Satanic secrets of the Pope's conference room. Russia, Ukraine, Belarus - the great holy Rus' Pope Francis is a Satanist

Original taken from dralexmd c The Vatican is ruled by Satanists. Games of Catholics with a cross. [We have a Pope. part 12]

"Satanists rule in Rome"
(comment in one of the forums on the news
about the fall of a huge crucifix in Brescia)

Judging by the counter in LiveJournal, this is the 666th note in the “Notes of a Layman” blog, I am writing it on Friday, in the Biblical understanding, Friday is the “sixth day” (Gen. 1:31), gematria is also “666”.

My long silence is due to the fact that I am preparing a new large material, who follows my VKontakte wall knows that this will be an article about the symbolism of the asp, the dragon (in the Bible), also Ouroboros and all his cults, and about the Life-Giving Cross as a victorious weapon over all this abomination. I thought that this material would be the 666th, but the material is growing, information is accumulating, publication is being postponed, and here is a new “gift” from Catholics. If everyone has forgotten the incident with the raven, seagull and dove [see study: " Dad, seagull and raven. The Tale of the "Unclean Birds" in the Light of Divine Revelation "; the last chapters have not yet been written] - they groaned, gasped, guessed what this could mean and waved their hand, then the fall of a huge 600 kg crucifix in the city of Brescia is already such an obvious call, even to the most, very far from religion and the Church to people that not everything is good in the Vatican state, and that the Popes are not who they say they are. Although, it must be admitted that basically, for the public, this is like another popcorn for consumption, and through a couple of weeks, everyone will also unanimously forget about this formidable sign and will again praise [finally] the last Pope.

So, another piece of news has spread all over the world - briefly the essence of the problem:
1. On April 27, 2014, the double canonization of popes was planned John XXIII And John Paul II;
2. On April 24, a huge cross falls, which:
- erected in honor of the visit Pope John Paul II in Brescia;
- at the same time kills a guy who lived on the street... named Pope John XXIII;

I would not devote a separate post to this event, because... and so everything is said and everything is clear, but the blasphemous shape of the cross itself immediately attracts attention and the entire installation. These people call themselves Christians. As I understand it, Catholics have given the cross as a toy for “playing” and experimentation in the hands of all sorts of newfangled hip designers and architects. However, such a Protestant design trend can be seen in the modern architecture of Catholic churches, but even among Protestants we don’t see such desecration of the Cross (it’s just that Protestants, in fact, really don’t like the cross, and generally prefer to minimize its presence in their home).

This topic was already touched upon in last year’s article “Does anything of Christ remain in Catholicism? Modern Catholic Masses.” But just in the same week, when the crucifixion fell, in the process of working on material about Ouroboros and the Life-Giving Cross, I came across this very important and serious information about the curved cross:

<...>It is interesting to note that John Paul II used a special, curved form of crucifix - an ancient satanic symbol adopted by popes after the Second Vatican Council in the 1960s.

This is how Pierre Compton described it in his book “The Broken Cross: The Hidden Hand in the Vatican”:

“...a sinister symbol, used by Satanists in the sixth century, that had been revived at the time of Vatican Two. This was a bent or broken cross, on which was displayed a repulsive and distorted figure of Christ, which the black magicians and sorcerers of the Middle Ages had made use of to represent the Biblical term “Mark of the Beast”. Yet, not only Paul VI, but his successors, the two John-Pauls, carried that object and held it up to be revered by crowds, who had not the slightest idea that it stood for anti-Christ.”

I will translate the English text:

"... A sinister symbol used by Satanists in the sixth century, which was revived after the Second Vatican Council. It was a crooked or broken cross on which was mounted a repulsive and distorted figure of Christ, which the black magicians and sorcerers of the Middle Ages used to represent the biblical term" the mark of the beast." However, not only Paul VI, but also his successors, the two John Pauls, carried this object for veneration to the masses, who had no idea that this represented the Antichrist."

