Ultrasound of the spleen preparation for the procedure. Enlargement of the liver and spleen - possible diseases and treatments. Ultrasound procedure

The study of the spleen is carried out using linear, convex and sector probes, the latter is used when the diaphragm is high and in those who have undergone pulmonectomy on the left, with strong filling of the stomach and transverse colon. Echolocation of the spleen is carried out from the side of the back, through the left side, and when magnified, it is clearly visible from the side of the abdomen. Good echolocation is also possible with the patient in an upright position.

This, apparently, is associated with some lowering of the stomach and transverse colon, which contributes to its release. However, it should be noted that obtaining a complete spleen on one scan is not always possible; the upper border is especially difficult to locate. outer surface facing the left lung. Sometimes good visualization of the upper pole is prevented by gases in the transverse colon. In these cases, body position and scanning methods should be changed.

Normally, on the echogram, the spleen is a highly homogeneous parenchymal organ with a granular structure, slightly more elevated echogenicity than normal echogenicity. It should be noted that there is no strict version of the normal echogenicity of the spleen structure, in addition, much depends on its reaction to various pathological conditions organism. Apparently, echogenicity depends on individual features development of reticular tissue of the parenchyma. More often than not, the spleen is in the shape of a crescent. Its size and shape vary considerably, so there is no single anatomical size and shape. In practice, average sizes are used: length 11-12 cm, width 3-5 cm.

The spleen can be located horizontally, obliquely and vertically. The outer convex side is adjacent to the costal part of the diaphragm, and the inner, concave side faces the organs abdominal cavity. The anterior end is pointed and adjoins, the posterior, more rounded, adjoins the upper pole of the kidney and adrenal gland. On the inner surface, approximately in the middle, there are its gates, which consist of vessels: the splenic vein and artery, nerves. Almost always, regardless of its caliber, the splenic vein is detected under the body and tail, the artery is rarely detected.

The position of the spleen depends entirely on the constitutional features of the person. So, in people with a high and narrow chest, the spleen is located almost vertically, and in people with a wide chest, it is slightly higher and horizontal. The position of the spleen is significantly influenced by the location and degree of filling of the stomach and transverse colon.

The main echographic signs of the pathology of the spleen are the absence, reduction, increase, change in contours, the specificity of the structure and echogenicity upward or downward, changes in the caliber of the splenic vein and artery, the presence of echogenic or anechoic volumetric formations.


Anomalies in the development of the spleen are extremely rare, they include: aplasia, hypoplasia, rudimentary, the presence of an additional spleen, lobules or accumulation of splenic tissue, dystopia (wandering spleen), congenital single or multiple cysts, etc.


Absence of the spleen at an anatomical location or possible places dystopias.

This anomaly is extremely rare, since in these cases, a detailed study may reveal an accumulation of specific splenic tissue in the tail of the pancreas, the left adrenal gland, or in the retroperitoneal region closer to the anatomical location of the spleen. These formations should be differentiated from possible pathological structural formations located identically.


A fairly common anomaly, which is characterized by a decrease in all sizes of the spleen while maintaining clear contours and the specificity of the structure of the parenchyma. Its length is 5-6 cm, width 2-3 cm.

Rudimentary spleen

The spleen is significantly reduced in size (length 2-3 cm, width 1.5-2 cm), there is no specific structure, so it can easily be mistaken for a structural pathological process in this area.

Additional spleen

This anomaly is very rare and is presented in the form of two spleens, paired side by side or poles, otherwise the echographic picture is the same as that of a normal spleen. It should be clearly differentiated from possible tumor-like formations.

Lobular spleen

This anomaly in our practice was detected by accident twice: one case - fusion side to side, the other - poles. Accessory lobules are more commonly seen as oval masses with a spleen-like structure and are located at the poles or at the hilum.

Multilobular spleen

It is extremely rare, on the echogram it is a common spleen, consisting of several well-defined rounded formations or segments located in one capsule and having a single gate.


It is extremely rare, it can be located in the abdominal cavity, in the small pelvis near the uterus and Bladder. It should be differentiated from structural tumor-like formations, the left ovary and myomas on a high stalk.

Right hand arrangement

Occurs only with transposition of the abdominal organs, echographic differentiation from the liver does not present echographic difficulties.

