Multiple sclerosis at an early stage of development is treated. How to treat multiple sclerosis. stem cell transplant

One of these very serious diseases is multiple sclerosis. The disease affects the central nervous system, brain and spinal cord. In most cases, the mind and memory of a person remains at the same level, but speech, auditory functions, sensitivity, imbalance and coordination of movements are severely impaired. People of a fairly young age get sick, and what is especially interesting is that the number of sick women is 2 times more than men.

Treatment of multiple sclerosis at home

Let's try to figure out whether it is possible to cure multiple sclerosis? Today modern medicine does not have a fundamental effective tool treatment, but there are certain schemes that stop the development of the disease and alleviate the symptoms. Very often a person may not be aware of his illness, he simply does not pay attention to the fact that sometimes he tingles in his fingers and toes, dizziness, unsteadiness in gait. If a set of measures is not carried out, then the disease attacks rapidly: muscle activity is disturbed, speech slows down, pain in the limbs bothers.

And then the answer to the question of whether multiple sclerosis can be cured will only be negative. This disease is very insidious and cannot be predicted. It happens that the first symptoms progress rapidly, and then a lull for a while, there may even be some weakening of the signs of the disease. Here the patient needs to be alert. The best remedy clarification of the diagnosis is computed tomography, which not only reveals this terrible disease, but also shows the effectiveness of the application of treatment regimens.

For treatment, experts prescribe three groups of drugs: to relieve exacerbations of multiple sclerosis, preventive drugs and alleviate the symptoms of the disease. What causes an aggravation? Experts have found that the appearance of inflammation in the brain or spinal cord lead to exacerbation of multiple sclerosis. For example, if it originated in the optic nerve, then vision may suffer if there is a loss of coordination in space in the cerebellum. To prevent exacerbations of multiple sclerosis, intravenous salt-medrol is prescribed. This treatment is called pulse therapy. Pulse-therapy reduces the time of exacerbation of the disease and restores the body's functions to the same extent.

Modern technique of a possible cure

One of the most modern techniques leading to a possible cure for multiple sclerosis has become very fashionable stem cell transplantation, which replaces damaged brain neurons.

But this expensive procedure can help prevent disability if done early. If the disease is running, there will be no effect of treatment. You should also know that very often when using stem cells, a side effect can develop - the number of cancer cells in the body begins to increase. So it is not known which of the evils is worse.

Treatment of the disease with folk remedies

Multiple sclerosis affects the working-age young part of the population, so it is very important to know how the patient stops the symptoms of this terrible disease. Having visited a lot of forums on this topic, after analyzing the reviews, you can do main conclusion: there is no medicine that will cure today, but it is possible to stop the manifestations of symptoms, and many patients succeed in this. All those who struggle with the disease try to know everything about their disease and are happy to share effective methods of treatment. Under the supervision of a doctor, they try to lead a full-blooded quality life, because this is very important for them.

Among the reviews on the treatment and overcoming the symptoms of multiple sclerosis, there are a lot of traditional medicine recipes. Of course, they all come as an additional component to the main one. drug treatment. For example, the use of gruel from onions with honey, blackcurrant juice helps very well in eliminating headaches. It should be noted that tincture of mordovnik seeds very often helps patients, which must be infused in a thermos for 12 hours and drunk for two months.

Mumiye is also in demand, thanks to him the lack of vitamins and various salts is replenished in the body. It balances the metabolism of royal jelly and propolis. Sprouted wheat seeds strengthen immunity well. To prevent a hypertensive crisis, patients should wipe themselves with apple cider vinegar diluted in water. A decoction of clover will help strengthen the muscles of the legs. In addition, swimming, massage are important components to support a full human life.

Is it possible to cure the old focus of multiple sclerosis

There are more than a hundred different medications for the effective treatment of the disease. Naturally, the doctor prescribes a scheme depending on the severity of the course and the frequency of attacks of the disease. In severe cases, surgery is possible. To reduce the attack on the old focus, immunity can go to the removal of the spleen or thymus gland and even bone marrow transplantation.

The method of treatment of both new and old foci of multiple sclerosis, which involves the use of bee venom. This technique is called apitherapy. Bee venom has a positive effect on nerve cells, improves metabolic processes in them, affects motor coordination, and even prevents complications. Receiving such therapy, the patient will be able to regain lost functions, including motor activity. Experts have determined that apitherapy significantly inhibits the development of symptoms of multiple sclerosis and can restore the functioning of the damaged nervous system.

Even 30 years ago, the diagnosis of "Multiple Sclerosis" was a verdict. Today, science is moving forward, new medicines, modern methods are being developed and appearing, and all this gives hope that the disease will become curable.

Multiple sclerosis cured by "rebooting" the immune system

Demyelination of nervous tissue in multiple sclerosis

Marvin 101/Wikimedia Commons

Canadian researchers report success in clinical trials of hematopoietic stem cell therapy for multiple sclerosis. A report on the work was published in The Lancet.

Non-randomized, open trials conducted by the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute with colleagues from other clinical research centers involved 24 patients aged 18 to 50 years with treatment-resistant, aggressive multiple sclerosis and a poor prognosis. During the period from diagnosis to transplantation, they had a total of 167 exacerbations of the disease over 140 patient-years and 188 characteristic lesions of the brain tissue were detected on MRI.

During the experimental treatment, hematopoietic progenitor cells (CD34+) were removed from the participants and immunoablated (destruction of the body's immune cells) with busulfan, cyclophosphamide, and rabbit antithymocyte immunoglobulin. After that, the immunity of patients was restored by transplantation of their own cells. The purpose of this was to destroy the population of immune cells that attack myelin fibers and other structures of the nervous system of patients.

Patients were followed up for an average of 6.7 years (3.9 to 12.7 years). Three years after treatment (the primary endpoint of the trial), 69.9 percent of the volunteers showed no evidence of MS activity (flare-ups, progression, and brain damage seen on gadolinium-enhanced MRI). During the entire observation period, none of the surviving participants had clinical exacerbations of the disease and the need for specific therapy, and the rate of brain atrophy decreased to the level of a healthy person.

In 35 percent of the volunteers, the symptoms of disability (according to the Expanded Scale of Organic Disorders) associated with visual impairment, muscle weakness and impaired coordination of movements steadily decreased. Several participants were able to return to work or school.

Despite the overall success, the experimental treatment had severe complications. One of the patients died of a liver infection as a result of immunoablation, and another needed care in the intensive care unit for the same reason. All participants experienced fever during treatment.

According to the researchers, the technique was the first treatment that completely stopped inflammatory activity in the central nervous system in patients with multiple sclerosis for a long time and without additional therapy. They also note that in the course of further trials, it is necessary to clarify the groups of patients who will benefit from such treatment with a low risk of complications.

Multiple sclerosis is a chronic autoimmune disease that causes damage to the myelin sheaths of nerve fibers in different parts of the central nervous system, which leads to impaired nerve transmission and loss of relevant functions (sensory, motor, etc.).


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Multiple sclerosis

excerpt from Dr. Batmanghelidj's book

Multiple sclerosis, numbness

My name is F.T. I have multiple sclerosis. This terrible diagnosis

delivered in April 2000. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed

me the destruction of the myelin sheath and the presence of plaques on the brain.

The neurologist reviewed my medical history and said that the first pronounced

symptom of this disease was a case of complete numbness and tingling in the right side

body that occurred 18 years ago. After the first exacerbation, the doctor prescribed me

full examination; he even took a puncture of the cerebrospinal fluid, but in the hospital

lost test results. The numbness and tingling did not completely go away; to me

I had to learn to live with it. At that time, I had to leave my job for

six months. After 12 years, the exacerbation repeated; this time numb

affected the upper half of the body. The doctor gave me an MRI again, but found nothing

neither in the neck nor in the brain. Over the next two years, I went through a series

nerve conduction tests. Another aggravation occurred in April 2000

years, and then the MRI revealed signs of multiple sclerosis in the neck and brain.

Symptoms included numbness, tingling, pain, slurred speech,

partial loss of control of the right arm, balance problems,

disorder of the body's functions and a constant feeling of fatigue.

The doctor prescribed me the drug "Avonex". I took the medicine once a week, and

it only worked for three days. But when I started drinking sea salt water,

the effect of Avonex has become longer. Also, I took flaxseed oil.

cold pomace, B-complex, lecithin, multivitamins and potassium. Two s later

half a month after the start of treatment with water, numbness and tingling disappeared; V

over the following months, I began to walk better and keep my balance, and departures

body returned to normal. In December 2001, I came for examination to

neurologist. I told him that I was going to stop taking Avonex and

treated with water only. He replied that he had heard something about it. I said that

I will only need to drink water with salt and completely give up alcohol and

caffeine. The doctor agreed that cutting out caffeine is good idea, because the

caffeine suppresses some neurological functions of the brain. He directed me to

complete examination for patients with multiple sclerosis, which showed that I

perfectly healthy. In June of this year, my family doctor is going to conduct

magnetic resonance imaging to make sure I'm definitively

got rid of multiple sclerosis. In addition to multiple sclerosis, the last seven years

I had an enlarged prostate. During the last examination, the family doctor

checked her and said she was back to normal. Just in case, he did an analysis

blood, and the results confirmed his conclusion.

For the fight against multiple sclerosis to bear fruit, optimism and

courage. For 20 years I have not felt as good as I do now.

I suffered from multiple sclerosis for five years. Due to illness, I was

bedridden, and fluid retention has virtually rendered me unable to

move. My weight has increased to 79 kg, and with my small stature, this is strong

affected my condition. On top of that, I could hardly speak. At that

For a while, I didn't know what was wrong with me. My husband was worried and didn't know what to do

for me or with me. Another problem I had was a chronic disorder.

functions Bladder. I was taken to doctors and hospitals in Canada, New York

and Pennsylvania. I was prescribed all sorts of tests and examinations to

find out what's going on with my intestines and bladder. I was told that

it's a disease that I'll have to learn to live with and that it's over

colostomy. I have a degree in nursing and have worked for a long time in

medicine. I took everything that was prescribed to me, in the hope that the drugs would help.

The final diagnosis of "multiple sclerosis" was made by the doctors of the institute

Geisinger in Denville last March. They said I'm sick of absent-minded

sclerosis for about 5 years and next year will be very difficult.

