Cystitis treatment at home. Cystitis in women: symptoms and treatment with drugs and at home. Treatment of bladder inflammation with homeopathy

What is the reason for the special attention to representatives of the fair half of humanity when analyzing this delicate problem? The answer is very simple - women are more susceptible to the disease than men, and almost every second or third woman has suffered from acute cystitis or continues to suffer from it in a chronic form.

There are two reasons for this:

  • In women and girls, the urinary and reproductive tracts are separated, but the urethral outlet is located in the genital area. Proximity to the mucous membrane sharply increases the chances of infection of the lower urinary tract in inflammatory gynecological diseases;
  • The second cause of female cystitis is also anatomical. In men, the urethra is long, and this is what causes some problems when inserting a catheter. But in women, the urethra is very short, and simply does not have time to act as a barrier to the spread of infection.

Cystitis itself, along with it, is one of the most common urological diseases throughout the world. What is this process, how is it recognized and treated?

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What it is?

Cystitis is an inflammatory infectious process (all inflammatory diagnoses end in “-itis”) that occurs in the wall (mucosa) Bladder. Sometimes, in everyday life, this is the name for any nonspecific urinary tract infection that has not risen to the kidneys, and is manifested by a complex of dysuric disorders (impaired urination) and changes in urine sediment.

Cystitis, in men and women, can be called a polyetiological disease that develops for many reasons:

  • The disease can be primary or secondary - if it complicates the course of any disease. Thus, most often the secondary process occurs against the background of blockage of the urethra with a stone or tumor, with strictures (that is, narrowing of the urethra), and also occurs against the background of gynecological diseases.
  • There are both acute and chronic cystitis. Almost always, during a chronic process, there are signs of prolonged gynecological inflammation, both high (salpingitis, salpingoophoritis) and in the immediate vicinity of the urethra, for example, with colpitis.
  • Damage to the bladder can be infectious or non-infectious (toxic, allergic, due to the use of medication or radiation sickness).

The disease may also develop in the following situations:

  • In case of injury to the mucous membrane of the bladder (in a car accident, in case of urolithiasis).
  • For chronic congestive venous insufficiency in the pelvic area.
  • With normal hypothermia (“short skirt cystitis”, when sitting on cold objects).
  • For hormonal imbalances, during menopause and menopause.
  • For spinal strokes, spinal cord pathology, conus syndrome, multiple sclerosis. In these cases, urodynamics are disrupted due to the development of a neurogenic bladder, as the passage of urine is disrupted.

However, the most common cause of cystitis is a common bacterial process caused by common E. coli, and acute inflammation is more common in women, because their urethra is not only short, but also wider than in men.

The simplest way is a violation of hygiene, in which the genitals become contaminated with feces from the anus.

For this, completely unnoticeable quantities are enough, and usually this occurs with improper washing, which occurs not from front to back (this is correct), but also from back to front (impossible)!

It is the urethra that is most often the entry point for infection. It loses its natural sterility and is first populated by conditionally pathogenic flora, and then by pathogenic microorganisms, which then penetrate higher, spreading to the mucous membrane.

For some of them, the urine in the bladder is a valuable source of nitrogen and mineral salts, and microorganisms obtain organic substances from the mucous membrane.

However, the bladder mucosa is naturally highly resistant to microbial infection. Therefore, in order for it to occur, the blood flow in the wall of the bladder must be disrupted, a general decrease in immunity or a disturbance in the outflow of urine should occur. It is in this case that infection develops.

The first signs of cystitis in women, symptoms and pain

Discomfort in the lower abdomen is the first sign of cystitis in girls and women. It occurs (in a typical situation) on the same day after hypothermia, in the evening, or the next morning. Further, the symptoms of acute inflammation are:

  • frequent and painful urination;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • pyuria (the appearance of pus in the urine);
  • terminal hematuria (the appearance of blood in the last portion of urine, which is the “flush” from the walls of the bladder).

Many women ask if it is possible sharp pains? Yes, they happen, but they will be associated with urination. After urination, the pain remains, but is slightly weaker, and an attempt to press in the suprapubic area causes a sharp increase in pain.

It is known that the more severe the inflammation, the more often the urge to urinate occurs, and the stronger the pain. Most often, pain with cystitis in women occurs when urinating, which becomes frequent - every 20-30 minutes.

A common symptom is the passage of a few drops of blood at the very end of urination. Blood is formed from loose and bleeding inflamed mucosa during muscle contraction.

These pains can lead patients to complete exhaustion, since they do not stop day or night. Constant pain causes spasm of the bladder muscles. As a result, urine pressure increases and a frequent imperative urge to urinate immediately develops.

  • If you collect urine during an acute process, it will be cloudy. It contains a lot of epithelium, leukocytes, microbes and red blood cells.

