Signs of intrauterine pregnancy with a spiral. Pregnancy with spiral signs. What to do if a woman becomes pregnant with a spiral

Every woman should remember - only a medical specialist - a gynecologist can confirm or refute the fact of conception and pregnancy.

After a comprehensive examination and all the diagnostic procedures necessary for making the correct diagnosis, pregnancy with a previously installed spiral will be discussed further.
If a woman had previously, before the moment of conception, an intrauterine device was installed as a means of contraception, and pregnancy occurred, do not panic. Of course, the consequences for a woman can be very different, but in accordance with medical statistics and the practice of doctors, this is a very common phenomenon in gynecology. It is enough to constantly monitor the health of a woman and a child - a gynecologist and a woman in labor in such a situation should act as one.

Intrauterine device, like a condom or birth control pills performs a similar function in preventing and avoiding unwanted conception and pregnancy. So the effectiveness of the spiral is 98 out of 100 percent, and in these 2 cases out of 100, unwanted fertilization and pregnancy can occur.
If doctors diagnosed a pregnancy in a woman who had previously had a spiral, the gynecologist will offer one of 2 options for the development of the situation. A woman can decide and get rid of an unwanted pregnancy through abortion or endure healthy child. The woman herself decides everything - just understand and consider the fact that even under the influence of the spiral, your uterus accepted a fertilized egg and formed all the suitable conditions for bearing a fetus.

What to do next?

If a woman has decided to give birth - remember 2 possible options development of events. The woman decided to give birth and is simply patiently waiting for the onset of physiological childbirth. Even the installed intrauterine device will not create any obstacles for the baby to its normal growth, formation and development. As the fetus grows, the uterus will naturally push the previously installed spiral out of the cavity and it will fall out in the middle of the baby's gestation period.
If experts recommend forced extraction of the spiral after the fact of pregnancy has been established, in particular, when the latter has hanging threads, you should follow the advice of doctors. Through such threads, infections can enter the woman’s body and, accordingly, the fetus, causing harm and provoking sepsis and miscarriage.
But, in general, pregnancy with a previously installed spiral in the practice of gynecologists is a completely normal phenomenon and practice. The whole process of bearing a fetus is indistinguishable from the course of a normal, standard pregnancy after conception. The only thing that a woman in labor should know in this case is control, constant and with special care by the gynecologist throughout the entire duration of the pregnancy, which will allow timely prevention of any complications in the health of the woman and her child.
Of course, the likelihood of a miscarriage in this case is higher than in a normal pregnancy, so you should constantly listen to your own body, any signals from it. The thing is that the ectopic coil provokes microscopic cracks and damage on the uterine mucosa. Regular gynecological examination and control by a doctor, control over the mother's own body - this is what is necessary for the full bearing of the fetus, the birth of a healthy and strong child.

Intrauterine device - modern method contraception, but it does not provide absolute protection against unwanted fertilization. Whether pregnancy with a spiral is possible, we will try to figure it out in this article.

Science does not stand still, every year discoveries in the field of contraception amaze with their diversity. And this is not surprising - since ancient times, mankind has tried in a variety of ways to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy, but sometimes, despite the protection, pregnancy still occurs.

The principle of operation of the intrauterine device

Unfortunately, in ancient times there were no such medical and laboratory institutions where you could consult a doctor and choose for yourself more gentle method of contraception. They used improvised means: lemon juice, tampons from crocodile or elephant dung, which adversely affected the woman's health.

Modern contraceptives

Fortunately, now there is no need to use such dangerous methods of protection, because in the 21st century There are different methods of contraception for both men and women.

Condoms, oral contraceptives or an intrauterine device - here the most common methods of protection from unwanted pregnancy.

Intrauterine device- is one of the most effective means contraception, according to many experts and laymen. This is justified by the fact that the level of its protection approaches 98% when used correctly.

Intrauterine device

In order to be sure of the reliability of this method, it is better to carry out this procedure in the clinic with the help of a qualified gynecologist. The doctor will conduct a gynecological examination, exclude the presence of viral and gynecological diseases or pregnancy.

