Correct installation of an oblique coarse filter. Coarse water filter: system installation, useful tips for cleaning and replacing. How to install a coarse water filter

Tap water entering the dwellings goes through a multi-stage purification procedure and at the outlet meets all the requirements for it. But when transported through pipes over long distances, it again becomes contaminated. We are not talking about germs - freshly added chlorine kills most of them.

The liquid is polluted, first of all, by the products of oxidation of the walls of the waterways, detached pieces of lime scale, as well as soil particles, if repairs were carried out along the route of the water or the tightness was broken by damage.

Coarse filters create a mechanical barrier in the way of components not provided for by the standards.

This simple feature improves water quality and serves to prevent damage to water folding units: faucet mixers, household appliances mechanisms(dishwashers and washing machines), facilitates further cleaning drinking water.

Filter types

All devices exclude the ingress of contaminants into the consumer watercourse. Differences in types provide choice to the buyer and greater compliance with volumes.


The most common and compact type of coarse cleaner, often referred to as a sump cleaner.

It consists of two nozzles - inlet and outlet - and a grid, in front of which there is a reservoir for collecting contaminants.

  1. In most cases, the tank is equipped with a removable cover for the possibility of removing deposits.. Before cleaning it, turn off the water supply, drain the dirt from the storage tank, and, if possible, remove and clean or replace the grid. A sump with a flushing system is the same strainer with a reservoir, during the installation of which a bypass system for supplying water in the opposite direction is provided. Then you do not need to remove the grid - just direct the flow in the other direction. It is very convenient if a drainage drain is created into the sewer system.
  2. According to the configuration, the mesh apparatus is straight and oblique- the name indicates the location of the sump. Installation of a direct filter is only possible on a horizontal pipe section and requires a little more space below. An oblique cleaner can also be installed vertically if the water is supplied from above.
  3. According to the method of attachment to the water supply system, the devices are flanged and coupling. flange connection used on large diameter pipes, for example when installing a pre-filter before entering the system apartment building. Coupling fasteners are used on pipes of smaller diameter, in particular for devices for individual use. Their installation is not difficult, it is carried out using a wrench and union couplings, usually included with the filter.

Cartridge or cartridge

Stationary filter type for indoor use. It is a volumetric flask, with a replaceable cartridge through which water passes. Eliminates both large and small impurities.

Often used as an individual device for water that has undergone general house cleaning. The replacement element is made of plastic (disposable) or corrosion-resistant metal (reusable).

The design is attached to the wall, access to the cartridge is carried out using the key included in the kit.

pressure system

high speed pressure system coarse cleaning: it is a flask of impressive size, filled with a cleaning compound, inside which water is filtered. Pollution from 30 microns is retained.

The system is equipped with a device that regulates the composition of water. This type of filter must be connected to the sewer - pollution is removed through the drainage drain. Thus, the whole structure is a self-cleaning device.

The kit includes pressure gauges at the inlet and outlet, it is possible to regulate the pressure inside the system. Operation is possible only in a room with a positive temperature. Due to the size and cost, it is advisable to use at the entrance to the house.

How to choose

When choosing a cleaning device, one should proceed from the purpose of each particular apparatus. The coarse filter for individual use has smaller volume indicators, and its installation and cleaning is easier. Devices for apartment buildings and industrial purposes are chosen by specialists.

When buying, check the device for visible damage and cracks - exclude factory and shipping defects.

Design flaws are a relative concept. Who is warned is armed. Therefore, in each case, before buying, you should read the instructions for using the model, make inquiries with the seller.

Disadvantages are revealed, unfortunately, only during operation, but this does not affect the quality of the filter, it only complicates maintenance and operation.

Before purchasing, you need to make sure that the configuration of the model fully complies with the declared list in the instruction manual. Warranties are required. When installing the filter yourself, do not use incomplete parts and tools if special fittings and keys are included in the purchase.

