Which company is better to install an intrauterine device? Intrauterine device - types, principle of operation and installation procedure. Genital infection

Correctly chosen contraception is effective method prevention of unwanted pregnancy for women of reproductive age. Among the most popular means it is worth noting: hormonal contraceptive pills (pills), barrier contraception (condom) and intrauterine device.

While birth control pills require strict adherence to the rules of administration, the intrauterine device does not require special actions from the woman. After the gynecologist installs the IUD, the woman leads her usual lifestyle, without burdening herself with the need to monitor the time for taking any medication that prevents pregnancy.

Current misconceptions about the intrauterine device

Some women are afraid to have an intrauterine device installed. This fear is justified by ignorance of the specifics of the action of this contraceptive. Among the most common myths regarding the action of the intrauterine device:

  • the spiral affects menstrual cycle;
  • you cannot lift objects more than 5 kilograms;
  • can cause erosion and inflammation;
  • it is difficult to choose a spiral, so allergic reactions of a different nature occur;
  • You should not use tampons during your menstrual cycle.

All of the above reasons are myths, guesses and unfounded assumptions. In fact, the spiral does not affect the duration and abundance of discharge during the menstrual cycle. It is worth saying that an intrauterine device is placed only if the woman has been examined by a gynecologist. If an inflammatory process of any nature and localization is detected, a course of therapy is prescribed. Only after repeated tests can we talk about the possibility of installing contraception. If the spiral was supplied of proper quality, and the gynecologist is a professional, the risk of developing side effects is minimal.

As for lifting weights, this is partly untrue. A woman cannot lift weights even without a spiral. Constant tension in the pelvic muscles leads to deformation of a woman’s internal organs, including deformation of the uterus and appendages.

The myth about using tampons is based on the fact that the IUD can be dislodged. In truth, it is impossible to break and displace the spiral in this way. Inflammation and erosion are the same unfounded fiction as all the previous ones. Inflammation occurs as a result of changes in a woman’s hormonal levels, infection, or as a result of promiscuous sexual intercourse with different partners.

The IUD for women of reproductive age provides reliable protection against unwanted pregnancy (98%). Its operating conditions do not involve any special requirements or risks of complications.

Intrauterine device: advantages and features of action

The IUD (intrauterine device) is a compact and miniature device (24-35 mm) that is placed in the body of the uterus and prevents the fertilization of the egg. A number of advantages allow this device to be used for women of different ages. Among the main advantages it is worth noting:

  • high percentage of protection against pregnancy (98%);
  • wide price range;
  • acceptable use during lactation (after 2 months);
  • validity period – up to 8 years;
  • does not cause pain during installation and removal;
  • the woman leads an active lifestyle. She is not burdened with the risk of becoming pregnant without prior planning.

IUD classifications

Medicine is developing, and what was previously new is now being improved and “adapted” to the needs modern man. The same principle applies to the IUD. Today there are three generations of spirals, which differ in duration, composition and operating characteristics.

First generation inert coils

Such spirals were the very first, which means they are ineffective. It is thanks to such spirals that there are fears and risks that are associated with an insufficient level of protection. Their action is aimed at counteracting the egg by mechanically affecting the sperm. Such spirals are made of plastic. Many countries have prohibited the use of this type of IUD (since 1985), since there is a risk of displacement and the occurrence of an inflammatory process inside the body of the uterus and appendages. Protection against unwanted pregnancy is also questionable - only 70%. For these reasons, modern gynecology does not use contraception of this generation.
Approximate prices:

  • double Saf-T-Coil – 800-2000 rubles;
  • Dalkon's shield – 700-1500 rubles.

It is worth recalling that spirals of this generation have not been used for a long time, and therefore their purchase is impractical.

Metal-containing spirals

The design feature of this IUD is a plastic base (usually in the form of a T-formation), which is wrapped with metal wire. There are also differences here:

  • copper. The first metal to be used to prevent pregnancy. The effect of this metal is its antioxidant properties, which negatively affect sperm. Well-known manufacturers - Para Grand, Multiload. The price of the product varies from 1500 to 3000 thousand rubles;
  • silver. A newer and improved invention of a new generation. Silver has spermotoxic, disinfectant and anti-inflammatory effects. The price of such a product is already somewhat higher and depends on the manufacturer (1500 - 3500 thousand rubles);
  • gold. The absence of allergic reactions and a long service life are the features of this device. Gold - best material for the manufacture of contraceptive devices. The price of such goods varies from 3,000 to 7,000 thousand rubles.

Third generation spirals (LNG-IUD)

The most effective third generation intrauterine devices. Their peculiarity is the content of a hormone that counteracts the formation and maturation of the egg. The low content of the hormone progestin-levonorgestrel has a local effect and does not affect weight gain or the emotional state of the woman. In addition, such contraceptives are prescribed to women during menopause to prevent the formation of uterine fibroids and tumors of the female genital organs, which arise as a result of hormonal changes.

The therapeutic effect is the main advantage of this method. Third generation contraceptives are used for women of different ages; the main requirement is an examination by a gynecologist and passing all the necessary tests. The price of hormonal IUDs is the highest due to their long service life (up to 9 years), as well as due to the high percentage of protection against unwanted pregnancy (99%). The cost ranges from 5,000 to 15,000 thousand rubles.

