Lingonberry leaf and cranberry juice during pregnancy. How and why to use lingonberry leaf during pregnancy Cowberry leaf during pregnancy contraindications

During the period of expectation of a child, many expectant mothers are faced with puffiness. Pregnancy is not compatible with the use of medicinal diuretics, and most doctors recommend lingonberry leaf for use. The range of effects of lingonberries and its leaves on the body is quite contradictory, and before using herbal medicine during pregnancy, you should carefully study the principle of action, properties and contraindications for use.

What is useful lingonberry leaf for pregnant women

lingonberry leaf during pregnancy, as a rule, it is used as a diuretic for moderate edema, but, in addition to the diuretic, the plant has a number of other useful properties:

  • acts as a mild choleretic agent for stagnation of bile in pregnant women;
  • lingonberries help with a deficiency of vitamins C and E (lack of the latter adversely affects pregnancy) - about vitamin E during pregnancy;
  • a decoction of lingonberry leaves reduces the likelihood of exacerbation of gastritis in the second trimester;
  • cranberries have a strengthening effect on the vascular system;
  • effectively relieves swelling.

Cowberry leaf during pregnancy is usually used in the 2nd and 3rd trimester, when the likelihood of swelling is highest. Often during these weeks, expectant mothers experience swelling of the upper and lower extremities, which is due to the increased content of progesterone in the body. This hormone makes it difficult for sodium to escape, causing the body to swell. In three out of five cases, a decoction of lingonberry leaf prevents the appearance of internal edema, which can provoke a miscarriage and disturbances in the development of the fetus. With severe swelling of the internal tissues, pregnancy passes with complications and may be interrupted.

Important! Lingonberries contain a number of trace elements necessary for the successful course of pregnancy, such as potassium, magnesium, manganese and iron. The balanced content of vitamins and microelements in the plant activates the protective functions of the body, so the decoction is often used at the first signs of acute respiratory infections. Lingonberry leaf should be taken with caution, if there is a threat of miscarriage, then the decoction is contraindicated.

Often, swelling during pregnancy is accompanied by severe and painful constipation, and here lingonberries come to the rescue. If the delay in defecation lasts more than two days, it is recommended to drink lingonberry leaf along with cabbage juice, in a ratio of 1: 1.

In addition, lingonberries are rich in B vitamins, as a result of which it helps in the fight against depressive conditions during pregnancy.

How to prepare a decoction of lingonberry leaf

Lingonberry leaf is sold in almost every pharmacy, but the method of application is not always indicated on the package. Important! Do not confuse decoction with tea. If pregnancy is accompanied by edema, then you can drink lingonberry leaf only after boiling. Before use, it is recommended to rinse the leaves with settled water. The broth is prepared in the proportion of 1 tbsp. dried leaves per 125 ml. water. It is good if the leaves are in boiling water for at least half an hour. For cooking, you can use a water bath, but full boiling is considered optimal. After decanting, the lingonberry leaf is infused for at least 12 hours in a dry and dark place.

Another recipe for making a decoction involves pre-cooling. The washed lingonberry leaf is placed in the refrigerator for several hours, after which the decoction is prepared in the usual way for 30-40 minutes.

Pregnancy is a condition with a high risk of high blood sugar, so do not add honey or sugar to the decoction.

Important! Lingonberry leaf should be boiled exclusively over low heat.

How to take during pregnancy

Cowberry leaf from edema should not be taken for more than a week. The decoction should be drunk warm. If, in addition to the extremities, the edema has also spread to the face, then it is better to take the lingonberry leaf hot. How to take a decoction depends on the phase in which the pregnancy is. Instructions for use provide only generalized information without taking into account individual features so the following factors should be taken into account:

  • trimester (in the third trimester of pregnancy, lingonberry leaf is taken in minimal doses);
  • blood pressure (lingonberries are not recommended for low rates) - about hypertension during pregnancy;
  • multiple pregnancy (in case of multiple pregnancy, consultation with a doctor is necessary before using the phytopreparation);
  • edema in severe form (lingonberry leaf is able to relieve edema only in the initial and middle stages, the unsystematic use of a decoction with severe edema can only do harm).

Lingonberries have a rather mild effect on the body, however, the concentration of nutrients per 100 g of broth is very high, so you need to strictly adhere to the following rules:

  1. With edema, lingonberry leaf should be drunk in small sips of 150 ml. three times a day after meals.
  2. If the pregnancy proceeds with complications, the decoction should not be taken more than 2 times a day.
  3. With constipation and discomfort in the intestines, the decoction is drunk before meals, 100 ml three times a day.
  4. If pregnancy is accompanied by severe depression, the decoction is drunk 3 hours before bedtime with a small addition of mint (1:1). Important! The drink is contraindicated for use after 30 weeks!

