Raspberry leaves Latin name. Raspberry ordinary. Raspberry fruits. Common raspberry in collections of medicinal plants

Pharmacotherapeutic group. Diaphoretic.

plant description




Rice. 11.10. Common raspberry - Rubus idaeus L.

Raspberries– fructus rubiidaei
- rubus idaeus l.
Sem. Rosaceae- rosaceae.

Root spiny subshrub with biennial above-ground shoots 0.5-1.8 m high.
shoots the first year are barren, with spines bent down, green with a bluish bloom, the second year - fruiting, woody, yellowish, with spines only on the lateral green branches.
Leaves alternate, unpaired-pinnate with 3-5 (7) ovate, serrate leaflets along the edge, white-tomentose below from pubescence.
flowers in axillary few-flowered racemes collected in a paniculate inflorescence. Sepals recurved, gray-green, white corolla, numerous stamens and pistils, located on a convex receptacle.
Fetus- crimson-red spherical-conical polydrupe up to 2 cm in diameter, consists of numerous (30-60) drupes, easily separated after maturation from the conical white fruit (Fig. 11.10).
blooms in June - July, the fruits ripen in July - August.

Composition of raspberries




The chemical composition of raspberries

  • sugar up to 7.5%,
  • organic acids (malic, citric, salicylic, tartaric, sorbic) up to 2%,
  • pectin substances 0.45-0.73%,
  • ascorbic acid up to 0.45 mg%,
  • vitamins B 2, P, E,
  • carotenoids,
  • anthocyanins,
  • flavonoids,
  • catechins,
  • triterpene acids,
  • benzaldehyde,
  • tannins and nitrogenous substances,
  • sterols,
  • mineral salts;
  • up to 15% fatty oil;
  • concentrate manganese.

Properties and uses of raspberries




Pharmacological properties of raspberries

Raspberries have

  • diaphoretic action.

Due to the presence of weak organic acids, fruits contribute to

  • excretion of uric acid salts from the body,
  • stimulate urination,
  • improve digestion.

Salicylic acid found in fruits, renders

  • antiseptic,
  • antipyretic,
  • diaphoretic and
  • anti-inflammatory action.

Raspberry leaves are being actively studied, their hemostatic properties have been established.

Raspberry leaf extract

  • hormone-like effect on experimental animals.

The use of raspberries

Raspberries are used in the form of infusion

  • diaphoretic and
  • febrifuge

for colds alone and as part of sweatshops.

Raspberry juice has

  • diuretic and
  • expectorant action.

Fresh fruit syrup used to improve the taste of medicines.

  • vitamin and
  • dietary product
  • anemia,
  • atherosclerosis,
  • hypertension,
  • eczema,
  • to improve appetite and digestion.

Raspberry leaf infusion used in traditional medicine How

  • astringent,
  • anti-inflammatory and
  • expectorant

in diseases

  • upper respiratory tract,
  • cough,
  • fever
  • diarrhea
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract,
  • and also as a hemostatic agent.





Spreading. It has a broken area, the main part of which is located in the forest and forest-steppe zones of the European part of Russia and Western Siberia.

Habitat. In the forest zone, prefers rich moist soils. Grows along forest edges, in clearings, burnt areas, forest clearings, along river banks, ravines, in clarified forests. It is widely cultivated as a food and medicinal plant.

Procurement and storage of raw materials




blank. The fruits are harvested only in dry weather, fully mature, without stalks and conical white fruit. They are put in small shallow baskets or enameled buckets, shifting with leaves or twigs, and, if possible, are delivered to the place of drying as soon as possible. The collected fruits are cleaned of leaves, twigs, as well as unripe, overripe, wrinkled and spoiled fruits.

Security measures. Raspberries are actively propagated by rhizomes, as well as by seed. The plant bears abundant fruit in 3-4 years. When collecting raw materials, do not trample and break shrubs, especially annual shoots. It is advisable to actively introduce the plant into culture, including in natural conditions.

Drying. Dry the raw material, after preliminary drying, in dryers with a gradual increase in temperature (30-50-60 ºС), spreading it in a thin layer on cloth or paper and carefully turning it over. Dry fruits are elastic to the touch.

Standardization. GOST 3525-75.

Storage. Stored in a dry, well-ventilated area, protected from pests, loosely packed in bags. Shelf life 2 years.

External signs of raw materials




Fruit- polydrupes, consisting of 30-60 fruitlets-drupes, round-cone-shaped, about 1 cm in diameter.
Color grayish pink outside.
pulp pink, dark yellow pits.
Smell pleasant, characteristic. Taste sour-sweet.

Common raspberry - Rubus idaeus L.

Rosaceae family - Rosaceae

Botanical characteristic. Root-weed semi-shrub about 1.5 m high. Stem shoots of two types: one-year fruitless and two-year fruit-bearing. The leaves are pinnate with 3-5 ovate lobes, serrated along the edge, white-tomentose below from pubescence. The flowers are collected in racemes in a paniculate inflorescence. Corolla white, stamens and pistils numerous, on convex receptacle. The fruit is a rounded drupe, usually red (crimson), up to 2 cm in diameter, consisting of numerous drupes and juicy pulp. Flowering in June-July, fruiting in July-August.

