The largest airports in the world by area. Flying place: the largest airports in the world. Haneda International Airport, Tokyo, Japan

Airports can be conditionally classified into two types: conventional aircraft receivers and record-breaking stars. With the first, everything is clear - the terminal, the runway, the tower, ladders and planes. With the latter it is more interesting - each of them is interesting and remarkable in its own way. Let's talk about those.

The busiest hub

Hartsfield-Jackson in the city of Atlanta in the USA is the leader in terms of congestion among all airports. In 2012, the air hub served 94 million people. For comparison, Sheremetyevo transported only 26 million in the same year. Atlanta Airport has been holding its world championship in terms of congestion since 1998. The Americans themselves jokingly say that after death, on the way to heaven or hell, it will be possible to get to one of these places only with a connection in Atlanta.

Record holders for the number of runways

This status is shared by two American airports - Chicago O'Hare and Dallas Fort Worth. Both have seven(!) runways. At their intersections it is just right to put traffic lights. The air traffic controllers, apparently, have a hard time, but nothing - they hold on ...

Airport below sea level

The Bar Yehuda airfield is not a secret base of Israeli troops, but a completely ordinary airport, which is located at an altitude of minus 378 meters due to the local terrain. Nearby is the Dead Sea, which is why it’s so low (its water surface is 427 meters below world ocean level). aircraft…

airport upside down

The Amundsen-Scott airfield is really located upside down relative to the northern hemisphere - it is located in Antarctica and is considered the southernmost on the planet. In the period from October to February, aircraft of various sizes, up to cargo giants, arrive here with enviable constancy. They sit down directly on the snow, tightly packed and smoothed. And what is convenient - the runway can be easily extended if necessary - you just need to clear the area longer.

The shortest runway

This record belongs to J. Irausquin Airport on the island of Saba, in the Antilles. On both sides, the runway is cut off by the sea, and only aircraft with turboprop engines and special technical specifications. By the way, the airport is also among the most dangerous…

The biggest terminal

360 football fields - this is exactly the area occupied by international Airport Dubai. Just think, just some half a century ago there were sand dunes here, peace and quiet. And today the terminal ranks second in the world in terms of area among all buildings and the first among airport terminals.

Most big airport by area

Everyone can oil kings! A good example is the King Fahd Airport in Saudi Arabia, which occupies the largest area in the world (780 sq. km), which is 30 sq. km. km more than the territory of the neighboring state of Bahrain. Despite its huge size, the airport serves only 4 million passengers a year.

most expensive airport

For construction air harbor Hong Kong took 28 billion dollars. Unreasonably much even by Russia's inflated standards of construction! It must have been that the runway was filled with a mixture of concrete and diamonds to make it stronger - we can’t say for sure ... By the way, Chek Lap Kok Airport is also the world leader in terms of cargo turnover.

When it comes to the largest airports in the world, the question arises, by what parameters are the leaders of this list determined? If we consider the size of the terminal, then the undisputed leader is the Dubai air harbor.

The largest airport in the world

Located in the United Arab Emirates. The huge area makes it one of the largest in terms of area (3.5 thousand hectares). The terminal consists of three terminals, the third of which is the largest in the world.

Terminal 3 has a huge area (slightly more than 1 million square meters) and consists of two buildings. It has it all, five-star rooms, entertainment centers, fitness rooms, spas and more, making it a traveler's paradise. This terminal is intended for customers of Emirates, and its zone A is only for passengers of Airbus A380. You can move between the airport buildings on free shuttles and the metro.

Also on the territory of the airport is the five-star hotel Dubai International, between terminals 1 and 3. By and large, on the territory of the air harbor there is everything that makes the stay of tourists as comfortable as possible.

The largest in area

Saudi Arabia is truly impressive for its size. By comparison, it is larger than the neighboring kingdom of Bahrain and twice the size of the capital of Latvia, Riga.

The most interesting thing is that the passenger traffic is very small for such a gigantic size. Only 4 million people pass through the airport every year.

The Royal Terminal serves only members of the royal family.

The territory of King Fahd even has its own mosque, which can accommodate up to 2 thousand people.

The main problem of the terminal is its extremely inconvenient location. Passengers prefer to use the nearest airport in Bahrain. Over time, availability increases, but the maximum capacity of King Fahd has not yet been reached.

