Not to be eaten by breastfeeding women. Proper nutrition and diet of a nursing mother. GW and intimate life

Breastfeeding a baby is a responsible and difficult task. First of all, mom needs to reconsider her diet and exclude foods that are prohibited during breastfeeding. Don't be afraid of these restrictions. In fact, there are only positive aspects in such a menu. The diet of a nursing woman is a proper and healthy diet, which will definitely benefit both mother and baby.

Why are exceptions needed for certain products?

Revising mom's diet is not just a whim of pediatricians. Nutrition plays a huge role in human life. We are what we eat. When breastfeeding, you have to think not only about yourself, but also about the child, who depends on breast milk. Proper nutrition help to enrich mother's milk useful vitamins and trace elements, eliminate the risks of allergic reactions in a child. The baby will develop more actively and grow healthy.

It is also important for the woman herself to eat right after childbirth so that the recovery of the body and nutrient reserves is faster. In addition, many mothers note the negative consequences of childbirth, such as anemia, constipation, sudden allergic reactions, exacerbation of ulcers and gastritis. All this will pass with time hormonal background will be the same and the body will begin to function normally.

With the help of a rational menu, you can help your body bounce back much faster. It is for these reasons that experts recommend taking a closer look at the diet when breastfeeding.

List of forbidden foods while breastfeeding

The list of food prohibitions looks quite impressive, but do not be discouraged: there are much more allowed products. You can find out what a nursing woman can eat in this article.

Prohibited products for a nursing mother are as follows:

1. Fatty meat, lard, smoked sausages, ham, etc.

Fatty foods cause constipation not only in mommy, but also in the child. In addition, the high calorie content of such food will quickly help you gain excess weight. Excess animal fats increase cholesterol.

2. Fish

Fish is very important in the mother's diet as a source of easily digestible protein. But, due to the fact that this product is quite allergenic, it should be used carefully, not earlier than 3-4 months from the date of birth of the child. If an allergic reaction is detected, the fish is completely excluded from the diet. This also includes such a product as fish caviar.

3. Instant food

This group includes instant noodles, frozen dumplings, pasties, pancakes, meatballs, cabbage rolls, etc. Such food is definitely not to be eaten by nursing mothers, as raw materials are often used of the lowest quality, and the taste of the dish is improved by many chemical additives, for example, monosodium glutamate.

Any "chemistry" in the menu of a nursing woman can negatively affect the child in the form of allergies and deterioration of well-being

4. Spicy sauces and seasonings

This includes hot red pepper, chili sauce, mustard, ketchup, black pepper, curry, cinnamon, fresh onion, garlic, Caucasian and Indian cuisine. Spicy lovers will have to make do with fairly bland food for a while. Spicy and spicy foods can significantly affect the taste of milk, making it unpleasant for the baby. The baby will drop the breast and breastfeeding will be threatened. In addition, such seasonings thin the stool, and the baby may develop diarrhea.

5. Pickles, store-bought and home-preserved

Any canned food is undesirable when breastfeeding. This also applies to home preservation. Most recipes include a lot of salt and a variety of seasonings, the excess of which can affect the taste of milk. In addition, when eating canned food, there is always a risk of infection with the deadly bacterium botulism.

6. Chocolate and other sweets

During breastfeeding, it is better for nursing mothers to give up sweets, since sweets contribute to the appearance of colic and diathesis in the baby. Chocolate, especially dark chocolate, contains a significant dose of caffeine. Some babies are quite sensitive to this substance and may react to a chocolate bar on their mother's menu with sleep disturbances and increased excitability. If you really want something sweet, then you can afford some white chocolate, marshmallows or marshmallows. It is advisable to consume sweets once a day 1.5 hours before feeding and in a very limited amount.

7. Sweet pastries

Many mothers love baking, often making it themselves. But during the GV period, such food is not useful. Refined flour, a high content of muffins, sweet or fatty fillings in pies or buns make them dangerous foods for a nursing mother. Such food will contribute to constipation in the mother, colic and diathesis in the child.

8. Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits contain a large amount of vitamin C, this is a definite plus, but the substances they contain can also negatively affect the baby, causing allergic reactions. It is with this segment of fruit that nursing mothers should be very careful.

