Our lumbago is ripe everywhere: wild-growing species of lumbago. Opened lumbago: medicinal properties, plant types and its cultivation. Lumbago fruits

Dream grass (Latin name Anemone patens), or lumbago, is a perennial flowering plant of the Ranunculaceae family. It grows in the countries of Northern and Southern Europe, in North America, China, Mongolia, in the CIS countries, including Russia - in the Urals, Siberia, and the Far East. The plant is considered endangered and is listed in the Red Books of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, and Estonia.

general information

Description: sleep grass is a low plant up to 20 cm high, with a powerful vertical rhizome Brown. The leaves are rooted, on long, hairy stalks, at first also hairy, but later become bare. They grow after flowering and dry out in the fall.

The peduncles of the plant are straight, the flowers after blooming are bell-shaped, and later become like stars. Petals are 3-4 cm long, pointed, straight, blue or purple. Hairy on the outside and smooth on the inside. The stamens are yellow. In place of the flowers, after flowering, round, hairy fruits with seeds are formed. The silvery fluff makes them look like light, airy balloons, making the shoots beautiful both during flowering and during fruit ripening.

Sleep grass grows well on podzolic soil in mixed and coniferous forests, heathland, shrubs and pine forest slopes.


In Russian, sleep grass is called lumbago - this name is associated with ancient legend, according to which evil spirits fell in love with the flower and, with its help, began to cast a spell on people (dope and clouding of reason). The bright heavenly forces decided to prevent this; one of the archangels threw his fiery spear into the sleeping grass. Now evil spirits are afraid of the flower like fire, and people call it “arrow” or lumbago.

It was not for nothing that the evil spirit turned its attention to the beautiful flower and tried to do its dirty deeds with its help. The Slavs have long noticed that sleep grass has unusual properties; they believed that if you put it under your pillow at night, it would induce a prophetic dream. The same dream can visit someone who comes to the clearing in the evening with blooming dream grass.

It is not for nothing that the flower is called a dream-dream, a dream, a dream and a samson. Its hypnotic properties have long been known folk medicine, they are used to treat nervous diseases and insomnia. Modern homeopaths do not forget about the flower, but we should not forget that the plant is completely poisonous, its use is possible under the supervision of a doctor and in small doses.

Variety of species

The genus dream grass or lumbago consists of almost 30 plant species. They are similar to each other in many ways, but may differ in the shape and color of the flowers, as well as in the density of the fluff. Almost all of them grow on light forest edges, on dry open slopes in the temperate and subtropical climate of the Northern Hemisphere.

About 20 species are cultivated in horticulture. The plant responds very well to care and care, blooms profusely and luxuriantly in the garden. Let's name the most popular types of sleep grass - lumbago.

Common lumbago in nature and gardens, this flower is found more often than other species. Due to the fact that the common lumbago blooms in the spring, in France and England it is called the Easter flower.

Description: The common lumbago can be from 15 to 20 cm in height, after flowering and during the ripening of the fruit it grows up to 25 cm. If in other types of lumbago the leaves appear after flowering, then the common lumbago produces them at the same time.

Common lumbago served as the basis for the development of new garden plant varieties: Alba with white flowers, Barton Pink with pink flowers and light leaves, Gotlandica with large purple bell flowers. Ena Constance is a low-growing plant with dark red flowers. Genus Klokk with dark red flowers. Mr Van der Elsf with pink flowers. Rubra - with lilac-red flowers.

Spring lumbago in wildlife grows in central Russia and in the southern regions, as well as in European countries and Asia Minor. Most often it can be seen in pine forests or on grassy slopes.

Description: Spring lumbago grows up to 30 cm, has straight or slightly bent stems. Spring lumbago blooms at the end of May with single bell-shaped flowers. The petals have a double color - white inside and light lilac outside. Leaves form after flowering.

Open lumbago blooms from April to May.

Description: The peduncle is very short, so it seems that the buds are blooming directly from the ground. Later, the stems grow up to 15 cm, and the flowers, which at first look like bells, turn into open stars. After flowering, during fruiting, the stems grow up to 50 cm.

The flowers are silky and fluffy, like the heads of chicks. The petals are violet-blue, dark violet, violet-pink, pink, and the stamens are bright yellow.

In the wild, up to 50 flowers can appear on one bush; in the garden there can be many more, especially if the flower is provided with proper care.

The leaves on the open lumbago appear towards the end of flowering; on the open lumbago they are trifoliate, palmately divided. Other shoots have pinnately dissected leaves.

Blackening or meadow lumbago - grows in pine forests, as well as on dry, light slopes. Description: The flowers are small, about 4 cm in diameter, similar to drooping bells. Petals are light lilac, reddish or purple.

The leaves are pinnately dissected and grow during or after flowering. This species is called blackening because some of its varieties have black-violet flowers, with the tips of the petals bent outward and light yellow perianths. The diameter of the flower is small - up to 3 cm.

Golden lumbago blooms with large dark yellow flowers, up to 7 cm in diameter. The leaves of golden lumbago are pinnately dissected, which appear and grow during flowering. The good thing about golden lumbago is that its flowering lasts for several months - from April to September. Of course, such a long flowering is produced not by one flower, but by different ones - their flowers form at different times. This is a low plant - when flowering its height does not exceed 20 cm, and during the ripening of the fruit the stems can stretch up to half a meter. In nature, golden lumbago grows in the Caucasus.

White lumbago has cup-shaped white flowers with a purple tint.

Description: The diameter of the flowers is up to 5 cm, the height of the plant is not large - 10 cm during flowering, and no more than 40 cm during fruiting. The leaves, like most members of the family, are pinnately dissected, with deep teeth along the edges. It grows naturally in Central European countries.

Haller's lumbago grows in the mountains of Crimea and in the mountainous regions of Central Europe.

Description: Height is about 20 cm, the flowers are bell-shaped, dark purple in color, up to 7 cm in diameter. The petals are smooth on the inside and fluffy on the outside. Blooms in April-May for 1 month. The leaves are pinnately dissected, with light golden fluff, and grow after flowering.

Garden culture

Sleep grass is a plant that is not very difficult to grow, and good care will help you achieve excellent results. But it must be remembered that if you transfer a flower from natural conditions to the garden, it will most likely die, and no amount of care can prevent this. Dream grass does not tolerate transplantation; moreover, plucking or digging up sleep grass can cause damage to nature, because the flower is already listed in the Red Book.

It is best to grow a flower in the garden yourself, collecting seeds in natural conditions, or buying them in a special store. Some flower shops sell seedlings in cups or containers; all that remains is to plant them and provide the flower with proper care.

Another option for growing sleep grass at home is to plant seeds in pots in early spring - in March. The crops should not be too dense so that when planted in open ground it was possible to move the seedlings along with a lump of earth without unnecessary stress. Caring for seedlings in a pot will consist of watering and loosening the soil.

If necessary, adult plants are replanted together with a lump of earth; before the procedure, the bush is well watered, dug in on all sides, removed from the ground and carefully transferred to a new place. The hole must be prepared in advance by pouring humus, peat, sand into it and filling it with water.

Planting sleep grass seeds in open ground takes place in the spring - in April-May, when the daytime air temperature is not lower than +20-25 degrees. At first, the planting can be covered with film at night, and during the day, especially after the emergence of seedlings, it can be removed so that the seedlings do not die from the high temperature.

For planting seeds, make holes or grooves 1-1.5 cm deep. The seeds of the lumbago are very small; if you bury them deeper, you may not see shoots. The planting site is filled with water in advance, the seeds are sown and sprinkled with dry soil, so they will germinate faster and the moisture will not evaporate too quickly.

In regions with a warm climate, you can sow freshly harvested seeds in the summer so that the plant blooms in the fall - in October or even November.

Sleep grass loves light, breathable soil. Before planting, mineral fertilizers, peat and sand should be added to it.

To grow dream grass, you need to choose an open, sunny place, but at first the young shoots need to be shaded.

The first shoots will appear 3-4 weeks after planting and will begin to grow quickly. During this period, caring for them consists of watering, weeding and loosening the soil.

Watering, especially in dry, hot weather, should be plentiful, but excess moisture will harm the roots.

Sleep grass, which naturally grows in high mountain areas, is best sown in the fall so that the seeds undergo stratification in winter. With such planting, seedlings will appear in May, and with proper care, they will develop into a healthy, strong plant, but will bloom only after 4-6 years.

When growing herbs from seeds, the color of the flowers and other species characteristics may not correspond to those stated on the packaging, especially for hybrid varieties. However, if there are several types of plants growing in the garden, thanks to cross-pollination you can get a good result, with flowers of different colors and shapes.

It is better to propagate varietal plants by dividing the roots or by root cuttings. Root division is performed after flowering, or closer to autumn. And cuttings take place after flowering, when the plant has leaves.

Dream grass is a long-lived plant; in the garden or in the wild, some specimens can live up to a hundred years. Moreover, old bushes also produce abundant flowering, especially with good care and regular fertilizing with mineral fertilizers.

Lumbago is an interesting plant that many gardeners choose for their collection. It looks beautiful and unusual. The flower looks as if it is plush, which attracts attention. Otherwise it is called dream grass or snow tulip. Let's learn more about lumbago and figure out how to properly care for it.


In terms of popularity, lumbago is not inferior to luxurious roses, tulips or crocuses. Many gardeners decide to decorate their garden plots with these charming plants. Dream grass is one of the brightest representatives of garden crops. It is distinguished by spring flowering. The plant is hardy and charming. Lumbago is a spectacular perennial that belongs to the ranunculaceae family. It may refer to primroses or snowdrops. Translated from Latin, the name of this flower means “oscillation”, “swaying”. This indicates plants swaying in the wind.