The largest in terms of passenger traffic

Congestion is one of the main criteria for the leadership of air harbors. Therefore, in this regard, the airport of the capital of Georgia, Atlanta, is confidently in the first place.

Hartsfield-Jackson, which is what it is called, serves more than 90 million passengers a year. This is much more than the famous European Heathrow and Charles de Gaulle.

To understand the scale of traffic at this transport hub, you need to consider some information:

  • Airport employees are 55,000 people;
  • Landing can be carried out by three aircraft at the same time;
  • 250 thousand passengers are served daily;
  • The area of ​​the airport is 2000 hectares.

Add this and quality service according to tourist reviews and you get one of the best air harbors in the world.

Top largest airports in the world

In addition to the above, there are other airports that occupy a leading position.

Capital City, Beijing (PRC)

In terms of passenger traffic, this node occupies a solid 2nd place. More than 80 million people pass through here every year. The airport has undergone three transformations to increase capacity and comfort.

Interesting fact. The cost of goods inside the terminals is the same as outside the terminal. You won't find this anywhere.

Soon, a new airport will be built in the capital of China, which claims to be the largest. The passenger traffic that it is able to accept is 130 million people. Big win!

O'Hare, Chicago (USA)

Approximately 80 million people pass through this Illinois airport. It was designed for test purposes, and then was converted for civil aviation. There are 4 terminals on the territory of O'Hare Airport, and several more are planned to be built. The load on the airport was quite serious, and the authorities decided to limit passenger traffic in order to reduce the number of canceled flights.

Heathrow, London (UK)

The Beijing Capital is the busiest in Asia, while Heathrow is the leader in Europe. One of the highlights is, of course, London's foggy weather. Flights are carried out to 170 destinations around the world. The main one is London-New York. The infrastructure is very developed, there are shops, cafes, recreation areas. The UK capital is connected to the airport by express train.

The west-east orientation of the airport lanes allows aircraft to take off directly over London.

Haneda, Tokyo (Japan)

The airport was created mainly for domestic traffic, but international flights began to occupy an increasing part. This is the reason for such a rapid growth of the air harbor, which receives up to 70 million passengers a year.

Much attention is paid to the disabled and groups with limited mobility persons for whom all conditions for comfort and convenience are created.

LAX, Los Angeles (USA)

Passenger traffic of 60 million people makes the airport largest city state of California, one of the leaders in the world. The terminals are located in a peculiar way in the form of a horseshoe or the American letter "U". Shuttles connect the airport terminals with the city. LAX is home to the headquarters of United Airlines.

Dallas Airport (USA)

Recognized as the best in the world in terms of cargo transportation, however, the main specialization is passengers. They pass through the airport about 60 million people annually. One of the few airport terminals with seven runways.

Charles de Gaulle, Paris (France)

The airport boasts an area of ​​3.2 hectares, as well as grass, on which you can often see rabbits. Passability - 60 million people, which puts it next to the airport terminals in Tokyo and Los Angeles. Many films and clips were filmed in this famous place. However, negative phenomena, such as luggage theft, tarnished his reputation a little.

Denver (USA)

The largest in area in America and one of the most unusual, thanks to its design. The age of the air harbor is a little over 20 years, but many different and rather implausible legends are associated with it. Passenger traffic - 47 million people a year.

Hong Kong

It is the most expensive and most beautiful in the world. Everything here is done for the convenience of passengers and their comfort. Tourists can move around the terminals on shuttles. Getting lost, despite the size, is impossible here - numerous pointers and services help.

Domodedovo (Russia)

The largest airport in Russia is Domodedovo. Built in 1963, it still occupies a leading position. Passenger traffic is 20 million people a year.

Airports are the most important part of air transportation. The further the development of aircraft construction goes, the more technologically advanced the terminals become, the runways are transformed. The areas of territories will grow steadily in proportion to passenger traffic.

The comfort of terminals, their capabilities and infrastructure are also increasing.

Who would have thought a hundred years ago that air transport would become one of the most popular in the world? Today, more and more passengers prefer traveling by plane, because it is convenient, and most importantly - fast way movement. Sometimes this is the only way to communicate between distant countries and hard-to-reach regions.

