Causes and consequences of spotting in early pregnancy. Causes and consequences of spotting in early pregnancy Pregnancy 12 weeks spotting

Discharge at 12 weeks of pregnancy can tell you a lot. For example, they can be used to determine how the pregnancy is progressing, whether there are any infections in the expectant mother’s body, and whether everything is normal with hormonal levels. A pregnant woman should know which discharge at the end of the first trimester can be considered normal and which are pathological. This will allow you to quickly respond to body signals and take action if something is wrong.

From the first days it is necessary to be under the supervision of the attending gynecologist.

Twelve weeks is the time when the hormonal background of the expectant mother is in the phase of active restructuring. This period is characterized by increased production of progesterone. It is necessary for the normal development of the baby. The “pregnancy hormone” is responsible for preserving the fetus. Without it, the uterus will begin to contract and the fetus will be rejected.

Under the influence of progesterone, the amount of mucus begins to increase. Only abundance distinguishes the normal discharge of an expectant mother and an unpregnant woman. In character they resemble the “pre-pregnancy” norm:

  • transparent;
  • mucous structure;
  • have no smell.

A slight change in mucus color is considered normal during this period. It may acquire a certain whitishness and become milky. Don't be alarmed when you see copious white discharge at the end of your trimesters. This phenomenon indicates that the body is protecting the fetus. By the end of the 12th - early 13th week, a mucus plug forms in the cervix, which protects the fetus from external infections. It is present throughout the entire gestation period. While the plug is forming, the secretion may take on a white tint. Is there any burning, itching, discomfort, or noticeable odor? There is no need to worry about the mucus turning whitish. Any doubts left? Only a gynecologist can dispel them.

Normal discharge can cause discomfort to the expectant mother due to its abundance. You can smooth out unpleasant sensations by increasing hygiene and using disposable pads. Gynecologists advise changing sanitary pads as often as possible during pregnancy. This is necessary to prevent the penetration of germs.

White curdled secretion

  • have a cheesy consistency;
  • form lumps;
  • have an unpleasant odor (“fishy”).

Sometimes, with a fungal infection, the secretion gives off a yellowish appearance. If the mucus is homogeneous and not cheesy, but there is a characteristic “sour” smell, it is thrush. Usually with this disease the discharge is abundant and is accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the vagina - burning, itching.

Thrush is a common occurrence during pregnancy, and pregnancy even promotes the growth of fungi. This is due to hormonal changes. Progesterone changes vaginal acidity. The changes are a signal for fungi, for which such conditions are ideal. A woman’s immunity during pregnancy is reduced: this is a natural phenomenon that ensures the continuation of pregnancy. However, the weakening of protective reactions provokes the proliferation of Candida fungi. They accumulate and it begins inflammatory process, which is expressed by symptoms - characteristic lumpy mucus, itching, odor.

During pregnancy, many types of drugs are prohibited for use

Thrush needs to be treated, so it is important that a woman “in an interesting position” reacts in time to the changed nature of the discharge. Candidiasis can complicate the course of pregnancy: a fungal disease is often a “trigger” for erosion. With erosion, the likelihood of ruptures during childbirth increases, as the elasticity of the vagina decreases.

Treatment of thrush before the 16th week is complicated by the inability to use medications. While the baby’s organs and systems are forming, drug therapy is undesirable. However, you should not hesitate to see a doctor: you need to see a gynecologist as soon as the expectant mother sees “white cottage cheese” on a sanitary pad. The doctor will give recommendations on adjusting your diet, which will change the acidity of the vagina. You will have to contact the gynecologist again with your problem at the 16th week: from this time you can treat thrush.

What does yellow mean?

If the vaginal secretion of a pregnant woman becomes yellow, this may be a signal indicating an infection. The proliferation of microorganisms that have penetrated the genitals, the presence of an inflammatory process changes the color of the discharge. When the yellow secretion is accompanied by unpleasant sensations and has a specific smell, this indicates bacterial infection sexually transmitted. A sharp increase in secretion, change in color, and itching may indicate gonorrhea.

Infections are especially dangerous during pregnancy. Infection of the membranes of the fetus may occur, which affects the development of the baby. Infections can cause miscarriage.

The yellow color of the discharge is a reason to consult a gynecologist. It is impossible to independently determine why the secretion has changed; this is the competence of the doctor. The woman will need to have vaginal smears. Based on the test results, the presence/absence of infection and the type of bacteria are determined. Sexual infections require mandatory treatment, because they pose a danger to the fetus. The doctor selects the course of therapy taking into account the duration, taking into account sensitivity to antibacterial drugs.

Drug treatment is carried out only after the 18th week. But the sooner the infection is detected, the higher the chances of eliminating risks. Therefore, if you find yellow discharge in the 12th week, you need to immediately make an appointment with your gynecologist. He will compare the risks of therapy and the benefits of it, and determine the optimal time for correction. Expectant mothers are strictly prohibited from carrying out any treatment on their own. This applies to taking medications and contacting traditional methods. One thoughtless step can harm a baby who has just begun to develop in the womb.

Ideally, you should check for infections at the planning stage. Having gotten rid of the problem before conception, you need to follow recommendations that will help eliminate the inflammatory process and infection after pregnancy.

Sometimes pregnant women mistake drops of urine that remain on a sanitary pad for yellow discharge. Urinary incontinence is a common occurrence during pregnancy. It may appear towards the end of the 1st trimester. This is due to hormonal changes and weakening of the pelvic muscles due to fetal growth. If the yellow marks are a one-time occurrence, then there is no need to worry. When they appear regularly, you need to seek advice from a specialist. Especially if the period is short (10 - 12 weeks).

Greenish marks on clothes

Do not ignore any suspicious symptoms

The greenish tint of discharge should alert a pregnant woman. Most often it is a symptom of an infection. After conception, a physiological decrease in immunity occurs, the vaginal microflora changes, which increases the risk of infection. Especially in the 1st trimester, when the female body is still getting used to the new state.

Green discharge, which is a symptom of infection, is usually accompanied by itching in the groin area. The secretion takes on an unpleasant odor. Greenish mucus appears during sexually transmitted infections, the causative agents of which are:

  • Trichomonas;
  • chlamydia;
  • gonorrhea;
  • streptococcus.

The presence of pathogenic bacteria is dangerous during pregnancy. They provoke inflammation of the cervix, damage the appendages, and trigger an inflammatory process in the vaginal mucosa. The risks of complications increase if the epithelium of the reproductive organ has been damaged during violent sex or inaccurate gynecological examination. Pathogenic microorganisms can cause self-abortion. At the 12th week, they can cause infection of the fetus and lead to delayed intrauterine development of the baby.

If light green discharge remains on the underwear, this indicates the development of bacterial vaginosis. It often occurs during pregnancy; pregnancy provokes changes in the vaginal environment, so opportunistic bacteria begin to actively multiply. Vaginal dysbiosis early stages may occur if the woman was treated with antibiotics immediately before conception. Failure to observe the rules of personal hygiene contributes to the growth of bacteria: this issue should be given more attention during pregnancy than before conception.

The exact reason for the coloring of the secretion in green color Only a gynecologist can determine. Deviation from the norm cannot be ignored. The sooner the infection is detected, the higher the likelihood of getting rid of it without consequences for the patient and the fetus. Although gynecologists rarely prescribe drug therapy at the 12th week, the doctor will give recommendations that will stop the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms and determine the time when treatment with drugs can begin.

Brown discharge is a dangerous symptom

Brown discharge at 12 weeks of pregnancy is usually dangerous symptom. They may indicate:

  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • fetal freezing;
  • damage to the cervix;
  • lack of progesterone, which increases the risk of miscarriage.

Majority pathological conditions in the early stages are not accompanied by other symptoms, except for the vaginal mucus turning brown. Therefore, this phenomenon cannot be ignored: the faster the pathology is identified, the more favorable the prognosis.

You should not postpone going to the doctor if you have brown mucus. It is important to remember that even if the pregnancy is terminated, early identification of the problem avoids complications and increases the chances of a successful pregnancy in the future. Delays in the event of fetal freezing or implantation of the fertilized egg outside the uterus can even result in serious problems for the patient’s health, leading to infertility and even death.

Therapy is prescribed by a doctor on an individual basis

Pathological pregnancy is not such a common occurrence. Therefore, mucus most often acquires brown shades from a lack of progesterone. This phenomenon is dangerous because the risk of miscarriage increases. However, if detected early, the deficiency of the “pregnancy hormone” can be corrected with medication. The doctor decides which drugs are effective and safe on an individual basis.