By the way, a very interesting non-random coincidence (I really don’t know why it is) is the publication date itself...
April 24 - fall of the crucifix;
April 25 - the news spread all over the world;
April 27 - canonization was scheduled;
April 28 - I find this quote quite by accident;
April 29, 2005 - publication was made;
April 29, 2014 - new moon;

26 After eight days His disciples were again in the house, and Thomas with them. Jesus came when the doors were locked, stood in the midst of them and said: Peace be with you!
27 Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here and see my hands; give me your hand and place it in my side; And do not be an unbeliever, but a believer.
28 Thomas answered Him: My Lord and my God!
29 Jesus saith unto him, Because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed; Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.
(John 20:26-29)

Those. it is God who speaks to the unbelievers - DO NOT BE AN UNBELIEVER, BUT A BELIEVER.

Another interesting information, in the context of what has already become a regular column that the Pope is, at a minimum, a false prophet of the Antichrist, and the Vatican was eaten from within by the Jewish lobby:

"Apparently, the Pope was a 'halachic Jew'. His mother Emilia's last name was Katzorowski (or simply Katz, in its shortened English form). He is said to have become the first pope to visit a synagogue - although this is hard to believe; under him The Vatican formalized diplomatic recognition of the State of Israel; his encyclical with “repentance for the Jews” became widely known (which only further confused and confused them); Pope Wojtyla personally visited Jerusalem, where he prayed at the wall of lamentations; finally, even in his In his will, John Paul II, among the three persons he mentions, names the chief rabbi of Rome: "How can I not recall so many non-Catholic Christian brothers! And the rabbi of Rome and so many representatives of non-Christian religions!" And really - how can you not remember the chief rabbi in your will?”

As we have already indicated earlier, the Babylonian roots of the Roman Catholic Church were revealed and described in detail in the book of Alexander Hyslop “The Two Babylons” (which extremely saddened the Catholic hierarchs of that time), and today many are inclined to see it in the Vatican that very “Babylonian harlot”, about the imminent the destruction of which through incineration is narrated by the Revelation of John the Theologian.

“And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls, and had a golden cup in her hand, filled with abominations and the filthiness of her fornication; and on her forehead was written a name: mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and abominations of the earth.”(Rev. 17:4-5)


It is necessary to pay a little attention to the second person presented for canonization - Pope John XXIII, who convened the Second Vatican Council in 1962 - those who follow events in the Catholic world know well what liberal-ecumenistic decisions were made by this Council, distorting the Christian faith, and unleashing the internal destructive processes in the Catholic Church to the fullest:

"Blessed John XXIII" (Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli, 1881-1963) - "Il Papa Buono"

“The figure of Pope John XXIII, who convened the robber Masonic congress in 1962 (the 21st Roman “ecumenical council”), deserves special attention - he did not survive his own infernal brainchild and died on June 3, 1963.

This was the second antipope in history with the name “John XXIII”. The activities of his eponymous predecessor on the papal throne (political adventurer Balthasar Cossa from Naples) date back to the turbulent era of the early 15th century. The “first” John XXIII was deposed by the Council of Constance in 1415 with the following ominous wording (probably containing some exaggerations):

"First John XXIII, 1410-1415

In particular, he was accused of such crimes as the poisoning of the previous Pope Alexander V; the rape of three hundred nuns; sexual relations with his brother's wife and monks; the corruption of an entire family, consisting of a mother, son and three sisters, the eldest of whom was only twelve years old; trade in episcopal sees and even excommunications; torture of thousands of innocent people in Bologna and Rome. For all these atrocities, the council declared John XXIII deposed and brought him before the secular court as “an inveterate sinner, an immoral scoundrel, a Simonist, an arsonist, a traitor, a murderer and a molester...”(Wikipedia)

It is well known that Roncalli's dad was a Freemason, and the name he adopted during investiture is very symbolic. The Roman pontiffs avoided the name "John" for over 500 years.

The planned “silent suicide” of the Catholic Church is the work of the curators of John XXIII, as well as his successor and heir Paul VI.”

After all this, all the blasphemous games of Catholics with the cross, you somehow have a different attitude towards the inverted Catholic cross, as Catholics call it “The Cross of the Apostle Peter” in honor of the fact that A. Peter was crucified upside down. I must admit, initially, this interpretation was acceptable and accepted, although many stubbornly insisted that this was a satanic cross, and it seems that they were right, and the forum member who left the comment included in the epigraph was right:

"Satanists rule in Rome."