Pregnancy is often accompanied by bouts of nausea and discomfort in the stomach, in which case the decoction must be drunk strictly before meals, adding a few drops to it. lemon juice. Since lingonberries contain more than a dozen minerals, any of the components can be rejected by the body, then the decoction should be stopped.

Lingonberries have a strong diuretic effect, so the decoction should not be drunk before going to bed and should not be washed down with regular tea. It is not advisable to combine the product with other herbs, green tea, orange juice and valerian root.

What are the dangers and contraindications at different times

Even an uncomplicated pregnancy requires increased caution when using herbal medicine. In the first trimester, when the formation of the vital organs of the child takes place, lingonberries can cause an exacerbation of toxicosis, allergic reactions and diarrhea. Despite being rich vitamin complex, the plant cannot be the main source of nutrients for the unborn baby, and the abuse of the decoction can lead to intoxication. Pregnancy for short periods is often accompanied by drops in blood pressure, lowering it, lingonberries can harm the blood supply to the fetus.

In the second trimester, a slight swelling often appears, but this is not a reason to immediately apply lingonberry leaf. By week 16, the child has already formed not only tactile, but also taste sensations, and sometimes herbal teas provoke increased excitability of the baby. Most often, lingonberries are prescribed during this period, if the doctor noticed a tendency to inflammatory processes in organism. At the end of the second trimester, lingonberry leaf is recommended in cases severe edema hands, feet and face of the expectant mother - what to do with swelling of the legs during pregnancy.

The greatest danger of lingonberries is in the third trimester. The use of a decoction can cause an increased tone of the uterus, if pregnancy is accompanied by a threat of miscarriage, then the use of herbal medicine is prohibited. Often after taking a decoction for later dates the pregnant woman feels tension in the lower abdomen, the muscles harden, the child begins to move more actively. With such symptoms, the decoction should be stopped. Increased uterine tone can lead to premature birth and harm the baby. Lingonberries have many properties that are not fully understood, so if the pregnancy is in the last phase, the decoction can be drunk a maximum of once a day.

Cowberry is rightfully considered a medicinal plant, however, during pregnancy, the body's reaction to phytotherapy is unpredictable and depends on its individual characteristics, and an overdose can not only adversely affect the baby, but also cause abortion.

The benefits of lingonberries during pregnancy are undeniable and obvious. This northern berry is a real storehouse of vitamins needed expectant mother and her baby. But getting fresh lingonberries in most regions of central Russia can be difficult, while lingonberry leaves can be bought at any pharmacy without any problems. Is it possible for pregnant women to use lingonberry leaves and how to do it, this article will tell.

Is it possible or not?

The answer to this question, alas, a woman has to find on her own. Even among doctors there is no consensus on whether it is permissible to use lingonberry leaves during childbearing. If the question of lingonberry berries does not even arise - they are allowed and encouraged, then the lingonberry leaf is an ambiguous medicinal raw material.

Lingonberry leaves are mainly used in medicine as an anti-inflammatory and diuretic, are widely used in urology.

However, the World Health Organization does not recommend this remedy to pregnant women, despite the fact that there is no direct prohibition on this in the instructions for the drug.

Russian doctors do not have a unanimous opinion on this matter. Some do not object to the pregnant woman drinking a decoction of lingonberry leaves and adding them to tea, while others support the global opinion and forbid this herbal raw material to their patients. Therefore, before making a decision, it is worth consulting with your doctor, listening to his opinion and making a decision based on all the information received.

Benefits for expectant mothers

During pregnancy, large-scale changes take place in a woman's body, many changes are triggered and controlled by the hormone progesterone, a very important substance for bearing a baby. However, this hormone has an unpleasant side effect - it retains fluid in the intercellular space, and therefore women often develop edema. It is from edema that lingonberry leaf can help. This is an excellent diuretic, which can be taken not only for edema, but also for cystitis, pyelonephritis.

The leaves of the northern berry not only have the ability to cause increased urination, but also disinfect the urinary tract.

This effect is achieved due to the content in the leaves of a special substance - arbutin. There is this substance in the berries, but in the leaves it is several times more.

Arbutin acts directly on the kidney parenchyma, causing this paired organ to produce more urine. And already in the composition of the urine, the substance passes through the urinary tract and conducts control disinfection.