General health, as a rule, does not suffer, since there is very little absorption from the bladder into the blood - after all, it contains urine, which must be removed from the body very quickly. As a rule, the temperature rises only in young children, and if this happens in an adult, this indicates involvement in inflammatory process kidneys, and the development of acute pyelonephritis.

In the normal course of the disease, after 8-10 days all inflammatory manifestations subside, and the patient’s condition improves. But if this process “smolders” for more than 2-3 weeks, then we can talk about the process becoming chronic.

Signs of chronic cystitis, features

The chronic form develops much more often in women than in men. One of the reasons is the development of urethrovaginal reflux. The fact is that after acute cystitis, scarring of the posterior wall of the urethra is possible, leading to a disruption in the dynamics of urine and a slight release of it into the genital tract.

  • This contributes to the emergence of a closed “smoldering focus”, favorable for the formation of chronic inflammation.

Therefore, most often, chronic cystitis in women does not develop as an outcome of acute cystitis (which seems to be the most logical), but most often it is a complication of other diseases of the urinary tract, kidneys, and gynecological infections.

If a woman develops symptoms of chronic cystitis, she needs to start looking for the primary source of infection, and also start looking for specific inflammation. Sources of specific chronic processes include:

  • tuberculosis;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • schistosomiasis (including imported ones from the countries of Southeast Asia).

In the case of chronic cystitis, all the symptoms and signs are the same, only less pronounced and not so painful for the patient. Often the chronic form worsens in spring and autumn, and is also associated with hypothermia.

About diagnostics and tests

In typical cases, diagnosis is not difficult. The above Clinical signs And general analysis urine confirms the inflammatory process, and bacteriological culture of urine with determination of the sensitivity of microbes to antibiotics provides the “key” to treatment.

It is important to note that in case of acute cystitis, all invasive procedures, for example, cystoscopy, are strictly contraindicated, but in case of chronic inflammation it is necessary, since in some cases it allows us to establish the cause of the disease.

If nausea or vomiting occurs with similar symptoms, symptoms of peritoneal involvement, inflammatory changes in the blood, fever, tachycardia appear, then the diagnosis should be excluded if the appendix is ​​in the pelvic position.

Treatment of cystitis in women at home, medications

For some reason, the most difficult question for cystitis is which doctor should a woman see? We answer:

  • Urologist. You can (and should) contact a urologist. A urologist is not an exclusively male doctor, because everyone has excretory organs. This will be the most correct decision;
  • Therapist. In the event that you cannot get to a urologist, as a “narrow” specialist, without a therapist, and there are no funds for private centers, use the experience and knowledge of a therapist. He is quite capable of determining (in uncomplicated cases) the diagnosis, prescribing research and treatment, stopping the acute phase or relieving an exacerbation in a chronic process;
  • Gynecologist. Naturally, not a single decent gynecologist will refuse to consult a patient. And if signs of cystitis occur in a pregnant woman, then the gynecologist should be the first and obligatory doctor to visit.

How and where to treat cystitis? In practice, treatment of acute cystitis in women is always carried out at home, since the general condition allows it. Hospitalization is carried out in case of severe inflammation, general deterioration of the condition, and, for example, symptoms of an “acute” abdomen.

The principles of treatment are as follows:

  • Semi-bed rest is desirable;
  • All spicy, pungent, stimulating and irritating foods, alcohol, and coffee are excluded from the diet. You should stop smoking;
  • It is necessary to increase diuresis in order to “drive” the infection out of the bladder. It is recommended to drink plenty of fluids (juices, fruit drinks, jelly, mineral water);
  • For treatment at home, women can use mild diuretics, including herbal ones: knotweed, bearberry, lingonberry leaf, bear's ears, you can use the drug "Canephron";
  • Cystitis is a very rare case when, with inflammation “inside the abdomen,” heating pads on the pubic area and warm baths are indicated. The thing is that heat relaxes the muscle, which reduces the degree of dysuric disorders and alleviates the condition.

Antibacterial drugs

Prompt administration of antimicrobial drugs in acute forms of the disease should be mandatory. In the event that antibiotic sensitivity is determined, you can only waste your time. It is necessary to begin treatment empirically.

Nitrofurans and modern combination drugs, as well as fluoroquinolones, have the best effect in acute cystitis:

  • Macmiror (nifuratel);
  • Furagin;
  • Amoxiclav;
  • Amoxicillin;
  • Azithromycin;
  • Pefloxacin.

Of course, other antibacterial drugs can be used, for example, Biseptol or Furazolidone, but these are older drugs and their effectiveness is somewhat lower.

Antibiotics for acute cystitis give a quick effect, sometimes literally the next morning a woman’s symptoms are relieved. To alleviate the course of the disease, in addition to etiotropic drugs, myotropic antispasmodics (“No-spa”) can be used at home.