P.S. There is no doubt that the pulpit of the Antichrist will first be in Rome (about which, God willing, there will be a separate extensive material), after which this beast will be crowned in Jerusalem [see note: “The Pope is a false prophet of the Antichrist. Scenario for the near future.” [ We have a Pope. part.10]"].


“When I first realized the true scale of what the design of the Pope's conference room revealed, I was shocked. Despite my 10 years of research into the world elite, world control, the occult, cover-ups, symbolism, etc., THIS is what compelled me to write and speak.

Have you heard about the Pope's conference room? Also known as the Paul VI Conference Room or the Papal Auditorium, it is located partly in Vatican City and partly in Rome, Italy. Named after Pope Paul VI and built in 1971 by Italian architect Pier Luigi Nervi, it seats 6,300 people and houses a bronze statue of La Resurrezione designed by Pericle Fazzini.

This all sounds pretty simple so far, but let's dive into what makes this building so strange. We'll start with the less weird stuff and work our way up to the weirder ones.

Construction method and design

The building was designed using reinforced concrete by the famous architect Pier Luigi Nervi. He is known for simple but practical designs that are durable and built to last...

The simple curvature of the building may seem unassuming from the outside, but that's part of what we'll start exploring about this building, and I promise that by the time we get to the end, you'll see where I'm going with this.

Look at the image below and compare its shape to the snake image next to it. Note the overall wide back, narrow, rounded front, eyes in the middle, nostril in front, and curved top.

As you can see in the image above, there are two windows on either side of the building that resemble eyes. They are made of stained glass and are located approximately halfway along the building's length on either side.

In the center of the eye shape is a slit that resembles the pupil of a reptile.

To understand the whole hidden meaning of the design, it is better to look at both eyes together.

Suddenly everything opens up before us, things take on their true form and we begin to see the whole secret meaning of the design - two reptilian eyes that look at you as you observe the scene.

Scales and fangs

Look again at the image above - what do you notice in the center? There is what looks like a statue in the center, and then on both sides, two sharp fangs. The roof and sides of the building also resemble snake scales.

Here's another image to give you an idea and feel of the design...

Now let's widen the panorama a little so we can actually see what we're looking at. In the image below, everything is immediately clear and understandable. The eyes, the shape, the scales, the fangs, the reptilian appearance... it's all present in this room.

Now think about it for a moment: if the entire building resembles the head of a snake, it will be much harder to ignore. We must begin to understand that this was all designed and built specifically.

The reality is that there is an obvious reason for this pattern.

The Big Question

You may ask what this reason is; why was this building built in such a way that the Pope seems to speak from the mouth of a reptile? If you don't ask this question, you are simply closing your eyes. It's not that there is no evidence, it's that you choose not to see it. There are seven separate parts that contain the symbol of a snake or reptile. If it were one or two, I would understand your skepticism—even three. But when seven pieces come together, so beautifully, so beautifully, you know without a shadow of a doubt that it was intentional.

Even so, I know that what I say may be difficult to accept, but all hard truths go through phases - laughter and ridicule, partial acceptance, and then eventually they seem obvious to people. I believe that we are approaching the third stage when it comes to understanding who is truly working and having an impact on our world, which is why this serpent symbolism is present here.

Research shows that there is a deep state that largely controls our world - this is a group of people who are not Americans, Europeans, Russians, Canadians, etc., they have no national identity, and they control our entire world. It was said a long time ago that there is an infernal influence (or rather a demonic influence, which can look like reptiles, and which have been on the earth and underground for thousands of years. Ed. note, like a group of people who influence our planet and are in subordination to these reptilian demons and work with them at the level of government leaders.)

There is more evidence of the reality of ET than anyone could have imagined. There is plenty of evidence that the Deep State is in control.

Even our own government officials have stated that they are well aware of ET but simply don't tell the public about it. Former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Heller also said this.

The government's knowledge of ET is enormous, and insider whistleblowers have shown this many times, with many documents on the subject. You can watch the movie Unacknowledged on Netflix to learn more about this.