I started treatment with water only when I felt really bad. My husband tried

he lost 18 kg earlier and in a month. He even improved his character and disappeared

nervousness. I have given up all the medications I have been taking. In my case water

had a positive effect on intelligence and memory; I have improved

coordination and shortness of breath disappeared. Upper respiratory problems too

disappeared. Congestion in the intestines and bladder still continued, but

gradually these organs began to function as expected.

I haven't been to the doctor for several months. When I entered his office

his feet, he could not believe his own eyes and could only utter three words:

"You look great." He asked what I was doing. I told,

that I am using the Water Healing course developed by Dr. Batmanghelidj and

that my medicines were water and salt! It interested him. I explained to him

that every person needs to drink two and a half liters of water daily

and consume half a teaspoon of salt with food. He said that in this program

you've never been so healthy." He thinks nothing is more amazing

never saw. This doctor's name is John Carey. He has a clinic here in Kingston,

and another in Dallas. He even tested the water treatment program on himself and with it.

help dropped quite a lot excess weight. He said that this way

treatment is so simple and

It is unique that as many people as possible should know about it. He always

ready to use any remedy that can benefit the patient,

regardless of the origin of this remedy. If the medicine helps, he

applies. For such a discovery to occur, something must have happened.

tragic like the imprisonment of Dr. Batmanghelidj with the prospect of

execution. I had to get multiple sclerosis to get

the opportunity to do what I do today, which is to talk about it

treatment for everyone I know. The Bible uses the words "water" and "salt" frequently. We all

must eat, drink, and behave as Jesus did during his

stay on this earth, and we all know that he drank water and, apparently,

had to salt the food. We are the salt of the earth, and if the salt was good for Him, then it

should be good enough for us. I'm sure of it because it


I give you permission to use this letter as you wish.

Sincerely yours, M.F.

Urgent need to deliver blood

water to a vital organ that is in a state of progressive

dehydration, can sometimes lead to microscopic bleeding into the

tissue surrounding the blood vessels. This method of obtaining fresh water,

making up 94 percent of the volume of blood and its red cells is called vasculitis.

When this process occurs in the stomach, doctors call it gastritis. Often

this also happens in the kidneys, which as a result begin to lose protein and other

important substances, releasing them into the urine (this disease is called nephrosis).

A similar process can take place in the lungs and in muscle tissues. When he

occurs in the skin, it is called purple or purpura. solid particles,

remaining in the tissues after such microscopic bleeding from the blood

vessels, do not cause any harm to most organs. This "residue"

gradually involved in the metabolic process. But when this happens inside

brain, the circulatory system of which is closed, the sediment "sinters" and

plaque starts to form. The formation of such plaques is observed in the disease

Alzheimer's, Parkinson's disease and multiple sclerosis. First brain scans

nurses N. F. revealed a large number of such plaques in her, which was

confirmation of the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis. After about a year of water treatment

her brain scan showed the complete disappearance of the plaques and allowed

state complete cure from multiple sclerosis. During the last

Several years of examination did not reveal any signs of this disease in her.

I have suffered from multiple sclerosis since 1989. Periods of exacerbations were marked

partial paralysis or unpleasant trembling of the muscles. Until I came down with

multiple sclerosis, I never drank water, but lived on coffee alone. Now I don't drink

coffee in general, and water became my main drink. She told me about water treatment

my girlfriend in 1995. I considered it absurd. In April 1996, due to

multiple sclerosis, I was blind in one eye. I was completely exhausted and constantly wanted

sleep. After a week and a half of water treatment, I began to notice changes in my

condition. By the end of the third week, my sight returned, and I felt this

an incredible surge of strength like never experienced before. My doctor couldn't

believe that I was able to regain my sight so quickly. He never met anything

similar. He didn't even ask me about what helped me. My

a wish to all who suffer from multiple sclerosis: try the treatment with water and

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Folk remedies for multiple sclerosis - conversations with Dr. Lyubimova. Multiple sclerosis is a disease of the central nervous system. Normally, the nerves in the body are covered with a protective sheath - a layer of insulating fatty substance - myelin, which provides a clear transmission of electrical signals - nerve impulses. In multiple sclerosis, the protective membranes become inflamed, destroyed, causing "short circuits" in the transmission of nerve impulses. In this case, loss of coordination, visual impairment, urinary incontinence are possible.

Symptoms of multiple sclerosis

Can be weakened by the following means:

1. Home acupuncture: several times a day for 3-5 minutes, step first with one and then with the other foot on Kuznetsov's applicator. This activates and relaxes the biologically active points on the feet, improves blood circulation. The same purpose is served by massage, swimming, stretching exercises, walking barefoot.

2. Apitherapy - treatment with bee venom. Bee stings are done 2 sessions a week. The course of treatment of sclerosis with bee venom is 6 months.

3. Properly selected diet. Exacerbation of multiple sclerosis can cause the use of dairy products, coffee, yeast, ketchup, wine, corn. You can not eat margarine, you should limit red meat.

Slow down the development of the disease diet with a lot of vegetable oils, cod liver oil. The appropriate diet for multiple sclerosis patients was developed by Dr. Roy Swank. It must be supplemented with large doses of vitamins.

4. It is useful to take daily 5 g of lecithin, dietary supplement coenzyme Q-10 30 ml 2 times a day.

5. The progression of the disease helps to stop the decoction of the round-headed mordovnik. 2 tsp brew herbs with 1 cup of boiling water and infuse in a thermos for 8 hours. Drink per day in 3-4 doses. The course of treatment is 2 months. After 2 weeks, repeat the course. (HLS 2002, No. 6 p. 11)

Symptoms of multiple sclerosis. Recommendations and diet for MS From a conversation with the chief neurologist of the Moscow Department of Health, head of the Moscow Center for Multiple Sclerosis A. N. Boyko. The disease has an undulating course, there is often a temporary improvement in the condition, the symptoms of multiple sclerosis weaken, but the disease does not completely go away.

The goal of a patient with multiple sclerosis is to make friends with his illness, to learn to live with it. And for this you need to know about it as much as possible. Then you can reduce the activity of the process of destruction of myelin, prolong the stage of remission, reduce the frequency of exacerbations of multiple sclerosis.

The symptoms of multiple sclerosis vary from patient to patient. Moreover, often the severity of symptoms is not directly proportional to the degree of destruction of the myelin layer of nerve endings. It happens that one patient, judging by the tomography, does not have a living place in the can, but he feels quite well. And another patient has almost no signs of the disease on MRI, and the symptoms of multiple sclerosis are very strong and obvious.

Symptoms of multiple sclerosis:

1. Violation of coordination.

2. Violation of sensitivity, numbness of certain areas of the skin

3. Impaired vision

4. Violation of the intellect.

5. Decreased muscle strength

6. Difficulties with movement

7. Dysfunction of the pelvic organs

8. Chronic fatigue

10. Pain in the spine, muscle spasms

1. Don't Overwork

2. Spend as much time outdoors as possible, but avoid the sun.

4. Avoid sudden changes in climate and time zones

5. Don't be nervous

6. Exercise daily.

Diet for multiple sclerosis

There is no specific diet for multiple sclerosis, but there are specific recommendations

1. Reduce the proportion of meat in the diet, replace animal proteins and fats with vegetable ones

2. Eat as much fruits, vegetables, greens, seafood, fish as possible

3. The basis of nutrition in multiple sclerosis should be vegetables, cereals and dairy products

4. Eat 1 tbsp daily. l. sprouted wheat grains and 3 garlic cloves

Exercise for MS

To keep your muscles in good shape and prevent the progression of muscle weakness, perform a set of exercises daily.

1. Shift your body weight from one foot to the other

2. Squeeze the muscles of the perineum for 3 seconds, gradually bring up to 10 seconds.

3. Lie on the floor on your back, bend your knees and rest your feet on the floor. Raise the pelvis by tensing the gluteal muscles.

4. Stretch the expander with your hands

5. Place a pharmacy rubber ring on your fingers and stretch it in different directions.

Do each exercise 7-10 times.

Massage the muscles of your arms and legs every day.

Treatment of multiple sclerosis

In recent decades, beta-interferons and glatiramer acetate have been used to treat multiple sclerosis. The main problem is that these drugs are very expensive, costing thousands of dollars a year to treat MS.

At some stages of the disease, it is not beta-interferons that can help the patient, but well-thought-out symptomatic therapy. Individual selection of techniques can significantly improve the quality of life of patients (HLS 2007, No. 3 p. 12-13)

What triggers exacerbations of multiple sclerosis

1. Transferred viral diseases(SARS, influenza, herpes),

2. Nervous stress,

3. Excessive insolation (stay in the sun).

4. Exacerbation of multiple sclerosis can cause the body to heat up in a bath, in a hot bath.

How to treat multiple sclerosis - healthy lifestyle recipes

Treatment of multiple sclerosis with folk remedies - the experience of the struggle.

A 6-year-old woman is sick with multiple sclerosis. Now she is 44 years old. To keep yourself in shape, frost to allow the disease to progress does the following things:

1. Conducted 3 courses of laser therapy in Moscow every six months.

2. Conducted a course of bee stings (50 stings)

3. whole year I was breathing according to Frolov, now I switched to pranayama - balanced breathing.

4. I made injections with the living substance of a chicken egg.

5. Passed a course of recovery according to the Norbekov method.

6. For a year and a half, as for work, I went to the gym.

7. 6 years old douses cold water in the morning

8. Does exercises to stretch the muscles of the legs and back.

The main goal of the treatment of multiple sclerosis is the restoration of myelin, since this disease damages the myelin sheaths of nerve fibers. Myelin can be restored by consuming lecithin. It exists as a dietary supplement, it must be taken in combination with vitamin C and B5. And also lecithin can be obtained with products: nuts, legumes, oatmeal, nettles, beets, yolks. Therefore, with multiple sclerosis, you must adhere to a reasonable diet.

Most of all, the patient is concerned about hypertonicity of the muscles of the legs and back, convulsions and irritability of the skin. This condition is relieved by cooling, the patient wraps her legs with a wet cold towel for a minute. After that, the muscles calm down, confidence and strength appear in the legs.