In cultivation, these flowers can hardly be called simple and pliable. According to experienced gardeners, it is difficult to “work” with such crops. Lumbocabs need optimal conditions of detention. If you don’t take care of them, you can forget about the beautiful flowering of dream grass.

Analyzing the description of the appearance of these delicate and attractive plants, it is worth highlighting a number of main features. The lumbagoes are small in size. These are herbaceous perennials that can reach a height of 5 to 40 cm. Despite such height parameters and small flower sizes, these crops do not “dissolve” in the area, but attract a lot of attention and look bright.

Dream grass has special roots. They grow either at an angle or are vertically directed. The rhizomes are impressively long and lie deep. They are powerful, rod-type, distinguished by their large size and non-standard structure. For such a small and modest flower, the structure of the rhizomes is unexpected. The lumbago shoots turn out to be almost straight. They are crowned with a flower, which is emphasized by narrowly dissected leaf blades fused into an improvised blanket. The latter imitate the shape of root leaves. The greenery of dream grass cannot be called too expressive or attention-grabbing. But clumps of different leaves will not stop serving as decoration and addition to the living composition until late autumn.

The basal leaf plates are characterized by modest sizes. They sit on elongated petioles in a rosette, which is not in all cases dense. The leaves can be pinnately dissected, palmate or densely pubescent. Shoots can boast another interesting feature - they are distinguished by elongation, stretching of shoots after the flowering stage, at the ordinary stage of fruit development. But the flowers are considered the real pride of these non-trivial plants. The buds can be large. They act as the most decorative component of the plant.

In their structure, the flowers of the dream grass resemble charming bells. In some subspecies they are characterized by a cup-shaped shape. They grow as solitary flowers, their average diameter is 8 cm. The flowers have 6 well-furred petals on the outside. The colors of the buds may vary. The most common are snow-white, lilac, yellow or red specimens.

Types and varieties

There are many types of lumbago. Many of the representatives included in the sleep-grass genus have a certain degree of protection under the Red Book. Of the approximately 40 varieties of this crop, only 15 are used in horticulture. It is difficult to understand the direct classification of crop species and varieties. Many of the plants known to everyone as lumbago have completely different names - you can simply change the name Pulsatilla to Anemone, and you can get one of the latest variations of the name lumbago.

Let's get acquainted with the most popular and widespread species and varieties of this wonderful flower.

Common (Pulsatilla vulgaris)

The most diverse species, if we consider it from the perspective of varieties. The shoots of these plants can grow only up to 20 cm. They are always solitary. The flowers have a bell-like structure with beautiful pointed leaves. The leaf blades themselves are dissected into narrow filiform lobes. The green component of the plants looks very good.

The following specimens are usually classified as popular forms of common lumbago.

  • Grandis– known for its huge (8 cm in diameter) flowers, which are hard not to notice in the garden.

  • Amoena- a very popular and non-trivial form, distinguished by aesthetic flowers of a dark or red-violet hue.

  • Atrosanguinea- a dark red variety with flowers of a “drooping” tone, distinguished by elegant thin leaves.

Multi-colored varieties of common lumbago are very popular. Among them are the following:

  • Mrs van der Elst– a chic variety with soft pink flowers;

  • Papageno Black– a variety known for its deep purple coloring, similar in structure to “Papageno”;

  • Rote Glocke– the flower is tulip-shaped, has an expressive red tint;

  • "Papageno"– a white-flowered variety with leaf blades with dissection, is large-flowered.


An incredibly beautiful and bright variety. Plants from this category are highly plastic. Their height is 50 cm. The color of the flowers varies. The plant has palmate foliage. The leaf blades are usually arranged in a whorl and appear only after flowering, surprising everyone with the original shape of the lobes. Plants of this subspecies have large flowers. Their diameter can be 8 cm. Colors can be deep purple, blue-violet, white. The structure of the flowers is simple - bell-shaped. Over time, this structure changes and becomes like a star.

The flowers of this culture grow straight. There are unusual fruits that literally burrow into the soil, thus reacting to the moisture level.


In Russia you can also find spring sleep grass. This species is loved by many gardeners. These green pets look touching. They literally shine and are considered one of the brightest, most saturated spring flowers. They can grow up to 30 cm in height. These beauties are distinguished by both slightly curved and neat straight shoots. Leathery-type basal leaves bloom right up to the buds. The cups are made in the form of bells. They have a white-pearl color on the inside and a lilac color on the outside.


A very good-quality flower with a voluminous, noticeable rosette of basal foliage, which in growth can reach up to 30 cm. Gorgeous leaves appear exclusively after the peduncles. The flowers here are also bell-shaped and will grow gracefully, with a spectacular yellow color. They can be up to 6 cm in diameter.


This is the name of the type of lumbago, characterized by small dimensional parameters. The growth of the crop can reach 30 cm. In Russia, this plant is called differently, namely: Crimean lumbago. Flowering of this plant takes approximately 30 days - from April to May. During this period, fluffy flower stalks with bright purple flowers and a yellow central section appear. The basal leaves have an interesting shape.


Positive, variegated plant. Looks much larger than its natural size. It can grow up to 35 cm in height. It boasts rich, well-dissected leaves with rich pubescence and elongated petioles. Strong and juicy greenery acts only as a background for gorgeous flowers. Their average diameter is 6 cm. They have a completely open shape and large petals of bright golden color.


A species that is famous for its luxurious, dense foliage. It has vertical rhizomes and is small in height - 5-10 cm. Peduncles are characterized by a good pubescence and are decorated with narrow-lanceolate foliage. The diameter of the flowers is 5-6 cm. They do not open completely. Flower growers advise taking a closer look at the interesting varieties of Ayan lumbago:

  • "Turchaninova"– a plant with rich foliage, the flowers are purple in color and look as if they are floating in the air;

  • "Bell-shaped"– externally, the plant is very similar to a bell, has narrowed flowers of a long structure, they are directed downward or slightly inclined.


A species distinguished by drooping flowers on peduncles of an elegant, curved structure. The color of the buds is muted purple. There are beautiful watercolor transitions of colors. The foliage is pinnately dissected with a silver color and velvety pubescence. The most popular forms of meadow shooting are considered to be:

  • Nigricans– a spectacular plant with inky purple flowers;

  • "Magadansky"- the most undersized lumbago, but with large pubescent leaves and bell-shaped flowers.


An unusual type of lumbago. This is a dwarf, the height of which is up to 20 cm. It stands out for its delicate light lilac flowers in the form of skirts and has bright stamens. There are lovely leaves on top of everything. Among all the varieties of this type, the most popular are:

  • "Alpine"– a charming perennial with white, yellow, beige flowers that bloom in late spring;
  • "Mountain"- the same “Alpine”, but refers to high-mountain varieties.


Perennial with a height of 5 to 18 cm. In the state of fruiting it can be 30 cm. The root leaves are long, pinnately dissected. The fruits have short but thick awns 2-2.5 cm in length. This species grows well in mountains and meadows. The flowers of the Albanian lumbago are very delicate and beautiful, distinguished by an unobtrusive beige-yellow color.


An affectionate, touchingly tender plant from the class of perennials. Loves partial shade. Can grow up to 40 cm in height. The flowers are small (no more than 2 cm) and have a very beautiful bluish-lilac color. Frost-resistant green pets that survive winters well.

How to plant?

Before you start planting lumbago, you need to thoroughly prepare the soil. Fertilizers should be added to the soil organic origin, humus, compost, a small amount of nutrient compositions containing nitrogen (urea). Next, a thorough digging is carried out. Lumbago has a large root system, especially tap roots. For this reason, cultivation of the land must be carried out at a suitable depth. For most species and varieties of crops, in addition to spring application, lime is introduced into the soil. You can immediately select alkaline soil.

It is permissible to move sleep grass from the seed beds in early spring. But seedlings can be planted at the main “place of deployment” only from May until the end of summer. Early planting will bring the best results.

When you begin to plant lumbago in the form of seedlings, it is important to ensure that the earthen ball is maintained on its roots. Contact with the flower itself should be extremely minimal. It is extremely important to guarantee high-quality and timely care for lumbago. During the first month, and even better before active development begins, the plantings need to be watered in sufficient quantities.

It is important to remember that the flowers in question experience the transplantation procedure extremely negatively. Plants that are more than 10 years old will most likely not be able to take root in a new place. But the lumbago does not require division and constant changes in the place in which it grows. If you still need to replant, then dig out the shoots with a lump of earth, making sure that it is preserved during all the work.

How to properly care?

Lumbago is a plant that needs proper care. Let us consider in detail how to properly grow this crop.


The plant in question will only need watering if there is prolonged dry weather outside. When temperature values ​​go beyond the norm, you should not forget about watering the lumbago. On excessively dry and hot days, watering will give these plants strength, but systemic procedures of this kind are not needed. Yes, this plant itself can survive aggressive drought, however, to ensure more abundant flowering, it is still better to use watering.


If you want to grow a truly healthy and beautiful plant, it needs to be fed. They are extremely important for both the flowering process and the ripening of flower buds. Organic compounds must be added as planting progresses. In the fall, these components will also be relevant in the form of mulch. Do not forget about the annual portion of humus and other natural fertilizers. It is recommended to apply mineral fertilizers exclusively in summer. The schedule for their addition should be monthly: 2 or 3 times fertilizer should be applied in May, June and July. The optimal fertilizers for the plants in question are:

  • phosphorus;
  • potassium preparations that do not contain nitrogen.