Why is this symbolism used?

At an event in California called "Desert Contact", we interviewed David Wilcock, a longtime occult researcher. During the interview, he mentioned that the elite/Illuminati believe that they must convey their intentions to humanity in order to essentially gain permission from us to accept them. This manifests itself in the form of rituals during mass sporting events and in symbolism within the entire society and in various industries, and in cinema and music.

The Pope is no longer the main heretic on the planet, and Catholicism is no longer a satanic heresy. Here it is, the long-awaited, new official worldview of Gundyaevsky JSC ROC. Here it is, creepy, it’s already close, it’s already at the door. The first meeting in the history of mankind between the Patriarch of All Rus' and the Roman Pontiff on February 12 in socialist Cuba is not just a mega-historical epochal super-event. This is blurring the line between the religion of the Russian Orthodox Church and Judeo-Catholicism. Most likely, this epoch-making meeting is now urgently needed so that Pope Francis can personally agree and adjust the speedy holding of the 8th Pan-Orthodox Council. The Pope wants to personally make sure that everything is going according to plan and wants to personally correct the Russian Patriarch before the 8th Council. Thus, the epoch-making meeting of the patriarch and the pontiff is not at all a symbolic beginning of protocol communication between the Orthodox and heretical churches. This meeting of the millennium is taking place in the general outline of rapidly developing events that are bringing the world closer to the coming of the Antichrist. The head of the Russian Orthodox Church Kirill and Pope Francis will spend a whole 2 hours behind closed doors, after which the patriarch and the main heretic on the planet will sign some kind of joint agreement. But it doesn’t even matter what kind of document it will be. The time of union has passed. A completely different reformatting of the Russian Orthodox Church towards the West is coming. And even more than that.

So, the Russian Orthodox Church joyfully announced: “If it is God’s will, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' and Pope Francis will meet in Cuba on February 12.” True, at the same time, in their joy, the Russian Orthodox Church closed joint-stock company forgot to clarify which god they meant, but oh well. Of course, for encyclopedias and textbooks, as well as for world history itself, the first epochal meeting of the Russian Patriarch and the Roman Pontiff is especially important. But in other categories of understanding this situation, this meeting means that after a thousand years, the enemies of Russian Orthodoxy have done such colossal work to destroy the Russian faith that two separated branches of completely different Christianity, heretical-material and Orthodox-spiritual, are successfully trying before our eyes merge into one heretical church in order to completely subordinate it to the Antichrist. And we, contemporaries, to my great happiness, are present at this epochal mystical event. As I wrote above, I personally assume that this first meeting in the history of mankind between the Russian Patriarch and the Pontiff is needed so that the Pontiff can personally talk with the Patriarch before the Pan-Orthodox 8th Council and can also personally make all the adjustments and amendments on the particularly sensitive moments of this upcoming event. Below I will simply, in ordinary accessible worldly words, briefly talk about what the 8th Council is and how it actually threatens not only the Russian Orthodox Church and Russia, but also the whole world.

Those Orthodox Christians who understand what we are talking about call the upcoming Pan-Orthodox 8th Council the Wolf Council. I stick with the same title. The enemies of Orthodoxy need this Pan-Orthodox 8th Council in order to completely destroy the entire mystical mechanism of the Russian Orthodox Church. The mystical mechanism of the Russian Orthodox Church consists of a number of sacraments, specially prescribed Church Orthodox rules, specially composed liturgies and prayer services of various types. All this is a single church mystical mechanism that connects us with God, with Jesus Christ, with the saints, with the spiritual world. This Orthodox mystical mechanism, due to the fact that it works with great interruptions, but still works more or less correctly, allows us to receive God’s Grace from all of the above and be in one mystical communion with Him.