The woman realized that the disease can and should be controlled. To do this, you need to take an active position, have the support of others, believe in yourself. The patient came up with a healing mood for multiple sclerosis, similar to those offered by Georgy Sytin. He helps her a lot. The text is published in this article HLS. (HLS 2002, No. 3 p.8-9)

After 5 years, the same patient with multiple sclerosis wrote another letter to the Healthy Lifestyle Bulletin, because she received hundreds of letters from readers with the question “What is she being treated for?”

Many people with multiple sclerosis, having heard the diagnosis “MS is incurable” from doctors, give up. We have not been taught to fight for our health. We shifted the responsibility for it onto the shoulders of the doctors, we hope only for medicines. Patients do not try to analyze their lives, look for the causes of the disease, do not try to remove these causes.

The author of the letter also at some point relied on medication (in 2005), took a course of pills, injections, and was even treated in a sanatorium in Pyatigorsk. Only before the treatment she walked independently with a cane, and after the treatment she began to walk with two canes and an attendant.

Even 10 years ago, an experienced neurologist told her that MS does not like to be treated with medication. He becomes aggressive. This is what happened. Now the woman has given up drugs, improvements physical condition not observed, but she tries to control the disease. I set the rules: morning exercises, lying in bed, then a cold shower, then occupational therapy: all feasible housework, though the speed of a turtle. For hands charging - knitting. In the summer season, she is taken to the garden, and there she crawls them. There is such energy from the earth that then she can walk around the garden herself with the help of two canes.

Mordovnik, which is recommended by all herbalists for the treatment of multiple sclerosis, does not suit her, because her muscles are already in hypertonicity. And mordovnik, or rather the alkaloid echinopsin contained in it, is a tonic for flaccid paralysis and sluggish multiple sclerosis. But the reticulate larkspur suppresses the transmission of nerve impulses from the motor centers to the muscles, and is indicated with increased muscle tone. That is, these 2 plants for the treatment of multiple sclerosis act in opposite directions. Therefore, you need to deal with your symptoms before starting the treatment of MS with these folk remedies. But, judging by the letters, often patients with multiple sclerosis take these two drugs at the same time. (HLS 2007, No. 7 p.15-16)

Kombucha in the treatment of multiple sclerosis with folk remedies.

Kombucha infusion helps with many diseases. Kombucha lowers blood pressure and cholesterol levels in the body, regulates the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and other organs. They drink an infusion of kombucha for atherosclerosis, including disseminated, with hypertension, with rheumatic heart disease and polyarthritis. (HLS 2002, No. 15 p. 15)

Multiple sclerosis - symptoms and treatment: personal experience.

The woman has been ill with multiple sclerosis for many years, now she is 37 years old, but she was correctly diagnosed at 35 years old. The first signs and symptoms of multiple sclerosis appeared in her at the age of 8: the skin on her leg became numb. Massage and rubbing did not help, but this numbness did not interfere with normal life, and after 4-5 years it went away on its own. The patient connects this improvement with the fact that during that period she almost did not eat sugar, she drank plain boiled water.

And when I moved to another school, they were constantly given sweet compote, and the symptoms of multiple sclerosis worsened - the numbness of the skin integument increased again. After school, when eating sweets, the following symptoms were added: drowsiness, weakness, stomach pain. Then the patient realized that it was necessary to completely give up sweets.

When the woman was 23 years old, the symptoms of multiple sclerosis were joined by pain in her legs, which made it difficult to walk. The pain subsided on its own, but when the head was tilted, it began to prick in the fingers and toes.

At the age of 34, the right temple and right eye ached, there was a fog of luminous points in front of the eyes, it was impossible to read and distinguish people's faces. In the hospital, the doctor was inattentive, prescribed cheap pills and advised me to eat less salty.

The patient decided to treat herself, drank herbal infusions (chamomile, dill seeds, mint, nettle), ate Kalanchoe leaves. A year later, lameness appeared. For a whole year she drank rosehip infusion. Gradually, the lameness disappeared, but when a computer appeared at work, the symptoms intensified, an exacerbation of multiple sclerosis began: the head began to hurt, lameness returned, the skin on the legs began to go numb - at the slightest touch, it seemed that thousands of needles were digging into the skin. Numbness covered both legs, the left hand. She turned to the doctors again, they diagnosed her with asthenic syndrome, prescribed glycine and aevit, and prescribed electromassage. After the second massage session, the woman became completely incapacitated. Only then was she given the correct diagnosis.

She came to the hospital on her own feet, and her colleagues brought her home by the arms. Household chores became unbearable. But the woman began to do gymnastics 2 times a day, drink hot water on an empty stomach, put glycine under her tongue. She achieved her goal - instead of 2 groups of disability they gave the third.

After electromassage, the face became asymmetric, arms and legs were constantly twitching. Valerian tincture helped (20 drops 3 times a day). Treatment with valerian brought relief after a month, numbness on the legs and hands eased. Numbness in multiple sclerosis is also well treated with nettles.

Having become acquainted with the newspaper "Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle", I began to drink coniferous decoction and an infusion of dandelion roots, calamus, burdock. This helped a lot in the treatment of multiple sclerosis - the fog from the luminous points in front of the eyes decreased, and vision improved. (HLS 2003, No. 6 p.10-11)

Qigong against multiple sclerosis.

Official medicine believes that multiple sclerosis is not curable, there is a constant deterioration in the patient's condition, there is only hope for drugs.

The author of the article believes that the disease is a process that occurs in the body. Any process can be stopped and even reversed. Therefore, multiple sclerosis is curable, you just need to find a way to turn the body back in time. These methods include Chinese breathing exercises qigong.

With multiple sclerosis, the brain stops giving the right commands. And the practice of qigong is aimed at establishing a harmonious functioning of the brain. This is the path to recovery. Multiple sclerosis patients must realize that the cure lies within us. (HLS 2003, No. 7 p.14)

The author of this article, who has been suffering from multiple sclerosis for 30 years, claims that in areas where the climate is dry, the population does not suffer from this disease. Therefore, he believes that the main cause of multiple sclerosis is a violation of the water balance in the body. This is due to excess water intake and insufficient excretion with sweat. The basic principle of multiple sclerosis, according to the author, is limited water intake with sufficient caloric intake. Physical activity should be maximum, but dehydration should not be allowed. (HLS 2003, No. 7 p.14-15)

Treatment of multiple sclerosis with folk remedies

When diagnosing multiple sclerosis, there is nothing more useful than personal communication. A woman with this diagnosis tells her story of treatment.

Every spring and autumn, she conducts vitamin therapy courses, takes immunostimulating mixtures with lemon. Drinks every 30 minutes cold water 4-5 sips to saturate the blood with oxygen. For back pain, he lies down on Kuznetsov's applicator for a minute. Do light exercise at any time during the day. Takes a contrast shower in the morning and evening.

For the treatment of multiple sclerosis folk remedies takes:

1. Infusion of lime blossom - it improves blood circulation.

2. Mordovnik tincture - it restores the functions of the spinal cord and brain, peripheral nerves, tones the muscles, helps restore motor functions and treats atrophy of the optic nerve. A tincture can be prepared from Mordovnik seeds: 5 g per 500 ml of 70% alcohol. Or buy in a pharmacy a 1% solution of "Echinopsin nitrate" in 20 ml bottles. This drug is an extract from the fruit of the muzzle. Take a drop 2 times a day 20 minutes before meals.

3. At night, rub along the spine from the back of the head to the coccyx rubbing: a mixture of menovazine, mordovnik tincture, fly agaric tincture in equal proportions.

4. Tincture horse chestnut- for cleaning blood vessels and resorption of blood clots

5. Infusion of needles - for blood purification (5 tablespoons per 500 ml of water, boil for 15 minutes, leave for 10 hours, drink during the day in several doses)

As a result of this treatment of multiple sclerosis with folk remedies, the woman feels better than 15 years ago, when she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and treated in the hospital. Then, due to the prescribed procedures with prednisolone and other treatment, an ulcer opened up, a goiter appeared, intestinal atony, pain began in the sacrum, and the left eye stopped seeing. (HLS 2004, No. 13 p. 20-21)

Treatment of multiple sclerosis with fasting and turpentine baths: personal experience

More than 20 years ago, the man was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. In the article, he says that, despite the fact that he is a disabled person of the 1st group, he continues his scientific and creative activities, and has not become a burden for his loved ones.

Multiple sclerosis is a chronic systemic, progressive multifocal lesion of the nervous system. Medicine publicly recognized "multiple sclerosis is incurable!".

The author of the article tells what should not be done to patients with multiple sclerosis: do not contact the doctors and healers, no matter how famous they are, if there is really no one behind them effective treatment specifically multiple sclerosis. The author himself was treated by famous psychics - Kashpirovsky, Chumak. The sessions provided only temporary relief. Then the symptoms of multiple sclerosis worsened. For a whole year I did daily acupuncture sessions with a famous acupuncturist - there were no results. The widely publicized chiropractor Kasyan admitted after paying for a course of expensive sessions that none of his treatments would help with MS, since this is not a physical injury to the spine, but a purely neurological disease. After classes with Dikul, the patient received only an inguinal hernia.

The author of the article recommends that patients with multiple sclerosis conduct at least 7-day fasting twice a year. He himself conducts these fasts late autumn and in early spring, when his symptoms of multiple sclerosis worsen. Do not be afraid that in the first 3 days headaches may intensify, bad breath will appear, coordination will be disturbed. Then there will be a surge of power. On days of fasting, you need to keep the intestines clean, with constipation, do enemas before going to bed. After the end of the hunger strike, perform bowel cleansing according to the yoga system (1 liter of salted water on an empty stomach and special exercises) for 3-4 days in a row.

With an exacerbation of the symptoms of multiple sclerosis, the patient is helped by homemade turpentine baths according to Zalmanov. To prepare them, you need to take 500 ml of turpentine, 50 g of grated baby soap, 5 tablets of aluminum-potassium alum, 3 g of aspirin, 20 ml of camphor alcohol. All this must be mixed. For one bath take 250 ml of the mixture. Baths to take daily minutes. After the session, wash the body with warm water and soap and lie down in warm underwear for 30 minutes.

