When will Devyatova give birth? Singer Vladimir Devyatov: biography, creative activity and personal life. “Let’s have a real wedding feast”

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Biography, life story of Marina Vladimirovna Devyatova

Marina Vladimirovna Devyatova gained fame and became a popular singer, reaching the finals of a competition called “People's Artist”, she performed Russian folk traditional songs in a modernized rock arrangement.


Marina was born on December 13, 1983. This event took place in one of the artistic families, of which there are many in the Russian capital. Her father, whose name was Vladimir Sergeevich, performed Russian songs beautifully, for which he was later awarded the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation, and his wife was a choreographer.

From early childhood, Devyatov himself taught the child music, instilling in Marina an attachment not only to folk songs and folklore of Russia, but also to the work of outstanding Western musical groups, such as Deep Purple or the famous. The lessons were not in vain - from the age of three, my daughter perfectly felt the rhythms of different melodies and sang well.

When Marinochka was seven years old, loving parents sent the girl to study choral conducting at a music school named after her.


In 1999, Marina entered the folk solo singing group operating at the college named after. Two years later, the singer won the title of laureate at the Mikhail Mikhailovich Ippolitov-Ivanov competition held that year in Voronezh, in which performers of various folk songs participated.

While studying in her fourth year, the student met Artyom Vorobyov, who had recently founded an ensemble called “Indrik the Beast” and was its artistic director. Artyom immediately suggested that the girl try to sing in this creative group. The ensemble “Indrik the Beast” performed ancient Slavic and folk Russian songs in an original rock modern arrangement. Its participants collected folklore, traveling around villages in the western region of Russia, and made their own arrangements of songs in the rock style, using ethnic authentic wind instruments.


While performing with this ensemble, Marina simultaneously studied in the period 2003-08 at the Russian Academy of Music, named after the Gnesins. She was a student of the faculty of folk solo singing. At this time, the aspiring singer participated in the Slavic Bazaar, an international performing competition.

Format or non-format

Marina Devyatova, having started her career as a singer, often heard from music critics that her music was not included in a recognized format. Wanting to prove the opposite, in 2006 the young singer went to the casting for the third season of a musical reality show on the Rossiya TV channel, called “People’s Artist”. Marina reached the final of this project. A duet performance of a composition called “It Could Be Love” was a turning point for Marina in this competition. Many music critics subsequently argued that in the performance of this song the synthesis of folk music and modern pop music was most successfully demonstrated.

Still, the format

10/28/2008 Marina Devyatova gave her first solo concert. It was organized with the support of the Russian Ministry of Culture and was dedicated to Russian folklore and its traditions. On 11/13/2009, the rising star of Russian folk rock already performed with her own new program, which was called “I’ll go, I’ll go out” at the State Variety Theater of the capital of Russia. On the same day, she presented her debut album to the Moscow music community, entitled “I didn’t think, I didn’t guess.”

Remarkable fact

Marina Devyatova is a Hare Krishna believer. Having met the Hare Krishnas through a fellow student while still studying at a music college, she, under their influence, became a vegetarian, quit smoking tobacco and took up yoga, which helped the singer restore her physical strength after touring and generally maintain her health.

Two definitions best suit Marina’s childhood: happy and musical. Although her parents separated when the girl was still a baby, both her mother and father constantly surrounded her with love and care. Marina no longer had the feeling of an incomplete family, especially since her parents continued to treat each other with mutual respect.

Marina Devyatova in childhood. Photo: Marinadevyatova.rf

The creative atmosphere in which the girl was from birth could not but affect her personality. High-quality music was often heard in the house. Marina's father, Vladimir Devyatov, was awarded the title of People's Artist of Russia for his creativity and virtuoso performance of Russian folk songs. Mother was a sought-after and accomplished choreographer.

Thus, from the first days of her life, Marina was surrounded by two amazing worlds - music and dance.

Contrary to the popular belief that nature rests on the children of talented parents, Marina showed her musical and creative abilities very early. Like all kids, she sang along to songs along with her favorite cartoon characters. But her parents were amazed that she had a great sense of rhythm and almost always hit the right notes.