9. Red products

What products fall into this category? Everything that has a red tint is tomatoes, red bell peppers, red fish, red apples, pomegranates, berries (strawberries, raspberries, cranberries, etc.). Thanks to a special pigment, due to which the product acquires a red color, this food is banned. It is he who is the strongest allergen.

10. High fat dairy products and whole milk

Many mothers are surprised why milk and fatty dairy products are prohibited, because this healthy foods containing large amounts of calcium. The thing is that milk in the diet of a nursing woman almost always causes colic in babies. And fatty "milk" helps to increase cholesterol, worsens the situation with constipation. Cheeses with a high percentage of fat content and a sharp spicy taste can also be attributed to this category. They are also undesirable in the mother's diet during breastfeeding.

11. Mushrooms

All mushrooms are prohibited. The thing is that the product is digested for a very long time and is poorly absorbed. Often, the mother's body cannot digest the mushrooms to such a state that they become safe for the child. Getting into breast milk, some undigested proteins can cause serious intestinal upset in a baby.

12. Peanut

With all the benefits of nuts, peanuts for HB should not be consumed, as they are allergenic products. It is better to give your preference to other varieties of nuts.

13. "Food trash"

This category includes chips, salted nuts, crackers with flavors, popcorn, fast food. Due to the high calorie content and the high content of "chemistry" in the composition, this food will definitely not benefit the young mother and baby. This also includes such a popular sauce as mayonnaise. Despite the fact that now on the shelves you can find many varieties of mayonnaise with different composition and the percentage of fat content, it is not worth using it during the GW period. The high content of chemical additives and fat content makes it an undesirable product on the table of a nursing mother.

14. Carbonated drinks

Any carbonated drinks should be banned, even mineral water with gas. If you can still drink mineral water, releasing gases from it, then the rest of the sparkling water will not be useful due to the high content of sugar and dyes. Such drinks are more likely to cause colic and allergies in the baby.

A word about alcohol and smoking

Alcoholic drinks and cigarettes should be strictly banned all the time breastfeeding. Of course, no real mother will even think about taking up a cigarette or a glass of wine until she completes GW, but many temptations can shake even an iron will.

You need to understand that carcinogens and toxins from tobacco and alcohol freely penetrate into breast milk from the mother's blood. Roughly speaking, if the mother drinks, then the baby also drinks. With smoking, everything is the same, the child will receive a fair dose of nicotine with milk.

If a one-time incident may not affect the baby in any way, then the regular abuse of cigarettes and wine is guaranteed to negatively affect the mental and physical development baby

What foods are prohibited for colic and allergies in a baby

If the child suffers from colic, then you should be even stricter about your diet. The following products should be banned:

  • Black Rye bread. Can be replaced with dry bread, which is made without the use of yeast.
  • Raw vegetables and fruits(especially White cabbage, cucumber, apples with skin). Vegetables during colic are best thermally processed, reducing the amount of fiber. Fruits completely eliminate or eat in limited quantities, removing the skin.
  • Whole milk. While the child suffers from colic, it is better not to use milk even in small doses, adding to tea or cereals.
  • Legumes (peas, beans). Legumes are an excellent source of protein, but a recognized causative agent of gas and colic in babies. It is better to temporarily replace them with meat products. Moms who are vegetarians can eat tofu cheese as a protein food, for example.
  • Smoked meats, fried foods, canned food. Such food is generally undesirable on the mother's table for the entire period of breastfeeding, but in the case of colic, it should be strictly excluded from the diet.
  • Eggs. Chicken eggs, in addition to causing colic, they are also a strong allergen. For the time of GW, it is better to replace them with quail ones: they are more gentle on the fragile body of the crumbs.
  • Sweets and sugar. When a baby suffers from colic, sweets are completely excluded. In rare cases, you can afford dry biscuit cookies (no more than 2 pieces per day).
  • Carbonated drinks. Not only the baby, but also the mother can have colic from carbonated water, so drinking it during the GV period is simply unreasonable.

With allergic reactions, the mother's diet is even stricter. When choosing a diet, you can focus on the table:

Table of excluded and allowed products for a nursing mother with allergies in a child

When allergens are identified, new foods can be introduced into the diet, be sure to pay attention to the reaction of the child. Each new product is introduced carefully, in small doses.

A nursing mother should remember that all prohibitions are temporary and after a while she can again enjoy her favorite dishes. And during breastfeeding, the health of the child comes to the fore, and everything must be done so that the baby grows strong and develops correctly.