Contraindications for turpentine baths: acute inflammatory diseases, exacerbation of peptic ulcer, hepatitis, cirrhosis, thrombophlebitis, diabetes, angina pectoris, ischemic heart disease, epilepsy, thyrotoxicosis. Despite all these contraindications, turpentine baths are amazingly useful for patients with multiple sclerosis.

Very effective method treatment of multiple sclerosis - cleansing of the circulatory and vascular system - plasmaphoresis or homosorption. This is a very expensive treatment, but very important, it is desirable to conduct these courses at least once every 2 years.

Patients with multiple sclerosis should maintain warm relations with loved ones, this is the main condition for successfully resisting the disease. But often in MS patients, families break up - this leads to a sharp exacerbation of multiple sclerosis.

Important in the treatment of multiple sclerosis and moral purification, spiritual treatment. At least once a quarter visit the temples according to your faith. (HLS 2004, No. 22 p. 8-9)

Treatment of multiple sclerosis linseed oil

With multiple sclerosis ethnoscience recommends the use of flaxseed oil, both for internal use and externally. Treatment of MS should be carried out according to the following scheme:

Every day on an empty stomach, take 2 tsp. flaxseed oil (before breakfast, lunch and dinner). Additionally, take 1 capsule of fish oil and 1/4 tsp. eggshell powder.

1 time in 3 days dissolve in the mouth for 10 minutes 1 tsp. linseed oil, then spit out the oil.

Once every 3 days, massage with linseed oil on hands and feet.

Once a month, do a full body massage with linseed oil. (HLS 2004, No. 4 p. 23-24)

Treatment of multiple sclerosis with a shovel.

The man was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. He decided this: I will grow vegetables, sell them, and with this money I will go to a sanatorium. And only then I realized that the sanatorium is not a solution to the problem. For a successful fight against MS, the main thing is not a health resort, but the labor process itself, at least in the same garden. The main thing is that sweat poured in a stream. It's accessible and helpful. After working in the garden, after the summer season, the man feels much better than before after the winter, the symptoms of multiple sclerosis weaken. If there is no garden, plant flowers on the windowsill, get a dog, feel needed by someone. The main thing is to go and work as much as possible. So you are treated, and the disease seems to get tired (HLS 2005, No. 3 p. 9)

Tips for patients with multiple sclerosis.

Increasingly, the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis is made to very young people, after which they live in depression or aggression, lose their life orientation. Multiple sclerosis patients are trying to find a miracle cure, a healing herb. But the true medicine can be considered only a huge faith in recovery. It is necessary to rethink the attitude towards the disease, to understand that there is no catastrophe. We are mistaken, hoping only for a miracle cure, thereby putting a barrier to our own body, which was originally programmed to cope with the disease.

Patients, especially young ones, need to plan their lives, say, for the next 2-3 years, choose guidelines, goals and desires and strive for their implementation by the scheduled date.

To get well, you have to work. To do this, awaken willpower. And it's so easy: in the morning, 5 minutes of a contrast shower or vigorous wiping with a damp towel. This procedure will relieve lethargy, irritability, fatigue, redistribute nerve impulses and cheer up. And if you have the strength to do some physical exercises before water procedures, then you will provide yourself with a wonderful mood for the whole day. (HLS 2005, No. 22 p. 23)

Bee products in the treatment of multiple sclerosis with folk remedies. Methodology of the apitherapist T. V. Ruzankina.

If it is not possible to take a course of bee stinging, use a cream containing bee venom.

You need to follow a few rules:

- use bee products for at least 2 weeks beforehand, thus preparing the body for treatment with bee venom

- Rub bee venom into the lower back, and preferably into the back 2 times a week, alternating with rubbing propolis in oil.

– Do not take bee venom without honey

- Take bee venom every other day or 2 times a week.

– Do not drink alcohol during treatment

When using a cream with bee venom, the course is 250 procedures, a break of 1.5 months. Only 4 courses. The treatment process is long, be patient and believe in success.

The use of bee products for the treatment of multiple sclerosis

Honey water. 1 st. l. dissolve honey in 1 glass of warm water, drink slowly in the morning on an empty stomach. The same before bed. Course - 3 liters of honey.

Bee pollen. After taking honey water in the morning, put 1 tsp in your mouth. pollen, dissolve it until completely dissolved. Before dinner, also take 1 tsp. pollen. The course of treatment is 1 kg of pollen.

Apilak (royal jelly). Take after breakfast - 5 tablets under the tongue until completely absorbed, then 5 tablets after lunch. Course 1 month. Then take apilac only in the morning, 7 tablets.

Propolis in oil. Take 1/3 tsp. before going to bed after honey water, do not drink anything. Propolis on butter you can cook by yourself. Dissolve 10% propolis oil in warm milk, 1 tsp each. and take 1 hour before meals 2 times a day throughout the course of treatment of multiple sclerosis

On a large sheet, write down the treatment regimen, hang it in a conspicuous place and mark the procedures daily.

With multiple sclerosis, vision is impaired. For its restoration, fresh honeycomb flower honey is recommended. It must be diluted with boiled water and instilled into the eyes according to the following scheme:

1,2,3 day: 3 times a day, 2 drops in each eye, diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 4 (for 1 tsp of honey 4 tsp of water)

4,5,6 day: 4 times a day, 2 drops, diluted 1:3

7,8,9 day: 5 times a day, 2 drops, diluted 1:2

10-55 days: 6 times a day, 2 drops, diluted 1:1

Prepare the solution fresh daily, eat the leftovers. At the beginning of treatment there is a burning sensation in the eyes, it soon disappears. After treatment, a feeling of cleanliness and lightness arises in the eyes, the sensation of "garbage" and "film" disappears.

(HLS 2005, No. 22 p. 23-24)

The woman was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis 9 years ago. Conducted several courses of treatment, there was no improvement, as the patient and told the doctor. He replied, “It didn’t get any worse? And it won't get any better!" It sounded like a sentence. The patient began to look folk remedies treatment of multiple sclerosis, read a lot of literature. Stopped for honey treatment. I bought ready-made ones: honey with royal jelly, honey with propolis, cream with bee venom. Been using these products for 7 years. The strongest effect of bee venom. I noticed the first results after 2.5 years of treatment - the symptoms of multiple sclerosis weakened, exacerbations were avoided. At the same time, I got rid of many chronic diseases. But it should be noted that without physical activity and exercise, results cannot be achieved. (HLS 2006, No. 5 p.11)

Exercises against multiple sclerosis.

A woman in 1997 was admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis. She refused treatment with prednisolone. In the end, she was left without help. At home, I spent several days rummaging through the cabinets, reading all the saved clippings. I found an article from the newspaper "Trud" for 1995 "Dumbbells instead of pills", written by Sergei Bubnovsky. The patient read this article and cried “What dumbbells? What douche? The legs do not obey, the tongue barely moves, the buttons cannot be fastened, constant fights in the sacrum. But she got up and took a cold shower for the first time in her life. From the next day, I began to do exercises thoroughly. There were no dumbbells, I poured 0.5 kg of salt into 2 stockings, but this load was very heavy for the sick spine. They fixed a horizontal bar in the doorway, the patient began to train her arms and stretch her spine. In her palms she squeezed and rolled small raw potatoes. Slowly I began to go out onto the landing and add 1-2 steps every day. It was especially difficult to go down. A year later, we managed to get out into the yard by descending from the third floor. Two years later, she felt so good that she was already riding buses, getting on them with the help of her husband, doing housework, dexterity returned to her hands, speech was restored.

In 2000, she subscribed to the newspaper Vestnik ZOZH. There was no time to get sick, it was necessary to learn to recover. (HLS 2007, No. 3 p. 15)

Mordovnik in the treatment of multiple sclerosis with folk remedies.

Take 2 tbsp. l. Mordovnik seeds in a "shirt", pour 500 ml of vodka, leave for 2 weeks, shaking often. Take the infusion strictly drop by drop, do not exceed the dose. Start with three drops, add a drop every day and reach 15. Dilute the drops in 1/4 cup of water. Take 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Take tincture for 6 months in courses of 3 weeks, with breaks of 7 days. (HLS 2009, No. 16 p. 32)

Treatment of multiple sclerosis with movement and folk remedies.

A 21-year-old woman has MS. In addition, she fell and was badly injured. The hip area became completely immobilized. All the exercises that she did in bed became beyond her power. There was only the opportunity to train her hands, which she began to do. I did not allow myself to lie and do nothing, the goal is to increase the load every day. Through the pain, she gradually began to sit on the bed, turn, bend over, pull and rotate her feet. Tried to get up. After a few weeks, holding on to the walker managed to get up. She fell back on the bed and got up again. I began to ride on an office chair around the apartment, constantly doing feasible gymnastics.

Bought a stepper. We put the simulator in a walker. The son put his feet on the pedals. On the first day, I managed to take 9 steps in 1 minute. Started a workout notebook. 7 months have passed since the date of purchase of the simulator. Now a patient with multiple sclerosis, with the help of a walker, gets up on the simulator 5 times a day. Takes an average of 110 steps in 4 minutes.

At the same time taking medications for the treatment of multiple sclerosis:

1. Milgamma - reduces pain positive effect on the neuromuscular system. Makes injections of 2 ml daily intramuscularly. The course of treatment is 10 days.

2. Cedar oil - helps to strengthen the musculoskeletal system, tissue regeneration. Takes 2 times a day, 5 capsules with meals. course of treatment 1 month.

3. Tincture of Mordovnik seeds - restores motor functions. A patient with MS rubs the tincture mixed with menovazine 1:1 along the spine and into painful places, takes 10 drops orally in the morning and evening. Course - 2 months.

4. Amiksin - stimulates bone marrow stem cells, improves immunity - 1 tablet every other day. The course of treatment is 40 days.

5. Cerebrolysin - prevents the death of neurons, 10 intravenous injections of 5 ml.

6. Lecithin is the main component of myelin formation. 2 capsules 2 times a day. The course is 30 days each quarter.

For 21 years of illness, the woman was convinced that it is necessary to get sick calmly and consciously. Don't look for panaceas. After treatment in the hospital, do not wait in anxious anticipation of a new exacerbation of multiple sclerosis. Remission time is precious, it must be used to restore strength. (HLS 2010, No. 22 p. 18,)

Treatment of multiple sclerosis with herbs.