Sometimes light brown mucus may not be dangerous. In the 1st trimester, “daub” may appear on the days when you had your period. This phenomenon is usually observed in the first six weeks, but can last until the end of the trimester. Brownish discharge of a non-pathological nature can be distinguished by its consistency: it is ichor. They are not plentiful, but “smearing”.

Brown impurities in mucus can appear from careless sexual contact. This is a common occurrence during pregnancy; pregnancy increases the sensitivity of the vagina. One careless movement and small vessels are damaged, which is manifested by brown veins in the secretion. There is no threat to the fetus.

Even if a woman is sure that brown discharge appeared due to reasons that do not pose a danger, it is worth playing it safe and getting examined by a doctor. The expectant mother has no room for error, because she is responsible for two lives.

Causes of bleeding

Bloody discharge scares expectant mothers more than others. Most often, they indicate that something is wrong with the mother’s body or pregnancy. Blood on underwear is a reason to urgently consult a doctor, because the risks of losing your baby in this case are very high.

Why do they arise? bloody issues? The most common reasons include:

  • Ectopic pregnancy. If the ectopic attachment of the fertilized egg was not determined before the 12th week, then by the end of the first trimester, when the fetus grows, a tube rupture may occur. This dangerous phenomenon is accompanied by heavy bleeding, but before this, spotting appears. If you do not react to them in time, the consequences can be serious, even fatal.
  • Freezing of the fetus. The first 12 weeks of pregnancy are considered the most critical: the fetus may stop developing and die. Rejection of the fetus does not begin immediately, but the body recognizes the freezing of toxins and starts the process of miscarriage. The first sign of such a pathology is spotting and spotting.
  • Threat of self-abortion. Blood in the discharge may appear against the background of dangerous infections that pose a threat to the baby. Scarlet marks on the underwear may indicate that the body identifies the fetus as a foreign object and tries to reject it. When there is a threat of miscarriage, in addition to the discharge, unpleasant sensations appear in the lower abdomen - nagging cramps, pain.
  • Lack of progesterone. If there is a lack of “pregnancy hormone”, the likelihood of fetal rejection increases. The first signal is blood-stained mucus. The issue can be resolved with the help of medications, but you need to respond quickly.
  • Erosion. In the presence of pathology, a bloody “smear” usually occurs. Blood in the discharge becomes more noticeable after sexual intercourse.

The discharge may become pink after a gynecological examination. At the 12th week, expectant mothers undergo a routine examination, during which the vaginal mucosa may be damaged due to careless actions of the doctor. This happens often, because the mucous membrane becomes very sensitive during pregnancy. Drops of blood from a small wound on the mucous membrane mix with the discharge, turning it pink. This phenomenon does not pose a threat.

Pathological discharge and pain

The expectant mother should pay attention to daytime rest

Uncharacteristic discharge may be accompanied by pain. Pulling in the lower abdomen? Do you experience cramping pain? You should consult a doctor immediately. If the pain syndrome appears against the background of bloody discharge, you must call an ambulance. This may indicate a threat of miscarriage or a self-abortion. The health of the mother herself, and often the life of the baby, depends on the speed of action. Behind medical care You should always contact us when there is severe pain in the lower abdomen, even if the discharge remains normal.

Mucus of an uncharacteristic color and pain may appear during an ectopic pregnancy. A pregnant woman needs to undergo an examination to make sure that the embryo has implanted in the uterine cavity.

In infectious diseases, pain is rarely observed. But specific discharge during the inflammatory process and the presence of pathogenic microorganisms is almost always accompanied by discomfort: burning, itchy groin area.

If there is no discharge

Discharge during pregnancy is a natural phenomenon. Mucus protects the body from infection. If there is no discharge, this is an alarming sign. This phenomenon is extremely rare, although the secretion can be produced in small quantities.

If the discharge in the 12th week has significantly decreased in volume, this may indicate a hormonal imbalance. It is important to find out the reason for this change, because hormonal fluctuations outside the norm are dangerous during pregnancy. A lack or excess of one of the important hormones can affect the development of the fetus and lead to miscarriage.

What to do if the discharge is not normal

Any change in discharge is a reason to consult a doctor. The secret can tell about the state of the mother’s health, the development of the fetus, the nature of the pregnancy, but only a gynecologist can decipher these signals. It is important to take into account the color, consistency, smell, and abundance of discharge.

If the cause cannot be determined during examination and after smears, the doctor prescribes additional types of studies, including ultrasound. Based on the test results, the cause of changes in vaginal discharge is determined and treatment is prescribed.

If the patient complains at 12 weeks or earlier, the doctor approaches the choice of therapeutic methods with extreme caution. There is not much time left until the second trimester, so if the problem allows, the gynecologist can choose a wait-and-see approach. After the 14th week appears more space for maneuvers: many drugs are prohibited in the first trimester, but are safe in the second.

It is strictly forbidden to solve the problem of pathological discharge on your own, regardless of what caused it. Even treating thrush without medical supervision can lead to serious consequences. Uncontrolled use of drugs, resort to methods traditional medicine unacceptable. While carrying a baby, you need to discuss all actions with your doctor: this is the only way to avoid complications and safely deliver the baby.

Prevention of pathological discharge

In order for the discharge to remain normal (and therefore the entire body to remain normal), the expectant mother needs to follow a number of rules:

  • strengthen hygiene;
  • do not use scented pads or products intimate hygiene of dubious quality;
  • wear underwear made from natural “breathable” fabrics;
  • adhere to nutrition and regimen recommendations (to maintain immunity);
  • use a condom if you have doubts about your partner (to avoid infection).

The ideal option is a planned pregnancy, which the partners approach with all responsibility. When planning, you need to get tested, which will help identify infections and treat them before conception. A woman who wants to become a mother must first visit a gynecologist. If tumors and erosions are detected, treatment should be given. So the likelihood that the nature of the discharge will change during pregnancy is reduced. But it is impossible to completely exclude changes in the secretion, because it is impossible to predict how the hormones will behave and how the pregnancy will proceed.

The task of the expectant mother is to carefully monitor the signals that the body sends. Changing allocations cannot be ignored. If you have any doubts, you should make an appointment with your doctor. Before consulting a specialist, it is recommended to avoid physical activity and sexual contact. Don’t worry ahead of time: altered discharge may well turn out to be a variant of the norm. But if there is blood and significant painful sensations, then panic is justified: you need to call an ambulance.

2011-03-16 14:38:03

Svetlana asks:

Hello! I had a miscarriage at 17 weeks of pregnancy. The cause could be a hormonal imbalance (there was a polyp cervical canal), which weakened the cervix. Second pregnancy (girl). The first child is 4.5 years old. Tell me, is it possible that miscarriages will occur when a girl is conceived?
But this is not the main question. My cycle is 30 days. 40 days have passed since the cleansing and I have not had my period. I took 2 tablets of Duphaston at weekly intervals to stop lactation, but it didn’t help completely. Tests for infections were taken during pregnancy - all negative. I had 2 ultrasounds - everything was normal. Is it possible to do without taking hormones to restore menstruation? If yes, then how?
There was bloody discharge 2 weeks after cleaning. Then they stopped. But about 25 days after the reading, there was abundant transparent white discharge for 2-3 days.
Thanks in advance!

Answers Demisheva Inna Vladimirovna:

Hello! You are probably mistaken; duphaston is not prescribed to stop lactation; dostinex is used for this purpose. A miscarriage is not related to the child’s gender, and menstruation can shift due to hormonal imbalance; the need to prescribe hormone therapy is determined by the initial level of hormones (i.e., you need to take blood tests for hormones according to the phases of the cycle) and your doctor.

2010-03-04 20:00:01

Tatiana asks:

Today I found out from the hCG readings that the pregnancy is not developing, before this my stomach was tight for 2 days and there was very little bleeding, the period is 5 weeks. Please tell me - is cleaning necessary?

Answers Petrenko Galina Alexandrovna:

Hello Tatiana.
Indicators of a frozen pregnancy are the absence of an embryo, the absence of heartbeats. At 5 weeks, the embryo should already be visible and the heartbeat should be detected. Such a diagnosis is not made using hCG levels alone. If, nevertheless, the diagnosis is correct, then curettage (and not cleaning) is mandatory, followed by a histological examination of the contents.