In the event that dysuric phenomena are severe, then mild sedatives and tranquilizers can be used. If the diagnosis is established, then painkillers can be used, for example, “Ketanov”.

The most important thing is not to be afraid to drink more fluid. Some young patients experience fear because they understand that if they drink a lot, their suffering will be intensified many times over. In fact, when drinking plenty of fluids and antibacterial therapy are prescribed together, the symptoms very quickly begin to lose their severity and then disappear altogether.

  • See:

For chronic cystitis, treatment is extensive: various drugs are instilled into the bladder, and electrophoresis is prescribed. In the event that complications such as cicatricial narrowing of the urethra, sclerosis of the bladder neck, and reflux occur in the chronic form, surgical intervention is performed.


More severe lesions can also begin with cystitis, for example, apostematous nephritis and even paranephritis, that is, inflammation of the perinephric tissue.

There are very severe forms that are localized in the bladder itself, for example, necrotic and gangrenous cystitis. In addition, if a woman has a disturbance in the outflow of urine (for example, as a result), and against this background an acute form of the disease develops, the prognosis may be unfavorable if the infection spreads upward.

But in uncomplicated cases, with typical symptoms and timely treatment, acute cystitis in women quickly goes away - the main task in this case is to prevent the acute process from becoming chronic.

Treatment of cystitis is usually not a difficult problem, but it requires a quick decision on the choice of means to improve the condition and eliminate the cause of the disease.

Cystitis, or inflammation of the bladder, is a problem familiar to many women. Fortunately, if you do not delay the treatment of cystitis and carry it out correctly, then the episode of inflammation will remain an episode that you can soon forget about. Another thing is chronic inflammation, when symptoms in the form of severe pain and a tiresomely frequent urge to urinate are repeated several times a year and are already waiting for their owner as soon as she allows herself to break her diet or gets a little hypothermic.

So, if you are encountering the problem of bladder inflammation for the first time, then the question of how to treat cystitis arises acutely: the disease is incapacitating, in most cases it becomes simply impossible to lead a normal life and work. Life can seem like a real nightmare - and this is not an exaggeration. It’s not for nothing that there is such a thing as urgent Care with cystitis. It involves an injection of a solution of papaverine and atropine, as well as heat to the lower abdomen. In some cases, when it comes to acute urinary retention (the patient is unable to urinate) or the pain does not go away, and visible blood appears in the urine, a patient with cystitis must be treated not in a clinic, but in a urological hospital.

How to treat cystitis? Treatment should consist of eliminating the cause, and the cause of cystitis is microbial inflammation that occurs against the background of a weakened immune system. That is, complete treatment of cystitis should include:

antibacterial drugs;

anti-inflammatory drugs;

means that strengthen the immune system.

Everything we will talk about now applies equally to both acute cystitis and its chronic form. However, in a chronic process, it is often necessary to use the most powerful antibiotics, and in the period between exacerbations, take your health seriously - take multivitamins, watch your diet, and strengthen your immune system in all available ways.

Before we talk about drugs for the treatment of cystitis, it would be useful to dwell on two points. Firstly, to alleviate the condition in the first hours of illness, you can use a heating pad on the lower abdomen - this is not only a distracting procedure, but also in some way therapeutic: the heat helps to expand the ureters and urethra, and this improves the outflow of urine, which is very important. Instead of a heating pad, you can use warm sitz baths. Suppositories with belladonna or anti-inflammatory drugs, which are inserted into the rectum, can also help. Secondly, only a doctor knows for sure how to treat cystitis after an examination, which is not at all formal. The fact is that inflammation may be specific: chlamydial or caused by mycoplasma, ureaplasma, gonococcus. In this case, special medications may be required to treat cystitis.

Treatment of cystitis: main components

No matter how insignificant this moment may seem, but for effective treatment cystitis cannot be avoided by following a diet. The point of the diet is to create gentle conditions for the diseased organ. Just as we try to shelter, protect a sick person from noise and unnecessary anxiety, the same is true with the bladder: take care of it, do not irritate it with spicy and pickled foods, alcohol. But you should drink more than usual: the more you drink, the more urine is released, which means that pathogenic microorganisms are washed out more intensively and the urine is diluted (diluted urine is less irritating to the inflamed bladder wall).

Eliminating the cause

If you ask any doctor or experienced patient with chronic cystitis how to treat cystitis, you will probably hear the answer: “Antibiotics.” And indeed it is. Antibacterial drugs for the treatment of cystitis are the main component of therapy.

The results of recent studies have shown how to treat cystitis most effectively at the present time: the most suitable now are three drugs: monural, nitrofurantoin and ciprofloxacin (and some other representatives of fluoroquinolone antibiotics) - microorganisms that cause cystitis are most sensitive to them.

