What to drink before conception. Proper preparation of men for conception. Study of specialized literature

You need to take care of the health of your baby right from the moment you decide to conceive him.

  1. Future father and mother must be healthy. Of course, health is a relative concept. One of the parents may have a disease that is inherited. But now we will not talk about that. And about diseases that can and should be cured before conceiving a child.
    A woman, first of all, should focus on the condition of the reproductive organs. An obstetrician-gynecologist needs to check the condition of the uterus and fallopian tubes, make sure that there are no seals, narrowings or other pathologies. And most the best option before the conception of the baby will undergo a complete medical examination. However, it is best to do this to both spouses, because there are many diseases that do not manifest themselves in the body, but can significantly harm the health of the unborn baby.

  2. If future mom is overweight, it is preferable to lose it. This does not apply to those future mothers who are burdened with just a couple of extra pounds.
    If you are characterized by excessive thinness, then you need to get a little better. It should be remembered that those who are too thin or too obese women the production of certain hormones that affect fertilization is significantly disrupted.
    Contraceptives should also be abandoned. However, for about a couple of months it is necessary to protect yourself with condoms. For what? The fact is that any oral contraceptives are used in order to prevent the maturation of the egg, that is, so that it is not able to be fertilized. Therefore, by stopping taking these drugs, you give your reproductive organs time to recover.

  3. You should stop smoking, drinking alcohol and, of course, drugs. And to refuse bad habits need a few months before conception. The body must fully recover and prepare for this process. If you can’t completely quit addictions, then at least keep them to a minimum. This applies not only to the future mother, but also to the father of the family, who will also be directly involved in the conception.

  4. It is necessary to bring yourself into a normal physical shape. This does not mean strenuously exercising in the gym and exhausting yourself to the point of exhaustion. You can just do exercises in the morning, walk, go to the pool several days a week, etc.
    Start monitoring your diet. It must be exceptionally healthy. Review the list of products that you systematically consume. Your diet should include a lot of greens, fresh vegetables and fruits. You really need vitamins right now. Moreover, if a man thinks that this applies only to women, he is deeply mistaken. Before you start conceiving a child, you will have to radically revise the diet of both spouses.

  5. Folic acid is one of the most important and effective vitamins that should be ingested by a woman before pregnancy. This acid is found in bran bread, cereals, green vegetables, and many other foods. In addition, folic acid is sold in pharmacies. It will be great if you start taking it some time before the planned conception.

  6. It is very important during this period not to worry, not to be nervous, to avoid all kinds of stress. A woman who is in constant nervous tension will not be able to endure pregnancy without difficulty. Of course, sometimes it is absolutely impossible to avoid stressful situations, but if you cannot change them, then at least change your attitude towards them.

You have decided to plunge into parenting. But wait a little, delay trying to get pregnant for a month or two, at least, to give yourself the opportunity to prepare for pregnancy. We offer you a list of 14 points dedicated to what a child needs in order to ensure a pregnancy without complications, and a healthy future for your baby.

Make an appointment with your gynecologist

Before you start trying to get pregnant, you should contact your obstetrician-gynecologist, who will prescribe a set of examinations for you. Mandatory manipulation when visiting a gynecologist is an internal vaginal examination with the taking of smears (for the vaginal flora and cytological examination), as well as screening for sexually transmitted diseases.

Your doctor will carefully review your personal and family medical history, assess your health at the time of your visit, and check if you are taking any medications. Some medicines pose a serious risk during pregnancy. But there are also drugs that should be excluded from taking long before conception, due to the fact that they accumulate in the fatty tissue of your body and linger there for a long time.

Your doctor will also discuss with you the rules of nutrition, your weight (if necessary, prescribe you), the possibility of exercising, and the impact of bad habits on pregnancy and fetal development. Most likely, the obstetrician-gynecologist will recommend that you take a multivitamin, especially rich ones.