2016-09-06 07:54:14

Irina asks:

Hello. The following problem happened: my boyfriend and I had sexual intercourse, and it so happened that the condom broke. 12 hours later I took an escapelle tablet. PA was 07/24/16, last menstruation was 07/16/16. After taking the pill, there was bleeding from July 29 to August 1. On August 12, new periods were supposed to start, but they never did. After 10 days of delay, I went to the doctor, to which she said that those discharges were my new periods. She roughly said that the next dates would be 26-29, but they never came. During this time I took 4 tests, all negative. I did an ultrasound and the doctor said there was no pregnancy. A week has passed since the ultrasound, it’s already September 6, I still haven’t had my period, but my lower abdomen periodically hurts and my breasts swell as if they were getting sandy. What to do? Should I take pills to get my period?

Answers Bosyak Yulia Vasilievna:

Hello Irina! All funds emergency contraception contain a high dose of hormones and their intake leads to hormonal imbalance. First of all, you should undergo an ultrasound scan of the pelvic organs and contact a gynecologist with a conclusion.

2016-06-30 11:42:15

Maria asks:

Hello. I have a very unclear situation. My periods are not regular. And according to the results of my previous ultrasounds, ovulation is always in different days. Either immediately after menstruation, then before it, or in the middle of the cycle. My cycle is from 33 to 41 days. But there was a delay in December and my period arrived on the 70th day. My period was supposed to come on June 2nd. Before this, there were unprotected sexual acts. Since we are already planning a child, but without any more graphs and calculations. From June 9 to June 12 there were unprotected sexual intercourses again. The last test was done on June 16th. On June 17, bleeding began. And my stomach hurt a lot. I thought my period was starting. The next day is the same. And it’s not much at all, it doesn’t look like menstruation. Well, not mine. At 19-20 there was very little for the day... well, it seemed to be a blur and that’s it. I live in Germany. Only 5 months. I still have difficulty with the language... I asked my mother what it could be. She advised me to drink magnesium in case there was a threat of miscarriage. I drank the 20th at night. And all day on the 21st. On the 21st there was already discharge from the underwear. There was no characteristic smell. On the 23rd I already went to the doctor. He said that I have polycystic disease. Slightly enlarged ovaries. Doesn't see pregnancy. He told me to wait for my period. And he didn’t write anything out. He didn’t even print out my ultrasound for me. They don't do that here. Another week has passed...what to expect? I do not know what to do. My last period was on April 30th. Lasted 6 days as usual. Please tell me what to do next. Thank you

Answers Palyga Igor Evgenievich:

Hello Maria! Based on your description, one can indeed suspect polycystic ovary syndrome. This pathology is endocrine in nature and can be accompanied by chronic anovulation. Have you clearly tracked ovulation using ultrasound? Today, if you have not had your period since April 30, you need to induce your period with a progesterone drug and, from the first day of your period, start taking COCs for a period of 3-6 months for correction hormonal levels. Then you need to track the progress of ovulation and plan conception clearly during ovulation. Anovulation will require stimulation with clomiphene or r-FSH.

2016-06-30 09:00:20

Ekaterina asks:

24 years old, regular cycle, 26 days, ovulation on the 14th day. My husband is 39 years old. Nobody has children. The environment in the city is not the best, but we don’t work in hazardous industries, we don’t drink, we don’t smoke, and we take care of our health.

Last year there was a spontaneous abortion at 4 weeks (we can say that it was bhb), and in the next cycle there was a new pregnancy, but it froze at 8 weeks, judging by the CTE. During that pregnancy, I felt terrible, and after taking tests for thyroid hormones, I began taking thyroxine. After failure, I became pregnant again as soon as the doctors allowed. The pregnancy was going well, but it also suddenly stopped at 8 weeks, according to KTR.

In both pregnancies there was no bleeding or pain (there was spotting after PA with the second one frozen due to the cervix, everything stopped in a couple of days, according to the ultrasound then everything was fine, it was 5 weeks + 6 days, and the size was set at 6 weeks and 4 days, Sat+).

By husband: My husband had some missed pregnancies in his family, but all the children born were healthy. According to the spermogram, everything is fine, but the morphology is not taken into account (for some reason there is no description of it at all). I tested for ureaplasma, mycoplasma, chlamydia, gonococcus and trichomonas - clean. I recently had a full blood test, blood biochemistry, and a urine test - no abnormalities, white blood cells are normal, there is only a little mucus in the urine. My husband went to the doctor because of morning swelling of his face.

For me: TORCH - negative (although my husband is a carrier of CMV and herpes), antibodies to rubella, culture for STDs is clean, PCR from the c/channel for chlamydia and pathogenic mycoplasma - negative. Homocysteine ​​in the absence of folate intake is 5 or 6, that is, the norm. Thyroid hormones have been adjusted - thyroxine is 50. Progesterone in the second phase is 53 nmol/l, and during pregnancy at week 5 it was 94 nmol/l.

During pregnancy I took thyroxine, iodomarin and folic acid 1 mg. Before all her pregnancies, she was on the COC Diana 35 for 5 years, and she felt excellent.

There is no way to do karyotyping of the abortion or us - they simply don’t do it in the city, so one can only guess about CA. According to histology, for the first time, the general picture is inflammation (in principle, it is logical, since I was already admitted for a week, or even more, frozen). After the first frozen bleeding for a long time, they injected Dicinon and Gordox before cleaning, then a new cycle came after 22 days, they discovered a follicular cyst and a placental polyp. A new cycle began after 26 days and this frequency continues to this day; with the new cycle, this polyp was squeezed out of itself. Menstruation became adequate.

Ultrasound conclusions of frozen bodies, if it makes sense:
1 zb - chorion thickness 0.66 cm, ktr 1.6 cm, ya 3.9 cm, sb -, location along the anterior wall with transition to the pharynx - carried out according to obstetrics 8 weeks + 2 days
2 zb - chorion thickness 0.9 cm, hypoechoic KTR 1.79 cm, 5 cm, sb -, location along the posterior wall - carried out according to obstetrics 8 weeks + 3 days

1. Questions about synthetic progesterone: is it indicated for me during pregnancy?
2. Question about hemostasis mutations, does it make sense?
3. Should I be tested for AFS, lupus anticoagulant?
4. The second pregnancy hasn’t been cleaned yet, tomorrow I’m going to take a coagulogram - if it’s relatively normal, does it make sense to look for hemostasis mutations?
5. Should I increase my folate intake during pregnancy? Maybe a femibion, for example, will be enough? Or group B in general, the base dose? With folic 1 mg, the corner of the mouth cracks, with the addition of other B vitamins everything returns to normal.
6. Maybe you can tell me something else, thanks in advance. If you need scans of any studies, I will attach them.

Answers Serpeninova Irina Viktorovna:

To clarify the cause of freezing, test D-dimer (if there is a deviation from the norm, contact a specialist to look for hemostasis mutations), antibodies to phospholipids and a lupus anticoagulant. To prepare for pregnancy, take complex vitamins, such as Elevit Pronatal, etc. I would recommend that you take progesterone (during your next pregnancy), because... carrying a pregnancy depends not only on the level of progesterone, but also on the number of receptors for it. But first, repeat the test for STDs (PCR for ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, gardnerellosis trichomoniasis) for yourself in the 2nd phase of the OMC after food challenge and for your husband also after food challenge (I didn’t see your examination for ureaplasmosis and gardnerellosis, which play a significant role today role in the cause of missed pregnancies)

2016-04-30 14:45:09

Diana asks:

Hello! Pregnancy began at the beginning of 24 weeks, after washing I discovered some spotting, immediately went to the hospital, and was admitted to the hospital. When examined in a chair, they said that the cervix was closed, all previous screenings were normal. They listened to the heartbeat and told me to lie down, there was no more discharge. Attachment on the front wall, they didn’t do an ultrasound, they only took blood and urine, they still didn’t say the results. All previous tests were normal, I feel movements. Please tell me, is this kind of discharge very dangerous for a baby? maybe something is needed drug treatment, ultrasound or something else? First pregnancy and desired!

Answers Gerevich Yuri Iosifovich:

You are in the clinic, the doctors are examining you, perhaps this is simply the result of injury to the mucous membrane when washing (this is not dangerous). Of course, an ultrasound needs to be done and an examination of the blood coagulation system (coagulogram, d-dimer)

2016-01-05 14:45:05

Elena asks:

Hello. Tell me, I’m 10 weeks pregnant. Weak light pink spotting periodically appears, but nothing hurts and it doesn’t drag. What could this be?

