Interesting questions from children about vegetables and fruits. All-Russian intellectual quiz “vegetables and fruits are healthy products. Exercise. Who can name more vegetables?

in the middle group
on the topic "Vegetables and fruits"
“Who knows more?”

Quiz in the middle group on the topic “Vegetables and fruits”
Moscow 2018
“Who knows more?”
Target. Generalization and systematization of children's knowledge about vegetables and fruits.
consolidate children's knowledge about the general concepts of “vegetables”, “fruits” and
names of various vegetables and fruits;
develop the ability to solve riddles;
develop the ability to listen to the answers of other children;
cultivate love and interest in works of art.
Preliminary work.
Reading works of fiction “Turnip”, “Cockerel and Beans”
grain”, Tuvim “Vegetables”, Suteev’s stories “Apple”.
solving riddles.
Materials for the lesson.
cut pictures for each table on the topic: vegetables, fruits
vegetable basket, fruit bowl;
tokens (in the form of fruits and vegetables);
Progress of the quiz.
Guys! Let's play with you. You have cut-out pictures on your tables,
you must collect them and guess what we will talk about today.
You will work in pairs and you should end up with one picture.
What did you get?
What can you call these pictures in one word? (Vegetables or fruits)
So, what are we going to talk about today? (We will talk about
vegetables and fruits). So you found out the topic of our quiz “Vegetables and
We ended up with two teams: the “Vegetables” team and the “Fruits” team.
Now we will organize a game competition “Who knows more about vegetables and
Game conditions:
1. Give more correct answers to each question.
2. We don’t give each other advice and interrupt.
3. For the correct answer, the team gets a point. Vegetables will be received - vegetables in
your basket, fruit fruit.
At the end of the game we will count the points and see who wins.
1 Task. Guess a riddle.

Riddle for the vegetable team
1. What's that squeak? What's that crunch?
What kind of bush is this?
How can there be no crunch?
If I...
Riddle for the fruit team:
2. Round, ruddy, I grow on a branch.
Adults and little children love me.
Riddle for the vegetable team:
3. In the summer - in the garden,
Fresh, green,
And in winter - in a barrel,
Strong, salty.
Riddle for the fruit team:
4. They look like cucumbers
They only grow in ligaments,
And these fruits for breakfast
They serve the monkeys.
Riddle for the vegetable team:
5. Round, crumbly, white,
she came to the table from the fields.
You salt it a little,
because it’s really delicious……..
Riddle for the fruit team:
6. It's almost like an orange
Thick skinned, juicy,
There is only one drawback
Very, very sour.
2. Task. Who can name more vegetables?
Each team names one vegetable in turn, without repeating. Whose
The team that says the last word will win.
The Vegetables team starts.
3. Task. Who can name more fruits?
The condition is also that teams take turns naming fruits without repeating themselves. Whose
The last team to say the word wins.
Team “Fruits” starts first.
4. Assignment. Game "Cook". And now you will turn into imaginary
cooks and will cook from vegetables and fruits.
Team "Fruits":
“What can you make from fruits? (compote, jam)
Team “Vegetables”: “What can you cook from vegetables? (cabbage soup, stewed
cabbage, coleslaw, sauerkraut)

Now each team will prepare:
The “Fruits” team cooks compote (you need to put only
The “Vegetables” team cooks soup (you only need to put vegetables in the pan)
Make no mistake!
Whose team cooks correctly wins
Physical education minute.
"Vegetables and fruits"
Vegetables and fruits (bend down, reach the floor with your hands
(garden) straighten up, stretch your arms up (garden))
Delicious products. (pat the tummy with your right hand, then with your left
About the vegetable garden (bend down, reach the floor with your hands (collect))
And in the garden (straighten up, stretch your arms up (harvesting in the garden))
I'll find them for food. (pat the tummy with your right hand, then with your left)
5. Assignment. Listen to the poem and say what it is about:
This is a poem for the Vegetables team.
After listening to the poem, answer the question: “What grows in the garden?”
What's growing in our garden bed? Cucumbers, sweet peas
Tomatoes and dill for seasoning and for testing.
There are radishes and lettuce - our garden bed is just a treasure,
But watermelons don't grow here.
If you listened carefully, you would definitely remember it.
Answer in order: what grows in our garden bed?
Poem for the Fruit team
After listening to the poem, answer the question: “What fruits did you buy at
We went to the market
There are a lot of pears and persimmons there,
There are lemons, oranges, apricots, tangerines
What did you buy at the market?
What did we treat our guests to?
8. Task “Edible and not edible.” Now let's play a game
"Edible and not edible." I'll throw the ball and call edibles
vegetables or fruits, you catch the ball, and if I name something that you can’t eat, you
put your hands behind your back.
9. Game “Connoisseurs of Fairy Tales”. Now we will listen to excerpts from fairy tales and
Let's find out who listened carefully to the fairy tales?
1. “The granddaughter called for a bug, they pull, they pull..” What is the name of the fairy tale?
2. “KarKar is my apple, I picked it...” What is the name of the fairy tale?
10. Game “Find out by taste” And now the most delicious task, you will
Determine with your eyes closed what you have eaten. Which team is bigger

