Not gas-forming products before ultrasound. What should be the diet before an abdominal ultrasound? Performing an abdominal ultrasound on a child

The occurrence of any problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and malfunctions of the internal organs helps to solve a thorough examination by a specialist abdominal cavity using the method of ultrasound (ultrasound waves). The accuracy of research and the availability of the method allows you to take appropriate measures in the early stages and prevent the progression of many diseases.

The advantages of the procedure include its availability, painlessness, no threat to the general condition of patients (unlike X-ray examination).

What to do in preparation for the examination and whether it is possible to drink before an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, we will consider in this article.

Preparing for an abdominal ultrasound

The main obstacle to getting correct results there will be gas in the intestines. A strict diet immediately before the study should completely eliminate the possibility of their formation. Proper preparation will exclude incorrect diagnosis and interpretation of the image obtained on the monitor.

Doctors recommend not eating for 8-10 hours before the start of the study, which is usually prescribed in the morning, less often at 12-15 pm. For a more accurate diagnosis of the bowel condition, an enema is recommended 12 hours before the study.

Spasms of smooth muscles will complicate the examination, so be sure to inform the specialist doctor about the medications you are taking if they include antispasmodics (dibazole, drotaverine).

For children different ages established their own norms for restricting food intake before an ultrasound examination:

  • Children under one year - at least 3 hours;
  • Children aged 1-3 years - an average of 4 hours;
  • Children 3-12 years old - from 6 to 8 hours.

Can I eat before an abdominal ultrasound?

A special diet will help prevent the presence of gases in the intestines and periodic spasms of its smooth muscles. Fractional meals are recommended, in small portions with intervals between meals of about 3 hours.

Throughout the day, it is forbidden to eat sweet and flour products (buns, buns, cakes and pastries), sweets, chocolate, fatty meats, sausages, legumes, marinades, smoked meats. Juices, coffee, milk, lemonade and alcohol are not recommended for drinks.

It is recommended to include cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat, barley), boiled or baked lean meat (beef or chicken), fish, boiled eggs in the diet. Low-fat cheese is allowed. Products are recommended to stew or bake, boil, in no case fry.

Each meal should take place in a calm atmosphere, without talking, so as not to provoke gas formation due to excess air trapping.

Immediately before the examination procedure in the evening, a light dinner is recommended until 20 pm, excluding meat and fish dishes. With a tendency to constipation at the same time, it is recommended to take a laxative, preferably plant origin(based on senna), or use rectal suppositories. In case of intolerance to these drugs, a cleansing enema is used.

The examination itself is recommended to be carried out on an empty stomach, and if it is scheduled for the afternoon, the last meal should be no later than 10-11 am. Then take 5-10 tablets of activated charcoal (at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight), or preparations with simethicone to prevent gas formation.

Can I drink water before an abdominal ultrasound?

On the day of the study, the intake of any liquid is excluded, this primarily includes simple clean water. If water is in the stomach, it may show an incorrect picture as a result of the examination by a specialist, which is based on the visual results of the examination.

It is necessary to refuse to take water in any form before an ultrasound for the following reasons:

  1. Unreliability of the results of the study due to the filling of the walls of the stomach with water;
  2. The occurrence of spasms of smooth muscles;
  3. active work digestive system as a result of drinking liquid.

If the patient is thirsty, it is advisable to refrain from drinking water at least 1-1.5 hours before the ultrasound, otherwise the research data will be biased. If you are very thirsty, you can dissolve a small piece of ice, this will moisturize the mucous membrane and relieve an attack of thirst. In the hot season, you can wipe the skin with a cloth soaked in water.

An exception is made only in cases where a comprehensive examination also includes ultrasound Bladder or examination of the internal genital organs. The correct interpretation of the results of the study is impossible if the bladder is not full.

Can I drink tea before an ultrasound?

Everything said above about the use of water applies to the intake of tea. Before preparing for an ultrasound, you can replace part of the daily volume of liquid with weak, unsweetened tea. It is preferable to choose green tea or prepared with herbs that reduce the risk of gas accumulation in the intestines.

When drinking tea, you should follow the rules so that the drink is not too strong and hot, does not contain a lot of honey and sugar. You should not drink liquid immediately after meals and on the day of the study.


Before conducting an ultrasound, attention should be paid to the establishment of the gastrointestinal tract in order to avoid the processes of gas formation and malfunctions of the stomach and intestines, stagnation of processed food. Follow a special diet at least a week before the expected date of the examination. Reception of antispasmodics should be limited to obtain adequate results.

It is necessary to refrain from smoking before the ultrasound, and after the procedure, such restrictions are removed.

Ultrasound for gastrointestinal problems

About problems with the intestines, pain and discomfort in the abdominal cavity often occur, nausea and belching, and heartburn are not uncommon. Examination of internal organs is carried out with suspicion of the presence of stones in the gallbladder, tumors of various origins, and other diseases.

If the indications are intestinal diseases identified during a preliminary examination, it is necessary to observe strict diet before the examination. At the same time, it is allowed to use activated charcoal preparations, smectite, enterosgel to alleviate the general condition of the patient.

If you suffer from constipation, before the ultrasound, pay attention to the establishment of bowel function with the help of proper nutrition in combination with mild laxatives. Eliminate fatty foods, potatoes, white bread from the diet. Low-fat and non-spicy steamed dishes are recommended.

Before the procedure, you need to clean the intestines so that it is easier for the specialist to carry out the correct diagnosis, examine its walls and the possible presence of pathologies.

For this, laxatives or a cleansing enema are used, and the enema is used once so as not to disturb the surface of the mucous membrane.

To date, ultrasound diagnostics of the abdominal organs is the most popular procedure.

This method is considered the most informative. What you can eat and drink before abdominal ultrasound, as it helps to quickly identify problem areas of internal organs, diagnose the level of damage to the pancreas, gallbladder and ducts, as well as the liver.

Ultrasound diagnostics is carried out in such cases as:

  • Pain in the abdomen of an indeterminate nature.
  • Identification and diagnosis of features of abdominal aortic aneurysm.
  • Diagnosis of liver diseases.
  • Identification of stones in the gallbladder and its ducts.
  • Diagnosis of tumors and inflammatory processes pancreas.
  • Treatment of the digestive system.

At the same time, it can be noted that the intestines, both thick and thin, reflect ultrasonic waves due to their structure and are difficult to diagnose. Ultrasound can only detect their visible structural changes. But with all this, intestinal spasms, food masses or accumulation of gases complicate the procedure for ultrasound diagnosis. This, in turn, can lead to an incorrect diagnosis and, as a result, aggravation of the general condition of the patient.

