Koltsovo international flight schedule for the summer. Koltsovo (Ekaterinburg): online scoreboard and flight schedule. There are bus stations in Chelyabinsk

Koltsovo Airport displays data on the status of flights in an online scoreboard: arrival and departure times, all delays and cancellations. The board displays comprehensive information about both international and domestic flights as of today and tomorrow.

Flight schedule at Koltsovo airport (Ekaterinburg)

Each airport prepares a flight schedule for a long period, and information about regular flights is entered into it. Sudden changes caused by worsening weather conditions and other force majeure events are not reflected in it.

Therefore, the schedule is usually used at the trip planning stage. It gives a clear picture of air connections to the city the passenger is going to. The schedule will be useful when purchasing or booking tickets - it is easier to navigate by choosing a convenient date and time of flight. Koltsovo Airport also has flight schedules, but if you have already booked or purchased tickets, you will need more up-to-date information.
Information in the online scoreboard of Koltsovo Airport is updated regularly and displays all current changes in the flight schedule.

    What to do if your flight is canceled

    If a flight is canceled more than 24 hours before departure, passengers will be transferred to similar airline flights. The carrier bears the costs; the service is free for the passenger. If you are not satisfied with any of the options offered by the airline, most airlines can issue an “involuntary return.” Once confirmed by the airline, the money will be returned to your account. Sometimes this can take several weeks.

    How to check in at the airport

    Online check-in is available on most airline websites. Most often it opens 23 hours before the start of the flight. You can go through it no later than 1 hour before the plane departs.

    To check in at the airport you will need:

    • identification document specified in the order,
    • birth certificate when flying with children,
    • printed itinerary receipt (optional).
  • What can you take on a plane?

    Carry-on luggage is the items you will take with you into the cabin. Weight norm hand luggage can vary from 5 to 10 kg, and its size most often should not exceed the sum of three dimensions (length, width and height) from 115 to 203 cm (depending on the airline). A handbag is not considered hand luggage and is carried freely.

    The bag you take with you on the plane should not contain knives, scissors, medicines, aerosols, cosmetics. Alcohol from duty free stores can only be transported in sealed bags.

    How to pay for luggage at the airport

    If the weight of luggage exceeds the standards established by the airline (most often 20-23 kg), you need to pay for each kilogram of excess. In addition, many Russian and foreign airlines, as well as low-cost airlines, have tariffs that do not include free baggage allowance and must be paid separately as an additional service.

    In this case, luggage must be checked in at the airport at a separate Drop-off check-in counter. If you are unable to print your boarding pass, you can obtain one at the airline's regular check-in counter, and check-in and check-in your luggage there.

    Where to find out the arrival time if you are a greeter

    You can find out the plane's arrival time on the airport's online board. The Tutu.ru website has an online display of the main Russian and foreign airports.

    You can find out the exit number (gate) on the arrivals board at the airport. This number is located next to the incoming flight information.

It’s hard to even imagine how people traveling by air used to manage without special Internet services. After all, today it is online services that often make it possible not to miss a flight or, for example, while at home, without phone calls, to find out that relatives have already arrived in the city. A similar service in the form of Koltsov’s scoreboard is presented on this website. It will be useful to all residents and guests of Yekaterinburg - this is where the airport is located, considered the largest regional air port in Russia.

If you are flying from Koltsovo Airport, the online board will help you not to miss your flight or find out which flights are available to local residents. The table on our website displays dozens of positions that are updated regularly. When the plane arrives at Koltsovo airport, the online board displays information about this. You will learn about boarding in the sixth column - the status “arrived” will appear there. In fact, this is the same Koltsov airport board. Yekaterinburg has long needed a service that would allow people who are not currently at the airport to monitor the situation with departures and landings. For those who are interested in flights from Yekaterinburg, Koltsovo as an airport is presented in two tabs - “Arrival” and “Departure”.

    What to do if your flight is canceled

    If a flight is canceled more than 24 hours before departure, passengers will be transferred to similar airline flights. The carrier bears the costs; the service is free for the passenger. If you are not satisfied with any of the options offered by the airline, most airlines can issue an “involuntary return.” Once confirmed by the airline, the money will be returned to your account. Sometimes this can take several weeks.

    How to check in at the airport

    Online check-in is available on most airline websites. Most often it opens 23 hours before the start of the flight. You can go through it no later than 1 hour before the plane departs.

    To check in at the airport you will need:

    • identification document specified in the order,
    • birth certificate when flying with children,
    • printed itinerary receipt (optional).
  • What can you take on a plane?

    Carry-on luggage is the items you will take with you into the cabin. The weight limit for hand luggage can vary from 5 to 10 kg, and its size most often should not exceed the sum of three dimensions (length, width and height) from 115 to 203 cm (depending on the airline). A handbag is not considered hand luggage and is carried freely.

    The bag you take with you on the plane should not contain knives, scissors, medicines, aerosols, or cosmetics. Alcohol from duty free stores can only be transported in sealed bags.

    How to pay for luggage at the airport

    If the weight of luggage exceeds the standards established by the airline (most often 20-23 kg), you need to pay for each kilogram of excess. In addition, many Russian and foreign airlines, as well as low-cost airlines, have tariffs that do not include free baggage allowance and must be paid separately as an additional service.

    In this case, luggage must be checked in at the airport at a separate Drop-off check-in counter. If you are unable to print your boarding pass, you can obtain one at the airline's regular check-in counter, and check-in and check-in your luggage there.

  • Where to find out the arrival time if you are a greeter

    You can find out the plane's arrival time on the airport's online board. The Tutu.ru website has an online display of the main Russian and foreign airports.

    You can find out the exit number (gate) on the arrivals board at the airport. This number is located next to the incoming flight information.

    Online departure board Koltsovo

    The airport's departure board shows approximately 490 flights daily.
    Koltsovo Airport serves domestic and international flights.
    About 20 aircraft fly daily on the Moscow - Yekaterinburg route.
    You can find out the current flight schedule on the Koltsovo online board.
    Koltsovo was built in 1930 as a military airfield.
    The airport field is designed to park 60 aircraft.
    Before going to the airport, check the departure time of your flight at the Koltsovo airport departure board.