What types of IUDs are there?

Today there is a wide range of necessary contraceptives. IUDs are no exception: more than 50 types of shapes and sizes allow you to choose the desired and most effective spiral. The required form is selected and recommended by the gynecologist. The doctor pays attention to the patient’s age, her physiological characteristics, height, weight and individual wishes. For example, if a woman wants to rid herself of the risk of becoming pregnant for a long time, then it is suggested that she choose among hormonal IUDs that have the longest service life - up to 10 years.

Tip: The choice of spiral shape is also extremely important.

Popular forms of IUD:

  • umbrella, horseshoe. A spiral in the shape of a semi-oval with small protrusions in the form of spikes. The peculiarity of this form is easy and painless introduction into the uterine cavity. Gynecologists recommend this form nulliparous and women who have given birth once;
  • round spirals with a single curl without visible "tendrils" that are visible in the vagina. This type is not recommended for women who have not given birth, as well as for those girls whose birth was carried out by Caesarean section;
  • The T-shaped spiral is the most effective and popular both among gynecologists and among patients of different ages. The T-shape is easy to insert into the uterus, simply removed, and during use it is not felt at all. Service life and price depend on the manufacturer and the material used.

Popular intrauterine devices: rating

Modern women are extremely demanding about their own health. Rating of the most popular contraceptive devices:

  • Mirena. A hormonal IUD that is highly valued among women of all ages. During operation it is not felt, negative impacts does not have. Guaranteed service life of about 5 years, used to prevent pregnancy and for medicinal purposes;
  • Juno. It has different shapes, length and material. A wide price range allows you to choose a spiral of the desired quality at the optimal cost;
  • Gravigard. Installed for three years, has the shape of a curved seven, an effective and inexpensive spiral, made in the USA;
  • Nova-T made of gold, copper or silver. Average price - 3000 rubles, high quality. While wearing it, the woman does not feel any discomfort, and the risk of becoming pregnant is less than 1%.

Intrauterine devices are a reliable and simple way to monitor pregnancy. However, to ensure that this contraceptive does not cause discomfort, it is important to pay attention to individual characteristics body, and also be sure to undergo an examination by a professional gynecologist.

IUD - what these three letters mean does not need to be explained to most women. After all, according to many of them, the most convenient and affordable type of contraception is the intrauterine device. But which one is better? It would be correct to get the answer to this question first-hand. What do ladies say about different IUDs?

I set it and forgot it. Contraception by 98%!

Intrauterine device- one of the most popular contraceptives. It guarantees almost 100 percent protection against unwanted pregnancy, and eliminates the need to swallow hormonal pills and constantly ensure that you do not accidentally forget to take the next pill. The IUD also compares favorably with a condom, as it does not affect sensations during sex. It lasts for a long time - from 3 to 10 years. This is a relatively inexpensive remedy. The IUD does not cause harm to the body, and after its removal, pregnancy occurs without any problems. This type of contraception is allowed to be used during lactation.

Read also:

The vaginal IUD is a tiny device (its dimensions do not exceed 4 cm) that is installed in the uterus. The IUD deprives sperm of reproductive capabilities and prevents normal growth of the endometrium. Simply put, it will prevent conception from happening. And if this happens, it will not allow the egg to attach to the uterus.

What types of spirals are there?

There are 3 types of intrauterine devices. Which is better - judge for yourself:

  • made of synthetic materials with the addition of barium sulfate. They are given a T or S shape. Their effectiveness is extremely low, and after their installation many people experience complications. Therefore, such models are practically no longer used;
  • are made from alloys that include copper, silver or gold. The spiral can be made of one metal or several (the rod is made of silver, and the winding is made of copper). These are more reliable and advanced products. They do not corrode, do not provoke inflammation and provide high-quality protection against conception. They are installed for a period of at least 5 years;
  • contraceptives of this type are similar to the products described above, but have an important difference - they are equipped with a container with a synthetic hormone. After installing the spiral, it will be released daily in small doses (up to 20 mcg). This increases the contraceptive capabilities of the IUD and serves as the prevention of endometriosis.

Let's try, based on criteria such as: the ability to get pregnant, contraindications for installation, complications, to evaluate different intrauterine devices to decide which one is better and safer. Here are the characteristics and reviews of the most common types of IUDs:

  • Multiload Cu 375. This IUD stays in place best in the uterus. If you lead an active lifestyle, this is just what you need. It does not fall out under high loads, as it has a special design - a semi-oval with spike-like protrusions. Patients note that Multiload is an effective contraceptive. Some have accumulated 5 years of experience in “wearing” it. During such a period there was no discomfort (“you don’t feel it”), not to mention an unwanted pregnancy. Not everyone is satisfied with the price - 2500-3900 rubles. Concerning side effects, then women note that after its installation, periods become “very, very heavy and last up to 6 days.” The disadvantages, according to reviews, are that it does not protect against infections. In general, the responses are positive, not counting cases of individual intolerance;
  • SMBCopper T Cu 380 A.M. Spiral made in India with pure copper wrapping. It has an anchor-shaped shape. One of its main advantages is that it is valid for 10 years. Under the influence of copper, sperm lose activity. Women formulated the main advantage of this IUD as follows: “I put it on once and you don’t think about contraception for 5 years,” that is, it fulfills its function. Costs about 750 rubles;
  • Nova - T. Made from a combined composition - plastic and silver or copper. Reliability Nova-T women They describe it like this: “5 years - and not a single flight,” but you have to get used to it. However, there are responses from those 2% who still became pregnant with this device. Sold in a pharmacy for 2650 rubles;
  • Juno Bio-T Ag. Inexpensive - 260 rubles, made in Belarus. Efficiency is up to 99% (women have no complaints about this parameter). It has the appearance of an anchor and a “classic” set of contraindications: pregnancy, tumors and inflammation of the pelvic organs, bleeding of unknown etiology, uterine anomalies, fibroids, endometriosis and copper allergy. Not suitable for nulliparous women. Approximately 4-5 months after administration, according to reviews, side effects are possible: painful and abnormally long periods, discharge in the middle of the cycle, pain in the lower abdomen. But after six months, as a rule, they go away. Service life - 5 years. The spiral contains silver, which means it reduces the risk of developing inflammation. Only those whose bodies did not accept it had a negative experience;

  • Mirena intrauterine device. There are numerous reviews, which proves that this is a very popular hormonal model. Equipped with a reservoir rod filled with levonorgestrel. They introduce it for 5 years, and they put it with medicinal purposes(so that the myomatous node does not grow) - and this helps. Some women are alarmed by the fact that after its installation, periods disappear. You can also find the following responses: “with this coil, the skin has become dry and thin, pigmentation has come out,” “it protects against pregnancy, but can cause hormonal imbalance and weight gain.” It is expensive - up to 10,000 rubles;
  • VIP class spiral - TdeOro 375 Gold (Spain). Equipped with a gold core. Costs up to 10 thousand rubles. Can stand no longer than 5 years. Suitable for those who are allergic to silver. Rarely causes uterine inflammation. The form is selected individually.

The intrauterine device is, today, one of the most reliable methods of contraception. The effectiveness of this method is 98% (and according to the latest data - 99%). This is a very high figure.

An intrauterine device (IUD) is a miniature device, most often made of plastic and copper. More effective, but also more expensive, spirals are made using silver and gold. These materials have an anti-inflammatory effect, which is a definite plus.

How does the intrauterine device work?

The IUD prevents the fertilized egg from implanting in the uterine cavity and prevents the possibility of further development of the embryo. The IUD is inserted into the uterine cavity and thereby prevents it from closing. In addition, the copper from which the spiral is made causes a local inflammatory reaction, provoking the production of fluid with a spermicidal effect. This fluid immobilizes the sperm, preventing them from coming into contact with the egg, and fertilization does not occur.

However, some women refuse this method of contraception for religious reasons, because they consider the IUD to be an abortifacient - after all, fertilization does occur. For such women, hormonal IUDs (for example, the Mirena IUD) are more suitable.

Modern hormonal IUDs have a complex effect. They not only mechanically prevent pregnancy, but also change hormonal background, as a result of which fertilization does not occur. The amount of endometrium in the uterine cavity decreases (the egg has nowhere to settle there); the viscous thick mucus produced in the cervix prevents sperm from penetrating inside, and the sperm themselves, losing mobility, cannot take part in fertilization.

The hormonal device in the uterus lasts 5 years.

The most popular spirals


The Multiload intrauterine device is made in the shape of a semi-oval with spike-like protrusions, thanks to which it is well fixed to the walls of the uterus. This reduces the risk of expulsion (spontaneous loss) of the coil. Cost about 2500 rubles.


The intrauterine device has the form of a T-shaped plastic rod with flexible shoulders and a ring for subsequent removal of the device. The rod is also a container for medicinal product levonorgestrel. The container shell ensures uniform release of the drug into the uterine cavity. A small amount (24 mcg per day) of the hormone levonorgestrel is released daily, the effect of which is similar to that of oral contraceptives. One of the most expensive, but also effective, IUDs. Cost 7000-10000. Valid for 5 years.

Spiral Nova T

It has a T-shape. Made of plastic with copper braid. Very flexible hangers ensure safe installation of the coil. Cost about 2000 rubles. The IUD is installed in the uterus for 5 years.

Less popular spirals

  • Juno Bio - E 380. Domestic production, cost about 200 rubles.
  • T deOro 375 Gold. With a gold core. Cost over 10,000.

How to choose a spiral

There is no “best” IUD that is ideal for most women. The intrauterine device is selected individually for each woman. Only a specialist can do this, taking into account the physiological characteristics of her body.

Most modern IUDs have a T-shape, which is considered the most physiological. However, the shape of some women's uteruses does not allow for a T-shaped IUD. In this case, preference is given to a semi-oval IUD with spiky protrusions. As for the materials from which IUDs are made, this is also a strictly individual matter. Before choosing a spiral, you should consult a specialist.