Some couples will also need to undergo genetic testing to rule out the risk of passing diseases such as Tay-Sachs disease, cystic fibrosis, or sickle cell disease to their child.

Review your family medical history

Find out if you have a history of (or your partner's) or chromosomal, such as Down syndrome, Tay-Sachs disease, sickle cell anemia, or bleeding disorders. Also find out if your family has a history of mentally retarded children or children with other developmental delays or anatomical defects (eg, heart disease, neural tube defects).

If such cases have occurred, then you will have to undergo prenatal tests and examinations by a geneticist for the risk of passing a hereditary disease to your child.

Avoid Infections

It is very important to avoid all infections whenever possible when you are trying to conceive, especially those that could harm your unborn baby.

Stay away from foods such as unpasteurized milk, soft cheeses and other dairy products, cold deli meats, raw and undercooked fish and poultry. These foods may contain dangerous bacteria that cause listeriosis, a disease of the alimentary tract that may well cause miscarriage (in the first trimester) or stillbirth. You should also avoid unpasteurized juices because they can contain salmonella and E. coli.

Wear gloves when gardening. If you are the owner of a cat, then it is better to ask someone close to clean her tray - this way you will protect yourself from infection with toxoplasmosis. If you have not been vaccinated against the flu, then be sure to do it, because the flu during pregnancy can lead to serious complications such as pneumonia and premature birth.

Take folic acid and watch your vitamin A

Folic acid intake is extremely important. With 400 micrograms of folic acid per day for 30 days before conception and throughout the first trimester of pregnancy, you can reduce the risk of having a baby with neural tube defects by 70%.

You can buy at the pharmacy folic acid, as a separate drug, or get it from multivitamin complexes for expectant mothers. When purchasing vitamins, check the label to make sure they contain at least 400 micrograms of folic acid.

Also make sure your multivitamin contains no more than 770 mcg (or 2565 IU) of vitamin A (beta-carotene). Too much of this vitamin can cause birth defects.

Fill your fridge with exceptionally healthy food

Although you are not yet "eating for two", but nevertheless, you need to stock up on all the necessary supply of nutrients in order to bear the child without any problems.

Try to eat at least 2 servings of fruits and 2.5 servings of vegetables per day, and eat whole grains and high level calcium (milk, calcium-enriched orange juice and yogurt). Eat protein-rich foods such as beans, nuts, seeds, soy products, poultry, and meats.

Pay special attention to the fish you eat

Although fish is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids (which are very important for your child's brain and eye development), as well as protein, vitamin D, and other nutrients, they also contain mercury, which is harmful to the body.

Most experts agree that pregnant women should eat a small amount of fish, but be sure to avoid the types of fish that carry the most mercury. These fish include swordfish, shark, tilefish, king mackerel and some others.

Avoid alcohol, smoking and drugs

If you smoke or take medication, now is the time to stop. Numerous studies have shown that smoking or taking drugs can lead to premature birth, miscarriage, and low birth weight babies. Be aware that some medications may remain in your body for a long time after you stop taking them.

Studies have shown that nicotine can affect fertility and reduce your partner's sperm count. Moreover, studies have shown that even passive smoking has a negative impact on your chances of getting pregnant.

Alcohol can also interfere with pregnancy, so it's best to stop drinking before you start trying to conceive. Be sure to refrain from any alcoholic beverages in the second half of your menstrual cycle. If you drink alcohol during pregnancy, your baby may have birth defects and many developmental problems.

Breaking bad habits right away can be very difficult. Feel free to talk to your healthcare provider. He can recommend you effective ways and programs to stop smoking or taking drugs.

Limit your caffeine intake

Although the negative impact of caffeine on conception has not been fully proven, experts agree that pregnant women and those who are trying to conceive should avoid consuming it in large quantities.

Some studies have found a link between high caffeine intake and reduced fertility. It is better to limit the daily amount of caffeine you consume to 200 mg per day (that is, up to one cup of coffee), or to refuse it altogether.