Quiz "Healthy foods"


Hello, dear guests! Everyone knows that when people say hello, they wish each other health. We all want to be healthy, and in order to be healthy we must, first of all, eat right. To find out what we know about proper nutrition, we gathered in this room.

Its time to begin. I'm prI imagineour participants. These are two teams: “VEGETABLES” and “FRUITS”(I present the team captains).The teams will be given various competitions, the difficulties of which they will have to cope with, and our fans will worry about the participants and support them.

I give the right to evaluate the performances of our teams to the jury ofe Besfamilnaya N.B and Rocheva Svetlana Viktorovna.

So let's begin. 1 competition is called "Guess a riddle". I will take turns asking the teams riddles. Your task is to listen to the riddle to the end and give the correct answer. For each correct answer, teams will receive 1 point.(Each team is asked 6 riddles about vegetables and fruits).

Kicked off from Yegorushka

Golden feathers -

Egorushka forced

Cry without grief. (Onion)

In a yellow skin,

He's sour

It's called...(Lemon)

Round side, yellow side,

A bun is sitting on a garden bed.

Rooted firmly into the ground.

What is this? (turnip)

Just like a fist,

Round barrel.

You touch it with your finger - it’s smooth,

And if you take a bite, it’s sweet. (Apple)

The cramped house split apart,

into two halves.

And they fell from there

Beads - pellets. (Peas)

In a golden skin,

Sweet and fragrant.


Summer in the garden

Fresh, green,

And in winter in a barrel

Yellow, salty,

Guess it, well done

What's our name? cucumbers

It's orange and juicy
This red-haired gentleman -
Delicious sweet... (Mandarin)

Although I'm called sugar

But I didn't get wet from the rain,

Large, round,

Sweet to the taste.

Did you recognize it? I...(beets)

Balls hang on the branches,

Turned blue from the heat.


Chub - arrow
The head is white,
Divided into slices

The slices are very bitter. (Garlic)

Tail, pinkish,
Inside is white as cotton wool -
Suitable for salad. (Radish).

Let's move on to competition 2. This"Captains Competition" commands To each of you II’ll make a wish for some vegetable or fruit, and you should guess what I’m talking about based on the description.

1. Potatoes are a vegetable that grows in the garden, underground, round in shape, brown crust, white inside, many different dishes are prepared from it;

2. Carrot is a vegetable, oblong, orange, sweet in taste, grows in the garden, good for the eyes;

3. Cabbage is a vegetable, it grows in the garden, there are a lot of clothes and all without fasteners, round, green, crunchy on the teeth, it contains a lot of vitamins;

4. An apple is a fruit, it can be red, green, yellow, it tastes sour, sweet, sour-sweet, it grows on a tree, it is very useful, they make jam, compote, and bake charlotte from it;

5. Lemon is a fruit, yellow in color, sour in taste, useful for colds, added to tea, and made into jam;

6. Banana is a fruit that grows in the tropics on a palm tree, yellow in color, tastes sweet, to eat it you need to remove the peel;

Well done, captains, they tried their best and did not let their teams down.

And now it's time for the next one3rdcompetition. It is called“Paint the vegetable (fruit).” Each of the participantsmust take turns coloring the imagevegetable or fruit, both the speed and correctness of completing the task will be assessed.Please note that the artist did not have time to paint them, i.e. our vegetables and fruits are not ripe. Do you think it is possible to eat unripe vegetables and fruits?Absolutely right, therefore, in order not to harm your health, you must help our vegetables and fruits ripen, which means your task is to color them. Try to color carefully so that the pencil does not go beyond the outline, pay attention to the choice of color.