Examinations before insertion of an IUD

The intrauterine device is placed in physiologically healthy women who have previously given birth, women with regular and moderate periods, and who have one sexual partner. Before the IUD is inserted, the woman is examined by a gynecologist and swabs are taken from her. It is recommended to do an ultrasound to identify contraindications to this type of contraception.

How to install an intrauterine device

Installation of an intrauterine device can only be performed by an experienced gynecologist, in a special medical institution, on the 5-7th day from the start of the menstrual cycle. Opening cervical canal at this time facilitates the installation process.

Using gynecological speculum, the cervix is ​​released and washed with an antiseptic drug. The doctor then measures the depth and direction of the cervical canal. Using a special guide, the intrauterine device is inserted into the uterine cavity. After the contraceptive is completely installed, the conductor is removed, and the threads of the spiral are cut, leaving tendrils 1.5-2 cm long (for subsequent removal of the spiral). The procedure takes no more than 5-7 minutes. In this case, the patient sometimes experiences unpleasant pulling sensations.

What are the advantages of installing an IUD?

  • High contraceptive efficiency – up to 99%.
  • Long-term action (from 5-10 years).
  • No daily monitoring required.
  • Rapid restoration of fertility after removal of the IUD.

What are the side effects of the IUD?

The intrauterine device, like any other contraceptive, has a number of side effects:

  • It is necessary to regularly monitor the presence of IUD threads in the vagina.
  • Increased amount and duration of menstrual flow.
  • Spotting bloody issues between periods.
  • The appearance of pain and cramps during menstruation.
  • The risk of occurrence increases slightly ectopic pregnancy.
  • Unpleasant odor of vaginal discharge.
  • Depletion of the endometrium in the uterus can make it difficult to carry a pregnancy to term in the future. The risk of miscarriage increases.

If the side effects are too severe, your doctor may recommend removing the intrauterine device and choosing another method of birth control.

The length of the threads must remain constant. If they become longer or shorter, this indicates that the spiral has moved out of place. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor. If there are no threads in the vagina, it is possible that the spiral either went deep into the uterine cavity or spontaneously fell out of it.

Are there any complications from installing an IUD?

In rare cases, if the doctor is not highly qualified, the following complications may occur.

Infection and development of inflammation in the uterus, fallopian tubes or cervix. This may be a consequence of insufficient compliance with antiseptic rules, or an unrecognized chronic inflammatory disease from which the patient suffered. This complication is accompanied by an increase in temperature, sharp pain lower abdomen and change in color of discharge. Any complications of an infectious nature require urgent hospitalization and treatment with antibiotics.

Perforation of the uterine wall It is extremely rare and can occur completely asymptomatically at the time of IUD insertion. Symptoms may appear some time later and are expressed by nagging abdominal pain and bleeding from the genital tract. Sometimes symptoms of peritonitis appear.

If the intrauterine device is inserted incorrectly pregnancy may occur, or spontaneous prolapse (expulsion) of the IUD.

Removing the intrauterine device

Removal of the intrauterine device is possible at any time at the request of the patient. It is performed only in a medical facility, and only by a specially trained medical professional. It is best to remove the IUD without waiting for its service life to expire. If you are planning a pregnancy, the intrauterine device must be removed. Before the IUD removal procedure, you must visit a gynecologist and undergo tests.

Contraindications to the intrauterine device

  • Pregnancy.
  • Malignant tumor of the cervix or uterine body.
  • Bleeding from the genitals of unknown etiology.
  • Fibroids, deforming the uterine cavity.

One of the best contraceptives today is the intrauterine device. Most often, plastic and copper are used for its manufacture, and more expensive models are created using gold and silver. The spiral reliably protects against pregnancy and has an anti-inflammatory effect. To understand which intrauterine device is better, you need to study the mechanism of its action, advantages, disadvantages and features of use.

Operating principle

The intrauterine device has a detrimental effect on sperm, as a result of which the egg remains unfertilized. In addition, since the IUD is located in the uterus, there is no room left for the egg to implant, and it comes out female body with the next menstruation.

The contraceptive effect of the intrauterine device remains permanent.

Modern spirals are released into the uterine cavity female hormones gestagens or copper ions. These active substances enhance the contraceptive effect.

Installation Features

Before installing the IUD, the gynecologist is required to conduct an examination, determine the size and position of the uterus, and also take the necessary tests.

The intrauterine device is best installed on days 3-10 of the menstrual cycle.

At this moment, the cervix is ​​slightly open, so the procedure is quick and easy. The spiral is inserted using a special guide. Control threads are left in the vagina. The whole process lasts 5-7 minutes. After the procedure, a woman may experience slight bleeding from the vagina, which is a natural reaction of the body. The spiral is placed for about five years, after which it must be removed.

After installing the IUD, you need to regularly check the length of its threads and visit a gynecologist every six months. During the week after installation, sexual rest and lack of physical activity are recommended.


Intrauterine devices can be different. The main difference is the material of manufacture, sizes and shapes. The most common options:

The spiral has a T-shape and is made of flexible polyethylene. The contraceptive contains the following active ingredients:

  • copper;
  • silver;
  • barium sulfate;
  • iron oxide.