Answers Wild Nadezhda Ivanovna:

To answer this question, it is necessary to examine the pregnant woman. There may be problems on the cervix associated with pregnancy, or there is a low attachment of the chorion, or there is a threat of miscarriage, or a frozen pregnancy, ..... Do not guess and do not read on the Internet - see a doctor at the antenatal clinic.

2015-12-09 16:41:17

Maria asks:

Hello! I am 31 years old, I had 3 pregnancies: 2 abortions in progress and 1 miscarriage, all ended with curettage at 3,6,8 weeks ber. The karyotype is normal; homocysteine ​​is normal; vitamins are all normal, the coagulogram is slightly elevated, I went to a hematologist, the doctor said this overestimation could be in a healthy person. Blood clotting is good. Spermogram is normal. They only found an immunoconflict, although my husband and I have blood type 2+. Before my second and third pregnancy I drank folic acid for 3 months, utrozhestan during pregnancy 3 times 100 mg vaginally, rheosorbilact intravenously + enrerosgel. Anyway, almost as soon as I find out that I’m pregnant, heavy spotting begins, which was stopped with Dicinone and Tranexam, which also did not give any results. Please tell me what could be my reason and where I can go in the city of Kharkov, since those doctors who saw me cannot understand what the reason is. And tell me, can suturing my husband’s skin flap help me?

Answers Palyga Igor Evgenievich:

Hello Maria! Everything that was prescribed to you, to be honest, is not serious. Have you been tested for APS? Have you been tested for lupus anticoagulant, Ig G for cardiolipins, Ig G for beta-2 glycoprotein 1? Should suturing a skin flap and inserting a biovein also have clear indications? Have you been tested for HLA typing? At our clinic “Alternative” (Lvov), Igor Evgenievich Gumenetsky deals with issues of miscarriage, if you wish, you can come to us. You will most likely need therapy at the planning stage, as well as after establishing the fact of pregnancy.

2015-11-06 14:41:46

Margarita asks:

Hello! I am pregnant, gestational age is 22 weeks (ultrasound shows 21 weeks 4 days). I feel good, throughout the entire pregnancy there was no pain, discomfort in the abdomen or bleeding. At the last ultrasound, low placentation was determined - 28 mm from the pharynx. Other indicators are within normal limits. The uterine tone is normal. The first ultrasound at 11 weeks shows “placentation along the posterior wall of the uterus.” I'm very worried about this. What is the likelihood that the situation will change and the placenta will rise? What restrictions should I adhere to? I know what to limit physical activity and give up sex, but is it possible to do gymnastics for pregnant women? And should sexual intercourse itself or orgasm, or both, be avoided? Is it possible to travel on public transport? And what else do you recommend? Thank you.

Brown discharge during pregnancy

Discharge during pregnancy Brown can appear due to a variety of reasons. Diagnosis should be carried out exclusively by a doctor. And the ones below possible reasons will help you orient yourself a little in the situation. Unfortunately, such discharge during pregnancy: brown, bloody, always indicates some kind of pathology. By the way, vaginal discharge turns this color due to the blood it contains. Now let's talk more about the possible reasons.

Ectopic pregnancy

One of the most dangerous pathologies of the expectant mother. The problem is that in the early stages it is very problematic to determine where the fertilized egg is developing. But there are still diagnostic methods.

If a woman has pain or bleeding from the vagina, the doctor not only conducts a gynecological examination, but also refers her for an ultrasound examination and a blood test for hCG. If, according to a blood test, there is a pregnancy, and its term is 2-4 weeks or more, and there is no fertilized egg in the uterus on ultrasound, this is an indication for diagnostic laparoscopy. With the help of this operation, performed, one might say, without an incision, the doctor will be able to find and remove the fertilized egg, which for some reason has begun to develop outside the uterine cavity. If this is not done, rupture of organ tissue (most often the fallopian tube) and severe bleeding may occur. This is a deadly condition.

Frozen pregnancy

A very common pathology, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. Although sometimes for this reason, brown discharge appears during pregnancy at 12 weeks and later. For several weeks, a woman may consider herself pregnant, while the child inside her is already dead.

The embryo dies for various reasons. Sometimes due to the toxic effects exerted alcoholic drinks or medicines, but more often due to severe developmental defects. In this way, nature weeds out non-viable human individuals, no matter how rude it may sound.

The diagnosis is made using ultrasound and a blood test for hCG. On ultrasound, the baby does not have a heartbeat. And the hCG level turns out to be too low for this stage of pregnancy. Abroad, in the case of diagnosing a frozen pregnancy at a short term, doctors take such a woman under control and wait until the body itself gets rid of the failed pregnancy. In Russia, they are usually referred for “cleansing of the uterus” in order to avoid the development of an infectious process.

Threat of miscarriage

This is the first thing doctors think about when they notice brown discharge during pregnancy in the second trimester or in the first. A similar symptom can be observed with partial detachment of the chorion. And the longer the pregnancy, the more dangerous this detachment can be for a woman, since the placenta, like the child, grows. This means that the area of ​​its detachment can be large, and accordingly the bleeding is more massive. Brown discharge during pregnancy in the later stages is of particular concern to gynecologists.

If other causes of discharge in a woman are excluded, she is advised to abstain from sexual activity and go to bed. If there is heavy discharge, hospital treatment is required.

To prevent miscarriage, medications containing the hormone progesterone are used - it plays a vital role in maintaining pregnancy. However, these measures do not always allow saving the child. The worst prognosis is given if, in addition to discharge, women are diagnosed with cervical dilatation and cramping pain in the lower abdomen.

Retrochorial hematoma

This is a cavity with blood that forms between the chorion and the fertilized egg as a result of its partial rejection. A small hematoma may not make itself felt at all, but may become an accidental finding during ultrasound examination.

Brown and bloody discharge may begin when the hematoma is emptied. And if everything ends well, then the discharge stops on its own. Unfortunately, it is impossible to “cure” a hematoma. Doctors usually carry out standard therapy to maintain pregnancy. It is important to avoid physical activity and strain on the uterus.

Placenta previa

Normally, the placenta is located on the anterior, posterior wall of the uterus or in its fundus. If placenta previa occurs, then it forms in the lower segment of the uterus, partially or completely blocking the internal os.

The so-called marginal placenta previa, when only a small “piece” children's place falls on the internal os - the most favorable situation, since up to 28 weeks of pregnancy the placenta tends to migrate higher in the uterus, according to its growth.

But while the presentation persists, the woman may periodically experience small placental abruptions, which is why the woman notices brown discharge.

The method of delivery and its timing depend on where the placenta is located before birth. If it blocks the internal os, natural childbirth can be dangerous or completely impossible, and a caesarean section is performed.

Pathologies and injuries of the cervix

The cause of brown and bloody discharge in pregnant women may be a pathology of the cervix. Many women have it, but rarely have symptoms. Even when the oncological process begins. This is why it is so important to undergo an annual examination with a gynecologist and take a PAP test - a smear that helps identify atypical cells on the cervix - precancer or cancer.

If the cervix is ​​bleeding, the doctor sees this during examination using a gynecological speculum. The cervix can bleed if it is injured, as a result of sexual intercourse, for example. Or because of an existing disease. The doctor must take a smear and perform a colposcopy if indicated.

Often, women in such a situation are diagnosed with a cervical polyp. But the doctor can definitely tell whether this formation is malignant or benign only based on the results of the biopsy. In most cases, if there are no signs of cancer, a pregnant woman is advised to wait for further diagnosis and treatment until after the baby is born. Since frequent examinations, smears, colposcopy and other necessary procedures can lead to spontaneous abortion.

A polyp is removed from the expectant mother if cancer is suspected, or if brown discharge sometimes appears, but there is bleeding, which can lead to anemia.

As for sexual activity with benign formations of the cervix, it is not prohibited unless there are other reasons to limit it, and touching the polyp does not cause bleeding.

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  • Removal of the mucus plug

What are the types of vaginal discharge before and during pregnancy?

Vaginal discharge from any woman, even those who have not yet had sexual intercourse, is a kind of indicator of the health of her genital area. If a woman is healthy, the discharge is clear or faded yellow, odorless, liquid or mucous.