Installation and maintenance

Installation is not difficult. Initial installation involves cutting the pipe and threading, so it is better to entrust this procedure to a plumber or representatives of accounting organizations: usually, when installing a water meter, specialists are required to install a coarse filter.

Further maintenance is carried out independently. You can unscrew the structure with a wrench, having previously turned off the water.

Why is it necessary to install before the counter

A coarse filter must be installed in the pipe section in front of the water consumption meter. This will ensure the correct operation of the device, protect all devices using water from damage.. The use of the device will ensure long-term operation of household appliances.

Cost and popular models

There is a fairly large selection of coarse cleaning devices on the market. The most popular individual models are mesh simple straight and oblique filters with removable revision cover. Developers, homeowners associations and management companies use large stationary devices. The cost of the first ones is from 120 rubles, and the professional ones fit into the range from 2,000 to 30,000 rubles.

Most residents of new buildings are relieved of the need to install an in-house device: when putting the house into operation, the presence of a water meter and a filter in front of it is checked. Using plastic pipes inside the house, the water is not polluted.

And in houses put into operation many years ago, the use of this type of cleaning is highly recommended: with many years of use metal pipes corrosion is inevitable. Many reviews say this.

Olga, 26 years old

I have Small child, and I am very attentive to the composition of his diet. Before the coarse filter was installed, I did not dare to use tap water for making mixtures. Even after fine cleaning and boiling, there was plaque and sediment. And the drinking water filter clogged very quickly. When they put the meter on the water, they also installed a coarse cleaning device - a small detail on the pipe. The water has become much cleaner.

Anton, 38 years old

IN country house I have water from a well. Worn for analysis in the laboratory. Allowed to eat, but only after boiling - there are particles of soil. There are a lot of appliances in the house, from the dishwasher to the hot tub, and I realized that their longevity depends on the incoming water. The pressure from the source is good, so I installed a high speed pressure filter. Drainage led to the sewer, now there are no problems with cleaning - the system does everything by itself. Very satisfied.

Thus, the coarse filter is the imperative of the times. To save equipment, plumbing, plumbing equipment, its installation is necessary. Affordable price and high efficiency made these devices in demand among consumers.

Water entering an apartment or house from a well or water supply contains a mass various substances: chemical, biological and mechanical.

Coarse filters are used to purify water from its largest fractions - mechanical impurities. Currently, such devices are placed at the entrance to an apartment or house, behind shut-off equipment, or in front of counters.

Consider the main types of coarse water filters for installation in front of the meter, their features and principle of operation.


It occurs most often, it is distinguished by long-term operation without replacing the working part, which in such installations is a grid with rather small cells - within 20-500 microns.

These devices can be divided into subspecies:

  • backwash filter(clogged cells are automatically cleared of debris, and the body does not need to be disassembled for this).
  • no flush filter(in other words, mud collectors, cleaning occurs only after complete disassembly).

According to the method of fastening, it can be threaded, flanged or coupling. According to the location of the sump - straight or oblique.

This product is intended for cleaning industrial or household cold water equipped with a transparent case for visual inspection of the state of the grid. For hot water the case has a metal design, as it tolerates high temperatures better.

Cartridge (cartridge)

In such a device, the filter material is replaceable cartridges that are placed in a flask body made of plastic or metal. They trap particles from 0.5 to 30 microns, and need periodic replacement of such cartridges.

Cartridge filters upstream of the water meter are used where the particles are very fine and cannot be retained by the mesh. They are usually installed on small streams. If the flow is stronger, the device will be larger in size and price.

A feature of this variety is that work items can be used to remove not only the mechanical fraction, but also impurities. So, using a cartridge impregnated with carbon, chlorine can be removed. The stocking-type model copes with the cleaning of viscous clay and mud with algae.

Principle of operation, what are they for?

Water in urban networks before being supplied to consumers, of course, undergoes various degrees of purification. But utility networks, along with water pipes, are almost always badly worn out, and the flow of water carries rust, scale, debris and lime deposits from pipes.