Only young growth of sleep grass should be prepared for the winter season. Before frost comes, at the end of autumn it is advisable to cover the plantings with spruce branches or dry leaves. Shelter must be provided for young seedlings that were planted this year. In the second year, lumbago is covered only if the winter is planning to come very snowy. Adult plants survive the winter without any problems without additional covering materials. Of course, flowers will not suffer if they are in well-prepared soil, and they will not be at risk of high waterlogging when the thaw arrives.

Subtleties of growing from seeds

If you want to grow lumbago at home from seeds, There are some important rules to keep in mind.

  • Experienced flower growers advise sowing only widespread varieties collected in the fall, in March. It is advisable to use purchased soil and mix it in half with coarse sand.
  • When planting seeds in a pot or other suitable container, do not sprinkle them with soil on top. They will sprout without problems only if there is good lighting.
  • The air temperature must be at least +25 degrees Celsius (a little more is allowed).
  • The percentage of air humidity should be high. It is permissible to leave the seedlings in a greenhouse or cover them with pieces of glass.
  • If you sow lumbago seeds correctly, they will sprout the first shoots literally after 5-14 days.
  • If the sprouted plantings fail to shed their seed coats, they will need to be moistened several times a day using warm water.
  • When the seedlings are at the stage of 2-3 leaves, they can be planted in separate containers (cups). In the first year of life, this culture is calm about transplants.
  • If you plan to plant plants in the garden, then this should be done in May and immediately in their permanent place.

Reproduction methods

Lumbago is such an interesting plant that can only be propagated by seed due to the fact that the plant has a vertically located thick root, it does not tolerate transplantation and division, as well as cuttings. It is advisable to sow the plant with freshly collected seeds in spring and in warm soil. You can do this in July-August. The seeds are sown at a shallow depth of 1-1.5 cm. The seedlings are watered abundantly, avoiding water stagnation. It is permissible to mulch them.

Diseases and pests

One of the biggest advantages of lumbago is its resistance to various pests and diseases that affect plants. Nature has endowed this culture with effective defense mechanisms. If you grow this beautiful flower correctly, observing all the nuances and rules, then it will not hurt, even if you make a mistake in something.

If you are planning to plant this interesting plant in your garden, should be armed with several useful tips from experienced flower growers.

  • In the wild, the plants in question cannot be plucked, cut, or dug up. Digging them up will be a pointless exercise. If you want to plant such a crop on your plot, it is better to purchase seeds from a specialized store.
  • This plant grows well in both sunny and shaded areas. It is recommended to select slopes in the south or east.
  • This flower should not be over-watered - a large amount of liquid will lead to rotting of the root system.
  • You should not be surprised if through seed propagation it was possible to obtain new forms of the plant. They may well differ from the parent colors.
  • If seedlings are grown in peat containers, then regular watering is especially necessary for them.
  • Lumbago is often used to prepare medicinal compounds. It is important not to forget that this plant is poisonous when fresh. You can only use dried herbs, and not earlier than 5 months after collecting them. During this period, all toxic components that pose a danger to humans will inevitably be destroyed.

Use in landscape design

Sleep grass is actively used in landscape design. Such flowers can effectively decorate a garden, making it more colorful, lively and fresh. Often the described culture is used to fill gravel gardens. Often, lumbago is planted in an interesting combination with alpine plants or on neat rocky hills. A good solution is to plant the lumbago in special mixborders. At the same time, the plants in the neighborhood should feel good in conditions of neutral and relatively dry soils.

Sleep-grass received this name among the people because of its pronounced hypnotic properties. Since ancient times, not only the Slavic peoples, but also the Mongols, Chinese, and indigenous people of Siberia and North America have known about its benefits. Not only the sedative, but also the antimicrobial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and expectorant effects of the herb are known. It is important to remember that sleep grass is a poisonous plant. Uncontrolled use and self-medication can lead to overdose and poisoning. Even inhaling the vapors from fresh weed can be hazardous to your health. Dream grass is found in myths and legends of different peoples. In ancient times it was used to prepare a magic potion.

Features of an open lumbago

In what regions can you find lumbago? Is harvesting grass allowed? What are the main indications and contraindications for use?


Open lumbago, or sleep-grass, is found in Europe, especially in the middle zone and southern regions. But it can also be seen in Northern Europe - Sweden and Finland. It also grows in Siberia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, China, the Far East, and North America. Loves dry pine and mixed forests, open meadows and forest edges, sunny slopes, meadows and steppes.

Botanical characteristics

The shot is open. Botanical illustration by Jacob Sturm from the book "Deutschlands Flora in Abbildungen", 1796.

What does dream grass look like? The average plant height is 15 cm, but at good conditions can reach 40 cm. In early spring, it shoots a stem (rarely two or three) from the rhizome. What is the botanical description medicinal plant dream grass?

  • Perennial herbaceous plant.
  • The stem is erect, covered with thick soft hairs.
  • At the end of the stem there is a large bell-shaped flower of light purple color.
  • The flower has numerous yellow anthers (the upper part of the stamen).
  • The leaves are silvery, heavily pubescent, dissected.
  • Blooms in March-May depending on the area.
  • Reproduces only by seeds.

Is it possible to collect grass

The grass is listed in the Red Book of Russia. In particular, collecting the plant is prohibited in the Moscow, Ryazan, Lipetsk, Oryol, Tula, and Kaluga regions. In some regions, lumbago is becoming a rare plant. Belongs to a declining, vulnerable species. For example, at the end of the 19th century there were sixteen populations of the flower, today there are only nine. What is the reason for grass dying out? Collection for bouquets, mass procurement as medicinal raw materials, overgrowing of plant habitats with dense grass.

You can grow sleep grass in your garden both as a beautiful decorative flower and as a medicinal raw material. IN medicinal purposes use the entire above-ground part. Experienced herbalists do not recommend preparing any home remedies from fresh herbs. Fresh stems, leaves and flowers contain protoanemonin, a toxic substance. During drying, after about 3–4 months, it evaporates. But the raw materials do not lose their medicinal properties and become less toxic.

Healing effect

Medicinal properties of sleep herb:

  • pain reliever;
  • astringent;
  • sedative;
  • relaxing;
  • hypnotic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • bactericidal;
  • diuretic;
  • choleretic;
  • expectorant;
  • enveloping;
  • wound healing.

Chemical composition:

  • saponins;
  • coumarins;
  • volatile substances (anemonin);
  • camphor;
  • tannins.

List of indications

What does sleep herb help with? For what diagnoses is it recommended to take the herb?

  • Functional disorders of the nervous system. Main indications: migraine, agitation, insomnia, irritability, hysteria, headache. The herb also improves emotional well-being, improves mood, and relieves attacks of melancholy and depression.
  • Respiratory system . An open lumbago gives an antispasmodic and expectorant effect. It is prescribed for coughs (bronchitis, bronchial asthma, whooping cough).
  • Benefit for women's health . The herb has a pronounced sedative effect and helps to calmly survive the premenopausal period. Relieves symptoms of PMS. It especially helps with spastic pain in the lower abdomen, headaches, unstable emotional state, tearfulness, and irritability. Ancient herbalists describe that lumbago was previously given to women to stimulate labor and also relieve pain.
  • The cardiovascular system. It is less often mentioned that the plant lumbago is beneficial for heart disorders, stimulates cardiac activity, relieves vascular spasms, reduces arterial pressure.
  • External use. You can use rubs for joint diseases (rheumatism, gout, arthritis), treat wounds, eczema, fungal skin infections, and burns with strong infusions. The herb acts as an anesthetic and antiseptic.

Some sources indicate that lumbago herb helps with cataracts and glaucoma caused by increased intraocular pressure. There is also information that the plant has antitumor properties and helps with cancer. It is also taken for benign prostate tumors in men.

What are the contraindications for lumbago? It is forbidden to take it for inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys, for pregnant women (may cause miscarriage), and for children. Fresh grass can cause severe allergies and burns upon contact with skin and mucous membranes. In case of overdose and long-term use, poisoning with anemonine is possible, as well as disorders of the nervous and digestive system. You should not take the medicine without consulting a doctor.

Features of use and recipes for preparing sleep-grass

What are the uses of sleep herb at home? In what dosage forms can it be taken internally or used externally?


How to properly prepare a decoction from dry medicinal raw materials?


  1. Take 1-2 teaspoons of raw materials.
  2. Pour a glass of cold water.
  3. Boil for 1 minute.
  4. Leave for 30 minutes.
  5. Strain.

Average dosage - 1–2 tbsp. l. decoction 3 times a day (better after meals). It is recommended to take it to normalize sleep and psycho-emotional state.

It is important to follow the dosage and course of treatment prescribed by your doctor. In case of overdose, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys is possible. The most severe and dangerous consequence of an overdose or individual intolerance to the herb is paralysis.


Typically, the infusion is prepared for external use - washing wounds and skin, lotions and compresses. For extensive skin lesions, eczema, scabies, and joint pain, it is recommended to add it to medicinal baths.


  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. raw materials.
  2. Pour a glass of boiling water.
  3. Leave for 12 hours.
  4. Strain.

Under the supervision of a physician, concentrated infusions (in small doses) can be taken orally.


Alcohol tinctures can be made from lumbago (sleep grass). They are used internally and externally.


  1. Take 1 part of dry raw materials.
  2. Pour 5 parts of 40% alcohol.
  3. Leave for a week in a warm and dark place.
  4. Strain.

Most often used for rubbing for rheumatic pain. Take 10 drops orally 2 times a day after meals, diluted with water.

Application in homeopathy

The sleep herb plant is used in homeopathy only in fresh form. Homeopathic drops (Pulsatilla) are prepared from fresh stems and flowers. What are the indications for prescribing this drug?