Therefore, in order for an ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity to be correct and give maximum information, careful and responsible preparation is necessary for undergoing this procedure, namely dieting. So what can you eat before an abdominal ultrasound?

What can and cannot be eaten with ultrasound

It takes 3 or 2 days to prepare for the ultrasound diagnostic procedure, while it is important to remove from the diet those foods that can cause irritation or contribute to the development of flatulence in the intestines. Under no circumstances should you use:

Peppers and spices of any kind also have an irritating effect.

The most popular irritants are strong tea and coffee. The fact that it is important to stop drinking alcohol, even in small quantities, is not worth mentioning. Can I smoke? In no case!

Not only does smoking in itself negatively affect the body, this procedure also accompanies the process of "absorption" of air that accumulates in the intestines. In addition, chewing gum is also accompanied by the effect of air accumulation in the intestines.

You will learn about the correct preparation for an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity from the presented video:

What foods can be used with ultrasound

What can you eat before an abdominal ultrasound? The menu during preparation for ultrasound must necessarily consist of easily digestible products, which include:

  • Cereals from cereals such as rice, buckwheat and oatmeal cooked in water.
  • You can boiled poultry meat or boiled beef.
  • Fish that does not contain fat, boiled or steamed.
  • You can skimmed hard cheese.
  • Soft-boiled egg, but not more than one per day.

Meals should be frequent at regular intervals. Portions should be small, and food should be taken slowly so as not to “swallow” air. You can drink water or weakly brewed tea, no more than 1.5 liters per day.

Often, ultrasound is performed on an empty stomach in the morning, but even if this is the case, the last time you need to eat is no later than 8 pm the previous day. Before an ultrasound, you should not take liquid, this will worsen the image and complicate the diagnosis. It also happens that ultrasound diagnostics is carried out in the afternoon or towards the end of the working day. In this case, a light breakfast is allowed, which must be taken no later than 11 am. After it, it is forbidden to eat, drink and smoke.

It is also important to know that a doctor can prescribe special enzymes for people with increased flatulence. Also, additional medical support is prescribed for people suffering from constipation. If the patient is already taking any drugs, then it is worth informing the attending physician about this, he can prescribe special enzymes that neutralize the effect of the drugs. The diet does not change.

Ultrasound should not be performed after radiopaque diagnosis of the gastrointestinal tract and endoscopic diagnosis.

It should also not be forgotten that the ultrasound not only adult patients are being prepared, but also children. So, before the ultrasound examination, children under 1 year old skip one feeding, that is, they do not eat for 24 hours, and you should not drink water 1 hour before the diagnosis. The same applies to children aged 1 to 3 years: 4 hours before the ultrasound diagnosis, they stop eating and drinking. If the child is older than 3 years, then he follows a strict "diet": 6 hours before the study, he refrains from eating and drinking.

If the patient has had an ultrasound scan done in the past, they should take the results with them. They will help the attending physician to track the dynamics of changes and make the correct diagnosis.

It is also worth remembering that there are factors that can distort the ultrasound picture of the diagnosis and a second examination may be necessary. These factors include:

  • Spasms of the intestinal muscles, which may occur after a previous endoscopy.
  • Often, intestinal spasms are observed in those patients who have bad habits.
  • Increased flatulence.
  • Excess weight can also distort the ultrasound image, as the penetration depth of the ultrasound beam decreases.
  • Any movements not approved by the doctor can also cause repeated ultrasound diagnostics.

If the above points do not always directly depend on the person, then the preparation of one's own intestine for ultrasound diagnostics is entirely the responsibility of the patient. It should be remembered that a correctly diagnosed diagnosis is the key to a positive recovery dynamics, so you do not need to neglect the two-day diet and know exactly what you can eat. It is necessary to throw out from your diet all milk-containing products, bakery and confectionery products (only a small amount of white bread is allowed), legumes, carbonated drinks, spices and peppers, hot sauces, cabbage, potatoes, fruits, fatty meats and fish. In addition to regulating your diet, you need to take care of other intestinal problems, if any.

You should consult a doctor about this, perhaps he will advise special drugs that reduce flatulence or improve digestion. Before an ultrasound, it is also worth getting rid of constipation and excess feces. Only in this case, ultrasound diagnostics of the abdominal organs will be productive. Now you know what you can eat before ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.

The human body. There are a number of recommendations that should be followed before doing this procedure. If they are not adhered to, then the diagnosis will not be accurate. The main stage of preparation is special diet which must be adhered to. Compliance with all nutritional recommendations is as important a step in the study of the abdominal cavity as ultrasound procedure. The quality of the examination by means of ultrasound depends on the qualifications of the specialist who conducts it. And the responsibility for the preparatory stage lies entirely with the patient.

What is being researched?

During the procedure, the following parameters of the body are examined:

  1. condition of the stomach.
  2. The patient's liver.
  3. Gallbladder.
  4. Pancreatic gland.
  5. Kidney.

In women, the uterus and appendages are diagnosed. In men, the condition of the prostate gland is assessed.


You should know that the intestines, both thick and thin, are difficult to examine. This is due to its structural features. The fact is that the intestinal cavities do not allow ultrasound to be reflected in such a way that it would be possible to assess its condition with high accuracy. However, through this study rough changes can be seen.

If there is food in the intestines during the ultrasound or gases accumulate, then the result may be distorted when examining other abdominal organs.

Therefore, when preparing for this type of study, it is necessary to abandon such products that can cause spasms, gas formation, or other obstructive processes.


It is necessary to start the preparatory process a few days before the ultrasound. To do this, you should start limiting yourself from taking a whole list of products. The ultrasound itself is performed on the patient on an empty stomach. Therefore, on the day of its holding, it is necessary to refuse to take any food.
What foods should be excluded from your menu at the stage of the preparatory process before the procedure? It is recommended to start preparation a few days before the procedure. Namely, three days. The preparatory stage is that the patient will need to switch to a sparing type of food. First of all, you should remove products that contribute to the formation of gases or any kind of irritation.

There is a certain list of undesirable products, it will be given below.

Dairy products (milk)

What can you eat before an abdominal ultrasound, and what foods should be excluded? Now let's figure it out. Dairy products, namely milk, should be excluded. The fact is that it includes lactose in its composition.

How older man, the fewer elements in his body that contribute to the breakdown of lactose. If lactose remains on the intestinal walls, then the fermentation process will begin and, as a result, gases will appear. In addition to milk, a similar reaction can occur from the use of fermented milk products, namely kefir, sour cream, yogurt, and so on. The accumulation of such a substance as lactose from fermented milk products will be much less. But it is better if the patient refuses to use them.