In the middle menstrual cycle their number increases due to changes in hormonal levels during ovulation. With unprotected sexual intercourse, the amount of discharge also increases sharply. It is impossible to artificially “dry” the vagina; the body itself knows what to do. In addition, an increase in discharge is possible in the first days after conception and in last days before the birth itself.

During pregnancy, many women often experience brown discharge.

Normal brown discharge during pregnancy

Brown discharge during pregnancy is not always a cause for concern. Normally, within 12 days after fertilization, the egg enters the uterus, where it attaches to its wall, and the process of implantation occurs. It is this period that is accompanied by discharge of light brown or Pink colour creamy consistency. Most women often mistake them for the beginning of menstruation.

However, it is worth paying attention to the duration and color of the discharge. If they last long (more than a couple of days) and are dark brown with the smell of blood, you need to contact a gynecologist.

Brown discharge can be observed during the first months of pregnancy on the days when a woman's menstruation should begin. This is a light brown spotting discharge. This process is caused by hormonal changes in a woman’s body, and most often such discharge is not accompanied by pain or discomfort, but it is still worth warning your doctor - a gynecologist who accompanies pregnancy.

Dangerous brown discharge in early pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancy

During pregnancy, a fertilized egg descends through the fallopian tube into the uterus and attaches to its wall. But in 2% of cases, the fertilized egg is implanted not in the uterine cavity, but outside it. In the vast majority of cases this occurs in the tube, but very rarely the egg may develop in the abdomen, ovary or cervix.

The most important thing is that the signs of an ectopic pregnancy are the same as those of a normal pregnancy: menstruation stops, toxicosis appears, and the mammary glands enlarge. A pregnancy test also shows the coveted two lines, and a blood test for hCG also shows the presence of pregnancy.

It is possible to determine that an ectopic pregnancy is only based on the first ultrasound examination(ultrasound). From the fourth week of pregnancy, the doctor may not yet see the embryo, but he may be alarmed by a number of points: the small size of the uterus, thickening of the tube and other indirect signs of an ectopic pregnancy; from the sixth week, the doctor can already see the embryo itself.

However, if all the signs of pregnancy are present, and brown discharge appears, sharp pains and cramps that increase, there is a high probability of ectopic pregnancy. With an ultrasound, the doctor can see where the egg is located, and if the test shows pregnancy, the doctor will look not only at the uterine cavity, but also at areas where an ectopic pregnancy may develop.

In case of an ectopic pregnancy, unfortunately, surgical intervention is necessary, and the embryo in an ectopic pregnancy has no chance of survival. The sooner such a pregnancy is determined, the higher the likelihood of preserving the fallopian tube. If the embryo has reached a large size, the tube is removed.

Sometimes the size of the embryo is too large and it can rupture. Therefore, if you suspect an ectopic pregnancy, you must urgently consult a gynecologist, since self-diagnosis and self-treatment in this case are simply impossible.

Women who have previously had abdominal surgery or obstruction are at risk for developing ectopic pregnancy. fallopian tubes, inflammation and infection of the internal genital organs, chronic endometriosis, insufficient production female body estrogen hormone. If a woman knows that she is at risk, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist as soon as possible and have an ultrasound examination.

Threat of spontaneous abortion (miscarriage)

If there is a threat of spontaneous abortion (this is what doctors call a miscarriage), brown vaginal discharge is one of the signs. Miscarriage occurs before the twentieth week of pregnancy and occurs for a number of reasons:

  1. The presence of genitourinary diseases of an infectious or inflammatory nature (pyelonephritis, endometriosis, toxoplasmosis, etc.);
  2. Termination of previous pregnancies (especially the first);
  3. Heavy physical work pregnant;
  4. Rh conflict between mother and fetus (“negative” mother and “positive” fetus);
  5. Genetic disorders.

In the uterine cavity, the fertilized egg, already attached to its wall, exfoliates, which causes bleeding. With brown discharge, a woman may experience nagging pain in the lower abdomen, dizziness and vomiting. In such cases, urgent hospitalization of the woman is necessary.

First of all, drug treatment will be aimed at maintaining pregnancy, and the woman will be prescribed strict bed rest in a hospital setting. In critical cases, when the threat of pregnancy failure cannot be avoided, curettage of the uterine walls is performed in the early stages.

In the later stages, a miscarriage occurs virtually like childbirth; the woman is given injections of drugs that stimulate uterine contractions or surgical intervention. In any case, if a pregnant woman has dark brown discharge, spasmodic pain in the lower abdomen, it is necessary to call ambulance and carry out hospitalization.

Brown discharge in early and late pregnancy

Presence of disease

It is not uncommon to observe brown discharge in both early and later stages of pregnancy in the case of a woman’s internal genital organs. Such discharge may be accompanied by cervical erosion. Unfortunately, the idea that pregnancy relieves a woman of gynecological diseases is far from the truth. An organism weakened by pregnancy, on the contrary, is more susceptible to various negative factors.

Cervical erosion is the appearance of one or more small wounds on the mucous surface. There are several reasons for this disease:

  1. Due to sexually transmitted diseases.
  2. Inflammation of the female genital organs, in particular the vagina.
  3. In case of trauma (abortion, childbirth, sexual intercourse using brute force, etc.).

Usually it is asymptomatic and does not have much effect on the course of pregnancy, nor on the birth process itself. One of its symptoms may be that same brown discharge. In this case, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist who will select a gentle treatment that does not harm the fetus. But it must be remembered that after the birth of the child, treatment of erosion must be continued, since the presence of this disease increases the risk of developing cervical cancer.

Another disease that may cause brown discharge is uterine fibroids. Even though fibroids are a benign tumor, they can put pressure on a growing pregnancy and cause miscarriage. Myoma is not a contraindication to pregnancy, although it is much more difficult to get pregnant with fibroids.

A pregnant woman with a history of fibroids before pregnancy must register with the antenatal clinic as early as possible and follow all doctor’s orders. In cases of a large tumor, the woman is sent to a hospital, where she is under constant medical supervision.

Frozen pregnancy

This can happen from conception to the twenty-eighth week of pregnancy. The danger is that in the early stages, when the woman does not yet feel the baby’s kicks, a frozen pregnancy may not be felt for a long time. A frozen fetus remaining in the uterus for a long time causes intoxication of the body and, as a result, DIC syndrome (disseminated intravascular coagulation) is very dangerous for a woman.

Symptoms of a frozen pregnancy can be: frequent brown discharge with mucus, increased body temperature, vomiting, loss of consciousness. On an ultrasound, the doctor notes a discrepancy in the size of the uterus and cardiac arrest in the fetus.

In this case, the woman is sent to a hospital and the uterus is induced with medication (artificially induced labor). Unfortunately, the life of the unborn baby cannot be saved.

Hydatidiform mole

This anomaly is quite rare. Its frequency is 1:2000. In complete disease, the embryo contains a double set of the father's chromosomes and no chromosomes from the mother. If not complete, it contains a set of mother’s chromosomes and a double set of father’s chromosomes. Naturally, with this disease, pregnancy cannot be carried to term.

For a woman, signs of a hydatidiform mole may include periodic brown or red discharge, nausea, vomiting, and bloating. The blood test for hCG is significantly higher than during a normal pregnancy. A doctor can also see a hydatidiform mole using an ultrasound. In this case, the uterine cavity is curetted to remove pathological tissue and for an average of six months the woman is under the supervision of doctors and takes a blood test for hCG.

Exactly negative indicators hCG levels allow us to draw conclusions about the absence of pathological tissue. Hydatidiform mole does not affect subsequent pregnancies, provided that the pregnancy is fully examined and monitored by a doctor.

Brown discharge in later stages

Sexual intercourse, vaginal ultrasound

If the gynecologist who accompanies the pregnancy does not prohibit sex life in the third trimester, then after sexual intercourse you can observe slight light brown or pink discharge. This suggests that the cervix may be injured. The cervix, in preparation for future birth, becomes loose and susceptible to any influence. Sexual intercourse or a vaginal ultrasound prescribed by a doctor can provoke such discharge.

Placenta previa

Normally, the placenta is located in the upper parts of the uterine cavity. When presenting, it is located below and can block the os of the uterus. This position of the placenta causes significant harm to the health of the mother and fetus. Gas exchange is disrupted, which causes hypoxia (lack of oxygen) in the fetus, abnormal positioning of the fetus, causing complications of labor. For the mother, placenta previa is dangerous due to anemia and decreased blood pressure.

Particularly complex forms of presentation can provoke premature labor and surgical intervention to remove the uterus.