Monural is a universal drug, as it has virtually no contraindications, that is, it can be used during pregnancy, breastfeeding, and in old age. Among other things, the monural is very convenient: in normal cases, the contents of one sachet are taken at a time - and the treatment is completed. If the disease is more severe, you may have to repeat taking Monural.

Nitrofurantoin is not so convenient: it will have to be taken 4 times a day for a week. The drug is effective, has a small percentage side effects, but has limitations: it is contraindicated in severe renal diseases and during pregnancy.

Ciprofloxacin will have to be taken twice a day, the duration of treatment is usual for antibiotics: at least 5-7 days. Its effectiveness in the treatment of cystitis has also been proven, but doctors refrain from prescribing it widely: it has more frequent side effects, and microorganisms quickly develop resistance to the drug. The advantage of ciprofloxacin is its effectiveness not only in the treatment of cystitis, but also in urethritis caused by trisomonas, chlamydia and mycoplasmas. The drug is contraindicated during breastfeeding, pregnancy, and childhood.

Herbal treatment

How to treat cystitis without synthetic drugs? Of course, with herbs! Although herbal remedies are milder, they are also quite effective if treatment is started in a timely manner. The best option would be ready-made mixtures consisting of dozens of different herbs, which are not only taken orally, but are also good for sitz baths. Herbal medicine is especially important for the treatment of cystitis during pregnancy, when every effort is made to avoid the use of chemical compounds.


inflammation mucous membrane Bladder . Suffering more from the disease women Health.

Men suffer much less than women. Data states that 0.5% of men are susceptible to cystitis. Among women, the disease occurs in 25% of cases.

What leads to cystitis

There are many reasons that cause inflammation of the bladder mucosa. These are E. coli, chlamydia, types of fungi.The disease can manifest itself as a result of:

  • improper blood circulation in the pelvic organs. This is caused by sedentary work, wearing tight underwear, prolonged stay in tights, constipation;
  • low immunity leading to viral diseases;
  • hot and spicy foods;
  • menopause causes inflammationbladder in women;
  • diabetes.

But the cause of inflammation of the bladder is hypothermia. Doctors recommend dressing warmly in the cold season and not participating in gatherings on cold benches, much less stones and concrete.

Symptoms of the disease

There are acute and chronic forms of cystitis. In the acute form of the disease, severe pain is felt during urination, frequent urges with small amounts of urine. Cutting pains appear in the pubic area, urine changes color, there will be an increase in body temperature and chills.

At the first symptoms of the disease, you should consult a doctor. The advanced form of cystitis is much more difficult to cure and cannot be avoided without strong antibiotics.

In chronic formsigns of cystitisthe same are observed How and in acute cases, but they are less pronounced. The danger of poorly treated cystitis is the development of interstitial cystitis. This in turn will lead to bladder ulcers or bladder shrinkage. Without surgical intervention not enough. Contacting a specialist will help avoid harmful consequences. The doctor will prescribe medications and advisehow to deal with cystitis at home.

Postcoital cystitis

Postcoital cystitisoccurs in women after intimacy. This is an inflammatory reaction that many women experience.

Postcoital cystitisoccurs as a result of anomalies in the anatomical structure of a woman, neglect of hygiene procedures, illiterate use of contraception, and the transfer of bacteria from a partner into the woman’s vagina.

Under treatment postcoital cystitisFine. In therapy, drugs are used, as in the treatment of cystitis. Ifpostcoital cystitiscaused by anatomical features, surgical intervention will be required.

Diagnosis of cystitis

Symptoms of cystitis may coincide with a number of diseases. The disease can be a consequence of other diseases, it is necessary laboratory diagnostics. A urologist or gynecologist will prescribe a PCR (polymerase chain reaction) test for infections, urine test for bacteriological culture . To accurately determine the progress of treatment, cytoscopy may be prescribed.

Cystitis can be treated in combination with restorative therapy. Therefore, reception vitamin complexes highly desirable.

Regimen for cystitis

Cystitis requires warming, bed rest is advisable. You need to review your diet and eliminate spicy, salty foods, alcohol, as well as coffee and cheese, and drink more fluids. Include cranberries in your diet Birch juice, mineral water, lingonberry juice.

During the period of illness, intimate relationships should be stopped.

Home treatments

How to treat cystitis at home worries everyone suffering from this disease. Effective help in drug treatment chronic or acute forms of cystitis will be water procedures at home. It is useful to take baths. The water temperature should not exceed 30 degrees Celsius. The procedure time is from 10 to 15 minutes. You can add herbal infusions of sage and horsetail to the water. Coniferous baths are suitable. They are made from dry powder of crushed pine needles or liquid concentrate.