Due to the growing popularity of air travel, the world's largest airports resemble an anthill, where millions of people converge and disperse. As a result, the passenger turnover in the largest such transport hubs is tens of millions of people. It is easy to get lost in such airports. So which of them are really the largest?

Denver International Airport, USA, 47 million people. This airport is the largest in terms of area in all of the United States, spread over 142 square kilometers. According to this indicator, it is second only to a node in Dubai. However, despite the scale of the structure, its passenger turnover is only tenth in the world with an indicator of 47 million people a year. The airport occupies the largest area in the United States (142 sq. km), and is the second largest in the world, after the airport in Dubai. However, despite its scale, Denver Airport occupies only 10th place in terms of passenger traffic. The massive transport hub was commissioned in 1995 at a cost of $4.7 billion. From afar, the airport looks like rocky snow-capped mountain peaks, which has turned it into a local landmark. The Americans initially included in the project the possibility of future expansion of the airport. Its runways look like some kind of whirlwinds that surround the passenger terminals and are directed in different directions. This allows you to reduce the queue of aircraft waiting to take off. The unusual design of the airport even gave rise to several conspiracy theories, and the construction process itself gave a lot of food for thought. For example, four paintings by the painter Leo Tangum hang in the main terminal of the airport. These works should symbolize the struggle of man against genocide. Here are just some of the details of the paintings: three dead girls lying in coffins, a dead leopard, a huge soldier in a gas mask can still unpleasantly surprise travelers. Fans of finding secrets in everything argue that these paintings are allusions to the transformation of the earth, the establishment of a one world government and a new world order.

Hong Kong International Airport, China, 48 million people. This airport is located at a distance of 34 kilometers from Hong Kong. The Chinese themselves call the transport hub Chek Lap Kok by name artificial island on which the airport is built. In addition, this name avoids confusion - after all, there is also the old Hong Kong International Airport. Planes began to take off from the island in 1998, and all the work cost the authorities $ 20 billion. Today, many consider Hong Kong International Airport to be the most comfortable in the world. Passenger terminals were designed as friendly as possible to people, the layout is simple, there are clear signs everywhere. The presence of three shuttle stations makes it quick and easy to move around the huge building. These facilities allow passengers to get from the check-in hall to the exit to the departure area and back. Shuttles move at a speed of 62 km / h. At the same time, this type of transport inside the airport is free for passengers.

Frankfurt am Main Airport, Germany, 52 million people. Germany's largest airport is the third largest in Europe and the eighth largest in the world. Distinctive feature This node is that there are not only two main huge terminals (they, by the way, are connected by a corridor with a moving lane and a bus service), but also a special terminal for VIPs. Frankfurt Airport is central to the national German carrier Lufthansa. This is one of the first places where the automatic baggage sorting system began to function. The airport has four runways and serves 65,000 people.

Charles de Gaulle International Airport, France, 60 million people. This airport is the most convenient transfer point in Europe. Right on its territory, two railway stations were built, from where you can get to any city in the country. The airport got its name in honor of Charles de Gaulle, the leader of the French Liberation during World War II and the founder of the Fifth Republic. And the hub is located 25 kilometers northeast of Paris, just within a few communes. There are three terminals in total. The oldest is Terminal-1, Terminal-2 was originally intended to receive domestic flights Air France, but today it accepts passengers and other companies. And the third terminal is designed to serve charter flights and low-cost airlines. Interestingly, the airport is built on grassy lands. They are famous for their many rabbits and hares, which even airplane passengers can observe at certain times of the day. Airport workers are forced to periodically go hunting in order to prevent the population from growing to a critical level.

Dallas International Airport, USA, 60 million people. This airport is the largest in Texas. Its second name is Fort Worth, since it is essentially not in Dallas, but between itself and the city of Fort Worth. In total, the airport has four terminals and seven runways, which serve about a dozen national air carriers and several dozen more international ones. Those airlines that operate in Dallas provide an opportunity to choose any of 135 domestic and 40 international destinations. Interestingly, Dallas and Fort Wells did not agree to the construction of a joint airport for a long time. Both cities had their own hubs, developing them in every possible way. Only thanks to the order of the federal authorities in 1969, the construction of an equidistant airport began. He took the first flights on January 13, 1974, the entire construction cost $ 700 million. At that time it was the most expensive and largest airport in the world. Although today it is considered one of the best cargo airports, the main emphasis is still placed on passenger transportation - in terms of cargo turnover, the airport is only 27th in the world.

