstand a period of at least a year. If there were submucosal nodes, then you need to wait for their birth and then wait another 2-3 cycles before conception. But it is known that in cases where women did not wait for the expiration full term recommended by the doctor, their pregnancy proceeded without complications. Therefore, everyone who wants to get a photo of the unborn child on ultrasound, and not symptoms of fibroid progression, should take a closer look at modern methods treatment without surgery.

Expert opinion: is it possible to cure fibroids without surgery

An interesting video about the essence of the uterine artery embolization method

Upon learning of the diagnosis, women evade gynecological examination, but the treatment of uterine fibroids without surgery is quite possible. Pathology refers to hormone-dependent neoplasms that are diagnosed in 40% of women over 35 years old. In most cases, medical supervision and drug therapy are indicated. At the initial stage, folk remedies help under the supervision of a doctor after an ultrasound scan, when the size of the tumor is clear. You can not do without the instructions of the gynecologist for the correction of the myomatous process.

About pathology

A benign neoplasm or tumor tissue that forms in the walls of muscle tissue is uterine fibroids. These cells have a specific structure, much in common with connective tissue. There is a possibility of their rebirth in malignant neoplasm, especially when trying to self-medicate with hormones. Before treating uterine fibroids without surgery, be sure to undergo an examination and take tests for the content of hormones in the blood.

Myoma is a common hormone-dependent pathology that requires urgent therapy, especially when there is a question of childbearing or infertility. Whether uterine fibroids can be treated without the need for surgery is a natural question for patients who have learned about the diagnosis during the examination. Yes, this is possible. Removal is recommended by gynecologists when rapid tumor growth is noticeable, causing bleeding and pressure on nearby organs.

Important! Often shown conservative treatment, but therapy can be considered successful if the tumor process is suspended and does not progress.

Most women do not rush to gynecologists, but the earlier a tumor is detected, the easier it is to cure, including folk remedies. IN different ages(more often after 30 years) up to 40% of women of childbearing age face the need for treatment of fibroids. The older, the greater the likelihood of abnormalities in the uterine tissues, especially if women do not want to give birth, uncontrollably protected by oral contraceptives. There are abnormal cases - fibroids are formed in young nulliparous girls.

Unpleasant symptoms after intercourse and on the eve of menstruation are “washed down” with pills. The result is a running process, bleeding, obstruction in the reproductive organs and infertility. Here, even the most effective method or drug is powerless. Such patients are afraid of surgery, but hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) is prescribed in emergency cases. It is offered when you have to save a life.

The female reproductive organ consists of several layers, including connective and muscle tissue, inside - a layer of mucous. There are several causes of uterine growths in different layers of the uterus, but the most common are:

  • chronic diseases of the reproductive sphere;
  • hormonal "jumps" and ovarian dysfunction;
  • heavy and late childbirth;
  • uterine injury (most often from abortive activity);
  • unstable sexual relations (stagnation in the pelvic organs);
  • endocrine diseases.

Indications for surgery depend on the location of the fibroids. Gynecologists distinguish several varieties, depending on its location:

  1. Interstitial or intraparietal fibroids (inside muscle tissue).
  2. Subserous (grows into the outer space, in the pelvis or peritoneum).
  3. Submucosal - internal fibroids (develops under the mucous membrane inside the uterus).

Submucosal and subserous fibroids grow on a stalk, as shown in the figure. But myomatous nodes often form in the muscle layer. Pedunculated fibroids extending into the abdominal cavity are preferred to be stopped with surgical instruments.

Attention! To prevent pregnancy with fibroids, it is important to track the days of ovulation in cycles. Fibroids can be detected during pregnancy, but small nodules do not interfere with the development of the fetus, they can resolve. A severely deformed uterus due to a running process is a reason to terminate a pregnancy for medical reasons.

The dimensions of the pathology are assessed on ultrasound, comparing with the size of the fetus in the uterus at the “week of pregnancy”:

  1. Small fibroids up to 2.5 cm in diameter (as in week 5).
  2. The tumor is medium in size - 4-6 cm (10-12 weeks).
  3. Large neoplasm larger than 8–9 cm (larger abdomen at 12 weeks or 3 months of pregnancy).