Nova T is a physiological coil that neutralizes the ability of sperm to fertilize an egg. The intrauterine device is installed only by a gynecologist, and its service life ranges from 30 months to 5 years. The main advantages of the Nova spiral:

  • begins to operate from the moment of installation;
  • does not affect sexual activity;
  • does not affect breastfeeding;
  • after removal of the spiral, the ability to bear children returns in the next cycle;
  • requires only one follow-up visit to the gynecologist after installation;
  • economical.

A domestically produced spiral, the operating principle of which is based on the fact that a small device made of plastic with copper and silver is inserted into the uterine cavity. As a result, the process of attachment of the egg to the uterus is blocked, and the motor function of sperm is inhibited.

There are the following types of Juno Bio spiral:

  1. Juno Bio-T is made of plastic and has a T-shape. Copper wire is wound around the base of the spiral and a monofilament thread is secured. Duration of operation – 5 years.
  2. Juno Bio-T Super - supplemented with an antimicrobial composition that contains propolis. The duration of contraception is 5 years.
  3. Juno Bio-T Ag – a copper-silver wire is located on a vertical rod, and a monofilament thread is also fixed. Duration of operation – 7 years.
  4. Juno Bio is ring-shaped - the diameter of the plastic ring is 24 or 18 mm. Inside it is copper wire and monofilament thread. Duration of use – from 3 to 5 years.
  5. Juno Bio ring-shaped with Ag – plastic ring diameter – 18 mm. Inside the ring there is a copper-silver wire with a monofilament thread. Duration of use – from 5 to 7 years.
  • had abortions;
  • gave birth often;
  • have a large uterus.


This type of IUD is a non-hormonal intrauterine contraceptive device and is shaped like a semi-oval, where the branches end in spike-like protrusions, allowing the IUD to better secure itself in the uterus. Multiload is made of polyethylene with the addition of copper, which makes sperm inactive. This contraceptive is indicated for women with a uterus length of six to nine centimeters. Its lifespan ranges from 3 to 5 years.

The most effective and expensive intrauterine device, which will reliably protect against unwanted pregnancy for five years. Mirena is T-shaped and consists of a plastic rod with a container containing the hormone levonorgestrel and a hanger. The hormone is dosed at 14 mcg per day from a container into the uterine cavity. This amount of the substance is enough for a contraceptive effect.

  • increased sensitivity;
  • liver pathologies;
  • infectious diseases of the excretory system;
  • otosclerosis;
  • hormone-dependent swelling;
  • predisposition to thromboembolism.

Removing the spiral

When the spiral expires, it must be removed. Sometimes the procedure is performed earlier, for the following reasons:

  1. Displacement of the spiral inside the uterus. The first sign is a change in the length of the antennae.
  2. Pregnancy - extraction is carried out in both normal and ectopic pregnancies.
  3. The desire to have a child.
  4. Growth of uterine tumor after installation of the IUD.
  5. Inflammation of the uterus and its appendages.

Removing the IUD is a painless procedure, but only if the woman is healthy. It should only be performed by a doctor.

First, he examines the woman, assesses the condition of the spiral and the possibility of eliminating it. Direct removal of the spiral is carried out using several methods:

  1. During menstruation with local anesthesia,
  2. Using hysteroscopy,
  3. Through abdominal cavity, if it is not possible to get the device through the vagina.

Side effects

The most common side effects after installation of the IUD are:

  • increased menstrual flow and increased duration:
  • the appearance of menstrual or ovulatory pain;
  • increased risk of developing infectious diseases.

The risk group includes women who:

  • do not follow the rules of intimate hygiene;
  • have a partner who is a carrier of the infection;
  • moved inflammatory diseases organs of the reproductive system;
  • have not yet had labor activity.

If side effects are severe, the doctor may remove the IUD and choose another method of contraception.

The key to the safety and effectiveness of the intrauterine device is to contact a highly qualified gynecologist and pay attention to your body.


The intrauterine device is an effective means of protection against unwanted pregnancy. There are various contraindications.

Absolute contraindications imply a woman’s complete refusal to use this method of contraception. Relative contraindications imply careful use of the intrauterine device.

Let's look at them in more detail.

Absolute contraindications:

  • infectious diseases of the reproductive system, both acute and chronic;
  • pathologies, uterine fibroids or polyps;
  • oncological diseases of the genital organs;
  • pathological uterine bleeding;
  • allergic reaction to copper;
  • pregnancy;
  • adolescence.

Relative contraindications:

  • ectopic pregnancy in the past;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • endometriosis;
  • coagulopathy;
  • promiscuity;
  • scars on the uterus or its small size;
  • absence of pregnancies.

In all of the above situations, it is important for a woman to think about the feasibility and safety of using an intrauterine device.

In the article we discuss the intrauterine device. We talk about its types, when it is placed, and possible side effects. You will find out whether it is possible to get pregnant with an IUD, whether it is harmful for women's health, and what are the consequences after its use.

An intrauterine device (IUD for short) is a contraceptive device, which is a device made of synthetic material (medical plastic). It is injected into the uterine cavity, due to which pregnancy does not occur.