Keep your weight under control

It will be much easier for you to get pregnant if your weight is as close to ideal as possible. Having a low or high body mass index (BMI) makes the process of conception more difficult. According to studies, a BMI below 20 or a BMI over 24 has a negative impact on fertility.

If your weight is far from ideal, then weight loss or, conversely, weight gain can help you get pregnant. give you the boost you need to conceive a baby. Talk to your doctor about the best way to achieve a healthy weight.

Get some exercise

Start light exercise now and stick with it from now on and you will be rewarded with a healthy body fully prepared for pregnancy.

An exercise program should include 30 minutes or more of daily moderate exercise such as walking, cycling, or strength training.

To increase flexibility, you can try stretching or yoga. Even when you get pregnant, don't skip your workouts (unless your doctor deems it dangerous, of course!).

If you don't want to waste your time on physical exercise, then you can add more activity to your daily life by taking the stairs instead of the elevator or walking after work.

Visit a dentist

As you prepare for pregnancy, don't forget your oral health. Hormonal changes during pregnancy can make your gums more susceptible to disease. An increase in progesterone and estrogen can lead to a variety of gum reactions to bacteria in plaque. The gums swell, redden, and bleed as a result of brushing or flossing.

When planning to get pregnant, take care of the health of your teeth and periodontium. Visit your dentist regularly (at least once every six months) for an examination and cleaning of plaque.

Reducing environmental risks

Of course, you cannot completely eliminate all environmental hazards, but you can do everything you can to limit their impact on your pregnancy and developing baby as much as possible.

If you are regularly exposed to chemicals or radiation, there are some changes you need to make before conceiving a child. Also, keep in mind that some detergents, pesticides and solvents can be dangerous for a developing baby.

Find out when you ovulate

Some women simply stop using protection when they are mentally ready to become pregnant, and leave conception at the disposal of fate. Others, on the other hand, begin to chart their basal temperature charts and track various signals from their bodies to try and identify the most fertile days each month.

You can use our conception (ovulation) calculator or start charting changes in your basal body temperature (BT) and cervical mucus pattern. Tracking these symptoms over several months can help you figure out when you're ovulating.

In addition, at any pharmacy you can purchase a special ovulation test, which is based on the detection of luteal phase hormones in the urine, which is a signal that ovulation is approaching.

Stop using contraceptives

If you are using birth control pills, then you'd better complete the started packing to prevent irregular bleeding. It may take several months before your normal cycle is restored, but some women are able to conceive as early as the first cycle after stopping oral contraceptives. But gynecologists still recommend using a barrier method of contraception (such as condoms) until you get better. menstrual cycle after stopping the pills. In addition, before planning a pregnancy, be sure to remove the IUD (intrauterine contraceptives such as a spiral)!

We have tried to tell you in as much detail as possible what you need. Now everything depends only on you. Good luck!

Pregnancy planning is an important stage, which includes preparatory actions before conception. What needs to be done before giving life to a child? A serious approach to gestation and subsequent childbirth increases the chances of a successful birth of a healthy baby.

Before getting pregnant, a woman needs to check her health, take into account the recommendations of doctors. This will make the preparation for bearing the fetus as effective as possible.

The main stages of pregnancy planning

There are several points of preparing a woman for bearing a child. By adhering to them, the risk of miscarriage, stillbirth or acquired abnormalities is significantly reduced. They are aimed at improving the body of the expectant mother.

Exclusion of bad habits

Before pregnancy, you need to understand that the usual rhythm of life is not suitable for conception and gestation. From the moment of planning pregnancy, bad habits should come to naught. It is forbidden:

Over time, this lifestyle will have to be eliminated. This is a time-consuming process both from a psychological and physiological point of view, so attempts to give up bad habits should begin at least three months before conception.