I see that everyone has completed the task, I am giving your already ripe vegetables and fruits into the hands of a jury who will evaluate the quality of ripening.

And it's time for us to move on to4mucompetition« Magic bag." Team captains will take turns taking vegetables and fruits out of the bag and guessing them by touch. For each correct answer the team receives 1 point.

It's time for another one5thcompetition in which teams will be required to be quick and agile, becauseakIt is known that the disease will not catch up with the quick and clever. I invite team members to line up and get ready to carry vegetables (fruits), because that’s what our competition is called"Move the vegetables (fruits)". The “Vegetables” team will carry only vegetables, but the “fruits” team will collect fruits, be careful, because vegetables and fruits are mixed.The team that gets them over the fastest wins.and will not make mistakes. And our jury will monitor the accuracy of the task.

I suggest you remember one of oura friend and tell her guests her story, and at the same time relax a little. (Finger gymnastics “The hostess once came from the market” - with all the children).

Next6thcontest"The fourth is odd." Teamscommandsthree cards are given, on each of which there is one extra item, you must name it and explain your choice, howwill cope better with the taskcommander, the more pointswill receiveteam.

Well, now I’ll ask the team members to turn into cooks, because the next one7ththe competition is called"The cooks." You will name dishes in which potatoes are used. For each named dish, teams receive 1 point.

Well, now we move on to the most delicious 8th competition "Guess the taste" Each participant in turn will have to guess which fruit he ate. For each correct answer the team will receive 1 point.

Next competition 8th "Pick up a word“I will say pure sayings to each team in turn, and you will tell me the last word.

1 Or-or-or picked a red...tomato

2 Ets-ets-ets ate a delicious...cucumber

3 Jean-jean-jean lies in the garden bed...eggplant

4 Bus-bus - bus we cut..... watermelon.

5 In-in-in we bought…. orange

6 As-as-as, a delicious pineapple is ripening

7 He-he-he I'll put lemon in my tea

8 An-an-an our banana grows on the palm tree

Next competition 9th "Fairy tale experts" Now we will listen to who loves and knows fairy tales. Tell me in the title of which works there are vegetables and fruits? “Turnip”, “Chippolino”, “The Cockerel and the Bean Seed”, N. Nosov’s story “Cucumbers”, “The Princess and the Pea”, Suteev’s stories “Apple”, “Sack of Apples”. “Geese and Swans”, “Coal, Straw and Bean”, “Snow White”.

And finally it's time for the last onecompetition on the 10th"Tops and Roots" . We will call the edible root of the vegetable roots, and the edible fruit on the stem - tops. I will name some vegetable, and you quickly answer what is edible in it: the tops or roots. Be careful, some vegetables contain both. We work in teams.

Carrots (roots), tomatoes (tops), onions ( in pipe cleaners and roots), to potatoes (roots), cucumber (tops), beets (roots), garlic (roots), cabbage (tops), turnip (roots).

The time has come for the last 11th competition "Gather in a circle", I will give each participant a picture of a vegetable or fruit, you walk, walk in a loose pattern, and at the signal “gather in a circle,” you must gather in two circles of vegetables and fruits, be careful.

That's ourAthe quiz is over, I thank the teams for their demonstrated abilities, knowledge, dexterity, for your talent and erudition, andWe are waiting for the jury to announce the results of our quiz. In the meantime, the jury is summing up the results, I would like to read you a poem:

Eat vegetables and fruits -
These are the best products.
You will be saved from all diseases.
There is nothing tastier and healthier than them.

Make friends with vegetables
And with salads and cabbage soup.
There are countless vitamins in them.
So you need to eat it!

The floor is given to Nadezhda Borisovna. (Summing up, presenting gifts of fruit). Our fun quiz has come to an end, let's say goodbye to our guests "Goodbye"!

Gifts of summer in the garden garden.
Quiz with answers for children.

Elizaveta Zhilyaeva, 9 years old, studying at the Zolotukhinskaya Secondary School, Zolotukhino village, Kursk region
Supervisor: Alla Alekseevna Kondratyeva, primary school teacher, Zolotukhinsk Secondary School, Zolotukhino village, Kursk region
Description: The quiz is intended for primary and secondary school children. The publication material can be used for discussions, class hours and extracurricular activities.
Target: developing children's knowledge about the world around us.
1. Teach children to see and hear, to peer inquisitively into the world, to observe this world.
2.Summarize, consolidate and deepen students’ knowledge about the gifts of nature acquired in lessons about the surrounding world and in extracurricular activities.
3. Contribute to the formation of knowledge about nature and its patterns.
4.Develop the emotional and sensory sphere of schoolchildren’s personality.
5.Promote the development of thinking, attention, observation.