Almost every breastfeeding woman wonders how her diet affects breast milk. So what should she eat?

Is there a special diet needed to ensure that the milk is sufficient and contains everything the baby needs? Should I exclude some food so that the child does not have problems with digestion?

Deny or allow?

Contrary to domestic traditions, when for some reason a nursing mother should sit on buckwheat and kefir, in scientifically based nutritional recommendations, women are advised to eat in a balanced, varied and with pleasure. This is quite obvious, because essential nutrients are called so because they are not synthesized in the body and must be supplied with food. For a child, their source is mother's milk, and for a mother - a complete and varied diet.

It includes products of five and a half food groups:

  1. vegetables fruits,
  2. grain products,
  3. plant and animal protein sources,
  4. dairy and finally
  5. good fats.

Different foods that are present in the mother's diet can slightly change the taste of breast milk. This is not bad at all, because the child is accustomed to different tastes, which makes it easier to get acquainted with other foods in the second half of life.

When breastfeeding, a woman should receive an additional 400-500 kcal per day with food (compared to nutrition before pregnancy). As for additional liquid, it is enough to be guided by thirst signals and drink as much as you want. If you forget, keep a water bottle handy and look at the color of your urine (it shouldn't be dark).


About the changed body

Returning to the weight that was before pregnancy is of interest to almost all nursing mothers. In glossy magazines, we constantly see reports about how this or that celebrity, seemingly without much effort, returned to shape a couple of months after giving birth. These unrealistic articles increase social pressure and force women to take extreme measures to lose weight. Please, do not do that! Thanks to healthy eating and gradually increasing physical activity weight naturally will decrease, and somewhere in a year you will return to your usual parameters.

In order not to harm your health, lose weight slowly - no more than 2 kg per month.

The lactation period is not the time when you can afford limited, meager nutrition. Although the composition of breast milk is more or less constant, it should not be maintained at the expense of maternal health and its own nutrient reserves. So listen to your hunger and satiety signals and eat as much as you need.

On the other hand, don't eat for two. If you're concerned you're not getting enough nutrients, talk to your healthcare provider or dietitian about improving your diet. It is important that a breastfeeding mother gets enough iodine, calcium, vitamin D, iron, complete proteins, long-chain omega-3s fatty acids. Your doctor may prescribe additional vitamins or minerals for you.

Black coffee and red wine

Moderate consumption of coffee, tea, and other caffeinated beverages while breastfeeding is allowed and usually does not cause problems for the baby.

Less than 1% of the caffeine consumed by the mother passes into breast milk.

The American Academy of Pediatrics considers two to three cups of coffee a day to be moderate. However, some children are more sensitive to caffeine. They become irritable or have difficulty sleeping even with moderate consumption. In this case, it is better to reduce the amount of coffee. A child's sensitivity to caffeine decreases by three to five months of age.

When a nursing woman drinks alcohol, it also appears in small amounts in breast milk. Data on “safe” drinking is conflicting because many different factors affect how much alcohol passes into milk and how much into the baby. That is why it is better to avoid regular alcohol consumption while breastfeeding. Alcohol can change the taste of milk and reduce milk production.

Beer does not improve lactation at all, this is a myth.

However, when alcohol is metabolized and leaves the bloodstream, it will not be in breast milk. If you feel like drinking a glass of red (or white), you should drink it after a meal. It will take about two hours for a woman of average weight to process one serving of alcohol (one serving - 350 ml of beer, 120-150 ml of wine, 45 ml of cognac) in her body.

As such, experts recommend waiting about two hours after drinking a single drink to make sure it doesn't pass into breast milk. There is no need to skimp on this. If a woman has drunk more than one drink, she must refrain from breastfeeding for an additional two hours for each drink.

Attention, gases!

Sometimes breastfeeding mothers notice their baby's reaction to certain foods. The child is worried, his tummy may swell a little if the mother has tried food with spices or a lot of fiber (legumes, cabbage). Usually these reactions are expressed slightly and within a day pass by themselves. If your child reacts negatively to a particular food every time and you're concerned about it, stop that food temporarily and watch. When you want to eat this product again, just cut back.