  • Headaches, migraines.
  • Irregular periods.
  • Neuroses.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (despite contraindications in folk and traditional medicine).
  • Diseases of the kidneys and bladder.
  • Colds, inflammation of the throat, ears, respiratory diseases.
  • Gout and rheumatism.
  • Externally, the product is used to treat frostbite, eczema, and fungal infections.

Use in strict dosage and appropriate dilution under the supervision of a homeopathic physician. It is classified as a toxic drug due to its high content of protoanemonin.

Open lumbago (sleep-grass) - sedative, sedative. It is most often prescribed for neuroses and insomnia. In addition, the plant acts as a mild analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, and expectorant. It is used externally to treat wounds, burns and skin rashes, and is used for rubbing and compresses for joint diseases.

Basically, for collecting, gardeners often choose roses, crocuses and tulips, as well as lumbago.

There is absolutely nothing surprising about this.

Because this touching plant, which is protected by a very velvety and dense edge even on the stipules, has some amazing beauty.

Once appearing in your garden, lumbago will forever capture your hearts and become the main stars of the first half of the season in absolutely any composition.

Touching accents with special status

Gardeners also call lumbago also dream grass, thanks to which all flower lovers do not miss the moment to grow this plant.

Sleeping grass is one of the most vibrant spring flowering crops in gardening, at once hardy and touching.

It is very difficult to grow these flowers, because these plants do not tolerate transplants, and also very much need somewhat specific conditions.

However, such minor difficulties pay off with the irresistible beauty of the blooming of these spring stars, as they are called.

Lumbago is also called Pulsatilla - somewhat earlier it was a separate genus of perennial herbaceous flowers of the Ranunculaceae family.

Judging by the modern classification, species of the highest kind of lumbago are included in the anemone erysipelas, or as it is also called Anemone.


Shoots are considered not very large herbaceous perennials. The height of the lumbago ranges from small five centimeters to forty centimeters, but despite all this, their very modest sizes do not prevent them from remaining catchy and bright plants.

Root. Even the rhizomes themselves are special, growing at an angle or vertical, long, deep, powerful taproots of a very unusual large shape for such a small flower.

Escapes in this type, the lumbago is almost always straight, crowned with a flower, emphasized by narrowly dissected leaves fused into a kind of plaid, which repeat the shape of the basal leaves.

Greenery the shoots cannot be called outstanding, however, curtains of different leaves will decorate the compositions until late autumn.

Leaves. The basal leaves in a very compact, but not always dense, rosette sit on long petioles. They are considered pinnately dissected or palmate, as well as densely pubescent.

Fruit. The lumbago also has distinctive feature, this is elongation, that is, stretching of shoots after flowering, at the simple stage of fruit formation.

Flowers. The pride of absolutely all types and varieties of lumbago are the huge flowers, which are considered the most decorative part of the plant itself.

Flowering process

Flowers generally bloom in most cases before leaves, but in some plants flower stalks and greenery develop almost simultaneously.

The flowers of lumbago are always large; against the background of the greenery itself, they are simply bulky in size. Large bells of incredible shape can reach up to eight centimeters in diameter.

However, they do not always open to their full form; they always bloom one at a time, crowning the flower stalks, so to speak, and sometimes slightly droop and bend over.

A fairly dense bunch of stamens and pistils decorate the middle with a very beautiful eye; in the spring it seems bright, but the main feature of larger flowers is the dense pubescence on the outside of the leaves, which is repeated, and in some cases exceeds the edge of the shoots and leaves.

They are hidden in an incredibly beautiful polyhazel tree with very long fluffy columns. The fruits look as strong as the flowers themselves.

The timing of flowering of plants makes it possible to collect a complete collection of successive perennials in flowering form. Shoots begin to bloom in the month of April, others in May, and other varieties begin to bloom already in the summer.

Also, sleep grass has a kind of relay race, this is the flowering process from mid-spring to the end of summer in August, this is an incredibly beautiful sight.

Despite all the healing properties of lumbago, they are considered a poisonous species, therefore, if used and handled carelessly, sleep-grass when transplanting bases of special protection can damage your skin and cause some irritation or even allergic reactions.

Varieties and types of lumbago

A large number of plants that are included in the sleep-grass genus are considered very valuable plants that have a special degree of protection under the Red Book.

In the wild it is forbidden to dig them up or pick them. Firstly, digging up sleep grass is simply a pointless exercise, because the plant does not have the ability to reproduce vegetatively.

And if you decide to do this, illegal actions entailing criminal and administrative liability, in any case with sleep-grass, means only one thing - this is the extermination of priceless endemic species with your own hands.

Out of about forty natural species sleep-herbs. Which are common in the Northern Hemisphere, as well as in cold climates, only about fifteen species are used in ornamental gardening.

With all this, it is very difficult to understand the classification of lumbago itself; judging by modern botanical data, sleep grass is considered part of the section of the genus anemone.

A large number of plants that are known to everyone as lumbago also have other names, you just need to replace Pulsatilla on Anemone, you can already get the most modern version names of shots.

However, such subtleties do not negate the main thing, with all sorts of similarities in any details, absolutely any flower lover will distinguish a simple lumbago from simple garden anemones.

Because plants are also considered special in their character and pubescence. Yes, and mostly lumbago is distributed under the old names.

Let's get acquainted with the most popular and best lumbago, the seeds of which you can see almost everywhere.

Dream-grass (lumbago) common

The most diverse type of grass, if you look from the point of view of varieties of forms. The shoots of this lumbago can grow only no further than twenty centimeters in height, only single, flowers bloom into leaves, made in the shape of bells with very beautiful pointed leaves.

The leaves themselves are cut into very narrow, thread-like lobes, yet the greenery itself seems incredibly thick.

The best forms of this lumbago are:

  • Form grandis with incredibly large flowers, about eight centimeters in diameter;
  • Another variety amoena with dark, red-violet, large flowers;
  • Red-dark atrosanguinea with flowers with a drooping red tint, thin, very beautiful foliage.

Also, the common sleep grass has a large number of varieties with different colors, ranging from white to lilac, red, purple, pink and lilac.

Deserves special attention:

  • Mrs van der Elst– a variety with a soft pink tint;
  • Papageno Black– is a bright purple variety, reminiscent of Papageno in shape;
  • Rothe Glock - Rote Glocke– tulip-shaped variety of red hue;
  • Papageno – Papageno– considered a snow-white variety with dissected leaves, large-flowered.

Open lumbago (pulsatilla patens)

A catchy and very bright variety, it is the main competitor of common sleep grass. This plant is plastic, reaches a height of fifty centimeters, starting from seven, and is also plastic in the color of its flowers.

The leaves are palmate, collected mainly in whorls, appear only after the flowering period and captivate everyone with their heart-shaped lobes.

The flowers are very large, capable of reaching eight centimeters in diameter and even more, with bright purple, blue-violet and former shades. The simple shape of a wide bell at the very beginning, then has the peculiarity of being drawn to the star shape of an open cup.

The flowers are in an upright position, that is, everyone will be able to admire them from above and see almost every detail. There is also a certain distinctive feature of this lumbago, which blooms from April to May, is the ability to produce about fifty flowers on one single bush.

The fruits are very unusual, they are screwed or, one might say, buried in the ground, reacting to the level of humidity.

In the territory Russian Federation and in general, spring sleep-grass is also found in nature ( Pulsatilla vernalis) which is adored by a large number of flower lovers.

This plant can be said to be touching, shining, and is considered by most to be one of the brightest and most delicate spring flowers. Capable of reaching up to thirty centimeters in height, this beauty stands out not only for its slightly curved but also straight shoots.

The basal leathery leaves bloom into flowers, and the four-centimeter, absolutely fully opening bell-shaped cups with a delicate snow-white pearl shade inside and lilac color outside seem to be overturning stars against the background of foliage.

Spring lumbago generally begins to bloom from mid-May, and will delight with flowers for more than twenty days, but when grown from seeds, it blooms only in the fifth or eighth year.

Yellowing lumbago (Pulsatilla flavescens)

It is an incredibly large flower with a rather large and lush rosette of basal leaves that can reach a height of as much as thirty centimeters.

However, the truly luxurious foliage appears after the peduncles, and is also impressive with its large height of fifty centimeters. Erect bells are made very gracefully, in a yellow color closer to a lemon tint, and can reach six centimeters in diameter

Absolutely all plants are covered with an incredible edge with a silvery tint, especially thick on the buds. The multi-cut lumbago is quite similar to this plant ( Pulsatilla multifida) in which the difference is only in the color of the flowers themselves, this lumbago has a bright purple color.

The shot is questionable ( Pulsatilla ambigua) is a very rare type of sleep grass. It is amazing in that the flowers are blue in color, with an ultramarine-saturated tint.

The splayed and elegant bells are only two centimeters long; although they are not large, they are incredibly beautiful, gradually drooping into buds and rising, while opening up.

The basal rosette is very lush, dissected and large leaves form a rosette with a diameter of thirty centimeters, which very well emphasizes the flower stalks of forty to forty-five centimeters that appear at the very end of April.

Haller's shot (pulsatilla hallen)

It is considered a rather charming small flower that can reach a height of thirty centimeters. In Russia, this flower has a different name, namely Crimean lumbago ( Pulsatilla taurica).

This plant blooms mainly for about thirty days, from April to May, while very shaggy flower stalks stand out with bright purple flowers and a lush center with a yellow color, which looks upward, about ten to fifteen centimeters with brightly shaped basal leaves.