At high blood pressure It is better to replace conventional baths with sitz baths. This way the load on the blood vessels and heart will be significantly less. Great effect at treatment of cystitis at homeprovides warming with dry heat. This can be done at home using a heating pad on the lower abdomen. Mustard plasters and paraffin applications are recommended.

Treatment for cystitis in women at homeYou can also support it with this old recipe. Crush the boiled potatoes in their jackets, put them in a bag and apply them to the lower abdomen. Try not to get burned. You can put a cloth napkin under the bag.

If you have transferredcystitis, treatment at home can be continued during a holiday at sea. Hot sand will warm up the pelvic area well. Even if you got rid of cystitis by summer, such a procedure will not be superfluous.

The doctor may also recommend do massage of the sacral area.Contraindications: warming procedures should not be performed, if cystitis in pregnant women, women with frequent uterine bleeding, during menstruation.

Drug treatment

Although medicinal drugs against cystitis are well known and most of them were taken by our grandmothers, trust the prescription better to the doctor, he will appoint something what will help . Each drug has specific properties and may be specifically contraindicated for you.

Effective treatment give:

  • Monural acts on all bladder bacteria. It should be taken once a day at night. Children under 5 years of age are not allowed;
  • Nolitsin. Broad-spectrum antibiotic. It is not absorbed into the blood and tissues of the body, collecting in urine. Not prescribed until age 18. Pregnant women can take it under strict medical supervision;
  • Furadonin has a rapid effect. On the second day, if have a drink medicine, it is felt that the disease is receding. But be prepared for the fact that the reception is accompanied by nausea;
  • Furagin has a mild effect. It is easier to tolerate, but the treatment period is longer.

Relieve the conditionPalin, tetracycline drugs, Amoxicillin, Nitroxaline will help. There are a number of preparations based on herbal substances. They will help cure cystitis : Urolesan, Cyston, Phytolysin, Monurel. The composition includes extracts of herbs and essential oils.

As an anesthetic for in the inflammatory process can be taken No-shpu, as well as anti-inflammatory drugs: Ibuprofen, Nurofen, Diclofenac.

To avoid side effects, consult a urologist or gynecologist.

Traditional medicine

There are many folk remedies against cystitis. Knowing their features, you can choose a suitable and not labor-intensive product to prepare. This will helpcure cystitis at home.


Garlic has antibacterial properties. It is used in the treatment of diseases, helpsget rid of cystitis quickly. An infusion with honey is prepared from it. Take two cloves and peel them, grate them or cut them with a knife, and put them in a thermos.

Add a liter of boiling water and let it brew for three hours, add a spoonful of honey, stir and strain. Take 100 grams every half hour; you should drink no more than a liter per day. The drug is contraindicated for gastrointestinal diseases.


For cystitis at homeyou can use a mixture of aloe and honey, it has no contraindications. Place large leaves in freezer for an hour, then grind in a meat grinder. Place in a saucepan and add a glass of water. Boil and pour in another 750 - cook for 30 minutes. Let it brew for 2-3 hours and strain everything through a layer of gauze. Add honey. Take 100 g every hour, it will helprelieve cystitis.

Herbal infusions

Herbal infusions will help in the treatment of cystitis.How to cure cystitis at home suggest recipes:

  • helps collection of bearberry leaves 30 g and garden parsley seeds 20 g. One tbsp. l. pour the collection into a glass cold water and leave to infuse for 6 hours, then boil for 10 minutes, strain. Drink in small sips throughout the day;
  • get treatment The composition will help: bearberry leaves 30 g, juniper fruits 20 g, horsetail grass 15 g, bean fruit leaves 15 g. 4 tbsp. l. spoons of the mixture pour 1 liter of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes, leave for 10 minutes, strain. Drink the decoction during the day;
  • inflammation is treated bladder in womena collection of plantain leaves 20 g, cinquefoil rhizome 15 g, horsetail herb 15 g. 1 tbsp. l. cook in two glasses of water for 10 minutes, leave and drink 1 glass warm in the afternoon. You can make an infusion of 1 tbsp. l. for two glasses of water, leave for 1 hour and accept in a glass, warm.

Decoctions and infusions

Treat cystitis at homeinfusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs will help. Recipes proven over centuries alleviate the condition and relieve illness.

