A spell to prevent shoulder pain. Prayer for joint pain. Reading for pine decoction

The power of magic can be used in a variety of situations. Including if you need to improve something in the area of ​​health. Unfortunately, many people begin to complain of joint pain over time. Interestingly, you can get rid of this pain with the help of special spells. Conspiracy for joint pain, how to perform the ritual correctly?

Why do my joints hurt?

Before moving directly to the conspiracies, let's look at the reasons why painful joints make themselves felt. Every person experiences several infections during their lifetime. It is these infections that make themselves felt by pain in the joints over time. The simplest option is that your legs hurt when the weather changes. Pain in the joint can be felt in one place or another. If a person has suffered many infections, then over time this puts a very strong load on the joints. As a result, joint diseases develop. There are several main joint diseases:

  1. The most famous joint disease is arthritis.
  2. There is also such a disease as polyarthritis. In this case, several joints become inflamed at the same time.
  3. There is also arthrosis. This is the case when age-related or post-traumatic changes have occurred in the joints.

Correctly and timely prescribed treatment leads to the fact that the pain can be completely relieved. In no case should you ignore even the slightest pain in the joints. Joint pain may also be caused by an old injury. If a person has ever broken a leg before or had a dislocation. In this case, post-traumatic pain may develop over time.

In case of post-traumatic pain, a person often has to resort to painkillers. Instead, a spell for joint pain can be very helpful. If you pronounce it, following all the rules, then such a conspiracy can relieve the pain completely.

How does the conspiracy work?

Conspiracies for joint pain are also good because with their help a person tries to establish a connection with his body. Establish contact with him.

Psychologists believe that illness is the body’s attempt to talk to you. In this case, the conspiracy for joint pain acts as a response monologue. This is an attempt to come to terms with your body. Therefore, a spell for a sore joint can have a noticeable effect. After all, the soul and body of a person are one with each other. If there is contact between them, then this not only relieves a person’s physical pain, but also psychological.

Knee iron spell

A very ancient and famous spell for joint pain, when the spell is read on the knee iron. Of course, in modern conditions it is not easy to find a real piece of iron and an anvil, but you can dodge and carry out a conspiracy in a different way.

To carry out this spell for joint pain, take something metal, for example, it could be a screwdriver. It should be something metal with a wooden or plastic handle. So the screwdriver fits perfectly.

This ritual is definitely recommended during the waning moon, because you want to get rid of the disease. The waning moon will make treatment more effective.

It is better to carry out such magical treatment in the evening, when the moon has already entered its power. During this period, it will be much easier to get rid of inflammation.

Light it up gas burner and place it on the fire with the metal end. Place a glass next to it cold water. While the metal is heating up on the fire, you need to read the following plot:

“I treat my sore joints, cure them, talk them out of pain. Their relatives are hurting, they are burning, like this iron burns on a blue fire. I ask myself for no one else, for myself, for health, for the joints of my lungs. Burn all the pain in the blue flame, and from the blue flame appear health and lightness in the body.”

After this, remove the screwdriver from the heat and place it in a glass of cold water, while saying the following words:

“Treatment is freedom, no more inflammation. The pain in the leg goes away. Instead of heat there is cold, instead of illness there is health.”

Then take the screwdriver out of the glass of water and apply it to the joints that hurt. Each time you apply, say the following phrase:

"Be healthy".

After this, hide the screwdriver in a secluded place for three days. During these three days the tool cannot be used. Notice that by the evening the pain in your leg will become less.

Spell for joint pain on the moon

During the waning moon, you can also successfully treat your joints. In principle, to perform this ritual you will no longer need anything other than the moon and yourself.

In the evening, when the moon is already clearly visible, go out so that the moon can be seen. So that you are well illuminated by moonlight. You can stand on the open balcony or go outside. If pain appears in the leg, then this place needs to be exposed and directly exposed to moonlight.

Then look at the moon, then at the sore spot in your leg and say the following spell:

“Who will take away all the illnesses with him, who will make me light and healthy? Moon mother, moon girl. Treat me, beauty, take away everything worthless from me. So that it doesn’t hurt, doesn’t ache, but just moves and jumps easily. I show you my aching legs, you take that pain for yourself dark side. Let no one suffer and let me not suffer. I give you everything that is worthless, and for that I thank you. I wish you good health, I am grateful to you immeasurably. Take it all, please take it all. And I will open my heart and shed gratitude.”