Golden lumbago (pulsatilla aurea)

It is a sunny and joyful plant, it looks much larger than its size. The plant reaches approximately thirty-five sizes in height, while it stands out with very bright, densely dissected leaves, with incredible lush edges and very long petioles.

However, the surprisingly dense and bright greenery provides only a background for a flower with a diameter of six centimeters, fully open, with very wide leaves and bright golden colors.

Mostly golden dream grass blooms only in the month of June, as if its flowering indicates the arrival of the summer period. With all this, flowers and greenery open almost at the same time.

Ajan lumbago (pulsatilla ajanensis)

It has the opportunity to boast of its thick and lush foliage than its dwarf friends.

This lumbago with a vertical root, with its insignificant height of five to ten centimeters, has basal pinnate, often trifoliate leaves, which more closely resemble parsley or celery, sitting on very long and almost pubescent petioles.

Peduncles with a very lush edge are decorated with knotty-lanceolate leaves, and large flowers reaching from five to six centimeters in diameter do not fully open.

The egg shape of the leaves, purple color, and red outer edge make this plant one of the most interesting and, not surprisingly, wild in appearance.

If you are looking for a very expressive plant for a natural design, so to speak, then we advise you to turn your attention to this variety Turchaninov's cross(pulsatilla Turczaninovil), narrowly dissected and very bright foliage blooms at the same time with half-opened flowers of a mine-violet color, which seem to float in the air.

One of the most original varieties of sleep grass, without any clarification, is considered lumbago bell-shaped(pulsatilla campanella). On appearance the flower truly seems very close to the bells themselves, the flowers of the plant are narrow, made in an elongated shape, which look down or are slightly inclined.

Reaching a diameter of about two and a half centimeters, they are considered very effective due to their shape and very light color with a lilac-blue tint. This plant blooms from April to May. The greenery of this lumbago is very bright, and somewhat deeply dissected, on long petioles.

Meadow lumbago (pulsatilla pratensis)

Drooping flowers on peduncles bending in a graceful arc are excellent for this plant. A somewhat muted purple color with a very interesting watercolor transition of tone, which appears after the flowering period, pinnately dissected leaves with a silver tint and a velvet edge makes the flower incredibly touching.

Among this type of sleep grass, the nigricans form with some inky-purple flowers is popular.

Magadan lumbago (pulsatilla magadanensis) is considered one of the lowest lumbago with a rosette of leaves up to five centimeters in height and ten-centimeter peduncles with large pubescent flowers made in the shape of bells with a bluish-white color.

Tarao's lumbago (pulsatilla taraoi)

It is considered a very beautiful plant with large rosettes of leaves. Densely dissected, bright green leaves collected in whorls in rosettes up to twenty-five centimeters in diameter highlight unusual flowers with narrow, only two millimeters wide petals of an unclear brown shade. As they say, this type of lumbago is considered the most exotic.

Tatewaki lumbago (pulsatilla tatewakii)

It is considered an unusual plant. A dwarf up to twenty centimeters high can stand out with very delicate skirt-shaped light lilac flowers with very bright stamens. Leaves are placed on top of it all. This lumbago blooms mainly before the leaves bloom, approximately from April to May.

The last two varieties of lumbago are considered the most high-altitude species, which are second in distribution only to the two favorite mountain sleep-grass.

These include the following:

  • Alpine lumbago (pulsatilla alpina)- is a very modest plant, a perennial with white, yellow or cream quivering flowers that bloom from the end of the spring period of May to the end of the summer period of August. It differs from the rest of the sleep-grass in less symmetry of the flower and greater variability in the shape of the leaves. The height of the leaves is limited to ten centimeters, the shoots are limited to twenty centimeters.
  • Mountain lumbago (pulsatilla montana)- almost the same as the alpine, but belongs to the high-mountain species. It blooms at the beginning of May, for thirty days it pleases with thick, pubescent, dark purple drooping bells and pinnately dissected velvety basal leaves. The height of this plant is limited to twenty centimeters.

Dream grass has the ability to surprise almost every flower lover with another quality that cannot be taken away from lumbago - it is variability.

This plant undergoes so-called hybridization very easily, that is, new varieties and specimens have the opportunity to appear in your garden.

If you grow several varieties of lumbago, then most likely a miracle will happen, that is, cross-pollination, and in addition to your varieties, you can get other specimens that will have a completely different color and shape.

Therefore, lumbago is very suitable for the collection.

Conclusion: the more sleep grass plants you have in your garden, the more varieties you can discover.

Shots in landscape design

They are used:

  • For decorating woody shrubs or simply groups of shrubs along the front edge;
  • In collection groups in an open area, a clearing with ground cover, or a lawn;
  • As a kind of comic decoration near groups of stones, stairs and boulders;
  • For seasonal borders, island flower beds, spring spots;
  • As a kind of emphasis on terraced areas, supporting walls, slopes;
  • In flower beds with mixborders with backfill and soil mulched with stone chips;
  • As accents in the edge of trees;
  • And roli is one of the most spectacular plants for rockeries and rock gardens.

The best partners for sleep grass in the garden are: scylla, crocus, primrose.

Growing and care

Conditions for sleep grass

Shoots are quite difficult to grow.

Different varieties and species of this plant are accustomed to incredibly different living conditions, but at the same time retain the ability to perfectly adapt to their changes.

Absolutely all lumbago have something in common minimum requirement to growing conditions that should not be violated under any circumstances.

The lumbago will develop only under conditions of good lighting, but not the brightest, but in moderation. Light shading, as well as unstable partial shade or just a sunny area, are equally suitable for the growth of garden lumbago, but usually the most effective rosettes of leaves, as well as the largest flowers, are produced in light shading, which imitates mountainous areas and pine forests.

Absolutely all, without any exception, lumbago feel better on slopes, rather than on smooth and flat areas. In particular, a place with a slope to the South is suitable for sleep grass, as well as artificial hills, for example, alpine hills.

For shooting, you should very carefully select a place in which water, even with the most prolonged precipitation, will drain away from any obstacles without lingering in the soil.

Almost any soil is suitable for lumbago, but the exception is damp soil. The most effective option is to plant sleep grass on fertile soil, where the soil is slightly moist with very good water permeability; in such conditions, the grass will grow incredibly quickly and well.

Drainage is simply vital for sleep grass, because they cannot stand soaking. However, other parameters should also be taken into account.

Empty like lumbago will bloom very strongly only with nutritious soil, which will contain organic matter, which will first have to be processed before planting dream grass. Spring lumbago loves somewhat acidic soil, while all others are at least a little calcareous.

Landing lumbago

Before planting sleep grass, it is necessary to improve the soil. You need to add organic fertilizer, humus, compost and some fertilizer with nitrogen (urea) to the soil. After this, a very thorough digging is carried out.

Because lumbago has an incredibly deep root system, especially tap roots, treatment must be carried out to a sufficiently deep depth. For almost all lumbago, in addition to spring, it is necessary to introduce lime into the soil, or choose alkaline soil.

You can carry out the transfer of sleep grass from the seed beds in early spring. However, you can plant seedlings for permanent residence only from May to the end of the summer period. The best results can be achieved mainly by early planting.

When planting lumbago, you need to completely preserve the earthen ball, and try to reduce contact with the lumbago grass itself to a minimum. It is critically important to provide the plants with very careful care; during the first month, and best of all, before the active phase of development of sleep grass begins, it is necessary to water it very actively, but not to the point of dampness.

Sleep-grass does not tolerate the transplantation process very well. Plants that are more than ten years old most likely simply will not survive a change in site. However, lumbago does not require divisions, nor does it require a constant change of growing location.

If there is a need for propagation or transplantation of sleep grass, the plant is dug up with a clod of earth, while preserving it completely during the procedure.


The difficulties in growing sleep grass are combined with the ease of its care. There is no special care, and the plant adapts very well to weather vagaries. Watering sleep grass will only be needed during drought, when the temperature threshold exceeds the norm.

On dry and very hot days, they will respond with great gratitude to watering, but the lumbago will not need systematic procedures. Yes, and the plant itself can survive severe drought, but for an effective abundant flowering process it is better to water it.


Feeding for sleep grass, which grows in any soil, is very important for the flowering itself and the ripening of flower buds.

Organics They are introduced during planting, but also in the autumn as so-called mulch, while providing an annual portion of humus and other natural fertilizers.

And here mineral mixtures It is recommended to apply only during the summer period, using a fertilizing strategy every month, about two or three times is sufficient in the month of May, June and July.

As a fertilizer for lumbago, it is recommended to use only phosphorus and potassium preparations without nitrogen.

Wintering of the lumbago

Only young sleep-grass needs special preparation for the winter period, so to speak.

Before the onset of the very first frosts, at the end of the autumn period, we advise you to cover the plant with dry foliage or spruce branches. Shelter must be provided for young seedlings sown this year.

In the second year, the lumbago is covered if there is a snowless winter. Mature sleep grass overwinters very well without shelter, provided, of course, the right choice soil and no risk of waterlogging during thaws.

Disease and pest control

Very important advantages of sleep grass include resistance to various diseases and pests.

Nature has generously protected sleep grass from such troubles and unfavorable factors.

And if you choose the right place for shooting, and carefully select growing conditions, then the plant will not get sick even with terrible care.

Propagation of sleep grass

Despite the status of a perennial plant, the main method of propagation of sleep grass is considered to be a simple method - it is by seed.

The fact is that sleep grass does not tolerate transplantation very well, and it is simply impossible to separate them in adulthood and then obtain a new plant by vegetative means.

There is also a plus in this, it is the very low efficiency of digging, which allows sleep grass to retain its representation in the wild, because there is simply no point in digging this plant out of its natural habitats.