If a woman decides that she will not take lingonberry leaves during pregnancy, then other ways of using it should be considered. Cowberry leaf has excellent aseptic properties, and therefore it can be used to prepare a decoction for gargling with colds, sore throats, as well as for rinsing the mouth with stomatitis, periodontal disease.

In the presence of pustular rash, acne, wounds, scratches and burns, you can use this decoction local treatment of the skin.

Traditional medicine ascribes another property to the lingonberry leaf - reduce high temperature. To do this, however, you will have to brew it and drink it, if your doctor and you yourself do not mind taking the remedy inside.

Other indications

The instructions for use attached to the pharmacy plant raw materials indicate other conditions and ailments in which, on the recommendation of a doctor, a lingonberry leaf can be prescribed as part of complex therapy. It means that the remedy cannot act as the only remedy and rather has an auxiliary function.

Cowberry leaf, in addition to diuretic properties, has an astringent effect, promotes the production of bile, shows activity against a dangerous microbe - Staphylococcus aureus. If for some reason a woman is prescribed broad-spectrum antibiotics, then their simultaneous intake with a decoction or lingonberry leaf tea enhances the effect of antibacterial drugs.

It is believed that this plant material can regulate nitrogen metabolism and enhance immunity by increasing phagocytosis.

Based on this, a lingonberry leaf can be recommended for pregnant women with nephropathy, gonorrhea, arthritis, spondylosis. Additionally, it may be recommended to drink from a lingonberry leaf for pneumonia, bronchitis, antacid gastritis and hepatitis.

Potential harm and contraindications

Cowberry leaf can only be considered a means traditional medicine, and all because the concentration of arbutin in it is so high that it is comparable to a conventional pharmaceutical product. Most other medicinal plants cannot boast the same concentrations of active ingredients. On the one hand, this is an advantage, because lingonberry leaves are very effective, on the other hand, even a slight excess of the dosage can cause severe intoxication with arbutin.

But the specialists of the World Health Organization, who in the monograph noted the lingonberry leaf as an undesirable product for pregnant women, substantiated their recommendations not even with this, but with the stimulating effect of arbutin.

Independent and unauthorized attempts to be treated with lingonberry leaf for cystitis or edema can result in a miscarriage or premature birth, since this active substance can increase the tone of the smooth muscles of the uterus.

Another danger lies in the presence of hydroquinone. This substance can cause severe poisoning. Clinical trials have confirmed intoxication in laboratory animals. On humans, and even more so on pregnant women, such tests, of course, were not carried out. However, the presence of hydroquinone should alert and make a woman more attentive to the use of such potent herbal preparations as lingonberry leaf.

It is completely forbidden to use lingonberry leaves for women under the following circumstances.

  • Aggravated allergic history- previously there were cases of inadequate immune response to plants, pollen.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, associated with high acidity of gastric juice.
  • The presence of urolithiasis in history. The pronounced diuretic effect of lingonberry leaves can lead to a violation of the static nature of stones, their movement, which can severely injure the ureters.
  • The presence of hypotension low blood pressure under the influence of lingonberry leaf can become even lower, which will lead to a deterioration in the well-being of a pregnant woman.

The general benefit from the use of lingonberry leaves, according to most doctors, does not exceed the potential harm, and therefore the use of this remedy requires strict medical indications and should be carried out under the supervision of specialists.

Are there time limits?

It is believed that on early dates it is undesirable for pregnant women to take lingonberry leaf, since it is during this period that the risks of miscarriage and violations of fetal formation are increased. However, this limitation is rather arbitrary. And sometimes, if a woman has indications, the doctor can prescribe a remedy in a well-defined dosage.

Late in the third trimester, lingonberry leaves are strongly discouraged for women., since its use can indirectly affect the onset of premature labor.

There are no restrictions at any gestational age on the external use of decoctions and water infusions plant leaves. A woman can wash herself with a decoction, gargle her throat or mouth, make lotions on wounds without fear at any time.

In all cases when there is a need for a diuretic, it is better to consult a doctor, because there are safer herbal and medicines from cystitis, edema, and they can be recommended to the expectant mother if necessary.

What will be the effect of lingonberry leaves depends on how correctly a woman can brew and take it. This herbal raw material is not a remedy for the prevention of ailments, it should not be taken just like that, in the absence of health problems. Uncontrolled and irresponsible use is fraught with extremely unpleasant consequences for a woman and her unborn child.

The taste of the drink, which is obtained from lingonberry leaves, is not the most pleasant, bitter. You can’t drink a lot of it, and this is probably for the best, with such a taste it will be more difficult to get an overdose. But when preparing a drink, it is recommended to observe the proportions.