Large tumors put pressure on nearby organs and blood vessels, disrupting normal circulation. In special cases, fibroids make it difficult to defecate and urinate, complicating the work of the kidneys, liver and heart. During the operation, doctors removed a tumor the size of a large pear or the head of a newborn. For large tumors, surgical correction by invasive methods is prescribed:

  • hysterectomy;
  • myomectomy;
  • myometrectomy.

Important! An increase in the abdomen without weight gain is a bad sign, a tumor process is possible!

Many women, noticing an increase, begin to pump the press in the gym or become “in the plank” in the morning. This can provoke uterine bleeding and the rapid growth of tumors!

In what cases can you do without surgery?

A neoplasm of small scale is not a reason for surgery. Its growth, size and condition are monitored by ultrasound and treated according to the doctor's instructions until the tumor stops growing or even degrades.

Effective therapy is possible on the basis of ultrasound data. If carried out periodically ultrasonography pelvic organs, it is easier for physicians to track whether fibroids are growing. You can do without surgery:

  • myoma is diagnosed, clinical pathology is not expressed;
  • a slightly enlarged uterus does not inhibit the functions of the digestive tract and small pelvis;
  • the uterus has reached a certain size and stopped, the tumor does not grow inside it;
  • cyclicity passes without complications and bleeding;
  • small diameter of internal nodes (up to 2 cm), they practically do not grow.

The indicated states are a sign initial stage pathology. But many patients learn about the tumor process when the uterus is enlarged - medium or large fibroids cause inconvenience. Prevention of surgical interventions - frequent examinations by the attending physician. If a small tumor is detected, the doctor will prescribe conservative therapy if there are no contraindications to the drugs.

Can the tumor go away on its own?

When discussing the treatment of uterine fibroids without surgery, it should be noted that this is a hormone-dependent benign tumor, but it behaves differently. Uncontrolled use of oral contraceptives and complex preparations based on hormone-like substances will aggravate the situation.

A lot depends on hormonal background and the age of the patient, the number of births and interrupted pregnancies. Doctors often diagnose fibromyomas and uterine fibroids, on average, from 25 to 48 years.

It happens that the fibroid disappeared itself during menopause, this does not mean that the presence of pathology can be ignored!

No one guarantees protection against tumor processes in the uterus after menopause. Operations to remove neoplasms on the leg, pressing on the intestines and bladder, are also carried out after 70 years. However, after the degradation of the ovaries, estrogen synthesis is completed, which provokes the formation of nodes. With a well-designed diet (fat content is lowered) and a healthy lifestyle, the risk of exacerbation is minimal.

In the premenopausal period, there are bleeding between regular periods or heavy periods (menorrhagia). Hemostatic therapy (surgical or conservative) helps to regulate these processes. After menopause, if it was possible to survive this period with a tumor without surgery, uterine bleeding does not bother. Small knots resolve after childbirth.

Methods of treatment

Female reproductive organs are only occasionally removed due to degeneration into oncological tumors. If the process is at the initial stage, the selected treatment complex will lead to the resorption of fibroids.

Attention! You can’t “prescribe” herbs, vitamins, dietary supplements, pharmacy and homeopathic preparations to yourself. They may have the same effect, increasing estrogen levels and blood clotting. This can lead to aggravation of tumor processes, degeneration into oncology and blockage of cerebral vessels.

For complex treatment (without the need for surgery), doctors prescribe physiotherapy, a low-fat diet and medications. It is also possible to remove the tumor inside the uterus by minimally invasive methods. Folk remedies are not denied either, but they do not cure, but relieve gynecological symptoms and can for a while preserve the growth of fibroids. Let us consider in more detail each of the methods of treatment.


  1. Hormonal drugs that regulate the production of estrogen in excess. After examining the patient, the gynecologist may prescribe a certain dosage of antigonadotropic drugs or agonists - Danazol, Ginestril, Buserelin or Zoladex. Artificial menopause reduces swelling, but these drugs should not be taken for a long time. They have side effect prescribed in the instructions. But no one guarantees that if the course is canceled, the fibroid will not return to its previous size.
  2. Derivatives of 19-norsteroids, such as Orgametril, Norkolut or Nemestran, also block the development of the tumor process. They can be practiced for about six months, and are also prescribed for endometriosis of the uterus.
  3. Hormonal contraceptives, such as Jeanine, Diane-35 or Novinet, regulate ovarian function and estrogen production (indirectly affect the formation of tumors).
  4. Androgenic drugs, such as Testenate and Tetrasterone, which inhibit the activity of the female gonads. But they are rarely prescribed for the treatment of fibroids (due to side effects and contraindications).