Sleeping grass blooms no earlier than in the second year after sowing, and other species only after seven years - mainly spring and high-mountain lumbago.


The sowing strategy largely depends on the main characteristics of sleep-grass; it does not tolerate any transplants at all, even in a young state, sleep-grass is best sown directly at the place of cultivation or, in another case, on ridges and transported at one year of age with a huge lump of soil.

The timing of sowing sleep grass can be very different. The greatest results will be obtained by sowing the joint after collecting seeds from the plant in June or July.

However, young shoots of sleep grass will require special care from their owners in the hot summer; they will need to be shaded and watered very often. That is why most gardeners choose different dates and sow seeds that were collected last year in the spring in very warm soil.

Winter sowings for simple sleep grass are not very effective. And only high-mountain shoots prefer sowing in autumn and stratification, but it is best to rely on the information of the seed supplier himself.

Sowing in the ground is carried out using a simple technique. That is, the seeds are scattered in small grooves about one centimeter deep with a distance of about twenty centimeters between the rows.

The crops must be dense and the soil simple. Before germination, sleep grasses are provided with light watering without over-watering, maintaining constant soil moisture. Mulching with hay or straw will help stabilize conditions.

Growing seedlings

The method involves sowing sleep grass in April. The seeds should not be deepened, but simply pressed into the substrate, and then moistened on top of the seeds using a spray bottle. The top of the crops must be covered with glass or film.

Sleeping grass seeds can germinate only in light and at a temperature threshold of twenty-four to twenty-seven degrees Celsius. Shoots appear unevenly, but all seeds undergo the process of shedding their shells on their own and in some cases they need to be soaked with warm water to germinate.

Picking is carried out only in individual peat pots in the phase of two to three true leaves. Sleep herbs are transferred to the ground with them, in the month of May or later.

Regardless of the method of cultivation, sleep grass fully exhibits its decorative properties only in the third or fourth year after sowing, however, non-mountain varieties will be able to bloom already in the second year.

Lumbago, popularly referred to as sleep-grass, has several varieties and also a variety of names. The plant is called: Easter flower, nap, sunflower and many other names. Sleep grass begins to bloom immediately after the snow thaws, with the arrival of the first warm days. These are small white buds that very quickly turn into quite large purple flowers. Dream grass or lumbago is a perennial plant belonging to the ranunculaceae family.

It can reach about forty centimeters in height. If we talk about sleep-grass, which predominates in Russia, this is undoubtedly an open shot.

Lumbago - flowers of lilac color, mainly grow in places where a large amount of sun penetrates: on the edges of pine forests, on hills or sandy soil.

Today this flower is included in the Red Book. Flowering time ranges from two to four weeks, from mid-April to May. The leaves of the plant remain until late autumn. Seed collection occurs in July. They form a kind of ball with long white fibers.

Growing and harvesting sleep grass

The plant is in the Red Book and picking it in wild places is prohibited.

In connection with its disappearance, people increasingly began to plant lumbago in their plots. The plant reproduces either by fluffy seeds or roots, and takes root quite well, especially in dry sandy soil. It is important to remember that this is a poisonous plant species. Direct contact of lumbago juice on exposed skin should be avoided, as it causes severe irritation.

Surprisingly, when dried, all toxic properties completely disappear. And remember, if you decide to prepare the lumbago yourself, do not dry it in the room where you live, the lumbago takes a long time to dry and all this time it will release toxic esters, especially from flowers.

Medicinal properties of sleep-grass or lumbago

Use of sleep-herb internally

Of course, the first thing worth noting is the powerful calming effect of this plant.

Due to the properties that influence the improvement of sleep, the flower was given the name - sleep-herb. If you just inhale the scent of its flowers for a few minutes, you will hardly be able to refuse sleep. It is also known that sleep herb has anti-inflammatory properties. It is used in the treatment of fungal diseases, and the plant also has analgesic properties.

Thanks to various tinctures and decoctions of lumbago, it is possible to treat more serious diseases.

Used in the treatment of pulmonary diseases, in particular tuberculosis. In these cases, the tincture is used in small quantities daily.

They use lumbago to treat many gynecological problems, as well as in the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases.

A woman is given a decoction of lumbago during labor pains, to reduce pain, as well as to speed up labor, but don’t get carried away with it! There are more effective herbs for reducing labor pains that are scientifically proven and safer.

Many people suffering from asthma also turn to the healing properties of this amazing plant for help. It is effective to use lumbago tinctures in the treatment of bronchitis, neurological diseases and gout.

This miracle herb can also cope with frequent headaches.

External use of sleep herb

Contraindications to the use of sleep-herb

You cannot use lumbago as a medicine if a person suffers from diseases such as: different kinds gastritis, neuritis, liver-related diseases.

The effect of lumbago on pregnancy has not been studied, so you should refrain from taking sleep herb during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as this plant can cause a miscarriage.

Magical properties of the plant

Many people believe not only in the healing properties of sleep grass, but also in its magical power. It protects against the evil eye and various kinds of witchcraft influence on a person.

There are many legends about this plant. So in ancient times they said that someone who falls asleep in dream-grass automatically acquires the gift of prediction and foresight.

There are a lot of instructions for collecting sleep grass. An indispensable condition that must be fulfilled when going to collect dream grass is purity of thoughts. It is believed that grass collected with dew and then left in cold water until noon has special properties.

If you put such a collection under your pillow, you will definitely have a prophetic dream. It is better to collect herbs in solitude and silence; if you make a wish during the process, it will certainly come true. And dried dream grass promises wealth and happy life to the owner.

The healing properties of sleep herbs have been noted since ancient times.

Disappointed with efficiency traditional medicine, or not wanting to pollute their body with chemicals, many resort to the healing properties of this modest purple flower.

Buy a shot in the store

In 2016, the Ivanovo Herbs company launched an experiment on growing sleep grass (lumbago), and also took up the issue of spreading this plant throughout the territory of Ivanovo and neighboring regions.

This year we managed to collect several kilograms of flowers, lumbago grass and seeds. They can be purchased in our store.

Tags: Backache

Dream grass plant.

The Russian name “lumbago” is associated with a legend. Somehow the evil spirit began to hide behind the lumbago-grass. One of the archangels, in order to deal with the evil spirits once and for all, threw a thunder arrow and shot through the grass from top to bottom. Since then, the evil one has avoided the shot and does not come closer than 12 miles to him, and in an old herbal book on this occasion it is written: “Whoever carries grass with him, the devil runs away from that person, keep goods in the house, and build mansions at an angle.” put it down, you will live harmoniously.”

Another name - sleep-grass - was interpreted as a plant that brings sleep. For many peoples, it is associated with the idea of ​​sleep. Perhaps the very appearance of the plant, densely covered with soft hairs, fluffy to the touch, suggested a soft slumber, peace and rest. The Scandinavian epic “Edda” tells that as soon as the dream grass was placed under Brünnhilde’s head, she immediately fell asleep. The “Pechersk Patericon” (a Russian literary monument) tells how, during the all-night vigil, a demon walks around the temple and throws sleep-grass at the lazy monks.

Whoever it hits immediately falls asleep.

The Latin name of the sleep herb Pulsatilla goes back to the concept of “push”: the plant sways in the wind, as if receiving pushes.

In total, botanists counted 26 species of lumbago in the domestic flora. These are predominantly low herbs with large single flowers. They all bloom in early spring, usually before the leaves appear.

Description of the dream-grass plant

Dream grass or lumbago is a perennial herbaceous plant with a vertical dark brown rhizome.

The stem is up to 20 cm high, unbranched, densely pubescent with soft hairs. The basal leaves are pinnately dissected, also shaggy with a large number of white hairs. Simultaneously with the leaves, a peduncle appears with a drooping large single lilac flower, similar to a small tulip.

The perianth is simple, with six lobes, pubescent on the outside. There is also a pubescent bract at the base of the peduncle.

Blooms in April - May. It grows in pine forests, on open sandy hills, on dry slopes in the west of the European part of the country from the Leningrad to Nikolaev regions.
The grass of the lumbago contains anemonin and saponins.

The extract from the leaves has a strong bactericidal and fungicidal effect. Used in veterinary medicine. Poisonous.

In many areas it is actively destroyed by primrose collectors. Protected, listed in the Red Book.

Beneficial features

Contains protoanemonin, hepatrilobin glycoside, saponins, vitamin C, camphor, tannins, resins, etc.
It has a diuretic, expectorant, bactericidal, sedative and analgesic effect. Stimulates liver functions.

Lumbago, like no other herb of the buttercup family, is rich in protoanemonin, a caustic substance that has an extremely strong bactericidal and fungicidal effect.

Saponins were found in the roots. The juice of this plant irritates the skin, causing discomfort.


Open lumbago (P. patens). Plant from 10 to 50 cm tall.

Young leaves are round-heart-shaped, heavily pubescent, appearing after the flowers bloom. The flowers of the lumbago, open when blooming, are widely bell-shaped, later open, star-shaped, erect. The open lumbago blooms in April-May for 20-25 days.

Turchaninov's lumbago (R. turczaninovii). Plants from 5 to 35 cm tall. The leaves of Turchaninov's lumbago are dissected into long and narrow, linear and sharp segments, and develop simultaneously with the flowers.

The flowers of the plants are almost erect, half-open, blue-violet. Turchaninov's lumbago blooms in April-May.

Spring lumbago (R. vernalis). A plant up to 30 cm tall with a straight or slightly curved stem and leathery leaves that appear after flowering. The flowers of the spring lumbago are snow-white inside, with a slight purple tint on the outside, bloom in the second half of May and bloom for 20-25 days.