For oral use, one tablespoon of vegetable raw materials should take a glass of boiling water. Do not fill the leaf with boiling water immediately. In order to preserve as many useful substances as possible in the composition, it is worth pouring the raw materials with water, which stood for about 5 minutes at room temperature after boiling. You need to insist the remedy under the lid for at least a quarter of an hour, then strain and cool. For cystitis and edema, it is recommended to take half a glass half an hour before meals in the morning and evening.

The total allowable amount of lingonberry leaf decoction for a pregnant woman according to indications is no more than a glass per day.

To prepare a product for external use, it is recommended to double the amount of vegetable raw materials. When rinsing your mouth or throat it is important to ensure that there is no swallowing of concentrated infusion.

Water infusion can be prepared in a water bath, in a thermos. The longer the lingonberry leaves with boiling water stay in it, the more saturated the remedy will turn out. It is better to prepare it in this way during pregnancy for external use and rinsing the mouth and throat.

Release form and price

Lingonberry leaf in pharmacies is sold in packs of 50 and 25 grams. It all depends on the specific manufacturer. There are crushed raw materials and ground into powder. For those who do not like to brew dry grass, release forms are offered in the form of filter bags of 1.5 grams each. Their cost is low - from 55 rubles per pack.

The product must be poured into a linen bag or glass container and stored in a dry place. without access to direct sunlight. Ultraviolet destroys medicinal properties plants.

The leaf and berries of lingonberries have long been extremely popular because of their healing properties in the treatment of many ailments. This plant is a good bile and diuretic, used in the treatment of dental diseases and vitamin deficiencies, diseases of the lower respiratory tract, arthritis, hepatitis and gastritis, strengthens capillaries and blood vessels, and also has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, diuretic, astringent, demineralizing properties.

That is why every woman used to strive to prepare berries grated with sugar and dried lingonberry leaves for the winter. After all, everyone gets sick, and especially often - children.

Every doctor treats differently

During pregnancy, lingonberry leaf is most often used as a diuretic for nephropathy and the treatment of urinary tract infections. Also, lingonberry leaf is prescribed to future mothers who suffer.

But this question remains one of the many medical questions that are incomprehensible to us: is it possible to take lingonberry leaf during pregnancy or not?

Some doctors categorically forbid this, referring to the fact that this plant is able to tone the uterus. Others explain that starting from the 28th week it is quite possible to resort to this folk remedy against . But there are still others who are convinced that with the right dosage and method of application, the lingonberry leaf is absolutely safe and even useful for mom and baby at any stage of pregnancy. Moreover, this remedy is considered quite easy.

There can be only one advice here: trust your doctor. Otherwise, find another whose recommendations you will carry out with a calm heart.

How to use lingonberry leaf during pregnancy?

On the package with lingonberry leaf there will certainly be a cooking recipe medicinal decoction and instructions for use. However, if the doctor prescribes a decoction of lingonberry leaves for you, do not hesitate to ask him how to prepare and take the drug so as not to harm yourself and the baby.

Usually, pregnant women are prescribed 200 ml of decoction per day - 50 ml in 4 divided doses or 200 ml in two divided doses. A decoction is prepared at the rate of 1 teaspoon of dried leaves per glass of water.


In combination with other herbs, the diuretic effect of lingonberry leaf is enhanced, herbalists say. However, be careful when applying fees, because tracking the body's reaction to each of its constituent herbs is very difficult, if not impossible. In addition, you cannot be sure that absolutely all of the components are safe to use during the period of bearing a child.

Keep in mind that a lingonberry leaf is medicinal plant. And it can be used only as prescribed by a doctor and under his control. You should not prescribe it yourself and even more so recommend it to others.

If you are not sure about the safety of using lingonberry leaf during pregnancy, use other tips to reduce puffiness. For example, try to be less on your feet, raise them above body level more often, control the liquid you drink. After consulting with your doctor, you can practice kefir-curd - useful in every sense. Or ask your doctor for another effective method.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

From Guest

Cowberries didn’t help me with edema at all and didn’t cure cystitis either. From edema and cystitis, kanefron helped well, only she ran to the toilet, but she became like a person, and not like an elephant)))

Unfortunately, a wide range of drugs cannot be used to treat an expectant mother. An excellent substitute for pills and injections can be lingonberries during pregnancy - “a drop of immortality” (popular name).