With the help of this plot you can also speak about osteochondrosis, pain in hip joints, aching shoulder joint will help get rid of excess fluid in the sore joint. But it is important that the moon shines on the sore spot.

Ask the moon for help very sincerely and openly. And promise gratitude too, very honestly and generously, be ready to really provide it. It is advisable to read this plot already in a state of gratitude. It’s as if the moon has already helped you get rid of the problems that are bothering you.

After the bread has been spoken, it must be fed to the birds. There is also an element of healing in this ritual.

If you decide to cure joint pain, then you will need black Borodino bread. You need to cut off the crust, remove the crumb from inside and roll the crumb into a ball. Such a ball should be rolled over a sore spot and the following spell should be pronounced:

“The thin red girl looked at me, made me feel sick, everything was exhausted, everything was exhausted from her thin gaze. You don’t have to look at me anymore, girl, I don’t have to whine or suffer from you anymore. My bones will not break from your fiery gaze. You, thin girl, go along a distant path far, far from me, go deep into the forest, sit there in the swamps. Sit quietly so that no one hears you, sees you, or suffers from you. I speak to you out of pain, but God helps me to come to this. I drive all the evil spirits out of myself whining.”

You just need to throw away the ball itself, and be sure to feed the remaining crusts of bread to the dogs and birds that live on the street. It’s also good to light a candle on this day and read prayers for the health of loved ones, and read prayers for yourself.

Almost the entire adult population of the world will experience pain in the arms and legs. There are many reasons that sometimes cause unbearable pain. They can arise from even the most minor light bruises, not to mention serious internal problems of the body that completely destroy bone tissue.

But, life goes on and a person tries by all means and forces to do everything in order, well, if not to cure, then at least to dull the feeling of pain. Expensive drugs and injections, physiotherapeutic and sanatorium treatments are used. Of course, there are positive results from treatment with expensive methods, but there are also quite a lot of cases when everything remains “as it was” or “helped, but a little.”

You shouldn’t despair in such cases; there is another time-tested method, reading a spell for joint pain, which magic experts recommend along with drug treatment. This method will definitely not cause harm, but the benefits will be noticeable very soon.

In those distant times, when people for any disease turned to healers, and not to clinics, joint pain was treated with one of many folk remedies- knee iron. Nowadays, it is difficult to find real iron, and even a forge. Therefore, the ritual for knee pain, for example, which requires a hot iron to perform, was simplified to more accessible magical attributes. But, to great joy, he has not lost his strength and acts the same as many years ago.

For magical actions You will need a household item that is made of metal, but with a handle, for example, a knife or screwdriver.

Be sure to pay attention to the phase of the moon, it should decrease. On a waning moon, the ritual will have a greater therapeutic effect than during any other lunar phase.

The moment the moon appears in the sky, begin to act. On gas stove, you need to heat an iron object until it turns red. There should be a metal container with water nearby to cool the hot metal. While the metal is heating up, read the words of the conspiracy:

“I will heal my sore joints with a hot iron. Let them burn as this iron burns in the fire. Let the joint pain burn in a blue flame, and let it all evaporate with a red-hot iron. May health and bodily lightness come to me from a bright and hot flame.”

After the iron is hot, place it in a container of water and say:

“Heat and pain will be replaced by ease and freedom of movement. No pain – freedom for joints. No illness, yes to health.”

The cooled object should be applied to the sore joint and said:

"Be healthy forever and ever."

After completing these steps, pour the water outside. Wrap up the leg or other joint that was treated and go to rest. In the morning it will certainly be easier, since the pain will dull, and over time it will completely leave the joints.

Hide the item in a secluded place, after three days you can take it out and use it for its intended purpose.

Lunar ritual for joint problems

The lunar ritual, which is performed on the full moon, is considered the most powerful, it helps to reduce painful sensations in the joints and brings significant relief to them.