Multi-incision prostel (R.

Meadow lumbago (P. pratensis). Plant up to 30 cm tall.

The leaves of the meadow lumbago are strongly dissected into narrow lobes and appear during or after flowering. The flowers of the plants are lilac and violet. Meadow lumbago blooms in April for 25-30 days.

Common lumbago (P. vulgaris). Small plants up to 15-20 cm tall. The flowers of the common lumbago are blue and appear before the leaves, in April. The common lumbago has several very spectacular forms and varieties.

Crimean lumbago, or Haller's lumbago (R. halleri). Plants up to 30 cm high with densely pubescent stems.

The flowers of the Crimean lumbago are all shades of purple, densely pubescent on the outside. Plants bloom in May for 25-30 days.

Yellow lumbago (P. flavescens). Plants up to 45-50 cm tall with a large basal rosette of leaves. All parts of the yellowing lumbago are densely covered with silver-gray hairs.

The flowers of the plant are yellow.

Golden lumbago (R. aurea). The plant is up to 35-50 cm high. The leaves of the golden lumbago are pinnately dissected, lush green, on long petioles, covered with thick hairs, which is why they look fluffy. The flowers of the plants are wide open, golden yellow, and bloom in June.

Campanulate lumbago (R.

Mountain lumbago (R. montana).

Plant up to 20-30 cm tall with dark purple, almost black flowers. Mountain lumbago blooms in early May for 25-30 days.

Alpine lumbago (R. alpina). Plant up to 20 cm tall with white or yellow flowers.

Dream grass plant. Photo

Dream grass plant. Photo: USFWS Mountain-Prairie


Photo: Denali National Park and Preserve


It has been established that sleep herb can have antimicrobial and antimycotic effects. It has a sedative effect, lowers blood pressure, slows the heart rate and breathing.

This plant is not used in official medicine.

In folk medicine, decoctions and infusions of sleep herbs are given for headaches, neuroses, hysterical attacks, and insomnia. Externally, an infusion of the herb is used for joint pain, pyoderma, fungal skin infections, and scabies. It is believed that a decoction of the herb in small doses helps with lung diseases and weakness of the anterior abdominal wall. For articular rheumatism, take a tincture of sleep herb internally, and rub it into the affected joints.

In Chinese folk medicine, amoebic and bacterial dysentery are treated with infusion and dry extract of lumbago.

Homeopaths use sleep herb as an effective venotonic.

The fresh plant is poisonous due to the content of anemonin, which causes inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes. Upon contact with the skin, a reaction similar to a chemical burn of I-II degree occurs.

When taken orally, symptoms of damage to the mucous membrane of the stomach, intestines, and renal epithelium develop. The plant is not used during pregnancy, pyelo- and glomerulonephritis, gastritis and hepatitis.

Poisonous herbaceous plant. Protected by law and listed in the Red Book. In folk medicine it is valued for its sleeping pills, analgesics, antispasmodic, antimicrobial, enveloping, relaxing, and sedative properties. Decoctions, infusions, and alcohol tinctures are prepared from dry raw materials.

Fresh herbs are most often used in homeopathy.

Sleep-grass received this name among the people because of its pronounced hypnotic properties. Since ancient times, not only the Slavic peoples, but also the Mongols, Chinese, and indigenous people of Siberia and North America have known about its benefits.

Not only the sedative, but also the antimicrobial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and expectorant effects of the herb are known. It is important to remember that sleep grass is a poisonous plant. Uncontrolled use and self-medication can lead to overdose and poisoning. Even inhaling the vapors from fresh weed can be hazardous to your health. Dream grass is found in myths and legends of different peoples. In ancient times it was used to prepare a magic potion.

In what regions can you find lumbago?

Is harvesting grass allowed? What are the main indications and contraindications for use?


Open lumbago, or sleep-grass, is found in Europe, especially in the middle zone and southern regions.

But it can also be seen in Northern Europe - Sweden and Finland. It also grows in Siberia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, China, the Far East, and North America. Loves dry pine and mixed forests, open meadows and forest edges, sunny slopes, meadows and steppes.

Botanical characteristics

The shot is open.

Botanical illustration by Jacob Sturm from the book "Deutschlands Flora in Abbildungen", 1796.

What does dream grass look like? The average height of the plant is 15 cm, but under good conditions it can reach 40 cm. In early spring, it shoots a stem (rarely two or three) from the rhizome. What is the botanical description of the medicinal plant sleep-herb?

  • Perennial herbaceous plant.
  • The stem is erect, covered with thick soft hairs.
  • At the end of the stem there is a large bell-shaped flower of light purple color.
  • The flower has numerous yellow anthers (the upper part of the stamen).
  • The leaves are silvery, heavily pubescent, dissected.
  • Blooms in March-May depending on the area.
  • Reproduces only by seeds.

Is it possible to collect grass

The grass is listed in the Red Book of Russia.

In particular, collecting the plant is prohibited in the Moscow, Ryazan, Lipetsk, Oryol, Tula, and Kaluga regions. In some regions, lumbago is becoming a rare plant. Belongs to a declining, vulnerable species.

For example, at the end of the 19th century there were sixteen populations of the flower, today there are only nine. What is the reason for grass dying out? Collection for bouquets, mass procurement as medicinal raw materials, overgrowing of plant habitats with dense grass.

You can grow sleep grass in your garden both as a beautiful decorative flower and as a medicinal raw material.

The entire aerial part is used for medicinal purposes. Experienced herbalists do not recommend preparing any home remedies from fresh herbs. Fresh stems, leaves and flowers contain protoanemonin, a toxic substance. During drying, after about 3–4 months, it evaporates. But the raw materials do not lose their medicinal properties and become less toxic.

Healing effect

Medicinal properties of sleep herb:

  • pain reliever;
  • astringent;
  • sedative;
  • relaxing;
  • hypnotic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • bactericidal;
  • diuretic;
  • choleretic;
  • expectorant;
  • enveloping;
  • wound healing.

Chemical composition:

List of indications

What does sleep herb help with?

  • Functional disorders of the nervous system. Main indications: migraine, agitation, insomnia, irritability, hysteria, headache. The herb also improves emotional well-being, improves mood, and relieves attacks of melancholy and depression.
  • Respiratory system.

    An open lumbago gives an antispasmodic and expectorant effect. It is prescribed for coughs (bronchitis, bronchial asthma, whooping cough).

  • Benefits for women's health. The herb has a pronounced sedative effect and helps to calmly survive the premenopausal period. Relieves symptoms of PMS. It especially helps with spastic pain in the lower abdomen, headaches, unstable emotional state, tearfulness, and irritability.

    Ancient herbalists describe that lumbago was previously given to women to stimulate labor and also relieve pain.

  • The cardiovascular system.

    It is less often mentioned that the plant lumbago is beneficial for cardiac disorders, stimulates cardiac activity, relieves vascular spasms, and lowers blood pressure.

  • External use. You can use rubs for joint diseases (rheumatism, gout, arthritis), treat wounds, eczema, fungal skin infections, and burns with strong infusions. The herb acts as an anesthetic and antiseptic.

Some sources indicate that lumbago herb helps with cataracts and glaucoma caused by increased intraocular pressure.

There is also information that the plant has antitumor properties and helps with cancer. It is also taken for benign prostate tumors in men.

What are the uses of sleep herb at home?

In what dosage forms can it be taken orally or used externally?


How to properly prepare a decoction from dry medicinal raw materials?

  1. Take 1-2 teaspoons of raw materials.
  2. Pour a glass of cold water.
  3. Boil for 1 minute.
  4. Leave for 30 minutes.
  5. Strain.

Average dosage - 1–2 tbsp. l. decoction 3 times a day (better after meals). It is recommended to take it to normalize sleep and psycho-emotional state.

It is important to follow the dosage and course of treatment prescribed by your doctor.

In case of overdose, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys is possible. The most severe and dangerous consequence of an overdose or individual intolerance to the herb is paralysis.


Typically, the infusion is prepared for external use - washing wounds and skin, lotions and compresses. For extensive skin lesions, eczema, scabies, and joint pain, it is recommended to add it to medicinal baths.

  1. Take 1 tbsp.
  2. Pour a glass of boiling water.
  3. Leave for 12 hours.
  4. Strain.

Under the supervision of a physician, concentrated infusions (in small doses) can be taken orally.


Alcohol tinctures can be made from lumbago (sleep grass).

They are used internally and externally.

  1. Take 1 part of dry raw materials.
  2. Pour 5 parts of 40% alcohol.
  3. Leave for a week in a warm and dark place.
  4. Strain.

Most often used for rubbing for rheumatic pain. Take 10 drops orally 2 times a day after meals, diluted with water.

Application in homeopathy

The sleep herb plant is used in homeopathy only in fresh form.

Homeopathic drops (Pulsatilla) are prepared from fresh stems and flowers. What are the indications for prescribing this drug?

  • Headaches, migraines.
  • Irregular periods.
  • Neuroses.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (despite contraindications in folk and traditional medicine).
  • Diseases of the kidneys and bladder.
  • Colds, inflammation of the throat, ears, respiratory diseases.
  • Gout and rheumatism.
  • Externally, the product is used to treat frostbite, eczema, and fungal infections.

Use in strict dosage and appropriate dilution under the supervision of a homeopathic physician.

It is classified as a toxic drug due to its high content of protoanemonin.

Open lumbago (sleep-grass) - sedative, sedative. It is most often prescribed for neuroses and insomnia. In addition, the plant acts as a mild analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, and expectorant. It is used externally to treat wounds, burns and skin rashes, and is used for rubbing and compresses for joint diseases.