Spreading. It occurs more often in the European part of the country and Western Siberia, in forest, forest-steppe and mountainous regions.

Habitat. Among light forests, along forest edges, clearings, windfalls, in the mountains after fires, among bushes, along slopes. Forms everywhere dense and large thickets.

Preparation of raw materials, primary processing, drying. The fruits are harvested only in dry weather, fully mature, without pedicels and receptacle. They are put in small, shallow baskets or enameled buckets, shifting with leaves or twigs, and delivered to the place of drying as soon as possible. The harvested fruits are cleaned of leaves, twigs, as well as unripe, overripe, wrinkled and spoiled fruits, which, if not carefully and untimely collected, are crushed and spoiled.

The raw materials are dried after preliminary drying in dryers with a gradual increase in temperature (30-50-60 ° C), spreading out in a thin layer on cloth or paper and carefully turning over.

Security measures. Raspberries are actively propagated by rhizomes, as well as drupes. The plant bears abundant fruit in 3-4 years. When collecting raw materials, do not trample and break shrubs, especially annual shoots. It is advisable to actively introduce the plant into culture, including in natural conditions. Freshly harvested raw materials are examined, separating mechanical impurities and damaged fruits.

Standardization. The quality of raw materials is regulated by GOST 3525-75.

Microscopy. When examining the surface of the drupe fruit, polygonal epidermal cells with very thin walls are visible. Hairs of two types: glandular with a short unicellular stalk and an oval two-celled (rarely spherical unicellular) head and simple unicellular, very thin-walled. There are whole, often broken pistils with a stigma. The cells of the parenchyma of the fruit pulp are large, thin-walled, contain small druses of calcium oxalate. The mechanical tissue of the pericarp consists of stony cells arranged in layers.

Numerical indicators. Moisture not more than 15%; total ash not more than 3.5%; blackened fruit no more than 8%; fruits stuck together in lumps, no more than 4%; fruits with unseparated pedicels and receptacle not more than 2%; leaves and parts of raspberry stems not more than 0.5%; crushed particles of fruits passing through a sieve with holes with a diameter of 2 mm, not more than 4%; organic impurities not more than 0.5%, mineral - not more than 0.5%.

External signs. According to the NTD, the fruits are in the form of complex 30-60 fused drupes, round-cone-shaped, about 1 cm in diameter. The color outside is grayish-pink (gray-brown-crimson). The flesh is pink, the bones are dark yellow. The smell is pleasant, characteristic. The taste is sour-sweet. The quality of raw materials is reduced by the admixture of fruits stuck together in lumps, other parts of raspberries and foreign plants, as well as mineral impurities, mold, rot, and crushing. The authenticity of raw materials is confirmed by characteristic morphological features.

Chemical composition. Fruits contain 2-3% organic acids (salicylic, malic, tartaric, citric), alcohols, anthocyanin cyanine, cyanidin diglycoside (dye), purines, vitamins B1, B2, PP, folic acid, sitosterol, catechins, coumarins. Fresh fruits contain glucose (2.8-4.2%), fructose (1.3-8.1%), sucrose (0.5-6.5%), levulose, dextrose, pectins (0.4-2 .8%), salts of iron, potassium and copper.

Ascorbic acid (up to 300 mg%), carotene, some B vitamins and alkaloids, flavonoids, coumarins (0.3-0.28%), phenolic glycosides, phenolic acids, lactones, tannins were found in the leaves. Seeds contain up to 15% fatty oil, phytosterol.

Storage. In a dry place, preferably in drafts, protecting from pests, loosely packed in bags. Shelf life up to 2 years.

pharmacological properties. Raspberries have diaphoretic properties. Due to the presence of weak organic acids, the fruits contribute to a shift in pH to the alkaline side, the removal of uric acid salts from the body, stimulate urination, and improve digestion. Salicylic acid contained in the fruit has an antiseptic, antipyretic, diaphoretic and anti-inflammatory effect. Currently, raspberry leaves are being actively studied, their hemostatic property has been established. Raspberry leaf extract has a hormone-like effect in experimental animals.

Medicines. Raspberries, infusion, diaphoretics, raspberry syrup.

Application. Raspberry is a valuable medicinal and food product. It is consumed fresh, dry and frozen. Dried raspberries are brewed like tea: 1-2 teaspoons per cup of boiling water. It is taken hot for colds as a diaphoretic. After taking the drink, you need to go to bed. Raspberries are used as a preventive and therapeutic agent for metabolic disorders. Raspberries are used to improve appetite in diseases of the stomach and intestines. Raspberries are part of many medicinal fees. For example, raspberries are used with anise seeds, coltsfoot leaves, lime blossom, taken in equal amounts (1 tablespoon each). From this mixture, take 1 teaspoon per cup of boiling water, brew like tea, take 3-4 cups a day. A drink is also prepared from raspberries with lime blossom, taken in equal parts (1 teaspoon of the mixture per cup of boiling water). Raspberry fruits are combined with coltsfoot leaves (2 parts each) and oregano grass (1 part). Brewed like tea, at the rate of 1 teaspoon of the mixture per cup of boiling water, take 1 cup 3-4 times a day.