Everything that enters the mother's body with food also enters breast milk, affecting the development of the crumbs. In addition, due to violations of the mother's gastrointestinal tract, including during pregnancy, antigens that cause allergies are not excreted from the body as they should, and also enter breast milk, causing pathologies in newborns. How to prevent them? Read the article about what you can eat a nursing mother.

In European countries, nutrition during lactation is practically no different from nutrition before it. In our country, breastfeeding has been elevated to the rank of heroism by many. Almost nothing is impossible for a nursing woman, especially in the first month after childbirth, if she wants to get rid of gaziki, colic and other troubles associated with early development crumbs.

But did you know that all these troubles are the result of the baby's natural adaptation to the outside world. Initially, he ate through the umbilical cord, and now he will be fed through the stomach. Give him a couple of weeks to train, and everything will pass. To do this, ensure the intake of the most important substances in the body:

  • Carbohydrates - they should make up about 50 - 60% of all products. This is the energy that young mothers need so much.
  • Proteins - should be about 20%. They are the building material for the body, so both mother and her baby equally need them;
  • Fats - about 20 - 30%. These substances are actively involved in metabolic processes, therefore, are responsible for the absorption of vitamins and trace elements, health, excellent well-being.

Already in the first days after childbirth, you should start a food diary, which will display the foods introduced into the diet and the child's reactions to them. With manifestations of allergies, the product is abandoned for several weeks, and then they try to introduce it again.

In order not to get confused, new products are introduced three times a week, every other day, before lunch in small quantities. They enter the body of the crumbs within 12 hours, allowing you to watch him for a day, and if problems arise, cope with them by the evening, providing yourself healthy sleep at night.

It is not recommended to eat during lactation for two. Feeding requires about 800 kcal per day. This is the amount by which you need to increase the daily calorie intake through healthy foods. Special applications for gadgets help to do this without harm to the figure. Download them and calculate different variants nutrition. To improve lactation, follow the drinking regimen, take special teas from the pharmacy.

In the first days after childbirth, it is recommended to eat small portions of liquid food. This is especially important if there were ruptures of the perineum, hemorrhoids. Too thick food provokes the appearance of thick feces, which at the exit can cause divergence of the seams. If the situation is serious (sutures were applied to large areas), the doctor may recommend giving up foods rich in fiber: vegetables, rye bread, bran, as they improve bowel function, increase gas formation, and quickly remove feces.

Allowed dishes: soups, liquid cereals, dairy products. In the first 3 weeks after childbirth, it is important to ensure that all food undergoes thorough heat treatment. In the absence of health problems in crumbs, food restrictions are removed at 2 months. But this does not mean that you can eat absolutely everything at once. Simply, it's time to introduce new foods and monitor the child's reaction to them.

Several rules apply to the drinking regime. In the first days after the birth of the crumbs, you should not drink more than 1 liter of liquid. This applies to the period of appearance of colostrum. Otherwise, there will be too much milk when it comes out, and this, on the one hand, will make it difficult to drain while sucking, and on the other hand, it will provoke lactostasis.

Allowed drinks: water, milk, teas, juices. With the advent of milk, the amount of fluid you drink can be increased to 2-3 liters per day.

What can you eat

For your convenience, a table is provided that includes allowed foods while breastfeeding.