The principle of operation of the spiral is designed to prevent the advancement of spermatozoa in the area of ​​the uterus. Thus, it is practically impossible egg attachment after fertilization to the wall of the uterus.

The introduction of the spiral into the uterine cavity

The shape of the spiral can be different, but most often resembles the letter "T". Thus, when a spiral is introduced, its antennae seem to open inside.

The most common is spiral with copper content. It is a plastic stick wrapped with copper thread. Copper is used as a contraceptive, because its effect on spermatozoa is destructive.

There is also hormonal spiral. Its functioning is based on the release of a hormone progesterone, which, in turn, makes the uterine mucus thick and prevents sperm from passing through the thickened mucosa.

Intrauterine device with copper thread

Nevertheless, it is important to understand that although the spiral is a reliable means of protection, it still has enough many contraindications. Therefore, before installing a spiral, consult a doctor in order not to harm your health.

Contraindications for intrauterine device

As mentioned earlier, the intrauterine device has a large number contraindications, which are associated with individual feature women or health problems. You can discuss all the nuances and details with your attending gynecologist.

Doctors insist that if a woman has promiscuous sex or is completely unsure of her partner, it is better to use barrier methods of contraception(condom). After all, all medical research suggests that the intrauterine device does not protect against infections that are sexually transmitted.

The main contraindication for placing a spiral is pregnancy.

Contraindications for use intrauterine device:

  1. Gynecological tumors- if they are present, the installation of a spiral is absolutely prohibited. In order not to provoke non-negotiable negative consequences, many medical and cosmetic services are used only with absolute certainty that no oncological diseases have been found in the area of ​​application and throughout the woman's body. One of these procedures is the installation of a spiral
  2. Inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs
  3. Bleeding
  4. Pregnancy- this is one of the most important reasons to abandon the spiral. After all, this is not only not advisable, since the pregnancy has already taken place, but, be that as it may, this foreign body, which causes the muscles of the uterus to contract more intensely. In turn, this can lead to miscarriage.

Diseases of the genital area before setting the spiral must be cured

Thus, we can conclude that before putting the spiral it is necessary carefully examined by a doctor to exclude pregnancy at short terms or gynecological diseases.

What is the chance of getting pregnant with a spiral?

“And there is a hole in the old woman”, “Once a year the stick shoots” - old Russian folk expressions that mean that, despite experience, age and beliefs, there are missteps in life. And when using a spiral there is a risk of pregnancy.

Even with a spiral there is a risk of pregnancy

In order to understand which method of contraception is most reliable, developed special calculation table. It shows in percentage terms which method is better to use in order to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy. These calculations were made by an American biologist Raymond Pearl, which is why they are called the Pearl index.

And although according to the calculations of the Pearl index, such a contraceptive method as an intrauterine device has fluctuations only 0.3 - 1%, The chance of pregnancy still remains in one woman out of 100.

Only barrier contraception can protect against sexually transmitted infections

It is also important to understand that the spiral is not a barrier method of contraception. That is, in other words, terminates a pregnancy at an early stage, and does not exclude conception in principle. Thus, it is similar to an abortion.

objective causes of pregnancy gynecologists most often name two:

The first reason is incorrect use of the spiral. For example, if a woman initially uses it without the supervision of a specialist, and performed this procedure not in a clinic, but in at home. At the same time, there is no full guarantee that the spiral is installed correctly and fully performs its protective functions.

Incorrect placement of the spiral can lead to unwanted pregnancy

It must be remembered that nothing is eternal and everything has an expiration date - the intrauterine device is no exception. Average the shelf life of the spiral is 5 years. Hormonal coils can last no more than 7 years.

After this period, the contraceptive properties of the spiral are already lost and you should not hope for protection. Also the spiral will start grow into the wall of the uterus which can lead to infection and inflammation.

Intrauterine device

It can be concluded that the intrauterine device is sufficient reliable method of protection. But do not forget that the possibility of an unplanned pregnancy remains. with any form of contraception.

In turn, every woman should monitor her health and visit a gynecologist at least twice a year. This will protect her from various gynecological diseases and the risk of unwanted pregnancy.