Household water purification devices for food solve the problem in a very one-sided way. Small particles have pronounced abrasive action, and, thanks to this, the seals of plumbing devices, household appliances, but most of all, wear out quickly.

The only way to get rid of this problem is to install a coarse filter. The principle of operation is the passage of water through a fine mesh or other structure in which suspended solids are trapped. After the water can be subjected to finer purification.

Given the quality and composition of the water coming from the tap, it is undesirable to eat it without preliminary purification. find out in the following article.

The right choice of cleaning system is a guarantee of the safety of the inhabitants of the cottage. Manufacturers are currently offering different variants filters from , .

Connecting to the system

Installation of filters is subject to certain installation rules. If plumbing plastic, copper or stainless steel, then the filter is placed immediately after the valve, if it is old steel pipes , then the CSF is installed directly in front of the water meter. The availability of free space is taken into account, based on the size of the product, the possibility of maintenance and visual inspection.

First of all, a tap is made from the common “thread”, and a tap is installed in front of the device to turn off the water in case of disassembly and cleaning of the device. The filter is installed using an adjustable wrench. It is desirable to place a perpendicular filter with a sump down, it is better to place oblique filters vertically.

Be sure to match the direction of the water flow with the direction arrow on the device.

A sealing agent is wound around the thread and the water meter filter is screwed onto the pipe careful movements of the key.

Installing the device in front of the counter will be within the power of everyone, since this process is not time-consuming and not complicated. Much more important choose the right cleaning equipment. On this issue, it is wiser to seek advice from specialists, since the safety of meters and household appliances depends on the quality of the installation.

To our great regret, domestic water supply networks do not meet international purity standards, and, accordingly, they cannot boast of the water supplied through them. This is due to the fact that many water mains are very outdated and need to be completely replaced. Therefore, absolutely everyone faces the poor quality of tap water, especially residents of large cities. But this problem solvable, albeit purely on an individual basis. Installing a coarse water filter will help significantly purify the tap water supplied to you from various contaminants and heavy metals, thus you will protect yourself and your loved ones.

What harm can untreated tap water cause?

To begin with, I would like to note the fact that water is an excellent solvent for almost all chemical elements that have a very negative impact on human health. For example, hard water causes salt deposits in the joints, and manganese, which is in its composition, affects the liver. There are a lot of such examples - they can be listed indefinitely. In addition, suspended particles can shorten the life of household appliances or even disable them.

Important! Today, many manufacturers in the instructions recommend using a coarse filter without fail. Otherwise, no one will bear any guarantee for the performance of the unit.

What is a coarse filter and its main purpose?

The main purpose of the coarse filter is to purify water from various small particles, such as sand, rust, clay or scale, while maintaining its bacteriological and chemical composition.

Important! Please note that a properly installed coarse water filter is very relevant not only for central water supply, but also for autonomous water supply, even if you have your own well or well.

The principle of its operation is that the entire contaminated flow passes through the filter housing, the cells in which trap all large particles. Thus, already purified water suitable for consumption is supplied to the consumer.


As for the design characteristics, the filters used for a house or apartment are almost the same. In addition to ease of installation and ease of maintenance, their main advantages include:

  • Ease and convenience in operation;
  • Low cost;
  • Durability;
  • Wide temperature range of application.

Important! Until you install a special cleaning device, as well as for those life situations when you need to use water of dubious quality, we suggest that you save yourself a selection of ways.


Depending on the filtration method and device, filters are divided into cartridge and mesh.


This is the simplest form of such structures. Mainly in water supply network mount the so-called oblique filter.

Important! The oblique filter got its name solely due to its design features.

It is made in the form of pipe systems, according to the principle of a tee, the additional element of which is at an angle to the main pipe element. It is in the additional tube that the mesh filter is inserted, which has the form of a cylinder, with a diameter smaller than the pipe section.