To keep multiple sclerosis in check, make the following collection: take equally St. John's wort, chamomile flowers, immortelle flowers, birch buds.

1 st. l. collection pour 1 cup boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain. Drink at night 1/2 cup with 1 tsp. honey. In the morning, the remaining half a cup, but without honey, on an empty stomach 20 minutes before meals. (HLS 2012, No. 16 p. 33)

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Mint drink for liver cleansing

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The material is published for informational purposes only and under no circumstances can be considered a substitute for medical advice from a specialist in a medical institution. The site administration is not responsible for the results of using the posted information. For diagnostics and treatment, as well as prescribing medications and determining the scheme for taking them, we recommend that you contact your doctor.

Multiple sclerosis, what is it? Symptoms, treatment and life expectancy

Multiple sclerosis is a chronic demyelinating disease of the nervous system. It has not fully understood causes and an autoimmune-inflammatory mechanism of development. It is a disease with a very diverse clinical picture, it is difficult to diagnose in the early stages, while there is not a single specific clinical sign characterizing multiple sclerosis.

Treatment consists in the use of immunomodulators and symptomatic agents. The action of immune preparations is aimed at stopping the process of destruction of nervous structures by antibodies. Symptomatic medicines eliminate the functional consequences of these destructions.

What it is?

Multiple sclerosis is a chronic autoimmune disease that affects the myelin sheath of nerve fibers in the brain and spinal cord. Although "sclerosis" is often colloquially referred to as memory impairment in old age, the term "multiple sclerosis" does not refer to either senile "sclerosis" or distraction.

"Sclerosis" in this case means "scar" and "scattered" means "multiple" because distinguishing feature diseases in pathoanatomical examination - the presence of scattered throughout the central nervous system without a specific localization of foci of sclerosis - replacement of normal nervous tissue with connective tissue.

Multiple sclerosis was first described in 1868 by Jean-Martin Charcot.


Multiple sclerosis is a fairly common disease. There are about 2 million patients in the world, in Russia - more than 150 thousand. In a number of regions of Russia, the incidence is quite high and ranges from 30 to 70 cases per 100 thousand population. It is higher in large industrial regions and cities.

The disease usually occurs around the age of thirty, but can also occur in children. The primary progressive form is more common around the age of 50 years. Like many autoimmune diseases, multiple sclerosis is more common in women and begins in them on average 1-2 years earlier, while in men an unfavorable progressive form of the course of the disease prevails.

In children, the sex distribution can reach up to three cases in girls versus one case in boys. After the age of 50, the ratio of men and women suffering from multiple sclerosis is approximately the same.

Reasons for the development of sclerosis

The cause of multiple sclerosis is not exactly known. To date, the most generally accepted opinion is that multiple sclerosis can occur as a result of a random combination of a number of adverse external and internal factors in a given person.

Unfavorable external factors include

  • geo-ecological place of residence, its influence on the body of children is especially great;
  • trauma;
  • frequent viral and bacterial infections;
  • influence of toxic substances and radiation;
  • nutritional features;
  • genetic predisposition, probably associated with a combination of several genes that cause disorders primarily in the immunoregulatory system;
  • frequent stressful situations.

In each person, several genes are simultaneously involved in the regulation of the immune response. In this case, the number of interacting genes can be large.

Recent studies have confirmed the mandatory participation of the immune system - primary or secondary - in the development of multiple sclerosis. Disturbances in the immune system are associated with the peculiarities of the set of genes that control the immune response. The most widespread is the autoimmune theory of the occurrence of multiple sclerosis (recognition of nerve cells by the immune system as “foreign” and their destruction). Given the leading role of immunological disorders, the treatment of this disease is primarily based on the correction of immune disorders.

In multiple sclerosis, the HTU-1 virus (or an unknown pathogen related to it) is considered as the causative agent. It is believed that a virus or a group of viruses cause serious disorders of immune regulation in the patient's body with the development of an inflammatory process and the breakdown of myelin structures of the nervous system.

Symptoms of multiple sclerosis

In the case of multiple sclerosis, the symptoms do not always correspond to the stage of the pathological process, exacerbations can be repeated at different intervals: at least after a few years, even after a few weeks. Yes, and a relapse can last only a few hours, or it can reach up to several weeks, however, each new exacerbation is more difficult than the previous one, which is due to the accumulation of plaques and the formation of confluent, capturing all new areas. This means that Sclerosis Disseminata is characterized by a remitting course. Most likely, because of this inconstancy, neurologists have come up with a different name for multiple sclerosis - a chameleon.

The initial stage also does not differ in certainty, the disease can develop gradually, but in rare cases it can give a rather acute onset. In addition, in early stage the first signs of the disease may not be noticed, since the course of this period is often asymptomatic, even if plaques are already present. A similar phenomenon is explained by the fact that with a few foci of demyelination, healthy nervous tissue takes on the functions of the affected areas and thus compensates for them.

In some cases, a single symptom may appear, such as blurred vision in one or both eyes in the cerebral form (ocular variety) of SD. Patients in such a situation may not go anywhere at all or limit themselves to a visit to an ophthalmologist, who is not always able to attribute these symptoms to the first signs of a serious neurological disease, which is multiple sclerosis, since the optic nerve discs (ON) could not change their color yet (in the future in MS, the temporal halves of the ON will turn pale). In addition, it is this form that gives long-term remissions, so patients can forget about the disease and consider themselves quite healthy.

Progression of multiple sclerosis causes the following symptoms:

  1. Sensitivity disorders occur in 80-90% of cases. Unusual sensations such as goosebumps, burning, numbness, skin itching, tingling, transient pain do not pose a threat to life, but they disturb patients. Sensitivity disturbances begin from the distal sections (fingers) and gradually cover the entire limb. Most often, only the limbs of one side are affected, but the transition of symptoms to the other side is also possible. Weakness in the limbs initially disguises itself as simple fatigue, then manifests itself as difficulty in performing simple movements. The arms or legs become as if someone else's, heavy, despite the remaining muscle strength (the arm and leg on the same side are more often affected).
  2. Visual disturbances. On the part of the organ of vision, there is a violation of color perception, the development of optic neuritis, an acute decrease in vision is possible. Most often, the lesion is also unilateral. Fuzziness and doubling in the eyes, the lack of friendliness of eye movement when trying to take them to the side - all these are symptoms of the disease.
  3. Tremor. It appears quite often and seriously complicates a person's life. Trembling of the limbs or torso, which occurs as a result of muscle contractions, deprives normal social and labor activity.
  4. Headache. Headache is a very common symptom of the disease. Scientists suggest that its occurrence is associated with muscle disorders and depression. It is with multiple sclerosis that headache occurs three times more often than with other neurological diseases. Sometimes it can be a harbinger of an impending exacerbation of the disease or a sign of the debut of pathology.
  5. Swallowing and speech disorders. Symptoms related to each other. Swallowing disorders in half of the cases are not noticed by a sick person and are not presented as complaints. Changes in speech are manifested by confusion, chanting, slurring of words, slurring of presentation.
  6. Gait disorders. Difficulties while walking are caused by numbness of the feet, imbalance, muscle spasms, muscle weakness, tremors.
  7. Muscle spasms. Quite common in the clinic of multiple sclerosis and often lead to disability of the patient. The muscles of the arms and legs are susceptible to spasm, which deprives a person of the possibility of adequate control of the limbs.
  8. Increased sensitivity to heat. It is possible to exacerbate the symptoms of the disease when the body overheats. Similar situations often occur on the beach, in the sauna, in the bath.
  9. Intellectual, cognitive disorders. Relevant for half of all patients. Mostly they are manifested by a general retardation of thinking, a decrease in the ability to memorize and a decrease in concentration, slow learning of information, and difficulties in switching from one type of activity to another. This symptomatology deprives a person of the ability to perform tasks that occur in everyday life.
  10. Dizziness. This symptom occurs early in the course of the disease and worsens as it progresses. A person can feel both his own instability and suffer from the “movement” of his environment.
  11. . Very often accompanies multiple sclerosis and is more typical for the second half of the day. The patient feels increasing muscle weakness, drowsiness, lethargy and mental fatigue.
  12. Violations of sexual desire. Up to 90% of men and up to 70% of women suffer from disorders in the sexual sphere. This violation may be the result of psychological problems, and the result of damage to the central nervous system. Libido falls, the process of erection and ejaculation is disturbed. However, up to 50% of men do not lose their morning erection. Women are unable to achieve orgasm, sexual intercourse can be painful, and there is often a decrease in sensitivity in the genital area.
  13. . With a high probability indicates a long course of the disease, and rarely appear in the debut of the disease. There is persistent morning hypothermia, legs, coupled with muscle weakness, arterial hypotension, dizziness, cardiac.
  14. Problems with night rest. It becomes more difficult for patients to fall asleep, which is most often due to spasms of the limbs and other tactile sensations. Sleep becomes restless, as a result, during the day a person experiences dullness of consciousness, lack of clarity of thought.
  15. Depression and anxiety disorders. Diagnosed in half of the patients. Depression can act as an independent symptom of multiple sclerosis or becomes a reaction to the disease, often after the diagnosis has been announced. It is worth noting that such patients often make suicidal attempts, many, on the contrary, find a way out in alcoholism. The developing social maladjustment of the personality is ultimately the cause of the patient's disability and "covers" the existing physical ailments.
  16. Intestinal dysfunction. This problem can manifest either as fecal incontinence or intermittent constipation.
  17. Violations of the process of urination. All the symptoms associated with the process of urination at the initial stages of the development of the disease worsen as it progresses.

Secondary symptoms of multiple sclerosis are complications of existing clinical manifestations illness. For example, urinary tract infections are the result of bladder dysfunction, and develop due to physical limitations, develop due to their immobility.


Instrumental research methods allow to determine the foci of demyelination in the white matter of the brain. The most optimal method is MRI of the brain and spinal cord, with which you can determine the location and size of sclerotic lesions, as well as their change over time.