Pathology of the splenic artery and veins

Of the pathologies of the splenic artery, aneurysms in the form of saccular pulsating protrusions are very rare. different sizes, which are especially visible with Doppler Color. In our practice, an accidentally large (6-8 cm) aneurysm of the splenic artery was found. At the same time, the splenic artery was somewhat dilated, a saccular pulsating expansion bulged out of it. Thromboembolism in its branches can occur more often.

On the echogram, this is a narrow echo-negative strip of the artery, cut off by an echo-positive inclusion. There are single and multiple.

The most common lesion of the main trunk of the splenic vein is thrombosis, which may be a continuation of the portal vein or intrasplenic branches. On the echogram, an expanded tortuous splenic vein is located in the hilum of the spleen, in the cavity of which echogenic thrombi of different lengths are located. There are also varicose dilatation of the branches of the splenic vein with echogenic small thrombi and phleboliths (weakly echogenic or almost anechoic perifocal zone around thrombi).

Spleen damage

Damage to the spleen is one of the leading places in trauma of the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space, there are open and closed.

With closed injuries, echography is a highly informative and indispensable technique in obtaining quick and fairly accurate information about the presence and extent of damage.

Closed injuries of the spleen are divided into supracapsular, subcapsular, intraparenchymal.


With this injury, a rounded elongated, narrow or wide echo-negative formation in the form of an echo-negative strip is located along the outer capsule, while maintaining a somewhat thickened capsule.


A hematoma in the form of an anechoic or low echogenic formation of various sizes and shapes is located between the capsule and the parenchyma. The exfoliated whole capsule is clearly visible.

Intraparenchymal ruptures

Can be single and multiple. They are located as shapeless, sometimes rounded, poorly contoured, anechoic formations (hematomas).

After 10-12 hours, echopositive inclusions (clots) may appear. With intraparenchymal ruptures, subcapsular ruptures are always present.

After 48-72 hours, when the organization of small hematomas occurs, the echocardiography resembles a heart attack, abscess, or other structural tumors. Helps in differentiation is the presence of trauma in history. When the capsule breaks, a failure of the spleen contour is visible, the latter, as it were, is divided into two parts of different acoustic density, depending on the amount with which the spleen is impregnated.

With large gaps, free fluid is located along the left lateral canal of the abdominal cavity - blood, which can flow into the Douglas space or retrovesically in men. Small accumulations of blood can be found anywhere in the retroperitoneal region, their localization depends on the position at the time of the study. Echography allows you to effectively conduct dynamic monitoring of the rupture site and give recommendations on the method of treatment. Of the 273 cases of spleen injuries with multiple ruptures identified by us, only 53% of patients underwent splenectomy, in other cases, the treatment was conservative.

Involutive stages of traumatic hematomas of the spleen

Resorption stage

If the hematoma is not infected, then the resorption process can proceed quickly, after two weeks only faintly visible echo traces remain.

Stage of suppuration

With suppuration, the hematoma begins to contour due to a circular echogenic strip (perifocal inflammation), the contents are divided into liquid and dense parts, which form the effect of reflection from the sediment and a thickened posterior wall. With a long course of the process, a thick capsule can form and then there is an echocardiography of a chronic abscess.

Proliferation stage

In rare cases, a hematoma can undergo active proliferative processes, that is, proliferation of connective tissue, and be detected by chance. Old proliferated hematomas have rounded, well-circumscribed contours with a rather thick capsule with a mixed echostructure identical to that of a fibromyoma. Such, usually asymptomatic, old hematomas can easily be perceived as structural tumor formations. In our practice, there was a case when the splenic fibroma diagnosed by us during the operation turned out to be an old hematoma overgrown with connective tissue.

Spleen cysts

True (congenital)

Congenital cystic formations of the spleen are very rare and can be single, multiple and in the form of polycystic; considered congenital if detected early childhood. Usually they are located as rounded or slightly elongated, clearly contoured formations of different sizes (but not more than 10 cm) with a thin capsule and clear anechoic contents, sometimes with the effect of reflection from the back wall.

Dermoid cysts

They are quite rare. They are usually rounded, well contoured, rather large sizes with a thickened capsule of education, sometimes replacing the entire spleen.