You shouldn't eat fruit. This is due to the fact that they contain fructose. It is a type of sugar.

When fructose enters the human body in large volumes, the fermentation process also begins. Do not eat fruits and berries a few days before the ultrasound examination.


This simple product contains a large number of complex carbohydrate-type compounds. They are called polysaccharides. From their ingestion into the intestines, gases also appear. You should know that you should not completely exclude bread from your diet. But you need to limit yourself in its use. It will be better if the patient eats white bread.

It is not recommended to use black or rye before an ultrasound examination. Also, you can not eat buns, cakes and other sweets. Since they can negatively affect the performance of the study.


Legumes such as soybeans, beans, peas provoke gas formation. This is due to the fact that they contain polysaccharides. At the stage of digestion, these elements can cause an increased level of gas formation. Therefore, it is worth refusing to eat them.

There are a number of vegetables that are also best avoided. These include cabbage, potatoes, asparagus, onions, corn. They also contain polysaccharides.

Fatty food

Foods with a high fat content are prohibited. This category includes fatty meats and fish. From them, fat accumulates in the stomach, which contributes to gas release.

Avoid carbonated drinks. This is due to the fact that, firstly, they contain carbon dioxide. It is a gas in itself. And secondly, drinks in this category include coloring substances in their composition. They can cause the walls of the stomach to undergo a process of irritation. And this will complicate obtaining accurate indicators of the state of the abdominal cavity through ultrasound.

Also, do not use spices and spices. They can cause irritation processes. Spices include: pepper, cinnamon, cumin and others.

What drink?

Can I drink before an abdominal ultrasound? In addition to the above foods, tea can cause irritation of internal organs, especially if it is strong. You also don't need to drink coffee. In addition, you should not drink drinks that contain alcohol. It is also not recommended to smoke. The fact is that nicotine has negative impact on human body. Therefore, it is worth giving up smoking for at least a few days. When smoking, a person swallows air, which settles in the stomach. Such a process has a bad effect on ultrasound. Swallowing air also occurs while chewing gum. In this regard, it is necessary to abandon this process before the procedure.


What can you eat before an abdominal ultrasound? Above was a list of products that are not recommended to be consumed before doing an ultrasound. This list is quite large. Many may wonder what diet should be followed in order to prepare your body for the procedure. Can I eat before an abdominal ultrasound? It is necessary that food is easily absorbed by the body. Below is a list of foods that can be eaten.

First of all, these are porridges, they must be cooked in water without milk. You can eat rice, buckwheat, oatmeal.

Meat can also be eaten, but only if it is lean. For example, poultry or beef. It must be boiled or steamed.

What can you eat before an abdominal ultrasound? Fish is also allowed low-fat and boiled, cheese with a minimum fat content.

You can use an egg that will be soft-boiled. It can be eaten once a day, not more often.

Don't overload your stomach!

What can I eat before an abdominal ultrasound? This we have already found out. There is one more rule to follow. No need to transfer. Since it will overload the stomach. It is necessary to eat small portions, but more often. For example, you can eat food 5 or 6 times a day. In this case, a certain time interval between meals should be observed. It is 3 or 4 hours. There are also recommendations for direct food intake. They lie in the fact that food should be chewed with a certain care. In no case should you swallow food in large pieces. This will lead to the fact that air will enter the body along with food, and this should not be allowed.

Tea and water

Can I drink water and tea before an abdominal ultrasound? Yes. But the tea must be weak. The volume of liquid can reach up to one and a half liters per day.
It is also not recommended to eat before bed.

Especially if the ultrasound is scheduled for the morning hours. In this case, the last meal should be no later than eight o'clock in the evening.

Before the procedure

Can I eat before an abdominal ultrasound? Do not drink before the procedure. If the examination of the abdominal cavity is scheduled for the afternoon, then you can have breakfast. Meals should include only permitted foods. You should finish taking any food before 11 am if the ultrasound is scheduled for 3 pm.

Features of drinking water

Can I drink water before an abdominal ultrasound? There are exceptions to these rules. Namely, when examining the bladder, pelvic organs in women, the doctor may ask the patient to drink a certain amount of liquid immediately before the procedure.

If a person has any problems with digestion, then he should notify the doctor. In this case, the patient will receive special means which will help him to cope with this or that problem. For example, get rid of constipation or increased levels of gases.


Now you know what you can eat before an abdominal ultrasound, and what you should refuse. We hope that our recommendations will help you.

The kidneys are well suited for this type of study. In order for the picture to be clear and the doctor to be able to make a diagnosis, it is important to properly prepare for the ultrasound. Recommendations before the procedure include selective nutrition, medication and a number of other manipulations.

Why is an ultrasound of the kidneys done?

Ultrasound is a common instrumental examination method in case of problems with the pelvic organs and kidneys. The procedure is safe, so it is suitable even for pregnant women. Unlike computed tomography, ultrasound is performed without the use of a contrast agent and allows you to examine stones and sand in the kidneys, cysts, neoplasms and the general condition of internal organs. There are no contraindications for the procedure, there is no need to take a long break between examinations.

Ultrasound echography will show changes in the kidney parenchyma, help determine the presence of stones, neoplasms, and displacement of organs. The device forms an image due to the peculiarities of the reflection of sound waves from tissues of various densities. Sound passes easily through liquids, encountering difficulty only in the form of gases. Doppler ultrasound helps to monitor the movement of blood in the vessels of the kidneys. The Doppler effect used in this method implies a different frequency of ultrasonic waves reflected by blood components.

An ultrasound machine has a transducer that emits sound waves that are too high in frequency for the human ear to hear. Sound waves penetrate the skin to the internal organs, are reflected from them and again find themselves on the transducer, which transmits them to the processing devices and then to the display of the device. The gel that is applied to the transducer not only facilitates its sliding over the skin, but also prevents air from becoming an obstacle.

Air creates interference and distortion, being the medium through which ultrasonic waves travel the slowest. The fastest they pass through the bones. During an ultrasound examination of the kidneys, it is possible to see the blood flow inside the organs. A weak signal or its complete absence may be a sign of low patency or blockage of the vessel.


Ultrasound of the kidneys is often prescribed for regular elevated blood pressure, which cannot be reduced. Also in the list of common indications for ultrasound:

  • pain in the lumbar region;
  • change in urine tests;
  • renal colic;
  • malfunction of the kidney;
  • enuresis;
  • loss of strength, weakness;
  • traumatic injuries;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • diagnosis of neoplasms;
  • infectious diseases, inflammatory processes;
  • kidney transplantation (observation of the rehabilitation process after surgery);
  • medical examinations.