Summer, summer, beauty!
Kids love summer!

Who doesn't love him? It gives the sun, good weather, great mood, sea and relaxation! June begins to treat us to strawberries, wild strawberries, and cherries. They are followed by early apricots, raspberries and soon peaches. How many vitamins are in these fruits!!! They fill our body with supplies for the whole year! And how delicious May honey is!
For lovers of fresh vegetables, summer has prepared a basket full of treats.

Young potatoes and cabbage simply do not leave anyone indifferent.
Tomatoes and cucumbers on the daily table delight with their aromas and bright tastes.

We offer you a quiz about summer gifts in the garden.
1. This vegetable has long been known on all continents. Even in the north of our country and America, it gives a good harvest and feeds people all year round. A total of 35 species are known. They are eaten fresh, making various salads, cabbage rolls, and cutlets. And in fermented form it is a storehouse of various vitamins. (Cabbage).

2.Which vegetable can be used to make delicious borscht and get sugar? (Beet)

3.Which vegetable is both bitter and sweet? (Pepper)

4.Which vegetable is eaten only raw? (Radish)

5.Which plant flour is used to make bread, cakes, pastries and buns? (Wheat)

6.What fruit is of the Antonovka variety? (Apple)

7.Which of these berries: cranberries, raspberries or lingonberries grows in the garden? (Raspberries)

8.What berries are raisins made from? (Grape)

9.Which garden berry is red, black and even white? (Currant)

10. What can’t you make jam from: plums, cucumbers, apples? (Cucumbers)

11. The fruits of all varieties of rowan contain a lot of vitamin C. But they make healing jam and make compotes from these varieties of rowan. Which? (Chokeberry).

12. She is very tasty
Red color and so tender,
You can even make porridge
You won't find her more beautiful again.
Let it be heavy, big,
We all rejoice when we tear it down.
There’s one in the garden, let’s guess,
We call it a chorus. (Pumpkin)

13. The closest relatives of the most common pumpkin. They are fried or stewed with other vegetables, canned like cucumbers, and sometimes eaten raw and even made into jam. (Zucchini).

14. This vegetable has always been valued for its sweet juiciness and healing properties. After all, it contains a lot of vitamin A (beta-carotene), which is very important for human health and growth. This vitamin improves vision. (Carrot)

15.This vegetable is a long-standing symbol of health and well-being. It is no coincidence that braids and wreaths woven from it are hung in many homes, grocery stores, and markets to this day. It, both green and onion, is a “protector” from harmful microbes. (Onion).

16. This vegetable in green pods is one of the children’s favorite delicacies in the country garden. It has long been grown not only for delicious soups and cereals, but also for very nutritious flour, which was mixed with wheat or rye flour and baked into bread, pancakes, and pies. (Peas).

17.Which vegetable is called the second bread? (Potato).

18. In the fall it is planted,
And in the spring they meet sprouts.
It kills germs
And grow up healthy so that
You should always eat it.
Diseases are no problem with him!
This vegetable is like a head,
The teeth settled in it deftly,
Who doesn't know me?
I call myself... (Garlic)

19. This berry is one of the first to appear in the summer. It is the only one in the world whose seeds are located outside and not inside. (Strawberry)

20. I grew up in the spring, I grew up in the summer.
Was green, invisible,
Hard, small and tasteless,
That's why I was sad!
But when summer ended -
I suddenly turned red
Everyone knows what the dispute is about.
I am handsome... (tomato).

Like a bright red ball
On the ridge is a gift from nature.
According to the best recipes,
Mothers will prepare for winter.
As a rule, everything will be washed,
Those who are married will separate,
With garlic, dill, caraway seeds,
They will be assigned to banks.
So that during the cold season
Don't go hungry.

Thank you for your attention!

Interesting and educational quizzes for primary and secondary school children. Quizzes on the topic “Vegetables”. All quiz questions with answers. Quizzes about what grows in the garden, in the beds, about vegetables for children.