MeatThis is protein. Suitable lean varieties of young beef, rabbit, turkey, domestic chicken, lean pork after a few months after childbirth. They can be baked, boiled or stewed.
FishChoose lean types of river and sea fish. They start, as a rule, with hake, pollock, subsequently adding pike perch, carp. They are baked and steamed. Eat twice a week, refusing meat these days.
Dairy and dairy productsYou need to eat them daily. When choosing, you should pay special attention to fat content. Permissible for milk is 2.5% - no higher and no lower. Drink no more than 200 ml per day. Yoghurts without fruit additives are allowed in an amount of no more than 600 - 800 ml per day. Mild cheese and cottage cheese with a fat content of 5 - 9% are useful. When using the latter daily, it is important to monitor the fontanel of the crumbs, making sure that it does not rapidly close. In the first month from cow's milk many pediatricians recommend to refuse.
VegetablesPumpkin, zucchini, dill, parsley are allowed within a couple of weeks after childbirth. Carrots and beets are recommended to be introduced at 3 months, using boiled or baked, the main thing is to monitor the reaction of the baby, because beets can weaken. Potatoes are allowed from the first days. At 3 months of feeding, cabbage can be introduced, and any kind is allowed if the baby is not tormented by colic. It is better to postpone legumes for up to six months.
FruitsThe very first possible treats are green apples and bananas. From baked or eaten raw, it is good to wash before this. 1 banana per day and 1 - 2 apples are allowed. In the second month after childbirth, you can add a little other seasonal fruits, for example,. From imported, exotic, it is better to refuse for now.
KashiBuckwheat, oatmeal are allowed literally from the first days. Just initially they are cooked in water, and then in milk. Rice is eaten with caution, as it can strengthen. Wheat and pearl barley are introduced no earlier than six months, or even later.
Spices, spicesMint, celery, basil, oregano, thyme, tarragon can be tasted at 3 months. Onions in soups are allowed from birth, and fresh green - from 3 months.
SoupsVegetables and cereals in low-fat broth.
Bread, pastaYesterday's bread is allowed from wholemeal flour, including bran, and it is better to choose pasta from durum wheat. You can eat bagels, crackers (not to be confused with store-bought, salty).
FatsAllowed vegetable oils(sunflower, olive, corn), with which you can cook meals, creamy in a volume of up to 15 ml per day.
nutsWalnuts are allowed.
BeveragesCompotes, fruit drinks from cranberries, cherries, gooseberries - from 1 month. Useful herbal teas green tea and weak black with milk.

What can be done with care

There is a rule called "food traffic light". According to him, the list of products that are allowed and prohibited during lactation directly depends on their color. In other words, you can eat everything green. Be wary of orange foods. Accordingly, the reds are banned.

Thus, among the products that you can eat, but carefully, are:

  • melon;
  • fresh kefir;
  • beans and peas;
  • vegetable oil in its pure form, for example, when dressing salads.

Please note that the fact that these foods are in the yellow zone does not mean that they cannot be eaten. It is possible and even necessary, but in moderation and gradually introducing into the diet. Just because they provoke bloating, colic, indigestion in the crumbs.

The following group causes constipation in case of excess in the menu:

  • fresh bread, pastries;
  • pomegranate;
  • persimmon;
  • pear.

Possible allergens:

  • cow's milk - not all children tolerate its protein;
  • black currant;
  • red fish;
  • eggs;
  • millet, corn and even semolina porridge, especially if the latter is cooked in milk.

Freshly squeezed juices are best introduced from 3 months. You can start with apple and carrot. Fruit drinks from blackcurrant, blueberries are also suitable.

During this period, little by little different types nuts other than peanuts and pistachios. As sweeteners, apple or cherry jam is used, honey and sour cream are tried, and quail meat is prepared.

What is not allowed and why

First of all, the group of potentially dangerous products for the baby includes:

  • Bitter dark chocolate (the one with about 70% cocoa) is the strongest allergen. According to some pediatricians, you can try to introduce milk or white into your diet from 3 to 6 months, meanwhile it is important to be prepared for an allergic reaction.
  • Seafood, some types of fish and caviar - the first are able to accumulate heavy metals. Caviar can be of poor quality and provoke poisoning. Shrimps are an allergen. From fish, mackerel, tuna, and red fish cause allergies.
  • Raw vegetables are prohibited in the first two months, especially purchased ones, as they can be poisonous. In addition, they improve intestinal motility, cause bloating.
  • Citrus fruits, exotic fruits are allergens that are allowed only after 3 months, and they need to be introduced in slices. What fruits and berries are still dangerous? Grapes and plums, apricots, if the baby puffs up.
  • Watermelons - they can be poisoned.
  • Semi-finished products, smoking, fatty broths, pickles - cause colic in the baby.
  • Mustard, horseradish, hot peppers, garlic, hot sauces, onions (not to be confused with green feathers) - cause heartburn in mom, stomach pain in a newborn, change the taste and smell of milk. With a great desire to enter them, you can not earlier than 6 months.
  • Cheeses with mold - they can be poisoned.
  • Black strong coffee, tea - cause anxiety in the child.
  • Any alcohol.

When planning your diet, remember that nutrition during lactation is not a test, but an investment in your baby's health. Do it now, and in the future he will appreciate your efforts.

Every young mother, without exception, wants her baby to grow up healthy and happy. That is why it was and remains one of the most topical issues for any new mother, what should be her diet when breastfeeding.