It is not difficult to prepare decoctions and infusions:

  • for cystitis in womenThis decoction works well: pour 1 teaspoon of chopped calamus rhizome with a glass of boiling water. Leave for 20 minutes, strain. Take half a glass 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals;
  • one tbsp. l. pour 1 cup of boiling water over the hop cones, keep on fire for 5 minutes, strain. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day half an hour before meals;
  • cystitis at home can be cured by brewing a handful of chopped carrot tops in 0.5 liters of boiling water and leaving for one hour. Drink the infusion in 3-4 doses 30 minutes before meals;
  • treat cystitis at homeThis remedy will also help: 1 tbsp. l. Brew cloudberry leaves in a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Drink 50 ml as a diuretic 3-4 times a day;
  • Brew one tablespoon of dry or fresh chickweed herb (chickweed) like tea in a glass of boiling water. Drink half a glass 3-4 times a day. This will helpget rid of cystitis at homein acute form;
  • one tsp. Grind garden parsley seeds finely in a mortar or coffee grinder, brew with a glass of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, strain. Take 2 glasses of infusion in small portions throughout the day if a urine test shows the presence of protein;
  • Cystitis treated at home dill: dill seeds (1 part) pour water (20 parts), leave for 8 hours. Take before meals;
  • at frequent urination Corn silk will help. They are brewed like tea. Drink three times a day.

Herbal treatment is indicated for cystitis nursing mother , but only on the advice of a doctor.

Treatment with porridges

How to deal with cystitis at home Traditional healers know how to use porridge; this type of treatment has existed for a long time. Use millet, one tbsp. l. millet pour 1 tbsp. boiling water, cook over low heat for 10 minutes, leave for 5 minutes. They eat the medicine according to the following scheme:

  • on the first day 1 tbsp. l. every hour;
  • on the second day the dose is increased to 3 tbsp. l.;
  • starting from the third day, half a glass.

For treatment of cystitisit will take a week. Millet contains B vitamins and vitamin PP, a large number of macro- and microelements.

IN cure cystitis at home in womenYou can also try this recipe:After washing, pour half a glass of millet with a glass of boiling water for 20 minutes, grind until a cloudy solution is obtained, which should be taken half a glass for 2 weeks.

Get rid of cystitis foreverYou can, by following all the rules of hygiene, prevent hypothermia and strengthen your immune system.

Reading time: 4 minutes. Views 6

Bladder inflammation is a predominantly female disease. If urination begins to bring discomfort, it is urgent to take measures to counteract the disease. This article reports on the causes of cystitis and methods of treatment at home.


Inflammatory processes occur with the participation of microorganisms. Single-celled organisms are always present in the human body. They are in a complex, mutually beneficial relationship with the macroorganism, but are always ready to profit at its expense. A person with a strong immune system is protected from attack.

However, colds, unsanitary conditions, concomitant diseases such as untreated tonsillitis or carious teeth, and other unfavorable factors allow secondary microflora to provoke inflammation.

Urologist about cystitis: Do not buy expensive drugs, not all of them treat cystitis, I did research and found the most effective and cheapest remedy!

The predisposing causes of cystitis are listed below:

  1. Complicated pregnancy.
  2. Hypothermia, physical overload on critical days.
  3. Tight underwear.
  4. Smoking.
  5. Binge eating.
  6. and delicacies.

Quick treatment of cystitis at home

Quick treatment of inflammation of the urinary bladder at home is possible if the following conditions are met:

  • gentle regime;
  • diet;
  • folk remedies.

Gentle mode

You cannot work if cystitis occurs. The first step before starting treatment should be a visit to your doctor. In severe cases, hospitalization will be suggested. But, most often, the matter will be limited to issuing a sick leave certificate and recommendations for outpatient treatment, an option of which is therapeutic procedures at home.

A gentle regime means, first of all, a warm bathroom, which you will have to visit often. Your feet should be wearing slippers or woolen socks, and contact with cold floors should be prevented. During treatment you should leave bad habits, stop smoking, intimate relationships and drinking alcohol.

Can't show physical activity, you need to spend more time in bed. You will have to switch to a special diet and fluid intake.

To cure cystitis, you need to get rid of bad habits


Nutrition for cystitis performs the following functions:

  1. Provides sufficient energy consumption necessary to carry out physiological functions and fight disease.
  2. It has a diuretic effect, which helps remove inflammatory products and microbes from the excretory system.
  3. Does not contain components that irritate the kidneys and urinary tract and contribute to the formation of stones.
  4. Prevents constipation.

Therefore, you should exclude the following dishes from your diet:

  • fried, salted, smoked;
  • spicy, fatty, sour;
  • meat, fish, peas, beans, milk, other high-protein products;
  • Sugar and other sweets.

You also need to decide on drinks. It is recommended for an adult to drink 2...2.5 liters of liquid, excluding the moisture contained in food. Beer, coffee, cocoa, and tea should not be consumed during an exacerbation.

Heat treatment

For cystitis, it is advisable, with the approval of a doctor, to use a sitz bath with heated water. The procedure should not last more than 20 minutes. It is contraindicated for pregnant women, those suffering hypertension, as well as on critical days. An alternative to water methods of heat treatment is to apply a heating pad to the source of pain.