Naturally, the father made every effort to develop his daughter’s talent. He began to instill in her a love not only for folk music, but also for high-quality foreign music.

Years of study

Marina, like many children, began learning to play the piano at the insistence of her parents. It was very difficult for the mischievous and nimble girl to sit in one place, repeating the hated scales for hours.

But she always loved to sing. And while playing games, and even while doing homework, she often hummed something. Often, together with her sister, she organized small home concerts for any reason and even without it. We can say that since childhood she dreamed of a big stage.

It was difficult to study in two schools at the same time. Marina even sometimes tried to rebel and leave the prestigious music school where her parents sent her.

However, she received real pleasure from any performances and only for the sake of the stage did she put up with fairly heavy workloads. Therefore, by the time the final exams approached, there were practically no doubts about the choice of profession.

Although not all relatives supported the girl in her passion for music. Her grandfather, a retired military man, insisted on a more practical profession. He really wanted to see Marina as a lawyer or lawyer. But the father began to take the grown girl to his concerts, giving her the opportunity to feel the atmosphere of the big stage. And this turned out to be decisive. Marina decided to continue her musical education.

First steps

After graduating from school, Marina enters a music college to study solo folk singing. She studies diligently, develops quickly and even won a prize in 2001 for participating in a vocal competition. However, having been brought up on a variety of music, she already begins to think about how to connect folk music with more modern trends.

Shortly before graduating from college, she gets such a chance. She meets the organizer and leader of the original musical group “Indrik the Beast”. The guys perform ethnic music with a modern twist, organically mixing rock, wind instruments and other seemingly incompatible styles.

But in those years, pop-folk was not yet very popular, and Marina’s dream of filling huge concert halls still seemed unattainable. However, she continued to develop and work in this genre, and also continued her studies at the Gnesin Conservatory.

With their “non-format” music, the group even decided to appear on the stage of the “Slavic Bazaar”, where they were very warmly received by the audience.

New star

Marina Devyatova’s lucky star lit up the moment she independently decided to try her hand at the TV project “People’s Artist”. With extraordinary ease, Marina managed to overcome the casting and the first rounds of the competition, and then became its finalist.

Now she remembers the project as an excellent school of stagecraft. Although at the time when she was in the thick of things, everything was seen differently. It turned out that big show business has many pitfalls, the existence of which she did not even suspect.

However, everything that does not kill us makes us stronger. The competition strengthened Marina and greatly increased her professional level. And, of course, he brought many new useful acquaintances and a contract with the well-promoted production center of Evgeniy Fridlyand, from which, in fact, the rapid rise of the young performer began. A whirlpool of events swirled the singer, and she completely immersed herself in filming, concerts, and tours.

Kim Breitburg’s song “I am fire, you are water,” recorded during the project, still remains the singer’s musical calling card. Although since then many other, no less incendiary and memorable songs have been written and presented to the audience.

By the way, after the first successful experience of working in a duet with Alexey Goman on the song “It Could Be Love,” the singer began to practice such performances with other famous artists.

Devyatova today

Devyatova, after a long search, finally identified for herself exactly the niche in which she was able to fully realize her creative potential. She performed folk songs in a bright and stylish modern arrangement, but at the same time she was not like any of the already famous performers working in this genre: and other popular artists.

This is what quickly made her work recognizable and beloved by the audience.

Quite quickly after the start of her career, Devyatova became famous far beyond the CIS. Today she successfully tours in Europe, the USA and even Asia, popularizing Russian song. A real triumph for the singer was the honor of performing the song “Katyusha” at the ceremony for choosing the capital of the Winter Olympics, which she had to repeat 8 times - the enthusiastic audience stubbornly did not let the artist go.

Quite often, Devyatova has to speak to heads of other states and other high-ranking officials visiting Russia. To some extent, it can be called a modern symbol of Russian song and folk traditions.

She easily gathers huge halls and continues to successfully develop in her chosen direction. Putin also repeatedly spoke approvingly of the work of the young performer.

Personal life of Marina Devyatova

The singer's personal life mostly remains behind the scenes. No wonder. Marina is a person of high moral principles. She has been a convinced vegetarian for many years now. He often meditates, listens to spiritual music, and constantly works on himself. After meeting the Hare Krishnas, she became interested in this religious movement and began to profess it.

