A message about medicinal plants around the world. Presentation on the topic "Medicinal plants of our region." Rules for collecting medicinal plants

We are surrounded by plants everywhere: flowers, herbs, trees and shrubs. Without plants there would be no life on earth. Plants help us breathe. And with their help you can cure some diseases. You just need to know which plants are medicinal and use them correctly.

Every plant is created by nature for good. People studied plants, passed on their knowledge about medicinal properties plants, constituted the “Herbalists”.

Our pharmacy is practically under our feet. Children should see the beauty of the surrounding nature, understand the benefits of plants, flowers and herbs. We, adults, walk with children, go on excursions, to the park, forest, field, and introduce them to our Mother Nature. In spring and summer you can walk a lot and watch plants and insects. Children are interested in everything.

We'll tell you children about medicinal plants. What plants are called medicinal, how to collect them correctly. Teach children to distinguish medicinal herbs and cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.

Medicinal plants with descriptions for children

And in the thickets of the forest,

In the fields and meadows

Where everything is sweet for the heart,

Where it is so sweet to breathe clean air.

Found in herbs and flowers

healing power,

For everyone who can

Unravel their secret.

(Sunday Christmas)

When we are sick, we don’t always need to run to the pharmacy for pills. We are surrounded by many plants that can be used for treatment.

Plants that are used to treat various diseases are called medicinal. What plants are medicinal?

Many medicinal plants known to children since childhood. These are: dandelion, chamomile, nettle, plantain, coltsfoot, lilies of the valley, linden.

Let's look at the most famous plants for children.

Stinging nettle

The word comes from the Old Russian word “koprena” - silk. Fiber was obtained from nettles and fabrics were made.

Previously, nettle was considered a means of exorcism.

In difficult years, nettle helped people a lot. It was eaten, soups and salads were prepared. It has been known for a long time as a medicinal plant. Popular wisdom says: “ One nettle will replace seven doctors.”

Nettle is used for pneumonia, bleeding, gargling, and to strengthen hair.

The stems and leaves of nettle are covered with stinging hairs. This feature of the plant is reflected in riddles and proverbs.

Messing with him is like sitting in nettles.

Although it’s not fire, it burns.

What kind of grass can a blind person recognize?

Grows like a green wall,

They pass her by

A prickly and evil diva,

What is the name of the grass?


pharmaceutical camomile

The sisters are standing in the field,

Yellow eyes look at the sun,

Every sister has

White eyelashes


The name comes from the Latin “romona” - Roman, borrowed from the Polish language. In literature, her image is associated with the image of modest beauty and kindness.

Description of chamomile

Chamomile is an annual herbaceous plant from the Asteraceae family.

The flowers are collected in a basket, which consists of white tongue-shaped petals and yellow tubular flowers. Chamomile blooms from May to September. It grows everywhere: in fields, near roads, near human homes.

Medicinal properties of chamomile.

Used as a sedative, anti-inflammatory, diuretic.

Chamomile decoction is used to gargle and is used as an anti-inflammatory agent for gastrointestinal diseases. Apply as cosmetic product, a decoction of chamomile gives blond hair a golden tint.

How is chamomile prepared?

Flowers are collected in dry weather, dried in a well-warmed room by the sun, scattered in a thin layer on fabric or paper.

Dandelion officinalis

This plant has been familiar to children since childhood. Who doesn’t love collecting yellow dandelions and making wreaths from them? This is a perennial plant of the Asteraceae family.

They bloom for a long time, producing many seeds per season.

When dandelions bloom, it seems that the children of the sun have descended to the earth and covered it with a beautiful carpet.

Dandelion is very similar to the sun.

Dandelion has been used for a long time medicinal purposes. It is called the “elixir of life” for good reason: all parts of the plant are useful. And roots, leaves, flowers.

Dandelion flowers are used to make a jam similar to honey. You can use the leaves to make healthy salads in spring.

Dandelion salad:

100 g dandelion leaves;

90 g green onions;

25 g parsley;

15 g vegetable oil;

1 boiled egg;

salt, pepper to taste.

Soak the dandelion leaves in salt water for 30 minutes, chop them, add herbs, oil, and decorate with a boiled egg.