Signs of pregnancy with a spiral

For women who are confident in their partner and do not want to deprive themselves of certain sensations with a barrier method of contraception, it becomes a priority intrauterine device.

In addition, this method of contraception does not cause negative consequences for the woman's condition and any dangers, except for one - in case of pregnancy it will be quite difficult to keep it.

Delayed menstruation even in the presence of a spiral - a reason to take a pregnancy test

One of the main signs of pregnancy when using any type of contraceptive or coitus interruptus is delay in menstruation. It can be assumed that a woman who uses a spiral does not plan to have a baby. Thus, a delay in menstruation can be exciting news for her.

First of all, it is important to exclude various external factors:

  • stress
  • climate change
  • strict diet or fasting
  • crash in menstrual cycle women

All traditional signs of pregnancy are also characteristic of fertilization in the presence of a spiral.

Delayed menstruation up to 7 days doctors don't consider it critical unless it happens every month.

A likely, but not certain, sign of pregnancy is nausea, vomiting, copious discharge, breast enlargement.

But still, every woman who has not waited for the onset of menstruation on time must first of all pregnancy test. These products are sold in pharmacies in quite a variety of options and it is better to do several tests from different manufacturers in order to be as confident as possible in the result.

Modern pregnancy tests

Another way to check is hCG analysis- analysis of the hormone that is secreted by the membranes of the fetus after conception. It gives more accurate and early result than a test, but in order to achieve an accurate result, it is recommended pass this test twice and check if the hormone level is increasing.

With any of the results - negative or positive, you need to visit a gynecologist. This will make it possible to exclude inflammatory diseases, tumors or early pregnancy.

What to do if you get pregnant with a spiral?

If, nevertheless, such a situation has occurred and you are pregnant with a spiral, the question is first of all important: Is this the desired child? If for some reason you are not yet ready to become a mother, you need to contact a gynecologist to terminate the pregnancy. In this case, the doctor remove the spiral.

The sooner the spiral is removed during pregnancy, the greater the chances of saving it.

If, however, you make a decision in favor of the child, you need to discuss the issue with your doctor. the need to remove the coil. In certain cases, the doctor may advise you to leave the spiral until a certain period. This happens when the ultrasound shows that she does not interfere with fetal development.

The hormonal intrauterine device is removed without fail, because the excretion occurs hormonal substance which negatively affects the development of the child.

How is the pregnancy with a spiral going?

  • Preservation of the spiral during pregnancy entails risk of miscarriage in the first trimester of pregnancy, this figure is from 50 to 70%. In this case, it is best to remove the contraceptive as early as possible, because in this case the risk of abortion minimum
  • Unfortunately, among IUD pregnancies big number is intrauterine pregnancy, which carries a great danger to the life of a woman and the preservation of which cannot be discussed
  • Diagnosis with ultrasound in the early stages allows you to identify location of the ovum and in case of detection of pregnancy outside the uterus, all measures will be taken to terminate it

Pregnancy with a spiral should take place under the special supervision of a specialist

No way a woman should not remove the coil itself. To eliminate the risk of miscarriage or harm to health, it is recommended to do this in the clinic.

If a woman is still does not want to remove the spiral and doctors do not see a threat to the development and health of the baby, they can leave her. But it is necessary to constantly consult a doctor and in case of pain or increased discharge contact the clinic immediately.

Removal of the spiral during pregnancy

Starting from the second trimester of pregnancy, the intrauterine device gradually pushed back by the membranes of the fetus and at the time of childbirth spontaneously removed from the woman's body.

Consequences of pregnancy with a spiral

Summing up, we can say that preservation of pregnancy in the presence of a spiral - difficult, but quite possible process. Future mother it will be necessary to devote more time to your health and well-being and, at the slightest ailment, consult a doctor.

A pregnancy that occurs while the spiral is in the uterus can end safely

In most cases, when supervision of an experienced physician, pregnancy with a spiral still persists and has every chance of being successful, the main thing is that she was desired- then all the obstacles and difficulties on the way to the birth of a child will be successfully overcome.