Los Angeles International Airport, USA, 60 million people. The international airport has an interesting feature - its nine passenger terminals are arranged in the form of the letters "U", having received the nickname "horseshoes" for this. And special buses and shuttles deliver passengers to the terminals. The airport has four runways landing strips. Flights depart from here to North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia, the Middle East and Oceania. The airport is the main hub for United Airlines.

Haneda International Airport, Japan, 70 million people. This airport is the largest in Asia in terms of the number of passengers carried. Initially, it was created exclusively for domestic flights, but in Lately more and more volume is taken under itself international flights. This was the reason for such a sharp increase. The airport building itself has three levels. The lower one is an ordinary building, the second one is a round tower with metal frame and glass walls. And the top of the structure is made in the form of a flat disk. From afar, it resembles a wide-brimmed hat. Serves passengers here three terminals. Interestingly, the main Japanese hub pays special attention to passengers with handicapped. So, for example, for the disabled, there are special lifts at the steps, escalators, as well as chairs near the check-in points. There are also quite large play areas for children, places for shopping. The thoughtfulness of the structure is manifested even in the existence of separate zones in the toilets for mothers with babies.

Heathrow Airport, England, 70 million people. This airport is considered the busiest in Europe. It is located west of London, and its runways are oriented from west to east. This means that planes take off directly over the capital of England. Another feature of the airport is that it is located quite low in relation to sea level, only at a height of 25 meters. But since the weather is often foggy in London, the runways are simply lost from the pilots' field of vision. In total, about 90 airlines operate in Heathrow, which connect the city with 170 nodes around the world. The airport has a fairly developed infrastructure. In the arrivals halls, tourists can spend time in the lounges, and priests of various religions work in the prayer areas. Heathrow has restaurants and cafes, saunas and hairdressers, World Shopping stores. It should be noted that the airport has good transport links with London. In just 15-20 minutes, with the help of an express train, passengers get to the metropolis. The London Underground line also connects to all terminals, regular buses and, of course, licensed taxis run from here.

O'Hare Airport, Chicago, USA, 80 million people. More recently, this airport was the leader in the number of takeoffs and landings, but now it has lost its palm. The reason for this was the restrictions of the federal authorities, who tried so hard to reduce flight delays. Today, every sixth canceled flight in the country takes place here. In Chicago, 4 terminals and 9 halls have been built, which provide 186 exits to aircraft. The authorities plan to build several more terminals and a whole similar complex in the western part of the airport. This location would need to be connected to I-90 or Elgin O'Hare by road, but the runways would need to be reconfigured first. The airport was built in the suburbs of Chicago in 1942-1943, specifically for the plant that produces the Douglas. And although the industrial facility moved after the end of the war, the city authorities decided to develop the airport. Moreover, by the early 1950s, it became clear that Chicago International Airport had ceased to cope with its functions. Since 1955, O'Hare has received the first commercial flights, and in 1958 an international terminal was built. The peak loading of the airport was observed in 1994 - a thousand flights a day.

Hartsfield-Jackson Airport, Atlanta, USA, 92 million people. This node is located just 11 kilometers from the city. The Atlanta airport is the busiest in the world. True, the bulk of its flights are domestic, because in America it is sometimes cheaper to get by plane than by land transport. From here, airlines operate flights to 260 destinations, including 83 destinations in 54 countries. This is one of the few airports where simultaneous triple landings are possible. Yes, and the area of ​​​​its airport is one of the most-most, with an indicator of 5.8 million square feet. It is second only to Hong Kong and Bangkok. This hub is the main hub for Delta AirTrain airlines. And the history of the airport began in 1925, when a lease agreement for the former abandoned autodrome was signed. The city chose a plot of 116 hectares to create an airport here. The first flight here was carried out by a mail plane already in 1926, and since 1928 passenger planes began to fly to Atlanta. The airport has been constantly improving and now has a $9 billion program to increase passenger traffic to 120 million by 2015. There are six runways in total, and the giant transport hub serves 55,000 people.

Did you know that the world's busiest airport annually serves 7 times more people than live in Moscow? Read about it below!

No. 10. Dubai International Airport (UAE) - 57 million people per year.