It is no secret that the mother's nutrition during breastfeeding is one of the factors on which the well-being of the child depends. It is especially important to remember this in the first month after childbirth. At this time, it is quite difficult for a nursing mother to eat right, because she suddenly has a rather large amount of work, to which she has not yet had time to adapt. It also makes itself felt the physiological state of the mother after childbirth.

All these factors often bring discord into the diet of a nursing mother, and thus do not allow her to eat properly and balanced.

Why is it so important

The health of the mother, as well as the well-being of her child, depends on proper nutrition during breastfeeding.

In the first 3-4 months of his life, each child requires special attention and care, because his body adapts to the conditions environment. Many mothers at this time try to take a responsible approach to the issue of their own nutrition in order to help the child avoid such troubles as, for example, intestinal colic, food allergies, constipation, diarrhea, etc.

The first month after childbirth is a rather difficult period for a woman, associated with her well-being. Many are faced with such an unpleasant phenomenon as constipation.

Most often, they are associated with the fact that the intestine, which was previously strongly displaced by the grown uterus, falls into place. This occurs against the background of weakened muscles after pregnancy and childbirth, which causes constipation. Usually everything is restored by itself in the first month or two after childbirth.

Rules for proper nutrition with HB

Proper nutrition helps to significantly alleviate the condition of a nursing mother.

  1. In the first months after childbirth, the menu of a nursing mother should contain boiled or baked vegetables and fruits to the maximum.
  2. If there is a problem of constipation, you should avoid eating fresh bread and other baked goods.
  3. In the diet of a nursing mother, it is necessary to include the first dishes: vegetable soups, soups on the second broth.
  4. The drinking regimen is extremely important for a nursing mother. This is the main way to deal with constipation. Also, fluid deficiency can adversely affect the amount of breast milk.
  5. For good health and quick recovery after childbirth, the menu of a young mother should contain foods rich in B vitamins, animal proteins: chicken fillet, turkey, beef, cereals.
  6. To ease the load on the intestines, you should break the mother's diet into 5-6 meals a day, in small portions.

The well-being of the child directly depends on the nutrition of the mother during breastfeeding.

It is especially important to eat right in the first 3-4 months of a baby's life.

What to pay attention to

Sometimes even the most harmless at first glance food can cause certain problems in an infant.

Never forget that every child is different. It is simply impossible to ignore individual intolerance to certain products!

So, the reaction to which popular healthy products may come as a complete surprise to you?

The baby's body is very sensitive to allergenic foods, an allergy can manifest itself already from the use of one cherry.

What sweets can mom eat

At first, sweets in the diet of a nursing mother can cause many problems for the child. However, there are products that are usually well tolerated by the baby and allow you to diversify your mom's menu. This:

  • biscuit cookies;
  • white marshmallow;
  • Turkish delight, pastille;
  • condensed milk without palm fat;
  • marmalade without dyes;
  • curds without dyes and aromatic additives.

What is good for mom and baby to eat

At the time of breastfeeding, the mother should include foods rich in vitamins and beams in her diet.

Although at first it is quite difficult to do this due to restrictions, but as the baby grows, the mother's menu must be gradually expanded and enriched with all sorts of useful things. Try to eat only seasonal fruits, vegetables that grow in your area of ​​​​residence:

  • greens (dill, parsley, green onions);
  • fruits, vegetables: beets, carrots, onions, potatoes, stewed cabbage (not earlier than 6 months after childbirth);
  • cereals: buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, millet, wheat, barley, etc.;
  • white meat: chicken breast, turkey, beef, poultry liver;
  • dairy products: milk, cottage cheese, low-fat kefir, yoghurts without fillers;
  • egg whites (for the first time after childbirth, no more than two eggs). Over time, boiled eggs, scrambled eggs, etc. can be included in the diet.

What can not eat mom with GV

Alas, at the time of breastfeeding, a woman’s diet should completely exclude or significantly limit such products:

  1. alcohol;
  2. chocolate;
  3. citrus;
  4. mayonnaise, ketchup;
  5. carbonated drinks;
  6. coffee;
  7. strong tea.

We tried to set out in as much detail as possible the basic principles by which the diet of a nursing mother should be compiled. It is also worth noting that everything related to mom's nutrition is quite individual, and what suits one particular mother-baby pair may not suit another. The main goal of a mother's nutrition during breastfeeding is the well-being of her and her baby.