Video: Intrauterine device

Pregnancy with a spiral inserted into the uterine cavity for the purpose of contraception, unfortunately, is possible. Although intrauterine systems have a very high Pearl index (“misses” are extremely rare). Let's talk about what symptoms of pregnancy with a spiral a woman can notice, how to determine the development of an embryo outside the uterus (which is especially dangerous) and what, in general, to do if conception does occur, is it possible to leave the baby?

Signs of pregnancy

When installing an intrauterine system (IUD) in female body nothing changes, as, for example, happens when taking oral contraceptives (hormonal pills). Ovulation is not blocked, the endometrium grows, menstruation occurs, sometimes even more abundant than in women using a different method of contraception. Is it possible to get pregnant with an intrauterine device? Quite, because it gives only mechanical protection - it does not allow a fertilized egg to be implanted in the wall of the uterus, but this protection can weaken in some cases.

The main feature possible conception is a delay in menstruation. In this case, you need to do a pregnancy test and (or) take a blood test for hCG. Moreover, this must be done in the very first days of the delay in menstruation. Why is it so important to hurry? The fact is that an ectopic pregnancy with a spiral has the same signs. Moreover, it is ectopic pregnancy that occurs more often when an intrauterine system is installed, especially if there are adhesions in the fallopian tubes. By the way, a fertilized egg can begin to develop not even in fallopian tube and in the area of ​​the cervix. Both of these are very dangerous.

Other signs of pregnancy in the early stages can be classified as probable, but not accurate. This is an increase in the amount of vaginal discharge, an increase and soreness of the mammary glands, nausea, vomiting, a slight increase in body temperature.

How to further protect yourself from pregnancy

No, we are not talking about coitus interruptus or "chemical" contraception in the form of vaginal suppositories and pills. Every woman with an IUD installed must follow simple rules.

1. Annually visit a gynecologist and do an ultrasound of the uterus. Thus, you can find out in time about the displacement of the spiral or even its loss, which can lead to an unplanned conception. The statistics of pregnancy with a spiral is approximately 3%. That is, in 3 out of 100 women, contraception does not work.

2. Independently check the length of the IUD threads that come out of the cervix. If they become longer, this may indicate a displacement of the spiral into the cervix. The disappearance of the threads may indicate the loss of the spiral, which, at times, occurs unnoticed by the woman. For example, when visiting the toilet. In this case, an ultrasound of the uterus should be done unscheduled. If the spiral has shifted, it must be removed. If the spiral fell out - be sure to check for pregnancy.

3. Each IUD has its own expiration date. Approximately 5 years. Then it must be removed and, if necessary, replaced with a new one. If this is not done, after a while the IUD will begin to grow into the wall of the uterus and it will not be so easy for the doctor to get it. Plus, the risk of infection increases dramatically.

If pregnancy occurs with an IUD

And what to do if pregnancy occurs with an intrauterine device, is it dangerous? In this case, you need to decide whether you want to keep the child. If not, you can have an abortion, during which the doctor will also remove the coil if it remains in the uterus.

But the child can be left. True, not always. The risk is assessed by the doctor. In some cases, doctors advise not to remove the coil until the very birth, if the ultrasound shows that the IUD does not interfere with the development of the fetus. A conventional IUD (non-hormonal) does not cause fetal malformations. Pregnancy and the intrauterine device can coexist.

It is absolutely necessary to remove the spiral if it is hormonal. This kind of coil daily secrete a hormone into the uterine cavity, which can enter the bloodstream to the child. And this is dangerous. Of course, in this case, the removal of the IUD can provoke spontaneous abortion. By the way, there is a threat of miscarriage and various infections when carrying a child with an unremoved IUD. Such pregnant doctors are especially carefully observed: more often they are sent for ultrasound, take measures to prevent miscarriage.

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Pregnancy is not always desired, so couples who do not plan to conceive often use the help of contraceptives to eliminate unexpected surprises. One of the most effective means is a spiral that a gynecologist inserts into a woman's vagina. Is it possible to get pregnant with a spiral - one of the questions that often worries a lady who is not going to give birth soon.