Weight loss

According to gynecological practice, being overweight can be a serious obstacle to subsequent conception. Obesity is associated with hormonal disorders that affect the functioning of the ovaries. An increased level of fat cells stimulates the production of estrogen. This hormone reduces the ability to ovulate. Even a slight weight loss increases the chances of getting pregnant.

Before pregnancy, you need to find out what provoked the appearance of extra pounds. These can be chronic diseases, uncontrolled consumption of fatty and carbohydrate-containing foods, an inactive lifestyle, heredity and other factors. Depending on the cause, you can deal with the consequences.

It is best to consult a specialist - nutrition consultant, dietitian, fitness trainer or doctor to check your health.

Independent attempts to lose weight can lead to negative consequences. strict diets or taking unfamiliar drugs for weight loss is better not to use.

End of hormonal contraception

With a constant sexual partner, many women choose birth control pills for themselves. They are easy to use and give a high result to the impossibility of fertilization.

  1. Often, in women over the age of 30, pregnancy after the end of taking such drugs occurs much later than in younger representatives who are ready to conceive.
  2. It is necessary to talk with a gynecologist about the expected date of conception.
  3. It is necessary to stop taking hormonal drugs for 2-3 months so that the cycle is fully restored, and hormonal background came back to normal.

sex life

Calculating ovulation and subsequent sexual intercourse in these few days is not a guarantee of pregnancy. According to statistics, such a period increases the chance of conception, but there are cases of pregnancy immediately after the end of menstruation or before their arrival.

Natural processes are not subject to any person. The best option for early conception is regular sex life regardless of ovulation.

Gynecologist visit

A scheduled examination before pregnancy by a female doctor should be regular. This will allow you to control your health, find out the level of reproduction, prevent infections of the genital organs in time or cure them. A woman needs to pass a series of mandatory tests. Among them are an HIV test, a routine biochemical examination, and a study of the material for sugar levels. You will also need to donate blood for syphilis.

The above tests are approved by the Ministry of Health, they are prescribed to all pregnant women. But to make sure that everything is in order with health is recommended before the onset of conception. Such control will exclude the birth of a sick baby. Examination of the mammary glands should be carried out at least once a year, preventive examinations at home are recommended.

Dentist visit

Many do not associate oral diseases with subsequent conception and gestation. This is erroneous, because many purulent processes occurring in the gums must be prevented.

  1. Poor dental health is directly related to preterm labor or low birth weight.
  2. Dental treatment before pregnancy will eliminate the harmful effects of x-rays on the fetus and the effects of local anesthesia.
  3. If you ignore this factor, then pulpitis or gingivitis may occur during pregnancy, and any purulent processes in the body can cause complications.

Refusal of medicines

Any uncontrolled intake of drugs leads to disorders in the body. With constant use certain group drugs are addictive. If before pregnancy there was a constant need to use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, then it will be difficult to refuse them. Many of these drugs are contraindicated in fetal development.

But it is necessary to start taking vitamin preparations in order to become pregnant for a woman. This will increase the body's resistance to many negative factors, enhance the protective properties of the body and improve metabolism. Folic acid is one of the important supplements during pregnancy. You can drink it before conception.

Revision of the diet

The body must receive a sufficient amount of nutrients for the normal functioning of all organ systems. With sufficient resources, the chances of conception increase. This will be a good base for the subsequent development of the baby.

  1. The risk of gene mutations and other abnormalities in the development of the embryo increases if the mother experienced severe starvation before conception.
  2. The diet is enriched with protein food, calcium.
  3. It is advisable to exclude harmful fats contained in mayonnaise, margarine and smoked meats.
  4. Increase the portion of fruit per day.
  5. Citrus fruits are eaten with caution if a woman has gastritis in remission.

During pregnancy, as the pressure of the uterus on the walls of the stomach, the disease can worsen.

Partner preparation

A woman's interest in pregnancy alone is not enough. The partner must take an active part in planning before conceiving a child. If attempts are unsuccessful for several months, and the woman's health is in order, it is recommended to undergo a spermogram. It will allow you to identify the percentage of active spermatozoa, calculate the chances of conception and start taking drugs that increase their activity on time.