Preparing the patient for an ultrasound of the kidneys

The simple rules for preparing for the procedure are clear to many, but not everyone is familiar with the nuances that are often ignored. It is important to observe the following set of rules:

  • An hour before the procedure, you need to drink 2-4 glasses of plain water to fill the bladder with non-carbonated liquid.
  • Take a towel for the procedure to wipe off the remnants of the gel after the ultrasound.
  • On the evening before the test, choose a light meal for dinner that will not be hard to digest for a long time. Meals should take place no later than 19 hours. If the entire abdominal cavity is examined, then nothing should be eaten before the procedure.
  • Preparation for ultrasound of the kidneys in women and men is no different, the rules are identical. There is a nuance for the representatives of the stronger sex: preparation for ultrasound of the kidneys in men includes quitting smoking and alcohol and refraining from injury (ultrasound is not done if there are open wounds).

What can you eat

A diet before ultrasound of the kidneys will be useful three days before the procedure, and eight hours before the diagnosis, you should not eat anything at all. If the examination is scheduled for the second half of the day, then you can have breakfast, but no later than 11 o'clock in the afternoon. The diet should be determined by the doctor, such a menu includes: low-fat hard cheese, cereals (barley, oatmeal, buckwheat), boiled poultry and animals, steamed fish (hake or pollock), one egg per day.

What foods should not be consumed

It is important to exclude products that promote gas formation from the menu 3 days before the procedure: dairy products, soda, fresh vegetables and fruits, black bread, beer, cabbage, legumes. It is better for a patient who is preparing for a kidney examination to refrain from sour-milk products, alcohol, juices, rich meat soups, pastries (cakes, cakes, cookies, buns), chocolate, mushrooms, and sausages.


Patients who have a tendency to flatulence (bloating) should start taking sorbents such as activated charcoal or Espumizan 3 days before the procedure, it is important to get rid of gases in order to improve access to the kidneys for a more accurate diagnosis. The doctor may prescribe in some cases a cleansing enema, it must be done on the evening before the procedure and in the morning. If the patient suffers from constipation, then laxatives should be taken the day before the procedure. For prevention, you can take Mezim or Pancreatin after meals, they help food to be absorbed faster.

How do ultrasound of the kidneys

Ultrasound diagnostics is harmless and painless. During the procedure, the patient lies on the couch in several positions: on the stomach, back and side. To exclude nephroptosis - in a standing position. During the procedure, the patient is asked to inhale and exhale. Before starting ultrasound diagnostics, the doctor applies a conductive gel to the skin, and he drives a transducer of ultrasonic waves over it. They are not audible to the human ear. The reflected signal is given in the form of a picture, which the doctor studies on the monitor.

The image is formed due to different wave speeds: ultrasound passes through the bone tissue faster, and slower through the air. The contours of the kidneys are visible on the monitor, neoplasms can be distinguished. The doctor makes a transcript and prints it out for the patient. The only negative is the cool, sticky gel that can stain clothes, so don't forget to bring a towel.

Ultrasound decoding

Ultrasound only gives a general picture, and clinical diagnosis is already carried out by the attending physician. The method helps to determine deviations from the norm, they are described in the conclusion, on the basis of which the doctor draws conclusions and prescribes treatment or additional procedures. The data in the decoding is compared with the indicators of the norm. If the kidneys are enlarged, then this is a sign of inflammation. Mobility disorders also indicate the presence of a number of diseases. Ultrasound determines the morphological and anatomical features of the kidneys, such as:

  • structure, size and shape of organs;
  • location;
  • the shape and size of the pelvis;
  • functional layer thickness.

Norm indicators

In a healthy state, the organ has the shape of a bean, a clear outline. The left kidney is higher than the right one. They are almost identical in size, moving a couple of centimeters when breathing. The kidneys are located behind the peritoneum, on both sides of the spine (at the level of the 12th thoracic, 1st and 2nd lumbar vertebrae). On all sides, the urinary organ is surrounded by fatty tissue. The indicators of the norm in a child are very different from adults. They change from age to age. Normal adult kidney has the following parameters:

Ultrasound is the most common method for examining the state of the abdominal cavity of the human body. There are a number of recommendations that should be followed before doing this procedure. If they are not adhered to, then the diagnosis will not be accurate. The main stage of preparation is a special diet, which must be followed. Compliance with all nutritional recommendations is as important a step in the study of the abdominal cavity as the ultrasound procedure itself. The quality of the examination by means of ultrasound depends on the qualifications of the specialist who conducts it. And the responsibility for the preparatory stage lies entirely with the patient.

What is being researched?

During the procedure, the following parameters of the body are examined:

In women, the uterus and appendages are diagnosed. In men, the condition of the prostate gland is assessed.


You should know that the intestines, both thick and thin, are difficult to examine. This is due to its structural features. The fact is that the intestinal cavities do not allow ultrasound to be reflected in such a way that it would be possible to assess its condition with high accuracy. However, through this study, changes of a rough nature can be seen.

If there is food in the intestines during the ultrasound or gases accumulate, then the result may be distorted when examining other abdominal organs.

Therefore, when preparing for this type of study, it is necessary to abandon such products that can cause spasms, gas formation, or other obstructive processes.


It is necessary to start the preparatory process a few days before the ultrasound. To do this, you should start limiting yourself from taking a whole list of products. The ultrasound itself is performed on the patient on an empty stomach. Therefore, on the day of its holding, it is necessary to refuse to take any food.

What foods should be excluded from your menu at the stage of the preparatory process before the procedure? It is recommended to start preparation a few days before the procedure. Namely, three days. The preparatory stage is that the patient will need to switch to a sparing type of food. First of all, you should remove products that contribute to the formation of gases or any kind of irritation.

There is a certain list of undesirable products, it will be given below.

Dairy products (milk)

What can you eat before an abdominal ultrasound, and what foods should be excluded? Now let's figure it out. Dairy products, namely milk, should be excluded. The fact is that it includes lactose in its composition.

The older a person is, the fewer elements in his body that contribute to the breakdown of lactose. If lactose remains on the intestinal walls, then the fermentation process will begin and, as a result, gases will appear. In addition to milk, a similar reaction can occur from the use of fermented milk products, namely kefir, sour cream, yogurt, and so on. The accumulation of such a substance as lactose from fermented milk products will be much less. But it is better if the patient refuses to use them.


You shouldn't eat fruit. This is due to the fact that they contain fructose. It is a type of sugar.