What are the signs that the spiral has not become an obstacle to conception

Finding out the answer to the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant with a spiral, you first need to find out what symptoms can notify that conception has nevertheless occurred. There is practically no difference from pregnancy occurring in a woman who does not use contraceptives.

What signs may indicate conception? Main symptoms:

  1. the next menstruation does not occur on time;
  2. nausea or slight malaise disturbs in the morning;
  3. breasts swell, slightly increase in volume.

This is enough to alert and immediately go to Pharmacy behind the test. If he also shows disappointing results, you should not delay a visit to the gynecologist. Only a specialist will be able to determine whether pregnancy caused the onset of such symptoms. A disease of the internal organs should not be excluded - it may have similar symptoms. In such cases, immediate treatment will be required, preceded by an accurate diagnosis.

Pregnancy symptoms that are often overlooked

Despite the fact that the main sign of successful conception is the absence of menstruation, often women do not pay attention to this, taking it for a failure in the body. You should not rely on this symptom alone, there are many manifestations that also unmistakably point to an unexpected consequence of amorous pleasures.

Symptoms of pregnancy, which are clearly observed even in the presence of a spiral:

  1. elevated basal temperature (to verify your suspicions, it is enough to make it a rule to regularly measure basal temperature - it unmistakably indicates pregnancy);
  2. increase and change in the nature of secretions;
  3. frequent urination, very little fluid can come out at a time;
  4. constant fatigue, which can occur even in the absence of physical labor or playing sports;
  5. cramps, which most often occur in the lower abdomen, have an unpleasant aching character;
  6. slight bloody discharge, which can usually be observed during ovulation;
  7. regular constipation, accompanied by frequent gas;
  8. profuse rashes (most often on the face).

In the absence of regular periods, it is enough to observe your condition for several days to verify your suspicions and find out by your own example whether it is possible to get pregnant with a spiral.

Is it possible to get pregnant with a mirena coil

Women who use contraceptives are wondering if it is possible to get pregnant with the Mirena coil. As many ladies are sure, this is almost impossible, a special form of the product completely prevents such situations. Is the spiral as reliable as the representatives of the weaker sex testify?

If you ask doctors how reliable such a spiral is, they will certainly answer that pregnancy should not be completely ruled out - there are cases when conception occurred. Although the probability of this incident is only one chance in several thousand, one should not completely rely on the mirena - an unexpected circumstance can always arise, which will play its role.

As many ladies testify, when using mirena, menstruation may be completely absent. How then to know about conception? As with any pregnancy, just watch your well-being for a few days. If nothing suspicious happens and the body does not send disturbing and strange symptoms, you don’t have to worry - most likely, suspicions of pregnancy have no basis. It will not be superfluous to visit a gynecologist, who will help make sure that there is no conception.

How to avoid the hassles associated with the installation of the spiral and increase the chances of termination of pregnancy

In order to almost completely avoid the annoying troubles associated with unwanted conception, you should prepare for the installation of the spiral. It is important to first undergo an examination that will help you find out if there are any complications or hidden diseases. It is simply necessary to monitor your health if Mirena is introduced - in the presence of oncological pathologies, the risk of their development increases.

You need to trust an experienced specialist - a lot depends on the skill of a gynecologist. Most conceptions in the presence of a spiral occur precisely through the fault of the doctor’s negligence - if he incorrectly installed a means to prevent pregnancy.

After installing the intrauterine device, you need to undergo an examination every six months. Even if the agent has shifted, the specialist will certainly eliminate it upon detection.

If unpleasant and alarming symptoms are observed in the form of discharge with an unpleasant odor, a strange consistency and with an admixture of blood, a doctor should be contacted immediately. You should not wait for the next scheduled examination, this threatens with considerable health problems.

What you need to know before using a spiral

It should be remembered that the risk of conception depends on many factors, and not always even the most reliable spiral is able to protect against an unexpected surprise. Many ladies mistakenly believe that this contraceptive affects pregnancy, while it only prevents the fertilization of the egg. In other words, the remedy interrupts conception, but do not forget that there is a risk of ectopic pregnancy.