All this very much distinguishes us from Catholics, who are heretics for the Orthodox. For Catholics, the mystical mechanism described above does not work; it does not perform the sacraments and does not attract God’s Grace to itself. Thus, the Catholic faith in the mystical sense is not aimed at serving the Lord Jesus Christ. The Catholic mystical church mechanism does not work to maintain a constant mystical church connection with God, like the Orthodox mystical mechanism. Moreover, based on this, we can assume that the Catholic mystical church mechanism still works, but in a completely different direction from Jesus Christ. And this is very dangerous, which is why Catholics are heretics for the Orthodox. Any joint prayer communication with them is impossible. Their mystical mechanism is used by completely different forces and representatives of a different religion. Therefore, very often the ministers of the Vatican are called Judeo-Catholics. I spoke about this briefly, roughly and primitively, but it is understandable.

So, why do our enemies, the Judeo-Catholics, actually need to hold the Pan-Orthodox 8th Wolf Council? Under the guise of carrying out this heretical event, the Judeo-Catholics will completely destroy the Orthodox mystical mechanism in the Russian Orthodox Church. Under the guise of seemingly insignificant reforms and other church modernity, such official changes will be made to the Orthodox Church rules, literature and services that will stop the entire church-mystical mechanism of the Russian Orthodox Church. The Orthodox mystical mechanism of the Russian Orthodox Church will simply stop working. Externally, church rites will also be performed, but the sacraments will not be performed. None. At all. From baptism to funeral service. Only personal, private prayers will reach the Lord Jesus Christ. But there will no longer be Grace in the church and all sacraments will cease to be performed on a mystical level. Thus, the holding of the Wolf Council will end in an even greater disaster for the Russian Orthodox Church than Nikon’s church reform of the 17th century. But this is only half the story, although it’s already creepy.

But the enemy of Orthodoxy can make everything much worse. After all, it is possible not only to destroy the mystical mechanism of the Russian Orthodox Church, but to act more sophisticatedly, more craftily - not to destroy this mystical mechanism, but to reconfigure its work from the service of God to the service of Satan. Then this colossal former Orthodox mystical mechanism will work directly in the opposite direction to Christ, from East to West. And the majority of the Russian Orthodox flock will not understand anything, this zombified majority just went to church to “light candles” and will continue to go there to “light them there.” But as soon as such an Orthodox person takes part in the new Judeo-Catholic sacraments and services, he will immediately become a victim of this new satanic mechanism, without even suspecting it. Thus, after the Wolf Council, the mystical mechanism of the Russian Orthodox Church will, at best, cease to be an instrument of salvation, and in the worst case, it will become an instrument of a direct road to hell. A very small percentage of believers will understand this. But the powerful unity of the “simply baptized” and other Orthodox Christians, who constantly demand from the Church personal Catholic convenience in the form of translation of services into Russian and the transition to the Catholic church calendar, have taken up arms in the direct opposite direction from God (to the West, note to yourself, It’s not without reason that in the West, not only the Vatican, but also Satan himself) will shut the mouths of these adequate Orthodox units and drive them out. Those of them who leave the new Church of Satan will receive a little more time for personal salvation. For it was not for nothing that Jesus Christ called his flock a small flock. Anyone who, under the colossal pressure of the heretical majority, remains in the new Judeo-Orthodox Church of the Judeo-Catholic Vatican will close the path of salvation for himself. Moreover, this new Judeo-Orthodox Church, according to the results of the 8th Council, can become the new Ecumenical Patriarchate, thus crushing under itself all the remnants of the so-called Ecumenical Orthodoxy on the planet, consisting of a community of autocephalous local churches that are in eucharistic (prayerful) communion with each other.

And then it may be even sadder and creepier - a new “Russian Orthodox Tsar”. But this new Russian tsar, he, like the new “Russian Orthodox” church, will be a tsar only in his external attributes, symbols and rituals befitting an Orthodox tsar. But in reality, it will be the Antichrist. And he will be glorified by this new Judeo-Orthodox church, anointed by its new ecumenical patriarch and accepted by its new patriotic flock. I don't want to look any further. The scenario is basically predictable. Most likely, all this terrible above will be discussed at the super-historical epoch-making meeting on February 12 between the Patriarch of All Rus' and the viceroy of the Antichrist on Earth. It’s even creepy to imagine what the patriarch and the pontiff can do together for two whole hours behind closed doors. After all, they can also perform joint worship. So, as we see, the consequences of the 8th Council for universal Orthodoxy - it will not be a union from the Pope, which all adequate Orthodox Christians are anxiously awaiting - everything will be much sadder. Well, now everything is happening before our eyes. For which I congratulate all Orthodox Christians. The start of Satanism is scheduled for February 12. Be carefull. It's already started. Soon Ultimate. By the way, I wonder if Patriarch Kirill will kiss the Pope’s shoe, as required by Vatican protocol?