Dandelion has diaphoretic, antipyretic and expectorant properties.


Grows near roads. Its Russian names are “plantain”, “fellow traveler”. It is also called “reznik”, “rannik” - for its wound-healing properties.

In medicine, the leaves are used to heal wounds and cuts. Also used for bee, wasp and even snake bites. Freshly crushed plantain leaves prevent the appearance of edema.

Plantain is used for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, gastritis, and stomach diseases.

Plantain seeds are sticky, stick to human shoes, to the paws of animals and are carried over long distances.

You will meet him along the paths,

You will heal abrasions,

Tear off the leaf carefully.

Who will heal us?



I'm not famous for flowers

And with regular sheets:

Then hard, cold,

It's soft and dark.

The plant got its name from the structure of its leaves. Below they are white, fluffy, soft, like a mother's hands. Green on top, cold - like a stepmother.

A perennial plant of the Asteraceae family, with straight stems covered with brownish scale-like leaves.

There are yellow flowers on the stem.

The plant has long been used as a medicinal plant. Coltsfoot is a honey plant. And these are the first spring flowers that delight us.

Coltsfoot flowers

Like the lights of the sun.

They grow on a hillock,

Straight from the snow - and they bloom!

(L. Akinshina)


The leaf is smooth on top

But with flannelette lining


The plant uses both flowers and leaves. Used for coughs, to strengthen the immune system, as a diaphoretic.

Ivan-tea or fireweed

In ancient times, ropes were made from its stems and they called it “wild flax.” A good honey plant.

It is brewed like tea. Used for kidney disease as a sedative.

Shepherd's Purse

This plant grows everywhere like a weed. The fruit is a triangular pod similar to a shepherd's purse.

The infusion is used for bleeding.

In vacant lots and along roads

Weed with white inflorescence.

But having studied all its properties,

You might look at it the wrong way.

Stop the bleeding

In China, it is a salad for the table.

The weed is tenacious: there are so many seeds

In a fruit that looks like a bag.

(Shepherd's purse)

What other medicinal plants are known to children?


Add it to tea. Mint has many beneficial properties. Pleasant aroma, cooling taste. Mint tinctures are calming.

The tea is delicious and fragrant,

With her he is light and pleasant:

The leaves are torn off and wrinkled.

What are you inhaling? - Smell…( mint)

Calendula or marigold

What strange flowers

Under the name marigold?

So similar to daisies -

Everyone wearing orange shirts?


It has an expectorant, diuretic, and sweatogenic agent. Calendula is used to gargle for stomatitis and sore throat.

Lily of the valley

Listed in the Red Book. A fragile, beautiful and fragrant flower. But be careful. Lily of the valley is poisonous.

Lily of the valley is a very useful plant. Cardiac and sedative drops are prepared from it. IN folk medicine Lily of the valley is used, but you need to consult a doctor because it is unsafe.

The forest turns black

Warmly awakened

Surrounded by spring dampness.

And on strings of pearls

Everyone is shaking from the wind.

Carefully intertwined by nature,

Wrapped in green leaf

A flower grows in the untouched wilderness

Cool, fragile and fragrant.

(May lily of the valley)

St. John's wort

This is a low perennial plant with a straight, thin stem. There are light dots on the leaves that look like holes. The plant is called St. John's wort.

These cells store essential oils.

On the branches there are inflorescences of yellow flowers with a balsamic scent. St. John's wort blooms from June to August. Grows in meadows, fields, and along bank slopes.

Contains carotene and vitamin C. A plant useful for humans.

It is also called “God’s grass” and cures 99 ailments. Why not 100? St. John's wort should not be used by patients with tumors.

An infusion of the herb is used for stomach diseases, for gargling, and drunk as tea.

If something hurts,

Even the beast cannot resist.

What herb should you drink the infusion with?

With miracle weed...

(St. John's wort)


An unpretentious plant that grows everywhere. Just a wonderful weed. Children make figurines from its fruits. Burdock is also called burdock.

Both burdock roots and its leaves are used in medicine. Decoctions, infusions, extracts are prepared from them and various diseases are treated: gastritis, constipation, hemorrhoids, osteochondrosis, stomatitis.

Burdock leaves are applied to sore joints. Burdock decoction strengthens hair.