Another feature of the contraceptive is that it can partially go beyond the uterus. Here, too, you can not do without the supervision of a specialist who will quickly fix the problem. By the way, it is in such cases that the risk of conception is incredibly high.

We should not forget that over time, the service life ends, and the product completely loses its properties. There is only one way out - to replace the coil with a new one. It is important to inquire about the service life during a visit to the gynecologist - this will help to almost completely avoid the likelihood of becoming pregnant.

What to do if a surprise happened and you managed to get pregnant?

What should a woman do if even contraceptives were not enough and conception occurred? The first step to take immediately is to go to the gynecologist. Beforehand, you can once again make sure that there is a reason for a visit to the doctor - to conduct a test. If the pregnancy needs to be terminated, the specialist will prescribe an abortion procedure, which should be carried out as soon as possible.

Even if the pregnancy is not interrupted, you need to rush to the doctor to remove the spiral. If you leave it in the uterus, there is a risk of miscarriage, and quite high.

If the extraction of the spiral occurred in a timely manner and did not result in unexpected complications, you should not be afraid for the health of the fetus - everything will be in order. Despite this, at first you should come to the gynecologist as often as possible - the specialist must make sure that the pregnancy proceeds without unpleasant surprises.

Intrauterine contraception is one of the preferred methods of contraception today. But even with such a seemingly reliable method, incidents can arise. Pregnancy with a spiral is observed in 2% of patients who have chosen a similar method of contraception. At the same time, choosing a method of protection, women ask the gynecologist why the spiral is better than other means, whether it is possible to get pregnant with the spiral, how dangerous it is for the fetus, whether it is possible to give birth in such a situation. It should be looked into in more detail.

The IUD is a small gynecological device that is mostly made of plastic. Its purpose is to prevent a woman from becoming pregnant by preventing the female cell from attaching to the uterine endometrium. Similar designs come in various shapes: S- or T-shaped, ring-shaped, loop-shaped, spiral, in the form of an umbrella, etc.

According to the assurances of gynecologists and manufacturers, the effectiveness of the protective properties of the IUD reaches 98%, while you do not need to take any hormonal pills and you can live a full sex life. Usually, contraception is set for 3, 5 or 7 years, after which it must be changed. There are cases when, with prolonged wearing of the IUD, it grew into the tissues of the uterus, so you can not wear it longer than the prescribed period.

Varieties of the Navy

Today, there are several varieties of intrauterine contraception:

What are the spirals, we found out. It is difficult to say which type and form of the IUD is preferable, because only a gynecologist can determine this, knowing the anatomical uterine features of the patient.

What are the advantages of the spiral over other contraceptives

Intrauterine contraception has many advantages. Spiral designs are more effective than other contraceptives and are suitable for emergency cases when it is necessary to prevent pregnancy after sexual intercourse. Then the IUD is installed in the first 5 days after sex. Also, intrauterine devices are notable for their low cost. If you install an expensive spiral, then for 5-7 years you can forget about contraception, so you won’t have to spend money on appropriate drugs in these years.

It does not have a design and teratogenic effect, if a pregnancy with a spiral occurs, the woman decides to leave the baby, then the IUD as a whole will not have an effect on the child. Although this fact has many contradictions, since in practice it turns out that it is not possible to save a child conceived with a spiral. The IUD also has other disadvantages, such as a mandatory examination before installation for the presence of STDs, cystic formations, uterine fibroids, and cervical pathologies, various kinds of developmental anomalies, etc. In addition, the spiral cannot be installed in women who do not have a history of childbirth, i.e. . not giving birth. Also, you can not put a spiral contraceptive in women who have several sexual partners.

What is important for women with a spiral to know

If the doctor recommends installing an intrauterine contraceptive, it must be borne in mind that the design in no way prevents infectious lesions that are transmitted from the sexual partner. She is not able to protect against ectopic pregnancy. In a way, the spiral even contributes to its occurrence. The spiral and ectopic pregnancy have a special relationship. After all, the egg after fertilization cannot pass through the barrier and is looking for another place to fix, outside the uterus. When the coil expires, it loses its contraceptive properties, so it must be removed.