Common Raspberry - Rubus idaeus L. " style="border-style:solid;border-width:6px;border-color:#ffcc66;" width="250" height="310">
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Diseases and effects: antipyretic, diaphoretic, antiemetic, anti-inflammatory, colds, hemorrhoids, diarrhea, gastric bleeding, excessive menstruation, cough, respiratory diseases, fever, rashes, acne, lichen, tonsillitis, inflammation of the eyes.

Active substances: glucose, fructose, fiber, citric acid, malic acid, formic acid, caproic acid, pectins, tannins, colorants, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin PP, folic acid, ascorbic acid, carotene, copper salts, potassium salts, salicylic acid, β-sitosterol, phytosterol.

Plant collection and preparation time: June - September.

Botanical description of common raspberry

Family - rosaceous (Rosaceae). Several hundred raspberry cultivars are known.

Common raspberry is a perennial branched shrub 80-120 cm high, with annual vegetative sprouts and woody biennial stems, on which flower-bearing sprouts are formed. In some cases, the height can reach 2 m.

Root woody, winding, with above-ground shoots.

stems prickly, covered with hairs.

Leaves compound unpaired, oblong-ovate. The undersides of the leaves are covered with hairs. Green leaves above inside- white-woolly (white-pubescent).

flowers greenish-white, placed in axillary racemes and terminal thyroid-hairy inflorescence.

Fruit- small fragrant prefabricated drupes, growing together into one spherical fruit, which is incorrectly called a berry. The fruits are slightly pubescent, pleasant, delicate, sweet taste. The color of the fruit gave the name to one of the shades of red - raspberry. Sometimes there are yellow fruits. Mature raspberries are usually easily removed from the final receptacle.

Common raspberry blooms in June-July. The fruits ripen in July-August.

Distribution and habitat of the common raspberry

Wild raspberries grow in shady forests, among shrubs, along forest edges, clearings, river banks, and in ravines. Raspberry grows in the undergrowth of mixed and in the woodlands of coniferous and deciduous forests. Often the plant forms continuous thickets.

The common raspberry is often cultivated in gardens. The plant is thermophilic and its plantations should be placed on slopes protected from cold winds.

In the wild, most of all raspberries are in the forests of the northern and middle strip of the European part of Russia and Siberia. It is also found in the Carpathians, in the Caucasus, in Central Asia. Garden raspberries are grown everywhere. Central Europe is considered the birthplace of raspberries.

The chemical composition of the common raspberry

Raspberries contain 10-12% sugars (mainly glucose, sucrose and fructose), 5-6% fiber, up to 2-3% organic acids (citric, malic, formic, caproic), pectins, tannins, nitrogenous and coloring substances , as well as vitamins B 1 , B 2 , PP, folic and ascorbic acid, carotene, copper and potassium salts, as well as salicylic acid, fatty acid and β-sitosterol.

Common raspberry seeds contain fatty oil and phytosterol.

Collection and harvesting of common raspberries

Leaves and flowers of common raspberry are harvested in June-July, fruits - in July-August, and roots - in autumn.

For long-term storage and transportation, the berries should be frozen or dried. Frozen raspberries can retain their aroma, taste and nutrients that are inherent in fresh berries for a long time. Dried berries are intended for medicinal purposes.

The use of common raspberry

Fresh raspberry berries quench thirst and improve digestion. The inclusion of raspberries or products from them in dietary rations significantly accelerates the treatment of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as they have antiemetic, anti-inflammatory analgesic properties. Syrups, jams, juices, jams, compotes, etc. are made from berries in the food industry.

Dried raspberries, brewed as a tea, have antipyretic and diaphoretic properties. Raspberry tea is traditionally prescribed for various colds (the therapeutic effect depends mainly on the presence of salicylic acid in the fruits).

Freshly frozen fruits and dried raspberries are used as an anti-sclerotic agent due to the presence of fatty acids and β-sitosterol in the plant.

Raspberries have long been used for intoxication (“against hops”). They also have antiemetic and anti-inflammatory effects.

Raspberries are contraindicated in nephritis and gout, as the fruits contain a lot of purine bases.

In folk medicine in many countries, an infusion of fruits is taken as a diaphoretic and antipyretic for colds, fever and headaches. The infusion is also used as an antiscorbutic and as an appetite stimulant and regulating the activity of the stomach and intestines. A decoction of the roots is drunk for malaria and as a hemostatic for hemorrhoids. The leaves have astringent, anti-inflammatory, antitoxic, hemostatic and blood-purifying properties.

The infusion and decoction of the leaves are taken for diarrhea, stomach bleeding, excessive menstruation, coughs, respiratory diseases and fevers. An infusion of the leaves is also drunk for rashes, acne, lichen and other skin diseases, they are gargled with sore throats.

The flowers have anti-inflammatory and anti-toxic properties. A decoction of flowers is used to wash the face with acne, for lotions of the eyes with their inflammation, and also for the treatment of erysipelas. An infusion of flowers and an infusion of leaves are used internally for women's diseases and hemorrhoids.