How to collect medicinal herbs correctly?

Medicinal plant collectors harvest medicinal herbs. Thanks to people's observation and folk wisdom, herbs are used to treat diseases. But the herbs still need to be collected correctly. Children need to be told about this:

  • Under no circumstances should you collect herbs near roads, because... they absorb harmful exhaust gases and there will be no benefit from them, only harm.
  • Medicinal plants should be collected only in clear and dry weather.
  • You can't taste plants.
  • Each type of plant is collected separately.
  • After collecting plants, wash your hands with soap.
  • Do not pick plants unnecessarily.

Plants grow everywhere and sometimes we simply don’t notice them, although they have great importance for a person.

Children need to be taught to take care of nature, because without a blade of grass or a flower, we will feel bad.

And here's another good one poem about the benefits of plants.


It lists the main properties of plants

Mint treats neuralgia,

And beets - hypertension.

Strawberries drive away salt

And sage - toothache.

Eat watermelon when you have niphrite,

And lingonberries - for arthritis,

To have more strength

Don't forget about elecampane

Cranberry will cure cystitis,

Radish cough and bronchitis.

Headache - viburnum,

And for colds - tea with raspberries.

Treat the liver with rowan,

Heart - mint and viburnum

To avoid diabetes,

Eat Jerusalem artichoke all summer long,

Cure asthma with hysop

Bladder - dill.

Wounds, ulcers, hemorrhoids -

Rinse with plantain

If you have swelling -

Horsetail and flax seed.

Smear the calluses with celandine.

And freckles - with grated horseradish,

Don't forget St. John's wort

Drink tea more often

Drink rosehip infusion,

You will be vigorous and young.

Video for children » A fairy tale about medicinal plants"


  1. Medicinal plants help people recover from diseases.
  2. Medicines are made from medicinal plants.
  3. Medicinal plants should be protected and not picked unnecessarily.

It is interesting and educational to tell children about useful medicinal plants that are often found. Read poems, guess riddles about medicinal plants. Children will remember them and treat them with care, knowing about the benefits that plants bring.

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Best regards, Olga.

People are part of nature. Since ancient times, they have learned to use its gifts and, first of all, plants. Some of them were eaten, others were used in construction or in everyday life, and others were used for medicinal purposes. It is these “natural healers” that will be discussed in this report.

How did people know that plants heal?

Observing animals, ancient people noticed that they looked for medicinal roots or herbs for various diseases. This is how people began to learn about the healing properties of plants. Our ancestors collected this knowledge bit by bit and passed it on from generation to generation. Those who knew the secrets of herbs and flowers were called herbalists or healers. They collected plants and made medicinal mixtures from them, which they used to treat patients with ailments.

Rosehip is a medicinal plant that contains a lot of vitamin C and other beneficial substances. Healing decoctions are prepared from its berries.
Photo: flickr.com/PaulGulliver

From ancient times to the present day

Over thousands of years, different peoples have accumulated information about medicinal plants. This ancient knowledge, which has survived to this day, is used in modern medicine and pharmaceuticals.

During excavations of a Sumerian city, a tablet was found that was three thousand years old. It describes 15 recipes using plants that can heal various ailments.

The ancient Egyptians, Chinese, Indians and other peoples widely used herbal medicines to treat diseases. Later, scientists all over the world, including in our country, studied the healing properties of herbs and flowers.

Today, books have been published that describe hundreds of valuable plants and thousands of recipes that can heal various diseases.

How many useful plants are there in the world?

There are about 320,000 plants growing around the world, but only 21,000 of them are medicinal and are used in medicine. The territory of Russia is vast and there are a huge number of various types representatives of the flora, including medicinal ones, which are divided into two categories:

  1. Official medicinal plants - there are about 300 of them in our country. Their properties have been well studied, and they are used for the production of medicines
  2. Medicinal plants of traditional medicine. They have been little studied, but they are widely used by healers and herbalists.

Chamomile flowers are brewed with boiling water and used to treat colds, stomach pain and as an anti-inflammatory agent.
Photo: flickr.com/LynneHandBy

In the twenty-first century, science has made huge strides forward. Created medications from various diseases. But doctors and pharmacists even today study the properties of meadow herbs, wildflowers, trees and shrubs, because natural resources are inexhaustible. Humanity still awaits many great discoveries.