It must be understood that the presence of silver and copper in the device does not protect against pregnancy. The action of the spiral is to terminate the pregnancy, that is, it has an abortive character. If the female cell is fixed on the tissue outside the uterine body, then the consequences are unpleasant, because ectopic pregnancy begins to fully develop.

To exclude inflammatory or infectious lesions, it is recommended to undergo a complete gynecological examination. The installation should be carried out only by an experienced gynecologist, who will advise the most reliable type of spiral. Usually, the spiral is installed on the 2-3rd day of the cycle, when menstruation has not yet ended. Why? Firstly, during this period there is probably no pregnancy, and secondly, during this period, the introduction of the spiral is the least painful.

Why does pregnancy occur with a spiral

There is a lot of controversy regarding how you can get pregnant with a spiral. According to statistics, about 2 women out of a hundred become pregnant with an intrauterine contraceptive installed. Experts explain this phenomenon for various reasons:

For prevention, a woman with an IUD must undergo a gynecological examination twice a year, which will protect against possible pregnancy and various gynecological pathologies.

Signs of pregnancy with IUD

The intrauterine structure after installation is not felt by the woman. All processes proceed in the same rhythm - and ovulation, and menstruation, and endometrial thickening. The design provides mechanical type protection, which weakens over time, so the possibility of conception is allowed. The main sign of pregnancy with an intrauterine device is a delay in menstruation, but for the final confirmation of the diagnosis, it is necessary to pass an hCG analysis.

Also, the onset of an unplanned pregnancy can be indicated by symptoms such as hyperthermia, an increase in the amount of vaginal discharge, a pulling-cutting pain syndrome, periodic nausea, etc. But the main manifestation is the traditional delay in menstruation.

What to do

So, the probability of getting pregnant with a spiral is minimal, but what if you are among the “chosen ones”. First, decide whether to give birth or have an abortion. If it is decided to get rid of the fetus, then during the intervention, the doctor will also remove the IUD. If you still want a baby, albeit unplanned, then the obstetrician-gynecologist must assess the likely risks of pregnancy for the fetus and the degree of likely complications that may follow during and after childbirth. If there is a non-hormonal spiral, then it is generally not dangerous for the fetus. But progesterone-containing intrauterine structures secrete hormonal substances into the fetal body, which can complicate the process of removing the spiral by spontaneous abortion.

What to do if it is impossible to remove the structure safely for the child? The woman is constantly under medical supervision, regularly undergoes ultrasound monitoring, and takes preventive measures to prevent miscarriage. The ultrasound shows when the spiral threatens the fetus, and when its location is safe. Gynecologists say that the birth of a normal child is quite possible, most importantly, as much as possible. early dates remove the spiral from the uterus. Then the risk of miscarriage is 25%, while leaving the structure in place leads to spontaneous abortion in half of the cases, that is, it reaches 50%.

How dangerous is pregnancy with a spiral and its consequences

When a woman is faced with pregnancy in the presence of an IUD, she involuntarily wonders if it is possible to give birth to a baby conceived in this way. More recently, gynecologists unequivocally stated that if this happened, then there is only one solution - an abortion. Today, the picture has changed somewhat and many women managed to give birth to healthy babies, although conception occurred with an IUD.

The final decision depends only on the pregnant woman, and the task of doctors is to accurately calculate the possible risks and their degree of probability so that the woman can give birth to a healthy baby. If the child is saved, then the spiral must be removed. Sometimes with the growth of the fetus, it falls out on its own.

Is it possible to get pregnant with a spiral? Yes, albeit unlikely. To minimize the risk of an unwanted conception, you need to undergo regular gynecological examinations, monitor the length of the antennae that are palpable in the vagina. When the life of the spiral ends, it must be replaced or simply removed. Usually, after the removal of the IUD, already in the first cycle, about 35% of patients become pregnant, and in the first 3-6 months, about 60%, i.e., the IUD does not affect fertility.