For the ritual you need to draw water from natural source. But it is only necessary that it flows there and not be stagnant. Wait until the full moon appears. Place water on the windowsill in front of you and, looking at the moon, say:

“O great mistress and mistress of the night. Who besides you will heal me in the dead of night and free me from burning pain? I’ll show you all my sore spots, and you take the sore and bury them in the dead of night. Take for yourself everything that is of no use to me, and give me your grace in return. I will forever thank you with my heart.”

Then, lubricate all sore spots with charmed water, use the rest every morning and evening until you run out. When you rub the enchanted water on your sore joints, say the following incantation:

“Help me some water, dear sister, to get rid of pain. Heal my hands and feet, so that I no longer suffer and shed bitter tears from pain. I trust in you, dear water, and I send you gratitude.”

Before the start of the ritual and after its completion, for greater effect and faster receipt of help, read the prayer: “Our Father.” With faith and prayers there is always a way out, even from the most hopeless situation.

For shoulder pain

The ritual for shoulder pain requires some preparation. To perform it you will need:

  • Well or spring water;
  • New poker;
  • White clean towel;
  • Volumetric saucepan.

Wait until the moon begins to wane after the full moon and begin to act. Put the water on the fire, as soon as it boils, release the poker into it. Slowly stir the boiling water with a poker and whisper:

“With the help of pure spring water and prayers to you, Lord, I ask you to cure all the ailments of your servant (name) and revive your body again. Let the water take away all the illness and carry it into the depths of the sea. Let them remain there in the abyss and never return to me. Let it be. Amen".

Then take out the poker, wrap it in a towel and put it away. So that no one will use it. You can wash yourself with charmed water without detergents. Do this for several days until the moon is in its waning phase or until the pain in the joints goes away.

Bread spell for a sore joint

Using food to treat diseases goes back centuries. Where our ancestors sacredly believed in healing power everything that concerns nature: salt, wheat, water and much more. They are filled with the power and energy of the earth, water, and sun, which can cure various ailments.

With a spell for bread, you can heal sore joints. To do this, during lunch, you need to break off a piece of bread from the piece you are eating and whisper:

“Just as the bones of holy relics do not hurt, so may they not hurt in mine. Just as their joints don’t ache or ache, let them not ache or ache in mine. Let it be".

After lunch, go outside and feed the birds with a charmed piece of bread.

The second version of the bread plot

Rub a piece of bread, broken off from a large piece while eating, where the joints hurt badly and say:

“Queen of Heaven, I beg you to take away my pain and give it to the devil. The words will be sticky and strong, and tenacious for a piece of bread. Unhook the sore from me, and cling to the piece.”

Go out into the yard and bury the bread deeper into the ground.

For rapid recovery of joints

This spell is pronounced during the treatment of joints. While rubbing the ointment or cream into the sore spot, read the following words:

“Lord, I am sending a prayer to you and calling for help, help your servant (name) get rid of the pain. So that she doesn’t twist, twist or break my joints. So that the pain subsides and leaves my body. Lord give me good health and fortitude. Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

With every manipulation with medicines read this plot. Joint pain will decrease and recovery will occur over time.

Ritual action with threads

Woolen thread, especially red, has long been used in the treatment of diseases and works as an amulet against the evil eye and damage. In this ritual, you will also need a thread to treat joints. To do this, take three pieces of wool thread, preferably red, and weave them into a braid. The length of the braid should be such that after the spell it can be tied to the sore joint.

The plot is read in the evening:

“Beyond the seas, behind the mountains, there is a golden bridge, on it sits a young daring archer. He shoots golden arrows and knocks the disease out of the body. As he releases all the arrows, so will all the ailment from my arms and legs and sore joints go away. Just as all the arrows will be shot, so my joint disease will ultimately go beyond the deep seas and the high mountains. I should no longer endure this hateful pain, but be healthy and cheerful.”

Tie a charmed braid around the sore spot. In the morning, remove and burn. And scatter the ashes to the wind with the words:

“Fly with the wind over the dense forests, over the fields and meadows, I am forever free from pain.”

Conspiracy for pine decoction

Prepare a decoction from young cones and sprigs of pine needles, which will then be used in baths and baths. When you cook it say:

“Holy Father, Nicholas, pray to God for me, his servant (name), so that he will send healing power to the pine needles. So that a decoction from it would bring relief from the evil pain, and even completely free me from various ailments. Glory to you, our God, glory. Amen".