Common raspberry syrup is often used to improve the taste of potions.

It should be noted that fresh raspberries are rich in both fructose and alkaline radicals, which makes it possible to relieve acidosis in diabetes.

Raspberry in dreams

Raspberries in the dream book of the Mandrake Labyrinth

Common raspberry in collections of medicinal plants

Collection number 65
Used for menorrhagia

Collection No. 186
It is used for toxicosis during pregnancy. According to the method of preparation and use - infusion.

Rubusidaeus L.
Taxon: family Rosaceae or Roses (Rosaceae)
Folk names: red raspberry, raspberry.
English: Raspberry

Common raspberry is a branchy prickly shrub with a perennial rhizome and erect shoots up to 2 m in height. Shoots of the first year are green, fluffy, covered with thin brownish thorns in the lower part. In the second year of life, they become woody, lose their thorns, bear fruit and dry up after fruiting, and new annual shoots form from the rhizome. The leaves are alternate, the lower ones are pinnate, with 5-7 leaflets on the petioles, the upper ones are trifoliate with wide stipules adhering to the petiole. The flowers are white, small, inconspicuous, with a pubescent greenish-gray calyx, the lobes of which are bent down in fruits, collected in small, paniculate-corymbose inflorescences emerging from the axils of the leaves. Corolla of 5 petals. The fruit is a combined drupe, raspberry-red (in cultivated varieties it happens yellow color). In wild raspberries, the drupes easily disintegrate, in cultivated raspberries they grow together tightly. Seeds are small, hard, rounded.
Blossoms in June - July, fruits ripen in July - August. Fruiting over the years is unstable. Its yield is strongly affected by rainy cold weather during flowering, preventing the flight of pollinating insects. Propagated mainly vegetatively (by division, rhizomes, cuttings) and seeds.

In the wild, it is distributed in the European part of the CIS, Western Siberia, Kazakhstan, Central Asia, the Urals and the Caucasus. It is found even in the mountain tundra. It grows along the edges of damp shady forests, clearings, burnt areas, forest clearings and clearings, along the banks of rivers and ravines. Prefers moist, humus-rich soils. It is grown up in industrial gardens and on household plots as a fruit and berry plant.

Collection and preparation:
Raspberry fruits and leaves are mainly used as medicinal raw materials. Fruits (Fructus Rubi idaei) are harvested in dry weather and after the dew has dried, separating them from the cone-shaped receptacle. The collected raw materials are cleaned of leaves, branches, unripe, overripe, crumpled and spoiled fruits, then, after preliminary drying, they are dried, spreading out in a layer 2-3 cm thick on paper, cloth or nets in dryers at a temperature of 50-60 ° C. Drying in ovens is possible. Well-dried fruits do not stain the hands when kneading. After drying, blackened berries are removed from the raw material. The shelf life of raw materials is 2 years. The smell of raw materials is specific, pleasant, the taste is sweet and sour.
Leaves and flowers are collected in June - July, dried in the air. Their shelf life is 1 year.

Chemical composition:
Fresh raspberries contain fructose (up to 8.1%), glucose (up to 4.2%), sucrose (up to 6.5%), malic, citric, formic, caproic and salicylic acids, a small amount of ascorbic acid (up to 45 mg %), carotene and B vitamins (traces); seeds contain fatty oil (up to 15%) and about 0.7% phytosterols; leaves - ascorbic acid (up to 300 mg%), tannins and phytoncides.
The leaves contain: ash - 5.57%; macroelements (mg/g): K - 19.30, Ca - 10.00, Mn - 3.40, Fe - 0.20; trace elements (mcg/g): Mg - 340.00, Cu - 7.80, Zn - 28.90, Co - 0.10, Mo - 1.00, Cr - 0.40, Al - 67.60, Se - 0.20, Ni - 1.44, Sr - 8.48, Pb - 1.10, B - 77.20. He detected Cd, Ba, V, Li, Au, Ag, I, Br. Concentrates Mn.

Pharmacological properties:
Raspberries have diaphoretic properties. Due to the presence of weak organic acids, fruits contribute to a shift in pH to an alkaline environment, the removal of uric acid salts from the body, stimulate urination, and improve digestion. Salicylic acid contained in the fruit has an antiseptic, antipyretic, diaphoretic and anti-inflammatory effect. Raspberry leaves and flowers are also characterized by hemostatic and antitoxic properties.
Medicinal infusion of raspberry leaves is advised for heavy menstruation, premenstrual syndrome, as a remedy that relieves postpartum pain and prevents miscarriages.
Traditional medicine recommends using decoctions and infusions of leaves for respiratory diseases, coughs, fevers, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, and stomach bleeding.
For rinsing the throat, mouth, with tonsillitis, stomatitis, for washing with conjunctivitis and acne, raspberry leaves are used externally.