The dimensions of modern spirals are 24-35 mm. They contain metals that do not provoke inflammation (copper, silver, gold) or the hormone levonorgestrel.

The action of the intrauterine device

The IUD has the following operating principles:

  • Suppression of ovarian function and slowing down ovulation. When using an intrauterine device, the hypothalamic-pituitary system is slightly stimulated. This provokes a slight increase in the secretion of levonorgestrel, while maintaining the production of progesterone and estrogens. At the same time, there is an increase in the amount of estrogen, as well as a shift in their peak in the middle of the cycle by several days.
  • Obstruction or failure of implantation. During phase 2, there is a noticeable rise in progesterone, and a decrease in the duration of the second phase. There is a cyclic change in the endometrium, but there is a failure in the synchronization of these transformations. The first phase lengthens, partial maturation of the uterine mucosa occurs, and this prevents the fertilized egg from implanting into the endometrium. The presence of copper in the IUD helps increase the absorption of estrogen, and levonorgestrel activates early maturation of the endometrium with subsequent rejection before the egg has time to securely attach itself to the uterus. This effect of the IUD is abortifacient.
  • Aseptic inflammation in the uterine cavity, impaired sperm movement. The presence of an IUD in the uterine cavity irritates its walls, thereby stimulating the secretion of prostaglandins by the uterus. These substances activate partial maturation of the endometrium, as well as aseptic inflammation in the uterine cavity. At the same time, the amount of prostaglandins increases in the cervical mucus, which stops the penetration of sperm into the uterine cavity. Due to aseptic inflammation due to the presence of the IUD, the number of leukocytes, histiocytes, and macrophages increases. All these cells increase sperm phagocytosis, isolating the fertilized egg, preventing it from implanting into the endometrium.
  • Changes in the nature of the movement of the egg along the fallopian tube. The released prostaglandins accelerate the peristalsis of the uterine tubes. Because of this, an unfertilized egg enters the uterus (its meeting with a sperm occurs in the tube) or fertilized, but at a time when the endometrium is not ready for implantation.

Pros and cons of the intrauterine device

If you are thinking about whether to install an intrauterine device, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with its main advantages and disadvantages.


The most important advantage of using an IUD is the ability to forget about the need to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy for a period of 3 to 10 years, depending on the type of device. The contraceptive effect occurs immediately after installation of the IUD. Moreover, the degree of protection against unwanted conception is up to 98 percent.

The spiral is easy to install and also easy to remove. You don’t have to wait until its expiration date expires; you can ask your gynecologist and she will get it for you right away. After removal of the IUD, pregnancy usually occurs after several cycles, in some cases during the first menstrual cycle. In this case, restoration of fertility occurs quite quickly.

Contraception using an intrauterine device allows a woman to decide for herself about planning a child. Your spouse or boyfriend may not realize that you are using an IUD, since the man cannot feel it during intercourse. The spiral does not affect the general condition of the body in any way and does not worsen the course of extragenital diseases.

The IUD does not require daily monitoring, which is convenient compared to birth control pills, which must be taken daily and at certain times. Taking various medications does not have any effect on the action of the spiral. With IUD, various surgical interventions and even breastfeed your baby.


The main disadvantage of the IUD is the fact that after its installation the cervix remains open. This is dangerous due to the possibility of penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into it, which provoke inflammatory processes in the pelvis (endometritis and adnexitis). And this happens regardless of the fact that the spiral is made of metal, which has a disinfecting effect.

In the first few months after installation of the IUD, you may experience aching pain in the lower abdomen. It's connected with hypersensitivity uterus or an incorrectly selected IUD.

The presence of a foreign object in the uterus and regular mechanical damage to the endometrium in the area of ​​contact with the coil provokes increased menstrual flow and the duration of menstruation. In some cases, this later leads to anemia.

Sometimes, while using an IUD, an ectopic pregnancy occurs. It is quite dangerous, as in some cases it is fatal.

The introduction of a spiral into the uterine cavity leads to thinning of the uterine endometrium. In the future, this adversely affects the ability to get pregnant, increasing the risk of miscarriages. Anomalies in the structure of the female genital organs are a prohibition for the installation of an IUD, since in this case there is no guarantee of protection against unwanted pregnancy.

Another disadvantage of the intrauterine device is the possibility of it falling out. As a rule, this happens during menstruation. Since not everyone is able to notice the prolapse of the IUD, this can lead to unwanted conception.

The IUD does not protect against sexually transmitted infections. Therefore, it is better to use it only if you have a regular man, and for protection with casual partners, it is better to use a condom.

The IUD can only be inserted into women who have given birth, which makes this method of birth control inaccessible to those who have not yet experienced the delights of motherhood. It is prohibited to insert or remove the IUD yourself. All manipulations should be carried out by a gynecologist. It should be borne in mind that once every six months you will have to visit a gynecologist to check the IUD.

Sometimes the IUD grows into the uterus. In this case, surgery may be required to remove it.

The intrauterine device brings not only benefits, but also harm. Therefore, it is important to take a responsible approach to its choice, follow all the specialist’s recommendations and remember that an IUD can only be installed after childbirth.