Drug therapy

Parenteral medications are not suitable for home use, so this section discusses the following dosage forms:

  • oral;
  • rectal;
  • vaginal.

Oral forms

Antibiotics, antispasmodics, anti-inflammatory and painkillers, as well as herbal medicines are in demand. Among them are the following means:

  1. No-Shpa.
  2. Baralgin.

Rectal suppositories

Such dosage form has advantages over oral. The active ingredients are absorbed faster and do not have a negative effect on the intestinal walls and its beneficial microflora. Rectal suppositories are universal. They can be used for women, children, as well as men. The most well known are the following.

  • antibiotics;
  • antispasmodics and painkillers;
  • immunostimulants and vitamins;
  • UHF, iontophoresis, inductometry.

During the treatment period, it is necessary to maintain a drinking regime, drink 2–3 liters of liquid per day (preference is given to compotes of cranberries, raspberries, lingonberries and dried fruits). For severe pain, apply a warm heating pad to the lower abdomen.

Hemorrhagic cystitis

To prescribe an adequate one, it is necessary to conduct an examination: general analysis and urine culture, cystoscopy, ultrasound of the pelvic organs. Treatment of this form of cystitis must be comprehensive, therefore the following is prescribed:

  • broad-spectrum antibiotics;
  • baths with antiseptic solutions;
  • diet:
  • non-traditional remedies (taking decoctions and infusions).

Folk recipe for treatment: grind dill seeds, 1 tbsp. l. pour 200 ml of water into the mixture and let it brew for 2 hours. Before use, the infusion must be mixed and drunk along with the sediment.


The doctor prescribes antibacterial drugs, instillations (introduction medicines into the bladder, allowing to relieve the exacerbation). They also restore the vaginal microflora. Often, an examination of the sexual partner is required, and subsequently treatment. The course of therapy lasts up to 3 weeks. During this period, a woman is strictly forbidden to become hypothermic, sex life without barrier contraceptives. After 3 months, it is recommended to undergo a preventive course of treatment (if necessary).


For treatment, it is necessary to determine the cause and eliminate it. Based on the factor that influenced the development of the disease, medications are prescribed and a treatment regimen is developed:

  • antibacterial therapy;
  • antiviral therapy;
  • antispasmodics and painkillers;
  • immunotherapy;
  • phytotherapy.

During the treatment period you should abstain from sexual intercourse.

Cystitis with blood

This form of the disease can and should be cured. The main thing is to start treatment in time under the supervision of doctors:

  • if the cause of cystitis is bacteria, then antibiotics and drugs to enhance immunity are prescribed;
  • if the onset of the disease is influenced by a fungus, then antifungal drugs are prescribed;
  • if the cause is medications, they are changed to others;
  • if the disease is accompanied by severe pain, antispasmodics are necessary.

During treatment you need to follow a diet, drinking and bed rest.

Treatment with medications

Treatment of cystitis requires the use of antiseptics, among which the following drugs have received recognition:

  • Nolicilin (an antibiotic of the fluoroquinol group, has an antimicrobial effect, take 1 tablet 2 times a day for 3–6 days);
  • Palin (an antiseptic of the quinolone group, is a barrier to the development of microbes);
  • Monural (antibiotic, fights staphylococcus, streptococcus, enterococcus and E. coli, a one-time dose of the drug is required);
  • Nitroxoline (a group of hydroxyquinolines, course of treatment up to 3-4 weeks with breaks).

For pain relief, Nurofen, Diclofenac, Baralgin, No-shpu are prescribed.

For quick and effective treatment of cystitis use:

  • Biseptol (used for various stages of the disease);
  • Canephron (herbal remedy, relieves inflammation);
  • Cyston (herbal medicine, relieves spasms and inflammation, has a diuretic effect).
  • Furadonin (uroantiseptic, improvement occurs on the second day, course of treatment up to 10 days).

Antibiotics for cystitis are prescribed to fight bacteria. The doctor must monitor the treatment process; the drug is chosen depending on the clinical picture and the results of bacterial culture. The most common antibiotics for cystitis: Furagin, Rulid, Nolitsin, Nevigramon.


Furadonin is used for acute and chronic cystitis. Refers to inexpensive drugs. The tablets must be taken 2-4 times a day every day for a week. In some cases, the course of treatment may take a longer period. This drug is based on nitrofurantoin.


Tsiprolet is a very popular antibiotic for cystitis, since most organisms are sensitive to it. The drug not only inhibits the development of bacteria, but also completely eliminates them. Tsiprolet successfully fights E. coli, which leads to faster recovery and this is an undoubted advantage of the tablets, since it does not become addictive active substance medicines.