Dubai International Airport is the largest airport in the United Arab Emirates. The airport annually serves 57 million people and handles 2.1 million tons of cargo. The construction of the airport cost 5.5 billion US dollars.

Dubai International Airport is the base for the national airline Emirates Airline. The main directions are the Middle East and Africa.

No. 9. Soekarno-Hatta International Airport (Indonesia) - 59 million people per year.

Soekarno-Hatta International Airport is the main airport in Indonesia, located in Jakarta. The airport annually serves from 59 million. The area of ​​the airport is 18 km², the airport has two independent runways.

Serves mainly Asian destinations, as well as Australia, the Netherlands, Turkey.

No. 8. Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport (USA) - 60 million people per year.

Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport is located between the cities of Dallas and Fort Worth and is the busiest airport in Texas.

The area of ​​the airport is 7.3 hectares. The airport has 7 runways.
Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport serves 135 domestic and 38 international destinations and is the largest and main hub for American Airlines and American Eagle Airlines.

No. 7. Charles de Gaulle International Airport (Paris) - 63 million people per year.

Charles de Gaulle International Airport is the largest airport in France. Named in honor of the first president of the Fifth Republic, French military and political leader Charles de Gaulle.
The airport annually serves from 63 million people a year and handles more than 2 million tons of cargo. The airport has 4 runways.

The airport is the headquarters and main transfer hub of the French national airline Air France.

No. 6. Los Angeles International Airport (USA) - 65 million people per year.

Los Angeles International Airport is considered the most popular departure/destination in the world, that is, the place where people start or end their journey.
The airport annually serves from 70 million. The airport has 4 runways.

Passengers are served by nine terminals. Main destinations: North America, Latin America, Middle East, Europe, Asia and Oceania. The area of ​​the airport is 14 sq. km. It is a hub for Air New Zealand, Alaska Airlines, Allegiant Air, American Airlines, Delta Air Lines, United Airlines.

No. 5. Tokyo International Airport (Japan) - 66 million people per year.

Tokyo International Airport is one of the two major airports serving Greater Tokyo. The second name is Haneda Airport.

The airport serves from 66 million annually. Haneda receives almost all domestic flights to and from Tokyo. The airport has regular charters to Seoul (South Korea), Shanghai (China) and Hong Kong.

Haneda is the hub for two major Japanese airlines: Japan Airlines and All Nippon Airways.

No. 4. Heathrow International Airport (London) - 68 million people per year.

Heathrow International Airport is the largest international airport in the city of London.
The airport includes 5 passenger terminals and one cargo terminal.

Heathrow is served by over 90 airlines that connect London with 170 airports around the world. The airport is a hub for British Airways, Virgin Atlantic Airways.

No. 3. O'Hare International Airport (USA) - 69 million people per year.

O'Hare is Chicago's largest airport. Readers of Business Traveler Magazine recognized O'Hare International Airport as the best airport in North America. It is United Airlines' largest hub and American Airlines' second largest hub.

No. 2. Beijing Capital International Airport (China) - 83 million people per year.

Beijing Capital International Airport is the largest airport in Beijing, all of China and the second busiest airport in the world.

Forbes magazine ranked Shouda as the 2nd least punctual airport in 2007.
The airport's main destinations are Frankfurt, London (Heathrow), Los Angeles, New York, Paris, San Francisco and Vancouver.

Capital Airport is the largest hub for Air China, as well as for Hainan Airlines and China Southern Airlines.

No. 1. Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport (USA) - 90 million people per year.

Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport is the busiest airport not only in the US, but in the world. The airport is located 11 km south of the Central Business District of Atlanta, Georgia, USA. The airport serves over 90 million people annually.

The airport has 5 runways. The airport is the main hub of Delta Air Lines, AirTran Airways, Shuttle America

Most flights to Hartsfield-Jackson are domestic, carrying passengers to different US airports with transfers or flights to smaller cities in the Southern US.

Hartsfield-Jackson Airport serves international flights to North America, South America, Central America, Europe, Asia and Africa.

P.S. For reference:

Sheremetyevo annually serves 32 million people.

Domodedovo - 30.5 million people.

Vnukovo - 15.8 million people.

An airport is the most treasured place where every day thousands of people leave one country and arrive on the territory of other states. Turmoil, noise, haste, exclamations, expectation, happiness from meeting and sadness of parting - all these moments fill the huge halls, making us worry, rejoice and look forward to a comfortable flight.