In addition, patients undergo MRI of the brain with the introduction of a contrast agent based on gadolinium. This method allows to verify the degree of maturity of sclerotic foci: active accumulation of the substance occurs in fresh foci. MRI of the brain with contrast allows you to determine the degree of activity of the pathological process. To diagnose multiple sclerosis, a blood test is performed for the presence of an increased titer of antibodies to neurospecific proteins, in particular to myelin.

Oligoclonal immunoglobulins are detected in approximately 90% of people with multiple sclerosis when examining cerebrospinal fluid. But we must not forget that the appearance of these markers is also observed in other diseases of the nervous system.

How to treat multiple sclerosis?

Treatment is prescribed individually, depending on the stage and severity of multiple sclerosis.

  • Plasmapheresis;
  • Cytostatics;
  • Mitoxantrone is an immunosuppressive drug used to treat rapidly progressive forms of multiple sclerosis.
  • Immunomodulators: Copaxone - prevents the destruction of myelin, softens the course of the disease, reduces the frequency and severity of exacerbations.
  • β-interferons (rebif, avonex). β-interferrons are the prevention of exacerbations of the disease, reducing the severity of exacerbations, inhibiting the activity of the process, prolonging active social adaptation and working capacity;
  • symptomatic therapy - antioxidants, nootropics, amino acids, vitamin E and group B, anticholinesterase drugs, vascular therapy, muscle relaxants, enterosorbents.
  • Hormone therapy - pulse therapy with large doses of hormones (corticosteroids). Use large doses of hormones for 5 days. It is important to start making droppers with these anti-inflammatory and immune-suppressing drugs as early as possible, then they accelerate the recovery processes and reduce the duration of the exacerbation. Hormones are administered in a short course, so the severity of their side effects is minimal, but for safety they take drugs that protect the gastric mucosa (ranitidine, omez), potassium and magnesium preparations (asparkam, panangin), vitamin and mineral complexes.
  • During periods of remission, spa treatment, physiotherapy exercises, massage are possible, but with the exception of all thermal procedures and insolation.

Symptomatic treatment is used to relieve specific symptoms of the disease. The following drugs may be used:

  • Mydocalm, sirdalud - reduce muscle tone with central paresis;
  • Prozerin, galantamine - with urination disorder;
  • Sibazon, phenazepam - reduce tremor, as well as neurotic symptoms;
  • Fluoxetine, paroxetine - for depressive disorders;
  • Finlepsin, antelepsin - are used to eliminate seizures;
  • Cerebrolysin, nootropil, glycine, B vitamins, glutamic acid - are used in courses to improve the functioning of the nervous system.

Unfortunately, full multiple sclerosis is not curable, you can only reduce the manifestations of this disease. With adequate treatment, you can improve the quality of life with multiple sclerosis and prolong periods of remission.

Experimental drugs

Some clinicians report beneficial effects at low doses (up to 5 mg at night) of naltrexone, an opioid receptor antagonist used to reduce symptoms of spasticity, pain, fatigue, and depression. One trial showed no significant side effects of low-dose naltrexone and reduced spasticity in patients with primary progressive multiple sclerosis. Another trial also noted improvements in quality of life as measured by patient surveys. However, too many patients dropping out of studies reduces the statistical power of this clinical trial.

Pathogenetically justified the use of drugs that reduce the permeability of the BBB and strengthen the vascular wall (angioprotectors), antiplatelet agents, antioxidants, inhibitors of proteolytic enzymes, drugs that improve the metabolism of brain tissue (in particular, vitamins, amino acids, nootropics).

In 2011, the Ministry of Health and Social Development approved a drug for the treatment of multiple sclerosis, Alemtuzumab, the Russian registered name of Campas. Alemtuzumab, currently used for the treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia, is a monoclonal antibody against CD52 cell receptors on T-lymphocytes and B-lymphocytes. In patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis in the early stages, Alemtuzumab was more effective than interferon beta 1a (Rebif), but severe autoimmune disorders were more often observed. side effects such as immune thrombocytopenic purpura, thyroid involvement, and infections.

In 2017, Russian scientists announced the development of the first domestic drug for patients with multiple sclerosis. The effect of the drug is maintenance therapy, allowing the patient to be socially active. The drug is called "Xemus" and will appear on the market no earlier than 2020.

Predictions and consequences

Multiple sclerosis, how long do they live with it? The prognosis depends on the form of the disease, the time of its detection, the frequency of exacerbations. Early diagnosis and the appointment of appropriate treatment contribute to the fact that a sick person practically does not change his lifestyle - he works at his previous job, actively communicates, and outwardly the signs are not noticeable.

Prolonged and frequent exacerbations can lead to many neurological disorders, as a result of which a person becomes disabled. Do not forget that patients with multiple sclerosis often forget to take their medications, and it is on this that their quality of life depends. Therefore, the help of relatives in this case is not replaceable.

In rare cases, an exacerbation of the disease occurs with a deterioration in cardiac and respiratory activity and the absence of medical care during this time can be fatal.

Preventive measures

Prevention of multiple sclerosis is a set of measures that are aimed at eliminating provoking factors and preventing relapses.

The constituent elements are:

  1. Maximum calmness, avoidance of stress, conflicts.
  2. Maximum protection (prevention) against viral infections.
  3. Diet, mandatory elements which is polyunsaturated fatty acid Omega 3 fresh fruits, vegetables.
  4. Therapeutic gymnastics - moderate loads stimulate metabolism, conditions are created for the restoration of damaged tissues.
  5. Implementation of anti-relapse treatment. It should be regular, regardless of whether the disease manifests itself or not.
  6. Exclusion from the diet of hot food, avoidance of any thermal procedures, even hot water. Following this recommendation will prevent the appearance of new symptoms.

Multiple sclerosis is a chronic neurological disease, which is based on the demyelination of nerve fibers. The peculiarity of such a disease is that it is associated with a malfunction of the immune system, as a result of which the spinal cord and brain are affected. The disease manifests itself in the form of disorders associated with coordination, vision, sensitivity.

If time does not pay attention to the standard signs, the disease will progress. Consequences - disability, inability to rationally and effectively make decisions, both at work and in everyday affairs.

What kind of disease it is - multiple sclerosis - why it often develops at a young age and what are the first symptoms that are characteristic of it at an early stage in women and men, we will consider further in the article.

Multiple sclerosis: what is it?

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic disease of the central nervous system characterized by the destruction of myelin fibers and ultimately leading to disability. With multiple sclerosis, the white matter of the brain and spinal cord is affected in the form of multiple, scattered sclerotic plaques, which is why it is also called multifocal.

Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease. In this state, the body "sees" some of its own tissues as foreign (in particular, the myelin sheath that covers most nerve fibers) and fights them with the help of antibodies. Antibodies attack myelin and destroy it, nerve fibers are "bare".

At this stage, the first symptoms are already beginning to appear, which in the future only begin to progress.

Nothing to do with senile insanity, memory loss does not apply. Sclerosis means a connective tissue scar, and scattered means multiple.


The cause of multiple sclerosis is still unknown. It is believed that a prerequisite for the formation of the disease are the features of the set of genes that control the immune response. All sorts of external causes are already superimposed on this factor, which ultimately leads to the development of the disease.

Various causative factors, both external and internal, can increase the permeability of the blood-brain barrier:

  • back and head injuries;
  • physical and mental stress;
  • stress;
  • operations.

Nutritional features, such as a large proportion of animal fats and proteins in the diet, have a significant impact on biochemical and immunological reactions in the CNS, forming a risk factor in the development of pathology.

There are risk factorsthat can trigger the development of multiple sclerosis:

  • A certain area of ​​​​residence or insufficient production of vitamin D. People who live far from the equator suffer more often from multiple sclerosis;
  • Stressful situations, strong neuropsychic stress;
  • excessive smoking;
  • low uric acid;
  • Made vaccine against hepatitis B;
  • Diseases caused by viruses or bacteria.

Signs of sclerosis

The first signs of multiple sclerosis are non-specific and often go unnoticed by both the patient and the doctor. In most patients, the onset of the disease is manifested by symptoms of pathology in one system, and others are connected later. Throughout the disease, exacerbations alternate with periods of complete or relative well-being.

The first sign of multiple sclerosis appears at the age of 20-30 years. But there are cases when multiple sclerosis manifests itself both at an older age and in children. Statistically, it is more common in women than in men.

The signs of multiple sclerosis according to the frequency of manifestation are presented in the table.

Symptoms % Type of pelvic disorder %
Paralysis of mimic muscles 1 Intermittent urination 42
Epilepsy 1 sudden urges 43
Impotence 1 Feeling of incomplete emptying 48
Myokimiya (eyelid twitch) 1 Urinary incontinence 48
Unsteady gait, unsteadiness when walking 1 Difficulty urinating 48
Decreased cognitive activity, dementia 2 Predominance of nocturnal urine output

over daytime

Decreased vision 2
pain 3
Sudden pain when tilting the head

sensation of current passing through the spine

Urination disorder 4
Dizziness 6
Ataxia - impaired coordination of movement 11
Diplopia - doubling of visible objects 15
Paresthesia - goosebumps, numbness of the skin 24
Weakness 35
Desensitization 37


Classification of multiple sclerosis according to the localization of the process:

  1. The cerebrospinal form - statistically more often diagnosed - differs in that the foci of demyelination are located in both the brain and the spinal cord already at the onset of the disease.
  2. Cerebral form - according to the localization of the process, it is divided into cerebellar, stem, ocular and cortical, in which various symptoms are observed.
  3. Spinal form - the name reflects the localization of the lesion in the spinal cord.

There are the following types:

  • Primary progressive- a characteristic permanent deterioration. Seizures may be mild or not pronounced. Symptoms are problems with walking, speech, vision, urination, and emptying.
  • Secondary progressive form characterized by a gradual increase in symptoms. The appearance of signs of multiple sclerosis can be traced after a cold, inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system. Strengthening of demyelination can also be traced against the background bacterial infections leading to increased immunity.
  • relapsing-remitting. It is characterized by periods of exacerbation followed by remission. During remission, complete recovery of the affected organs and tissues is possible. Does not progress over time. It occurs quite often and practically does not lead to disability.
  • relapsing-remitting progressive multiple sclerosis is characterized by a sharp increase in symptoms during periods of attacks, starting from an early stage of the disease.