Quiz "In the garden"

■ It can be bitter or sweet, and its fruits have different shapes and colors. It is famous not only as a unique food, but also as an aromatic and medicinal product. It contains five times more vitamin C than lemon. (Pepper).

■ This vegetable “came” to us from America two hundred years ago and at first we didn’t like the taste at all. It’s just that people didn’t immediately figure out what they needed to eat—they even ate flowers and green berries. For some time, its bushes with flowers and fruits unusual for Russia served as decoration for ladies’ hats at balls and theaters. Many delicious dishes and sauces are currently made from it. (Tomato or tomato).

■ This vegetable was known in India already 3 thousand years ago and from there it spread across all continents. Since then, people have learned to make many salads and pickles from it. And sometimes they are grown in gardens for their beautiful yellow flowers and leaves. There is a known wild species of this plant, the fruit of which “shoots” seeds several meters away. (Cucumber, “mad” cucumber).

■ This vegetable has always been valued for its sweet juiciness and healing properties. After all, it contains a lot of vitamin A (beta-carotene), which is very important for human health and growth. This vitamin improves vision. Therefore, all children (and not just hares) need to eat it as often as possible. (Carrot).

■ This vegetable is a long-standing symbol of health and well-being. It is no coincidence that braids and wreaths woven from it are hung in many homes, grocery stores, and markets to this day. It, both green and onion, is a “protector” from harmful microbes. (Onion).

■ This vegetable in green pods is one of children’s favorite delicacies in the garden garden. It has long been grown not only for delicious soups and cereals, but also for very nutritious flour, which was mixed with wheat or rye flour and baked into bread, pancakes, and pies. (Peas).

■ This vegetable has long been known on all continents. Even in the north of our country and America, it gives a good harvest and feeds people all year round. A total of 35 species are known. They are eaten fresh, making various salads, cabbage rolls, and cutlets. And when fermented, it is a storehouse of various vitamins. (Cabbage).

■ One of the largest vegetables. And people always have a weakness for the huge - it awakens the imagination. Therefore, this vegetable is treated with special respect. At the whim of a person, this vegetable reaches incredible sizes and can weigh up to 100 kg. It is easy to grow: it is unpretentious, grows even without care, and because of its size it is not popular with thieves. (Pumpkin).

■ Closest relatives of the most common pumpkin. They are fried or stewed with other vegetables, canned like cucumbers, and sometimes eaten raw and even made into jam. (Zucchini).

■ These vegetables are very beautiful, looking like stars or flowers. They decorate New Year trees, decorate kitchens and cottages, and make funny toys, decorative vases and baskets from them. (Patissons).

Quiz "Vegetable"

■ Which vegetable changes its name three times? (Onion, onion sets, onion).

■ What did they give in ancient Egypt for dessert after dinner? (Boiled heads of cabbage).

■ What vegetable were lazy people called in the old days? (Peas).

■ Which vegetable contains a lot of starch? (Potato).

■ Which vegetable resembles a flying (space) saucer? (Squash).

■ What causes tears without pain and sadness? (Onion).

■ What is not sweeter than radishes? (Horseradish).

■ The name of which vegetable comes from the Latin word “kaput”? (Cabbage).

■ What does the word “melon” mean? (Garden).

■ Which vegetable contains a large amount of growth vitamins? (Carrot).

■ Round and smooth, if you take a bite, it’s sweet... Settled firmly in the garden bed... (Turnip).

■ Which vegetable is called the second bread? (Potato).

■ What did Cinderella's carriage turn into? (Pumpkin).

■ It sits in the ground, its tail looks up, you can get sugar from it, cook delicious borscht. (Beet).

■ What caused the princess's insomnia? Peas.

Blitz quiz “Vegetables”

■ A place where vegetables grow. (Garden).

■ It can be both sweet and bitter. (Pepper).

■ It is used to make ketchup and tomato paste. (Tomato).

■ A vegetable whose fruits are the largest of all vegetables. (Pumpkin).

■ Cabbage, Brussels sprouts, Savoy, kohlrabi, leaf cabbage - this is... (Cabbage).

■ A vegetable that contains a lot of vitamin A (Carrots).

■ They are called plant-based meats because they contain a lot of protein. (Peas and beans, or legumes.)

■ Delicious puree is made from it. (Potato).

■ A relative of watermelons and melons. (Pumpkin).

■ Stem turnip. (Kohlrabi).

■ Homeland of the tomato. (America).