Pregnancy transforms a woman's body for optimal gestation. The volume of circulating blood increases by 50%. The cardiovascular system and kidneys may not be able to cope, swelling occurs, and the level of blood pressure rises. The entire arsenal of vitamins, microelements goes into the formation of a new organism, which can lead to a lack of nutrients and a weakening of the immunity of the expectant mother. Symptomatic therapy is required.

The taiga bush is a treasure trove of vitamins, many useful amino acids and a variety of trace elements. During pregnancy, the use of lingonberries in the second and third trimester does not harm the fetus, if there are no contraindications. Infusion of leaves has a diuretic effect, eliminates excess fluid in the body. Edema goes away, blood pressure decreases.

How useful lingonberries for pregnant women will show it chemical composition. Medical and beneficial features lingonberry fruit is higher than in leaves. During pregnancy, berries will be a great treat.

Acids and vitamins determine the taste of berries. The leaves contain linoleic acid, which has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart muscle, blood vessels and kidneys. With their help, the processes of cell renewal take place more actively. The gallic acid of the leaves is awarded with antitumor properties. The seeds contain lipids that are easily digestible.

  1. Ascorbic (C). It has an anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory antiviral effect. Strengthens the wall of blood vessels. Indispensable during colds.
  2. Benzoic acid. Serves as a powerful antiseptic.
  3. Ursolovaya. Present in the skin of berries, serves as an anti-stress component.
  4. Folic (B9). Without it, complete protein synthesis is impossible, which is essential for the growth and development of the child.
  5. Kikotinovaya (PP). Improves tissue blood flow, lowers cholesterol, takes part in protein synthesis.
  6. Vitamin A. Carrots are losing ground in terms of its content. Perfectly supports vision, skin condition, beauty of the future mother's hair.
  7. Tocopherol (E). Increases immune defense, strengthens cell walls. Necessary for the synthesis of placental proteins, favorably affects the tone of the uterus.
  8. Vitamins of group B. Necessary for the formation of the nervous system of the unborn child, stabilize the emotional state and protect against depression.

In frozen form and during heat treatment, the structure and properties of acids and vitamins are not disturbed. This allows you to stock up on wonderful berries for the winter and cook healthy fruit drinks all year round.

Micronutrients and carbohydrates

Sugars in the form of glucose, fructose make up 10% of the composition and are quickly absorbed. They will not harm women with diabetes.

  1. Iron. While carrying a child, some women suffer from anemia. This element is necessary for the synthesis of hemoglobin, an oxygen carrier.
  2. calcium and phosphorus. Irreplaceable components for maintaining the health of teeth, bones of a woman in position.
  3. Potassium. Necessary for the proper functioning of the heart and muscles.
  4. Magnesium. It has a good effect on intestinal motility, relieving a pregnant woman from a violation of the act of defecation.

Is it possible to lingonberries during pregnancy

To understand whether a berry is safe or not, you need to understand its beneficial effects and familiarize yourself with a number of contraindications. It is important to observe the proportions in the preparation of decoctions, infusions during the period of bearing a child.

Useful properties of lingonberry leaves and fruits

Is it possible for pregnant lingonberries, an obstetrician-gynecologist is able to determine. Because in the early stages of pregnancy it is better to abandon any treatment with lingonberries.

  1. The magic berry has a diuretic effect, which means that the load on the heart is reduced. Treatment of edema is especially important after the 30th week of bearing a child. For this purpose, pregnant women can use cranberries or lingonberries, the doctor decides.
  2. Normalization of blood pressure.
  3. Antiseptic effect is necessary for the prevention and treatment of cystitis, pyelonephritis during pregnancy.
  4. Choleretic effect.
  5. Prevention and treatment of iron deficiency anemia.
  6. Cold remedy. Helps with coughing, reduces body temperature, causes a sweat-inducing effect.
  7. General strengthening effect due to the variety of vitamins.
  8. Activation of metabolism, stimulates the work of the endocrine glands.
  9. Neutralization of toxic substances, removal of salts of heavy metals.
  10. Performance improvement digestive system, the berry has a mild laxative effect.
  11. Anti-inflammatory effect on the joints of the lower extremities and the lumbosacral spine.
  12. Maintenance good mood and tranquility.

Early intake of red fruits helps to prevent the formation of edema.

Contraindications for the use of cranberries

Due to the high content of acids in berries, it cannot be used when hyperacidity stomach. The use of lingonberries is prohibited in the following cases:

  1. Allergic reaction, although the berry is the most hypoallergenic.
  2. Renal failure.
  3. Urolithiasis disease. Stones may move and cause pain.
  4. Cholecystitis.
  5. Violation of blood clotting.
  6. Ulcerative diseases of the stomach and duodenum.
  7. Low blood pressure. The harm of lingonberries during pregnancy will be the occurrence of fainting.
  8. Diarrhea.