Rub the prepared decoction on sore areas, make foot baths and pour it into the water while taking a bath. The power of nature has no boundaries, and if you help it with spells, then healing will come soon.

A spell for bone pain in Chelyabinsk and Kopeisk, in the Urals is carried out by Bozhena, a clairvoyant, fortune teller and healer

Place the patient barefoot on the threshold on the last day of any month. Read the prayer before him, and then three times spell for bone pain.

Spell for bone pain

Prayer to the image of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow”

O all-merciful Lady Virgin, Lady, Mother of God! Hear us praying to You, and show Your mercy to Your people: pray to Your Son to deliver us from all evil, and save our city and every country and faithful people, who piously resort and call upon Your holy name, from all adversity, destruction, famine, cowardice, flood, fire, sword, invasion of foreigners and internecine warfare, from all illnesses and all circumstances, so that not by wounds, nor by rebuke, nor by pestilence, nor by any righteous wrath of God, Thy servants may be diminished by them;

but observe and save with Your mercy the Lady who prays for him, and grant us the beneficial dissolution of the air at the time of the offering; ease, rise and have mercy, having mercy on the Lady, the Mother of God, trembling in every misfortune and need; Remember Thy servants and do not despise our tears and sighs, and renew us with the grace of Thy mercy, so that we may be comforted with thanksgiving, having found Thee, the Helper. Have mercy, O Most Pure Lady, on Your weak people, our Hope: gather those who are scattered, guide those who have gone astray to the righteous path, bring back those who have fallen away from the piety of their father’s faith, support old age, discipline the young, educate the infants, glorify those who glorify Thee, preserve and protect the Church of Your Son more than ever. keep it for a long time. You are, O Lady, the Glory of the heavenly and the Hope of the earthly.

You are our Hope and Intercessor of all those who flow to You and ask for Your holy help. You are our warm Prayer Book for Your Son and our God; Your obscene prayer can do a lot to implore the Lord and through your intercession to the Throne of Grace of His most holy and life-giving Mysteries, we approach boldly, even unworthy. In the same way, Thy holy image and Thy hand held by the Almighty, falling with tenderness and kissing this love, hoping, Lady, with Thy holy prayers to reach heavenly, endless life and unashamedly stand on the day of judgment at the right hand of Thy Son and our God, glorifying Him together with the beginningless Father , the Most Holy, Good and Life-Giving Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Spell for pain in the joints of the legs

With this spell you can help a person who has pain in his legs and joints. Regardless of the cause of the pain, the spell helps to reduce pain, and in some cases completely eliminate pain. Often after this, people recover completely and stop experiencing pain in their legs. The spell should be used during the rehabilitation period after fractures - do it once and a person’s broken bones will heal faster.

To carry out the conspiracy, you will need three candles (you need to buy candles in the church) and some water (half a glass of water is enough for you). The conspiracy can be carried out absolutely at any time, on any day of the week, the phase of the moon also has no effect.

Conducting a spell for pain in the legs and joints

To carry out the conspiracy, place candles on the table in the shape of a triangle. Place a glass of water in the middle between them. After the candle, light it (you should light the candle farthest from you first, and the rest - clockwise from it).

Let the candles burn for 5 minutes first, and after that you say the spell three times:

“Angels, nights that do not cloud, cover with your bright wings the feet of the servant of God (name of the patient), so that all pains leave him. May he recover and not experience pain. Amen".

When you say the spell three times, take the spoken water and sprinkle it on the person’s legs and joints, in the places where he has pain. Let him drink the remaining water. Relief should come to him within a few minutes.

Spell for pain in the knee joint

conspiracy for bone pain in Chelyabinsk,
conspiracy for bone pain in Kopeisk,
prayer for joint pain,
spell for a sore knee,
spell for sore knees,
talk about knee pain,
a spell to prevent joint pain,
conspiracy against arthrosis,
spell for pain in hand,
prayer for leg pain

A person is reprimanded for this illness in the house in which he lives. Place the patient in the place where he usually eats. Give him a piece of bread and, while he eats it, read a special spell three times in a row. After this, immediately take the half-eaten piece of bread from the patient and, returning home, crumble it on the road so that the birds will eat it.
It should be remembered that no payment is ever taken for the treatment of this disease, in any form.
The plot is as follows:

Holy relics do not hurt,
And the bones of God’s servant (name) will be healed.
My hands don't hurt, my legs don't hurt,
All joints and semi-joints,
Bones and ossicles and vertebrae.
How holy relics do not hurt,
So it is with the servant of God (name)
They won't get sick. Amen.

A spell for pain in the joints of the hands

Just as the branches of a white birch tree twist and bend without pain, without creaking, smoothly and vigorously, so let the servant of God’s joints bend and articulate without pain, without creaking, smoothly and vigorously. Amen. Pour tap water into a cup, make the sign of the cross with the words: “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen,” then chant water and wash your joints with it, each time reading the same spell.

A spell for pain in the elbow joints

Just as silver feather grass has flexible and sculpting joints, so let the servant of God (name) have flexible and sculpting joints. Let them bend, but not break, and let them know no pain. Amen. Pour water into a cup and wash your elbows with this water, pronouncing the words of the spell. If the pain is constant, this should be done every morning and every evening.

Spell for pain in the knee joints

Mother Holy Mother of God, You curl birch trees on Trinity, You braid ant-grass into wreaths, make my knees bend without pain, without creaking, with ease and dexterity. Amen. Every morning, pour tap water into a cup and cross it three times with the words “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen,” then wash her knees with this slander. The curse must be spoken three times on each knee.

If the bones on your feet hurt

Mother Most Holy Theotokos, Mother of Jesus Christ, You wrapped Your Son in swaddling clothes, twisted them with a swaddling cloth, and the joints of the servant of God (name), so that they did not groan, do not hurt, and did not burn with flames. Amen. Pour into a bowl hot water, say it three times, and then lower your feet there and hold for fifteen minutes.

Spell for bone pain

Place the patient barefoot on the threshold on the last day of any month. Read a prayer in front of him, and then a spell for pain in the bones three times.

Prayer to the image of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow”

O all-merciful Lady Virgin, Lady, Mother of God! Hear us praying to You, and show Your mercy to Your people: pray to Your Son to deliver us from all evil, and save our city and every country and faithful people, who piously resort and call upon Your holy name, from all adversity, destruction, famine, cowardice, flood, fire, sword, invasion of foreigners and internecine warfare, from any and all circumstances, so that not with wounds, nor rebuke, nor pestilence, nor any righteous wrath of God, Thy servants shall be diminished by them; but observe and save with Your mercy the Lady who prays for him, and grant us the beneficial dissolution of the air at the time of the offering; ease, rise and have mercy, having mercy on the Lady, the Mother of God, trembling in every misfortune and need; Remember Thy servants and do not despise our tears and sighs, and renew us with the grace of Thy mercy, so that we may be comforted with thanksgiving, having found Thee, the Helper. Have mercy, O Most Pure Lady, on Your weak people, our Hope: gather those who are scattered, guide those who have gone astray to the righteous path, bring back those who have fallen away from the piety of their father’s faith, support old age, discipline the young, educate the infants, glorify those who glorify Thee, preserve and protect the Church of Your Son more than ever. keep it for a long time. You are, O Lady, the Glory of the heavenly and the Hope of the earthly. You are our Hope and Intercessor of all those who flow to You and ask for Your holy help. You are our warm Prayer Book for Your Son and our God; Your obscene prayer can do a lot to implore the Lord and, through your intercession, approach the Throne of Grace of His most holy and life-giving Mysteries with boldness, even if you are unworthy. In the same way, Thy holy image and Thy hand held by the Almighty, falling with tenderness and kissing this love, hoping, Lady, with Thy holy prayers to reach heavenly, endless life and shamelessly stand on the day of judgment at the right hand of Thy Son and our God, glorifying Him together with the beginningless Father , the Most Holy, Good and Life-Giving Spirit forever and ever. Amen.


The Lord Jesus Christ comes from the city of Jerusalem.

He came into this world without his mother’s pain, without her illness.

The Mother of God gave birth to him without groaning,

No one has heard of that.

So the servant of God (name) would not have pain in his bones,

They didn’t mourn or creak.

He would walk straight, quickly,

No pain, no unnecessary illness.

He walked without stumbling, without tripping over one foot.