Important! In order to determine the length of the mesh cylinder, it is necessary to add the diameter of the pipe of the main line to the length of the oblique element. This means that in the end the filter will completely block the entire flow of water that passes through the water pipe.

From above, the filter is closed with a lid with a rubber gasket, which ensures the tightness of the entire structure.

The convenience of using this device lies in the fact that it is mounted on the main supply pipe, into which it is installed using threaded connection. At the same time, the oblique filter is washed by opening the cover and dismantling the mesh cylinder, after which it is washed with water under pressure and returned to its place.

Important! Before cleaning the oblique filter, it is necessary to turn off the water supply.

Also, in addition to oblique models, there are also direct options for mesh filters for coarse water purification. In them, an additional element is connected to the main one at a right angle.

Important! Direct filter models are installed exclusively on horizontal sections of the water supply.


The use of a water filter cartridge contributes to more efficient cleaning. By appearance such devices look like a vessel with a double wall, in which there is a transparent case on the outside, and the filter element itself is located inside.

Important! In appearance, the cartridge coarse water filter resembles a cartridge. In this regard, as an alternative, this type is also called a cartridge filter.

Its principle of operation is that the main flow enters directly into the cavity of the body, which passes through the cartridge. Thus, debris particles are retained in the cartridge, and then returned to the line. Cleaning and replacement of such devices is carried out much less frequently than with mesh ones. This is due to the fact that the sump and filter zone are more voluminous.

Important! Pay attention to the fact that a transparent flask is used for cold water. This is necessary in order to be able to visually monitor the level of contamination of the cartridge. But for hot, a flask made of opaque materials is used.

Coarse filter for water - which one to choose?

For you to do right choice, you need to define the following parameters in advance:

  • Degree of water pollution. It is determined by laboratory analysis, according to the results of which experts will provide you with recommendations on the choice of a particular model.
  • intensity of water use.

Important! The standard is the use of 200 liters per day per person.

  • The degree of water purification. It depends on the size of the cells of the mesh or cartridge.

Important! Very often, for greater confidence in the purity of the water and to increase the service life of the water supply system, two types of filters are installed at once.

As for manufacturers, try to choose domestic options. This is due to the fact that they are most adapted to the quality of the supplied tap water.

Important! In a separate article on our site you will find.

How to install a coarse water filter?

In order for the installation process to go quickly and without complications, it is very important to familiarize yourself with basic rules mounting:

  • The pre-cleaner element must be installed directly in front of the meter. This is necessary in order to protect all its parts from large particles that have not dissolved.
  • Always consider the direction of water flow. Installation must be carried out according to the arrow, which is located on the body of the product.
  • Installation is allowed in vertical pipeline strainer if the sump is sloping and only in the direction of flow from top to bottom.
  • It is contraindicated to carry out installation with a cover up. The sump must always be directed with the lid down.

Servicing the coarse filter

During the operation of the coarse filter, dirt accumulates and the cleaning element wears out. Therefore, in order to ensure that the efficiency of the equipment does not decrease over time, it is necessary to carry out preventive maintenance. Depending on the type of the cleaning element itself, the connection diagram, cleaning can be done in the following ways:

  • The cartridge filter does not need to be cleaned. However, at the time specified by the manufacturer, the cartridge must be replaced with a new one.
  • Cleaning of mesh filters is carried out in several stages. To begin with, the water supply is completely shut off, and then the lid is unscrewed, the mesh is removed and the dirt is poured into the previously prepared container. At the end, the mesh is washed with a stream of water or air and mounted in its place.

Important! The frequency of replacement or cleaning of filters occurs, depending on the amount of impurities in the stream and the frequency of use of the water supply. As a guideline, you can use a decrease in the pressure of water from a tap or a pressure gauge.


Installing a coarse filter is a guarantee not only of your health, but also of your entire family, as well as the long-term operation of household appliances. The installation process of such a device is quite easy and will not take you too much time. The most important thing is to choose the right coarse filter. We hope that our article will help you with this, so that in the end you can safely drink tap water without any worries.

Water flowing through pipes or from a well contains a variety of biological and chemical impurities, as well as mechanical pollution, which can be dangerous both for human health and for complex household appliances and expensive plumbing.

Helps remove large impurities main filter for coarse water purification.

It is installed directly at the entrance to the house. Also, such devices are also called pre-filters. They trap grains of sand, silt and other contaminants and prepare water for further purification by other filters.

Those who purchased expensive household appliances were probably warned that the manufacturer's warranty would only be valid if there was a filter at the inlet, that is, pre-cleaning is a prerequisite. Plumbing reacts to water quality, stains and plaque may appear, connections begin to leak, gaskets need to be replaced faster.

Even water meters can not withstand dirty water and fail.

If the house has a fine filter, then the pre-filter will facilitate its work, less often it will be necessary to replace the cartridges.


In city apartments, the installation of different main devices for both types of water is required. At the same time, the filter for cold water should never be used for cleaning hot water.

By the type of cartridges, the following types of devices are distinguished:

  • mesh,
  • corrugated,
  • winding filters.

The equipment can also differ in the degree of cleaning.

According to this indicator, there are:

  1. single-stage - to remove rust, sand, sediment,
  2. two-stage - additionally remove chlorine, clay, organic matter, unpleasant odors,
  3. three-stage - make water softer, remove iron.

Before buying a main device, it is important to determine the following parameters:

  • line type (hot or cold water),
  • required level of purification (mesh or cartridge filters can be used),
  • body type (with high water flow - Big blue, with a small Slim Line),
  • level hydraulic losses(the higher your apartment, the less losses should be),
  • type of cartridge (selected after water analysis).


Rating of the best coarse water filters for home

Main filters Geyser- are used for cleaning and conditioning water for household needs. They perform a whole range of tasks - from the simplest to complete reverse osmosis treatment, as a result of which the water becomes completely drinkable.

The body can be made of plastic or of stainless steel. A large selection of cartridges for water purification of any level of contamination is presented. Replacing equipment cartridges is quite simple, and the devices themselves are durable and reliable.

Another market leader is the company Aquaphor offers Viking models for installation in a city apartment or in the country. Effectively remove sand and rust, pesticides, heavy metals, bad smell.

Rugged metal housing provides resistance to mechanical stress and high pressure.

Differs in high speed of cleaning — about 25 l/min. The compact design allows you to place equipment in inconvenient and hard-to-reach places.

The honeywell coarse water filter is deservedly considered one of the best, its advantages:

  • patented backwash mechanism,
  • no need for cleaning
  • increased reliability and durability.

Not afraid of pressure surges, easy to install and use.

The Israeli company Arkal produces equally high-quality coarse water flow filters than the previous manufacturer. Their products are not yet so popular in Russia, but they are very often used in European countries. The main cleaning element is polymer discs that are resistant to corrosion and pressure surges.

Installation instructions - how to unscrew the coarse water filter

At installation of a coarse water filter it is worth relying on the arrow pattern on the body, which shows the direction of water flow.

If filter cleaning is provided, a bypass line will be required.

In general, the procedure will be as follows:

  1. Install the equipment with an adjustable wrench. For a perpendicular filter, the sump must be positioned with a cover down to allow dirt to accumulate.
  2. Flush the equipment by opening the drain cocks under the instrument.
  3. After 30 seconds, you can return the device to its working position.

Do-it-yourself coarse water strainer cleaning

If you need to replace the device with a new one, follow these steps:

  • Turn off the water, leave all taps open to relieve pressure. Then close the taps back.
  • Twist the old filter with a wrench, remove the clamps from the wall.
  • Remove the old seal, wind a new insulating tape.
  • Attach the device to the wall.
  • Turn on the water, check for leaks.