When fructose enters the human body in large volumes, the fermentation process also begins. Do not eat fruits and berries a few days before the ultrasound examination.

This simple product contains a large number of complex carbohydrate-type compounds. They are called polysaccharides. From their ingestion into the intestines, gases also appear. You should know that you should not completely exclude bread from your diet. But you need to limit yourself in its use. It will be better if the patient eats white bread.

It is not recommended to use black or rye before an ultrasound examination. Also, you can not eat buns, cakes and other sweets. Since they can negatively affect the performance of the study.


Legumes such as soybeans, beans, peas provoke gas formation. This is due to the fact that they contain polysaccharides. At the stage of digestion, these elements can cause an increased level of gas formation. Therefore, it is worth refusing to eat them.

There are a number of vegetables that are also best avoided. These include cabbage, potatoes, asparagus, onions, corn. They also contain polysaccharides.

Fatty food

Foods with a high fat content are prohibited. This category includes fatty meats and fish. From them, fat accumulates in the stomach, which contributes to gas release.

Avoid carbonated drinks. This is due to the fact that, firstly, they contain carbon dioxide. It is a gas in itself. And secondly, drinks in this category include coloring substances in their composition. They can cause the walls of the stomach to undergo a process of irritation. And this will complicate obtaining accurate indicators of the state of the abdominal cavity through ultrasound.

Also, do not use spices and spices. They can cause irritation processes. Spices include: pepper, cinnamon, cumin and others.

What drink?

Can I drink before an abdominal ultrasound? In addition to the above foods, tea can cause irritation of internal organs, especially if it is strong. You also don't need to drink coffee. In addition, you should not drink drinks that contain alcohol. It is also not recommended to smoke. The fact is that nicotine has a negative effect on the human body. Therefore, it is worth giving up smoking for at least a few days. When smoking, a person swallows air, which settles in the stomach. Such a process has a bad effect on ultrasound. Swallowing air also occurs while chewing gum. In this regard, it is necessary to abandon this process before the procedure.

What can you eat before an abdominal ultrasound? Above was a list of products that are not recommended to be consumed before doing an ultrasound. This list is quite large. Many may wonder what diet should be followed in order to prepare your body for the procedure. Can I eat before an abdominal ultrasound? It is necessary that food is easily absorbed by the body. Below is a list of foods that can be eaten.

First of all, these are porridges, they must be cooked in water without milk. You can eat rice, buckwheat, oatmeal.

Meat can also be eaten, but only if it is lean. For example, poultry or beef. It must be boiled or steamed.

What can you eat before an abdominal ultrasound? Fish is also allowed low-fat and boiled, cheese with a minimum fat content.

You can use an egg that will be soft-boiled. It can be eaten once a day, not more often.

Don't overload your stomach!

What can I eat before an abdominal ultrasound? This we have already found out. There is one more rule to follow. No need to transfer. Since it will overload the stomach. It is necessary to eat small portions, but more often. For example, you can eat food 5 or 6 times a day. In this case, a certain time interval between meals should be observed. It is 3 or 4 hours. There are also recommendations for direct food intake. They lie in the fact that food should be chewed with a certain care. In no case should you swallow food in large pieces. This will lead to the fact that air will enter the body along with food, and this should not be allowed.

Tea and water

Can I drink water and tea before an abdominal ultrasound? Yes. But the tea must be weak. The volume of liquid can reach up to one and a half liters per day.

Especially if the ultrasound is scheduled for the morning hours. In this case, the last meal should be no later than eight o'clock in the evening.

Before the procedure

Can I eat before an abdominal ultrasound? Do not drink before the procedure. If the examination of the abdominal cavity is scheduled for the afternoon, then you can have breakfast. Meals should include only permitted foods. You should finish taking any food before 11 am if the ultrasound is scheduled for 3 pm.

Features of drinking water

Can I drink water before an abdominal ultrasound? There are exceptions to these rules. Namely, when examining the bladder, pelvic organs in women, the doctor may ask the patient to drink a certain amount of liquid immediately before the procedure.

If a person has any problems with digestion, then he should notify the doctor. In this case, the patient will be prescribed a special remedy that will help him cope with a particular problem. For example, get rid of constipation or increased levels of gases.


Now you know what you can eat before an abdominal ultrasound, and what you should refuse. We hope that our recommendations will help you.

Diet before abdominal ultrasound

Description current as of 04.10.2017

  • Efficiency: effective study preparation
  • Terms: 3-5 days
  • Cost of products: rub. per day

General rules

Among the methods of objective examination of the human body, ultrasound rightfully occupies one of the leading places due to the relative simplicity of the examination procedure, painlessness, high information content, non-invasiveness, safety (absence of radiation), efficiency of research, quick results, the possibility of examining the patient in the dynamics of treatment. The method is based on the principle of directional echolocation, which is based on the ability of tissues / environments of a living organism to reflect / absorb ultrasonic waves. When ultrasonic waves are directed to the area under study, they are reflected from tissues of different acoustic density, are captured by a special sensor and processed on a computer, which makes it possible to visualize the areas of the body under study on the monitor screen.

Examination of the abdominal organs (liver, gallbladder, spleen, pancreas, bladder) by ultrasound allows you to assess their condition, identify possible pathologies, the presence of neoplasms, inflammatory foci, traumatic injuries and characteristic changes in organs in chronic diseases, as well as the presence of free fluid (pus, blood, serous fluid) in the abdominal cavity, aneurysmal expansion of the aorta, enlarged lymph nodes, thrombosis of the portal / inferior vena cava.

However, a qualitative examination of the abdominal organs and obtaining the most reliable data is impossible without preliminary preparation for the examination. The main factor that distorts the visualization of the examined organs is the air accumulating in the intestinal loops (intestinal gases), therefore, the main task of preparing for the examination is to remove it from the intestine, which is achieved by prescribing a diet and taking, if necessary (for example, with chronic constipation), enterosorbents /enzymatic preparations aimed at normalizing the processes of digestion, assimilation of nutrients and reducing gas formation.

The diet before an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity provides for a restriction in the diet of any fatty foods and foods that contribute to increased gas formation. The diet is prescribed when examining any organs of the abdominal cavity, including the liver and gallbladder. Depending on the condition of the intestines, it is recommended to start dietary nutrition 3-5 days before the examination procedure. The following is a list of gas-producing foods that should be completely eliminated from the diet:

  • milk and dairy products;
  • sweets (sweets, sugar);
  • black / rye bread, muffins (buns, cookies, cakes, pies, pastries);
  • raw vegetables and fruits, especially cabbage, grapes, plums;
  • legumes (peas, beans, lentils);
  • drinks containing carbonic acid, snacks:
  • strong coffee and packaged juices;
  • fatty types / varieties of fish and meat, meat products (ham, sausages, bacon);
  • seasonings and spices, alcohol.

diet diet food should include boiled poultry meat (chicken, turkey), beef/veal, rabbit meat. It is allowed to use low-fat varieties of sea / river fish baked or steamed. For garnish, you can use buckwheat and oatmeal. Low-fat hard cheese is allowed, 1 hard-boiled chicken egg. The amount of free liquid at the level of 1.5 l / day. It is recommended to take liquid one hour before or one hour after meals. The diet is fractional, in small portions. The last meal on the eve of the examination (if the procedure is performed in the morning) should be light. During the examination in the afternoon, a light breakfast is allowed. The examination is carried out on an empty stomach.

If you are prone to constipation, Senade (a herbal laxative) orally the night before the procedure or Bisacodyl (suppositories) may be recommended. The drugs are taken in the age dosage and according to the scheme given in the instructions for them. If laxatives are ineffective or there is persistent chronic constipation, it is recommended to put a cleansing enema on the eve of the examination (no later than 12 hours before the examination). Before the ultrasound, do not smoke, chew gum / suck on lollipops.

It is forbidden to conduct ultrasound at least two days after X-ray contrast studies of the digestive tract, as well as colonoscopy, gastrography, irrigoscopy. If it is necessary to take antispasmodic drugs (No-shpa, Papaverine, Spasmalgon), you should warn the doctor and it is advisable to cancel them for the duration of the study. If an additional examination of the kidneys / bladder is necessary, it is necessary to fill the bladder by drinking 0.5 liters of non-carbonated table water / unsweetened tea an hour before the ultrasound.

Approved Products

The diet of the diet before abdominal ultrasound includes non-concentrated broths / soups based on lean chicken and beef meat with the addition of cereals and vegetables. Allowed are dietary varieties of red meat and poultry meat (chicken, turkey), low-fat varieties of sea / river fish (perch, pike, cod, perch) steamed or boiled.

As a side dish, buckwheat and oat groats, white rice, premium wheat pasta, canned/boiled peeled vegetables (carrots, beets, cucumbers, potatoes).

Allowed to include in the diet chicken eggs hard boiled or in the form of a steam omelet, butter, unrefined vegetable oils, white bread crackers, mild cheese, diet cookies, compotes without grounds, natural fruit juice without pulp, non-carbonated table water, dried fruit compotes, ripe melon, honey, natural syrups / jellies, apricots, peaches, herbal and green tea.

Ultrasound of the abdominal organs is a simple study, but it is important to obtain undistorted results proper preparation. The necessary conditions include:

  1. preliminary observance of the diet, water load;
  2. correctly observe the regime of appointment of different studies on the same day, aimed at identifying the pathology of the abdominal organs;
  3. the attending physician should know about the drugs that the patient is constantly taking, about his bad habits, correlate these data.

What factors can lead to a distortion of the picture obtained by ultrasound.

  1. Bad habits or prior endoscopic examination can lead to reflex spasm of the smooth muscles of the intestine.
  2. Excessive gas production.
  3. If an X-ray contrast agent was previously administered, its non-excreted residues may give false information.
  4. Ultrasonic waves penetrate worse (to a shallower depth) in overweight individuals, since they have a too pronounced layer of subcutaneous fat.
  5. high physical activity patient (young children, excitable patients).
  6. The presence of scars or extensive damage to the skin in the places where the sensor is installed.


The minimum period for which the patient is prescribed a diet in order to prepare for the study of the abdominal organs is 3 days. If you manage to start a slag-free diet earlier, this will only improve the result and facilitate the work of the diagnostician.

The purpose of nutrition is to reduce gas formation. These are priority measures, in second place is the reduction in the amount of toxins, the normalization of peristalsis and bowel cleansing with the help of medical means.

  1. any legumes;
  2. all carbonated drinks;
  3. black breads;
  4. dairy products;
  5. fresh pastries, confectionery;
  6. raw vegetables and fruits;
  7. fatty varieties of meat and fish products;
  8. alcoholic drinks;
  9. hard drinks such as tea and coffee.

Ultrasound of the abdominal organs is performed only on an empty stomach, so the last meal before the morning examination should be on the evening before. If the procedure is scheduled in the afternoon, a light breakfast of allowed dishes and products is allowed.

Diet food may include:

  1. lean meat (beef, veal, quail, chicken) boiled;
  2. lean fish. It is allowed to bake, boil, steam;
  3. hard-boiled chicken eggs. You can have one egg a day;
  4. from cereals: pearl barley, oatmeal and buckwheat; in the form of porridge;
  5. hard cheeses, not fatty.

In addition to the list of products, the patient is given recommendations to normalize the food intake: fractionally, in small portions approximately every 3 hours. Food should not be washed down immediately, so as not to disrupt its digestion and not contribute to the formation of toxins and gases. From drinks, the diet allows sweet, weak tea and still water, which is drunk an hour before a meal or half an hour after a meal. The patient observes the drinking regime - at least 1.5 liters of water per day. Other drinks (tea) are not included in this volume.

The preparation of children of different ages is different.

  1. For babies up to a year old, it is enough to skip one feeding before an ultrasound of the abdominal organs, which is about 3 hours before the study. Drinking is prohibited one hour before the examination.
  2. Children from one to three years old can endure a four-hour fast, and stop drinking an hour before the ultrasound.
  3. Children older than 3 years fast before abdominal ultrasound for at least 6 to 8 hours. Complete fluid intake one hour before visiting the ultrasound room.

Use of bowel preparations.

  1. Preparation is impossible without the use of drugs that relieve the symptoms of flatulence. The most commonly used drug that adults and children can use is Espumizan. In pediatric practice, "Bobotik", "Infakol", "Kuplaton" are allowed. Dosages according to age, the course of administration is 3 days before the start of the study.
  2. If drugs containing simethicone (listed above) do not give a full effect, or there are contraindications to them, it is advisable to use sorbents. This is "Smekta", activated carbon, "white coal". It is enough to take these medicines the night before and again before the study 3 hours. Activated carbon can only be taken by adults.
  3. So that the food components are digested to the end and do not cause a fermentation process with the formation of gases, the preparation can be supplemented by the appointment of enzyme preparations such as Festal and Mezima, but only for adults, if there is no history of pancreatitis.

Use of Espumizan

With the help of drugs of this kind, you can simply and independently prepare for an ultrasound scan of the abdominal organs. The drug is a surfactant, due to which the gas bubbles in the intestines are destroyed and converted into water and free gas, which is easily excreted on its own or absorbed.

The drug is taken before ultrasound, 2 capsules three times a day, and in the morning of the appointed day, 2 capsules once.


This is a necessary component in order to qualitatively prepare for an ultrasound of the abdominal organs.

Bowel cleansing is carried out on the eve of the day of the study during the evening between hours.

Preparation involves an enema, which is done using Esmarch's mug, the volume of water is 1–1.5 liters. The water should not be warm, as this promotes the absorption of toxins from the intestines. It is optimal to use cool water, not boiled.

There is also an alternative to a cleansing enema - these are laxative drugs.

  1. Senade. Take 1 tablet at bedtime. It is not advisable to increase the dose, as this can cause increased gas formation.
  2. Fortrans. Sold in bags, designed for a mass of 20 kg, only for persons over 14 years of age. On average, it will take from 3 to 4 sachets, which should be dissolved in one liter of water, drunk in 3 hours. Preferred time is from 4pm to 7pm.
  3. Microclysters. These are Microlax and Norgalax.

Preparation cannot be carried out with some preparations. There are drugs based on the use of lactulose. They are also aimed at ensuring easy bowel movements, but despite this, they cannot be taken for preparation, as they cause increased gas formation.

Nuances before ultrasound:

  1. stop smoking 2 hours before the procedure;
  2. do not eat lollipops, do not chew chewing gum;
  3. persons suffering from diabetes, do not starve! To do this, you should agree in advance with the doctor conducting or prescribing the study, so that he postpones the procedure for the morning.
  4. If you have had an X-ray examination using barium or other X-ray contrast agents in the last 2 days, warn the diagnostician about this before the examination.
  5. It is advisable to stop antispasmodic drugs if you take them constantly, after consulting with your doctor. These include: Papaverine, No-shpa, Spazmalgon, Papazol, Dibazol.

Analysis of the results

The decoding of information concerns all organs located in the abdominal cavity: liver, spleen, gallbladder, bile ducts, pancreas, hollow organs (stomach, intestines), lymph nodes.

The decoding shows the size of the organs, the presence of pathological foci, calculi, changes in their echo density, contours, shape, for hollow organs such as the gallbladder, the volume and presence of stones, sand, and sediment are important.

The bowel loops and stomach cavity are examined for "organ damage". There should be no accumulation of fluid in these anatomical structures.

When examining the lymph nodes, pay attention to their visualization, since normally ultrasound does not show them. If the diagnostician sees them, this may be evidence of an infectious or neoplastic disease (tumor).

How to prepare for an ultrasound of the abdominal organs (ABP): do I need a diet, can I eat before the study?

Proper preparation for abdominal ultrasound is an important part of ensuring reliable results. Informing the patient about the rules for preparing for an abdominal ultrasound is within the competence of the doctor who gave the referral for such a diagnosis.

Why do you need to prepare for an ultrasound?

Preparation for ultrasound of the abdominal organs should include the following activities:

  • special diet and diet before the procedure;
  • exclusion of existing bad habits;
  • receive mode adjustment medicines;
  • cleansing the gastrointestinal tract.

A diet before an abdominal ultrasound will allow you to properly prepare for a diagnostic examination. If the diagnosis of diseases of the abdominal organs is planned in the near future, then it is recommended to abandon other diagnostic measures for some time, for example, radiography using a contrast agent.

Distortion of the results of ultrasound can be caused by the action of factors such as:

  • convulsions and contractions of the smooth muscles of the intestine during the examination;
  • flatulent intestines;
  • abdominal obesity;
  • significant skin lesions in the abdominal cavity;
  • the presence in the intestine of the remains of a contrast agent, which was used when conducting an x-ray of the abdominal cavity;
  • excessive physical activity during the ultrasound.

The diet before undergoing an ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity allows you to level the amount of gases and processed food in the intestine, which affects the reliability of the data obtained.

Increased gas formation is often an obstacle to a full-fledged diagnosis, since the accumulated gases interfere with a clear visualization of organs. The fat layer in the abdomen also interferes with the visualization of organs. In this case, ultrasonic waves cannot penetrate deep into the tissues and reflect the organs under study.

Dietary regimen before the examination

Approximately 3-6 days before the expected day of the abdominal examination, a strict diet should be followed. The main task is to exclude and prevent increased gas formation. Therefore, at this time it is forbidden to eat foods that contribute to the formation of gases. The following foods should be temporarily excluded from the diet:

  • drinks with gas;
  • milk;
  • all legumes, regardless of the method of preparation;
  • raw vegetables;
  • fruits that provoke the formation of gases;
  • sweets and yeast products;
  • cottage cheese and dairy products;
  • hard drinks containing caffeine;
  • black breads;
  • fatty fish and meats.

Do not drink alcohol while preparing. It is allowed to use boiled beef and chicken meat, preferably brisket, quail meat. The use of fish is allowed in baked, boiled or steamed form. It is allowed to eat boiled eggs, but only 1 piece per day. It is advisable to eat porridge cooked in water, with the exception of rice. It is allowed to include low-fat varieties of hard cheese in the diet.

To solve problems associated with the formation and accumulation of gases in the abdominal cavity, you can take one of the drugs: Espumizan, Smecta, white or activated charcoal. If the ultrasound is to be a child, then Espumezan, Bobotik will do. Children should not drink activated charcoal. Dosages of drugs are indicated in the annotation. If Espumizan is recommended for admission before diagnosis for 3 days, then these sorbents can be taken only the night before, this will be enough to relieve symptoms that interfere with ultrasound. If adult patients do not have a history of pancreatitis, then they can take their usual drugs that improve digestion.

In order to properly prepare for an ultrasound of the abdominal organs, it is also necessary to carry out bowel cleansing procedures. For this, an enema is used, it is placed on the eve of the day of the diagnostic examination, in the evening. Esmarch's mug is taken and filled with cool tap water, about 1.5 liters. After a cleansing enema, it is recommended to take sorbents or drugs that eliminate bloating in the abdominal cavity.

If it is not possible to give an enema, then microclysters, such as Microlax or Norgalax, can be used for this purpose. Instead of a cleansing enema, using Esmarch's mug, you can take herbal laxatives. In addition, the preparation of powdered Fortrans will help cleanse the intestines. Before use, it must be dissolved in water and drunk within an hour, it is advisable to take it before 7 pm. It is approved for use only by persons over 14 years of age.