Types of intrauterine device

There is no universal IUD that is suitable for all women. The gynecologist chooses the best option for an intrauterine contraceptive based on the structural features of the uterus and the physiological state of the patient.

Currently, more than 50 contraceptive IUDs can be found on sale.

All types of IUDs are divided into 4 generations:

  • inert;
  • copper;
  • silver, gold;
  • hormonal.

Now let's look at each type in more detail.


They belong to the first generation and are obsolete. They are characterized by low efficiency, often fall out and become dislodged, for this reason their use is prohibited in many countries. Representatives of this group:

  • plastic Lipps loop;
  • Mauch steel ring with 2 scrolls;
  • double helix Saf-T-Coil.


This type of vaginal device belongs to the 2nd generation. This is a small T-shaped or semi-oval device, its rod is wrapped in copper wire. The device is easy to install and remove.

The presence of copper in the composition of the product allows you to create an acidic environment in the uterine cavity, as a result of which sperm activity is greatly inhibited. Such contraceptives are prescribed for a period of three to five years.

The most famous models of this series:

  • Juno Bio;
  • Multiload;
  • Nova T.

With silver

Any metal can oxidize and collapse. For this reason, to extend the life of the copper IUD, manufacturers began to add silver to its rod. Because of this, the sperm toxic effect is enhanced several times, and silver ions, which have a disinfectant and antibacterial effect, have a beneficial effect on the female body.

The period of use of such a contraceptive is from 5 to 7 years.


Gold Navy is an alternative to silver and copper products. Its main advantage is complete biological compatibility with the woman’s body, the absence of allergic manifestations, and the metal’s resistance to corrosion damage.

The gold device has anti-inflammatory properties and perfectly protects against unwanted conception. The service life of such a spiral is from 5 to 10 years, and after its removal, reproductive functions remain in normal condition.


The latest generation of IUDs are hormone-containing devices. According to doctors, they are the most effective means contraception.

Such an IUD has a T-shape; its stem contains a hormonal drug (levonorgestrel and progesterone), which is evenly released in small doses in uterine cavity.

This contraception has no contraindications, because the hormone does not penetrate into the bloodstream, having only a local effect: it eliminates inflammation, inhibits ovulation, and prevents fertilization of the egg. This product can be used for 5 to 7 years.

Navy uniforms

It is extremely difficult to say exactly which contraceptive device is the best. This product is selected individually, based on the structure of the uterus and personal preferences. Before choosing a contraceptive device, be sure to consult a gynecologist.

Below we will talk about the main forms of the IUD and their distinctive features.


They are the most common. They are easy to use, install and remove. The T-shaped product has the shape of a rod, from which 2 flexible hangers extend.

The hangers help fix the product in the uterine cavity. At the end of the rod there is a special thread with which you can easily remove the contraceptive.


The device is easily attached to the uterine cavity and removed. There are no additional threads in it, since they are not necessary.


This form of IUD can be in the form of an umbrella. On the outer edges of this product there are spike-like protrusions, thanks to which the spiral is securely fixed in the uterine cavity, thereby reducing the risk of its loss.

A contraceptive product in the form of a loop is used by women who have a non-standard uterine structure. And in this case, they do not have the opportunity to use a T-shaped IUD.

Installation of an intrauterine device

The IUD is installed:

  • women who gave birth after an abortion, if it passed without inflammatory complications;
  • women over 35 years of age who have already given birth and have contraindications to taking oral contraceptives;
  • women who have a low risk of genital tract infections in the absence of cervical pathologies.

Inserting a spiral into the uterine cavity will require some preparation, since this procedure is a medical intervention. Before installing the IUD, it is necessary to undergo an examination and cure all chronic gynecological diseases.

What examinations need to be completed before installing the spiral:

  • consultation with a specialist to collect anamnesis;
  • gynecological examination to determine the size and position of the uterus;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs to detect the presence or absence of inflammation and formations in the uterine cavity and appendages;
  • general urine and blood tests;
  • bacteriological seeding of vaginal discharge, cervix;
  • blood tests for HIV infection;
  • submitting a smear for cytology, microflora from three points.

Immediately before inserting the spiral, the specialist probes the uterus, measures the length and distance between the uterine angles. Many women ask what day the IUD is placed on. It is placed on the 3-4th day of menstruation, since during them the cervix is ​​slightly open, and this facilitates the process of introducing a contraceptive. In addition, the blood that is released during menstruation reduces the possibility of injury to the uterus, and also means that there is no pregnancy at the time of installation.

Mild pain in the lower abdomen after insertion of the IUD, as well as spotting, are considered normal, being just a reaction of the uterus to penetration into it foreign body. Prohibited for the first few days exercise stress. Return to intimate life possible 7-14 days after installing the contraceptive, based on how you feel.

After installing the IUD, slight spotting may appear for 2-3 months. At correct installation neither the woman nor the man feel the spiral.

After the introduction of an intrauterine contraceptive, you need to come for an examination by a gynecologist in a month, then after three months and after that every six months.