Symptoms of previa are profuse brown discharge with the presence of the smell of blood or bleeding, accompanied by anemia and decreased blood pressure. Heavy, one-time bleeding is possible. Presentation is diagnosed through examination and ultrasound. A woman with a similar diagnosis is sent to a hospital, where drug treatment and pregnancy control are provided. Based on the complexity of the disease, the doctor may decide to induce labor ahead of schedule or perform a caesarean section.

Removal of the mucus plug

Two to three weeks before the due date, a woman may experience vaginal discharge. Their color can vary from pink to dark brown. These are not diseases or pathologies. This is the release of the mucus plug and indicates that labor will begin soon. In this case, you should not panic, but call your doctor and provide this information. The doctor will tell you what to do next.

In any case, if a pregnant woman notices yellow, pink, brown discharge from the vagina, and at the same time experiences discomfort, nagging pain in the lower abdomen, you should not tempt fate. It is imperative to call an ambulance and wait for its arrival while lying down with your legs raised high. It is necessary to follow all doctor’s instructions and undergo the necessary examinations in a timely manner. You should not risk your health and the life of your unborn baby.

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12th week of pregnancy

Signs, symptoms and sensations at 12 weeks of pregnancy

The 12th week of pregnancy is the time when the expectant mother begins to feel much better, as toxicosis passes. Life-supporting functions are taken over by the placenta and therefore vomiting and nausea will no longer bother you. But the truth is that this only applies to normal pregnancy, and if your pregnancy is multiple, then toxicosis will linger for some time. The same applies to irritability and nervousness, emotional outbursts and hormonal changes in the body.

At the beginning of pregnancy, you may have lost a little weight due to toxicosis, but from the 12th week your weight will begin to increase by about 500 grams each subsequent week. All your systems and organs are working almost to the limit, this is due to the development in the woman’s body new life. The main changes at this time will be an increase in blood volume, increased functioning of the kidneys and lungs, as well as an increase in heart rate. Another good news is that now you will not have to run to the toilet as many times a day as you did at the beginning of pregnancy. But another problem comes - constipation, they are a consequence of the enlarging uterus, which puts quite a lot of pressure on the intestines.

It is at 12 weeks of pregnancy that your belly begins to grow. The fundus of the uterus is located somewhere in the region of 10-12 cm above the pubic symphysis. Only women who are pregnant with their second child will be able to feel slight movements in their tummy; the rest will have to wait some more time.

Pain in the abdomen at 12 weeks of pregnancy

At the 12th week of pregnancy, the expectant mother’s tummy begins to gradually increase. If this is the woman’s first pregnancy, then the belly may begin to grow later, and at week 12 she will be able to wear any clothes that are familiar to her. If pregnancy is not the first time for a woman, then the tummy could begin to grow even before the 12th week. When the belly begins to increase, as a rule, a woman feels itching, this is a special sign for you, which seems to hint to you that it is time to look for various remedies that will help avoid the appearance of stretch marks on the hips, abdomen and chest. By this time, you may have pigment spots and a dark stripe that starts from the navel and goes down. There is no need to worry about this, this is a completely normal phenomenon, especially since it will go away on its own over time.

Uterus at 12 weeks of pregnancy

At 12 weeks of pregnancy, the uterus continues to increase in size. As a rule, by this time it has grown to such a size that it becomes too cramped in the hip area. It reaches approximately 10 centimeters in width, so it begins to emerge from the hip area into abdominal cavity. A uterus of this size can already be felt and palpated quite well.

Ultrasound at 12 weeks of pregnancy

Basically, at the 12th week of pregnancy, the first ultrasound examination occurs, which helps determine the exact size of the fetus, as well as establish approximate dates childbirth On an ultrasound, the expectant mother will be able to see her baby quite well, who at the 12th week of pregnancy already looks completely like a tiny person. Ultrasound examinations can also show much more important results.

These include the condition of the uterus and its tone, the location of the placenta, that is, whether this pregnancy is ectopic, and how many fetuses the expectant mother is carrying. If you have any questions during the ultrasound examination, do not hesitate to ask the doctor everything you are interested in, because we are talking about your unborn child.

During an ultrasound scan at the 12th week of pregnancy, the specialist is based on a comparison of your indicators with the indicators indicated in the table of normal values. This helps to establish quite well whether the pregnancy is progressing correctly and to ensure that no abnormalities or pathologies are present. In the future, the results of the first ultrasound examination will be compared with the results of subsequent ultrasound examinations.

Twins at 12 weeks pregnant

As a rule, if you have a multiple pregnancy, then by the twelfth week of pregnancy you already know about it. Such a pregnancy can be diagnosed during a routine gynecological examination, which occurs at 9-10 weeks of gestation. But if you find out that you have twins just now, it means that you took too long to register, or you were examined only at a very early stage. At 12 weeks, spontaneous abortion becomes less likely, and your twins are no longer so vulnerable to everything. The second trimester will begin very soon, and your babies will already reach a size of about 6 centimeters each.

Most likely, you have already done an ultrasound and monitored your babies. For many women, this is such a touching moment that when they see their future children on the monitor screen, they immediately begin to cry.

Screening at 12 weeks of pregnancy

Quite useful and providing us with a large amount of information about how pregnancy is progressing is a study called screening. This is a certain set of studies, which includes ultrasound and biochemical blood tests. A blood test is necessary to compare the readings of two markers:

1) free?-hCG (independent beta subunit of human chorionic gonadotropin.)

2) PAPP-A (plasma protein A, released during pregnancy)

Primary screening is also called a dual test.

Screening is recommended to be carried out 3 times during pregnancy, and the primary one should be carried out at 12-13 weeks of gestation. One of the most important arguments why screening should be carried out at this particular time is the examination of the fetal collar zone using ultrasound. This procedure will help us find out whether there are severe deviations or malformations of the baby that are not compatible with life. The collar zone is the area that is located on the neck between the soft tissues and the skin. A certain amount of fluid constantly accumulates in this area. Its number depends on the non-permanent markers. The baby grows and develops, so the norms of the collar zone also do not stand still, which is why it is necessary to study it at certain periods.

A study of hormone levels (PAPP-A and free b-HHC), carried out during the twelfth week of pregnancy, gives us an idea of ​​whether certain abnormalities are present in the development of the baby. For example, if the fetus has a free b-hCG level that is twice as high as normal, then this indicates that the baby has trisomy 21 (Down syndrome), and if the level, on the contrary, is lower than normal, then the child may have a pathology called Edwards syndrome or trisomy 18.

But, despite the fact that screening at 12 weeks of pregnancy provides a lot of information, it is not a final analysis. Screening results can only serve as a basis for subsequent studies that involve the use of special methods. If the tests during a set of studies turn out to be questionable, then the doctor will most likely refer you for additional examination to a geneticist.

Tests at 12 weeks of pregnancy

An ultrasound examination and a biochemical blood test are not all the tests that a doctor can prescribe for you at the 12th week of your pregnancy. Basically, a woman undergoes all the tests that are provided for according to the plan during registration. But there are also cases when a woman goes to the gynecologist late and therefore the main tests may well be carried out at 12 weeks of pregnancy. Also at this time, special additional tests may be prescribed.

By the 12th week of pregnancy, you need to take a blood test for syphilis, hepatitis B, AIDS, Rh factor and blood group, sugar, as well as a biochemical analysis. If the doctor has any doubts based on the results of these tests, he will send you for hormone tests and tests for uroginal infections.

Fetal size at 12 weeks gestation

The fetus at the 12th week of pregnancy is already quite large in size, its coccygeal-parietal height is about 6-9 centimeters, and its weight is approximately 14 grams. From now on, experts will be more interested in his height and length than his weight.

All the baby’s organs and systems are almost fully formed and actively working. The fingers have already separated from each other, marigolds have formed, an individual imprint is forming on the pad of the finger, the top layer of skin is undergoing renewal, and fluff can be seen in place of the eyelashes and eyebrows. There are also vellus hairs on the upper lip and chin.

At the 12th week of pregnancy, the baby’s face is already capable of showing various emotions and grimacing. The fetus calmly opens and closes its mouth, and also puts its fingers there. The baby is already actively working with his arms and legs, and also turns over, somersaults and moves freely in the mother’s womb.