Application in medicine:
Roots. In Bulgaria, a decoction is a diaphoretic, for ascites.
Wood. In Tibetan medicine - for acute and chronic infections, neurasthenia, neuritis, as an antipyretic.
Branches. In Tibetan medicine, they are used similarly to wood. In Buryatia - with a fever. Decoction - for respiratory infections. Tops of branches (with flowers, immature fruits) - "raspberry tea" - for acute respiratory diseases.
Leaves. In Tibetan medicine, they are used similarly to wood. Infusion or decoction (externally) - with erysipelas. Infusion (inside) - for colitis, cough, skin rashes. Decoction (inside) - for coughing, sore throat. Fresh - wound healing; in the form of an ointment - for acne, burns, skin rashes. In Bulgaria, the infusion is used for diarrhea, gastritis and enteritis, hemorrhages, menorrhagia, bronchopneumonia and dermatitis. Outwardly - with diseases of the throat and oral cavity. Water, alcohol and acetone extracts and juice - antibacterial. Aqueous extracts excite the central nervous system.
Leaves, flowers. Infusion (lotion, douching) - for hemorrhoids and gynecological diseases.
Leaves, flowers, fruits. Anti-sclerotic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and high-vitamin remedy for hypertension, atherosclerosis and acute respiratory diseases.
Flowers. Decoction, infusion - with gastralgia, respiratory infections; externally - for acne, eye diseases, erysipelas. Tincture - hemostatic; with diseases of the respiratory system; It was considered an antidote for snake and scorpion bites. In Bulgaria, infusion on olive oil- for the treatment of dermatitis from insect bites.
Fruit. Dried - diaphoretic. In Tibetan medicine, the powder is used for pneumonia and acute respiratory diseases. In folk medicine - to improve appetite and bowel activity; antiemetic, hemostatic in gastric and intestinal bleeding, menorrhagia, expectorant; with chronic rheumatism and measles; externally - with eczema, acne and conjunctivitis. Infusion - with diarrhea, anemia; tincture and decoction - for diabetes.
Juice - for gastritis, colitis. Raspberries are part of diaphoretic, vitamin, anti-inflammatory, antitussive collections.

Medicinal preparations based on the medicinal plant of common raspberry:
The berries of the medicinal plant raspberry are part of many diaphoretic fees. Below are recipes for decoctions and infusions for home use.

Infusion of raspberry flowers for sore throat.
20 g of flowers pour 250 ml of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Then strain, and squeeze the raw material. Take 1 tablespoon three times a day.

Infusion of dried raspberries as a diaphoretic.
Pour 2 tablespoons of raspberries into 250 ml of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, filter, and squeeze out the raw materials. Take a hot infusion of 2 cups at a time.
Infusion of raspberry flowers and leaves for external use in hemorrhoids.
10 g of leaves and 10 g of flowers, pour 250 ml of boiling water, leave for half an hour, then strain, and squeeze the raw materials. Use infusion for douching.

Infusion of raspberry leaves for colitis.
Pour 4 teaspoons of crushed leaves with 2 cups of boiling water, leave for half an hour, strain, and squeeze out the raw materials. Take half a glass 4 times a day before meals.

A decoction of raspberry leaves for external use.
10 g of crushed raspberry leaves pour 250 ml of hot water, bring to a boil over low heat and simmer for 10 minutes. Then cool and filter. Use in the form of baths and lotions for acne or rozhe.

Raspberry fruit juice for stomach pain or.
Half a glass of juice three times a day inside.

Raspberry juice for sclerosis.
Drink 1 glass of raspberry juice every day.

Juice of fresh raspberry leaves for freckles.
Apply the juice of fresh leaves to lubricate the skin of the face in order to ease freckles.

Raspberries, due to the content of purine bases, should not be used for gout and nephritis. May cause an allergic reaction in the form of itching, swelling, skin diseases.

Photos and illustrations:

Very effective for preventive and therapeutic use are multicomponent preparations containing biologically active substances belonging to various classes of chemical compounds.

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INTRODUCTION ……………………………………………………………………….


1.1 Brief botanical characteristics of common raspberry……………..

1.2 Use in medicine………………………………………………….

1.3 Quality indicators of raspberries.


2.1 Pharmacognostic analysis of raspberry leaves…………………………….

2.2 Anatomical study of raspberry leaves……………………………………

2.3 Determination of moisture content of raw materials…………………………………………………

2.4 Determination of total ash content……………………………………

2.5 Determination of the content of ash insoluble in hydrochloric acid diluted 10%. .........................................

2. 7 Determination of the degree of crushing of raspberry leaves………………….

  1. Determination of mineral impurity…………………………………………
    1. Determination of the content of tannins in raspberry leaves ...
    2. Qualitative determination of flavonoids
    3. Conclusions to Chapter 2…………………………………………………….

CONCLUSION ………………………………………………………………………



Viral infections contribute to the formation of chronic respiratory diseases, being one of the causes of pneumonia, aggravate the course of other chronic diseases, contributing to their unfavorable outcome.

For the treatment of such diseases, it is relevant to develop medicines based on medicinal plant raw materials, which compare favorably with synthetic analogues in a wide range of therapeutic effects, low toxicity and the associated possibility of long-term use.

Very effective for preventive and therapeutic use are multicomponent preparations containing biologically active substances belonging to various classes of chemical compounds that have a complex effect on the main links of the pathogenetic process.

Complex treatment with chemotherapeutic agents and herbal preparations increases the effectiveness of treatment and reduces the manifestation of side effects.