It is necessary to monitor the general condition, the level of pressure, the reaction to the use of the berry "medicine". With a deterioration in health indicators, immediately stop using lingonberries for pregnant women.

How to use lingonberries during pregnancy

In order to maintain the health of the expectant mother, all parts of the shrub are used. The fruits are best consumed fresh. Cowberry leaves are used to prepare infusions, decoctions, which are excellent for edema during pregnancy.

In any case, the taiga beauty has a large amount of vitamins, which is especially valuable for expectant mothers.

A decoction of lingonberry leaves

A great way to get rid of edema, cleanse the urinary system.

Is it possible to drink a decoction of lingonberry leaves in the early stages of pregnancy, any doctor will answer no. Because it is able to increase the tone of the uterus and cause a miscarriage.

Lingonberry leaves can be bought at a pharmacy, where there will be instructions and methods of use during pregnancy. We need fresh dried leaves, they contain the largest amount of biologically active substances. Exists classic recipe decoction preparation:

  • Pour 3 tablespoons of leaves with 500 ml of boiling water.
  • The resulting infusion is heated for 20 minutes in an enameled container.
  • Leave for 45 minutes, strain through a strainer.
  • Replenish the initial volume of water with boiling water.

A decoction of lingonberry leaves not only eliminates puffiness during pregnancy, but is also a general tonic during colds.

Infusion of lingonberry leaves

The tool very well reduces pressure, improves the well-being of women with hypoacid gastritis. And also brewed leaves will help with rinsing the mouth and throat with stomatitis and tonsillitis. The pharmacy chain has filter bags with crushed leaves, which facilitates the preparation of lingonberry infusion.

There is a collection in bags, where the main component is lingonberry leaf - Brusniver. Other components:

  • dog-rose fruit;
  • St. John's wort;
  • succession.

How to brew lingonberry leaf during pregnancy

If packaged form, then 1 pc. pour a glass of boiling water, cover with a lid. Holding time - 15 minutes.

How to take an infusion of lingonberry leaves from edema during pregnancy

The prepared infusion should be taken only after eating ½ cup 3 times a day.

Cowberry berries

Red berries are suitable for replenishing the reserve of vitamins and microelements. Many benefits are found in fresh fruits (from the bush). Cowberry juice is very valuable, which restores immunity well during a cold. Serve as a measure to prevent uterine bleeding.

Is it possible to eat lingonberries during pregnancy

Yes, if there are no contraindications. I can add years to cottage cheese, cereals, salads. The fruits are very nutritious and low in calories. The only caveat is not to eat berries on an empty stomach.

Vitamin salad recipe

Pour a handful of berries into a plate and pour st. l. honey. Leave for 20 minutes. While the fruits are aging, it is necessary to grate fresh carrots and turnips. Add vegetables to the berries, mix and you can use.

Recipe "Cowberry marmalade on agar"

A very light sweet and sour and safe dessert.


  • lingonberries - 200 g;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 140 ml;
  • agar - 1.5 tsp

Cooking process:

  • Grind the washed berries, strain. Get a thick puree and juice.
  • Mix water (100 ml) and puree.
  • pour agar cold water(40 ml) and wait 15 minutes.
  • Pour sugar into the bottom of the pan.
  • Add lingonberry juice, heat to a boil.
  • Boil 30 seconds.
  • In seconds, add the remaining mass of lingonberries, mix, pour into molds.
  • Leave at room temperature for 4-5 hours.
  • Dessert is ready.

Juice and fruit drink from berries

These drinks are very refreshing and rich in trace elements and vitamins. If you have a juicer, you can prepare a variety of juices with the addition of vegetables, fruits (carrots, beets, apples, etc.). The daily norm of juice is 2 glasses.

It is more difficult to prepare fruit drinks, but there is a simple recipe for lingonberry juice during pregnancy, which will help with swelling.

  • It is necessary to take a glass of berries, wash, mash with a fork.
  • Add 2 cups of water.
  • Cook until boiling.
  • Insist.
  • Strain warm cranberry drink.
  • Sweeten.

Cowberry juice during pregnancy can be modified into compote. Lingonberries, like many berries, go well with dried fruits. You get a great drink. A good tandem is formed by combining lingonberries with herbs (mint, sage, chamomile, etc.). Honey can be added to improve the taste.