Flemoxin solutab (Amoxicillin) is an antibiotic that belongs to the class of penicillins. Destroys many harmful microorganisms (staphylococcus, streptococcus, E. coli).


Amoxicillin is an antibiotic with a bactericidal effect. The drug successfully destroys different kinds bacteria (staphylococcus, streptococcus, gonococcus, meningococcus, E. coli, salmonella, shigella, klebsiella). An antibiotic prevents bacteria from multiplying and prevents their growth. The dosage is determined by the attending physician; on average, for adults it is 500 mg 3 times a day.


Cystitis cannot be cured without taking antibiotics in most cases. Sometimes patients are prescribed Levomecitin. The regimen and dosage of treatment with the drug is developed by the doctor, based on individual characteristics. The average daily dose is 4 tablets, up to 10 days. The drug has a large number of side effects, so it is rarely used in urology.


Cystitis is often accompanied by pain. To eliminate these unpleasant sensations, you need to take No-shpa - it is an antispasmodic that has a long-lasting effect. It reduces pain in the lumbar region and heaviness in the abdomen.


Popular drugs among homeopathic medicines:

  • Spanish fly (pain reliever, relieves burning sensation);
  • Emetic nut (eliminates attacks of spasms);
  • Tiger lily (helps with painful urination);
  • Caustic soda (eliminates frequent urge to urination and allows you to go to the toilet normally);
  • Borax (if the cause of cystitis is Candida fungus);
  • Staphysagria (prescribed for exacerbation of symptoms after sexual intercourse).


Uroantiseptics are widely used to treat cystitis. They prevent the spread of urogenital infection to neighboring organs, and also destroy pathogens and prevent exacerbations of chronic diseases. The main uroseptics that are used for cystitis are glycopeptides, fluoroquinols, sulfonamides, penicillins, cephalosporins, tetracyclines, derivatives of quinolones, nitrofuran, naphthyridine.

Uroantiseptics also include medicinal plants: bearberry, lingonberry, cranberry, chamomile, St. John's wort. Tinctures, infusions, decoctions and teas are prepared from them for the treatment of cystitis.

It is important to understand that when treating cystitis you need to show maximum endurance. Treatment with herbs alone will not bring results: you can relieve pain symptoms, but the inflammatory process will continue. This will ultimately lead to the disease becoming chronic. It will be very difficult to cure her.

Prevention of cystitis in women

To avoid illness, you must follow some rules:

  • move more (stimulate blood circulation in the pelvis);
  • do not use products for intimate hygiene containing flavorings;
  • do not hold back your urine, go to the toilet on time;
  • after defecation, wash with warm water;
  • take a shower before sexual intercourse;
  • wear cotton underwear.


Your diet should consist of natural products, and you should reduce the consumption of foods containing preservatives, GMOs and dyes to a minimum. It is strictly forbidden to drink alcoholic beverages, coffee and tea if you have cystitis. Avoid salty, fried, smoked, sour and spicy foods. It is advisable to consume more cranberries, watermelon, melons, cucumbers, pumpkins, dairy and fermented milk products, buckwheat and oatmeal, bran bread, cranberry and lingonberry fruit drinks.

During pregnancy

The main symptoms of cystitis during pregnancy are:

  • cloudy urine;
  • acquiring an unpleasant smell of urine;
  • general lethargy, poor health, fever.

Cystitis in women while pregnant is treated with antibiotics (Monural, Amoxislav), instillations (boric acid, medicinal oils), and anti-inflammatory drugs (Canephron).

When breastfeeding

If cystitis occurs during breastfeeding, a woman needs to drink more fluids (give preference cranberry juice and mineral still water). Apply a warm heating pad and do sitz baths. The drugs that are often prescribed are Canephron and Phytolysin.

If the disease is accompanied by bleeding, intoxication, elevated temperature, you can’t do without antibiotics: Cefazolin, Cefuroxime, Monural.

In older women

The treatment regimen for cystitis in elderly women is not much different from the main therapy. Prescribed drugs that:

  • destroy the source of infection;
  • eliminate inflammation.

It is also important to follow a diet and drink plenty of fluids.

If severe cystitis occurs in an elderly woman, it is considered a complicated form. For treatment, it is necessary to take antibacterial drugs, anti-inflammatory, diuretic teas and antispasmodics.


If cystitis is not treated or treatment is interrupted, the inflammation will spread higher - pyelonephritis will occur. In severe cases, it leads to the development of chronic renal failure. Also, inflammation of the bladder and urethra can spread to the vagina.

At the first signs of cystitis, it is imperative to determine whether the disease is a consequence of problems with the kidneys or genitals. There is no need to be afraid of this disease, although it is characterized by severe pain when urinating. With the right approach and proper use of home treatment methods, you can cope with the disease quickly.