The contents of the cyst are liquid or in the form of a fine-grained floating mass that changes its position depending on the position of the body. Sometimes tender echogenic septa can be located against the background of fluid. It should be differentiated from a hydatid cyst or a cyst with internal bleeding, with the latter always divided into two levels: blood (liquid) and solid (clots).


These formations, often small in size, with uneven contours, without a capsule (the edges of the parenchyma serve as a capsule), containing a small amount of fluid, are the result of traumatic hematomas and surgical interventions. They usually resolve, but if they become infected, they can cause secondary abscesses.

The latter in dynamics usually give rise or the echogenicity of their contents changes. Immunological research and a puncture biopsy help.

Spleen calcifications

These are highly echogenic single or multiple formations of various sizes, rarely leaving an acoustic shadow. Calcifications are usually found in people who have had malaria, miliary tuberculosis, typhoid fever, sepsis, as well as heart attacks, abscesses and echinococcosis. These formations can be detected both against the background of the normal size of the spleen, and with splenomegaly.


Primary hypersplenism is congenital with congenital hemolytic anemia, thalassemia, hemoglobinopathies and acquired with thrombocytopenic purpura, primary neutropenia and pancytopenia, and can also be caused by typhoid fever, tuberculosis, Beck's sarcoidosis, malaria, cirrhosis of the liver, thrombosis of the portal or splenic vein, reticulosis (Gaucher's disease ), amyloidosis, lymphogranulomatosis and other diseases.


This is a fairly common condition of the spleen in various infectious diseases or septic conditions of the body, in which it can be diffusely or focally enlarged.


Splenitis is an acute inflammation of the spleen. At the same time, the spleen is diffusely enlarged, and its poles are rounded. The structure of the parenchyma retains a uniform fineness, its echogenicity is somewhat reduced. Sometimes with septicopyemia in the parenchyma of the spleen, single or multiple, of different sizes, poorly contoured an- or weakly echogenic foci can be found - acute necrosis, which in the process of evolution become echogenic or turn into calcifications.

Chronic splenitis

In chronic splenitis, the spleen continues to be enlarged due to fibrous tissue growths, echogenicity increases and takes on a variegated picture - areas of increased and normal echogenicity alternate.

Subsequently, many calcifications can be located.

Splenomegaly is accompanied by a number of blood diseases, such as hemolytic anemia, chronic myeloid leukemia, polycythemia, Werlhof's disease, etc.

In this case, the spleen can be sharply enlarged, sometimes even go beyond the left half of the abdominal cavity and, displacing the intestines and stomach, in contact with the left lobe of the liver, form a single whole, which is especially clearly seen in children and thin adults. The echogenicity of the spleen is somewhat higher than usual and becomes similar to the picture of the second degree of hepatic steatosis.

Splenomegaly is also accompanied by portal cirrhosis of the liver due to circulatory failure in the systemic circulation.

In these cases, dilated portal and splenic veins are noted, and ascites is present in advanced cases. Splenomegaly in tumors has its own picture and depends on the location of the tumor. There may be a significant expansion of the common splenic trunk, possible tortuous expansion of the intrasplenic vessels. In rare cases, significant local expansion of blood vessels in the form of lacunae (lakes) can be detected.

Focal changes

Spleen infarction

Most common causes leading to thrombosis and embolism, to the development of splenic infarction, are diseases associated with portal hypertension, septic endocarditis, mitral stenosis, hemoblastoses, diffuse connective tissue diseases, atherosclerosis, rheumatism in children and some infectious diseases. Heart attacks can be single and multiple, their size depends on the caliber of the clogged vessel. Sometimes spleen infarcts can be very extensive and occupy a significant area.

In the acute stage, it is located as a formation with fuzzy contours, reduced echogenicity. When infarcted areas are infected, tissue can melt and abscesses and false cysts of the spleen can form.

In the chronic stage, this is a rounded, irregularly shaped formation with delineated edges, sometimes a thick echogenic capsule is visible. With positive involution, the formation decreases in size, the spleen becomes more echogenic, encrustation with calcium salts is visible, and is located as a formation of mosaic acoustic density. Sometimes pseudocysts or pseudotumoral masses appear, which should be differentiated from solid structural formations.

Abscesses of the spleen

Common causes of the development of abscesses of the spleen are septicopyemia on the background of endocarditis, suppuration of the spleen infarction, hematomas, transfer by contact from neighboring organs, etc. There may be single and multiple.

With single small abscesses, the size of the spleen does not change. With multiple abscesses, the spleen is enlarged, the contours may be uneven, oval-convex.

Acute abscesses on the echogram are located as echo-negative formations with fuzzy intermittent contours and echo-positive inclusions (pus, decay particles). In the future, with the formation of a highly echogenic capsule, the abscess acquires clearer contours. Two levels can simultaneously be in the cavity - liquid and thick pus. The clinical course and manifestation of an abscess depend on the location. Sometimes, with localization in the upper pole of the spleen in the left pleural region, a reactive fluid strip can be detected, which can subsequently give an empyema. Serious complications of abscess of the spleen include the breakthrough of the abscess into the abdominal cavity with the development of diffuse peritonitis, into the left pelvis of the kidney and other organs. It can be very difficult to determine the site of the primary lesion, and it should be noted that the use of echography in these cases is a priority. Echography can provide accurate topographic data for therapeutic or diagnostic puncture, allows you to dynamically monitor the effect of treatment.

In a chronic course, the spleen abscess has a rounded shape, a clear thick highly echogenic capsule, around which the echogenic zone of perifocal inflammation and the effect of reflection from thick pus and a thickened posterior wall are preserved.

Amyloidosis of the spleen

It is very rare and usually associated with generalized amyloidosis of other organs. On the echogram, the spleen looks blurry, the specificity of the parenchyma structure (granular structure) is lost, and shapeless echogenic (whitish) accumulations of amyloid are located in the parenchyma. With a large accumulation of amyloidosis, the spleen increases in size, the edges are rounded, and the parenchyma becomes high density (echogenicity).

Tumors of the spleen

Tumors of the spleen are rare, more often benign (lipoma, hemangioma, lymphangioma, fibroma and hemarthroma). Their nosological sonographic differentiation is very difficult or almost impossible, with the exception of some forms of hemangioma.


It is extremely rare on its own, usually combined with the presence of lipomas in other areas of the body and organs. On the echogram, it is a round, usually small and rarely growing, well-defined, fine-grained echogenic formation. With suppuration, the contents become less echogenic or heterogeneous.


There can be single, different sizes and multiple, small ones. The echographic picture of hemangioma mainly depends on the structure. In the classic echogenic type, the most common hemangiomas are round, poorly contoured echogenic formations of different sizes. With the capillary type, which is less common, it is a round, well-defined formation, separated by multiple thin echogenic septa, between which there is a liquid - lacunae with blood. With a cavernous type, the internal contents are heterogeneous, of different echogenicity and similar to the structure of the brain tissue.


More often they are located in the form of single nodes of slightly higher echogenicity than the spleen parenchyma, or inhomogeneous accumulations of liquid formations, the echogenicity of which is slightly increased due to cloudy contents.

Fibromas and hemarthromas

These are round or round-elongated, poorly defined formations of different acoustic density. Their differentiation is possible only with the help of a puncture biopsy.


It occurs as a rounded formation of slightly more increased echogenicity than the spleen parenchyma, or in the form of small or large echogenic foci, poorly or almost not differentiated from the normal spleen parenchyma, located focally or diffusely throughout the spleen, can infiltrate into nearby tissues.


Metastases in the spleen are extremely rare. There may be single and multiple, of different sizes, with uneven, sometimes intermittent contours.

The echo picture is very different - weakly echogenic, increased echogenicity and even anechoic. In the process of increased metastasis or growth (enlargement), the fusion is difficult to differentiate from a chronic abscess or festering hematoma.

More often, metastases are found in intestinal melanomas and are located as rounded anechoic formations. With metastases from tumors of the ovaries and mammary glands, they have a hyperechoic structure and sometimes contain calcifications. Differential diagnosis of metastases with other pathological processes, such as chronic hematomas, hydatid echinococcus with decay, infarction, abscess, etc., is difficult. Helps puncture biopsy.

Thus, echography present stage development of scientific and technological progress is the only rapid, accessible method real visualization of normal and pathologically altered spleen. The diagnostic value of echography increases significantly when combined with puncture biopsy. Therefore, echography should be carried out on initial stage spleen studies.

Ultrasound of the spleen is a study of pathological changes in the organ using ultrasound echolocation. Examination is carried out in a routine manner with the standard diagnosis of the abdominal cavity. After all, the circulatory system of the spleen is connected with the vessels of other organs, especially with the liver, and its parenchyma reacts to any abdominal pathology. But sometimes the study is done according to individual indications.

Indications: who is assigned the study?

The spleen is difficult to detect on physical examination. In diseases, its size increases. This condition is called splenomegaly. One of the causes is portal hypertension - a syndrome of increased pressure in the vessels of the abdominal cavity.

The cause of the increase is also volumetric diseases of the spleen. These include tumors and cysts of various etiologies. Thus, the indications for ultrasound of the spleen are:

  • all blood disorders
  • infectious diseases of the intestinal group
  • cancerous tumors and metastases;
  • hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver;
  • congenital anomalies;
  • splenomegaly of unknown origin.

Ultrasound is especially important for abdominal injuries, falls from a height and traffic accidents. Good blood supply to the organ is due to the dense vascular network of the spleen. Therefore, blood loss during rupture can be fatal.

Important: abdominal trauma is an absolute indication for ultrasound of the spleen in an urgent manner.

What does the spleen look like on ultrasound?

The crescent-shaped spleen is seen on the ultrasound monitor of the machine. Its ventral surface is convex, and the diaphragmatic surface is concave. In the middle of the latter is a vascular arterio-venous bundle, and lymph nodes. They are readily available for ultrasound diagnostics. Their size and shape are determined.

Echogenicity of the parenchyma

This is the reflection of the sound wave. Low echogenicity indicates a violation of the maturation of leukocyte blood elements. Foci of high echogenicity (white spots) are formed during metastases and abscesses.

Pathological foci

The parenchyma of the spleen on ultrasound looks heterogeneous. Different in size, contours and density, the foci indicate a specific disease. A dark focus with even contours, uniform echogenicity indicates a benign spleen cyst.

Heterogeneous, with indistinct contours, the foci should alert the researcher. It can be a life-threatening tumor (lymphoma) or an acute purulent disease - an abscess. Light, blurry spots will suggest metastatic foci.

The increased size of the organ with a homogeneous structure and rounded edges will indicate inflammatory process. If dark, small foci appeared against this background, then the disease acquired a chronic course, and foci of dead cells (necrosis) appeared in the parenchyma.

In the future, these "scars" in the tissues will thicken and remain light, uneven spots for life. Another picture of ultrasound gives tissue necrosis due to vascular thrombosis. A wedge-shaped area of ​​low echogenicity (dark spot) will appear on the screen. Its structure will be homogeneous, and the contours are blurred.

With splenic abscesses, the levels of echogenicity of the foci will undergo changes depending on the stage of the process. Light spots gradually appear on the dark focus, and then a light capsule with a dark spot in the middle is formed.

With the help of ultrasound, a parenchymal rupture can be determined. The following picture is defined:

  • contour discontinuity;
  • the presence of layers - internal and external;
  • dark blood stains between layers.

Hemorrhage is defined as dark areas. As they dissolve, the spots lighten, and then disappear completely.

How to prepare?

Correct decoding is possible with high-quality ultrasound of the spleen. For this you need proper preparation. Three days before the examination, you should not eat foods that contribute to gas formation: legumes, milk, Rye bread, raw vegetables. It is also recommended to take sorbents and enzyme preparations that stimulate digestion (mezim, meteospasmil).

The procedure is performed in a certain position of the body. The patient assumes a position on his side, the left crayfish is raised behind his head. In the state of inhalation, the sensor, through the intercostal space, visualize the state of the organ.

Important: you can not do an ultrasound of the spleen immediately after an endoscopic examination or x-ray diagnostics. This may skew the results.

Preparing children for ultrasound diagnostics has its own peculiarities. Babies should not be fed before the procedure. Children from one to three years old should not eat 4 hours before diagnosis, older three years- 6 hours. Do not drink within 1 hour.

How to decipher the conclusion?

Deciphering the research data is to assess the parameters of the spleen. In the conclusion form, the doctor must indicate the dimensions of the organ in three standard measurements, as well as the diameter of the vessels. If the dimensions are outside the normal range, experts calculate an additional value - the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe maximum oblique cut.

The size is determined by the ratio of the largest size / smallest. Normally 40-45 cm. The volume is calculated by the formula V = 7.5S -77.56. An increase in this indicator indicates splenomegaly.

Decoding by a specialist determines two main types of organ damage:

  • inflammatory;
  • traumatic;
  • tumor.

An experienced "uzist" when deciphering takes into account all the concomitant diseases of the patient.

What indicators are considered normal?

Pathology of the spleen is a deviation of the ultrasound readings from the norm. Permissible fluctuations in the characteristics of a healthy organ are as follows:

  • length dimensions are 11-12 cm;
  • width can vary from 6 to 8 cm;
  • thickness is only 4-5 cm;
  • within normal sizes, the shape may be different;
  • the lumen of the splenic artery is 1-2 mm in diameter, and the vein is 5-9 mm;
  • the structure of the parenchyma is homogeneous, the contour is continuous.

In children normal sizes change with age. The norm of values ​​in children, depending on age, is presented in the table.

Important: If there is more than one point of discrepancy with normal indicators in the conclusion, then there is a danger of a serious illness.

It is customary to pay less attention to the spleen than to other organs. However, it is not only susceptible to pathology, but also sensitive to many diseases of other organs. Given the inaccessibility of the spleen for other methods of examination, ultrasound of the spleen is a must. To do this, you need to properly prepare, choose a qualified specialist and a clinic with decent equipment.

The spleen is not only susceptible to pathology, but also sensitively reacts to many diseases of other organs. Examination of pathological changes in the spleen is performed using ultrasound echolocation.

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For the correct diagnosis of hepatological diseases, as well as planned studies of internal organs great importance has a condition of the digestive tract on the eve of the procedure. Therefore, it is important to follow some rules before ultrasound of the liver: the preparation is not complicated and consists of several simple steps, which will help the radiologist make an appropriate description and interpretation of the results.

How to prepare for an ultrasound of the liver?

With ultrasound, it is important that there is no large accumulation of gases and feces in the intestines. Therefore, the examination must be performed on an empty stomach, it is best in the morning. It is recommended that the last meal be taken the night before, 8-10 hours before the ultrasound.

If the session is in the afternoon, a very light breakfast is allowed, for example, a few spoons oatmeal no fat or vegetable soup. In this case, it is undesirable to use products that cause flatulence:

  • fiber;
  • cabbage;
  • whole milk;
  • legumes
  • Rye bread;
  • fresh fruits.

A person's tendency to increased formation of gases in the intestine requires the adoption of more serious measures - taking any sorbent the day before ultrasound examinations, and 2-3 days before preparations such as Espumizan. In some cases, 1 or 2 cleansing enemas are prescribed on the eve of the procedure.

Preparing the patient for ultrasound of the liver and gallbladder

The complexity of examining the gallbladder lies in the fact that it is necessary to carefully examine its ducts, as well as to identify the degree of contraction of the organ and the level of bile production in response to food intake.

Thus, the first stage of preparation for an ultrasound examination is similar to the previously given rules for describing the state of the liver. In the second stage, the gallbladder is examined after eating, as a rule, a small amount of any fatty dairy product (sour cream). This allows you to establish whether the organ is contracting correctly, how much bile is produced, how clean the ducts are.

Preparation for ultrasound of the liver and pancreas

Often, together with hepatological studies, diagnostics of the pancreas is carried out, especially if hepatitis A or Botkin's disease ("jaundice") is suspected.

To properly prepare for an ultrasound, you need:

  1. Do not eat 5-6 hours before the procedure.
  2. With increased flatulence 3-4 days before the ultrasound, do not eat poorly tolerated foods, as well as food that provokes gas formation.
  3. Take enzymatic preparations (Enzistal, Pancreatin, Festal).
  4. Drink Espumizan 2 days before ultrasound diagnosis.
  5. Cleanse the intestines once with a mild laxative or.