God bless my words

And strengthen, O God, my works.

Word, go to the word,

Business, go to business,

So that the slave (name) does not have any pain.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

    Read also:

A healing spell for ointment for pain in the legs and aches in the joints
This spell can be used with any medicinal ointment. Thanks to the spell, the ointment will become tens of times more effective and relieve you of leg pain and aching joints. The name of the ointment, in fact, does not matter at all - the main thing is that this ointment is for the treatment of sore legs. You will need to use this ointment once, and then lubricate the sore spots for 3-4 days. The effect of the conspiracy is very noticeable and helps almost everyone.

Healing spell for ointment for leg pain

They carry out the conspiracy at any phase of the moon, on any day of the week. You can make a conspiracy both to treat yourself and to treat another person. If you decide to help someone else, do not accept money for help under any circumstances.

In addition to the ointment, you will need three church candles; you can take small candles.

Conducting a spell on ointment
Place the candles in a row, light them from left to right, place the ointment in front of them and whisper the following words into the ointment seven times:

“As the servant of God (his name or the name of the person who suffers with pain in his legs) anoints his feet with this, so the pain will subside and will come unstuck from him forever. Forever and ever. Amen.”

Then you need to let the candles burn out completely and that’s it, the charmed ointment is ready. You should apply it as the instructions for the ointment say, no more, no less. The result will be something you didn’t even expect; the disease will immediately begin to go away.

Spell for leg pain
This conspiracy is aimed at helping other people who suffer from pain in their legs. You can cast a spell during any phase of the moon. The day of the week also has no effect. Based on the reviews, I can say for sure that the conspiracy works, many people felt better after it.

Strong spell for leg pain

To carry out the conspiracy, you need a red wool thread, long enough to wrap around each leg three times (legs are very different in thickness, so the length directly depends on who you decide to help). In addition to the thread, you also need a medium-sized church candle.

When you do the conspiracy, be sure to remove the cross at this time.

Conducting a spell for leg pain
First you need to speak the thread. Light a candle, place a thread in front of the candle (so that nothing flows from the candle onto it and so that the thread does not catch fire). And say three times:

“For the servant of God (name of person), I charm the thread so that it becomes a vessel for his pain. Help me with this, Lord, do not leave him without help. Amen.”

Blow out the candle. After this, cut the thread into two parts, and symbolically wrap each leg of the patient with threads. While wrapping, repeat three times (on each leg):

“All the pain from God’s servant (person’s name) will go away. Amen.”

And let the person sit for a while with these threads. And then remove the threads from it, light the unburned candle and burn the thread on the candle. Throw away the ashes from it and whatever remains from the candle on the street. Your legs should heal after this and won’t hurt for a long time.

This plot, like other healing spells, is absolutely safe, there will be no bad consequences. Only if you help a person get rid of pain, you will do a good deed.

Vanga's healing spell for sore legs
I learned this conspiracy at one time from Vanga herself. Of course, I had to change the text of the conspiracy, but its power remained unchanged. With the help of this spell, you can easily get rid of pain in your legs, and for this you only need to do the spell just once. And the best thing is that the pain goes away regardless of its cause, the spell is truly healing.

Vanga's spell for sore legs

To carry out the conspiracy, you will need to find a living aspen tree in advance. It is best if the aspen grows somewhere in the forest, but a tree growing in the city is also suitable in principle. Try to choose a tree that is absolutely healthy, because such spells cannot be used on sick trees! A healthy tree gives you health and takes away your disease; with a sick tree, things can turn out much less predictably. You can carry out a conspiracy on absolutely any day of the week. The moon should be in its waning phase.

Carrying out Vanga's spell for sore legs
Come during the day to the aspen tree you have looked at in advance. Stroke the tree, rub your sore leg against it. And after that, touching the tree with your left palm, say the following words seven times:

“You have an aspen, health to your sick legs, asks the servant of God (your name). Let all the pain from me go to you right now, and you send it to the ground so that it never gets out. And in return give me health so that my legs mine also stood firmly on the ground as you stand. Amen."

After this, your legs will stop hurting.

The conspiracy is white, there will be no rollback after it. In general, I noticed that almost all of Vanga’s conspiracies do not have a rollback.