Based on the foregoing, it can be considered appropriate to conduct a pharmacognostic study of the study of common raspberry leaves.

Raspberry leaves (Rubus idaeus L.) have long been used in folk medicine different countries. According to literary sources, raspberry leaves have a rich chemical composition, which makes them a valuable source of biologically active substances. Highest value have phenolic compounds, including tannins and flavonoids, which have anti-inflammatory effects. In addition, raspberry leaves contain sugars, organic acids, and vitamins.

Decoctions and infusions of raspberry leaves are widely used in the treatment of bronchitis, laryngitis, cough.

Purpose and objectives of the study

The purpose of this work is a pharmacognostic study of raspberry leaves of the common raspberry.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1. To study the morphological and anatomical features of whole leaves

raspberries and chopped raw materials.

2.Explore the chemical composition of raspberry leaves.

3. Determine commodity indicators of raw materials.

4. Determine the content of the main BAS.

Object of study: common raspberry leaves, collected in the Pravoberezhny region, in July 2014.

Research methods: morphological and anatomical methods of analysis, chemical methods, determination of commodity indicators.

Venue: Laboratory of Pharmacognosy of the Department of Pharmacy, SOGMA.


1.1 Brief botanical characteristics of common raspberries

Rice. 1. Common raspberry. Rubusidaeus L.

Family Rosaceae

Popular names: catberry, wild raspberry. Parts used: young leaves, fruits - Rubi idaei folium, Rubi idaei fructum.

Raspberry bush reaches two meters in height; it has weakly lignified, often curved and weakly thorny stems. Leaves compound, pinnate, terminal leaflet with petiole.

The ovate leaves are darker on the upper side than on the lower side, on which they have felt pubescence. The flowers are white to pink, with 5 petals and are arranged in small, loose racemes. Blooms from May to June. Forest raspberries grow in sunny forest glades, along forest edges and slopes, on dumps and open slopes, even along roadsides - both on the plain and in the mountains. The higher the place of its growth, the more severe the living conditions, the more fragrant its fruits.

Raspberries are widespread in almost all regions of Russia, except for the Arctic and desert regions.

Common raspberry plant of the forest zone. It lives on rich moist soils, does not tolerate drought well, and is winter-hardy. It grows mainly on forest edges, clearings, windbreaks, burnt areas and sunny rocky slopes. During the restoration of the main type of forest, raspberries disappeared from the composition of the vegetation cover. In the mountains (Sayan, Caucasus) it often rises to the upper border of the forest. Along the banks of rivers, floodplain forests, shady and damp ravines, it penetrates into the forest-steppe and steppe zones.

Approximate stocks of fresh raspberries in the Asian part of Russia are estimated at 2750 thousand tons, including in Western Siberia 500 thousand tons, in the Far East 1450 thousand tons. In the European part, harvesting of raspberries can be carried out in Pskov, Yaroslavl, Vladimir, Kirov, Perm, Gorky, Ivanovo, Sverdlovsk, Kostroma, Vologda, Tver, Smolensk and Leningrad regions, in Mari El, Udmurtia, Tatarstan, Bashkortostan and the Komi Republic. In Siberia, industrial harvesting is possible throughout the plain taiga zone and in the mountains of southern Siberia. Abundant raspberry harvests are usually observed in the middle zone of the European part of Russia in 3 4 years. The same regularity was noted for other regions of the country, for example, for the Komi Republic and North-Eastern Altai. The highest productivity (up to 3000 - 3200 kg/ha of fresh fruits) is observed in young burnt areas and clearings.

Raspberries are harvested when they are fully ripe, from mid-July to the end of August. Collection is carried out in dry weather, after the dew has dried. Stacked in baskets in thin layers, shifting them with twigs or leaves. Drying is possible in the sun or in ovens at 60 - 80 ° C, spreading out in a thin layer and carefully turning over. The yield of dry raw materials is 18 - 20%. Leaves and flowers are harvested in May - June. Harvesting is done in dry weather.

1.2 Medical use

In official medicine, raspberries are used as a diaphoretic and antipyretic for colds, as well as to improve the taste of medicines. Fresh berries 120 - 150g are eaten on an empty stomach once a day for atherosclerosis, hypertension, gastritis, colitis, anemia. They have a specific pleasant taste and aroma, quench thirst and improve digestion. The inclusion of raspberries or products from them in dietary rations significantly accelerates the treatment of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as they have antiemetic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. A glass of raspberry juice reduces fever, is used as a healing drink for fevers, as a flavoring for bitter medicines, and as a refreshing drink.

Dried berries are part of many medicinal preparations. So when coughing, raspberries are taken in equal amounts with anise seeds, coltsfoot leaves, lime blossom (2 tablespoons each), 1 teaspoon of this mixture is poured with a glass of boiling water, brewed as tea, consumed 3 4 cups a day. Dried raspberries, brewed as a tea, have antipyretic and diaphoretic properties. Raspberry tea is traditionally prescribed for various colds (the therapeutic effect depends mainly on the presence of salicylic acid in the fruits). The fruits are used for colds and pneumonia as an addition to antimicrobials. They significantly speed up the healing process in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by vomiting, inflammation, pain, bleeding. Freshly frozen fruits and dried raspberries are used as an anti-sclerotic agent due to the presence of fatty acids and (3-sitosterol) in the plant. Raspberries are contraindicated in nephritis and gout, as the fruits contain a lot of purine bases.