Preparation before ultrasound of the liver and spleen

In case of liver diseases and toxic lesions of the body, acute intoxication syndrome or viral hepatitis, an additional examination of the spleen is performed. If ultrasound is performed exclusively for this organ, then special preparation is not required, but, as a rule, the spleen is studied in conjunction with other components of the digestive tract. Therefore, it is advisable to adhere to the same rules as before ultrasound of the liver:

  1. The last meal is 8 hours before the procedure.
  2. Do not eat milk fresh vegetables and fruits, dark breads, fatty, fried foods, legumes, mushrooms, carbonated drinks, strong coffee or tea.
  3. When gassing, use ( Activated carbon, Enterosgel, Polysorb).
  4. Make a cleansing microclyster or take a natural laxative once.

Home > Abdominal cavity > How to prepare for an ultrasound of the spleen?

The norms of the size of the spleen in adults, the features of the ultrasound procedure and the preparation of the body for the study of the spleen by ultrasound.

Ultrasound is an absolutely safe and painless method for detecting various pathologies, causes of symptoms, changes and tissue deformation. In the abdominal region are one of the most important organs that perform a large number of functions. One of these is the spleen. The method of ultrasound diagnostics is widely used to examine and assess the condition of the organ.

Features of ultrasound of the spleen

Ultrasound of the spleen allows you to identify various changes in the structure, tissues, size of the organ, its location. Deformation and disruption of work can be provoked due to various diseases, injuries, as well as improper lifestyle and diet. The study is recommended in case of diseases of the liver, lymphatic system, if a tumor is suspected and in diseases of the hematopoietic system.

Also indications for ultrasound of the spleen are the following features:

  • Improper development of the spleen;
  • Treatment control;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Assessment of the degree of localization of the organ;
  • Past trauma and suspected damage to the spleen.

Each of the above cases has its own characteristics. For example, ultrasound of the spleen after injuries allows you to assess the condition of the organ, identify bleeding or excessive blood supply to the spleen, which can lead to this. Therefore, ultrasound is safe and effective method diagnostics.

Preparing for an ultrasound

Most often, the examination of the spleen is part of the procedure for examining the abdominal organs. Preparation for such a process is not difficult, but some points are required. The right and responsible approach ensures accurate medical data and the right treatment.

Preparation for an abdominal ultrasound for both adults and older children is to follow a simple diet. This must be done three days before the procedure. The following foods should be excluded from the diet:

  • Fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • legumes;
  • Milk;
  • Black bread;
  • Carbonated drinks;
  • Limit the consumption of fatty and fried foods, sweets.

The essence of such a diet is to reduce gas formation in the intestines, improve peristalsis and the work of all organs. It is necessary to take enterosorbents on the recommendation of a doctor. The absence of gases in the intestines improves the accuracy of the study and obtain the most accurate medical data. It should be noted that the information is used in conjunction with the results of other examinations, such as a clinical examination. Thus, an accurate diagnosis and treatment can be established.

Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity is performed on an empty stomach in the morning. Eating or breakfast is excluded, since the interval between the last meal and the procedure should be at least 6 hours. An hour before the ultrasound, you can drink some water. The preparation of children for an ultrasound examination depends on age, but there are also dietary restrictions, and fluids can be taken only an hour before the examination.

Ultrasound of the spleen and abdominal cavity for adults and children is performed in a horizontal position and is painless. All data is displayed on the monitor and the specialist evaluates the shape and parameters of organs, location, presence or absence of a tumor, and whether there is a developmental pathology. The spleen is located on the left under the costal part and in the normal state does not bring discomfort. If the size of the lower part of the organ is increased, then this can lead to the development of various diseases. That is why abdominal ultrasound is an important diagnostic procedure.

During the study, various indicators are checked. For example, whether the norm corresponds to the received data. The breakdown includes information such as detailed description structures and conditions of tissues, the size of the organ in the abdominal region, the location of the spleen, the diameter of the vessels. In some cases, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe organ is indicated. Effective ultrasound of the spleen, the norm for adults and children is determined depending on age, individual characteristics, gender. A slight deviation from the norm and the absence of causes for the development of any diseases allows us to consider these indicators as normal. If splenomegaly (enlargement of the spleen) is progressive and very pronounced, then this will certainly be indicated as a result of ultrasound. The transcript also includes information about any tissue damage that indicates the development of diseases.

Ultrasound of the spleen is a fairly important procedure. Timely inspection allows you to make a correct diagnosis and prevent the development of diseases. An enlarged spleen can affect other organ systems, such as the heart or gastrointestinal tract.