What is the largest airport in the world? If you are dizzy from being in the territories of small airports, then visiting Atlanta or Tokyo, you will be greatly surprised at how large the premises or areas for waiting for a flight can be. Of course, Moscow airports are quite large, which makes them not only spacious, but also comfortable. Nevertheless, foreign sites surprise with their scale and the number of people who are daily in these territories. We offer you a small rating, after reading which you can easily answer the question of where is the largest airport in the world.

Airport in Tokyo Haneda

The first participant in the rating "The largest airport in the world" is Haneda (Tokyo). The airport is quite modern, new and very beautiful. The presence of the required number of various services - terminals, cafes, duty-free zones, etc. - makes the premises convenient for tourists and travelers who are forced to wait for their flight for more than three to four hours. On the territory of the airport there is a spacious hotel (387 rooms), offering its services around the clock.

In addition, here you will find a specially designated place for shopping and children's entertainment, where you can keep the children busy for a while. While waiting for the plane, there is no time here, and even more so there is nowhere to be bored. Everyone will find and do what he likes.

Airport in England London Heathrow

A huge airport that quite rightly claims the title of "The largest airport in the world." Heathrow is famous for its shopping line and has also been awarded for Better conditions in relation to the location of tourists Business Traveler Awards.

Here you will find five terminals for passengers and one for cargo. Tourists speak of Heathrow as a cozy, spacious and comfortable airport, which is always clean, tidy and ready to receive a sufficient number of people. Based on statistics, annually Heathrow serves about 67,000,000 citizens of various countries.

A feature of this airport is the presence of unusual rooms where believers can say a prayer and be "alone with God." This kind of care is pleasing and makes sure that the British are happy to welcome foreign guests of any race and creed.

Airport in Chicago O "Hare

One of the leaders in our ranking "The largest airport in the world" is a site built in Chicago. More than 67,000,000 people are served annually in this territory. This airport, about a decade ago, occupied the top lines in terms of maximum passenger traffic, as it made about 2663 take-offs and landings daily. Frequent flight delays have become the main reason for the restriction of departures and landings in this territory. It would seem that this moment was supposed to solve the problem of a huge number of passengers. However, the airport is no less popular, but a delay or cancellation of a flight is quite normal, so always be on the lookout if you decide to leave from this site.

Airport in Beijing Beijing Capital

A huge duty-free area is always ready to offer its services to tourists. In addition, the airport has an excellent shopping area and a chain of restaurants where you can spend time while waiting for your flight. Beijing International Airport is noted as one of the most technologically advanced. Most of the processes are automated, which makes the service as comfortable and efficient as possible.

Airport in Atlanta Hartsfield-Jackson

The largest airport in terms of area receives about 89,000,000 people annually. In order to properly serve such a number of passengers, about 55,000 employees work on the site.

Many tourists note the correct and convenient organization of the premises. This airport has 196 exits, but it is almost impossible to get confused and get out of your way. Letter designations terminals clearly orient passengers.

The pages of the official resource provide all the data on the schedule, departure / arrival, ticket booking, etc.

Airport in Dubai "Al Maktoum"

In 2013, a new airport built on the territory of Jabel Ali began to actively receive passengers. The aviation industry in Dubai, like many other industries, is developing very actively, using modern technologies. Al Maktoum International Airport is owned by the local government. To date, the airport cannot boast of a full range of services for the most convenient and comfortable location of passengers, however, tourists note the convenience of the location of the terminals and the high-quality service of airport employees.

Airport in Saudi Arabia (Dammam) KFIA

The area of ​​this airport is 780 square meters. This site is rightly called one of the largest in the world. However, the number of travelers who have visited this airport is not so large - about five million. The matter is that KFIA is located not in the most convenient place. Initially, the site was used to transport the military. Since 1999, the territory has been used as an international platform. The absence of a huge flow of people makes the atmosphere calm and peaceful. Excellent service and convenient location of shops, cafes and restaurants allow you to wait for your flight in comfortable conditions.

If we take Moscow airports into account, then it is worth noting Domodedovo, since it is the largest among domestic sites. Since 1963, the airport has been offering its services to passengers, gradually improving its service and the number of carriers. Today Domodedovo cooperates with 80 air carriers (Russian and foreign partners).