The body of the expectant mother needs special care and attention. During this period, the safest natural remedies, which include berries and lingonberry leaves. A high concentration of nutrients allows you to maintain health and beauty, help with many diseases. How to take lingonberries for a future mother, are there any restrictions and contraindications?

The composition of the leaves and fruits of cranberries

Almost all parts of the shrub have useful properties in lingonberries. The main value of berries is the high content of vitamins A, C, B and E. They have an increased concentration of organic acids and minerals (magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorus). They are also rich in polysaccharides, flavonoids and other important substances for the body.

Ripe fresh berries have more healing power. In frozen and dried form, they retain almost all useful qualities. The leaves of the shrub contain arbutin - a natural antiseptic. They are easier to harvest and transport, they are stored longer than berries, without losing their healing properties.

Is it possible to use lingonberries for pregnant women?

Doctors are constantly arguing about the benefits of lingonberry leaves and berries for expectant mothers. Some see them as the cause of increased uterine tone in the first trimester, others consider them provocateurs of edema in the second half of gestation. There is also a positive opinion that in moderation, a natural product only benefits the body.

Who to listen to the expectant mother? Only the attending physician, who will take responsibility for recommendations on the use of lingonberries. It should not be treated on its own.

What are the benefits of lingonberry leaves and berries during pregnancy?

In what form can lingonberries be consumed by pregnant women? Berries - as part of fruit drinks, compotes, jams, fresh, frozen or dried. The calorie content is small - 100 grams contain 46 kcal. Lingonberry leaf during pregnancy is used in the form of tea, decoctions, herbal supplements. Harvesting of berries is done in August-September. Leaves and twigs are harvested in the spring, when they contain the maximum amount of vitamins. If the expectant mother buys them at a pharmacy, you should choose a loose sheet, not ground.

Medicinal properties of lingonberry fruits and flowers for pregnant women:

  • relaxing effect without the use of drug therapy;
  • astringent, useful in low acidity;
  • diuretic effect;
  • prevention of puffiness in the 2-3 trimester;
  • thermoregulation (reducing the temperature during a cold without Paracetamol and other drugs);
  • trace elements and vitamins useful for the fetus, important in the first trimester;
  • antiseptic action in the early stages;
  • help in lowering blood pressure.

Many medications forbidden to expectant mothers. An alternative is traditional medicine, among which are berries and a lingonberry leaf. They do not harm the baby and help with:

  • increased blood pressure;
  • a cold;
  • anemia;
  • edema;
  • gestational diabetes;
  • intoxication;
  • discomfort during digestion.

Are there any contraindications?

Lingonberry leaf is contraindicated in case of increased acidity of the stomach. You can not give it to children under 12 years old (relevant if the expectant mother treats other family members with lingonberries). Among other contraindications:

  • Increased tone of the uterus, which is fraught with the threat of termination of pregnancy. In order to prevent the development of pathologies, when prescribing lingonberries in the first trimester, the doctor takes into account the condition of the woman. As a rule, at the initial stages, the reception of lingonberries is prohibited. A decoction of the leaves of the plant is best not to take until the 28th week.
  • Allergic reactions, intolerance to berries and leaf decoction. For the first time, it is recommended to try a little. If not side effects in the form of skin itching, suffocation, digestive problems, lingonberries can be consumed.
  • Gastric ulcer, internal bleeding. For any pathologies from the gastrointestinal tract (cholecystitis, pancreatitis, diarrhea), it is better not to use the infusion of leaves.
  • Stones in the kidneys. The diuretic effect that the plant has can lead to blockage of the urinary tract. This happens if the diameter of the stones is more than 1 cm.
  • Reduced blood clotting, low blood pressure. In this case, the expectant mother needs special attention.

How to take lingonberries for pregnant women?

IN medicinal purposes lingonberries during pregnancy are used in the form of juices, fruit drinks, compotes. With their help, you can cope with constipation, swelling, anemia. Berries are added to salads, jelly, jellies and other desserts. It is not recommended to use them on an empty stomach, so as not to cause exacerbations of the pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract diagnosed in time.

The effectiveness of lingonberry-based drugs is different. For example, a decoction of the leaves relieves swelling well, and juices or berry fruit drinks help with hypertension.