■ Name of wild onion. (Chemramsha).

■ In Italian “tartufel”, and in Russian...(Potato).

■ Small, bitter brother of onions... (Garlic).

■ When they clean it, they cry. (Onion).

■ Seed of a leguminous plant used as food. (Bean).

■ Root vegetable. If it is steamed, then it couldn’t be simpler. (Turnip).

■ Sunflower and pumpkin product. (Seeds).

on the topic: “Vegetables and fruits”

Target. Generalization and systematization of children's knowledge about vegetables and fruits.


To consolidate children’s knowledge about the general concepts of “vegetables”, “fruits” and the names of various vegetables and fruits;

To consolidate knowledge about works of art about vegetables and fruits and be able to use them;

Expand children's knowledge about potatoes and cabbage;

Develop the ability to solve riddles, select the right word, answer questions about the content of a literary text;

Activate children's vocabulary: practice forming adjectives from the stems of nouns, match a noun to an adjective

Develop the ability to listen to the answers of other children;

Foster a love and interest in works of art.

Preliminary work.

Reading works of fiction “Turnip”, “Chippolino”, “Cockerel and the Bean Seed”, N. Nosov’s story “Cucumbers”, “The Princess and the Pea”, Tuvim’s poem “Vegetables”, Suteev’s stories “Apple”, “Sack of Apples” , fairy tales “Geese-Swans”, “Little Little Khavroshechka”.

Guessing riddles.

Materials for the lesson.

Cut pictures for each table on the topic: vegetables, fruits

Vegetable basket, fruit bowl;

Tokens (in the form of fruits and vegetables);

Cards (jars of jam) with pictures of fruits;

Progress of the lesson.

Guys! Let's play with you. You have cut-out pictures on your tables, you must collect them and guess what we will talk about today. You will work in pairs and you should end up with one picture.

What did you get?

What can you call these pictures in one word? vegetables and do you have fruits)

So, what are we going to talk about today? (We will talk about vegetables and fruits)

So you know the topic of our lesson. Vegetables and fruits. We ended up with two teams: the “Vegetables” team and the “Fruits” team. And we will arrange a game-competition “Who knows more.” Game conditions:

1. Give more correct answers to each question.

2. We don’t give each other advice and interrupt.

3. For the correct answer, the team gets a point. Vegetables will receive a vegetable in their basket, fruits will receive a fruit.

At the end of the game, let's count the points and see and see who wins.

1 Exercise. Guess a riddle.

Riddle for the vegetable team

1. Unsightly, awkward, but she will come to the table,

the guys will say cheerfully: “Oh, it’s crumbly, delicious!”

And now for the fruits:

2. I was born to glory, my head is white and curly.

If you love cabbage soup, go look for it.

Vegetables 3. I am growing in the ground in a garden bed, red, long, sweet.

Fruit 4. I am long and green, tasty and salty.

Vegetables are your mystery

5. Same with a fist, red side.

You touch it with your finger - it’s smooth,

And you'll have a sweet bite.

Fruits, attention, a riddle for you

6. Blue uniform, yellow lining, and sweet in the middle. (Plum)

2. Task. Who can name more vegetables?

Each team names one vegetable in turn, without repeating. The team that gets the last word will win.

The Vegetables team starts.

3 . Exercise. Who can name more fruits?

The condition is also that teams take turns naming fruits without repeating themselves. Whose team has the last word wins.

The Fruit team starts first.

4. Assignment. Game "Cook". Now you will turn into imaginary chefs and cook from vegetables.

- Team "Fruits":

“What can you cook from potatoes? (mashed potatoes, casserole, cutlets, pie filling, pancakes, dumplings)

You can also bake potatoes over a fire, cook dumplings, add them to soups and salads, and bake pancakes. It’s not for nothing that potatoes are called second bread. Potatoes contain vitamins and microelements, such as potassium, which help the normal functioning of the heart.

Potatoes also have a dangerous enemy - the King beetle. The beetle larvae eat the leaves, the plant begins to hurt and grows poorly. To prevent this from happening, beetles and larvae must be destroyed.

Team “Vegetables”: “What can be cooked from cabbage. (cabbage soup, stewed cabbage, cabbage salad, sauerkraut, cabbage pies)

Well, you can also use cabbage to make cabbage rolls, schnitzel, dumplings. And you know, cabbage has been loved in Rus' since ancient times and was prepared in large quantities. There were even sayings: “Why have a garden if you don’t plant cabbage.”