Symptoms of multiple sclerosis

Signs of the development of multiple sclerosis depend on where the focus of demyelination is localized. Therefore, symptoms vary from patient to patient and are often unpredictable. It is never possible to simultaneously detect the whole complex of symptoms in one patient at the same time.

Consider the main symptoms of multiple sclerosis:

  • Fatigue appears;
  • Decreased memory quality
  • Weakens mental performance;
  • Unreasonable dizziness appears;
  • Dive into depression;
  • Frequent mood swings;
  • Appears involuntary fluctuations in the eyes of high frequencies;
  • There is inflammation of the optic nerve;
  • Surrounding objects begin to double in the eyes or even blur;
  • Speech worsens;
  • When eating food, there are difficulties in swallowing;
  • Spasms may appear;
  • Disorders of movement and motor skills of the hands;
  • Periodic pains, numbness of the extremities appear and the sensitivity of the body gradually decreases;
  • The patient may suffer from diarrhea or constipation;
  • Urinary incontinence;
  • Frequent urge to go to the toilet or lack thereof.

Approximately 90% of patients have an undulating course of the disease. This means that periods of exacerbation are replaced by remissions. However, after seven to ten years of the disease, secondary progression develops, when the condition begins to worsen. In 5-10% of cases, the disease is characterized by a primary progressive course.

Multiple sclerosis in women

The signs of multiple sclerosis in women are expected when the immune system is too weakened. The body's filters and cells that are unable to resist the infection give up, so the immune system destroys the myelin sheath of neurons, which consists of neuroglia cells.

As a result, nerve impulses are transmitted through neurons more slowly, causing not only the first symptoms, but also severe consequences - impaired vision, memory, and consciousness.

Sexual dysfunction in multiple sclerosis in women develops due to sexual dysfunction. This symptom is formed immediately after the pathology of urination. It occurs in 70% of women and 90% of men.

Some women experience the following symptoms of multiple sclerosis:

  • Inability to achieve orgasm;
  • Insufficient lubrication;
  • Pain during intercourse;
  • Violation of the sensitivity of the genitals;
  • High tone of adductor femoral muscles.

According to statistics: women are several times more likely to suffer from multiple sclerosis than men, but they tolerate the disease much easier.

Usually, the classical course of MS is characterized by an increase in the severity of clinical manifestations, which lasts 2-3 years, in order to give out detailed symptoms in the form of:

  1. Paresis (loss of function) of the lower extremities;
  2. Registration of pathological foot reflexes (positive symptom of Babinsky, Rossolimo);
  3. Marked unsteadiness of gait. Subsequently, patients generally lose the ability to move independently;
  4. An increase in the severity of trembling (the patient is not able to perform a finger-to-nose test - to get the tip of the nose with the index finger, and the knee-heel test);
  5. Decrease and disappearance of abdominal reflexes.

From all of the above, it becomes clear that all the initial manifestations of multiple sclerosis are very non-specific. Many symptoms can be a sign of another disease (for example, increased reflexes in neurotic conditions or cramps in violation of calcium metabolism) or even a variant of the norm (muscle weakness after work).


Multiple sclerosis has a very large number of symptoms, one patient may experience only one of them or several at once. It proceeds with periods of exacerbations and remissions.

Any factors can provoke an exacerbation of the disease:

  • acute viral diseases
  • injury,
  • stress,
  • error in diet
  • alcohol abuse,
  • hypothermia or overheating, etc.

The duration of remission periods can be more than a dozen years, the patient leads a normal life and feels completely healthy. But the disease does not disappear, sooner or later a new exacerbation is sure to occur.

The range of symptoms of multiple sclerosis is quite wide:

  • from mild numbness in the arm or staggering when walking to enuresis,
  • paralysis,
  • blindness and difficulty breathing.

It happens that after the first exacerbation, the disease does not manifest itself in any way over the next 10 or even 20 years, the person feels completely healthy. But the disease subsequently takes its toll, again there is an exacerbation.


When the first symptoms of disruption of the brain or nerves appear, you should contact a neurologist. Doctors use special diagnostic criteria to identify multiple sclerosis:

  • The presence of signs of multiple focal lesions of the central nervous system - the white matter of the brain and spinal cord;
  • Progressive development of the disease with the gradual addition of various symptoms;
  • Instability of symptoms;
  • progressive nature of the disease.
  • immune system research;
  • biochemical analyzes;
  • MRI of the brain and spine (shows accumulation of plaques);
  • CT scan of the brain and spine (shows foci of inflammation);
  • electromyography (for finding pathologies in the organs of vision and hearing);
  • diagnosis by an ophthalmologist (for examination for myopathy).

After all the necessary tests and studies, the doctor will make a diagnosis, on the basis of which treatment will be prescribed.

Treatment of multiple sclerosis

Patients in whom the disease is diagnosed for the first time are usually hospitalized in the neurological department of the hospital for a detailed examination and therapy. Treatment is selected individually, depending on the severity and symptoms.

Multiple sclerosis is currently considered incurable. However, people are shown symptomatic therapy, which can improve the quality of life of the patient. He is prescribed hormonal drugs, means to increase immunity. Sanatorium-and-spa treatment has a positive effect on the condition of such people. All these measures allow you to increase the time of remission.

Drugs that help change the course of the disease:

  • drugs of the group of steroid hormones - this type of drugs are used for exacerbations of the course of multiple sclerosis, their use can reduce the duration of the period of its exacerbation;
  • immunomodulators - with their help, the symptomatology characteristic of multiple sclerosis is weakened, the time interval of exacerbations increases;
  • immunosuppressants (drugs that suppress the immune system) - their use is dictated by the need to influence immune system that damages myelin during periods of exacerbation of the disease.

Symptomatic treatment is used to relieve specific symptoms of the disease. The following drugs may be used:

  • Mydocalm, sirdalud - reduce muscle tone with central paresis;
  • Prozerin, galantamine - with urination disorder;
  • Sibazon, phenazepam - reduce tremor, as well as neurotic symptoms;
  • Fluoxetine, paroxetine - for depressive disorders;
  • Finlepsin, antelepsin - are used to eliminate seizures;
  • Cerebrolysin, nootropil, glycine, B vitamins, glutamic acid - are used in courses to improve the functioning of the nervous system.

A patient with multiple sclerosis will benefit from therapeutic massage. This will improve blood circulation and speed up all processes in the problem area. Massage will relieve muscle pain, spasms and improve coordination. However, this therapy is contraindicated in osteoporosis.

Acupuncture is also used to alleviate the patient's condition and speed up recovery. Thanks to this procedure, spasms and swelling are removed, the level of pain in the muscles decreases and problems with urinary incontinence are eliminated.

With the permission of a doctor, you can take:

  • 50 mg vitamin thiamine twice daily and 50 mg B-complex;
  • 500 mg of natural vitamin C 2-4 times a day;
  • folic acid in combination with the B-complex;
  • twice a year for two months they take thioctic acid - an endogenous antioxidant, is involved in carbohydrate and fat metabolism.

Alternative methods of treatment of multiple sclerosis:

  • 5 g of mumijo are dissolved in 100 ml of boiled chilled water, taken on an empty stomach in a teaspoon three times a day.
  • 200 g honey mixed with 200 g juice onion, take one hour before meals 3 times a day.
  • Honey and onion. On a grater, you need to rub the onion and squeeze the juice out of it (you can use a juicer). A glass of juice should be mixed with a glass natural honey. This mixture should be taken three times a day, one hour before meals.

Prognosis for multiple sclerosis

About 20% of patients are faced with a benign form of multiple sclerosis, the course of which is characterized by a slight progression of symptoms after the onset of a primary attack of the disease, or no progression at all. This allows patients to fully maintain their ability to work.

Many patients, unfortunately, are also faced with a malignant form of the course of the disease, as a result of which the deterioration of the condition occurs steadily and quickly, subsequently leading to severe disability, and sometimes to death.

Patients often die from infections (urosepsis,), called intercurrent. In other cases, the cause of death is bulbar disorders, in which swallowing, chewing, the function of the respiratory or cardiovascular system suffer, and pseudobulbar disorders, also accompanied by a violation of swallowing, facial expressions, speech, intelligence, but cardiac activity and breathing do not suffer.


Prevention of multiple sclerosis includes:

  1. Permanent physical exercise. They should be moderate, not debilitating.
  2. If possible, avoid stress, find time to relax. A hobby will help you get distracted from thinking about problems.
  3. Cigarettes and alcohol accelerate the destruction of neurons and can impair the immune system.
  4. Keeping track of your weight, avoiding strict diets and overeating.
  5. Refusal of hormonal drugs (if possible) and contraceptives.
  6. Refusal of a large amount of fatty foods;
  7. Avoid overheating.

Most of us mistakenly believe that sclerosis is a disease of old people who are losing strength. age features memory. Unfortunately, the reality is that this disease affects not only the elderly, but also the very young, and memory loss is just one of the symptoms, and even then it is quite rare.

What is sclerosis, what are its symptoms and types, who is at risk? This article will try to answer all the questions posed.

What is sclerosis?

The term "sclerosis" in medicine refers to chronic inflammatory process, acting on medium and large arteries due to their "overgrowth" with cholesterol deposits and manifested in the replacement of normal tissue of connective organs. The occurrence of sclerotic changes in the body can provoke:

  • transferred inflammatory diseases;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • age changes.

It should be noted that sclerosis is a disease that can affect almost any human organs and tissues: brain vessels, lungs, heart, kidneys, and others.

Risk factors

Studies have shown that sclerotic lesions can be caused by a variety of factors that are both modifiable and uncontrollable.

Unmodified risk factors for the development of multiple sclerosis that cannot be controlled include:

1. Genetic, inherited by us from our parents. For example, the specific structure of proteins and enzymes, the characteristics of metabolism.

2. Belonging to one or another ethnic group.

3. Age-related changes. It has been established that sclerotic manifestations occur much more often in postmenopausal women and in men over 45 years of age.