From edema

In the later stages, expectant mothers often complain of swelling of the limbs. Lingonberries include vitamin P, which is necessary for the fight against edema. The most effective recipes:

  • An infusion of leaves helps to easily remove excess fluid. With it, you can get rid of swelling in the legs, arms, on the face (we recommend reading:). For cooking, you need to take 2 tbsp. lingonberry leaf, 3 tbsp. strawberry leaves and a pinch of lavender. Place the components in a thermos and brew 500 ml of boiling water. If you prepare the infusion in the evening, it will be ready in the morning. You need to drink in 4 doses during the day, divided into equal portions.
  • Tea or decoctions based on lingonberries and cranberries. Chop the leaves, take 1 tablespoon, pour boiling water and hold in a water bath for up to half an hour. Strain and drink in 2 doses after meals. You should first add 1 tbsp to the drink. fresh cranberry juice.
  • Compote. Prepare 300 gr. cranberries (frozen, dried or fresh), 50 gr. sugar syrup, 2 tbsp. chopped lingonberry leaves. Place the components in an enamel saucepan, pour water (2 l), bring to a boil and keep on fire for 5 minutes. Instead of syrup, you can use sugar, fructose, candy.
  • Syrup. Combine water and sugar in a 1:1 ratio (500 g each). Pour the berries (1 kg) into a jar and pour over the cooled sweet syrup. Close the lid and insist 5 days.

Treatment of colds

Colds are the result of hypothermia and a weakened immune system. During pregnancy, the body of the expectant mother needs powerful support. The following recipes based on berries, twigs and leaves of lingonberry bush will help to cope with cough, runny nose, chills and other unpleasant symptoms:

  • Morse. Prepare 500 grams of cranberries, a cinnamon stick, a pinch of vanilla, 1 tbsp. cane sugar, lemon zest. Mash the berries until puree, pour 4 tbsp. water and boil the resulting mass. Add the rest of the ingredients, remove from heat. If the drink does not seem too sweet, you can add sugar or honey to taste. When there is swelling, it is not recommended to abuse sweets. Drink should be taken according to this instruction - half a cup three times a day.
  • Grind the branches of the plant and pour boiling water (200 ml). Infuse for about an hour, strain. Drink 2 tbsp. infusion before each meal.
  • Add fresh or frozen lingonberries (berries) to meals or drinks. Daily dose - no more than 100 grams.

Inflammation of the mouth

Immunity during pregnancy decreases. As a result, the expectant mother is often concerned about inflammation of the gums (gingivitis) and soft tissues. You should consult your dentist on this matter. At home, before a visit to the doctor, a decoction will help. To prepare it, pour a spoonful of dry lingonberry leaves with boiling water and keep for about 20 minutes in a water bath. After cooling, filter and dilute with boiled water (100 ml). Used in a warm form for rinsing with gingivitis, stomatitis, periodontitis and other inflammations of the oral cavity.

High blood pressure

Hypertension is a common complaint of expectant mothers during the third trimester of pregnancy. With the permission of the doctor, you can consume no more than 150 grams of fresh or baked cranberries per day. In winter, they can be replaced with jam. Good effect for prevention and therapy high pressure have drinks prepared in the following ways:

  • Morse lingonberry-beetroot. Squeeze the juice from the beets (2-3 pieces), leave for a couple of hours in a dark, cool place. Prepare 3 cups of lingonberries for processing in a juicer. Strain the cake, add the pulp to the lingonberry juice. Combine both drinks. Drink 50 grams three times a day.
  • Cowberry juice with mint. In 500 ml of freshly squeezed lingonberry juice, add a mint leaf crushed in a mortar (3-4 pcs.). Drink three times a day for 3 tbsp.
  • Lingonberry decoction. Pour 20 gr. dry lingonberry leaf with a glass of water, cook on fire for a quarter of an hour. Cool, strain and sweeten with honey. Take 2 tbsp. three times a day. This decoction is effective for hypertension, cystitis, pyelonephritis.

Possible harm of lingonberries for a future mother

Uncontrolled regular intake of fresh berries and lingonberry leaf infusions is harmful to a pregnant woman. It can cause sudden diarrhea, impaired kidney function, and a high diuretic effect. These conditions are unpleasant and even dangerous at any gestation period.

It is also worth remembering that the leaves and berries of the shrub are able to accumulate substances that are harmful. As a result, berries collected along roads, in the area of ​​industrial production, cemeteries and garbage dumps are not suitable for consumption. Only taiga cranberries are useful, which are harvested on farms in ecologically clean areas.

Drinks and dishes based on lingonberries are beneficial only when taken in moderation. They taste good, quench thirst well in summer, warm and give strength in the cold season. If the expectant mother was offered treatment with berries or shrub leaves, do not refuse. Moreover, juicy lingonberries can give a whole range of new taste sensations.