About healing properties

There is one parable. The philosopher sent his student into the forest for completely useless grass. But the student was unable to complete his teacher’s assignments. Because every blade of grass is useful in some way.

Different parts of plants have healing properties. In some, beneficial substances accumulate in the leaves, in others - in the roots, in others - in fruits or flowers. You need to know which parts to use in medicine. The period of collection of medicinal raw materials is also very important so that the maximum amount of useful substances is accumulated. So, the roots are dug up in the fall, the bark is collected in the spring, flowers - during the flowering period, leaves - in early summer, and fruits - during the ripening period.

Tea made from lemon balm leaves calms the nervous system, helps with stomach diseases and heart disease.
Photo: flickr.com/stephanievacher

Also very It is important to properly prepare the collected material in order to preserve all valuable substances. Prepared raw materials should be dried in the shade so that moisture, dirt and dust do not fall on them.

About application

Nature has given people wild medicines, but it is important to know how to use them correctly. Healing decoctions and tinctures are made from some plants, others are used for compresses and rubbing, juice is extracted from some or ointments are made. As with treatment with tablets, precise dosages and the required duration of use are important here.

Linden flowers will help with colds, berries and raspberry leaves will reduce the temperature, plantain leaves will heal wounds, oak bark will help with gum problems.

Thyme (thyme) is prescribed for oral administration, inhalation and rinsing for sore throat, bronchitis and other diseases.
Photo: flickr.com/JohnJohnston

Protection of Nature

Many medicinal plants are on the verge of extinction. This is due to environmental changes and the reduction of wild forests and steppes. Such species are listed in the Red Book. It included some types of birch and oak, marshmallow, water lily, valerian, elecampane, wild rosemary and other representatives of the flora. It is very important to protect the invaluable resources of nature, which not only feeds people and animals, but also heals them.

The world around us is rich and diverse. It has everything so that a person can live a full life. But this world needs to be studied and protected.

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Hypothesis: Most of the plants in our region are medicinal. Goal: Find out which plants in our area are medicinal and whether they are used by the local population.

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Objectives of the research work

Get acquainted with medicinal herbs growing in the vicinity of the rural settlement of Peregrebnoye. Learn the rules for collecting medicinal herbs. Conduct a survey of the population to find out whether they use medicinal plants to treat diseases. Share the results of your research with your classmates. Research methods Collection of information. Identification of medicinal herbs in our area. Survey. Study period: May 2011 – February 2012

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Rules for collecting medicinal plants

The roots are dug up in the fall after the leaves have fallen or in early spring, clean with cold water. The above-ground parts of plants containing volatile aromatic substances are collected at the beginning of summer, when the leaves have fully blossomed and buds have formed. Green leaves and grass can be collected all summer, but it is better in the spring. Flowers are picked when fully bloomed and only in clear weather. Fruits and seeds are collected only when ripe.

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Types of medicinal raw materials

Cardiovascular drugs Expectorants Hemostatic drugs Gastrointestinal drugs Vitamin drugs

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Vitamin products

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    They called calendula marigolds, These flowers are like the sun, But the seeds were collected, So similar to claws! Smiles affectionately in the morning, Spreading the eyelashes of flowers, And if you smell it, it will decorate it with bright powder! And the smell is such that it can hardly be confused with another. We can have a tart, thick aroma! - And how it heals! Worthy of a medal! -That's what people say about her.

    Slide 8

    Rose hip

    Everything is awakening, green buds are swelling, the streams are babbling - they are far from running to the river. Tender coltsfoot mothers yellow color the flowers smile lightly at the bright warm sun, and dance, twirl, to the singing of birds in a round dance, they try - without a conductor it’s not easy for them to sing... a dazzling ball flares up in the sky, embraces with its rays, in the hope of warming... The heavens inspire you to bare your heart , The woolen clothes of winter are scattered and forgotten, From the surging feelings - you understand that there is nowhere to escape, A strong thirst appears to love each other... And to dream and sigh about your dear unearthly soul mate; While waiting for your hands to weave a spring wreath. Come quickly along the cheerful green path!.. Yellow coltsfoot will bring flowers....