The singer has no children. And with personal relationships everything is quite complicated. Her loved one tragically passed away several years ago from cancer, and Marina was deeply affected by the loss. Having recovered from the blow, she maintained a close relationship with singer Nikolai Demidov for some time, but the couple broke up.

In 2011, Marina took a fresh look at her friend, Alexey Pigurenko, founder of YogaBoga. Five years later, in 2016, the young people got married, and already in February 2017, Marina became a mother. She had a daughter, Ulyana. Parents affectionately call the baby “Boba” and share her photos on the Internet.

With Alexey Pigurenko

A month after the birth of her daughter, the tireless performer returned to work in the “You Are Allowed to Laugh” project, performed at an evening in memory of Valery Obodzinsky in the Kremlin and went on a solo tour around Russia.

At the beginning of 2019, Marina Devyatova celebrates her 20th anniversary on stage with a series of solo performances and promises her audience surprises at concerts, which she announced on her official page on Vkontakte.

And, by her own admission, she began her creative path in a village near Kashira, where she visited her grandfather. She hung an advertisement on the well about her own performance and organized a real concert right on the street. And today, outside the city, the young singer prefers to relax and increasingly dreams of her own dacha.

The countryside is for the soul

Marina, you are a native Muscovite, you live and work in the city. Where do you relax?

Moscow is more suitable for work. And I find it more comfortable to relax outside the city, where after work I can find solitude, enjoy the silence and the singing of birds. It’s as if two personalities are combined in me: on the one hand, I can fly business class and enjoy expensive restaurants, and on the other hand, I really love when on the table there are products from my garden, everything that’s my own, natural, when everything is cooked in a real Russian stove or in a pot on a fire. I also love being able to eat with my hands—it’s so delicious!

Of course, life outside the city is more relaxed, so sometimes when you arrive there with your “disheveled” head, the calmness is annoying at first: you think, why is no one in a hurry, where are the phones, where is the Internet? But people live by different values. And you gradually get used to it, calm down and understand that this is a real thrill.

Steam room, broom and felt hat

What do you like to do away from civilization?

I adore the sauna, although there is an opinion that it is harmful for vocalists - the ligaments are steamed along with the body. Of course, because of my tours, I don’t have time to visit the bathhouse often, and I miss it, a real one... with a steam room, a broom, a felt hat, I really want to relax both body and soul. I also like to just wander through the forest, there is a special energy there.

Can I see you in the garden?

Of course, I’m not an avid gardener, but I can help: weed something, for example. Although, at the same time, I immediately warn everyone that I am a responsible lady and I will field efficiently: in the heat of the moment, I may not be able to distinguish a weed from something that is not worth pulling out. (Laughs.) I like to plant flowers myself; even fans give me garden flowers at concerts. And as a child, I loved hauling hay with my grandfather.

Fun village life

Does your family have a dacha?

At the moment I don’t have a dacha, but before I often went to a small village near Kashira, where there were only ten houses. My creative path began there: I organized concerts, gathered local residents, and posted an announcement on the well that I would have a performance. And like a real artist, she always took a lot of things there, my grandfather even joked with me: “Why are you in one dress in the morning, in another at lunchtime, and in a third in the evening?” This was such a fun village life.

I would really like to have a dacha. I have a desire not only to be closer to nature, but also to unite the family, because where else can children come? Of course, to my parents' dacha! I have been nurturing this idea for a long time, and someday it will come true.

Since childhood, my mother taught me to be independent

Marina, your latest album is called “I’m Happy,” can you call yourself happy?

I cannot call myself a 100% happy person. We women are always missing something. How can I call myself happy if I have not yet realized myself as a mother and wife? But I'm happy from a creative point of view. There is an opportunity to travel around the country, see smiling faces in the hall, hear words of gratitude when after the concert people come for an autograph and just talk.

In one of your interviews you called yourself a careerist, but at the same time you want a family, how do these two things coexist in you?