Removal of the IUD

Removal of the intrauterine contraceptive device occurs in several stages. If you do not want to get pregnant, then 7 days before the removal of the IUD, exclude unprotected intimate relations. This is due to the ability of sperm to remain active for 2-3 days, as well as the possibility of ovulation occurring after the IUD is removed. As a result, conception may occur.

It is advisable to remove the IUD on the 3-4th day of your period, in this case the pain from the procedure will be minimized. But at the same time, you can remove the product on any day of the cycle, but only if you feel well.

The procedure begins with an examination in a gynecological chair. The specialist examines the uterus to find the tendrils of the IUD. After this, a dilator is inserted to stabilize the uterus and its cavity is treated with antiseptics.

The patient inhales deeply and slowly, after which the doctor grabs the tendrils of the product with forceps, carefully removing it from the uterine cavity. Now you can easily reach the spiral by hand. During critical days, gliding occurs better.

The total duration of the procedure is several minutes, taking into account preparation. Normal symptoms after IUD removal include muscle spasms, cramping, and minor bleeding. Typically, these signs disappear within a couple of days. If there are no health problems and if desired, a new IUD can be installed immediately after removal of the IUD.

Many women are concerned about whether it hurts to remove the intrauterine device. According to reviews, inserting an IUD is more painful than removing it. Therefore, as a rule, you can do without anesthesia during the procedure.

Which is the best intrauterine device?

Pharmacies offer many remedies for unwanted pregnancy. IUDs are in particular demand among women.

Depending on your financial capabilities and physiological characteristics, the gynecologist will recommend which is best to place an intrauterine device. Below we will talk about the most popular contraceptive intrauterine devices.


Mirena is considered the most effective hormonal IUD. It has a T-shape, so it can be used by most women.

The product has a high degree of protection against unwanted pregnancy, suppresses ovulation, reduces the possibility of developing ectopic pregnancy, eliminates inflammation in the reproductive system, and regulates the menstrual cycle.

The service life is from 5 to 7 years. Price - 7-10 thousand rubles.

Nova T

Made in a T-shape. IN budget option made of plastic and copper, in expensive ones - from silver.

The product has a detrimental effect on sperm, reduces their motility and the ability to fertilize an egg. The price of the product is from 2 thousand rubles, while the service life is no more than 5 years.


Belarusian doctors were involved in the development of this spiral. There are many varieties of this spiral on sale, including for women in labor and those who do not yet have children. The price of the product ranges from 250-1000 rubles.

Main types of Juno model:

  • Juno Bio Multi - made in F shape with jagged edges. Can be used by women who have given birth and those who have had an abortion.
  • Juno Bio Multi Ag - made in a T-shape. The leg of the product is wrapped with copper and silver threads.
  • Juno Bio-T is an inexpensive option in the shape of an anchor with a copper thread on the rod.
  • Juno Bio-T Super is the same as the previous model, but with an antimicrobial composition.
  • Juno Bio-T Au - golden spiral, suitable for women with allergies to metals.


Goldlily (also called Lily) is an effective non-hormonal product that helps prevent unwanted pregnancy. The main metals of the product are gold and copper. These materials release some metal into the uterine cavity, which has an anti-inflammatory effect.

According to the instructions, this intrauterine device can be used for emergency contraception after unprotected or interrupted sexual intercourse during the first days after it. Copper ions have a spermicidal effect.

This spiral is made of polyethylene in a T-shape, wrapped with metal wire. The service life is up to 7 years.


This product is made in the shape of an umbrella; there are protrusions of spikes on its sides, which help to securely secure the product in the uterine cavity. The leg of the product is wrapped in copper, which inhibits sperm and neutralizes their ability to fertilize.

The spiral can be used in nulliparous women. The price of the device starts from 3,500 rubles.

Side effects

After installation of an intrauterine device, side effects are extremely rare. Modern technologies The manufacture of IUDs minimizes the risk of their formation.

But in some cases, you should not postpone a visit to the gynecologist after inserting the IUD, especially if you have the following signs:

  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • discomfort during intimacy;
  • heavy bleeding;
  • there are signs of infection (unpleasant odor, unusual vaginal discharge, burning or itching in the perineum);
  • bleeding during sexual intercourse;
  • shortening or lengthening the threads from the spiral.


It is prohibited to install or use an IUD in certain cases:

  • endometriosis;
  • anemia;
  • pregnancy;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • acute inflammatory processes of the genital organ;
  • previous history of ectopic pregnancy;
  • abnormal uterine structure;
  • bleeding in the uterus;
  • problems with blood clotting;
  • formations in the uterine cavity;
  • chronic inflammatory processes of the genital organ;
  • cervical dysplasia.

Intrauterine device - photo


Several factors influence the final cost of IUD installation. These include the type of product and the clinic where the installation will take place. This type of contraception is affordable for most women.

In some antenatal clinics, IUDs are installed free of charge. It will not hurt to know that taking oral contraceptives, as a rule, is more expensive than the IUD.

You can buy a spiral at a pharmacy or online store. How much it costs depends on the model, material, manufacturer, and the presence or absence of side effects. The price of an IUD ranges from 300-10,000 rubles.