Guys! Do you know Carlson's favorite dish? This is jam.

What is jam made from? (jam is made from berries and fruits)

Let's prepare fruit jam for Carlson, each team in turn.

Apple jam – apple jam

From plums - plum jam

From peaches – peach jam

From apricots – apricot jam

From cherries - cherry jam

From pears - pear jam

Guys, do you know that jam is also made from zucchini, the result is very tasty zucchini jam.

Physical education minute.

Now let's do a little work in the garden. We got up and did everything together, in unison.

We dug up potatoes

Cucumbers picked from the garden, (squats)

They pulled out all the carrots, (tilts)

They cut the cabbage deftly.

And they brought you a gift in a basket from the earth.

Let's continue our game.

5. Assignment. Listen to the poem and tell me what it's about:

This is a poem for the Vegetables team.

What's growing in our garden bed? Cucumbers, sweet peas

Tomatoes and dill for seasoning and for testing.

There are radishes and lettuce - our garden bed is just a treasure,

But watermelons don't grow here.

If you listened carefully, you would definitely remember it.

Answer in order: what grows in our garden bed?

Poem for the Fruit team

After listening to the poem, answer the question: “What did the housewife prepare the soup from?” The hostess came from the market one day,

The hostess brought home from the market:

potatoes, cabbage, carrots, peas, parsley and beets, oh!

What did the housewife prepare the soup from?

5. task “Choose the right word.” We need to come up with a word that answers the question “what?”, let’s not forget that today we are talking about vegetables and fruits.

Big (what?) – watermelon, zucchini, potatoes

Small (what?) – radishes, carrots

Round (what?) – tomato, peach, peas

Blue – plum

Green – cucumber, tomato, zucchini

Sweet – pear, carrot, plum.

Hard, long, juicy, bitter, tasty, crispy.

6. task. Game “Say the Word.”

The “Vegetables” team listens and answers.

In the hot sun it has dried out and is bursting from the pods... (peas)


And in cloudy weather the sun shines in the garden.

The miracle sun grows in the villages and in the villages - ... (sunflower)

He is from the pumpkin family, he lies on his side all day,

Like a green log called ....(zucchini)


Round and smooth, if you take a bite, it’s sweet.

Settled firmly in the garden bed... (turnip)

He will make everyone around him cry, even though he is not a fighter, but...


Believe it or not, we come from America.

In the fairy tale we are seniors, in the garden... (tomatoes)

And now I will pronounce a pure phrase, and you tell me the last word.

Or-or-or picked a red...tomato

Etc-etc-eat ate a delicious...cucumber

Jean-jean-jean lies in the garden bed...eggplant

Bus-bus-bus we cut the watermelon.

7. Game “Connoisseurs of Fairy Tales”. Now we will listen to who loves and knows fairy tales.

1.Tell me which works contain vegetables and fruits in the titles? “Turnip”, “Chippolino”, “Cockerel and Bean Seed”, N. Nosov’s story “Cucumbers”, “The Princess and the Pea”, Tuvim’s poem “Vegetables”, Suteev’s stories “Apple”, “Sack of Apples”.

2. Find out the fairy tale from the passage, because they talk about vegetables and fruits:

- “The granddaughter called to the bug, they pull, they pull...”

- “Mother cow, they beat me, they scold me, they don’t give me bread, they don’t tell me to cry...”

3. In what works do fruit trees help the main characters? "Geese-swans" - apple tree

“Tiny - little havroshechka” - apple tree

Story “Bag of Apples” - apples helped the hare.

8. Task “Tops and Roots”. Now let’s play the game “Tops and Roots.” We will call the edible root of the vegetable roots, and the edible fruit on the stem - tops. I will name some vegetable, and you quickly answer what is edible in it: the tops or roots. Be careful, some vegetables contain both. We work in teams.

Carrots (roots), tomatoes (tops), onions (tops and roots)

Potatoes (roots), cucumber (tops), beets (roots)

Our competition game is over.

Time to take stock. Let's count the points, you can join me. So, the vegetable team scored 14 points, and the “Fruits” team, let’s count... 14 points. It turns out to be a draw. Friendship won, everyone did a good job and answered correctly.

Which tasks were the most interesting for you?

Let's remember, have you experienced any difficulties?

This concludes the lesson.