    Slide 9


    Look, she’s lurking and pretending to be “fluffy”! We know you, nettle, and we won’t pick you for anything. “I have many healing properties. I heal poor animals, I am an excellent medicine for the entire living kingdom!”

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    The celandine has grown in riotous colors in the fields, forests and gardens. It has filled with yellow juice and has a plump body, to the delight of Mother Nature. To know whether there is a reason or a problem for this. That, despite the drought, it is becoming more and more magnificent. A good healer, celandine is a panacea for almost all diseases. In all good conditions, it is brewed, drunk, They smear it on the body. He’s on a first-name basis with everyone and enters anyone’s house. It’s a pity, but you can’t wash your soul with celandine

    Slide 11


    White basket, Golden bottom. There is a dewdrop in it and the sun sparkles. We'll take it home and put it on the table. If we suddenly get sick, we will brew it.

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    The roadside dandelion was like the sun, golden. But it faded and became like fluffy white smoke.

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    Juniper, juniper, what is sad, like a hermit? Powdered with white snow, Alone among the slender pines? And you guard the front steps like a faithful dog.

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    Somewhere wild rosemary is blooming on the hills, Cedars are piercing the sky... It seems as if a land has been waiting for me for a long time, where I have never been.

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    Mother and stepmother are on the road, the sky is clear on the water... Having wet my feet up to the knees, I walk through the forest to you...

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    Sociological survey

    Does your family use medicinal plants? What treatment do you use more: herbs or medications? Where do you get herbs for treatment? What medicinal herbs do you use for treatment?

    A long time ago, people noticed that all animals were treated with herbs. Different plants help against different diseases. For many years in a row, people passed on to their descendants knowledge about medicinal plants. They compiled thick books: “Herbalists”, “Flower Gardens”, “Zelniki”. Over the years, folk healers have accumulated a lot of knowledge about beneficial properties plants. In modern pharmacies you can see a variety of herbs, tinctures, tablets and herbal mixtures. Scientists have obtained many modern medicines from herbs. But medicinal plants still help people against diseases.

    One of these medicinal plants is burdock.

    Presentation about burdock (burdock)

    Common burdock or burdock, which we can find in the forest and in the garden, and even in courtyards in the city, is a medicinal plant. Burdock has a strong, tall stem. The leaves are bright green and large.

    Burdock flowers are prickly gray-pink balls.

    Burdock leaves benefit people. If you get injured, apply burdock to the wound and it will heal faster. If your joints hurt, apply burdock and the pain will subside. What if your temperature has risen and you don’t have a pill at hand - apply a burdock leaf to your head, press it with a handkerchief and the temperature will drop.

    Burdock root is brewed and drunk when joints or stomach hurt.

    Burdock oil is also prepared from burdocks; it is even sold in pharmacies. It is very useful to rub this oil into the hair roots - it strengthens them.

    Burdock grows everywhere because its prickly seeds, when ripe, cling to animal fur and people's clothing and are thus carried to new places. But it can only be collected in the forest and garden, where it is clean and there are no exhaust gases from cars.

    Burdock should be in every home medicine cabinet.

    Questions for the presentation:

    1. What does the burdock plant look like?
    2. What diseases can be treated with burdock?
    3. How does the burdock spread the shift?

    Lungwort is a herbaceous plant. It grows in the forest, in clearings, along river banks, and in gardens.

    Lungwort grows no higher than 30 cm in height. Its stem and spotted leaves are covered with delicate fluff.

    Lungwort is one of the first to bloom - at the end of April, and blooms throughout the spring. Her flowers are in the shape of bells at the tops of the stems.

    Lungwort is an unusual plant. At the beginning of flowering, its flowers are pink, and then they change color and become blue.

    Lungwort is used for treatment. An infusion of lungwort will help against coughs and colds and improve immunity.

    Lungwort leaves are added to spring salads.

    Bees love lungwort; in the spring they collect nectar from it to make honey. Lungwort flowers themselves taste sweet.

    Lungwort is a perennial plant. Beautiful and useful flowers will grow from the roots next spring.