It is necessary to prepare for an ultrasound in compliance with additional recommendations:

  • do not smoke for a couple of hours before the start of the examination;
  • it is advisable not to eat lollipops or chewing gum;
  • if radiography was performed with a contrast agent, then at least 2 days must pass before the ultrasound examination;
  • in the presence of chronic conditions requiring the use of medicines on an ongoing basis, it is necessary to inform the doctor of ultrasound diagnostics about this;
  • if the kidneys are to be examined, it is advisable to fill the bladder. To do this, you need to drink about 0.5 liters. liquids, it is better to drink water without gas or tea without sugar. The bladder is released only after the study.

It is necessary to prepare for an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity in compliance with all prescribed rules and recommendations. If you prepare correctly, you can reliably determine the cause of abdominal pain, assess the condition of the liver and gallbladder, identify kidney disease, and examine the pancreas. In addition, such an examination will make it possible to identify life-threatening conditions for the patient, for example, acute appendicitis, and timely prescribe additional diagnostics and treatment of appendicitis or other diseases.

Before the procedure, doctors recommend that patients carefully prepare. It is necessary to follow the exact recommendations of doctors so that the results are not distorted. This is important for making an accurate diagnosis. The specialist will definitely warn whether it is possible to eat before an abdominal ultrasound and what diet should be followed. In most cases, a strict diet is required to get the most accurate data possible.

Ultrasound examination of patients is prescribed subject to the following rules:

  1. The patient adheres to a special diet or a strict diet.
  2. The procedure should not interfere with other abdominal examinations. It is recommended to take a break of 2 days between examinations.
  3. It is necessary to warn the specialist that the patient is taking certain drugs. At the time of the ultrasound examination, the doctor can cancel them.
  4. It is important to report the patient's bad habits, but smoking or drinking alcohol is strictly prohibited for 2 hours.
  5. If a patient has diabetes, he should not fast for a long time. He must notify the doctor so that he is recorded for an earlier examination.
  6. Patients should not suck lollipops or chew gum 2 hours before the procedure.
  7. When examining the kidneys, preparation involves filling the bladder. A person should drink at least 1 liter. pure liquid, still water or tea without added sugar.

The patient begins preparation for ultrasound 3 days before the study. First of all, you should abandon products that can cause increased gas formation. It is better if the specialist himself tells you what you can and cannot eat before an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. Food should be portioned and fractional, it is absolutely impossible to overload the stomach.

How is an ultrasound performed?

The procedure is easy, the patient lies on the couch with his back. The doctor through the front wall of the abdomen, using a special device, examines the internal organs located in the abdominal cavity. The research method is to determine the ultrasonic wave. It is displayed by internal organs. On the screen of the device, the doctor sees the converted data. The procedure is not dangerous, it is carried out even for small children.

Additionally, along with an ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity, sometimes the patient is prescribed gastric fgds. It is necessary to examine the stomach, especially if a person complains of pain, nausea and vomiting, frequent heartburn.

Distortion of the ultrasound image

There are numerous factors that can affect the results of an abdominal ultrasound. Image distortion occurs in the following cases:

  1. With spasm of the smooth muscles of the intestine. The reason for this may not be a disease of the organ, but other research methods or bad habits of the patient.
  2. If the intestines are full of gases.
  3. Remains of the contrast agent used by the doctors during the X-ray remained in the rectum.
  4. On the background excess weight patient. The penetration depth of the ultrasonic beam is reduced, resulting in inaccurate data.
  5. In the area of ​​examination of the abdomen in an adult, there is a large wound. It interferes with the procedure, the sensor cannot be installed, the results are distorted.
  6. The patient is constantly moving during the ultrasound examination.

In most cases, the results of an abdominal examination depend on the individual. If the patient listens to the doctor's recommendations and prepares properly, the data will be accurate. The doctor will be able to establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment for the patient.

What is prohibited before an ultrasound?

The following foods must be avoided:

  • milk;
  • black bread;
  • raw vegetables and fruits;
  • sweets and bakery products;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • alcohol;
  • fatty fish and meat;
  • drinks that contain caffeine.

You can not drink drinks and foods that have a negative effect on the intestinal mucosa, irritating it. This is about coffee drinks, alcohol. You can't even smoke. Cigarettes generally negatively affect the condition of the intestines. Also, a person swallows a large amount of air while smoking. For the same reason, the patient should refuse chewing gum. It will promote the accumulation of air in the intestines.

If the study is planned for the morning, the patient should keep the diet throughout the day and evening. During the procedure in the afternoon, a light breakfast is allowed. The doctor will advise which products are available. Ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs is carried out strictly on an empty stomach.

Approved Products

You may eat certain foods before the examination. These include:

  • boiled meat of beef, chicken or quail;
  • baked lean fish or cooked in water, steamed;
  • hard boiled egg;
  • low-fat hard cheese;
  • barley, buckwheat or oatmeal.

Eat during the established diet in small portions, every 3 hours. Drinking food is not recommended. After a meal, it is allowed to consume non-carbonated mineral water, weak tea, without sugar. During the day, the patient should drink no less than 1.5 liters of fluid.

If the ultrasound is scheduled for 3 o'clock in the afternoon, then the patient can easily have breakfast at a maximum of 11 o'clock in the morning. After that, do not drink or eat anything. If a kidney study is performed, then the doctor asks the patient to drink 1 liter before the procedure. liquids.

Taking medication for an abdominal ultrasound

Before performing an abdominal ultrasound, doctors usually prescribe medications to help clear the bowels and reduce gas buildup. The funds are especially relevant if a person suffers from constipation or other pathologies.

List of drugs that are often used before an abdominal ultrasound:

  1. Espumizan. The patient takes the remedy for 3 days before the procedure, 3 capsules 4 r. per day.
  2. Activated carbon, Smecta. Sorbents that are used if simethicone does not help eliminate colic or abdominal discomfort. Tablets should be taken before the morning ultrasound examination of the organs in the evening and 3 hours before the procedure. Adults need to drink 6 pcs. activated carbon.
  3. Mezim, Festal. Medicines are prescribed to patients who do not have pancreatitis. The course starts 2 days before the ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, 1 tab. 3 p. per day during meals.

Medicines are prescribed only by a qualified doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient and the presence of other diseases.

Risk of occurrence side effects or backlash high. The patient should only take medication as directed. Drugs may not always help cleanse the rectum. In such a situation, the specialist directs the patient to an enema.

In most cases, qualified doctors warn their patients to prepare before performing an abdominal ultrasound. It is important to follow all recommendations and appointments in order to obtain accurate data. Based on the results, the doctor establishes a diagnosis and prescribes treatment.