Are there any differences in coarse water filters for a country house

Coarse water filters for summer cottages have a number of differences from similar equipment for use in urban apartments. First of all, the difference is due to the composition of water. In the city, water is characterized by increased hardness, and in the country, many are faced with the smell of hydrogen sulfide and the taste of metal.

Also, the selection of equipment is carried out taking into account the source of water intake, because the water outside the city does not undergo preliminary treatment and comes directly from a well or well.

IN individual houses it is possible to use a wider range of equipment, since usually there are no problems with free space for devices. For this reason, many install more complex integrated systems of not only coarse, but also fine water purification.

Some manufacturers offer universal devices that can be used both in a private house and in an apartment. Before buying such a device, it is still recommended to analyze the water and understand whether it is suitable for water treatment in your area.

Before entering residential buildings, water always passes through a whole system of filters of urban wastewater treatment plants. But despite this, many chemical particles larger than 10 microns remain in it. Their impact negatively affects human health, the operation of household appliances that consume water, and plumbing. Installing coarse filters will prevent them from entering the house.

Pre-filters are divided based on many factors of their design, installation and purpose.

Worth knowing: if a pre-treatment element is not installed at the place where water enters the house, many manufacturers of expensive household appliances and plumbing refuse to provide a guarantee for their products.

Depending on the degree to which cleaning is performed, there are:

  • Single stage;
  • two-stage;
  • Three stage filters.

Filtration of the first stage involves only the removal of rust particles, sediment and sand from the water stream. While the second stage of cleaning helps to get rid of organic elements, chlorine and odors, and the third one removes iron particles and makes it softer.

Considering how the sump is located, in which filtered contaminants are collected, the filter can be oblique or straight. A straight line is a tank installed perpendicular to the water tank, and an oblique one is one placed under a certain slope.

Depending on the type of element that performs filtering, devices can be:

  • corrugated;
  • Mesh;
  • Winding.

If the filter does not have a cartridge, it is called a sump filter. The degree of their filtration is much lower. This is partly offset by the low cost and ease of use of the device. Cartridges are periodically subject to replacement with new ones, while you can simply remove the cover from the mud collectors and rinse.

Features of installing different types of devices

How to install a coarse water filter? Mesh oblique filters are the most common and easy to install. The work algorithm is as follows:

  1. The installation location is selected. Horizontal installation and areas with good accessibility are preferred. This allows easy access to the sump for later cleaning.
  2. A section of the pipeline is cut out to fit the size of the device and its additional elements.
  3. Threads are applied to the pipes so that the components can be securely fastened.
  4. The connecting parts and the filter itself are installed.
  5. Water turns on.

The same sequence applies to cartridge systems, with the only feature that the reservoir where dirt particles accumulate is much larger for such devices, which, accordingly, requires more free space for it.

Rules for installing a coarse filter in a country house

When installing each type of device, you must take into account its specifics and act in accordance with the instructions. Ignoring the rules will lead to incorrect installation and complete inoperability of the filter.

It is important: regardless of which device will be installed, before starting work, the water supply to the house must be shut off.

Rules applicable to any type of appliance:

  • The filter is always placed in the place of the system where water begins to flow directly into the house;
  • When installed horizontally, the sump of the device must be located at the bottom;
  • The filtration element is placed in the direction of the water flow immediately after the shut-off valve;
  • The device is installed in front of the water flow meter;
  • Vertical installation is allowed only in areas of water flow from top to bottom;
  • The movement must necessarily correspond to the arrow indicated on each filter;
  • All structural elements must be suitable for each other in terms of such parameters as pipe diameter, allowable pressure, etc.

It is important: Immediately after installation, let the water run briefly and pay attention to the appearance of even slight leaks. This will help to identify whether errors were made during the work and promptly eliminate them.

A properly installed coarse filter will significantly improve the quality and safety of water used in the house.