Modifiable or controllable factors are:

1. Lifestyle.

2. Those or other bad habits.

3. High cholesterol.

4. Diseases caused by metabolic disorders.

5. Blood clotting disorders.

6. High pressure.

7. Physical inactivity.

Disease classification

Sclerosis is classified according to how much the disease has damaged the nervous system and which organs are affected:

  • Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease in which the protective myelin sheath of nerve fibers is destroyed under the attacks of one's own blood cells, and their conductivity is disturbed. There are such clinical forms of this disease:






  • Arteriosclerosis (atherosclerosis) is a chronic disease resulting from the deposition of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels, which impede blood supply, which can lead to the development of ischemia in the future.
  • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is a progressive disease that results in the death of motor neurons in the brain and lateral columns of the spinal cord, which leads to muscle atrophy and the development of muscle paralysis.
  • Cardiosclerosis develops on the valves and muscles of the heart and triggers the development of scar tissue in them, which significantly reduces the ability of the heart muscle to contract.
  • Nephrosclerosis occurs as a result of various lesions and injuries of the kidneys and blood vessels that provide them with blood. There is a replacement of normal scar tissue, which leads to dysfunction of this organ.
  • Cerebral vascular sclerosis is caused by cholesterol plaques that disrupt blood circulation, thereby creating a deficiency of nutrients and oxygen in brain cells and their subsequent death. In place of dead cells, cysts form from scar tissue.

  • Cirrhosis (sclerosis) of the liver can be caused by prolonged intoxication various substances, as well as develop as a result of viral hepatitis.
  • Pneumosclerosis is a disease that causes the growth of scar tissue in the lungs, leading to a decrease in the elasticity of damaged areas and a violation of gas exchange functions.
  • Systemic scleroderma causes inflammation of small vessels throughout the body, leading to sclerotic lesions of the internal organs, skin, and musculoskeletal system.
  • Subchondral sclerosis is a disease that affects the joints.

Having listed the main types of this serious illness, we will consider in more detail the most common forms.

It is a chronic autoimmune disease that affects the nervous system. To date, it is incurable, there are only a number of methods that stop the development of this disease, as well as reduce the frequency and number of exacerbations. Despite many ongoing studies, scientists have not yet been able to establish the exact cause of its occurrence. Today, physicians consider multiple sclerosis as a polyetiological disease, that is, having several causes that cause it. Thus, the mechanism of the disease is triggered only in a certain combination of them.


This disease manifests itself in a very diverse way, so much so that doctors had to identify 50 different signs of this disease that can manifest themselves in one case or another. When making a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis, the most common symptoms considered are:

  • feeling of constant fatigue;
  • depressive state;
  • dizziness;
  • visual impairment;
  • tingling and numbness of hands and feet;
  • tremor of the limbs;
  • bowel and bladder dysfunction.

However, similar symptoms in one combination or another may indicate other diseases. That is why various laboratory tests are carried out to confirm the diagnosis.

motor neuron disease

This is what is also called amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. It selectively affects peripheral and central motor neurons, which manifests itself:

  • in the growing weakness of the pelvic and shoulder girdle, muscles of the abdomen and trunk;
  • damage to the bulbar muscles of the tongue, pharynx, larynx and paresis of the palate;
  • in a decrease or increase in reflexes;
  • in spontaneous and non-rhythmic contractions of bundles of muscle fibers of individual muscles or their groups;
  • speech disorder.

Lateral sclerosis in most cases develops in patients after 50 years, although this disease can affect a person of any age. Experts distinguish the following types of it:




How is it treated?

Current therapies cannot cure this disease. Patients with a similar diagnosis should be regularly observed by doctors of several specialties. To maintain the vital activity of patients with a disease such as lateral sclerosis, treatment consists in taking many different drugs, including anabolic hormones. The disease lasts from 2 to 10 years and always, with the exception of the case of Stephen Hawking, has a poor prognosis. Patients die from exhaustion, concomitant infections or paralysis of the respiratory center.


This is another name that hides cerebral vascular sclerosis, a fairly common and often diagnosed disease. Its first symptoms may appear after the age of 25, but usually this disease is diagnosed in people over 50 years of age. In the process of development of this disease, there is a narrowing and deformation of the vessels of the brain under the influence of cholesterol deposits on their inner surface. As a result, there is a slowly increasing deficit in the supply of nutrients and oxygen to the organ fed by the affected vessel.

Atherosclerosis symptoms are different, and their manifestation depends on the localization of the disease and the spread of the process. Diagnosis is carried out by identifying lesions of individual vessels.


The development of this disease can be provoked by the following factors:

1. Heredity.

2. Stay in constant psycho-emotional stress.

3. Diseases of the endocrine system.

4. High blood pressure.

5. Bad habits such as smoking.

6. Little physical activity.

In the course of treatment, special attention is paid to regular physical activity, which promotes the development of alternative blood flow pathways, as well as correct regimen nutrition.

subchondral sclerosis

During the development of this disease, degradation of the articular cartilage occurs, leading to a change in the surface of the joint. This type of sclerosis is divided into primary and secondary forms. In the first case, healthy cartilage is affected under the influence of strong overloads of the spine. The secondary form occurs on cartilage that has been injured in any way. Thus, subchondral sclerosis is a disease that can occur both under the influence of injuries and diseases, and with improper organization of physical activity.

Multiple sclerosis is a disease of the nervous system in which the myelin sheath of nerve endings is destroyed, and sclerotic plaques from connective tissue form in its place. They interfere with the conduction of nerve impulses from the brain to the organs. The course of the disease directly depends on where the affected areas are located and whether there is inflammation in them.

Course of the disease

Multiple sclerosis has many manifestations. This is due to the fact that sclerotic plaques can appear in different places in the brain and spinal cord. They go through different stages of development. In this case, the patient may appear and disappear various symptoms.

The course of the disease is characterized by alternating periods of exacerbation and remission (weakening or complete disappearance of symptoms). Such periods of health can be very long - up to 5 years. But, unfortunately, over time, exacerbations become more frequent. Properly selected treatment can reduce the frequency of attacks.

The variety of forms of the disease and its manifestations make it very difficult for doctors to make a diagnosis. The main symptoms of the disease are described. In this regard, until recently it was believed that multiple sclerosis is a very serious disease, always leading to disability. Mild forms, which tend to fade, were considered other neurological diseases. However, there are quite a lot of benign cases, more than 25% of patients live with this disease for several decades. At the same time, they remain able-bodied until old age.

How the disease will proceed becomes clear after the first outbreak. However, patients need to remember that exacerbation is always followed by improvement. And often it can last for years. In women, it almost always proceeds much easier than in men.

Types of the course of the disease

How MS will manifest itself largely depends on the changes that have occurred in the myelin sheath during the latency period. That is, when the disease has already begun to develop in the body, but no signs of it have yet been noticeable.

There are five types:

  1. benign multiple sclerosis. The disease begins with numerous attacks. But over time, periods of remission become longer. The myelin sheath of nerve fibers has time to recover and the symptoms disappear. Those patients who have this particular form of the disease may believe that multiple sclerosis is practically curable. This form does not lead to disability and occurs in 20% of patients.
  2. relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. With such a course of the disease, attacks of deterioration alternate with periods when a person feels healthy. In this case, the functions of the affected organs can be restored completely or partially. The period of exacerbation lasts from several days to several weeks. Recovery may take several months. This feature is typical for most patients, especially in the initial period.
  3. Primary progressive multiple sclerosis. It is characterized by a gradual deterioration in well-being. This form proceeds without pronounced exacerbations, but leads to a steady loss of ability to work. Occurs in 15% of patients. More often in those who fell ill after 40 years.
  4. Secondary progressive multiple sclerosis. On initial stage proceeds according to the type of remitting, with exacerbations and improvements in the condition. But then it goes into a progressive form. Such a course of the disease can lead to disability in 5 years.
  5. Progressive-remitting multiple sclerosis. The rarest form of the disease. With it, against the background of a gradual progressive deterioration of the condition, acute attacks periodically occur. After them, there may be an improvement in well-being. The onset of the disease in such patients is of the type of primary progressive multiple sclerosis.

Depending on which part of the nervous system is more affected, various forms are distinguished. Thus, when the brain is damaged, cerebral form and in case of spinal cord injury spinal. If the damaged areas are located in both departments, then multiple sclerosis occurs. cerebrospinal form. Although some researchers consider them stages of the development of the disease, which can occur in one patient.

How to cure multiple sclerosis

While scientists continue to look for drugs that could eliminate the causes of the disease and permanently save the patient from its manifestations. On this stage medicine uses drugs that relieve symptoms and alleviate the manifestations of the disease, prolong the period of remission and prevent the occurrence of complications.

There are two types of treatment, depending on the phase of its course

  • Drugs that are prescribed during exacerbation and deterioration
  • Interval treatment, which must be taken long-term during the improvement period

Treatment for exacerbations

An exacerbation is considered a deterioration in the condition that lasts more than a day. In this case, new symptoms may appear. Taking cortisone and adrenocorticotropic hormone during this period, in the form of tablets and injections, helps relieve inflammation and prevent the appearance of functional disorders. They also reduce the body's immune attack on the myelin sheath of nerves.

To achieve the best effect, it is necessary to start treatment as early as possible. This contributes to the rapid transition to the stage of remission and the restoration of the nervous system after an attack. With frequent inflammation, a combination of Cyclophosphamide and Cortisone gives a good effect. Also, the doctor individually selects drugs to alleviate the symptoms of the disease.

Interval treatment

Its purpose is to help nerve cells recover between attacks, protect the brain and spinal cord from attack by lymphocytes, and help the immune system function properly. For this, such drugs are used: Azathioprine, Cyclosporine A, Mitoxantrone, Methotrexate, Beta-interferon and Immunoglobulins.

It should be noted that more than 120 different drugs are used to treat multiple sclerosis. In each case, the doctor prescribes individually drugs and their dosage based on the frequency of attacks and the severity of the patient's condition.

In some cases, surgical treatment is required. To reduce the immune attack, the thymus gland and spleen can be removed. A bone marrow transplant is performed. IN last years studies are underway on the effectiveness of the introduction of stem cells, which replace diseased brain neurons.

In conclusion, we can say that although multiple sclerosis is considered an incurable disease by official medicine, a large percentage of people manage to maintain their usual standard of living. To date, various immunosuppressors and immunomodulators are widely used for treatment, which can delay the development of the disease. New drugs and vaccines are constantly being developed. This gives hope that soon this disease will be finally defeated.