Materials: http://herbalpedia.ru/catalog/son-trava/

Abstract on the topic:

Opened lumbago


  • 1Botanical description
  • 2Distribution
  • 3Application
  • Notes


The shot is open, or Dream-grass(lat. Pulsatilla pátens) is a perennial herbaceous plant, a species of the genus Lumbaceae of the Ranunculaceae family ( Ranunculaceae).


Botanical description

Plant 7-15 cm tall.

The rhizome is powerful, vertical, dark brown, multi-headed.

Root leaves on long, not densely hairy petioles, rounded-heart-shaped in outline, palmate-tridissected with rhombic deep two-tripartite segments and with wedge-shaped, two-to-four incised or jagged lobes with sharp, often somewhat curved lobes, in youth, especially at the bottom hairy, later becoming hairless, appear after flowering and die off in autumn.

The stems are erect, covered with thick, protruding, soft hairs.

The leaves of the spathe are erect, divided into narrow linear lobes, and very hairy.

Peduncles are straight; flowers are erect, initially broadly bell-shaped, later star-shaped; perianth simple, six-leaved, with leaflets 3-4 cm long, narrowly ovate-pointed, straight, blue-violet, hairy on the outside; stamens are numerous, many times shorter than the tepals, yellow, the outer ones are transformed into staminodes (honey cakes); there are many pistils, with a long fluffy style 3-5 cm long.

Blooms in April - May.

Flower formula: .

The fruits are oblong, and the styles are very hairy.



Northern Europe: Finland (south), Sweden (east); Central Europe: Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia; Southern Europe: Romania; territory of the former USSR: Belarus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, European part of Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Western Siberia, Eastern Siberia (south), Far East; Asia: China, Mongolia; North America: Canada (western Northwest Territory, Yukon, western Ontario, Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Saskatchewan), USA (northern Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin, Colorado, Idaho, Montana , Washington, Wyoming, New Mexico, Texas, northern Utah.

Grows in dry coniferous and deciduous forests, in bushes and on slopes.



A very ornamental plant both in flowering and in fruit. Cultivated in flower beds (along with other types of lumbago).

In folk medicine, sleep herb is used for many diseases.


  1. Ecoflora of Ukraine = Ecoflora of Ukraine (Ukrainian) / Vidpov.

    editor Ya. P. Didukh. - Kiev: Phytosociocenter, 2004. - T. 2. - 480 p.

  2. According to GRIN data. See "Links" section


  • Yuzepchuk S. V. Genus 528. Lumbago - Pulsatilla // Flora of the USSR.

    In 30 volumes - herba.msu.ru/shipunov/school/books/flora_sssr1937_7.djvu / Chief Editor acad. V. L. Komarov; The editor of the volume is B.K. Shishkin. - M.-L.: Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1937. - T. VII. - pp. 295-296. - 792 + XXVI pp. - 5200 copies.

  • Gubanov I. A., Kiseleva K. V., Novikov V. S., Tikhomirov V. N. 598.

    Pulsatilla patens(L.) Mill. - Opened lumbago, or Dream-grass // Illustrated guide to plants of Central Russia. In 3 volumes - herba.msu.ru/shipunov/school/books/gubanov2003_illustr_opred_rast_sred_rossii_2.djvu.

    M.: T-vo scientific publications KMK, Institute of Technological Research, 2003. - T. 2. Angiosperms (dicotyledonous: separate-petalled). - P. 213. - ISBN 9-87317-128-9

Latin name: Pulsatilla.

Family: buttercups (Ranunculaceae).


In nature, lumbago (sleep grass) is common in areas with a temperate, cold, and partly subtropical climate throughout the Northern Hemisphere.

The genus contains about 40 species.

Form: perennial herbaceous plant.


Lumbago (sleep-grass) is a perennial herbaceous plant with a straight, hairy, erect stem from 5 to 40 cm in height. The basal leaves of the lumbago are petiolate, trifoliate, with wedge-shaped, two- or three-cut leaves and notched, linear-oblong lobules, hairy, filigree, collected in a rosette.

Sleep grass flowers are bell-shaped, solitary, very large, wide-open or drooping, with numerous stamens, densely pubescent on the outside, lilac, light purple, yellow, less often white or red, bloom before the leaves appear or simultaneously with them, in early spring, sometimes in early summer. The fruits of the lumbago - nuts covered with long hairs - are also decorative. Sleep-grass is a plant listed in the Red Book.

In ancient times, it was believed that dream grass was a magical, magical flower.

Plants also have medicinal properties.

Opened lumbago(R. patens). Plant from 10 to 50 cm tall. Young leaves are round-heart-shaped, heavily pubescent, appearing after the flowers bloom. The flowers of the lumbago, open when blooming, are widely bell-shaped, later open, star-shaped, erect.

The open lumbago blooms in April-May for 20-25 days.

Turchaninov's cross(R. turczaninovii). Plants from 5 to 35 cm tall. The leaves of Turchaninov's lumbago are dissected into long and narrow, linear and sharp segments, and develop simultaneously with the flowers. The flowers of the plants are almost erect, half-open, blue-violet.

Turchaninov's lumbago blooms in April-May.

Spring lumbago(R. vernalis). A plant up to 30 cm tall with a straight or slightly curved stem and leathery leaves that appear after flowering. The flowers of the spring lumbago are snow-white inside, with a slight purple tint on the outside, bloom in the second half of May and bloom for 20-25 days.

Prostel multi-incision(R.

multifida). Plants up to 10-30 cm high. Basal leaves are located on long petioles, covered with soft, erect hairs, appear at the end of flowering or after it. The flowers of the multicut lumbago are blue-violet, initially widely bell-shaped, later wide open.

Meadow lumbago(R. pratensis). Plant up to 30 cm tall. The leaves of the meadow lumbago are strongly dissected into narrow lobes and appear during or after flowering. The flowers of the plants are lilac and violet. Meadow lumbago blooms in April for 25-30 days.

Common lumbago(R. vulgaris). Small plants up to 15-20 cm tall.

The flowers of the common lumbago are blue and appear before the leaves, in April. The common lumbago has several very spectacular forms and varieties.

Crimean lumbago, or Haller's cross(R. halleri). Plants up to 30 cm high with densely pubescent stems. The flowers of the Crimean lumbago are all shades of purple, densely pubescent on the outside. Plants bloom in May for 25-30 days.

The lumbago is yellowing(R.

flavescens). Plants up to 45-50 cm tall with a large basal rosette of leaves. All parts of the yellowing lumbago are densely covered with silver-gray hairs. The flowers of the plant are yellow.

Golden lumbago(R. aurea). The plant is up to 35-50 cm high. The leaves of the golden lumbago are pinnately dissected, lush green, on long petioles, covered with thick hairs, which is why they look fluffy.

The flowers of the plants are wide open, golden yellow, and bloom in June.

Campanulate lumbago(R.

campanella). Plant height is up to 30-35 cm. The leaves of the bell-shaped plant are strongly dissected, the flowers are narrow-bell-shaped, blue-violet or violet, bloom in April-May.

Mountain lumbago(R. montana). Plant up to 20-30 cm tall with dark purple, almost black flowers. Mountain lumbago blooms in early May for 25-30 days.

Alpine lumbago(R. alpina). Plant up to 20 cm tall with white or yellow flowers.

The petals of alpine lumbago flowers are slightly wavy and bent. The species blooms for a very long time.

Growing conditions

It is better to plant lumbago (sleep grass) in slightly shaded areas, although plants develop normally in open areas.

Lumbago is a flower that prefers deeply cultivated, fertile, well-drained, alkaline substrates, sand and gravel loams. Plants absolutely cannot tolerate stagnant water, so sleep grass should not be planted in lowlands or places where water accumulates; You can plant plants in areas sloping to the south to avoid flooding.

Lumbago is winter-hardy.


Dream grass is a very beautiful plant that always has a place in the garden. Lumbago is planted in groups on the lawn, in mixed flower beds, various compositions, and in rocky gardens - rock gardens and rockeries.


In hot, dry times, the lumbago should be watered without flooding the flowers.

Lumbago is a plant that develops better on fertile substrates filled with organic and mineral fertilizers, so it is necessary to fertilize. Sleep grass responds positively to the presence of lime in the soil. Mature plants cannot be replanted; lumbago does not tolerate transplantation very well. If it is still necessary to replant the lumbago, then do it in the fall or spring, digging up plants with a large lump of earth.

Lumbago is a plant listed in the Red Book, so you cannot dig it up or pick its flowers.

In addition, dream grass is a flower that does not last long when cut. Also, dug up wild plants may not take root on the site, since adult specimens do not tolerate transplantation very well.


Lumbago is a plant that can only be propagated by seeds.

It is better to sow sleep grass with freshly harvested seeds in June-July or in spring in warm soil. Shooting seeds are planted to a depth of 1-1.5 cm and sown thickly. Seedlings need to be watered abundantly (but not allowed to stagnate), and it is also recommended to mulch them. Mulch helps retain moisture in the soil and protects young shoots from cold or overheating.

You can buy lumbago at the garden center. Lumbago seeds can also be ordered online.

Diseases and pests

Typically, lumbago (sleep grass) is not susceptible to disease and is not affected by pests.

Popular varieties

Varieties of common lumbago

    ‘Rote Glocke’. A very beautiful red lumbago with velvety, wide-open flowers that bloom in April.

    'Bells Red'. Another red shot. The flowers bloom before the leaves appear, often directly from under the snow.

    The color of the petals ranges from wine-red to purple.

    ‘Mrs van der Elst’ is a variety with soft pink flowers.