By my qualities, I am a leader and a careerist, but this does not mean that I have no desire to become a mother. Of course, I am aware that I will not be an ordinary mother, a kind of “mother hen,” but I will try as much as possible to raise my child with love, in a full-fledged family where there is a mother and father, and I will devote all my free time to him.

My desire to make a career is explained simply: when my parents divorced, my mother often told me: Marina, you must be independent, you must be strong.

It is not right?

In my opinion, not really. A woman must be dependent, this is why she gets married, that is, she follows her husband. But with us everything is upside down.

Children should be happy and loved

Then what do you want to instill in your future children?

I understand that it will not be easy for me, but I will try to raise my children so that they are guided by true values, are happy and loved, and know how to give their feelings to people. I don’t want them to think only about how much money they have in their pocket. It seems to me that many parents develop big complexes in their children, arguing that they must study in the UK or, at worst, at Moscow State University, have an academic degree and, as a lifelong goal, create their own business. All children are different, each has their own talents, their own path.

Marina Devyatova is a Russian singer, performer of folk songs, as well as pop hits stylized as folklore. Marina became a finalist in the third season of the television project “People’s Artist”.

Marina was born in Moscow into a creative family. My father is a People's Artist of Russia, a famous performer of Russian folk songs, and my mother was a professional choreographer and choreographed dances for show ballets. Dad began to instill in his daughter a taste for music almost from birth. Moreover, he played his daughter recordings not only of folk singers, but also music and other rock idols. At the age of three, Marina already had a perfect sense of rhythm. The girl became the second child in the family; her parents were already raising their eldest daughter Katya, who also had musical abilities.

When Marina was five years old, her parents divorced, but her father did not stay away from raising his daughters. Devyatova did not give up music. Marina studied at the prestigious music school named after, where she mastered not only the instrument and vocals, but also choral conducting.

After graduation, Vladimir Devyatov took Marina on a tour. Creative life captured the girl, and Devyatova decided to continue her musical education. Then Marina studied at the College and the Russian Academy of Music named after the Gnessin Sisters. There Devyatova already specialized in what would bring her all-Russian fame in the future - solo folk singing.


During her student years, Marina Devyatova met Artem Vorobyov, who invited the girl to the group “Indrik-Beast”. The group performed ancient and folk songs in a modern interpretation. The group's repertoire included both rock arrangements and compositions performed on ethnic wind instruments. The success of the ensemble was quite tangible, but music critics called Devyatova’s music “unformatted.”

The singer decided to prove that a folk song in the modern style can be truly folk. To do this, Marina chose the television project “People’s Artist”, which was similar in name, and went to the casting for the third season. This decision played a decisive role in the creative biography of Marina Devyatova. The singer was recognized and loved by all of Russia.

The audience and jury received the singer with a bang; the duet performance of the song “It Could Be Love” together with the singer was especially successful. In the show, Devyatova reached the finals, and after the end of the project she released the disc “People’s Artist-3”, which included compositions that were heard in the program.

The artist gained great popularity for her performance of Kim Breitburg’s hit “I am fire, you are water,” with which the name of Marina Devyatova is still associated. A video was also created for this song. On the project, the girl met producer Evgeny Fridlyand, owner of the FBI MUSIC studio, who signed a contract with the artist to record a solo disc.

In 2007, Marina was honored to perform the song “Katyusha” at the country’s selection ceremony for the 2014 Winter Olympics. In Guatemala, the Russian performer was called for an encore 8 times.

Having made herself known to the whole world, Marina focused on preparing a solo program. Then the singer went on tour around Russia and gave concerts under the general title “I’ll go, I’ll go out.” At the same time, the first studio album “I didn’t think, I didn’t guess” was published, in support of which the artist gave her first concert in the capital at the Variety Theater. The disc became a cocktail of folk songs and pop hits. The following records “I'm Happy” were recorded in the same vein with the songs “Black Raven”, “Kalinka” and “In the Moonlight”, which included the compositions “Grape Seed”, “Bell”, “In the Upper Room”.

Marina Devyatova is one of the few Russian performers who received the honor of performing in front of the Queen of England and her relatives. In addition to the royal family, the memorable London concert was attended by the leaders of Russia - and, as well as the leaders of other countries - the head of Libya and the president of Kazakhstan.