Folk remedies

Herbs help with complex therapy female organs. A large tumor cannot be corrected. Healers may offer anticancer herbs, flowers, fruits, roots, or mushrooms. Plants help preserve submucosal fibroids. This action has:

  • birch mushroom chaga;
  • mistletoe;
  • Tatar;
  • celandine;
  • marsh cinquefoil;
  • boron mother.

Herbs that increase immunity in the fight against tumor processes help in complex therapy:

  • ginseng;
  • kopeck;
  • eleutherococcus;
  • radiola pink;
  • peony evasive;
  • aralia manchurian.

Plant extracts can be found in any pharmacy, they will definitely not harm if you drink in a course, observing the dosage.

Herbal decoctions and tinctures at home also stop uterine bleeding:

  • yarrow;
  • shepherd's bag;
  • stinging nettle;
  • tincture of water pepper.

For normalization menstrual cycle drink:

  • tincture of hops;
  • chamomile tea;
  • decoctions of sleep-grass and tansy.

Recipe! With fibroids aggravated by bleeding, in equal proportions, brew the dry mass of chamomile, nettle, hawthorn, motherwort, calendula and St. John's wort. 3 tablespoons of herbs are poured into a thermos, brewing half a liter of boiling water. The decoction is taken before meals for half a glass for no more than a month (in the interval between menstruation after their completion).

The use of tincture of crushed burdock rhizomes also normalizes the cycle, preserving myomatous nodes. Honey tincture of aloe flowers has the same effect, but in an apartment, these plants rarely throw out a peduncle. Of the indoor plants, the golden mustache is trusted by patients, but its effect on fibroids has not been proven.

Tincture of the red brush and hog uterus is often drunk with uterine bleeding and female tumors. However, the uncontrolled use of herbs containing phytoestrogens is fraught with an aggravation of the process. A ready-made pharmacy extract is often prescribed for infertility and in a antenatal clinic.

Important! Phytoestrogens are also found in flaxseed, which women often offer each other to drink on women's forums. Yes, there is a noticeable improvement in the work of both the intestines and the hormonal background, but with an excess of estrogen, the tumors only increase. Therefore, even the dosage of folk remedies is better to discuss in the doctor's office.

Celandine is a poisonous plant, in oncology it is used externally, it is effective in skin cancer. But it is mistakenly recommended to drink it in any tumor process, harming the body. Shilajit, honey and propolis also advise everyone, forgetting that this is not a "panacea", but substances with high biological activity. They are used as immunomodulators and anti-inflammatory agents. Their interaction with the female reproductive system is not fully understood. Even healers say: "Drinking everything in a row - only harm!"


Doctors have found that estrogen accumulates in adipose tissue, so overweight women do not age longer after menopause. However, with a tendency to tumor processes, the opposite effect is triggered - accumulations contribute to the appearance of neoplasms before menopause and during menopausal changes. Therefore, doctors strongly recommend losing weight before menopause.

  • do not eat at night, limiting yourself to low-fat and unsweetened drinks (kefir, fermented baked milk, whey, fish or vegetable broth);
  • eat more plant foods, especially greens and red berries, which are known to block the growth of tumors:
  • exclude beer, strong alcohol, coffee and black tea, replacing Cahors (a little), freshly squeezed juices and green tea;
  • to the maximum to refuse smoked meats, fatty meat, sweets (except natural) and flour (especially vermicelli and pastries);
  • reduce calories daily diet arrange more often fasting days on liquids (can be alternated on citrus fruits, apples and light salads);
  • replace meat and sausages to the maximum with seafood, fresh fish, cheese, homemade chicken eggs.

Important! Patients using the Mediterranean diet practically do not suffer from gynecological oncology and uterine fibroids.

A diet with a minimum inclusion of fats (you can olive oil), rich in fiber and proteins, helps in complex treatment. It cannot be said that the diet normalizes the hormonal background, but it is a powerful natural factor in the complex treatment of uterine tumors.

Massage and hirudotherapy

Massaging the abdomen with uterine tumors is contraindicated if the size and location are unknown. But a general strengthening massage will only benefit:

  • with a tendency to be overweight;
  • with congestion;
  • with sedentary work.

It is better not to touch the lower back, buttocks and stomach. With myoma, you can not do some salon procedures, including anti-cellulite, vacuum and lymphatic drainage massage. You can not use heating and vibration-based devices - this provokes the growth of nodes.

The use of hirudotherapy is an unconventional method. The effect of leeches on fibroids has not been proven, but it improves blood circulation and eliminates stagnation. Adherents of this method claim that the substances in the saliva of leeches have a resolving effect, but there are no confirmed cases of curing fibroids with leeches.

Douching and tampons

This procedure is one of the ways to sanitize the vagina with a report to the nearby organs of healing decoctions. Douching and swabs soaked in herbal decoctions are used in parallel with their internal use of plants in the form of tea.

Attention! You can not douche constantly, it violates the natural microflora of the vagina, so as not to provoke dysbacteriosis and favorable soil for fungal infections. Enough course for 8-10 days with breaks for 2 weeks.

Lifestyle and prevention

The tendency to form fibroids is inherited. Predisposition can be controlled by healthy lifestyle life and regular sexual activity.

stable family relationships And proper nutritionthe best prevention pathologies in the pelvic area. The absence of abortions and the birth of children with a frequency of 3-6 years keeps the reproductive system in good shape. The risk of fibroids early pregnancy and late births. But even with an irregular cycle and rare PA in some women, it resolved in menopause.

A healthy lifestyle, lack of stress, a balanced diet, good sleep, normal workload are the key to women's health.

Other Methods

General therapy of the reproductive organs and maintenance of functions is carried out with the support of physiotherapy and minimally invasive correction.

Attention! Many women abuse visiting baths and saunas, solariums and beaches. With fibroids and other tumor processes, this is strictly prohibited!

Doctors treat physiotherapy with the help of radiation and warming up with caution. With fibroids, it is better to avoid UV, treatment with paraffin, ultrasound, DDT, phonophoresis and light therapy. Radon and iodine-bromine baths, iodoelectrophoresis and magnetotherapy, EHF and zinc electrophoresis contribute to a decrease in estrogen levels. Charcot's shower and therapy with interference currents are useful.

Of the medical methods, embolization of the uterine arteries leading to tumors and FUS-ablation (directional ultrasound, fibroids are treated without anesthesia) are shown.

Minimally invasive methods are “surgeries without incisions”, the device is inserted through small punctures or passages with a small head. The operation is controlled by a computer.

Paid blades also offer laparoscopy - the destruction of the tumor by electric current or laser. Cryomyolysis with liquid nitrogen is also used to destroy fibroids by freezing (under anesthesia).

Myoma is a benign tumor, but it should not be ignored. It is important to protect yourself so that you do not have to face ethical problems and remove the deformed uterus along with the fetus. Reviews of grateful patients who come to the clinic for minimally invasive methods and complex therapy note that in most cases there were no surgical operations.

For successful treatment, doctors recommend trying to disturb the uterus with a tumor process as little as possible, not to overheat, not to lift weights. Self-medication should be treated with great care. Treatment folk methods justified only with a second course, which was approved by the attending physician who monitors the development of the process.

Indications for surgery

Sometimes the only way to eliminate the cause of infertility is to free the uterus from the internal tumor on the leg. Such a correction is the least traumatic.

A malignant tumor and fibroids growing at a high rate must be removed - the only way to prolong life. Nothing but emergency medical care will help. By self-medicating, you risk your life!

Uterine fibroids is a fairly common disease that is diagnosed, on average, in 40% of women. Most of the patients for many years do not attach importance to pelvic pain, heavy menstruation and cannot become pregnant, resorting only to symptomatic treatment. As a result, a long-term lack of adequate therapy leads to the need for a hysterectomy - a mutilating operation to remove the uterus. However, any woman needs to understand that in our time there are several methods, and to prevent the occurrence of new myomatous nodes.

Please note that this text was prepared without the support of our.

Reasons for the development of uterine fibroids

The exact causes of uterine fibroids are still not fully understood. According to one version, the development of this disease is associated with hormonal imbalance - in violation of the ratio in the body of progesterone. During the menopausal period, the production of these hormones decreases in women, so at this time fibroids often decrease and the unpleasant symptoms that bothered them earlier disappear.

Symptoms of uterine fibroids

As a rule, uterine fibroids are asymptomatic for a long time, or have mild symptoms. The appearance of unpleasant symptoms is associated with bleeding or compression of internal organs.

In some patients, uterine fibroids are manifested by the following symptoms:

  • feeling of pressure or fullness in the abdomen;
  • pain in the lumbar region;
  • long and profuse menstruation;
  • pain during intercourse;
  • frequent urge to urinate.

Heavy bleeding during menstruation can lead to the development of anemia, which is accompanied by a deterioration in the general condition: the appearance of fatigue and weakness. In addition, uterine fibroids can be complicated by infertility or problems during the onset of pregnancy - cause premature birth or miscarriage.

Diagnosis of uterine fibroids

The doctor can establish the primary diagnosis of uterine fibroids based on the results of an analysis of the symptoms of the disease and a gynecological examination. To clarify the diagnosis, additional research methods can be prescribed, the most common of which is ultrasound, which determines the size and localization of the myomatous node. Anemia and other health problems are detected through clinical laboratory tests.

Symptoms requiring treatment for uterine fibroids

Quite often, women with uterine fibroids are assigned dynamic monitoring with regular ultrasound examination, which allows you to determine the condition of myomatous nodes. The course of therapy is most often prescribed in the presence of four factors:

  • taking into account the age of the patient - in the postmenopausal period, the myomatous nodes stop growing, thereby relieving the woman of discomfort;
  • with symptoms that reduce a woman's quality of life. These include anemia, urination disorders associated with bladder compression;
  • with the growth of the myomatous node, fixed with the help of several consecutive ultrasound examinations;
  • if the patient has plans for pregnancy.

You can learn more about how fibroids manifest, how to treat this disease without surgery by signing up for a consultation.

Treatment methods for uterine fibroids

Most effective methods Treatment of uterine fibroids today are three: surgery, uterine artery embolization (UAE) and drug treatment of uterine fibroids without surgery using drugs of the progesterone receptor blocker group.

Surgical treatment of uterine fibroids

For myomectomy - surgical removal of uterine fibroids, the classical method is used (by making an incision) and. Laparoscopy involves the removal of the myomatous node through the vagina with a special endoscopic instrument (resectoscope), at one end of which there is a loop.

This operation has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include the possibility of removing a benign tumor. The disadvantages are quite significant risks that accompany any surgical intervention and anesthesia.

According to statistical studies, relapses after myomectomy occur in more than 10% of cases per year. To reduce the likelihood of their occurrence, patients need hormone therapy.

In addition, surgical removal of fibroids is not the best solution for patients planning a pregnancy in the near future or in the long term. After myomectomy, the development of negative consequences is often noted, for example, adhesions in the pelvis, complicated by tubal-peritoneal infertility - impaired patency fallopian tubes and, as a result, the impossibility of getting a fertilized egg into the uterus.

With huge uterine fibroids, a hysterectomy is most often recommended, during which the uterus has to be removed, since it makes no sense to treat uterine fibroids without surgery in this case. Such a surgical intervention avoids serious problems that arise against the background of fibroids.

Myoma: non-surgical treatment with uterine artery embolization (UAE)

The procedure for uterine artery embolization (UAE) involves the injection of an embolizing drug directly into the vessels that feed the uterine fibroids. The particles that make up this drug ensure the blocking of the blood flow in the vessels of the fibroids, due to which the oxygen necessary for their nutrition does not enter the pathologically overgrown tissues. As a result, the death of the myomatous node occurs, its replacement with connective tissue and a decrease in size.

Uterine artery embolization is not a new procedure. For the treatment of uterine fibroids in European clinics, it has been used for several decades.

The main advantages of EMA include:

  • high efficiency - almost complete absence of relapses after UAE, no need for additional treatment methods;
  • normalization of the menstrual cycle, elimination of problems with urination associated with compression of the bladder by the myomatous node;
  • absolute safety of the UAE method - no risks associated with surgical intervention. UAE does not require the use of anesthesia, the duration of the procedure itself, as a rule, does not exceed 15-20 minutes. The patient can be discharged from the hospital as early as 2-3 days after UAE, the rehabilitation period lasts from 5 to 7 days.

Indications for uterine artery embolization:

  • heavy menstruation, signs of compression of the pelvic organs, frequent urination- the complete disappearance of these symptoms is observed already one and a half months after UAE;
  • the growth of myomatous nodes, recorded according to the results of an ultrasound examination (at least once every three to six months), even in the absence of symptoms of uterine fibroids and pregnancy planning;
  • multiple myoma nodes of medium and large sizes, regardless of their direction of growth and localization.

Given the above, we can conclude that the removal of uterine fibroids without surgery using UAE can be carried out both with single and with multiple myoma nodes, at any of their localization.

The basis for such an intervention is to improve the quality of life of a woman and eliminate her concerns.

You can perform the EMA procedure in one of the modern clinics, with modern radiographic operating rooms equipped with angiographs, their list is presented.

You can clarify information about the cost of UAE, find out the details of performing uterine artery embolization and make an appointment with the best specialist.

How to cure uterine fibroids without surgery using drug therapy

To date, drug treatment of fibroids without surgery involves the use of progesterone receptor blockers - ulipristal acetate. The drug shows the highest efficiency when taken in two or three cycles (no more than four), with breaks of two months. The dynamics of treatment is assessed using ultrasound. In more than 50% of cases, myoma nodes regress. Another advantage of such drug therapy is the good tolerability of the drug. However, there are some disadvantages of the method:

  • the inconstancy of saving the result and the inability to predict the recurrence of the disease;
  • lack of data on the response to the drug of various myomatous nodes: some may show a decrease, others - size constancy.

Most often, drug therapy is prescribed to young patients with initially identified small nodes up to 3 cm in size.

However, you need to know that hormonal drugs have a temporary or preventive effect. Moreover, when looking for ways to reduce fibroids without surgery, you should not turn to all kinds of dietary supplements, herbal remedies and homeopathic remedies. Self-medication can not only be useless, but also quite dangerous, since during this time the myomatous node can grow, which will require more complex methods of treatment and removal of fibroids without surgery will be impossible. Women with uterine fibroids require serious supervision by qualified professionals.


  • Sidorova I.S. Uterine fibroids (modern aspects of etiology, pathogenesis, classification and prevention). In: Uterine fibroids. Ed. I.S. Sidorova. M: MIA 2003; 5-66.
  • Androutopoulos G., Decavalas G. Recent advances in the treatment of uterine fibroids. Translation from English. N. D. Firsova (2018).
  • Savitsky G. A., Ivanova R. D., Svechnikova F. A. The role of local hyperhormonemia in the pathogenesis of the growth rate of the mass of tumor nodes in uterine myoma // Obstetrics and gynecology. - 1983. - T. 4. - S. 13-16.

Uterine fibroids is a chronic disease characterized by the appearance of benign neoplasms of the muscular layer of the uterus. Often you can find other names for fibroids: leiomyoma, fibroma, fibromyoma. Myoma rarely acquires the character of a malignant tumor, but can significantly increase in size, causing discomfort.
Myoma is one of the most common gynecological diseases: myomatous nodes are found in 20-50% of women of childbearing age, and in the postmenopausal period (after 50 years) they are detected in 80% of women. At the same time, in most cases, the disease is asymptomatic and is detected only during scheduled visits to a specialist.
Myoma occurs as a result of the division of one defective muscle cell, which has lost the ability to develop and function normally. The progenitor cell of the myomatous node is presumably damaged by repeated menstruation, inflammatory disease, trauma, or endometriosis.

Treatment of uterine fibroids

The choice of tactics for the treatment of uterine fibroids depends on its location, the presence or absence of symptoms, as well as the age of the patient and plans for pregnancy. Highly qualified specialists carry out the following types of treatment according to the available indications and contraindications:
medication (using a non-hormonal drug);
minimally invasive (uterine artery embolization);
surgical (removal of fibroids or uterus with fibroids).
These methods of treatment have the highest efficiency and the lowest risk of side effects compared to other existing methods (hormonal coils, FUS-ablation, dietary supplements, and others). Sign up for a consultation, and you will find the right treatment method.

Symptoms and signs of uterine fibroids

Symptoms of uterine fibroids occur in 40-50% of patients. Mainly appearance warning signs associated with a special location, size or a large number of myoma nodes. The most common symptoms of fibroids include:

  • severe bleeding during menstruation,
  • duration of menstruation more than 7 days,
  • chronic pain or heaviness in the pelvic area,
  • conception problems,
  • urination disorder,
  • constipation,
  • back or leg pain.

Diagnosis of uterine fibroids

The diagnosis of uterine fibroids is established on the basis of symptoms, examination data by a doctor and instrumental research. Most often, fibroids are detected unexpectedly during a scheduled visit to a gynecologist. If uterine fibroids are suspected, the doctor will prescribe Doppler ultrasound, angiography, hysteroscopy, or magnetic resonance imaging to confirm the diagnosis and plan treatment.


There is a myth that it is impossible to cure uterine fibroids. This is the deepest delusion. Uterine fibroids can not only be cured, but also necessary. And the sooner treatment is started, the easier, more effective and painless it will be.

What is a myoma

Fibromyoma is a benign formation in the cavity or on the surface of the uterus, consisting of smooth muscle fibers. This is a benign tumor that has the peculiarity of developing and regressing under the influence of female sex hormones.

Self-regression of a small fibroid is possible with changes in hormonal levels during pregnancy and in the period after the onset of menopause.

Myomatous nodes can be single and multiple, they are round or oval in shape, and can also be mushroom-shaped (“pedunculated fibroids”). There are also types of fibromas, depending on the location of their localization.

  • Submucous nodes are located in the tissues of the endometrium, just below the upper mucous layer.
  • Intramural grow from the middle layer - myometrium (muscular tissue of the uterus). This form is the most common.
  • Subserous formations grow on the surface of the uterus in the tissues that cover it from the outside. They grow towards the abdominal wall or deep into the small pelvis.

The size of the myomatous node can reach 40 centimeters and weigh 5 kilograms (this is the size of the largest fibroids extracted from the body). Doctors calculate the parameters of the node according to the increase in the uterus, according to its size during pregnancy.

Reasons for development

Scientists only know that fibroids are hormone-dependent tumors. It grows due to an imbalance of female sex hormones in the body. But no doctor can predict the development of the disease one hundred percent.

Myoma is the most common in women after 35 years. At this age, according to some reports, nodes are found in every fifth patient who regularly visits a gynecologist.

Predisposing factors influencing the formation of fibroids.

  • Heredity. If someone in the female lineage had fibroids, monitor your health more carefully. Often, doctors meet entire families of patients who develop a neoplasm.
  • no childbirth and breastfeeding in women under 35 years of age.
  • Frequent abortions, gynecological operations, curettage.
  • infectious and inflammatory diseases organs of the reproductive system.
  • Wrong choice of contraceptive selection and its incorrect use.
  • Long-term use of the intrauterine device.
  • Polycystic ovaries.
  • Frequent sun exposure.
  • Obesity, sedentary lifestyle.
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland.
  • Diabetes.

Is it possible to cure

Fibroids are treated by a gynecologist. The tactics of treatment, its duration and the need for surgical intervention depends on a large number of factors:

  • the number of nodes;
  • their location in the uterus;
  • neoplasm size;
  • their growth rate;
  • the age of the patient;
  • concomitant diseases;
  • desire to have children in the future.

Surveillance tactics. There are situations when fibroid treatment is not required. The doctor most often makes such a decision when the size of the fibroid is very small, it does not bring discomfort to the woman and does not tend to rapid growth. In a situation where fibromyoma treatment is not required, the patient must follow some rules:

  • once every six months, undergo an ultrasound examination of the small pelvis, during which a thorough measurement of the neoplasm is carried out and its result is compared with the previous one;
  • visit a gynecologist at least once every six months for a routine examination;
  • refuse from tanning and thermal procedures (saunas, baths, etc.);
  • do not use an intrauterine contraceptive device;
  • take any hormonal drugs only after consulting with your doctor.

Conservative methods of treatment of fibroids. Medical treatment fibroids is possible only if it does not grow and is small (up to 10-12 weeks). Most often, this method is used in women of reproductive age and in the event of formation at the age of premenopause, when there is a chance for independent regression in the future.

Hormonal treatment is always a lengthy process. With myoma, the minimum duration of therapy is 6 months.

List of drugs that can be used in the treatment of fibroids:

  • combined oral contraceptives ("Yarina", "Belara") normalize hormone levels and can stop growth or even cure fibroids up to two centimeters in diameter;
  • hormone-containing intrauterine device("Mirena") is most often installed in the cavity with subserous fibromyoma, it also acts as hormonal contraceptives in tablets, but is more convenient to use;
  • androgens ("Gestrinon", "Danazol") reduce the amount of estrogen production. The drug is prescribed for excessive work of the ovaries.

Gestagens ("Dufaston" or "Utrozhestan") are now banned by WHO for the treatment of myomatous nodes. It has been proven that their use not only has no effect, but can also cause an acceleration in their growth rates.

Minimally invasive methods for the treatment of myomatous nodes:

  • FUS-ablation;
  • embolization of the uterine arteries.

FUS ablation safe, fast and non-surgical method of treatment, which consists in "evaporation" (burning out) of the pathological tissue with a laser. During the procedure, there is no need to make an incision, the beam passes through healthy tissues without damaging them, and only affects the tumor. The therapy is carried out under the control of magnetic resonance imaging.

Advantages of FUS ablation:

  • preservation of reproductive health;
  • lack of cuts and seams;
  • fast recovery period;
  • lack of blood loss;
  • rapid removal of symptoms of the disease;
  • no need for anesthesia;
  • suitable even for large formations;
  • does not require hospitalization;
  • does not affect healthy organs and tissues.

Uterine artery embolization is an ultra-modern minimally invasive surgical procedure, the result of which is the complete disappearance of the tumor. A thin, flexible catheter is inserted through the femoral artery. With the help of a special material (embolus), the surgeon blocks the vessels of the uterus that supply the fibroids. As a result, the tumor is destroyed and excreted naturally during critical days. The embolus does not cause allergic reactions and is not rejected by the body.

Advantages of uterine artery embolization:

  • guarantee of the absence of recurrence of the disease;
  • preservation of childbearing function
  • absence of scars and scars on the body;
  • fast recovery period (no more than 48 hours);
  • does not require anesthesia.

Surgical treatment

In situations where a woman does not take care of her health and does not undergo a timely examination, a large fibroid may require surgical intervention - myomectomy.

Myomectomy is necessary any woman whose fibromyoma has reached the size of a 12-week pregnancy or has grown more than a centimeter in the last few months.

Types of removal of surgical operations when removing fibroids:

  • laparotomy,
  • laparoscopy,
  • hysteroscopy.

Laparotomy is a classic abdominal operation. It provides the surgeon full review and convenient access for the complete removal of a large neoplasm or multiple nodes and the imposition of a high-quality suture on the uterus. The suture during laparotomy is reliable, so the risks of future pregnancy are reduced to a minimum.

Laparoscopy is a more gentle for a woman, but less convenient for a surgeon way to remove fibroids. The operation is performed through several small incisions in the woman's abdomen. In this way, it is possible to remove fibroids no more than six centimeters in diameter. Almost invisible seams remain on the stomach, which are almost invisible to the eye.

Hysteroscopy is a method of seamless removal of small tumors in the mucous layer of the uterus. The operation is performed through a thin tube with a video camera at the end, which is inserted into the uterus through the vagina and cervix. This is the easiest and safest way of surgery.

Any treatment of a neoplasm in the uterus should be under the supervision of a physician. Self-medication, self-administration of folk remedies and the refusal of regular examinations lead to the growth of the neoplasm and the risk of its degeneration into a malignant tumor.