Try to expand your menu as much as possible, because you should feel good not only physically, but also mentally. All kinds of food restrictions adversely affect the well-being of a woman. You should not limit your diet to water and lean soups. Remember that a child needs a healthy and happy mother!

Grow healthy and happy!

Indeed, there are foods that can cause allergies or colic in a child. First of all, you should review the mother's diet when breastfeeding. But this does not mean that they should be completely abandoned. Try to improve the quality of the purchased products, the child may be allergic to the fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides or food additives used. If the baby is prone to allergies, then try buying vegetables and fruits in the village, eggs and meat from trusted sellers, as well as products with the least amount of food additives.

It is necessary to give preference to vegetables and fruits that are in season, otherwise you can get an undesirable dose of nitrates. In the "off season" it is better to use frozen vegetables, and if you prepare them yourself, it will be just wonderful! Agree that a zucchini grown in summer is much more useful than a winter greenhouse or imported brother! In fact, the question is the topic of a separate article. And now we will tell you what you can not eat.

What not to eat while breastfeeding?

  • strong coffee,
  • alcohol,
  • spicy sauces and condiments,
  • canned fish, meat, dairy products,
  • semi-finished products from the store,
  • meat with blood, poorly fried and not thoroughly cooked.

Hypoallergenic diet for nursing mothers

What can not be eaten by a nursing mother with colic - foods that cause allergies in newborns:

  • White bread,
  • cow milk,
  • chicken eggs,
  • poultry meat,
  • sausages, sausages,
  • red fish,
  • seafood,
  • fish and crab sticks,
  • smoked meats,
  • caviar,
  • mayonnaise,
  • wheat pasta,
  • tomatoes,
  • red berries and fruits,
  • Exotic fruits,
  • nuts,
  • mushrooms,
  • chocolate,
  • coffee, cocoa,
  • vacuum packed products.

Why should these foods be excluded? The list of foods that cause allergies is rather long. But don't worry, that doesn't mean you should give them up entirely. If you do not eat kilograms of red fruits or drink milk in glasses, nothing bad will happen. Try to eat the way you ate during pregnancy (if you ate right!) Most likely, this will be the usual diet for the child. Most importantly, subdue your appetite for delicacies and various goodies. Introduce new foods in small portions, for example, one spoonful of raspberry jam, two strawberries, half a tangerine. If the child does not respond in any way, then you can gradually increase the volume of these products. Also, do not forget that you need to eat a little bit and not overeat.

Diet of a nursing mother with colic

Quite often, colic appears in children in the first three months, and this is considered the norm. One of the causes of colic in newborns is malnutrition of the mother, eating foods that cause flatulence. What can not be eaten by a nursing mother with colic - foods that cause bloating:

  • cow milk,
  • carbonated drinks,
  • white cabbage,
  • cucumbers,
  • bell pepper,
  • grape,
  • pears,
  • peas,
  • beans,
  • raisin.

So that the child does not suffer from colic, it is necessary to exclude or reduce to a minimum gas generating products. If this does not help, then you need to treat your mother. Perhaps the mother does not have enough of any enzymes to break down food, therefore, the child will also have problems with the absorption of milk. For example, mommy ate a very healthy, cooked on the water oatmeal, and due to the fact that she suffers from gastritis, constipation, stagnation of bile in the intestines, dysbacteriosis or something else, this porridge will not be able to digest to those particles that are available to the child's digestion. In this "unfinished" form, porridge is alien and difficult to digest for the baby, which means it will cause colic and allergies.

How to keep a food diary for a nursing mother?

It would be great if you keep a food diary. With it, you can fix which foods cause certain changes in the baby:

  • on the skin - rashes, itching, swelling;
  • in the respiratory system - cough, shortness of breath, runny nose;
  • in the digestive organs - regurgitation, vomiting, changes in stool (color, texture, presence of mucus), colic.

In the morning, try a new product, and then observe the child for 48 hours and enter the data in such a table.

So let's recap. You have learned that a breastfeeding mother should not eat. Yes, you will have to give up delicacies and “sweets”, follow a diet, try to buy natural products, and keep a food diary. But what can you do for the sake of your healthy baby's smile! So right?