The quality of male reproductive function is negatively affected by alcohol and tobacco. Therefore, it is in the interests of the couple before pregnancy that the man give up these habits in advance. Sperm quality also deteriorates with excessive caffeine intake.

It is important to know

What should be done before getting pregnant if infertility is found? Unfortunately, a large percentage of women hear the phrase about infertility as a sentence. For many, after the main examination, a long process of restoring reproductive function begins with the use of medicines.

Sometimes you can get pregnant with the help of artificial insemination. Thus, in modern medicine Almost every girl has a chance to know the joy of motherhood.

Most of you probably know how to behave during pregnancy, what to eat, what to avoid, etc.

But have you ever thought about what you need to know before conceiving a child?

Most likely, this question will cause puzzled looks. But in vain!

After all, you should take care of the health of the baby from the day you decide to get pregnant.

Let's discuss what future parents need to think about.

Of course, health is a relative concept and one of the parents may be terminally ill, moreover, this disease can be inherited.

This is very hard and bitter, but we are now talking about something else.

I want to talk with you about diseases that can be successfully cured and only then proceed to the process of conception.

Women should pay special attention to the condition of the reproductive organs. Check if your uterus is healthy and the fallopian tubes, whether there are any narrowings, seals or other obscure obstacles.

What is there to say! It is best if you undergo a complete medical examination before conceiving a child.

By the way, this applies to both spouses, since there are many infectious diseases that have not shown themselves in your body, but can harm the health of the unborn child.

If you are too thin, then this should also be corrected.

Remember! In women who are too fat or too thin, the production of specific hormones that affect your ovulation is greatly disrupted.

In addition, if you are taking contraceptives, you will have to refuse them.

For some time (about two months) still protect yourself with your husband using regular condoms. For what? I'll explain now.

As you know, any oral contraceptives are designed to ensure that the egg does not mature, that is, is not capable of fertilization.

Therefore, after stopping the intake of these funds, it is necessary to give time to your reproductive organs so that they remember their immediate purpose.

I think everything became clear.

And it is necessary to refuse not the next day after conception, but two or three months before that.

In addition, you can purchase folic acid from pharmacies.

It will be best if you start taking this vitamin about three months before the planned conception.

  • Last. Try to relieve yourself of stress.

A constant nervous state does not have the best effect on the body of a woman preparing for pregnancy.

Of course, stressful situations are sometimes simply impossible to avoid, but remember what Carnegie said: “If you can’t change the situation, then change your attitude towards it.” That's the whole recipe.

Contrary to popular belief, the success of conceiving a child depends not only on the woman, but also on the man. According to statistics, 45% of the difficulties with conception are to blame for the health problems of the male body. Many different factors environment can reduce the viability of sperm, affect its quality.

In order to conceive a healthy baby, a man needs to thoroughly prepare for this process. It is best to start preparing 3-6 months before conception. Let's take a closer look at how to properly prepare for the conception of a child for a man, because this is a crucial event in the life of every person.

Healthy lifestyle

When you do not know how a man should prepare for the conception of a child, then the first thing to do for a certain period is to give up bad habits: smoking, alcohol, drugs. It is widely known that these substances greatly affect the functioning of the reproductive system. Especially dangerous is beer, which contains extragen-like hormones, which significantly reduce the quality of sperm.

Important! Studies show that men who regularly consume alcoholic beverages are born with low birth weight.

Three months before conception, it is necessary to stop taking harmful substances, as well as various medications (steroids, hormones, antibiotics, etc.). Why exactly three months? Scientists have established that approximately in such a time there is a complete cleansing of the body from toxic substances.

In addition, for high quality sperm, you should maintain a certain temperature regime for testicles. Do not wear tight underwear or pants. It is not recommended to take immediately before sexual intercourse. hot bath or shower. Also, five days before conception, you should refrain from sexual intercourse and masturbation, in order to increase sperm activity. Directly during the period of conception, the optimal number of sexual intercourses is one in 2-3 days.