In folk medicine, berries are used to improve digestion, with scurvy, anemia, stomach pains, infusions and decoctions - with erysipelas of the skin and acne on the face. In addition, in folk medicine, raspberries are considered a "sobering" remedy. Raspberry leaves have astringent, anti-inflammatory, antitoxic, hemostatic properties. . An infusion or decoction of the leaves is recommended for gastric and hemorrhoidal bleeding, bronchitis, pneumonia, as well as rashes, acne. Raspberry leaves act as a mild hemostatic and astringent and are used to treat inflammation of the mucous membrane in the mouth, to gargle with sore throats. Like all tannins, they are also used against diarrhoea. However, in modern medicine little attention is paid to raspberry leaves. Decoctions and infusions of raspberry leaves or stems in folk medicine are widely used in the treatment of colds, bronchitis, laryngitis, coughing as an expectorant. Infusions of leaves and flowers - for hemorrhoids.

Infusions of flowers are used externally - for washing the eyes with conjunctivitis and blepharitis. Tops of raspberry branches with leaves are infused as tea (“raspberry tea”) for acute respiratory diseases and erysipelas. Raspberry roots and lignified branches are used for neurasthenia and acute chronic infectious diseases. There are reports of treatment bronchial asthma decoction of raspberry roots. R. G. Shuleiko developed suppositories containing raspberry oil, which are effective in the treatment inflammatory diseases uterine appendages. In Tibetan medicine, raspberries are used for acute colds.

In homeopathy, raspberry fruits and leaves are used. In England water infusion Raspberry leaves are used to relieve menstrual pain. The British Pharmacopoeia describes raspberry syrup and juice as a flavor-correcting and pleasant-smelling drug. In France and Germany, raspberry leaves are used as an anti-inflammatory agent and for gynecological diseases.

1.3 Quality indicators of raspberries

Raspberry raw material quality is regulated by GOST 3525-75 “Raspberry Fruits” and includes the following numerical indicators: moisture content not more than 15%; total ash not more than 3.5%; blackened fruits not more than 8.0%; fruits stuck together in lumps, no more than 4%; fruits with unseparated pedicels and receptacles - no more than 2%; crushed fruit particles passing through a sieve according to GOST 214-70 with a hole diameter of 2 mm, not more than 4%; leaves and parts of raspberry stems not more than 0.5%; foreign impurities: organic (fruits and parts of other non-poisonous plants) not more than 0.5%; mineral (earth, sand, pebbles) not more than 0.5%.

Raspberries contain 10 - 12% sugars (mainly glucose and fructose), 5 - 6% fiber, up to 2 - 3% organic acids (citric, malic, tartaric), pectins, traces of essential oils, mucus, tannins and dyes , as well as vitamins Bb B2, PP, folic and ascorbic acids (from 64 to 93 mg%), carotene, copper and potassium salts, and salicylic acid. Alcohols were found: ethyl, isoamyl, phenylethyl; ketones: acetone, diacetyl, anthocyanin, cyanine. Found catechins (d - catechin, 1 - epigallocatechin), sterols (3 - p sitosterol), which is a cholesterol antagonist. Raspberry fruit pulp contains a valuable fraction of lipids, which includes palmitic, stearic, linoleic, linolenic, and - linolenic fatty acids, also contains carotenoids, tocopherol (at least 130 mg%) and phytosterols. It should be noted that there is a geographical variability in the chemical composition of raspberries.

The content of ordinary glucose, fructose and sucrose in raspberry fruits is subject to geographical variability: in the forest zone (Vologda, Yaroslavl and Ryazan regions), their content is higher than in the forest-steppe (Lipetsk and Voronezh regions) and steppe (Rostov region) zones. Also, as we move from the forest to the steppe zone of the Russian Plain, the content of calcium and potassium increases, the content of phosphorus decreases, and the content of iron, copper and zinc decreases in plants of the forest-steppe zone and increases in plants of the steppe zone. The content of trace elements in raspberries is directly dependent on the composition of the soil on which the plant grows. Leaves and flowers contain tannins, flavonoids, sugars, organic acids, vitamin C and various mineral salts. As a result, raspberry extract has powerful antioxidant properties.

Chapter 1 Conclusions

1. Common raspberry, widespread in almost all regions of Russia. Raspberry leaves contain a large amount of biologically active substances, and are widely used in folk medicine in different countries, including Russia.

2. The main properties of groups of substances found in fruits and leaves

raspberries cause pharmacological effects: astringent, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, antioxidant.



2.1 Pharmacognostic analysis of raspberry leaves

Methods of standardization of medicinal plant raw materials. Standardization is a system of quality standards for raw materials, products, test methods, etc., established on a national basis and mandatory for manufacturers and consumers.