Fetal weight by week of pregnancy

The internal organs, although they are already actively engaged in their work, are still constantly changing and improving. The liver is quite capable of synthesizing bile, the intestines, which are already in place, sometimes contract, and the thyroid gland and pituitary gland are already producing iodine and hormones with might and main. The nervous system and kidneys are already working fully, the heart beats at the same incredibly high speed, bone tissue continues to develop and the muscles become stronger and stronger. The immune system also does not stand still, in addition to erythrocytes, leukocytes also begin to be released in the fetal blood.

Lower back pain at 12 weeks of pregnancy

At the 12th week of pregnancy, the expectant mother should not normally experience any pain. An exception may be mild and mild pain in the lower abdomen; they may be associated with tension in the ligaments that support the uterus. At the 12th week of pregnancy, pain in the lower back may be observed, this can be explained by a change in the center of gravity, because the stomach is on at this stage pregnancy grows very quickly.

But lower back pain can also have other causes, such as infection Bladder, so in any case, if you experience any pain, do not delay and consult a doctor as soon as possible. The same applies to pain that is felt in the lower abdomen, especially if these sensations are pulling or aching in nature, and also if they last for two hours without ceasing. Most main reason The reason you will need to immediately contact a specialist is bloody discharge that may accompany pain. This phenomenon may indicate a threat of miscarriage. If you seek help from a doctor in a timely manner, there is a fairly high probability of avoiding spontaneous abortion.

Brown (bloody) discharge at 12 weeks of pregnancy

Bloody discharge may indicate not only the risk of miscarriage; if it is observed after sexual intercourse or a gynecological examination, it is most likely due to cervical erosion. But in any case, neither one nor the other should be ignored; contacting a specialist remains mandatory.

At 12 weeks of pregnancy normal discharge are moderate milky or light in color, with a slight sour odor and uniform consistency. If the discharge is purulent, slimy, cheesy, yellowish or greenish, and has a strong unpleasant odor, then most likely you have some kind of infection. One of the most common infectious diseases is thrush, trichomoniasis, and chlamydia. These infections are very dangerous for your unborn baby.

Cold at 12 weeks of pregnancy

The first trimester has come to an end and now most of the defects and abnormalities of the fetus will not be scary for you. But still, you should be a little wary of some diseases. These diseases include the common cold.

If at 12 weeks of pregnancy you get a cold and do not try to cure it, this can lead to certain deviations in the development of the baby, which in the future will cause a miscarriage.

The most important problem during pregnancy is that drug treatment will not work for you. Therefore, you will need to turn to traditional medicine or use herbal remedies. But the most important thing you should not do is self-medicate; first, be sure to consult your doctor.

If you get sick during pregnancy, you should only stay in bed. The drinks you drink should be warm, but in no case cold or very hot. Such a drink for you during treatment can be: rosehip decoction, herbal tea, berry fruit drinks from raspberries, lingonberries, and currants. Honey will also be very useful, but only in small quantities, because honey can cause allergies. It is better to eat honey not in its pure form, but to add it to milk or tea. Very good remedy cough suppressant is a cocktail that consists of 50% milk and 50% mineral water Borjomi. If this does not help, then you can try to cope with the cough with the help of Doctor MOM syrups and lozenges, Gedelix or marshmallow mixture.

If at 12 weeks of pregnancy a cold does not go away within 3 days, and also gets worse, then you should consult a doctor again. It is also necessary to immediately contact a specialist if, during a cold, your temperature reaches 38 degrees.

Temperature at 12 weeks of pregnancy

At 12 weeks of pregnancy, the normal temperature will be between 37-37.5 degrees. This slight increase in temperature is the result of an increase in progesterone levels in the body of a pregnant woman. But temperature can also indicate the presence of various diseases. To identify these diseases, you will need to undergo some tests. But, as a rule, a slight increase in temperature at 12 weeks of pregnancy does not have any serious consequences.

But a high temperature poses a very big threat to your unborn child. Due to very high temperatures, pregnancy may fail. You must remember that you are prohibited from using almost all antipyretic drugs, the only exception being paracetamol, but you still need to consult your doctor first.

Traditional medicine also comes to the rescue here, such as a cool shower, wet lotions on the hands and ankles, and wiping with water and a small amount of vinegar. But the very first thing you should do is call a doctor to your home, and only then do something.

Sex at 12 weeks pregnant

If there are no abnormalities during pregnancy and the woman feels well, then there is no need to refuse sex. Moreover, this period is significant in that the woman goes through toxicosis and begins a period of blossoming.

The main contraindication to sex was and remains the threat of spontaneous abortion. Also, the reason why it is better not to have sex at 12 weeks of pregnancy is a low location of the placenta and multiple pregnancies. If such deviations do not exist, then sexual intercourse should not cause any concern.

The main thing to remember is that you are still pregnant, so you shouldn’t have too much sex, and also watch your feelings after intercourse. If you experience slight cramps after sex, then don’t be afraid, there’s nothing wrong with that, they should go away fairly quickly. If you experience bleeding after sexual intercourse, consult a doctor immediately.

Nutrition at 12 weeks of pregnancy

At 12 weeks of pregnancy, your diet should be balanced and complete. Your baby is developing at a very high speed, and therefore he now needs a large amount of useful and nutrients. Healthy food for you will be: fish, dairy products, meat, cereals, vegetables and fruits. But healthy nutrition depends not only on the food, but also on the method of its preparation. Fruits and vegetables are best eaten raw, while other foods are best baked or boiled.

The most important meal of the day is breakfast, it should be complete and include a portion of the first meal, and for dinner you should get by with something lighter. It is better to eat small portions throughout the day, avoiding overeating. During pregnancy, certain foods may make you uncomfortable. In this case, it would be better to replace them with others, for example, replace fish with meat, or vice versa. If you can’t replace it with another product, you can simply change the cooking method, for example, if you don’t like baked, then you can eat boiled. Don't try to force yourself to eat something that makes you slightly disgusted.

Vitamins at 12 weeks of pregnancy

The body of a pregnant woman should be saturated not only with nutrients, but also with vitamins. It will be better if you ensure your daily intake of vitamins while carrying your baby.

1) Vitamin A (carotene) - it is not recommended to take it separately; the daily intake is 500 IU.

2) Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - is responsible for normalizing the functioning of the nervous system and takes part in the metabolism of estrogen, daily dose is 10-20 mg.

3) Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - takes part in the metabolic process and supports pregnancy.

4) Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) - is the main element that promotes protein metabolism, the daily norm is 5 mg.

5) Vitamin B12 (cyancobalamin) - has a preventive effect on anemia and fetal malnutrition, daily dose - 0.003 mg.

6) Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) - takes part in the synthesis of sex hormones, daily dose 18-25 mg.

7) Vitamin C ( ascorbic acid) - supports immunity and metabolic processes, and also enhances the effects of estrogen, daily dose is 100-200 mg.

8) Vitamin D - acts as the main element in the exchange of phosphorus and calcium, daily dose - 1000 IU.

9) Vitamin E (tocopherol) - normalizes the functioning of the genital organs and fetal development, also called the “fertility vitamin.”

Termination of pregnancy at 12 weeks of pregnancy

At the 12th week of pregnancy, the risk of abnormalities and various problems is much lower than at earlier stages. However, you should still be wary of catching a cold and elevated temperature. Although the risk of premature spontaneous abortion has become lower, it has not disappeared completely. Signs may include pain in the lower abdomen, bloody discharge, and rupture of amniotic fluid may also occur, and you will experience very strong watery discharge. There also remain all those dangers that are associated with illness, poisoning, injury or psychological stress and shock.

Weight gain at 12 weeks of pregnancy

By the 12th week of pregnancy, you will have gained about 2.5 kg in weight. If the pregnancy is multiple, this figure will increase proportionally. But these are fairly relative figures, since each woman recovers at a different rate during pregnancy. The main thing is to focus on the general recommended parameters for the body.

Gender of the baby at 12 weeks of pregnancy

Determining the sex of a child at 12 weeks of pregnancy is very difficult, since there is a possibility of confusing the genitals on an ultrasound. Most often, the umbilical cord loop and fingers are confused with the penis. In turn, a girl can be confused due to passing swelling of the labia.


Every representative of the fairer sex is forced to deal with vaginal discharge. They are cyclical in nature and directly depend on the production of certain hormones. Cervical fluid begins to appear with the arrival of the first menstruation (menarche). Regular discharge ends when a woman enters menopause and subsequent menopause.