    Questions about the text

    1. Where does lungwort grow?
    2. When does lungwort bloom?
    3. What kind of flowers does lungwort have?
    4. What will the infusion of lungwort help with?

    Presentations prepared by Maxim Egorov
    to class The world 2nd grade

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    Slide captions:

    Medicinal plants Lesson of the surrounding world 4 “A” class based on the textbook by N.Ya Dmitriev and A.N. Kazakova “The world around us”

    On the lawns and clearings there will be a lot of thick herbs, Honey herbs, fresh, spicy, Herbs golden from the sun.


    St. John's wort In the old days, this medicine was called “the herb for 99 diseases.” It is used as a hemostatic agent. It heals wounds, kills germs, and stops suppuration and inflammation. The leaves contain essential oils, vitamins E and C. It has an excellent coloring agent.

    DANDELION MEDICINAL Within our country, 208 species of dandelions have been described. In Russian folk medicine, dandelion was considered a “vital elixir”; used to improve digestion, a sedative, useful for jaundice, insomnia. The ancient Greeks and Romans used dandelion juice to treat freckles. IN Central Asia to destroy warts.

    ORIGINAL ORIGINAL In folk medicine, oregano herb is used as a diuretic and diaphoretic, and is included in many teas. Oregano is obtained from the herb essential oil, which is included in some ointments and is used as a painkiller. In Indian medicine, essential oil is used as an aromatic, stimulant and strengthening agent. The plant has an antibacterial effect.

    LARGE PLANNANT The plant constantly accompanies a person. The American Indians called it “the white man’s footprint” because the leaves pressed to the surface resemble a footprint. Preparations from the leaves are used for gastritis and acute intestinal diseases. The juice of freshly picked plantain leaves has a positive effect on wound healing.

    PHARMACEUTICAL CAMOMILE Russian name chamomile appeared in the 18th century. In Russian folk medicine, an infusion of flower baskets is used as an infusion for gastritis, colitis, liver disease, kidney disease, colds, the nervous system, and insomnia. Chamomile should be used only as prescribed by a doctor.

    NETTLE Nettle is the oldest medicinal plant. Used for rheumatism and fever. Nettle juice is used for liver stones, kidney stones, and lung disease. This plant contains vitamins C, K, carotene. In folk medicine, nettle leaves are used as a means of strengthening hair. In veterinary medicine, nettle is used as an external remedy against gangrene and festering wounds.

    CHERA TRIPARTED “Prichepoy” grass is called because of the fruits that firmly stick into the fabric and animal fur. The herb is used to prepare medicinal baths, which are widely used in children's practice, for rashes, various diathesis, and seborrhea of ​​the head. The tripartite sequence is also used as a bitter to improve digestion.

    TANDY ORDINARY “Rowan” is the plant’s name because of its inflorescence, which resembles a bunch of rowan berries. In folk medicine, tansy has long been used for fevers, as an anthelmintic, and gastrointestinal diseases. In Siberian folk medicine, tansy is used for headaches, rheumatism, jaundice, sprains and wounds. In central Russia, in the past tansy grass was used to cover the carcasses of slaughtered cattle to preserve the meat.

    SHEPHERD'S PURSE Shepherd's purse has been known in folk medicine since ancient times as a hemostatic agent for internal bleeding and kidney diseases. Shepherd's purse also has the ability to reduce blood pressure. In Tibetan medicine, the plant is considered an antiemetic. In some countries, shepherd's purse grass is used to prepare borscht, soups, fresh and dry.

    Common coltsfoot Preparations of coltsfoot are used for respiratory diseases, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, sore throat. A decoction of the leaves is used to wash the hair to strengthen hair and prevent dandruff. In folk medicine, the leaves are also used for poor appetite and colds.

    Yarrow This plant was known in ancient times as a “wound herb”, which is used in the treatment of wounds and bleeding. This plant has long been used in Rus' as a hemostatic agent. One of the ancient Russian chronicles reports that one hundred grandsons of Dmitry Donskoy were cured of nosebleeds with the juice of yarrow herb. Yarrow is recommended for general weakness and for certain nervous diseases. In the wine industry, the leaves and flowering tops of the plant are used to prepare bitters and liqueurs.

    The presentation was prepared by primary school teacher L.V. Tsyganok.