Of course, it is important to ensure proper mobility. A sedentary lifestyle greatly increases the risk of developing prostatitis. It is recommended to give yourself regular physical exercise: morning jog, exercise in the gym. However, it is necessary to know the measure, excessive loads deplete the body, and during dangerous sports (for example, martial arts) there is a high risk of damage to the groin area. In addition, avid cyclists should reduce their travel time to two hours a day.

It is also important to try to avoid stressful situations, nervous strain, and if any arise, be able to relax. Chronic nervous tension negatively affects sperm and its activity.

Proper nutrition and vitamins

As the famous saying goes, “We are what we eat”. And indeed it is. All substances that enter the body with food have a very strong impact on health and functioning. In order for the effect to be positive, it is necessary to exclude from the diet products that adversely affect the health of the body, and include as many useful substances as possible.

What to exclude:

  • fried food;
  • fast food;
  • colored carbonated drinks.

What to add to your diet:

  • fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • seafood;
  • fish;
  • cereals, instead of potatoes and pasta;
  • sunflower oil instead of mayonnaise.

In addition, taking a complex of vitamins containing folic acid will be of great benefit. If you do not want to buy vitamins, you can replace them with products:

  • greenery;
  • cabbage;
  • beets;
  • nuts;
  • potatoes;
  • carrot;
  • legumes, etc.

Also, the volume of sperm and testosterone levels are affected by the content of zinc in the body. To increase it, you can enrich your diet with eggs and meat, or drink multivitamins containing zinc.

And another important substance that affects the activity of spermatozoa is vitamin C. You can get it along with:

  • citrus fruits and juice from them;
  • broccoli;
  • asparagus;
  • sweet pepper;
  • melon;
  • kiwi and so on.

Limiting the negative impact of the environment

Toxic substances enter the body not only in succession digestive system but through the lungs and skin. During the preparation period, it is important to limit such exposures. Before a man prepares for the conception of a child, if he works in a "harmful industry", then, if possible, it is better to take a vacation. Avoid contact with various chemicals such as:

  • heavy metals;
  • paint and varnish fumes;
  • ionizing radiation;
  • X-rays;
  • traffic fumes.

Of course, before conceiving a baby, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination, a urologist, and pass a series of tests for various diseases that are hereditarily and / or sexually transmitted.

Mandatory list of tests and procedures for both partners:

  • B and C;
  • blood type and Rh factor;
  • STDs;
  • fluorography.

Attention! HIV or hepatitis B, C in one of the partners can cause a miscarriage.

In addition, it is recommended to undergo a spermogram, genetics consultation for both partners. The latter is necessary to identify the risk of various genetic diseases, and, if possible, minimize the risk.

If any problems are identified, it is imperative to undergo a full course of treatment, and only then proceed to the conception of a baby.

Important! Infections of the genital organs can cause pathologies in the development of the fetus.

No less important than the health of the partner's body is the health of the relationship. It is better to resolve all problems in relationships before conceiving a child, if you cannot do it yourself, do not be too lazy to seek help from a specialist.

Pregnancy and the birth of a child is both a magical and difficult period in the life of both partners, which is why harmony and mutual understanding are important for future parents. Therefore, both spouses should approach the preparation for the adoption of a new family member responsibly. You now know how a man prepares for the conception of a child, and you can safely implement the experience gained in life.

Important! What to do for a girl, you can find out from our article.

In addition, unresolved problems can surface even after the birth of a child. The specificity of the relationship between parents greatly affects the baby, as in early age, as well as in the older one. An unfavorable atmosphere in the family can lead to the development of various diseases. The family atmosphere strongly sinks into the psyche of children, the subconscious, already influencing the model of building their own family relations. Therefore, learn how to properly approach the conception of a child and his upbringing.