A separate situation is considered during pregnancy. Things change a bit here. Almost every expectant mother experiences the appearance of discharge at 12 weeks of pregnancy. It is about them that will be discussed further. You will find out what kind of mucus can come out of the genitals during this period. You can also find out what to do if you find discharge at 11-12 weeks of pregnancy.

What are they needed for…

Discharge at the 12th week of pregnancy, as in earlier periods, occurs for the simple reason that nature intended it this way. This mucus is necessary for the formation of a plug. It is she who will protect the unborn baby from penetration of germs and bacteria into the uterus throughout the entire period. The plug will come out just before giving birth.

Discharge at 12 weeks of pregnancy should not bother a woman unless there are additional symptoms. When any other alarming signals occur, you should consult a doctor. A specialist will examine you in a gynecological chair and evaluate your cervical mucus. For a more detailed study, the material is taken for analysis.

Normal discharge at 12 weeks of pregnancy - what should it be like?

What should cervical mucus be like normally? During pregnancy, the hormone progesterone acts. It is necessary for normal uterine tone. Without it, the reproductive organ will begin to shrink and simply reject the fetus. It is under the influence of this substance that abundant secretion of mucus from the vagina begins. In the first trimester, it has a transparent tint and may stretch slightly. Externally, the mucus looks a little like egg white.

The discharge may change its character somewhat. They take on a whitish or even milky hue. The amount of mucus can be quite copious. This is why gynecologists recommend expectant mothers to use disposable sanitary pads. To avoid the development of infection, they must be changed regularly.

Candidiasis, or fungal infection (thrush) in pregnant women

White discharge at 12 weeks of pregnancy, which is accompanied by a sour odor, itching and the formation of lumps, is thrush. This infection accompanies almost every expectant mother. However, not everyone has it so clearly. Many women do not experience the described discomforts. However, yeast is detected in their smear.

Thrush during pregnancy does not pose a particular threat to the baby. That is why such discharge at 12 weeks of pregnancy is not treated. The correction is postponed until the second third of the term. The optimal time for drug therapy is 16 weeks. It is worth noting that men can be carriers of thrush without having it. That is why both sexual partners should undergo treatment.

Infections that are sexually transmitted

Yellow discharge at 12 weeks of pregnancy indicates the presence of infection. At the same time, symptoms such as itching and an unpleasant “fishy” smell appear. Sometimes an increase in body temperature is possible. It is worth noting that this condition is very dangerous for a child. Infection of the membranes and their premature opening are possible.

If you have genital tract infections, you must be tested to determine them. Sensitivity to antibacterial agents is also determined. Only then can suitable medications be prescribed. The ideal option would be to cure the pathology several months before conception, but if this does not happen, then correction is carried out after. Among the safest antibacterial agents are drugs based on amoxicillin. Other drugs are prescribed only when risks and benefits are compared.

Pelvic inflammatory processes

At 12 weeks of pregnancy, they may occur due to an inflammatory process. It is worth noting that most often the pathology spreads to the reproductive organ. As a result, involuntary contractions occur. In some cases, this may pose a risk of miscarriage.

Pathology should always be treated individually. There is no one medicine that suits everyone. In most cases, the inflammatory process in the uterus is eliminated with the help of antimicrobial compounds, vaginal tampons, suppositories and immunomodulatory drugs. However, not all of the listed medications are approved for use by expectant mothers. Often the inflammatory process causes abortion.

Hormonal imbalances in a woman’s body, or insufficiency of the corpus luteum

Brown discharge at 12 weeks of pregnancy may occur due to a lack of the hormone. Immediately after ovulation, a follicle appears at the site of the bursting. It secretes the hormone progesterone. As you already know, this substance is simply necessary to maintain the normal course of pregnancy.

When there is little progesterone, the uterus begins to contract involuntarily. This leads to detachment of the attached fertilized egg. A hematoma forms between the wall of the uterus and the embryo. The larger it is, the less chance of saving the child. This is why you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. Brown discharge is already coagulated blood. That is, the emptying of the hematoma occurred several hours or days ago. It is worth noting that the detachment of the membranes does not always lead to the occurrence of bleeding at 12 weeks of pregnancy. The hematoma may not open, but may resolve on its own with appropriate treatment.

Gynecological examination and tissue damage

At 12 weeks of pregnancy may be a consequence of a gynecological examination. As a rule, at the end of the first trimester, doctors conduct routine examinations for expectant mothers. Gynecological speculums are used for this purpose. They help assess the condition of the cervix and take the necessary tests.

While expecting a baby, all mucous membranes become more sensitive. That is why the doctor’s careless action may slightly hurt the delicate area. As a result, a small bleeding wound is formed. When droplets of blood mix with normal secretions, they acquire a pinkish tint.

Cervical erosion

Bloody discharge at 12 weeks of pregnancy often becomes a sign of erosion. It is worth noting that the woman does not feel any other disturbing symptoms. Usually the discharge increases after sexual intercourse. They are not abundant. The expectant mother may notice only a slight “smudge” on her underwear.

Cervical erosion is a pathology that is obviously not corrected before pregnancy. This is because the remaining scar can negatively affect the dilation of the cervix and cause complications during childbirth. Treatment of erosion is carried out only after delivery, when the mucous membranes and tissues are restored. Often the problem disappears on its own.

Other causes of discharge at 12 weeks

During pregnancy, many women experience urinary incontinence. For some representatives of the fairer sex, this occurs closer to childbirth. Others suffer from the moment of conception. If you find yellowish stains on your underwear, these could be droplets of urine. In this case, correcting the functioning of the reproductive system will not help you. It is worth contacting a urologist and getting recommendations.

Violation of the vaginal microflora can also cause discharge. However, they do not pose any threat to the unborn baby. The situation with bleeding is much more dangerous.

Brown discharge at 12 weeks of pregnancy

This symptom is almost impossible not to notice. Most often, a woman discovers it on toilet paper, underwear or while taking a shower. Their intensity may increase with physical activity. Also, such cause-and-effect relationships may not exist.

If you find brown discharge, you need to call a doctor or go to the hospital as soon as possible. The reason for their occurrence may be various changes. Only a specialist can determine your exact problem.

Why do they appear?

For what reason may an expectant mother have brownish shades of vaginal mucus at 12 weeks? As you already know, this could be a lack of progesterone. It is worth noting that this reason is the most common of all available.

Brown spotting may be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy. In this case, the woman feels severe pain in the lower abdomen (on one side). Weakness and decreased pulse are also noted. Inaction in such a situation can lead to internal bleeding and death.

Such mucus occurs after careless sexual intercourse, since all surfaces in the vagina become especially sensitive. The slightest effort can damage small vessels. In this case, there is no threat to the child.

Brown discharge detected at 12 weeks may appear due to miscarriage. In this case, we are talking about an abortion that has begun. However, doctors assure that at this stage the size of the fetus is very large. Therefore, to cleanse the uterus, a woman will need surgery (curettage).

What to do if a symptom is detected?

Brown discharge that occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy can be quite dangerous. In some cases, there is a threat to the life of not only the embryo, but also its mother.

If it is possible to terminate a pregnancy, doctors prescribe bed rest and sedatives, which are allowed in such situations. Medicines are also prescribed to help stop the contractility of the uterus. Hormonal preparations based on progesterone are prescribed for any spotting up to 18 weeks of pregnancy.

In case of a pathology such as ectopic pregnancy, the woman receives urgent surgical care. During the operation, the pathological egg is removed and the consequences of its development are eliminated.

Brown discharge and forecasts after it

Any discharge during the first trimester of pregnancy should alert you expectant mother. A timely visit to the doctor increases the chance of saving your baby’s life. Remember that you cannot carry out the correction yourself. The use of certain medications can have a very bad effect on your condition. What medications to take and when is the best time to do it is determined by the doctor.

If you contact a specialist in time, the prognosis will be good. Remember that in such situations it is not days that matter, but hours and minutes. If bleeding occurs, it must be stopped as soon as possible.

If a woman is faced with ectopic pregnancy, then the forecasts will be better the sooner she consults a doctor and receives emergency care. Typically, the embryo in such situations attaches to the fallopian tube. Its rupture and subsequent removal reduces your chances of a subsequent pregnancy by about half.

Conclusion of the article

Pregnancy is the time when you give life and soil for growth to your child. Remember that this process must be approached very responsibly. After all, only healthy woman can protect yourself and your baby from problems. Be sure to do your research before planning. Get treatment if necessary. This will be the key to a good pregnancy and the absence of pathological discharge. All the best to you!