The most popular songs in Marina Devyatova’s repertoire are “Verila”, “Oh, how I like you”, “Oh, Mommy”, “Oh, snow-snowball”, “If only there were no winter” and the new 2016 “Conversations”. The singer also has a joint concert with another folk singer. At the last ceremony of the Russian National Music Award, Marina was nominated for the award as “Best Folk Performer,” but ultimately lost the victory.

Personal life

There was a tragic romance in the life of Marina Devyatova. The girl was in love with a much older man who worked as a doctor. Unfortunately, this love met a sad end: the singer’s lover suddenly died of cancer.

After Marina recovered from this loss, the girl began a romantic relationship with the young singer Nikolai Demidov. Devyatova wanted to find a loved one in her lover, but it turned out that Nikolai used the famous artist to become famous. Of course, such a relationship did not stand up to time and the young people broke up, with a loud scandal provoked by Demidov.

Marina Devyatova is a believer, but her religion is not Christianity, but Krishnaism. This direction helped the singer find inner peace and unleash her creative potential. Thanks to this religion, Marina completely gave up cigarettes, alcohol and eating meat. Yoga classes help maintain spiritual harmony for the artist.

In October 2016, information appeared in the media that Marina Devyatova and her chosen one Alexei Pigurenko, head of an advertising agency and owner of the YogaBoga brand, had a wedding. The wedding took place in the Kutuzovsky department of the Moscow registry office.

The young people had known each other since 2008, but for several years they were simply friends, since both were in relationships. In 2011, Alexey and Marina began to live together, but at first the family did not work out, and the lovers separated for a while.

The second connection turned out to be more productive: in 2016, Marina became pregnant. In February 2017, the singer gave birth to her daughter Ulyana. Photos of the happy father with the heiress in his arms first appeared in his personal “ Instagram» Alexey Pigurenko, and then on Marina’s page.

Marina Devyatova now

After the birth of her daughter, Marina Devyatova went on vacation for only two months. True, the artist herself calls this time rest with a stretch. The first program in which the artist took part after giving birth was the “You Are Allowed to Laugh” program. Later, Marina visited the Slavic Bazaar with a solo performance and performed at the Kremlin Palace at a concert dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the pop star. The artist also appeared in the TV Center program “Mood.”

In the fall, Marina Devyatova already performed a solo concert in the capital of Russia. Along the way, the young family vacationed in Cyprus. Now the singer is making big plans for the future - Marina is waiting for the opportunity to participate in a choral project, and also plans to move to a country house with her husband and daughter.


  • 2006 - “People’s Artist-3”
  • 2009 - “I didn’t think, I didn’t guess”
  • 2011 - “I’m happy”
  • 2013 - “In the Moonlight”

Some manage to get their “minute of fame” and in a year no one will remember about them, while others use popular shows as a springboard for further development and promotion of their own creativity. Marina Devyatova also belongs to the second category; the singer’s biography became known to a wide audience back in 2006, after a successful debut.

Russian folk music

Our country, unlike many others, has a truly ancient history, culture and customs.

What is Russian folk music worth, because it:

  1. It accumulated over centuries, transmitted orally through generations.
  2. Gives us an idea of ​​how our ancestors lived.
  3. Proves the long history of the Russian people.
  4. It is based on “eternal problems” that are still relevant in the 21st century.

But, unfortunately, this type of music has not been popular in our country lately. Young people are increasingly interested in Western melodies of the second half of the 20th century. Older audiences also cannot find domestic performers in this genre who might be of interest.

A concert consisting entirely of folk music will not attract so many connoisseurs; it will not be possible to fill stadiums for such performances. And if it’s not commercially profitable, then it’s not worth pursuing and investing in the preservation and development of the direction. In any case, this is the view held by the majority.

Fortunately, with the appearance of Pelageya and Marina Devyatova on the stage, interest in folk art and folk gradually began to return.