GF XI recommends the following methods for the analysis of plant raw materials: for leaves, in the macroscopic analysis of raw materials, the shape and size of the leaf blade and petiole, leaf pubescence, the nature of the edge and venation, the presence of essential oil glands and other formations on the surface of the leaf or the presence of receptacles in the mesophyll are noted. The dimensions of the length, width of the leaf blade, the length of the petiole are determined using a ruler. Color is determined on both sides in daylight, smell - when rubbed, taste - water extraction.

Histochemical reactions are carried out on cross sections and in powder.

Qualitative reactions carried out with extraction from raw materials.

Numerical indicators. The raw materials are determined by: humidity, total ash content and ash insoluble in hydrochloric acid diluted 10%, impurity content.

2.1.2 Examining raspberry leaves under a binocular loupe

Whole and crushed raw materials - common raspberry leaves were previously soaked in hot water. The raw materials were studied using a binocular loupe MBS - 1 with a magnification of x 4, x 2.

When examining the upper side of the whole leaf, reticulate veins are visible. On each tooth of the edge of the leaf there is a large number of large hairs directed towards the top of the tooth. Each clove has a pigmented red-brown top of a peculiar papillary shape. Large hairs are located along large veins on the leaf surface. The petiole is covered with small hairs. When examining a whole sheet from the underside, felt pubescence is visible. Particularly large hairs are located along large veins. (Figure 5 a) When examining crushed raw raspberries under a binocular magnifier, reticulated small light green veins, large hairs located along the vein and on the cloves are also visible. The latter also have a pigmented tip (Figure 6). The underside is felt-pubescent, there are large hairs along the vein (Figure 7).

Picture 2 - The bottom side of the sheet a - whole raw material, b - crushed raw material. (Magnification x 4)

2.3 Anatomical study of raspberry leaves

Information about the microscopic structure of raspberry leaves is practically absent in the available literature. There is only brief information about the structure of the leaf epidermis. In this regard, it was necessary to conduct a study of the anatomical structure and anatomical and diagnostic features of raspberry leaves. Whole raw material. When examining the leaf from the surface, polygonal polygonal epidermal cells with straight, slightly sinuous and sinuous walls, 20–62 µm long, 8–33 µm wide, are visible from the upper side.

Figure 3 - Raspberry leaves. Upper epidermis.

Polygonal polygonal cells with straight walls. Translucent druses, (on the left x 105; on the right x 200). On the lower side - cells with slightly sinuous, sinuous walls. The cells of the epidermis along the veins are elongated in rectangular, fusiform and combined shapes. Simple hairs and stomata are visible.

Figure 4 - Raspberry leaves. lower epidermis.

Simple thin-walled hairs, places of their attachment, stomata. (Increased x 450) The cuticle is even on both sides of the leaf. Stomata of the anomocytic type are abundantly located on the underside of the leaf (75–92 µm long, 8–21 µm wide; stomata have larger hydotodes on the denticles of the leaf).

2.4 Determination of raw material moisture

Paste Formula

2.5. Determination of total ash content

Paste Formula

In the analyzed raw materials, impurities ranged from 0.75 to 4.48% Considering that a higher content of these parts in the raw material can adversely affect the production technology and the quality of the dry extract, the content of other parts of the plant is set to be no more than 5%.

2.10 Determination of mineral impurities

The rest of the analytical sample from the previous determination was placed on a clean, smooth surface and impurities were isolated with tweezers.

Impurities include:

  • parts of raw materials that have lost the color inherent in this species (brown, blackened, faded, etc.)
  • other parts of this plant that do not correspond to the established description of the raw material;
  • organic admixture (parts of other non-poisonous plants)
  • mineral admixture (earth, sand, pebbles)

Each type of impurity must be weighed with an error of ± 0.1 g for an analytical sample mass of more than 100 g and with an error of ± 0.05 g for an analytical sample mass of 100 g or less.


m 1 admixture mass, g

m2 mass of analytical sample of raw materials, g

In experimental, small in weight, batches of raw materials

raspberry leaves, the content of mineral impurities ranged from 0.08% to 0.5%. This indicator is proposed to be regulated by the norm of not more than 1%.

In experimental, small in weight, batches of raw raspberry leaves, the content of mineral impurities ranged from 0.08% to 0.5%. This indicator is proposed to be regulated by the norm of not more than 1%.

  1. Determination of the content of tannins in raspberry leaves
    1. Qualitative detection of flavonoids in raspberry leaves

Conclusions to chapter 2:

  1. Based on macro and microscopic studies established diagnostic features of whole and crushed vegetable raw materials raspberry leaves.
  2. An analysis of experimental batches of raw raspberry leaves was carried out and the following indicators were established: humidity not more than 7%; total ash content is not more than 8%; the content of ash insoluble in hydrochloric acid diluted 10% is not more than 1%; the content of other parts of the plant is not more than 5%, the content of particles that do not pass through a sieve with holes of 7 mm is not more than 10%, the content of yellowed, blackened and browned leaves is not more than 1% and the content of mineral impurities is not more than 1%.
  3. A qualitative determination of oaksilty substances in raspberry leaves.
  4. Qualitative determination of flavonoids in raspberry castings was carried out



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