After the festive mass for Pentecost (Catholic, of course), the newly elected Pope Francis visited the sick and possessed, who on this day are taken to St. Peter's Square. Among them was a paralyzed man from Mexico, who was brought by the local priest Juan Rivas. The paralytic, according to Father Gabriel Amorth, the leading Roman exorcist who worked with him, is possessed by four demons.

It's worth a little distraction. Unlike the Orthodox tradition, Catholicism freely carries out the exorcism of demons - it can be said to be a routine procedure. In order to cast out demons there is an officially established service and in order to become an exorcist you only need the blessing of the diocese and your own exemplary life. Future exorcists undergo seminars, receive literature and report to the Vatican on their successes. As we see, in Catholic life, casting out demons is a fairly common job. In Orthodoxy, this is somewhat different - a special rite of exorcism penetrated only in the form of the breviary of Peter the Mogila, and penetrated from Catholic circles. Casting out demons as a routine activity is not encouraged, although it certainly happens from time to time. Anyone who has ever seen a possessed person will never buy into talk about the staged nature of the action or the “common mental illness” of the possessed person.

Pope Francis cast out demons, and did it in Argentina. John Paul II also cast out demons.

Let's return to the paralyzed Mexican. Gabriel Amorth, considered the luminary of Roman exorcism, conducted a long exorcism service with a Mexican. One of the elements of this service is to find out exactly how many demons by name are tormenting the possessed person. During the service, Amorth discovered that the 42-year-old Mexican was possessed by four demons. But he couldn’t get rid of them.

During the traditional round, the Pope spoke briefly with the sufferer, after which, right on the street, in the presence of television cameras, he laid his hands on the Mexican’s head. He read a short prayer, the words of which were impossible to understand. What happened next is better seen than read:

Now the Holy See service has issued an official denial and an appeal to the press not to call this incident an exorcism. Obviously, Pope Francis does not want to focus on this. The Holy See recommends calling what happened a short prayer of permission from the high priest.

Let us note that Francis, unlike previous popes, mentions Satan in almost every address. Even in his enthronement speech he mentioned his evil deeds against humanity. Obviously, Francis wants to distance himself from the “streamlined” version of Catholicism that has characterized recent decades and give his rule a more militant character.

Pope Francis said that the scandal that unfolded around the church and priests who allegedly molested children is the machinations of Satan.

The head of the Catholic Church claims that “the evil one harbors a grudge against the clergy,” and therefore “is plotting to quarrel between the church and the people.” Francis did not say this in the context of a scandal, but it is clear that his words refer to the high-profile case of Theodore McCarrick.

This year, the pope sentenced the American prelate to a lifetime of penance after allegations that McCarrick molested an altar boy in the 1970s were found to be true.

Later, Italian Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano made an 11-page statement in which he said that Pope Benedict XVI had previously imposed sanctions on McCarrick, but Francis, having ascended the papal throne, canceled them. As a result, the papal envoy in Washington called on Francis to resign. Francis responded by refusing to comment: “I won’t say a word.”

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Last month, Francis called for prayer for all those involved in the scandal and criticized the Catholic Church in Ireland for failing to take action against the perpetrators.

After the facts about McCarrick's crimes were revealed in June, it became clear that his activities were not a secret to the Vatican, and the priest himself constantly harassed young seminarians and even other priests. McCarrick's activities in the Vatican have been known since at least 2000. Yet Pope John Paul II made him first archbishop of Washington in 2001, and later a cardinal. This happened, most likely, because McCarrick's ability to extract funds for the church outweighed his homosexual past and behavior unworthy of a priest.

Pope: molestation scandal is the work of Satan updated: August 13, 2019 by: Vladislav Afendikov