Marina Devyatova's childhood

Future singer born 12/13/1983 years in Moscow. Marina herself knew from childhood what direction she would devote her whole life to. And it would be strange if everything turned out differently:

  • The singer's father is a people's artist, while her mother was involved in ballet productions.
  • From the age of 2-3, her parents developed little Devyatova’s musical taste, including thanks to foreign performers.
  • The girl graduated from a prestigious music school, mastering vocals.
  • This was not the end of his musical education - college lay ahead.
  • Peak of training - Russian Academy of Music.
  • Meeting the leader of the “Indrik-Beast”.
  • Participation and victories in numerous regional competitions.

At all stages of her development as a singer, Marina was successful. Largely due to her talent and perseverance. However, something constantly prevented him from gaining all-Russian popularity. Basically - the format that Marina chose. At the beginning of the 2000s, few people were interested in folk music; completely different topics were in favor.

In this video you can evaluate Marina’s vocal abilities, the song “Quadrille”:

Marina Devyatova's husband

Marina keeps her personal life secret, which makes her different from many of her “colleagues.” This is explained by the difficult life stories that the singer has in store:

  1. The first serious relationship was with a man somewhat older than the performer herself. Her partner, a doctor by training, died suddenly of cancer.
  2. Subsequent relationships began already during the heyday of Marina Devyatova’s popularity. The new chosen one was Nikolai Demidov, who tried to take advantage of the girl’s popularity to promote his own solo career.
  3. At the moment, the singer has a boyfriend, whom she prefers not to talk about and keeps the relationship secret from journalists.
  4. In one of the interviews, she let it slip that the young man works in advertising.
  5. There is no news or even rumors about Devyatova’s imminent marriage yet.

This is such an interesting “marriageable bride”, but it looks like there is already a groom. At least, according to the heroine herself. And how much truth there is in this, given the painful experience - who knows.

For 32 years, Marina has never been married and has no children. And it seems that the rising star is completely satisfied with this state of affairs.

Marina Devyatova: Instagram

Marina is present on many social networks, including Instagram. Her page Relatively popular, she has collected 12 thousand subscribers and published more than one and a half thousand photos.

Main motives of the photo:

  • Tour.
  • Performances on stage.
  • Everything that remains “behind the scenes”.
  • Photos of posters for upcoming tours.
  • Photos of “my beloved self” in a homely atmosphere.
  • Meetings with other celebrities.
  • Free time with friends.

This is not another model’s Instagram, you won’t see here:

  1. Pretentious photos.
  2. Selfie from the gym.
  3. Expensive cars and nightclubs.
  4. Aimless waste of life.

In general, to the minimum of that same “unrestrained and senseless” fun and to the maximum of Marina Devyatova herself and her work. Those who follow the singer’s life and performances should subscribe. A good chance not to miss your visit to your hometown.

By the way, there are not many comments under each photo, but the singer is probably read by everyone. And this is an additional opportunity to say “thank you” for creativity or convey some idea.

The singer's success story

Marina Devyatova’s life changed dramatically after the “People’s Artist” project, in the third season of which she took part in 2006.

After that, in ten years:

  • Three studio albums were released.
  • There have been an incalculable number of live performances.
  • A base of fans of creativity has been collected.
  • Cooperation has been established with many eminent colleagues.

Usually, after such a long period of time after gaining fame, everyone forgets about the singer. For the first couple of years, it manages to somehow stay afloat, due to the unspent reserves of popularity and fans, but then a little more time passes and the public’s interest disappears. Especially if creativity also gradually “fades out” and no new albums or songs appear.

But with Marina everything turned out differently. Every two or three years, this folk singer pleases her fans with a new album. And even now, without support from various shows and projects, she competes on equal terms with Pelageya for first place among performers of “folk” music.

Folk is already occupying its niche in the domestic music market, largely thanks to Marina Devyatova. All that remains is to wish her good luck in promoting her favorite direction and even greater success.

Even today, the singer Marina Devyatova is unfamiliar to many; the performer’s biography cannot “boast” of high-profile scandals or performances in front of crowded stadiums. Nevertheless, Marina is gradually developing in her chosen genre and this cannot but rejoice.

Video: interview with Marina

In this interview, Marina herself will talk about her personal life, her family, children, and creative plans for the future: